Course Code: Educational Research (837) Level: MA/M.Ed. Semester: Spring, 2020 Assignment 2
Course Code: Educational Research (837) Level: MA/M.Ed. Semester: Spring, 2020 Assignment 2
Course Code: Educational Research (837) Level: MA/M.Ed. Semester: Spring, 2020 Assignment 2
The scientific method is a systematic way of learning about the world around us and
answering questions. The key difference between the scientific method and other ways
of acquiring knowledge are forming a hypothesis and then testing it with an
The number of steps can vary from one description to another (which mainly happens
when data and analysis are separated into separate steps), however, this is a fairly
standard list of the six scientific method steps that you are expected to know for any
science class:
2. Research
Conduct background research. Write down your sources so you can cite your
references. In the modern era, a lot of your re .-arch may be conducted online. Scroll
to the bottom of articles to check the references. Even if you can't access the full text
of a published article, you can usually view the abstract to see the summary of other
experiments. Interview experts on a topic. Th^miorg you know about a subject, the
easier it will be to conduct your investigatio
3. Hypothesis
4. Experiment
5. Data/Analysis Record observations and analyze the meaning of the data. Often,
you'll prepare a table or graph of the data. Don't throw out data points you think are
bad or that don't support your predictions. Some of the most incredible discoveries in
science were made because the data looked wrong! Once you have the data, you may
need to perform a mathematical analysis to support or refute your hypothesis.
Conclude whether to accept or reject your hypothesis. There is no right or wrong
outcome to an experiment, so either result is fine. Accepting a hypothesis does not
necessarily mean it's correct! Sometimes repeating an experiment may give a
6. Conclusion
different result. In other cases, a hypothesis may predict an outcome, yet you might
draw an incorrect conclusion. Communicate your results. The results may be compiled
into a lab report or formally submitted as a paper. Whether you accept or reject the
hypothesis, you likely learned something about the subject and may wish to revise the
original hypothesis or form a new one for a future experiment.
When Are There Seven Steps?
Sometimes the scientific method is taught with seven steps instead of six. In this
model, the first step of the scientific method is to make observations. Really, even if
you don't make observations formally, you think about prior experiences with a
subject in order to ask a question or solve a problem. Formal observations are a type
of brainstorming that can help you find an idea and form a hypothesis. Observe your
subject and record everything about it. Include colors, timing, sounds, temperatures,
changes, behavior, and anything that strik nteresting or significant.
• Dependent Variable: This is the variable you measure. It is called the dependent
variable because it depends on the independent variable.
For an approval proposal, your supervisor needs to see that your research is
worthwhile and has been carefully planned before you begin. This means presenting
information such as the purpose of the research, its importance, previous research in
the same area, how your research will be conducted, a timeframe, and the resources
that will be needed.
The proposal should begin with a Title page. This will provide a preliminary (or
proposed) title for your research. Other details such as your name, university name,
and supervisor's name may also appear here.
Following this, there should be a Summary of the research proposal. This will give the
key areas in the proposal, i.e. the aim, objectives, research questions, method, and
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Dissertations and theses may be considered scholarly sources since they are closely
supervised by a ^dissertation committee made up scholars, are directed at an
academic audience, are extensively researched, fallow research methodology, and are
cited in other scholarly work.
However, dissertations are still considered student work and are not peer-reviewed.
Always clarify with your instructor as to whether you can include and cite dissertations
and theses jn&your research. Theses and dissertations are an often overlooked source
of information for research. They can offer the following benefits:
Just like journal articles, conference proceedings, and other forms of literature, they
present original research. Recently completed theses can provide "sneak previews" of
ideas and findings that have yet to reach the public via other publication formats.
They may be the only publicly-available work by authors who do not otherwise publish
for general audiences or through commercial publishers.
They contain extensive bibliographies.
They provide inspiration for the formatting and presentation of ideas, graphs, charts,
and other components of a document.
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They provide insight into the early work of a particular person and have value for historical
and biographical purposes.
Obtaining Dissertations
Want to borrow a dissertation that is not available in full text online? Request it via
ILLIAD, Tufts' interlibrary loan service using the ILLIAD Dissertations Request Form.
Provide as much descriptive information as you can.
Want your own copy? Use the Dissertations & Theses: Full Text database to order, at your
own expense, documents in a range of formats.
If you can identify the author's institutional affiliation, visit that institution's webpage to
see if they catalog or archive students' dissertations.
Contact the author. Some authors will post all or some of their dissertation on their
website or have journal articles or other publications which draw heavily on this work.
Search the author's name and/or thesis title in full-text journal databases which include
article references. These citations may provide clues as to how to locate the document.
As with journal articles, books, and other leses and dissertations must be
properly cited Jn any document that references them. Most citation styles, including APA,
Chicago, and MLA, 1 provide^ specific instructions for formatting these citations. Citation
Management tools, such as^tndNote and Zotero, automatically format references for
these sources in your selected citation style. More information is in the Citing Sources
guide, *1
Although requirements for citing dissertations vary according by style, they generally seek
to convey the following information: that the item is a dissertation (rather than an article
or a book); the type of degree it resulted in (master's, PhD, etc); whether it was
published; and which institution granted the degree. An example of a citation for a
dissertation is presented here in four major citation styles:
Q. 4 Define questionnaire. Discuss the types of questionnaire and write down Q the
characteristics of a good questionnaire and also discuss the advantages — and
participants more engaged. The best customer satisfaction survey templates are the
most commonly used for better insights and decision-making.
Your survey design depends on the type of information you need to collect from
respondents. Qualitative questionnaires are used when there is a need to collect
exploratory information to help prove or disprove a hypothesis, questionnaires are
used to validate or test a previously generated However, most Quantitative
questionnaires follow some essential characteristics: hypothesis.
• With a survey questionnaire, you can gather a lot of data in less time.
• There is less chance of any bias creeping if you have a standard set of questions
to be used to your target audience. You can apply logic to questions based on
the respondents' answers, but the questionnaire will remain standard for a
group of respondents that fall in the same segment.
• Surveying online survey software is quick and cost-effective. It offers you a rich
set of features to design, distribute, and analyze the response data.
• It can be customized to reflect your brand voice. Thus, it can be used to
reinforce your brand image.
• The responses can be compared with the historical data and understand the shift
in respondents' choices and experiences.
• Respondents can answer the questionnaire without revealing their identity. Also,
much survey software complies with significant data security and privacy
Table of contents
The Contents page sets out the sections and subsections of the report and their
corresponding page numbers. It should clearly show the structural relationship
between the sections and subsections. A reader looking for specific information should
be able to locate the appropriate section easily from the table of contents.
Sections are numbered using the decimal point system. Section numbers appear on
the left margin, page numbers on the right.
The Table of Contents (TOC) is an organized listing of the chapters and major sections
of your document. Readers will immediately be able to see how your manuscript is
organized and then skip down to sections that are most relevant to
0321-5455195 Home Delivery Service is Also Available. To get Assignments through E-mail or
Whatsapp just send msgs on this num 0321-5455195, 0333-5455195( Whatsapp number)
them. A clear, concise, and well formatted TOC is the first indicator of a good research
paper. _
To save yourself some time in making your Table of Contents, be sure that you use
font styles.
Appropriately formatted ^1
Lists all main sections of the document starting with the Dedication page. If the -
Dedication page is not used, then starts with the Abstract page.
Lists the titles of each chapter, plus all Heading Level 2's — these are the main
sections within each chapter. Do not list any subsections.
All titles and headings match what appears in the text exactly.
ABSTRACT.....J. .I...... . Error! Bookmark not defined.
LIST OF TABLES......... Bookmark not defined,
CHAPTER 1 ror! Bookmark not defined. .
INTRODUCTION^....’ Error! Bookmark not defined, r!
1.1 Overview.. Bookmark not defined.
1.2 Background of 2 Bookmark not defined.
1.3 study. Objectives of rror! Bookmark not defined.
the stud Questions
1.4 Research Error!
1.6 Significance of the study Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.7 limitations Error! Bookmark not defined.
1.8 Definitions......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER 2................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
LITERATURE REVIEW .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1 Review.............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
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