Improved Corneal Bioavailability of Ofloxacin: Biodegradable Microsphere-Loaded Ion-Activated in Situ Gel Delivery System

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Drug Design, Development and Therapy Dovepress

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Open Access Full Text Article Original Research

Improved corneal bioavailability of ofloxacin:

biodegradable microsphere-loaded ion-activated
in situ gel delivery system
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Drug Design, Development and Therapy
10 March 2015
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Elshaimaa G Sayed 1 Abstract: The aim of the study was to improve corneal penetration and bioavailability of
Amal K Hussein 1 ofloxacin (OFX) eye preparations. OFX was incorporated in poly (lactide-co-glycolide) as bio-
Khaled A Khaled 1 degradable microspheres using oil in oil emulsion solvent evaporation technique. The prepared
Osama AA Ahmed 1,2 OFX microspheres were then incorporated in Gelrite® in situ gel preparation. In addition, OFX
Gelrite-based in situ gel formulations were prepared. OFX formulations were characterized for
Department of Pharmaceutical
Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Minia gelling capacity, viscosity, and rheological properties. Release studies for OFX microspheres,
University, Minia, Egypt; 2Department OFX in situ gel, and OFX-loaded microspheres in situ gel formulations were carried out to
of Pharmaceutics and Industrial investigate release characteristics of the drug. The prepared OFX formulations were then inves-
Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, tigated in vivo compared with commercially available OFX eyedrops. Results showed that the
Saudi Arabia optimum Gelrite concentration was at 0.4%–0.7% w/v; the prepared formulations were viscous
liquid transformed into a pourable gel immediately after the addition of simulated tear fluid
with a gelling factor of 27–35. Incorporation of OFX-loaded microspheres in Gelrite solution
(0.4% w/v) significantly altered the release profiles of OFX-loaded microspheres in situ gel
formula compared with the corresponding OFX gels and OFX microspheres. In vivo results in
rabbits showed that OFX-loaded microspheres in situ gel formula improved the relative bioavail-
ability by 11.7-fold compared with the commercially available OFX eyedrops. In addition, the
longer duration of action of OFX-loaded microspheres in situ gel formula preparations is thought
to avoid frequent instillations, which improves patient tolerability and compliance.
Keywords: corneal delivery, fluoroquinolones, gellan gum, Gelrite, simulated tear fluid

Ofloxacin (OFX) is a second-generation fluoroquinolone with a broad spectrum of
action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.1,2 It is a potent agent against
various ocular species, including Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Streptococcus pneumonia, chlamydial species, and various anaerobes.3 Reports showed
that the mean concentration of OFX in the aqueous humor exceeded the minimum
inhibitory concentration for 90% (MIC90) of the frequently occurring gram-positive
and gram-negative bacteria after topical application of 0.3% OFX eye drops.4,5 Of the
topically applied fluoroquinolones, OFX achieved the highest aqueous humor concen-
tration.4 Corneal precipitations of topically applied fluoroquinolones frequently occur
Correspondence: Osama AA Ahmed due to the formation of the zwitterionic form near the physiologic pH. This lowers
Department of Pharmaceutics their solubility and hence precipitation can occur at this pH. Although precipitation
and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty
of Pharmacy, King Abdulaziz University,
has not yet been reported for OFX eye drops, deposits may occur.6
PO Box 80200, 21589, Jeddah, Topical drug delivery is the most common method of administration for treatment
Saudi Arabia
of diseases of the anterior segment of the eye as it is simple, convenient, and painless.7–9 However, less than 10% bioavailability is achieved for topical ocular drug application.

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The low bioavailability is attributed to the ocular protecting avoid frequent instillations, which improves patient toler-
biological barriers such as the impermeable corneal epithe- ability and compliance.
lium, which represents a barrier for drugs to penetrate into the
eye.7–9 Moreover, rapid elimination of instilled ophthalmic Materials and methods
drug solution occurs from the precorneal area as a result of the Materials
lacrimal secretion and nasolacrimal drainage. Consequently, Poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide), Gelrite (deacylated gellan
frequent instillation of ophthalmic solutions is required to gum), and cellophane membrane were purchased from
achieve the required therapeutic effects.10 Accordingly, effi- Sigma-Aldrich Co. (St Louis, MO, USA). OFX was kindly
cient topical delivery of drugs to ocular tissues is a challenge gifted by Al-Kahira Pharmaceutical Company (Cairo,
to formulation scientists.9 Egypt). Polyvinyl alcohol was purchased from Fluka
Novel technologies were developed to improve the bio- Chemie GmbH (Steinheim, Germany). Dichloromethane
availability of ophthalmic drugs. Mucoadhesive systems, in (DCM), acetonitrile (ACN), methanol (MeOH), petroleum
situ gelling systems, microparticulate systems, microemul- ether, liquid paraffin, sodium bicarbonate, calcium chloride
sions, vesicular systems, implants, prodrugs, penetration dihydrate, sodium chloride, polyethylene glycol 6,000, and
enhancers, and dendrimers are examples of the applied isopropyl myristate were purchased from El-Nasr Phar-
technologies.11–21 Pharmaceutical particulate technology maceutical Co. (Cairo, Egypt). Ketamine 50 mg/mL was
for the delivery of ophthalmic drugs is used to extend drug supplied by Sigma-Tec Pharmaceutical Industries (Cairo,
release and improve patient compliance.22 The technology can Egypt), and ACN and MeOH for high performance liquid
also improve the residence time of the encapsulated drug.14 chromatography (HPLC) was supplied by EMD Millipore
Ophthalmic microparticles should not exceed 10 µm in size, (Billerica, MA, USA). All other solvents and chemicals
otherwise, a scratching feeling in the eye can occur that could were of analytical grade.
lead to corneal abrasion and injury.15 Bioadhesive ocular
microspheres are novel delivery systems that remain adherent Methods
to the ocular surface for a prolonged time. As a result, the Preparation of OFX microspheres using oil in oil
bioavailability of the encapsulated drug is improved.12,23,24 emulsion technique
In situ-forming hydrogels are liquids which undergo OFX microspheres were prepared using oil in oil (O/O)
phase transition upon instillation to a viscoelastic gel in emulsion solvent evaporation technique. Briefly, poly (DL-
response to physiological conditions in the cul-de-sac.12,14 lactide-co-glycolide) was dissolved in a mixture of ACN,
Three types of physiological changes can induce phase DCM, and MeOH in a ratio of 6:4:1, in screw-capped test
transition; they are: change in temperature, change in pH, or tubes, to make 4% w/v solutions. OFX was added to the
change in electrolyte composition.14 The increase in the vis- organic phase and then sonicated for 10 seconds using a probe
cosity upon instillation results in prolonged ocular residence sonicator under cooling (Heidolph MR 3001; Heidolph,
time.14,25 In situ gels are preferred because they are liquids Schwabach, Germany). The organic phase was then added
that can be easily dropped in the eye. In addition, they allow dropwise to 50 mL of liquid paraffin containing lecithin
for reproducible instillation of accurate doses in comparison (2% w/v) and was homogenized at 20,000 rpm (T10 basic
with instillation of preformed gels.12 Low acylated gellan ULTRA-TURRAX, IKA, Staufen, Germany) for 2 minutes
gum (commercially available as Gelrite®) is a polysaccharide to obtain the O/O emulsion. The formed emulsion was then
that undergoes phase transition to clear gel in the presence stirred under a slower speed (500 rpm) overnight to allow
of mono- or divalent cations.26 Gelrite-based formulations slow evaporation of organic solvent. Microspheres were
have been tested for different types of drugs such as timolol then harvested by centrifugation at 4,000 rpm for 30 minutes
maleate, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, indomethacin, pefloxa- (Fischer Centrific® Centrifuge; Thermo Fisher Scientific,
cin mesylate, carteolol, and gatifloxacin.26–31 Waltham, MA, USA), washed three times with petroleum
In the present study, OFX was incorporated in poly ether, and air-dried.
(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) biodegradable microspheres,
and then loaded into in situ gel formula. The incorporation Encapsulation efficiency
of OFX microspheres in the in situ gel preparation aimed to Weighed amounts of the prepared microspheres were
improve OFX corneal penetration and consequently enhance added to 50 mL DCM and sonicated for 30 minutes.
its efficacy against ocular infections. In addition, the longer OFX concentration was measured after appropriate dilu-
duration of action of this formula preparations is thought to tion at wavelength of maximum absorption (λmax) 294 nm

1428 submit your manuscript | Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2015:9
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using a ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometer (Spectronic USA). STF of pH 7.4 was added in increments of 25 mL
Genesys® with Winspec Software; Thermo Fisher Scientific). to 200 mL to the formulations, and the viscosities at which
The percentage encapsulation efficiency (EE %) was calcu- gelation occurred were recorded. The angular velocity
lated according to Equation 1: increased gradually from 0.01 to 100 rpm. The average of
the two readings was used to calculate the viscosity.
Actual quantity of OFX in the microspheres
EE % =
Theoretical quantity of OFX in the microspheres Effect of autoclaving
 (1) Characteristics of the prepared in situ Gelrite-based gels were
investigated before and after sterilization by autoclaving.
Particle size analysis Briefly, the formulations were packaged in amber-colored
Particle size and size distribution of the prepared OFX glass vials and were sterilized by terminal autoclaving at
microspheres were measured using a laser scattering par- 121°C and 204, 774.292 pascals (15 psig) for 20 minutes.
ticle size distribution analyzer (HORIBA-LA300; Retsch
Technology GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany). Five analyses Release study of OFX-loaded in situ gel formulations
were performed for each microsphere sample to determine OFX in vitro release from the prepared in situ gel formula-
the mean diameter. tions was carried out using a small cylindrical glass tube with
a surface area of 1.77 cm2. Cellophane membrane was soaked
Morphology overnight in STF, and then was clamped into one end of the
Morphology and the surface characteristics of OFX micro- tube. The in situ gelling formulation (1 mL) was placed over
spheres were examined by scanning electron microscope the cellophane membrane. The end of the tube was immersed
(Jeol Fine-Coat JFC 1100E; Jeol JSM-5400 LV; JEOL, in 100 mL of STF, kept at 37°C, and stirred at 40 rpm. The
Tokyo, Japan). release experiments were designed to maintain sink condi-
tions. Two-milliliter samples were withdrawn at the different
Preparation of OFX Gelrite based in situ gel time intervals. Each sample was replaced by fresh STF. The
formulations concentration of OFX was analyzed at λmax 294 nm. The release
Solutions of Gelrite (0.1%–0.9% w/v) in boric–borax buffer of OFX from the combined microsphere–gel formulations was
(pH 7.4) were prepared by heating OFX dispersions to 90°C compared to the release of OFX from corresponding micro-
for 20 minutes while stirring. Solutions were then cooled at sphere formulations and in situ gels, prepared separately.
room temperature while stirring. The prepared formulations
were stored in amber colored glass vials and were sterilized Inclusion of microspheres into the in situ gel
by autoclaving. OFX microspheres were homogeneously dispersed into the
Characterization of in situ gel preformed Gelrite solution in order to produce the final OFX
concentration of 0.3% w/v in the microsphere-loaded in situ
gel formula. The formula was prepared by dispersing OFX
Gelling capacity and flow behavior
microspheres in 0.4% w/v Gelrite. It is important to mention
Gelling capacity was determined by addition of 7 mL of simu-
that 0.4% w/v Gelrite was used to produce the in situ gelling
lated tear fluid (STF) to a vial containing 25 mL of Gelrite-
system. The effect of OFX microspheres inclusion on gelling
based formulation at 37°C, and then visually evaluating the gel
capacity, rheology, and in vitro release was investigated.
formation and observing the flow behavior of the formulations
at each concentration, before and after addition of STF. The
gelling factor was calculated according to Equation 2:
In vivo studies
Gelling Viscosity of in situ gel after addition of STF Adult male rabbits (2.5–3.0 kg, free of ocular defects) were
factor Viscosity of in situ gel before addition of STF used. The animals were obtained from the National Research
Centre, Dokky, Giza, Egypt. Animal use was approved by
the Review Board for Preclinical and Clinical Research
Viscosity and rheological properties Minia University who ensured the care and use of animals
Viscosity and rheological properties of the prepared formulae conformed to the Declaration of Helsinki and the Guiding
were carried out using a Brookfield rheometer (DV-III Ultra; Principle in Care and Use of Animals (DHEW publication
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Middleboro, MA, NIH 80-23). Rabbits were classified into five groups. Each

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group contained four rabbits. The first group served as an The composition of the liquid that is dispersed in liquid
untreated control. The second group (positive control) received paraffin consisted of ACN, DCM, and MeOH. DCM was
suspension of OFX microspheres in isotonic boric–borax buf- included to lower the polarity of ACN and to ensure for-
fer (pH 6.8). The third group received OFX in situ gel. The mation of stable emulsion.33 OFX showed poor solubility
fourth group received OFX microspheres in 0.4% Gelrite in in ACN (2.5 mg/mL) as measured practically in our lab.
situ gel. The last group received OFX marketed product. All Therefore, MeOH and DCM were used to optimize OFX
the aforementioned preparations contained 0.3% w/v OFX. encapsulation within the microspheres by increasing the
The test was carried out by dropping 100 µL (corresponding to solubility of OFX in the dispersed phase. The solubility of
0.3 mg OFX) of each preparation into the lower conjunctival OFX in the tertiary mixture of ACN–MeOH–DCM (6:4:1
sac of the right eye of the rabbit. The rabbits were anaesthetized v/v/v) solvent system was 15 mg/mL. It is worth mentioning
by intramuscular injection of 30 mg/kg ketamine, and then 80 that DCM was found to be miscible with liquid paraffin in all
µL of aqueous humor were withdrawn from the anterior cham- proportions while MeOH is immiscible with liquid paraffin.
ber of the eye at different time intervals. The aqueous humor OFX formula prepared using O/O method utilized 4% PLGA
samples were stored at -18°C. The relative area under the with an OFX:PLGA ratio of 1:3 and lecithin (emulsifier)
curve compared with commercial product (AUCrel), maximum concentration of 2% w/v.
OFX concentration in aqueous humor (Cmax), and the time to PLGA is a synthetic, biocompatible, and biodegradable
reach this concentration (Tmax) were calculated. copolymer of polylactic acid and polyglycolic acid.12 PLGA
is well tolerated by the human body and was previously inves-
HPLC analysis of aqueous humor samples tigated for ocular drug delivery.34 Burst release may result
Aqueous humor samples, after suitable dilutions, were with the use of PLGA particles. This could be considered
analysed for OFX content using the previously reported disadvantageous in ocular formulations and the utilization of
HPLC method.32 An HPLC system (Agilent Technologies, in situ gelling systems could reduce the burst-release effect
Santa Clara, CA, USA) with a fluorescence detector (Model of PLGA microspheres.12
FP-2020; Jasco International Co., Ltd., Hachioji, Tokyo, Scanning electron microscope images of OFX micro-
Japan) was used. The analytical column was a Venusil XBP spheres (Figure 1) showed rough surfaces due to presence of
C18 (L) (250 mm ×4.6 mm, 5 µm) (Agilent Technologies) needle-shaped drug crystals interspersed within the polymer
in conjunction with a pre-column module (Agilent Tech- surface. This could have resulted from the extraction of
nologies) with a Venusil Cl8 insert. Data acquisition was DCM from the internal phase to the liquid paraffin when the
performed on Young Lin Autochro-3000 software (YL Instru- polymer–drug solution was introduced into the external oily
ment Co., Ltd., Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, The Republic of phase.35 DCM migration draws the drug towards the surface
Korea). The mobile phase was MeOH, CAN, and 0.4 M citric of the half-formed microspheres. Therefore, the drug was
acid (3:1:10, v/v/v). The flow rate was 0.8 mL/min at ambient deposited close to the surface of the microspheres during
temperature. The excitation and emission wavelengths were solidification.36 Microspheres prepared using the solvent
set at 290 nm and 500 nm, respectively. system ACN–MeOH–DCM in a volume ratio of 6:4:1 are
spherical in shape with well-defined boundaries as shown in
Results and discussion Figure 1. The particle size of the prepared microspheres was
Preparation and characterization 8.5 µm with 100 % entrapment efficiency.
of OFX-loaded PLGA microspheres
O/O emulsion solvent evaporation method was adopted Characterization of OFX Gelrite
for OFX incorporation in microspheres to improve the in situ gel
entrapment efficiency. A disadvantage for the use of micro- Table 1 shows flow behavior of the prepared in situ gel for-
spheres suspensions in the eye is the possible drainage of the mulations. All formulations exhibited an increase in viscosity
particles that leads to an incomplete drug release. The major after addition of STF even at the lowest Gelrite concentration
advantage of using in situ gel formulation containing micro- of 0.1% w/v, but with different gelling factors. The gelling
spheres is the improved precorneal retention of the admin- factor was increased by the increase in the Gelrite concentra-
istered microspheres, provided that the gel would remain in tion. Gelling factor values were two to three for formulations
the eye during the time for drug release for a longer period prepared at concentrations up to 0.3% w/v, after addition of
of time compared with the microspheres-alone formula. STF. However, a significant increase in gelling factor resulted

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$ %

N9 × —P  N9 × —P 

Figure 1 SEM images of OFX microspheres formulation at different magnifications.

Notes: (A) Low-magnification SEM image; (B) high-magnification SEM image.
Abbreviations: OFX, ofloxacin; SEM, scanning electron microscope.

when the Gelrite concentration was increased above 0.3%. significant increase in Gelrite cross-linking with STF cations
The gelling factor increased from three to 27 when the ­Gelrite and the interaction between polymer helices that leads to the
concentration was increased from 0.3% to 0.4% w/v. At formation of a denser structure.
0.4%–0.7% w/v Gelrite concentration, the formulations were Gelrite-based formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow.
viscous liquid transformed into a pourable gel immediately The prepared gels, after addition of STF, showed thixotropic
after the addition of STF with a gelling factor of 27–35. Using behavior where the gel was thinned when shearing force was
Gelrite in concentrations greater than 0.7% w/v, the formula- increased, and then thickened when the stress was removed.
tions were gel before addition of STF. The gelling capacity For example, the viscosity of 0.4% Gelrite was decreased
is determined in order to identify Gelrite concentrations that from 90,000 cP to 10,622 cP and finally to 5,000 cP when
would have an optimum viscosity to facilitate instillation into the shear rate increased from 0.01 rpm to 0.3 rpm then to
the eye as a liquid, and then undergo rapid gelation.28 The 1.0 rpm, respectively (Figure 2). Similar results were reported
rapid gelation in the eye improves drug residence time. previously.27–30 Accordingly, the increased viscosity of the
The gelation of Gelrite after addition of STF is attributed formulation at low shear rates will maintain long contact
to the cross-linking of Gelrite helices with STF solution between the corneal surface and the gel. During blinking,
cations. Similarly, gelation of Gelrite happened when it was when shear rate is increased, the gel will be thinned and will
administered to ocular mucosa due to contact with tear fluid be well distributed over the eye surface.39
cations, resulting in the formation of a clear gel.14,37,38 The The effect of autoclaving on the properties of polymer
sharp increase in gelling factor with the increase in Gelrite solutions is considered an important parameter for ocular
concentration from 0.3% to 0.4 % could be attributed to the preparations. Figure 3 shows the viscosity profiles of in situ gel

Table 1 Gelling capacity and viscosity of OFX in situ gel formulations

Gelrite concentration (% w/v) Physical properties Gelling capacity V1, cP V2, cP
0.1 Clear and transparent solution + 166.7 333
0.2 Clear and transparent solution + 1,667 3,333
0.3 Clear and transparent solution ++ 2,500 8,334
0.4 Clear, transparent, and viscous solution +++ 3,333 90,000
0.5 Clear, transparent, and viscous solution +++ 6,200 170,000
0.6 Clear, transparent, and viscous solution +++ 8,334 240,000
0.7 Clear, viscous, easily pourable solution +++ 10,000 350,000
of gel-like consistency
0.8 Clear, more viscous solution of gel-like ++++ 13,333 460,000
0.9 Slightly turbid formed gel ++++ 33,333 850,000
Notes: +: no gelation; ++: gelation occurred after few minutes with flowable gel-like liquid; +++: immediate gelation with formation of easily flowable gel with good
consistency; ++++ : non-flowable, consistent, and thick gel.
Abbreviations: OFX, ofloxacin; STF, simulated tear fluid; V1, viscosity before addition of STF; V2, viscosity after addition of STF.

Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2015:9 submit your manuscript |
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500,000 100 0.6% w/v

% OFX cumulative amount

0.5% w/v
400,000 80 0.4% w/v
Viscosity (cP)

350,000 0.4% w/v 0.3% w/v

300,000 0.5% w/v 60 0.2% w/v
250,000 0.6% w/v 0.1% w/v
200,000 0.7% w/v 40
150,000 0.8% w/v
100,000 20
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 3 6 9 12
Angular velocity (rpm) Time (hours)
Figure 2 Effect of different Gelrite concentrations on rheology behavior of Gelrite- Figure 4 Effect of different Gelrite concentrations on the release of OFX from in situ gels.
based in situ gels. Note: As a result of overlapping, error bars were omitted for clarity.
Note: As a result of overlapping, error bars were omitted for clarity. Abbreviation: OFX, ofloxacin.

before and after autoclaving. The results showed no significant chain structure is produced. Thus, the diffusion of OFX
change of Gelrite-based formulation properties before and through the denser formulations is reduced. In addition, the
after autoclaving. This finding is in accordance with previ- entrance of water into these formulations was reduced; thus,
ously published reports.29,31 Gelrite is able to better withstand the rates of both dissolution and erosion were reduced.
the elevated temperatures of autoclaving compared to other
polymers.31 So, autoclaving was used to sterilize Gelrite-based In vitro release study of OFX
formulations in order to avoid microbial contamination. microspheres loaded in situ gels
Figure 4 shows the cumulative percent of OFX released Hydrogel is used to incorporate microspheres in order to pro-
as a function of time for various Gelrite formulations. All the long the precorneal residence time of OFX microparticulate
investigated formulations showed a linear release profile for formula, and hence improve the bioavailability of the ocular
the first 12 hours of the study. The in situ gel formula with drug.40 It is worth reporting that inclusion of microspheres
Gelrite concentration of 0.1% w/v released more than 80% in in situ gels did not change the viscosity, gelling capacity,
of the drug after 12 hours of the experiment. The release of or rheogram of the prepared Gelrite-based in situ gel for-
OFX, after 12 hours, from Gelrite in situ gel formulation was mulations (data not shown). Incorporation of OFX-loaded
decreased with the increase in Gelrite concentration; the Gel- microspheres in Gelrite solution (0.4% w/v) significantly
rite in situ gel formula with 0.6% w/v Gelrite showed about altered the release profile of OFX-loaded microspheres in
54% cumulative OFX release after 12 hours (Figure 4). The situ gel formula compared with the corresponding OFX gels
decrease in the release of OFX from in situ gel formulations and OFX microspheres (Figure 5).
is attributed to the increase of the polymer concentration, as
by increasing the polymer concentration, a denser polymeric 100
% cumulative amount


200,000 60
Viscosity (cP)

150,000 40
After autoclaving
100,000 Before autoclaving OFX microspheres in 0.4% w/v Gelrite
OFX in 0.4% w/v Gelrite
50,000 OFX microspheres
0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Time (hours)
Angular velocity (rpm)
Figure 5 Release profile of OFX from microspheres, Gelrite in situ gel, and
Figure 3 Effect of autoclaving on rheology of Gelrite-based in situ gel formula. microsphere-loaded Gelrite in situ gel.
Note: As a result of overlapping, error bars were omitted for clarity. Abbreviation: OFX, ofloxacin.

1432 submit your manuscript | Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2015:9
Dovepress Improved ocular bioavailability of ofloxacin in situ gel

The prepared OFX microspheres showed a 40% burst inset table). This indicates the highest rate of absorption.
release after 1 hour that was reduced by the incorporation Commercial OFX eye drops showed the lowest Cmax, which
of the microspheres in 0.4% w/v Gelrite to 8.4%. On the could possibly be attributed to the rapid drainage, and hence
other hand, microspheres released 80% of OFX content reduced residence time, of the applied OFX dose from the
within the first 12 hours (Figure 5). While OFX-loaded commercial eye drops. OFX microspheres in Gelrite in situ
microspheres in situ gel formula released 54.4% of OFX gel formula showed improved Cmax data compared with the
content after 24 hours. These results showed that incor- commercial product and delayed action compared to all
poration of microspheres in the in situ gel successfully investigated formulations. This result indicates a prolonged
prevented the burst release and resulted in an improved pattern of release and absorption from OFX microspheres
sustained-release OFX profile. A disadvantage of the use in Gelrite in situ gel formula.
of microsphere suspensions in the eye might be drainage Regarding the area under the curve value for the first
of the particles, leading to an incomplete drug release. 24 hours after OFX administration, microspheres in Gelrite
The major advantage of using in situ gel formulations in situ gel showed the highest value of area under the curve,
loaded with OFX microspheres is the improved precorneal with relative bioavailability (AUCrel) of 11.7 compared to
residence time compared with the corresponding OFX commercial OFX product (Figure 6, inset table). This result
microspheres.35 indicates the greatest extent of drug absorption as a result of
the improved residence time of OFX microspheres in Gelrite
In vivo study in situ gel formula.
Aqueous humor drug concentrations following various The reported MIC90 of test organisms of OFX against
times of instillation of 0.3 mg of OFX as microspheres, 190 gram-negative and 229 gram-positive organisms from
Gelrite-loaded microspheres in situ gel, and the commer- ocular sources is 2 μg/mL.5 Figure 6 shows that the com-
cially available eye drops are shown in Figure 6. Compared mercial OFX eye drops only achieve a concentration equal
with the other investigated formulations, OFX microspheres to or higher than the MIC90 for the first hour after instilla-
showed the highest Cmax and shortest Tmax values (Figure 6, tion. However, OFX microspheres sustained this level for
approximately 4 hours. On the other hand, OFX microspheres
in the in situ gel formula sustained concentrations higher
OFX formulation Cmax ± SD Tmax AUC AUCrel
(µg/mL) (hrs) (µg·h/mL) than the MIC90 for approximately 8 hours (Figure 6). These
Marketed product 4.68±0.4 1 6.98 1 results indicate that formulation of OFX as microspheres
Microspheres 21±2.2 1 55.47 7.94 in the in situ gel of Gelrite successfully achieve the sought
Gelrite in situ gel 18±1.1 2 64.41 9.22 objectives of the present study. The formulation effectively
Microspheres in 15.2±1.2 2 82.36 11.7
Gelrite in situ gel maintains the drug concentration in the aqueous humor of
rabbits above MIC90 for up to 8 hours. This will eliminate
the need for frequent instillation of the drug and enhance
concentration (µg/mL)
Aqueous humor OFX

20 OFX microspheres suspension patient compliance.

OFX microspheres in Gelrite in situ gel
15 Commercial OFX eye drops
OFX in situ gel
In this study, in situ gel formula loaded with OFX micro-
spheres showed a prolonged pattern of release and absorption
compared with OFX microspheres and with OFX in situ
gel formulations. OFX microspheres were prepared by O/O
0 emulsion solvent evaporation method utilizing PLGA as a
0 6 12 18 24
Time (hours) biodegradable polymer. The prepared microspheres were
added to Gelrite in situ gelling system. The improved release
Figure 6 Concentration time profiles in aqueous humor of rabbits, following topical
administration of different OFX formulations. pattern and bioavailability of the prepared OFX-loaded
Notes: (Inset) In vivo pharmacokinetic parameters of OFX from the studied groups. microspheres in situ gel formula is attributed to improved
*P0.05 compared with commercial product.
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve maximum; AUCrel, the relative precorneal residence time. These results support the potential
area under the curve compared with commercial product; Cmax, maximum OFX
concentration in aqueous humor; OFX, ofloxacin; SD, standard deviation; Tmax, the
use of in situ gel formulation loaded with OFX microspheres
time to reach this concentration. as a novel ocular drug delivery system.

Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2015:9 submit your manuscript |
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Disclosure 21. Svenson S. Dendrimers as versatile platform in drug delivery

applications. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2009;71:445–462.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work. 22. Sultana Y, Aqil M, Ali A, Samad A. Advances in the topical ocular
drug delivery. Expert Rev Ophthalmol. 2007;2:309–323.
References 23. Bin Choy Y, Park JH, Prausnitz MR. Mucoadhesive Microparticles
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