The Impact of The Underwater Hull Anti-Fouling Silicone Coating On A Ferry's Fuel Consumption
The Impact of The Underwater Hull Anti-Fouling Silicone Coating On A Ferry's Fuel Consumption
The Impact of The Underwater Hull Anti-Fouling Silicone Coating On A Ferry's Fuel Consumption
Marine Science
and Engineering
The Impact of the Underwater Hull Anti-Fouling
Silicone Coating on a Ferry’s Fuel Consumption
Adam Kowalski
Institute of Marine Traffic Engineering, Faculty of Navigation, Maritime University of Szczecin, 1-2 Wały
Chrobrego St., 70-500 Szczecin, Poland;
Received: 20 January 2020; Accepted: 13 February 2020; Published: 15 February 2020
Abstract: There are well-known specifics of ro-pax ferry shipping, such as the time factor as a
consequence of keeping a regular timetable and the priority given to minimizing heeling, pitching,
and rolling caused by maximum focus on passenger comfort and ro-ro cargo safety. It is also extremely
important to control the ferry’s fuel consumption, being one of the most important cost components.
The aim of the article is to draw the attention of shipping company managers to the great potential
that lies in the use of routine operational data, collected exclusively on board the ferries. It is
worth noting that the research in this paper is based on standard office software packages rather
than advanced statistical methods of data analysis, which are usually not accessible for shipping
managers. Contrary to typical ocean-going vessels, there are a number of factors that need to be taken
into consideration when analyzing ro-pax ferry fuel consumption. Moreover, these factors occur,
in many cases, accidentally and, thus, they are difficult to observe on board the ferry without utilizing
expensive and time-consuming methods. The possibility of fuel control is important not only for
economic reasons but also due to air pollution caused by engine exhausts. The article presents an
estimation of increased fuel consumption caused by the degradation of the hull silicone anti-fouling
coating. The presented estimations of fuel consumption may be treated as the base for calculations of
the economic effectiveness of ferries. The attempt to resolve the above-mentioned problem was made
on the basis of research on a real ferry, which took place on the Świnoujście-Trelleborg line between
2007 and 2019.
Keywords: ferry navigation; fuel consumption; hydrometeorological conditions; main engine load;
marine traffic engineering; restricted areas; silicone anti-fouling coating
1. Introduction
The ability to estimate fuel consumption is one of the key aspects of merchant ship operation and
requires advanced statistical methodology [1]. There are formulas for determining the fuel consumption
of ships taking into account loading conditions [2]. In the case of ferry berthing, it is extremely important
to maneuver effectively in the most difficult hydrometeorological conditions. Any reduction in draft
changes the maneuverability by increasing the windage area, among other factors. Therefore, action
should be taken (including ballasting) to maintain a stable draft, optimal from the point of view of
maneuvering. For this reason, for ferry navigation, dependencies may be especially useful that specify
fuel consumption in which the displacement of the ferry is not included [3,4]. Usually, based on the
technical data and the results of the sea trials, a fuel consumption curve is determined for a given
vessel speed [5,6]. The ship’s owner determines the maximum fuel consumption and corresponding
minimum attainable speed for the ship under acceptable hydrometeorological conditions. Due to the
possibility of determining significant factors disrupting the amount of main-engine fuel combustion,
ship charter agreements precisely define the fuel consumption during navigation only in non-restricted
areas [7]. Most often, the ship is obliged to comply with charter party requirements regarding fuel
consumption if the sea state does not exceed four degrees on the Douglas scale or the wind force is
not more than five on the Beaufort scale [8]. The above-described principles no longer apply when
there are vertical or horizontal restrictions in a given area when the ship is maneuvering or navigating
with a pilot on board. Therefore, in such cases, typical charter party agreements do not contain precise
pre-imposed fuel consumption quantity standards. This situation occurs due to the fact that it is
extremely difficult to determine fuel consumption when additional movement resistances are observed.
These resistances are the result of frequent course and speed changes and the effects of shallow water.
However, during the operation of a commercial ship, for example, bulk carrier or general cargo ship,
periods of sailing in unrestricted areas are dominant. As a result, it is here that fuel efficiency criteria
can be effectively defined.
The situation is different in the case of liner shipping, where vessels very often sail in restricted
areas. However, on the Baltic Sea, ferries and other ships sail entirely in restricted areas; thus, they
often change both course and speed [9]. In other words, the number of factors that may have an
influence on fuel consumption seems to be enormous, and moreover, is difficult to estimate precisely
in such conditions.
The next section of the article presents the ferry as the research object, along with a brief description
of the area in which the ferry operates. The same section also shows the sources and the method of
data collection and the initial data classification. The aim of Section 3 is to analyze the collected data.
It also focuses the readers’ attention on the possible impact of the degradation of silicone coating of
the underwater part of the hull on the increase of ferry fuel consumption. At the end of the article,
the obtained results are discussed. Finally, the disruptive factors that may affect the conclusions of the
research are presented.
separately for every voyage and for each set, the time (days) from the moment of applying the
anti-fouling silicone coating was also specified. Because the aim of the research is not to compare the
silicone coating to the classic anti-fouling biocide coating, the data does not include the period before
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 122 3 of 13
silicone paint was applied.
Figure 1.
Figure View of
1. View of the
the silicone
silicone coating
coating before
before high-pressure
high-pressure washing
washing with
with water
water at
at the
the shipyard
shipyard in
June 2019.
June 2019.
1. Calm weather—1–3 Beaufort scale wind. It does not affect navigation and does not produce the
need for the reduction of propeller settings due to weather.
2. Moderate weather—4–6 Beaufort scale wind. Its strength can affect navigation and may require
propeller setting reductions due to weather conditions.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 122 4 of 13
3. Severe weather—7–10 Beaufort scale wind. This strength has a significant impact on navigation
and enforces reduction in propeller settings due to weather. Additionally, the route may be
changed as per the captain’s instruction.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7, x 4 of 14
Figure 2. The northern part of the Trelleborg (Sweden)—Świnoujście (Poland) ferry route in the
Figure 2. The northern part of the Trelleborg (Sweden)—Świnoujście (Poland) ferry route in the
Southern Baltic Sea.
Southern Baltic Sea.
The distribution of wind forces (Figure 3) is based on ferry navigator logbook notices, made only
when the ferry undertook voyages, and do not contain periods of planned breaks in ferry operation.
The distance traveled by the ferry was calculated on the basis of the DGPS-log unit. Fuel consumption
data came from flow meters accessible to mechanic officers who also receive data on the average
settings of the propellers.
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J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7, x 5 of 14
Figure 3. Distribution (%) of the forces and directions of winds observed during the research period.
The distribution of wind forces (Figure 3) is based on ferry navigator logbook notices, made
only when the ferry undertook voyages, and do not contain periods of planned breaks in ferry
operation. The distance traveled by the ferry was calculated on the basis of the DGPS-log unit. Fuel
consumption data came from flow meters accessible to mechanic officers who also receive data on
the average settings of the propellers.
3. Ferry Fuel
Figure Consumption
3.3.Distribution (%)Analysis
Figure 4. Main engine average fuel consumption for the whole period of study on the route
Figure 4. Main engine average fuel consumption for the whole period of study on the route
Świnoujście/Trelleborg—both directions.
Świnoujście/Trelleborg—both directions.
Figure 4 presents a diagram of average fuel consumption for both directions of voyages. In this
Figure 4 presents a diagram of average fuel consumption for both directions of voyages. In this
diagram, fuel consumption fluctuations during each annual period are presented. These fluctuations
diagram, fuel consumption fluctuations during each annual period are presented. These fluctuations
significantly hinder the selection of the curve for modeling fuel consumption. Nevertheless, the curve
significantly hinder the selection of the curve for modeling fuel consumption. Nevertheless, the
shows a fairly clear growing tendency of increased fuel consumption over the period studied as
curve shows a fairly clear growing tendency of increased fuel consumption over the period studied
well as the minimal influence of dry dock cleaning. For the above reasons, it was decided to use
as well as the minimal influence of dry dock cleaning. For the above reasons, it was decided to use
the simplest possible characteristic—the linear data, based on which an increased consumption from
the simplest
Figure possible characteristic—the linear data, based
for theonwhole
an increased
studyconsumption from
about 63.8
Main to
engine averagewas
75 kg/Nm fuelobserved.
Calculation of daily fuelofconsumption
on theon
the ferry
63.8 kg/Nm to 75 kg/Nmdirections.
was observed. Calculation of daily fuel consumption on the ferry
route round-trip shows additional increased daily consumption for the average length of a round-trip
(11.2 kg/Nm × 2 × 88.8 Nm) 1989 kg.
Figure 4 presents a diagram of average fuel consumption for both directions of voyages. In this
The timetables are not symmetrical in both directions, and therefore, the passage times are different
diagram, fuel consumption fluctuations during each annual period are presented. These fluctuations
for the journey to Świnoujście and to Trelleborg. In addition, the fuel consumption distribution was
significantly hinder the selection of the curve for modeling fuel consumption. Nevertheless, the
subject to multiple timetable adjustments over a period of almost 13 years. Reduction in the passage
curve shows a fairly clear growing tendency of increased fuel consumption over the period studied
time entails increasing of speed, which, in turn, implies increasing of fuel consumption. Among other
as well as the minimal influence of dry dock cleaning. For the above reasons, it was decided to use
things, further analysis is required to eliminate factors interfering with the relationship presented in
the simplest possible characteristic—the linear data, based on which an increased consumption from
Figure 4.
about 63.8 kg/Nm to 75 kg/Nm was observed. Calculation of daily fuel consumption on the ferry
different for the journey to Świnoujście and to Trelleborg. In addition, the fuel consumption
distribution was subject to multiple timetable adjustments over a period of almost 13 years.
Reduction in the passage time entails increasing of speed, which, in turn, implies increasing of fuel
consumption. Among other things, further analysis is required to eliminate factors interfering with
the relationship
J. Mar. presented
Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 122 in Figure 4. 6 of 13
Figure 5. Average variable pitch propeller settings for the entire period of study on the
Figure 5. Average variable
Świnoujście/Trelleborg pitch propeller
route—divided into twosettings
voyagefor the entire
directions. period
Ferry of for
bound study on the
Świnoujście/Trelleborg route—divided into two voyage directions. Ferry bound for Świnoujście (a)
(a) and for Trelleborg (b).
and for Trelleborg (b).
On the route to Świnoujście, the variable pitch propeller setting changed from 91.7% to 98.2%
On the
(absolute route of
increase to 7.0
Świnoujście, the to
percent), and variable pitchthe
Trelleborg, propeller setting changed
setting changed from
from 91.9% to 91.7% to 98.2%
95.0% (absolute
increase ofincrease
Mar. Sci. Eng. 2019, 7, xof 7.0The
3.3 percent). percent), and to Trelleborg,
above situation is presentedthe setting5. changed from 91.9% to 95.0%
in Figure 7 of 14
(absolute increase of 3.3 percent). The above situation is presented in Figure 5.
Figure speedfor
into twovoyage
Trelleborg (b).
As shownin inFigure
14.62 kts
14.62 kts (increase
6.4%)occurred andand
occurred on the
on road to Trelleborg,
the road from 13.79
to Trelleborg, fromkts to 13.96
13.79 kts13.96
kts to (increase
of 1.2%). The above increases in average speed needed to be accompanied by an increase
(increase of 1.2%). The above increases in average speed needed to be accompanied by an increase to the setting
of the variable pitch propeller (Figure 5).
the setting of the variable pitch propeller (Figure 5).
into two voyage directions. Ferry bound for Świnoujście (a) and for Trelleborg (b).
As shown in Figure 6, changes to the average speed of the ferry to Świnoujście from 13.76 kts to
14.62 kts (increase of 6.4%) occurred and on the road to Trelleborg, from 13.79 kts to 13.96 kts
(increase of 1.2%). The above increases in average speed needed to be accompanied by an increase to
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 122 7 of 13
the setting of the variable pitch propeller (Figure 5).
Figure 7. Main engine average fuel consumption for the entire period of study on the Świnoujście/Trelleborg
Figure 7. Main engine average fuel consumption for the entire period of study on the
route—divided into two voyage directions. Ferry bound for Świnoujście (a) and for Trelleborg (b).
Świnoujście/Trelleborg route—divided into two voyage directions. Ferry bound for Świnoujście (a)
and for Trelleborg (b).
Figure 7 shows fuel consumption characteristics separated for both directions traveled by
the ferry. While the fuel consumption on the route to Trelleborg increased in the period under
Figure 7 shows fuel consumption characteristics separated for both directions traveled by the
consideration by 8.6 kg/Nm, on the route to Świnoujście, this increase was higher, reaching 13.4 kg/Nm.
ferry. While the fuel consumption on the route to Trelleborg increased in the period under
This demonstrates a systematic shortening of the passage time as a result of timetable changes. At the
consideration by 8.6 kg/Nm, on the route to Świnoujście, this increase was higher, reaching 13.4
same time, the phenomenon of passage shortening can be seen much more clearly in the direction of
kg/Nm. This demonstrates a systematic shortening of the passage time as a result of timetable
Świnoujście. Confirmation of this is shown in Figure 6.
Cons = k × V n
where Cons is fuel consumption per unit of time, k is an individual factor, depending on the ship’s
characteristics and type of propulsion, V is the ship’s instantaneous speed, n is an exponent within a
value of 3 to 4.
Speed and fuel consumption are related in theory by the given equation; however, using the
average speed and average fuel consumption rather than the moment-by-moment values makes the
equation inadequate because the speed will vary during the passage, and the type of variation depends
on the weather as well as the need to keep to timetabled arrival and departure times. This is most clearly
demonstrated by the situation on the passage to Trelleborg where, based on an approximation of the
consumption characteristic (Panel (b) on Figures 5 and 6), a 13% increase of specific fuel consumption
caused, in practice, only a barely noticeable increase of the average speed of 0.17 kts. Therefore, it seems
likely that during the tests, there are different impacts on fuel consumption than from an increase
of the variable pitch propeller settings and so, further attempts were made to find an answer to this
question by, firstly, taking into consideration the impact of hydrometeorological conditions on fuel
consumption over time since the application of the silicone anti-fouling coating.
Figures 8–11 show four cases of the ferry’s movement direction relative to the wave pattern. Three
types of weather signaled previously (1–3, 4–6, 7–10 Beaufort scale) have been included:
Figure 8. Average fuel consumption—sailing with the wind and wave. Ferry bound for Świnoujście,
FigureNW/NNW/N (a) consumption—sailing
8. Average fuel and for Trelleborg, winds
the wind(b).
and wave. Ferry bound for Świnoujście,
Figure 8. Average fuel consumption—sailing with the wind and wave. Ferry bound for Świnoujście,
winds NW/NNW/N (a) and for Trelleborg, winds SE/SSE/S (b).
winds NW/NNW/N (a) and for Trelleborg, winds SE/SSE/S (b).
Figure 10. Average fuel consumption—sailing crosswind and large waves from the side. Ferry
Average fuelwinds
Figure 10.Świnoujście,
bound consumption—sailing crosswind and large waves from the(b).
side. Ferry bound
Figure for
10. Average fuel NE/ENE/E (a) and
consumption—sailing for Trelleborg,
crosswind andwinds
waves from the side. Ferry
for Świnoujście, winds NE/ENE/E (a) and for Trelleborg, winds NE/ENE/E (b).
bound for Świnoujście, winds NE/ENE/E (a) and for Trelleborg, winds NE/ENE/E (b).
Figure 11.
Figure Average fuel
11. Average fuelconsumption—sailing
crosswind andand
small waves
small fromfrom
waves the side.
the Ferry
side. bound
for Świnoujście, winds W/WSW/SW (a) and for Trelleborg, winds W/WSW/SW (b).
Figure for
Average fuelwinds W/WSW/SW (a) and
consumption—sailing for Trelleborg,
crosswind windswaves
and small W/WSW/SW
from the(b).side. Ferry
Figures for12Świnoujście, winds W/WSW/SW
and 13 introduce (a) andfor
selected options formore
Trelleborg, winds
detailed W/WSW/SW
weather (b). as presented
Figures 12 and 13 introduce selected options for more detailed weather conditions, as presented
on previous graphs (Figures 8–11). The primary measure of choice was to analyze conditions for
on previous
Figures graphs
12 and 13 (Figures
introduce8–11). The primary
selected measure
options for of choice
more detailed was toconditions,
weather analyze conditions for
as presented
which the above relationship was the least visible. These conditions were met for navigation in
which the above
on previous relationship
graphs (Figures was theThe
8–11). leastprimary
visible. measure
These conditions
of choicewere
wasmet for navigation
to analyze in both
conditions for
both directions during relatively low wave action, for winds W/WSW/SW (Figure 12). Taking the
directions during relatively low wave action, for winds W/WSW/SW (Figure 12).
which the above relationship was the least visible. These conditions were met for navigation in both Taking the above
above data into consideration ensured a sufficiently large number of records for subsequent analysis.
data into consideration
directions during relatively ensured
low awave
action, large number
for winds of records(Figure
W/WSW/SW for subsequent analysis.
12). Taking The
the above
The afore-mentioned wind directions occurred most often among the observed weather conditions
afore-mentioned wind directions occurred most often among the observed weather
data into consideration ensured a sufficiently large number of records for subsequent analysis. The conditions
(Figure 3), thus, further ensuring the largest possible amount of data for analysis. The following groups
(Figure 3), thus, further
afore-mentioned ensuring the
wind directions largestmost
occurred possible amount
often amongofthe data for analysis.
observed The conditions
weather following
of variable pitch propeller settings were considered:
(Figureof 3),variable pitch propeller
thus, further ensuringsettings werepossible
the largest considered:
amount of data for analysis. The following
97% -100%
groups - full sea
- fullpitch
of variable speed,
sea speed, maximum
propeller engine power;
settings were considered:
97% -96%
-100% - full- sea
high power
speed, of engines;
maximum engine power;
94% -93%
-96% -- reduced
high power power of engines;
of engines;
85% -84%
-93% -- slowing
reduceddownpowertheof engines
engines;below the required operating speed.
75% -84% - slowing down the engines below the required operating speed.
which the above relationship was the least visible. These conditions were met for navigation in both
directions during relatively low wave action, for winds W/WSW/SW (Figure 12). Taking the above
data into consideration ensured a sufficiently large number of records for subsequent analysis. The
afore-mentioned wind directions occurred most often among the observed weather conditions
(Figure 3),Eng.
J. Mar. Sci. thus,
8, 122 ensuring the largest possible amount of data for analysis. The following
9 of 13
groups of variable pitch propeller settings were considered:
97% -100% - full sea speed, maximum engine power;
94%–96% - high power of engines;
94% -96% - high power of engines;
85% -93% - reduced power
- reduced of engines;
power of engines;
75% -84% - slowing
- slowing downengines
down the below
the engines the required
below operating
the required speed.
operating speed.
Figure 12. Average fuel consumption, sailing crosswind, small waves from the side, variable pitch
Figure 12.
propeller Average
settings. fuelbound
Ferry consumption, sailing crosswind,
for Świnoujście, small waves
winds W/WSW/SW, from
force: the(a),
1-3 B. side,
4-6variable pitch
B. (c), 7-10 B.
propeller settings. Ferry bound for Świnoujście, winds W/WSW/SW, force: 1–3 B.
(e), and for Trelleborg, winds W/WSW/SW, force: 1-3 B. (b), 4-6 B. (d), 7-10 B. (f). (a), 4–6 B. (c), 7–10 B.
(e), and for Trelleborg, winds W/WSW/SW, force: 1–3 B. (b), 4–6 B. (d), 7–10 B. (f).
Figure 13. Average fuel consumption, sailing against the wind/wave, variable pitch propeller settings.
Figure 13. Average fuel consumption, sailing against the wind/wave, variable pitch propeller
Ferry bound for Świnoujście, winds SE/SSE/S, force: 1–3 B. (a), 4–6 B. (c), 7–10 B. (e) and for Trelleborg,
settings. Ferry bound for Świnoujście, winds SE/SSE/S, force: 1-3 B. (a), 4-6 B. (c), 7-10 B. (e) and for
winds NW/NNW/N, force: 1–3 B. (b), 4–6 B. (d), 7–10 B. (f).
Trelleborg, winds NW/NNW/N, force: 1-3 B. (b), 4-6 B. (d), 7-10 B. (f).
Despite the maximum sample size, due to the lack of data, 75%–84% of settings were not
obtained for the very tight timetable trip to Trelleborg (Figure 12). This fact does not change the
conclusion that real operational tests fully confirm the dependence of the specific fuel consumption
on the time period of the silicone coating application.
Figure 13 illustrates the most adverse weather conditions when the ship sails against the wind
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 122 10 of 13
Despite the maximum sample size, due to the lack of data, 75%–84% of settings were not obtained
for the very tight timetable trip to Trelleborg (Figure 12). This fact does not change the conclusion that
real operational tests fully confirm the dependence of the specific fuel consumption on the time period
of the silicone coating application.
Figure 13 illustrates the most adverse weather conditions when the ship sails against the wind
and waves. With one exception (small amount of data, voyage to Trelleborg, wind NW/NNW/N with
a force of 4–6 Beaufort scale, average pitch propeller setting 94%–96%), the diagram confirms the
relationship between the fuel consumption and the time from the moment of applying the anti-fouling
silicone coating. For severe weather, winds NW/NNW/N 7–10 Beaufort scale, it can be seen that the
fuel consumption for smaller settings of the variable pitch propellers is greater than for large settings.
This apparent inconsistency results from the fact that, for these very heavy conditions, the ferry
tries lower propeller settings (average pitch angle 94%–96%) but with a continuous very high engine
load in order to continue the voyage directly on the shortest route, against the wind and waves.
However, if due to safety reasons this is not possible, the ship undertakes frequent course changes to
avoid wave impacts directly into the bow [11]. In such a situation, the average propeller settings will
rise (pitch angle 97%–100%) because there are no extreme opposing forces and a lower-than-before
average engine load is possible.
Table 1. Multiple linear regression statistics for the selected data: specific fuel consumption versus
variables time, speed2 , distance, propellers, and wind B.
On the basis of the above-presented reasoning, Table 2 has been made to show multiple regression
with the exception of variables speed and distance. In this case, the variables time, propellers, and wind
B at the adopted confidence level (95%) explain from 54% to 61% of the analyzed data. In this case,
similarly to Table 1, by excluding the variable associated with the time degradation of the quality of the
silicone anti-fouling coating, only 47% to 57% of the analyzed data can be explained. The reasoning
presented above allows again to state that there is a significant impact of the passing time on the fuel
consumption due to the degradation of the silicone coating since its application.
Table 2. Multiple linear regression statistics for the selected data: specific fuel consumption versus
variables time, propellers, and wind B.
4. Discussion
The characteristics presented on the graphs in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 validate the relationship
between the increase of fuel consumption and the time that has elapsed since the application of the
silicone anti-fouling coating. From the point of view of formal statistical analysis, the presented
single characteristics do not justify the statement that the available data are accurately matched to the
presented regression equations, because the values of the determination coefficients R2 are relatively
low [12]. However, the multiple linear regressions presented in Section 3.3 justify the impact on average
fuel consumption of the time elapsed since the silicone anti-fouling coating was applied. The single
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 122 12 of 13
linear equations may only lead to an approximate determination of the amount of average increase of
fuel consumption. Equations and multiple linear regressions are disrupted by such factors as:
The subsequent graphs allow more objective and precise validation of the tendency to increase
specific fuel consumption, as shown in Figures 3–13. The same tendency can be observed in both
voyage directions. The following parameters have been taken into account: variable pitch propeller
settings and hydrometeorological conditions. The above graphs confirm that the average increase of
estimated fuel consumption of abt. 2 tons (abt. 17 percent) per day was observed after nearly 13 years
since the silicone anti-fouling paint was applied. This tendency is confirmed in other research [13–15].
With the help of the proposed characteristics and multiple regression analysis eliminating the
impact of increases of ferry speed, it is also possible to estimate the financial loss resulting from
increased fuel consumption due to degradation of the anti-fouling coating, as presented in the paper.
In this case, fuel consumption monitoring is accessible not only for researches but also for the owner’s
office staff with a knowledge of standard office software packages. It is also more likely to be able to
choose the most appropriate moment for and scope of repair works regarding the underwater section
of the hull. Finally, continuous control over the increase of the ferry’s fuel consumption allows for
decision-making in the context of minimizing exhaust fume emissions.
Moreover, the described approximate technique allows for estimating the tendency and the value
of the average specific fuel consumption after each change of ferry operating conditions. This may
happen after applying new anti-fouling layering, main engine repair or adjustment, hull cleaning or
adjusting the timetable for passage time.
Funding: This research outcome has been achieved under research project No. 1/S/CIRM/16 financed with a
subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for statutory activities of the Maritime University
of Szczecin.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.
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