Challenges in Writing Academic Papers For International Publication Among Indonesian Graduates Students Umu Arifatul Azizah & Asep Budiman
Challenges in Writing Academic Papers For International Publication Among Indonesian Graduates Students Umu Arifatul Azizah & Asep Budiman
Challenges in Writing Academic Papers For International Publication Among Indonesian Graduates Students Umu Arifatul Azizah & Asep Budiman
In some universities in Indonesia, the students are assigned to
publish a sholarly article to accomplish their degree. Thus, students
must have a good understanding and adequate knowledge with a
large number of scientific publications such as books, research
articles, and academic journals. They must learn that writing for
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
English as the International Language of Scholarly Publication
Chang (2014) stated that as the world‟s lingua franca, English
is frequently used by non-native speakers (NNS) and native speakers
(NS) in particular circumstance that involve both of them
(summarized from Crystal, 2003 & Graddol, 2006). Automatically,
English achieves a genuinely global status because it has been
developed and recognized in every country (Crystal, 2003). In
addition, it will be the most evidence in countries where large
numbers of people use English in which it is officially used as a
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
The role of grammar instruction in an ESL/EFL context has
been a major issue in writing activity for students and teachers alike.
Relating to writing for international publication, grammar has its
important role to make writing successful. In fact, Surina Nayan, 2002
& Leele Susana Jamian et al., 2006 (as cited in Boon Yih Mah, Irfan
Naufal Umar & Voon Foo Thomas Chow, 2013) found that many
students still commit the grammatical errors that consume a great
deal of the lecturers‟ time and effort to correct their written tasks.
After analyzing the students‟ mistakes in writing, their grammatical
errors seem to vary from local, global and speeling errors in which
their numerous grammatical errors in L2 writing reflect their
insufficient knowledge.
Use of Citations
According to Atta-Obeng andLamptey (2012), “ Citations make
one‟s writing more persuasive, they are not used simply to avoid
plagiarism; they have other important roles as well”. They also added
that citing the work of particular writer means you acknowledge,
understand and respect to his intellectual property rights. To
emphasize, citing sources is a skill in writing which requires
acknowledgement (Bowden & Di Benedetto, 2001). However, Kendall
(2005) and Newton (1995) argued that many students find difficulties
of citing and referencing bibliographic sources in their academic
writing in which the common difficulty faced by the student in citing
reference is reliance on an inappropriate source for instruction on
how to reference. Additionally, almost half of students in an
interview claimed that they relised making mistakes in citing the
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
reference but they tend to looked for help from friends or old
handbook rather than consult to their tutor.
Structuring of Argument
Kaplan (as cited in Botley & Hakim, 2014) found that patterns
of structuring argument relates to cultures and thought. Studies by
Lavelle and Bushrow (2007) defined that academic writing
experiences in the context of “integrating disparate ideas,
synthesizing perspectives, and extending theory which demands a
higher-level construction skill and perspective-taking, as well as
greater concern for accuracy, voice, and audience”. They argued that
people conduct arguments as a necessary aid to decision-making and
problem-solving which these can range from highly abstract debates
to such practical disputes, most of the arguments arise spontaneously
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
and are usually worked out only to the degree necessary to win or to
resolve the conflict. To simplify, constructing arguments on paper
will be well-constructed when the writer express the ideas in line with
his background knowledge, in other words, it should not be far away
from particular targeted people or culture.
Textual Organization
Creme and Lea (1997) provided several ways to present
research article in a well-organized manner. These include writing
chronologically, descriptively, analytically (for cause-and-effect and
compare/contrast writing), summary writing, and evaluating writing.
Various ways of idea development should be made relevant into the
moves of the research articles. Kellog (2008) added that the article will
be well-organized if the writer considers to taking certain aspect, e.g.
knowledge-use principle for being accessible to reach the fluency and
quality of writing.
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
The main purpose of the research was to identify the
difficulties faced by university students in writing paper for
international publication. Moreover, it also investigated their
perceptions toward the importance of writing paper for international
publication and the need of university‟s support to prepare their
writing skill for the academic article.
Participants in this research consisted of 20 university students
(14 females; 6 males) from one of universities in Indonesia. All
participants are students from master degree and they are chosen by
lecturers to write ascholarly article. They are chosen based on some
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
as big as the way to make knowledge claim because it only deals with
textual organization. Sometimes, they get stuck on how their idea is
well-organized. It is as O‟Connor & Cargill (2009) stated that students
find difficulty on how to organize and develop their idea in an
ordered way. They believed that the way to overcome this difficulty is
by practicing writing more so that students will finally find the
pattern when they are writing. In addition, students (65%) also find
difficulty dealing with “interference” of different cultural views
regarding the nature of academic processes. In the writers‟ mind, they
may think that their writing is culturally accepted, but on the other
hand, people having the different culture from the writers may see
that their writing is culturally unacceptable to them. Making writing
that can be culturally accepted is, of course, difficult. It is in line with
Swales‟ (1990) finding stating that students find it hard to understand
the culture from around the world in order that their writing can be
culturally received by the readers having a different culture.
Several students (57.5%) consider that relating the text to an
audience is difficult. It deals with the choice of words or diction so
that the intended audience will fully catch their writing. Students
may think that the words they have chosen are very appropriate and
easy to understand, but on the other hand, their intended audience
may not think so. This case is as Bazerman‟s (1988) finding stating
that the problem of choosing which words to put on a page seems
outward rather than constructing a concept to write.
Afterward, students (52,5%) agree that structuring of
argument in writing article is seemed to be difficult. This related to
how to write the arguments in a well-constructed, once to establish
the truth of statement A, B, and C, and so forth, then they can
reasonably be expected to assent to the principal claim or assertion. In
relation with this, Bailey (2003) stated that structuring argument is
considered difficult so that students need to practice more on it,
lecturers are also to give them tasks that require them to construct
argument then draw a conclusion. Additionally, he also emphasized
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
on the need of a practical guide for students in order that they can
practice and progress.
In addition, grammar is also identified as a problem faced by
the students (52,5%) in this research. They may frequently make
mistakes in using grammar in their writing. It is in line with some
studies that many students in higher education still commit the
grammatical mistakes which consequently take the teacher‟s time and
effort to correct their writing (Nayan, 2002 & Jamian, et al., 2006 as
cited in Mah, Umar, & Chow, 2013). Furthermore, the grammatical
difficulty is considered as a consistent feature of non-native-speaking
writers, both second-language writing specialists (Parkhurst, 1990;
Fox, 1994) where journal editors and reviewers tend to downplay its
seriousness, with the other more abstract features felt to be more
On the other hand, the other difficulties proposed in this
research are rejected by the students in this research. The students
find it easy on how they cite and make reference to the published
literature. It is because they have read and understood the styles of
citation and reference of many different journals. They have also
determined which journals they intend to submit so that they can
plan and adjust well dealing with them. On the opposite, this research
finding is not in line with Peat‟s (2002) explanation stating that
citation and reference in writing research article are a part where
students usually make mistakes.
Afterward, they find it easy as well to reveal the point of view
of the authors. Eventually, they do not consider an indication of
caution expected by the academic community as a difficulty.
However, these are not in line with Mauranen‟s (1993) finding saying
that students found it hard to reveal what actually the author‟s
message in the article even if they have read many times.
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
The dominance of English in international research has been
becoming a current issue in publication. This has made writing
scholarly articles in English become increasingly necessary. However,
students in master degree tend to have writing problems in several
aspects such as knowledge claim, textual organization, interference of
different cultural views, relating the text to the audience, structuring
of argument, the grammatical rule, and so on. This research found
that the most common difficulty faced by students in writing is on
how to claim knowledge.
Furthermore, they emphasize on the importance of writing
and publishing in the international indexed journal for the sake of the
betterment of themselves, university and country. They also argue
that university should provide them with a course, training, or
workshop to prepare their writing skill for international publication.
This research implies a number of suggestions for EFL
lectures, EFL students, EFL curriculum designers in Indonesia. This
research suggests that EFL lecturers have to pay special attention to
the materials and the way they assess their students in order to
stimulate and maintain learners‟ motivation to write for international
publication. In addition, lectures should support and guide their
students rather than be controlling or demanding. This research also
JEELS, Volume 4, Number 2, November 2017
Alvermann, D. E., Unrau, N., & Ruddel, R. B. Theoretical models and
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Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
Boden, R., Kenway, J., & Epstein, D. (2005). Writing for publication.
London: SAGE Publications.
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Azizah & Budiman, Challenges in Writing Academic Papers for
International Publication among Indonesian Graduates Students
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