Lesson 4 Electrical Hazards

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Electrical Hazards

Electrical Hazards
Lesson 4 Study Guide

The purpose of this lesson is to provide you with informa-
tion that enables you to recognize electrical hazards and
how to eliminate them by adhering to OSHA standards.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify major electrical hazards

Describe types of electrical hazards

List safety measures to protect yourself from

electrical hazards

Explain employer requirements to protect

workers from electrical hazards


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Electrical Hazards

Any time you work with electricity in the workplace,

there is potential for hazards, and you must be
prepared to protect yourself.

Electrical hazards are serious workplace haz-

Electrical Hazards Defined
ards that expose workers to the following:
OSHA defines electrical hazards as:


Dangerous situations in which a
worker can make, or does make, yy E LECTROCUTION
electrical contact with energized
equipment or conductors. When
contact is made, whether directly yy A RC FLASH/ARC BLAST
or indirectly, workers are at risk yy F IRE
of serious injury.
Note the first letter of these hazards. Togeth-
er, they spell “Be Safe.” Workers can “Be Safe”
in the workplace by recognizing, avoiding, and
protecting against electrical hazards.

Always remember to B.E. S.A.F.E.

in the workplace.

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Electrical Hazards

Burns. Burns are the most common electricity-related injury. There are three
types of burns:
yy Electrical burns
·· Caused by heat generated by the flow of electric current. Tissue damage
is common.
yy Arc/flash burns
·· Caused by high temperatures produced by electric arcs or explosions
close to the body.
yy Thermal contact burns
·· Occurs when skin and/or clothing comes in contact with electric equip-

Electrocution. Electrocution is fatal. It results when a person is exposed to a

lethal amount of electrical energy.

Shock. Electrical shock is defined as a “reflex response to the passage of elec-

tric current through the body.” This means that shock occurs when a human body
becomes part of an electrical circuit. When this happens, electrical current enters
the body at one point and leaves at another.

Arc Flash/Blast. An arc flash is the sudden release of electrical energy

through the air when a high-voltage gap exists and there is a breakdown between
conductors. An arc flash gives off thermal radiation (heat) and bright, intense light
that can cause burns.

Fire. Most electrical fires result from “fixed wiring” problems such as faulty elec-
trical outlets and old wiring. Another source of electrical fires includes problems
with cords (such as extension and appliance cords), plugs, receptacles, and switch-

Explosions. An explosion can occur when electricity ignites an explosive mix-

ture of material in the air. In an atmosphere that contains explosive gases, vapors,
or combustible dust, even low levels of electricity can lead to violent explosions on
the worksite.

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Electrical Hazards

Accidents caused by Electrical Hazards

Workers should always be prepared to protect themselves from electrical hazards.

Working with or near electricity presents a

variety of risks. Workers should always be
prepared to protect themselves from elec-
trical hazards. Although many assume that
it will never happen to them, injuries and
fatalities caused by electricity are common
in the workplace. [insert caption about Lockout/tagout]

Lockout/tagout procedures The following is a six-step process for lock-

out/tag out procedures:
The control of hazardous energy, by locking
out or tagging out equipment, is one of the 1. Plan and prepare for shutdown by
most frequently violated OSHA standards. locating and identifying all energy
Accidents related to improper lockout/ sources and notifying all appropriate
tagout procedures are preventable. personnel
2. Shut down all equipment using proper
3. Isolate energy by separating the equip-
REMEMBER ment from external energy sources
Remaining alert for hazards and 4. Apply locks and tags on each device as
adequately preparing yourself for required
each new task can help ensure
5. Control stored energy by discharging
that you do not contribute to
any energy stored in the equipment
electrical injury statistics in the
workplace. 6. Verify isolation of energy

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Electrical Hazards

Types of Electrical Hazards

Learn how to protect yourself from many types of electrical hazards you’ll face in the workplace.

Each year, approximately 4,000 workers suffer

from electricity-related injuries, many which
can be avoided if proper precautions are

Common examples of electrical hazards, and

ways to avoid these hazards, are explained
yy Contact with power lines
·· Receive proper training
·· Wear proper protection
·· Work safely
·· Do not make contact, directly or indi-
rectly, with live power line
yy Contact with energy sources This chart details the body’s reaction to varying levels of
electric shock.
·· All live parts of electrical equipment
that operate at 50 volts or more The severity of electrical shocks and burns
must be guarded. can depend on a variety of factors:
·· Electrical outlets, switches, and junc- yy The pathway through the body
tion boxes must have covers. yy The amount of current flowing through
·· Electrical panels must have a dead the body
front, which separates live wires yy The length of time of exposure
from a person and prevents them yy Whether or not the skin is wet or dry.
from getting shocked.
Important electrical current terminology:
·· Four of the most common energized
yy Amp/Amperage: The strength of an
sources that can lead to injuries
electrical current. 1 amp is equal to
and accidents include light fixtures,
1,000 milliamps.
improper wiring, water, and failure to
yy Ohm (Ω): A unit of measurement for
lock out and tag out.
electrical resistance.
yy Improper use of power cords
yy Resistance: The ability of a material to
·· Normal wear and tear on extension
decrease or stop electrical current.
and flexible cords can loosen or ex-
pose wires, causing potential danger.
Types of electrical injuries Following the appropriate steps
Electrical hazards can lead to various injuries, when working with electricity can
ranging from minor discomfort to death. protect you from these injuries.

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Electrical Hazards

Protecting Yourself from Electrical Hazards

Learn how to protect yourself from the risks posed by electrical hazards.

There are a variety of strategies to protect Power cords must be inspected prior to use to
yourself from electrical hazards in the work- ensure that they are in good operating con-
place. ditions. When inspecting and using flexible
extension cords, you should:
yy Ensure that the cord rating matches the
specified need for durability
yy Check for cord damage, which can
expose electrical conductors and the
associated hazards.
When working with power lines, remember
yy Always keep a safe distance away –
at least 10 feet - from overhead power
yy Ensure the lines have been de-ener-
gized and grounded
yy Use only nonconductive tools and When using powered tools and equipment in
materials the workplace, it is important to use them only
as they have been designed:
The use of ground-fault circuit interrupters
(GFCIs) can greatly improve the safety for
Always Never
those working with electricity in the work-
place. A GFCI detects ground faults and yy Disconnect yy Carry a tool by
interrupts the flow of the electric current to tools when not the cord
prevent or lessen the effect of an electric in use yy Yank a cord to
shock. GFCIs should be tested at least once yy Make sure your disconnect it
a month and especially after a blackout or working area is yy Hold tools in a
power failure. well lit way that could
yy Wear appropri- cause acciden-
The three types of GFCIs include: ate clothing/ tal starting
yy Receptacle: able to fit into a standard equipment yy Use or store
outlet box yy Use double-in- tools in wet/
yy Portable: designed for easy transport sulated tools damp environ-
by way of an extension cord yy Ensure cords ments
yy Circuit breaker: controls an entire do not cause a yy Place cords
circuit and is installed as a replace- tripping hazard near heat, oil, or
ment for a circuit breaker on the main sharp edges
circuit board.

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Electrical Hazards

Protecting Yourself from Electrical Hazards

Learn how to protect yourself from the risks posed by electrical hazards.

Guarding can help prevent When dealing with disconnecting means, pay
employees from accidentally attention to the following:
contacting energized equip- 1. Each disconnect switch and circuit
ment. Guarding involves must be legibly marked.
moving or enclosing electric 2. These markings shall be of sufficient
equipment with doors, fenc- durability to withstand weather, chem-
es, or other types of barriers icals, heat, corrosion, or any other
to prevent accidental contact environment.
with live parts. 3. Each disconnect switch or overcurrent
device required for a circuit must be
Grounding prevents the buildup of voltages clearly labeled to indicate the circuit's
that could cause an electrical hazard. When function.
you ground a tool or electrical system, you
are intentionally creating a low-resistance Common Personal Protective Equipment
path that connects to the earth. Grounding (PPE) when working with or near electricity
does not guarantee that a worker won't be includes the following:
shocked by an electrical current, but it will yy Safety glasses
substantially reduce the risk, especially yy Face shields
when used along with other safety mea-
yy Hard hats
yy Safety shoes
Insulators, like glass, mica, rubber, and plas- yy Insulating rubber gloves
tic, help reduce or stop the flow of electrical
yy Insulating sleeves
current. Insulation is used to coat metals
and other conductors to help prevent shock, yy Flame-resistant clothing
fires, and short circuits. All conductors used
for general wiring must be insulated unless
otherwise permitted by OSHA electrical REMEMBER
regulations. The conductor insulation must Correctly following lockout/
be of a type that is approved for the voltage, tagout procedures when working
operating temperature, and location of use. with electrical equipment is
another way that workers
A disconnecting means is a switch that can protect themselves from
is used to disconnect the conductors of a electrical hazards. Compliance
circuit from the source of electric current. with lock out/tag out procedures
These switches are important because they prevents an estimated 120
allow the flow of electricity to be stopped, fatalities and 50,000 injuries each
which can protect workers and equipment. year.

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Electrical Hazards

Employer Responsibilities
Employers must take certain steps to ensure the safety of workers.

It is the employer’s responsibil-

ity to ensure their workplace
complies with OSHA standards
and requirements for electrical

Because injuries involving electricity can be

serious, or sometimes fatal, workers must
be properly trained before they can work
with electricity.

Employers and employees must cooperate in order to

Employers must protect their employees
maintain a safe working environment.
from electrical hazards in the following
yy Establish an Assured Equipment
yy Ensure that workers maintain a safe Grounding Conductor Program (AEG-
distance from lines and have the pow- CP), which covers all cord sets, recep-
er company de-energize, ground, and tacles that are not a part of the perma-
properly insulate lines. nent wiring of a building or structure,
and any equipment connected by a
yy Enforce the isolation of electrical cord and plug made available for use by
parts by making sure all pull boxes, employees.
junction boxes and fittings are cov-
ered, and all metal covers are ground- yy Make sure that all moving electrical
ed. equipment on the job site is barricad-
ed, all power tools being used are kept
yy Ensure that every electric utilization in safe working condition, and that all
system and all utilization equipment lockout/tagout practices on the job site
installed, majorly modified, or re- are being enforced.
placed after March 15, 1972, com-
plies with the standards for electricity yy Implement a first-aid system that is
set by the National Fire Protection readily available for use
Association, which have been adopt- ·· If a worker is shocked, it is imper-
ed by OSHA. ative that victims are attended to
as quickly as possible since brain
yy Enforce the use of ground-fault circuit damage, or even death, can occur if
interrupters (GFCIs) blood flow is not reestablished with-
in four minutes.

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Electrical Hazards


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Electrical Hazards


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