Traxxas E-Maxx Manual

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Corporate Headquarters
1100 Klein Road
Plano, Texas 75074
Phone: 972-265-8000
Toll-free 1-888-TRAXXAS

Traxxas U.K.
P.O. Box 1128
Winterbourne, Bristol BS17-2SH
Phone: 44.117.956.1002


Entire contents ©2002 Traxxas. Traxxas, E-Maxx,

TQ-3, and ProGraphix are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Traxxas Corporation. Other brand names and marks are the
property of their respective holders and are used only for
purposes of identification. No part of this manual may be
reproduced or distributed in print or electronic media without
the express written permission of Traxxas.


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Thank you for purchasing the Traxxas E-Maxx, and congrat- 4 Before You Proceed
ulations on owning what we believe is the most advanced, most
powerful electric monster truck available. This sophisticated 5 Safety Precautions
truck incorporates many special features including 4 wheel
drive, shift on the fly two-speed transmission, twin Titan 550 6 Tools, Supplies
motors, and the powerful EVX electronic speed control. This and Required
manual contains the instructions you will need to operate, and Equipment
maintain your E-Maxx so that you can enjoy it for years to come.
7 Anatomy of the
Please read all of the Operating Instructions and Precautions
before attempting to drive the E-Maxx. Even if you are an 8 Quick Start: Getting
experienced R/C enthusiast, continue reading to learn about the Up to Speed
best ways to use E-Maxx’s unique features. Also, please pay
special attention to the mechanical and safety precautions 9 Gluing the Tires
outlined in the manual to avoid any chance of injury to you or
damage to the truck. 10 Decorating
Your E-Maxx

11 The Traxxas TQ-3

Radio System

21 Driving the E-Maxx

22 Adjusting
Your E-Maxx

28 Maintaining
and Storing
Your E-Maxx

29 Trouble Shooting
Your E-Maxx

30 Index

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Before You Proceed
Carefully read and follow all instructions in this and any Support
accompanying materials to prevent serious damage to your If you have any questions about your E-Maxx or its operation,
E-Maxx. Failure to follow these instructions will be considered call the Traxxas Technical Support line toll-free at:
abuse and/or neglect. 1-888-TRAXXAS (1-888-872-9927)

Before running your E-Maxx, look over this entire manual, and Technical support is available Monday through Friday from 8:30
examine the truck carefully. If for some reason you decide the am to 9:00pm central time. Technical assistance is also available
E-Maxx is not what you wanted, then do not continue any at You may also e-mail customer support
further. Your hobby dealer absolutely cannot accept an with your question at Join thousands of
E-Maxx for return or exchange after it has been run. Traxxas R/C enthusiasts in our online community at
Warnings, helpful hints, and cross-references
Throughout this manual, you’ll notice warnings and helpful Traxxas offers a full-service, on-site repair facility to handle any
hints, identified by the icons below. Be sure to read them! of your Traxxas service needs. Maintenance and replacement
parts may be purchased directly from Traxxas, or you can save
shipping and handling costs by purchasing them from your
An important warning about personal safety or avoiding local hobby dealer.
damage to your E-Maxx and related components.

Special advice from Traxxas to make things easier and

more fun.

Refers you to a page with a related topic.

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Safety Precautions
All of us at Traxxas want you to safely enjoy your new E-Maxx. All instructions
Operate your E-Maxx sensibly and with care, and it will be and precautions
exciting, safe, and fun for you and those around you. Failure to outlined in this
operate your E-Maxx in a safe and responsible manner may manual should be strictly
followed to ensure safe
result in property damage and serious injury. The precautions
operation of your E-Maxx.
outlined in this manual should be strictly followed to help
ensure safe operation. You alone must see that the instructions
are followed and the precautions are adhered to.
The E-Maxx is not
Important Points to Remember intended for use
by those under 16

The truck is not intended for use on public roads or

years of age without the
congested areas where its operation can conflict with or supervision of a
disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic. responsible and
knowledgeable adult.

Never, under any circumstances, operate the truck in crowds

of people. The truck is very fast and could cause injury if
allowed to collide with anyone.

Because the truck is controlled by radio, it is subject to radio

interference from many sources that are beyond your
control. Since radio interference can cause momentary
losses of radio control, always allow a safety margin in all
directions around the model in order to prevent collisions.

The motors, batteries, and speed control can become hot

during use. Be careful to avoid getting burned.

Don’t operate your E-Maxx at night, or anytime your line of

sight to the model may be obstructed or impaired in any way.

Most importantly, use good common sense at all times.

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Tools, Supplies, and Required Equipment
For more info on Your E-Maxx comes with a set of specialty metric tools. You’ll Other Required Tools and Supplies
batteries, see Use need to purchase other items, available from your hobby dealer,
the Right Batteries
to operate and maintain your model. Thin, hobby-quality cyanoacrylate
on page 13.
instant tire glue (often called CA glue)
Supplied Tools
Your E-Maxx comes with these specialty metric tools:
Safety glasses
A peak-detecting
charger is 1.5mm hex wrench
recommended for
2.0mm hex wrench #2 Phillips screwdriver
best performance and
longest battery life. For
more information, see
Use the Right Charger on Universal (glow plug) wrench #1 Phillips screwdriver
page 14.

Small flat-blade screwdriver (1/8 inch blade)

Turnbuckle wrenches

7-Cell Operation:
Your E-Maxx can use U-Joint wrench Hobby knife
(2) 8.4-Volt 7-cell
battery packs. Using 7-cell
batteries will allow the 4-way wrench
E-Maxx to achieve 30+ MPH
speeds. The packs must be
specially made to fit the Batteries
E-Maxx chassis. Go to to 8 AA alkaline batteries for the radio system
learn how to make 7-cell
battery packs for the
Two 7.2-volt NiCad battery packs

NiCad battery charger

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Anatomy of the E-Maxx

Battery Slipper
Compartment Clutch

Shifting Chassis
Body Servo
Mount Suspension
Arm (upper)

(Front) Shock


Skid Plate

Mount Bulkhead

Antenna Shock
(Oil Damper)

Half Shaft Motor Spur On/Off

(Titan) Gear Switch Turnbuckle


Steering Electronic Speed

Servo Control (EVX)

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Quick Start: Getting up to Speed
The Quick Start The following guide is an overview of the 10. Drive your E-Maxx • See page 21
Guide is not procedures for getting your E-Maxx running. Driving tips and adjustments for your E-Maxx
intended to Refer to the pages indicated for details on each step. Look for the
replace the full operating 11. Maintaining your E-Maxx • See page 28
Quick Start logo on the bottom corners of Quick Start pages.
instructions available in Follow these critical steps to maintain the performance
this manual. Please read
1. Charge the battery packs • See sidebar, page 14 of your E-Maxx and keep it in excellent running
this entire manual for
The E-Maxx requires two fully charged 7.2-volt condition.
complete instructions
on the proper use and battery packs (not included).
maintenance of
your E-Maxx. 2. Glue the tires • See page 9
Glue the tires to the rims to prevent the rims
from spinning inside the tires.

3. Install the antenna • See page 15

Install the antenna mast in the E-Maxx.

4. Install batteries in the transmitter • See page 13

The TQ-3 transmitter requires 8 AA alkaline batteries.

5. Install battery packs in the model • See page 14

6. Turn on the radio system • See page 18

Make a habit of turning the transmitter on first, and off last.

7. Check servo operation • See page 19

Make sure the throttle, steering, and shifting servos are
working correctly.

8. Range test the radio system • See page 20

Follow this procedure to make sure your radio system
works properly at a distance and that there is no
interference from outside sources.

9. Decal and Install the body • See page 10

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Gluing The Tires
The tires on your E-Maxx must be glued to the rims using CA 4. Reinstall the wheels, making Always wear safety
tire glue to prevent the rims from spinning inside the tires. You sure none of the axle pins glasses to prevent
can glue the tires without removing the wheels from the truck. have fallen out from behind glue from splattering
For clarity, these instructions show the process with the wheels the hex hubs. into your eyes.
removed. Axle Pin

1. Remove a wheel from the The acetone in

E-Maxx using the larger Hub fingernail polish
(8mm) end of the glow plug remover will
(universal) wrench. remove excess glue from
your fingers.

2. Use your thumb to push the

side of the tire away from the
rim. Place one or two drops of
CA glue into the opening and
release the tire. Capillary
action will draw the glue
around the bead of the tire.

3. Repeat step two at four or five points around the rim, until the
tire is completely secured to the rim. Turn the rim over and
repeat the process for the inside of the rim/tire. Repeat for the
other 3 wheels.

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Decorating Your E-Maxx
Applying The Decals
The ProGraphix painted
body is covered with a
protective film for shipping.
You must remove this film
before applying any decals.

To remove the film, lift a

corner of the film and
carefully pull it off the body
in one continuous piece.

Your E-Maxx decals are die-

cut for easy removal. Use a
hobby knife to lift the
corner of a decal and lift it
from the backing.

Carefully position the decal

over the desired location
and press one side on the
body. Pull the decal tight
and use a finger to gradually
smooth out any air bubbles
as you apply the decal.

Look at the photos on the box for typical decal placement.


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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System
Your E-Maxx (model 3906) is equipped with the TQ-3 Radio
System. The TQ-3 is a 3-channel system that provides high-power
output up to a quarter mile and control for up to three servos.
The E-Maxx uses two servos and an electronic speed control.

TQ-3 Transmitter E-Maxx Wiring


Throttle Neutral Adjust Antenna Channel 1

Antenna Steering
Receiver Servo
Steering Wheel
Throttle Trim

Steering Trim Channel2

EVX Electronic
Speed Control
Channel 3
Channel 2
Channel 1

Channel 3 On/Off
Shifting Switch
Low/High 7.2v
Gear Selector Servo Battery
Switch Connections

Throttle Trigger


Power Indicator
Power Switch Battery Compartment


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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

Radio System Terminology controls so that the batteries run longer. An electronic speed
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these radio- control also has circuitry that prevents loss of steering and
system terms. They will be used throughout this manual. throttle control as the batteries lose their charge.
Frequency band - The radio frequency used by the transmitter
Channel - The 27 MHz frequency band is divided into 6 to send signals to your E-Maxx. All Traxxas RTR models operate
channels so that up to six models can be operated on a 27 MHz frequency band.
simultaneously. Each channel is referred to by its flag color and Neutral position - The standing position that the servos seek
channel number, as shown below. when the transmitter controls are at the neutral setting.
NiCad - Refers to rechargeable, nickel-cadmium batteries. The
Channel Frequency Band Flag Color Traxxas Part No. most economical choice, since they may be recharged up to
500 times.
1 26.995 Brown 2031
Receiver - The radio unit inside your E-Maxx that receives
2 27.045 Red 2032 signals from the transmitter and relays them to the servos.
Servos - Small motor units in your E-Maxx that operate the
3 27.095 Orange 2033 shifting and steering mechanisms.
4 27.145 Yellow 2034
Three-channel radio system - The TQ-3 radio system,
consisting of the receiver, the transmitter, and the servos. The
5 27.195 Green 2035 system uses three channels: one to operate the steering, one
to operate the ESC (throttle/brakes) and a third channel to
6 27.255 Blue 2036 control shifting.
Transmitter - The hand-held radio unit that sends throttle and
Clearing your frequency - A routine, verbal check to make sure steering instructions to your E-Maxx.
nobody else in your area is operating on the same channel. Trim - The fine-tuning adjustment of the neutral position of the
Always clear your frequency by calling out your channel servos, made by turning the throttle and steering trim knobs
number before operating your model. Wait or move to on the face of the transmitter.
another area if your channel is already being used. BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuit) - The BEC can either be in the
Crystal (X-tal) - The plug-in device that determines which receiver or in the ESC. This circuit allows the receiver and
channel the radio system will operate on. For each channel, servos to be powered by the main battery pack in an electric
there are two crystals, one for the receiver and one for the model. This eliminates the need to carry a separate pack of 4
transmitter. Of those two crystals, the one marked with the AA batteries to power the radio equipment.
lower number (.455 MHz lower) must be inserted into the Smart Braking™ - Trademark name for technology developed
receiver. by Novak Electronics that allows the same throttle trigger
ESC (Electronic Speed Control) - An electronic speed control is motion to control both braking and reverse functions. The EVX
the electronic motor control inside the model. An ESC uses speed control senses how fast the model is running and
MOSFET power transistors to provide precise, digital applies the brakes to slow the model. Once stopped, reverse is
proportional throttle and braking control. Electronic speed applied.
controls use power more efficiently than mechanical speed

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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

Thermal Shutdown Protection – Temperature sensing 2. Install the batteries in the correct orientation as Use the Right Batteries
electronics are used in the ESC to detect overloading and indicated in the battery compartment. Your transmitter uses AA
overheating of the transistor circuitry. If excessive temperature batteries. Use new alkaline
is detected, the unit automatically shuts down to prevent 3. Reinstall the battery door and snap it closed. batteries, or rechargeable
damage to the electronics. batteries such as NiCad or
Ni-MH (nickel-metal hydride)
One-Touch Setup™ - Novak Electronics trademark name for 4. Turn on the transmitter and check the power indicator
batteries in your transmitter.
circuitry inside the EVX electronic speed control that allows it for a solid red light. Make sure rechargeable
to adjust to the transmitter settings by pressing a button on batteries are fully charged
the speed control and operating the transmitter controls (see according to the
page 26 for instructions). manufacturer’s instructions.

Polar Drive Circuitry™ - Trademark name for technology CH.3


developed by Novak Electronics that allows the EVX speed If you use rechargeable
control to operate more efficiently at part throttle, and batteries in your transmitter, be
recharge the batteries during braking (regenerative braking). aware that when they begin to
lose their charge, they lose
This results in cooler running, increased power handling, and
power much more quickly than
longer run times. regular alkaline batteries.
Caution: Discontinue running
Installing Transmitter Batteries If the power indicator light flashes, then the transmitter your E-Maxx at the first sign of
Your TQ-3 transmitter uses 8 AA batteries. The battery batteries are weak, discharged or possibly installed weak batteries (flashing red
compartment is located at the base of the transmitter. incorrectly. Replace with new or freshly charged batteries. light) to avoid losing control.
The power indicator light does not indicate the charge level
1. Remove the battery compartment door by pressing the tab
of the receiver batteries in the model.
and lifting the door up. If the power indicator
doesn’t light red, check
the polarity of the
batteries. Check rechargeable
batteries for a full charge.


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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

Use the Installing Battery Packs Side-by-side packs

Right Charger The E-Maxx requires two fully charged 7.2 volt NiCd or NiMH When using side-by-side packs, the battery retainer must be
The most convenient completely removed and flipped over.
battery packs. Do not run the E-Maxx with just one battery.
type of charger is an AC
peak-detecting charger that These batteries are not included with the model. You can use
either side-by-side racing style packs or the more common stick 1. Remove the shoulder screw which acts as the hinge for the
plugs directly into an AC wall battery retainer. Replace the shoulder screw with the
outlet. It contains special packs. The battery compartments on the E-Maxx are designed to
handle both. The E-Maxx’s run time is greatly affected by the supplied metal post (found in your instruction manual
peak-detection circuitry that
automatically shuts the milliamp hour (mAh) rating of the batteries. A 3000 mAh battery packet).
charger off when the battery pack will theoretically run twice as long as a 1500 mAh sport
is fully charged. pack. Follow the charger manufacturer’s directions for charging 2. Install the batteries in the compartment and then place the
and caring for your battery packs. battery hold down over the posts with the flat side facing up.
If you’re using a 15-minute
timed charger, always fully The battery compartments are configured for stick packs from 3. Secure the battery hold down with body clips in the lower
discharge the battery pack the factory. If you are using side-by-side racing packs, then you holes in the posts.
before each charge. Some will need to reconfigure the battery hold downs as shown:
high mAh battery packs
(1500 mAh or higher) require Stick packs
more than the standard 15 1. Remove the body clip securing the battery hold down. Lift
minutes of charge time. If the the end of the hold down and swing it out.
battery pack is cold after 15
minutes of charging, add 2. Slide the battery pack in place. Swing the hold down back in
another 5 minutes of charge and over the post.
time. Closely monitor the
battery pack and stop 3. Secure it with the body clip. Use the upper hole in the post.
charging it when it begins to Repeat for the other pack.
feel warm to the touch. Never
leave a battery charging
unattended. Always follow
charger manufacturer’s Using side-by-side packs
See page 25 for information about installing 7-cell (8.4 volt)
If the radio system
battery packs in the E-Maxx.
doesn’t appear to
work when the
transmitter and model
switches are turned on,
check for correct battery

14 Using stick packs

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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

Setting Up the Antenna Spray a little window

You must install the antenna mast (tube) before you operate cleaner on the
antenna wire to
your E-Maxx. You’ll find the plastic antenna tube and tip in the Antenna Tip make it easier to push
bag with your manuals and documentation. through the antenna tube.

1. Locate the black antenna wire that exits the receiver. The
E-Maxx receiver is mounted in the front of the chassis.
Don’t shorten the
2. Pull the wire straight with your fingers and then insert the length of the
end of the wire into one end of the antenna tube. Push the antenna wire. Its
wire all the way through the antenna tube. length is tuned to the
frequency band; cutting it
could severely shorten the
3. Pull the remaining wire through the antenna tube, and then radio system’s range.
insert the base of the antenna tube into the molded post on
Antenna Tube
the chassis.

4. Fold the remaining antenna wire over the top of the tube Don’t push the
and secure it with the antenna tip. transmitter antenna
down from the top.
5. On the transmitter, always fully extend the telescoping Pull it down from the
bottom, one segment at a
antenna when running your E-Maxx. Make a habit
time, to prevent binding and
of holding the transmitter so that the antenna points kinking the antenna mast.
straight up.


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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

TQ-3 Radio System Controls

When the shift button on the handle is in the up position the
E-Maxx is in low gear. Normal operation is to start off in low gear
and when maximum motor RPM is reached, push the button
down to select high gear and continue accelerating. In order for
the transmission to shift, the throttle must be released
momentarily to take the load off of the transmission. This is
necessary since the transmission does not use a clutch. You may
downshift from high to low gear at any time. Often
downshifting serves as effective braking. The throttle must

momentarily be released to allow the transmission to downshift

as well.




Use common sense to protect the inner workings of your

transmission. Don’t try to shift from high to low while at the
same time switching from forward to reverse. Performing only
one operation at a time will reduce the chance of damaging

your transmission.
When changing from reverse to forward, there is no delay. Avoid
doing reverse to forward "slams." Continuous abuse of this type
could result in damage to your speed control or transmission.


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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

TQ-3 Radio System Adjustments

In addition to the electronic throttle and steering trim controls, Electronic Steering Trim
your radio system features throttle neutral adjustment and The electronic steering trim located on the face of the
servo reversing switches. transmitter adjusts the neutral (center) point of the steering
servo when the servo is at rest. Adjust this control to make the
Throttle Neutral Adjustment model drive straight with no steering input at the wheel.
The throttle neutral adjustment is located on the transmitter
face and controls the forward/brake travel of the throttle Servo Reversing Switches
trigger. Change the adjustment by pressing the button and On the front of the transmitter there are three switches, one for
sliding it to the desired position. There are two settings throttle, one for steering, and one for shifting. Moving the
available: switches reverses the direction of the servo. For example, if you
turn your steering wheel right and the model moves left, then

50/50: Allows equal travel for both acceleration and braking. switch the steering servo reversing switch to correct the servo
70/30: Allows more throttle travel (70%) and less direction. The electronic trim may need readjustment after
brake travel (30%). moving the switches.
50/50 is the recommended setting for the E-Maxx.
Channel Servo
1 Steering
2 Throttle
3 Shifting


Electronic Throttle Trim

The electronic throttle trim located on the face of the
transmitter adjusts the neutral (center) point of the throttle
trigger signal to the electronic speed control. This control has
been preset for you at the factory. If the motors run when the
truck (EVX) is switched on, then turn the throttle trim control on
the transmitter until the wheels stop. If anything more than a
slight adjustment of the throttle trim control is required, then
you should readjust your speed control. Refer to the
Adjustments section on pages 25 and 26. 17

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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

Remember, always TQ-3 Radio System Rules

turn the TQ-3 Always use new or freshly charged batteries for the radio

transmitter on first
Each time you prepare to run your Channel 1
E-Maxx, you must clear your frequency Brown system. Weak batteries will limit the range of the radio signal
and off last to avoid between the receiver and the transmitter. Loss of the radio
damage to your E-Maxx. to be sure no one else in the area is Channel 2
using the same channel as you. Red signal can cause you to lose control of your E-Maxx.
Channel 3
There are six possible channels, Channel 4
Your EVX numbered 1 through 6. Each is Yellow
electronic speed
control was set up
represented by a color. Look at the Channel 5
crystal plugged into the back of your Green
with the radio from the
factory. It is possible for transmitter to determine which channel Channel 6
the throttle trim control your truck is assigned to.
on the transmitter to have
moved during transit or

while handling the

Always turn your TQ-3 transmitter on first and off last. This
transmitter. If the motors procedure will help to prevent your E-Maxx from receiving
run when the truck (EVX) stray signals from another transmitter, or other source, and
is switched on, then turn running out of control.
the throttle trim control

on the transmitter until Always have the transmitter turned on before you plug in
the wheels stop. If the battery packs in the model.
anything more than a
slight adjustment of the
throttle trim control is
required, then you should
readjust your speed
control. Refer to the
Adjustments section on
pages 25 and 26. 1 2 3


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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

Using the TQ-3 Radio System 4. Move the switch in the E-Maxx to the “ON” position. The servo When NiCd
and speed control should jump and move to their idle batteries begin to
The TQ-3 Radio System was pre-adjusted at the factory. The lose their charge,
adjustment should be checked, before running the model, in (neutral) position. The motors may run momentarily, causing
they will fade much faster
case of movement during shipping. Here’s how: the E-Maxx to lurch. than alkaline dry cells.
Stop immediately at the
1. Fully extend the chrome antenna mast on the transmitter 5. Turn the steering wheel on the transmitter back and forth first sign of weak
and check for rapid operation of the steering servo. Also, batteries. Never turn the
and turn the switch on. The red indicator light on the transmitter off when the
transmitter should be solid red (not flashing). check that the steering mechanism is not loose or binding. If
battery pack is plugged in.
the steering operates slowly, check for weak batteries. The model could run out
2. Plug the NiCd batteries in the model into the electronic of control.
speed control. 6. When looking down at model, the front wheels should be
pointing straight ahead. If the wheels are turned slightly to
3. Elevate the E-Maxx so that all four tires are off the ground. If the left or right, slowly adjust the steering trim control on the
Because your
you are holding the E-Maxx, grip it firmly. Make sure your transmitter until they are pointing straight ahead. E-Maxx features
hands are are clear of the moving parts of the E-Maxx. zero-scrub-radius
1° 1° suspension and wide tires,
the steering servo will not
fully turn the front wheels
when the vehicle is not


7. Operate the throttle trigger to ensure that you have full

forward and reverse operation, and that the motor stops
when the throttle trigger is at neutral.

Steering 8. Operate the shift button on the transmitter and check for
Servo rapid operation of the shifting servo. Push the shift button up
for first gear; the servo will pull the shift rod out of the
transmission. Push the shift button down for second gear; the
E-Maxx Servo servo will push the shift rod into the transmission.
9. Once adjustments are made, turn off the switch on your
E-Maxx, followed by the handheld transmitter.


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The Traxxas TQ-3 Radio System

Don’t attempt to Range-Testing the TQ-3 Radio System

operate your Before each running session with your E-Maxx, you should range-
E-Maxx if there are
test your radio system to ensure that it operates properly.
any problems with your
radio system or radio
interference at your 1. Turn on the radio system and check its operation as described
location. in the previous section (Using Your Radio System, pages 18-19).

2. Have a friend hold the model. Make sure hands and clothing are
clear of the wheels and other moving parts on the E-Maxx.

3. Make sure your transmitter antenna is fully extended, and then

walk away from the model with the transmitter until you reach
the farthest distance you plan to operate the model.

4. Operate the controls on the transmitter once again to be sure

that the model responds correctly.

5. Do not attempt to operate the model if there is any problem

with the radio system or any external interference with your
radio signal at your location.


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Driving the E-Maxx
Now it’s time to have some fun! throttle through the turns. This technique will help the
This section contains E-Maxx grab the surface and turn sharper.

instructions on driving and When jumping the E-Maxx, make sure to release the throttle
making adjustments to your just before the wheels contact the ground. Holding the
E-Maxx. Before you go on, throttle wide open as the truck lands could damage
here are some important transmission and driveline components. Do not shift the
precautions to keep in mind. transmission while the truck is in the air.

Drive over large obstacles (such as curbs and rocks) at an

Allow the E-Maxx to angle, instead of head on. This will allow the suspension to
cool for a few minutes articulate and absorb the impact much easier.
between runs.

The radio system is not waterproof. Avoid driving through About Run Time
puddles or mud. If water gets into the electronics it could The E-Maxx is able to achieve long run times due to the greater
damage them. efficiency of the high voltage electrical system. A large factor

Do not continue to operate the truck with low batteries or affecting run time is the type and condition of your batteries.
you could lose control of it. Indications of low battery power The milliamp hour (mAh) rating of the batteries determines how
include slow operation and sluggish servos (slow to return large their “fuel tank” is. A 3000 mAh battery pack will
to center). Stop immediately at the first sign of weak theoretically run twice as long as a 1500 mAh sport pack.
batteries. When the batteries in the transmitter become Because of the wide variation in the types of batteries that are
weak, the red power light will begin to flash. Stop available and the methods with which they can be charged, it’s
immediately and install new batteries. impossible for us to give you exact run times for the E-Maxx.

Do not drive the truck at night, on public streets, or in large Another major factor which affects run time is how the E-Maxx
crowds of people. is driven. Our experience has shown that the run times are

If the truck becomes stuck against an object, do not shorter when the truck is driven continuously, in high gear, at
continue to run the motors. Remove the obstruction before top speeds. In off-road situations with lower speeds and mostly
continuing. Do not push or pull objects with the E-Maxx. low gear usage, expect much longer run times.

Because the E-Maxx is controlled by radio, it is subject to

radio interference from many sources beyond your control. Tips for Increasing Run Time

Since radio interference can cause momentary losses of Use batteries with the highest mAh rating you can purchase.
control, allow a safety margin of space in all directions Use a high-quality peak-detecting charger.
around the truck in order to prevent collisions. Discharge the batteries completely after each run.

Use good, common sense whenever you are driving your Vary your speed. Continuous high-speed, high-gear running
truck. Intentionally driving in an abusive and rough manner shortens the run time on the E-Maxx.

will only result in poor performance and broken parts. Take Maintain your E-Maxx. Do not allow dirt or damaged parts to
care of your E-Maxx so that you can enjoy it for a long time cause binding in the drivetrain. Keep the motors clean and
to come. the motor bushings lightly lubricated.

Driving Tips

Monster trucks by design have a high center of gravity that

requires a different driving technique. To prevent rollovers,
slow down as you approach turns and then apply strong

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Adjusting Your E-Maxx
Factory toe-in Once you become familiar with driving your E-Maxx, you might Adjusting the Camber
settings can be need to make adjustments for better driving performance. Two pivot balls are accessible through the
achieved by spokes of each of the wheels on your
installing the rod ends on Adjusting the Slipper Clutch E-Maxx. From the factory, the pivot balls are
the turnbuckles until they The E-Maxx is equipped with an adjustable slipper clutch to completely tightened into the suspension
bottom out against the protect the drivetrain from sudden shock loads (such as landing arms, which give each of the wheels –1˚ of
shoulder. If you desire off of jumps with the motors at full throttle). Under normal camber. Unscrewing the bottom camber
more toe-out, the tips of conditions, the slipper clutch should not slip. Before adjusting pivot ball with a 2.5mm hex wrench will increase the wheel’s
the rod ends must be the slipper clutch, turn the radio system off and unplug the negative camber.You should not adjust the top pivot ball;
trimmed to allow them to batteries in the E-Maxx. If the motors turned while the unscrewing it will increase positive camber and will also change
screw down further onto adjustment wrench is inserted, you could be injured. Do not the wheel’s toe-in.
the turnbuckle threads. touch the 3 metal heatsinks on the electronic speed control
together with any metal object or tool when the speed control -1° -1°
is turned on! This could damage the speed control. Use the
supplied universal wrench to tighten the slipper nut (clockwise)
until it stops and then back the adjustment out 1/4 of a turn.You
can make this adjustment without removing the gear cover,
instead removing only the rubber plug in the center of the gear
cover. If you notice any decrease in the E-Maxx’s performance Adjusting the suspension
while making changes to the slipper clutch adjustment, then it The E-Maxx has adjustable suspension so
may be too loose. The slipper must not be allowed to slip during that it may be optimized for different
normal acceleration or the slipper could be damaged. kinds of terrain and driving styles.

Adjusting the Toe-in Fine Tuning the Shocks

0° 0°
Your E-Maxx comes from The eight shocks (oil dampers) on your
the factory with zero E-Maxx have tremendous influence on its
degrees of toe-in in the handling. Whenever you rebuild your
front, and one degree of shocks, or make any changes to the
toe-in in the rear.You can pistons, springs or oil, always do it
adjust the toe-in on the carefully and in sets (front or rear). Piston
1° 1°
front and rear of the truck. head selection depends on the range of
Set the steering trim on oil viscosities that you have available. For
your transmitter to neutral. example, using a two-hole piston with
Now, adjust your steering lightweight oil will give you the same
turnbuckles so that both damping as a three-hole piston with
front wheels are pointing heavier oil. We recommend using two-hole pistons with a range
straight ahead and are of oil viscosities from 10W to 40W (available from your hobby
parallel to each other (0 degrees toe-in). This will ensure the shop). The thinner viscosity oils (30W or less) flow with less
same amount of steering in both directions. Adjust the rear toe resistance and provide less damping, while thicker oils provide
control links so that the rear wheels have 1˚ of toe-in. more dampening. Use only 100% pure silicone shock oil to
prolong seal life. From the factory, the E-Maxx uses 30W oil.

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Adjusting Your E-Maxx

The ride height for the E-Maxx can be adjusted by adding or higher spring rates. Caster is adjusted by repositioning the shims Spur Gear
removing the clip-on spring pre-load spacers. Note that changes on the pivot point of the upper suspension arms. 64 66 70 72
in ride height will occur when changes in shock angle or spring The stock caster setting is 7-degrees with one shim at each end
12 1st 43.36 45.99 47.30
rates are made.You can compensate for ride height changes by of the arm. Reduce the caster angle to 4-degrees by removing 2nd 26.92 28.56 29.37
changing the pre-load spacers on the shocks the rear shim and inserting it next to the front shim. The caster
angle can be increased to 10-degrees by removing the front 13 1st 40.03 42.45 43.66
Motors and Gearing shim and inserting it next to the rear shim. 2nd 24.85 26.36 27.11
The Titan™ 550 Motors on your E-Maxx have been carefully Caster adjustment shims (2 Front) Caster adjustment shims (1 Front, 1 Rear) Caster adjustment shims (2 Rear)
14 1st 36.04 37.17 39.42 40.55
designed to match the needs of the E-Maxx. The Titans are made 2nd 22.38 23.08 24.48 25.18
to run efficiently at high voltage to provide more torque and
longer run times. We do not recommend converting the 15 1st 33.64 34.69 36.79 37.84
E-Maxx to a typical low voltage setup using traditional 540 2nd 20.89 21.54 22.85 23.50
size motors. While these components will physically fit into the
16 1st 31.54 32.52 34.49 35.48
E-Maxx, the system will not run as efficiently, losing power in the

Pinon Teeth
2nd 19.58 20.19 21.42 22.03
form of motor and battery heating. The result will be shorter run 4°

times, high current draw, and extreme battery and motor Ground plane Ground plane Ground plane
17 1st 29.68 30.61 32.46 33.39
temperatures. If you are considering replacement motors, look 2nd 18.43 19.01 20.16 20.73
for 550 motors capable of 12 or more volts. Shock Mounting Positions
The E-Maxx is equipped from the factory with a 66-tooth spur Big bumps and rough terrain require a softer suspension with 18 1st 28.03 28.91 30.66
2nd 17.41 17.95 19.04
gear and 18-tooth pinion gears. E-Maxx has a large range of the maximum possible suspension travel and ride height. Racing
gearing making it suitable for many different types of on a prepared track or on-road use requires a lower ride height 19 1st 26.56 27.39 29.05
applications and environments. If you want more acceleration and firmer, more progressive suspension settings. The more 2nd 16.49 17.01 18.04
and less top speed, use a smaller pinion gear (fewer teeth, higher progressive suspension settings help reduce body roll (increased
numerical ratio). For more top speed, use a larger pinion gear roll stiffness), dive during braking, and squat during acceleration. 20 1st 25.23 26.02
2nd 15.67 16.15
(lower numerical ratio). The overall reduction is the number of Upper shock mounting position (A) should generally be used
turns the motor makes for one revolution of the tire. Higher with lower shock mounting 21 1st 24.03 24.78 Do not
numerical ratios provide more torque, lower numerical ratios positions 1 and 2. Upper shock 2nd 14.92 15.39 use with
provide more top speed. With the Titan motors, do not use a mounting position (B) should be Titan
pinion gear larger than 20-tooth with the stock 66-tooth spur generally be used with lower 22 1st 22.93 23.65 motors.
2nd 14.24 14.69
gear or, do not go lower numerically than 16.1 to 1 gear ratio shock mounting positions 3 and
in high gear. 4. The innermost upper shock Overall Reduction
mounting position (0) can be
Caster Adjustment used for tuning with the inner
The E-Maxx offers the ability to adjust the caster angle of the pair of lower shock mounting
front suspension. Caster adjustment may be used to influence positions on the arm (1,2). It is
the understeer/ oversteer handling characteristics of the E-Maxx. not compatible with lower
Increasing the caster angle will increase the tendency of the shock mounting positions 3 and
truck to oversteer (less traction on the rear tires, more traction on 4. Other combinations may be
the front tires), while decreasing the caster angle will cause the used to achieve individualized
truck to have a tendency to understeer (push in the turns). This suspension settings.
effect becomes more pronounced at higher steering angles and 23

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Adjusting Your E-Maxx

For easier access to Lower Shock Mounting Positions Ride height decreases as the lower shock mounting position is
the rear-most shock In the out-of-the-box configuration, the shocks are installed in moved from position (1) to position (4). Each pair of lower shock
mounting screw, position (A) on the shock tower and position (2) on the lower mounting holes (1,2 and 3,4) has equal ride height. Use lower ride
remove the one end of the suspension arm. This setting allows for moderate suspension height for high-speed cornering and flat terrain, and when racing
rear turnbuckle. In the front, travel and ride height. The more vertical position of the shocks on relatively smooth tracks. Increase the ride height for rougher
remove the suspension pin allows for lower shock progression and the soft, plush feel that’s terrain and tracks.
from the lower front characteristic of a Traxxas Maxx Truck.
suspension arm to gain Upper Shock Mounting Positions
easier access to the lower The outer pair of holes on the lower suspension arm should be The upper shock mounting positions will have suspension effects
shock mounting screws. used to lower the ride height of the E-Maxx, and increase the opposite from the lower shock mounting positions.
spring force (at the wheel). This setting will improve high-speed
cornering on smoother terrain by lowering the center of gravity Spring rate (at the wheel), increases as the upper shock
and providing a firmer suspension feel. Body roll, brake dive, and mounting position is moved from position (A) to position (B).
squat will be reduced.
Ride height is not affected by changes in the upper shock
Spring rate (at the wheel) increases as the lower shock mounting mounting position.
position is moved from position (1) to position (4). This is
equivalent to using stiffer springs. Use higher spring rate settings Use the chart below to see the effect of the various shock
for flatter terrain with smaller and fewer bumps, and lower spring mounting positions. The horizontal length of the lines indicates
rate settings for bigger bumps. the amount of suspension travel. The angle or slope of the lines
indicates the spring rate (at the wheel).
Wheel Force vs. Wheel Travel
Lower Mount 1, Upper Mount 0
Lower Mount 2, Upper Mount 0
Lower Mount 1, Upper Mount A Lower Mount 4
Lower Mount 2, Upper Mount A Lower Mount 3
2 Lower Mount 3, Upper Mount A
Lower Mount 4, Upper Mount A More Firm Lower Mount 2
Lower Mount 1, Upper Mount B Lower Mount 1
Lower Mount 2, Upper Mount B
1.5 Lower Mount 3, Upper Mount B
Wheel Force (lb)

Lower Mount 4, Upper Mount B

Less Firm


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Wheel Travel (mm)

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Adjusting Your E-Maxx

Adjusting the Speed Control Operating Your

The EVX electronic speed control installed in your E-Maxx has get extremely hot, so be careful not to touch them until they E-Maxx on 14 Cells
been factory set and should not require any adjustments. The cool. Supply adequate airflow for cooling. The EVX electronic

EVX is a reliable and rugged reversible speed control for use with Always use heat sinks. Three heat sinks are factory-installed speed control is capable of
two 6 or 7-cell battery packs and the stock Traxxas E-Maxx on the speed control and must be used for maximum cooling handling 14 cells to power
motors. and performance. the twin Titan motors. Only
use the 14 cell configuration
The EVX has three user-selectable throttle profiles: These additional precautions apply if the stock E-Maxx is
with the EVX and stock
Profile #1: Forward with brakes and reverse: Novak’s Smart modified in the future. Please be aware that damage to the
Titan motors. For more
Braking™ Circuitry brings the model to a slow speed before speed control caused by modification of the E-Maxx or EVX will
information on operating
engaging reverse to save your vehicle’s gearbox and reduce not be covered by the warranty. This includes changing the the E-Maxx with 14 cells,
speed control heating. Forward and reverse are proportional. connectors. and complete 7 cell pack
Profile #2: Forward-only with brakes: Novak’s Reverse Disable

Use stock connectors. If you decide to change the battery or assembly instructions, go to
Circuitry locks-out reverse for forward-only or racing use. Brakes motor connectors, only change one battery or motor
are enabled. connector at a time. This will prevent accidentally mis-wiring
Profile #3: Forward with 25% reverse: For applications where the speed control. If the EVX is not wired exactly as shown in
reduced speed in the reverse direction is desirable. the diagram, it can be damaged!

EVX Wiring Diagram - Follow this diagram exactly! The pos(+) and neg(-) battery
and motor inputs are not reversible. Use neutrally timed motors. The motors installed in the
E-Maxx are neutrally timed. If you replace the motors, the
BATTERY motors must have 0° timing. Modified motors (with adjustable
end bells) timed to 0° or Johnson/ Mabuchi (closed end bell)
motors are recommended. Using motors with other than 0°
timing will draw excess current in reverse, causing the speed
control to overheat and premature motor wear.

Motor capacitors required! If the factory installed stock

motors are replaced, three 0.1µF (50V) ceramic capacitors
should be properly installed on every motor to prevent radio
interference. These capacitors are available from your hobby
dealer (Novak Kit #5620).

No reverse voltage! The speed control is not protected

Follow these extra safety precautions for your protection and to against reverse polarity voltage. If changing the battery
ensure long life for the EVX speed control. and/or motor, be sure to install the same type of connectors
to avoid damage to the speed control. Removing the battery

Water and electronics don’t mix! Do not operate model in or

around water. Never allow water, moisture, or other foreign connectors on the speed control or using the same-gender
materials to get inside the speed control. connectors on the speed control will void the product’s

Disconnect the batteries. Always disconnect the battery

pack from the speed control when not in use. Don’t let the transistor tabs touch! Never allow the
three separate transistor banks to touch each other or any

Transmitter on first. Turn on your transmitter before the

speed control so you will have control of the radio exposed metal. This will create a short circuit and damage the
equipment. speed control.

Insulate the wires. Always insulate exposed wiring with heat

Don’t get burned! The transistor tabs and the heat sinks can
shrink tubing to prevent short circuits. 25

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Adjusting Your E-Maxx

Using an Aftermarket Transmitter Adjustments for the EVX (TQ-3) 6. Pull the transmitter throttle trigger to the full throttle
Transmitter with the EVX. Before attempting to program your EVX, it is important to make position. Hold it there until the status LED turns solid green.
The following instructions are sure that your transmitter is properly adjusted (set back to the Note: The motors will not run during programming even if
provided as reference only for factory defaults). Otherwise, you may not get the best they are connected to the speed control.
those who are using an
aftermarket transmitter in place performance from your speed control.
7. Push the transmitter throttle trigger to full reverse. Hold it
of their factory TQ-3.
there until the status LED blinks green.
1. Set the High ATV or EPA to
The Traxxas TQ-3 transmitter should be adjusted as follows:
the maximum setting. This is 1. Set the Throttle Neutral switch to the 50/50 setting. This 8. Release the transmitter throttle trigger allowing it to return to
the amount of servo throw at adjusts the transmitter’s throttle trigger throw to 1/2 throttle neutral. The status LED will turn solid red, indicating that the
full throttle. and 1/2 brake/reverse. throttle is at neutral and the programming has been
2. Set the Low ATV, EPA, or ATL completed.
to the maximum setting. This
2. Set the Throttle Trim to the middle “0” setting. This adjusts the
is the amount of servo throw neutral position of the throttle servo. 9. Connect the motors to the speed control. Connect the red
at full brakes. speed control wires to motor’s red positive (+) leads. Connect
3. Set the Channel 1 Servo Reversing Switch to the left position.
3. Set the Exponential to the the black speed control wires to motor’s negative (-) leads.
zero setting. This adjusts the 4. Set the Channel 2 Servo Reversing Switch to the right position. Make sure the bullet connectors snap together securely. Refer
throttle channel linearity. to the wiring diagram on page 25 for assistance.
5. Set the Channel 3 Servo Reversing Switch to the right position.
4. Set the Throttle Channel Trim
to the middle setting. This 6. Do not change the position of any of the servo reversing The EVX speed control is now programmed & ready to go!

adjusts the neutral position If the transmitter settings are changed, it will be necessary to
and increases or decreases
switches after programming the EVX.
the amount of coast braking.
complete the programming sequence again.

Speed Control Programming If the SET button is released before the LED turns solid red in
5. Set the Throttle Channel step 5, the LED will blink 7 times and then return to the
Reversing Switch to either To program the speed control, it should be connected to the
position. Do not change the receiver, and the transmitter should be adjusted as described in normal operation mode.

switch position after the previous section. If you experience any problems during programming, turn
programming. off the speed control and repeat the programming steps.
6. Set the Electronic Trigger 1. Disconnect the motors from the speed control.
Throw Adjustment to 50% Speed Control Throttle Profile Selection
throttle and 50% brake throw 2. Connect two fully charged battery packs to the speed control. The speed control is factory set to Profile #1
(or 5:5). This adjusts the Connect one JST plug (RED & BLACK wires) to one battery (forward/reverse/brake operation). To disable the reverse (Profile
transmitter’s throttle trigger pack. Connect the other JST plug to the other battery pack.
throw on electronic/digital
#2), or reduce the reverse speed to 25% (Profile #3), follow these
transmitters. 3. Turn on the transmitter. steps. The speed control should be connected to the receiver
and the transmitter adjusted as described above.
7. Set the Mechanical Trigger
Throw Adjustment to a
4. Turn on the speed control.
position with 1/2 throttle and 5. With the transmitter throttle at neutral, press and hold the 1. Connect two fully charged battery packs to the speed control.
1/2 brake throw. This adjusts
ESC SET button until the status LED turns solid red, and then Connect one JST plug (RED & BLACK wires) to one battery
the transmitter’s throttle pack. Connect the other JST plug to the other battery pack.
trigger throw on mechanical/ release the button. You are now in programming mode.
analog transmitters.


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Adjusting Your E-Maxx

2. Turn on the transmitter.

3. Turn on the speed control.
4. Press and hold the ESC SET button until the status LED turns
from solid red to solid green. Immediately release the ESC SET
button when it changes to green.
5. The LED will now flash red.The number of red flashes
indicates the active throttle profile.
Profile # Description Flashes
1 (Default) ........Forward/Reverse/Brakes ..................1
2 ........................Forward only/Brakes ........................2
3 ........................Forward/25% Reverse/Brakes ........3
6. Press the ESC SET button to select the throttle profile. Each
press will advance the setting to the next profile. Note: To
change the profile you must press the ESC SET button
immediately after the LED flashes the current setting.
Once the LED flashes the desired setting number, wait and
the LED will turn green and the EVX will exit the
programming mode.


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Maintaining and Storing Your E-Maxx
Your E-Maxx requires timely maintenance in order to stay in top to restore factory tolerances. The bellcrank bushings may be
Denatured alcohol
(available from
running condition.The following procedures should be taken replaced with 5x8mm ball bearings (Traxxas part #2728).

home centers and very seriously. Motors: Every 10-15 runs, remove, clean, and lubricate the
paint supply stores) in a motors. Use a product such as electric motor cleaning spray
spray bottle is an extremely Inspect the vehicle for obvious damage or wear. Look for: to flush dirt out of the motors. After cleaning, lubricate the
effective cleaner. Be sure to 1. Cracked, bent, or damaged parts bushings at each end of the motor with a drop of light-
wear safety glasses and 2. Check the wheels and steering for binding. weight electric motor oil.

gloves when working with 3. Check the operation of the shock absorbers. Shocks: Keep the oil level in the shocks full. Use only 100%
denatured alcohol. Remove 4. Check the wiring for any frayed wires or loose connections. pure silicon shock oil to prolong the life of the seals. If you
the radio system and ESC 5. Check the tightness of the front pivot balls. are experiencing leakage around the top of the shock,
before cleaning with 6. Check the mounting of the receiver and servo and electronic inspect the bladder in the top cap for signs of damage or
denatured alcohol or other
speed control. distortion from overtightening. If the bottom of the shock is
7. Check the tightness of the wheel nuts with a wrench. leaking, then it is time for a rebuild. The Traxxas rebuild kit
8. Check the operation of the radio system, especially the for two shocks is part#2362.

Always wear eye condition of the batteries. Suspension: Periodically inspect the truck for signs of
protection when 9. Check for any loose screws in the chassis structure or damage such as bent or dirty suspension pins, bent
using compressed air suspension. turnbuckles, loose screws, and any signs of stress or bending.
or spray cleaners and 10. The steering servo saver will wear out over time. If the ▼ Replace components as needed.
lubricants. steering becomes loose, the servo saver should be replaced. Driveline: Inspect the driveline for signs of wear such as
11. Inspect the gears for wear, broken teeth, or debris lodged worn drive yokes, dirty axle half shafts, and any unusual
between the teeth. noise or binding. If a U-joint pops apart then it is time to
12. Check the tightness of the slipper clutch. replace the part. Remove the gear cover and Inspect the
spur gear for wear and check the tightness of grub screws in
Other periodic maintenance: the pinion gears. Tighten, clean, or replace components as

Slipper clutch pegs (friction needed.

material): The slipper clutch
pegs will wear over time and Storage
require replacement. The life When you are through running the E-Maxx for the day, blow it
of the pegs depends on how off with compressed air or use a product such as denatured
the slipper clutch was alcohol to remove dirt and grime from the truck. When using
adjusted and how the denatured alcohol, unplug and remove the batteries. Be careful
E-Maxx was used. If the slipper will not tighten or you are not to spray it directly on the electronic components or into the
seeing signs of wear on the face of the gear, then the pegs motors. Allow the E-Maxx to dry completely before recon-
should be replaced. necting the batteries. Denatured alcohol is flammable and

Chassis: Keep the chassis clean of accumulated dirt and should not be used where a spark may occur (such as in the
grime. Periodically inspect the chassis for damage motors or battery connectors).

Steering: Over time, you may notice increased looseness in

the steering system. There are several components which will Always disconnect and remove the batteries from the E-maxx
wear out from use: the servo saver (Traxxas part#3744), the whenever the E-Maxx is stored. If the E-Maxx will be stored for a
bellcrank bushings (Traxxas part #4943), and the tie rod ends long time, then also remove the batteries from the transmitter.
(Traxxas part #2742). Replace these components as needed The following section addresses some very basic ESC and radio

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Troubleshooting Your E-Maxx
questions you may have about your E-Maxx. Most questions arise EVX will not go into programming mode

from simple user errors or minor adjustments that are easy to Make sure the EVX is plugged into channel 2 (the throttle
correct. If you can’t find a solution for your E-Maxx here, then visit channel) on the receiver. If it is plugged into channel 3 or the
our Web site at and click on the Customer battery terminal, it will not go into programming mode.
Support menu. There you will find a much more extensive and
detailed online troubleshooting area. In addition, you may call Receiver glitches/throttle stutters during acceleration

Traxxas Customer Service at 1-888-TRAXXAS (outside the US call Motor capacitors broken or missing - Check & replace
972-265-8000). capacitors.

The receiver or antenna is too close to power wires or the

Radio system does not work properly: batteries.


If the power light on the transmitter does not come on, check Bad connections - Check the wiring and connectors.
for proper battery installation and that the batteries are new Motor(s) worn - Replace the motors.
and/or fully charged. If the power light is blinking, then the Excessive current to motor - Use a milder motor or a smaller
transmitter batteries are weak and should be replaced. See pinion gear.
page 13 for more details.
Motor and steering servo do not work

If the transmitter light is on but the radio is still not

responding, check for proper installation of batteries in the Check the wires, radio system, crystals, battery and motor
model and that the batteries are new and/or fully charged. connectors, and the battery packs.

Check to make sure the on/off switch on the model is in the Possible internal damage. Return the EVX to Traxxas for
on position. Check for damaged wires, a loose crystal, or loose service.
connections. See page 14 for more details.
Model runs slowly / slow acceleration

Short radio range: Check the motor and battery connectors.

Bad battery or motor(s). Check the operation with known

If the radio range appears short, then first check to make sure
the transmitter antenna is fully extended and that the good batteries and motors.

antenna in the E- is in place and has not been cut or Incorrect transmitter or speed control adjustment. Refer
damaged. Next, make sure the batteries are all fully charged. to the “Transmitter Adjustment” and “Speed Control
Finally, if you are still experiencing short range, try a different Programming” sections.
location. Sometimes there can be interference from various
sources that can cause your radio to malfunction. Motor runs backwards

Both motors wired backwards - Check the wiring and correct.

Steering channel works but the motors will not run
ESC is melted or burned/ESC runs with the switch off

The speed control has thermally shut down. Allow the speed

control to cool down. Use a milder motor or a smaller pinion Internal damage. Return the EVX to Traxxas for service.
gear. Check the drive train for restrictions. Check the motor
connections. Check the motors.

One motor is wired backwards. Check the wiring and correct.

Make sure the speed control is plugged into the throttle
channel of the receiver. Check operation of the throttle
channel with a servo.

Possible internal damage. Return the EVX to Traxxas

for service. 29

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Antenna (receiver) 15 Denatured alcohol 28 Receiver 7, 11, 12, 15, 29 Tools 6

tip 15 Differential 7 Required equipment 6 Torque 23
tube 15 Driveline 28 Ride height 23, 24 Transmission 7
Antenna (transmitter) 11, 15 Driving Tips 21 Rollovers 21 Transmitter 12, 18
Antenna Mount 7 E-mail 4 Run Time 21, 23 aftermarket 26
Axle pins 9 Electronic Speed Control (EVX) 7, Safety 5 indicator light 19
Batteries 6, 12, 13, 14, 23 11, 18, 29 Servo reversing switches 11, 17 power indicator 11, 13
alkaline 13, 19 adjusting 25 Servos 7, 12, 29 Trim, see also Throttle Trim and
low 21 heat sinks 25 shifting 11 Steering Trim 12
mAh 14, 21 modification 25 sluggish 21 Troubleshooting 29
Ni-MH (nickel-metal hydride) 13 precautions 25 steering 7, 11, 19 Turnbuckle 7
NiCad (nickel-cadmium) 6, 12, 13, profile #1 25 Shifting 16-17, 21 Turns 21, 23
19 profile #2 25 high gear 16-17 Understeer 23
receiver 13 profile #3 25 low gear 16-17 Wheels 9
rechargeable 13 programming 26, 29 shifting switch 11, 19 Wiring diagram 11
side-by-side packs 14 throttle profile selection 26 Shipping 4 X-tal see also Crystal 12
stick packs 14 transmitter adjustments 26 Shock Mounting Positions 23, 24 Zero-scrub-radius 19
transmitter 13 Flag color 12 Lower 24
Battery compartment (Chassis) 7 Frequency band 12, 15 Upper 24
Battery compartment (Transmitter) Gearing 23 Shock progression 24
11, 13 Half shaft 7 Shock Tower 7
Battery Connectors 11 Hex hubs 9 Shocks 7, 22, 28
Battery Hold-Down 7, 14 Jumping 21 Fine Tuning 22
Body mount 7 Maintenance 28 Skid Plate 7
Bulkhead 7 Motors (Titan) 7, 23, 28, 29 Slipper Clutch 7, 22, 28
Bumper 7 Neutral position 12 pegs 28
Bumper mount 7 On/Off switch 7, 11 Spring rate 24
CA glue 9 Pinion gear 23 Spur Gear 7, 23
Camber 22 Pivot balls 22 Steering 28, 29
Caster 23 Power Switch 11 Steering mechanism 19
Channel 11, 12, 18 ProGraphix 10 Steering Trim, Electronic 11, 12, 17,
Channel number 12 Quick Start 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19
Charger 6, 14 19, 20 Steering Wheel 11, 19
peak-detecting 14 Radio interference 20 Storage 28
timed 14 Radio System 12, 19, 21, 29 Supplies 6
Chassis 7, 28 adjustments 17 Support 4
Clearing your frequency 12 controls 16 Suspension 28
Compressed air 28 interference 21 adjusting 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Cross-brace 7 range-testing 20 Suspension Arms 7
Crystal 12, 18 rules 18 Throttle Neutral Adjustment 11, 17
Curbs 21 terminology 12 Throttle Trigger 11, 17, 19
Customer service 4 terms 12 Throttle Trim, Electronic 17, 18
30 Decals 10 Range 15, 18, 20, 29 Toe-in 22

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