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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

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Artificial intelligence and innovation management: A review, framework, T

and research agenda✰
Naomi Haefnera, , Joakim Wincenta,b, Vinit Paridac,d,e, Oliver Gassmanna

University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Hanken, School of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management, Helsinki, Finland
Luleå University of Technology Luleå, Sweden
University of South-Eastern Norway, Entrepreneurship and Innovation/USN Business School, Vestfold, Norway
University of Vaasa, School of Management, Vaasa, Finland


Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI) reshapes companies and how innovation management is organized. Consistent with
Artificial intelligence rapid technological development and the replacement of human organization, AI may indeed compel man-
AI agement to rethink a company's entire innovation process. In response, we review and explore the implications
Innovation for future innovation management. Using ideas from the Carnegie School and the behavioral theory of the firm,
we review the implications for innovation management of AI technologies and machine learning-based AI
Literature review
systems. We outline a framework showing the extent to which AI can replace humans and explain what is
Innovation management
Machine learning important to consider in making the transformation to the digital organization of innovation. We conclude our
Information processing study by exploring directions for future research.

1. Introduction process is the fact that innovation managers are increasingly faced with
highly volatile and changing environments, ever more competitive
Scholarly interest in the idea that artificial intelligence (AI) and global markets, rival technologies, and dramatically changing political
machine learning can replace humans, take over workplace roles, and landscapes (Jones et al., 2016; O'Cass and Wetzels, 2018; Spieth et al.,
reshape existing organizational processes has been growing steadily 2014). At the same time, the availability of information has increased
(Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2017; von Krogh, 2018). The central premise and continues to increase significantly. These trends provide strong
is that, given certain constraints in information processing, AI can de- evidence that the baseline for competitiveness stands on the informa-
liver higher quality, greater efficiency, and better outcomes than tion and problem-solving capabilities of organizations (Hajli and
human experts (Agrawal et al., 2018a; Bughin et al., 2018). Featherman, 2018). Perhaps more importantly, in many areas, the ne-
Considering AI's potential to take on traditional ‘human’ tasks in gative effects of innovation's riskiness are being compounded by in-
organizations, we may ask whether a role for AI can be used in pursuing creasing costs. That is to say, the cost of each innovation has been in-
one of the most important processes affecting a firm's long-term sur- creasing quite dramatically. For instance, while transistor density on
vival and competitive advantage – innovation (Lengnick-Hall, 1992; integrated circuits has been increasing exponentially in line with
Porter and Stern, 2001). Prima facie, the idea that AI and machine Moore's Law, this advance has necessitated ever greater efforts by firms
learning could and should be used by firms for innovation purposes may such as Intel (Schilling, 2017). Drug development processes in the
seem almost far-fetched. After all, innovation has traditionally been pharmaceutical industry show similar trends (Munos, 2009;
seen as a domain for humans, given their ‘unique’ ability to be in- Pammolli et al., 2011). This means that the way innovation is organized
novative (Amabile, 2019). needs to be challenged by introducing AI and machine learning because
Although AI may have downsides compared to humans, there are of their cost advantages in information processing.
several non-trivial reasons why firms may want to use AI in their in- Consequently, finding ways to apply AI and machine learning to
novation processes. Among the factors exogenous to the innovation firms’ innovation processes should be of considerable interest to

We have no known conflict of interest to disclose.

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: (N. Haefner), (J. Wincent), (V. Parida), (O. Gassmann).
Received 17 June 2020; Received in revised form 1 October 2020; Accepted 5 October 2020
Available online 18 October 2020
0040-1625/ © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
N. Haefner, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

innovation managers. On the one hand, this has the potential to create organizational behavior (Argote and Greve, 2007). In developing it,
better ways for firms to respond to their increasingly competitive en- Cyert and March (1963) proposed a set of foundational concepts on the
vironment and manage the growing amounts of information around cognitive level that are built on the concept of bounded rationality,
them. On the other hand, supporting the innovation process with AI which encapsulates the ideas of satisficing, search, and organizational
could generate real value for firms by reducing both the riskiness and routines. The theory includes a set of relational concepts that serve as
the costliness of innovation processes. theoretical mechanisms to explain how cognitive concepts unfold in
Today, human-organized innovation management plays a key role organizations. These concepts include the quasi-resolution of conflict,
in companies and their capacity to reinvent themselves through ex- uncertainty avoidance, problemistic search, and organizational learning
ploratory initiatives. However, AI can provide instrumental assistance (Gavetti et al., 2012). There is renewed interest among researchers in
beyond the scope of humans (Groves et al., 2013; Wamba et al., 2017). re-examining the various concepts put forward by Cyert and March in
Indeed, both academics and practitioners have asserted that AI may ‘A Behavioral Theory of the Firm’ (Piezunka et al., 2019; Posen et al.,
substantially impact firms’ innovation processes in the future 2018; Puranam et al., 2015) in the context of recent developments in
(Bughin et al., 2018; von Krogh, 2018). The notion that AI could po- AI.
tentially be applied in innovation settings is further supported by the The idea originally posited by the BTF is that organizational pro-
rapid development of AI and machine learning, which points to sig- blem solving could be better understood by looking at organizations as
nificant and intriguing changes to come (Lu, 2019; Varian, 2018; information-processing systems constructed by simple computational
Ward et al., 2014). However, our knowledge of AI's limitations in the ‘if-then’ algorithms, which were at the core of AI at that time. The logic
context of innovation is still quite sparse. The use of AI and machine of viewing the organization as a simple algorithm or a combination of
learning for creativity and innovation is very different from the estab- algorithms that process information is deeply embedded in the BTF
lished areas where AI has replaced traditional management (Chui et al., (Cyert and March 1963).
Following on from the above discussion, the objective of this article 2.1. The behavioral theory of the firm and information processing
is to fill the gap in our knowledge by reviewing the literature and of-
fering a framework to examine management challenges associated with Information processing is a key component in innovation in orga-
promoting innovation through AI. While AI has only recently started to nizations. A central activity in innovation management is the process of
gain momentum in the management literature (e.g., Adner et al., 2019; decision making, which requires information processing by managers
Bettis and Hu, 2018; Furman and Teodoridis, 2020; Goldfarb et al., involved in the innovation process (McNally and Schmidt, 2011;
2020; Krakowski et al., 2019; Puranam et al., 2018; Raisch and van Riel et al., 2004). The role of management in information proces-
Krakowski, Inpress), the phenomenon is, of course, not new. When the sing is to decide upon inputs into the process in terms of data, knowl-
idea of artificially intelligent computer systems was first discussed by edge, and other information. Then, information must be processed – in
experts in that field in the mid-1950s, the potential impact of computer other words, data, knowledge, and information are gathered and ana-
processing on organizations was already of interest to management lyzed. Finally, once information has been processed, management has
scholars, most notably Richard Cyert, James March, and Herbert Simon the responsibility to take decisions.
at the Carnegie School. In particular, the behavioral theory of the firm With the advent of machine learning – a type of AI that allows
(BTF; Cyert and March 1963) has, since its inception, been intimately machines to ‘learn’ from data and experience without being explicitly
linked to AI (Augier and Prietula, 2007). Simon argued that “if com- programmed (Samuel, 1959) – the way information processing occurs
puters are organized somewhat in the image of man, then the computer in organizations is changing rapidly. All the above stages of organiza-
[is] an obvious device for exploring the consequences of alternative tional information processing can be supported or, in some cases, taken
organizational assumptions for human behavior” (Simon, 1996, p. 21). over by AI systems. Indeed, the modern digitized organization exhibits
Our research offers a framework for explaining how AI can be used for certain characteristics that substantially change the way information
innovative purposes, and it addresses calls to move beyond human in- processing occurs in organizations. Interestingly, the organizations of
volvement in the innovation process. In doing so, we build upon central today are changing in a way that makes it difficult for management to
assumptions of the behavioral theory of the firm and its key implica- obtain and analyze certain elements of information.
We proceed as follows. First, we provide the theoretical background 2.2. Information processing in the digitized organization
to our study. We describe the link between the behavioral theory of the
firm and artificial intelligence, paying special attention to organiza- The digitized organization that has now emerged features a strong
tional problem solving and information processing in this context. We backbone of highly integrated machine learning and computerized
also examine information processing in the digitized organization by knowledge. This means that a vast number of processes are automated
elucidating the need for modern firms to compete on their digital through algorithms. Some authors suggest that this needs to be an or-
capabilities and by explaining the new modalities of information pro- ganizational mainstay and, therefore, organizations should consider
cessing in the digitized organization. In doing so, we describe the in- their core capabilities as digital capabilities (Lenka et al., 2017). These
novation process and the associated information processing constraints. services interact with customers and suppliers, and enable the storage
Building on this theoretical background, we then examine potential AI of information and knowledge (George et al., 2014; Lanzolla et al.,
application areas in the innovation process and derive a framework for 2018; Zammuto et al., 2007). Thus, an increased amount of information
overcoming information processing constraints in the innovation pro- and knowledge is stored electronically and without human involve-
cess with AI. We develop a set of readiness levels of AI in the digitized ment. The digitized organization becomes the major constituent, and
organization by looking at AI's information processing capabilities. the social system of an organization becomes less pivotal. Conse-
Then, we discuss our derived framework and the readiness levels by quently, one can say that executives and directors who are responsible
describing the different challenges in implementing AI in the innova- for innovation management and decision making are less efficient not
tion process. Finally, we draw some brief conclusions. only because of human limitations but also because they may be con-
strained by operating outside the relevant flow of information. It can be
2. Theoretical background assumed that those managers who do have access to this information
are a small subset of the managerial pool, which means that many
The BTF has been acknowledged in organization theory and man- managers may have quantitatively and qualitatively less information
agement as a major foundation for understanding decision making and than they had prior to the computerized organization and the

N. Haefner, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

technological changes in the workplace. could be employed are not straightforward however, and it may be
These background realities call for a model where innovation-or- challenging to involve AI in the innovation process. It will also be dif-
iented AI and machine learning of computerized information and pro- ficult to replace human involvement. Any artificial intelligence-based
cesses are integrated into innovation management. As AI advances system that seeks to support management in these endeavors must be
further, it can be said that the role of innovation management will capable of overcoming the same barriers encountered by human man-
change in step with progress made by AI and machine learning. Thus, agers in the innovation process.
human innovation management will be expected to work side by side The above discussion develops the fundamental perspective used for
with AI and machine learning algorithms in identifying and selecting a framework to examine management challenges associated with pro-
opportunities as well as investigating what could be the organization's moting innovation through AI. Table 1 below provides an overview of
next competitive advantage. the literature streams and topics covered in our theoretical background
section. We bring together the behavioral theory of the firm and its
focus on information processing with the literature on digitized orga-
2.3. Information processing in the innovation process nization and innovation processes to theorize about the challenges that
management faces with AI and innovation. Next, we turn to the specific
To better understand how AI augments organizational innovation, analysis.
we need to examine how information is processed for innovation. The
innovation process – which is at the core of innovation management's 3. Potential AI application areas in the innovation process
attention – is commonly understood to comprise a series of stages in-
cluding (1) the recognition, discovery, creation, and generation of in- By combining the barriers that must be overcome by both humans
novative ideas, opportunities, and solutions; (2) the development or and AI systems in the innovation process with the key activities of idea
exploitation of various ideas, opportunities, and solutions; and finally generation and development that need to be conducted, we can derive a
(3) the evaluation and selection of one or several of the most promising framework of potentially creative application areas of AI within the
ideas, opportunities, and solutions (e.g., Kijkuit and van den innovation process. To understand the possibilities of AI, we need to
Ende, 2007). It can be argued that the first two steps in particular re- delineate where AI can assist and potentially replace human decision
quire significant levels of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking making in innovation management. Specifically, there are four poten-
(Martin and Wilson, 2016; Shane, 2003).1 Since we are interested in tial areas where human decision making could theoretically be sup-
determining where and how AI can be used to support human decision ported: (1) developing ideas by overcoming information processing
making in the innovation process, we will focus on the first two stages constraints; (2) generating ideas by overcoming information processing
of the process – namely, idea generation and idea development. constraints; (3) developing ideas by overcoming local search routines;
We believe that the increased implementation of electronic services and (4) generating ideas by overcoming local search routines. These
and automation coupled with the general transformation to digitized four areas are depicted in Fig. 1 along with a brief description of what
organizations will change the role of innovation management. As in the AI in each quadrant ought to be capable of doing.
past, when innovation managers attempt to recognize or develop new The next section provides an overview of the current capabilities of
opportunities and ideas, they face two specific barriers (Eggers and AI systems in supporting humans in the aforementioned areas of the
Kaplan, 2009). First, they must overcome information processing con- innovation process by delineating examples in each quadrant of Fig. 1.
straints (Nelson and Winter, 1982; Williams and Mitchell, 2004) that
limit the amount of information on either new opportunities or possible 3.1. Overcoming information processing constraints with AI to develop ideas
solutions the firm may pursue. These information processing con-
straints are often the result of managers’ cognitive limitations – that is Current AI systems excel at overcoming humans’ information pro-
to say, human mental capacities to absorb or process information are cessing constraints in the area of idea and opportunity development.
biologically limited. The second barrier encountered by managers is the Currently, AI systems rely heavily on deep neural networks that require,
result of ineffective or local search routines (Gavetti and Levinthal, 2000; and are able to process, vast amounts of data (Ng, 2017). With this
Katila and Ahuja, 2002). This barrier specifies that managers generally feature, we see a veritable plethora of AI systems that are able to
search for solutions in knowledge domains that are related to the firm's support humans in the development of ideas, opportunities, and solu-
and their own existing knowledge base (Posen et al., 2018). This sug- tion approaches by processing a much larger amount of information
gests that most solutions will be comparatively incremental in their than is humanly possible and unearthing interesting areas for in-
innovative thrust since they rely very closely on existing knowledge. vestigation. Indeed, these technologies are already creating substantial
However, to generate a more creative and innovative idea or oppor- economic value for firms (Roose, 2019). In this area, referring to
tunity, managers will have to extend search beyond existing knowledge quadrant 1 in Fig. 1, we find a number of interesting applications of AI
domains to new fields that are more exploratory in nature. across a very wide range of domains. This development is strongly
Therefore, even though access may be more limited in increasingly linked to improved conditions for innovation. There are many exciting
digitized organizations, the more managers are able to process a large applications of AI systems in materials discovery. For instance, AI can
amount of information on possible solution approaches and opportu- be used to optimize battery components and solar cells
nities, the more they should be able to whittle down the set of possible (Charington, 2018), or to speed up the discovery process for new cat-
solutions to the most promising ones and to recognize truly exciting alysts (Tran and Ulissi, 2018). In order to discover these new materials,
opportunities. Furthermore, since managers are able to go beyond their machine learning-based methods are used to predict the most promising
current knowledge base with the assistance of AI, they should be able to materials to test, thereby speeding up the innovation process sub-
develop more innovative solutions and recognize more creative op- stantially. There are, of course, interesting AI applications in pharma-
portunities (Amabile, 2019; von Krogh, 2018). The AI solutions that ceutical research and development as well (e.g., Mamoshina et al.,
2016; Schuhmacher et al., Inpress). Here, AI systems include uses that
1 speed up the process of protein engineering (Yang et al., 2019), which is
The third step in the innovation process – evaluation and selection of al-
ternatives – is focused more on the rational evaluation of the pros and cons of instrumental in discovering proteins suitable for technological, scien-
the solutions developed, with special attention being paid to factors such as tific, and medical applications. The reason why methods based on
market prospects, technological feasibility, and company fit (Cooper et al., machine learning are interesting to researchers in this domain is be-
1997). Consequently, the ability of managers to think creatively is less relevant cause the search space of possible proteins is too large to search ex-
in this scenario and will not be considered further in this analysis. haustively with existing methods (Yang et al., 2019). Furthermore, AI

N. Haefner, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

Table 1
Overview of literature streams and topics.
Literature stream Topic Authors

Behavioral theory of the firm General overview Argote and Greve (2007), Cyert and March (1963), and Gavetti et al. (2012).
(BTF) Renewed interest in BTF due to Piezunka et al. (2019), Posen et al. (2018), and Puranam et al. (2015).
developments in artificial intelligence
Information processing Importance for innovation in organizations McNally and Schmidt (2011) and van Riel et al. (2004).
Machine learning capabilities Samuel (1959).
Digitized organizations Digital capabilities Lenka et al. (2017).
New modalities of knowledge and George et al. (2014), Lanzolla et al. (2018), and Zammuto et al. (2007).
information management
Innovation process Steps and characteristics Kijkuit and van den Ende (2007); Martin and Wilson (2016); Shane (2003).
Information processing constraints in the Eggers and Kaplan (2009), Nelson and Winter (1982), Williams and Mitchell (2004),
innovation process Gavetti and Levinthal (2000), Katila and Ahuja (2002), and Posen et al. (2018).
Ability of AI to overcome information Amabile (2019) and von Krogh (2018).
processing constraints

Fig. 1. Application areas of AI in the innovation process.

applications can be used to identify treatments for disease – for ex- but, in one instance, the company found something that was different. A
ample, deep domain adaptation neural networks have been trained on store that had closed for three weeks was immediately selling twice as
single cell RNA genomics datasets to ultimately develop treatments that many fountain drinks as before when it reopened. This is a big change
will stop the transmission of malaria (Johansen and Quon, 2018). Fi- since fountain drinks are the highest-margin items sold by quick-service
nally, there are many areas where AI systems can be used to create restaurants. Upon further investigation, the management found this one
process innovations in organizations. For instance, Celonis uses process location had been closed for renovations but after reopening had not been
mining to identify organizational processes that are suitable for robotic reset to the previous layout. The staff had found a better layout for the
process automation (Geyer-Klingeberg et al., 2018; Veit et al., 2017). store, one that drove significantly more fountain drink sales, by accident.
Thus, Celonis uses AI applications that enable organizations to imple- This single observation from a single store, of a change made by accident,
ment significant administrative innovations. can now change the entire revenue of the company as it's rolled out
across all locations.” (Byrnes, 2018)
3.2. Overcoming information processing constraints with AI to generate
ideas As is evident from this example, the AI-based analysis provided by
Outlier was instrumental in developing an innovation in the focal firm.
There are several AI applications that relate to quadrant 2 of the Outlier's ability to find anomalies and significant patterns in business
framework in Fig. 1. These AI applications are able to process much data is one way in which AI can assist firms in generating or recognizing
more information to generate new ideas and opportunities that would innovative ideas and opportunities. These AI methods may not be able
likely be overlooked by humans operating on their own. A typical ex- to independently develop entire solutions, but they can point human
ample is an application developed by The company uses a managers towards the most promising avenues for innovation.
suite of machine learning methods to process raw metrics data into Another interesting example in this area is provided by Tshitoyan
insights that are humanly readable (Unemyr, 2018). After analyzing a and colleagues (2019). They created an AI system that can capture la-
firm's data, Outlier generates a set of customized ‘stories’ that sum- tent knowledge from the materials science literature. Their system uses
marize actionable and interesting insights for specific managers. In the word2vec algorithm – a popular neural network in natural language
doing so, Outlier can highlight innovative opportunities for managers. processing applications – to derive embeddings of concepts in the lit-
How this can work is illustrated in the following example: erature. The algorithm is able to capture complex materials science
concepts – including the underlying structure of the periodic table –
“[One of Outlier's customers] is a large, international quick-service res- without any explicit insertion of chemical knowledge by the re-
taurant franchise. It sells hundreds of items across thousands of stores searchers. The AI system can also recommend materials for functional

N. Haefner, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

applications. By censoring the data, the authors can show that the hand designing a reward function, you're also in some sense hand de-
system is, in fact, able to recommend materials several years before signing a solution […] If it was easy for us to design a solution, then
their discovery. Thus, this method points to potential opportunities for maybe you wouldn't need to learn it in the first place”
future innovations, albeit within an already existing knowledge do- (Charrington, 2019). Unsupervised reinforcement learning tries to ad-
main. This study is indicative of potential AI applications in quadrant 2 dress this shortcoming by allowing the agent to learn its reward func-
of Fig. 1– namely, AI systems that are able to assist in generating or tion using a stream of observations and actions (Warde-Farley et al.,
recognizing ideas and opportunities for innovation where a large 2018). Thus, this method is a first step toward enabling algorithms to
amount of information in an existing domain of knowledge has to be learn to recognize and achieve goals without any supervision, which
processed. will open up interesting avenues for creativity and innovation. Meta-
reinforcement learning tackles a closely related question concerning
3.3. Overcoming local search routines with AI to develop ideas how learning can be used to improve the process of learning itself.
Recent work in this area (e.g., Gupta et al., 2018) has attempted to
There is some initial evidence that AI systems may be able to sup- devise algorithms that are able to adapt rapidly to arbitrary new pro-
port humans in the types of innovative activity represented in quadrant blems (Charrington, 2019). Advancements in these areas should allow
3 of Fig. 1. These activities entail identifying and developing ideas, algorithms to become more flexible in terms of solving new problems,
opportunities, and solution approaches where the process goes beyond which may prove helpful in generating, discovering, and recognizing
using local search routines – in other words, distant search is used. new creative ideas and opportunities.
Autodesk, for instance, used various algorithms to create a new crew
partition for Airbus (Autodesk, 2016). The generative design methods 4. AI readiness levels for developing the digitized organization
employed to devise the new partition create the kinds of product that
designers could not conjure up on their own (Rhodes, 2015). The al- As foreshadowed above, the different AI systems described in sec-
gorithms used by Autodesk were based on the growth patterns of slime tion 3 are at different levels of sophistication in terms of their ability to
mold and mammal bones. They enabled the construction of a new, more augment and replace human managers in innovation processes. These
efficient, but equally stable crew partition. Thus, by incorporating AI levels of sophistication can be derived by looking at the kinds of cap-
methods into the development process, Autodesk and Airbus were able abilities that an information processing system must have in order to
to generate a more innovative solution than would have been otherwise complete the functions described in each of the quadrants in Fig. 1. For
possible. this, we will consider the ‘innovation process’ and the ‘barriers to in-
Even more interesting are some applications based on generative novation’ dimensions as the problem space and the solution space, re-
adversarial networks (GANs). The creative adversarial network (CAN) spectively (Cotta and Troya, 1998; Restrepo and Christiaans, 2004).
for art creation developed by Elgammal and colleagues (2017) is an The first dimension, which describes the tasks in the innovation
example of such an AI solution. The CAN is a type of GAN that is able to process (idea development and idea generation), can also be viewed as
generate novel art. The network is trained on 81,449 paintings from the problem space that is the subject of innovation. In line with an
1119 artists ranging from the 15th to the 20th century. The system information processing perspective on the innovation process, the
trains two competing networks – a discriminator and a generator – to “problem space is the internal representation of the task environment”
learn art style classification (discriminator) and style ambiguity (gen- used by the subject (Newell and Simon, 1972, p. 56), the subject being a
erator). As a result, the CAN generates new art that deviates from the human manager or an AI system. When going through the innovation
learned styles. We would argue that this deviation from previously process, an information processing system can either continue with its
learned styles is precisely where the CAN system is able to overcome current definition of the problem space, which would correspond to
local search routines and show its potential for distant search. Since the simply developing a new idea or solution based on the problem space,
model initially learns about existing art styles, it is knowledgeable or it could decide to include additional data, information, and/or
about current domain knowledge. However, it is set up to specifically knowledge, thereby redefining the problem space and opening up the
explore beyond current styles and is, therefore, able to generate novel ability to generate new ideas and solutions (Newell and Simon, 1972, p.
ideas. Another related research project by Sbai and colleagues is called 88). Another way to describe these two options would be to consider
DesIGN – design inspiration from generative networks (2018). This the former as the exploitation of an existing problem space and the latter
system can generate novel styles, forms, and shapes for fashion apparel. as the exploration of a redefined, evolving, or different problem space.
DesIGN deviates from existing fashion styles as represented in the The second dimension, describing the barriers to be overcome in the
training dataset, while generating realistic pieces of clothing. It, innovation process (information processing constraints and ineffective
therefore, overcomes local search routines when developing new ideas or local search), may be interpreted as the ways in which the solution
for fashion apparel. space for innovation can be altered. Overcoming information proces-
sing constraints does not require any change in the specification of the
3.4. Overcoming local search routines with AI to generate ideas solution space, since this barrier to innovation ‘merely’ indicates that
the solution space is searched more efficiently and quickly. In other
Finally, AI systems hoping to address quadrant 4 of Fig. 1 must be words, overcoming information processing constraints indicates that
able to generate or recognize ideas and opportunities for innovation in the solution space is more effectively and efficiently exploited. In order
unrelated knowledge domains. A method in artificial intelligence that to overcome local and inefficient search routines, however, it is ne-
may facilitate the generation or recognition of innovative ideas and cessary to explore the solution space so that more distant and creative
opportunities is reinforcement learning. There have been recent ad- solutions can be found.
vances in reinforcement learning such as unsupervised reinforcement To understand the capability levels of current AI systems in terms of
learning and meta-reinforcement learning that could conceivably be assisting humans in the innovation process, it is important to under-
helpful in generating novel ideas. Reinforcement learning in general stand some key technical features of these systems. Specifically, there
involves training an agent in a (virtual) environment. The agent uses a are two key characteristics in most AI systems developed today that are
reward signal to learn which actions maximize rewards and which ac- constrained by human capabilities. First, most current AI systems are
tions diminish them. Reinforcement learning requires humans to trained by human AI experts who partner with domain experts relying
handcraft rewards, which is a non-trivial and sometimes sub-optimal on their existing knowledge base. This means that these AI systems
approach to reward engineering. As Simon Osindero, a top AI re- should generally try to search a known, related knowledge base more
searcher from Google DeepMind, explains, “To the extent that you're extensively – that is to say, most systems are limited in the extent to

N. Haefner, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

which they can explore the problem space. Second, state of the art AI level can generate and create new ideas that are especially innovative
systems are set up so that the learning process is optimized for a given and creative. Due to their more advanced information processing cap-
objective function (Goodfellow et al., 2016). This objective function is abilities, these AI systems are able to explore both new ways of defining
defined by the human AI researchers implementing and training the problems (exploring the problem space) and new ways of addressing
system. Moreover, these objective functions are generally very sparse the problem (exploring the solution space). Consequently, we can ex-
since the human researchers who are calibrating the systems cannot pect AI systems with information processing capability level 3 to have a
possibly know all possible objectives and, therefore, tend to fall short in greater chance of being able to take over a larger share of the tasks
their ability to provide an ideal objective function. Consequently, for traditionally undertaken by human innovation managers. However, the
most AI applications, the solution space is pre-defined by humans, and current state of the art is relatively far removed from allowing the
so current AI systems tend to have a very limited ability to explore the implementation of such AI systems because there are few initial forays
solution space autonomously. into AI systems of this kind. This is explained in section 3.4 with regard
As a result, these two features of AI systems pose technical limita- to quadrant 4 in the Fig. 1 framework.
tions on the systems’ abilities to redefine and explore both the problem
space and the solution space. Furthermore, most current AI systems are 5. Discussion
limited in their ability to generate or recognize ideas and opportunities
and to overcome local search routines. However, as explained in sec- Considering the opportunities to involve AI in the innovation pro-
tions 3.2, 3.3, and especially 3.4, there have been some recent ad- cess, the question of when, how, and to what extent human innovation
vancements suggesting that AI systems may indeed be able to overcome managers and AI systems can and should work together arises. This has
these limitations. Thus, we are able to derive a range of what we term been discussed in the literature but usually from the perspective of
‘information processing capability levels’ for AI systems that indicate simply understanding AI's ability to perform and replace human
how likely AI systems are to replace and complement human decision workplace tasks in general. For instance, current analyses estimate that
making. Broadly, they can be grouped into three capability levels ac- proven AI technologies have the potential to replace up to half of all
cording to the types of information processing capabilities they display, work activities carried out by humans – 60 percent of all occupations
as depicted in Fig. 2 below. consist of approximately 30 percent automatable activities
(Bughin et al., 2017). Consequently, we think it important to undertake
4.1. Information processing capability level 1: Exploiting a more specific discussion of AI's ability to replace humans in the in-
novation process.
Information processing capability level 1 indicates that the AI Could AI ever replace the human side of innovation management?
system is capable of helping human innovation managers to process An initial investment in AI will generate fast, inexpensive, and rela-
much larger amounts of information and knowledge than they would be tively thorough manifestations of new ideas that can be innovative.
able to accomplish on their own. AI systems at this capability level will However, the judgement of managers may be difficult to replace and,
primarily be able to support rather than fully replace humans in the therefore, a full transformation to a digitized organization may be
innovation process because, by processing more information, they are problematic. Developing and adding new innovations is often co-
exercising a supporting function and not fully taking over the entire ordinated by a large management team that is motivated to explore
innovation process. These AI systems are able, therefore, to help hu- market opportunities. In this regard, we must stress that innovation
mans to overcome the cognitive information processing limits that often management decisions throughout the organization are inherently
hinder them from fully considering vast amounts of data and paying complex and, therefore, difficult to fully replace by AI. It would require
attention to a multitude of data sources. Properly designed AI systems a host of algorithms to be interwoven and, inescapably, this would be
can both deal with much larger amounts of data and process many done under conditions of significant uncertainty. This is an art that
different data sources. These types of AI system are located in quadrant would require the company to exploit economies of scope
1 of the Fig. 1 framework presented in section 3. (Teece, 1980), increase and build market power (Caves, 1981), and
create flexible shifts and synergies with resources such as labor
4.2. Information processing capability level 2: Expanding throughout the business areas of the company (Hill and
Hoskisson, 1987). The full use of AI is challenging because it demands
Information processing capability level 2 implies that the AI system new ways of addressing a novel industry environment
is capable of either expanding the innovation process by generating (Ransbotham et al., 2017; Yun et al., 2019). It entails the acquisition of
new ideas and opportunities or by overcoming local search routines to new knowledge and resources, as well as creating new business logics
find more distant solutions. At this capability level, AI systems are still and new business models to meld the new innovations into the current
working in tandem with human innovation managers. These systems portfolio of products (Brynjolfsson and McAfee, 2017; Prahalad and
excel at supporting managers in two particular ways. First, they help in Bettis, 1986). Companies would need to create and adjust routines that
discovering new ideas and opportunities as described in quadrant 2 of align with the new product, configure new organizational structures
the Fig. 1 framework. Second, they can support innovation managers in and systems for the purposes of administrative alignment, and buttress
developing more innovative and creative ideas and solutions. These governance control. These are all tasks and activities that can be sup-
types of AI system are depicted in quadrant 3 of Fig. 1. At the moment, ported by AI but within clear and challenging boundaries.
the technological capabilities of AI systems are still relatively limited, While AI may help with the product concept and market analysis,
and only a few systems are able to actually function at this readiness and the scheduling of resources and the systems around it, it is a highly
level, as explained in sections 3.2 and 3.3. complex process. Thus, AI is likely to be more relevant when new
products are launched in areas where the top management team (TMT)
4.3. Information processing capability level 3: Exploring is less familiar. However, its use is likely to run alongside human
management. Previous research has reported that overburdened and
Information processing capability level 3 signals that the AI system stressed management may not be able to develop sufficient knowledge
is capable of exploring new avenues in the innovation process. These to become familiar with new products, taking ill-informed decisions
types of AI system can accomplish more advanced and difficult tasks in that are difficult to revise and that ultimately spell failure (Gary, 2005).
the innovation process and, therefore, are able not only to support The use of AI will likely make an important contribution to profitability
human innovation managers but also to replace them to a certain ex- when radically innovative products are launched and when the role of
tent. AI systems at the ‘exploring’ information processing capability the TMT is different in the future.

N. Haefner, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

Fig. 2. Information processing capability levels of artificial intelligence.

How provisional are AI solutions and how difficult are they to im- fake images using generative adversarial models required as much en-
plement? There are several challenges associated with implementing ergy as the average American household would use in approximately
these emerging technologies in organizations. The specific challenges six months (Schwab, 2018). Beyond these challenges, the technology is
are located on the level of the technology itself as well as on the level of in many ways not mature enough to be applied to professional settings.
the individuals tasked with implementing it. Certain challenges are also Taking reinforcement learning as one example, this area of machine
located at the technology–human nexus. learning is highly vibrant, and researchers are continuing to make very
The first set of challenges, which are closely related to the tech- interesting progress (Charrington, 2019). However, while reinforce-
nology itself, include some rather more obvious challenges such as the ment learning is a highly researched and interesting area of AI, it is
issue of data availability and suitability (for an extensive discussion of mostly applied to the development of AI systems that can beat human
this, see Agrawal et al., 2018b). On the technological side, there is the performance in video games. To date, there are only a few commercial
issue of hardware. For instance, in terms of compute power, some applications of this very interesting type of AI. One example of a real-
modern AI applications require extremely powerful processing func- world application of reinforcement learning is its use by DiDi Chuxing,
tionalities and vast amounts of data to power these processes (CB China's biggest ride-hailing company (Lin et al., 2018; Qin et al., 2019).
Insights, 2019). For instance, one recent research project that generated Didi has developed a reinforcement learning-based dispatching

N. Haefner, et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 162 (2021) 120392

algorithm that is able to adapt to rider demand. The solution has been primarily rooted in their imperfect ability to fully address information
tested in a limited number of Chinese cities where it showed greater needs and cope with complexity. We developed a framework based on
efficiency than prior non-reinforcement learning-based dispatching information processing constraints as presented in the behavioral
systems (Hao, 2018). Aside from the fact that many machine learning theory of the firm. From that, we then derived the information pro-
applications have not progressed substantially beyond sandbox en- cessing capability levels of AI needed to develop digitized organiza-
vironments, the technology itself is still undergoing development of its tions. Finally, we delineated the challenges in implementing AI systems
fundamentals. Deep Learning was arguably proven to be viable only in that innovation management faces in relation to the technology itself,
2012 (Parloff, 2016), and a large portion of the patents in AI are still the humans tasked with implementing it, and the technology–human
very much foundational in nature (EconSight, 2019). nexus. Overall, we note that AI has a constructive role to play where the
The second set of challenges are closely related to the humans in- tried-and-true benefits of innovation management resources are over-
volved in implementing and using AI solutions in firms. It is quite well whelmed, are impossible because of digitization, or when AI emerges
documented that firms often lack the necessary technical skills to suc- irrefutably as the preferred option. From our observations, it appears
cessfully implement AI solutions (Chui and Malhotra, 2018). Depending that the clear potential of AI resides in creating a more systematic ap-
on the complexity of the solution to be developed, different skills are proach by integrating AI into organizations that are pursuing innova-
necessary and, since there is very high demand for these skills, com- tion. Our research advances the innovation management literature by
panies often have trouble acquiring the necessary talent. Companies shedding light on the use of AI and machine learning algorithms in the
that do have employees with the necessary technical skills then en- future organization of innovation. Our findings point to areas where AI
counter the next hurdle. If high-performing AI solutions are to be de- systems can already be fruitfully applied in organizational innovation –
veloped, the team working on the solution should generally comprise namely, instances where the development of new innovations is pri-
both technical employees and domain experts (Bughin et al., 2018; marily hampered by information processing constraints. AI systems that
Daugherty and Wilson, 2018). The problem is that such collaborative rely on anomaly detection, for instance, can be helpful when firms are
approaches to developing AI solutions can be quite complex. A recent struggling with information processing constraints as they search for
multi-year project to monitor patients in intensive care units (ICUs) new opportunities. Finally, we highlight recent advancements in AI
necessitated close collaboration between AI researchers and medical algorithms that are indicative of AI's potential to resolve the more
professionals. This meant the amount of time required and the com- difficult challenges in innovation management. These include over-
plexity level of conducting the study were much higher than traditional coming local search and generating completely novel ideas. We look
AI projects. But this approach was critical in order to design an effective forward with interest to see how new developments in AI technology
system (Yeung et al., 2019). Collaborative teams such as the one em- open up further possibilities and extend the areas where AI can usefully
ployed in the ICU monitoring project are essential to ensure that the AI be applied in innovation management.
solutions developed address relevant problems that firms are currently
facing. CRediT authorship contribution statement
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amount of human intervention required. While AI solutions are in- tration. Joakim Wincent: Conceptualization, Writing - original draft,
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