Biofact Sheet Nerves Synapses
Biofact Sheet Nerves Synapses
Biofact Sheet Nerves Synapses
April 1998 Number 20
Neurone Cell Structure
Nerve cells (neurones) are adapted for transmitting nerve impulses over
long distances. Each neurone has:
a cell body which houses the nucleus and a long fibre (axon) which
conducts the impulses to their destination.
a thin sheath of pavement epithelium-like cells called Schwann cells.
These produce a fatty layer called the myelin sheath which is wrapped
around the axon, insulating it from adjacent axons and also speeding up
the rate of impulse conduction. Some axons have very little myelin and
are termed non-myelinated. These occur in the autonomic nervous
system and are slow conducting. In myelinated neurones, the myelin
sheath is interrupted at points called the nodes of Ranvier.
fine extension processes to the cell body called dendrons which branch
into numerous dendrites. These give the cell a large surface area to
link with other neurones via synapses.
an axon which is also branched at its end to increase the surface area for
making synapses. The end branches have synaptic knobs (boutons) in
which there are cell vesicles which manufacture and release the chemicals
required as synaptic transmitters, such as acetylcholine.
numerous mitochondria throughout the neurone which provide the
energy required for acetylcholine synthesis and for maintaining the
sodium and potassium pumps needed for impulse transmission.
cytoplasm (axoplasm) which streams between the cell body and axon
in both directions. There are fine microtubules and microfilaments
made of the protein actin running through the cytoplasm along the
axon. These help to direct the streaming of the cytoplasm to carry out
transport within the cell and also act as a cytoskeleton to maintain the
cell shape.
many organelles called Nissl granules. These consist of mitochondria,
free ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum. They are concerned
with protein synthesis of enzymes involved in impulse transmission
and with the synthesis of trophic factors which regulate the growth
and differentiation of nervous tissue.
Functions of Neurones
Sensory neurones conduct impulses from receptors and sense organs to
the central nervous system. They are usually myelinated and thus fast
conducting. Relay neurones conduct impulses within the central nervous
system from sensory neurones to effector (motor) neurones. In the white
matter they are myelinated and fast conducting and carry impulses up and
down the length of the spinal cord and brain. In the gray matter they are
non-myelinated and so slow conducting. However, these only conduct
impulses for short distances, for instance, from the dorsal to the ventral
sides of the spinal cord. Effector or motor neurones conduct impulses
from the central nervous system to the effector organs, muscles or glands.
In the voluntary nervous system, the motor neurones are myelinated and
fast conducting, supplying the skeletal muscles. In the autonomic nervous
system, the motor neurones are non-myelinated and slow conducting. They
supply smooth muscle in the organs, cardiac muscle in the heart, and
glands. The structure of motor and sensory neuones is shown in Fig 1.
Fig 1(a). A myelinated Motor neurone
Nissl granules
Schwann cell
Myelin sheath
Node of Ranvier
Much omitted
synaptic knobs
Motor end
plate in skeletal
Fig 1(b). Sensory neurone
synapse in
sensory receptor
dendron cell body in dorsal root
ganglian near spinal cord
in spinal
Nerves & Synapses
The physiology of nervous transmission
The maintenance of a resting potential
Neurones can only develop and transmit impulses if they possess a resting
potential to begin with. At rest: (see Fig 2)
1. the neurone membrane is impermeable to the entry of sodium ions but
2. sodium ions are actively transported out of the neurone by a sodium
pump. Thus, the resting neurone becomes deficient in positive ions
with a sodium concentration of only 10mmoles dm
inside compared
with 142mmoles dm
3. At the same time, the neurone membrane is freely permeable to the
passage of potassium ions and these are attracted into the neurone to
balance the deficit of positive ions within. This results in potassium
concentrations of only 7mmoles dm
outside the neurone compared
with 135mmoles dm
inside the neurone. However, the influx of
potassium never quite catches up with the outflow of sodium which
means that there is always a slight deficit of positive ions within the
4. Thus, inside remains negative with respect to the outside. This resting
potential is usually in the range -60 to -90 millivolts.
The generation of an action potential
An action potential must be generated before an impulse can be established
and transmitted. It is generated in response to a stimulus and it involves a
sequence of changes in permeability of the membrane and in the distribution
of ions. The stimulus must be above a certain minimum value, called the
threshold stimulus and it produces a maximum all or none response in
the neurone. The stimulus may come from the external environment, such
as changing light or pressure, or may come from the internal environment,
such as changing blood temperature or pH. The stimulus causes the neurone
membrane to become permeable to the entry of sodium ions for a few ten
thousandths of a second. Sodium ions thus rush into the neurone along the
concentration gradient. This results in a reversal of polarity to around +35
millivolts (Fig 3). This is depolarisation. At this stage the membrane
becomes even more permeable to potassium ions and these rapidly leave
the neurone to balance the negative charge outside. The sluggish sodium
pump is also removing positive sodium ions from the neurone but at a slow
pace. As a result of these ionic movements, the membrane becomes
repolarised back to near its resting potential. The neurone can then be
restimulated to establish another action potential. This sequence of
depolarisation and repolarisation can be repeated many times so that
impulses flow in volleys. A volley of impulses is called a signal.
4. resting
in range
-60 to -
Fig 2. The resting potential
+ + + + + +
_ _ _ _ _ _
+ + + + + +
_ _ _ _ _ _
1. axon membrane impermeable to
sodium ions, but permeable to
potassium ions
3. Potassium ions
attracted inwards
] 135 mmoles dm
] 7 mmoles dm
] 142 mmoles dm
] 10 mmoles dm
2. Sodium pump
The refractory period is the time that must elapse after a stimulus has
established an action potential before a second stimulus can set up another
action potential. Enough potassium outflow from the neurone must have
occurred before a second action potential can arise. In the voluntary nervous
system (myelinated neurones) the refractory period is about
of a
second allowing a volley frequency of up to 2500 impulses per second. In
the involuntary autonomic nervous system (non-myelinated neurones)
the refractory period is about
of a second, allowing a volley frequency
of only 50 impulses per second.
Propogation of the Impulse
Once the action potential (impulse) has been established it is propogated
by local currents along the axon. In theory, these can pass either way along
the axon. However, synapses can only conduct in one direction. Each
local current at the edge of the area of depolarisation causes depolarisation
of the next section of membrane. Thus a wave of depolarisation passes
along the neurone from the point of stimulation followed by a wave of
repolarisation as the sodium permeability of the membrane returns to the
resting state. In myelinated neurones the electrons of the local currents
jump from one node of Ranvier to the next.
This has two important consequences:
1. Gain or loss of ions is restricted to the nodes and so the sodium and
potassium pumps have to expend less energy in recovery.
2. This jumping conduction (saltatory conduction) greatly increases the
speed at which impulses travel. Thus, myelinated neurones in the
voluntary nervouc system can conduct up to 100 m sec
whereas the
non-myelinated fibres of the autonomic nervouc system only conduct
at around 5 m sec
. Saltatory conduction is illustrated in Fig 4.
Fig 3. The action potential
0 1 2 3 4 5
depolarisation (Na
rushes in)
repolarisation (K
false resting potential
true resting potential
reversal potential
Fig 4. Saltatory conduction Myelin sheath
Local currents leap from Node to Node
Nerves & Synapses
Synapses are junctions between neurones or between neurones and muscles
(neuromuscular junctions). The structure of synapses can be seen in Fig 5.
Synapses transmit signals between neurones by means of chemicals. They
may be excitatory or inhibitory and therefore have an important
homeostatic role in switching processes on and off. Excitatory synapses
transmit signals from one cell to the next by establishing impulses in the
post-synaptic membrane (the membrane of the cell after the synapse).
Inhibitory synapses will not transmit the signal and so stimulation of an
inhibitory neurone will lead to the stopping of the activity under control.
Synaptic Transmission
The commonest transmitter substance in excitatory synapses is
acetylcholine (ACh) and such synapses are called cholinergic. These
include most synapses in the voluntary nervous system, the neuromuscular
junction, and many synapses in the autonomic nervous system.
1. ACh is synthesised in synaptic vesicles from choline and acetate under
the influence of the enzyme choline acetylase.
2. ATP from the numerous mitochondria present supplies the energy
for this.
3. When an impulse reaches a synaptic knob, the depolarisation causes
some of the vesicles to rupture, releasing ACh into the synaptic cleft.
4. The ACh attaches to specific receptors on the post-synaptic membrane
and makes it permeable to sodium ions.
5. These flood into the neurone, causing a post synaptic potential and
6. The enzyme acetylcholine esterase, present on neurone membranes
and on muscle sarcolemmas, then detaches ACh from the receptors
and hydrolyses it to acetate and choline.
7. The acetylcholine is then actively (hence, the mitochondria) reabsorbed
back into the synaptic knob for recycling.
8. Thus, the post-synaptic membrane is now impermeable to sodium
ions again and repolarisation can occur due to potassium ion outflow.
9. Once the refractory period is over, the synapse can transmit another
Excitatory synapses between sympathetic motor neurones and effectors
are termed adrenergic because they release noradrenaline as their
transmitter substance. After depolarisation the noradrenaline is destroyed
by the enzyme monoamine oxidase.
Various other excitatory transmitters occur in the brain, for example,
serotonin, dopamine and glutamic acid.
Inhibitory synapses release transmitters which increase the resting potential
thus making it more difficult to establish a reversal potential. Examples of
such transmitters are glycine and gamma-amino butyric acid.
Fig 5. Synapses
The effects of drugs on synaptic transmission
Nicotine causes facilitation by lowering the threshold for activation
of neurones. It does this by mimicking the action of acetylocholine on
the post-synaptic membrane. Caffeine can have a similar effect.
Atropine blocks the action of acetylcholine in parasympathetic
synapses and so inhibits parasympathetic functions.
Curare blocks the action of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular
junctions and thus causes paralysis.
(i) The neuromuscular junction (light microscopic detail)
motor axon
skeletal muscle fibre
colateral axon
synaptic knobs/sole feet
(presynaptic membrane)
recesses in sarcolemma
(post synaptic membrane)
(ii) A sole foot/synaptic knob (electron microscope detail)
(for ATP
golgi vesicles
or gutter
colateral axon branch
highly folded post-
synaptic membrane
with a large surface
area and acetylcholine
receptor sites
(iii) Interneural synapses
(could be inhibitory)
} cell body
sole feet
(could be exitatory)
Nerves & Synapses
Practice Questions
1. Read through the following passage, then write on the dotted lines the
most appropriate word or words to complete the account.
The mammalian nervous system contains several types of neurones.
Of these, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . neurones carry impulses from receptor cells
in the central nervous system while . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . neurones carry
impulses to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and glands. The inside of a nerve axon
has a lower concentration of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ions than its
surroundings, due to the action of a . . . . . . . . . . . . . in its membrane.
This imbalance of ions creates a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . potential in the axon
which is reversed during the passage of an impulse. When this happens,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ions flood into the axon, after which there is a
compensating out flow of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ions. The passage of an
impulse is followed by a short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . period during which
the axon is insensitive to any further . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(10 marks)
2. The table refers to three different types of synapse. Complete the
table by writing the most appropriate word or words in the empty
This Factsheet was researched and written by Martin Griffin
Curriculum Press, Unit 305B, The Big Peg,
120 Vyse Street, Birmingham. B18 6NF
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ISSN 1351-5136
1 2 3 4 0
(a) Explain how depolarisation occurs in the presynaptic neurone.
(4 marks)
(b) The maximum depolarisation in the presynaptic neurone is +40mV.
What is the maximum depolarisation in the postsynaptic neurone?
(1 mark)
(c) How long is the delay between the maximum depolarisation in the
presynaptic and postsynaptic neurones? (1 mark)
(d) What is the cause of this delay? (1 mark)
Marking points are shown by semicolons
1. Sensory;
Cholinergic synapse
(Voluntary NS)
Nor adrenaline
3. The graph below shows the changes in membrane potential in a
presynaptic neurone and a postsynaptic neurone when an impulse
arrives at a synapse.
Cholinergic synapse
(Voluntary NS)
Nor adrenaline
3. (a) Stimulus make membrane permeable to sodium;
sodium ions enter;
along the concentration gradient;
therefore potential reverses;
= depolarisation;
(Any 4)
(b) +25 - 28mV;
(c) 0.4 - 0.6 milliseconds;
(d) Time taken for release/diffusion of acetylcholine;
(3 marks)