08 - 09 October 2020: Understanding Noun and Its Types
08 - 09 October 2020: Understanding Noun and Its Types
08 - 09 October 2020: Understanding Noun and Its Types
08 - 09 October 2020
Types of noun
Practical Exercise 1
proper joy
abstract Karachi
concrete moon
concrete ocean
proper happiness
material wood
Pickpocket is a …………… noun. Attack is a …………… noun.
abstract common
proper gerund
gerund verbal
compound abstract
…………… nouns end with -ing and Collective nouns are used as singular
represent actions. noun.
gerund true
action false
“Ali is fond of singing” how many nouns
common are in the sentence?
Understanding Pronoun
What is Pronoun?
Pronoun is defined as a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. It takes place of a noun.
Types of Pronouns
PERSONAL PRONOUNS refer to a person’s name substituting for a person’s name. There
are two kinds of personal pronoun: Subjective and objective pronouns.
1. Subjective Pronoun replaces the subject in a sentence such as I, we, you, he, she, it,
they. Example: I love watching TV.
2. Objective pronoun replaces the object in a sentence such as me, us, you, him, her, it,
them. Examples: She gave him a present on his birthday.
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS are the pronouns that show ownership and possession in a
sentence and are categorized into two types:
1. Strong possessive pronoun (absolute possessive pronoun) is a pronoun referring back
to a noun or noun phrase already used. Their function is to avoid repetition for example,
“I said that pen was mine.” The strong possessive
pronouns include yours, mine, his, hers, its, theirs, yours, ours.
2. Weak possessive pronoun (possessive adjectives) is a pronoun including your, my, her,
his, its, their, our, and, your. Their function is as a determiner in front of a noun and
express whom something belongs to, for example, “I said that’s my pen.”
INDEFINITE PRONOUN is a pronouns referring to something that in not definite in a
sentence. They do not refer to particular thing or person. We use them when an object does not
need to be specifically identified and split into two main types.
1. Singular Indefinite Pronoun is used for the singular objects such as someone,
somebody, something, no one, nobody, nothing, everyone, everybody, everything,
anybody, another, anyone, each, anything, either, other, one, neither, and much
2. Plural Indefinite Pronoun is used for plural indefinite pronouns including many,
several, few, others, and both.
RELATIVE PRONOUNS are pronoun that relates the relative clause to another clause within
a sentence. The most commonly used relative pronouns are Whom, whoever, whomever, who,
that, which and whose. Example in a sentence is “She does not know which pack of pencil you
want.” “Which pack of pencil you want” is a relative clause, and the relative pronoun
“which” has linked it to the main clause.
DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS are the nouns that take place of a noun that’s already been
mentioned in a sentence. Demonstrative pronouns can be singular or plural. Five main
demonstrative pronouns are these, those, such, this, that. Examples in sentences: These are
beautiful. Do not eat that.
INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN often stands for something that we are not aware of yet,
because we are asking about it. We use these pronouns specifically to ask questions. These
pronouns are special because they all start with “Wh”, which is quite easy to remember. Most
commonly used interrogative pronouns are whose, what, whom, which, and who. The other
words like “whichever” and “whatsoever” are the words that we use as interrogative pronouns.
Examples in sentences are as follows.
1. What is your nickname?
2. Whose pen is this?
3. Whatsoever do you suggest by that?
4. Whom were you talking with last night?
5. Which of these three do you like?
Sentence in which ‘wh’ words are not interrogative pronoun as in as follows.
1. When do you have to go to gymnasium?
2. He doesn’t know where Ali was living last week.
REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS and INTENSIVE PRONOUNS are similar, but the difference
between them is that intensive pronouns are not essential to a sentence’s meaning. Meanwhile,
reflexive pronouns are. In addition, they are used when the subject and the object of a sentence
refer to the same person or thing. Reflexive pronouns end in -selves or -self. Reflexive
pronouns are: yourself, himself, ourselves, itself, themselves, herself, myself, yourselves.
Examples in sentences are as follows.
1. She told herself to spend all vacations at home.
2. He bought himself a new phone.
Practical Exercise 2
noun 4
adjective 3
I, we, he, she, they, are ___ pronouns. Possessive pronouns show___.
subjective action
objective relation
relative ownership
inensive process
Me, us, him, her, them are ____ Anyone is a ____ pronoun.
Whom, whoever, whomever, who, that, “Jane and Lizzy are laughing at each
which and whose are____ pronouns. other.” here “each other” is ___
______ pronouns are the nouns that
take place of a noun that’s already been Either, every, neither, none, everyone,
mentioned in a sentence. and any are ____ pronouns
demonstrative relative
relative distributive
reflexive intensive
reciprocal reflexive
Kindly take the time of yours to watch and carefully and attentively listen to the following
video’s links of Understanding Noun and Pronoun and then write your own summary which
gives you the main points, not the details. Here the online links are.
Listening Activity 3: -
Online Resources