Modern Spent-Caustic Wastewater Treatment Simulation by Aspen Plus in Electrolytic Medium
Modern Spent-Caustic Wastewater Treatment Simulation by Aspen Plus in Electrolytic Medium
Modern Spent-Caustic Wastewater Treatment Simulation by Aspen Plus in Electrolytic Medium
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
Abstract— A novel treatment process is presented deep well injection, incineration, wet
to separate the salts from the spent caustic. In recent air/catalytic/Humid Peroxide Oxidation or other
years, refinery and petrochemical producer is forced by specialty processes [2]. The two basic methods for
more stringent environmental regulations to better treating spent caustic solutions are wet air oxidation
monitor and control their wastewater. One of the key (WAO) and direct acid neutralization (DAN),
contributors to relatively high chemical oxygen demand
(COD) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) is from the
respectively. In this paper, first spent caustics and then
acid gas (both CO2 and H2S) and mercaptan removal treatment methods were discussed in detail.
system(s) typically using dilute caustic soda (NaOH) as A. Spent Caustic
the active reagent. It’s difficult to clean up and dispose
of due to its toxic properties. Today’s various methods For ease of discussion, spent caustics will be
are used for treating spent caustic, such as wet air classified into three general categories: Sulfidic,
oxidation and direct acid neutralization. In this paper, cresylic, and naphthenic1: Sulfidic spent caustics
the treatment process is simulated by Aspen Plus produced from the caustic scrubbing of ethylene or
software in an electrolyte environment to obtain the
LPG (light petroleum gas) products contain high
cold and hot streams. The wastewater is preheated by
heat-exchanger before treatment and separation concentrations of sulfides and mercaptans. Cresylic
process. Secondly, considering energy utilization to spent caustic, generated when scrubbing gasoline
improve the process. Then the parameters of recovery produced by fluidized bed catalytic cracking processes
process and utility system are adjusted. The amount of with caustic containing high concentrations of organic
utility and energy consumption is significantly reduced compounds including phenols and cresols. This type of
and some optimizations are presented. In a case study, spent caustic may also contain sulfides and
three optimization schemes are adopted. The results mercaptans. Naphthenic spent caustic produced from
showed that the energy consumption of optimized the caustic scrubbing of kerosene and diesel products
processes decreases due to type of process and
contain high concentrations of polycyclic aliphatic
organic compounds such as naphthenic acids.
Keywords— treatment; wastewater; spent Depending upon the types and quantity of products
caustic; simulation; recovery; aspen plus being produced, a refinery may have varying amounts
of each of these categories of spent caustics that
I. INTRODUCTION require treatment. In some instances, the spent
Sodium hydroxide (caustic) scrubbing solutions caustics are combined to produce a mixture [2,3].
are commonly used in petrochemical and There are different problems with the treatment of
gas/petroleum refineries for the removal of acid spent caustic streams. Sulfides and mercaptans have
components such as hydrogen sulfide, cresylic acids, very bad odors. The smell thresholds for these types of
mercaptan and naphthenic acids from the refined stuff are generally in the order of values of parts per
product streams [1]. Due to being hazardous, odorous, billion. Moreover, per OSHA, these matters are
and/or corrosive components of spent caustic, handle considered very toxic and can be potentially hazardous
and dispose of them, can be a challenge. Spent to plant staff. This is particularly true in processes
caustic streams may also have other characteristics where the spent caustic is acid neutralized, which
that can create issues with conventional biological causes hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan gases to be
processes such as noxious odors, pH swings, foaming, escaped. High concentrations of phenols in the spent
or poor settling of biological solids [1]. Effluent caustic effluent can lead to problems in biological
requirements may be difficult to achieve because treatment processes. Phenol in concentrations as low
some spent caustic contaminants are not readily as 400 mg/L has been shown to prevent the
biodegradable. Typically, the material is disposed of by elimination of COD, ammonia and phosphorous as
high dilution with biotreatment, acid neutralization, well as negatively affect the settling characteristics of
JMESTN42353138 10814
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
the sludge.2 It must be noted that in many refineries, TABLE I. PERMISSIBLE LIMIT OF ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS.
the production of spent caustics including cresylic Environmental Permissible Limit
acids is performed as a batch process. This can lead Indicators (mg/L)
to periodic disposal of phenols and cresols to the BOD 80-1600
effluent treatment plant. It has been reported that
COD 200-4000
sudden discharges of waste containing high
TOC 80-260
concentration of phenols have caused perfect
Sulphide as H2S 3
prevention of the biological clean up system. The
spent caustic streams often include a variety of
matters that are bio-refractory. Literature reviews show
that naphthenic acids have been shown to have finite
biodegradation in common biological treatment
processes. Naphthenic acids have foaming
specifications that can create problems when aerated
or agitated during biological clean up. The untreated
spent caustic streams are generally high in chemical
oxygen demand (COD), in the range of 15 (g/L) to
larger than 400 (g/L). Depending on the volume of
spent caustic that is present; this can result in a huge
COD load on downstream biological processes [1, 3].
B. Major sources of spent caustic
Fig. 1. Schematic design of spent caustic that is produced
Isomerization spent caustic, is used in in various industries
ethylene cracker unit in order to caustic scrubbing of B. Common treatment processes
cracked gas. This solution is created by a caustic
scrubbing column. Output ethylene product is There are various treatment processes which are
contaminated with H2S(g) and CO2(g), and those divided as follows:
contaminants are eliminated by absorption in the
caustic scrubbing column to produce NaHS(aq) 1. Chemical oxidation.
and Na 2CO 3(aq). The NaOH is used and the 2. Neutralization.
resulting effluent (spent caustic) is mixed with the
sulfides and carbonates and a small component of 3. Dilution Treatment.
organic compounds. Refinery spent caustic, is created
by various sources, such as the Merox processing in 4. Wet Air Oxidation (WAO).
some industrial plants like gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel;
LPG, gas sweetening unit and caustic scrubbing,
Sulfides and organic acids are eliminated from the III. Wet air oxidation technology process
product streams into the caustic phase. The NaOH is The hydrothermal or WAO clean-up is a high-
used and the resulting effluents (cresylic for gasoline; temperature process for the oxidation of matters which
naphthenic for kerosene/jet fuel; sulfidic for LPG -spent are solved or suspended in water with oxygen [4]. In
caustics) are often mixed and called refinery spent other words, WAO is the process of oxidizing organic
caustic that is contaminated with sulfides, carbonates, pieces of stuff in the presence of water. Theoretically,
and in some conditions a high fraction of each substance that is able to burning can be wet
heavy organic acids [8, 9]. oxidized in water. Spent caustic has high COD. This is
II. SPENT CAUSTIC not accepted in biological water purification plant. Wet
air oxidation system oxidizes sulphides and
A. Composition of Spent Caustic mercaptans to reduce COD of spent caustic. After
It is toxic and highly odorous. The list below shows cleaning with WAO the wastewater has a lower COD
typical analytical results: and can then be treated in the biological refinement
1. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): 10,000 to plant [5].
100,000 (mg/L). The oxidation reactions are performed at elevated
2. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): 5,000 to temperatures requiring a pressurized system in order
50,000 (mg/L). to control evaporation. The WAO technology when
3. Total Organic Carbon (TOC): 1,000 to 5,000 utilized for the treatment of spent caustic can be
(mg/L). further divided into three categories based upon the
4. Sulfides: 5,000 to 35,000 (mg/L). temperature that is used to perform the oxidations
5. High pH value. [1,3].
• Low-temperature WAO – typically performed at
110-120 °C and (25 to 100 psig)
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
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Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
constituents. AO can also be used to treat mixed spent generated from the base components entered on the
caustics that may contain naphthenic as well as Components-Specifications tab, the Selection sheet,
cresylic and sulfidic constituents. The type of spent and to generate the reactions that occur among these
caustic can determine the best treatment technique. components in the liquid phase [12,13].
AO found to be the most common treatment method to
The inlet feed (spend caustic) includes 80% water,
treat all type of spent caustics. Safety factor plays a
9% NaOH, 1% Na2S and 10% Na2CO3, spent caustic
major role in spent caustic treatment.
mass flow rate is about 4500 (kg/hr), the pressure of
The oxidation contactors exceeded its design 7.2 bar, initial temperature of 40 0C and pH of 13.8.
values in two ways. Na2S content in the oxidized Moreover, the pressure drop in each heat exchanger is
product is less than 1 ppm (wt). The design about 0.1 bar and the low-pressure steam (LPS) with
guaranteed 5 ppm(wt). There was a 97% conversion of specification of 127 0C and 2.46 bar for heating was
NA2S to NA2SO4 in the oxidized product. The design used. Forced-circulation evaporative crystallizer in
guaranteed 90%. atmospheric pressure was used for simulation and the
residence time of the crystallizer was 3 hr. The
crystallization temperature was about 108 0C as well
VI. SIMULATION PROCESS as, the solubility data of the Na2CO3 in the water was
used in simulation. The combined NRTL-RK
The simulation process of spent caustic wastewater thermodynamic model was used for electrolyte
for Na2O3 and NaOH recovery in Aspen Plus version medium. The crystal size of Na2CO3 (sodium
11, has been done. Since the main purpose of
carbonate) particles is about 500 µm. The basket
crystallization of sodium carbonate that is water- model of centrifugal equipment was selected in
soluble, the simulation environment or tool should be simulation with height of 1.4 m and diameter of 2 m,
defined as electrolyte to allow for the conversion humidity of the 0.3%, retention size of 50 µm, rotation
reactions of sodium carbonate to crystalline salt. velocity of 3000 rpm, filter cake of 50% and efficiency
Therefore, the Crystallization process has been used
of 0.9. Also, the cake resistance for sodium carbonate
in the software. Simulation and basic results based on
particles at 1 bar is between 70 × 109 to 18.2 × 109
the related PFD are as follows.
(m/kg) from experimental data. For cake concentration
The spent caustic wastewater as a feed with a by volume fraction is as follows:
flowrate of 4500 (kg/hr) and 40 0C enters into the
𝐶 = 𝐶0 (1 − 𝑢)∆𝑃𝛼𝑛0 (10)
process line. The process simulation is shown in figure
5. Where α0, C0, n and u are empirically derived
A. Simulation conditions constants. Published values for constants used in the
above equation.
Using the Electrolyte Wizard module in software to
define the ionic species and salts that can be
Fig. 5. Simulation environment in Aspen Plus. B1, B5: Heat exchanger (Cold feed waste caustic and hot condensate, B2:
Crystallizer Evaporator – Steam condensation, B6: Centrifuge (Separation Na2CO3 crystal).
B. Simulation process optimization that the change in the rate of steam consumption
directly effects on crystallization temperature of
According to the results, there are two cases of
equipment, amount of Na2CO3 crystalline and
using limiting parameters and without them, it is clear
concentration of liquid caustic. Obviously, at the
that the amount of energy consumed by the saturated
output, the decrease or increase in steam consumption
vapor is optimal. In this regard, it is necessary to note
does not result in the optimization of the unit.
JMESTN42353138 10818
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
Therefore, to study the integration points of energy, C. Optimal combination of energy converters
initial simulation is used with respect to limiting
According to current flows, the energy source that
parameters. The optimum concentration is 25% wt,
is used to increase the flow temperature of the input to
which is obtained by crystallization at 115 ° C.
the crystallizer is liquid spent caustic after centrifuge
Therefore, the energy consumption of this equipment
system. This stream for use in other processes or as a
for evaporation has a direct effect on the consumption
product (25% wt. of NaOH, about 30 ° Baume liquid
of saturated steam at 127 ° C. Hence, increasing the
caustic that is convertible to API), its temperature
temperature flow to this equipment will have an optimal
should be reduced. For this purpose, it can reduce the
effect on reducing the energy consumption of the
flow temperature to 45 ° C and use its energy in the
first part of the unit. In this case, steam consumption at
a temperature of 127 ° C reaches 2762 (kg/hr) by 5%
reduction approximately.
Fig. 6. The optimized process. B1, B3: Heat Exchanger (Feed spent caustic (cold), Lean Caustic stream (hot)), Condensate
from the evaporator (hot)).
D. Optimum steam consumption conditions the conditions (4barg and 175 ° C) as the input energy
to the unit. Using a pressure control valve, its pressure
Considering the new combination of heat
is reduced to 3.5 barg and converted to saturated
exchangers, since steam consumption is reduced in
vapor by the condensate flow of evaporator. In this
this case, it is then appropriate to optimize the proper
case, steam consumption decreases by about 8%
steam energy level. the temperature of the saturated
relative to baseline and reaches to consumption rate of
vapor increases to obtain the appropriate energy level
2664 kg/ hr (figure 8).
to reach the production rate at the basic stage. For this
purpose, low-pressure steam (LPS) has been used in
In this case that is shown in figure 9, the medium the steam consumption decreases by 12% compared
pressure steam (MPS) was considered as the input to baseline and reaches a consumption rate of 2535
current energy (19barg and 275C °). The pressure (kg/hr).
reducing valve reduces pressure to 5barg and finally,
JMESTN42353138 10819
Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST)
ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION has a special section for electrolysis and solid salts
production in the fluid package and material selection.
The process simulation of Na2CO3 crystalline
In the first step, the main structure of the PFD has
production from the flow of spent caustic that includes
been simulated. Therefore, the main source of
Na2CO3 soluble salts by means of heat transfer and
concentrated energy of the flow is a saturated vapor of
evaporation. In this unit, the side flow of concentrated
127 degrees centigrade. The main results are taken in
caustic is also received. The simulation of this section
has been done by the Aspen PLUS software, which
Stream 1 2 3 Vapor Steam
Description Feed Crystal Caustic Vapor Steam
Temp (C) 40 110 110 115 127
Press. (bar) 7.213 1.013 1.013 1.013 2.465
Vapor Frac 0 0 0 1 1
214.8 4.4 73.9 136.6 160.4
45000 434.2 1605.5 2460.3 2890
3.7 0.2 1.3 4321.7 2113.7
Kg/hr wt% Kmol/hr Kg/hr wt% Kmol/hr Kg/hr wt% Kmol/hr Kg/hr Kg/hr
H2O 3600 80% 199.8 5.1 1 0.3 1134.6 71% 63 2460.3 2890
NaOH 405 9% 10.1 1.8 0 0 403.2 25% 10.1
Na2S 45 1% 0.6 0.2 0.0466 0 44.8 3% 0.6
Na2CO3 450 10% 4.2 0.1 0.0239 0 23 1% 0.2
Na2CO3 (S) 426.9 98% 4
Density (kg/m3) 1216.5 3434.2 1271 0.6 1.4
MW (kg/kmol) 21 99.5 21.7 18 18
pH 13.8 13.12
A. The limiting parameters in the simulation are the ignoring this parameter, in order to increase the
following crystallization temperature, the amount of vapor
consumption as only energy source in steam pipelines
With respect to the above explanation and the PFD
(in accordance with the original PFD, its temperature
structure, the solid sodium carbonate crystalline solids
of 127 degrees and as a saturated vapor) should be
obtained at 427 kg per hour (crystal 434 kg / h with a
increased. Two limitations are as follows.
maximum moisture content of 2%). Also, the
concentrated liquid flow rate (max. 25% by weight) is 1. Steam condensation @ 127 0C
1605 kg per hour. According to the results obtained in
2. NaOH concentration ≤ 25wt%
the basic simulation, the temperature of the crystallizer
section has a direct effect on the solidification of Regardless of two limiting parameters, the
sodium carbonate. But, given the % wt, of NaOH in the maximum output of crystalline Na2CO3 is shown in
liquid flow, no more energy can be transferred to the Table 2. In this case, Na2CO3 crystalline production is
crystallization unit at a specific temperature (15 °C). 447 (kg/hr) and steam consumption is 3450 (kg/hr) at
Because the increase in temperature of this part the temperature of 140 ° C and the caustic
increases the amount of water evaporation and concentration in final flow is 35% wt.
increasing the concentration of NaOH. Also, by
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ISSN: 2458-9403
Vol. 6 Issue 10, October - 2019
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ISSN: 2458-9403
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ISSN: 2458-9403
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