Classic Cars & Safety: All Content © The Dog & Lemon Guide 2010. All Rights Reserved
Classic Cars & Safety: All Content © The Dog & Lemon Guide 2010. All Rights Reserved
Classic Cars & Safety: All Content © The Dog & Lemon Guide 2010. All Rights Reserved
In January 1963, over a year before the Mustang made its public appearance, Mr. R. C. Lunn, a Ford
engineer, delivered a technical paper to the Society of Automotive Engineers on the subject of an ex-
perimental model of the Mustang which was being displayed in various parts of the country. ...They
showed a glimpse of what the industry could do in the elementary stages of safety design. [These were]
a “fail-safe” dual braking system, integrated headrests to prevent or minimise neck and spinal injuries,
a roll-bar to strengthen the roof structure in the event of roll-overs, a steering column preventing rear-
ward displacement into the driver during a front-end collision, a collapsible steering shaft, provision for
shoulder harness and lap belts, strongly anchored seats, and bucket seats with lateral holding power. In
the production-model Mustang which was introduced in April, 1964 (and of which nearly half a million
were sold in twelve months) every one of these features had been eliminated.
Ralph Nader
Unsafe At Any Speed
n theory, classic cars are a poor risk Crashtesters at NRMA in as likely to suffer life-threatening
when it comes to road safety. They Australia recently pranged a mid- injury compared with the driver of
have few modern safety features, 1970s Holden Kingswood, a a new Corolla, as is the driver of a
and are likely to pose a serious risk to the Mitsubishi Sigma and other cars from twenty-year old Ford Falcon.
driver in certain situations. For example, that era to compare their safety with However, the most at–risk classics
if you have a serious head–on collision that of current models. The tests are the very small cars like Minis & Fiat
in a very old VW Beetle, the steering showed that, in a frontal crash, the Bambinas. These don’t have the body
shaft is likely to go straight through driver of a 1977 Holden Kingswood weight or strength to compensate for
the driver like a spear (later ones are is more than five times more likely to lack of other safety features.
safer). The same goes for old Holdens, suffer serious injury than the driver
Vauxhalls, Morrises etc. of a current Commodore. An older
Corolla driver is two-and-a-half times
• Note: the Volkswagen Beetle crashing at the top of the article was actually
undergoing a crashtest, which it passed. However, a late model Beetle was tested alongside more modern
VWs and came out rather poorly.
All content © The Dog & Lemon Guide 2010. All rights reserved
So should classics be included in the the bigger vehicle is usually the winner
list of potential death-traps? in an accident. On the other hand,
however, the smaller classics may actu-
The answer is yes in theory and a ally weigh less that many modern cars.
very cautious no in practice. (The idea that old cars are heavy & that
modern cars are lightweight dates from
In terms of modern safety features the 1970s and is simply not true. A
that help you survive an accident, clas- Morris Minor 1000 four-door weighs in
sics are at a severe disadvantage. Further, at 738kg. By comparison, a Mazda 121,
being a safe driver is not always enough one of the smaller modern cars on the
to protect you from an accident. road, weighs 805kg. A current model
Toyota Corolla sedan weighs about
Often the people who get hurt in a 1200kg and a Range-Rover weighs
crash are not the people who caused it. around 2500kg).
So, regardless of how fond you are of The most at–risk
your old Morris Minor, be aware that if 3) Classics tend to be driven very
you’re out on a trip and a drunken driver classics are carefully.
comes speeding around the corner on the very small If you’ve just spent five years and
the wrong side of the road and hits you, $10,000 restoring your granddad’s old
you’re probably dog tucker.
cars like Fiat Ford, you’re hardly likely to go scream-
Bambinas & ing round town having drag races.
The people most at risk are the Minis. These People love their classics and so tend
young, the inexperienced, those driv- to go to a great deal of trouble to avoid
ing smaller cars and those who drive a don’t have the accidents. Further, because older cars
classic as an everyday vehicle. Regardless body weight tend to have poor handling and braking
of the points in favour of classics below, compared to modern cars, owners tend
beware of putting yourself or someone
or strength to to drive slower and with a great deal
you know into this potentially unsafe compensate for more caution.
group. lack of other
4) Classics tend to be more visible.
However, insurance companies offer safety features Try changing lanes in rush hour traf-
extremely good rates of insurance for fic in a modern Jap car and everyone will
classic car owners simply because they just ignore you. In a classic other drivers
are generally a good risk, and here’s tend to notice you more and tend to
are a few points in favour of classic car give way more, partly out of respect,
safety.: partly out of fear (because the cars now
regarded as classics were once simply
1) Classics are generally driven cheap wrecks for broke drivers, they
less than conventional cars. have a well–earned reputation for mak-
Many classics rarely see the road. ing big dents in shiny new cars – hence
Some, such as vintage cars, usually get they tend to be given a wide berth).
driven only on weekends and holidays.
Even ‘living classics’, that is, classics 5) Classics can have some safety
which are driven as everyday vehicles, features upgraded.
tend to do far less miles than the average You can’t build crumple zones into
new car. Less miles means less risk. your old Holden, but you can put in
decent (ie., webbing–grabber) seat-
2) Classics tend to be heavier than belts and airbags which will improve
some modern cars. your chances of surviving an accident.
If you are driving a big old Holden, Further, classics will often benefit from
Chevrolet or Mercedes, you are likely minor safety modifications such as
to be driving a car considerably heavier brake boosters, better headlights and
than the average small car. This may the like •
partly compensate for lack of crumple
zones and other modern safety features;
All content © The Dog & Lemon Guide 2010. All rights reserved