Bringing Primary School Microbiology To Life: Keywords: Collaborative Learning, Authentic

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Bringing Primary School

Microbiology to Life

Celia R. Connor, Matthew Watkins,

Ben Walter & John D. I. Harper

Keywords: collaborative learning, authentic

primary science experience, microbiology.

Microorganisms (microbes) play essential teachers ensured the learning objectives
roles in our lives, although the general were presented and supported in an age-
media usually focuses on their negative or appropriate manner. What followed was
pathological aspects. Here we describe a a day of enjoyable, engaging activities
collaborative approach between teachers that helped build students science
and academics to teach primary school literacy. ‘The Day’ included hands-on
students about microbes in an engaging activities, demonstrations and experiments
and diverse way. We introduced microbes, showcasing various microbes. Student
such as bacteria and fungi commonly feedback was in the form of an end-of-day
used to prepare food, to Grade 1–2 survey that revealed a solid understanding
students (ages 6–8 years old) in a day- of key concepts.
long microbiology immersive activity in a
rural Victorian school. The day was based
on the sound pedagogical principles of There is a tendency in the general
collaboration and hands-on interactive population to think of microbes as harmful
activities. We worked closely with Grade but, in reality, there are many ways in which
1–2 and Grade 5–6 students to help microbes are essential for all life on Earth.
link the science of microbiology to key For example, microbes are not only critical
learning objectives. The partnership with in food and medicine production but are

20 teachingscience
Food for Thought: Bringing Primary School Microbiology to Life

also necessary components of our thriving The Day: Objectives

human ecosystem (Homburger, Drits-Esser,
The objectives of The Day were to give the
Malone & Stark, 2015). Also, microbes in
students a hands-on and creative learning
the soil and water are integral biological
experiences that assisted them in engaging
components in the biogeochemical
in active science practices exploring
cycles for the elements carbon, nitrogen,
microbiology and its uses in food and drink
phosphate and sulfur (Tortora, Funke &
consumption. This was to be achieved in
Case, 2013): these processes all allow life
conjunction with an understanding of the
to exist and persist on Earth (Falkowski,
following age-appropriate understandings.
Fenchel & Delong, 2008).
1. Microbes are living things that are
Given the importance of microbes, it
usually too small to be seen with the
follows that a good understanding of
unaided eye.
them should be a key part of any science
curriculum. As part of our outreach, we 2. The nature of microscopes and how they
have been using creative approaches to open a ‘window’ on the world
promote microbiology from primary to of microbes.
tertiary level with positive results (Harper,
3. Although some microbes are harmful
Connor, Sweeney, Hadler, Warrington &
and cause disease, many microbes are
Vanniasinkam, 2019). Here we describe, in
useful, recycling nutrients and producing
detail, an immersive, microbiology outreach
food, drink and medicine.
day at a rural primary school. We worked
closely with teachers (to create a diverse Both Grade 5 and 6 students at the same
and authentic science experience based on school and Grade 9 students from a
sound pedagogical principles. nearby high school were involved in the
Some methods to develop students’ preparation of the teaching materials.
positive experience with science include:
The Day: Planning, pedagogy
motivating hands-on experiences, the
integration of science with numeracy and and design
literacy, increasing the time spent on The design of this science activity
science activities, and bringing creativity involved both the pedagogical principles
to the pedagogy of teaching science of collaboration and the selection of
to enhance learning (Appleton, 2002; engaging activities in the teaching of
Hackling & Peers, 2007; Harper et al., 2019; science to primary age students. There was
McKinnon, Danaia & Deehan, 2019). considerable discussion and planning with
Often, an integrated approach is necessary teachers and students to form a partnership
for students' positive experience in science. that promoted more effective learning
This integrated approach is well described and the development of interpersonal
by student investigations that combine skills, such as engaging respectfully with
intensive, meaningful, hands-on experience other people’s ideas. (Australian Academy
with a solid understanding of disciplinary of Science, 2020). An introductory letter
knowledge and a grounding in scientific provided information to parents, as
practice (Bybee, 2014). In addition, quality parental awareness and knowledge of
science education is vital to develop the importance of science is instrumental
scientifically literate students and inspire in securing the interest of future science
lifelong learning (Tytler, 2002). With this students (Boon, 2012). In addition,
in mind, and together with teachers, we activities were aligned with the principles of
designed a day-long ‘Microbiology Day’ to ‘activities that work’ suggested by Appleton
be presented to the combined 1st and 2nd- (2002). The actions planned around these
grade students at Harcourt Valley Primary pedagogical principles are detailed in Table
School in Central Victoria (hereby referred 1. Feedback sheets were provided for the
to as ‘The Day’). children at the end of the day.

Volume 66 | Number 1 | March 2020 21

Table 1: A summary of principles, actions and outcomes in planning The Day.

22 teachingscience
Food for Thought: Bringing Primary School Microbiology to Life

The Day: Activities

In line with the principles of ‘activities that 2. Role-play, free play and exploration:
work’ (equipment that is readily available), sample collection and observation.
we mainly used common household items
After the introduction, the children went on
that would be accessible to parents if they
recess. To our delight, the children invented
wished to repeat the activities at home. We
fictional characters based on microbiology
had a total of 17 students present.
to write on their name tags, and some of
1. PowerPoint introduction and class recess was taken up role-playing scenes
discussion: presentation of involving these characters (Dr Microbe was
learning materials a favourite). Play can be a powerful tool for
learning (Beardsley & Harnett, 2013).
The Day began with a brief introductory
PowerPoint covering the above objectives. Grade 1/2 students then explored outside
It included the questions: “What are and collected samples that they could
microbes, how are they harmful/or useful” see in closeup under the microscope (e.g.
and — seeing as the unicellular budding Preston, 2018). We brought some dissecting
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae would microscopes with us along with a ‘Dinolite’
feature heavily in The Day’s activities — (, a portable and
“What do microbes such as yeast need to compact digital microscope, which was
grow, respire and reproduce?” plugged into a laptop. This can immediately
show students an image magnified up to
This was followed with a class discussion
200 times. On their return from recess,
on microscopes and the microbes the
some time was spent examining and taking
students were already familiar with to elicit
photos of their samples, which consisted of
prior knowledge in line with the 5E learning
algae, small insects and scabs, to name a
model (Duran & Duran, 2004). At this point,
few. A Grade 5/6 student showed the Grade
a selection of food products and associated
1/2 students how to operate the Dinolite
microbe information sheets were provided
microscope and capture their images. There
to the students for observation and
was much excitement and many questions
discussion. The laminated A4 information
generated by this activity. As a follow-
sheets had been prepared by the Grade 5/6
up, each image was printed in duplicate,
children as a project specifically for The Day
the name of each student added, and a
(Figure 1).
single image presented to the owner. An
explanation of the image was written on the
back. The duplicates were then given to the
teacher as a learning resource.
We also gave photographs and a
PowerPoint of our own scanning electron
microscope images to the class to share and
discuss. Examples of such images are: a bee
sting, house dust, kangaroo poo, salt, sugar,
pepper, fire ash, pollen grains, eucalyptus
leaf, petals, anthers, dandelion heads, fly
Figure 1: A S.cerevisiae information sheet head, butterfly wing, beetle leg, eggshell
pre-prepared by a Grade 5/6 student. outside/inside, apple skin/flesh, banana
skin/flesh, bird feathers, house dust and
Another seven information sheets covered aphid. These images are freely available for
microbes involved in making: cheese, teaching purposes.
soy sauce, yoghurt, ginger beer and tofu.
Indeed, students expressed surprise that
many of their favourite foods were made
using bacteria and/or fungi.

Volume 66 | Number 1 | March 2020 23

Figure 2. A sample of images captured using the
Dinolite microscope.
Angus: Algae on a rock; Kolbi: A dead ant; Olwyn:
Flower petals; Kester: Lavender leaves; Ebony: A
eucalypt leaf with a munch out of it; Samantha: A Figure 3: Excited children after setting up the yeast
sticky label with dirt on it; Heath: His finger showing balloon experiment and inset showing the only
dead skin; Isobel: a shiny rock. inflated balloon from the yeast, sugar and warm water
(35 °C) treatment.
3. Experiment: Growth and reproduction
in the budding yeast microbe 4. Hands-on: Fun bun making with yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Now that the children were familiar with the
After this free play and exploration, we process of respiration and the production
quickly settled down to our yeast respiration of CO2, we were able to link that process to
experiment. The aim of this experiment the rising of bread and any bread product
was to test the different environmental containing yeast. The children replicated
conditions and ingredients required for those conditions and ingredients in the next
growth and reproduction of yeast experiment, where they made fruit buns
(e.g., McRae, 2009). This process involves with yeast. They all added flour, currants
the breakdown of sugars, which is and eggs to their warm water, yeast and
commonly referred to as respiration. A by- sugar. Teachers baked the buns which the
product of respiration is the gas carbon students took home to share.
dioxide. We set up the experiment using
six plastic bottles, water (warm and cold), 5. Yeast reproduction: animation and
sugar, yeast and balloons (Figure 3). There ‘Food for Thought’
was a group discussion with the students By this time, the children were starting to
who were instrumental in the design of get tired and hungry so we decided it was
the experiment. The six treatments were: time to have a break. We had prepared an
1. Yeast, sugar and hot water (60 °C) iced chocolate cake model of a dividing
(budding) yeast cell complete with cell
2. Yeast, sugar and warm water (35 °C) organelles and, due to the presence of
3. Yeast, sugar and cold water (10 °C) the mitochondria, we were able to show
the students where most of the process of
4. Yeast and water
respiration took place (Figure 4).
5. Yeast, sugar and no water
6. Sugar and water
Over the next 60 minutes, the students
were able to observe that the balloon over
the bottle containing warm water, sugar and
yeast blew up (Figure 3, inset). The children
drew the results of this experiment (balloon
inflation) in a pre-prepared table, which had
pictures of the bottles. This nicely illustrated Figure 4: Budding yeast cell cake with organelles and
the production of carbon dioxide that components labelled in the right-hand image.
occurs during the growth and reproduction
of yeast by the process of respiration.

24 teachingscience
Food for Thought: Bringing Primary School Microbiology to Life

While the children were eating, they Table 2. Microbiology student

watched a short animation illustrating parent/reflection questionnaire
growth and reproduction in yeast cells
prepared for The Day by some Year 9
sheet results.
students from a local school (Harper, 2019). Question Correct Incorrect
The power of animation in explaining answer answer
complex phenomena has been illuminated
1. Are microbes living 17 0
by Barak and Dori (2011). organisms?
Discussion 2. How do you know 14 3
It was clear that the children enjoyed The yeast is living?
Day as they were very excited and engaged.
This sort of experience has the potential 3. Can we see microbes 17 0
with just our eyes?
to showcase science and involve students
in science activities and products that they 4. What do we need to 17 0
may not be exposed to in their everyday see them?
school or home lives. The more extroverted
children participated in the discussion 5. What microbe makes 11 6
sections of the day, however, the hands-on your bread rise?
and tactile nature of most activities meant
6. What gas is produced 17 0
that even the quieter children were easily in respiration?
engaged. During recess and lunchtime,
many students stayed in the classroom 7. What microbe helps 8 9
with us asking questions and exploring the produce yoghurt?
learning materials and microscopes we had
brought with us. During the subsequent 8. Why does the milk 13 4
days, we received very positive verbal need to be kept warm?
feedback from the teachers, principal
9. Name other food or 14 3
and parents of the Grade 1/2 students. drink items that microbes
De-briefing interviews with the teachers produce?
showed that they really appreciated the
collaboration and professional development This questionnaire was sent home with the
opportunities The Day afforded. students. It was explained to the parents in
On the student/parent reflection the introductory letter that the questions
questionnaires, it was noted that students were to be asked by the parents, and the
performed well in most of the follow-up child’s answer was to be recorded (no
questions (Table 2). googling allowed). The results were very
positive and especially highlighted success
with Q3 and Q4, which were particularly
well aligned to the first two objectives. The
last objective was much more complex and
while students showed good understanding
of the science concepts (Q 1,2,6,8 and 9),
they had difficulty differentiating between
particular microbes and their uses. This
was evident in the results for Q5 and Q7.
The value of this was that teachers could
follow up with clarifications and activities
to strengthen their knowledge and we, as
outreach educators, could discuss ways to
strengthen this learning in our
future activities.

Volume 66 | Number 1 | March 2020 25

To assist teachers in planning some, or all, of The Days’ activities, we have mapped these to
the Australian Curriculum: Science (Table 3).

Table 3: Alignment of The Day’s activities with the Australian

Curriculum: Science.

*Note that the activity numbers are not in numerical order here as they relate to the
numbers given in this paper to the activities performed on the day and how they align with
the Australian science curriculum codes.

26 teachingscience
Food for Thought: Bringing Primary School Microbiology to Life

Overall, The Day brought together a Duran, L. B., & Duran, E. (2004). The 5E
number of key learning strategies that instructional model: A learning cycle
were implemented in close collaboration approach for inquiry-based science
with students, teachers and parents. Most teaching. The Science Education Review,
importantly, The Day was a lot of fun and 3(2) 49–58.
underpinned an aspect of our teaching
Falkowski, P. G., Fenchel, T., & Delong, E.
philosophy “Laugh to learn!”.
F. (2008). The microbial engines that drive
Acknowledgements Earth's biogeochemical cycles. Science,
320(5879), 1034–1039.
We are grateful to all the teachers — as well
as Annette Smith, the principal of Harcourt Hackling, M., & Peers, S. Prain, V. (2007).
Primary School — for their support and Primary Connections: Reforming science
enthusiasm in allowing us to run The Day. teaching in Australian primary schools.
Thanks also go to the students and parents Teaching Science, 53(3), 12–16.
who participated and gave their feedback. Harper, J. D. I., Connor, C. R., Sweeney, D.,
References Hadler, Z., Warrington, T., & Vanniasinkam,
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Australian Academy of Science. (2020). Our Education, 27(6), 13–23.
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Biddulph, J., Fenyvesi, K., Durning, L., Marvellous micro-organisms (n.d.) retrieved
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Bybee, R. W., Carlson-Powell, J., & Teaching Science, 64(1) 6–11.
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Volume 66 | Number 1 | March 2020 27

Tytler, R. (2002). Teaching for understanding
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& changing views of learning. Australian
Science Teachers Journal, 48(3) 14–21.
About the Authors
Celia Connor is a lecturer in environment &
agriculture in the School of Agricultural &
Wine Sciences at Charles Sturt University,
Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia,
Matthew Watkins is a stage 5–6 teacher at
Harcourt Valley Primary School, Harcourt,
Victoria, Australia.
Ben Walter is a stage 1–2 teacher at
Harcourt Valley Primary School, Harcourt,
Victoria, Australia.
Dr John Harper is a senior lecturer in
botany and microbiology in the School of
Agricultural & Wine Sciences at Charles
Sturt University, Wagga Wagga,
NSW, Australia.

28 teachingscience
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