Bio Energy Plants
Bio Energy Plants
Bio Energy Plants
Bio-energy plants
transform whisky
distillery sector
he Glendullan distillery in Speyside, Scotland, owned by
T Scotch whisky producer, Diageo, is helping to lead the
industry’s drive for environmental sustainability and carbon
reduction at distillery sites. Its on-site biogas plant has
been fully operational for 12 months, turning 1,000m3 of
malt whisky distillery co-products per day into 16 MW
hours of renewable heat.
Meeting targets
The Glendullan bio-energy plant will
make an important contribution to
Diageo’s global environmental targets
Clearfleau’s Anaerobic Digestion plant at the Glendullan distillery. by reducing its annual CO2 emissions
by approximately 6,000 tonnes. The Agency’s (SEPA) new plans for enhanced Carbon savings
company has invested £6 million at resource use - achieving low carbon If the impact on the transport of
the Dailuaine distillery to create a new emissions, improved materials use co-products is included, the overall saving
bio-energy plant which uses anaerobic and energy savings. It will also enable of carbon for the two sites increases to
digestion technology to treat waste local farmers to replace fossil-fuel- over 3,000 tonnes of carbon a year – for an
water. The use of AD technology to derived fertiliser with nutrient rich expected 20-year period. If 10 additional,
produce electricity for use on site was bio-solids. comparable on-site bio-energy plants
a first in malt distilling. This plant uses were to be installed in the whisky sector in
the liquid residues from the distillation Digestion of distillery residues is making the next three years, the net annual saving
process to generate bio-gas which is a major contribution to Scottish targets could exceed 30,000 tonnes of carbon.
then used in a Combined Heat & Power for both carbon mitigation and the
(CHP) plant to generate electricity and generation of renewable energy. Craig Chapman, Chief Executive of
steam on-site which is used to power the The net carbon savings for the two Clearfleau said: “With the distillery sector
distillery and the dark grains plant. plants, based on replacement of setting tougher sustainability targets,
aerobic treatment with the innovative SEPA’s beyond compliance ‘one planet
The plant generates 0.5 MW of biogas, anaerobic bio-energy solution deployed prosperity strategy’ endorses practical
providing 40% of electrical demand for at Dailuaine and Glendullan is about 3 action, such as optimizing energy output
the site and reduces CO2 emissions by tonnes of carbon a day. from un-wanted co-products.
250 tonnes. At the end of the process We are working with Diageo and other
all that is left is clean water which can One year on distillers to deliver renewable energy
be discharged without environmental The initial 12 months’ results show solutions that support carbon reduction
impact and solid bio-fertilizer, both of on-site anaerobic digestion at the targets and a more circular approach to
which which are used by farmers. Glendullan distillery at Dufftown is resource use.”
converting approximately 1,000m3 per
The second plant at Glendullan is day of malt whisky distillery co-products Diageo is committed to being one of
delivering a 25% reduction in fossil fuel into valuable renewable energy. This is the most environmentally sustainable
energy demand at the distillery, saving about 1 million m3 of biogas per year – beverage companies across its global
Diageo significant costs and reducing producing 6000 MW hours of thermal operations. The company’s collaboration
its carbon footprint by 1,000 tonnes of energy for the distillery. with Clearfleau at its Speyside distilleries
CO2 per year. The AD plants reduce the has made a significant contribution
incoming COD load by over 95% and Diageo also took the opportunity towards this goal in its Scotch whisky
minimize further treatment required for to invest in a new pipeline linking operations in Scotland. By boosting
the discharge of cleansed water to the the nearby Mortlach and Dufftown distillery efficiency, it is hoped that more
river Fiddich and then into the Spey. Distilleries to the bio-energy plant at Scottish distillers will be encouraged to
Glendullan, allowing co-products from generate value from the residues of the
SEPA targets
This investment will help Diageo meet
all three distilleries to be processed and,
as a result, removing over 15 trucks a day
whisky distillation process.
the Scottish Environment Protection from the local roads.