Emax +PRXX Protecction

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Emax air circuit-breakers.

The Open M

Emax air circuit-breakers have always been

appreciated for their high electrical performances,
maximum modularity and standardisation which the all
the ranges feature. Their very high safety, quality and rationality
features, are the result of absolutely innovative design criteria.


Innovative by tradition.
The Emax low voltage air circuit-breakers, designed cuit-breakers are the best guarantee for anyone looking

and manufactured by ABB SACE, are the absolute top for advanced solutions in absolute peace of mind. Sim-

available on the market today for all applications for ply pass back over the history of ABB SACE air circuit-

functional and qualitative excellency. Nothing comes breakers to see a long series of success stories - fifty

about by chance: the long tradition of quality, years passed in a constant search for innovative

reliability, and care that ABB SACE has always and safe solutions and, above all, always those

put into the design and production of its cir- providing top performances.
Emax air circuit-breakers.
Firm ground for yo

Modularity and compactness of Emax air

circuit-breakers considerably simplify construction
of the switchboards. The accessories are always fitted
from the front simply and rapidly, without the need for cabling and
in complete safety. The simplicity of these operations means that any
personalisation required can be carried out directly by the end customer.
our solutions.

With this choice, there is no choice.

Whatever the application you have in mind, there is up to 4000A go to extend the circuit-breakers for

certainly just the apparatus you need for your special applications up to 1000V in alternating

applications in the ranges of Emax air circuit-breakers. current. In order to satisfy more specific and up-to-

The great appreciation shown by the market for this date needs, ABB SACE proposes two new Full Size

new series of air circuit-breakers has encouraged circuit-breakers with neutral conductor with full

introduction of new ranges which go to increase the cross-section, specifically for applications in

extensive offer available to date. installations with high harmonic content due to

The very new 1000V AC/DC switch-disconnectors advanced electronic devices.

Emax air circuit-breakers.
The benchmark for you

The high electrical performances of all the Emax

ranges go hand in hand with their mechanical and construction
characteristics, thought up to provide top quality in all cases.
The compactness of Emax air circuit-breakers is the fruit of perfect
integration of both their components and performances.

ur solutions.

The strong point - strength.

You can tell Emax air circuit-breakers are solid at a its very long life span, only requires minimum

glance. Built with an extremely sturdy metal structure, maintenance. As always, ABB SACE stands out for

they deal brilliantly with any dynamic or thermal the quality of its products, for the care and attention

stresses, making each installation reliable and safe. it pays to all details - both constructional or

Thanks to the materials used, an Emax technological - to offer the market

air circuit-breaker has a much longer apparatus which always achieves top

mechanical life compared with the other performance.

circuit-breakers in its category, and, during

Emax air circuit-breakers.
The finishing line for yo

The modern releases Emax can be fitted with make

all installations more complete and efficient: the intelligence
they are equipped with can carry out many different functions,
giving the circuit-breaker high trip precision.
our solutions.

The new intelligence - intelligent.

With Emax air circuit-breakers you can always choose functions have been added, with five languages

the amount of intelligence you need. Like the latest available to help configure the unit. Moreover, setting

generation PR113 releases, which carry out a complete protection is carried out using a password.

set of protection, signalling, data storage and control And there are not only protection functions, but also

functions. Fitted with a splendid graphic dialogue functions, meaning that these

display, these are available both in the releases are able to communicate with the

protection only and in the protection plus most advanced automation and control

dialogue versions. The PR112 releases systems, such as the LON® and Modbus®

have also been improved and new protocols.

Main characteristics

Overview of the SACE Emax family

Fields of application ............................................................................................................. 1/2

Construction characteristics

Structure of the circuit-breakers .......................................................................................... 1/4

Operating mechanism .......................................................................................................... 1/5

Operating and signalling parts ............................................................................................ 1/6

Fixed parts of withdrawable circuit-breakers ...................................................................... 1/7

Utilization category ............................................................................................................... 1/8

Versions and connections ................................................................................................ 1/9

Microprocessor-based overcurrent releases

General specifications ......................................................................................................... 1/10

Versions available ................................................................................................................ 1/11

Current transformer settings ................................................................................................ 1/13

Compliance with Standards

Standards, approvals and certifications .............................................................................. 1/14

A design dedicated to Quality and respect for the environment ........................................ 1/15


Overview of the SACE Emax family
Fields of application

E1 E2
Automatic circuit-breakers E1B E1N E2B E2N E2L
Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4
Neutral capacity of 4p circuit-breakers [% Iu] 100 100
Iu (40 °C) [A]
800-1250 800-1250 1600-2000 1250-1600-2000 1250-1600

1 Ue
Icu (220...415V)
Ics (220...415V) [kA] 42 50 42 65 130
Icw (1s) [kA] 36 50 42 55 10
(3s) [kA] 36 36 42 42 –

Automatic circuit-breakers with full-size neutral conductor

Poles [No.] Standard version Standard version
Neutral capacity of 4p circuit breakers [% Iu]
Iu (40 °C) [A]
Ue [V~]
Icu (220...415V) [kA]
Ics (220...415V) [kA]
Icw (1s) [kA]
(3s) [kA]

Switch-disconnectors E1B/MS E1N/MS E2B/MS E2N/MS

Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
Iu (40 °C) [A]
800-1250 800-1250 1600-2000 1250-1600-2000

Ue [V~] 690 690 690 690

Icw (1s) [kA] 36 50 42 55
(3s) [kA] 36 36 42 42
Icm (220...440V) [kA] 75,6 105 88,2 121

Automatic circuit-breakers for applications up to 1000 V AC E2B/E E2N/E

Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4
Iu (40 °C) [A] 1600-2000 1250-1600-2000
Ue [V~] 1000 1000
Icu (1000V) [kA] 20 30
Ics (1000V) [kA] 20 30
Icw (1s) [kA] 20 30

Switch-disconnectors for applications up to 1000 V AC E2B/E MS E2N/E MS

Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4
Iu (40 °C) [A] 1600-2000 1250-1600-2000
Ue [V~] 1000 1000
Icw (1s) [kA] 20 30
Icm (1000V) [kA] 40 63

Switch-disconnectors for applications up to 1000 V DC E1B/E MS E2N/E MS

Poles [No.] 3-4 3-4
Iu (40 °C) [A] 800-1250 1250-1600-2000
Ue [V-] 750 (3p)-1000(4p) 750 (3p)-1000(4p)
Icw (1s) [kA] 20 25
Icm (750V) [kA] 20 25
(1000V) [kA] 20 25

Sectionalizing truck E1 CS E2 CS
Iu (40 °C) [A] 1250 2000

Earthing switch with making capacity E1 MTP E2 MTP

Iu (40 °C) [A] 1250 2000

Earthing truck E1 MT E2 MT
Iu (40 °C) [A] 1250 2000


E3 E4 E6
3-4 3-4 3-4
100 50 50
1250-1600-2000- 1250-1600-2000- 3200-4000-
2500-3200 2500-3200 2500-3200 2000-2500 4000 3200-4000 5000-6300 5000-6300
150 1
65 75 85 130 75 100 100 125
65 75 75 15 75 100 100 100
65 65 65 – 75 75 85 85

E4S/f E6H/f
Standard version 4 4
100 100
4000 5000-6300
690 690
80 100
80 100
80 100
75 85


3-4 3-4 3-4 4 3-4 3-4 4
2500-3200 2500-3200 4000 4000 3200-4000 5000-6300 5000-6300
690 690 690 690 690 690 690
65 75 75 80 100 100 100
65 65 75 75 75 85 85
143 165 165 176 220 220 220

3-4 3-4
1250-1600-2000-2500-3200 3200-4000
1000 1000
50 65
50 65
50 65

3-4 3-4
1250-1600-2000-2500-3200 3200-4000
1000 1000
50 65
105 143

3-4 3
1250-1600-2000-2500-3200 3200-4000
750 (3p)-1000(4p) 750
40 65
40 65
40 –

3200 4000 6300


3200 4000 6300

3200 4000 6300


Construction characteristics
Structure of the circuit-breakers

The sheet steel structure of the circuit-breaker is extremely com-

pact, considerably reducing overall dimensions.
Safety is improved by adopting double insulation for the live
parts and total segregation between phases.
The sizes have the same height and depth for all of the circuit-
breakers in each version.
The depth of the withdrawable version is suitable for installation
1 of switchboards 500 mm deep.
The width of 324 mm (up to 2000 A) in the withdrawable version
allows the equipment to be used in switchboard compartments
400 mm wide. The compact dimensions also allow them to re-
place air circuit breakers of any size from earlier series.


Construction characteristics
Operating mechanism

The operating mechanism is of the stored energy type, oper-

ated using pre-charged springs.
The springs are charged manually by operating the front lever
or using a gearmotor, supplied on request.
The opening springs are charged automatically during the clos-
ing operation.
With the operating mechanism fitted with shunt closing and
opening releases and the gearmotor for charging the springs, 1
the circuit-breaker can be operated by remote control and, if
required, co-ordinated by a supervision and control system.



The following operating cycles are possible without recharging
the springs:
– starting with the circuit-breaker open (0) and the springs
charged :
– starting with the circuit-breaker closed (I) and the springs
charged :
The same operating mechanism is used for the entire series
and is fitted with a mechanical and electrical anti-pumping


Construction characteristics
Operating and signalling parts

Fixed version
1 Trademark and size of circuit-
2 SACE PR111, PR112 or PR113

3 Pushbutton for manual
4 Pushbutton for manual
2 closing
5 Lever to manually charge
closing springs
3 4 6 Electrical rating plate
1 7 Mechanical device to signal
circuit-breaker open “O” and
closed “I”
11 6 8 Signal for springs charged or
9 Mechanical signal for protection
5 17 release tripped
10 Operation counter
7 11 Key lock in open position
12 Key lock and padlock in racked-
in/racked-out position (for
9 10 withdrawable version only)
13 Racking-in/racking out device

(for withdrawable version only)

14 Terminal box (for fixed version
15 Sliding contacts (for withdraw-
able version only)
16 Circuit breaker position
indicator: racked-in/ test isolated
/racked-out / connected/test
isolated/disconnected (for
withdrawable version only)

Withdrawable version
17 Padlock device in open position

“Racked-in” refers to the position in which
both the power contacts and auxiliary
contacts are connected; “racked-out” is the
position in which both the power contacts
and auxiliary contacts are disconnected;
“test isolated” is the position in which the

power contacts are disconnected, while the

15 auxiliary contacts are connected.

3 4

11 6


7 8

9 10



Construction characteristics
Fixed parts of withdrawable circuit-breakers

The fixed parts of withdrawable circuit-breakers have shutters

for segregating the fixed contacts when the circuit-breaker is
withdrawn from the compartment. These can be locked in their
closed position using padlock devices.

1 Sheet steel supporting
2 Single earthing clamp
mounted on the left for E1, E2
and E3, double earthing
clamps for E4 and E6
3 Safety shutters (protection
rating IP20)
4 Terminal support base
5 Terminals (rear, front or flat)
6 Contacts signalling that the
circuit-breaker is racked-in,
test isolated, racked-out
7 Sliding contacts
8 Padlock device for safety
shutters (on request)
9 Fastening points (4 for E1, E2,
E3 and 6 for E4, E6)


1 4



Construction characteristics
Utilization category

Selective and current-limiting circuit-breakers

Selective (non current-limiting) circuit-breakers are classified
in class B (according to IEC 60947-2 Standard). It is important

to know their Icw values in relation to any possible delayed op-
erations in the event of short-circuits.

The current-limiting circuit-breakers E2L and E3L belong to

class A. The short-term current Icw is not very important for
these circuit-breakers, and is necessarily low due to the operat-
ing principle on which they are based. The fact that they belong
to class A does not preclude the possibility of obtaining the
necessary selectivity (e.g. current-type or time-type selectivity)
within the Icw rated short-time withstand current thresholds.
The special advantages of current-limiting circuit-breakers are
also worthy of emphasis. Indeed, they make it possible to:
– significantly reduce the peak current in relation to the pro-
spective value;
– drastically limit specific let-through energy.

The resultant benefits include:

– reduced electrodynamic stresses;
– reduced thermal stresses;
– savings on the sizing of cables and busbars;
– the possibility of coordinating with other circuit-breakers in
the series for back-up or discrimination.

9 8 7 6b 6a 9 8 7 6
1 Sheet steel supporting


2 Current transformer for

protection release
3 Pole group insulating box
5b 4 Horizontal rear terminals
5-5a Plates for fixed main
5a 5 contacts
5b Plates for fixed arc-breaking
2 2 contacts
10 10 6-6a Plates for main moving
4 4 contacts
6b Plates for moving arc-
breaking contacts
3 3 7 Arcing chamber
11 11 8 Terminal box for fixed
1 1 version - Sliding contacts
for withdrawable version
9 Protection release
Selective circuit-breaker Current-limiting circuit-breaker 10 Circuit-breaker closing and
opening control
E1 B-N, E2 B-N, E3 N-S-H, E4 S-H, E6 H-V E2 L, E3 L
11 Closing springs


Versions and connections

All circuit-breakers are available in fixed and withdrawable, three-

pole or four-pole versions.
Each series of circuit-breakers offers terminals made of silver-
plated copper bars in the same sizes, regardless of the rated
currents of the circuit-breakers.
The fixed parts for withdrawable circuit-breakers are common
to each model, regardless of the rated current and breaking
capacity. 1
A version with gold-plated terminals is available for circuit break-
ers that must be used in corrosive environments.
The availability of various types of terminals makes it possible
to build wall-mounted switchboards, or switchboards to be
accessed from behind with rear connections.
For special installation needs, the circuit-breakers may be fit-
ted with various combinations of upper and lower terminals.

Fixed circuit-breaker



Horizontal rear terminals Vertical rear terminals Front terminals

Withdrawable circuit-breaker




Horizontal rear terminals Vertical rear terminals Front terminals Flat terminals


Microprocessor-based overcurrent releases
General specifications

The overcurrent protection for AC installations uses three types of microprocessor-based re-
leases in the SACE PR111, PR112 and PR113 series, which can be installed as alternatives to
one another on SACE Emax circuit-breakers:
• SACE PR111 with protection functions only
• SACE PR112 with protection, current measurement and dialogue functions
• SACE PR113 with a complete set of functions for protection, measurement, signalling, control
and dialogue.
1 The protection systems can be three-phase or three-phase with neutral depending on the type of
circuit-breaker used (three-pole, three-pole with external neutral or four-pole).
The protection system is made up of:
• 3 or 4 current transformers (CT) depending on the number of circuit-breaker poles; the fourth
CT may be external
• a protection unit selected from among SACE PR111/P, SACE PR112/P and SACE PR113/P, or
a protection and communication unit selected from among SACE PR112/PD with LON® or
Modbus® protocol and SACE PR113/PD with Modbus® protocol
• an opening solenoid which acts directly on the circuit-breaker’s operating mechanism (sup-
plied with the protection unit).


Microprocessor-based overcurrent releases
Versions available

General specifications of the microprocessor-based releases include:

• operation without the need for an external power supply
• microprocessor technology (8-bit for SACE PR111 and 16-bit for SACE PR112 and PR113)
• high precision
• sensitivity to the true r.m.s. value of the current
• interchangeability among all types of releases
• setting for neutral normally 50% of setting for phases, with possibility of setting it to 100% (on
request only for circuit -breakers E1, E2, E3 standard and E4/f, E6/f full-size versions). 1
For the release PR113, it is also possible to select neutral protection at 150% and 200% of the
rated current of the phases, if compatible with the setting of the current transformers.
The main performance features of the releases are listed in the tables below.

PR111/P PR111/P PR111/P

PR112/P PR112/P

PR112/PD PR112/PD PR112/PD PR112/PD

Modbus Modbus LON LON
Protection and

Protection D U OT UV OV RV RP M

Protection and D U OT UV OV RV RP M


Microprocessor-based overcurrent releases
Versions available

Protection functions PR111 PR112 PR113
Inverse long time-delay trip
overload protection n n n
Adjustable-slope curve (IEC 60255-3) n
Selective short-circuit protection with inverse or definite
n n n
short time-delay trip
Instantaneous short-circuit protection with adjustable
trip current threshold n n n
Earth fault protection residual (internal sensor) n n n
source ground return (external sensor) n n
D Directional short-circuit protection with adjustable delay n
U Protection against phase umbalance n
OT Protection against overtemperature n n
UV OV Undervoltage and overvoltage protection n
RV Residual voltage protection / neutral displacement protection n
RP Reverse power protection n
M Thermal memory for L and S functions n n

Currents (phases, neutral, earth fault) n n
Voltage (phase-phase, phase-neutral, residual) n
Power (active, reactive, apparent) n
Power factor n
Frequency and peak factor n
Energy (active, reactive, apparent, counter) n
Harmonics calculation (displays waveform and module of the harmonics) n
Maintenance events and data
Events stored in chronological order n n
Counting number of operations and contact wear n n
Communication with centralized supervision and control system
Remote setting of parameters for protection functions,
unit configuration and communication n n
Transmission of measurements, states and alarms from circuit-breaker to system n n
Transmission of maintenance events and data from circuit-breaker to system n n
Alarm and tripping for release overtemperature n n
Alarm for microprocessor fault n n
User interface
Parameters set using DIP switches n
Parameters set using keys and liquid crystal display n n
Alarm signals for L, S, I and G functions n n
Alarm signalling one of the following protections: undervoltage,
overvoltage, residual voltage, reverse power n
Imbalance phase and overtemperature signal n n
Complete management of pre-alarms and alarms for all protection and self-monitoring functions n n
Password for use with “READ”
or “EDIT” mode n n
Load control
Connection-disconnection of loads in relation to the current flowing through the circuit-breaker n n
Zone selectivity
May be activated for protection functions S or G n
May be activated for protection functions S, G or D n
Number of programmable contacts 1 2
Start-up function S, D, I and G n


Microprocessor-based overcurrent releases
Setting the current transformers

Rated CT current In [A]

Type of Rated
circuit-breaker current Iu R250 R400 R800 R1000 R1250 R1600 R2000 R2500 R3200 R4000 R5000 R6300
E1B 800
E1N 1250

E2N 1600
E4S 4000
E4S/f 4000


Compliance with Standards
Standards, approvals and certifications

SACE Emax circuit-breakers and their accessories meet the

international standards IEC 60947, EN 60947 (harmonized in
17 CENELEC countries), CEI EN 60947 and IEC 61000, and
comply with EC directive:
– “Low Voltage Directive” (LVD) nr. 73/23 EEC
– “Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive” (EMC) nr. 89/336
1 The main versions of the equipment are approved by the fol-
lowing Shipping Registries:
– RINA (Registro Italiano Navale)
– Det Norske Veritas
– Bureau Veritas
– Germanischer Lloyd
– Loyd’s Register of Shipping
– Polskj Reiestr Statkow
Note: Contact ABB SACE for a list of – Gost
approved types of circuit breakers,

approved performance data and the

– ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
corresponding validity – NK

Certification of conformity with the aforementioned product

Standards is carried out in compliance with European Standard
EN 45011 by the Italian certification body ACAE (Associazione
per la Certificazione delle Apparecchiature Elettriche - Asso-
ciation for the Certification of Electrical Equipment), recognized
by the European organization LOVAG (Low Voltage Agreement


Compliance with Standards
A design dedicated to Quality and respect
for the environment

Quality has always been the leading commitment of ABB SACE.

This commitment involves every function of the company, and
has allowed us to achieve prestigious recognition internation-
The company’s Quality System is certified by RINA, one of the
most prestigious international certification boards, and complies

with ISO 9001 Standards; the ABB SACE test facility is accred-
ited by SINAL; the plants in Frosinone, Patrica, Vittuone and
Garbagnate Monastero are also certified in compliance with
OHSAS 18001 Standards for workplace health and safety.
ABB SACE, Italy’s first industrial company in the electro-me-
chanical sector to achieve this, has been able to reduce its raw
material consumption and machining scrap by 20% thanks to
an ecology-centred revision of its manufacturing process. All of
the company’s Divisions are involved in streamlining raw mate-
rial and energy consumption, preventing pollution, limiting noise

pollution and reducing scrap resulting from manufacturing proc-

esses, as well as to carrying out periodic environmental audits
of leading suppliers.
ABB SACE is committed to environmental protection, as also
evidenced by the Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of products
carried out at the Research Center: thus assessments and im-
provements of the environmental performance of products
throughout their life cycle are included right from the initial en-
gineering stage. The materials, processes and packaging used
are chosen with a view to optimizing the actual environmental
impact of each product, including its energy efficiency and


The Ranges

SACE Emax automatic circuit-breakers ........................................................................... 2/2
Automatic circuit-breakers with full-size neutral conductor ....................................... 2/4

Switch-disconnectors ....................................................................................................... 2/5

Automatic circuit-breakers for applications up to 1000V AC ...................................... 2/6

Switch-disconnectors for applications up to 1000V AC .............................................. 2/7

Switch-disconnectors for applications up to 1000V DC .............................................. 2/8

Sectionalizing truck ........................................................................................................... 2/9

Earthing switch with making capacity ............................................................................ 2/10

Earthing truck ..................................................................................................................... 2/11

Other versions .................................................................................................................... 2/11


SACE Emax automatic circuit-breakers

Shared specifications
Rated service voltage Ue [V] 690 ~
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000


Rated impulse withstand
voltage Uimp [kV] 12
Test voltage at industrial
frequency for 1 minute [V] 3500 ~
Service temperature [°C] -25....+70
Storage temperature [°C] -40....+70
Frequency f [Hz] 50 - 60
Number of poles 3-4
Versions Fixed - Withdrawable

2 E1 E2
Performance levels B N B N L
Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 °C) Iu [A] 800 800 1600 1250 1250
[A] 1250 1250 2000 1600 1600
[A] 2000
Capacity of neutral pole on four-pole circuit-breakers [%Iu]
100 100 100 100 100
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu
220/230/380/400/415 V ~ [kA] 42 50 42 65 130
440 V ~ [kA] 42 50 42 65 110
500/660/690 V ~ [kA] 36 36 42 55 85
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics
220/230/380/400/415 V ~ [kA] 42 50 42 65 130
440 V ~ [kA] 42 50 42 65 110
500/660/690 V ~ [kA] 36 36 42 55 65
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 36 50 42 55 10
(3s) 36 36 42 42 –
Rated short-circuit making capacity (peak value) Icm
220/230/380/400/415 V ~ [kA] 88,2 105 88,2 143 286
440 V ~ [kA] 88,2 105 88,2 143 242
500/660/690 V ~ [kA] 75,6 75,6 88,2 121 187
Utilisation category (in accordance with IEC 60947-2) B B B B A
Isolation behavior (in accordance with IEC 60947-2) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Overcurrent protection
Microprocessor-based releases for AC applications ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Operating times
Closing time (max) [ms] 80 80 80 80 80
Break time for I<Icw (max) (1) [ms] 70 70 70 70 70
Break time for I>Icw (max) [ms] 30 30 30 30 12
Overall dimensions
Fixed: H = 418 mm - D = 302 mm L (3/4 poles) [mm] 296/386 296/386
Withdrawable: H = 461 mm - D = 396.5 mm L (3/4 poles) [mm] 324/414 324/414
Weights (circuit-breaker complete with releases and CT, not including accessories)
Fixed 3/4 poles [kg] 45/54 45/54 50/61 50/61 52/63
Withdrawable 3/4 poles (including fixed part) [kg] 70/82 70/82 78/93 78/93 80/95

(1) Without intentional delays (2) Performance at 600 V is 100 kA (3) Performance at 500 V is 100 kA

E1 B-N E2 B-N E2 L
Rated uninterrupted current (a 40 °C) Iu [A] 800 1250 1250 1600 2000 1250 1600
Mechanical life with regular routine maintenance [No. operations x 1000] 25 25 25 25 25 20 20
Frequency [Operations per hour] 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Electrical life (440 V ~) [No. operations x 1000] 10 10 15 12 10 4 3
(690 V ~) [No. operations x 1000] 10 8 15 10 8 3 2
Frequency [Operations per hour] 30 30 30 30 30 20 20



E3 E4 E6 2

2500 1250 1250 2000 4000 3200 5000 3200

3200 1600 1600 2500 4000 6300 4000
2000 2000 5000
2500 2500 6300
3200 3200
100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50

65 75 100 130 75 100 100 150

65 75 100 110 75 100 100 150
65 75 85 (2) 85 75 85 (2)(3) 100 100

65 75 85 130 75 100 100 125

65 75 85 110 75 100 100 125
65 75 85 65 75 85 (3) 100 100
65 75 75 15 75 100 100 100
65 65 65 – 75 75 85 85

143 165 220 286 165 220 220 330

143 165 220 242 165 220 220 330
143 165 187 187 165 187 220 220
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
30 30 30 12 30 30 30 30

404/530 566/656 782/908

432/558 594/684 810/936

66/80 66/80 66/80 72/83 97/117 97/117 140/160 140/160

104/125 104/125 104/125 110/127 147/165 147/165 210/240 210/240

E3 N-S-H E3 L E4 S-H E6 H-V

1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 2000 2500 3200 4000 3200 4000 5000 6300
20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 12 12 12 12
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
12 10 9 8 6 2 1,8 7 5 5 4 3 2
12 10 9 7 5 1,5 1,3 7 4 5 4 2 1,5
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10


Automatic circuit-breakers with full-size neutral

The Emax range of automatic circuit-breakers with full-size neutral conductor is used in special
applications where the presence of triple-N harmonics on individual phases may lead to a very
high current on the neutral conductor.
Typical applications include installations with loads having high harmonics distortion (comput-

ers and electronic devices in general), lighting systems with a large number of fluorescent
lamps, systems with inverters and rectifiers, UPS, systems for adjusting the speed of electric
This range includes standard circuit-breakers with full-size neutral conductor in sizes E1, E2,
E3. Models E4 and E6 are available in the “Full size” version up to rated currents of 6300A.
Models E4/f and E6/f are available in fixed and withdrawable four-pole versions. These models
may be fitted with all accessories available for the Emax range; the exception, on the E6/f model,
are the mechanical interlocks made using flexible wires and 15 external auxiliary contacts,
which are therefore incompatible.
2 All the models may be fitted with all available versions of electronic protection relays, in the
standard version.


E4S/f E6H/f

Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 °C) Iu [A] 4000 5000

[A] 6300
Number of poles 4 4
Rated service voltage Ue [V ~] 690 690
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu
220/230/380/400/415 V ~ [kA] 80 100
440 V ~ [kA] 80 100
500/660/690 V ~ [kA] 75 100
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics
220/230/380/400/415 V ~ [kA] 80 100
440 V ~ [kA] 80 100
500/660/690 V ~ [kA] 75 100
Rated short-time withstand current Icw
(1s) [kA] 80 100
(3s) [kA] 75 85
Rated short-circuit making capacity (peak value) Icm [kA] 176 220
Application category (in accordance with IEC 60947-2) B B
Isolation behavior (in accordance with IEC 60947-2) ■ ■
Overall dimensions
Fixed: H = 418 mm - D = 302 mm L [mm] 746 1034
Withdrawable: H = 461 - D = 396.5 mm L [mm] 774 1062
Weights (circuit-breaker complete with releases and CT, not including accessories)
Fixed [kg] 120 165
Withdrawable (including fixed part) [kg] 170 250



The switch-disconnectors are derived from the corresponding automatic circuit-breakers, of

which they maintain the overall dimensions and the possibility of mounting accessories.
This version differs from the automatic circuit-breakers only in the absence of overcurrent re-

The circuit-breaker is available in both fixed and withdrawable versions, three-pole and four-
pole. The switch-disconnectors, identified by the label “/MS”, may be used according to the
category of use AC-23A (switching motor loads or other highly inductive loads) in accordance
with the standard IEC 60947-3. The electrical specifications of the switch-disconnectors are
listed in the table below.


Rated uninterrupted current [A] 800 800 1600 1250 2500 1250 4000 4000 3200 5000 5000
(a 40 °C) Iu [A] 1250 1250 2000 1600 3200 1600 4000 6300 6300
[A] 2000 2000
[A] 2500
[A] 3200
Rated service
voltage Ue [V ~] 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690
[V –] 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Rated insulation
voltage Ui [V ~] 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rated impulse withstand
voltage Uimp [kV] 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Rated short-time
withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 36 50 42 55 65 75 75 80 100 100 100
(3s) [kA] 36 36 42 42 65 65 75 75 75 85 85
Rated short-circuit making
capacity (peak value) Icm
220/230/380/400/415/440 V ~ [kA] 75,6 105 88,2 121 143 165 165 176 220 220 220
500/660/690 V ~ [kA] 75,6 75,6 88,2 121 143 165 165 165 187 220 220


Automatic circuit-breakers for applications
up to 1000V AC

SACE Emax circuit-breakers may be supplied in a special version for rated service voltages up
to 1000 V in AC.
Circuit-breakers in this version are identified by the label of the standard range (rated service
voltage up to 690 V AC) plus “/E”, and are derived from the corresponding standard SACE Emax

circuit-breakers. They offer the same versions and accessories as the latter. The SACE Emax
range of circuit-breakers for applications up to 1000V in AC may be either fixed and withdrawable,
in both three-pole and four-pole versions. SACE Emax/E circuit-breakers are especially suitable
for installation in mines, oil and chemical plants, and for traction.
The table below shows the electrical specifications of the range.


Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 °C) Iu [A] 1600 2000 1250 1600 2000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 3200 4000
Rated service voltage Ue [V~] 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rated ultimate short-circuit
breaking capacity Icu [kA] 20 20 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 65 65
Rated service short-circuit
breaking capacity Ics [kA] 20 20 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 65 65
Rated short-time withstand
current Icw (1s) [kA] 20 20 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 65 65


Switch-disconnectors for applications
up to 1000V AC

The switch-disconnectors complete the range of equipment for applications at 1000V in alter-
nating current (AC). These circuit-breakers meet international IEC standard 60947-3.
Circuit-breakers in this version are identified by the label of the standard range, where the rated
service voltage is up to 690 V AC, plus “/E”, thus becoming SACE Emax/E MS. They are derived

from the corresponding standard SACE Emax switch-disconnectors.

They are available in three-pole and four-pole, both in the fixed and withdrawable versions in the
same sizes, accessory options and installations as the corresponding standard circuit-break-
ers. All accessories available for the SACE Emax range may be used. Standard fixed parts may
also be used for circuit-breakers in the withdrawable version.


Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 °C) Iu [A] 1600 1250 1250 3200
[A] 2000 1600 1600 4000
[A] 2000 2000
[A] 2500
[A] 3200
Number of poles 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
Rated AC service voltage Ue [V] 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rated AC insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12 12 12 12
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 20 30 50 65
Rated making capacity Icm 1000 VAC (peak value) [kA] 40 63 105 143


Switch-disconnectors for applications
up to 1000V DC

ABB SACE has developed the SACE Emax/E MS range of switch-disconnectors for applications
in direct current up to 1000V in compliance with international standard IEC60947-3. These non-
automatic circuit-breakers are especially suitable for use as busbar links or main isolators in
direct current systems, such as for applications involving electric traction.

The range covers all installation needs up to 1000V DC / 3200A or up to 750V DC/ 4000A.
They are available in fixed and withdrawable versions, three-pole and four-pole.
By connecting three breaking poles in series, it is possible to achieve a rated insulation voltage
of 750V DC, while with four poles in series the limit rises to 1000V DC.
The switch-disconnectors of the SACE Emax/E MS range maintain the overall dimensions and
fastening points of the standard range circuit-breakers. They may be fitted with the various
terminal kits and all accessories common to the SACE Emax range. They may obviously not be
associated with the electronic releases, CT and with the current detection and protection acces-
sories for AC applications.
2 The withdrawable circuit-breakers should be used together with the special version fixed parts
for applications at 750/1000V DC.


Rated uninterrupted current (at 40 °C) Iu [A] 800 1250 1250 3200
[A] 1250 1600 1600 4000
[A] 2000 2000
[A] 2500
[A] 3200
Number of poles 3 4 3 4 3 4 3
Rated AC service voltage Ue [V] 750 1000 750 1000 750 1000 750
Rated AC insulation voltage Ui [V] 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Rated short-time withstand current Icw (1s) [kA] 20 20 25 25 40 40 65
Rated making capacity Icm 750 V DC [kA] 20 20 25 25 40 40 65
1000 V DC – 20 – 25 – 40 –


Sectionalizing truck

Sectionalizing truck - CS
This version is derived from the corresponding withdrawable circuit-breaker, replacing all of the
circuit breaking parts and operating mechanism with simple connections between the upper
and lower contacts.
It is used as a no load isolator where required by the system.




Earthing switch with making capacity

Earthing switch with making capacity - MTP

This version is based on the mobile part of the corresponding withdrawable circuit-breaker
(without overcurrent releases) and the top or bottom isolating contacts, which are replaced with
connections that short circuit the phases to earth through the circuit-breaker. The earthing switch
is available with top or bottom isolating contacts.
The earthing circuit is dimensioned for a short-time current equal to 60% of the maximum lcw of
the circuit-breaker from which it is derived (IEC 60439-1).
The earthing switch is inserted in the fixed part of a withdrawable circuit-breaker to earth the top
or bottom terminals before carrying out inspection or maintenance operations on the external
circuit in safety conditions. It should be used in cases where the installations to be earthed may
2 produce residual or recovery voltages.






Earthing truck
Other versions

Earthing truck- MT
This version is similar to the sectionalizing truck, but with the bottom or top isolating contacts
replaced by short-circuited, earthed connections. The earthing truck is available with bottom or
top isolating contacts, suitable for the fixed part of the size.
The earthing circuit is dimensioned for a short-time current equal to 60% of the maximum lcw of
the circuit-breaker from which it is derived (IEC 60439-1).
The truck is temporarily racked into the fixed part of a withdrawable circuit-breaker to earth the
top or bottom terminals before carrying out maintenance operations on the external circuit when
no residual voltages are expected.





Other versions
Upon request, SACE Emax circuit breakers may be built in special versions designed for par-
ticularly aggressive environments (SO2 / H2S) and for seismic installations.



Installation in switchboards

Modular design ..................................................................................................................... 3/2

Choosing the type of circuit breaker ................................................................................... 3/3

Current carrying capacity in switchboards .......................................................................... 3/6

Change in the rated uninterrupted current in relation to temperature 3

Temperature derating ........................................................................................................... 3/7

Derating in altitude ............................................................................................................ 3/12

Current-limiting and specific let-through energy curves

for circuit-breakers E2L and E3L ..................................................................................... 3/13


Installation in switchboards

Modular design

The circuit-breakers in the SACE Emax series have been built

to modular design criteria for easier installation and integration
in Low Voltage electrical switchboards, giving them the same
depth and height for every model while simultaneously achiev-
ing a significant reduction in their overall installation dimen-
The front shield of the circuit-breaker is also identical for the
entire series. This simplifies the construction of the switchboard
doors since only one type of drilling is required and makes the
front of the switchboard the same for all sizes.
SACE Emax circuit-breakers are suitable for Power Center
switchboards and make it easy to comply with the segregation
requirements of the IEC 60439-1 standards.



Installation in switchboards

Choosing the type of circuit breaker

Number of poles
The choice of the number of poles for circuit-breakers that si-
multaneously provide switching, protection and isolation func-
tions in three-phase installations depends on the type of elec-
trical system (TT, TN-S, TN-C, IT) and the type of user or, more
generally, whether it features a distributed or non-distributed

Three-pole circuit breakers Four-pole circuit breakers Three-pole circuit breakers

with external neutral

For TN-C systems (the neutral For users that do not use the In all other instances, with Current transformers can be
cannot be interrupted because it neutral (e.g.: asynchronous motors) exceptions for the IT system installed on the external neutral
also acts as the protection and, for systems with non- (see CEI Standards 64-8/ of five-wire systems (TN-S) with
conductor). distributed neutral in general. 473.3.2.2). 3-pole circuit-breakers.

Fixed or withdrawable version

The fixed version of the circuit-breaker is more compact in size
than the withdrawable version. It is recommended for installa-
tions that can tolerate service interruptions in the event of faults
or routine maintenance.
The withdrawable version of the circuit-breaker is recommended
– applications that can only tolerate brief interruptions due to
faults or routine maintenance:
– dual lines, one of which is a standby for the other, with a
single circuit-breaker for each pair.


Installation in switchboards

Choosing the type of circuit breaker

Connecting the main circuit-breaker

When designing switchboards, one must always bear in mind
the problem of making the most rational connections between
the circuit-breaker and main busbar system and the busbars to
the users. The SACE Emax series offers switchboard analysts
a range of options to satisfy different circuit-breaker connec-
tion requirements.
The figures alongside here show a number of indications for
terminal selection.

Horizontal rear terminals Vertical rear terminals Front terminals Flat rear terminals

For switchboards with access For switchboards with access For wall-mounted switchboards, (withdrawable version only) For
from the rear from the rear with access from the front only switchboards with access from
the rear

Protection degrees
A number of solutions have been adopted on SACE Emax cir-
cuit-breakers to achieve IP22 protection degree for fixed or with-
drawable circuit-breakers, not including their terminals, and IP30
for their front parts using a flange. Automatic shutters have been
designed for the fixed parts of withdrawable circuit-breakers
which can be locked using padlock devices to allow mainte-
nance of the load side or power-supply side of the fixed part.
A transparent protective cover is also available upon request,
to completely segregate the front of the circuit breaker with a
protection degree of IP54. The front panel and protection re-
lease, as well as their indicators, still remain completely visible.
IP22 Fixed or withdrawable circuit-breaker, not including ter-

IP30 Front parts of circuit-breakers (using flange).
IP54 Fixed or withdrawable circuit-breaker, fitted with
transparent protective cover to be fastened to the front
of the switchboard (on request).


Power losses Power loss
Circuit breaker Iu Fixed Withdrawable
The IEC 439-1 and CEI EN 3/4 Poles 3/4 Poles
60439-1 standards prescribe [A] [W] [W]

calculations for determining E1 B-N 800 65 95

the heat dissipation of ANS 1250 150 230

E2 B-N 1250 70 130
(non-standard) switchboards 1600 115 215
which require the engineer to 2000 180 330
consider the following: E2 L 1250 105 165

– the overall dimensions 1600 170 265

E3 N-S-H 1250 60 90
– the rated current of the bus- 1600 85 150
bars and connections and 2000 130 225
their power loss values 2500 205 350

– the power loss of the switch- 3200 330 570

E3 L 2000 215 330
gear fitted in the switch- 2500 335 515
board. E4 S-H 3200 235 425
For the latter, the following ta-
4000 360 660

ble provides information on the E6 H-V 3200 170 290

4000 265 445
circuit-breakers. Where other 5000 415 700
equipment is concerned, 6300 650 1100
please consult the catalogues
of the relative manufacturers. Note
The table values refer to balanced loads, a current flow of Iu, and automatic circuit-

The same standards prescribe type tests
for AS switchboards (standard factory-
manufactured switchgear), including those
for maximum temperature rise.


Installation in switchboards

Current carrying capacity in switchboards

The following table lists examples of the continuous current

carrying capacity for circuit breakers installed in a switchboard
with the dimensions indicated below.
These values refer to withdrawable switchgear installed in non-
segregated switchboards with a protection rating of up to IP31,
and the following dimensions:
2300x800x900 (HxLxD) for E1 - E2 - E3;
2300x1400x1500 (HxLxD) for E4 - E6. Note:
The tables should be used solely as a
The values refer to a maximum temperature at the terminals of general guideline for selecting products.
Due to the extensive variety of
120°C. switchboard formats and conditions that
For withdrawable circuit-breakers with a rated current of 6300A, may affect the behavior of the equipment
switchboard, solutions must always be
the use of vertical rear terminals is recommended. tested in the actual installation.

Vertical terminals Horizontal and front terminals

Type Iu Continuous capacity Busbars section Continuous capacity Busbars section
[A] [A] [mm2] [A] [mm2]

3 E1B/N 08 800



800 1x(60x10)



800 1x(60x10)
E1B/N 12 1250 1250 1250 1250 1x(80x10) 1250 1250 1200 2x(60x8)
E2N 12 1250 1250 1250 1250 1x(60x10) 1250 1250 1250 1x(60x10)
E2B/N 16 1600 1600 1600 1600 2x(60x10) 1600 1600 1530 2x(60x10)
E2B/N 20 2000 2000 2000 1800 3x(60x10) 2000 2000 1750 3x(60x10)
E2L 12 1250 1250 1250 1250 1x(60x10) 1250 1250 1250 1x(60x10)
E2L 16 1600 1600 1600 1500 2x(60x10) 1600 1490 1400 2x(60x10)
E3S/H 12 1250 1250 1250 1250 1x(60x10) 1250 1250 1250 1x(60x10)
E3S/H 16 1600 1600 1600 1600 1x(100x10) 1600 1600 1600 1x(100x10)
E3S/H 20 2000 2000 2000 2000 2x(100x10) 2000 2000 2000 2x(100x10)
E3N/S/H 25 2500 2500 2500 2500 2x(100x10) 2500 2490 2410 2x(100x10)
E3N/S/H 32 3200 3200 3100 2800 3x(100x10) 3000 2880 2650 3x(100x10)
E3L 20 2000 2000 2000 2000 2x(100x10) 2000 2000 1970 2x(100x10)
E3L 25 2500 2500 2390 2250 2x(100x10) 2375 2270 2100 2x(100x10)
E4H 32 3200 3200 3200 3200 3x(100x10) 3200 3200 3020 3x(100x10)
E4S/H 40 4000 4000 3980 3500 4x(100x10) 3600 3510 3150 6x(60x10)
E6V 32 3200 3200 3200 3200 3x(100x10) 3200 3200 3200 3x(100x10)
E6V 40 4000 4000 4000 4000 4x(100x10) 4000 4000 4000 4x(100x10)
E6H/V 50 5000 5000 4850 4600 6x(100x10) 4850 4510 4250 6x(100x10)
E6H/V 63 6300 6000 5700 5250 7x(100x10) - - - -


Changing the rated uninterrupted current
in relation to temperature
Temperature derating

The circuit-breakers may operate at higher temperatures than

their reference temperature (40 °C) in certain installation condi-
tions. In these cases the current-carrying capacity of the
switchgear should be reduced.
The SACE Emax series of air circuit-breakers uses microproc-
essor-based electronic releases that offer the benefit of great
operating stability when subjected to temperature changes.
The tables below show the current-carrying capacities of the
circuit breakers (as absolute values and percentage values) in
relation to their rated values at T = 40 °C.

SACE Emax E1
Temperature E1 800 E1 1250
[°C] % [A] % [A]
10 100 800 100 1250
1250 3
40 100 800 100 1250
45 100 800 100 1250
50 100 800 100 1250
55 100 800 100 1250
60 100 800 100 1250
65 100 800 99 1240
70 100 800 98 1230

Iu [A]

E1 1250


800 E1 800




10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
T [°C]


Changing the rated uninterrupted current
in relation to temperature
Temperature derating

SACE Emax E2
Temperature E2 1250 E2 1600 E2 2000
[°C] % [A] % [A] % [A]
10 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000
20 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000
30 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000
40 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000
45 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000
50 100 1250 100 1600 97 1945
55 100 1250 100 1600 94 1885
60 100 1250 98 1570 91 1825
65 100 1250 96 1538 88 1765
70 100 1250 94 1510 85 1705

Iu [A]

3 3000


2000 E2 2000

E2 1600

E2 1250


10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
T [°C]


SACE Emax E3
Temperature E3 1250 E3 1600 E3 2000 E3 2500 E3 3200
[C°] % [A] % [A] % [A] % [A] % [A]
10 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 100 3200
20 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 100 3200
30 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 100 3200
40 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 100 3200
45 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 100 3200
50 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 97 3090
55 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 93 2975
60 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 100 2500 89 2860
65 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 97 2425 86 2745
70 100 1250 100 1600 100 2000 94 2350 82 2630

Iu [A]

E3 3200
2500 E3 2500

2000 E3 2000

1500 E3 1600

E3 1250


10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
T [°C]


Changing the rated uninterrupted current
in relation to temperature
Temperature derating

SACE Emax E4
Temperature E4 3200 E4 4000
[°C] % [A] % [A]
10 100 3200 100 4000
20 100 3200 100 4000
30 100 3200 100 4000
40 100 3200 100 4000
45 100 3200 100 4000
50 100 3200 98 3900
55 100 3200 95 3790
60 100 3200 92 3680
65 98 3120 89 3570
70 95 3040 87 3460

Iu [A]

3 6000


4000 E4 4000

E4 3200



10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
T [°C]


SACE Emax E6
Temperature E6 3200 E6 4000 E6 5000 E6 6300
[°C] % [A] % [A] % [A] % [A]
10 100 3200 100 4000 100 5000 100 6300
20 100 3200 100 4000 100 5000 100 6300
30 100 3200 100 4000 100 5000 100 6300
40 100 3200 100 4000 100 5000 100 6300
45 100 3200 100 4000 100 5000 100 6300
50 100 3200 100 4000 100 5000 100 6300
55 100 3200 100 4000 100 5000 98 6190
60 100 3200 100 4000 98 4910 96 6070
65 100 3200 100 4000 96 4815 94 5850
70 100 3200 100 4000 94 4720 92 5600

Iu [A]

E6 6300

5000 E6 5000

4000 E6 4000

E6 3200



10 20 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
T [°C]


Derating in altitude

SACE Emax air circuit-breakers do not undergo any changes

in their rated performance up to an altitude of 2000 meters.
As the altitude increases the atmospheric properties alter in
terms of composition, dielectric capacity, cooling power and
The performance of the circuit-breakers therefore undergoes
derating which can be measured through the variation in sig-
nificant parameters such as the maximum rated voltage of op-
eration and the rated uninterrupted current.
The table below shows the aforementioned values in relation to

Altitude H [m] <2000 3000 4000 5000

Rated service voltage Ue [V] 690 600 500 440
Rated current In [A] In 0,98xIn 0,93xIn 0,90xIn


Current-limiting and specific let-through energy
curves for circuit-breakers E2L and E3L

The current-limiting capacity of an automatic current-limiting

circuit-breaker indicates its ability to let through or determine a
current lower than the prospective fault current in short-circuit
conditions. This characteristic is represented by two different
curves which indicate the following, respectively:
– the value of the specific energy “I2t” (in A2s) let through by
the circuit-breaker in relation to the uninterrupted symmetri-
cal short-circuit current.
– the peak value (in kA) of the limited current in relation to the
uninterrupted symmetrical short-circuit current.

The graph shown here sche-

matically indicates the pattern
of uninterrupted current, with
its established peak (curve B),
and the pattern of limited cur-
rent with a lower peak value
(curve A).
Comparing the areas beneath
the two curves shows how the

specific let-through energy is
reduced as a result of the lim-
iting effects of the circuit
A peak limited Icc

B prospective Icc (peak value)


Current-limiting and specific let-through energy
curves for circuit-breakers E2L and E3L

Current-limiting curves


Specific let-through
energy curves


ls prospective symmetrical
short-circuit current

lp peak current
l2t specific let-through energy
at the voltages indicated


Current-limiting curves


Specific let-through
energy curves


ls prospective symmetrical
short-circuit current

lp peak current
l2t specific let-through energy
at the voltages indicated


Overcurrent releases and
related accessories

Microprocessor-based protection releases and trip curves

PR111/P ................................................................................................................................ 4/2

PR112/P ................................................................................................................................ 4/8

PR113/P ................................................................................................................................ 4/16

Protection and dialogue releases for LONWORKS® and Modbus® networks

PR112/PD and PR113/PD .................................................................................................... 4/31

Accessories for protection releases

SACE PR120/B power supply unit ....................................................................................... 4/35 4

SACE TT1 test unit ............................................................................................................... 4/35

SACE PR010/T configuration test unit ................................................................................. 4/35

SACE PR020/K signalling unit ............................................................................................. 4/37


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

This is the basic release for the Emax series. The complete range
of protection functions and the variety of thresholds and trip
times offered make it suitable for protecting any type of alter-
nating current installation. The release does not have any addi-
tional functions over and above its protection functions, except
a few signals.

1 2 3 6 7 8 12 13 15 16 20


5 4 11 9 10 14 18 17 19

1 Alarm indicator LED for protection 9 DIP switches for setting trip time 17 DIP switches for setting trip time
function L t2 (type of curve) t4 (type of curve)
2 DIP switches for setting current 10 Dip switches for setting inverse 18 Indication of DIP switch positions
threshold l1 time or definite time characteristic for the various time settings
3 Indication of the DIP switch 11 Indication of DIP switch positions 19 Symbol diagram showing
positions for the various values of for the various time settings operation of function G
current thresholds l1 12 DIP switches for setting current 20 Connection module with external
4 DIP switches for setting trip time threshold l3 units for testing the release and
t1 (type of curve) 13 Indication of the DIP switch socket for connection to the trip
5 Indication of the DIP switch positions for the various current test (SACE TT1 unit and SACE
positions for the various time threshold values l3 PR010/T unit)
settings 14 Rating plate showing the rated
6 Alarm indicator LED for protection current of the neutral CT and the
function S release serial number
7 DIP switches for setting current 15 DIP switches for setting current
threshold I2 threshold l4
8 Indication of the DIP switch 16 Indication of the DIP switch
positions for the various current positions for the various current
threshold values l2 threshold values l4


Operation and protection functions
Power supply Selective short-circuit (S) Earth fault (G)
The unit requires no external The selective short-circuit pro- The inverse short time-delay
power supply. It is self-pow- tection S can be set with two trip earth fault protection G
ered by means of the current different types of curves with (which can be excluded) offers
transformers installed on the a trip time that is independent 7 current thresholds and 4
circuit-breaker. For it to oper- of the current (t=k) or with a curves labeled A, B, C, D.
ate, it is sufficient for at least constant specific let-through Each curve is identified by the
one phase to be loaded at 18% energy (t = k/l2). time t4 in relation to current I4
of the rated current of the cur- Seven current thresholds and as shown in the diagram on the
rent transformers (In). 4 curves are available, labeled front of the release.
A, B, C, D. Each curve is iden-
Note: the function G is re-
Protection functions tified as follows:
pressed for fault current values
The PR111 release offers the – for curves (t = k) by the trip
I > 4xIn (ln=rated current of the
following protection functions: time for l > I2
• overload (L) – for curves t = k/l2 by the trip
• selective short-circuit (S) time for l = 8xln (ln=rated
• instantaneous short-circuit current of the current trans-
(I) former).
• earth fault G). The function can be excluded
by setting the DIP switches to
Overload (L) the combination labeled
The inverse long time-delay
trip overload protection L is
type l2t=k; eight current thresh-
Adjustable instantaneous
olds and 4 curves are avail-
short-circuit (l)
able, labeled A, B, C, D. Each The protection I offers 7 trip
curve is identified by the trip thresholds and may be ex-
time in relation to the current l cluded (dip switches in “OFF”
= 6 x l1 (l1=set threshold). position).

t t






Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

User interface
The user communicates with the release in the trip parameter preparation stage by means of the
dip switches.
Two LEDs are also available for alarm signalling (timing start) for the L and S functions respectively.

Setting the neutral

Protection of the neutral is available at 50% in the standard version or at 100% (version which
can be supplied on request for E1-E2-E3-E4/f and E6/f), of the phase currents.

Test Function
The Test function is carried out by means of the pocket-sized SACE TT1 Trip Test unit, fitted with
a two-pole polarized connector housed on the bottom of the box, which allows the device to be
connected to the test input sockets on the front of PR111/P releases.
A complete test of the PR111/P microprocessor-based electronic release can be carried out
using the special SACE PR010/T apparatus by applying it to the TEST connector.
All the release functions can be checked by means of this unit.

Versions available
The following versions are available:

PR111/P LI





Protection functions and setting values - PR111
Function Trip threshold Trip time Can be excluded Relation t=f(I)
Overload I1= 0,4 - 0.5 - 0.6 - 0.7 - With current I= 6 x I1 – t=k/I2
protection 0.8 - 0.9 - 0.95 - 1 x In t1 = 3 s (curve A), 6 s (curve B),
12 s (curve C), 18 s (curve D)
Tolerance (1)
Release between 1.1 and 1.2 x I1 ± 10% Ig £ 3 x In
± 20% Ig > 3 x In
Selective short-circuit I2= 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 x In With current I= 8 x In n t=k/I2
protection t2 = 0.05 s (curve A), 0.10 s (curve B)
0.25 s (curve C), 0.5 s (curve D)
Tolerance ± 10 % ± 20%
I2= 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 x In With current I>I2 n t=k
t2 = 0.05 s (curve A), 0.10 s (curve B)
0.25 s (curve C), 0.5 s (curve D)
Tolerance ± 10 % The better of the two figures: ± 20% o ± 50 ms
Instantaneous I3= 1,5 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 x In Instantaneous n t=k
short-circuit protection
Tolerance (1)
± 20 % £ 35 ms Ig £ 3 x In
£ 30 ms Ig > 3 x In
Earth fault I4= 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.6 - With current I = 4 x I4 n t=k/I2
protection 0.8 - 0.9 - 1 x In t4 = 0.1 s (curve A), 0.2 s (curve B)
0.4 s (curve C), 0.8 s (curve D)
Tolerance ± 10 % ± 20%

(1) These tolerances hold in the following conditions:

- self-powered relay at full power (without start-up)
- two- or three-phase power supply

The following tolerance values apply in all cases not covered by the above:

Trip threshold Trip time

L Release between 1.1 and 1.25 x I1 ± 20%

S ± 10% ± 20%
I ± 20% £ 60ms
G ± 15% ± 20%


Microprocessor-based protection releases and
trip curves

Functions L-I


Functions L-S-I


Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times ................................ page 4/5


Functions L-S-I



Functions G


Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times ................................ page 4/5


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

The SACE PR112 release is a sophisticated protection system
using microprocessor technology. It comprises the PR112/P pro-
tection unit and, on request, the PR112/PD protection and dia-
logue unit. In this case both versions are available: the PR112/PD
LON for the LON® communication protocol, and PR112/PD
Modbus for the Modbus® protocol.
The wide range of settings makes this protection unit ideal for
general use in any type of installation.
Consulting information and programming is extremely easy us-
ing a keyboard and alphanumeric liquid crystal display.
An ammeter function and many additional functions are pro-
vided over and above the protection functions. These additional
functions can be further increased with the addition of the dia-
logue and signalling unit.

1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8


14 13 12 11 15 10 9

1 Microprocessor fault indicator LED 9 ENTER button to confirm data or 14 Key for resetting the magnetic
Auxiliary power supply indicator change pages signalling devices and protection
device tripped signalling contact
LED 10 Button to exit submenus or cancel
3 Pre-alarm indicator LED operations (ESC) (RESET)
11 TEST button 15 Rating plate indicating the rated
4 Alarm indicator LED current of the CTs and neutral
5 Backlit alphanumeric display 12 Magnetic devices to signal plus the release serial number
6 Cursor UP button
protection functions L, S, I, G
7 Cursor DOWN button 13 Magnetic device to signal
8 TEST connector to link to SACE excessive release case tempera-
PR010/T and SACE PR120/B ture rise
external accessory units


Operation, protection functions and self-test
Power supply The unit ensures fully self-pow- dependent of the current (t =
The PR112 release does not ered operation; when an aux- k) or with an inverse time de-
normally require any external iliary power supply is present, lay (constant specific let-
power supplies, being self- it is also possible to use the through energy: I2t = k), as re-
powered from the current unit with the circuit-breaker quired.
transformers (CT): to activate open or closed. Protection against earth faults
the protection and ammeter It is also possible to use an can also be obtained by con-
functions, it is sufficient for at auxiliary power supply pro- necting the PR112 release to
least one phase to have a cur- vided by the PR120/B portable an external toroid located on
rent load equivalent to 35% of battery unit (always supplied) the conductor that connects
the rated current of the CTs which allows the protection the transformer star center to
(20% in cases where two functions to be set when the earth (homopolar toroid).
phases are powered, 15% for release is not self-powered. All the thresholds and trip
three phases). In order for the A wide range of setting options curve delays of the protection
display to come on, at least is available for the thresholds functions are stored in special
one phase must have a current and trip times of all the func- memories which retain the in-
load equivalent to 50% of the tions. formation even if no power is
rated current of the CTs, 30% Functions S and G can oper- supplied.
if two phases are powered and ate with a time delay that is in-
20% for three phases.

PR112/P PR112/PD
Auxiliary power supply 24 V DC ± 20% 24 V DC ± 20%
(galvanically insulated)
Maximum ripple 5% 5%
Inrush current @ 24V ~3 A for 30 ms ~5 A for 30 ms
Starting current @ 24V ~1.0 A for 150 ms ~1.0 A for 150 ms
Rated current @ 24V ~125 mA ~250 mA
Rated power @ 24V ~3 W ~6 W

t t

k k
t= t=
I2 I2





Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Protection functions
The PR112 release offers the following protection functions:
• overload (L)
• selective short-circuit (S)
• instantaneous short-circuit (I)
• earth fault (G) (Residual or Source ground return: the latter via a toroid installed on the earth
connection of the main power supply)
• self-protection against overtemperature (OT)
• thermal memory for L and S functions
• zone selectivity for functions S or G

Setting the neutral

The neutral protection is 50% of the value set for phase protection in the standard version. The
neutral protection may be set to 100% for E1, E2, E3, E4/f, E6/f.

Protection against overtemperature

The range of SACE PR112 releases allows the presence of abnormal temperatures, which could
cause temporary or continuous malfunctions of the microprocessor, to be signalled to the user.
The user has the following signals or commands available:
– lighting up of the “Warning” LED when the temperature is higher than 70 °C (temperature at
which the microprocessor is still able to operate correctly)
– lighting up of the “Emergency” LED when the temperature is higher than 85 °C (temperature
above which the microprocessor can no longer guarantee correct operation) and, when de-
cided during the unit configuration stage, simultaneous opening of the circuit-breaker with
4 change-over of the corresponding magnetic signal.

Zone selectivity for S or G

The zone selectivity function S or G may be activated or deactivated using the keyboard. Protec-
tion is provided by connecting together all of the zone selectivity outputs of the releases belong-
ing to the same zone, and bringing this signal to the zone selectivity input of the release just

Phase umbalance U
Function U against phase umbalance simply emits a warning signal if an umbalance is detected
between two or more phases. This function may be disabled.

Microprocessor self-diagnosis
The PR112 range of releases contains an electronic circuit which checks operation of the micro-
processor of the protection unit in real time (an additional electronic circuit is provided for the
PR112/PD unit for checking the microprocessor of the dialogue unit).
In case of a temporary or continuous malfunction, the following two signals are activated:
– lighting up of the LED “mP Fault” (if the 112/PD unit is present, the LED “mP Communication
Fault” also lights)
– when there is auxiliary power supply, closure of the “mP Fault” contact.


Test Functions
Once enabled from the “control” menu, the “TEST” pushbutton on the front of the release allows
correct operation of the chain consisting of the microprocessor, opening solenoid and circuit-
breaker to be checked.
The control menu also includes the option of testing correct operation of the display, indicator
LEDs, magnetic signals and electrical contacts supplied in all versions of the PR112 release.
By means of the front multi-pin connector it is possible to apply a SACE PR010/T Test unit, which
allows the functions of the PR111, PR112 and PR113 ranges of releases to be tested and checked.
User interface
The human-machine interface (HMI) of the device is made up of an alphanumeric display, LEDs,
pushbuttons and magnetic flags to signal the release trip causes.
A password system has been installed in this new version to manage “Read” or “Edit” modes.
The protection parameters (curves and trip thresholds) may be set directly via the device’s HMI.
The parameters may be changed only when the release is operating in “Edit” mode, but the
information available and the parameter settings may be checked at any time in “Read” mode.
The language may be selected from among five available options: Italian, English, German,
French and Spanish.
Indicator LEDs
LEDs on the front panel of the release are used to indicate pre-alarms (“WARNING”) and alarms
(“ALARM”). A message on the display always explicitly indicates the type of event concerned.
Events indicated by the “WARNING” LED: 4
– umbalance between phases;
– pre-alarm for overload (L1>90%);
– first temperature threshold exceeded (70 °C);
– contact wear beyond 80%.
Events indicated by the “EMERGENCY” LED:
– overload (may begin from 1.05xl1<I<1.3xl1 in accordance with the standard IEC 60947-2);
– timing of function L;
– timing of function S;
– timing of function G;
– second temperature threshold exceeded (85 °C);
– contact wear 100%.
Other LEDs indicate, respectively:
– “µP Fault”: indicates that the protection unit microprocessor has a temporary (briefly lit) or
permanent (steadily lit) fault
– “Vaux”: indicates there is an auxiliary power supply
Electrical signalling contacts PR112
Three clean contacts provided on all versions of the PR112 release enable electrical signalling of
the following :
– contact K51/p1, which may be set to any of the following based on user preference: timing for
Note: protections L, S, G; protections L, S, I, G, OT tripped and other events;
The overload and microcontroller fault alarm
contacts are available with an external
– contact K51/Y01, for when any of the protections L, S, I, G is tripped;
auxiliary power supply. – contact K51/µP, for microprocessor with temporary or permanent fault.


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Resetting trip signals

The “RESET” pushbutton allows local resetting of the protection trip signals (relay tripped con-
tact and magnetic flags).
In the case of remote control, the resetting signal for the protection trip signals can be transmit-
ted by means of a dialogue unit (PR112/PD version) only for relay trip caused by excessive
temperature and by overload (L). Trip signals for the other functions (S, I and G) may only be
reset locally. When the signal is not reset, the dialogue unit is prevented from actuating the
circuit-breaker closing command.

Load control
The load control function takes place in combination with the PR020/K accessory unit. The func-
tion is active only when auxiliary power supply is present.
Alternatively, using two separate curves (with lower threshold currents and trip times than those
available for selection with protection L), the load-control function implements the following log-
– disconnection of two separate loads,
– connection and disconnection of a load.
These functions make it possible to engage/disengage individual downstream loads before the
overload protection L is tripped, thereby tripping the upstream circuit-breaker.

Measuring function
The current measuring function (ammeter) is present on all versions of the SACE PR112 unit.
The display shows the currents of the three phases, neutral and earth fault.
The latter current value takes on two different meanings depending on whether the external
4 toroidal transformer for the “Source Ground Return” function or the internal transformer (residual
type) is connected.
The ammeter can operate either with self-supply or with auxiliary power supply voltage.
Accuracy of the ammeter measurement chain (current transformer plus ammeter) is no more
than 5% in the current interval 30% - 120% of In.

Versions available
The following versions are available:






Protection functions and setting values - PR112

Function Trip
Can be
Thermal Zone
memory selectivity
Overload I1= 0,4….1 x In 0,01 x In t1= 3 s....144 s 3s (1)
– t=k/I2 n –
Tolerance (3) Release between ± 10% Ig £ 4 x In
1,1 and 1,2 x I1 ± 20% Ig > 4 x In
Selective short-
circuit protection I2= 0,6….10 x In 0,1 x In t2= 0,05 s….0,75 s (2) 0,01s n t=k – n
Tolerance (3) The better of the two figures:
± 7% Ig £ 4 x In ± 10% or ± 50 ms Ig £ 4 x In
± 10% Ig > 4 x In ± 15% or 50 ms Ig > 4 x In
I2= 0,6….10 x In 0,1 x In t2= 0,05 s….0,75 s 0,01s n t=k/I2 n –
Tolerance (3) ± 7% Ig £ 4 x In ± 15% Ig £ 4 x In
± 10% Ig > 4 x In ± 20% Ig > 4 x In
protection I3= 1,5….15 x In 0,1 x In Instantaneous – n t=k – –
Tolerance (3) ± 10% Ig £ 4 x In
± 15% Ig > 4 x In £ 25 ms
Earth fault
protection I4= 0,2….1 x In 0,02 x In t4= 0,1 s…..1s 0,05 s n t=k – n
Tolerance (3) The better of the two figures:
± 10% ± 10% or ± 50 ms Ig £ 4 x In
I4= 0,2….1 x In 0,02 x In t4= 0,1 s…..1s 0,05 s n t=k/I2 – –
Tolerance (3) ± 10% ± 20%
OT Protection against
overtemperature may not be set – Instantaneous – – temp=k – –

(1) The minimum trip value is 750 ms, regardless of the type of curve set (self-protection)
(2) In addition, if the fixed time trip curve is selected (t=k), it will also be possible to set the trip time t2=minimum time
(3) These tolerances hold in the following conditions:
- self-powered relay at full power and/or auxiliary power supply (without start-up)
- two- or three-phase power supply

The following tolerance values apply in all cases not covered by the above:

Trip threshold Trip time

L Release between 1.1 and 1.25 x I1 ± 20%
S ± 10% ± 20%
I ± 15% £ 60ms
G ± 15% ± 20%


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Functions L-S-I



Functions L-S-I


Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/13


Function G




Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/13


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

The PR113 protection release completes the range of available
releases for the Emax family of circuit-breakers. It is available in
versions PR113/P, for the protection unit, and PR113/PD, fitted
with a dialogue unit.
It is a high-performance and extraordinarily versatile release
that can offer a complete set of functions for protection, meas-
urement, self-monitoring, signalling, data storage and control
of the circuit-breaker.
The front interface of the unit is extremely simple thanks to the
aid of the graphical liquid crystal display (LCD), which shows
diagrams, bar graphs, measurements and sine curves for the
various electrical values.
The PR113 release also offers other functions in addition to stand-
ard protections, such as protection against under- and
overvoltage, residual voltage protection, phase umbalance pro-
tection and protection from directional short-circuit (i.e., those
used for ring distribution networks).

1 2 3 4 5 8 9 6 7


20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

1 TEST connector to apply SACE PR120/B 10 Pushbutton to reset magnetic and 15 Magnetic signal indicating that one of
or SACE PR010/T accessories electrical alarm signals (RESET), end the following protections is tripped:
the self-Test or return to the currents undervoltage, overvoltage, residual
2 Alarm indicator LED voltage, reverse power, phase
page from the Trip page
3 Pre-alarm indicator LED umbalance, overtemperature
11 Magnetic signal indicating earth fault
4 Overtemperature alarm indicator LED protection “G” tripped 16 “TRIP” indicator LED
5 Buttons to move the cursor and set 12 Magnetic signal indicating instantane- 17 Button to exit submenus or cancel
parameters: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT ous short-circuit protection “I” tripped. operations (ESC)
6 Auxiliary power supply indicator LED 13 Magnetic signal indicating protection 18 Serial number of the unit
7 Microprocessor fault indicator LED functions “S” or “D” tripped 19 Rating plate indicating the rated current
8 ENTER button to enter or confirm data 14 Magnetic signal indicating overload of the CTs and neutral
protection “L” tripped 20 Backlit graphics display
9 Test button (TEST) and setting values


Operation, protection functions and self-test
Power supply Complete operation of the pro- The earth fault protection may
The PR113 release does not tection unit may be guaran- also be obtained by connect-
require auxiliary power supply teed by providing an auxiliary ing the PR113 release to an
for its protection functions: it power supply capable of moni- external toroid located on the
draws the energy it needs for toring the functions and pro- conductor that connects the
operation from the current tections, including: zone selec- transformer star center to earth
transformers (CT) installed on tivity, load control, measuring (homopolar toroid).
the circuit-breaker. Indeed, for and calculating harmonics, All the thresholds and trip
the protections to operate, it is energy and maintenance. curve delays of the protection
sufficient for at least one phase functions are stored in special
to be powered at 35% of the Auxiliary power is available memories which retain the in-
rated current of the CTs (20% through the SACE PR120/B formation even if no power is
of the current if two phases are accessory, always supplied, supplied.
powered, and 15% for three which makes it possible to
phases). Instead, in order for read data and program the re-
the display to come on, at least leases in the event of:
one phase must have a current – circuit-breaker not powered
load equivalent to 50% of the – circuit-breaker unavailable
rated current of the CTs (30% for power
if two phases are powered and – withdrawable circuit-breaker
20% for three phases). in racked-out position.

PR113/P PR113/PD
Auxiliary power supply 24 V DC ± 20% 24 V DC ± 20%
(galvanically insulated)
Maximum ripple 5% 5%
Inrush current @ 24V ~3 A for 30 ms ~5 A for 30 ms
Starting current @ 24V ~1.0 A for 150 ms ~1.0 A for 150 ms
Rated current @ 24V ~200 mA ~310 mA
Rated power @ 24V ~5 W ~8 W

t t t

k k
t= 2 t= 2




In accordance with IEC 60255-3


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Protection functions
The PR113 release offers the following protection functions:
– overload (L),
– selective short-circuit (S),
– instantaneous short-circuit (I),
– earth fault with adjustable delay (G),
– directional short-circuit with adjustable delay (D) ,

– phase umbalance (U),

– protection against overtemperature (OT),
– load control (K),
– undervoltage (UV) , (1)

– overvoltage (OV) , (1)

Note (1): For these protections it is – residual voltage (RV) , (1)

necessary to use a set of three external

voltage transformers. – reverse power (RP) (1)

Shielded Voltage Transformers

Rated Primary Voltage ANSI/IEC (Un) [V] [100, 115, 120, 190, 208, 220, 230, 240, 277,
347, 380, 400, 415, 440, 480, 500, 550, 600,
660, 690, 910, 950, 1000] / Ö3
Rated Secondary Voltage (recommended) (Us) [V]
Precision class 0,5
Primary winding resistance [Ohm] > 600
Load resistance [kOhm] ³ 10
Overload 20% permanent
Insulation [kV] 4 between IN and OUT
4 between shield and IN
(the shield must be earthed)
4 between shield and OUT
(the shield must be earthed)
Frequency [Hz] 45 £ f £ 66

Note: sample choice of the voltage transformer.

For maximum measuring performance in installations with rated phase-phase voltage 690V AC
it is necessary to use a voltage transformer with
Un = 690/Ö3
Class = 0,5


Overload protection L
With the PR113 unit, the overload protection L includes the option to adjust the slope of the
protection curve. This adjustment allows perfect coordination with fuses or with medium-voltage
protection systems.
Directional short-circuit protection with adjustable delay D
The protection works in a similar way to the fixed-time protection “S”, with the added ability to
recognize the direction of the phases current during the fault period.
The current direction makes it possible to determine whether the fault is upstream or down-
stream of the circuit-breaker; particularly in ring distribution systems, this makes it possible to
The directional short-circuit protection can
be disabled for an adjustable set time (t = k),
and may either be self-powered or use the identify and disconnect the distribution segment where the fault has occurred, while keeping the
auxiliary power supply. rest of the installation running. If multiple PR112 or PR113 releases are used, this protection may
Directional protection is not available on the
250A and 400A CTs. be associated with zone selectivity.
Phase umbalance protection U
Protection function U, against phase umbalance, is used in those situations requiring especially
accurate control over missing and/or umbalanced phase currents. This function can be excluded.
Load control function K
There are two separate curves with threshold currents and trip times lower than those available
for selection with the protection L, which may be used for the two applications:
– disconnection of two separate loads;
– connection and disconnection of a load. 4
These functions make it possible to engage/disengage individual loads before the overload
protection L is tripped and definitively opens the circuit-breaker.
The load control may be activated directly through the programmable contacts, or using the load
control and signalling device PR020/K.
Voltage protections UV, OV, RV
The PR113 unit offers three types of voltage protection, which may be excluded:
– undervoltage (UV),
– overvoltage (OV),
– residual voltage (RV).
The residual voltage protection RV identifies interruptions of the neutral (or of the earthing con-
ductor in systems with earthed neutral) and faults that shift the star center in systems with insu-
lated neutral (e.g., large earth faults). The star center shift is calculated as a vector sum of the
phase voltages.
With the circuit-breaker closed, these protections also operate when the release is self-powered.
With the circuit-breaker open they operate only when the auxiliary power supply is present: in
this case the release will indicate the “ALARM” status.


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Reverse power protection RP

Reverse power protection is especially suited for protecting large machines such as engines
and generators. The PR113 unit can analyze the direction of the active power and open the
circuit-breaker if the direction is opposite to normal operation. The reverse power threshold and
the trip time are adjustable.

Setting the neutral

The neutral protection is normally set to a current value equivalent to 50% of the phase setting.
In installations where very high harmonics occur, the resulting current at the neutral may be
higher than that of the phases.
This protection may be set for the following values on the PR113 release:
I1N = 50% - 100% - 150% - 200% x I1
The table below lists the neutral settings for the various possible combinations between type of
circuit-breaker and the setting of threshold I1.

Adjustable neutral protection settings

Threshold I1 settings (overload protection)
Circuit-breaker size 0,4 £ I1 £ 0,5 0,5 < I1 £ 0,66 0,66 < I1 £ 1(*)
E1B 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%
E1N 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%
E2B 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%

4 E2N
E3N 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%
E3S 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%
E3H 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%
E3L 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%
E4S 50-100% 50% 50%
E4H 50-100% 50% 50%
E4S/f 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%
E6H 50-100% 50% 50%
E6V 50-100% 50% 50%
E6H/f 50-100-150-200% 50-100-150% 50-100%

(*) The setting I1=1 indicates the maximum overload protection setting. The actual maximum allowable setting must take into account any
derating based on temperature, the terminals used and the altitude (see chapter “Installations”)

Start-up function
The start-up function allows the protections S, D, I and G to operate with higher trip thresholds
during the start-up phase. This avoids untimely tripping caused by the high inrush currents of
certain loads (motors, transformers, lamps).
The start-up phase lasts from 100 ms to 1.5 s, in steps of 0.05 s. It is automatically
recognized by the PR113 release as follows:
– when the circuit-breaker closes with self-powered release;
– when the peak value of the maximum current exceeds 0.1 x In; a new start-up becomes pos-
sible after the current has fallen below the threshold of 0.1 x In, if the release is powered by an
external source.


Zone selectivity function
The zone selectivity function permits the fault area to be insulated by very rapidly segregating
the system only at the level closest to the fault, while leaving the rest of the installation running.
This is done by connecting the releases: the release nearest the fault is instantly tripped, sending
a block signal to the other releases affected by the same fault
The zone selectivity function may be enabled if the fixed-time curve has been selected and the
auxiliary power supply is present.
Zone selectivity may be applied with protections S and G or, alternatively, with protection D.

Contact programming functions

The PR113 release is equipped with two relays, with contacts known as K51/p1 and K51/p2 (the
latter is not available on PR113/PD).
They may signal a variety of situations selected by the user, including: protection timing, alarms,
cause of opening, temperature thresholds exceeded, zone selectivity, load control, disconnected
opening solenoid or CT, harmonic distortion, etc.

Measuring functions
The PR113 release provides a complete set of measurements:
– Currents: three phases (L1, L2, L3), neutral (Ne), earth fault
– Voltage: phase-phase, phase-neutral, residual voltage (1)

– Power: active, reactive, apparent (1)

– Power factor

– Frequency and peak factor

– Energy: active, reactive, apparent, counter (1)

– Harmonics calculation: up to the twentieth harmonic (waveform and module of the harmonics
displayed); up to the nineteenth for frequency f=60Hz
– Maintenance: number of operations, percentage of contact wear, opening data storage.

The PR113 unit is able to provide the pattern of measurements for some values over an adjustable
period of time P, such as: mean active power, maximum active power, maximum current, maximum
Note (1): These measurements require
voltage and minimum voltage. The last 24 periods P (adjustable from 5 to 120 min.) are stored in
voltage transformers non-volatile memory and displayed in a bar graph.


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Signalling functions
The PR113 unit provides optic signals (via indicator LEDs, magnetic flags and display mes-
sages) and electrical signals.

Optic signals on the front of the release:

• Vaux LED (green): indicates there is an auxiliary power supply
• µP Fault LED (red): indicates a temporary or permanent fault in the microprocessor
• Temp LED (orange): the signals is flashing for internal relay temperatures <-20°C or >+70°C,
steadily lit for temperatures <-25°C or >+85°C
• Trip LED (red): with auxiliary voltage only, this lights after the circuit-breaker opens due to
tripped protections
• Warning LED (yellow): is a generic pre-alarm signal following the occurrence of any of the
conditions listed below:
– one or more phases with current values in the range of 0.9 x I1<I<1.05 xI1 (IEC)
– two or three phases with umbalance greater than the programmed level for the protection U
(phase umbalance), with protection trip disabled
– distorted waveform with form factor >2.1 (harmonic distortion)
– contact wear beyond 80%.
– frequency out of range
– Warning Threshold exceeded (current pre-alarm threshold settable via the configuration
– circuit-breaker status error
• Emergency LED (red): it’s a generic alarm signal when one of the conditions listed below
4 – one or more phases overloaded with current values I>1.3xI1
– timing in progress for protection functions: S, I, G, D, UV, OV, RV, RP
– timing in the event of a phase umbalance greater than the value set, with protection trip set
to on
– contact wear at 100%
– CTs disconnected
– opening solenoid disconnected
• Yellow magnetic flag indicates one of the following protections is tripped: undervoltage
(UV), overvoltage (OV), * residual voltage (RV), reverse power (RP), phase umbalance (U),
overtemperature (OT). The release display indicates which protection has been tripped
• Yellow magnetic flag L: indicates protection L tripped
• Yellow magnetic flag S: signals protection S or D tripped
• Yellow magnetic flag I: instantaneous short-circuit protection I is tripped
• Yellow magnetic flag G: earth fault protection G is tripped.

The electrical signals refer instead to the contacts:

• K51/p1 and K51/p2, which may be set by the user (with auxiliary power supply only)
• K51/YO1, which signals that one of the following protections is tripped: L, S, D, I, G, U, OT, UV,
• K51/µP, to signal temporary or permanent fault of the microprocessor.

In addition to the optic and electrical signals, the PR113 release display also shows messages
about incorrect configurations, general alarms, tripped protection functions, load control (with
the aid of SACE PR020/K) and password management.


Versions available
The following versions are available:




Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Protection functions and setting values - PR113

Function Trip Threshold Trip Time Can be Relation Thermal Zone
threshold steps Time Step excluded t=f(I) memory selectivity
protection I1= 0.4….1 x In 0.01 x In t1= 3 s....144 s 3 s (1) – t=k/I2 n –
Tolerance (3) Release between ± 10% Ig £ 4 x In
1.1 e 1.2 x I1 ± 20% Ig > 4 x In
I1= 0.4….1 x In 0.01 x In b= 0.2....10 0,1s –
Tolerance 1.1 ... 1.25 x I1 ± 20% Ig > 5 x I1
(in accordance with IEC 60255-3) ± 30% 2xI1< Ig < 5 x I1 In
Selective short-circuit
protection I2= 0.6….10 x In 0.1 x In t2= 0.05 s….0.75 s (2) 0.01s n t=k – n
Tolerance (3) The better of the two figures:
± 7% Ig £ 4 x In ± 10% o ± 50 ms Ig £ 4 x In
± 10% Ig > 4 x In ± 15% o ± 50 ms Ig > 4 x In
I2= 0.6….10 x In 0.1 x In t2= 0.05 s….0.75 s 0.01s n t=k/I2 n –
Tolerance (3) ± 7% Ig £ 4 x In ± 15% Ig £ 4 x In
± 10% Ig > 4 x In ± 20% Ig > 4 x In
protection I3= 1,5….15 x In 0,1 x In Instantaneous – n t=k – –
Tolerance (3) ± 10% Ig £ 4 x In
± 15% Ig > 4 x In £ 25 ms
Earth fault
protection I4= 0.2….1 x In 0.02 x In t4= 0.1 s…..1 s 0.05 s n t=k – n
Tolerance (3) The better of the two figures:
± 7% Ig £ 4 x In ± 10% o £ 50 ms Ig £ 4 x In
I4= 0.2….1 x In 0.02 x In t4= 0.1 s…..1 s 0.05 s n t=k/I2 – –

4 D
Tolerance (3)
± 7% Ig £ 4 x In ± 15%

protection I7= 0.6….10 x In 0.1 x In t7= 0.20 s…..0.75 s 0.01 s n t=k – n
Tolerance ± 10% ± 20%
U Phase
protection I6= 10%….90% 10% t6= 0.5 s…..60 s 0.5 s n t=k – –
Tolerance ± 10% ± 20%
OT Protection against
overtemperature may not be set – Instantaneous – – temp=k – –

UV Undervoltage
protection I8= 0.6….0.95 x Un 0.01 x In t8= 0.1 s…..5 s 0.1 s n t=k – –
Tolerance ± 5% ± 20%
OV Overvoltage
protection I9= 1.05….1.2 x Un 0.01 x In t9= 0.1 s…..5 s 0.1 s n t=k – –
Tolerance ± 5% ± 20%
RV Residual voltage
protection I10= 0.1….0.4 x Un 0.05 Un t10= 0.5 s…..30 s 0.5 s n t=k – –
Tolerance ± 5% ± 20%
RP Reverse
protection P11= -0.3….-0.1 x Pn 0.02 Pn t11= 0.5 s…..25 s 0.1 s n t=k – –
Tolerance ± 10% ± 20%

(1) The minimum trip value is 750 ms, regardless of the type of curve set (self-protection)
(2) In addition, if the fixed time trip curve is selected (t=k), it will also be possible to set the trip time t2=minimum time
(3) These tolerances hold in the following conditions:
- self-powered relay at full power and/or auxiliary power supply (without start-up)
- two- or three-phase power supply

The following tolerance values apply in all cases not covered by the above:

Trip threshold Trip time

L Release between 1.1 and 1.25 x I1 ± 20%
S ± 10% ± 20%
I ± 15% £ 60ms
G ± 10% ± 20%


Functions L-S-I



Functions L-S-I


Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/24


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Function G




Function L

k = 0,14
a = 0,02

Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/24


Function L

k = 13,5


Function L

k = 80


Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/24


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Function D


Function U


Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/24


Function UV



Functions OV



Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/24


Microprocessor-based protection releases
and trip curves

Function RV



Functions RP



Tolerances on thresholds and trip

times .............................. page 4/24


Protection® and dialogue®releases for
LONWORKS and Modbus networks
PR112/PD and PR113/PD

Functional integration among various kinds of technological installations in industry and services
is gradually increasing the need for communication, control and automation in low-voltage elec-
trical installations. Modern microprocessor-based systems that operate using a logic of distrib-
uted intelligence (through components able to process data, exchange information, signals and
commands) offer the most effective and flexible solution and cover a variety of different applica-
tions and specific needs. For a prompt and effective response to the demand for interconnec-
tion, intelligence, function, flexibility, interoperability and ease of installation, ABB SACE has
developed new communication and control devices for low-voltage circuit-breakers based on
the LonTalk® and Modbus® RTU protocols.

The new devices developed for the Emax range of air circuit-breakers, in particular, include:
– PR112/PD LON® releases, based on LONWORKS® technology with LonTalk® protocol;
– PR112/PD Modbus® releases, based on the Modbus® RTU protocol;
– PR113/PD Modbus® releases, based on the Modbus® RTU protocol.

LON® (Local Operate Network) is a data transmission technology with applications in a variety of
settings, from the service industry to process control. The PR112/PD LON releases (available in
LSI and LSIG versions) and the device PR212/D-L (the latter available on the Isomax range of
moulded-case circuit-breakers), make it possible to integrate ABB SACE Emax air circuit-break-
ers and SACE Isomax S moulded-case circuit-breakers in a communication network based on
LONWORKS® technology, according to the LonTalk® protocol (Ansi/EIA 709.1-A-199). The devices
are developed in accordance with LONMARK® directives to ensure HW and SW development in
line with the interoperability standard defined by the LONMARK® Association. These devices also
make it possible to integrate the circuit-breakers with ABB INSUM, the integrated supervision
and measurement control system instrument gauge for motor control centers (MCC). LONWORKS®
technology allows high performance while ensuring event-driven peer-to-peer communication.
The devices use the TP/XF 78 transceiver (physical data transmission means: braided pair;
transmission rate: 78000 bit/sec).

Modbus® RTU
The Modbus® RTU protocol has been well known and used worldwide for several years. It is
essentially the market standard thanks to its ease of installation, configuration and integration
into different supervision, control and automation systems, in addition to good performance.
PR112/PD Modbus (available in LSI and LSIG versions) and PR112/PD Modbus releases and
the PR212/D-M device (the latter available on the Isomax range of moulded-case circuit-break-
ers), allow ABB SACE Emax air circuit-breakers and Isomax S moulded-case circuit-breakers to
Note: be integrated into a communication network based on the Modbus® RTU protocol. Modbus® RTU
registered trademarks of Echelon® provides a Master-Slave system architecture in which a Master (PLC, PC, etc.) cyclically queries
Corporation. multiple Slaves (field devices). The devices use the standard EIA RS485 as the physical data
Modbus® and Modbus® RTU are registered
trademarks of Modicon, Inc. transmission means, and a maximum transmission rate of 19200 bit/sec.


Protection® and dialogue®releases for
LONWORKS and Modbus networks
PR112/PD and PR113/PD

PR112/PD and PR113/PD dialogue units

The human-machine interface (HMI) of the PR112/PD LON, PR112/PD Modbus and PR112/PD
Modbus devices is made up of a graphic display (LCD), LEDs, magnetic flags and touchpad
The user may choose from among five available languages: Italian, English, German, French
and Spanish. The HMI is active when the auxiliary power supply is used, if the PR120/B battery
unit is connected, or, finally, if the single-phase current is more than 35% of the rated current of
the current transformers.
PR112/PD LON, PR112/PD Modbus and PR112/PD Modbus releases are always supplied with
the PR120/B battery unit. This accessory is connected to the front connector of the release, and
allows the protection parameters to be set regardless of the circuit-breaker status.
The dialogue functions and parameter settings are available only when the auxiliary power sup-
ply is present.

Sending and receiving data

Releases with built-in dialogue and control functions—PR112/PD LON, PR112/PD Modbus and
PR113/PD Modbus—allow the remote acquisition and transmission of a wide range of informa-
tion; opening and closing, thanks to opening and closing releases installed on the circuit-breaker;
storing configuration and programming parameters for the unit; the current thresholds of the
protection functions ad protection curves.
All information may be consulted either locally, directly on the front of the circuit-breaker, or
remotely via supervision and control systems.

Protection functions
4 All releases with dialogue functions perform the same protection functions as the corresponding
protection releases. See the corresponding sections for the protection releases.

Measuring, signalling, available data functions

The table below provides details of the functions available on each of the releases PR112/PD
LON, PR112/PD Modbus and PR113/PD Modbus.


PR112/PD PR112/PD PR113/PD
LON Modbus Modbus
Communication functions
Protocol LonTalk Modbus RTU Modbus RTU
standard standard
Physical means Twisted pair EIA RS485 EIA RS485
Speed (maximum) 78000bps 19200bps 19200bps

Measuring functions
Phase currents n n n
Neutral n n n
Earth n n n
Voltage (phase-phase, phase-neutral, residual) n
Power (active, reactive, apparent) n
Power factor n
Frequency and peak factor n
Energy (active, reactive, apparent) n
Harmonics calculation up to the 20th harmonic n
Signalling functions
LED: auxiliary power supply, microprocessor fault, warning, emergency n n n
Temperature n
Magnetic flags: indicate trip for L, S, I, G and T n n
Magnetic flags: indicate trip for L, S, I, G and other protection n
Output contacts: microprocessor fault, trip and one available for configuration n n
Output contacts: microprocessor fault, trip and two available for configuration n
Data available
n n n
Circuit-breaker status (open, closed)
Circuit-breaker position (racked-in, racked-out) n n n
Mode (local, remote) n n n
Protection parameters set n n n
Load control parameters n n n
Protection L n n n
Protection S n n n
Protection I n n n
Protection G n n n
Protection T n n n
Fault release mechanism failure n n n
Undervoltage, overvoltage and residual voltage (timing and trip) protection n
Reverse power protection (timing and trip) n
Directional protection (timing and trip) n
Total number of operations n n n
Total number of trips n n n
Number of trip tests n n n
Number of manual operations n n n
Number of separate trips for each protection function n n n
Contact wear (%) n n n
Record data of last trip n n n
Operating mechanisms
Circuit-breaker opening/closing n n n
Reset alarms n n n
Setting of curves and protection thresholds n n n
Synchronize system time n
Safety function
Automatic opening in case of failure to release for fault (through opening coil) n n n
Status changes in circuit-breaker, protections and all alarms n


Protection® and dialogue®releases for
LONWORKS and Modbus networks
PR112/PD and PR113/PD

Event time-stamping and saving function (only with LON®

The PR112/PD LON release keeps its base synchronized with the absolute system time. The
availability of absolute time makes it possible to time-stamp the events that occur in the circuit-
breaker and in the PR112 release itself.
By gathering these events from the various devices installed, the supervision and control system
can compile a list of significant events for managing and analyzing the installation. Such an
analysis may be especially useful, for example, in tracing the causes that led to a fault.
Detected and time-stamped events:
– all protection events,
– all “Warning” and “Emergency” signals,
– all “Read/Edit” change-overs
– all opening and closing operations.

The above information is stored locally and made available to the supervision and control sys-


Accessories for protection releases

SACE PR120/B power supply unit

This accessory, always supplied with the PR112 and PR113 range of releases, makes it possible
to read and configure the parameters of the unit whatever the status of the circuit-breaker (open-
closed, in test isolated or racked-in position, with/without auxiliary power supply).
An internal electronic circuit powers the unit for approximately 3 consecutive hours for the sole
purpose of reading and configuring data.
In relation to the amount of use, battery life decreases if the SACE PR120/B accessory is also
used to perform the “COMMAND” menu functions (Trip test, Auto test).

SACE TT1 test unit

The SACE TT1 unit checks the tripping of the PR111/P releases and tests the tripping of the
opening solenoid.
The device is powered by a 12V replaceable battery.

SACE PR010/T configuration test unit

The SACE PR010/T unit is an instrument capable of performing the functions of testing, program-
ming and reading parameters for the protection units equipping SACE Emax low-voltage air
The test function in particular involves the units:
– PR111 (all versions)
– PR112 (all versions)
– PR113 (all versions)
while the parameter programming and reading functions concern the range of PR112 and PR113
All of the functions mentioned may be carried out “on board” by connecting the SACE PR010/T
unit to the front multi-pin connector on the various protection units. Special interface cables
supplied with the unit should be used for this connection.
The human-machine interface takes the form of a touchpad and multi-line alphanumeric display.

The unit also has two LEDs to indicate, respectively:

– battery charge status.


Accessories for protection releases

The unit also has two LEDs to indicate, respectively:

– battery charge status.
Two different types of test are available: automatic (for PR111, PR112 and PR113) and manual.
By connecting to a PC (using the disc supplied by ABB SACE) it is also possible to upgrade the
software of the SACE PR010/T unit and thus adapt the test unit to the development of new
It is also possible to store the most interesting test results in the unit itself, and send a report to
the personal computer with the following information:
– type of protection tested
– threshold selected
– curve selected
– phase tested
– test current
– estimated trip time
– measured trip time
– test results.
At least 5 complete tests may be stored in memory. The report downloaded onto PC allow the
creation of an archive of tests carried out on the installation.
In automatic mode, the SACE PR010/T unit is capable of testing the following with the PR112
– protection functions L, S, I,
– G protection function with internal transformer,
– G protection function with toroid on the transformer star center,
4 – monitoring of smooth microprocessor operation.

The PR113 release also tests:

– overvoltage protection function OV,
– undervoltage protection function UV,
– residual voltage protection function RV,
– phase umbalance protection function U.

The same tests may be repeated manually for PR111 and PR112.
The SACE PR010/T unit is portable and runs on rechargeable batteries and/or with an external
power supply (always supplied) with a rated voltage of 100-240V AC/12V DC.

The standard version of the SACE PR010/T unit includes:

– SACE PR010/T test unit complete with rechargeable batteries
– SACE TT1 test unit
– 100 - 240V AC/12V DC external power supply with cord
– cables to connect the unit and the connector
– cable to connect the unit and the computer (RS232 serial )
– user manual and disc containing application software
– plastic suitcase.


SACE PR020/K signalling unit
The SACE PR020/K signalling unit can convert the digital signals supplied by the PR112 and
PR113 protection unit (in version P or PD) into electrical signals, via normally open electrical
The unit is connected to the protection release by means of a dedicated serial line through which
flows all of the information about the activation status of the protection functions. The corre-
sponding power contacts are closed based on this information.
The following signals/contacts are available for the PR112 release:
– overload pre-alarm L
– timing and tripping of the protections L, S and G
– protection I tripped
– timing and exceeded overtemperature threshold (T>85 °C)
– two load control contacts (connection and disconnection of a load, or disconnection of two
– release tripped
– dialogue fault on a serial line (connecting the protection and signalling units).

With the release PR113 in standard configuration, tripping of the phase umbalance protection is
also indicated in addition to the signals listed above.
Setting a dip-switch allows up to seven signal contacts to be freely configured, including: direc-
tional protection D tripped, under- and overvoltage UV and OV tripped, reverse power RP tripped,
and others.
Two contacts available on the SACE PR020/K unit (load control) can pilot a circuit-breaker open-
ing or closing release. These contacts allow various applications, including load control, alarms,
signals, electrical locks.
The alarm signal remains active throughout the overload, until the release is tripped.
The trip signals of the protections remain active during the timing phase, and even after the
release is tripped.
Pressing the Reset pushbutton resets the status of all signals.
The unit also contains ten LEDs to visually signal the following information:
– “Power ON”: auxiliary power supply present
– “TX (Int Bus)”: flashing synchronized with dialogue with the Internal Bus
– eight LEDs associated with the internal contacts
the table below lists the characteristics of the signalling relays available in the SACE PR020/K

Auxiliary power supply 24 V DC ± 20%

Maximum ripple 5%
Rated power @ 24 V 4.4 W

Specifications of the signalling relays

Type Monostable STDP
Maximum switching power
(resistive load) 100 W/1250 VA
Maximum switching voltage 130 V DC/250 V AC
Maximum switching current 5A
Breaking capacity (resistive load)
@ 30V DC 3.3 A
@ 250V AC 5A
Contact/coil insulation 2000 V eff (1 min@ 50 Hz)


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