Gas Exchange and Smoking XI312 RAMA
Gas Exchange and Smoking XI312 RAMA
Gas Exchange and Smoking XI312 RAMA
• breathing movements, which draw air • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) This
from outside the body into the lungs, is a condition in which a person has chronic bronchitis
and then push it out again, this maintains and emphysema. it is difficult to get sufficient oxygen
a relatively high concentration of oxygen into the blood to support activity.
Gas Exchange at the and low concentration of carbon dioxide
alveolar surface in the alveoli • Chronic bronchitis Various components of cigarette
smoke including tar cause goblet cells to increase
• blood flow past the alveolus, which mucus production and cilia to bear less strongly. This
brings deoxygenated blood and carries causes mucus to build up. which may partially block
away oxygenated blood alveoli This makes gas exchange more difficult, as the
diffusion distance between the air in the alveoli and the
blood in the capillaries is greater. The mucus may
become infected with bacteria, causing bronchitis
Smokers often have chronic (long-lasting) bronchitis.