Perceived Benefits of Balanced Scorecard Implementation: Some Preliminary Evidence

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Perceived benefits of balanced scorecard implementation: some

preliminary evidence

Dag Øivind Madsen

Buskerud University College

Tonny Stenheim
BI Norwegian Business School

Problems and Perspectives in Management, 12(2014)3:81-90

This is an open access journal available at

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

Dag Øivind Madsen (Norway), Tonny Stenheim (Norway)

Perceived benefits of balanced scorecard implementation: some

preliminary evidence
Since its introduction more than 20 years ago the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has garnered the interest of both
academics and practitioners. In the ‘official’ practitioner-oriented literature the BSC’s main proponents Kaplan and
Norton have touted the concept’s potential performance enhancing effects. Academics have been more skeptical, and
have not found a clear-cut relationship between the use of the BSC and organizational performance. It appears that
some uses of the BSC may increase performance, while other types of BSC use might decrease it. Still, research has
shown that the concept is widely used in practice, more than 20 years after its introduction. The longevity of the BSC
indicates that organizations are satisfied with the concept and find at least aspects of it useful and beneficial. The extant
literature, however, gives limited insight into the aspects of the BSC that managers appreciate. This leads to the
following research question: What aspects of the BSC are perceived as beneficial by consultants and managers? Using
data from qualitative interviews with BSC consultants and users, this paper explores the perceived benefits associated
with the implementation of the BSC. The data show the perceived benefits are related to the concept’s fit with the local
institutional context in Scandinavia, e.g. in terms of balancing shareholder and stakeholder demands. In addition,
consultants and managers highlight social and behavioral changes as a result of BSC implementation.
Keywords: balanced scorecard, management concepts, implementation, benefits.
JEL Classification: M10
Introduction1 usage. There have been numerous debates on the
usefulness of the BSC, and some academics have
The balanced scorecard. The Balanced Scorecard
been skeptical of the concept’s merits. However, the
(BSC) has since its introduction more than 20 years
fact that the BSC is widely adopted, implemented
ago as a multi-dimensional performance measure-
and used in practice (e.g. Al Sawalqa, Holloway &
ment system (Kaplan & Norton, 1992) garnered
much interest not only in academic circles (Banchieri, Alam, 2011; Maisel, 2001; Nielsen & Sørensen,
Planas, & Rebull, 2011; Hoque, 2014; Lueg & e 2004; Rigby & Bilodeau, 2013; Silk, 1998;
Silva, 2013; Perkins, Grey & Remmers, 2014) but Speckbacher, Bischof & Pfeiffer, 2003;
also in practice as a management tool (Rigby & Stemsrudhagen, 2004) is an indication that the
Bilodeau, 2009, 2011, 2013). In the ‘official’ concept is useful and may have potential benefits.
practitioner-oriented BSC literature the concept’s The extant literature, however, gives limited insight
main proponents Kaplan and Norton have touted the into the aspects of the BSC that managers
concept’s performance enhancing potential (e.g. appreciate. This leads to the following research
Kaplan & Norton, 2004, 2006; Kaplan & Norton, question: What aspects of the BSC are perceived as
2008). In contrast, academics have been more beneficial by consultants and managers? Following
skeptical of the concept’s merits, and have pointed suggestions by Al Sawalqa et al. (2011, p. 206) the
out that the concept can have dysfunctional effects above research question is addressed by drawing on
and in some instances may hinder innovation and data from a qualitative study in which 61 BSC
learning (e.g. Antonsen, 2014; Nørreklit, 2003; consultants and users were interviewed.
Nørreklit, Nørreklit, Mitchell & Bjørnenak, 2012; Contribution. The paper adds to the BSC literature
Voelpel, Leibold & Eckhoff, 2006). Researchers by providing some insight into the perceived
have also not found a clear-cut relationship between benefits associated with implementation of the BSC.
the use of the BSC and organizational performance. To some extent BSC researchers have a tendency to
Instead, it appears that effects of the BSC depend to focus on negative stories and failures (Hoque,
a large part on how the concept is interpreted and
2014). Hoque (2014, p. 49) points out that “there is
used. BSC use which complements the organi-
a dearth of positive stories in the research literature
zation’s strategy may increase organizational
about the application of the balanced scorecard in
performance, while other types of BSC use may
organizations”. Hence, this paper can provide some
decrease the organization’s performance (e.g. Braam
preliminary insights into what organizations find
& Nijssen, 2004; Davis & Albright, 2004; De Geuser,
Mooraj, & Oyon, 2009). beneficial about the BSC. In this regard, it should be
pointed out that we discuss the perceived problems
Motivation. The aim of this paper is to investigate associated with BSC implementation in a related
the perceived benefits of BSC implementation and paper (Madsen & Stenheim, 2014). Our two papers
should be read in connection with each other as the
” Dag Øivind Madsen, Tonny Stenheim, 2014. implementation of the BSC may have both positive
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

and negative consequences. In addition, we believe 2007; Braam, Heusinkveld, Benders & Aubel, 2002;
this paper also has practical implications for Braam & Nijssen, 2004; Dechow, 2012; Nørreklit,
managers in organizations that are currently 2003; Soderberg, Kalagnanam, Sheehan & Vaidya-
working with or considering adopting and nathan, 2011). The BSC exists in many forms and
implementing the BSC. Knowing more about versions in different books and articles. This is also
potential benefits (and problems) could assist the case when it is implemented as a practice in
managers in making informed decisions about different organizations. Why is this so? Many
whether or not to adopt and implement the BSC. researchers have pointed out that the BSC possesses
Structure. The paper proceeds in the following ‘interpretive space’ and is to a large extent
way. Section 1 briefly reviews the literature which theoretical and abstract (Aidemark, 2001; Ax &
deals with benefits and problems related to the BSC. Bjørnenak, 2005; Braam, 2012; Braam et al., 2007;
Section 2 outlines the research methodology. Then Braam & Nijssen, 2004; Hansen & Mouritsen,
sections 3 and 4 report on the interviews with 2005; Madsen, 2012; Modell, 2009). This means
consultants and users of the BSC, respectively. The that the concept can be interpreted and understood
final part of the paper summarizes the main findings in different ways. As a result, the BSC can, for
and contributions, discusses limitations and instance, be implemented as a ‘performance
directions for future work in the area. measurement system’ or as a ‘strategic management
system’ (Brudan, 2005; Lawrie & Cobbold, 2004;
1. Benefits and problems associated Perkins et al., 2014; Speckbacher et al., 2003).
with the implementation of the BSC
1.3. Problems associated with BSC implement-
1.1. Extant research on BSC implementation. tation. Many studies have shown that organizations
Several recent literature reviews have shown that may run into different types of problems in the BSC
the academic literature about the BSC has grown implementation process (Antonsen, 2014; Kasurinen,
considerably over the last 10 to 15 years, and has 2002; Madsen & Stenheim, 2014; Modell, 2012;
branched out in different directions (Banchieri et Nørreklit, Jacobsen & Mitchell, 2008; Wickrama-
al., 2011; Hoque, 2014; Lueg & e Silva, 2013; singhe, Gooneratne & Jayakody, 2007). The
Perkins et al., 2014). Although some studies have problems that organizations face range from
looked at the implementation, design and use of the conceptual and technical issues to social and political
BSC (e.g. Brudan, 2005; Lawrie & Cobbold, 2004; issues (Madsen & Stenheim, 2014). Conceptual
Speck-bacher et al., 2003), there is little systematic issues are related to understanding and interpreting
research that has looked specifically on the benefits the concept, while technical issues may arise when
of BSC implementation. Instead, much of the developing a technical infrastructure to support the
academic research has been critical of the BSC and BSC. Social and political issues are also common, as
has mostly focused on negative stories and failures the implementation of the BSC may trigger many
(Hoque, 2014). types of behavioral responses from individuals and
Survey research such as Bain & Company’s groups in the organization, e.g. resistance and a lack
longitudinal survey of management tools (Rigby & of participation (Madsen & Stenheim, 2014).
Bilodeau, 2009, 2011, 2013) has shown that the 1.4. Benefits associated with BSC implementation.
concept is widely used in practice and that managers As noted in the introduction, the jury is still out on
are generally satisfied with their use of the BSC. whether the BSC increases organizational
Since the concept has been around for more than performance. Researchers have not found a clear-cut
two decades, this is in many ways a testament to its relationship between the use of the BSC and
durability (cf. Hoque, 2014). It is also an indication organizational performance (Braam & Nijssen, 2004;
that users perceive the concept as useful and that for Davis & Albright, 2004; De Geuser et al., 2009). An
most organizations the benefits outweigh the costs important finding from these studies is that certain
(e.g. in terms of time and resources). However, we uses of the BSC can increase organizational
know little about what aspects of the BSC that performance since they complement and assist in the
organizations appreciate and find useful. implementation of an organization’s strategy (Braam
1.2. The interpretive space of the BSC. When & Nijssen, 2004; De Geuser et al., 2009). Other
discussing the benefits and problems associated with forms of BSC usage, such as use as a performance
the implementation of the BSC, it is important to measurement system completely decoupled from the
keep in mind that the BSC is not a ‘stable entity’ organization’s strategy, might decrease performance
(Braam & Nijssen, 2004).
which means the same thing to different actors
operating in different organizations or contexts In another study, Lucianetti (2010) found that the main
(Braam, 2012; Braam, Benders & Heusinkveld, benefit of the BSC lies in the use of strategy maps,
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

which are central components of Kaplan and Norton’s Norwegian informants. For example, the total number
more recent books about the BSC. A possible of informants from Sweden is relatively low given that
explanation for why strategy maps have a performance it is the largest country of the three. In addition, it was
enhancing effect could be that organizations that go easier to recruit informants in Norway due to factors
through the process of developing strategy maps such as local university brand name, no language
obtain insights into their business operations and how barriers and geographical considerations.
they create value, something that organizations which The length of the interviews was between 30 and 90
use the BSC predominantly as a ‘measurement minutes, and covered several main topics including
system’ may not. This suggests that the BSC may the adoption of the concept, the interpretation and
deliver the most beneficial effects when it is used for implementation of the concept, and general
‘strategizing’, e.g. discussing and developing strategies experiences from using the concept. The interviews
in praxis (cf. Jarzabkowski, Balogun & Seidl, 2007; were fully transcribed and analyzed using an ‘issue-
Whittington, 2003). focused’ approach (Weiss, 1994), which allowed for
2. Methods and data comparing and contrasting across different
informants and themes.
2.1. Research approach. Our research was
conducted using a largely qualitative and 2.3. Potential issues. The interview data were
interpretive approach. This type of research gathered over the course of a nine-month period in
approach was deemed suitable for answering the 2004 and 2005, which was several years after height
study’s research question, which is explorative in of the BSCs popularity and ‘hype’ in Scandinavia
nature. In addition, other researchers have suggested around the turn of the century (Ax & Bjørnenak,
that a qualitative approach could be useful to gain 2005; Madsen, 2011). Most of the informants had
insight into perceived benefits of BSC several years of experience with the BSC, and were
implementation (Al Sawalqa et al., 2011). well past the initial adoption stage. As Malmi
(2001) has pointed out, organizations which have
2.2. Data collection. The data used in this research recently adopted the BSC may still be in the
paper were gathered as part of a larger research ‘honeymoon’ stage where they may have difficulties
project on the BSC in Scandinavia (Madsen, 2011). in objectively evaluating the benefits of the newly
A total of 61 semi-structured interviews with adopted concept. In such cases the benefits may be
consultants and users of the BSC were conducted. A overstated and difficulties downplayed. As a whole,
detailed break-down by informant type and country it was relatively easy to get the informants to talk
can be found in the table below. about what they perceived to be the benefits of the
Table 1. Break-down of informants by country and BSC. This is not surprising as several researchers
type have noted that getting organization to ‘open up’
about positive experiences is easier than have them
User talk about problems and negative experiences which
Consultants Total
Sweden 7 5 12
may put them in a bad light (cf. Francis &
Norway 10 21 31
Holloway, 2007, p. 177; Hoque, 2014, p. 49).
Denmark 5 13 18 Our approach is explorative in nature, and has
Total 22 39 61 several limitations. For instance, the exposure to
each organization was limited since only one
We utilized what can be characterized as a theoretical
interview was conducted within each organization.
sample (Strauss & Corbin, 1990), meaning that the
Typically the informant was a BSC project leader or
goal was to get theoretical variation. For instance,
manager. Hence, it is not possible to know whether
informants were recruited from both global and
these perceived problems were the actual problems
national consultancies, with varying service offerings
experienced by the rest of the organization. We will
and specializations, and from different types of user
come back to these issues towards the end of the
organizations. The informants were primarily
identified using internet searches (e.g. Google), and
by examining BSC-related websites, books, articles 3. Consultants’ perceptions of the benefits
and conference material. Some informants were of BSC implementation
recruited via so-called ‘snowball sampling’ (Atkinson
Table 1 shows the most important benefits mentioned
& Flint, 2001) where one informant refers the
by consultants. The perceived benefits are categorized
researcher to the next informant.
in three topics: (1) balancing of shareholder and
As can be seen from the table above, most of the stakeholder demands, (2) compatibility with the
informants were Norwegians, and the sample can Scandinavian culture, and (3) communication and
therefore be said to be somewhat skewed towards visualization.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

Table 2. Perceived benefits mentioned by BSC consultants

Ƈ Balanced view of the organization’s performance
Balancing shareholder and stakeholder demands Ƈ Broadens the organization’s focus to take into account stakeholders
Ƈ Makes the organization more forward-looking
Ƈ Fits well with local culture in Scandinavia
Compatibility with the local institutional context
Ƈ Fits well with local traditions and ways of running organizations
Ƈ Common language
Ƈ Common frame of reference
Communication and visualization
Ƈ Communication and visualization of the organization’s strategy
Ƈ Facilitates discussions

3.1. Balancing shareholder and stakeholder The data show that the ‘balance’ is not only related to
demands. One of the main issues mentioned by the balancing the different perspectives or balancing
consultants was that the BSC can be used to balance financial and non-financial indicators. Instead,
the demands of shareholders with the demands of balance also entails balancing the demands of
other stakeholders. Several consultants pointed out shareholders and other stakeholders, such as
that the BSC in Scandinavia is not necessarily used employees and unions. This can be seen in light of
only to focus on shareholders. It provides a balanced the stakeholder-oriented business culture in
view of the organization’s performance, and Scandinavia (Johanson, 2013; Näsi, 1995) and the
broadens a manager’s focus to take into account consensus-oriented management style in Scandinavia
other issues than just financial aspects. As one (Grenness, 2003; Jönsson, 1996).
consultant pointed out, the BSC gives managers a
balanced view of their organization, which was not Finally, the BSC concept has in many ways shifted
always the case pre-BSC. Informants pointed out the thinking away from a sole focus on financial
that this type of stakeholder thinking is beneficial information to also take into account other non-
since organizations are dependent on all of its financial indicators of performance, which makes
stakeholders and not just its owners. organizations’ more forward-looking.
Table 3. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC can balance shareholder and stakeholder demands
“The concept fits well with the Swedish circumstances. It deals with a different perspective, not just the
financials. The fact that you could incorporate the employee perspective, take into account the employees was
Balance and consensus very useful. Swedish people strive for consensus, and everybody should take part in decision processes. So this
was a way of thinking that seemed to fit well in Sweden. I think this separates the Swedish adaptations of the
Balanced Scorecard when compared to the American version, which does not focus as much on employees.”
“I think very few Norwegian companies use this concept in order to increase shareholder value even though it
may do so. I think it is more to get a holistic governance of the company. You get better at looking at the
Holistic governance different things in relation to each other. You may have a human resource director which has his strategy, and a
quality director with another strategy... This becomes easier to integrate within the framework of Balanced

3.2. Compatibility with the Scandinavian since it takes into account ‘softer values’ such as
culture. The second issue is related to the BSC a focus on employees and other stakeholders. In
concept’s compatibility with the Scandinavian addition, the fact that within the BSC concept
institutional context. A common statement in the there is room for other considerations than just
interviews was that the concept fits well with the ‘hard’ financial measures makes the concept fit
local circumstances. Some consultants also men- the local mentality. More generally, most viewed
tioned that the notion of ‘balance’ makes the it as a ‘good governance model’ for running an
concept compatible with the business culture organization.
Table 4. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC is compatible with the Scandinavian culture
“The concept fits very well with Swedish approach to running an organization. Therefore many are saying that
Fit with the local culture ‘We have a Balanced Scorecard’, it is something that they like to talk about. But it varies a lot how far they have
actually come when it comes down to it.”
“I think that the Swedish mindset when it comes to running companies fits very well with Balanced Scorecard.
Swedish people want the softer values when running companies. I think the success of this concept can be
Fit with the local mindset
attributed to two things: The soft values, and the high level of interest for this at the time, it was ‘in’ to use the
Balanced Scorecard.”
“In Norway the ideas in Balanced Scorecard have a certain appeal, particularly in the public sector. It is sort of
Fit with the local stakeholder-oriented
built around the Social-Democratic model, the governance structure here. Many organizations do not have profit
governance model
maximization as a goal, and that part is probably stronger here than in the US.”

3.3. Communication and visualization. The third communication and visualization. The consultants
main theme is related to how the BSC can be used for frequently mentioned how the concept can be useful

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

in relation to communicating and visualizing the communicate the strategy to the organization,
strategy in the organization. This is not surprising something that was not always the case prior to the
given how these aspects of the concepts are BSC. The BSC also provides a ‘common language’
highlighted by the concept’s proponents in the and frame of reference, and can be a facilitator of
normative literature (e.g. Kaplan & Norton, 2001; useful discussions in the organization. In this regard,
Kaplan & Norton, 2004, 2006). The consultants some consultants highlighted that the concept can
argued that the concept often makes it easier to facilitate useful discussions about strategies.
Table 5. Illustrative quotes about how the BSC can be used for communication and visualization
Visualization “Strategy maps are extremely visual.”
“It is a nicely packaged concept which really does not consist of many brand new things, but what is good is that
Facilitates discussions
you through the Balanced Scorecard get an understanding of how strategy is linked to the cause-and-effect
Common language
thinking. It gets easier for someone in production and marketing to talk to each other and understand how
Common frame of reference
everything is related. That’s the core.”

4. User organizations’ perceptions of benefits from the analysis of the interviews: (1) managerial
associated with BSC implementation ‘focus’ (2) the ‘balance’ provided by the BSC, (3)
communication and visualization (4) alignment of
Table 6 shows the most important benefits mentioned goals, (5) cultural and motivational tool, and lastly
by the user organizations. Six main issues emerged (6) organizational change.
Table 6. Important perceived benefits mentioned by user organizations
Ƈ Helps managers focus on what is important in the long run
Managerial focus
Ƈ Helps managers prioritize and make decisions
Sense of ‘balance’ Ƈ Balanced and holistic view of the organization’s performance
Ƈ Common language
Communication and visualization Ƈ Common frame of reference
Ƈ Facilitates discussions
Ƈ Helps improve goal congruence
Alignment of goals
Ƈ Increased awareness of how the organization’s long-term goals
Ƈ Changes how the organization ‘thinks’
Cultural and motivational tool Ƈ Captures the attentions of organizational members
Ƈ Motivational effects as a result of more explicit targets and incentives
Ƈ Rhetorical tool that can be used to justify organizational changes
Organizational change catalyst
Ƈ Well-known concept

4.1. Managerial ‘focus’. The first theme is related structure which is helpful in analysis. Some also
to managerial focus. Several informants argued that mentioned that the concept provides a broader focus
the concept helps them focus on what is ‘important’. than just the financials and the ‘hard stuff’. Finally,
In other words, the concept assists managers and it provides managers with a long-term view, and
other organizational members in prioritizing and makes them focus on value drivers, i.e.
making decisions. organizational capabilities and customer metrics
In addition, the BSC provides managers with some indicate future performance. Some pointed out that
structure which may assist them in decision-making, the BSC helps them balance the short-term and the
particularly in situations with lots of uncertainty. As long-term considerations and goals. For instance,
one informant pointed out, this helps him ‘keep one can get ‘early warnings’ by keeping an eye on
calm’. Others pointed out that the four perspectives developments in non-financial indicators such as
or ‘main areas’ in the BSC give managers a customer satisfaction.
Table 7. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC improves managerial focus
“I would say that it has also been a good tool to plan and prioritize your initiatives going forward.”
Prioritization “First of all it helped us focus on particular things. The framework helps us prioritize. As a result of the BSC we
Decision-making have become more strategy-focused.”
“The company is now more focused. Before we had a lot of activities in all directions.”
“In situations with a lot of uncertainty, you may make bad decision if you are in a panic mode or feel pressured.
We have not been in that situation for a few years, and that it is part of the effect of the BSC. It makes you calm
Structure when you have been working with it for a few years.”
“You focus on certain main areas which are used for BSC analysis.”
“First of all, I would say that I think you now have a more structured way of defining your strategy.”
“The art is not to focus solely on profitability and the hard stuff.”
Broader focus “To focus not only on financials, but customers, process and employees, and see the relationship between the
strategic goals within these areas.”

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

Table 7 (cont.). Illustrative quotes on how the BSC improves managerial focus
“It is primarily the ability to get an understanding of the long-term goals.”
“Our experience now is that we are more focused on our development over time.”
“Also you get a focus on value drivers, what it is that actually creates value. It makes you take a stand. It has
been an awakening for the organization.”
Long-term view
“I believe it has been useful to know where we are going.”
“The effect has been that we have an overview of the most important areas. You get early warning before things
go south, and we have been able to change course before it has impacted customer and employee satisfaction
or the financial results.”

4.2. Sense of ‘balance’. The second theme is related indicators, and that the BSC with its emphasis on
to the sense of ‘balance’ that the BSC provides non-financial indicators helps shift the focus
managers. A typical statement among the users was towards a more ‘holistic’ and balanced view of the
that the BSC gives the organization more ‘balance’ organization’s performance.
than they had prior to adoption and implementation.
The more balanced view has helped to reduce the Although it was mentioned less frequently than by
over-emphasis on financial measures. Many the consultants, some managers also appreciated
informants mentioned that their organizations that the BSC helps them balance shareholder and
traditionally had been dominated by financial stakeholder demands.
Table 8. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC provides a sense of ‘balance’
“The important thing is ‘balance’. That you don’t focus solely on financial results or something else. That we
learn to interpret the whole picture.”
Balanced view “The main effect is that we get a holistic view of the business.”
“What we think is important is that you get a balanced representation of reality, and focus on more than just the
financial indicators.”
“The Scorecard was well received by the employees in the organization because it helped to put emphasis on
other things than just the bottom line. It put emphasis on work life and quality, issues that they were concerned
Stakeholder focus
“The most important property is that other things than just financials matter.”

4.3. Communication and visualization. The third Other informants pointed out that the BSC has certain
theme is related to communication and visualization. visual aspects which are useful. For example, it was
Some informants appreciated that the concept helps mentioned that BSC software packages with blinking
them to improve communication. For example, the lights (green, yellow and red) can provide managers
BSC gives them a ‘common language’ and a frame of with reassurance that they are on the right track.
reference which can be useful to facilitate These benefits can partly be characterized as
discussions. psychological in nature.
Table 9. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC improves communication and visualization
“To be able to communicate progress and your ability to actually implement the strategy, to communicate easily
and to a broad group.”
Common language
“I think it gives a very good indication for everybody in the company on how we are doing, and that’s very
“It is very easy for people to relate to these things. I think it is generally accepted.”
Common frame of reference
“The concept has become a common frame of reference”.
“I believe that just talking in a holistic way about all parts of the company is the most positive effect”.
Facilitates discussions “I believe we have a positive effect in our financial results, but the effect is more that we are talking more about
strategy than we used to.”
Visualization “It visualizes in a good way. Numbers can be so complex. I think it visualizes the organization’s development.”

4.4. Goal alignment. The fourth theme is related to Other informants pointed out that the BSC gives
the goal alignment. Several informants mentioned that organizational members greater awareness of long-
the concept helps to make sure that everyone in the term goals. For example, employees see things
organization works toward the same goals, i.e. what is differently than before, and have an improved
referred to as goal congruence or ‘alignment’ in the understanding of how their activities affect the
BSC literature (cf. e.g. Kaplan & Norton, 2006). organization’s long-term goals.
Table 10. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC improves goal alignment
“My impression is that the employees are more focused on the goals of this company… But I think that people
now are more focused on what the goals are. So the system is a good tool for us in ensuring that everybody is
pulling in the right direction”.
Improved goal congruence
“If you don’t have a scorecard, strategy could be something that only concerns the people on the top of the
organization. So it becomes very difficult for people further down in the organization to relate to it. How they
influence and contribute to the organization’s goals. The benefit of the BSC is that you break it all down.”

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

Table 10 (cont.). Illustrative quotes on how the BSC improves goal alignment
“Organizational members are now more aware of things like the pricing of products, and see this in a broader
perspective than before, and how it influences the bank’s results. So the awareness has increased. I believe this
Awareness of long-term goals opinion is shared by others as well.”
“Now the employees concern themselves more with the company’s well-being that they did previously. It has
without a doubt made us more like one firm.”

4.5. Cultural and motivational tool. The fifth theme useful in goal-setting and for motivating
is related to how the BSC can be used as a cultural and employees. Others highlighted that the BSC can
motivational tool. For example, some pointed out that have certain motivational effects. Some informants
the BSC can be cultural tools that can change how the emphasized how the concept can be a
organization ‘thinks’. Some informants claimed the ‘motivational tool’. For example, the BSC can be
main benefit of the concept is that it is a ‘cultural tool’ used to set more explicit targets than before, and
that can change how the organization operates and various types of incentives to encourage the right
‘thinks’, by explicitly focusing on the things that lead kind of behavior. This has traditionally been more
to better performance in the long run. difficult in the Scandinavian business culture,
which generally is less accepting of objective
A related effect is that the BSC captures the measurement and individual rewards than is the
attention of organizational members, which can be case in Anglo-Saxon countries.
Table 11. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC functions as a cultural and motivational tool
“You get a cultural strategy tool, you can in many ways explain what the essence of your strategy is to your
Changes how the organization thinks
colleagues. For me the BSC is 50 per cent leadership tool and 50 per cent culture and communication.”
Captures the attentions of organizational
“You can say that it facilitates good behavior. It captures attention, and it is used to execute.”
“At least it has a motivational effect. In the benchmarking processes someone may say that ‘I don’t want to be
Motivational effects
26th out of 30’… the pressure has increased.”

4.6. Organizational change catalyst. The final and familiar concept. Since many people now have
theme was related to how the BSC can be used as a heard of the concept due to its popularity it can be
catalyst in organizational change processes. Some useful to use the BSC label to argue that certain
users mentioned that using the BSC label can be a organizational changes are needed. In some cases,
rhetorical tool in organizational change programs. this can reduce resistance from the rest of the
This was because they thought it was a well-known organization.
Table 12. Illustrative quotes on how the BSC functions as an organizational change catalyst
“The effect has been that it has been used as a device to change to a new organizational structure”
Rhetorical tool in organizational change
“For us the BSC was a useful tool to reach our goals and perform the necessary organizational changes.”
“In a way you can say that we are working with “Balanced Scorecard” because then people remember it,
Well-known and familiar concept because it has become a brand name, and people know what you’re talking about.
“Balanced Scorecard is very familiar concept now, it has almost become common knowledge”.

Discussion and conclusion Both consultants and users mostly highlighted

Main findings and contributions. The interviews benefits related to social and organizational
showed that the both consultants and users of the processes, and not the ‘technical’ aspects of the
concept perceive that the concept is useful. Many concept. Based on the interview data it seems that
commented that the concept is what they consider many of the benefits are related to more indirect
to be ‘good practice’. The consultants highlighted organizational and behavioral effects.
that the BSC can be used to balance shareholder We argue that the findings, although tentative and
and stakeholder demands, the concept’s compa- preliminary in nature, add to the BSC literature by
tibility with local culture and business practices in
providing new insights into the perceived benefits of
Scandinavia, and how the BSC can be used to
the BSC. As we pointed out in the introduction, there
communicate and visualize. The user organizations
is little extant research applications documenting
highlighted that the concept helps them with
managerial ‘focus’, gives them a sense of positive experiences with implementation and
‘balance’, helps with communication and visua- applications of the BSC (Hoque, 2014, p. 49). These
lization, aligns goals, is a cultural and motivational issues should be investigated more in-depth in future
tool, and that the BSC label can be used to drive studies. Below we outline some possible approaches
organizational change processes. which could be followed in future research.

Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

Limitations. Due to the paper’s explorative nature, it For example, one way forward would be to utilize
has several limitations. First of all, the benefits could a more advanced research design which is better
be overstated by over-enthusiastic users. For suited to deal with the complexity and interpretive
example, the so-called ‘honeymoon period’ effect space of management concepts. How do different
where new adopters are still ‘in love’ with their new interpretations and designs of BSCs influence the
management concept could play a role (cf. Malmi, benefits that are experienced by users? Does the
2001). However, we think this problem was reduced use of the more ‘advanced’ parts of the BSC
due to the fact that most of the informants had concept such as strategy maps lead to more
worked with BSC for a number of years and had positive implementation experiences (cf. Lucia-
acquired some ‘distance’ to the concept. netti, 2010)?
Another source of bias is that informants may report Examples of more advanced research approaches
what they think the researcher wants to hear (Cook, would be in-depth case studies of organizations
Campbell & Day, 1979). Moreover, a BSC using the BSC, drawing on different types of micro-
‘champion’ or project manager is unlikely to admit data (see e.g. Madsen & Stenheim, 2013). For
that the implementation of their projects has fallen example, interviews with multiple informants at
short of expectations and failed to deliver. This different levels of the organization could give
person could have a personal interest in painting a insight into whether the perceptions of benefits are
glossy portrait, and not put their organization in a shared by the whole organization. It could also
bad light. There are several possible explanations reduce the aforementioned potential problems with
for this type of behavior, e.g. to look good internally biases and selective perceptions on the part of a sole
in the organization, but also to portray competence key informant, which is usually the ‘champion’ of
vis-à-vis external parties. After all, some project
the BSC concept in the organization.
leaders may ‘lose face’ if the new concept fails.
Longitudinal studies would also be helpful, in order
In the interviews the informants were asked to
to better understand how different types of benefits
recollect past events. These recollections could be
are experienced at different stages of the
subject to different types of distortions and biases.
For instance, ex-post rationalization (see e.g. Elster, implementation process. For example, it may be that
1989) could play a role as informants may justify it takes time for the positive effects of BSC
the use of the concept by highlighting the benefits implementation to surface. After all, in many
and downplaying negative experiences. organizations the implementation of a more
ambitious version of the BSC could take several
It should also be pointed out that the research design years (cf. e.g. Madsen & Stenheim, 2014).
utilized has limitations. We were not able to study the
relationship between different interpretations and Another possibility is to design multiple case
expected perceived benefits. An organization using a studies. This would make it possible to compare and
well-fitted and customized version of the BSC, i.e. contrast the benefits (and problems) associated with
one which is complementing the organization’s the implementation of the BSC in different
strategy, is likely to be more successful (Braam & organizations. It would be useful to study in more
Nijssen, 2004; Davis & Albright, 2004; De Geuser et detail what successful BSC implementers are doing,
al., 2009). and find out why they are able to capitalize on the
It is likely that such organizations will experience concept and extract beneficial effects. This could
different and more benefits as a result of their BSC provide valuable practical insights to other
usage. For example, as reported by Lucianetti (2010) organizations that are struggling with the
the use of strategy maps may bring about many implementation of the BSC (cf. Hoque, 2014).
positive effects. This means that organizations that As mentioned previously, there is still a lack of
interpret the BSC narrowly as just a ‘performance academic studies reporting on positive experiences
measurement system’ (Lawrie & Cobbold, 2004; with the BSC (Hoque, 2014, p. 49). Hence, there is
Speckbacher et al., 2003) may potentially experience great potential for future studies to provide more
fewer benefits. insight into what exactly it is that works for
Future research. The findings in this explorative organizations in relation to the implementation of
paper could be investigated in more detail in future the BSC. Such research would be valuable not only
studies. In this paper we have focused on informants’ for studying the implementation of management
perceptions, which may not be reflective of the actual concepts such as the BSC in organizational praxis,
benefits. Future studies should study in more depth but could also give practical pointers to
the link between perceived benefits and more organizations trying to extract benefits from the use
objective measures of benefits. of the BSC.
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 12, Issue 3, 2014

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