Valve 2
Valve 2
Valve 2
Large Annular
Flow Area
Plug Cavity
M&J can supply everything from surge relief valves to complete systems. DANFLO Surge Relief Systems provide the most
effective way to protect your pipeline and equipment from unabated transient pressure surge waves (“water hammer”).
Track Transient Pressure Surges Precisely for Maximum Protection (1)
A pressure surge is generated in a pipeline system when there is any change in the rate of flow of liquid in the line. The
surge pressure can be dangerously high if the change is too rapid.
Pressure (PSIG)
operated valve SET PRESSURE
(c) slamming shut of a non-return valve
(d) starting or stopping of a pump 400 Line pressure with
DANFLO surge protection
Surge pressure may vary in magnitude from virtually undetectable
to sufficient severity to cause a major disaster. Prevalent prob- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
lems from insufficient surge protection include axial separation Time (Seconds)
of flanges, pipe fatigue at welds or longitudinal splits of the pipe,
pumps knocked out of alignment, severe damage to piping and
piping supports as well as damage to specialized components SURGE RELIEF PROTECTIONS
such as loading arms, hoses, filters, bellows, etc.
One of the first phases of a hydraulic-surge package should be a complete surge analysis. Part of the results of such analy-
sis is the determination of how much flow will need to be relieved and at what set pressure. These two design criteria will
help select a properly sized surge-relief package which will reduce surge pressure to an acceptable level during unsteady-
state flow conditions.
Surge relief valves must respond rapidly yet operate very smoothly. They should open quickly to “track” the large initial pres-
sure rise, then close in direct response to pressure decay at the valve inlet. The relieved flow is usually dumped into a large
storage vessel and later returned to the product line.
(1) From Hydraulic Analysis, Ltd., Mill House, Hawksworth Rd., Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 4JP, England. Telephone (44) 0532 581622.
M&J Valve surge relief system protects pipelines from transient pressure surges
Ordering Information
M&J has established a standard numbering system for DANFLO Surge Relief Valves.
Materials of Construction
Metal Trim Components Seats & Seal
Trim Body
No. Material (1) Seat Internal
Plug Retainer Guide Sleeve Spring (4) Seat O-Rings
Ring Bolting
Non-Corrosive Service ASTM A-216 ASTM A-216 ASTM A-216 316 ASTM A-216 WCC/ Chromium Vanadium 18-8
-20 to 400 F WCC WCC (ENP)(2) WCC (ENP) SS Impreglon I.D. (Alloy Steel) SS
Non-Corrosive Service ASTM A-352 ASTM A-352 ASTM A-352 316 ASTM A-352 LCC/ 18-8
B 17-4PH SS Nylon Available
Low Temp -50 to 240 F LCC LCC (ENP) LCC (ENP) SS Impreglon I.D. SS
Mild-Corrosive Service Available: Viton A
ASTM A-216 ASTM A-216 ASTM A-216 316 ASTM A-216 WCC/ 18-8
-20 to 400 F NACE AN 17-4PH SS Viton A, Viton GFLT,
WCC WCC (ENP) WCC (ENP) SS Impreglon I.D. SS
MR0175(3) Viton GFLT, Buna-N (Ni-
Mild-Corrosive Service Buna-N, trile), EPDM,
ASTM A-352 ASTM A-352 ASTM A-352 316 ASTM A-352 LCC/ 18-8
Low Temp. -50 to 240 F BN 17-4PH SS EPDM, LT-Buna-N
LCC LCC (ENP) LCC (ENP) SS Impreglon I.D. SS
NACE MR0175 LT-Buna-N
Corrosive Service -20 ASTM A-216 316 17-4PH SS/ 18-8
E 17-4PH SS 17-4PH SS Inconel X750
to 400 F WCC (ENP) SS Impreglon I.D. SS
(1) Where internal body corrosion is unacceptable with WCC
Trim Type from Table material, consult factory for body recommendation.
(2) ENP=Electroless Nickel Plated
Example: 4”, Model 423 - ANR -40 (3) NACE Trim meets MR01-75 Latest Edition
(4) Spring is not required for nitrogen loaded Danflo valves
Pressure Control
Valve Ratings
Series 1 150# ANSI 40 Surge Relief
42 Nitrogen Loaded 3 300# ANSI
4 400# ANSI
5 600# ANSI
6 900# ANSI
7 1500# ANSI
Example: Table 1
Nitrogen usage for Four 12” 150# DANFLO Valves in a Surge Relief System DANFLO Plug Cavity
Set Pressure (PR)=190 psig or 204.7 psia (Volumes in Ft3)
T1=50ºF or 510ºR Size I Vp* VT=I+Vp
T2=86ºF or 546ºR
2” 0.004 1.55 1.55
1. Daily Surge Relief Valve Usage, SCFD
1 1 3” 0.013 1.55 1.56
V=35.92 (204.7 x 0.75) 1.95 ( 510- 546 ) 4
V=35.92 (153.5) (1.95) (0.00196 - 0.00183) (4) 4” 0.017 1.55 1.57
V=5.59 SCFD 6” 0.056 1.55 1.61
2. Usable Nitrogen Supply per “K” Bottle, ft3 8” 0.118 1.55 1.67
N=235 - (153.5+100) x 1.55
14.7 ] 10”
N=235 - (17.24) x (1.55) 16” 0.800 1.55 2.35
N=208.3 ft3 NOTE: This data for “K” sized bottle.
3. Days Supply Available per “K” Bottle* (Size 200, meets DOT Spec. 2265)
D= 208.3
D=37.3 days/bottle
Major Benefits and Advantages of
DANFLO Liquid Surge Relief Valves
•High flow capacities (Cv) mean you can use smaller and/or fewer valves
to provide the surge protection you need. Save on installation cost and save
•Fast response-rapid open/closing without slamming shut-allows the valve to
“track the surge.”
•Additional reserve flow capacity allows for unforeseen transient surge flow.
•Set pressure test port to meet Department of Transportation periodic-testing
requirements. Reference U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline Safety
Regulations, Hazardous Liquids Part 195, paragraph 195.428, Overpressure
Safety Devices.
Your local contact:
For more information about our worldwide locations, approvals, certifications, and local representatives, please visit
SPX Corporation reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligation.
Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing.