Singing Technique and Anatomy Part 1
Singing Technique and Anatomy Part 1
Singing Technique and Anatomy Part 1
I can only talk about the points from each of these techniques that I
firstly, believe to be true, and secondly, that I know the industry have
welcomed as part of their teaching.
Long gone are the days where we use terms such as “head voice” and
“chest voice”.
We only have ONE voice - and on top of that voice we can add different
voice “qualities”.
Some examples are -
- Belt quality
- Falsetto Quality
- Sob Quality
- Twang Quality
- Opera Quality
Power = Breath
Source = Vocal folds (we don’t say chords anymore as we know they fold
together rather than rapidly vibrate)
Filter = Articulator (Tongue, Lips, Teeth etc)
Power = Breath
Exercise 1 - If you place your hands on the side of your stomach, just
above your hips, and cough - you should feel two pressure points almost
“pop out” of your sides.
These two points are the sides of the diamond - the lower one is just
above the belly button, and the other, just under the naval, where the
ribcage ends.
There are two main things to talk about when it comes to the larynx
when singing - “Onset” and “cricoid and thyroid glands” - we will seal
with “onset” first.
An “onset” is the way in which the flow of air meets the vocal folds - and
we can create 3 different types of onset -
- Aspirate - When the air flows through the fold before they meet, for
example the “h” at the start of the word “hello”.
-Smooth - When the airflow meets the vocal folds at the exact moment
the vocal folds meet - for example, the “v” at the beginning of the word
-Glottal - This is when the vocal folds are touching before the flow of air
hits them, for example, the “G” at the start of the word “glottal”.
It is important to note we have 2 sets of vocal folds - true VF, and false
VF but we shall talk about that at a later date - as demonstration of this
is essential! :)
If you can locate you Adams apple and put two fingers into a “sideways
V” shape, you should be able to feel two lumps about a cm apart
(depending on the person) at the front of your Adams apple…
Exercise - If you place your two fingers back onto the “lumps”, and yawn
- you should feel the bottom lump almost completely disappears and the
top lump moves down. This is how we would create a “sob” quality or
“opera” quality.
If you place you fingers back onto the two “lumps” and “cry like a baby
wahhh”, you should feel the top and bottom lump move upwards - this
is how we create a “twang” quality or sometimes a “belt” quality.
There is a lot more to talk about in regards to qualities of voice and voice
production but I will let you digest all of this and ask any questions etc -
before we move on…!
Joe #musicislife