Assessment 3 Task Overview

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Assessment 3

Assessment type: Video discussion (up to 15 minutes max.)

Weighting: 30% of final unit mark

Due Date: 11:59pm Friday 23rd October 2020

Submission: Video to be uploaded to the cloud with share link emailed to your tutor (cc Unit

Context for Assessment 3

For Assessment 3, we continue with the context of the recovery of the Australian Tourism industry. In
Assessment 3, we consider every student to be a member of a hypothetical “Risk Assessment Team” for an
Australian airline. Your role in the Assessment is to provide support to the airline’s Risk Manager, as is
detailed in the below memo.

A memo from the Risk Manager

Phase 1 (crisis preparedness)

Submit your decision by 11:59pm Tuesday 13th October after watching the pre-recorded Week 12 Lecture.

The responses submitted by the class will be used to 'push' the simulation to the next phase. The Phase 2
information will be released on Blackboard, with the class being notified via email announcement by 9am
Wednesday 14th October.

If you are unable to complete the first phase on time, that's ok, you can catch up by reviewing the pre-
recorded simulation briefing and submit your decision on Blackboard before continuing on to Phase 2.

Phase 2 (crisis response)

Submit your decision by 11:59pm Wednesday 14th October 2020.

Please note your decision for Phase 2 is submitted via a multi choice question on Blackboard, which is located
at the bottom of the Blackboard page containing the Phase 2 information.

The Phase 3 information (1-2 pages) will be released by midday Thursday 15 th October 2020.

Phase 3 (crisis recovery)

Submit your decision by 11:59pm Thursday 15th October 2020.

Please note your decision for Phase 3 is submitted via a multi choice question on Blackboard, which is located
at the bottom of the Blackboard page containing the Phase 2 information.

The outcome of the crisis will be released on Friday 9 th October 2020 to provide feedback for the implications
of your decision making. This feedback provides a stimulus to commence your reflections for Phase 4, and will
be further assisted by a formal simulation debrief, which will be provided in the Week 12 lecture.

Debrief (Week 13 lecture)

To support your reflections on the simulation, the Week 13 (6-8pm, Monday 19 th October) lecture will
debrief the simulation with respect to the key decision points and general points of interest noted by the
Unit Coordinator - highlighting how the simulation could have been different if the class had chosen different
options at the Phase 1, 2 and 3 decision points of the simulated crisis. While the information provided in the
debrief is not absolutely necessary for completing your video reflection for Assessment 3, this debrief may
assist those struggling to collect their thoughts on the decisions made.

Phase 4 (post-event learning)

Submit your video reflection by 11:59pm Friday 23 rd October 2020

You have a week to collect and record your thoughts for your decision making effectiveness during the crisis
simulation. That is, the final decision you submit for the simulation is at the conclusion of Phase 3 (8
October). You then reflect on your decision making process, how your decisions would be considered
responsible (or irresponsible) with respect to the key theories and/or standards discussed in the unit, and
whether you would change anything about your decision making if you were to face a crisis in the future. This
reflection you record in a video format (as we've assessed your written communication enough already in
Assessment 2) and submit before the end of semester (by 11:59pm Friday 23 rd October) as the conclusion of
the simulation (Phase 4, which focuses on learning from the event).

Upload your video submission to OneDrive (or other cloud sharing platform) and email the download link to
your tutor and Unit Coordinator before the deadline.
Assessment 3 comes in two parts: The first part is to complete an interactive simulation that will be deployed
via Blackboard, and you complete the assessment task by recording your reflections of your decision making,
and submitting your (video) recorded reflections to your tutor.

 A formal briefing for the simulation will take place during the (pre-recorded) Week 12 lecture.
o During the Week 12 lecture, Phase 1 of the simulation will begin
o The Unit Coordinator will guide you through the information provided, and the options
 During the lecture we will workshop critical thinking and risk management models to
help you document your thinking – demonstrating the workflow required for the
remaining phases of the simulation.
o During the Week 12 lecture, you will be asked to make a recommendation (based on a set of
available options provided by the “Risk Manager”)
 The feedback from the Risk Assessment Team (that is, from the students in the
class), will be used to inform the decision made by the Risk Manager, and in turn has
implications for the next phase of the simulation. In short, the most popular decision
made by the class will be used by the Risk Manager, and in turn, has consequences
on the ability of the Faculty to navigate the crisis.
 Following the collection of responses from the unit, the information for Phase 2 will be released on
Blackboard in the “Simulation Resources” folder, and via email announcement.
o You will have until 11:59pm Wednesday (Week 12) to provide your recommended decision
via a multi-choice question on Blackboard (in the Assessment 3 folder)
 Please ensure you take notes about your thinking and decision making, as is
described in the Week 11 briefing. This is important for completing the video aspect
of the task.
o Again, the most popular choice made by the class will be used to structure the information
provided in the following phase. By midday (12pm) on Thursday (Week 12), the information
for Phase 3 will be released on Blackboard (and emailed to the class).
 You will have until 11:59pm Thursday (Week 12) (that evening) to provide your
recommendation decision via a multi-choice question on Blackboard (in the
Assessment 3 folder),
 Again, please ensure you take notes to collate your thinking prior to
recording the video
 At approximately midday on Friday (Week 12), the information for Phase 4 will be released on
Blackboard, which provides a summary of outcomes from the simulation.
o Make notes for what you think to be the key learnings of the exercise, as well as forming
recommendations for how your Risk Management Plan template should be adapted to take
into account the learnings from the simulation.
 Create your video
o Collate your notes from across all four phases of the simulation, and structure a simple video
using the five topics discussed in the Week 11 tutorial (slides available on Blackboard)
o Record yourself reflecting on and justifying your decisions for the simulation, and sharing
your recommendations for what should be learned and embedded into the Risk
Management Plan from your experience in the simulation. Please begin the recording by
saying your name.
 Ensure the video is saved as a .mp4 or .mov to a cloud sharing service (i.e. OneDrive,
DropBox, etc.), being sure to include your name and student ID in the name of the
 Generate a file share link and email the link to your tutor and CC the unit
coordinator before 11:59pm Friday 23rd October
 If uploading to the cloud or creating a share link does not seem to be
working for you, please email your tutor immediately to inform them of your
difficulty, and then contact HiQ to help troubleshoot the problem.
 Please note it is strongly advised that you attempt to upload your file before
the morning of Friday 23rd October, so that if you have any difficulties you
can find an alternate (i.e. DropBox, YouTube, or other cloud sharing
platform) submission process so that we have a copy of your assessment
lodged before the due date.

The assessment criteria relate to your ability to reflect on your personal effectiveness in the simulation
(TS4.1), critical thinking and judgement for applying risk management models to help problem solve in the
simulation (HO2.2), and the application of ethical standards to support your assertions/decisions throughout
the simulation (SE5.1). To do well, students need to apply technical language and risk concepts/theories to
respond and explain their thinking when sharing their reflections and recommendations (in the video) to the
Risk Manager. Please, look at the CRA below for further reference.


We are not looking for high production levels in this task. That is, you, as the person speaking to the Risk
Manager, should be professionally presented, however we do not expect high definition video or perfect
lighting for your recording or even a well-rehearsed script. Instead, we are looking for candid insights and
discussion for the strengths and limitations of your decision making and recommendations

In business, any time you complete an exercise or a real crisis situation, there is going to be a follow up
discussion about the effectiveness of your role in supporting the organisation through the crisis event, and
this assessment task is designed to mimic that discussion. Your audience wants to know your understanding
of what you were thinking, what you found important, what should stay the same or be done differently for
the organisation, and what you think you (personally) did particularly good, as well as what could be
improved (so be critical but fair of your own performance).

The discussion is meant to mimic a real discussion and is meant to be raw (unedited footage). It’s ok to use
some notes to help you remember your decisions and key reflections, but be sure to use your notes as a
prompt only, and NOT as a script. You need to stay engaged with your audience, so be sure to look at the
camera more than you look at your notes. If you feel uncomfortable with your first recorded discussion,
keep recording more takes of the discussion until you are happy to submit what you’ve done.

In the past, students have recorded themselves using their phone “selfie-style” in a quiet location (i.e. at
home, somewhere on campus, even walking home from work), or they have used a tablet or PC webcam to
record their discussion. On campus is a great option for recording and uploading your discussion as you can
use the university wi-fi network to save on data, however if you have access to a decent data connection
then please feel free to upload from home to avoid unnecessary travel. If you don’t have a device to record
with, you can typically borrow video equipment from HiQ for assessment purposes, if you give them a couple
of days of notice.

Please be sure to have your webcam or video recording settings set to a fairly low definition (480p is fine), as
recording in high definition (720p and above) creates a very large file size that may not upload or share well
across cloud sharing platforms. If you do forget this point and find that your perfect take of your discussion is
in an HD format, it’s likely that you’ll need to upload your video to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, or
DropBox, as OneDrive struggles to share very large files.

The recording for the video should be a maximum of 15 minutes (we stop watching/grading at 15:00
minutes). The video does not need to take up the full amount of time available - some students have
completed the task in just over half the time and achieved top marks, so don’t think you have to fill up the
whole time you have available for the task. Just communicate what you feel is relevant for the task – it’s
about quality, not quantity, of discussion.
This is a unit for managing risk, so leaving submitting your task to the last moment, only for something
technology related to unexpectedly to go wrong, then it’s clear that applying the learning from the unit is in
need of some attention. QUT’s policies and procedures do not consider computer failure a sufficient reason
for granting an extension. Do not, I repeat DO NOT, leave the recording and/or uploading of this task to the
last couple of hours before the deadline. QUT has 24hr computing labs with internet access, and laptops can
be loaned from HiQ during HiQ business hours. So there are options available if you find that technology isn’t
working as it should (but if you only find out you can’t upload at 11:20pm the night it is due, you might find
yourself without many options). In short, complete the task as early as you can. This is one of the reasons
that we schedule the simulation to finish a week prior to your submission deadline. Please apply the first
principle of High Reliability Theory as you plan the completion and submission of the assessment task.

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