The Glyoxylate Shunt, 60 Years On: Annual Review of Microbiology
The Glyoxylate Shunt, 60 Years On: Annual Review of Microbiology
The Glyoxylate Shunt, 60 Years On: Annual Review of Microbiology
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FLUX PARTITIONING IN E. COLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
CONTROL OF THE ACETATE OPERON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
OF BACTERIAL GENOME SEQUENCING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
BACTERIA? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
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Gluconeogenesis Oxaloacetate
CH2 COO– HO C COO– Citrate
Malate CH2 H C COO– Isocitrate
Acetyl-CoA ICL
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Figure 1
Overview of the glyoxylate shunt (red arrows) and its interaction with the TCA cycle. The oxidative
decarboxylation steps of the TCA cycle that are bypassed by the glyoxylate shunt are shown in gray. Acetyl-
CoA input moieties are highlighted in tan, and the enzymes discussed in the text are shown in orange (MS),
green (ICL), blue, and purple (ICD and IDH). Note that ICD and IDH are not always present together in
any given organism; many organisms encode either ICD or IDH. For clarity, the ICD kinase/phosphatase,
AceK, is not shown. Abbreviations: ICD, isocitrate dehydrogenase; ICL, isocitrate lyase; IDH, monomeric
ICD; MS, malate synthase.
organism to bypass the oxidative decarboxylation steps of the TCA cycle, thereby conserving
carbon skeletons for biomass generation. For this reason, the sequence, first discovered in 1957
by Kornberg & Krebs (35), was termed the glyoxylate bypass. The net effect of this bypass is
the formation of one four-carbon dicarboxylic acid (malate, a gluconeogenic precursor) from two
molecules of acetyl-CoA input (15, 32).
As shown in Figure 1, the glyoxylate bypass siphons carbon away from the main sequence of
the TCA cycle at isocitrate, immediately before the commencement of oxidative decarboxylation.
The glyoxylate shunt generates succinate and malate, which are subsequently oxidized to yield
fumarate and oxaloacetate (respectively), so it also provides some energy to the cell. However, this
is not an all-or-none switch between competing pathways; even during growth on acetate, flux is
partitioned between the main sequence of TCA cycle reactions and the glyoxylate shunt, thereby
maintaining a balance of energy and gluconeogenic precursor production. Recent developments
in our understanding of the enzymology and genetics underpinning this flux partitioning are the
main focus of this review. Before diving into those recent developments though, it is worth pausing
to review our current understanding of how flux through this important metabolic branch point
is regulated in Escherichia coli—the best understood system.
malate. The latter can then be redirected away from the main sequence of TCA cycle reactions
to generate glucose (and, hence, cellular biomass) through gluconeogenesis.
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ATPase property on AceK, presumably reflecting the metabolic cost that accompanies sensitive
regulation. Isocitrate and NADPH also appear to regulate ICD phosphorylation, although they do
so indirectly by altering the accessibility of Ser113 on ICD (through steric competition in the case
of isocitrate or via global conformational change in the case of NADPH) (57). Collectively then,
we can view these allosteric regulators as shifting two types of equilibria in the cell: the equilibrium
between the kinase-active or phosphatase-active conformers of AceK, and the equilibrium between
different conformers (active site open or active site closed) of the substrate, ICD. However, it is
difficult to discern any obvious pattern as to why certain metabolites stimulate kinase versus
phosphatase activity in E. coli AceK. It has been suggested that the key regulator is likely to be
the substrate, isocitrate (40). When the pool of isocitrate is lowered, more ICD will become
phosphorylated, and consequently more isocitrate will be directed through the glyoxylate shunt.
Interestingly, more recent work has shown that in addition to allosterically inhibiting ICD, PEP
also uncompetitively inhibits ICL (63). Thus, as more isocitrate becomes available as a consequence
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of PEP-dependent inhibition of ICD, PEP also begins to bind to the ICL-isocitrate enzyme-
substrate complex, slowing down flux through the glyoxylate shunt. This generates an additional
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layer of feedback control in which flux through the two competing pathways become differentially
autolimited in response to changing PEP concentrations. The physiological significance of this is
that PEP may be an indicator of the fate of oxaloacetate in the cell. Oxaloacetate can be converted
to citrate through the action of citrate synthase, or it can be redirected toward gluconeogenesis (and
PEP production) as a consequence of PEP carboxykinase activity. Increased flux through citrate
synthase would lower the PEP concentration and thereby relieve the uncompetitive inhibition of
ICL, restoring oxaloacetate production via the glyoxylate shunt. PEP-dependent control of flux
through ICL also links the glyoxylate shunt with carbohydrate uptake via the phosphotransferase
system; PEP is the ultimate phosphorous donor for most phosphotransferase sugar uptake systems,
so when carbohydrate uptake is high, PEP levels would be expected to fall accordingly.
484–510) denoted the substrate-recognition loop, or SRL. The SRL projects away from the main
body of AceK, penetrating deeply into the active site of ICD. Apo-ICD is a dimer in which the
phosphorylatable serine residue, Ser113, is hidden deep within a pocket and points away from the
surface. However, upon binding AceK (in the stoichiometry of one monomer of AceK per pro-
tomer of ICD dimer) the ICD undergoes a conformational change resulting in Ser113 adopting
an outward-facing, more exposed pose. This appears to be driven, at least in part, by penetration
of the SRL deep into the ICD active site. This twists and deforms the active site, yielding the
observed inversion of Ser113 configuration, priming it for subsequent phosphotransfer. Intimate
contacts made between the side chains of the SRL and the ICD active site confer specificity
in this interaction. In this regard, it is interesting to note that these interactions are conserved
among ICD orthologs in gram-negative bacteria but are disrupted or absent in ICD proteins from
gram-positive bacterial species. Consistent with this, E. coli AceK can phosphorylate ICD from
Burkholderia pseudomallei (80) but fails to efficiently phosphorylate ICD from Bacillus subtilis (69).
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This may explain why AceK (and hence, AceK-dependent regulation of flux through the glyoxylate
shunt) is a feature associated only with gram-negative bacteria (80). Atomic resolution structures
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of E. coli ICL and MS have also been described in the literature (8, 72).
IclR IclR aceB aceA aceK yjaC iclR
b Escherichia coli
Glyoxylate shunt TCA cycle
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Glyoxylate α-Ketoglutarate
pyruvate, citrate,
AMP, ADP, isocitrate,
MS oxaloacetate, PEP,
α-ketoglutarate, NADP+
c Mycobacterium spp.
Glyoxylate shunt TCA cycle
KM= 20 µM
KM= 145 µM
Glyoxylate α-Ketoglutarate
Figure 2
Organization of the Escherichia coli aceBAK operon and comparison of branch point regulation in E. coli and
Mycobacterium spp. (a) The aceBAK operon and its regulation by IclR (dotted arrow). yjaC is an
uncharacterized gene. (b) Enzymology of the glyoxylate shunt–TCA cycle branch point in E. coli,
highlighting the importance of AceK-mediated control of flux. Several metabolites are known to affect the
kinase/phosphatase activity of this enzyme (red, dotted, bar-headed line). (c) Enzymology of the glyoxylate
shunt–TCA cycle branch point in Mycobacterium spp. Note that the product of the ICL-catalyzed reaction,
glyoxylate, cross-activates ICD, setting up a rheostatic control mechanism. The KM values in this panel are
taken from Reference 60. Abbreviations: ICD, isocitrate dehydrogenase; ICL, isocitrate lyase; IDH,
monomeric ICD; MS, malate synthase.
Colwellia maris) encodes both the dimeric (ICD) and monomeric (IDH) isozymes. Sequencing of
the C. maris icd and idh genes revealed that although icd was very similar to the E. coli gene, the
idh sequence was (at that time) unique. Furthermore, the IDH isozyme is almost certainly AceK
insensitive. More recent genome sequencing efforts have revealed that the icd and idh genes are
widespread among bacterial genera. Some species, such as the industrially important fermenter
Corynebacterium glutamicum contain only idh. Others, like E. coli, contain only icd. Yet others,
such as the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis contain both icd (Mtb ICD-1) and idh
(Mtb ICD-2) but lack aceK. A small number of organisms also appear to encode more than one
ICL isoform. For example, M. tuberculosis contains an E. coli–like ICL isoform (ICL-1, encoded
by the icl gene, Rv0467) that plays an important role in pathogenicity and intracellular survival
in macrophages (53), and also a less-characterized isoform (denoted AceA or ICL-2, encoded by
Rv1915/Rv1916). Both isozymes are jointly required for optimal virulence and fatty acid catabolism
in M. tuberculosis (59). One possible explanation for the apparent redundancy here is that ICL-1
has both ICL and 2-methylisocitrate lyase activity. The latter is associated with the methylcitrate
cycle and is surprising because structural and enzymatic work previously suggested that these are
two distinct enzyme families with little or no overlap in function (25). It is also worth noting that
in many cases, the ORFs encoding the acetate catabolism genes (aceB, aceA, and aceK in E. coli)
are not linked, perhaps indicative of more complex genetic regulation. A snapshot of the diversity
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of genes present in a selection of bacteria is shown in Table 1. Although certain catalytic and
regulatory motifs are discernible, it is clear that the enzymology of the branch point enzymes
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must be more complicated than can be inferred by extrapolation from the E. coli model.
ICD plays a key role in the cell as its principal supplier of reducing equivalents (such as NADPH)
for anabolism and for combatting oxidative stress. Indeed, during growth on acetate, ICD provides
90% of the NADPH necessary for biosynthesis. However, not all ICDs utilize NADP+ ; some
exhibit a preference for NAD+ , although bacteria encoding exclusively NAD-dependent ICDs
(a) lack ICL, (b) are incapable of growth on acetate, and (c) lack either a respiratory chain or
a complete Krebs cycle (18). Why some organisms encode more than one NADP-dependent
isocitrate dehydrogenase (e.g., ICD and IDH) is not quite clear (87). One possibility is that this is
a belt-and-braces strategy to ensure that the organism never runs short of NADPH for combatting
oxidative stress, especially during infection scenarios.
Cyanobacteria are a large group of oxygenic chlorophototrophic bacteria with highly diverse
metabolic capabilities, but the occurrence of the glyoxylate cycle in these organisms has remained
controversial (83). However, a detailed genomic analysis aimed at cataloging metabolic traits of
cyanobacteria reported that two Cyanothece strains (PCC 7424 and PCC 7822) contain an operon
encoding ICL and MS (4). A similar operon has also been identified in Chlorogloeopsis fritschii
(strain PCC 9212), and the enzymes encoding ICL and MS have been biochemically validated
Table 1 Distribution of the glyoxylate shunt—TCA cycle branch point enzymes in a selection of bacterial generaa
Species ICL-1 ICL-2 AceK IDH ICD GlcB Observations
Streptococcus pneumoniae ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ No shunt, no TCA
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗
Azotobacter vinelandii Avin_28420 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Avin_28310 ∗∗∗ Avin_43290, Avin_43290 part of a
Avin_05920 glycollate degradation
operon? Avin_05920
not part of aceBAK-like
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Table 1 (Continued)
Species ICL-1 ICL-2 AceK IDH ICD GlcB Observations
Bacillus anthracis BAS1052 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ BAS4487 BAS1051 aceBA operonic
Bordetella pertussis BP2085 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ BP2488 BP3680 NA
Corynebacterium Cgl2331 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Cgl0664 ∗∗∗ Cgl2329 aceA and aceB (glcB)
glutamicum divergently transcribed
Pectobacterium ECA3990 ∗∗∗ ECA3989 ∗∗∗ ECA2439 ECA3991 aceBAK operonic
Burkholderia cepacia GEM_4139 GEM_1393 GEM_0511 GEM_0907 GEM_0906 GEM_5590 icd and idh adjacent and
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in same orientation
Hahella chejuensis HCH_02323 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ HCH_03212 HCH_02336 HCH_1653 NA
∗∗∗ ∗∗∗
Abbreviations: ICD, isocitrate dehydrogenase; ICL, isocitrate lyase; IDH, monomeric ICD; NA, none available.
Note that for each species, results for only a single representative genome sequence (strain) are shown. In a small number of species, the presence or absence of a specific gene was strain
dependent (e.g., the ICD coding sequence in S. maltophilia). The table was constructed by BLAST searching the genome sequence of each selected strain with the protein sequence of ICL, ICD,
IDH, AceK, or GlcB from P. aeruginosa or the ICL-2 sequence from M. tuberculosis. Where no homolog was identified, this is indicated by ∗ ∗ ∗ . For each species, the gene identifiers
corresponding to hits displaying the highest sequence similarity (E > 10−5 ) with the query sequence are indicated.
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both ICD (ICD-1) and IDH (ICD-2) homologs, although only the IDH homolog appears to be
important for TCA cycle flux under physiological conditions. Unlike the situation in E. coli, where
the KM of ICL for isocitrate is approximately 100 times the KM of ICD for the same substrate, in
mycobacterial species the ICL:IDH KM differential is lower (145 μM:20 μM, different by a factor
of just 7). In the flux rheostat model, the activity of IDH is stimulated by glyoxylate, which is ideally
suited as a regulator because it is a unique product of the ICL-catalyzed cleavage of isocitrate to
glyoxylate and succinate. Thus, as the flux of carbon through ICL increases, this gives rise to an
increase in the corresponding steady-state concentration of glyoxylate. This, in turn, feeds back
to activate ICD, thereby decreasing flux through the glyoxylate shunt (60). Consistent with this,
and in stark contrast with the situation in E. coli, total ICD activity in mycobacterial cell extracts
increases in acetate-grown cells compared with glucose-grown cells. This development fills a
significant gap in our understanding of how flux partitioning can be potentially regulated. It also
opens up exciting possibilities regarding the regulatory arrangements in species that contain not
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only ICD and IDH but also a functional AceK protein (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Burkholderia
cepacia; Table 1).
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glcB prpDC
rccR RamB
CO2 Gap icl1
11 August 2018
CO2 Propionyl-CoA
AceE F Acetyl-CoA
Acetyl-CoA Acetate
Acetate Citrate
Citrate 2-Methylcitrate Oxaloacetate
Oxaloacetate PrpC
NADH Isocitrate
NADH Isocitrate
PrpD Acetyl-CoA
Acetyl-CoA Malate NADPH
Malate NADPH 2-Methyl-cis-aconitate CO2
ICL Glyoxylate α-Ketoglutarate
Glyoxylate α-Ketoglutarate
CO2 2-Methylisocitrate Fumarate 2H
Fumarate Succinyl-CoA
2H Succinate
Figure 3
Transcriptional regulation by RccR and RamB transcriptional regulation of glyoxylate shunt gene expression. (a) The RccR regulon. Binding of the Entner-Doudoroff
intermediate, KDPG, to RccR increases the affinity of this transcriptional regulator for the upstream regions of aceA and glcB, thereby repressing expression of the
glyoxylate shunt enzymes in the presence of glucose. RccR also regulates expression of genes involved in pyruvate metabolism (aceEF) and gluconeogenesis (pckA, gap).
RccR-regulated carbon transitions are marked in red. (b) The RamB and PrpR regulon in Mycobacterium spp. RamB represses icl expression and its own expression during
growth on glucose. PrpR, a transcription factor involved in regulation of the methylcitrate pathway of propionate degradation in M. tuberculosis, represses ramB
expression during growth on propionate. PrpR also activates the expression of icl, as this enzyme has methylisocitrate lyase activity and is required for propionate
degradation. RamB-regulated carbon transitions are marked in red. In both panels, dotted arrows indicate activation of transcription, while dotted, bar-headed lines
indicate repression of transcription. Abbreviations: ICL, isocitrate lyase; KDPG, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate; MS, malate synthase; PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate.
MI72CH15_Welch ARI 11 August 2018 7:53
However, HexR and RccR control distinct aspects of primary metabolism in Pseudomonas; whereas
HexR controls the expression of genes involved in glucose catabolism and uptake, RccR regulates
pyruvate metabolism (aceEF, encoding subunits of pyruvate dehydrogenase), the glyoxylate shunt
genes [including aceA and glcB (encoding MS in this organism)] and gluconeogenesis (pckA, gap).
An unusual property of RccR is that it can switch between repression of pyruvate metabolism and
activation of the glyoxylate shunt/gluconeogenesis loci depending on the available carbon source.
This remarkable reciprocal regulation is brought about by the differential binding of RccR to two
distinct pseudopalindromic binding sites with the consensus sequence TGTAGT. . . . ACTACA.
These two sites have different linker lengths. Upstream of the glyoxylate shunt genes, the motif is
28 bp long, whereas upstream of the aceEF genes, the sequence is just 15 bp long. In the absence of
inducer (KDPG), RccR has a far higher affinity for the 15-bp site than for the 28-bp site, thereby
repressing expression of the aceEF genes. In contrast, in the presence of KDPG, the affinity of
RccR for the 28-bp site is increased, and binding to the 15-bp site is concomitantly decreased. This
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way, P. fluorescens is able to coordinate gene expression in response to carbon source availability
(10, 17) (Figure 3).
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ICL has also been shown to be regulated by acetylation in E. coli, where 13 acetylation sites
were identified in the protein in vivo. Of these, 5 sites (K13, K34, K308, K326, and K331) showed
increased acetylation in a cobB mutant, although subsequent in vitro analyses revealed that CobB
exhibits a preference for deacetylation at only 2 of these sites (K13 and K308). However, this
deacetylation led to an increase (approximately 40%) in ICL activity. No evidence was found for
AceK acetylation in vivo though, and deletion of pat or cobB did not affect flux partitioning in an
aceK mutant (11).
Recent work by Bi et al. (7) has also uncovered a role for acetylation in modulating the activity
of ICL-1 in M. tuberculosis. ICL-1 was found to be acetylated on three lysine residues (K322, K331,
and K392). Interestingly though, the effect(s) of acetylation at each site were different. Using site-
directed mutagenesis, the team found that substitutions at position 392 generally enhanced ICL
activity, whereas substitutions at position 322 reduced ICL-1 activity. To investigate this further,
they used an elegant genetic system in which the codon for lysine (AAG) at positions 322 or 392 was
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amber codon, resulting in uniform insertion of acetyllysine at the desired sites. This way, the team
confirmed the results from site-directed mutagenesis; furthermore, they observed that acetylation
of K322 (but not K392) led to diminished 2-methylisocitrate lyase activity (recall that ICL-1
has both ICL and 2-methylisocitrate lyase activity). In addition, acetylation of K392 affected the
abundance of ICL-1, apparently protecting the enzyme from turnover. These observations may
be significant, because the level of K392Ace ICL-1 markedly increased in M. tuberculosis cultures
grown in propionate or acetate (compared with cultures grown in glucose) (7).
Protein acetylation in M. tuberculosis is likely catalyzed by Rv2170, which encodes a protein
with lysine acetyltransferase activity, whereas deacetylation appears to be catalyzed by a sirtuin-like
protein, Rv1151c (NpdA). Rv2170 uses acetyl-CoA as an acetyl group donor to posttranslationally
modify proteins. In ICD, residues K30 and K129 are acetylated by Rv2170, and this leads to a
marginal reduction (approximately 30%) in ICD activity. Although this is nowhere near as potent
as phosphorylation in E. coli ICD, this observation does at least show that M. tuberculosis has some
potential to regulate ICD activity through posttranslational modification. Interestingly, Rv2170
is also capable of succinylating and propionylating ICD (using succinyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA
donors), suggesting that these modifications might also play a physiological role (45). Reversible
acetylation of Acs and propionyl-CoA synthetase (Ms5404) has also been shown to regulate both
acetate and propionate metabolism in M. smegmatis (29).
the ability to degrade itaconate and can even live off this compound as a sole carbon source. Indeed,
this three-gene catabolic pathway is known to be crucial for the survival of Y. pestis in macrophages
(66). This is somewhat counterintuitive given that deletion of the ICL-encoding gene in Y. pestis
prevents growth on acetate but has no obvious effect on pathogenesis in a mouse model (67).
Given its importance in pathogenicity, and also that mammals do not encode orthologs of ICL
or MS, the glyoxylate shunt enzymes have become attractive targets for drug discovery. Several
inhibitors of ICL have been identified, including itaconate, bromopyruvate, nitropropionate, ox-
alate, and malate (30, 52). However, these are pharmacologically unsuitable for use in vivo because
they are toxic and nonspecific. For instance, nitropropionate also inhibits succinate dehydrogenase,
a pivotal enzyme of the TCA cycle (3). However, and in an effort to further exploit the glyoxylate
shunt enzymes for antimicrobial drug discovery, ICL and MS from a variety of pathogens have
been structurally elucidated (54, 68, 72), facilitating structure-based drug design approaches.
A textbook example of structure-based drug design is illustrated by the development of potent
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example, disruption of the M. tuberculosis icl gene attenuated bacterial persistence and virulence
in immune-competent mice (53) and deletion of the ICL-1- and ICL-2-encoding genes together
led to a complete block on intracellular replication and rapid elimination from the lungs (58).
However, this may be only indirectly linked with the glyoxylate shunt, since ICL-1 also functions
as a 2-methylisocitrate lyase, a function that is critical for the catabolism of propionate (25).
Given that sources of propionate are abundant in biology, and that propionate and its metabolic
derivatives are toxic to cells, it is clear that disruption of the propionate catabolic pathway could
impair the fitness of the organism. Therefore, the consequences of inactivating ICL are potentially
complex and extend beyond its canonical role in the glyoxylate shunt (20, 76).
Using a clever genetic system in which M. tuberculosis MS could be temporally depleted through
doxycycline-dependent transcriptional silencing and anhydrotetracycline-dependent proteolytic
degradation of MS, Puckett et al. (65) showed that the number of tuberculous lung lesions in
a mouse infection model declined dramatically in the absence of MS. Interestingly, they also
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noted that a mutant in glcB (the gene encoding MS in M. tuberculosis) grew well on glucose in
vitro, but displayed a pronounced growth defect in the presence of oleic acid, an effect that could
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be overcome by addition of the ICL inhibitor itaconate. This indicated that MS is required to
resist fatty acid–associated toxicity and that this toxicity likely arises from accumulation of the
glyoxylate generated by ICL (65). Subsequent metabolic profiling revealed that the glcB mutant
also accumulated ketone bodies, indicative of a backlog of acetyl-CoA and depletion of cellular
oxaloacetate levels. However, the exact mechanism of glyoxylate toxicity remains to be elucidated.
Metabolomic profiling was carried out on M. tuberculosis to discover a common set of metabolic
changes associated with the activities of three clinically relevant tuberculosis drugs, isoniazid,
rifampicin, and streptomycin. All three drugs led to a remodeling of central metabolism and,
in particular, yielded a 4- to 16-fold increase in icl transcription. Consistent with the likely role
played by ICL in this, an icl mutant was over 100-fold more susceptible to all three antibiotics; a
phenotype that could be rescued by chemical complementation of the cultures with an antioxidant.
It seems, then, that in M. tuberculosis ICL participates in an endogenous metabolic defense against
the bactericidal consequences of antibiotic-induced oxidative stress, although the mechanistic
details remain to be elucidated (61). However, this is not the case in all organisms. Deletion of the
ICL-encoding gene (aceA) in P. aeruginosa improved cell growth under conditions of oxidative and
antibiotic stress (1). Glyoxylate shunt–deficient P. aeruginosa mutants also underwent a metabolic
shift toward aerobic denitrification, indicating that ICL may also play a role in regulation of
respiration and ROS management (1). Flux through the glyoxylate shunt can also impinge on
antibiotic resistance in other ways. Aminoglycoside uptake is dependent upon a proton-motive
force (PMF), set up as a consequence of electron transport chain activity. Supplementation of
P. aeruginosa cultures with glyoxylate confers protection against aminoglycoside (tobramycin)
toxicity, apparently by allowing the cell to bypass the NADH-producing steps of the TCA cycle,
thereby lowering the PMF and reducing uptake of the drug (55). Drugs that target the glyoxylate
shunt may therefore also act as adjuvants, increasing the therapeutic activity of existing antibiotics.
Flux through the glyoxylate shunt also impinges on virulence factor production. Many bacterial
pathogens use the type III secretion system (T3SS) to inject toxic effector proteins directly into
eukaryotic cells, thereby subverting host function (28). The expression and activity of the T3SS are
normally stimulated by direct contact with host cells. However, under some circumstances, the host
cell contact requirement is bypassed and the T3SS becomes controlled by metabolic inputs. For
example, during microaerobic growth of P. aeruginosa, expression of the T3SS becomes strongly
stimulated, even in the absence of host cells. Crucially, this stimulation of the T3SS is dependent
upon the activity of ICL. Interestingly, the T3SS in P. aeruginosa is normally under the control
of a signaling pathway governed by the activity of a kinase, RetS, at the apex. ICL activity is low
in a retS mutant, and complementation of the retS mutant with aceA in trans not only restores
ICL activity but also restores the T3SS (12). Consistent with the probable role played by ICL in
infection scenarios, clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa frequently overexpress ICL (47), and RNAseq
analyses have shown that aceA is 25-fold upregulated during infection in a mouse model (75).
The role of the glyoxylate shunt in the photosynthetic cyanobacteria is less clear. Cyanobacterial
metabolism is adapted for phototrophic growth, with the photosynthetic electron transport chain
as the main source of reducing agents and ATP in the presence of light. One possibility is therefore
that the glyoxylate shunt is required for dark reactions. This seems unlikely per se because acetate
does not support sustained heterotrophic growth of Cyanothece strain 7424 in the absence of
light. However, ICL activity is induced by acetate when Cyanothece 7424 is grown under diurnal
day/night conditions, and cultures grown with acetate exhibit increased biomass production (26).
Clearly, more work is needed in this important area.
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expressing the shunt showed resistance to diet-induced obesity even on a high-fat diet, despite
having similar food consumption as the controls (19). Thus, the full potential of the glyoxylate
shunt in metabolic engineering will be realized in the coming years.
(witness the emergence of acetylation as a regulatory posttranslational modification over the last
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decade). Perhaps future work should focus on characterizing these noncanonical systems where
AceK either is not present (Table 1) or cannot be the principal regulatory player. For example, like
M. tuberculosis, P. aeruginosa encodes both ICD and IDH isozymes, yet unlike M. tuberculosis, this
organism also encodes a functional AceK. Clearly, neither phosphorylation alone nor allostery
is likely to account for flux control in such a complex system. Given that the glyoxylate shunt
underpins pathogenicity in some of the world’s most threatening bacterial pathogens, and given
that the shunt can potentially be targeted for therapeutic intervention, a better understanding of
its biochemistry and enzymology will be important.
The metabolic bifurcation between the glyoxylate shunt and the TCA cycle is one of the
most important branch points in the whole of microbiology.
Flux partitioning between the glyoxylate shunt and the TCA cycle is governed by the
enzymology at the branch point.
Genome sequencing and biochemical analyses indicate that the enzymology governing
isocitrate dissimilation is likely to vary widely between organisms and cannot necessarily
be extrapolated from a detailed understanding of the well-characterized Escherichia coli
Flux partitioning can be regulated by posttranslational modification of the enzymes in-
volved (phosphorylation, acetylation, etc.), and through allostery involving low molecular
weight metabolites.
The glyoxylate shunt is an essential pathway in many pathogens and an excellent target
for the development of antimicrobial compounds.
Virulence factor production and antibiotic susceptibility are strongly influenced by gly-
oxylate shunt activity.
The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
Work on the glyoxylate shunt and propionate catabolism in the M.W. laboratory is supported
by the BBSRC, the European Union, and the Jardine Foundation. S.K.D. is a BBSRC-funded
postdoctoral fellow.
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Annual Review of
MI72_FrontMatter ARI 30 July 2018 19:35
in Fungi
Alice Feurtey and Eva H. Stukenbrock p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 377
Communication Between the Microbiota and Mammalian Immunity
Kyla S. Ost and June L. Round p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 399
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Heinz Feldmann, Friederike Feldmann, and Andrea Marzi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 423
Detection of Microbial Infections Through Innate Immune Sensing
of Nucleic Acids
Xiaojun Tan, Lijun Sun, Jueqi Chen, and Zhijian J. Chen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 447
The Epigenome, Cell Cycle, and Development in Toxoplasma
Kami Kim p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 479
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and Design Principles
Nicholas J. Croucher, Alessandra Løchen, and Stephen D. Bentley p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 521
Contents vii