Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Part3
Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Part3
Haldor Topsoe Ammonia Part3
burner, illustrating the maintenance of low temperatures at the vessel walls Topsøe-designed ring-type burner. The Topsøe nozzle does not experience
and an efficient gas circulation pattern, thereby producing optimal mixing impingement of hot gas back-flow and therefore is able to operate for much
and minimising reactor damage. longer periods without need for repair or replacement compared to burners
of conventional design.
Topsøe burner technology Topsøe has done extensive research to optimise the burner
A critical parameter for satisfactory secondary or autothermal design to eliminate the problems described above, and offers
reformer performance is efficient mixing of the process gas and two special burners. For air-blown secondary reformers in
air or oxygen. Uneven mixing can result in large temperature ammonia plants, we offer a ring-type burner with a specialised
variations above and into the catalyst bed, causing variations nozzle shape that eliminates back-flow of hot gas onto the
in the degree of methane reforming achieved and often yielding nozzles themselves, thereby reducing mechanical wear and
a poor overall approach to reforming equilibrium, even with a damage to the burner.
highly active secondary reforming catalyst.
In autothermal and oxygen-blown secondary reformers, the
The efficiency of gas mixing is primarily a function of the burner enriched air or oxygen is typically supplied at high pressures,
design. In addition to causing inefficient gas mixing, a poorly thereby allowing for the possibility of a higher pressure drop
designed burner can damage the vessel walls, refractory or even across the reactor burner. For these services, Topsøe offers the
the burner itself due to impingement of hot gas and/or flame in CTS burner.
these areas.
Feeding the world
About 60% of the ammonia used for the world’s fertiliser production is produced with
Topsøe’s catalysts and technology. Without the use of fertiliser, we would only be able
to feed half of the world’s population of 6.3 billion.
CO conversion Methanation
The CO conversion in a Topsøe ammonia plant normally consists In order to ensure that the feed is free from carbon oxides, it
of a two-step process: a high temperature shift (HTS) and a low passes through the methanator, which removes any traces of
temperature shift (LTS). The process reacts water with CO and carbon dioxide and unconverted carbon monoxide from the shift
forms CO2 and hydrogen. section.
The performance of the CO conversion section strongly affects The carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide content in the feed is
the overall plant energy efficiency, as unconverted CO will normally reduced to less than 5 ppm before the feed passes to
consume H2 and form CH4 in the methanator, reducing the the ammonia synthesis converter.
feedstock efficiency and increasing the inert gas level in the
synthesis loop.
CO2 removal
The removal of CO2 is a non-catalytic process and has as
such not been a focus area for Topsøe with respect to process
development. In order to ensure that the optimum CO2 process
is chosen for each individual project, Topsøe maintains close
contact with all relevant suppliers of CO2 removal technology,
and in-depth studies are performed regularly to optimise the
integration of each technology into the Topsøe ammonia process
schemes. Topsøe’s knowledge of the integration options ensures
that the correct technology is selected for each individual
project, taking both the technical and economical aspects into
consideration. Topsøe has arrangements so that we can include
the CO2 removal technology with our technology supply.
Cold shots
Ammonia synthesis
Topsøe’s ammonia synthesis technology is based on radial flow
converters where the synthesis of ammonia from hydrogen and
nitrogen takes place.
Topsøe’s converter types offer a number of benefits: