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Experts rely on common sense when they solve problems.How can we represent expert
knowledge that uses vague and ambiguous terms in a computer ? Fuzzy logic is not logic that is
fuzzy, but logic that is used to describe fuzziness.

Fuzzy logic is the theory of fuzzy sets, sets that calibrate vagueness.Fuzzy logic is based on the
idea that all things admit of degrees. Temperature, height, speed, distance, beauty ± all come on a
sliding scale.The motor is running really hot.Tom is a very tall guy.

The concept of a set and set theory are powerful concepts in mathematics. However, the
principal notion underlying set theory, that an element can (exclusively) either belong to set or
not belong to a set, makes it impossible to represent much of human discourse. How is one to
represent notions like:
(i)large profit
(ii)high pressure
(iii)tall man
(iv) moderate temperature
Ordinary set-theoretic representations will require the maintenance of a crisp differentiation in a
very artificial manner:
not quite high
very high « etc.

Many decision-making and problem-solving tasks are too complex to be understood

quantitatively, however, people succeed by using knowledge that is imprecise rather than
precise. Fuzzy set theory resembles human reasoning in its use of approximate information and
uncertainty to generate decisions. It was specifically designed to mathematically represent
uncertainty and vagueness and provide formalized tools for dealing with the imprecision intrinsic
to many problems.

Since knowledge can be expressed in a more natural way by using fuzzy sets, many engineering
and decision problems can be greatly simplified.
Boolean logic uses sharp distinctions. It forces us to draw lines between members of a class and
non-members. For instance, we may say, Tom is tall because his height is 181 cm. If we drew a
line at 180 cm, we would find that David, who is 179 cm, is small. Is David really a small man or
we have just drawn an arbitrary line in the sand?

Bit of History

Fuzzy, or multi-valued logic, was introduced in the 1930s by Jan Lukasiewicz, a Polish
philosopher. While classical logic operates with only two values 1 (true) and 0 (false),
Lukasiewicz introduced logic that extended the range of truth values to all real numbers in the
interval between 0 and 1.
For example, the possibility that a man 181 cm tall is really tall might be set to a value of 0.86. It
is likely that the man is tall. This work led to an inexact reasoning technique often called
possibility theory.

In 1965 Lotfi Zadeh, published his famous paper ³Fuzzy sets´. Zadeh extended the work on
possibility theory into a formal system of mathematical logic, and introduced a new concept for
applying natural language terms. This new logic for representing and manipulating fuzzy terms
was called fuzzy logic.


Why fuzzy?
As Zadeh said, the term is concrete, immediate and descriptive; we all know what it means.
However, many people in the West were repelled by the word fuzzy, because it is usually used in
a negative sense.

Why logic?
Fuzziness rests on fuzzy set theory, and fuzzy logic is just a small part of that theory.

The Term ³Fuzzy Logic´

The term fuzzy logic is used in two senses:

1.Narrow sense: Fuzzy logic is a branch of fuzzy set theory, which deals (as logical systems do)
with the representation and inference from knowledge. Fuzzy logic, unlike other logical systems,
deals with imprecise or uncertain knowledge. In this narrow, and perhaps correct sense, fuzzy
logic is just one of the branches of fuzzy set theory.

2.Broad Sense: fuzzy logic synonymously with fuzzy set theory .

Fuzzy Applications

Theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic has been applied to problems in a variety of fields:
taxonomy; topology; linguistics; logic; automata theory; game theory; pattern recognition;
medicine; law; decision support; Information retrieval; etc.

And more recently fuzzy machines have been developed including:

automatic train control; tunnel digging machinery; washing machines; rice cookers; vacuum
cleaners; air conditioners, etc.

(1) Elevator System: Toshiba has developed a control system for an elevator which keeps the
waiting time for a lift to arrive to a minimum.

(2) Vacuum Cleaner: Adjust the vacuum cleaner motor power by judging the amount of dust and
dirt and floor characteristics (carpeted or smooth surface).

(3) Air-conditioners: Controls the cooling depending on size of room, number of occupants.
Internal and external air temperature and humidity are constantly evaluated and applied to a set
of 50 fuzzy logic rules.

(4) Cameras & Camcorders : use fuzzy logic to automate focusing , exposure, zoom, and flash.
Also cancels the jitters caused by a shaking hand.

(5) Washing machine : With automatic washing machines parameters such as the wash time,
water temperature and water levels are dependent on the amount of clothes to be washed and
type and degree of soiling.



The main Components of Fuzzy logic system are:-

(1) Rule Base: Which holds a set of µif-then¶ rules which are quantified through appropriate
fuzzy sets to represent knowledge.

(2) Fuzzy Inference System: Which decides which rules are relevant to particular situation or
input, and applies actions indicated by these rules.

(3) Input Fuzzifier: It converts the input value into a form that can be used by the fuzzy inference
system to determine which rules are relevant.

(4) Output Defuzzifier: It combines the conclusions reached by the fuzzy inference system to
produce the control input to the system or process.


Fuzzy systems are indicating good promise in consumer products, industrial and commercial
systems and decision support systems.

In engineering systems, fuzzy logic provides a convenient and user-friendly front-end to develop
control programs.

This introductory text discussed the nature of fuzziness and showed how fuzzy operations are
performed, and how fuzzy rules can incorporate the underlying knowledge.

Fuzzy logic is a very powerful tool that is pervading every field and signing successful
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