Agricultural Stage Agriculture Was Started Affecting So

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Health: "health is state of complete physical. mental, and social 3.

Agricultural stage Agriculture was started affecting so

wellbeing not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity. " WHO profound a change inhuman life it has been called approximately the
Diseases: -a condition in which body health is impaired, departure from a state revolution. This stage is called feudal stages many generations used
of health, an alteration of the human interrupting the performance of the vital
to live in small area more or less assured of food supply.
function "
Illness: "presence of a specific and impact of those disease on In this stage disease and problems followed by slavery society was
the psychological environment " found to more complicated adding to Other acute and chronic
Sickness: -state of social dysfunction" disease. Not only this due to poverty, insecurity exploitation of
Social Role in Sickness and Illness human labor it developed psychiatric problems were found.
Illness and sickness are inter-related to each other. Inability to maintain health Similarly religion and culture borne diseases which made the
leads to disease and illness along with sickness. Different society has different condition more complicated.
norms, values and regarding health and disease. EG Some society belief that The treatments were sought from religion and new emerging modern
disease is caused due to invasion of microbes which is inter-related to factors
that is low standard of living poor environmental poor housing. low economy,
defective etc. Other society may believe that disease is caused through 4. Industrial stage : In this stage population was increased and new
supernatural effect that is evil eye, witch craft, wrath of god and goddesses disease came into existence. Although the fundamental immunological
which is related to the cultural belief. so they prefer traditional health Care response such as antibody production, fever, inflammation and repair, all
practices. therefore, societal role is very important in illness and some of the activated by the stimuli of parasitic invasions or injury have persisted and
examples are listed continues to sustain.
• Societies have to organize their local resources to health hazard e.g. Among the unfamiliar problems confronting newly settled population were the
manage for medical facilities and deliver the medical services. virus and bacteria responsible for measles, smallpox, influenza, syphilis,
• Individual and society should take under consideration social, plague. Tuberculosis etc. were capable for transmission on the presence of large
political, religious and economic factors while solving health problems population.
• Society should be supportive towards handicapped children, When agricultural village were formed to towns and cities these above diseases
HIVAIDS patient, leprosy etc. became capable of epidemic revenges. More complicated diseases such as
• Society should find out health problems within their own cardiovascular disease, neurological problems, cancers, diabetes, HIV AIDS
• society, they should prioritize the problems and solve them. etc. were the product of the society. Diseases were also complicated and new
• It reduces social conflicts and social tension. invention for diagnosis and treatment procedure also developed. New
• Health professionals are the part of society so they should arrange technology like CT scan, MRI are used for investigation which made the
health campaign to find health problems, aware doctors easy to diagnosis and treat the patient.
• people about healthy lifestyles, individual responsibilities for health
care etc. Stages of Illness
• Mass media should also encourage for healthy lifestyle, use of Stage 1: The symptom experienced stage This is the first stage lasts from the time the
family planning, safe drinking water, balanced diet etc. first consider that he/she might ill until he and other around him acknowledge that the
• People must be made aware about wrong practices and attitudes person is ill .
and modify and change as needed. It can be possible through social This divided into two stages:
awareness. Initial shock: At first when he comes to know about disease or Symptoms, he become
• Society should maintain their community's environment clean and shock because it comes all of a sudden , which disrupt the normal life and social
safe by disposing refuse and sewage in proper place.
denial : the person does not accept the diseases or alteration in function , he minimizes or
• Social groups should lobby for the facilities of health in their own ignore the symptoms. The person thinks nothing can happen to him he may engage in
community. E.g. building school, health posts, skilled manpower and work more than usual activity or seek another doctor for validation or diagnosis.
adequate equipment and supplies. Stage 2: Assumption Of sick role stage This stage occurs when the person feels the
• People should utilize all the health services provided by the reality that he is Sick and the impact of his illness on his health. Initially care is limited to
government. E.g. immunization, family planning, mother home remedies and self-doctoring and advice is sought within "lay referral system". In
• and child health program, incentive schemes etc. this stage the most important thing is the provisional validation of friends and relatives to
claim the illness.
If family and friends are supportive of 5he suffer he will go to third stage but if feels
HEALTH AND SICKNESS IN DIFFERENT STAGES OF HUMAN rejected (in some cases like HIVAIDS leprosy, hepatitis B etc.) from family and society,
EVOLUTION he may not go the third stage, they suffer may depressed, lonely and sometimes death
human evolution has been divided into 4 stages, which are : may occur.
1. Hunting stage (disease before man) For evidence of the Sick people usually worry about own diagnosis. job, financial condition. family
presence of disease in prehistoric Animals, humans were dependent management in his absence, he may be anxious about the cure, treatment and prognosis of
almost entirely on the record provided by bone fragments and teeth. his disease etc. Therefore family members support must be very important.
The fossils reword suggests that in the ancient times as today disease Stage 3: Medical care contact stage When the person accept that he is ill, he seeks
were aperies specific where as other appeared to be common affliction validation from Significant other and seek help from care takers. He takes different
medical opinion until he acknowledges that the illness will cured by the
to all animals. In Asiatic society where people totally dependent with
exact doctor. This process of "shopping around" continuous till he realizes that his
natural economic resources suffered from malnutrition, GI problems, disease will be cured by the exact doctor. We should not forget that "illness is not merely
water borne diseases along with fractures, wound injuries etc. were a biological disorder individual organism-it is social crises and period of re adjustment
common problems .The treatment process or medicated ingredients for the entire group of people" Therefore it takes time for the settlement of the social life.
were natural products used unknowingly in daily lives. Gradually change caused by illness is resolved band coping mechanism is recognized.
2. Food gathering stage Since agriculture was unknown stage 4: Dependent Client Role
hunting and food gathering used to done within the immediate After accepting the illness and seeking treatment, the client becomes dependent on the
environment. The disease in this stage derived from pathogens which professional for help. People vary greatly in the degree of ease with which they can give
up their independence, Particularly in relation to life and death. Role obligations—such as
were able survive in small population Most common viral disease such
Those of wage earners, father, mother, and student—complicate the Decision to give up
as measles, small pox, poliomyelitis, mumps Were seen While independence. Most people accept them dependence on the primary care provider,
gathering food. In pre-agricultural era, men were as susceptible as they although they retain varying degrees if control over their own lives. For some client's
are now to the infection by virus responsible for respiratory disorder illness may meet dependence needs that have never been met and thus provide
like influenza. common cold and others. satisfaction. Other people have minimal dependence needs and do everything, possible
In many primitive females were particularly at the disadvantages during to return to independent functioning.
their reproductive years primarily because of inadequate food Stage 5: The recovery or rehabilitative stage 'This is the last stage of illness in which
supply .When there was extended food shortage and deficiency of patient tries to adopt the Illness situation but the way of adaptation and recovery depends
Upon different rituals and symbolic action.
vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron situation became more
In this the patient new of worth develops and to some extent anxiety is reduced. The sick
critical to pregnant women and fetus that is there occurred IUD, IUGR person re-asses the meaning of life and becomes increasingly independents, stable,
still birth. outward looking and involved in certain decision making. This stage includes following
For the above reasons and other mortality rate and maternal reason it tasks:
shows that infant high and mortality rate Would have would have Re-assessment of the life' s meaning
persisted at low levels Re-integration of body image
• Re-solution of role change-acceptance of role change. • During the changing concept of public health, it was found that health care services
Health: In past, Health used to be viewed in relation to normal value of biomedical in developed country was utilized by almost all population where as in developing
concept parameter. Later the concept of health was exploded to complete physical, mental country only 10 - 20 % of total population could fulfill their basic needs. This
and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." showed the vast difference between developed and developing country. Not only
Politics: It is based on good judgment wise and prudent (sensible and careful). It is this, morbidity and mortality rate were also high; this situation gave alertness to
connected with the state government or public affairs. Politics comes from/within the WHO committee. So in 1978 AD Alma - Ata conference was held in which the new
people i.e. all kind of people proletarians to capitalistic and landlords to peasant features. concept of PHC developed with the aim of "I-health for all by 2000'. This concept
In other words, by politics we should think of the way of running human society, was implemented. However, difference amuse on its applicability to the 3 rd world
progressively shaping it through all turns of its developing. When we go through the countries in the face of its scarce resources
history during the period from Asiatic stage to the 21st century, human society has • Similarly, in developed countries, health issue is a major concern during election
experienced numerous forces acting on it. campaign and also during budget preparation where generally 18 - 20 % of the total
Health Politics budget is allocated. But in developing countries, health is one of the issues in
It includes most of the influencing factor have something to do with the organization and election campaign which reflects the concern of political parties on solving health
management, of health care, the distribution of resources and authority in any community problems of the country. But during budget allocation, due to lack of resources, we
of people livelihood and so on. However we can say health politics has direct implication can only see 7 - 9% of the total budget is allocated for the health.
on the formulation and execution of politics, law and act that way or the legal treatment • In developed countries, while delivering major political speech, political
with relation to health professionalism, health protection/promotion and health care leaders/elected leaders focus on providing quality health services to all in affordable
market. Similarly, health Politics decides the type of health services to be catered the price. This shows their commitment to improve the health status of the country.
development and the structure of health institution and deputation of human resource. Whereas in developing countries health is generally secondary issues.
Policy: Plan of action, statement of ideas etc. proposed or adopted by government, • During changing concept of health it is found to be changes: Biomedical concept
political parties, business organization etc. These include: which used to believe on germs theory than again ecological concept developed
- Political affairs or life or party politics. gradually psychological concept and finally holistic concept come into existence .
- Politic view belief and practices. So according to these changes health facility and law ware formed.
- Rivalry between political parties and revolutionaries. The Legislature
Concepts of Health Politics Legislature is one of the three important organs of the state. The other two are
Health is the most important aspect of human right. Unless, health is well enough, executive and judiciary. Legislature is mainly responsible for the formation of laws,
people could not perform their work effectively. The most important responsibility in management, and control of executive. The laws passed legislature are implemented by
maintaining health is of the community, country and state. As we all know, a nation the judicial bodies. Legislature is formed by the elected representatives two houses or
political structure very often decides the kind of health problems that arises and the bodies of representatives.
mode of intervention aimed at these and hence the health status. Not only this, Depending on the political system and unique characteristics of a country, it may adopt
approaches in health care differ with variation in the way people and people's health is a unicameral or bicameral legislature. Britain has a bicameral system with the House of
viewed. EG: The choice of comprehensive or selective health care intervention and Representatives and the House of Lords. Nepal also follows the parliamentary system
awareness raising or brain washing in the name of education, structural adjustment of government.
program (SAP) or people empowerment, promoting use of local resources or governed There is a provision of federal legislature with the House of Representative and the
and offered by donor agencies, people involved in cost sharing or benefits sharing or National Assembly in Nepal. Federal legislature in Nepal is also called federal
both and many other things /factors depend on political interest of health planners. parliament.
Therefore, in order to provide equal opportunities equal distribution of health resources In the house of representative there are 165 members from First Past the Post (FPTP)
(man, money and material) facilities, good policy and strategies are to be found. and 110 members from proportional election system totaling 275 members. The term of
Similarly, health status could be improved by multi sectored approach (education , the House Representative is five years. The National Assembly is a permanent
agriculture, electricity, development, health care services etc.). So to follow/fulfill the parliament with 59 members. There are 56 members; 8 members each from seven
above condition, health politics concept was developed. provinces. there are three members nominated by the president of Nepal on the
recommendation of the government. There is a provision of more than one third
Relationship between Health and Politics women lawmakers. The tenure of the members of the national assembly is six years
Health and Politics are inter - related to each other. Some of them are explained below: and tenure of one third members expire in two years.
1. Political Agenda for health: Political parties should have concern about the There is a provision of the speaker and the deputy speaker in the house of
major health need of the country. They should keep major health need on their agenda. representative and the chairperson and the vice chairperson in the National Assembly.
10 years ago, TB, malaria, Kalazar, etc. were the major needs but nowadays new health In both the house there should be representation of different genders and political
problems like HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, cardiac diseases, depression etc. are emerged. parties. There is a certain procedure to present, approve and verify a bill in the federal
So, according to the situation and time, political system should include these problems parliament. A bill can be tabled in any House whereas finance bill has to be tabled only
in their agenda and should take necessary steps to solve those problems. in the House of
2. Policy formation: Policy in health care is the framework on the limitation and Representative. Once a House approves the bill, it has to be immediately sent to the
criteria for delivering health services and health status improvement like: policy to other House for approval. After the approval of the bill from both the House it has to be
reduce IMR, MMR, Fertility rate, morbidity rate, increasing life expectancy etc. So presented to the president for verification. Before it is presented to the president of
political parties those who are in the government should determine the concept and Nepal, it has to be verified by the speaker or the chairperson of the house where it is
opposition political parties should give their inputs and comments for better policy tabled first. The bill thus received has to be verified by the president within 15 days and
formulation addressing health problems of the country. Thus, better and realistic policy both the house has to be informed about it.
formation regarding health by the political leaders shows the close relationship with The constitution of Nepal has a provision of state legislature (Pradesh byabasthapika).
health and politics. In every state legislature there is a provision of 60% members from first past the
3. Implementation: Implementation of health policy is another major area where postelection system and 40% members from proportional election system. The state
political commitment counts most. While implementing health politics, there should be legislature legislates essential laws for its state.
continuity of long term and short-term plans by political body in the government. Not Functions of Legislature
only this, government should also assess the need from grass root level to make sure Making laws- the work of legislative is to make . laws that th e county needs or ends any
that the implementation of health services has been realistic and effective or not. EG in existing laws that contradict the constitution and its provision.
each VDC there is one sub health post, so all the political parties' members of that Different proposal is tabled at the meeting of the parliament. Discussion is held and
VDC should be concerned about the services provided by sub health post. If this finally put forth as a bill, members discus s the bill about its uses, positive and negative
happen there will be active participation in health awareness campaign, improvement effects. They also check whether the proposed laws are related or favorable for the
of infrastructure, delivery of quality care etc. because people must trust political human rights, gender equity and national development. Different committees and sub
leaders. committees modify the bill if necessary and pa ss the bill from the legislature. When it
4. Evaluation and further development: Evaluation of health plans gets signature from the president, then it becomes the law of the country.
implementation and its target is necessary to find out deviation and take corrective Regulation of economy- the annual budget is tabled by th e executive in the parliament;
action to achieve to the target. Political commitment is a major factor for its proper. members of the legislature discuss the proposed budget and only after their approval
implementation and further development of health plans. Similarly, evaluation provides the budget become operational. If legislature finds budget inappropriate, it may even
the opportunity to find out the achievement of goal and measure the degree reject it. So legislature focuses to make the budget regarding the development of the
achievement. country and welfare of the people.
5. 5.Political stability and health care: Political stability plays an important Administrative work- the executive is the head of administration and it is regulated by
role to execute long term and short-term health plans in an effective way. Political the parliament in democratic countries. The head of the executive is appointed by the
instability, definitely interrupts the effective implementation of health plan. Eg we can legislature and remains in the post as long as has the confidence of the legislature. So
take our country. That means, if country faces conflict, War and political clashes then legislature could question executive head whenever needed.
the country has to expense more on security, this Reduces the importance on health Constitutional amendments- sometimes existing articles of the constitution need to be
care and there will not be enough budget in health care to fulfill the health need. So, changed or amended. Only the parliament has the right to amend the constitution.
Political stability and health care are inter related. According to the constitution of Nepal 2072, a two third majority of votes of total
World Trends of Health Politics members of parliament can amend the constitution.
when we see world trends and health politics, we find following trends:
Ratification of national issues- the full cabinet meeting (council of ministers) Executive body of the state includes the cabinet of ministers, other central units
of a country can sign treaties on issues of national importance. These issues and local administrative. The executive is the law implementing agency. The
include minor treaties such as bilateral treaties on trade and welfare programs. executive authority is vested in the council of ministers. There is a provision of
So the treaties that have broader and long-term effects must be approved by federal executive, state executive in a state and local agency executive in local
the legislature. E.G Tanakpur treaty of 2050 B.S between Nepal and India agency.
There is a provision of gaunpalika (rural municipality) or nagarpalika
Political Decisions and Their Effects on Health Policy Formation (municipality) with the executive authority administrative at the local is
Political decision certainly effects the health policy formation, as we know vested with the annual administration, control and conduct of gaunpalika.
policies are formed in higher level. First let us discuss the factors which affect Functions of executive
policy besides political decision. Many factors affect health policy but The function of the executive is broad, general and accountable to the country.
political decisions in the main factor, as political decision is also influenced Its functions range from a simple management of basic needs to the security of
by: the country, and for the smooth administration.
 Companies and parties Administrative work- it includes daily administration and manages the
 International Agencies security, maintains law and order and protects people's lives and properties. It
 Individual ideology of political leaders controls, conducts and regulates administration and ensure a controlling
 Political ideology mechanism. The executive prepares polices, strategies and directives
Thus political decisions affect in policy formation in relation to following for the development and management of people and the society.
areas: The executives can issue different declarations, directions and order for the
a. Frame-work for long term and short-term plan: Health policy for long application of laws, rules and regulations, another work of executive members is
term. and short-term plan are formulated to keep an environment of coordination and cooperation between and among the
based on the political commitments and major health need of the country. s o, ministries, department
political decisions making authority (Health Minister) instruct the health administrative units and service agencies.
planning fanning commission authority to prepare health policy with Diplomatic work- it is the role of executive members to maintain diplomatic
consulting the health experts. So if decision is wrong, it may lead to failure. relation with the other countries. It makes policies and frameworks of foreign
b. Prioritization of health problem While forming policy, political authority affairs, appoints the consular or ambassador to foreign countries and except
should give preference to more emerging problems like HIV/ AIDS, cardiac similar representative from foreign countries. Executive accepts and signs
problems diabetes, hypertension, bird flu etc. So political commitment bilateral and multilateral welfare program related to health.
expressed directly reflect in the policy formation. Management of security and protection- it is the duty of state and executive to
c. Influences and support of stake holders: Political parties on the maintain peace and security in the country. It the duty of executive members to
government should initiate to have a dialogue with the International agencies protect the country from foreign attacks.
(WHO, UNICEF, SCF etc.) and national agencies while forming policy. This Economic management- it is function of the executive to table the national
should consider the ideas given by them. Support by these stake holders plays budget and health budget. A budget is a document of income and expenditure,
vital role while allocated budget to the health sectors. So, for the support of policies and plans. The executive members estimate the budget, fixes tax and
these agencies, policy must be made to some extend by their point of view, collect borrowing. However, all the economic plans should be submitted to the
and the political authority is the main authority to co - ordinate with them. legislature for approval. Executive bodies are the working body for the
d. Implementation of health projects: Once the long term and development and welfare of health.
short-term plans are framed based on need and priority the political Health related role and function of executive
commitment plays important role to allocate budget and its effective Executive health related role and function are as follows:
implementation on time. 1)Planning: Planning is the expected outcome of future. It gives and who the clear
e. Decentralization of Health Care Services: picture of what to do, when to do, how to do will do in future. The executive of
In order to fulfill the goal 'Health for all by 2000' our country has also formed health care are key decisions makers of ministry of health, department of health
the national policy. So according to this policy, Primary health care should be services and key implementers in zonal and
provided from the grass root level so that felt need could be assessed and care district level. The first role of the executives is to prepare yearly plan and actively
could be provided. Therefore this policy of decentralization could be or participate in formulating long term and short-term plan. While planning focuses
certainly affected by political decision. must be done on emerging health problems, and examining the implemented task.
f. Policy related to women health: Political decision can influence the policy 2)Organizing; Organizing is the process of managing resources i n the effective way.
related to women health as we can take example of 'abortion rights' to women Resources mean man (health man power) money, and material. After preparing
which is the major example. Similarly safe motherhood concepts are another plan, the executives' role is to organize these resources as per the requirements.
example. This condition came into existence due to the political decision made Example, making availability of health manpower, (i.e. vacancy announcements,
while forming policy. Besides above condition political decision affect in recruitments, promotion, transfer
policy formation in relation to indirectly affected area. E.g. etc.) drugs, supplies and equipment, infrastructures, HIMS and other materials as
• Education, Economic status • Communication per their plan.
Transportation etc. 3)Leading: Leading is a role of a leader to follow the plan enthusiastically and
willingly to fulfill the desired objective. Executive is the leaders. So they
must/have the ability/to motivate their subordinates to follow the plan by various
Role of Health Advocacy and Lobbying in Health Policy Formation motivational approaches like reward, punishments, training, participation in
Health advocacy and lobbying are carried out by stake holders like -WHO, UNICEF. planning, recognition, continuous medical education (CME), further education etc.
General public, NGO's working in health-related field, government key decision- 4)Controlling: Controlling is finding out deviation during implementation and taking
making authorities, research, suggestion etc. This is done taking under consideration corrective action. This function is carried out by the executives in between projects
of priority of health needs to reform health policy as needed. implementation by conducting performance meeting and checking the performance
While advocating and lobbying the health issues in health policy formation, following with target. Controlling is included in the supervisory activities along with guiding
points must be considered: and supporting, maintaining the standard also.
a. Focus on Priority of Health 5)Evaluation: Evaluation is the continuous process. It shows the outcome of the set
Needs objective i.e. whether objective is met or not met. Mostly the final evaluation is
While lobbying, it should be based on priority of health need. For this, the role of stake done at the end of the project. Evaluation of the program, implementation and its
holders plays vital role. They should focus on new emerging health needs as well as result are carried out by matching/ examining actual outcome with the target that
major health problems. EG: reproductive health, HIV/ AIDS, Bird flu, Malaria, was set during planning. After the evaluation necessary action i.e. corrective
Malnutrition etc. So that government will keep this problem in top priority in health action, re - assessment or re -planning are taken for future activities after
policy formation. evaluation.
b. Study and presentation of health indicators and statistics While lobbying, Executive Decision and Their Effects on Health Policy Formation and Health
should consider the health status existing and see the record of HMIS (Health Program Implementation
Management Information System) which shows data of major health problems of the Executive decision plays vital role for health policy formation and Health
This helps us to prioterized the problem in top priority to reform health policy in future. program implementation. Executives are consultants/ experts whose
Similar statistical data from HMIS help to carry out research ab out major indicators like inputs/suggestions are taken in top priorities for health policy formation. They are
MMR, IMR, vaccination coverage, tile expectancy rate etc. which will be helpful to put directly involved in health program implementation and its evaluation. So until and
in policy for future. Therefore, role of health advocacy and lobbying in health p olicy unless right decisions are done in health-related field, it will be hard to carry out
formation plays important role in reforming policy, making new plan/actions which is the function.
needed to solve the country's health problem. Some examples are: Therefore, while farming health policy and implementing it, executive should have
commitment to fulfill the objectives to address the need of the population. So,
THE EXECUTIVE following things to be considered:
The executive is another organ of the state and an administrative body. Executive 1. Focuses on providing preventive and curative health services to the people of
means a system of government from the center to the local administrative units such as Nepal with top priority given to
rural municipalities and municipality offices • The rural population
Women and children NAMS.
Marginalized group etc. Seek support from international agencies by government in some emerging areas
2. Priority must be given to upgrade the health standard of the need-based like HIV/AIDS polio eradication, safe motherhood etc.
population through PHC approach. Laws must be formed for safety and security of health institution and health
3. Priority must be given to provide F/P, MCH and safe motherhood services in a Professionals. E.g. politicians are not allowed to attack by political party.
more effective manner for:
Population control Challenges in Health
Decrease morbidity and mortality Many challenges are formed in health sectors which are stated below:
(IMR,MMR) a) Inadequate/ lack of health manpower especially in rural areas.
4. Priority must be given to provide the opportunity to the rural people so that they b) Inadequate supplies and equipment and inequitable distribution of supplies.
are access to the modern preventive and curative facilities by provision of outreach c) Black marketing in buying supplies and equipment and even in medicine i.e.
clinics. commission system between import and export.
5. Should focus on preventive, promotive and curative health services in an d) Expensive education/ training for medical professional, not access to all persons i.e.
integrated way. every people/interested person cannot become doctor, nurses easily because of low
economic condition.
e) Health services are becoming more commercial than the social services i.e.
expensive treatment procedure and medicine.
The judiciary of a country makes sure that laws are implemented and justice is served
f) Despite strict law regarding medical shop, still there are uncontrolled medical shop
to people. The judiciary also explains the laws passed by the legislature. The legislature
existing without experienced health professionals.
makes law, executive functions under the laws and the judiciary makes sure that the
g) Manipulation of different new drugs by manufacturing groups without checking its
laws are applied in just ways. The judiciary also functions as the patron of laws and
interprets laws including the constitution. Therefore, legislature, executive and
h) Scarcity of practical area for new nursing and medical students but uncontrolled
judiciary are independent and interrelated organs of the state. In the absence of any
emergence of new nursing and medical colleges.
other two bodies one cannot function properly or functions in an unbiased way.
i) Amendment and reform are lacking to form new health care law due to unavailability
Judiciary Functions through Three Tiers of Courts in Nepal.
of specialists.
Supreme Court: It is an important body of judiciary and it is also called as court of
j) Lack of public awareness on health and medical awareness on health and medical
records, all courts come under it. It has the right to command other level of courts to
negligence resulting in complication
follow the rules.
Implementation of health act
High Court: It is the second highest court and every province in Nepal has high court.
The High Court can control the subordinate courts in the province. The High Court
health behavior modification through legal measures
plays an important role in the appointment, promotion, etc. of the staff of the
subordinate courts including the District Court.
1. Ilaz Garne Ko or on medical practice I Muluki Ain
district court: there is one district court in each district. each district court provides
judicial services within the districts  The civil code (Muluki AM 1963)
Functions of Judiciary
Judicial functions: The main duty of judicial body is to explain laws and provide
 The civil code (Muluki Ain 1976)
justice to dies is to explain the people and punish the offender according to law.
Judicial bodies explain and gives judgment according to the type of case they are  Informed consent
dealing with.  Verbal consent
Interpretation and Formation of Laws: The application and interpretation of laws are
2. Some public offence and punishment act, 2027 BS
the important parts of legal system. Judicial
bodies, especially the Supreme Court, have the right to interpret the laws. 3. Black marketing and other social offences act 2032 BS
Advisory Function: Sometimes, the executive and the legislature cannot take decision
4. Drug abuse control act, 2033 BS
or interpret existing laws or cannot estimate and imagine the impact of laws. In such
case, the executive and the legislature seek advice from the Supreme Court on those
legal and constitutional matters. • Certain drugs are given only through doctor's prescription
Protector of Rights and Freedom: The constitution and other laws of state provide • Through counter signature Eg pethidine injection
rights and freedom to the citizens. If those laws and rights are violated, the judiciary 5.drug act 2035BS
decides whether to give the freedom or punish the violator. A democratic and 6. Consumer protection act, 2054 BS
independent judicial body always protects and provides rights and freedom to people.
patients right
Health Law 7. Human organ transplantation act, 2055 BS
Meaning of Law
8) Food act, 2033 BS
"Art of science what is equitable and good"
"Any kind of rule where by actions are formed is Law." HOOPER
Simply law means legal system of the country or total body of such rules.
Meaning of Health Law
The branch of law dealing with various aspects of health care, including the practices Control of Health Hazard through Health Laws and Regulations
of caregivers and the rights of patients. Laws which made in relation to upgrade,
maintain and carryout the health activities is called health law.
1) Black marketing and other social offences act, 2032 BS
Health law can regulate the production supply and profession of medicine. It is still a
2) Drug abuse control act, 2033 BS
young discipline and growing rapidly in developing countries, where as it is well
3) Pesticides act
developed in developed countries.
4) Breast milk substitutes (Marketing control) act 2049 BS.
Nature of Health Law
5) Environmental protection act, 2053 BS
• Health law is basic and fundamental need.
6) Animal slaughter house and meat
• It provides safe and proper services while providing health care.
examinations act, 2044 BS
• It regulates human behavior in 3 ways: prohibitory (not allowed), mandatory
(should be done), and permissive (with permission from concerned authority). • Law
Legal Protection against Threat in Physical, Mental and Social Health
is stable.
of the Public
• It is research oriented to analysis health issues and form new health law.
Legal protection against threat in physical, mental and social health of the
• Health services must be strictly services oriented not money oriented.
public is supported by all the above-mentioned legal measures and acts. If
• It is independent to make the state law but one should be guided by world
acts and legal measures are applied it will provide protection against threat in
physical, mental and social health of the public.
• Safety and security of patient while providing health services.
Strategies of Health Law
• Consumers protection act
Health Law has made certain strategies which are listed below:
• Drug abuse control act
1. Equitable distribution of health services to overall population i.e. without
• Organ transplantation act
discrimination. E.g. top to bottom, higher to grass root level.
• Environmental protection act. Etc.
2. Focused on emerging health problems. E.g. Safe motherhood services in order to
reduce MMR, IMR and morbidity rate.
3. Focused on private participation of upliftment of health services. E.g.
“Psychology is a science which aims to give us better understanding and control of the “Psychology is a science of behavior”(taking into account the human as well as animal
behavior of the organism as a whole” (William Mc Dougall) behavior) J.B.Watson
"health psychology seeks to advance contributions of psychology to the understanding Psychology deals with the individual, his/her thoughts, and motivating factors for particular
of health and illness through basic and clinical research, education, and service activities behavior. Both sociology and psychology play a role in attempting to understand an
and encourages the integration of biomedical information about health and illness with individual's behavior under particular culture and societal circumstances.
current psychological knowledge" Psychology seeks to identify the causes and reactions based upon the individual. and
Objectives of psychology: commonalities and differences in groups of the individuals; but it all revolves around the
To describe the human behavior. internal function of mind. Psychology, anthropology and sociology all these disciplines
To understand human behavior. rely on science based on reasonable conclusion and try to Understand humanity in their
To find answers to questions about the nature of human behavior. respective spheres of study.
To explain, predict, modify and improve the lives of the people. Psychology, sociology and anthropology are complementary disciplines. Sociology is
behavioral science the study of organization. development and institution of human society. It studies the
it is a science(as psychology, sociology or anthropology) that deals with human action principles underlying the Formation growth and functioning of different kinds of groups.
and seeks to generalize about human behavior in society. it involves the systematic Psychology also studies groups but it the focus of study is individual in group.
analysis and investigation of human and animals' behavior through the study of the past, Psychology borrows finding of sociology in studying the role of culture in group
controlled and naturalistic observation of the present, and disciplined scientific dynamic and behavior.
experimentation. Anthropology is study of the physical, social, and cultural origins. It mostly deals with
definition primitive and ethnic people. It is Particularly concerned with the culture, tradition,
"a branch of science that deals with human action and makes generalizations about social manners. customs, and rituals of different ethnic group. Psychology draws relevant data
behavior" from anthropology regarding the evolution of particular group of people. Anthropologists
"a scientific discipline, such as sociology, anthropology or psychology in which the take information about abnormality and Nature of human through the study of
actions and reactions of humans and animals are studied through observations and psychology.
experimental methods. " The most obvious relation among these three is that all of These disciplines are
Relationship between psychology, sociology and anthropology concerned with study of Fundamental information gained through these three disciplines
Psychology and sociology: they in spite of their difference in the attitude in regard to the gives complete picture about human beings and their behavior
material, it has a good deal of common factors. Macibre has said “it is a difference of Psychology has relationship with anthropology or the "science of man". Anthropology
attitude regard to a common material; sociology gives aid to a psychology just as studies history of human race, physical evolution of mankind. and the development of
psychology gives special aid to sociology.” The relationship between them is human civilization. It is concerned with the social problems of primitive man and their
PSYCHOLOGY SOCIOLOGY culture, tradition, customs. and manners.
It is the study of an individual mind and it It is the study of group of minds or the Psychology studies how cultural factors influence human Behavior. Particularly, the
treats the individual as a complete unit social mind and treats the society as the Cross-cultural psychologists draw from the knowledge base of the anthropologists to
We study the personality, behavior, unit understand unique Features and influences of a culture. They use the methods Of the
thinking, experiences and sensation of the We study the customs, tradition and the Anthropologists. so study of anthropology facilitates the study of psychology. Similarly,
individual problems of the group of individual or the knowledge of abnormal and social psychology helps the anthropologists in
It studies the individual difference society. explaining man. his religion,
because it realizes the difference in the It studies the difference in the social and culture. Moreover, psychological techniques are applied for the comparative study of
individual groups or the society culture.
Its study focuses on the contribution of Its study focuses on the formation of Hence, there is a relationship between anthropology and Psychology. The relationships
the individual towards society, institution social institution and its nature. among anthropology, sociology and Psychology are so close that they are classified
etc. it studies the custom tradition and the under the discipline of behavioral Sciences".
it studies the personality behavior, problems of the group or individual or
thinking, experiences, and sensation of society. BRANCHES / FIELDS OF PSYCHOLOGY
the individual. it studies the differences in the social 1. Educational Psychology
it studies the individual differences groups or the society It is the study of educational problems with reference to psychology. It also includes
because it realizes the differences in the normal processes e.g. testing, learning guiding. Educational psychologists are
individual. specialist in learning and teaching. They are employed by the university where they do
research on teaching method & health train teachers & school psychologists.
Educational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with schools, teaching
Psychology and anthropology: anthropology is a science of human culture and psychology, educational issues and student concerns. Educational psychology often
civilization while psychology studies the working of the individual’s brain. No studies how students learn or work directly with students, parents, teachers and
psychology or culture can properly be studied unless the motivating brain behind is administrators. Educational psychology is devoted to the study of how people learn
properly studied. The relation between them : including individual differences in learning, gifted learners, learning disabilities.
PSYCHOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGY Educational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with scientific study of
In this, reactions or response over In this, the culture and civilization and its human learning. It involves not just the learning process of early childhood and
individual towards the stimuli provided by development are studied. In this study the adolescence but includes the social, emotional, and cognitive that are involved in
the environment are studied. entire human atmosphere forms the subject learning throughout the entire lifespan. The field of educational psychology
the activities or the actions of an matter of study incorporates a number of other disciplines, including developmental psychology,
individual and the guiding motives are the development of man is studied behavioral and cognitive psychology. Educational psychology is the branch of
studied. generally motives are common to it attempts to make to study the psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning. The field of
all individual civilization and culture of man in a educational psychology relies heavily on quantitative methods, including testing and
all human beings re equal and therefore scientific manner and so the differences measurement, to enhance educational activities related to instructional design,
doesn’t distinguish betn the behavior of betn behavior of primitive and civilized classroom management; and assessment, which serve to facilitate learning in various
primitive indi and civilized human beings. man is equally studied. educational settings across the lifespan. Educational psychology both draws from and
greatest stress is laid on the tendency of a the history of past culture and civilization contributes to Cognitive and the learning The field of educational psychology involves
man then only in the culture. of man is studied in the basis of the study of memory, Conceptual processes, and individual differences
remainders of the part of culture and conceptualizing new strategies for learning processes in humans.
civilization. 2. Social Psychology
It deals with behavior of an individual to see how it is influenced by others & how an
Anthropology is the holistic study of human nature, culture, and history. individual influence other’s behavior. It studies various types of group phenomena
Anthropology looks at humanity (generally) from the perspective of examining the such as public opinion, propaganda, attitude, beliefs & crowed behavior.
past in terms of what we can infer from the historical and archeological record. In "social psychology is a discipline that uses scientific methods to understand and
general, the disciplines of sociology and anthropology describe the patterning, explain how the thought, feeling and behavior of individual are influenced by the
problems and prospects of human relationships. Sociology is the study of human actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings"—Gordon Allport
societies and interaction. Sociology seeks to understand human interactions from the3. Developmental Psychology
perspective of how individuals relate to one another from the micro (two people, It deals human growth & factor that shaped behavior from birth to old age in
small groups) to the macro (large groups, societies). Sociology, to a certain degree this psychologist may study of a specific ability, such as how language develop
can make predictions about how individuals will interact with one another, based on & change in growing child or a particular period of life such as infancy the pre-
past data. It can also help to explain why societies (or groups of individuals) act in a school years of adolescence. This branch of psychology looks
particular way. Anthropology and sociology share an interest in the past with history at development throughout the lifespan. from childhood to adulthood. The
and equally concerned with current event. Sociology differs from Anthropology in scientific study of human development seeks to understand and explain how and
that it deals with the interactions of groups of individuals as the basis of its study, why people change throughout life. This includes all aspects of human growth,
whereas anthropology deals the whole of a society. It's artifact, it's history, as well as including physical, emotional. intellectual, social, perceptual and personality
the and environmental conditions that humans existed in at the time. It offers a much development. Developmental psychology focuses on human growth throughout
broader view, and calls upon the study of sociology when attempting to understand the lifespan. Childhood is obviously a time Of Tremendous change, but people
how and why people in a society interacted based on the evidence available.
continue to grow and develop during the early adult, middle age, and years. In Besides above adjustments, nurse needs to develop a professional personality. In
this section. learn more about topics including child these adjustments, psychology will stand her in good stead.
development, intellectual development. cognitive development, and the aging 5. It will help her to understand other people: With scientific knowledge of human
process. developmental psychology is the scientific study of systematic nature, she will understand them better and thus achieve greater success in
experiences over the course of his/her life span. Developmental psychology is interpersonal relationships. She will learn why others differ from her in their likes
Often referred to as human development. It to just focus on and young children, and dislikes, in their interest and ability or in their reactions to others.
but also includes teenagers and adults today- the whole human lifespan. 6. It helps to provide quality care to patients :The nurse with good knowledge of
4. Child Psychology Psychology can understand what fears or anxieties the patient faces. what he feels,
Studies behavior of children from birth to about 12 years of age. it is the what he would like to know, why he behaves in that way.
important branch of psychology. it studies the child from the prenatal state up to 7. It helps to improve situations by helping others to solve their problems: A nurse
adolescent's stage. it studies the development of child. it discovers the secrets of trained in Psychology Can be an effective health educator and can help in this kind
the child world and so gives us an insight into the ways of controlling it as well of adjustments. The study of Psychology helps the student nurse to appreciate the
as to old it accn to accepted social values. it studies the behavior of the children; necessity for changing environment or surroundings It helps to eliminate bum out
the focus is on the factor which influence the physical, motor, emotional, and syndrome to nurses.
social and language development un children. it offers suggestion on positive 8. It helps for effective studying. Psychology helps the nurse to understand the
parenting practices. close relationship between body, mind and spirit.
5. Occupational Psychology 9. Knowledge of Psychology helps in giving social support to patients during
It applies the principle of psychology to the worth place. this is the study of hospitalization.
human behavior at work inc methods of selecting personnel, improving
productivity, and coping with stress. it aims to help an org get the best METHODS OF PSYCHOLOGY
performance from their employees and also to improve employees job Psychology has special tool and procedure to help us in gathering & organizing its
satisfaction. subject matter or the essential facts about it. These procedures are called methods.
The following are some of its methods. The following are some of its methods.
Importance/Significance of Psychology and Behavioral Science in Nursing 1.Introspection: It is one of the older methods & is peculiar to psychology it is
Psychology has necessary in every profession including nursing today. A will composed of two words ‘intro’ & ‘aspection’. Intro means within or inward &
not be able to function efficiently if she does not have knowledge of acceptation means looking. Hence it implies to self-observation or looking within or
psychology. Psychology is of interest to nurses because its subject matter is that looking inward to experience one’s own mental state. In other words, it is a method
of human behavior. Nurses meet people every moment of them working day. of self-Observation for example a patient has just gain consciousness after an
Illness behavior is shaped by the culture and society we live in. Nurses need to operation. A doctor or a nurse may ask him “how are you feeling now?” the patient
demonstrate an understanding of importance of dignity and respect for patients will try to look within & recall what happen, how he is feeling now & will
and their families as they will have different cultures. Study of science helps in accordingly report. In making this report, the patient is making use of this method,
providing patient-centered care. TO achieve this, nurses need to examine their through it is a method in which the individual observe, analyses & reports his own
own values, beliefs, and culture which can have a Significant negative impact feelings, thoughts or all that passes in his mind during the course of a mental art or
on their patients. They need to ensure that they provide nonjudgmental, experience.
personalized Care to their patients. The relationship with other into which enter 2.Observation :This method is also called the method of objective observation
in the course of work, make the job interesting and rewarding. Some of the behavior of a certain individual is observed by somebody other than that peso
people nurses meet may behave in a manner which is difficult to understand. himself or herself. It consists of the collection of data by means of observing
1. it enables her to understand herself: This implies an understanding of her behavior which may be expressed in the form of bodily changes, bodily action,
motives, desires, emotions and ambitions. Nurse herself will realize how her gestures, and facial expression & speech. When a nurse is asked to give an
personality is highly individualistic and complex, how she thinks, feels and observation report on a patient who has been admitted to their ward for & on
reasons, how she arrives at decisions in her life and how she solves problems. diagnosed illness, she may make use of this method e.g. when she reports her
This means, she will understand the basic mental processes which lie behind her observation, restlessness, tossing about etc. this ,method, we don’t make an attain to
behavior. Example: she has chosen to be nurse, why? Psychology helps her control the conditions under which behavior is to be observed. We observed it in its
understand how several factors have influenced her choice: her own ambition natural setting, as we find it.
and ideals, her desire to work with and for other people, the reaction of her 3. Experimental method This is a method of objective observation under controlled
parents, brother and sisters. Similarly, the reactions of her parents, brothers and condition. The use of this method has raised psychology to the status of an
sisters, the attitude of her teacher or teachers towards this profession; the need experimental science like physiology, biology, chemistry etc.
of economic self-sufficiency and others. Not only this, it will help nurses in J. W. best describes it as “experimental research in the description and analysis of
assessing her ambitions, strength and limitations and her reactions to others and what will occur under carefully controlled conditions” in this method, all the
to various situations. This insight into her own behavior and what lies behind it conditions affecting the behavior are held constant or uncharged; only one single
will enable her to control situations and thus attain self-discipline. specific condition is changed. This specific condition is called dependent variable &
2. it helps the student nurse in understanding other people: other condition are called dependent variable. For e.g. we want to study
She has to work; study and live with other nurses, patients, doctors, visitors etc. experimentally the day-to-day influence of room temperature on a group of students
She has scientific knowledge of human nature so she can understand them better who are learning. We will have to use the group at the same time with always the
and thus achieve greater success in inter-personal relationships. She will learn same conditions of sitting, lighting, absence of disturbances, interests or purpose &
why others differ from her in their likes and dislikes, in their interests and direction given but with varying room temp form sitting to sitting. Thus will be able
abilities or in their reactions to others. She will realizes how differences in to take with confidence after carrying out this experiment for a few days that the
behavior are due; to some extent, to differences in customs, belief or cultural most effective mental work is accomplished, at least for this subject (students with
patterns to which she belongs or to the way she has been brought up during her room temp. say 70 F.).
early years. Psychology will help nurse to develop attitude of tolerance, which 4. Clinical Method :It is one of the most recent & challenging methods of
is essential for all types of human adjustments. But it is true that, the study of studying behavior. It is used by clinical psychologists, psychiatric social
psychology will not solve all her problems because, psychology alone cannot workers in child guidance clinics or mental hygiene clinics. We use this
impart a complete understanding all human behavior. method when we want to understand the causes & sources of people tears,
3. psychology will help to appreciate the necessity of changing the anxiety, worries, obsessions, their personal. Vocational & social
environment or surrounding: The change in the environment is sometimes maladjustments.
necessary for better adjustment and happiness. Example: eye-glasses and For e.g. a nurse under training has intense fear of darkness & closed spaces;
hearing aids have been developed and introduced into the environment of those she cannot explain these fears she cannot study at night in her door closed.
with sensory deficiencies to assist them in their attempts to achieve a more We can use this method in order to understand her behavior & its causes.
harmonious relationship with their surroundings. A child who is denied 5.the test method: this method uses of carefully devised and standardized
completely the affectionate care of parents may do better when given care of tests for measuring aptitudes, interests, achievements, and intelligent and
foster parents. personality traits. A psychological test can be defined as, a brief sample of
4. psychology will throw light on the interdependence of body, mind and spirit: someone's behavior obt under std conditions and scored accn to a fixed set
There is an interdependence of body, mind and spirit, this is known through pf rules that provide a numeric score of classification.
psychology. For example when a nurse is worried about an important examination for they are used to assess a variety of mental abilities and attributes inc
which she feels ill prepared she loses her appetite. It is also true that when she works in achievements and ability, personality and neurological functioning. types of
a ward where the atmosphere is one of happy cooperation, she can work very hard and psychological test include intelligence test, neuropsychological test,
not feel tired. But if atmosphere is of tension and criticism, she certainly feels hard to occupational tests, personality tests and specific clinical tests such as
work. The student nurse has to make a number of adjustments in order to work current level of anxiety or depression. through aa testing a lot of info is
effectively and efficiently with other people. These adjustments are: gathered in a relatively short time. test also provides the adv of establishing
Adjustment to her new environment which is so different from her house. a starting point for educating a pt. on aspects of mental health in general.
Adjustment to her patients suffering from various illness and different age groups. effective psychological tests are objective, reliable, valid based on sound
Adjustment to her work routine along with study. norms and standardized.
The word emotion is derived from the Latin word” EMOVER’ which means the nurse should avoid tensions at all cost; she should develop a sound philosophy of life
“TO STIR UP” or “TO EXCITE”. So, emotion can be understood as an agitated and learned self-control. For above reasons a nurse requires knowledge of emotions, its
or excited state of our mind and body. Emotion plays a major role in influencing nature, dynamics and control.
our behavior. An emotion is a strong feeling. Life will be dreary without motive
feelings like joy and sorrow, excitement and disappointment, love and fear, Motive energizes & directs one's behavior along a channel. When a motive is at work it
hope and dismays etc. thus emotion add colors and spice to the life. creates tension & these tensions arouse the individual towards an activity that will relive
Definitions: of emotion the tensions. motives include basic drives, interest, likes & dislikes desires & attitudes bc
“Emotion is an affective experience that accompanies generalized linear all these moves us to same action. a motive is the force that initiates, sustains, and directs
adjustment and mental and psychological stirred-up states in the individual and the activity of an organism.
that shows itself in his overt behavior” (Crow and Crow) definition of motive
“Emotion is a complete effective experience that involves diffuse psychological a need gives rise to one or more motives. a motive is a rather specific process which has
changes and can be expressed overtly in characteristic behavior patterns” been learned. it is directed towards a goal-- carol 1969
(Charles.G.Morris) a motive may be defined as a readiness or depositions to respond in some ways and not
Ways of expressing and controlling emotion others to a variety of situations
while defining emotion, most of the psychologists agree on four basic words motivation is a term that refers to a process that elicits, controls, and sustains behavior.
which are important and are follows: Motivation is the act of stimulating or energizing people to put the effort to intensity into
1.There is a stimulus situation that provokes the reactions. the activities they choose to perform. it is willingness to exert high levels of effort to get a
2.There is a positively negatively toned conscious experience- emotion that we desired action.
feel. defn of motivation
3.There is a bodily state physiological arouser produced by the autonomic motivation is to do things which satisfy drives and desires and induce the subordinates to
nervous system acts into a desired manner.---koontz and weihrich
4.There is related behavior that accompanies the emotion- trembling legs, the term motivation refers to goal directed behavior that is characterized by the process of
shaking hands, dry mouth etc. selecting and directing certain actions among voluntary activities to achieve goal.
Measures to control emotions
In order to control her emotions nurses has to use following measures; LEARNING Should learn as much as you can about emotions – Their causes, reaction Meaning: Learning simply means getting new things. So, most of the human
and consequence. The more you know about them the greater is the power you behaviors are acquired through learning.
have over them. Definition: “Learning is relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a
2.Try to avoid emergency situation as much as possible, since they cause result of experience or re – enforced practice.”
excessive emotional reaction – Develop the habit of planning daily life and “Learning is the mental activity by means of which knowledge, skills, attitude, ideals
future activities so that we have as few emergencies as possible. and appreciations are acquired resulting in the modification of behavior.”
3.Cultivate hobbies, habits of reading and wholesome friendships. “Learning is the acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes. It involves new ways
4.Keep yourself busy by participating in useful activities, dramatics, music or of doing things and it operates in an individual’s attempt to overcome obstacles or to
games. These activities will direct your attention from emotion provoking adjust to new situations. It represents progressive change in behavior. (Crow and crow)
experiences. Thus, learning creates/makes the behavior change, which includes both overt (directly
5.develop A positive philosophy of life will enable you to avoid mental conflicts observed behavior) and covert (indirectly observed behavior).
and emotional reactions. Learning is the change in behaviors that results from the experience gained by a person
6.Control unreasonable and excessive external expression of emotion- they by responding or interacting with/to his environment.
excite other people and cause further emotionality. Factors Influencing/Affecting Effective Learning
7.Thorough understanding of oneself, one’s limitation and power helps in A. Nature Of the learner
controlling one’s emotion. Motivation level, maturation, age category, interest and curiosity level are
-examine your conflicts and motion objectively and face facts realistically. different in each learner which affects learning. High intellectual and motivation
8.A well-developed sense of humors will help you forget your petty annoyances helps to learn better but these are different in learner. In other words, the
and irritations. intelligence level; goal/ aims; needs, interests, level of motivation ; maturation
9. try to find out humorous elements in situation. level; capability, learning experience; the state of physical and mental health, and
-laugh and enjoy life and avoid unpleasant emotional experiences. pace of learning of the learner affects the learning. The nature of the learner"
-solve problem by problem solving approach refers to how each learner learns. For example, most teaching is done through
-think positively . work as a routine . involve in exercise, yoga meditation lectures, where the teacher talks to convey the important points. But some students
-keep yourself busy by participating in useful activities, music or games. these are Visual learners; they must see a concept to understand it. Still students learn
activities will direct your attention from emotion provoking experiences. best by hands-on manipulation.
Ways to control emotions in patients: 1. Motivation :The role of motivation in learning is very important. All learning is
When you first come in contact with a patient, he/she will respond to whatever not the same; it differs according to the level of motivation.
message you give through the tone of your voice and body language. When the motivation is high, we learn without taking much time.
1. Help the patient feel welcome and at ease: Give a warm welcome to the Motives are the dynamic force that energize behavior and compel
patient . Let him feel that he is an important guest. Let not the patient know the individual to act .The direction of learning will depend upon
your feelings (frustrations, dissatisfaction towards work due to work load or any the relative strength of motives. Unsatisfied motives or needs
negative feeling towards the patient) .Provide a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere to compel the individual to satisfy, them which initiates a learner to
the patient. Motivation is the heart of the learning process. It generates the
2. Understand his negative emotion :Normally the patient is less self- Will in an individual to do something.
controlled than the nurses, they are tense, irritable and unbalanced. Therefore 2. Maturation: Maturation helps in the process of learning. Leeming is very much based
the nurse has to be very patient, mature and balanced in her behavior towards on maturation. We learn things when we are mature to learn them. A child has to
the patient. the nurse should understand the patient's negative attitude rel to the physically matured before he can learn to walk or run. But maturation is important only
neg emotion and nurse should approach calmly and quietly should be balanced to a certain point. Learning is directly dependent upon age and maturation. No learning
in her behavior. can take place unless individual is matured enough to learn. Some children can learn
3. Promote positive feelings :Substitute the negative emotions of the patient better at earlier age while others take more time to learn the same content includes bodily
by positive thoughts. She should try to eliminate fear, anger, worry, anxiety and change which are primarily a result of heredity or the traits are primarily a result of
resentment from her and her patients. this requires healthy interpersonal heredity or the traits that a person inherits from his parents which that a person inherits
relationships. the nurse should avoid fears anger and negative emotion from pt. from his parents which are genetically determined, preprogrammed are genetically
and herself determined, preprogrammed inherited biological patterns are
4. Develop empathy: Nurse should establish empathetic behavior to patient. reflected in inherited biological patterns are reflected in
That means understanding patient’s situation feelings and motives . should show maturation.
the respect to the patients. 3. Interest and Curiosity :Anything which arouses curiosity or increases interest is
5. Prevent psychosomatic illness :Nurse need to spent more time with the likely to facilitate learning. Interest and curiosity are increased if the study is related to
patient with patience and attention. Such patient need help to relax and the nurse Our own personal lives or it has direct application to everyday life. Various types of
must arrange professional counseling for such patient when required. the nurse interests of the students can exploited to facilitate their learning. The interests during
should verbalize the pts emotions and feeling regarding treatment and nursing early infancy are mostly limited and short lived. As the child grows older his interests
intervention and should present stress leading to psychosomatic problems. diversify and stabilize.
Nursing implications of emotions the knowledge abt emotions is imp for a 4. Mental health of learner :The person who is mentally healthy can learn better. If
nurse. normally thefts are less self-controlled bc of their illness. they may be a person is mentally healthy then his/her thoughts, feelings and actions function
tense irritable, and imbalanced. therefore, the nurse has to be very mature and harmoniously. He is self-confident, adequate and free from Worries, fears, day
balanced in her behavior towards the pt. The nurse has to substitute pts negative dreams and inferiority feelings Hinder learning. Described emotional conditions
emotions by positive emotions. She has to replace her fear, depression and enhance the quality and speed of learning. Happiness, joy and satisfaction are
hatred by hope courage and love.
Always factorable for any type of learning. Adverse emotional condition, on the Environment: the surroundings of the individual from birth to death are an
other hand, hinder learning. environment.
5.Goal :The setting of goals helps in making the learning purposeful and interesting"Environment covers all the outside factors that have acted on the individual since the
and interest helps in effective learning child begins the lift. "
B. Learning situation :learning situation provides opportunity for learning. The
quality speed and effectiveness of learning depends much upon the kind of learning
situation and environmental situations available to learner. Healthy and favorable Physical environment: all the physical features that have an effect on the
learning environment brings satisfactory results in learning while the and individual. E.g. land, food climate. Shelter, clothing etc.
unfavorable learning environment proves an obstacle in the path of learning Emotional environment: intellectual atmosphere at home, school and community,
C .Nature of the material and environment :Learning is influenced considerably by e.g. child learns new experiences unconsciously which becomes a part of his mental
the amount and length of the material to be learned. The more meaningful the make-up.
learning material, the faster it is learned. The utilization of variety of learning Social environment: place where an individual live and work. E.g. family, school,
materials that makes the use of the maximum Number of senses, as they are the society, community, group, playmates etc.
gateway of knowledge for the Cultural environment: it helps individual in learning. Eg social values, tradition,
learner, will facilitate learning. The physical environment such as, customs, cultural traits, belief, sentiments
Noise pollution, heavy or poor light; social environment makes 1. Child is born with some heredity traits. They are raw and imperfect at
the learning more difficult. this stage, so a healthy environment provides good opportunities for development.
Society 2. The individual has an opportunity to unfold the traits and fulfils them to
The term "society "is derived from Latin word 'societus' which means make necessary improvements if possible, through positive environment.
'companionship' or 'friendship'. A number of likeminded individuals who know and 3. Both heredity and environment are essential for achievements and
enjoy their like mindedness and are therefore able to work together for common coacting influences.
ends. 4. Man has a wonderful capacity for adaptation. He can adopt the environment for
A complex of group in reciprocal relationship interaction upon one another enabling himself.
human organism to carry on their life activities and helping each person to fulfils his 5. Adaptation capacity is to some extend taken from heredity.
wishes. 6. Heredity and environment cannot be separated, both are equal cannot be eliminated.
So these are important for individual.
Individual development is influenced by heredity and environment so following
Definitions factors are essential for better development.
"Society is the sum of formal relations in which individuals are associating together Home environment
or bounded together" Parents should provide a conducive and healthy environment.
-Giddings • Meet the needs of child.
"Society is a system of usages and procedures, authority and mutual aid of many
• Identify child ' s talent and encourage them.
groupings and divisions of controls of human behavior and of liberties "
-- Maciver and Page • Avoid over pampering.
"The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community." • Give responsibility and freedom for accomplishment of
"An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity. " • certain objectives.
Characteristics of Society • Give and keep conflict free atmosphere.
• It is composed of likeminded people. School environment
• people have mutual awareness, reciprocal interaction and • School physical environment should be attractive with all the
• There is difference among the people (e.g. interests, personality (ability, talents, • facilities needed for them.
attitudes etc.) • School environment should encourage broad social interest
• It should promote social solidarity and social cohesions. • of the child. Encourage them to participate in debates and
• It should be dynamic • other cultural activities
• It should have and common interests (division of labor) • School should provide social environment. e.g. playmates,
• It should have its own distinct culture. • encourage child to contribute the of the societal
• Each society should have its own distinct culture (e. g. judgments, Morales etc.)
• development with adequate exposure to cultural life.
Elements Of society
• Mutual interaction of individual
• Mutual inter-relationship between individuals (mutual) awareness Relationship between Individual and Society
• Common propensity (we feeling)
• Like mindedness 1. Individual is a social being. He cannot stay Without society.
• Interdependence 2. All the cultural elements are formed by individual to run the society.
• Co-operation 3. People/ individual becomes socialized from society.
• Implies differences/ variations 4. Individual makes societal function and performs themselves.
5. Society facilitates collective thinking, collective acting, interacting which helps in
Individual in Relation to Heredity and Environment individual development. Society determines the individual personality. It teaches an
individual where and how to behave.
6. Individual and society are mutually interdependent.
For the development of individual personality from its heredity and environment plays an
7. society helps individual to live with group and work in groups
important role.
8. Individual is a part of social system. Various social systems to co-operate
1. Heredity: heredity is divided into Biological heredity, physical heredity and
and co-ordinate to meet the societal needs.
psychological heredity.
Meaning of sociology
Biological heredity: a biological mechanism as a result of which the child gets
something from his ancestor stock through his parents. A dictionary meaning sociology is the systematic study of society and
social interaction. The word "sociology" is derived from Latin word
physical heredity: the entire physique of the individual. E.g. size, structure, appearance socius (companion) and the Greek word logos (speech reason), which
form, color of the skin and eyes etc. together mean "reasoned speech a companionship".
definition of sociology
"The science of social phenomena subjected to natural laws, the
psychological heredity: intelligence, mental traits (memory, reasoning, imagination,
discovering of which is the objective of investigation". -august comte
thought process etc.) instincts and tendency to commit crime etc.
"sociology is the scientific study of patterns of human behavior as they
emerge and crystalize out of the interaction of human beings in the group
which comprise society.

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