Shahzeb Physiology Assignment 3

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REG NO: SU-20-01-107-006
DATE: 5/1/2021

Definition: Action potentials are nerve signals.
Neurons generate and conduct these signals along their
processes in order to transmit them to the target tissues.
Upon stimulation, they will either be stimulated, inhibited, or
modulated in some way. structure and all the types of the
neurons with the following study unit.
STEPS: But what causes the action potential? From
an electrical aspect, it is caused by a stimulus with certain
value expressed in millivolts [mV]. Not all stimuli can cause
an action potential. Adequate stimulus must have a
sufficient electrocal value which will reduce the negativity of
the nerve cell to the threshold of the action potential. In this
manner, there are subthreshold, threshold, and
suprathreshold stimuli. Subthreshold stimuli cannot cause
an action potential. Threshold stimuli are of enough energy
or potential to produce an action potential (nerve
impulse). Suprathreshold stimuli also produce an action
potential, but their strength is higher than the threshold
So, an action potential is generated when a stimulus
changes the membrane potential to the values of threshold
potential. The threshold potential is usually around -50 to
-55 mV. It is important to know that the action potential
behaves upon the all-or-none law. This means that any
subthreshold stimulus will cause nothing, while threshold
and suprathreshold stimuli produce a full response of the
excitable cell. 
Is an action potential different depending on whether it’s
caused by threshold or suprathreshold potential? The
answer is no. The length and amplitude of an action
potential are always the same. However, increasing the
stimulus strength causes an increase in the frequency of
an action potential. An action potential propagates along
the nerve fiber without decreasing or weakening of
amplitude and length. In addition, after one action potential
is generated, neurons become refractory to stimuli for a
certain period of time in which they cannot generate
another action potential.

PHASES: From the aspect of ions, an action potential

is caused by temporary changes in membrane permeability
for diffusible ions. These changes cause ion channels to
open and the ions to decrease their concentration
gradients. The value of threshold potential depends on the
membrane permeability, intra- and extracellular
concentration of ions, and the properties of the cell

An action potential has several phases:


HYPOPOLARIZATION is the initial increase of the

membrane potential to the value of the threshold potential.
The threshold potential opens voltage-gated sodium
channels and causes a large influx of sodium ions. This
phase is called the DEPOLARIZATION. During
depolarization, the inside of the cell becomes more and
more electropositive, until the potential gets closer the
electrochemical equilibrium for sodium of +61 mV. This
phase of extreme positivity is the OVERSHOOT PHASE.
After the overshoot, the sodium permeability suddenly
decreases due to the closing of its channels. The
overshoot value of the cell potential opens voltage-gated
potassium channels, which causes a large potassium
efflux, decreasing the cell’s electropositivity. This phase is
the REPOLARIZATION PHASE, whose purpose is to
restore the resting membrane potential. Repolarization
always leads first to HYPERPOLARIZATION, a state in
which the membrane potential is more negative than the
default membrane potential. But soon after that, the
membrane establishes again the values of membrane
potential. After reviewing the roles of ions, we can now
define the threshold potential more precisely as the value
of the membrane potential at which the voltage-gated
sodium channels open. In excitable tissues, the threshold
potential is around 10 to 15 mV less than the resting
membrane potential.

Refractory period: The refractory period is the

time after an action potential is generated, during which the
excitable cell cannot produce another action potential.
There are two subphases of this period, absolute and
relative refractoriness.

(1): Absolute refractoriness: Absolute

refractoriness overlaps the depolarization and around 2/3
of repolarization phase. A new action potential cannot be
generated during depolarization because all the voltage-
gated sodium channels are already opened or being
opened at their maximum speed. During early
repolarization, a new action potential is impossible since
the sodium channels are inactive and need the resting
potential to be in a closed state, from which they can be in
an open state once again. Absolute refractoriness ends
when enough sodium channels recover from their inactive

(2): Relative refractoriness: Relative refractoriness is

the period when the generation of a new action potential is
possible, but only upon a suprathreshold stimulus. This
period overlaps the final 1/3 of repolarization.

POTENTIAL: An action potential is generated in
the body of the neuron and propagated through its axon.
Propagation doesn’t decrease or affect the quality of the
action potential in any way, so that the target tissue gets
the same impulse no matter how far they are from neuronal
The action potential generates at one spot of the cell
membrane. It propagates along the membrane with every
next part of the membrane being sequentially depolarized.
This means that the action potential doesn’t move but
rather causes a new action potential of the adjacent
segment of the neuronal membrane.
We need to emphasize that the action potential always
propagates forward, never backwards. This is due to the
refractoriness of the parts of the membrane that were
already depolarized, so that the only possible direction of
propagation is forward. Because of this, an action potential
always propagates from the neuronal body, through the
axon to the target tissue.
The speed of propagation largely depends on the thickness
of the axon and whether it’s myelinated or not. The larger
the diameter, the higher the speed of propagation. The
propagation is also faster if an axon is myelinated. Myelin
increases the propagation speed because it increases the
thickness of the fiber. In addition, myelin enables saltatory
conduction of the action potential, since only the Ranvier
nodes depolarize, and myelin nodes are jumped over. 
In unmyelinated fibers, every part of the axonal membrane
needs to undergo depolarization, making the propagation
significantly slower.

SYNAPSE: A synapse is a junction between the

nerve cell and its target tissue. In humans, synapses
are chemical, meaning that the nerve impulse is
transmitted from the axon ending to the target tissue by the
chemical substances called neurotransmitters (ligands). If a
neurotransmitter stimulates the target cell to an action, then
it is an excitatory neurotransmitter. On the other hand, if it
inhibits the target cell, it is an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Depending on the type of target tissue, there are central
and peripheral synapses. Central synapses are between
two neurons in the central nervous system, while peripheral
synapses occur between a neuron and muscle fiber,
peripheral nerve, or gland.
Each synapse consists of the:

 Presynaptic membrane – membrane of the terminal

button of the nerve fiber 
 Postsynaptic membrane – membrane of the target
 Synaptic cleft – a gap between the presynaptic and
postsynaptic membranes
Inside the terminal button of the nerve fiber are produced
and stored numerous vesicles that contain
neurotransmitters. When the presynaptic membrane is
depolarized by an action potential, the calcium voltage-
gated channels open. This leads to an influx of calcium,
which changes the state of certain membrane proteins in
the presynaptic membrane, and results with exocitosis of
the neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft.
The postsynaptic membrane contains receptors for the
neurotransmitters. Once the neurotransmitter binds to the
receptor, the ligand-gated channels of the postsynaptic
membrane either open or close. These ligand-gated
channels are the ion channels, and their opening or closing
will cause a redistribution of ions in the postsynaptic cell.
Depending on whether the neurotransmitter is excitatory or
inhibitory, this will result with different responses.
SUMMARY: The action potential is an explosion
of electrical activity that is created by a depolarizing
current. This means that some event (a stimulus) causes
the resting potential to move toward 0 mV. ... Action
potentials are caused when different ions cross the
neuron membrane. A stimulus first causes sodium
channels to open.

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