What You Need To Know About Arc Flash: White Paper WP083033EN
What You Need To Know About Arc Flash: White Paper WP083033EN
What You Need To Know About Arc Flash: White Paper WP083033EN
• Exposure to fines and lawsuits. Any time employees die or 2. Equip staff with appropriate personal protective
are injured on the job, costly lawsuits are almost sure to follow. equipment.
So, too, are fines from the Occupational Safety and Health
Technicians should never come within range of a potential arc-flash
Administration (OSHA). In fact, OSHA has been known to impose
hazard without wearing appropriate personal protective equipment
fines totaling millions of dollars after arc flash events, and has
(PPE), such as flame-resistant clothing, eye protection and gloves.
even fined companies that have yet to suffer an event for failure
PPE is available in varying degrees of strength, with varying degrees
to comply with arc flash safety standards. New compliance safety
of protection. Electrical engineers and fire safety professionals
standards were set by OSHA January 1, 2015, and put into effect
developed a standard to help organizations determine how much
April 1, 2015. In addition to observing revised minimum approach
protection their employees require:
distances, employers now must estimate the incident heat energy
of any electric-arc hazard to which a worker would be exposed, • NFPA 70E: Produced by the National Fire Protection Association, a
and must provide workers exposed to hazards from electric arcs non-profit organization dedicated to fire, electrical, building and life
with protective clothing and other protective equipment with an safety, NFPA 70E defines thresholds for appropriate PPE based on
arc rating greater than or equal to the estimated heat energy. the severity of potential arc flash hazards.
Through the OSHA general duty clause, companies can also be
fined for not complying with the requirements of NFPA-70E. Drawing on the two standards above, as well as data collected
during an arc flash incident energy analysis, organizations can
• Damage to equipment. Arc flash events are likely to severely accurately determine their incident energy value at each location
damage or permanently destroy any industrial, commercial in their system. Based on that value, organizations can choose the
and electrical equipment in their immediate vicinity. Smoke type of PPE their employees should wear when working in arc flash
condensation can cause further harm to sensitive electrical danger zones. Managers should also ensure that personnel from any
equipment at greater distances. Additionally, should an arc flash vendors or third-party service providers who perform maintenance
trigger the fire suppression system, valuable equipment will likely procedures on their infrastructure wear appropriate PPE at all times.
be covered in water or thick flame-retardant foam.
• Delays and downtime. Companies sometimes must wait
for OSHA to complete an investigation before repairing arc flash-
related damage. That means organizations with insufficiently
While arc flash safety standards such as IEEE 1584-2002 are extremely helpful
redundant equipment can suffer hours, days or even weeks of tools, they contain an important gap at present: single-phase-to-ground faults.
downtime after an arc flash event. Though IEEE 1584-2002 provides energy calculations for three-phase arcing
• Impact on morale. Attracting and retaining qualified technicians faults, it offers no guidance on single-phase-to-ground faults, which according to
IEEE 493-2007 Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and
can be difficult if an arc flash incident causes current and Commercial Power Systems, are between 7.8 (for junctions) and 73 times (for
prospective employees to view the facility as an unsafe place cable) more likely to occur than three-phase faults. Instead, the standard assumes
to work. that ground faults will either self-extinguish or escalate into a three-phase fault.
In truth, however, the additional energy released by single-phase ground faults
before they become three-phase faults can be substantial. This is because
Arc flash mitigation strategies ground faults tend to be lower current faults that require more time for upstream
protective devices to clear, while higher current three-phase faults are cleared
Given the significant dangers they pose, arc flash safety merits quickly. Since current IEEE 1584-2002 guidelines fail to take that additional energy
serious attention. Here are some of the most effective strategies into account, they may significantly underestimate the amount of protection
for reducing the frequency, severity and destruction of arc exposed workers require. As previously mentioned, on January 1, 2015, OSHA
flash incidents. implemented a new safety standard that states employers generally must provide
workers exposed to hazards from electric arcs with protective clothing and other
protective equipment with an arc rating greater than or equal to the estimated
1. Perform an incident energy analysis heat energy.
Per NFPA-70E 130.5(G) an arc flash mitigation program must be
updated every 5 years with an incident energy analysis aimed at
calculating how much energy an arc flash could release at various 3. Post warning labels
points along the power system. Incident energy is defined as the To ensure a facility’s employees are always aware of potential arc
amount of energy, at a prescribed distance from the equipment, flash hazards, companies should place warning labels on any piece
generated during an electrical arc event. It increases as the magnitude of electrical equipment that poses an arc flash risk. They should also
of current flowing in the fault and clearing time increase. Incident mark arc flash hazard zones on the floor so workers not wearing PPE
energy from an arc flash event destroys electrical equipment, injures can clearly see how far away from electrical equipment they must
personnel and contributes to extended periods of downtime. stand to avoid serious injury.
Accuracy is essential with such measurements, so managers who Note that the NFPA 70E standard explicitly requires employers to
lack direct and extensive experience with arc flash incident energy post signage notifying employees of potential arc flash dangers.
assessment should always seek assistance from a qualified power Organizations that ignore this directive dramatically increase their
systems engineer. The following standard assists with performing chances of paying serious fines and losing expensive lawsuits after
an incident energy analysis: arc flash incidents.
• IEEE 1584: Created by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE), one of the world’s most respected technical
professional associations, IEEE 1584 offers guidance on
quantifying potential arc flash incident energy levels.
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What you need to know about arc flash White Paper WP083033EN
August 2018
to avoid them, be sure every existing and newly hired employee
A receives thorough arc flash safety training.
Please note that reducing arc current can result in your devices
taking longer to trip, and therefore, have a higher incident energy.
2 It’s important to implement the right solutions to help shorten
fault clearing time.
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White Paper WP083033EN What you need to know about arc flash
August 2018
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What you need to know about arc flash White Paper WP083033EN
August 2018
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White Paper WP083033EN What you need to know about arc flash
August 2018
Adam Reeves joined Eaton in 2012 and holds the position of Senior
Power Systems Engineer where he is responsible for performing
power systems studies such as Short Circuit, Protective Device
Coordination Arc Flash Analysis, Selective Coordination, and Load
Flow studies. In addition, Adam is responsible for performing Onsite
Metering, Power Quality Investigations and Harmonic Analysis
Studies. Adam is Chairman of Eaton/PSE’s Arc Flash Committee and
has instructed arc flash training classes for commercial and industrial
clients. He is also an IEEE member and is a Registered Professional
Engineer in the State of Maryland. Adam received his bachelor of
science in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland,
College Park, MD.
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