Math Without Calculator 2

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Math without Calcu lator (Arithmetic)

<qE fr{ks- Calculator :6{{u ffi r qrrl 03. fr{r€ )rc q$nB cftfrsrtfrTfr{?
FrtffifrrEQprcrB tToqrq r 5q1 qq?mF{ sl.q<'lQ 1.ffi nc?l],t = )a.) ())x)))
qF<d{T = rr
q?r{ )) cars cqtt ffifrEqqr8TEFl )\c 6S q{S',GI
){c +J) -&sPrry
)Q1 +C -frq@7'ry-r
Crortr*-1 )Qq +e =frstwq{
I )Qe *{ --fuMr+rr ozqtrqq cffuoxv'rr
Number Properties
Note: (T x?rrtr 4'{\q fr{i
"t'fTf v/T EIt n{.f r

Prime number (dfrsqq{rt) r

C4lti; 8, b, )9, Qc, 99, 8b, 98, vt, )oo, ){),

c{ q$ittr ts$rq ) qT( & xgt EErt st't T-?l[ {Et, )88, )eb @ "tffi ffq<llf 1 6qEql; a <r vofqo Q,

vrrE cfifro q\rti <cq r qqfn cfrtrs q<fi e$m s6 a7ffqa v, )ss q"<{y rq {slfir

qqEq({trEmq{F*tqrgt6Ft-* q, e, c, 1, )),
o+. ffi vr ur qRrtrt6 6fi4-r rlft
)g, )q, )b, \9, ql ffi'I TER?
uq qq1itfr<reH'+tQ {cf<{r<ttlt = b) (bxb=b))
q?t{' b cQr6f cstb ffiG-s cRrn stTt 6f g1t <'rr bl
qE dfrr c"(41f 4.>d t
vq +1=frsl@-r4-T
q-{adft-r rr\aflt c<rolv t vq +a=frv-fq'r4-T
ve +o - eb frecz'r otzqteET&vry(sr/
01. ) calm )oo "l(s ffifrpqqqit+stl fqrilftslqfr'{/r
(AfEq s {o)V 4T q&@rrtr q"citr s q?aFoqqtt. rffit e 05. MHF ffifrEq$i[T$?
Qoob/ /l-qr R'{rr frffs'r ,g fr*racar qft+ gf?" q&fu e
@ qofr @ qatr @ qr9.? @ qu.e
@ qctr @ q\efr Ans: @ @ Ans: @
@ \c.e
tHt{Ff: ) )oo ,f{o Cc E cfft-O ry(17t raTr{ / {?/l-
Cq!trr qcF{t{ s @ qc,v qa <rfw = )9. 4fi tv calTo a1t
Q,9, C, i, )), )9, )9, )b, q9, Qb,9),9i, 8t,8.9, dfro ry'<lm re, )), 1, a, s 4?( Q ,47 ritEE
89,A9,6b, g),91, i), 19, ib, v9,vb 4(b9 -- aratiqs\, YnffifusITfr'r
@ QQa qr <?t{ = 5a. qw ta calre @tF
>(fi )o, t), 1, a, rz c{( Q qr rfiEIF €mt
Composite Number q,p,c X<rrAfrs&7'Tf I
6{q$iltrF) q<\Qq\$t qqr @ Qc*e T$trlB )u r<lrit F<lf cfrfro cKtr/emltr
T-d[ {l{I, g,Trs,
Tfu q$IT <FT I fi:FB 8, 9, b, !O q.riry' Q6e+j)
= Qe E7M fr-qqrr OrS? qF
ffifr6 ry$ryry's1
@ rar c(firb 5a catpi ara alAo
02. fir6-d 6lFl{rq$'lE cfiF{s? qr<{r ts, tt, i, a, e 4( Q qr r{5FiF aRrq
Is ot ffiot1 tyal s ffiqI rr{fq'ffifl qTtqr e la/ fr-s'tqrT{'r
@u @>ee
@eq @uq Ans:@
qqF{f+ @b)=9x)o, @)a|.e=)gx)),
sr -- rxar
@ @ ai = oxqb
e 1 c<qlt dfuo oqtf , ) \e 8 c EpI w{" mr{ {(rm
fucBfutqrq.s r

i rs Ilxelusive Technioue:

06. cERE ffiR-6q$rf Tr?

t rt<fro qttrq qlfritn rrqalft lfur"ro ;
@ \c.t @ \qc
@ c.c,e @ c.a.s Ans: @

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
qcF{]{ s @ QQc )a cet@ @l
43 TfW = )a. q4q qqql: Q 4t\ eq aTsr{r'dfr{txltr/er4rErEre, c,
dFro xg'r )s, )), 1, c, o q{{ Q qil Yr{r' i, )), )9, )9, )b, Qb, lb .{lI ,ci=ro8 I

QQJ=.)9=.J1 Am frqErr n'/ZE7t 4E ffifras ryqs7'r 14. 8e lqrq so qaqcqt cfiftsq$rt-

TS/ w
Irrr ffiol damtttzvt Ta{,Eur'tr {qfta qaofqF e s\rl
qi {Qi, qqu 4<t eab {fir/'srdl ta celre @ ctr @sfr
rg8 da<t X41t )rt, t), q, c, rr 4?1 Q qa fitFilfr @q @atr Ans: @
mt{f{ q"vc{I cfifu{$fi/rorql{rqla\r,
z 89 t4t<Feo
81,Cs 4(Cb =8fr t
07. frr-{6Effifrfr+'qqrttz ['towRfreql
15. If x is an integer and y = px*lge what is
@rr @uq
the greatest value of x for which y is
@vs @cx Ans:@
less than roo? [National Bankltd.(Po): u]
T{FfFf: @b)=)rrxl @v1=Q,bxo @rz @rr
@w =bxl @ ct =cbx) @ro @g Ans: @
ct x{'fF d&or++v'|, ) s cb qprqryri5iq T<t'r Solution: q?f,$Etl@,A q34lT 1oo 6err{r F+
fr@qBfurwwt x qsqlqcdlFiE <rT?
08. mHE ffipp qqp h?4t7 et?wqt q<offi qffiE r st/ qmF Ess cqr{ {< vqet sil v/rEr A = gx+is
cffucfi q{rlft R{,?-{r-r' ; rol
q?<rg q?oEqt ryfrffit OptionerdlrtrflTTfrcr mqf qF t
@) @u
@q @u Ans: @
wtqf{: 6rryfinz-f efll4} 4( a ,rR1trr?me6ri'nlT/T,
on-ocfifr-oxqlf 4@ I i=)xj
09. frrm mFrcR{rlF cfifr+f*Aa-s vrr fifir.rqitrr,k e ool qt W lOO Alc +v{snlg 9
y =gxg+t3 = 94 @
@er @cl 16. If both x and y are prime numbers,
@ c'rl @ a.c Ans: @ which of the following can not be the
qqFfi{ c @ 8b lxq
-- @ cl = .lt>.o product of x andy? [PubaliBa*Ltd.(so): ts]
@ cu -- coxl @ cc = .ll><r @o @ro @ss
e) None of these Ans:
10. )o catrf so q(s cs aqEr (fifiT q$rlT q-{eqtfu
q(Q:DEI[qTqqEN? /qrsrffi,4ryl
;,.;,',t";.. ,.:. ,: ::: ':'::1 l::l'lr.:l{'Li;;i'i
@ rav
i]::,i;,i'iii ;;t;,;
@ toc @ lor Ans:@ 17. Thedifference of tr,vo numbers is u and
qTFIF! )o RFr so ot4v q$-{t qffttr q(i' b fifi&' one-frfth of their sum is 9. Find the
numbers. [Banglad*h Bank (AD) : t+]
ffio xvt'emt <@t )b, tb 4( cb t qw{ ffi = @ z8 and r7 @ z8 and 18
)b+Qb+Cb = )o1 I @ z8 and 19 @ None of these Ans: @
11. eo c{rQuo ea{t{r{q$FTsTEs{ffipq(q,rtr Solution: Let, the small number = !
qgTqr{- /qcsr frfrqq/ qt awfitfr qsF-rfrffi-r \e qsrfl-r thebig number =x
+ftrt e lr/ ft condition, x-v=tt"""""'(i)
@v x l-!
@ >r. znd condition, =g
@tu @ reo Ans: @ 5
,T:tFdT: so cq@vo a7Ylffi$1qs{ffift1rryq91t= 15 or' x+Y=45"""(ii)
so NTT u o,ar T{r-<6 TeieT cfifrl5' 4Ki'r -- 9) Bg adding (i) and (ii), zx = 56
qm?{WA = 9b-9) =)F Orx=28
qa:Fffi Thebig number = 28
12. eo c{GF to lqsq € T$ur cflfroq$rtT
wir Ts? ir*i& wnmr-r <RfrErr e qnntf qFngzr-r The smallnumber = 28 -g = 77
OTrg = 17
q{sr& 4B6lf,r s ) y vs7 y6ryry6sg rygotft s?i/ q&{,-tr 6 e6l
@ t"v @su Divisibility qfurwsl) a
@qu @cu Ans: @
qqHFt: so c4TQbo qrarr-<e?T{s{'cflfroclt'f - Fb 6sFr q$rt q.r q$rl sfit ffi, ft+ vt Calculator
vo calT<ti to a7 qrffiff T&is:r ffiQq ry{/r = ol qffifrf{ct€t{rlr I c{fii
qf4lf Wtr= Ub-e) =Ab 2 S C($fi ffit9q(aT, 2 Srflf{sMrqtrt I

13. q q<\ eq q? qcq, cfiFliF q$rt rm& /qaq+ ffiqry c<FF[ g8 C$Iiltr z EFrt futqr; Cqqt g8 cqlv
(v/&ar1u.yla e 'rfrflr Teffqzrr vrqsrfr aAEIair e oql q\$'t I
@uF @aF
bTE )oF Ans:
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
3 s c\$tF{qs$'arEI{qIIE s q;rlfiv,tw<r{, 23. If the number gr876xz is completely
wr1ilF 3 nrOfuw<r< r divisible by 8, ttren the smallest whole
6{{;[ pgo, 3 tFt ful; 6{rF[, 9+3+o=rz {t 3 number in place of * will bez [Bangladesh
Bank(AD) : t<l
EKIfuT @r @z
6 c q$rtE 2 q(, 3 EETt Em fuq'i qm, Ev @g @+ Ans: @
c\"ffi 6 qrfifrqqrqr{ r Solution: Efi-*f ffi,
r+r{x:rl?cl{&4'E q(oEFf
33o, cq',lp {$Bt Rerls z sRt fuql r
,t6v a<rtnt S qff,f fu&7. <e, .? X?,,tF S hFf
33o qT \T($qFIlS{qE = 6 + 3 = z, qrftq fuMl t frsrqT sr+r
Flrqq, qR".ffi 6 slilt fuMi<rE I g3o + 6 = 55 q4+ 6*z qa qlrJt 3 qvq 632 {tr $ B Hm fu&7 r
qqr option sdt 6*z 43 vril <ct@ B cm RqE.rI
4 s c$TtF{ eETd EF q(F El=rf utfu qrqn + sKt
furql<m, nlfifuwqr< {r"T/'r
C$FB 724, +sffifuI; <'tfff 24,

24. What is the smallest number that
should be added to 4496 so that the
I s eN ffi qr+ sm
'i0v c$ffi S Em fuql sum is completely divisible by 6? pxr*r
qtrq, Bank(CO): Bl
slfff zoo,8sffifuq,
6{:FB 32oo, SEBftRstqr; r
@z @s @+
@s (e) None of these Ans: @
g s c\?lTlF{ q(s'erqK wE g sRr fur Ecq, Solution: @ ++s6 qr ry'+Er (sum) ?qtf {al Erflr{ r
855, 9 sm fuMI'; c<s;Ftl, 8+5+5=18, 9 ETil 4+4+5+6=19, 4t 6 cBl futW l-r I fu' r9 q" 4lt"t
5 aFtoafq 6qBrfulFf<R t
Example: 3,459 is not divisible by 9
S s {({rtB{ cnF o fts<f qtr<w,
S qrffi 5 sFfl'
frslqi r 9S5 lt?,BtF 5 nkt fuw; 6sFrt, 6tGr 5
<I{fq I

10 s c\1-fiF{ c.16q o ;flffi, ro gktful"qr< r

45O, 10 qrfl^ fuw'; cs;Hl. 6rrc{ O <6wq I

18. 6$lrrqR{rtfi 5 EmfulW?

@ zzz @ zs6
@z8S @ r8Z Ans: @
wFrFr: zBS Wqfiti etr 5 <|l'om ryrqlitra S sffi fulq,rr
19. cFFrqR$,rFAsmRElw?
@ rzz @ zro
@Zz+ @zzS Ans:@ 25. Which of the following is divisible by z
rpfitffi: andT? [Bangladesh Bank (O) 2oo I ]
724,4awtfuEi'; irlwt 24,4ttfttfutwr t
@ s6s @ s6z
20. csFrq$flF ro smfutqr
@ g6r @ None of these Ans: @
@zgo @zrs q{Frh: 365v 36t4<qlqfr fiffi/F<\silrz cl.4tfuI
SS6 @ SZS Ans: @
w t qlflt" 362,7s,i.?fufwrw t
2go c<{fit{ ets o q[-{rF cWrF rc qtsl
iwrqrErg- t slu?Fffia
21. csFrl({rtF 3 {etfurt ffi'qiq6' etE stq-s i{q"fi ft{$ T<xs
@ 9zr @ rrs
@ ss8 @ sz6 Ans: @ ffifr"+ Bquq'sqrEt rffi aKCq Er<'r
!T{Ff{: g2r C(?7Ttatrqmom?qqB =Q*2*7=72 t 72,
S c?f fuMT t oto,f. gzt t<ffi g cm frstEz. r
22. )s (rR )oo rsrrr{r (q E0c({IlTq) 8 sFtfrslq,
q$tl T,{F? /eErftffin \9 p*66 ffiqlT aqrDa6ffi qrrli&'
ldzq:E s qftF.rgr*rrE"- qftrtqr e oql
26. 7z {R{rttr{ csF slqr qlrq- /r\es-{ ffiqryl
@ c.r& @ qstr
{'{4lfft ?'&F14-f , tts/ 4fi8 cq4HN v&{u <16+6 e o\e/
@ qltr @ qsB Ans: @
qqFlt{: 8 c too q?\G$8qffif @str @ roB
@ rrB @ rzB Ans: @
ft-"-fqf S$fiIEjtle = )oo+8= Q,Aff t qIFf{: 2\Z
4fi )e celrc g<lb I qW futql q<qfi lFTq 8, v, 2\fi.
){=rslfit. .:)\9e too qi ilCqI I Wt Ag/E.rT CqF z\tB
X37I= Qa-e-QQE / 3le
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
72 qn dfrirBq+r?<r = 2x2x2x34 Tryi'€ q{qq\{,t s

{rz?'eR'm = 23x3,
w,rF'?{Cllt 1@fi = 2s+,42+1 p € g t{ !T$n, q * o<*,'\q)
[{lwr.u c{ q?FdT

{trc?qq:r4 =4x3=PF
27. I 008 qT Fsfr srq-o qICq? /wrq?irr E&ro2-<-s vq+ qqqflrs er$I.t s-{t {K, \5fcq-<
T{q c$llt <FI I ffi5H;
qflq'6?'flE&{rtr e ot/ ctlTfqmtwfua? oal
@zo @24 l2
{Eq q(?fi'r {+ (o), t{
@zs @30 Ans: @
qqHm: z\tooB rt({][ (r, 2, -L, -2), qTo \e qqTs'E?tl$t (],9r)
2\282 qyGyrq{nrwfrr
Crr :FFdT c\"Btrs W<.rm"r[e]"* T<l' qN dI,
too B Lc{ dfro 6s"rfqo: z x2 x2 e 4 4 x7
:24424 cT<lttrr p s q t{ cq"lTf, Q * o, q-6q-q qgtn' {<lB^t
{'rz'i5rclz$r dl'r = 24+1x32+14+1
gcf{F6r : 5x3P = 3ofr <['r I crrFB J;, Ji,* *,
28. w .{TBS'iICA 60HF?
qffi qehdffitr Rfl{trs'r/ cqr{/t'tlsr ol
Note: ,tffi,qffi? w*F q{qq@ Yq q\qil $s t

@ro @rr
@lq @ colintfrtm Ans: @ cr+q Js , ffit J; =s. /fu '|ffi at
{ItctF! 6T ryitry xrm qltrl ee 6t sltr s?r ql m qoq Tlslqr q<$F Tftqrr q{aff q<$t $Et
x{rlt qrfl ee 4-? Es'nq?tr es qtr 6s4&-<s'0rqr
qtrql), o, ).J I ee I Jv , J;.
29. g.s C$rlF{ cTF Tltolqt qqTilTrq? sz. .ffintflE 6FFr l<roit ll{It? 6v fts? fi-{sn';
t1rrrz.qf?r€,mr.arsrqffio e;sl q&'+ryr rarnErr es ,'wu 4a@rtrtrfi{ffi qftq/7 6 66l
@vF @ufi 6l'{Mfr"{iT$Iil @ t{{trllr
@bfr @ >oE ens:@ 6 nonwfi @ Ans: @
q:lFtlT: Qhr\e
{ \'la'
. rr\b
,rg tra'rFr c{E 9[9? = qixg{ xst+}
$. GccffiftcRst?
--Qi+) Iias-{ ffi,a+/ w6r *m ntz6* rfr6 ;
=gxrp=b8 @ q+E t{c$il @ esBrffi-sc\"[t
30. E4o Tgcmtslsr WR? @ e+FlgnaTtit @ ereEqtnc$ltAns,:_@
@18 @ zo /rq-+tfr Eir{\erlfraoal
@zz @z+ Ans: @ 34. g1Ectffi 6{Fr {irr{{ rR$t? /d'mrmq'r c&?rsz-"'tr
T{F{f* z\s+o ry<orfr w qftar e s,e/W cfire,Ri E'?|{{r/ff qrfi,fi a
z\zzo r.r/
3\135 @{qrini.n @vtrqq$rr
' s\4s 6vgtnlitllt @<g<qrqn Ans: @
3UE 35, ($0 t{ q({It Ifr ,sstr P frfrq qr$t qr,
s4oc<fi!fr? rqlt vtq?t v[{.tF tqTEL* w ffiec/ 6M
- x5t+1 = 3 x4 xZ=24fr r<pl?afrr'nr; r\r/
22 43 x51- 22+1 x3s+1

31. 82 qR 64 ,{TsFf,'sc({rt{ "ftf{rT,o? Iqt{frq vv- @ erE t{nqir @ qFETMR--rc'$Ir

val 6le+Fa+axrm @ esGq5c'r\litAns: @
@s @z @r fifrffi: q'?-{ di6-r'rn37Pffi qqamxfi r

@o (u) None Ans: @ 36. fr[DT 6FHF {{c'q({It? Iav elgF-r fi-{q[-f t to/
rffiffi: 64 qf Efq?fi4[f = 26 =26+, =Z ugr+vr*-oa rol rvrqw'otB firr-ofi-srira s/
32 qT g-/S'{t 4(?lJf Ps
= =Bl+t =$ @V8 @6
fuatqcvqfiEr -7-6=t
@tF @{5 Ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
T${r+ ils c<rtfifrW Rnrqr, : !H=4t
{B ={7 =rt'| =21 =z(,t4q<w) .'. Cqb eEJr(s7r =(o,(7
37. fr[E-d 6slqB qTam' q\{rt? ecf{rdf - 40x4t=1640
Ae, (lT'trrlfr AF{r fisfi ,s qqrs-{',+rFf ; ro/
40; Set X contains l<t consr cutive integers.
,g If the sum of ttre 5 smallest members
@ @ E setXis 265, what is the average of the 5
9 1lz
largest members of Set n [rFrc Bank (r4'-ro) :
@6 @
E; Ans: @+@
@s8 @sg @6o
\zo @sz (e) None of these Ans: @
Solution: SF x$fr *ad "/HrfA = S 4atfr
T{F(l{: a
ff=trwu*wt sum
fird ryw/r-- terms
, E=frF{e'-xrn) 265
= SS[retF = 53,otffi afib
@ Jqg =Z (Wq\4Ir)
= 54 oatarfr =551
, E=#6w.sam.r<rn) qm? eFR@ aE {(fi 4r( qm" cqFlqq
the auerage of the S largest
Consecutive Number C+frs q$tl) members=2eo;g=g8 .
Consecutive Number: x, x+!, xt2, .... [x=integer] 41. If the sum of the 3 consecutive integers
Consecutive Even Number: is z4o, then the sum of the two Iargest
x, x+2, x*4, .... [x= even integers is:. [prbati aank Ltit (Jo)-2oB]
integerl @zg @ rsg @ r6s
Consecutive Old Number: @ 16r (e) Ndne of them Ans: @
qqt{{: SE ry<v7rqv@? 4<ffi = zqqaE
- -x, x+2, x+4,...,
[x= old integer] ^
c{FrFr 5e6I e1r6qQp suft
'lrrlr tfJlc{rlT fifi@xfi=
rRrt fd mFt{F6t fi!51 [Bansladesh Commercz Bank (Jo) oB] terms
@ss @ q,t 24o
@rx @er Ans: @ =golqrF = Bo, +;/zsitp{t?
wtrtt+ vR, qplsrwffi-, 4lI =791
= Br
Cfr C<$It = X,x + ),X + Q,I * 9,X + 8 qmr W qE" erlttuE = Bo + B I = I 6 1
qHlTrs', x + x +) +x+Q+x+ e * x * I )oa
= 42. 'Br"llr )o& q$rF eFlT afrd 6qt5tq{ crgo <m ct{
4,Qx+)o=toc ffi{ GrFfs{€? /.rNrqffi.cY/ q4*'FEict e
.'. x= )b rfirtt"{ryl-a ttqrfl?lq$r# lftr,Ti', xi
arcRU'f-)b+)={o @ cua @ cuo
.: qvTEtF ryl3n" 6qbfr{ = )b*lo = rsb @ cqc @ cqo Ans: @
Short cut: cti qKfir rrrq6 ryfir/E - ,r ryr*E
'[qF{R: cEry(Urtr:rr-dry({r[E= s ryrtE
qrr-{fr{Hm-- sum [terms = totalnumber, vr7r6xq7'I='sum
terms terms '.

(-{zqt9 4H7?' xrr'r qtri,zr @o

qNrwl -))q/rrrta = )){, <rtre,fa s4 F
= O,
-- ))e 4T( ctfr =$sl
cw.a "ti?fr aary(fi 4?( qmT 6IhlF.

.'. g<tt
et.<Rlrl q = Jb*Qo=eb =)) C+)) 9+) ) 7*5 )V*.) )b=AUA
39. ffiefrsqrqr|r 6qFt€ rzg I Eq\ucq$rtERBir 43. Ifthe average offive consecutive even
Ect{E'f [Bangladesh Bank (AD) oq]
numbers is 8, which of the following is
ttre smallest of the five numbers?
@ @ 9oo ,6fo","tmiBank(co): B)
@ 16oo @ 168o (e) r64oAns: v @ +
Short cut: gE ry$tla lrffidt xltr/E - z wF B (e) None of these Ans:
vrn<ffxl,' r-

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
44. frror 6rFtr ffi @frs qvffrE tqnq 6{t'tsq? 4reffi qEfr-o r(1frF v-fw vrrryI t
/qt{ry, frorr rg nrrrr?ctrT rro'nryrrr av-rr6r6rr ; rc/ 1g= (+ g + 6= 1 S I Cm.A scf{ffi = 4 x5 x6= tz O, FlFf,.
@as qfrcfiol
@ c,t
@ c'c @rc Ans: @
q{tq|{: {e, ffi @'e-{. {fe/e-+- fitrl = it, F+), o+Q .
qm'A 4qE = ?*F*) *F*Q=eP+e -rne-affi;etic mean (average) and median are
equal to each other.
{frryc/z-{ eF*e = 'lb Er6r,
Tr ei'=19 IqF {r{ il Ar.r le, e 6Fl frsrs7 {s / qfr-oc\.ul-{,
9l{ltr,9T'= 89-9=89 Arithmetic rneoLn (auerage)=(First +Last)+ z
IeE Er+ il <r/rr 8e, e qrfl frsjlqr 4-v I
q8t; 48. What is the arithmetic meen of 41 8, l^2,
arfe/r{bt ry.f <r/"'f }.1-u=kb, e aFlfr'siier
16, and zo?
;rf/ Arithmetic mean (auerage) = (First+Last)+z
El?ilf,9i'= C1-9=Q8 =(4+zo)+z
?= )h
?I, =24+2=72
. : ffi ar&oxrrrr q4\ qtw Rr'rw Medianis also tz
=)h*)b*lo=C9 49. What is the arithmetic mean of 4,8r tz,
4s. &qFqfts t{c$rlrtqH 21o I CqtEG{$Iild a6rz,orand,z4?
6{trtq{ss'? IDBBL(AO) 09] Arithmetic mean (auerage)=(First + Last)+ z
@s @rr =(4+24)+z
@zo @rg Ans: @ -14
q{F{lT a <fr, 4qE'ryrr'/E^- * Median (vrfr) is also t4
oF rpfr6 ag'1 = x,x+ 7,x+ 2
4YF, x(x+lXx+z)=2to
Add One Before You Are Done:
Vl,(x2 +xXx + z)= 21e

+ 3x' + 2x)= 27o F or cons e cutiu e integ et s'
+gx'*2x-27o=o Number ofintegers =(Last-First)+t
trf,xs -5x2 +8x2 -4ox+l2x-27o=o 50. How many integers are there from 14
qf,x'(x- 5)+&x(x- 5)+42(x- 5)=o to 765, inclusive?
."x=5 F or cois e cutiu e int eg er s'
EE rR1frl" 6fltf€{ = $*6=77
Number of integers = (Last'First)+t
q$Bt{ act{par Ee ((c[, \ttm rqFt{ar Fq =(Z65-tQ+t
46. frr.{tr EifrS -751+1
q&6g.affi Et'1fr{e''{r e s'e/ 'tfuil
E6q? Ivq-,*-a7 Arorr = 752 (Ans)
afr-oanr qRwzm ryqq'tff rffi-{arfi Ffof ; l\e/
@qo @>q
@>c @le Ans: @ First multiple)
+ Inerement (lfr) +1

51. How many multiples of 7 are there

between roo and r5o?
Here, Last multiPle = 147
Fir st multiPle = 7 o 5, incr ement = 7
Number of multiples =(Last-Fir st) + Incr ement + 7
= (t47-to5) +7 +t
=6+t =7(Ans)
52. What is the number of integers
between ror and rg9 which exactlY
47. ii pi;duct of 3 consecutive integers is divisible by 5 or 7? [PubatiBa*Ltit(Jo)-zosl
rzo, thenthe sum of thg itj:S:19.i-: @gr @go @gz
(JO)-zotS], [Pubali Bank Ltd O gs (e) None of them Ans: @
@g @rz @t+ T{F{f{:54ffi fuwr+<zlfi =(Last'First)'.Inctement+t
O is (e) None of them Ans: @ = (t95-to5) +5 +t
q{tqF: g=2+3+ 4=9 [cmT sctl7iE = 2 4 x4=24,Er{ {r/ =90+5+1
12=S+(+$=tz [qrfll, gmi gel7{FE
= 3x4x5=60, =78+l=79
qtrs ctoqrl
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
7 alal fuMf c<471 =(Last- Fir st) + Increment+ 1 c]ftsr{t|F,
= (tg6-to5) +7 +t W ry?ryE = 6ffi afro rqttrtt Erfu qw+t)/z
=91+Z+l = (t99+t)z = too
=73*7 =74 s8. IQF qfts wrtila <cdr w* q; qm W {r.ll18 ?psr
4<14 7 e 5 qlE.{lf.s = gg, 1O1 q4< ryg qi qrcr tw@'qr frvaet qfirutis 7q6ft ffi66E 6 5e/

1%9a1 @ao @sc

ea E7-?r&sMrfirrf = @sc @ )oo ,tns: @
35 T{tqf+ W q'$trIE = (f{E @,fro qlqrtt Ecfu qw+s)/+.
=7o/95+t3fr = (eb+))q = ao
So (tg+t4)3=3o numbers are exactly
ss. tiF ofr+ $arttr <cdr q\sr )bq Em, {$Btq'{
diuisible by 5 or 7.
rFg? Ir+,/F?qr e'rerrrl ra-+rErn+ q,t/qfiT vffitasel
53. a q<s, bc q{rBn c q<(e sHffirq$mTsol vorqtam \e

Iuroq&arezrsE?rrqql c,il#atrt:.r, e sol @ bt, tu @ aru, lt

@cE @gfr @ )oF @ bu, sx @ ts, >oo Ans: @
(s) c+RqtEts-r Ans: @ ffifrffi: w ry(fit? = (qF&-f rr$r7? rrfr qw+l)/c
@ >vtr
T{Ffi{3 c 4( e qT{.rif.e = a xg=)a -- (lle+r)t -- ll
c s bc q" WqI c a e ?ftrIfrel37'ry(fi eits xutB = 6i'E +-fr-ory<<nrw{rq-6'tr-))/q
= (lsl-l){ = sr
= (do-)a)fr.4r.e+) qo q<(qEmsr )o{rcT<g'E\{ItE
60. EEq$rlTqlE
- (bo-ta)/ta+) Tg? /'lt16q14,2fl'fEr,?qoz?trryq+irffvqr'qfraftr;r\e/
= ldha+t -a+talfr
s4. )\ts bs qrcr$ (e EE'Iq rH$+'qBq$Iit e sffi @uc @ao
@sc @ c'o Ans: @
fumf lsvvr.frfrcs/E tig,'tqqffiEfuqtr ov] qTti{l{: ={
Vfr, WryqiitF =4i, qf?4q47t
@ql @qu 4f,T,l9, f+{= 9o
@ r,a @ c,a. Ans: @
iwt{Ft: 8 ebe qiqruIs E'm&srBTctrnwr{ F-{= )a
?1, Qo= vo 7t,? = 8o
= bg+8= Q8E / qfrr Tfi <ft qq*
4fi )Q Ftrc g<tt S 6rfl t?s/c7'CIfi r.TR s s
61. EqF $ q$Irt frf{ {tcq-{
47 - trtfrmr*art m'nqmil ryftrfl'/fraai' (qtr) ; qor'e/
v=qFr .:)Qe b9 qa wEI s qfilfulqrr cqE q<?Bf
@ zr cqlrozz @ zz u<r z3
= q8-Q=Q{F r @ e3 u<< z4 @ z4e<iz5
55. The average of the two digit numbers, wHH r {&', rEE r(fi = & tgrlfi = x+r
which remain ttre same when the digits
interchange their positions, is: {?!Ztr', (x+t)'-x2 =47
[Bangladesh Bank (AD) U]
=x2 +2x+t-x2 =47

@ss @++ . + 2x=46

@ss @oo Ans: @
Solution: Aer6'frftt ry$/r vI eR fie' Frrang eFt *x=25
<tltri tt,22, SS,44, SS,66, ZZ,88,99 62. EF @trs cqlv {$tnr q-{tls 1 r 2 l {$rt EE frf{
/err-{'-E/qfr r{fl# ft s-r ftrFr (q,Tfl) s ao) s/
-. -__ - Iostdigit + firstdigit _
gg + 11
=-= 55 @1q<(2 @ 2 q<\4
56. What is the ,3rr, *r. ir.t.gis from @ 4 e<i8 @8e<(16 lns: @
20 to roo, inclusive? 4[F,t1if: Efr,rEE T({/l= x,?gryl?{,t = x+2
Auerage = (7oo + zo) +z = 60 fl{au-, xtx*2=7i2
Number of integers = (Last-First)+ t +---
=(too-zo)+t x+2 2

=Br ) 2X=x*2
Sum of integers=a1.)erctge xnumber of integers +x=2
=6o xBl zetBry$ff - 2,4g4\fi= 2+2=4
= 486o (Ans) 63. .!rcF {stfrf q$rlT {cdT qtc{ q$rtF 6st't ErE st
s7. EF ffiE q$rF <fur* wr 199
<trE, W q(ffi {fifr rffi{ q\tt{ T{ETRI lNFr q{ q\ffi Tq? 1
/r tw ffiq t/ bt cqc{atfr FIFE frqqr+ e eer'{T,r+Fr
ts/ firEtd.tfimr q/if,lrE&qk, )e/
@Z @S ibrerErwfi'{frq.-re/
@zo @go @g @ro Ans:@
qTt$r: ufr,q<$nt = x
@go @ roo Ans: @
. : qr@1 Tfslfrrr {$71 = x+l

QTZ9, t€-(x-$ =199 {?!zs', x2+ x= 9fu+t)

or,)e-f+2x-7 = 799 4f, x2+ 2g= Qx+Q
Of 2)C. = 2OO ,'. X = 7OO 4t, *-Bx -g= g
4t, *-9x * x -Q= o .'. x=9
64. EqE R{rru ftmFfqE 4E q<\ -.otffi}"J; fi[rffi: E@ cqca g{ {-{dqt q<o6 minrf+ qgi'vlr<t
qrtt, q$rtEl$wr r,rfr-+rr qfudqtqfur ai?4v@n @{{-
ffiqff+le,ftFdm3 qoro/ @ (7, 6) = (Z)' +(6)' = 49+ 96=85
@7sro @5zs13 q+fi@ {r+rl, 6saa; qflE xvre v#-vry+tr
@6oe15 @o8erz Ans: @
6t<tE r
rTqt{t{' Es"fir{ fi ryqats?t q$ra wrfi,ar<rylv/r+r
@ (6, S) = (6)' +G)' = 36+ 25 = 67
qF'lF, qUlT{(6)' tt
@ 7s to = 7o-7 = j fErr rf ?fr"f fosFlTE s6 -(S)' = 36- 25 =
{cE E61./
cfr c6-T r 6aqq7; ffi
c<qt s 6 fl ot
qil9 \e qqtr@wfaEffi 6te u t
@ 52 e 13 = S2-tS=Sg[qDs qrTV/ qffi @ ,i8o' E\eilT qv q'rfi qF
@ 6o v t5 --.6o-tg=45' 6o+t5 = 4teff afiol A*
65. EQE
q\aliF>rqB Zo q<(Yv{rq 16 ((a! <gq(ffi r

T(f? I,Ifu{ 4ffi sr&qeE afi-{rffi6zrFr rffi-d qnl,Fq,+

@so Ans: @
C*tr, -z
{{t{l{s Es" rqd {+ rqrq? T{r(flT wl v/re r
Fraction (gilR't)
C{EW; 35= 70-35 = 35i 35-35=0tqfr<T{qtl
z!o= /o-(o = goi lo-jo = rc[efrC6F]
66. EqE rn{rk ftmtttqcT 25 r lgd qR$F* 4 ect Calculator qM g:tRrfd cqF/ W ffi
Wsd R{fitr{ 5 ertfr wFt qcat, q$tt EtF Fo?
t"tfuw qRE*+ qftngr ?'R-d?-r6r'H "tffifit qfilrn+ 6
@ roo, tto @ roo, rz5
@ rto, rzo @ rzo, r3o Ans: @
ryl{lT: Ev..rmr+ qsrF cqrq'{4r{/Twrvmr
@ tto-too=to [cefr qr<il; m+vl, fila7r1qq 25
@ tz5-too=25; loax; = 5oo
125x4 = 5oo[ota6ol a 3,'
,*,8 **mrqFlwl?
67. EE q\T RFIb q+F qss6{d q{B g r>Rffi qru
fr+q-+ e qrurs'{,fflFl le/
/dil{rr/fr e@{F
gfut€m qr q($q.r q6 frfui +rr I R{rto

<s? @3 @2
4 5
@g+ @62
@zg Ans: @
rfififfi: vr?', qr-{rqrfrf 9(f =x @+o @* Ans:@
a1&rqrfl7-gqinr'-- rNfr[ffi:
.:XVIF = 7oy+x
,/61-rs', x+y
= e.... (i)
@ * @ - 345
*2 -i5 x9 [+< $qtvt{tre6rom
4 5
ry{ffs', loA+x-g = ToxiA 3x5=75 4rr dr{4r?invfrffi
7t, 1oY+x-tox-A-9=o (ts>8)l
4t, x-Y=-1 .....(i0 @x@ =!r1=9*1=fi>4
46 5 0
(r)( EE(ii)ry,< ryff<<''f frrsl'f <rrrttr
x+A-x+A = 9-G1) @*@=!r1=4x2?=24>zo
1t, 29 = 19
8 4 4
4t,a=5 .: 3 xrarfiTqwr
Y otatn(i)x ryfu<clfufrr 4
x+$=9 * frcu-r c<eRs:ttq,t6wqql
1t,x=4 5
,'. C<qfifr = 1oA+x= 7Ox5+4=54
@'36721 @9 @2 @ Ans:@
68. Eqfi c\rlrk <cd{ qfi e qEiFFt qqf@,rr 6r e 11
E!{, R{rt EiF fr frl ttlw rEqffitfi' Asq. fi?r{ qfffi s

@ (2,6) @ (6, s) @*@ = v2 =7 ,9l1xqwt
@ (rz, r) @ (2, +) Ans: @ 3 7 3 07
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)

@x@=2*5 -42*35 rI
15ryqv14 @
30 @

. :f 4 oAeF Eqrat vnfuqrry. Teisr/ 5 =o.rSqrqltBq-<rm qtb

.'. r

27 27
* frrta 6+FIE W qc{fi W? iw7 sreqwffi T<riA * mlq\5:tt$lFWsc?
t"RW 4ffiF s oil
ob/ eltsrq/fqffiRv ryqotfrq+fr*F+;
@ ts/qr @ rs/qc @q6 @"15 611
t4 @t7
@ ro/tc. @ conqtFtq-{ Ans: @
fitttfit: @ q/o xrolq)=8Qxeb [c41fr a/\e
w.l qqFfl?r: @l=o.AS @9=o.B
I @ Ve $s/ta=aowv {qqtd q/o w.l
@ l/v xs o/)e*eo.x\eo tqqrw Wfit? qqr+l " =o.78
O 14 @ '7 =o.Bo t!14 cst|,
@ qz?-T ron8t Tn' 21
ot. fr6<Ffs.s{tvt{ 6qffi 1 qa
curr c<ft1 * 6{Fr qttq.tF 3arE (g? /)'w ffioq ,ilq?tff
fi+*.no.**n*rrorfra u/ ffiaflT (IQaIA 4fulrtr) a oo/ vtal s fifi7a1rttmtt \qcttqdl

@ 7 6!961
frqirflFrrtr{t66 ae/

15 @33 @8 6-o' @t3 Ans:@

O +
@ cotr{frtqr Ans: @
wFfiT: @ 33
=o.66 @9=o.Zz
imt{Ff: @ !"2-=$x74[qq'El' Wl
2152 @ i =o.6 @ '3 =o.48
@ L*4=6tx6o[q'+l@
1w] 527
261 2 Z28e
j-is greater than 3
@ !"!L=6ox6ttq?ild 3' wl 311 3
2606o oq. frru-d s$tc:lorprlr qrr r{flqp W mtqfrl
* cotqfiT{nrrcqlb? i,rrwffiqd t $aE w,fictvr atr,r qfuatr ; .lc/
@'11 @3 @o.s @2 @3
11 @2 13 @4 Ans:@ @ ^tns:@
15 3 711
q{Rf{: @x@=22<SS T{FrFr: @ o.S @
@x@ =26>22 3
E a-surrdtrtrwr'@ ctcla
@ 3=o.zB @ !=o.zz
@F t 711
1 i, greater than the rest.
Calculator irqfd FGr sflT(ffd cqF/ <9 ffi .,
frru{ qc$torEk qc{, csHtr T{sv
/r*iE vsfis?ffi {,qqq7'fira.r c&?dz'trtr,t664q s sr?l

243@7 69 Ans:@
* frorcqtqEWsq? [eowfrfrqc]
q{t{tT: @ 9=r.B I
@ =r.5
@ o.g o6.sof @; Ans: @ 5 2

@ Z=r.75 @ 9=2.66
qr[Fflif: @ o.S @ .'E.5 =o.s47 .43
35 @1=o.+ * {fr #,i,8,; ** 4o,w.nt $*
4fir5ryq6cf qilf Vrq, o.Sc<{ilbqsoB. cEF r wgIgtr{ qlst6{t q3, vt{Fr {l1Ftt6{d q(ffi
* 6q6S guq q$fp /eilqfr-r s yeqrqz'ff qpft'r qtrP /?iREzqT aansrr rqfiI+ +'+trsi;
'/qpfi ry{stt#,/frETflTr.ffir
ftrlqe@Z.ary{+1ffffi;1b3.e ocl a osl

e29 " 5 @+ @
@ 27 Ans:@ @t7 @'2 @8
30 45 24

{TF{IT: @1=o.zz @ 5 =o.r8 @3 (s) + Ans: ts

927 4 10

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
Note: there are numbers greater than too%.
rffiftt: .ro,1= .s,$ = a7,!n=.2s,1 =.s6 too% = t, consider thefollowing:
Z= Q.l= QlOo/o 5.68 = 568%
424t628 Percents 6f Fraction q {'tlEit s
Percent vT(s qss?tlvtrs{{trfTlTq{ 1oo lrFlrqt
.'.{IR<c\qrfB= 2 calculation qT Etr{ rIT{ qir roo <Fns T{F{lir
iEt[sqs I
.3. fr[rd 6stqs:ttc.lB 0.5% qrr{Eqr
ns Exclusive Technique :
@t20 @ 200 LegroniBank(o)o8l

@1 @t Ans: @
* a,
15 +,:,4**qr6Eq61gp
16 25 30
o 15 1
2000 5

qpr61: 4T 4qr{ q\eilrfr 6ef qffitr ssRl,7a wI qqt{Ft: o.g9(=o'5= 5 - 5 = 1

o) - 1OO lOOxlO LOOO 2OO
9, 8, 5, 7q{{c'fic+HG<9? o
* 15 9
15 15 15 15 oo. 1397 qrq{r{- leowffiqc]
{{F{Fr: qr Oa) q'T/T <\eairtr Ts' rya?-tr s'fiR{E W /
@"20 @; @* Ans: @

C*rtrR-3 7
" 4 loo 4 7oo=55 =!'
Percentage (rlvs<t) 4oo Bo
fiffifu 6ffi {r* :fl{rar percentage related
Percentage qmt q@ gtttqt {lT 5 q{ffi 5oo 1
problems {qcq' T{F{f{ Fdt It6{ I

The symbol'%o'is used to m6an pereentage.

Amount Percentage
* "1v61aapfr{ltl{? IqTqRruz-?-trfic7td"al.e/ (Fraction form )
@ q+Fs{trt @ q+Flg{t${R({ )oo Part
6 u+Ew$xttit Whole
@ esFvfl\tslTEn ) s q{ )oo' Ans: @
.f. The symbol '%'stands for 'reeF:qffiRRItrrtr (s,'
[Bangladesh Bank (AD) s ot]
capita of Part
@ Per @ At the rate
@ Percentage. @ Perhead Ans: @
ft19a1il Percentaoe
" =-Whole
Tf, (w<T) P ar t = P er c e nt ag e,x V,,$.alg,
Percentage to Decimal to Fraction
Percent GF Q Decimal a{lw e
Percent (%) csDecimd q m'rtMd$I(gqr6ri'ffrf
qQ v* <rm r*rco {6{ I 6{:FB
o8. Qo 6sFrqq?{rrd 75%? tctltfrofrr',rtqf Ertr{aFf. e oa/
@ rzo @lzs
@ rso @ zzs Ans: @
7o.T% = o.7o7 Bo.8% = o.8o8
/o/o = O.O/ 0.796 = O.OO7 Amount Percentage
(Fraction form )
Decimal 6€ Percent q fi'tlEit s Part 9o 7s(3)
qrFlK, Decimal 6f yo q wtlqd Grfit q!4 qltftf Whole x roo (+)
q* u'frrlrdfroEK I GFFB
3x =. 360 .'. x= 12O
o.45g = 45.9% O.3O41 = gO.4to6

.} o.4S ETqCFf 6Sr{ percent? [Asrani Bank (o) o8]

@ o.o4'o/o @ o.4so/o
@ +.s% @ 4so/o Ans: @
qqHFt: fltfiqrrm urFrfim' qt vr rrfrap ercent 4tstf
vl? l orrqt, o.(g = (g%

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
oa. qeN BlTlTlsffi Eq\5FtTs? 10. 90 is what percent of 4o?
@fulr c4tt6{ cr{irfr ,fFrrqi'' e ac/
@ zoo br+r @ zo Bt'o Amount Percentage
@ zbr+r @ zooo br<{
Ans: @ (Fraction form )
Amount Percentage Part eo (e) x
(Fraction form ) Whole 40 (4) 100
Part x 2
Whole 100 100
.'. x= 2
os. r.44 6{l{q$rf{ 4oo/o? /frtr-{ c4zr-srfr
qfrFflr, bbi
@ 16o @ z6o
Amount Percentage
(Fraction form )
Part 144 o
Whole x 11. o.or is what percent of o.r?
5 t4]
[Bangladesh Bank (AD) :
27 = /2O .'. 1g = 360
@'100 @'10
[4o% : 3 nnfnr eilcv Common FDP
@ro @ roo Ans: @
Bquiualents enfE aftrl Solution:
Amount Percentage
or. 15ffi97%+sq{? iaTrrn6dz-trryq&{iltrs5s1 (Fraction form )
@ r.os @ 10.5 Part o.o1 x
@ r.s @ 7.5 Ans: @
Whole o.1 100
wtt16 t7o/o =
100 o.7x= 1(qrwqfira)
Orrx= 7
Amount Percentage
(Fraction form ) =7o
Part x 7 * la rT$rtF 6{Ft vt$Jrd tc%? /rrqq ftr.o tunr
Whole 15 100 qvnnqflqi.(TqMtT) eaosal
* = ,7 orToox=ro| @ loo @ voo
15 7OO @ >oo @ 8oo Ans: @
9c Qc
.'. x=7o5 - l.os tflF{f+ tfr,q\fini =x .'. =
100 x )oo
ob. 30 bl?tr 75 Brsrif.lEfirtTqr tFt?
= QC.x - lQoo
Ivr r++rclE ffm fu{T rftrt s re/ ) x,-gqP
@ 4oo| @ gS% @ zS%@ szlYo Ans: @
2 Benchmark Value si too/o & t%o

IIt{Ff: percentage : Part

_ 30 _2:40%
755 l0% ot 34.99 :3.499
l0% of 0.978 is 0.0978

o9. percent of the

, left twa plaees.]
d.ecirnat aoint ta the Ieft sqq
Percentage=fi,=!= 2S%o
4 1% of 600 =6.00:6
* o.2 qT zo%Tg? /c4mt+, wur, q4ft 7rg656st't3 rv7 l% of 60: .60: .6
@r @+ @ o.o4 A o.o{e (it )% @- tawqfiNmtqw qffio e ool
@ o.+ (s) .oo+ Ans: @
@ oqs @ o.oo\e
Amount Percentage
(Fraction form ) @\e @ a...e Ans: @
T{t{tT: o.o{e 4? et qr 4q q.tftF 1.1 4ql@
Part x zo (r)
o.oooqg I
Whole o.2 roo (S)
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
Multiply a uery large number and a uery small
Cro.rr, *-4 number, the following trick works to simplif,y the
calctilation: moue the decimals in the opposite
direction the same number of places.
Decimal (q{fr-r) O.0OOS x(O,OOO =?
.538 cRqiR - Moue the decimal point KIGHT four places
5 =qtfi\rf q6 onthe o.ooo7 - s
3 =lsl$tq6 Moue the decimol point LEFT four places on
8= qQI$lqS the 4o,ooo =4
I 7. o.o o ooolx looooo--iFg?
Multiplication (e.t) : /dREffif rl-q\em vrqqflfr {{rrca ; o
To multiply decimals, ignore the decimal point. @ o.or @ o.oor
Just multiply the numbers and count the total @ o.ooor @ o.r Ans: @
number of digits to the right of the decimal point {{Ffi+ loooooxo.oooool
inthefactors. {fim[Ef e'lP-4'= 7x7=7
O'o2 x 1'4= O.O28 looooo q(q7&s w Tf-q{fT'o {flFqrq/
ufqfFf, o.tooooo=o.7
.lVote.' If the product ends with o, 18. rooxo.og=? [Islami Bank (AO) : oS]
countit in thfsprocess @q @so
o.B x o.5 = o.4or since 8 x 5 = 40 @ goo @ o.og Ans: @
fi[r{$t: ry<ttrl{fr et'oq= 1)9,=9
)q. o.gxo.o9xo.oog =F\'il goo4<ffii r w,(f ?'/frorir/FEer/
/enqfr-r \e'IqfrFI ft-sk" ry{+lfr 4fi61qr-c. 5l vl<@r, goo=g
@\1 @ o.oooo\t 19. How many digts wiII be there to the
@ o.ooolt @ o.oq.q Ans: @ right of the decimal point in the
wlqFr: ryfiff &aFr gcfqf = exe)c?=Qi product of 95.75 and .o2554? [Banslailesh
qss lqt,-9 q-tArca q(F otsrt Bank(AD) : t4l
"t" cqb eF E7@ r
re qr,1rfw?Fr sfr oqfra.vtstciq,tfr<rwll @s @o
@z @ None of these Ans: @
{rfr ulqraqS8 Solution: 44S g?-l-due DTVYI qru{, 95.75 .02554 a*
o.oooo|q e6f q7rar, q4fr61",t 6ttovfr digit 4lEcq t
)s, o.Cxo.oooG =AE?
95.75x.o2$$4=2.445455l Ee-({ fr?ff V/@-,
/qr-d?' ERngz-"-tr &@v a+fi-r r*sitrr cfrfl" a r/
Elftffi eta 6fr digit4t.4cq t
@ o.oqc @ o.ooolC
@ o.oooo{C @ o.qc' Ans: @
{qF{Ft3 {(fi qqr+Er--
Division (sFt) :
qqs il8ze cqti atr q(p EIrq/ +fret qc qi "td ffi c\r$t <H(F
qr{ I 6{:FB
rrr? o v&ffi sItr Wtq-lfurwtrg ErT/ sf{rdrEr{ s
o,oooQA L2.42 _L24.2
14. (o.ooC)r=I:s1 /41qftryrq+tilAs-r@) ;1/ o.3 3
@ o.oq.C @ o.oo\C \o. O.777m+O.o11=? [StandardBank(PO) -o8]
@ o.oooo{G @ o.ooooo\G Ans: @ @zo.zoz @zz.oz
flftffi: T(fiEtFf safffi= cxa=qc @ o.zozoz @ None of these Ans: @
q4frTfi 4a cstt 9F q(F qrc@ s o.ooooQc I o'7vm
Solution: -7v'7v =Zo.zo|
6\fi; o.ooCxo.ooa qqtd q-lfu "ltr 9F E[(o o,o11 11

4dQ t
{). Bxo.B+2=A:\o? [vq cqcartfrFtwfi-{fi{+fl-Jel
15. (o.ooq)tp1 Ierr-em&-rr{",frpq-6614v; e ro/ @r @ o.6
@z @ o.+s Ans: @
@ o.oo8 @ o.ooo8 q:rF{r+
o.oooooS 3ng'.2
@ o.ooooS @ Ans: @ 1
T{trtl;t: ry(fi E{frtr ecfq'ry = QxQ--s = Sxogx: [w err?&qu{Tqst {$f/EE?#d?
r,/ers" * rqE gEqs en?F t o.oooool
t6. o.o3times o.o5 is- fBanglailesh Bank (AD) -ot] =3*L*L- 9
@ r.s% @ rs%
@ o.ors @ o.oors Ans: @ \q. c+.oc=? /rztrryrr reqlz"q' fuM vF1/lq qr cGh; ral
Wl{Ff! Yf<fifiEf 'ecfTq: = 3x5=15 @.qc @.oqc'
?./fiurs qt aF afr q<rqfr-ms o.oo17 @ )oo @ .vqc' Ans: @
Mathwithout (Arithmetic)
C Qoo The Heaw Division Shortcut
o.oc c :[dF FTt qq s$f
+{-+ Approximate answer 6dl
o.oot Heavy Division Shortcut fir+Fffr-d r frt-*ffi
\e. +f /e||r-qlsfrrryqfiffiftFrfr"t'f arsl qsrs<rr{R{{ET{tI{r{ I
o.J x o.)
. @ o.oo) @ o.o) * What is r,53o,794 / (9a.49 x roa) to the
@ o.) @ r.o Ans: @ nearestwhole number?
o.oo) o.oo) o.)
' o)xo) =-3-;e.J
o.o) J t: 1'530'794
Step Set up -
irtfractionform: =
[o)xo.)=o.dl 31.4gxtoa

Roundinsto the Nearest PlaceValue Stepz: Eliminatepou)ersof to: =!W

24.What is 3.68r rounded to the nearest
tenth? Step g: Get a single digit to the left of the
decimal in the denominator. = 5 =5
qIFTRII - 6 3
D ffigs, 'ivl\t qFE qa6 <iip{ I q{I6q IER'1
Y6F = 8 r rft wntqcF S fiqqr S qr<gqr, Ifthk answer rs not precise enough, keep one
more decimal place and do long diuision (eg.
sr{ qrl5rrsl qqtr cker 1 6{Ft ET t qk .lst\t
qqF S qr qtb qffi q'.ER"r qqtr* qffi+ qt '53 =4.9 )
T[ I Ttrus, 3.68r rounded to *re nearest
What decimal of anhouris a second?
tenth equal 5.7, lv, c qr cu(T W qerlT
[Meghna Ba* (Monagement Tlainee Officer): zot4]
q..FR.t \9 qTqEet > cqt tq[T[q]
@ o.ooz5 @ o.oz56
@ o.ooozT @ o.ooorz6 Ans: @
Powers of ro: the Decimal
Solution: Decimal
aq qq(srrEr 6F@
{Fr m<wa* * =7
calculatorqhFtwte vFf 1
act 8 Multiply any number by a positiue SOoO
z6.When o.2g2g2T ------ is convertedinto a
pouer of ten, moue the decimalforusard
(right) the specified number of places. fraction. Then the result is:
IICB Bank (Senior Ofrcer) : zot 4]
This makes positiue numbers larger:
@1 @2
5 9
3.9742 x 1O3= 3974.2 [rOs=rOOs, q-{ft{t
Rry qt{ wr ftr€ @'3 @ '3 Ans:
w( qr{cql 99 100
Solution: o.zSzS2S = ; i =P
gttt c Diuide any number by a positiue pouer 99
of ten, moue the decimalbaclauard Qeft)
the specified number of places. This
makes positiue numbers smaller: Cr*rrR-5
4,169^.2 _4,t69.2 =4t.6gz t",rrEr
1o2 1oo
c*@t Common FDP Equivalents
qIffr-s <IT frr{' rrGf rr[q]

Note that if Aou need to o;dd zqoes in

order to shift a decimal, gou should do
2.57 x 106: 2,570,000

Finally, note that negatiue pousers of il{'lB- <A;' Fractions, decimals, ond percents
ten lleue?se the tegularproce$s:
are three different u:ays of expressing the exactly
16,782.01x l0-3 : 16.78201 same thing : a part-ushole relationship.
53.0447 / l}a = 5,304.4'1


Math without Calculator

1 o.o1 t%
1 .o2 2% 02. q{E {ftFm qcfi Rs r qtTtq' soE qciff sq'
BiK ft6{cq 1 64 rlwfirt qsfr ercs sq E€d firfiql
5o ftFr
/eF/e'i' T{<aI+ ftE r (flE-{sD s te/ qptfro, Rqnq{ €MT
1 .o4 4% t tal
25 @ qo% @ rc.%
1 .05 -o/
5/o @ vo% @ va% Ans: @
20 .,r${Fr: percentage= ol': =ry=l=BoYo
1 .10 tooA ushole Zs S

I .111 ].I,LOA

1 .I.25 r^2,5%

I .r67 r.6.7%
6 03. eo ffi q6bfsf{$o€f w.sFt?
/Lr' ff{'flflfr FfF-r fr+a-+ s e
.20 20o,A
1 @ Bo% @ rrc'%
5 @ qc'% @ vc.c% Ans: @
.25 25%
qrFflir: percentage= Pl'!,
4 unorc=?:
3 .3o 30% 04. eo wr EIcq{ {rCi 8t qT 6TEI Etr{ {fcCit {-{ TE?
10 /qaw ffiqry (qlfuE?vy '?tRqP qAEqqt qerdz-d" {'{rlfl
.375 37.5%
+&rBFrrqqrrafu; lrj
-a @ qc% @ qu%
@oo% @vl% Ans: @
I .333 33;3%
ryF16' 4laf 4R(q = so-8Q--)t qT
D .4 4C^0A
(iltq" <f.9 percentage =
"6o70 = I !- = 3o%
; os. p!Y" qr wlT s{t$ TE qr<[?
1 .5 50%
' ne,tfual+wqnan+r+r?qBas-r-bc/

5 .6zs 6z.S
61 16
5 .Bsg 8s;s%
@' @'25 Ans: @
6 4
1 Looo/o
1.33 ]-3304
!_ 06. )88 c+ltC$rlT eo%l 6vr++Tot&Asrf+qq+ e sol
@ uco @ qso
@ uvo @ uro Ans: @
When to Use Which Form
T{F{f+ e6f 4T( e-[?tr 8I{v percent fraction CF
F{f$) ,4 m4fstr q?{Ft calculation$i{t {{q qf /

percentase =
m<t, | ff = r+o%= 1 l
4f, x=36o
01. Which of the numbers below is not 07. bo 6qf{q$r|itl|q$it 1a?
equivalent to 4o/o? [PubaliBankltd.(so): ts] lwrqmsr EftwRr qzq.iry E&ry/r,
@ r/zs @ 4/roo @ o.+ @ >ro
, @uo
@ o.o4 (e) z/so Ans: @ @ >oo @ >qo Ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)

T{t{Fr: 3
=9o ,ru*=Xl uhole=
q{Frf{: Part =2? =z1*zo-Soo
4x? percentage
(t, x=12o *
08. bo 6SFf{$Irf{so%? 1
ldci-?Er+ \e q&iliFr yarr|Emr q4"ffi-6 <rfet'1 6 5e7 [Note:S%= 20 ]
@ >ao @ lgo 16. q$F Nr+ <tQmQrErm (I{ q,coo bt-o t q& <ql
@ rao @ luo Ans: @
? 61n qlQrsqEd 1ni 1{ut Tqlr I q ffir t \er
$rl{Fr: 3 -9o f6o%=al c
5x? 5 q1 etn q'fuGqFr q{t TE. Etrt? Iq{ r-drflEz?tr
lit, x=15o qqlqfrorrffi't e oal
09. sb q$ito 6sr{ c\rlrk vo%? lq?fiio ft+'r q&ngz"rr @ ),ooo bfQt @ ),Q.oo BF;l
Rryr+ c-€rft ; :ot fu< V*w at6t qfrF{ Jr{irlff s ){/
@co @so
@ r,qyoE|oI @ rpao Btot Ans: @
@qo @uo Ans: @ q{t{t{: qlq?f s?IA, !=.v taffivffiRfr{qt
q{F{r* 3 -48 raoN=lt vvqr rryrs iltaiemuTtr t'ilr
5x? f = Q,coox,bt=l,ooo
4t, ftr ?qf (,frT?rt4itt6{5fffiffi = l,ooox.u=),9oo
1% rrf' VEf' f,ffS <I+Cjftrf,ffitr vTN = ),9 o o x.V = ),Qv o
r0. 88 qr rz =Ts? /qdw.nqffilqfrryrycilA;$/
2 17. Q,o {b qit ,{TE tFt erN[r{ 6rF Ett t Rt ErEt
@tq @ro 6{{ cEt qTt ry qqr.rd Eq-yftrR.r Es, cqE qqnt{
@ru @rl Ans: @ tnfw$r irrawffiqry/
T{t{lT: part=wholexpercentdge @s @q @u @ro Ans: @
gsrl Tfi{|T: sfr, <gq<ntrffi= x VF
1e1 r"= ll ,, ,, 2X ,,
CQJf, =
=77 3
tt. s r C 6f rlE-fim eFFtrtftfi{TsqT?
/qv ftq.{ry (qq-d+ oo'; ; .rU According to the question, **3L= 16
@ ro% @ ruo%
@uo% @co% Ans:@ #=Oo .'.x= 72 *o
T{FrFr, 3 s 5 = l=6o% [Try to memorise the cqriq<r-nffir- 2x -2x72 =BTA
5 33
total calculation of Common FDP Equiualent
18. qr{r& \5l? mFqqfu 9*,t u*=rau,r*
12. frrET 6Sf{ 8b s vo qT:lErEf{ el_St{?
/Te qendz"=tr ElT{rifr y& <r&af ; lr/ w{Fr&* 3 oat *** cRlIcaH c{ ek ffi tooo
6 av% @ vo% @ rc% )4.
@ vo% (s) 6rffitm Ans: @ Er+tnqcq r Ek G[Eq-lfud {ttips? /rau+ffiqry/
@ qooo h @ qsoo Asl'
wF{t{ e a8 e 6o: 48 =4
'6o5 =Bo%o
@ qc'oo B|+I @ uooo Efst Ans: @
13. s/)c 6f 1vfit{ ersi{ F{crw' qs? e
qqF{f{3 EKT{r{'otrrg ,t.aqq?E*4rt=1-'-- '
tqqr qfingffi cqatil qtqr 4ffiT e odl 9cg
@w% @ oo% SaQoA
- qgf--l-=-W(Y
@ 80% @ con-qfrtm Ans: @ -Lff
wF16: 615= L=2 - 4oo/o 8A
155 4f,{6e,, ---= tooo
14. qotr€Etq qo% +tttrGat, sHiFTEIr*q$Jt- ct)
tt.{ffiqf.4Qc\?til+Effira sol q

@o @ sE @ cE @ >utr Ans: @ il, W({=)ooo

fi[<ffi: zo ql zo% = zox!
55 [zo%= 1
.'.) W(Y=a lo x tooo =9ooo
= 4ft "1"6t
.'. stq STffr q$it = qo-8=)UF 19. c$Frq$rlT -qtt\98
q"T{r{? /.rcwffiqry/
15. rFFf qRIlT a% E{ \a? /frrq'qry(T{s;ra qq) a oql
@ lco @ \co tu: qeu q>q qe.e Ans: @
@ @ @ @
@ coo @ c+nqBtm Ans: @ I
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
(Fraction form )
\98 e.
2s. qe {r& slr sfrr* lqqrlr
{fu 1qq't
Whole x 1 rErmslT zoo fi-q1aq'ctTE qrst I Ekqt{Tu?
lsr<ct,rrtaqsmr<+]ftwrEsf ,
{f,Q.x:88v @ zSoobro @ z6ootr+t
4, x : tqs /qlg s6f Frtr/ @ zsooBrq @ z+ooBro Ans: @

20. ceHq(ttd 4 qc.t 8o qrrfrFt? q{FrFr: 7 -1- I

' ,*q8rffirflrqr&rrrr{+lfr6 55/
@16o @ r+o 12
@z4o @z+z Ans: @
Amount (Fraction form )
Part 8o 4
Whole x 7 26. Shelly gave three-fifths of the amount
of money to Jhorna. Shelly now has Tk.
nf, 4x = 56o zoo. How much did she give to Jhorrra?
4t, x = 74o [tuutheast Ba* Ltd. (MTo) t S]
@Ik.8o @Tk. rzo
21. r rtt qo frm, 8 sbr{Tqq$t? @ Tk. zoo @ ]lk. goo
/rn+t* qfrE-c'flTirfof ; r.U (e) Tk. Soo Ans: @
@ lo<t @ :qct Solution: Shelly now has b 3 =
I I 55
l*st I 2 5x2ootoo
@ @ -q$r Ans: @ l'k.
==2OO...1= *=gOO
8 8 52
r vfTlo fi64=go+.lo=refififr She gaueto Jhorna = goo-2oo=goo'lk.
8 Ybi = 9ox8=Q8a fiffi 196qqf{Ts?
bo .)
27. rooffi* IT€IAqrE{hev}ffrra/
EK4= _=_Wq{
Q8o I @ so Bror @ ffi
@ o.oSEfO @ Sbro Ansr @
22. ,{€ rrrF xtfro cwrm ' o*t:r{futgI etFr r sk tFfir1|1! lYo=l-= L
222oo =o.oo;
rtfr+ cwq )eoo ffiEcct, vfrTqlftlvtTs? /q@tr
arqx cttfr* i?rq,Fr e )o/ lQnn s Yqr;qrsr {{{ift 700
,lfrotqq e ogl
'ltf .'. |OOXO.OO7 = O).5sBrq{
@ vo BTol @ eo br{tt 28. rR' )cF c,tFttr€ lao: zlsiFrt 80 rFt etFttT
@ sa bmt @ uo il-+r Ans: @ vtrt )aF crttrttErFTqBo?g6zlE{lB

q{tr613.lr9oo qraqq,| = )gotso r:= so @u @r /ccqrffiqc,

8o 80
@ >a, @ ro Ans: @
qTFff{: 8o W cetPw# qq so qrf 'rtf,+r I
23. EFtOCt<9 q\qfi 6ShE? iav r+cirfi tfr qE.r{T fr+r+ ; r {
@ o.oobb @ o.)oo eflrgf qtfr, \9o qFf = )C x 9=b
b c
@b @ Ans:@
)oo )ooo

{TFfFf: @o.oobb @o.)oo

o b
@ =o.ob @ --o.oob
)oo )ooo
2a. 5s6 pffi {{
cilgna V8o sW* ry{fiEft Rrt{
sNrt,tFr I vkR?fivtst go hqrct, TT 6{srr$o
bf{l? 1csrfimar (qmr# qq) ; rol 29. stHir Ct{ qc% Cq[g {tglrtI qs {& stFr{ {Ilrqr{
@ >qoo @ >aoo c{m EB qtqtfr€ rlrs qiBfig
qrlgt6r T{trrFr
@ lgoo @ )uoo Ans: @ aEEr Sfr Et(cm ?U{qk.Nrfit r'u sft T{tslFB
gfi{fet: )/8oW=AoEFFf /Caurfficryl 4lqfi,r rq{ffi Alp6 (ffi) s )s/ ffi,lfu
qqrqrvv qqnfrT rfrf a r,el
.:) v-ltf = 8ox8o =)9oo Flfrl @ q"% @ >s%
@ ru% @ >c% ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
qqttf{: 1fr M dl@" ?6v/T T7'--) o o +Q a--) t c AFf
aa % Solution: Let the selling price is too tk.
<6"l+ W' ) qa Fr{rr Effi fiyv t oo Dw ,\fter zo% discount, selling priceis 8o tk.
/rrr.r, - /, ,, - )oo -8 , Now tz% of Sois ro* !?- =9.6
)QC C 100
Total discount = 20+9.6=29.6%
/, lt )oo t , , The population of a country doubled
=8*)oo-uo 35.
a ever'j/ ro years from r98o to 2o1. What
Drrqrv77{/7wro <R = )oo-uo=Qofu<t Qo% was the percent increase in population
30. cfr F.r6K {{t qa% IR' 'tfr vtsr FT6r-?r <lrrqlT during the period?
rleTil ss F$m, NE <r{q {dr Ifr atltrr rT? /csw fAgrani Bank Ltd. (O) : tS]
ffi'qryl ffp/F-r {-{flff ftr-o A&'ra; e l,i/ @ roo @ zoo @ goo
@q"% @>s% @l:% @r% Ans:@ @ +so (e) Zoo Ans: e
I{[{FI! aa% lfuN cs@i<6vq{ry'= )aa Flf,I Let the total population in t98o = 7oo persons
?6{IT qal' )a a Dror qtq Ti \qr = ) oo Dtor in tggo -toox2=2oo
,, lr /, _ )oo
'r 't in zooo -'69s2=(oo
t/r1r, - r - -8
t /' " in zOlO =4OOE=8OO
rt"_7 So population increasefrom t98o to zoto
, t 8x)oo =8oo-too - 7oo%
)oo r, lt rr ,,
- =bo
36. There are 9oo students in a school.
c 4%
cEfarfV-f{/?F{,z'o W=too-vo = QoDl<tt<f eo% of them left the school and. of the
3r. frfr{{{, qo% qsB {fr{trfrfr {Nerk remaining are girls. How many girls
Ift 'll\enlro remained? [Pubali BankLtd. (JO) : tS]
{R{Ft,{TNtr{Fqtrqt Cq, ffi<Rq'irm1fr c,rr{t r
@ +go @ +sz @ +so
& 'tR{l{ 6fr +eTt {l<q rF-iFt Fs iF{t6qt? /ef'r- @ ++B (e) None of them Ans: @
e'F/frr r{fiIfl fts-r fr6yp' (uapfl) eo)u/ Solution: 4% left, so goax4%=56 srudents left
@ qo% @ c.e,Z @ r.cZ @ vo% Remaining students = 9oo16 = 864
T{Ffh t lo% lfu off\svrtrDfi-tr So% of theremaining are girls
<6qn {aI = )oo+{o--Jio &Fl Remaining girls = B64xSo% =452
<6rr+ {ry' rqo 71qly <q,tiw ) oo fu 37. In a class of zoo students, 40 percent
)oo are girls, 25 percent of the boys and ro
,/rr.rtt , ,, - -c ,,
percent of the girls signed up for a tour
JQo s to Cox's bazaar. What percent of the
,, ,, )oo ,t l t =nt'oo-*,o, class signed up for the tour? [sociatrstamiBa*
I @ ts% @ zs% @ zs%
6fr w8,a 16T/'{ Ffifg {ffi=) (e) ss% Ans: @
@ zz%
-- J\9.9\9 bt? Solution: Gfrls = 2oox4o% = Bo, boAs = 12o
32. Bus fare recently increased from Taka 10%of80=B
o.8E to Taka 1.oo. What was the z5% oftzo = 3o
approximate percentage of increase? So, total signed.up students = go+B = g8
[Pubali Bank Ltd. (SO) : tS]
@ 18% @ rs% Percentage= 38 =tg%o
@ rs% @ 18% 200
(e) None of these Ans: @+@ 38. In a college, 4SoA of the students are
Solution: vM 1fu CtACq = )-o.UC=o )C Blqit boys. lf 4oo/o of the boys and zo% of the SloN \fr c4Gtce = o )a tl7il girls went on a picnic, what percentage
)oo " rl " =o.)Q>Ooo/o.VC
of the total students went to the picnic?
[Jamuna Bank (PO) : zot4]
--)9.98 = )V% @ 18% @ zq% @ zg%
33. Suceessive discount of zo%o and 15% are @ go% (e) None of these Ans: @
equal to a single discount of - /rrwfficr/ Solution: Let the total number of students = too
@ go% @ gz% @ g4oA @ SS% Ans: @ Boys are rcox4o% = 45, girls = g5
Solution: Let the selling priceis too tk.
After zo% discount, selling price is Bo tk. qo% of qS - 45x? =tB
Nou tg%o of Sois Box 3 = 12
20 zo% of 55 = 55x! =tt
Total discount = 2e!re=9296 5
34. Successive discount of zoo/o and.tzo6 are Total sfudents went on the picnic = 78+t7=2g
equal to a single discount of Percentage = 2gx1oo/too = 2996
[Pubali Bank Ltd. (JO) : I jJ
@ 16.o% @ zg.6% @ gr.+
@ gz.o% (e) ss.z% Ans: @

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
39. In a class of 6o students, the numberof 44. 3o"/o of ro is ro%o ofwhich? /'laq{ffiqry/
boys and girls participating in the @go @oo
annual sports is in the ratio Bz2 @so @ 6oo Ans: @+@
respectively. The number of girls not 3
participating in the sports is 5 more Solution: 3o%of to=7ox =S [So%= 3 1
than the number of boys not 10 10
participating in the sports. If the Weknota, uhole= Par! =L =3s
number of boys participating in the percentage 7
sports is r5, then how many girls are 10
there in the class- [National Bank Ltd. (Po) : 14] 45. ,{ffiT{r{qtft.S{F'ktrdT'Ir qC% <lvtrrt, qEli'lrr
@zo @go rffo {E, atro qc'% T{trartt {ft,t{ {ryr {ftRT
@es @gs Ansr @ lecE{fficry/
Solution: q(IEf*rrrr-? <rqmr xvf -- ) 6 EqrirETrr{-
q(-)q*frlfr ?lar/r fi{/I = )o (o:q et dwf) @ ac%T'{tHtqrffiq a <'Tlr{tqrrrs
@ a% <lgr{tqfficq @ s.e.c% Tlvrr{rq6r(s
ET(IERaf TZ-"4 aya qrym'-Tl6r.i'I =V o - (t c + ) o ) qffit{:qfr, elFYqW )oo Effi
=9Aq+ v% <Pqryry qr)aa A/TI
q$,{q{ qr oilmT wv 4lfum? ryfitrI v/ryr€tr ryfir/r
cD@ a qq c<fr ErFr, vla<t = Qo qT 4?( ?r4o - )a $% i,'qt@ tea qr ! = e).QC Frff
c7{' 4
a{6.1qqqr = )Qc-e).Qc =be.ic
.:r+EvtB-or?Xfi= Qo+)o -- go q-4
40. A fruit seller had some apples. He sold .:{ry'?ffiR - )oo-bo.1C =9.QA%
4o% of the apples and still has 4zo 46. qsF TFlEtlr fu6 qftsp eq7, e1ftqft afrl
apples left. How many apples did he rffid(q I rrrfi {r{T{ro,trr<frstrqr )r.qrrPBtr{
have initially? Trxtu Bank(Po) : tsl fut{ 6str6 q(IFR:t Tcttq q<\ \?o q{ fu
@ s8B @ 6oo @ 6zz q(rEr*r +r<fr r wer qftfift
@ Zoo (e) None of these Ans: @ :Fctc{? lsvwffiqs/,t#E yaq/qrmv&quEffif e os]
Solution: He sold 4o%. So remaining =6o%
66ft = (2o @voVl @uow
tOO%o @ >oo WI @ rc.o q{ Ans: @
= 42OX1OO/6O=ZOO !FIF{|T: s6V e1ffi "lfqfiN r{F.WtF/f -
41. The population of a town increased (Soo-vo)
from rrTg,ooo to z16z15o,0 in a decade. = 1o%
The average percentage increase of the f Q+oo)=61 qq etlcfiM eil&fr
population per year is-[EXIM Bank(pO) : ts] qo% el.W = SQ qi{
@ @ s% @ ox
(e) None of these Ans:
t% )t -aV7o'
@8.2s% @
Solution: Population increase in to years .'.)oo% " = 8Q,4oo/1o =9o Gffi
=2, 62,500-7, 75,OOO = 87500 47. 6{tq "tftTt{ \oo HFE TGrO 1o% itlwltft, 9o%
Population increase in t y ear = B75o +t o = BZSI ffiF r$R 8o% Bqfr{rl eltqrr r MRs6{
1,75,OOO g?"f r ?qz.16 cilTlQ= B75oWt CFE F6il Ts'EFI? lwr wqfidi nrr qaarrr* ryq+t#
1oo ,,7 ,r t ,, = BZSO*7oo/lZSooo=S% qQtfqq a oql

42. A tree inereases annually by r/8 of its @tow @ >cqq

height. By how much will it increase @ rcs-{ @ qoq-.t Ans: @
after z years, if it stands today 64 cm {{FfFf: s{dl(4iE{f{?7f?{= 1o-8o =eo%
high? lruaali tgl
Bank Ltd. (SO) : e{i\K&s "lFrwflg.=go-gq = eo%
@7zcm @74cm @zscm rIiti qn wgcC = I o*go*) o=bo%
@ (e) None of these Ans: @
Bes fr{d 6€f, .frtrq = ) o o -bo=t o%
Solution: After first year = 64+64 xt/ B=72
6{E'fATFfr )oo q67 fisg fr{rfl 6sal lsa76{ =)o ts7f
After second y ear = Z2 + 72 xt/ B = Bt ,, ,, lOa t ,, , ,: )OXeOO/)OO
43. lfro%o ofx is equal to zg% ofy, and y =
16, what is the value of x? lpubali Bank Ltd. = Qo q_{
(SO): tSl
48. 6FFr {Ecr 1o% 'tffi ffi €R uo%
@+ @ 6.+ @z+ <tcElt{,tlrrrr*rq rfutgrftsm 5el, 6qa1a6ssq
@ +o (e) 6+ Ans: @
ffiRrrR{r* eqe q1ff1ffi'tFrrrt Qtrsv6{ Q

Solution: According to the question,

qftfi fir{Iq?
* ETETrFgq{FtTl( A\rq{ffiqry/
=a or, L=16 or, x=40 @ aoo E;t @ coo 6t
@cuow @ qgoqT Ans:@
\, mffff: rw
t<rn&irg- Frtrrq' -- ) oo-1o =oo%
?I(Eltr t' " =Qo%

Mathwithout (Arithmetic)
e{ t(rrGflg ery ?7f6{ = se - s q=lo% Work= ?
g{{f(4lf " 't =)o%
E-sr fr?z-T 4lT lomrq = ) o o - (lo + ) o + ) o ) 4 o %
Rate x fime =Work
x 12o = (w)?
fiFffi - ooox)oo/9o = Coo W
49. 6$t6{t"tftTt{erftfi'ftrvo% {ftcs(R 10% dqt;I w = 30 floors
'tt t €Ftl r Bs* fimfftt t ffir?rt so% r fu* Rsrfr .:. A train travels 9o kilometersfirour.
TsEFt 6F{ €rEt? /sliE-sdcffr'r,r${fr A+-f
'tqfit,/Aq1 How many hours does it take the train
fi.rFf zglfivt) I ads/ flt<Elm,r,rfr E-drT RI#{ ,tfr to travel 45oooo meters? [r kilometer =
E4r-+r-S16; rooo meters]
@ c.cZ @ e.o%
I @ >c% @ )o% Ans: @
q{Rf{: as? ftv-Tcl,tt' 7tr7E1 = $ofi

o{vf(4ril "1q4flrF1[ = io-9o = )o%

pot = {gO .'. 1= 5'hours
r/nE <lr(El ft(Tr Ew' fr{rfl'
* If Apu traveled 4E miles in rz hours and
"fl{ ?f,rqr Dipu traveled four times as far in one-
= third the time, what was Dipu's average
E-evfrv-sff-fl fi{@f = )oo-bo = )o% speed, in miles per hour?
[Shajalal Islami Bank (TO) : $]
@s @ts
(e) go
C*rrR-6 @ +s
Solution: Apu traueled 45 miles in e
Ans: @
DiPu traueled = 45x4-1go miles
frg{ : {:Rt, q(p s 't&5qli Time taken = 12!4=4 hours
Auerage speed of Dipu = t8o+4 = 45 miles/h
rt&' frTfls {tft&-o qvqrm ffi $efiq14 eflro 1 qqt
* A car travels 15 meters in one second.
Rates, Time & Distance/ Work
What is the speed of the car per hour in
Distance /Work
Rate = kilometer? IB ang ladesh B ank (AD ) o 1]
Time @s+ @+8 @+z
Iqtr- !bt/ firFE/ 6tr€@ Nt{' rlsrt rlr {t @e6 (e) +o Ans: @
{sff <iq <Fil sm qt Rate I Example: 3o Solution: In t second the car trauels 15 meters.
miles per hour, to meter/secondl " t 't = 7,x6o o
,', "60 seconds
Time = A unit of time [5 hours, S seconds] "60minutes = 75x6ox6o "
Disanee =Aunit of distance [tsmiles] = S4OOOmeterS
We tkilometer tooometers
rqrsE $"llqf{' frfi? rnnGr cTqlt wr{H F{r{ q-{r fu *
.'. S4ooo meters = 54kilometers
\Ekctq6r c{rt{q{1q\rq&qr€rswrtst
ErflFls' RTD Chart <r{{K q{r {r{ I
SFI6i[? 14q s sfiary rr6.r/"rtr6+-ry+o* qFae-r, {r a
Rate (r) x Time (t)= Distance
L @Y
* If a car is traveling at go miles per hour, @ xy @ c+tqBt{T Ans: @
howlong does it take to travel 75 miles? {:firffi: xvttEvtr- r v8rv
Here, Rate = 3o miles perhour, . ff ,r- 7 ,f
Distance = 75 miles x
I -.t
,- A /,
Rate (t) x Time (t) = Distance (d) x
I Car 110x(t)?=74 * A motorist must complete r8o miles
l-ip in 4 hours. If he averages So miles
an hour for the first 3 hours of the trip,
3ot= 75 :. t= ?=9=2.5hours
306 how fast must (in terms of mile per
hour) he travel in the last hour?
* It takes an elevator four seconds to go
[Bangladesh Bank (o) ot]
up one floor. IIow many floors will the
elevator rise in two minutes? @go @gz
@+o @ None of these Ans: @
Here,rats= 3.9t = lUloor), ,=.25 floor/sec
Solution: In t hour, the motorist completes 5o miles
t' =$oxJ=l5o miles
nme 4lseconds) .'. "first 3 " "
Time = 2x6o=L2o minutes The rest = t$o-t1o = go miles must be
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
.:. If a copier can make B copies every 2 q'{Frm: frrqafq0 Ftrce-4ffi/qr 9o sr+
seconds, how long wiU it take to make 4o ) ,, ,, ,, ,r=7oxro,

Workrate-2-ry )Q ,, ,r /,
, = W=)CCts?T
2 JQ
.:. fi,S+FFlq 9 qrf mfq 15 firtwro rttrdq&fu
e q1 qlrFft6sFt €[6r rM6 Tsfrr{ ct{r qtrt?
Iq&'{Fr Tq,r?Z"r rlt{tr qfrrrtr
1.5t = 40 .'. t = 4o!.1.5=26.66. Seconds ,1
* If two typists can tylre two pages in two @+9 @ rr:
4 4
minutes, how many firists will it take
to type 18 pages in six minutes? @ro @rz Ans: @
qqt{Ft:' qffiE,S qTrr{6{/F e+g=7p@l
@s @o /crs'{&fr,eryl
@g @rB Ans: @
gFq @l@#t@ "ilt" = ;.5fi6
wl{Fr: e r4qAtrFrrqr fi6ztQ q'fftre|&rqr 7 ,, ,, ,, ff
= 15xg

t " rt r' ) " =QxVQ--Q ts?T <a /f /, ,, , -

,U ,, rr ,, g // =QX)U/9=SW 12
A If it takes Tonni 5 hours to paint one -ill frd
fence, and she has been working for 7 4
hours, how many fences has she .3. 12 q{rffrr g firt Szo ffi ct{rpm I \otrt 9
painted? utft+xq 1fr{Ftbr$tqmmrq- Asur&frqry/
Work rate = @stu @+tu
Rate (r) x Time (t) = Work (w) @ 6frc{ @ sfir{ Ans: @
Tonni tlS x 7 =(w)? qqt{l6t:r2 qqqfrmt Zzo FfOqfro-rco'qt7rS = 3fu
I ,, ,, 72o ,, t n ,, =12ry3
* )c q-r 6EFF ,{sF+lq qo frT t+rrtTsq.rEqtrs .i g ,, ,, 72O , t ,t ,r=12x3
qm I ftrtqtro rt[it6[?fi,e {ftq+rq.fszr'trc'q{tft 9
qfranE-aal =4fu
@ lco @ q.oo a 16 qTElfrs c+E+M S !'tt{qE Wfirc(',tlril r

@ eco @ voo Ans: @ etst PE6[g 5 w {frrm <u wr qFt6<B

qlt{Ff: 'to frrTo&?-E Fico elll{ = )c qr{ Iq&'{lrr Yaflqrffi ctiwd qfr qrtr

t " rt r' " = )axQ,o= goo qd O {sbr @ rs qbr

* ffi' e.+F +m 9 wr cErl$ rz fi'tR iEtcs 'ttrr, 16
qeR\r B q{ rqFF fi6nP166E Fffi wfrrt 6.t{r
O giqBl zisBr @ Ans: @
(F[?/rqwffiqry/ 55
@z @g ET:tF{trt: 16 q-+efuf FfqA 4*t*= 3 vEfr
@ro @rz Ans: @ I " 't ,, tt =76{3
{:fiiffi: q&frw'\, sff{E6V,F g+S=l2qry
gqq Cql@WI,D 4ltt = Pfu 5 o t , ,, -76x3=93 qtBN
7 r, /, ,, ,,
=724r, .3. T E { $E[ ,{sTlq rq finwro
'ttrit I T
72 ,, ,, ,, " - 12x9
-9fu vtqF \o ftrr qtE ottr{ rt q{t Fffi Tsfi'fi
12 rEt6a {EGt? Isoe{Faqr/
* 16 q16aflq qqBrlq 6 frr{lTelT+rd r+tq'6 +
@ qcfrr+ @ vo frTt
fiI, lTE l{ Ffi(' +gq{ ErFtK? Iq,afr-r &zrrtr E{iE a1'fbb/ @ rea.frrT @ 80 frrr Ans:@
@zoqq @z4wr
@z8qq @szqr Ans: @ {qF{I{ s F s { 4F@. q?affi Ffie tlrs =1 q<+
{:t[rt[t: ,fqdolqfrq=l*iFFt = 16wE cEr@ )t
7 ,, ,t ,, ,, 76x6
= TqFAr+FtrF'cts=A q<,t
lr ,, ,r /, l6x6 Qo
4 = - 24qq ) -'
4 ...q,apfu74;p *ry
lo --'eo
= ){
* ctTHF le q(frqeq fr546ss "ttm 6{Hq
)\ frr* {qt{ qrco qrcT E&fr{ lgq{ qft6€
{ 00- q<,rqrcsflGr-tfrrff
etfTlE[,{ qR? /qlqfr'r s',!frsr Fs,z',rtr {qfl* tftotdtr osl
@ >cc' @ rqc { t ,, /, tf
@ rsc @ e.rc. Ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
* Afia can do her term paper in 15 days
which takes Babul zo days to finish.
What is the fraction of worklcft if both
Cr*tr, -7
Afia and Babul work together for 4
days? [Jamuna Bank (Po) : u] frst\e 6Pfiqe
@1 @'10 @ Z
q1u ffiz<rt = R{ tifr,r<'t
4 5 "rfirc- fr+lT

@8 (e) None of these Ans: @

7 lr<,f
Solution: cifiryrr 66io6 = Frq'

flrfltfrdw.a=' *gl"t"'
cirfu{r e arlq t frcqatt ='tS*'20= 6o
| * Q{ {frcq q{0 6fr{r'{ rlfrt6{'iqtt{ 1ffil
ffi{ qtgdsrffrtTw ffi *t cqcseqbtw{
cirfurs q1q4fuqri=7)-4 = l= qsrm|E?'
@tFfrq I fr6{ qfq|d q{T ffid Tgi qEt
15 6o qttl:{? tqt<ctwt,rff adffi ctt& Eqmt qft E?ffi
afr'q[-m= ,-7 =B q(T",s' rr*:E vo+tq'rffi ator cfralr a ocl
15 15 @ >s =rbl @ lc.qBr
.' 5qtrdqfqmtrt 8o EFIE[alrir so fir+* {Ftl'*qlrq r c @ >: sBt @ rorBt Ans: @
fiq ,rr* yl-ir€ !o q{ q.q qt{('T q{ft} qEc, \'tffi{
+sfr{ DET6{? tqrr-q,qfr'r r{+ift ffs-r firflFt , ,lo)e/ qqtr1|T: fff.str E{d@, d-r/r O6Ffr 6q=9
=15 ffi
@ >c'fi'-E @ q, fr-q
.'. AI'rc" R f = Fl{<rfr crt - Mn Rt
@ c.a fr-{ @ qvfiq Ans: @
T{FflT t fltfrfiq = so-c = ea fiR
, rq?bqc 8o+5o = coW fflcwq&Tm', vrfoftrsrr- e-6 - e ffi
8o .@trlitEFf= Q@ fi4 ffi+irEfr-rrqrre-{{-Tryt?rm= 9= u v6I
) \,
' " =QQ><8o=)ooo" .3. q{G 6{t{f qEEd qB{rp{ rr ftfr e qtF{y{{m
Co ,, ,r = )ooo&o - qo fiq
!b, fi:ft {rr s !fi{ I fr{rd {&r<'t {tst{ w ftfr?
.:. s{F FtRffi iqo wr tqqrd qo firfi {Rlir qqE' Ie[qfr-r,r{{IaftFr(M) t)ol
qtrq t lo ftq ,m ftX qW bnffi Wfqgqr TEt[Et @ l.affi @effi
lnfit {tr?', strc? u frc !mt ffRr* csq.{ TS{ @ ufifi @ e.cffi Ans: @
?{1I qrfi.P t<t\qtwt ?Afiv,T ww qfu<Enqffi+ {qFft+ ffictrs?q&Trf,,
qfir{|g, to)s/ eqfi's{lr- 5 ffi
@ >qc @llo r ffitrvtr-- bzlg - p ffi
@ lqo @ qoo (v) tuo Ans: ts ffi riirauf q{Irr,
q{FilTe vtfrfr+-- Qo-)o = )ofu, I ffi|rv/r= )t& = \9 ffi
cqaqtq= |o+to = CoW rf,, dW a't + r$bs"6'f -- s fitfr'
;o fut ilRl<r Wl6€= iQo sfrryr qGfrE, dEn apt - ofrs?fi'r-- \, ffi
) " " " = lQox)ot' Tf,{r,rftll'rfff=bffi
qt,dotvRrt=b/Q __ a.cffi
b t n '=lB- 5oo
b A qEqd qtrgcor 6E\o ctrqrrqtrrt, q{{m cscs
ap-+?ry' crqfu -- boo-9Qo = )uo W w(+ mt qtrtt {tst{t(g lfi' >r. qbt w{ qtpt
stqrcT Gt6c{ Y$m fi[s rITfr Eltrt- /qqftr
@ sqBr @usBr
@ )o {Bt @eqBr Ans: @
q{Ffl.f: Vfr, qtpsqfgrry cqg qsT Elr7t-- x v8f
" qfug(E n ,,d71eS6 '= zxvBt
qf{ag', xt2x = 12
11, 3x = 72
4,x= 44f4

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)

a ,qwrrtRf qtF.ilqTtrEt r,qBl{ 6 {t{{l{r qrt( 3 .3. q.$E GT qEtC au ffi|1 6t[rt Dr6r *?so mfd
qBl{ efictftr q-{qtH ftrd qlfi | vfd qwt q& \Ef{ h'6 ffiO gffi I frfre q&sr <mrr frrBs
{g {m<Fs'?/res-{fr&qr/ ti{f wl tqrfi ad'{T r</16r ry{+rtft qfl tr{s-+ ofti6 ; ro.r u/
@ uoo fift< @ 88o frtlr
@riI @,sao fib|< @voofitt< Ans:@
rT{f$t: ffi so frfr6 vlv= ar ft'.&.
@s-8 Ans: @ ,, ) /, lt -8V -Sbxtooo fr6l.
{qHt{: avitFsr&@T?z'l= e*= )o flfiq 9o 9o
ffi ryqrq/'/T-- {+s = 9 ffi = voo frEkr

.-.W,tfuqrf = 2uf9=5a
qE71;,iE 41, voo = @|qvffi a sg6
.3. <t,6d1ffi= uoo-svo = 88offi?
cfrqt e eJfNT 6fi Ibfff {qtlq{If )o ts c fu fra r

sft 'rcs ac fir frs fi( ,R qq<n q&GTTrd frrd

ql{rs w qbf Tff EIFtrq? I) rsr ffiqry/
@tqBf @)q!Bf
6 >o rBt @ >u qBf Ans: @
WFrt{: qlNTWffi
vE/lzofffiq|ee""f - )o+c =)
@kE"ETfeerct?'.fr. vr-- r v8rr * TWo pipes A and B can fill a tank in eo
tl t' 8c lr /' gahc=o qfil.T and 3o minutes respectively. If both the
= pipes are used together, then how Iong
qfiTotffirle6rf wilt it take to fiIl the tank? [BangladeshBank
_- )o-a (AD): t+l
fr/zo?eeg.6raft'.fr. TIr= ) yfftr @ rz min @ 15 min
tt /' 8c " = 96/6=5 ryl1v @ z5 min @ So min Ans: @
ffrv' q?( frza wqcs- rnm ElrlTE = e+b = )r q6?
Solution: PipeAfu lfrfrfr
.:. qS s qtcsit ifu qltf$cTrbt* $ = |wrr
ru s s
fr'.ft. r fi"rcq eu E{B@T wfr tr*rr fi'ra Bfu
qt{ct5'{T{qFfR{assrffiqr/s[qtfr{rqqoff fi r+-oere/
Pipe lfrfrD -- '
tf'30 *<ry

rBr txBr
@ ro
qiPipefutfrfri1fqs= 7 *'='
@ @ sEEI Ans: @ 20 30 12
T{F{F[ t qlcwqpg
v6/T?6fl4:1ft7qf = )r+e --Q8 fr'.fr. Tankqtj.q(Tz{w-- lfufqd
@ftE"s{Trryas fr"fr'. v/T-- ) q8ltr
" efrfri
" tt gv ,, r, = st/as--{ vfi'g
7 wflf f,f <r=
qtw4fuW; short-crtt: :lB -zox7o =600 =12 frfrfri
Yfuof6oft lfusty= )h-e --)a &.fr. A+B 2o+So So
qrzsrere-{-.T)e v/T= ) yEttr * qat{ qlFr q{F fr{lEr q{F ttr firr c qbtr
r-t gv t ,,
= av/sq=a vEN
q"1fstrHr<Errfifri q{D "tt?rfirff
ectr e S1qrlqErt r qE ,{q{tct<Kqlr
ffiaE q?( frm Eryrars c'w qloraT ={+s- gqEr
.3. Aman can row dovrrnstream at ro kmph ffi d{Ethool r 6<r"ww{qt'tn?
and upstread at 5 kmph. The man,s
rowing rate in still water is: n oat \9
o8l @ @ lrywffiqry/
@ z.s km/h,6:ndard'BankLtd(Po): )c 8
@ Z.S km/hr@ rS lan/hr Ans: @ c qst
Solution: Let the speed of boat = x kmph @ -8 @) sbf Ans:@
The speed of stream = y kmph
According to the question, rFtFfFT: qrynQ1|mm) W1yq.i= t of,f
x+A - to ........O c
By adding (i) and(ii) frfrfl qltrrfiArrr sfiE7lf='
t\9 *,,r
Or,x= Z.Skm/hr @"il?4ml sfitrd{tr=

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
{.{F{lTa &rD;r+efrf qF@ ) q6/r,ffqr
dqw ) sErn
***t'qY-- =
,,Q w<,f <*=
)cxq- uvars )o)t)C9o8
I hxs I aq$'#Es= r vtsrV
EqT4r{',rxAefu,ft r 8'
',i8"+ fru?r eE+
...!,, / ,r= t -{
a a

c+o u * EE rrt srt q$E fu b ftR& X{ q{ r T{ EE

qfi,ilqr'--'sfltr 1rn crfia e6 s ftffi tEr qqqffia6p6s
ve8 ffi t{qrorqrrfiruftffia{T I qcsrrm
* qr8FprmEQBrqqRFqtcq 1 eF{.qHE $qem
TlwE{ ffi t{ <p w w[s sFtK?
ffi FPflF qo frffi t{ qr, frfrff {qF frrE fi /towffiqrl
qry FmF ,eo frRrE qfr q{ I EqO {qt qprc{ frfib
@ >u e<\ )r. @ qa qq( )r.frffi
Sq fr'm tfr FmF ps' q{rr t{q6<? @ >c q<s )a, frfib @ >o aT\ )c frFE Ans: @
lqtrqtwt qfiq6r{ W qfuprE ocl
mtrrF{: \FqEqt.Ttt fr&d1f qr= r q<+
@ uo @ bo frfirt
) ,
@ qo fifr6 @ vo frfi6 Ans: @ qE++rfrf r " o o-
ywfrt.t,ft"tF s frfvfr,tf<r-- |.r<v @wrirat
,r rr='ult,
a t'
frvlrry-+fim, ffi sffiF +tftqv= A*,ry
90 Qrd,rkpl lq<-f ,tf q?.__ s fifr6
wqfr nrn er<Fzer, t frfu'fr<.a= '\ - go) Qrrdreffif , ,, ,,= )1ft?fr
) @w)
, QS.T{6/TI) frfr6,tt<r{=
, *r,I
__ *,y . ).1

wqffc+nr$om, *,Y,tl<.s=) frftt

' )4o r, ) /, t ,r=!-'_-'*rT
bo V )Q Q8
vqqfrNfqf ?IFF, r(ry9, rt r' =\9ofrEd )TTr a qr= ) &frrF
* q+D m ffi fr{twtrs )b frR& ,l{ +n € qrr
e-$Er{ )e. fifr& {tfrTim r q( ffiq+qFm )Yryf €iBr ) ({Tu) ,, ,, ,f - a8 fifrdF
qE,frfim gnftrnw' wr* ffi {|fr Erq?
iqlq/}i'ry{+rffftTp (lrs+) e )ol * )fifu{ .9"frt,Ftq* 1lfiqgr1 1

@ aufifrrb @ \evfrfi'F
@ c,a frfitE @ >u fitfitt Ans: @ ffi* itfr sq{ m i(cq qH $o rTffi qft6<p
t,tfr<K,tQrdql E&BF frrfliu t?fi s aols/
wFrFr: lvqEfrr-s', rrnwtr frfrd ?{qr=-lq<v
'tv @cqbt\ofrffi @aqBtaofrm
@ e sBt qo fiffi @ rfirqtFtTs Ans: @
6ffi) ) q$ 9"rr
Qr++frrr, fi6zF</IBqs= q[F{f{r oFct<@.vfr'qrro= 3
)Q cc
)fr624+t&qr = )-)--a*,v I-
"Ert <re.rrfl
qz,rf - q @I
)u )Q e9 o

' *,,f vIB{g= ) AFza \ /, ,, ,, , ,r-1XQ

i ,, , =)Ufrfri ... .!
,, ,, ,, t ,, = ix cxQ
* q{6 fu ftt{F qq qf*t qqfqcrr )o, )\ s )c
fir X{ qcs,ttmr ffi {q .qsqfi {m ftm __
<L ,"ior"*
fi{fFf{ qrft tf qip rN rN{ qFkfrflqF/fr-r r{fra
Ar-r'fu'r('IM) s)s/
@ qltt @vxfi
@esfi @sqBr Ans: @


Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)

q{FfFf: ?.41.e = firff Efrtr
q{{/zs-tr eefqry x r[.41e
C**tr"-9 41,)vo=g xg xt.qf.e
il, {.ryLe = )Eo +)t = )C
ef.qt.e € q.{t.q .: {9lrffir/E-- )A x8 =9o
* Et ER$l-d {.qtt }e q1q q.rlt:e ):D\ r q+& q$t
Et q$rtT T{rurs <g qtrrFcr sqftsqrs ttRb qrflst 6y i((6Tr qrrd{$IGTq? iq,!ft'f r<id+ftT-f; orl
sqft5q (f rT(rF'c'f qtqt q {at[ qs I 6{qrB @vo @vq
)L q?( Qs qrrylvr#rs4fuqnsffiT{r@T), t, @se @su Ans: @
o, v t qm{ vrl./I clcrw <9 e+ffi Er4I9, WF{F[ qrlft qW = sv
.: \9 ErEI )t 4T( Q8 ql tr.rrle / vF, qzaxvr--x
ElYnf c?Ifr, EE ry(ltrtr = T.fl.e>€
(F xvra B w{r rolT ryttv/ilf ecrft{-r
vrrr I 4 SUne = )bQx)9
ql elLT@, rf.Tf.e ) R-&/ AI|T, I q?( t qr
?I.r=\9oqQ +8V=98
rf.zLe 6a1 ) / ?rn+ qqt wv q{'r 6fr{ ry/Yrr6r
rs"fftfl{r6t I
* Roq$rlr {.qtt c € q.qtt
m I qt$ItEFd
8q Em, q'f*F :F\5t lqm'srl cfi@z?-tr
* What is the H.C.F. of the numbers 36, E:t<flg?ifu;lc/
S4 and 9o? [PubaliBankLtd.(So): ts]
@q @qo
@0 @g @rz
@la @qu Ans: @
@ 18 (e) None of these lns: @
Solution: z\s6. s4. go T{F(r{: ,-f?6ry(fi-- 8Q
3\tB.27. as E&, q?"ry(q]'r-x
3\ 6. g. ts qE-rr ffi, eE ry<qltr etw = {.ryLe rd.qLe
213t5 TlSt)<r =V8x1
...H.C.F = 2x3B=tB
qq{rlT r<ror* qp iTFfl<Gt afusm ErfrS qlcflq't llx=CVU+8Q=)f,
Et .!. nEtnqrkq{'fiu a r v q<\Etc(Tq.qtQ sso Ertf,
sffs-qr<tq$F['IEt'trB ffitE{ I GIIIT; uR{rt E'F ft ft? /ql+m rg ffift qQani ntrfu
)Q q"( ts qr qryfir^ryIv/r'r sfrE-ferntr Tr{r' q@l e ocl
ilTrq Q8, 8t, qq ery& r qrq" Tr{r q<6t.< cqt
@ ec, c.e @ co, vo
sMF {rql Qs ,
@ go, qQ. @ 1c, bo Ans: @
.: {ffir)t q?( Q8 qaq.qf.@ rlTtttFt: qB,
QS t
fiFT({/l= aE sF
Ef,{f.g = goF
4?:qzs',9o?= e\9o
q/, F= ){
., ** U{t -- cx)Q=vo, 9$Q=il
A ot 2t 3 qT ttqtt €? Irrw c4c{Ftfr ff+'rA<fi s
qsr"fl-{,fflFl9 q.56;
@s @z
@r @o ans: @
.!. EqF q$flT q{{|s c s s q<R vtrcT rtITte b qm, wFfl{s qlffil qlfr, v{+ cqn c<47R qrtrr Rtlq qtaFq
stcCT q.qt e lFg? /qy,qa<I q&rozrtr qrrfi sfil?r* 3 5e/ 6srIE? qflrqqr s{+ rr.{r.e ) ET,
@ @ qq" o, Q, e q"vrg, CE|l;rcqlfit Es"fqit4I ql)rfl"f tr.rrr.o
@ qeu @ q.eo Ans: @
{|Ittt|{: f.>rl@ = ryqrff EAtr q'{r[rE? ef+T)df.trl'@ ..t nr{OqBt trm<lsF'Brstrtgrqr z xtt, B qtt
= Qxgx? = goxt=l8o e + qBt 6e6rflqrs rffqsqtl l fir{sHtTg{lT
* ttF q$rk c-{'tls c s 1 q<l. stccrt{te E (f,dt, q@ <tqr<P /55q asrysffi firq6 frfi-+ e @rffi''r+Fr s
rT\{fi EqEtr q.{te re? I{<r*+ v rqEllqrfl? t<-rlff qo)s/
qcffi e ocl @ rz<rF @ oqa
@ q>o @ >uo @+<R @g<1r Ans: @
@ >c'o @ >c," Ans: @ q{Ffr{ t 2, Sc (Qvry.4f.a = 12
q{F$l': 4"ryr.e {$n EErq-{rllrw eqt+-qxef.{Le q{n re s67 ?lE qBerfl qrflr aqr+
-- CxQx9 = Q)o .'. 24 vb? llsir. -'!72 =, <tt
* tQFq$rrqTilse r 8 qR\otoirutrta )bo {GoT,
W q$tt0 Tg? /vv r+qrotfr'{ftT s arwfl-{ a )e/ 1u-tiR 6TiE r 47va2417 =
@eo @co
@so @qo Ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
A e8
T\,vo numbers are in the ratio of 15: 11. c
If their H.C.F is r3, find the numbers. ,
i-q"rtqt€w? /6-yffp6fi-a6a-5q/
[Bangladesh Bank (AD) : zot4]
@ rgs andr43 @ r9o and r43
@ rgS and r45 @ None of these Ans: @
qat 90
Solution: qR, T$rf -- tS,v4t4\4lt = llx 6rcorEftr tf'ryLo
44ld H.C.F = 13 T{t{lr1: stJ/vffitf.ryf.e - {florq/7 T.ryr.e
. : qlfi qHtrl=r SxTS=195, qq? ;Rfi=rr x1S=145
.3. A red light flashes 3 times per minute or.ryr.e _9,8 ,U = t
and a green light flashes 5 times in two 8Cg 9o
minutes at regular intervals. If both 9a
lights start flashing at the same time, .& -,-qrq.JT[.€Ts?
how many times do they flash toge*rer 8q
in each hour? [NationalBankLtd.(Po) : 2014] rFilc[|{: EffIrfrry.ryLe = TA,?r4rtr ry.rrr.q
@so @z+ qflor Ertr rr.{r.s
' @zo @6o Ans: @
oc tc
Solution: 4jr.f qEA tt <RflashqG[ = Vo (qmtcv 7.{f.@ =-,- -
41qffi 5 ,, ,, ,, = goh =e.o ,, 8Q -a
q-ge'+I{Ac <RJlashfm-- )Qo frc<,M
E1qffi ) ,, ,, lr
= 5qo/C =Q.g
,, C*rrR-10
4/ry rygq'ffi oom )
s 11" flash qd"
-- Qos Q8
){o rrnire"ra fr6za
4rT.rrr.e {v'e56ryrf,rc'-- Age Problems
afrv a1q,ffiqir@Q ffidflashortr= ) tttr
E1Egry-p7'ffigfi@t,o " " "=9o/e=so
* Ft\of, {tst € tmtr{{cTtr rtg eq <qr r qt{lrFM e
rtv'e6 (QT r T[sI{ T{uI se?/rqsr
.!. Ttre greatest number that exactly 'I6q'd{{c,rd
divides 1oS, r.ool and 2436 is: @ uu<<< el <q<
[Bangladesh Bank (AD) : zot4] @ ec<qr eu<q{
@ Ans: @
@s @z fiftffi: &u1, q/Eil\3 ?@trTfffitr448 = rr*--111{{tr
@rr @zr Ans: @ frs-r\e tqn'Trrffi44@ = ecx{=io ?{-tr
Solution: ro5 loot and 2436 ot Highest
{/Eltr Tfq' -- ))) - jo=8) T{tr
Common Factor (H.C.M) t qrE qq-s ry(fi /
10$ = $x5x7
i. FM ts {sft<rffi{ t|v 8c <q? I qRt*Ftst, q|Et E
(ss elme <grqT flv' eu <E{
tOOt = Zxllns r tar*qfl{-
2436 = 2x2x3x7x29 @ t<q< @ >a <qT ilrywffiqrl
qq@Z<@t H.CJUI @ lc.<q< @ tu <qr
Ans: @
.3. What is the minimum number of {fl{r{:ftsr, v/Er e tr4trTfffitrryE--9gral=) ov 1w
chocolates that must be added to an ftor e fluttr <-{ffitr {TE = Scxq--bo Yqtr
existing stock of 966 chocolates, so that e{I4?<nq= )oV-bo=)b1W
the total stock can be equally * qr <r& qT ftd cur* c <qmd ?tg r vk ft* <sr
distributed among 6, 7, 8 or 9 persons?
[Jamuna Bank (PO) : zot4] {{6rr{ 8 s€[ I c <w ,R cqz{it {fl{ )a. <6
@s6 @+z @s6 qFT dctn & <tm {tH Ts? /qqsr ffiary7 ?|/qFrf
@Zz (e)Noneofthese Ans:@
Solution: v, 1,v }s b 4f Fr.ryf,e @ \ec <qT @ qb(E{
= slgi._r,_E @ oo<<r @ s\e<qr Ans: @
Q\q. c. a. \, EF[F{fT: a 1W Qrw lnq )a ?W ErE rdTffi
),1,8r.9 Tfl{=)Q-C=iVQ-tr
ry.{f.o -- I xQ x1 x8 x19=C 08 .'. {ffi7{ffi=j)(8 -- qt v{tr
qqn qR 6<tmi afll:" qfl'F EcnFry Ielrr,( A <r&-rrrt-- lu+e = ee ?Etr
=(co8 xq)-b\9\e
..r. aft6qdrffi c[tc{qrT{rrm e actqrrtrt 6 qqar:[ I
= sQF
qt6{6{T <rm rfr' h <{, \ffitrpRnr {trrtTu?
@ 3h++ @ 3h-4 TDBBL (tutro) - osl
@ 3(h-4) @ 4h+3 Ans: @
A Ffa{Ns s rl6q6q1rg.\or1gr+t{tffdfts Q
8 ttr[? it{rqT ry )1 <qT I rFtEItC{it flq 80 itEit
qm, ft* rnnry T\o? 6v rq'J,?-fta elgr{T fi"r{ {ffs'I- r\r/
@ c.a.<q{ @ rro <qr
@ \8 <Ed @ qs<q< Ans: @
Mathwithout r (Arithmetic)
rT{t{t{: irFilV I rIR?{ {iJ/CiW {p Qo <{tr
rg * 6{rtt ctftd i8 q{ Er@m tlg'it{rt )8 <Ert fi
FrEE s I e$qfWA?qEE= qoxc--)oo {Er q-ffiT ctft FtTr€ Tfi vtcrd qtc{t 6{trt Rl qr vtrt
T.lflllVi1.W8o 4@, IrrcrK N t{r?rFlfr',ttr lFfFr€{s{Tq? .
W I q@"??lTttt44E = )oo- 8o = 9o €f 1r#qF"Es{' s s&trFl v'orn*zsr fl['aff"r Effit e

F/4ltB-trfr e,h I 4q?1.4frn t/g)q TE? @ ao <qe @vt<q{

il gn nffi=)lXA=UA4W @ aa.<E{ @ rrc'<e< Ans: @
,.,,, ,, qqF{r{: aS q-{'{'mf <-farmqT8= {8x)8= eeg Tqf
onrrvr' ftr rg'+ = FC-90=Q6 €tr
J s?4 ffFtfrEq6 tsTrTf Tfffif"ryqB--qd'$c=eea {q-tr
* FiEIT waqn <rq {cm {{rtrd tRocf I v <qd tr{
fitr'6qg7ga- e9c-eeg = eb ?Etr
Flgtr q{{ tEIr lf{rqr )o eG[ Rzr r Ftst \e {6qit
dcr{{s{+gl /tosvffiqrr/ * rstrtt ctftF qo qarqtft*<srt* o|v. >l <E* t e
qpq eft s6 esfrlcs {{(qi[ nV 8 TFr rc{ 6'lEl
@ as q<( )8 <wl-?t @ si e<(u <sq<
@ eg q<( b<\Pllt @ 8o 4R )o <qr-?t Ans: @ q{ 8 qT EIftd Tllrqir rtv'Ts?
/qnqfr-r fra6m rE+m PrE 6v1+2 ; tv/
qqHFt: v6, ?@7W-{= liTE?, ftrc-ff fgc'- sF7{f
@ )) <q{ @ r<rq{
slw"Ldf"lvt \e tr4rwryRf =8F-e e F-9
@ )o <Q{ @u<w Ans: @
ry{as,8F.- 9= :o(o - v) qTFfi{: qo qTElfrr<-frrrrqqg = )QxQo={8o T{tr
{I,9F= f8
?ro- b {q-tr ryTEfAsEqsvffi'TST?aT cqtT =Q8><8= bs T/T
ftufrfie'- 8xb = eg {Q?
.: --b9[a =V1W
6 gffi TET ErfrryE qS qffitr Tflffitr ryE
* ptvla <6qr* <rc tE{ :rr6q" &qo.t I a {qfr qtrt
pF1-s qffi
"{@r'd {rcrd
8 wt R{r FlEt ts 'I@'-d -- (rqxle)-Y {E-tr

ffi6agqTg<qfl /q?irrry{fiffi ftFIqftDirtr557 = QFo T{tr

@ ar, >v @\e,v ry{8 g?{'qfrtr7ffi= Qtso-Q8o = 8o
@ aa', ra' @ rrV, )\ Arrs: @ ryn6 u7aqfr wffi<{ 49 = 8o/8=)o 4q
T{FftT: sfr, t6@-tr<T'a= p?Ef, Pu-frw-+-- e6 Qf, A FM e qQ tr*<rrr*'lv q8 <Ed I Gr<F tC(Ee
aqw "lTfFMr \e ,{@trrrryFq= e<r-6 e ?-c "I@d tg'{f{Qq rc <6 I F1v1{ffi{{ffr1ps7
qlf,{fs.,eo-c=8(F-a) Iemft'r e,?r,arr ryq-+ffr ft+-r 6flv-+ry71.1,
@ sq<q< @ oo<q<
{f, ?= )C
@ oa <q< @ e\b<qT ens: @
.: &uftr{{{= tcxte = 8A 4W qTF{r+ rdvlzT?{ "l@3<1a n. 49-- rc+rr--)v vEr
* FMd ag{ 'I@-d T{rrm I Ectt c <F ek \ttccr
T{cffi {{E eo <qit (ffi, PM-1 dqF {T{ Tg? fi 1ror rom-+ crB -- )tx{--ee YE-tr
/q,qfrr ftFf E&Frtr ffia fitqE eq/ av-rrg qt 1@n<.4an448 = tsxo--el rEtr
@ q,c.<q< @ rro <q< fi1gmvfrf+V.*pr= q.l-ee _- es <{tr
@oc<{{ @ eo <q< Ans: @ * lo TF qm TRffd <r{ fr rRrcf asffid qcfs 1

{{trFrt vfr, rfem<v'+=rYqf, fiMftr{fl+= sit"w ffi'vfrqr 6R qrur* qflle e r 8 qs, v6{
a <W "n Ftvt s t@tr wry <rr = 8E,1{ s F+c dqnn qrcr ffi agq w? /+qfr-<r r*ilil fr+-r ; .r\r/
@ oc <q< @ qu<F
4t, Cli = 9o-)o @ c.u<E< @ sc<F Ans:@
1l,O = )o {{trtl{: {8, Ftraw?-6T,7?fr= eF, rRrr-- ao
.: ftqa <'rry - 8 x)o = 8o 4W
* ffi*t re fiffid <6qn c{rffi q{E rs <qir I Etr {f, (tr- 8F= {a-)o
Iqfftar ciTtffid as{ fifuld Frot qrq, frlffid rr, o- a ?Etr
6!6 agq w? t'tfu{ "t@ q&6dffi fi&-rfir q&qm FRFF <64fn Tg{=9 )('=)d,, iifq'(ii-,l,=B xX=l o ?F
val vtmlqndiqqF = {o*)6=ed ?g
@ u<s+< @ )o iwt * ftcF {Trt )\ <F r nRcr{ <r{ TRcrr fi6rr e
@ tq <q{ <wr @ ra ans: @ Eq I rlH lRcffi {T{ TR6{tr T{rrE fu <rit, E{i
rrqFrr{: {e, mlfrr/f <6[./Tl-T{= FY\{tr lRrr*<rcrsqr{? /rroT6q-
AFilk r' " =)g-?" @ >c'<q< @ rs<Ed
e w3 4" tr/lfrilt s 6r8fitrTfl{{6{=F+ 8 ts {o-f @ tq<er @ >u<q< Ans: @
ry{zu,F*8=e(ao-rt) rflfrffi: rRrrrrgry-- )l +e = 8 {8
Tf,F+8=9o-9f 1fr, I tg 43 rRrqr <rrr Faur'tr ?nrffi fi'e"f Effi I
at,8i = c9 sfqz{,.x vW {rrRamffry = 72* xt
.'.F=)8 rFzq"rrrrrys - 4+x
filfuF<6q,T{fl{= )8 ?\4? ry{F, t2+ x= z(4+ x)
4l'x= 4

i I without Calculator (Arithmetic)

i I af<anGz++)=16@{<s6ry+&'mr<rmsft,e+<rrr
<f<an Gz++)=t6@"4.4d+&'mr<rmsft'e"f <z | *
Ttrg av_e11Se age of husband, wife an{
* FlEt s t@nr as6ql aqs vo (F I :tlElr <rrq {@-{ g:I
*il.g"l v^1T"-lI"J.1:'] years ago
I *tt
that of wife and the child 5
y::: T*
<tM\ffi'tEFt\o<Sffi 1ffis{lElTttg<T{T,s?
ffi (ffit) a re* ,[
I :1 *"
/s/r-s/qrfr-{' cE.rrfr
ftF.r 'rosL/
-ry:r;3Jr:?T;^Hi,f*"[fj]j, ;*:":;
@ qo @ >o I
@3svears @4oYears
@ ao Uo @
tt" 6r I
+5 JsarD
Ans: (^
r:r o" r"-' Ans:@
X I solutiotfi 3 aedrs ago, the dge
t. wF{f{: 6qeg flEItr Tfl{ 'Ilqtr Tfl{ Er"rsf Qo rEr c<E | ""^iirE" i, iii i"a in6ir child
= zT"yeari
rr?z'Eqfiv-I e vturr<-rrqrcrt? I e,present,ih" or"rog" age of husband, wife
=9o+{o =Vo4W. I andtheirchild=27+3=SoAears
.'.Fpfevlul-+49Tfff=ho +{ =8o4Q7t I So,thesum=soxs=govears
ase of uife and child
t tlre total age of A and B is rz years more I !'::::::!:tk1!"rase
*r"r tfr. titd.g" of B and b. C is ho* I = n:S:?Syears
So'the sttm= 2$x2 = SoAears
manyyears younger than A? [Bangladesh I -- present age of hus-b_anfl.=Qo-$o=lo Yeors
t4l I fn"
i;--' "
Bank(AD) :
@ z+
these Ans: @
^ I * sina is 1., vears
y".rs time binl w1U"19:*
than Mim',rn 7
be twice as old as
O @ Nbtr" of
| ini*. What is-Bina's age now? [Pubati
Solrition: A ccording toihe I
(a+-D-@+Cj=e I Bankltd'(Jo): tsl
"oi,i-6="rr' *
I Sotution:
- -
(e) None of these Ans: e
A. Let Mim's p:"::::fg^"^:
is tz years Aounger than
C I :
* p;;;-;;; ;f"#;; i" tt 'i". tr," l
who is zo. froi
-,:-^ ,!i::':!:::"^:'.os"
to the questions'
= x*7o
present age of Samira I
manyyear"rgo*"".t1r".g" of Farzana I q.7)2=x+1o+7
no.ft*""thalof Samira?
: zot4l
I -. ,
Bina's age nou) = $+7o=1t
@s ro z.s
^s/ III *''' The sum of Rahim's age and his son's
9 @ r'L'uu.r
@6 (e) None of these Ans: ({)
.g" is 55 years. 5 years ago Rahim's son
Solution: Samira's present age = 20 Aears was 29 Years Younger than Rahim'
Farzana'spresentage=2o4=6oaears - I wrat is ihe "oi,s present age? [,tgrani
Let, x Aears ago, Farzano's age uas 5 times I
I itiirua-@): tsl
ofsamira _ | O5 9.8 @p
.{ccording to the question, I O iS G) rZ
- Ans: @
(zo-x) 5=6o-i I sotrrtiorrzLet Rahim's age=x, his son's age =55-x
Or, 4x = or, x 10
40 = I Rahim's age=x:S
Sa"ars ago,
* Fatlrer is aged three times more tihan I lfis son's dge=so'x
his son, nonit. After 8 years, he would I eccording to the question, x-5 - (5o-x1=29
be two and a half times of Ronit's age. I Or,x= 42
After further 8 years, how many times I Srn'sage- 55-42=13Aears
would he be of-Ronit's age? Tntsrc nank | * The age of B is half the sum of the ages
(Ao-Cash) : zot4l I of A ana C. if B is 2 years younger than-
ztimes @ z.stimes c i" 3z y".*" otd, th"rr tli. ag.
times @ e iimes Ans: @ ,^\ I
@ g.s
Solution: LetRonit'sdge=xAear
I ;";a
- ii"i^"*ri"nr,(so) , ,sl
Father's age = Sx
I @;g__ @ao @S,
I S"f.id6lrze=92,A=B*2
O feigo Ans: @
lfterBgears,Ronit'sage=x+B l --
Father'sage=Sx+B | iiiiai"gioihequestion,
According to the question, I
r Lr.eY4eot.vt.t


|| ^ r

Or, Sx-z.Sx= 2o-B

2' 2
I ^ 28-8=34
Or, .511-12 or' x = 24 I Or'
Father'sase=24xJ=72 | *^ ly:ry}!:t-A-}]s!$
\t-{tls )o <Eit ,Ir{
m 1:l I Er[ <qr etr< \5tcq{

After B yeolrsft,f,|the,", age=24+8 | Ronit's mftf* qT'tlE W {trl? /'l-fi& w+tqrr-tr rlti<qE/ &'{a'r
lears I =92 Eeadrr"Ef'/FrrfT, tore/
Father'sdg€=/2+B=Sogears I @nra @qa\
So Father's age/Ronit's age=8o/gz =2.5 I O e) s 5s @q e re Ans: @
times I mtclTeE?,qst<*c=.F?{tr
Etum<'sry'- (cB -o)<E?

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
ry{zE, (w-o-so) t if-)o = i 3 Q T{Ftl-+ aa% El7-'s fr@n\Ef -- )oo+qc=)qc
98-O 9 qry{ry s frqEr{ry"= )oo t )Qc = 8 t a
tr'- )o e
oc. A shopkeeper qqrects a gain of zz.g%o
on his cost price. If in a week, his sale
?f, 9F- lo = ){L-QF
?I, bo
---- )lt+io was of Tk. 392, what was his profit?
IEXIM Bank(PO) : 4]
ilbo-- )bt @ Ilk.r8.zo @ Tk. Zo @ Tk. Zz
fl, F= Ql @ fk. SA (e) None of these Ans: @
.:{@tr{n:T- {Q Solution: 17.67 ql=vQol?Tflr = ){Q.c Fffl'
ftra-ff Wry= 18-Q{ = AQ Tqtr ftol{rylqq.c Fror<rryqls= QQ.a Elqsr
)o ?E7?"nretr c q@il4srtt<t qTq/EEr< " gbQ " " "={Q.cxgbVrcc.c--qqAffi
= (aq+so) s (q{+)o.) oe. ciF[trff eA{ frfu1 qo% zrtp e {Erf ffi
=9Q39Q =9)fi9 qo% qtcgRqFat r {fi'.i efrrffifr{m fiD )oo
31fiqsEr{{Et{'rrTE.? Isor-frfrqc]
@ rao Bfo @ 5.1o br+t
Cr*rrR -11 @ >e8 Btst @>q8fu Ans: @
T{F[[T: frfi\r-,?fr4"{dtr. = )oo+eo%=rto EtOl
Profit & Loss $-tr| futr
fr@"{ry' -- ) {o+) Q o $/c
= ){o+Q8 =.}88
qle - TB^:I+I:W @qS r frr6r
o). tffiq<l'3Bo Bt+trfi-+a+<l* zo B1ayq$qmt r

FB-{ lEGt qfd Ts? /cqs-{ ffic q/ qvfr?- frE/EI{ *ti

ftlFE @tfq? s oblr}*eplqrfrfiffi)o/
o1. SF &1I 12oo 15% EtCu
@+% @ 0Y"
@s% Ans: @ fur qm r cqst & u<l g6r qr ark elrq s%
qTHFt: oryry =ftoq'ryaffi T&ro Rrqr{ FdE r cts RsT :{q, Ts RcU
= S8o+2o = (ootl@t IqaE{ fficryl qF/fr-r ry{rlff ftr,T frmt'tt - )e/

4ooir<t.;i-vfu {r = zo fiErl @ rz8o @ rz8r

@ r3ro @ r3rr Ans: @
1oo // ,r ,,
= -g%o wtql{: $%alofrwottr.,
400 @tyr loo Arocra fro.l{ry u5tsro
@,fuwH ,, 72oo ,, ,, t 115 x]:2oo =
o{. qrE &frT qao bf+m qx aGr \bo Efsm frG{
vfilt,5% F'&rE
Crffi rlsffit rFE Efls q6it? Iq{ Tetm"f,-tr uEr etr @vYU 1oo aroqrq fr@r{"r'g5fu
qcnFatr; te/
@ )o% @ )c% ,, 73go ,, ,, " ,u:-:1to =1311FlTt
@) )a% @ q"%
Ans: @ 100
T{t{Ff t 4/s-- froqpr-+aqEi={Eo-Q6o--\eo ,Til rqveovfry'= l1llifot
Qao Afl.rry/s{f = eo ft{rl ob. Ef$m \eE €{ 6ar{ ft6{ ?rcfr qF q66 frq
rfs<EtrFsqlsqK? /qss{ffiqrlrorffiqcl
)oo " " r'=)ooxpo/eao=)e%
o\e. qTD xS cruo blst{ fr@ qtlt \o% r& qcn, @ co% @ oo%
x&&erxnrvq? isFlfr'r
@ se% @ u)% Ans: @
Hl{lrr: otr a1'morylar-- IAR+, frqry1ry = i 6p1
@ coo BTot @ rvoo blot et
@ roo btof @ uooh Ans:@ )) )
qTFrf{ cllv,
e v% trfu.ze,fiqrn{ry'= uoalot =
Qs \9
fuq,vyuvo AtlIweor1fr = )ooDW
" avo " 'r " =)ooxxgo/bo far*ro"pqo l4E1
qoo 99
= hl<Ff
o8. q+F q?n qa% qt6s R'@ ffirE EqlT Ery{Er E )oo ,, r rgxtoo =Coo/o
Rq'lqrErcqflt\trFo? I
/rffi+q+ e q&rfl {Eqrqrffi 4,f,'afrqqgffi 6 le,J ob. ffis sEt @TTcr bfsffr qS1 frq{Hjm \o% rTlv'
ra+lq.r-trvr-ogvfira'f Er&hdz"'tr qffio
@8sa @asv Rtrt? i?*:& a sel

@ccs c38 Ans: @ 6) sbt @ ebf @ @ uDt Ans: @

Math without Calcula tor (Arithmetic)
ilrfFft{: Qo% El-'s, frarg{ry = 5qo Effi FFI )bo ElsIfr Rfu p<tco c% rG' Eg
)\e. t{$E r

@4Y4r 5oo arfrqffifr@ryry'-- )Qo fiffi wqtr{ o.{Yn w? /qilqfra fiaEr q{+tfr frffi
" t r' " lr = )QoAoo-).Q EIoI ('ihl-qrrl) " r\e/
).r Ftaim ft-@v' Ftr6u qrq @ r;c'tsto @ qooiffi
t " lr tr
" =g/t.e=cfr
@ EloI 6 qqo bt+t Ans: @

ro. 5 b6;s {p Frt F{Et frr+ 36 ffifr T{G rffit Rqr qqKn: a% flvcv.'SP
PP )oo Qo

EGatx% Ells'qtr{? /u.:rrqqriililfts-r&-+qffirc/ -=-=-bc )b

@ r4oox @100+r
14oo ffifttr@"{ry'-- )bo 4r *-.lro Alof
14oo+x )8. qs' Fn frfu +G Rrarsfd ,696 qFTt, ffi
^ 100+x
o)- @ Ans: @ Erfi nFt qm R@Iord zo7" tTle
frdF?{qr 135
qrst t E<IfiT @T{{t- [4t<qtm,t r,EaN q-$rfr a/6q. 0cl
qqFfFf: *96 qlrgfunwI = too+x
4trlr 1oo {ery ftor{q7 = I 00+x bw @+8oh @ +6o Etot

(loo+x)x5r, @a5oh @+zoh Ans: @

= too - 1s = gofu
/t e ,
, rFltttft: ,oN wfut:o@tf
,oY E1Pfr6nyr = 7oo * 20 = EolW
_ (roo+x) ,,
Etfr-+.*{rdw efftor = po - go = 3oFl<Ft
(roo + x) Roryar 3o aor qeq'@r{Ir = looiw
r*,u fror l"rc". qrq z F Eq-qr 7oo
20 rr < ,t rr ,, ,
!=-=- - -7o
t, ,, ,, rr- 2ox2x35 t 303
ISS" "
" = 7ru=45Ofu
=H-,, , 3
700+X >c.. q+Eq&, ro% q&pfrqxRnt r ftoqa1i a5 ffi
5). eUoo bfq Pm qF CE'fl{ R€{ Ht qmcq r q+E ffiqm 57" a4vqrol rx&F*qr{qtF('?
\o% rrtF (s<r, \mrF qo% cqFMtH RGT Ht iea&{Azsr{l'tfiszfifr
(r{[Q r m RFrmrs (€ll-{rqFr qrrcq? @ zso Br+I @ soo Dr+I
/rvw ffieV qlqfr'r futqr rqmfil ftfr' (.rqrr),,c/ @ 35o br+I @ +oott-ot Ans: @
@ too Etof o 9oofu q:{trfi{: ,oNqfuFR@VSf = 7oo - 1s = goEW
@ voo Bffi @ erc-rElTlt{frRt<fr 5% Etrvr R@\qT = 7oo + 5 = rcSiftt
qqF{Ft: eo% Elrgqqnwr= )Qo 8f{{
etAeryrryr NQI = los- go = l1bTot
lv E-r frer{ry' .l Qo frtrI Erq', @T{E7' -) oo EloI frorycqe qfiT 4 Ew qa wyor = I oo Ew
)Yfrtr ,f ogoo t ,, ,r toox9boo 1"tf = !9,,
){o 15
= goooal@t 1oox45
"4s"'t _
ao% @toct@ frqEfl{ry" = vo Etqlt 15
wDrt?qa1ry vofu<@, qo-s1ryy=;ea f[6; = gootw
ggoo" lt tooxg9oo
arfitr " " )s. qsrtHt'de( fiqsrff srd EFT xqjit I q(rlr
= ru.I"r* ryqFf ,t5.('i[tqlsd'sFT\'(6t? /fi-sr4T{s ,fl?z?'E
rllEQosT{i.=sgoo+egoo -- gQoo FFII
qe6dz"" T{rt# ffir'Iap a ao J8/
@ qcZ s& @ e.c.Z qls
ElF-v, = laoo-1loo = goo Al-ff @ qoZ t& @ qo% Ets Ans: @
)a,. $FF FN qqo bf{m R&'Filtre )o% q& qr;
rtqr161 r {4, ?l&fu oaE+r = BT
ffi{trd @'qqr av? /qr!ft-r aalqr ryqfl? fiF' 3 5e/
@ q.c'" bt'o @ ooo bfot fr-+n{ry-- ,toto F amt
@ \r)a bffi @ ,?Cc Effi Ans: @ I
rFIFtfT: )o% rylg,ro-
PP )oo )o ffi-- ftqrfl{fr= 87'- eF= f
'SP bo b aoflofrr&Er-- ?Ffrr
o'ryFfoq1;= l9o 41 1-=
eoo1Taf )oor, ,, tr =


)c. fim wm erFq{rfr+r.** *-*
6o bro c<Ft a"ff frr* wre-="#Si$tir"arcurator
etr*[6t ro% qlrc @.nTry rcoBfO<oeory-r = iloElal
ecEt tq-$trd@s|{TtTs? ip-ff6-c'fl-d' arGtoffit scl , So t-r rr 71ox5o
@ zoo tsrer @ goo br+t = 100
@ 16o ?t-+t @ zzo br+t Ans: @ :55Etot
ffi(l-+ ,oy ffipfrqnytr = i.oo - zo = Botlwt a.). )eo EreF.q+EE<i'wrwrqrfi'lc% ffipa e1sn1
,o'Z Etrv fr@nyaf = 7oo + to = TtoDlFl {l*, vr< Ee UgF Em elggl wl bfof qHr<?
etft@ryr+r efNFT = tto - 8o = 3obTor /rr/8 vaq*r Y,r-@-{' fuaPrf qRqgffi E"t-,tfrq4o a s'el
frqnpr""il$w 3ofiorEmotqar = tooEw @ >so EI$t @ >'rs Ast
r, lt a t ,, 1oo @ r\?c brst @ >oo Dlot Ans: @
s" -T
/, o
- -7o rNt{Ft: 44tm )so Drot <at aqfuutft-o1v
, /, 60 ,, lt lox6o )a% fifr,ltrf qs\qT= )os-)e=Nefiffi
t - rjlfuElryqr )oo fuWqor{ry' = vcDFt
3 tt il
)go't " =vex)go/)oo
= 2c,00w
)b. 19o ffifr .fi$E e<n frsr mtro 5% xB qatr = )rr9 FFt
R@nTryr aE Erq s% e'ls'Eg? /qrlqzq-{I q&nsz-a-r \\. SBs ttetr,q-+trqmf Rfu+r*rts€t 7sttqteqr,
E+{-{+IA q&tlw;-"cl qtqtF so bfsF fifr qsq r|g€t zo strt q&' Erql
@ zos Etot @ zrsh /rElrs v/ro fi 6'*rr cfu sR- o o l
@ zro bro @zzoDl+t Ans:@ @4oo @+So
qqFtf{: S%trfurg,e-+n{V = 7oo-5 = g5fu @soo @sSo . Ans:@
fro-..+W gSBm E44n{ry-- rco7fof
{{tr(f{ t 7wElM,
fra"7qtr rc/Frol<zeo'efan = 1s6E1Ey
,, ,9g ,, ,, t - 7OOX79O
= 266fi7q7 _ loox535
95 " sss" "r'
5%OW,RWT{| = 7oo*S = rcSblfit
@tyry rco A/Frwqfury{, = 165t7ciy = 5ooblot
zo sFI qrlGcu',
,, 2oO ,, ,, t - TOSx2oO
- zlOETOt @nTff rcoFfOq..rt"@sf"r' - Bofu
)b. qTE c{Frq|qrf-{ g6ooo EfE6frqn66 26y, " 5og" " rl =Box1oo
r&'q{ 1pefrcmft-q,Tcria 16% qtg.Erst? 700
/rE+rqF-rfr{a \e "tt+qd.ilEtvv +iqfriroffil ocl = 4ooblar
@ sgooo @ 5oooo
qrc. {v+ln cfirr<R EtT qa% 6{m{, fia'qM \a%
@ 5zzoo @ 55oOO Ans:@ T6{rrE I el{tr<rd c'E frF rF\' +cftE <t 6{cv'R? Is/ri'-
mFflT: zo%fffuv,fr-@n{Er g6Effi
= 7oo-2o =
qeft'r r{frff Asp fiz-"/'r (rE{) .lo)e/
frq;.{t3r So rTorwooaqqy = looElol \\
@ v:%r<rgrq 6 aa% +airq
" 36000" " rr
go \\
(goooil@t @ v:%orazq 6 ea%r<carq Ans:@
qFdF, t6%tlo,Ranqtr
= 8q
= too+16 = u6ilol T{Fft{ e qfr, c4ilanTf,r- )ooDlot
@lyrr loo r|or<qfr@"Try = u6fu aa% 1fu micr rrqk{ry-- )aa EtrI
" " " qlnlr, tc%arr c4ilR?
45ooo " =ll6x45ooo Yg = qa BtEt
fut too Ezq<6v/T*r-- qcFfO

to. q+F <Q OS ffir frqT mf* Fr+sK 3o% {v

,, )76 ,, ,, ,, - lcxta2 =bu9
ET I F'E El-+m frq;T €m 10% qls Erst? )oo I
[B angladesh Bank (O)-ot] .'.t Clq?6[f,{ = )oo- trc 9
@ss @so
+S @ None of these Ans: @
So%Et@, =v!%8
frE-.+gr qobfof <aevnql = rcoifqt 18. rrl9oo Etot ecr EF CD{IT Ref ie* qcfiq r ,ssB
Ar ,, r, ,, - loox65
oD-q" {o% qt[E' qR qfdF qo% fiI+,{trr RR €t
Er{[ql rK frfrrg W ffiFMf{ Er{cq? /srF4{fr'r
= 5oitot ,.{frft fi.s_r ftilrf (wrfi) qor\r/
@ boofu @ iuoo b[o[
@ iroo fu
@ erc<t orsct.{ftRtwfr Ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
IIt{Fr tqtr cra'enrfrargtr'= egooxQ=q{oo T{l{Fra@frwrtft--o
Q.o% 4lce,frqnyry. = )to fiFI ry{?xc_,881=)gsit
ftqrp1a7 )ao Ffof Ezq, @lTll= )ooFlqT <f ,8/q = tvtF Yl, f = {L
08. .s$F alFt q,t< <lFtr se% qm, <lFI E,E{ qrtlv
" g9oo" " '=W FE? Iq;ffrr irqr r+ntrr rrwr +fo6 ; rc/
= goootlFl
@qoea.c @rsce.c
R(I, ilfit @tccto @ qc'c eo Ans: @
eo% @toclTt -sTv = vo$bo FIorErf,, @fl{47'= )oofu ffi{f{: eFF q{tr ilFR va% w,
ggoo, t /,=toox99oo iIft {&tr q-{4F = 98 B )oo = 59 s q6
oc. qeFstcrql s,tlfr*wEtlv a r ) I Ec$r "tfuFt{fr
= aaoo# qc"rtI, FFk cFr q{ vrs'ttfr{ qRqFtF,s?
.'. frtt @-fl{qr= gooo+8aoo=lcoo "nfr
ic\eE-{ ffiqryl q/td', fi'rrtr s {iryq' &srm r-d.lfarffi ryI"
{-sTR F&<IrqrTlT = lioo-1Qoo mGrdrr; rc/
= c,ootl'fft @ qGBtr @a FEtr
@v FEr< @ )o GtK Ans: @
wfl{|{s qtllca-T&rrltf+-f = ci = 8
C"*rr'.-12 8 qT'ffrc{Erdr'=ffitr
qrflE - q{E,IlE ) ,, lt = F-g=l 6Fltr
o9. s. 3 { = 8 t A qR rI A rt = \ r e Et-{eltcs'IfrT, qT
qTils qBIRr q$t <t qRflrlr qr{i qE,|f Esf.t veq ffi efir$'vlqm rt qrffi{ qRqPt+ol
EE <f
/rf4fi1{{ToEffqye q?t-*rf mrn-ryrr-e qaffiflqfu;$1 s 5s1
TGt I qTflE.ctffiGF5&.{\5|r( effifis{s I {!tB
@ )ooo @ x.oo @ )coo
,,To,,<1aq-<St-< @ qooo (u) qcoo Ans: @
o). | C{T{; 3 to 5
qTtr[F[: Q B<l= 8 t a =8xQ. t CxQ=Y g 56
oa.. (B/ :) col-eT<Fr{fcalq p 6aq{; I sJ {et= {39=qff Sgx?=)ot)Q
oe. g$t'all<El6{, *o-*r 4rB"Igt=UBSoBtC
5 t q-{4f9. qrrga," = voo El<r]t
qfilE Et {{Hrcq-6ef$I{a6s 11{[; ) "
o). 9(.t s qq*t q-rf6 t R:Ft; eaB qftr{ Ttr{ s
" =Uoo+a=)ooFlfI
)a " lt =)ooX)Q=)Qoobffit
lQrKqqeflse s 6
oq. TRr s <Rcr{ 6NHir q1"tls' 1 s c; TRc$r
oq. q(rt s mF "tR'{l"t tr-f6 r 6'q+ qffi q'ft-rq 1
qrsftIftn{rqrtf{eqr rRc{T 6€{ \nc'tEFI 8oo ffi ffi qg 1 vrt
6€;tFE? llslami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (FO) : I 3/"tt@
qdcttEtv" qtwvqr fiv-q+ qRqurcr ry{olfr afrpfu s 5e/
@tooh @ )ooo bfol
@ >>ooEr$f @ >voobFnt Ans:@
4{F{r+ W{fEstrfrCflE/qf,-- i-6 = Q

a q-{"ffs.ryryry = sootl@t
o). e, b B 8 qTDE(uHf{'il8?FTs? Irrowffiqry/ ) ,, . rr = gqq4=eoo
@a @ra C ,, /,
= eooxe=)oooi7E1'
@rg @lq Ans: @ ob. 1\ cqe eqqnpp qrFfttrt A q{ )q strt, B
q:rF{mc {e, Dy{cw/ffi-- ?' \? st't 9<( C q< a q'f sm {0qt ft{rt B Fstf
cT/T4/zs', )T rira x s4 ilFf = f V 7l'A x urr Ofr qEq? /aeET frfrqc/ fislami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (FO)
<f, gxF-- b.\a ?I, f = )Q : l3l
o\. )o, 8o €l\ c.o earE{T{E{lqfrru< conBqr<t? @ac+& @ lq c+&
Iq6T r/qa fit?6r u7qry ofr6t ; re/ @>qm& @cc+& Ans: @
@ )oo @ qoo q'{F{t:+ AeBaC:)1set8
@ ooo @ 8oo Ans: @ 9-{4/78" 6{I4Tq -- ) i*e*Q8=t8
T{F{f{e {R, Dq{qr/T4rffi-- o B,4rsI$-- 9q 4re^s = b 6ffi
{sE"lzE, )ynirft x efilqf = {r?/ft xrrr ilft qF' 6{Frt s st{k
'RIIT wit )s.{tq r
ob. q+F frFtlT
1f, )oxi = Sox?o Tf O= Qoo y{,tls' e s ) I q(s fr qR{Ft 6fl1| frrttr6rEr{,tls' 8
os. EF ffitu r1"tt"' 8 r 1 I "I( ilfr 5s qa6r EEfr ilFt r ) Etrt? i{Jwfifrqry/)qwffiqry/
Ts? /4/qlfr"r r{{5rfl frry'o fi'mtrt (flsz?F,I) ; ie/ @bEN @ ugtT
@\e @qu @so @sc Ans:@ @ s{ll @8qlq Ans: @

wr{Fr r {fr, o*rr*,rff//zqq-{,,/', y;Hf*""' lf,tvx-)cx=9-8 ?l,x=l
6{lTl s s/T/" qT4lzvr cq@ - e*)=8 .'.Ti4It\E = dx{ = )o 4{( }xQ = 5g
6qtq? "lRq'H = )g 47 e/s--)Q ,{lT )e. rsF€n cqrf {tcr[ qo,ooo Er$qmTrd{ (R )v,ooo
sPJ-fffiryP1= )v qi )/8 =g ffi Erq vrq641 vftr <rffi crcsf qsrqr q-{tls
{f,{Cs', )Q+O88=83)
if, ){+F--)g il, o= a 4l{ @le)o @>cb
!o. \eo FFf{ csrdtRT \e cq&tr{{fi{E"fd\r{'tts 1 s e I
@bs) @)oB) ans: @
& ftSc.tqlTTg:ffiF 6a1fr1qfr'.tt[Tq{,fls.e s1 :1qt{l{ t rlrFT = \o,ooo-)b,ooo=q,ooo BfS[
\Cfl [Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (FO) : Ii {$!t= )b,ooo 3 \,ooo = b 3 )
q-a 3

@qo @uo )8. 6{Fr Srtpuq$F qrft qEq q{( qtft € EI6rr
@so @ru Ans: @ qrtlE a ; b r &35t6{Fsq-{qlqqEq?
q{FflT e vfr, ofrha nGH d-fiF. qT{/s rp s e <ffi /q{ la+rqz"il q{raftl' ir.ffir e oel
cor.qtfrE s c"l6l@3 qlPfi'zs,r crE - i*e--) o
L @'9 @U @ff , abx Ans:@
cocilfrfrR q7qtct - go qg =ge fiFItr
)o T{F{F[: <fr, EtA = y
o 4f{rN, xiy=d'b
c"tfil@",re{Fr - vo q{ = tv frtltr .x
)o o"
4l y--bx
(it[ilfr{ e s'b a
[{rF.rfE +o q )a. 6{rsr s q{rsrtcr*srfl1s c r 8 r c{tlffiRqt{ bc
8Qe ffi<1ct{qt{T\t?
)r+F c
t'tffi cv lfrrdaq ce'6dz"r ry++rtfi qfrordw e aal
@c> @se @sv @qu Ans:@
?I,)h+O= IT111116' sA, IrATqrm= FFIi'I
It, F= voffiR
--bb' ryflE, C38=VCtq
)). \eo FEfdftlc.r efis e ,tlfr* wrr*q1'tlv q a *e
4fC/S =va@ <f,F=9v
,i ft$rtfr "rfr{Fr {fr c+.ttm qfig. € 'ttfr* sqr+*
)9. In a high school, the ratio of male to
female students of a class is 6 to 5.
ElT"fls e r 1 qtr{? /c,c-@_fl, fr.ffii qeq€E-ffi ryqiota the total number of students be 77, then
"lft5fEo a Sr2l
findthe number of female students.
@ qcFFta @ 80 FEt{ IrEr-svl$frfurq&clr;
@ vc FrtsK @ qo Gbr< Ans: @ @go @gs
q{t{r{e vfr,rfrha,frrfr'ffrl/rrET'f/ee s i E6T @+o @+s Ans: @
cfis e 416-tr w{4lFtr ry{E = i*e--) o {{Fr|{: ET'flre-f 6{l?T.{ - e*A=))
j qfrrxq7'I= ffi qt a/$ = gc Q-{
,{fqw?t&T/"r-- rro 4i =Ql 6Frr )q. In a sehool, the ratio of boys to girls 3
)o to 7. If there are r.Eo boys andgirls in
?1fr11}qqf e the school, howmanyboys arethere?
=soqa )o =bfrb)rf [Sonali, Janata and Agrani Bank (O) o8]
qfiu e @+s @zs ('t) 90
a?Tfo, -;- = -j @ ros (s) 129 ans: @
417.r + o q'{FfFf: wfl/ZE? 6{ltlW = e+9--)o
Q)e {lZ4IIifi= tco qTe/)o = 8C W
. b+o c 5b. l,Goo Bl+t f a Q. t e t g 3 6 qtHtfqsttt€GT
l[, b+?= = gb IqE:[ E Ws{q(r{T'tt(+f qr{- [attqt s MEtwts.|wi
I qfrfiaeaU
{I, ?= Sofrhtf @ q,ooo @ q.,coo
)r,. EF {\rtiF q{'tls c t u I EN5ffd rltclt r, cqFt iFilr6t @ q,goo @ 9,ooo Ans: @
\WflEE' r, r e q{ I c$rtE0fr fr? {{F{f+ WfffsBr4/r 6{It/+q = )*Q*e*8 *C=) C
/roq+ &fr.?ry/ q/q[tr ryqqrfr frFr (+qEF,l) ; ru/ TEE{'9(Y= 1,aoo q? )/)Q= aoo
@rsrr @rqstu lqWW<rt= l,aoo q3 C/tC= Q,(too
@los\e @)o€)9 Ans: @ qfrqwlr"fi$w= Q^coo-coo = {,ooo
q{t{f{: <R, *$rf qF = cx,bx )b. q+F @TqT qRft{f ec mfr qR TRarqk qftl
q{F, Cx+qlkX*l={ie e r c r c qrqws{<lq*446!(r{-
. cx+{ Q /4qfi-rfralarr{rrft&Fr;
tx+Q e @smfr @rffi
@tqofi @ lc'o'fr Ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetie)
NPfqfl: e*Q*1=)Q
T{F{H t q-{"rrEerdrrtr \c. Solve the following problems:
TE-sTTIEraf6' = 8c qt\e/)c= b cqfr In a certain Accounting class, the ratio
qo. &Tqr+{ rr$ lco bI+t .? a 6 3 1 g{ettru slrt qrr of the number of Accounting majors to
frm strqa U+lT q$oE{t Er{- Iqqfr-r fr?7rEr {{flA the number of students who are not
FIwa ool
Accounting majors 2 to S. If z more
Accounting major were to enter the
@ )qo, lso,8oo @ )uo, \bo,98o class, the ratio would be r to z. How
@ )co,, rlco @ qoo, \Co,9oo Ans: @ many students are in the class?
qINR: sfrffspfdi|tr 6{ft/T-{ = e*G* 1= ) C [Shaj alal I dami Bank (TO) : t S]
)TW(:I= 1Qo qtr 9/)C= )Co
QTW$f = 1Ao q? C/)C= Q.Co Solution: Let the number of Ac. Mqior = zx
rrTW$I= lCo 4? 1/)a= oAo Thenumber of nonAc.Major = 5x
According to the question,
q). frFrsb cerqt{{siF, {.tl* rg q-{F{frTF quo <l{
Fm[ l Y{l5 s <t ttrmrlnrqftlE Q, r e, <trt[s s 2x+2
,{-{l{rffiil5qg\x-{rtlse r qEm, elrsrwr 6ssg. Or,;=; 1

' <l*<caf /rr+vfro&qmrg t6q46c11E64v qqqfriuoffir e

' Or'x= 4
@ 9o, bo, )\o @ bo, )\o, uo
So, the total number of students in the class
@ bo, )oo, bo )oo
@ )oo, bo, Ans:@
= 2X+SX
qfi{r{: 1.{{-{s4,flts,4TlTf - { se r{
= 2x4+Sx4
W{"/2re7 6{lt/Tq = Q*e*{= i =zB (Ansuser)
1:4{rf,trilT- ltso 43 Q/1=Vo qs. q+OqlrdE1 s,ttfr*q-{"{lE c r ) r frm atfrtrt
4lrllr.<3filq = qEo L?re/9_-)Qo ffi,flfrqrtqt b- fiElr eFtqrsrc ,ttfrd "|fr{Ft
sf{ztrtrriE- Qvo q? Q/1=bo rFgi? Idfu?dz'{i',r vaffirsil T{fI# 4frFlf,r (qrtr), toje/

{\. If g6 students in a class are female and @ cGAr @ e GBtr

the ratio of female students to male @vFfiF @ )o FFK Ans: @
students is 9 to tt, what percentage of llFl1:{ t1fr,rywflRrtf = aQ,
the class is female? o11fis qfrqfcf
[AgraniBank(O) o8] =q
@ zs% @ {$vzE, Q@-F=b
@ 4so/, @ 66.660/o Ans: @ =v
(u) None of these ?r, o-- a atrtr
T{t{fT: let the number of male = x \c. ewttdqts \9Wf {6I6mqtRTnV:qBffir r
According to the question, S6:x=g:77
"Ifrffi qt{ q qT {FrFm qtcffipry-qi wFr Etrr, ) w[
= 44 tFrTd ql{ T\'? /Eri'-srqfrp cr{i'ra Fa{r) ; qoru/
Totarstuden, = aa4e![Lx @>aEr+t @ >sbro
.'.Percentage offemale = {i*roo= 4s96 @ lu Bto @ qo Bt$t Ans: @
qe. EE q$tlT cTFtsEr v r {fi' q$rtar{t e s ) Eritr'ttts
fififi{: (u+u)=1.1 s?r{"q/23rtrry'{E = ){>fi= )ovtt<Ff
q[6s, \tm qqqlBrqlg q6{- IRq,wsf F'fF6 ; ile/
) E7{?F{
q s?TTFrc--
g " " =g/7=9gffitfr-{
@>c @>u
rp sffitfl{s u qTTrffi-- (o+o)u sffitfl{
@ >c. @ro Ans: @
uI{F{IT: \9 Eflfln?F-t.ffiql.ffi4vft = )ob
E{4filmI4TT-- e+) -- 8
= V 4?s/84
) " tr " " =)ov/9=)hFl<rl
qu. EE*wt5r{ 6FEIT\Wtls ) r t s a, t e Er{, lqErf
frefu' " =vqr)/g-7
6q16c1a eftq1q N, EK? /rrw r<rrrs-otF ft+-o fi-+qr-{
{fiff E&trec/E{= 9xQ--)Q s QoiS/
\8. ),ooo bl+t+ e {, f e a q{'tt6g'stttqcf 6fit I { qT @ )ooo @ >>c'o
q$t m q<\vlT{[ s crcr*{G{r \ r ) s ) q{,tl[o
@ )vc" @ qqco Ans: @
vtrf a6g I mrfr wbFFI'tt6? Arwffier/
@ too Bffi @aooh T{Ff{a ry-6qru'f* reft*qqB =eeoo
Bffi w{"fzE"cT8 -- )*Q*Q*e = ts
@ qoo bl+t @ uoo Ans: @
wFrFr r Fs {47q{?raE?rTlrr+-fl= )*8 = c .:T{sT6f/rcf -- ego 47 9--.l,rc"
{ a7 ffiqff - t,ooo qi 8/a = voo v
{, E/?TI \e 6{rTrqfl/tc-"frIrl+4 - Q+)+)--8
ffiCSf q(If -- boo QA )/8 = {oo fu

Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
&ft-sfuc{ r
Cro*trR -13 )oo ) ?Q-c-Tr flf€I= )Q

w-sqt )" ) ,, " =lSaror

$fqq 3 c{ erRfiqtsffl {l-T 6{srt<t me*<t qfir+ Uorooo" q '/ t' = Vo,ooox)lxQ
qs, Etrs qlcq <t laqtH Tr{ t )oo
q'l'{ffi{ fic{t iFtqlst-r m q&fi-s btot = )bQoo FlfI
wr o\. The simple interest on a sum of money
cqsrtq-q, E'rsw<rq I
will be Tk. 6oo after ro years. If the
wm =qh+vlffi principal is trepled after 5 years, what
I[qTErd r corq fiffi
qRrFI Art< Een fiFE qq[{-{ will be the total interest at the end of
q-{r cs' w' 6qsRI qT, strs {rq-{ ql{ <FI I the tenth yean? [BangladeshBank(AD) : t4]
cirEw'r cr {q' ENrr qq< u+t ffiqFr qwcn-{ $"R @ Tk. 6oo @1k. goo
ff n-<l qr, vl-5q q34 q4 a54 1
@ Tk. rzoo @ Tk. rsoo Ans: @
Solution: Interest after to Aectrs = 6oo taka
Interest " 5 r' =Soo"
If the principal is trepled after 5 years, then
q<q{q = interest also trepled = SooxJ = 9oo taka
.r.. :.1i91il: . , 1
Total interest of to lears = 3oo+9oo = 72oo
':. '
*r:r: i.. .'. ,,i
' ' ..:.:' :i
orr. flow much interest will Taka 1o,ooo
:l \,ilii .- -;ili.a.i;ii:ti.,: l::,: r;!::r::.1;iirr:L,:
:i earn in 9 months at an annual rate
l;[&I": '.i
":-'.-^ r "I.:, 6%o? [BangladeshBank(AD) : ot]
.4e- .' ,:
@ 5oo taka @ 6oo taka

@ 4So taka @6Sotaka Ans:@

Solution: Interest =
=45o taka
<1:..::Lft{i 100x72
oe. qB qEa.lsffit u brEf qtr* qtffi 1&ro looo ffi
ffintoterr \ <qtr {ir,i fiRr{H+tft ccErs'ffi

ffi Etls'{E{?
@ >so Er+t
@ rss.e Drst

u@tfrwr cr{q EFI$<srqlqffid>rf(?t Gptq{ q<( )'oooxtxl
& W-qrqrum E r* "r<<ff <qcr W {d wt{l.r: qffiEd= =J9o Fl€I
T-fi q{, utro u+-1fr qr' <cr r
oa. evoqlm b rtc{ ,.,jl"iu,*E r*6'euqr<l
@ c'oo bFrt @ voo DFrt
t+:ryfu ry r,l;{r,le'; ..,,
@ aa.o bf+t @vcoh Ans: @
mrt{Fr: 4flffi= = SaoEW
)oo x )Q
os. Flsfd{T Y%o<q, Goo Efql-g a <{cr*qffip7
6 ftrrfiffi-r s qvn+ {ffsf e Qorp/

Wfrf{ @ 8oh @ oqfu

@ qoh
@ rsoDfot Ans: @
o). (s <r& bo,ooo ?tFt df{s )q% qtrd T{lstfr
:FtqF{f{: {{l+'l =fllr4\fri Eltr xryTT
fiftgq q6a \ <qr* rFs EFFI T{l'st {ra
Ilq{ffiT7i$ry{Tft CfuR I OC] = Cooxb%x8
@ tvoo BT+t @ uooo b[+t = 8ox8
@ ll\ooh @ lgooo Effi Ans: @ -- )eo Fr{'I
EIFrfX {Tq? ETtrX ryTf qlrqfr.fT
$tt{I{: wqy = r
)oo o1. amount of money would
Vo,ooox)lx{ earn an interest ofTk. 2oo ov€r 4 years
= )bQoo FlfrI
)oo atlro%o simple interest rate?
@ +oo @ 5oo
@ 6oo None of these Ans: @
Mrlt wittout Caknletor (Ariftnetic)
)ooxCfll? tooxQ.oo t-1ol !.,ooo l'
fiffi: Rate of rnterr", =
Pxt - 1
{&7 QlTx {{T )ox8 60,000x5
ou. :ilfifr 8.a%EltrIrrr:Fs'ffiftft6qtrtq,{rE s <qrir =2%
styqvffiqrC?/rowffiqry/ )e, <lffi€ .ls"FatT\t qf{ {rq' 8\a b6t e <qm {q-EHr4
ecu?ffi 8 19 bffi <6{? IsI-r-EIq&'r rrrorft ftF-r (flqErylt s )e/
@ @ uc.o Etrt
@ roo bf+t @ qqc Bto Ans: @ @8% @ 8.a%
)661{Q${fl )oaxE{9 @a% @s% Ans: @
ryft1p1'qfq-q - =-
(ryw x {rtr) + loo (a x s.c) + soo
)oo x4ri )oox C)
lfrA QA = *qHaf - -:---- = 8%
qooEl@f x ryI/"fl 8Qc x e
= $. .tsffit{tF[Tw' clT {cc' 6st!fi qHEr )o i{rr wE-
ob. rlsGlt c ffi qlf {trq' qo 1s{fd qm'!fl{Ctt co,ooo
&ToGt Etrit? /av r+c-f,fifr asIT{ fr+qi-+ quun+ q+'FI
Effi qrq, lFst rs? asuq &acry/ {fe rg e

@ qo,ooo Efs[ @ Q.c,ooo Bfs'I
bf$t BfSt @ lo% @ )q%
@ rlo,ooo @ rrc,ooo Ans: @
@ >c% @ q"% Ans: @
{qHt{: qfqq =
)oo x Co,ooo
= QG,ooollqt q{F6 qfr qFrdr-- )oofu
(Qo x c) +.soo
qb. rsr{ {[tfi s <Er<K q-{I {k ccTt q{ | qt6ffi qF eFl'{ ff W/q'ffi &ry,t g = )oo xe=soo FfO << r

q(FCd[ Ea qn=ll+ -
-- ooo-)oo=Qoo
E[Fry-df Dlif,t
e <EGrd wr a% q<( 6rF e <Er<Kq{t 8% {I(mt =
Rrt v <F qir slqq ErsF {affi )il B10t qm, )ooxClil?TP. )ooxloo
{qfi Tg? Ielrr-a'/q/e-r r{fIA A{'r frrst'f Gry'ff) s e o) e/ e[fff{; ffitr )oox)o
@ roo Btol @ so br+t )a. {tr{ wK E|-d rlsffit Fs' ffi ErE 6{ 6E5fint {ryn u
@ uo Etot @ co Ast Ans: @ <qm Im-qlEIm &TaGt Rtrt? Irov &&q,r/ qmft-r ftFf
qTFffi s vfr, lorr+= )oo 8"11;1 qRroa-rRarryqorff; ll/
qWo @Rirq1r, @ >q.c" Eror @ qo EFnt
*_ ql{flx{fCTErtrxry{fl )ooxtxg @ qc brot @ lcfu Ans:@
)oo 5oo lTtr{f{: ffi q1-ry4'= 5oofu
- taa ir
{q' 9mq &40 t <@ = )oo x\)=\)o o Frcf qzq r
qF?-4. x {fq1 qlgx rffifr )ooxSxe
Y= 5oo )ooxc{D 4si )ooxQoo
qfqqv ryYg )ooxV
s Tqil{trraE YfW = )a+){--Qc Afrf )e. Goo Emr a <rqriT qc fi\ voo BFr* c'<qF{{c
$F@[ Goo bf+t Em, {rCT dd W? /r\eEq fficryl <-{ s
qQgq vq.tlErri vrqolfr qfrr'laro o q/

@c% @s%
Wmqffifi'{-t a
@ >"% @ >qz Ans: @
ro. rlEfitt {lrfo+g, IF Wri qoo C(qrdT{E )oa
bt+tq6fl /TFrft-r4fiqftrrrs oa/ rHF{r+
qlTf x{ffi-rq/rx rw
@s% @c% @q% @)o% Ans:@ )oo
)ooxc\F Y tooxtoc . Coo xFxS 9ooxFxC
$[[rffi: ffilTt? = AI c, a---,i-oo
$f{flv ffif
=- qoox? )oo )oo
{f, lo?+9olt = Aoo
=9% 4t, aoF = coo
)). What simple interest rate wiII summon
need to secure to make Tk z5oo in {f,O = )ofi
interest on Tk. 1o,ooo principal over s
yeafS? [Agrani Bank (O) : o8] fiqFaqFflTg
@+% @s%
@0x Errqar = c o o x8 =Qo o o From r ?Eu-"-tr >{s-
@zoA B% Ans: @ qlalr,, vo o xx=oo o o blfitr t {qrtrtr W'
q'ftt{: loox 25oo
Rate oflnter"rt ='o9^"xt! - .'.cooo FfO|gr 1QTq?Y aooEllt
to,ooox S
tcclyc,qf? fr
)\. What annual rate of interest was paid if qllryq'x ry'{-{'
Tk 6o,ooo earrred Ik 6,ooo in interest too x Coo
in 5 years? [BangladeshBank(AD): os] = - )ofl6r
Aooox t
@z% @s% @ 4o/o
@s% (e) 60/o Ans: @
Math without Calculator (Arithmetic)
qqsffig f J+-Jo \r| /rt\o
j{. c% qlra es- <qtr{ e,ooo ffi{ {q aqo Blqt qc<t =9ool
\ rool

/eil<f&-re rHft{Elft-sm{{fitfr ffi61qos dl

q.o =,9oo(r.r)* = 9QUF7'{{
@u @
@ rc' @r. Ans: @ $. If the compound interest on a sum for z
years ata2.go/o per annum is Tk. 51or ttre
qTtrflil: ryTf=
)ooxCYE n4 )oo x 8Qo
simple interest on the same sum at the
qfffi x 4t-< <ff =:----i-_-a
e,oooxl same rate for the same period of time
)u. How long will Tk 5oo earn an interest is: -[nanglailesh Bank (AD) : t+]
of Tk roo at loo/o Per annum? Tk.+so
is6v-ssL"6cr&-are @ Tk. +oo @
'ei @ Tk. +6o @ Tk. +Bo Ans: @
@g years @ z years
@ 4 years @ 2.5 years Ans: @
100x1 100x100 Solution: Compound Amount = e(, * !\'
Pxr 500x10
5p. .1sq'dt {fifq c llqt Ela Wi qlrm w <qrs {m
6sFr .'.P+5to = p11*12'5012
Eflqfq fr'Acf ql(? /5e q\'ra arftrl e qola/
fi'sE frq6a rg 100

@r<qm @ qo <qcl or, P+5to = P1112'5o 1z

@ a<qm @ )oo {RT{ Ans: @ 100
T{Ffl{ e ffi, q1-a-a= tootlqlt
or, P+5to = P712656'25,
{? qM64frs'f {@= )ooxQ-qoo EIlf (C{t 10000
qffiG[ E4 = EIFFI - Sffi = Qoo-)oo=)oo ilfrI or, P+5to = 1.2656P
cE@qrqr= ) or, o.z656p - gla ot1 P = 1920
t" "."=)/G""E-6 1920 :-?: 12'5
)oo " n "= tx)oo/A tt= Qo IQTS{ Simple interest - = 48o taka
\\. The compound interest on Tk 1o'ooo
Short-cut: for 4 years at go/o per annum will be
ryy3r= )oox(Yli m )oox)oo
- =_={o{{6f approximately C{fNR'-f)- Banstadesh Bank (AD) :
914-f x lrt-< <f+ )oox C o6l
\ @ Tk zooo @ Tk zozs
eo. dF[s. s:%qrd {m' )eco tf+t +o <qrd {m- @ Tk zoso @ Tkzroo
I (e) Tk zrSS Ans: e
g[o6q 5sqq ffi Etrq? Hlv-+ rqffififfi ftFr fr-ff{ 4ftfi s
Solution: Comp ound Amottnt = pl,r* " )t
@ u<qr< @ s <qrfr \ too)
@ q<qm @ c <qr< Ans: @
ryF6 t
i(?'-- )gQo-)eco = Qio FlfrI, = '
to,ooo( t*a)' = To,ooox(t.od4
\ 1oo)
Eflfff = )eco, {m?<ftr = o1%=
= LOQOOx1.2155
= 72155 taka
SooxC\lt \4 Interest = 72755-7o9oo = 2155 tdka
= qFryf
x q'd?-tr Ertr $?. How much interest uriU Tk 2ooo earn at
)oo x Qio l9ooo Tq'c?
an annual rate of to% in one year if the
= interest is compounded every 6 months?
Jgco x 9.99 SQoo
[Bangladesh Bank (AD) : o t]
@ zoo @ zro
E+-{R- {qm ffi
(C ompound Amount)
@ zzo @ None of these Ans: @
'\o. qrTr&{tFFo
-=-=9 )o% Eqr{R{Gc'ooo 31q1q'1qmwt
Et{rffr I \T<qfr & <r&qE rqrs'Etot "ttrql Solution: Compound Amount= r(,. *)
FqTA.q; oq/
@ s\eo tslst @ qqo Bto (. 10\
@ qqsbrct @ gqc Br+t = 2OOOI I+- |

(s) mtqfriffi Ans: @ \ zoo)

qqtlt{: tqfr nnrw =*[,( * ry.lo,*l*) = 2000, (r.o5)2
= 2000x7.7025
= 2205taka
Interest = 22o5-2ooo = 2ostakd
Math without Caleulator (Arithmetic)
q{r{F: The sum of 3 numbers = 24x3 = 72
C"*rrR-L4 The sum of z numbers = 27+23 = 44
.'.The third number = /P-ll = P$
o9. Sum of P and Q is 7z and the the value
S (Average) of R is 42. What is the average of P, Q
and R? Porg tadesh Bank (AD) : o8l
tlv't .{<F s1qT F-e--garqf <fFK c{Em & @gz @s+
nfisrfl-< mtB qqqit srfi vFt sir6{ m @s6 @eB
(e) go Ans: @
ET'ITTT "tt€TIqF, ETTilfiETqK Ig<TE'I T{HF: The sum ofP, Q and R = (2+/2 = 111
.'.Auerage of P, Q andR-= tt4/3 = 38
oq. &NT @tr€ €qrrK r|v' c,u 6s& 1 ,$q'{Trctt
c) 6+kF,Tm r ([riit sFEi6{3tqr(m'eqq<rq-
@ cs r+& @ cc.m&
@ cq r+& @ c.s m& Ans: @
{TFfi{: I s?f;ftrss?ffitr4.rlE= Cexe -- )Ab 6f&
e s?rry-+{{wTf{c) @,ffi=6sx{ = )oQ (irlh
o). )oE qq{rlT 6{FtsEr 8s\ | qrqr qqT 8frd 'lv. aa. qoqidiqtrf;tr etsf{{ffi= )cb-)oQ = c1c&
q1\ ctr€ cBlt tl9 ev I elrprt c\{rtB rs? 6)e-{
ou. q+q-+qfrE qefr{ etrtrl v qBt+tcwq-+qEEr lo
ffieryl ftFr fi'.rl'f (ilt+) ; torv/
qffi'-q/afr-r qqp1ff
Erm +m q<\ qqm \Ett )a Er+t TGr
@so @sa 'r*<q
efts r ?nfr+ 5e qEt Tlq F-{6{ qT xbMB'
@st @co Ans: @ 'lv'
T{RF: eW tkD c$r'|tr crE - @Qx8=QoF
Ts? Ilswffior@&ar1u2/
@ :> brcr @ la,blo
6tir31 6fi1aqqE = svxc=)bo
baftrcTE = Qo'*)bo -- ebt
@ Eror @ >efu Ans:@

?aB{ Tfitr}'E = B9Q-eb& = 98

ir{Fdir: Aqtr v 'fiftqmo - v x)o = vo tlaf
o\. s, r, )o 9T {tftR€ ry 1, b q<( 6sl{ tT$rlT rffitr a vE/" +Ifrq'fr-r-- )cx{ -- so Fror
{RB-rnwTq{ffl atwffiqry/ rq,E'r&q&-f = vo+oo -- ))o DroI
q6H&ulr{9vq-R= $o/)o = )) FloI
@c @u
Ans: @ oh. The average of two digit numbers,
@s @>o
which remain the same when the digits
qrHI{: v,v, )o ffrfi8&o 4v= tu * )o =v e
interchange their, 2

I " "rli,",?;# B ank(AD) :

,tv v <@, sff q<w" qqfr = Lxg = @ss @q+
cFryflnr{{E= i*b =)9
@sS @66
q<o frftF x<m il qrr ffii-*'+-srqs
Solution: E{
.: uVry$trIff= {8-)9 = F qFt <trrf,)), qq, 9s, 88, cc,99, gg, vv, bb
oe. x s y €T {ftrK flv b q<( g =)\ {c6t, x, y, z qa qtsffirturry/s
T1HTrl9Fs? /qos-sfi'Acr/
4fi ryq{ra6zlT t!1r'f )) + bb
@v @b EV=-----=-=CA
@>o @lq Ans:@ et
)o. If a man swims 4 meters upstream at 1
qqt{Ft: x e y OlWft= bx{ = )L mph and back downstream to the same
x,yszqf4{E=)t+){=eo point at 4 mph, what is his average
x, Y, z gafldit slg = g6/s = )o speed? /rvs"{&frqryl
oe. The average of 3 numbers is 7.lf z of @ o.8 mph @ r.6 mph
the numbers are zero, then what is the @ z.+ mph @ g.z mph Ans: @
third number? [sonali, Janata anil Agrani (so) : o8] {t{t{Ft: 65/z\r"e&qtur,l firFff V/V= ) Sf|fl
@rs @rz g " " =g "
@rg @zr 6SrF?Elgrdr, a fiE)'r v/r= ) sBrf
(e) None of them Ans: @
rvtF q&ev rrr = B*8= v frFtt
qqNFt: The sum of 3 numbers = 7x3 = 27
The sum of z numbers = o
...t1s4fu6,ry = U/a = :.V mph
.'.Thethirdnumber = 27
oQ. The average of 3 numbers is 24. If two
of the numbers are 21 and 23, what is
the tlrird number? PansladeshBank(AD): o6l
@zo @z+
@26 @zB
e Ans:

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