Lauren Hughes 2.1 Family Engagement 4.6.1 Describing The Advantages and Importance of Family or Caregiver Involvement in Learner Development
Lauren Hughes 2.1 Family Engagement 4.6.1 Describing The Advantages and Importance of Family or Caregiver Involvement in Learner Development
Lauren Hughes 2.1 Family Engagement 4.6.1 Describing The Advantages and Importance of Family or Caregiver Involvement in Learner Development
learner development
Family engagement is a huge obstacle for teachers to maneuver. Students come to school
and it is the teachers job to make sure they are learning and excelling, however, once the students
leave school and go home the teachers cannot monitor or motivate these students. This is where
parent involvement is vital. The National Center for Education Statistics wrote an article about
parent involvement in public elementary schools. The research provided in this article is from
Strong Families, Strong Schools (U.S. Department of Education 1994) and it states, “when
parents are involved in their children's learning, children earn higher grades and test scores, and
they stay in school longer … when parents are involved in a variety of ways at school, the
performance of all children in the school tends to improve,” (evidence 2.1.1). Parent involvement
does not only help teachers and students, but parents and the school as well. For example,
parents are more aware of their child's education and schools experience better community
support (evidence 2.1.2). There are several types of involvement levels and personalities of
parents that teachers will have to work with, and use several approaches to reach out and interact
Similar to the students in a classroom, all parents have different personalities and
outlooks on their child's education. Some parents are very involved in their child’s education and
interactive with their teachers, some may be involved but don’t communicate with the teacher,
and others may not be involved at all. There are countless variations of parent engagement which
makes it difficult for teachers to find one way to successfully interact with families. This forces
teachers to be flexible and patient. For example, a student is put in a regular math class. The
parents make their child switch to the more advanced math class and refuse to keep them in the
class they were put in. A few weeks into the year the student is caught cheating on a test because
the advanced class is too hard. This scenario is an example of a demanding parent; the parents
expect more from their child than what the child can achieve. So, as a teacher what do you do? In
this case, a few options may include talking to the student first to see how they feel and what
class they think they should be in or schedule a meeting via phone call or email with the parent
to have a conversation about the student. The conversion could be giving the parents an
opportunity to understand that grades are not as important as the student retaining and
understanding the content or giving them the chance to switch the class and show that their
are made, teachers can provide general weekly information for all parents by sending out
newsletters. Newsletters can be sent via email or even printed out and sent home with the
students. These newsletters can include information about homework for the week, upcoming
events at school, “star students”, what the class is currently learning or anything relevant to the
class and school that parents should be aware of (2.1.4). These should be an easy and quick read
for the parents, especially for very busy parents who may have trouble finding time to engage in
their child’s education. This gives parents an easy and quick opportunity to be in the loop and
know what their child is doing and what they may need to do at home.
Student led parent - teacher conferences are also another way to engage parents as well as
teaching students skills such as communication, organization and goal setting. While preparing
for these conferences teachers need to include the students but make sure they reach out to
parents as well just in case the message doesn’t make it home. A way to do this could be to have
the students make a flyer as a class to send home but then also send an email telling parents that
a flyer should be coming home and giving extra information. During the conference students
could talk about what they are proud of and what they could work on from the previous quarter
as well as goals they want to achieve during the remainder of the year. The teacher should also
make sure the parents have his/her email and know that if they have any questions or concerns
they can reach out. After the conferences the teacher could also hold one-on-one meetings with
each student and talk about how they felt during the conference and give feedback (2.1.5).
Finding one way to successfully engage with families is very difficult which is why
teachers need to be flexible, open minded and patient. Family engagement has been proven to
increase a students performance including higher test scores, grades and they stay in school
longer. Not only does a parent being active in their child's academic life benefit the student, but
also the parents, teachers and school of the student. Parents communicating with teachers and