5060116-H920-BOD-NAA-G-0001 Rev 0

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The document discusses the basis of design for installing gas compressors at two gas fields in Bangladesh.

The scope includes basic engineering work for the gas compressor stations including process design, equipment selection, civil and structural design.

The main components discussed are corrosion inhibitor injection, wax inhibitor and methanol injection, heating/cooling, production separator, compressor selection and station control and instrumentation.



NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

Project No: 5060116-H920 DOCUMENT NO: 5060116-H920-BOD-NAA-G-0001-0 Page 1 of 65

Basis of Design
Narsingdi Gas Field

0 Issued for Tender 07-12-2016 HAk MAh PMm

Rev. Description Date Prepared by Checked by Approved by

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

Project No: 5060116-H920 DOCUMENT NO: 5060116-H920-BOD-NAA-G-0001-0 Page 2 of 65

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Location ................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 SMEC- ILF JV Scope ............................................................................................. 6
1.4 Basic Engineering Scope ..................................................................................... 6
1.5 Objective................................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 7
1.7 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 7
1.8 System of Units ..................................................................................................... 9
1.9 Language ............................................................................................................. 10
1.10 Referenced Documents .................................................................................. 10
1.11 Codes and Standards...................................................................................... 10
2 SYSTEM PROCESS DATA ........................................................................................ 11
2.1 Gas Composition ................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Gas Properties .................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Operating Conditions ......................................................................................... 12
2.4 Environmental conditions .................................................................................. 13
2.5 Well Production Profiles ..................................................................................... 13
3 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 13
3.1 General ................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Corrosion Inhibitor Injection .............................................................................. 14
3.3 Wax Inhibitor and Methanol Injection ................................................................ 14
3.4 Heating/Cooling at Inlet manifold ...................................................................... 14
3.5 Production Separator ......................................................................................... 14
3.6 Material Selection ............................................................................................... 14
3.7 Gas Compressor Selection ................................................................................ 15
3.8 Compressor Station Control .............................................................................. 17
3.9 Instrumentation Control integration .................................................................. 19
3.10 Design Life Station Facilities .......................................................................... 20
3.11 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability .................................................... 20
3.12 Tie-in Points ..................................................................................................... 20

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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4 EXISTING SYSTEM ADEQUACY ............................................................................... 22

4.1 Flare Header / Stack ............................................................................................ 22
4.2 Disposal System ................................................................................................. 22
5 UTILITY SYSTEMS..................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Fuel Gas/ Instrument Gas ................................................................................... 22
5.2 Flare System ....................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Nitrogen Cylinders .............................................................................................. 23
5.4 Power Generation System .................................................................................. 23
5.5 Fire Water System............................................................................................... 23
5.6 Potable Water ...................................................................................................... 24
5.7 Condensate ......................................................................................................... 24
5.8 Open Drain System ............................................................................................. 24
5.9 Closed Drain System .......................................................................................... 24
5.10 Cooling Water .................................................................................................. 25
5.11 Clean Agent System ........................................................................................ 25
5.12 Waste Water / Sewage Water System ............................................................ 25
5.13 Evaporation Pond............................................................................................ 25
5.14 Fire Protection System ................................................................................... 25
6 PROCESS PHILOSOPHIES ....................................................................................... 25
6.1 Compressor Station Shutdown .......................................................................... 25
6.2 Flare and Blowdown System.............................................................................. 27
6.3 System Isolation ................................................................................................. 28
7 MECHANICAL DESIGN BASIS .................................................................................. 29
7.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 29
7.2 Statutory Requirements and Standards ............................................................ 29
7.3 Design Requirements ......................................................................................... 29
7.4 Reciprocating Compressor Package ................................................................. 30
7.5 Pressure Vessels ................................................................................................ 30
7.6 Air Cooled Heat Exchangers .............................................................................. 31
7.7 Pumps .................................................................................................................. 31
7.8 Packaged Equipment .......................................................................................... 32
7.9 Noise Control ...................................................................................................... 32
8 INSTRUMENT DESIGN BASIS .................................................................................. 32

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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8.1 General ................................................................................................................ 32

8.2 Field Instruments and Valves............................................................................. 32
8.3 Weather Protection ............................................................................................. 33
8.4 Electrical Hazardous Protection ........................................................................ 33
8.5 Unit Control Panel for Compressor Package .................................................... 33
8.6 Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC .......................................................................... 34
8.7 Fire & Gas Detection and Monitoring ................................................................ 34
9 ELECTRICAL DESIGN BASIS ................................................................................... 34
9.1 Codes and Standards ......................................................................................... 34
9.2 System Voltages and Frequency ....................................................................... 34
9.3 General Requirements ........................................................................................ 35
9.4 Selection of Equipment According To Area Classification .............................. 35
9.5 Electrical Network ............................................................................................... 36
10 PIPING DESIGN BASIS.............................................................................................. 41
10.1 General............................................................................................................. 41
10.2 Clearances ....................................................................................................... 42
10.3 Pipe Spacing .................................................................................................... 43
10.4 Valves ............................................................................................................... 43
10.5 Equipment Piping ............................................................................................ 44
10.6 Systems Piping ................................................................................................ 46
10.7 Pressure Relief Piping .................................................................................... 46
10.8 Vents and Drains ............................................................................................. 46
10.9 Piping Fittings ................................................................................................. 46
10.10 Piping Flexibility .............................................................................................. 47
10.11 Piping Loops, Bends and Joints .................................................................... 47
11 CIVIL/ STRUCTURAL BASIS OF DESIGN................................................................. 47
11.1 Design Requirements ...................................................................................... 47
11.2 Materials........................................................................................................... 49
11.3 Loads and Forces............................................................................................ 50
11.4 Load Combination ........................................................................................... 52
11.5 Design Requirements for Concrete Structures ............................................. 54
11.6 Design Requirement for Steel Structures ...................................................... 59
11.7 Deflection Limits ............................................................................................. 60

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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11.8 Slenderness Ratio ........................................................................................... 60

11.9 Access Clearance ............................................................................................ 61
12 LOSS PREVENTION .................................................................................................. 61
12.1 General Requirements .................................................................................... 61
12.2 HAZARD Identification .................................................................................... 62
12.3 Layout and Process Design............................................................................ 62
12.4 Hazardous Area Classification ....................................................................... 62
12.5 Working Environment & Personnel safety..................................................... 63
12.6 Noise Control ................................................................................................... 63
12.7 Fire & Gas Detection System.......................................................................... 63
12.8 Fire Protection System ................................................................................... 64
13 ANNEXURES.............................................................................................................. 65
Annexure-1 Pressure and Production Profile
Annexure-2 Process Operating Stages/Configuration
Annexure-3 Process Block Flow Diagram
Annexure-4 Layout Plan
Annexure-5 Safe Distances
Annexure-6 List of Codes & Standards

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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1.1 Background
Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited (BGFCL) is the largest state-owned gas
production company in Bangladesh. At present around 826 MMSCFD Gas is being
produced from 5 BGFCL producing fields. Aiming to mitigate the ongoing gas crises,
various production development projects have been identified under a Survey on the
Natural Gas Efficiency Projects carried out by M/s Oriental Consultants Company Ltd.
Japan in the year 2013. Amongst the development projects, the study recommended
installation of gas compressors at Narsingdi Gas Field to arrest the declining field
production and to meet the sales gas delivery pressure requirement at 1000 Psig.
At Narsingdi, gas production around 28 MMSCFD from two (2) wells is being
processed through a TEG dehydration unit.
Treated dehydrated gas after metering is injected in to the TGTCL sales gas
transmission line. Around 50 BPD of condensate recovered from the facility is sent to
condensate storage tank. Produced water around 30 BPD is being disposed through
the oily/ water separator to soak pit.
The proposed compressor will be installed at upstream of the Narsingdi gas processing
plant. Gas after the compression at 1200 psig will be collected in a single header for
feeding to processing plant.
1.2 Location
The information regarding location is included in Table 1-1
Table 1-1 Location
Gas Field Village Upzilla District
Narsingdi Gas Field Kamartek Shippur Narsingdi
1.3 SMEC- ILF JV Scope
The Contract for Engineering Consultancy Services for Natural Gas Efficiency Project
for the Installation of Gas Compressors at Narsingdi Gas Field was awarded to
SMEC-ILF JV. SMEC-ILF JV has to conduct Basic Engineering, Pre-qualify EPC
contractor, develop tender documents, and engage EPC contractor, detail design
review, and construction supervision.
1.4 Basic Engineering Scope
 Installation of new 3-phase production separator
 Installation of new compression facility
 Inlet, outlet production streams gas, condensate, produced water, relief &
blowdown and utilities Tie-Ins of new production separator and compressor
facilities with existing facility.
 Evaluation & identify upgrade/modification and addition required on existing
Flare/vent, condensate, produced/waste water disposal and fire water network, for
Integration with new facility.

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

Project No: 5060116-H920 DOCUMENT NO: 5060116-H920-BOD-NAA-G-0001-0 Page 7 of 65

 Integration of Instrumentation & Control with existing facility.

1.5 Objective
The purpose of this document is to define the design basis and applicable assumptions
to be applied for Basic Engineering Design to gas compressor station and associated
facilities at Narsingdi Gas Field.
1.6 Definitions
The definitions used for this project are included in Table 1-2
Table 1-2 Definitions
COMPANY Bangladesh Gas Field Co. Ltd. (BGFCL)


The agreement signed between Company and SMEC-ILF

JV, appointing SMEC-ILF JV as the ENGINEERING
CONSULTANT for undertaking the engineering
consultancy work for PROJECT

EPC CONTRACTOR Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractor

ENGINEERING The scope of work to be undertaken by ENGINEERING


Engineering Consulting Services for Natural Gas Efficiency

PROJECT Project [installation of Gas Compressors at Titas (Location
C) and Narsingdi Gas Fields]

VENDOR Manufacturer, supplier of goods/ equipment

SHALL Indicates a mandatory requirement

Indicates a strong recommendation to comply with the

requirement of this document

1.7 Abbreviations
The abbreviations used for this project are included in Table 1-3
Table 1-3 Abbreviations
ACI American Concrete Institute

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction

ANSI American National Standards Institute


NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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API American Petroleum Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

AWWA American Water Works Association

CE Crank End

CMS Condition Monitoring System

DP Decentral Peripherals

EEMUA Engineering Equipment Users Association

F.G.L Finish Grade Level

HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer

HE Head End

HP Horse Power

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

I/O Input / Output

IEC International Electro-technical Commission

IP Ingress Protection

ISO International Organization for Standardization

LCP Local Control Panel

LRFD Load and Resistance Factor Design

MMSCFD Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day

MSS Manufacturers Standardisation Society of the Valve and Fittings

Industry Inc.
NEC National Electric Code

NEMA National Electric Manufacturer’s Association


NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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NFPA National Fire Protection Association Inc

Original Engineering Manufacturers.

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

TGTDCL Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited

UCP Unit Control Panel

WHFP Well Head Flowing Pressure

1.8 System of Units

The customary units used are included in Table 1-4
Table 1-4 System of Units
Parameters Units

Calorific Value BTU/scf

Equipment Diameter m or ft

Force KN or lbf

Gas Composition Mol Fraction / %

Gas Flow Rate (Million Standard Cubic Feet) MMscfd

H2S Concentration grain/100 scf (PPMv)

HC Dew Point F (oC)

Heat Transfer Rate , Million British Thermal Units/ Hour MMBTU/Hr

Length m or mm

Liquid Flow Rate (Standard Liquid Barrels Per Day) BPD std.

Liquid Recoveries %

Mass Flow Rate LB/Hr

Moment KN-m or lb-ft

Pipe Diameter in

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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Parameters Units

Power KW or HP

Pressure Psig
Temperature F (oC)

Volume (Cubic Meter) m3

Water Content LB/MMscf

Water Dew Point F (oC)

Wobbe Index BTU/scf

1.9 Language
The English language shall be used for all engineering calculations, drawings and
other documentation on the Project.
1.10 Referenced Documents
The following documents as listed in Table 1-5 have been used as reference
documents for preparation of this document.
Table 1-5 Reference Documents
Document Numbers Document Titles

5060116-H920-PHL-NAA-P-0001 Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Philosophy

5060116-H920-PHL-NAA-P-0002 Flare and Blowdown Philosophy

5060116-H920-PHL-NAA-P-0003 Process Operation and Control Philosophy

5060116-H920-DCE-NAA-P-0001-01 Cause and Effect Chart For Narsingdi Gas Field

1.11 Codes and Standards

The overall design of the system shall comply with the latest edition of the codes and
standards, including any specific project amendments. These codes and standards are
listed in List of Codes Standards Natural Gas Efficiency Project Doc # 5060116-H920-

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2.1 Gas Composition

The latest individual wellhead gas composition is not available. To perform
process simulation for basic engineering, the gas composition of Well 1 & 2 is
taken from feasibility report. The combine gas composition for both wells is
provided in Table 2-1
Table 2-1 Gas Composition
Components Mol %

Methane 95.8179

Ethane 2.4161

Propane 0.5438

i-Butane 0.1562

n-Butane 0.1078

i-Pentane 0.0509

n-Pentane 0.0296

n-Hexane plus(C6+) 0.0128

Heptane 0.000

Octane 0.000

Nonane 0.000

Decane 0.000

C11 0.000

C12+ 0.000

N2 0.2477

CO2 0.6172

Total 100

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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2.2 Gas Properties

The gas properties are included at the outlet of gas wellhead are included below.
 Average Molecular weight 17.06
 Gross Heating Value 1030 BTU/Scf
 Pressure 300-700 Psig
 Temperature 139 0F
2.3 Operating Conditions
Wellhead current operating conditions (as of 1st Nov, 2016) are included in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Wellhead Operating Conditions
Well FWHP Gas Flow Condensate Produced Water Flow
No. Flow

(Psig) (MMSCFD) (BPD) (BPD)

1 1210 16.8 28.2 17

2 1085 11.6 18.6 11.7

The combine gas conditions at the inlet and outlet of production separator are included
in Table 2-2
Table 2-2 Production Separator Inlet Conditions
Parameters Units Values
(Note 1 to 2)
Inlet Flow MMSCFD 20.37 - 34.23
Outlet / Compressor Inlet MMSCFD 20.06 - 33.97
Inlet Pressure Psig 278 - 787.2
Inlet Temperature o
F 77 - 127.1

 A maximum and minimum gas flow rates are taken from simulation based on
production profile provided by BGFCL and gas compressor unit vendor input. The
gas compressors operating modes with partial and fully loaded compressor
cylinders have been considered.
 The wellhead gas temperatures for summer and winter are taken as 139 Deg F
and 106 Deg F respectively. The temperature further dropped at inlet of production
separator due to buried flow line length consideration.

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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2.4 Environmental conditions

The Narsingdi Gas Field site conditions used for this project is included in Table 2-3
Table 2-3 Environmental Data
Parameters Description

Maximum Ambient Temperature 110 ⁰F

Minimum Ambient Temperature 40 ⁰F

Relative Humidity (Max / Nor) 100/60 %

Direction of Prevailing Wind SE/SW in Monsoon & NE/NW in Winter

Wind Velocity (Max ) 195 Km/hr – Importance Factor = 1.15

Elevation above mean Sea level (AMSL) 16 m

Ice / Snow None

Seismic Zone Z = 0.05; Importance Factor = 1.25

Rainfall Max. in 24 hrs 8 inches

Rainfall Max. in 1 hr 1.5 inches

Min / Max Dew point/wet bulb temperatures N/A

2.5 Well Production Profiles

The well wise pressure and production profile for the period January 2017-31 is
attached as Annexure-1. The gas compressor station sizing and machines operating
modes is to ensure the maximum gas recovery in line with the pressure and production


3.1 General
Existing Narsingdi gas processing facility comprises inlet production separator,
dehydration unit, and gas metering station, condensate flash vessel, condensate
storage tanks, fuel gas system, flare and oily water separation units. At present two
wells are connected with the processing facility through a single gas gathering
manifold. Gas production from Well # 1 & 2 is treated in the Glycol Dehydration
unit.Treated dehydrated gas metered before being injected in to the TGTCL sales gas
transmission line. Condensate 50 barrels per day is recovered from the facility and
transferred to existing flash separator and storage tanks. Produced water 50 barrels
per day is recovered and disposed through existing oily water separator to soak pit.

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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A 30 MMSCFD compression facility shall be installed with all necessary auxiliary

equipment and materials such as inlet scrubbers, outlet scrubbers, gas coolers and
auxiliaries, in order to boost the declining well head pressure.
One production separator shall be installed upstream of the proposed compressors for
the purpose of separation of condensate and water from gas.
The process block flow diagram Dwg # 5060116-H920-BFD-NAA-P-0001-01 Rev-2 of
Narsingdi gas field compressor station is attached as Annexure – 3.
3.2 Corrosion Inhibitor Injection
The wellhead gas composition analysis identifies no corrosion threats as H2S is Nil,
carbon dioxide is less than 0.5 mol% and chloride contents in produced water is less
than 8000 ppm. Therefore no corrosion inhibitor injection is considered at wellhead or
at gas inlet manifold.
3.3 Wax Inhibitor and Methanol Injection
The composition of gas and condensate has been checked using Aspen HYSYS v 9.0.
It was calculated that fluid composition indicates hydrate formation at temperature of
52 0F. This temperature is below the operating temperature of 139 oF. It is evaluated
that methanol injection is not required.
3.4 Heating/Cooling at Inlet manifold
The temperature of wellhead fluid is approximately 139°F. The operating temperature
at dehydration unit is approximately 92°F. The gas cooler is proposed at compressor
discharge to cool down the gas to 110°F. Hence no cooling or heating requirement is
proposed at inlet manifolds.
3.5 Production Separator
The production separator shall be designed for 30 MMSCFD of raw gas associated
with 50 BPD of condensate and 50 BPD water. Additional 100 barrels per day of slug
is also considered for the sizing of production separator. It will be sized for a pressure
condition of 300-800 psig.
The vessel fabrication design pressure shall be 1380 psig. The vessel sizing will be
carried out as per API STD 12J and construction shall be as per ASME Boiler and
pressure vessel code section VIII Div1.
The production separator shall be installed upstream of the compressors to separate
out the gas, condensate and water. Gas will be transferred to the compressors.
Condensate will be connected to header of existing flash separator and water will be
transferred to existing oily/waste water separator.
3.6 Material Selection
The existing material of construction shall be considered for new gas compressors,
production separator and manifolds. As per the gas composition provided, carbon steel
(CS) with corrosion allowance will be used for the new compressor station facility. EPC
Contractor to evaluate the material of construction based on latest reservoir study and
to meet the material requirements.

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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3.7 Gas Compressor Selection

Considering the field pressure and production decline behavior specific to Narsingdi
location, 2- stage reciprocating gas compressors with gas engine drive have been

3.7.1 Gas Compressor Sizing

Keeping in view the Narsingdi field pressure and production profile, attached in
Annexure-1, the design capacity is considered as 30 MMSCFD at compressor inlet
pressure of 700 psig. The compressor units are capable to deliver 33.97 MMSCFD at
increased inlet pressure of 800 psig. The units shall also be capable to handle the
27.36 MMSCFD wellhead gas at inlet pressure of 300 psig at later life period of the
field production.
The compressor configuration shall be 3 x 50%, each of 15 MMSCFD capacity at 700
psig inlet pressure (2 working + 1 Standby). The production life is included below Table
Table 3-1 Production Life
Wellhead Wellhead
Production Compressor Compressor Gas Flow
Flowing Flowing
Life Units Outlet Units Outlet Rate
Pressures temperatures
Pressure Temperature

Psig °F Psig °F MMSCFD

Early Life 700 139 1210 110 30

Later Life 300 139 1210 110 27.31

3.7.2 Compressor Selection Compatibility with Field Pressure & Production Profile

Considering Narsingdi field gas production and pressure profile for years 2019- 2031,
reciprocating compressor with gas engine drive is selected. The compressor selection
and its configuration, optimized with 3 x 50% arrangement each of 15 MMSCFD
capacity at 700 psig, with two units working in parallel mode while the other unit as
stand by. Each compressor machine comprise 2 stage, double acting, 4 cylinders. The
proposed configuration with onsite, stage 1 cylinders valves loading adjustment allow
flexibility to operate for a wide range of the Narsingdi field well head pressures i.e. at
pressure of 700 psig with associated flow of 30 MMSCFD at early period to a declining
pressure of 300 psig with associated flow of 27.31 MMSCFD.

NARSINGDI GAS FIELD Bangladesh Gas Field Company LTD.

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The proposed compressor stages/configuration shall be operative at different set of

pressure and flow rates are included below Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Compressor Stages/ Configuration

Years Wellhead Pressure at Flow Rate Compressor Stages / Configuration
Flowing Compressor at Compressors
Pressures Inlet Unit Inlet
(Psig) (MMSCFD)
800 psig 33.97 Stage1 : Both cylinders partially deactivated.
2017-18 Stage 2 : Both cylinders Operative
700 psig 30.00 Stage1 : Both cylinders partially deactivated.
2019 Stage 2 : Both cylinders Operative
600 psig 27.57 Stage1 : Both cylinders partially deactivated.
2019-23 Stage 2 : Both cylinders Operative
500 psig 26.36 Stage1 : Cylinder 1 partially deactivated.
2023-25 Stage 2 : Both cylinders Operative
400 psig 25.11 Stage1 : Cylinder 1 partially deactivated.
2025-28 Stage 2 : Both cylinders Operative
300 psig 278 27.31 Stage1 : Both cylinders Operative
2028-31 (High Flow) Stage 2 : Both cylinders Operative
300 psig 293 20.07 Stage1 : Both cylinders Operative
2031 (Low Flow) Stage 2 : Both cylinders Operative

The details simulation results summary is attached as an Annexure-2. The above

simulated compressor performance at declining pressures indicates the operability of
the compressors at different flow for pressure range 700 psig -300 psig with parallel
configuration, through Head End (HE) variable pocket adjustment and activating and
deactivating of 1st stage Crank End (CE) and Head End cylinders.

At later stages of further declining field pressure in future, compression arrangement

from parallel to serial mode shall be evaluated with the consultation of compressor
OEM (Original Engineering Manufacturers).

A 6 inch diameter spare connection for booster compressor unit discharge tie-ins is
provided at upstream of production separator.

3.7.3 Turn down capacity

Gas compressor unit including gas engine packagers shall ensure the operability of
machines at 30% turndown capacity.

3.7.4 Compression Package

The proposed gas compression package will comprise but not limited to the following:-
 Production separator
 Suction scrubber unit-A/B/C

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 Gas compressor unit- A/B/C

 Gas driven engine unit- A/B/C
 Lube oil/radiator aerial cooler unit- A/B/C
 Process gas cooler unit- A/B/C
 Discharge scrubber unit- A/B/C
 F & G detection system
 Local control panels (UCP) A/B/C
 Safety valves/devices
 Electrical Genset (if required)
 The compressor, equipment and vessels manufacturing will be as per API 11P/ ISO
13631. Pulsation study shall be done as per API 618 latest edition. Aerial gas cooler
will follow API 661.
3.8 Compressor Station Control
Three gas engine driven gas compressor units NAA-CU-0001 A/B/C have been
provided with the configuration of two working and one standby. The number of
compressors and compressor stations operation shall be manually configured by the
operator under normal operation in the HMI. Each compressor unit shall be provided
with its local unit control panel.
The gas compressors shall be supplied with unit control panels housing the process
control and safety control functions associated with the compressors. These Unit
Control Panels shall interface with (LCP) PLC.
The gas compressor unit control systems shall contain capacity control system,
machine protection system. F&G detection and monitoring shall be implemented in
(LCP) PLC and provides on line health status for mechanical components.
The gas compressor station has the ability to be controlled by flow, discharge pressure,
suction pressure with temperature override.
Following automatic gas compressor station control shall be implemented:-
 Compressor speed (Flow Control).
 Compressor discharge pressure.
 Level and pressure control of suction and discharge scrubbers.
 Level, pressure and flow control of production separator
 Recycle line for capacity control.
 Start-up/flow increase.
 Shutdown/flow decrease.

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 Priority selection of units.

 Isolation and depressurize.
 Trip via (LCP) PLC with/without venting.
 Flow path set-up/supervision, etc
3.8.1 Load Sharing Control
Load sharing shall be provided as part of New Control Room, however, functionality
shall generally be as follows:-
The process input variables used by the (LCP) PLC to define unit speed are flow rate,
discharge pressure and discharge temperature. Flow set point shall be maintained,
while discharge pressure and temperature shall not exceed defined limits and the
suction pressure shall not fall below defined set point.
Load sharing control shall modify the speed set-point by ensuring equidistance of all
active compressors from their respective lines. Load Sharing Control shall also
automatically start or stop units in order to optimize station energy consumption, avoid
recycling and ensure balanced flow between compressor units as far as possible.
3.8.2 Station Pressure Control
If station discharge pressure is set as the controlling parameter, suction pressure and
discharge temperature shall act as overrides. Whereby (LCP) PLC control and
monitoring of after-cooler discharge temperature shall normally ensure that station
temperature over-ride shall not act.
The compressor station will be shut-down immediately by the (LCP) PLC system if the
station discharge pressure reaches to the high high level (refer to C&E charts, Doc #
The suction pressure low and low low signal of each compressor unit shall be
monitored by the unit control panel. Compressor trip shall be implemented by (LCP)
PLC according to its own shutdown criteria.
Note: The compressor machines operating modes shall be updated as per reservoir
study later.
3.8.3 Station Flow Control
Station flow control signal shall be used as a parameter in the load sharing controller
in parallel mode only to ensure energy efficient operation by switching units on/off to
match system demand. In case of low flow, units shall be switched off until a single
unit is running on speed control. Once this unit reaches to its lowest allowable flow
setting, the unit recycle valve shall open.
The compressor units to be selected and started (in parallel mode) shall depending on
the flow (capacity demand) and the operator set points.
Manual: Starting an additional unit manually.

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Automatic: Depending on the flow set value the additional unit shall be started and
stopped automatically by the priority selector. The start/stop set point for starting and
stopping a parallel unit shall have a hysteresis 1 - 10%.
In case one compressor unit trips, the next available unit shall go online automatically.
The load sharing has to be active during parallel operation of the units.
3.9 Instrumentation Control integration
Each compressor package will be equipped with its own PLC based Unit Control Panel
(UCP) for trouble free operation.
It is noted that instrument and control system at the existing gas processing facility are
Under the project instrumentation & control of new compression facility shall be
interfaced with existing control systems through a Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC
considering the following:
Centralized monitoring and interlock shutdown shall include critical operating
parameters on Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC. The minimum parameters shall
3.9.1 Existing Facility
 Inlet manifold well wise pressure, temperature and flow parameters.
 Pressure and level conditions (low/high level) of inlet separator.
 High/Low level of Dehydration absorber column
 TEG flow indicator
 Dehydration Plant glycol pump failure
 Condensate flash vessel level
 High Flare Knock out level
 Gas metering station flow , water dew point , pressure & temperature
 Fire Water network pressure.
3.9.2 Gas Compressor Station
 Production separator level and pressure
 Liquid Level of Compressor inlet and outlet scrubber
 After gas cooler inlet / outlet temperature
 Compressor suction and discharge pressure
 F&G Detection

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3.10 Design Life Station Facilities

The compressor station facilities will be designed for an operating life of at least twenty
(25) years. This requires implementation of a comprehensive integrity management
program that includes regular inspections and collection of integrity reports.
After 25 years, the accumulated knowledge from the inspection program together with
repair history, coating condition and cathodic protection history will allow a
comprehensive engineering assessment to be conducted. The compressor station
facilities life may be extended as needed through future maintenance.
3.11 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
Target availability of the compressor station is 98% minimum. All equipment and
facilities shall be designed such that maintenance can be carried out safely, quickly
and easily with minimum disruption to production. This shall be further confirmed based
on vendor’s response.
3.11.1 Compressor Station Layout Plan
Location and estimated area required for proposed compressor station (3
compressors) shall be as per Plot Plan attached as Annexure-4. It includes the
production separator and fuel gas /instrument gas skids along with compressors’ after
3.11.2 Recommended Safe Distances
Gas compressor station equipment installation safe distances shall comply with table
presented in Annexure-5.
3.12 Tie-in Points
3.12.1 Production Separator inlet
The Inlet line of production separator shall be connected at the downstream of existing
inlet heater.
3.12.2 Compressor Outlet
The compressor discharge of 1200 psig & 110°F shall be connected at the inlet line of
the existing separator of dehydration unit.
3.12.3 Condensate/Flash Separator
The condensate recovered shall be connected to existing header of condensate flash
separator (V-300).
3.12.4 Waste Water Separator
The produced water shall be tied in to existing header of skim pit (SK-100).
3.12.5 Existing Flare Header
The PSV and BDV discharge lines of compressors and production separator shall be
connected to a new 8 inch dia. header. Existing flare header dia. 4 inch will be tied-in
to new compressor flare header which shall be connected to a new flare system
comprising of new flare KO Vessel and new flare stack. The Tie-in points are included
in Table 3-3

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Table 3-3 Tie-In Points

Proposed Line
Size, Pressure
Off take /Tie In of Valve/ As-built P&IDs and
TIP Rating, Material
Description at Existing Removable Drawing Tie-in detail
No. Specification,
Line/Vessel Flanged Reference drawings
At Upstream of
Offtake for
PCV-03, Inlet line 8’’ 1500 # API 5L PIDBGF PID-NAA-P-
0001 Production Yes
to vertical Flanged 14 0002-01
Separator Inlet
Separator V-100
Gas from
At Upstream of
PCV-03, Inlet line 8’’ 1500 # API 5L PIDBGF PID-NAA-P-
0002 Discharge at
to vertical Flanged 14 0002-01
1200 psig & 120
Separator V-100
F, Tie In
Dia 2 inch
Sch.40, Inlet
Condensate line
header on
from Production 2’’ 150 # API 5L PIDBGF PID-NAA-P-
0003 existing Yes
Separator, Flanged Spool 21 0008-01
Flash Vessel V-
Dia 2 inch Sch.
2 inch STD inlet header
2’’ 150 # API 5L PIDBGF PID-NAA-P-
0004 Flare knock of existing Oily/
Flanged Spool 22 0013-01
pump discharge Water Skim Pit
Dia 2 inch Sch.
Water Knock
STD inlet header
out from 2’’ 150 # API 5L PIDBGF PID-NAA-P-
0005 of existing Oily/ Yes
Production Flanged Spool 22 0008-01
Water Sim Pit S-
Dia 2 inch
0006 gas for normal From Gas/Glycol PIDBGF PID-NAA-P-
schedule 80 blind Yes
compressor Contactor V-200 15 0010-02
end,NPT- plug
Fire water From borehole PID-NAA-P-
0007 Dia 2 inch Yes -
system water pumps 0015-01
Fire Water Ring
Off take from
tie-in for 4’’ 150 # API 5L Not PID-NAA-P-
0008 existing fire water Yes
Compressor pipe welds Available 0014-01
ring 4” dia.
From standby
Fire water PID-NAA-P-
0009 borehole water Dia 2 inch Yes -
system 0016-01

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1. Data shall be verified by EPC Contractor during detail engineering in co-ordination with
the COMPANY operations department.
2. Tie-in points are based on the plant shutdown to allow for dismantling of pipe spools
and installation of new Tie-ins after confirmation from COMPANY.


4.1 Flare Header / Stack

At the existing facility there is a single flare (FS-600) handling the vent gas flow from
Well 1 & 2 manifold and the associated production separator and dehydration unit. It
is noted that PSV of existing inlet separator is open to atmosphere and not connected
to the existing flare header.

The preliminary assessment of relief and compressor blow down scenario at 30

MMSCFD and at a high pressure of 1210 psig show the inadequacy of existing 4 inch
dia. flare header. To handle the compression relief and blowdown; a bigger 8 inch dia.
flare header and flare system will be required. The new flare system will comprise of
knock out drum (V-0017), a new stack (B-0001) and two knock-out drum pumps (P-
0001A/B). The flare’s pilot gas skid and flame front generation skid shall be provided
by flare system vendor. Refer Flare System P&ID # 5060116-H920-PID-NAA-P-0013-

EPC Contractor to validate and finalize the sizing of knock out drum, pumps and stack
on the basis of blowdown gas flow rates of existing facility and the new compressor
4.2 Disposal System
According to assessment, existing condensate flash separator and oily water
separation sump are adequate to handle the liquid effluent from the compressor


The following utilities shall be designed for gas compressor station. These utilities shall
be reviewed and verified by the responsible EPC Contractor taking into consideration
the final facility design requirements.
5.1 Fuel Gas/ Instrument Gas
Two (2) fuel/instrument gas skids shall be used. One from existing dehydrated sales
gas scrubber for normal compressor operation, and other from the new production
separator for black start up.

Fuel gas and Instrument gas for the compression station will be from a single
Fuel/Instrument gas conditioning skid (comprising of pressure reduction/filter/liquid
knock out skid with separate receiver vessels, each for fuel gas and instrument gas.)

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5.2 Flare System

Existing flare system is inadequate to handle the rated relief load therefor new flare
system shall be installed at the gas compressor station facility. Refer to section 4 for
the existing system adequacy.
5.3 Nitrogen Cylinders
Nitrogen shall be used for purge /maintenance requirement at compressor station.
High pressure nitrogen cylinders shall be used for purging requirements. No new
system is proposed.
5.4 Power Generation System
Two gas generators of identical rating shall be installed with one (1) operating and one
(1) standby i.e. 1W+1S. Preliminary load of gas generator of 268 KW is worked out,
catering compressor station and associated new facilities like flare system, fire water
network, control system, workshop, and residential . UPS 12 KVA back up for Control
system is also provided. EPC Contractor to carry out the generator and UPS load
assessment during detail engineering design stage.
Provision of emergency power supply from existing system will evaluated by EPC
contractor during detail engineering stage.

5.5 Fire Water System

The design of the firewater capacity shall be based on the amount of water required
for a single major fire scenario including cooling water & foam requirement. Fire water
flow requirement through two (2) nos. of fire water monitors will be 114 m3/hr. A
dedicated fire water pump house shall be located in the utilities at a safe distance of
at least 60.0 m in nonhazardous area. For entire fire water system, the ring main will
be pressurized through jockey pumps with treated fresh water supply. The fire water
pumps, fixed fire water monitors/Hydrants and associated equipment shall be installed
at compression facility with compliance to NFPA-15, NFPA - 20 and API 2030.

Raw water shall be provided through borehole existing and new standby pump to fill
fire water/raw water tank. The raw water shall then be used for fire water and service
water systems. Based on the consumption of fire water and service water at
compressor station, the required raw water shall be finalized by EPC Contractor.

5.5.1 Raw Water / Fire water Storage Tank

Raw water shall be supplied through existing and new borehole water pump to fill fire
water/raw water tank. Raw water / Fire water storage tank will be used to store both
raw water and Fire water. The Raw water / fire water storage tank shall be sized for
minimum four (4) hours fire water requirement and service water requirement.

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5.5.2 Fire Water Pump House

Dedicated fire water pumping station comprising of one 100% motor driven fire water
pump with 500 gpm capacity and one 100% diesel driven fire water pump with 500
gpm as operating and standby respectively shall be provided at compressor station.
Two 100% jockey pumps with capacity 25 gpm each one operating and one standby,
will be provided to maintain the fire water ring main pressure at compressor station

5.5.3 Fire Water Ring main system

The firewater ring main shall typically be underground piping system meeting the
maximum fire water demand. The fire water ring main shall be carbon steel with
wrapping and coating. Piping shall be designed considering the severe stress during
start-up and shutdown of the fire pumps, hose streams, and hydrants. The velocity of
water shall not exceed 3 m/s. The fire water ring main system requirements shall be
verified by EPC Contractor keeping in view the approval from local authorities. The
new fire water ring will be installed around the new compressor station and shall also
be connected with the existing fire water network through post indicator valve. This
valve shall normally be closed.

5.6 Potable Water

Potable water shall be provided from existing potable water supply and shall be
evaluated by EPC Contractor during detailed engineering. No new system is proposed.
5.7 Condensate
Gas compressor station condensate shall be transferred to the existing condensate
handling system. Refer to section 4 for the existing system adequacy.
5.8 Open Drain System
Produced water and open drain system will be designed to collect and dispose of
produced water and contaminated wash water from process area. EPC Contractor to
evaluate the existing system and meet the process requirements. Produced water and
contaminated wash water will be pumped to open drain water treatment package (if
required) to recover oil and water. The package shall be designed to reduce oil in
produced water and wash water from 1000 ppm to less than 10 ppm. Open drain
system is not reflected in the P&ID’s. EPC Contractor shall finalize during detail design.
5.9 Closed Drain System
All hydrocarbons drains from process equipment’s (e.g., production separators,
scrubbers, gas compressor unit, tanks and water treatment package etc) shall be
collected in a closed drain collection drum and pumped to the existing closed drain
system. The vent gases from this drum shall be routed to the vent/flare system. EPC
Contractor to evaluate the existing system and meet the process requirements. Closed
Drain System is not reflected in the P&ID’s. EPC Contractor shall finalize during detail

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5.10 Cooling Water

There is no availability of utility cooling water at the site. All process gas cooling,
compressor lube oil, gas engine radiator water cooling will be through the Aerial fin fan
5.11 Clean Agent System
FM200 type clean agent system shall be provided to different areas of New Control
Room, Switchgear/MCC room & Generator House etc. The system shall be actuated
by the activation smoke detectors in the protected area.
5.12 Waste Water / Sewage Water System
Compressor station wash water and open channel drain water will be routed to existing
oily/water separator.
Sewage water (wash rooms/toilets water) collection pit shall be provided to collect
sewage water from the compressor station area as per requirement. A sewage water
treatment package will be installed after the collection pit. The sewage waste shall be
pumped out to sewage treatment package via sewage transfer pumps. Clean water
from sewage treatment package shall be disposed or used for irrigation compliance to
Bangladesh National Environmental laws. Sludge from sewage water treatment
package shall be disposed by trucks. Sewage Treatment Package is not reflected in
the P&ID’s. EPC Contractor shall finalize during detail design.
5.13 Evaporation Pond
Produced water and open drainage water separated from oily/water separator will be
transferred to membrane lined evaporation pond for containment. EPC Contractor to
evaluate the existing system to modify and meet the process requirements.
Evaporation Pond is not reflected on the Plot Plan.
5.14 Fire Protection System
Fire & Gas Detection system will be installed at the facility, to actuate the ESD’s, isolate
and venting the compressor station equipment/ piping in case of operation eventuality.
The fire water ring and fixed fire water monitors/Hydrants will be installed compliance
to NFPA 15 and API RP 2030.
Dry chemical powder (DCP) based, CO2 based fire suppression units both fixed and
mobile shall be provided Fire & Gas Detection system will be installed at the facility, to
actuate the ESD’s, isolate and venting the compressor station equipment/ piping in
case of operation eventuality.


6.1 Compressor Station Shutdown

6.1.1 Process Shutdown
The compressor shutdown systems (UCP) shall also be interlocked with shutdown
contingencies at existing gas processing plant. The integration of the vendor
compressor package with the off-skid items shall be finalized by EPC Contractor.

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For safety instrumented functions inside the compressor package, Unit Control Panel
(UCP) will act as ESD system. For safety instrumented functions outside the
compressor package, (LCP) PLC will act as ESD system. The ESD system shall be
designed to provide the simplest, most reliable, practical, and effective system possible
in accordance with the requirements of the project.
6.1.2 Emergency Shutdown
The ESD system for the gas compressor station and associated facilities shall be
designed to implement safe emergency shutdown by risk mitigation. The system shall
be designed to achieve the following objectives:-
 Protection of personnel
 Protection of equipment’s
 Protection of environment
6.1.3 ESD Levels
The ESD system hierarchy shall be divided into four (4) major levels on the order of
decreasing degrees of hazard starting from zero (0) as follows:-
 Level 0 ESD – Existing Plant Shutdown
 Level 1 ESD – Compressor Station Shutdown
 Level 2 ESD – Compressor Unit Shutdown
 Level 3 ESD – Equipment Shutdown
It is noted that instrument and control system at the existing gas processing facility is
pneumatic. The pneumatic to electronic conversion and interfacing of existing control
system with new control system of gas compressor station will be done during detail
engineering stage by EPC Contractor.
6.1.4 F&G Shutdown
F&G detectors have been provided at new compressor station, production separator
and flare knock out vessel. The type and quantity of F&G detectors shall be as follows:-
 Two (02) flame detectors are provided each at production separator and
compressor unit. These flame detectors shall generate alarm and will activate the
Level-0 ESD on confirmed fire. The voting of fire detectors shall be finalized by
EPC contractor.
 One (01) point type gas detector has been provided each at production separator,
flare knock out vessel and at each compressor. Two (02) sets of open path gas
detectors are provided for complete compressor station. The voting of Gas
detectors shall be finalized by EPC contractor.
The F&G detection shall generate alarms. The details of alarms, sounders and
beacons and manual call point are mentioned in Cause and Effect chart of Narsingdi
(Doc # 5060116-H920-DCE-NAA-P-0001-01). EPC Contractor shall include fire and
smoke detection systems for new compressor stations buildings.

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The specification of pneumatic/electronic converters, numbers of I/O’s and interfacing

of control system will be worked out during detail engineering stage by EPC Contractor.
6.2 Flare and Blowdown System
The flare system shall be used for the safe collection and disposal of hydrocarbon
fluids discharged from process and utility equipment under emergency conditions.
Production shall be stopped if gas handling facilities are unavailable.
In general all hydrocarbon vapor releases shall be routed to flare KO Drum. Non-
flammable and non-toxic gases shall be locally vented to atmosphere. However, small
quantity of hydrocarbon vapors shall release to atmosphere when it is not feasible to
collect or to reroute to flare (e.g. fugitive emissions, extremely low pressure discharges
in small quantities, etc.) Water seal drum shall be considered downstream of the KOD
to prevent flashback of the flame from the top of the flare stack if required. The systems
shall be designed considering the flow rate, composition, molecular weight,
temperature, frequency and duration of process streams discharging to the flare
system. The isolated sections shall be depressurized during emergency case by
manually triggering from the new CR. Relief valves shall not be used for manual
depressuring. The flare stack shall be provided as an outlet for gas during
maintenance, equipment repairs and process upset / planned blowdown. The flare
stack can also operate in VENT mode under normal operation and FLARE mode
during emergency situations.
The blowdown calculation for the compressor station and fuel gas conditioning system
shall be carried out in accordance with API Standard 521 “Petroleum and natural gas
industries – Pressure-relieving and Depressuring systems”, 5th edition (2007). As per
section 5.20.1 of API 521 (2007 edition), “The depressurization rate shall be adequate
to reduce the equipment pressure from initial conditions to a level equivalent to 50%
of vessel design pressure within approximately 15 minutes. Depressuring to a gauge
pressure of 690 kPa (100 psi) shall be commonly considered.” This criterion shall be
followed to ensure safe design for pressure vessels which require immediate
depressurization in case of fire. Other depressurization sections excluding compressor
and associated KODs shall be depressurized to achieve the peak flow rate to limit
radiation level within sterile area and stack height without time limitation.
The configuration of the blowdown system for gas compressor station at Narsingdi with
their dedicated depressuring zones shall be identified. Compressor station blowdown
system with their dedicated depressuring zones shall also be considered.
Gas compressor station consists of several sections, which have to be isolated and
depressurized individually. The isolated sections of gas systems shall be
depressurized through the dedicated blowdown lines to flare stack. The necessary size
of the flare system and the required safety distance from the flare stack shall be
determined, considering the flammable gas cloud from the flare and accidental ignition
of the gas from the flare by sparks or lightning strike.
The flare stack shall be designed considering potential ignition by a spark or lightning
strike. The total permissible radiation intensity for the design of the sterile area radius
around the flare stack is 6.31 kW/m² at the outer boundary of the sterile area according
to API STD 521. This value allows “emergency actions lasting up to 30 seconds may
be required by personal without shielding but with appropriate clothing”. The solar

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radiation intensity is 0.948 kW/m² and has been taken into account in the allowable
radiation level. A wind velocity of 9 m/s is an assumption for radiations calculations as
per API STD 521. An ambient temperature of 43.3°C has been assumed.
Maximum allowable radiation limits including the effect of solar radiation:-
 Ground level inside sterile area : 4.73 kW/m2
 Outside sterile area : 1.58 kW/m2
6.3 System Isolation
The isolation philosophy for process and utility piping work shall be established but
specifically excludes isolation requirements for instrumentation and electrical
The isolation for the following locations and equipments as a minimum will be covered:-
 Compressor station isolation
 Compressor isolation
 Vessel isolation
 Tank isolation
 Package isolation
 Control valve isolation
 Relief valve isolation
6.3.1 Isolation Principles
The units, section of piping, items of equipment or groups of equipment shall be
isolated prior to facilitate shutdown for maintenance, inspection, tie-ins, loss
prevention. The requirement for isolation to enable maintenance or inspection is
dependent on the operating philosophy, extent of shutdown.
Isolation valves, blinds, vent and purge connections, and / or other measures shall be
provided to ensure:-
 An entire system including equipment items, associated pipe work and instruments
where necessary, may be taken out of service for maintenance and other systems
continue to function normally.
The equipments are safely isolated from all possible sources of inflow before
maintenance activities.
6.3.2 Methods of Isolation
The safest maintenance shall be performed when station, unit or system has been
shutdown, isolated and depressurized to atmosphere, drained and free from
flammable and toxic gas. When the total shutdown is not practicable the design shall
incorporate facilities to ensure adequate isolation of a complete station or individual
equipment. The isolation provision shall be provided at the boundaries of the unit and

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The isolation philosophy is based mainly on fluid characteristics, the pressure class
related to the maximum operating pressure and the equipment/piping/instrument
involved. The isolation methods are listed below:-
a) Positive isolation (most secure)

b) Double block and bleed

c) Single block and bleed

d) Single block valve


7.1 Purpose
This section covers the general requirements for the design basis for all mechanical
equipment for the Natural Gas Efficiency Project at Narsingdi Gas Field.
It is not the intent of this document to address equipment details such as number off,
sizes and capacities, design parameters and salient features. These details shall be
specified on the Mechanical Equipment List, Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and
equipment data sheets.
7.2 Statutory Requirements and Standards
In addition to the international codes and standards, all relevant Bangladeshi
regulatory agency laws and regulations will apply. List of Codes / Standards (5060116-
H920-LST-CMD-G-0001), lists the major applicable statutory requirements and
standards attached as Annexure-6.
7.3 Design Requirements
7.3.1 General Considerations
The following general requirements shall be taken into consideration when specifying
and selecting equipment items and packages:
 Design criteria shall take into consideration the design basis of other disciplines
 Compliance with National, International Codes and Standards, Industry Standards
and Statutory Regulations
 Minimizing total cost of the facilities i.e. Capital + Operating + Maintenance Costs
 Safety and ease of operation and maintenance
 Standardization of components and spares
 Reliability in service of the equipment
7.3.2 Painting
All equipment shall be cleaned and painted in accordance with Specification for
Painting and Protective Coating (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-0007).

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Vendors may be invited to offer manufacturers standard paint system for review and
acceptance by EPC Contractor when it is shown to be advantageous from a
commercial and/or schedule basis. Any manufacturers standard paint system must be
equivalent to or better than that required by specification before it can be accepted for
use on the project.
7.3.3 Spare Parts
All equipment Vendors shall be required to supply commissioning spares as part of the
scope of supply.
In addition, all Vendors shall be required to provide a priced list of operating spares for
the first two years of operation.
For Gas Compressor Package, Capital Spares as per vendor recommendations will
be required and client may purchase separately.
7.3.4 Reliability Data
All equipment/package Vendors shall be requested to provide reliability data for their
equipment and/or major components as part of the scope of supply. This data shall
include, but not limited to:
 Mean Time to Failure (MTTF)
 Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), with due consideration of Project location.
 Equipment performance profile
 Recommended maintenance intervals
7.4 Reciprocating Compressor Package
Compressors shall be reciprocating type, gas engine driven packaged equipment
including Inlet/outlet scrubbers, Process Gas after cooler and auxiliaries as required.
Reciprocating Compressor Package shall be Designed, Fabricated, Inspected, Tested
and Supplied as per Specification for Reciprocating Compressors Package (5060116-
H920-SP-CMD-M-0001), Compressor package Data sheet and API11P/ISO-
7.4.1 Code Selection Criteria for Reciprocating Compressors
API 11P/ISO 13631 is selected for reciprocating compressor based on following
 As per API 618, Section-1, and Note.1: “Requirements for packaged high-speed
reciprocating compressors for oil and gas production services are covered in API
11P / ISO 13631.”
 Compressor is Gas Engine Driven which is not covered by API 618.
7.5 Pressure Vessels
Pressure Vessels shall be fully designed, fabricated, inspected and tested in
accordance with ASME Sec VIII. Div. I or ASME Sec VIII. Div. II and Specification for
Pressure Vessels (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-0008).

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Requirement of ASME U-Stamping of pressure vessels shall be mentioned on data

sheets. Suppliers/fabricators of pressure vessels for this project shall be certified for
design and fabricate vessels to ASME Sec VIII.
7.5.1 Pressure Vessel Internals
Pressure vessel internals shall be fully designed, fabricated, inspected and tested in
accordance with the Specification for Pressure Vessels 5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-
0008. The details of Internals (Demister Pad, Vane Pack etc.) shall be as provided on
relevant data sheets.
Removable internals (if any; like Random packing, silica gel, refractory lining) and any
other non-bolt-in internals shall be delivered to and installed at site.
7.6 Air Cooled Heat Exchangers
Air cooled heat exchangers will be in accordance with API 661 and comply with
Specification for Air Cooled Heat Exchangers (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-0002).
Variable pitch fans, on/off control will be used for temperature control where required.
Adequate access will be provided for maintenance.
7.7 Pumps
7.7.1 Process Pumps
Principal centrifugal Process Pumps will be in accordance with API Standard 610 and
specification (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-0009).
These pumps shall include, but not be limited to, pumps for use in services such as:
 High temperatures,
 pumping light hydrocarbons,
 pumping toxic fluids, or
 Critical services.
7.7.2 General Purpose and Utility Pumps
Centrifugal pumps used for general and light duties including, but not limited to, water
and selected heavy hydrocarbons shall be in accordance with either ASME B73.1,
ASME B73.2, AWWA E101 and Specification for Centrifugal Pumps for General
Services (NON-API-610) (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-0010).
7.7.3 Positive Displacement Pumps
Positive displacement pumps shall be in accordance with the mechanical datasheets
and either API-674 or API-675 as indicated on the datasheets.
7.7.4 Firewater Pumps
All Firewater Pump packages will be in accordance with NFPA 20 and Specification for
Fire Water Pumps (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-0004).

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7.8 Packaged Equipment

Skid mounted packaged equipment will be in accordance with Specification for
Packaged Equipment (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-M-0005), Specification for
Instrumentation on Package Equipment (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-J-0001), Electrical
Specification for Packaged equipment (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-E-0008) in
conjunction with the individual equipment specifications, data sheets and/or drawings.
7.9 Noise Control
The unit will target a maximum specified noise limit of 85dB(A) at 1 meter from radiating
surfaces in locations accessible to personnel, measured at 1.5m above ground in a
free field (open air) environment.
Operation of compressors driven by gas engines during the operation stage is noise
and vibration prone. In this regard sound proofing could be adopted as a long-term
mitigation measure.


8.1 General
Instrumentation and control systems shall be designed to be fit for purpose in every
respect & liable to the extent of providing data on all operation & variables; sufficient
for safe, efficient & easy operation, start-up and shutdown of compression facility.
All instruments and associated items shall be of industrial type and be suitable for use
in the environmental conditions specified in section 2.4.
Following points shall be taken care of as a minimum in addition to process
 Ambient temperature and expected variation
 Area hazard classification
 Humidity
 Dust
 Vibration
8.2 Field Instruments and Valves
All instrument materials, components and workmanship shall be of international
industrial standards and be of the latest field proven design and in current production
of the manufacturer.
Field instruments shall be as far as possible electronic as compare to pneumatic
instruments. For automated valves, controller signal shall be electronic but actuators
shall be pneumatically driven except for motor operated valves. Smart transmitters
operating at 4-20 mA with HART protocol shall be used for measurement of pressure,
level, flow and temperature etc.

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For instrumentation provided by package vendors, standardization shall be maintained

by compliance to Specification for Instrumentation on Package Equipment (5060116-
8.3 Weather Protection
All field mounted instruments, panels and junction boxes shall be suitable for
installation in the environmental conditions specified in the applicable specification and
be either tropicalized or winterized as specified. As a minimum IP 65 weather
protection shall be provided for all field mounted instruments, panels and junction
All parts subject to moisture, fungus growth or insect attack shall be treated with
suitable protection. Vent and drain holes etc. normally opened to the atmosphere shall
be protected with suitable materials against rain, wind, sand and bug.
8.4 Electrical Hazardous Protection
The electrical and electronic field instruments shall be selected to have suitable
hazardous area protection.
All electrical and electronic instrumentation installed in hazardous locations shall be
designed and manufactured in compliance with IEC 60079.
Instruments in hazardous area shall be selected in the following order:
 Flame proof field instruments/valves shall be used in zone-2 and zone-1 areas.
 Intrinsically safe field instruments/valves shall be used in locations where flame
proof field instrument can’t be installed i.e. zone-0 areas.
8.5 Unit Control Panel for Compressor Package
Each compressor unit shall be provided with a Unit Control Panel (UCP) by vendor of
compressor package. The UCP shall house a PLC, field cable marshalling strips, a
HMI and all other associated electronic components.
Unit Control Panel (UCP) shall be responsible for control, monitoring & shutdown of
compressor package. Compressor UCP shall be capable of interfacing with other
systems over Profibus DP / Modbus protocol.
A local touch-screen (or alternative) HMI shall be provided with each compressor UCP.
The HMI shall allow full operational control over the compressor, providing start / stop
functionality along with view / access to all operational data.
Condition Monitoring System (CMS) shall be supplied by compressor vendor as
integral component of UCP. CMS shall be used to measure and monitor critical
parameters of compressor such as vibration, temperature, axial displacement, etc.
CMS shall be supplied to analyze and generate reports on the condition of
compressors by gathering data. The CMS shall be a computer based system that
monitors equipment parameters, determines when equipment degradation is
occurring, and notifies the maintenance personnel when interventions are necessary.
The systems shall be capable of providing advanced tools necessary to perform the
analytics to accurately diagnose potentially developing issues.

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The CMS shall be supplied as a comprehensive package along with sensors, I/O
cards, cabinets with appropriate software and hardware. The CMS shall have the
provision to interface with other systems on Modbus / Profibus DP protocols.
8.6 Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC
As compressors will be controlled by Unit Control Panels (UCP) provided with each
compressor, a Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC shall be provided to act as centralized
control panel for all three compressors and off-skid instrumentation e.g. production
Local Control Panel (LCP) shall be a PLC based system with HMI. Local Control Panel
(LCP) shall be interfaced with Unit Control Panels (UCP) of individual compressor to
display monitoring signals at Local Control Panel (LCP) HMI. Local Control Panel
(LCP) shall be able to send some control signals to compressor UCPs, but in that case
LCP’s command shall be implemented by compressor UCPs.
Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC shall be SIL-2 compliant as per IEC 61508 as a
minimum. Target SIL for Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC shall be finalized after SIL
Assessment Study by EPC Contractor during detailed engineering.
As explained in section 3.9, certain safety instrumented functions of existing facility
may be required to be integrated with Local Control Panel (LCP) PLC of new
compression facility. Details of input/outputs and conversion of pneumatic to electronic
signals shall be worked out by EPC contractor during detailed engineering.
Local Control Panel (LCP) shall be installed in New Control Room.

8.7 Fire & Gas Detection and Monitoring

In compliance to HSE requirements, flame detector, gas detectors, sounders, beacons,
heat & smoke detectors and manual alarm call points shall be installed in field for
compression facilities. Fire & gas detectors shall be connected with Local Control
Panel (LCP) PLC for activation of audible & visual alarms upon detection.


9.1 Codes and Standards

System shall be designed, manufactured and tested according to the requirements of
the relevant applicable IEC standards and in compliance with local codes with
particular reference to the Bangladesh Ministry of Electricity regulations. List of Codes
/ Standards (5060116-H920-LST-CMD-G-0001), lists the major applicable statutory
requirements and standards attached as Annexure-6.
9.2 System Voltages and Frequency
Existing switchboard (Normal): 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz

Utility system voltage: 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz

Generation: 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz


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Low voltage distribution: 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz

UPS supply & distribution: 230V, 1 phase, 3 wire, 50 Hz

Lighting and small power: 230V, 1 Phase, 3 wire, 50 Hz.

9.2.1 AC Mains Voltage Regulations

Voltage: +/-10%

Frequency: +/-2%

9.2.2 AC UPS Voltage Regulations

UPS voltage: +/-5%

UPS frequency: +/-1%

9.3 General Requirements

The electrical design of system and facilities shall define not limited to the following:
 Area classification
 Power generation system
 Distribution transformer (If Required)
 Electric motors/ Heaters
 LV switchgear and MCC (Motor Control Center)
 Earthing system
 Uninterruptible power supply system including Batteries (If Required)
9.4 Selection of Equipment According To Area Classification
Hazardous area protection class of each equipment will confirm with hazardous area
classification drawing prepared in accordance to IEC 60079.
Electrical equipment shall be installed in least Hazardous area as far as reasonable
practicable and economical. The Containerized Switch room, Control Room will be
situated in a non-hazardous area.
As a minimum, certification of electrical equipment for use in hazardous areas will
cover Gas Groups IIA with Temperature Classification not higher than T3.
All electrical / Instrumentation/control equipment installed in hazardous area will be
certified by international agency and copy of certification will be provided with

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9.4.1 Zone 1 Hazardous Area

All electric motors will be specified as being certified Exde, manufactured to IEC
standards, and have an ingress protection rating of IP55. (Exe motors will not be used).
All inherently non-sparking equipment, e.g. junction boxes and terminal boxes will be
a minimum of Exe.
All inherently sparking equipment, e.g. switchgear and local control stations, will be
9.4.2 Zone 2 Hazardous Areas
Equipment certified for Zone 1 with the addition of Type ’n’.
9.4.3 Non-Hazardous (Safe) Areas
Electrical equipment installed in outdoor, non-hazardous areas away from the process
areas will be of a standard industrial weatherproof type.
Equipment installed in indoor non-hazardous areas outside the process area, e.g.
within the Switch room and Control Room will be of a normal industrial/domestic type.
9.4.4 Ingress Protection Ratings
Equipment will be suitable for extreme conditions with the following minimum degrees
of ingress protection to IEC 60529.
Degree of ingress protection (IP) for electrical equipment devices are listed as follows:

Equipment located in enclosed dry rooms IP 42

Equipment located in open rooms and outside IP 65

(excluding low voltage motors, Lights and Junction boxes)

Lighting and Junction Boxes IP 66

Low voltage motors IP55

With enclosures open, all exposed live parts shall be shrouded IP 20

9.5 Electrical Network

Electrical network consists of but not limited to the followings,
The main power supply will be derived from Existing Switchgear 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire,
50Hz – Normal (existing power generator). Two of the gas generators are already
installed at site. Installation of the third generator is proposed to cater the additional
loads covered under this project. The new gas engine set 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50Hz
will be of continuous duty type. Interconnection point for third gas generator and
interconnection between existing and new switchgear is to be defined in basic
engineering, further finalization to be studied and done during detail engineering.

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9.5.1 Power Generation System

The detailed design shall comply with the requirements set forth in the design codes,
recommended practices, safety design codes and other Specification as provided in
the design documents and good engineering practices. Due care shall be exercised
for the ease of construction and expansion, commissioning and start-up, repair and
maintenance, and safety to operate under all conditions. Consideration shall be given
to the design of facilities in order that no environmental hazards are created to upset
the ecology of the surroundings.
The EPC Contractor shall be responsible for the detail design of the power generation
within the framework of the key single line diagram, the requirements of this
philosophy, relevant specifications and the established requirements of safe, economic
and workable good engineering practice.
The EPC Contractor shall also be responsible to re-ascertain the load requirements of
all electrical consumers and re-determine the ratings of generators. At the conclusion
of the project the power generation system shall have a minimum of 10% spare rating
capacity to provide for future plant expansion. Following section gives a brief
description of the power generation philosophy to be acquired Installation of Gas
Compressors at Narsingdi.
New Gas Generator 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50Hz shall be connected to new switchgear
(or existing switchgear subject of availability of spare feeder / space) shall be rated to
cater peak demand load and 10% future growth factor. There shall be provision of
synchronization for New Gas Generator with existing Gas Generators (all possible
points i.e. bus coupler, generator breaker or interconnection point between both
switchgears). This busbar will feed electric motors, lighting loads and all the auxiliary
loads of compressors.
New gas generator set, generating at 415V, 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4 wire will be connected
to busbar through a incomer breaker.
EPC Contractor to consider the provision for the connection of proposed bus with the
existing system for bi-directional power transfer
For essential loads, A.C. mains power will be derived from a battery-backed UPS
system providing 230V, 1 phase, 3 wire, 50 Hz at the UPS distribution board.
The emergency source of power shall be a centralized A.C. static UPS. The system
shall comprise dual 100% rated rectifiers and dual 100% rated inverters with dual
100% sealed lead acid batteries, static by pass and an A.C. mains by-pass supply via
an isolating transformer.
9.5.2 Distribution Transformer (if required)
The distribution transformer shall be of cast resin construction, will be oil natural & air
natural cooling rated (ONAN).
Taking the rating of the transformer as 125% will correspond to 80% of the total
average low voltage system power demand, such that a single transformer can sustain
the entire low voltage load within its rating.

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9.5.3 Switchgear / MCC

Switchgear and control gear will be of the compartmentalized metal enclosed type and
will be designed to minimize any risk of developing a short circuit or propagating a
short circuit. The design will also be such as to ensure personnel and operational
safety during all operating conditions, inspections, maintenance, during the connection
of main, control and auxiliary cables and during the equipping and commissioning of
spare panels while the switchgear is live and in operation.
Switchgear and control panels will have bottom entry for external/field cables and top
entry for internal switch room cables.
The provision of the incomer for new gas generator in existing or new switchgear will
be finalized during detail engineering. There shall be provision of interconnection
between both switchgears (new and existing) capable to carry maximum current flow
according to load configuration.
In order to provide maximum availability of the equipment, 2Nos of incomers shall be
connected to different sources. One of the option is one incomer fed from Existing LV
Switchgear (interconnection between existing and new switchgear) while other to be
fed from Gas Generator. Another option is dual interconnection with existing
switchgear where new gas generator is connected to existing switchgear directly to
provide ease in paralleling of generators. Feasible option to be finalize during detail
engineering. Basic engineering will be conducted considering the worst case i.e. no
possibility of connecting new generator at existing switchgear.
LV incomers and bus-section circuits will be of the draw out, air circuit breaker type.
LV motor starters and feeder units will be of the draw out type and comprise suitably
rated fused switches or circuit breakers plus air break contactors for motor control and
tripping purposes. Motor circuit protection will be afforded by a protection relays which
will provide overload protection, earth fault protection etc.
Motors shall as a standard be controlled by pushbutton control stations located
adjacent to the motor. In individual cases, controls other than pushbuttons (e.g. hands
– off – auto switch) may be more appropriate, however, the philosophy of “local” control
should be maintained. Control stations for high level fin-fan motors shall be located at
grade level with an additional emergency stop push button adjacent to the motor. All
switches and switching devices to be installed in hazardous area shall be explosion
proof type.
Lighting and Small Power distribution boards will be supplied at 415V from 3 phase
and neutral feeders located within the 415V switchboards. As the majority of low power
loads are single phase loads, for example lighting, small power socket outlets and trace
heating, they will be supplied at 230V line to neutral. All final sub-circuits will be
supplied from suitably rated circuit breakers, all socket outlet and trace heating circuits
will be fitted with residual current circuit breakers (RCCBs).
9.5.4 Cables & Cable Sizing
LV Cables will be sized according to IEC Standard by consideration of:
 Nameplate full load current of equipment, or Nameplate current of protective circuit

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 Current carrying capacity after de-rating

 Voltage drop in both normal operating and starting conditions
 Minimum and Maximum short circuit conditions
 Protection against indirect contacts
Cables will be suitably short circuits rated with a co-ordinated short time withstand to
match the associated switchgear rating and short circuit let through current of the
associated protection.
A de-rating factor, under the site conditions, recommended by the codes and standards
cable manufacturer, will be applied to cable current capacities, taking into account
installation method, grouping factor, ambient temperature and environmental
conditions. The cable ampacity calculation is based on the value defined by the IEC
9.5.5 Motors
All motors will be suitable for direct-on-line starting and supplied at 415V.
Motors above 125 HP (if any) will be fitted with anti-condensation heaters and
preferably with soft starter/VFD.
Degree of ingress protection (IP) for electrical equipment devices are listed in Section
9.5.6 Electrical Earthing
Earthing system fault levels shall be based on power sources rating with safety margin.
Soil resistivity checks shall be conducted in the proposed location of the earth system,
to determine a representative value for the soil resistivity.
For the purpose of personnel safety requirements, All non-current carrying metallic
parts of electrical equipment shall be sufficiently grounded to eliminate shock
hazards and to adequately carry fault current. The metallic enclosures of electrical
equipment shall be bonded to each plant earth ring. The metallic enclosures of non-
electrical equipment shall also be bonded to each plant earth ring or be provided with
their own duplicate earth electrodes; in the latter case, the combined resistance to the
general mass of earth shall not exceed 1 ohms. This shall include all switchboards and
distribution panels, motors, local control stations, junction boxes, power outlets, control
panels and lighting fixtures.
For fixed LV equipment, earth loop impedances shall be such as to effect circuit
disconnection in a time not exceeding 1 second under solid (negligible impedance)
earth fault conditions.
Electrical equipment shall be earthed by the grid only. Earth conductor in supply cable
shall not be used to earth electrical equipment.
All components of the grid shall be capable of carrying the maximum earth fault current
without damage for a minimum period equal to the operating time of the backup earth
fault protection. Fault current and fault clearance time to be detailed in earthing

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calculation during detail design. The earthing grid shall be designed so that it is
possible to:
 Ensure the integrity of the earthing system will be maintained with the
disconnection of one earth point.
 Test earth electrode resistance.
 Isolate equipment need to be tested.
 Disconnect earthing conductors from the earth rods for testing.
Individual earthing systems shall be interconnected, by means of a dedicated earthing
Electrical system earthing shall be provided to ensure earth fault currents of adequate
magnitude shall flow when under system fault conditions.
Based on the healthiness of existing earthing network, new earthing system shall be
Tie-in with the existing earthing network to achieve better results. Beside of this tie in
both earth networks must provide satisfactory results separately too.

The 415V system shall be earthed by solid connection of the generator neutral.
Battery backed power supply systems shall be earthed as follows:
Duty Earthing

D.C. Systems Floating Earth (earth monitoring to be fitted)

A.C. UPS Systems Neutral earthed at Clean Earth. Bypass Supply Transformer to
have an earthed metallic screen between primary and secondary
For the earthing of electrical systems, each installation shall have one common earth
grid connected to at least two groups of earth electrodes. The earth resistance of each
electrode shall be as low as possible, but in any event the electrical resistance between
the earth grid and the general mass of earth shall not exceed 1 ohm. The earth grid
shall comprise copper earthing cables. Protective Earthing
Protective earthing shall be provided to ensure all electrical, instrumentation
and communication equipment shall be protectively bonded to earth. All exposed
equipment with a nominal voltage above 50V A.C. or 120V D.C shall be bonded to
earth. Lightning Protection System
Lightning protection system is provided where equipment / shed / building is exposed
to open sky creating a possibility of lightning strike. For metallic equipment (for
example sheds) this will be achieved using at least 2 Nos of solid connections with
earthing network. For others, lightning protection mesh and lightning protection
arrestors shall be considered.

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9.5.7 Lighting & Small Power Distribution Boards

All the Lighting distribution boards and Small Power distribution boards will be supplied
at 415V from 3 phase and neutral feeders located within the 415V switchboards. As
the majority of low power loads are single phase loads, for example lighting, small
power socket outlets and trace heating, they will be supplied at 230V line to neutral.
All final sub-circuits will be supplied from suitably rated circuit breakers, all socket outlet
and trace heating circuits will be fitted with residual current circuit breakers (RCCBs).
Indoor lighting fixtures shall be fitted with fluorescent lamp type, surface mounted with
pre finished steel housing, dustproof (IP-22 minimum), and corrosion resistant, with
integral high efficiency electronic ballast and which is of high power factor. Lamping
shall be available in two, three and four lamp configurations.
Indoor lighting fixture fitting shall be 2 x 36 Watts or 4 x 18W, 230V-AC surface mounted
fluorescent lamps.
Outdoor lighting fittings shall be fully weatherproof, dustproof (IP-65 minimum),
corrosion resistant, suitable and approved for safe over or Zone -1 or Zone - 2, gas
group IIA, temperature classification T3 as per Electrical Area Classification drawing.
All fittings shall have loop in - loop out (through wiring) facility. All fittings to be supplied
complete with necessary accessories for fixation and installation. All fittings shall be
supplied complete with lamps. All cable entries shall be ISO threaded. Unused entries
shall be plugged using area classified dead plug.
250 / 400 Watts high pressure sodium vapour well glass fixture (or equivalent) shall be
suitable for pole/ceiling (bottom of platform/steel structure), high bay mounting.
Fixtures shall be supplied with support bracket suitable for above mounting. Fixtures
shall be supplied complete with internal/external reflector, shock resistant well glass,
stainless steel protective guards and cable entries suitable for minimum of 3C-2.5 mm2
Cu/XLPE/PVC/SWA/PVC Cables. One no. spare Exd stopper plug shall be supplied
for above cable entry size.
For Buildings, EPC Contractor shall consider complete building electrification including
but not limited to indoor lighting, convince sockets, concealed wiring, earthing,
distribution boxes, junction boxes etc.
9.5.8 Building Fire Alarm System (BFAS)
EPC Contractor to consider building Fire Alarm system for new buildings with minimum
02 nos. of sensors (Smoke, hydrocarbon/H2 Gas or Fire detectors) in each room.
Provision of communication of Building Fire Alarm system with other control systems
shall also be considered.


10.1 General
All piping shall be routed to provide a neat and economical layout, allowing for easy
supporting and adequate flexibility. The use of flanges and unions shall be kept to a

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Where possible pipework shall be grouped together so as to minimize the number of

structures required solely for pipe supports and shall be run as close as possible to
existing structures which can be utilized for supports.
All equipment piping should be arranged so that equipment may be dismantled for
inspection and maintenance with the minimum interference or removal of piping.
Particular attention shall be paid to clearances required for removal of pump and
turbine casings and shafts, pump drives, exchanger bundles, air fin bundles,
compressor and engine pistons, compressor drives and casings. Piping shall be kept
clear of manhole, access openings, inspection points, clearance areas for instrument
withdrawal and tower dropout areas.
Due regard shall be given to piping layouts with respect to maintaining unimpeded
safety access routes, i.e. logical spacing around equipment to allow maximum
10.2 Clearances
Clearances between Pipe work and adjacent pipe work, equipment, structural steel etc
may vary according to design requirements. However, the following minimum
clearances should apply:

Item Description Clearance (mm)

Overhead piping a) Over main roadways 6,000

Minimum vertical
b) Over secondary roadways 4,800
clearance between
finish grade or floor
c) Main pipe way lower level 3,750
and bottom of pipe
work or supporting d) Walkways, elevated platforms,
steel, whichever 2,200
passageways, working areas
e) Over railway from top of rail 6,900

Horizontal a) main walkways access 900

1. Access between b) minor walkways access 750
piping and/or
equipment c) mobile maintenance equipment
access (depending on 900 to 2,400
2. Access between equipment type)
piping and
structure d) offshore facility escape and 1,200
abandonment access ways

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Item Description Clearance (mm)

Equipment a) Operating area around 900

b) Manhole to railing or obstruction 900

c) Manhole to access platform 900

d) Clearance in front of exchanger 1,500

channel or bonnet

10.3 Pipe Spacing

The spacing between piping and adjacent piping, valves, insulation, flanges shall be
determined by the following minimum clearances:

a) Between OD of flange and adjacent pipe or insulation. 25mm

b) Between outside of flange insulation and adjacent pipe or insulation 25mm

c) Between outside of pipe or flange or insulation and any major 50mm

structural member

d) Between valve hand wheel and another hand wheel or obstruction 100mm

For pipe work spacing purposes, each pipe shall be assumed to have flanges. Piping
Movements caused by thermal expansion shall be taken into consideration in
determining side clearances.
Consideration also shall be taken of movement due to thermal expansion of all pipe
located in interconnecting pipe racks.
10.4 Valves
10.4.1 Accessibility
Valves operated frequently shall be arranged so they can be operated from deck or
platform level .The maximum distance above operating level to the center line of the
valve hand wheels without using chains or extension stems shall be 2200mm.
Valves with handwheels positioned horizontally (stem vertical) shall receive special
attention; the height of the handwheel must not be more than 1220mm above an
operating level .As an alternative to providing additional platforming, a gear operator
with handwheel vertical may be used .The centerline of the handwheel shall not be
more than 1830mm above an operating level. This will not apply to infrequently used
block valves.
Valves 2” and smaller may be accessible form a fixed ladder.
Valves that require operation during an emergency shall be easily accessible or shall
be equipped with remote operating devices with local convenient control. Unit isolating

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valves shall be grouped together, so they can be reached from main operating aisles.
The outside edge of handwheels should not be closer than 50mm to avoid hand
Valves whose operation is required for maintenance shall be provided with chain
wheels or extension stems if the valves are not accessible from deck or mobile platform
.Special care shall be taken to ensure that large valves are adequately supported.
10.4.2 Valve Selection
Selection of the type of valve to be used will be specified on the P & IDs and will
generally follow the following philosophy,
Process Isolation High Pressure – Plug Valve
Process Isolation Low Pressure – Ball Valve
Instrument Isolation – Single Block & Bleed or Double Block & Bleed
Flow Control (throttling) – Globe Valve
Block valves and bypass valves shall be individually sized and the sizes noted on P&ID
For instrument connections single body single block and bleed valves to be used.
Globe valves shall be used only to 12 NPS, where required for throttling or as a bypass
valve. For larger sizes, gate valves will be used. In general, the bypass valves will be
one size smaller than line size or the same as the control valve. Minimum bypass
valve size shall be 1 NPS. Minimum control valve body size shall be 1 NPS, with Class
300 flanges.
10.4.3 Check Valves
The preferred location for check valves is horizontal pipe runs. However it may be
required to install check valves in vertical lines .This shall only be allowed in the case
of a swing check vertical piston and ball valves and the flow must be upward.
10.4.4 Relief Valves
Relief valves shall be installed in a vertical position.
Pressure relief devices shall be accessible and installed for easy removal from deck or
permanent platforms and shall be located above the collection header in order to allow
free drainage of discharge pipework.
Relief valve discharge piping shall be designed and adequately supported to withstand
reaction forces caused by valve discharge.
10.5 Equipment Piping
10.5.1 General
Piping shall be supported entirely independently of machinery flanges and shall be
designed to impose only minimum loads on equipment.

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10.5.2 Pumps
Piping shall be designed so that forces or moments caused by thermal expansion,
dead loads, tightening of flange bolts etc. do not exceed the limits specified by the
manufacturer. Cold springing of piping to connect to rotating equipment is not
permitted. Suction lines shall be designed so that there are no pockets where vapor or
gas can collect. Piping shall be self-venting to the suction source where possible. If
vapor pockets cannot be avoided then these spaces shall be vented. Any reduction in
line size concentric reducer shall be used if the reduction occurs in the vertical down
comer or riser. Where necessary long radius reducing elbows may be used. Elbow in
horizontal suction piping to double suction pumps shall be at least 5 pipe diameters
upstream of the pump suction flanges.
10.5.3 Compressors
Suction and discharge piping shall be designed to facilitate the removal of machine
parts during servicing by providing spools and supporting the piping so equipment can
be removed without adding temporary supports. Loops and pockets shall be avoided
in suction piping to prevent pockets of condensate being formed. Cold springing of
piping to reduce the applied thermal forces shall not be permitted.
Valves shall be located only on horizontal piping.
Suction pipework to compressors shall be designed to facilitate easy insertion and
removal of temporary strainers. Reciprocating Gas Compressors
An isometric drawing of the piping arrangement of all process compressors shall be
prepared for Piping Engineer approval and to enable the compressor vendor to carry
out the analysis. For example: piping shown shall extend from the knockout vessel to
the compressor suction and from the discharge through any cooler to the next major
vessel .The drawing shall be full dimensioned and show all supports,guides and
10.5.4 Combustion Equipment Fuel Gas Piping
Gas distribution headers at heater shall be arranged for uniform distribution with burner
line valves connected to top of header .The headers shall be above the burners and
shall be provided with drains installed at low points .Drains shall be provided in the
lines from header to burner. A block end bleed valve with blank shall be provided in
the fuel gas line to each other. Exchanger Piping
Piping shall be arranged and supported so that joints to be disconnected and
temporary supports are kept to a minimum when removing shell and channel covers
or channels and tube bundles.
Exchanger piping shall be designed in a manner that will leave both shell cover and
channel end, free of overhead obstructions so that maintenance facilities are not

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10.6 Systems Piping

10.6.1 Piping Systems Process Piping
Flush out and sample connections, corrosion probes, additive injection connections
etc., shall be provided as shown on P&IDs.
No cast iron pipe or piping components shall be used in hydrocarbon service. Water Piping
When possible, water lines (except drinking water and fire water in process units) shall
be run overhead.
10.7 Pressure Relief Piping
Relief valves discharging to a closed system shall be installed so as to prevent liquid
being trapped on the downstream of the valve. All relief lines and headers must be
designed to eliminate pockets, but if a relief valve has to be located at a lower elevation
than the header, a manually operated drain valve shall be installed at the valve outlet
piped to a catch basin.
Relief valve headers shall slope towards the knockout drum at a rate of 1 in 100
minimum, without pockets, but where a pocket is unavoidable some approved means
of continuous draining of the header must be incorporated.
10.8 Vents and Drains
Vent connections shall be installed at trapped high points of piping.
Drains shall be provided at all low points where liquid may collect ,such as above block
or control valves and as necessary to completely drain all equipment and lines .All
drains shall have valve and the valve shall be fitted with a screwed plug or blind flange
and shall have minimum clearance of 150 mm. between valve and deck.
Connections for clearing drain lines shall be provided at changes of direction.
10.9 Piping Fittings
Flanged connections shall be kept to a minimum and shall be provided at equipment
connections, valves and locations where the piping must be removed frequently for
Welding caps shall be used to close headers or dead ends of lines where no future
expansion is contemplated. Where lined piping is used and extension is anticipated or
clean out is necessary, the line shall be closed with a blind flange. Threaded plugs or
caps shall be used for threaded end closures.
Where necessary, platforms shall be provided for easy installation and removal of
Consideration must be given to installation and removal of temporary blanks for
hydrostatic test pressure. These items should be tagged and checked off.

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10.10 Piping Flexibility

The analysis will be performed using “CAESAR II” computer program and manual
calculations or by visual inspection by a stress engineer. Piping systems which will be
subject to flexibility analysis shall be checked and evaluated for flexibility and
compliance with requirements of the applicable code, manufacturer’s standards, and
vendor’s requirements. Specifically this would include verification of pipe stresses and
nozzle loads.
10.11 Piping Loops, Bends and Joints
Loops, Bends and Joints Where practicable ,the pipe shall be routed to permit normal
bends and offsets to take the expansion .Where this is not sufficient ,expansions loops
in the horizontal position shall be provided .Subject to Stress Department approval
expansion joints may be permitted where space limitaions or pressure drops prohitbits
the use of expansion loops.


11.1 Design Requirements

11.1.1 Equipment Foundations
Equipment foundations shall be reinforced concrete footings sized to suit the individual
loading, equipment geometry and holding down bolt layout in accordance with
VENDOR information.
Footings are required for various types of equipment including compressors,
separators and other horizontal and vertical vessels and other skid mounted packages.
Suitable percentage of vertical loads, as suggested by the VENDOR shall be
distributed to both the fixed and sliding ends.
The amount of transverse loads distributed to each end is a function of tributary area
for wind loads.
Earthquake loads shall be adopted for design from UBC-97 as mentioned in Section
11.3.7 of this document.
Ring wall foundations to be provided for tanks as per requirements of API 650 and in
accordance with specification for concrete works as per Doc # 5060116-H920-SP-
CMD-C-0001. In case, confinement of condensate during spillage is required, provide
bund/ dyke walls accordingly.
11.1.2 Pipe Supports
Pipe Supports shall consist of a structural steel frame braced in the longitudinal
direction with fully welded moment connections in the transverse direction and shall be
of structural steel having material properties as specified in Section 11.2.5 of this
document. Isolated spread footings with reinforced concrete pedestals for vertical load
transfer shall be designed for these pipe supports. The supports shall be provided with
suitable vertical and horizontal bracing to transfer lateral loads both longitudinally and
in plan respectively.

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The friction force at each tier on every portal both in longitudinal and transverse
direction shall be 15% of the design vertical loading of the pipes.
Friction forces on T-support and trestles shall be taken as 30% longitudinal and 10%
transverse force of vertical in absence of stress analysis.
Longitudinal and thermal forces at specific anchor locations shall be as provided by
the piping stress analysis.
11.1.3 Pipe Sleepers
Pipes at grade shall be supported on precast reinforced concrete sleepers. The pipe
sleeper sizes shall be detailed on Pipe Sleeper drawings.
11.1.4 Pipe Crossover Platforms
Structural Steel crossover platforms shall be provided for crossing the pipeline, where
appropriate, for easy access to all areas of the facility and for maintenance purposes.
11.1.5 Pipe Support Platforms
Steel structure platforms shall be provided, where necessary, for support of pipeline
as well as valves thus facilitating the maintenance and support purposes.
11.1.6 Equipment Sheds
Compressor shall be sheltered with a structural steel shed while New Control Room,
Switch Gear/MCC and Generator building shall be made in reinforced concrete with all
amenities provided accordingly. HVAC requirements for these shall be catered for by
EPC Contractor. Structural steel sheds for fire water pumps house shall be provided
as per requirement.
11.1.7 Underground Piping
The combined sewer system shall collect contaminated rainwater, floor wash, certain
wastes from process equipment, oily waste from pump drains and selected equipment
in the area. All the discharges are collected through underground pipes (conforming to
relevant piping material class as per specification). Reinforced concrete catch basin,
manholes, funnel points, vent pipes, flame arresters, clean outs as required shall be
provided and shall be connected to the nearest header. Also for fire water,
underground piping shall be provided.
Underground piping shall be constructed by excavating a trench in undisturbed soil.
The pipe shall be placed on a compacted bed of sand at the bottom of trench and
covered with earth backfill to the original ground surface and compacted.
11.1.8 Bulk Earthworks
Topsoil shall be stripped from the site and along the route of the site access road and
stockpiled. This can be then used for landscaping and on embankments where
Site levelling of the site and other construction areas shall be carried out using cut and
fill operations.

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11.2 Materials
11.2.1 Concrete
Minimum concrete compressive strength (fc’) of structural concrete shall be 35 MPa.
This is equivalent to (fc’), cube = 45 MPa (28 days Compressive Cube Strength) or
Grade C35/45 mix concrete as defined in ACI 318.
Minimum concrete compressive strength (fc’) of non-structural concrete shall be 16
MPa. This is equivalent to (fc’), cube = 20 MPa (28 days Compressive Cube Strength)
or Grade C16/20 mix concrete as defined in ACI 318.
Recommendations on strength for concrete elements are given in “Specification for
Concrete Works (5060116-H920-SP-CMD-C-0001)”.
A layer of blinding concrete of 50 mm to 100 mm thickness shall be detailed under all
A layer of 0.2 mm thick black polythene sheet shall be placed under concrete for slabs
on ground as per COMPANY recommendations/ instructions.
11.2.2 Steel Reinforcement
Reinforcement for RCC shall be either hot rolled or cold worked deformed, of high yield
steel grade 460 MPa in accordance with ASTM A615.
The scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete
shall be in accordance with ASTM A615.
11.2.3 Wire Fabric
Wire Fabric shall be in accordance with ASTM A615 and supplied in flat sheets.
Minimum lap lengths to be 300 mm each edge and staggered.
11.2.4 Grout
Minimum thickness of grout shall be 25 mm to 35 mm or as per manufacturer’s
recommendation whichever is higher. Approved quality non-shrink (pre-mix type), free
flow grout shall be provided for all anchor bolt sleeves, pockets and spaces under
column bases, shoe plates etc. with a crushing strength of 40 MPa to 50 MPa at 28
11.2.5 Structural Steel
Structural steel to be used for general structural purpose shall be conforming to ASTM
A656. The minimum tensile strength shall be 410 MPa and the minimum yield strength
shall be 275 MPa.
The structural steel for use in building shall conform to ASTM A992.
Permissible stresses in structural members shall be as per relevant codes.
11.2.6 Holding Down Bolts
All holding down bolts such as MS bars, washers, nuts, pipe sleeves and plates etc.
shall be carbon steel hot dipped galvanized of grade 4.6 or grade 8.8 conforming to
ASTM F1554.

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Materials for anchor bolts such as MS bars, washers, nuts, pipe sleeves and plates
etc. shall be as per relevant codes and standards. All anchor bolts shall be of Grade
A36 carbon steel and hot dip galvanized.
11.2.7 Structural Bolts
High tensile structural bolts and nuts shall be of strength grade 8.8 in accordance with
ASTM A490.
ISO metric black hexagon bolts, screws and nuts shall comply with ASTM A490.
Bolts and washers shall be zinc plated in accordance with ASTM D1748, ASTM B633
and ASTM A123. Nuts may also be plated to the same specification, or may,
alternatively, be supplied with a cadmium finish in accordance with ASTM B766 in
order to facilitate tightening.
11.3 Loads and Forces
All structures and foundations shall be designed to have structural capacity and
integrity to resist safely and effectively all loads and the worst possible combined effect
of these loads that may be expected. The design loads used for the structures,
buildings and foundations shall conform to the requirements of governing codes and
specifications and shall be the worst possible combination of the following loads.
 Dead load
 Live load
 Test Load
 Thermal Load
 Impact load/ vibratory load
 Wind load
 Earthquake load
 Cable Ladder/ Tray Loads
11.3.1 Dead Load (G)
The dead load comprises self-weight of structure pertaining to all permanent
construction, including walls, floor, roofs, partitions, stairways, equipment and vessels
excluding their contents. During the estimation of loads for the weight of process
equipment, only empty weight including all the associated piping, fixtures and
excluding the contents shall be considered.
The gravity weight of soil overburden shall be considered as dead load, where the
volume of soil considered can be calculated by a vertical projection of the foundation
11.3.2 Live Load (Q)
The live load includes the loads produced by personnel, movable equipment, crane
loads, tools and other items placed on the structure, but not permanently attached to
it. Equipment and piping product loads shall be considered as live loads. Live loads

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shall comply with ASCE-7. The minimum live loads to be considered for the structural
design are given in Table 11.1 below:
Table 11.1 Live Loads for various structures

Area Load

Operating platforms 5.0 kPa

Maintenance platforms 7.5 kPa

Isolated Platform (valve operation) 2.5 kPa

Access Walkways 2.5 kPa

Stairs 4.0 kPa

The design of long span walkway beams shall consider the effect of dynamic loads
and the deflections on the comfort of pedestrians.
11.3.3 Test Load
The test load is the vertical live load (plus any horizontal loads) imposed by any method
necessary to test vessels, equipment or piping. The VENDOR will normally provide the
test load information for design of equipment foundations while for design of pipe
support structures and foundations, test load data is provided by piping stress analysis.
11.3.4 Thermal Load
A source of thermal loads in a structure is the restraint to expansion or contraction of
the entire structure or individual structural components; these loads shall be
determined and applied at appropriate locations. A temperature differential of +/- 70C
should be considered for determination of these loads.
Thermal loads in piping, equipment and structural material shall include those
produced by solar and process temperature change.
Where significant temperature changes occur for the process, sliding or rolling joints
will be required to allow for the dimensional change. Where sliding joints are used the
following friction coefficient shall be used to determine the friction forces:
 Teflon (PTFE) to Steel 0.05
 Steel to Steel 0.40
 Steel to Concrete or Grout 0.45
11.3.5 Impact Load (I) / Vibratory load
Any live load that can produce a dynamic effect (such as a moving load) shall be
increased by an impact factor.
Table 11.2 below shows the minimum dynamic factors (equivalent static load) which
shall be considered in case where the manufacturer does not supply dynamic loads.

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However, if the manufacturer’s specification indicates a higher dynamic factor, then

the same shall be adopted.

Table 11.2 Impact Load Factor

Item Equipment Factor

1 Pump/ motor 3

2 Filter 2

3 Reciprocating equipment 3

Loads due to vibration of equipment shall be provided by the VENDOR.

11.3.6 Wind Load (W)
All structures and equipment shall be designed to withstand wind load. Wind load shall
be calculated as per code provisions of ASCE-7 or UBC-97 as required.
Maximum wind velocity at a height of 33feet (10m) shall be adopted for design
purposes. Wind directions shall be considered in accordance with environmental data.
11.3.7 Earthquake Load (E)
Seismic forces on equipment and foundations shall be determined in accordance with
code provisions of UBC-97. Following parameters shall be considered in accordance
with environmental data, for design of structures against earthquake/ seismic loads.
 Seismic zone (from Environmental data)
 Seismic zone factor (from Table 16-I of UBC-97)
 Seismic Importance factor Essential facility (from Table 16-K of UBC-97)
 Seismic Coefficient
 Sub-soil class
 Soil Classification
11.3.8 Cable Ladder/ Tray Loads
Structures supporting cable ladders/ tray shall be designed for a uniform load of 1.0
kN/m (which includes the cable ladder weight) for each cable ladder unless a heavier
load is calculated for a particular cable run.
11.4 Load Combination
Structures shall be designed to resist the effects of individual loads or loading
combinations to which they may be subjected during and immediately following
erection, during shutdown when equipment is empty, during testing of equipment and
piping and during operation. Load combinations shall be adopted from ACI 318 with
the applicable partial safety factors for each load. For earthquake and wind loading,

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UBC-97 shall be followed. Other combinations that may cause a more severe loading
condition will also be considered.
For service limit state load combinations, when calculating deflections, 25% of the live
load should be considered as permanent for domestic occupancy and 75% of the live
load should be considered permanent for storage structures. The following Table 11.3
shows the various combinations for Dead (G), Live (Q), Earth and Water Pressure
(EN), Wind (W) and Earthquake (E) loads for ultimate loading condition as adopted for

Table 11.3 Ultimate Load Combination

Load Type – Ultimate Combination

Load Dead (G) Live (Q) Earth and

Combination Water Wind Earthquake
Pressure (W) (E)
Adverse Beneficial Adverse Beneficial

G+Q+EN 1.4 1.0 1.6 0 1.4 - -

G+EN+W 1.4 1.0 - - 1.4 1.4 -
G+EN+Q+W 1.2 - 1.2 - 1.2 1.2 -
G+EN+E 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0
G+EN+Q+E 1.2 1.0 1.0 0 1.4 1.0
G+EN+Q+W 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 -
G+EN+W 1.0 - - - 1.0 1.0 -

The following Table 11.4 shows the various combinations for Dead (G), Live (Q), Earth
and Water Pressure (EN), Wind (W) and Earthquake (E) loads for working loading
condition as adopted for design:

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Table 11.4 Working Load Combination

Load Type – Working Load Combination

Load Dead (G) Live (Q) Earth and

Combination Water Wind Earthquake
Pressure (W) (E)
Adverse Beneficial Adverse Beneficial

G+Q+EN 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 - -

G+EN+W 1.0 1.0 - - 1.0 1.0 -
G+EN+Q+W 1.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 1.0 -
G+EN+E 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 1.0
G+EN+Q+E 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1.0 1.0
G+EN+Q+W 1.0 - - - 1.0 1.0 -
G+EN+W 1.0 - - - 1.0 1.0 -

11.5 Design Requirements for Concrete Structures

11.5.1 Design Method
Normally concrete foundation shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318 unless
specified otherwise. All concrete structures shall be limit state design in accordance
with ACI 318 unless specified otherwise.
Foundations and steel structural members shall be designed for the most stringent
combination of loading.
For limit state design the ultimate and service loads obtained from the characteristic
loads multiplied by the appropriate particle safety factor for the loads shall be used in
the various loading combinations. The ultimate limit state design is to ensure that the
strength of the structure and structural elements are sufficient to withstand the design
loads establishing that the allowable ultimate stresses of the structural elements are
not exceeded.
The serviceability limit state design is to ensure that the deflection and cracking do not
adversely affect the appearance, efficiency or durability of the structure and vibration
does not cause discomfort or alarm to the occupants or damage to the structure.
The allowable safe bearing pressure under foundation shall be checked using working
loads. Where applied loads on the foundations are inclined, the effects of inclinations
shall be considered in accordance with the requirements stated in the final
geotechnical report.
Combined foundations shall, where applicable, be designed so that resultant of all
normal long term operating loads on the foundation coincide with the center of gravity
of these foundation.

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11.5.2 Elevation and Levels

The underside of soil bearing foundations shall be a minimum depth of 800mm below
grade level for minor foundation and 1000mm for main foundations unless otherwise
specified in the soil report. Final recommendations for depth and width of foundations
shall be as suggested by Geotechnical Investigation report.
Floor slab or pavement for open structures shall be minimum 100mm above plant finish
grade elevation (F.G.L). Necessary slope shall be provided for internal pavement for
drainage of possible spills or waste water.
Plant finish grade elevation, natural grade elevation and National datum level shall be
shown on foundation layout drawings.
Minimum elevation of concrete paving, floors and plinths for steel works and equipment
foundation shall be as follows:
 Finish grade elevation shall be minimum 300mm above from adjacent road highest
elevation unless shown otherwise on the drawings
 All levels in drawings shall be in meters with respect to Plant grade elevation
 Underside of base plate elevation for steel work shall be a minimum of 150mm
above F.G.L
 Underside of base plate or skid elevation of equipment like pumps, tanks,
generators, vessels, etc. shall be 300mm above F.G.L
 Finished floor level for enclosed buildings within paved areas shall be a minimum
of 450 mm above F.G.L unless shown otherwise on the drawings
 Finished floor level for enclosed buildings within unpaved areas shall be a minimum
of 300 mm above F.G.L unless shown otherwise on the drawings
 The external paving shall be sloped away from the area of the building to ensure
that water or liquid spillage does not flow into the building
 Top level of catch basin located at the low point of paving shall not be lower than
150mm below F.G.L
 Level to underside of base plates for steel work on elevated floors shall be 150mm
above F.G.L of the plant, if required. Kerbs around elevated floors shall be 125mm
above F.G.L.
11.5.3 Concrete Cover
The minimum clear cover to main reinforcement for super structure shall be as per
code provisions of ACI 318. The exposure classification shall be considered moderate.
The minimum clear cover to main reinforcement for faces in contact with soil shall be
15 mm more than those required as per the provisions.
Table 11.5 below details the minimum cover requirements relating to normal weight
aggregate of 20 mm nominal size. Adverse soil or groundwater conditions may require
increased concrete cover to achieve concrete durability as specified in ACI 318.

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Table 11.5 Cover Concrete

Minimum cover for
Item Concrete Grade Normal Cover faces in contact with

1 C35 45 mm 60 mm

2 C40 40 mm 60 mm

If the structure is required to meet a specified period of fire resistance, minimum

concrete cover shall conform to ACI 318.
Minimum distance from the center line of foundation anchor bolts to the edge of
pedestal shall be the maximum of following:
 Clear distance from the edge of the base plate/ base frame to the outer edge of
pedestal shall be minimum 50 mm
 Clear distance from the face of the Holding Down bolt pocket to the outer edge of
pedestal shall be 75 mm
 Clear distance from the edge of the shear key pocket to the edge of pedestal shall
be 150 mm
11.5.4 Minimum Thickness of Structural Concrete Elements
The minimum thickness of structural concrete elements shall be as per Table 11.6

Table 11.6 Structural Concrete Element Thickness

Item Structure Minimum Thickness

1 Foundations 300 mm

2 Floor and walkway resting on beams 100 mm

3 Cable/ pipe trench and base slab 100 mm

4 Pre-cast trench cover 65 mm

5 Pre-cast floor slab 100 mm

6 Pre-cast floor slab (in contact with liquid) 80 mm

7 Pre-cast Concrete Sleepers 300 mm

Underground pit/ reservoir (below ground

8 150 mm
water table), walls and base slab

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11.5.5 Minimum Height of Concrete Pedestals above Datum Level

The minimum projection of outdoor/ indoor pedestal supporting equipment/ structures
shall be 300 mm for equipment structures and 150 mm for other small structures e.g.
pipe support structures above finished grade level, finished floor level or highest point
of paving whichever is higher. Projection of pedestals for staircase/ ladder shall also
be 150 mm.
11.5.6 Reinforced Concrete
The following table 11.7 below gives the grades of concrete to be used in a moderate
exposure environment in accordance with ACI 318. Location and use of concrete shall
be detailed further in “Specification for Concrete Works”.

Table 11.7 Concrete Grades

Item Structure Description Grade

1 Buildings and isolated foundations for small structures such as C30

pipe support structures

2 Isolated foundations and equipment foundations subjected to C35

dynamic loads

3 Liquid retaining structure and other structures where required C40

from design consideration

Minimum shrinkage reinforcement shall be provided as required by ACI 318.

11.5.7 Concrete Slabs
Ground slabs shall be designed for applied loading considering a modulus of rupture
at 90 days, unless the design loading is to be applied before 90 days. The fatigue
capacity of concrete slabs shall be greater than the allowable load repetitions
determined from the expected operation.
Concrete floor slab joints shall be designed in accordance with ASTM C1193. Also
Joint sealant shall be used in accordance with ASTM C1193.
The minimum slab reinforcement required for non-surface treated process areas is
0.2% of the slab cross-sectional area for a slab length of not more than 25m. Some
examples of steel reinforcement for such ground slabs are given in Table 11.8 below.
Slabs in traffic areas may require a larger percentage of reinforcement than that shown
in the table. Reinforcement for ground slabs shall have 40 mm top cover.

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Table 11.8 Minimum Slab Reinforcement Thickness

Minimum Slab Reinforcement Thickness

Slab Thickness Deformed Bar Size

Mesh Size
(mm) (mm)

100 1 layer A193 N/A

125 1 layer A252 N/A

150 1 layer A393 T12 @ 300 c/c

175 1 layer A393 T12 @ 300 c/c

200 N/A T12 @ 250 c/c

250 N/A T12 @ 200 c/c

Concrete paving slabs for process areas subject to exposure of aggressive

contaminants (e.g., acids) shall be protected by a suitable chemically resistant
covering such as trowelled-on epoxy, polyester, fiberglass synthetic membrane, acid
resistant tiling or stainless steel. For low slab and joint maintenance of slabs which will
have a protective coating applied, consideration should be given to providing a much
higher amount of steel reinforcement (e.g., 0.6 % to 1.0 %) in the concrete slab and
possibly using low heat cement.
Consideration should be given to integral footings and paving to minimize isolation
joints between slabs and footings. Where movement joints between slabs and footings
cannot be avoided these should be located at the top of the footing pedestal above the
slab level where practicable. For slabs in these situations consideration should be
given to the use of low heat, low shrinkage cement and suitable reinforcement to limit
the crack widths to 0.2 mm. Considerations should be given to fully grouted
prestressed concrete slabs to eliminate cracking in large process area slabs.
Concrete paving shall be shaped locally to provide drainage around pedestals and
other footings.
Movement joints in slab in containment areas shall have a water-stop provided as a
backup to the joint sealant and provide a continuous coating system utilising the water-
Special attention shall be given to the design of slab joints to accommodate movement
(including thermal effects, settlement and shrinkage). The geometry, movement
allowances and resistance to chemical attack should be checked with the sealant

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11.5.8 Concrete Foundations General
A Geotechnical Site Investigation shall be carried out prior to design to determine
foundation design requirement.
The foundations shall be generally designed as per the provisions of American Codes
and Standards, CP 2012 and relevant standard engineering practices.
For load combinations that include transient effects such as earthquakes and wind, the
maximum bearing pressure shall not exceed 125% of the allowable bearing pressure.
The coefficient of friction µ between the foundations and the soil shall be calculated
from µ = tanΦ, where Ф is the internal angle of friction of the soil. For precast concrete
sections, µ = 0.67 tanΦ
Suitable joints shall be provided to isolate all equipment/ machine foundations from the
adjoining parts of the buildings, other foundations, pavement slabs. Joints at
pavement/ floor slabs shall be suitably sealed. Foundation Types
Pipe support structures shall be supported on spread footings. Individual pads shall be
tied by cross beams to resist overturning where required.
Pipes at grade will sit on precast sleepers as detailed in the standard drawings spaced
generally at 3.5 m centres or as specified in the drawings. Top of sleepers shall be at
least 400 mm above grade and the top of sleeper shall be as equal to the BOP level
of pipes in relevant piping general arrangement drawings.
Packaged skid mounted equipment shall be supported on isolated rectangular pad.
The skid shall be secured by anchor bolts with the foundation.
Pressure vessels shall be supported on isolated rectangular pads or similar
foundations and secured with anchor bolts. The pedestal shall be supported on a larger
octagonal spread footing. Factor of Safety for Stability
Minimum factor of safety shall be as follows:
Factor of Safety against Sliding 1.5
Factor of Safety against Overturning 2.0
11.6 Design Requirement for Steel Structures
11.6.1 General
The structural steel design, fabrication and erection works shall be carried out as per
the relevant code provisions for structural buildings, pipe supports, pipe crossovers,
pipe support platforms, condensate loading arms, structural sheds, cable tray racks/
supports etc. In this regard, follow the provisions of ASTM A36.
The basic consideration of structural work shall primarily be stability, ease of
fabrication/ erection and overall economy satisfying relevant codes and standards.
As far as possible, welded connections shall be provided.

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All moment connections shall be designed to withstand the design strength of the
connecting members.
Minimum two nuts shall be provided for all anchor bolts.
11.7 Deflection Limits
The permissible vertical and horizontal deflection for structural steel members at
serviceability limit loads shall be as specified in Table 11.9 below.

Table 11.9 Deflection Limits

Item. Structure Deflection

1 Supporting Beam (vertical) L/360

Columns (horizontal)
2 H/300
(where H = column height)

Minimum thickness of any part of a structural steel shape shall be as per Table 11.10
Table 11.10 Minimum Thickness of Structural Steel Member

Item Description

1 Columns, beams 6 mm

2 Stiffeners 6 mm

3 Base plates 10 mm

4 Chequered plate 6 mm

5 Grating 3 mm

** However, the minimum thickness of structural component (except gratings and

chequered plates) which are directly exposed to weather and inaccessible for painting
shall be 8 mm.
Tubes shall be sealed by using 6 mm thick plates welded all round.
11.8 Slenderness Ratio
Maximum slenderness ratio of a member shall be in accordance with relevant codes
and standards. The following minimum ratios of depths to span shall be considered
as a general guide.

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Table 11.11 Slenderness Ratio of various structural steel members

Item Member Slenderness Ratio

1 Rolled beam & girder for ordinary 1/24


2 Supporting floor beam for vibrating 1/15


3 Roof purlins & girts 1/45

4 Gable column 1/30

11.9 Access Clearance

Access clearances shall conform to the following:-
Over Primary Roads: 6000 mm
Over Maintenance Roads: 4800 mm
Floor Headroom: All overhead piping shall allow a minimum of 2200 mm
clearance over walkways, platforms and the like and
1000 mm horizontal clearance. This does not prohibit
valve stems from being located at lower elevations
providing that they do not extend over operating aisles
or walkways


12.1 General Requirements

Fire and Safety design of Compressor station facilities is to reduce the risk to plant
personnel, third parties, the environment, and production revenue and capital
investment during operation of the facilities as low as reasonably practicable. This
primary objective shall be assured by utilizing the following:
 A risk based approach to the design of the facilities
 Apply the appropriate Codes & Standard
 Application of quality assurance
 Construction of all facilities shall employ materials which are suitable for the service
and environmental conditions.
 The potential releases shall be minimized by appropriate provisions of isolation,
process and emergency shutdown for the facilities as per appropriate engineering
guides, Codes and Standards.

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 Elimination or minimizing the spread of spills by provision of the appropriate degree

of containment and drainage.
 The layout of equipment and process system shall ensure separation of potential
sources of leak from potential sources of ignition with sufficient means of escape.
 Transfer / Laydown areas for materials shall be established as needed in
accordance with appropriate codes and standards.
12.2 HAZARD Identification
HAZID and layout review techniques shall be used to identify all major hazards
associated with an operation or facility. Credible accident events shall be developed
and ranked in terms of their likelihood and severity using the BGFCL risk matrix to
identify major accident events (MAEs). HAZOP studies will be performed to guarantee
the gas compressor station process design and its associated utilities and other
EPC Contractor will perform HAZID and HAZOP sessions during detail design. Formal
procedures and methodologies will be followed to define, execute, record and follow-
up these exercises. HAZID and HAZOP studies shall be conducted by EPC Contractor
through Third Party Consultants.
12.3 Layout and Process Design
The layout shall include the principles of inherent safety to prevent or eliminate the
likelihood of major initiating events, and reduce the scale of any subsequent
The layout shall incorporate a continuous system of pipe work, vessels and other
equipment that is suitable for the maximum process operating conditions to prevent
the release of hydrocarbon material or the ingress of air into the system.
The layout shall provide effective separation of plant in hazardous areas from safe
areas in which personnel may normally work or gather in the event of an emergency,
or where emergency equipment is located.
The layout shall take advantage of natural ventilation within areas to minimize the
potential hazards arising from the collection of flammable gases or smoke. Care shall
be taken to avoid congestion of the layout when locating items of equipment.
The facilities shall be oriented to the extent possible to ensure that prevailing wind
directs any fire, smoke and/or escaping hydrocarbon vapor clouds away from
critical/occupied areas.
Dedicated access ways shall be provided for operations, escape and firefighting.
These access ways shall run to the plant roads. Firefighting access from two differing
directions shall be provided.
12.4 Hazardous Area Classification
The overall design philosophy should be to make the installation as safe as possible
by minimizing the sources of release of flammable liquid to the atmosphere.

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All equipment shall be classified in accordance with the IP Code Part 15 (IP Model
Code of Safe Practice – Area Classification Code for Petroleum installation). Current
or earlier edition may be followed as appropriate.
Electrical equipment installed in a hazardous area shall be certified for use in the
appropriate zone classification.
All field equipment that may be required to operate under emergency conditions shall
be suitable for use within a Zone 1 area. This equipment includes all items associated
with the following:-
 Fire protection system;
 Emergency lighting;
 ESD instruments;
 Fire and gas detection;
 General alarm and emergency communications.
12.5 Working Environment & Personnel safety
The design shall incorporate adequate systems and equipment to protect personnel
from foreseeable hazards where it is identified that injuries to personnel could occur.
Hydrocarbons released from process venting, pressure relief valves, and the
depressurizing system will be routed to a flare/vent stack to a safe location so that
vapors are not reaching to any ignition source or the personnel working in the area.
The layout shall be designed to provide two means of escape from any area on the
facility, and have the ability to maintain one of those routes as open during a major
12.6 Noise Control
The noise level defined in relevant codes & standards shall be used as the basis of
design for all noise control measures, with the following to be taken into account at the
project design stage:-
 All noise shall be reduced at source so far, as is reasonably practicable;
 The aim shall be to avoid personal noise doses above 85dB (A) at 1 m from
equipment at grade level over an 8-hour working day.
 Under foreseeable working conditions, no person shall be exposed to steady noise
levels above 120 dB (A) irrespective of duration, or to impulse noise levels above
135dB(A), with or without hearing protection; and
 Signs indicating the need to wear ear protection are mandatory in areas where the
noise level cannot be practicably reduced to below 88 dB (A).
12.7 Fire & Gas Detection System
The fire and gas detection system shall be the part of the new gas compressor station
that will monitor for fire or gas release events, provide alarms, and initiate automatic

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active fire protection where provided. It will be designed as a self-contained automatic

system, with interface to the ESD logic to initiate plant shutdown and area blowdown,
where required, on fire detection.
Manual Alarm Call points (MAC) located at various locations throughout the facilities
shall not supplement the automatic detection system present at the compression
system as it is treated as the independent facility.
Upon detection of fire or gas, a clear visual and audible alarm shall be given on the
compressor local mounted control panel, indicating the nature of the incident, and the
location of the initiating device. The selection of appropriate fire & gas detection
devices for the relevant hazard and required performance will depend on the following
 Category and range of combustibles present
 Hazardous area classification
 Environmental conditions
 Loss of production and investment
The fire and gas system shall utilize the following detection devices:
 Gas detectors (general area coverage, point, flammable and toxic)
 Flame detectors
These shall, where appropriate, provide local visual alarms, and audible and visual
alarms to the local control panel, and initiate appropriate executive action. Detector
circuits shall be continuously and automatically monitored for a fault condition, and
appropriate ‘fault condition’ initiated on the local control panel.
Refer Cause and Effect Chart for Narsingdi Gas Field Doc # 5060116-H920-DCE-
NAA-P-0001-01 for further detail.
12.8 Fire Protection System
The fire protection and suppression system will be installed as explained in section

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Annexure-1 Pressure and Production Profile

Annexure-2 Process Operating Stages/Configuration
Annexure-3 Process Block Flow Diagram
Annexure-4 Layout Plan
Annexure-5 Safe Distances
Annexure-6 List of Codes & Standards
Annexure-1 Pressure and Production Profile
FTHP (psia) Gas Production (MMScf/d) Water Production (bbl/d) Condensate Production (bbl/d)
Nasingdi-1 Narsingdi-2 Avg. Pressure Nasingdi-1 Narsingdi-2 Combine Flow Nasingdi-1 Narsingdi-2 Combine Flow Nasingdi-1 Narsingdi-2 Combine Flow
Jan-17 1190.13 1015.00 1102.57 17.00 9.83 26.83 16.49 12.48 28.97 34.05 11.45 45.50
Jul-17 1150.92 1015.00 1082.96 17.00 9.08 26.08 16.64 11.69 28.33 34.05 9.67 43.72
Jan-18 1112.32 1015.00 1063.66 17.00 8.40 25.40 16.80 10.95 27.75 34.05 8.08 42.13
Jul-18 1075.35 1015.00 1045.18 17.00 7.79 24.79 16.97 10.30 27.27 34.05 6.72 40.77
Jan-19 1039.65 1015.00 1027.33 17.00 7.25 24.25 17.15 9.71 26.86 34.05 5.52 39.57
Jul-19 1015.0 1015.0 1015.00 16.9 6.80 23.71 17.23 9.22 26.45 33.86 4.50 38.36
Jul-19 615.00 615.00 615.00 20.22 9.04 29.26 20.19 12.26 32.45 40.50 11.98 52.48
Jan-20 615.00 615.00 615.00 19.86 8.29 28.15 20.17 11.40 31.57 39.78 9.30 49.08
Jul-20 615.00 615.00 615.00 19.52 7.80 27.32 20.15 10.86 31.01 39.10 7.18 46.28
Jan-21 615.00 615.00 615.00 19.19 7.40 26.59 20.14 10.43 30.57 38.44 5.31 43.75
Jul-21 615.00 615.00 615.00 18.88 7.07 25.95 20.12 10.09 30.21 37.81 3.66 41.47
Jan-22 615.00 615.00 615.00 18.57 6.78 25.35 20.08 9.80 29.88 37.20 2.13 39.33
Jul-22 615.00 615.00 615.00 18.27 6.52 24.79 20.05 9.53 29.58 36.60 0.75 37.35
Jan-23 615.00 615.00 615.00 17.98 6.26 24.24 20.01 9.26 29.27 36.01 0.71 36.72
Jul-23 315.00 315.00 315.00 20.02 7.34 27.36 19.42 10.99 30.41 40.10 8.55 48.65
Jan-24 315.00 315.00 315.00 19.70 6.97 26.67 19.29 10.56 29.85 39.47 7.42 46.89
Jul-24 315.00 315.00 315.00 19.40 6.68 26.08 19.17 10.23 29.40 38.86 6.43 45.29
Jan-25 315.00 315.00 315.00 19.10 6.40 25.50 19.06 9.92 28.98 38.26 5.52 43.78
Jul-25 315.00 315.00 315.00 18.80 6.13 24.93 18.97 9.61 28.58 37.66 4.67 42.33
Jan-26 315.00 315.00 315.00 18.53 5.91 24.44 18.89 9.36 28.25 37.12 7.83 44.95
Jul-26 315.00 315.00 315.00 18.26 5.68 23.94 18.81 9.10 27.91 36.58 6.37 42.95
Jan-27 315.00 315.00 315.00 17.99 5.46 23.45 18.73 8.85 27.58 36.03 5.03 41.06
Jul-27 315.00 315.00 315.00 17.73 5.26 22.99 18.67 8.62 27.29 35.50 3.78 39.28
Jan-28 315.00 315.00 315.00 17.46 5.07 22.53 18.60 8.39 26.99 34.98 2.62 37.60
Jul-28 315.00 315.00 315.00 17.21 4.88 22.09 18.55 8.16 26.71 34.48 1.54 36.02
Jan-29 315.00 315.00 315.00 16.96 4.70 21.66 18.49 7.95 26.44 33.97 0.54 34.51
Jul-29 315.00 315.00 315.00 16.72 4.54 21.26 18.46 7.74 26.20 33.49 0.52 34.01
Jan-30 315.00 315.00 315.00 16.48 4.37 20.85 18.40 7.54 25.94 33.00 0.49 33.49
Jul-30 315.00 315.00 315.00 16.24 4.22 20.46 18.37 7.35 25.72 32.54 0.47 33.01
Jan-31 315.00 315.00 315.00 16.03 4.08 20.11 18.34 7.18 25.52 32.11 0.45 32.56
Annexure-2 Process Operating Stages/Configuration
Process Operating Stages / Configuration

Compressor A Compressor B

Operative Stages Operative Stages

Production Total Flow Total Operation
Years WHFP
Wells Rate Power Modes
Stage-1 Inlet Stage-2
Flow Rate Power Flow Rate Power
Cylinder Loading Press. Cylinder Loading

Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Parallel

1 2 3 4 / Series

Narsingdi1 2017-18 800 CE Operative CE Operative 785.4 CE Operative CE Operative 16.987 546-507 16.987 546-507 33.97 1092-1014
Narsingdi2 HE Deactivated HE Deactivated HE Operative HE Operative

Narsingdi1 2019 700 CE Operative CE Operative 687.4 CE Operative CE Operative 15 611-577 15 611-577 30 1222-1154
Narsingdi2 HE Deactivated HE Deactivated HE Operative HE Operative

Narsingdi1 2019-23 600 CE Operative CE Operative 574 CE Operative CE Operative 13.78 724-690 13.78 724-690 27.56 1448-1380
Narsingdi2 HE Deactivated HE Deactivated HE Operative HE Operative

Narsingdi1 2023-25 500 CE Operative CE Operative 480.6 CE Operative CE Operative 13.18 956-796 13.18 956-796 26.36 1912-1592
Narsingdi2 HE Deactivated HE Operative HE Operative HE Operative

Narsingdi1 2025-28 400 CE Operative CE Operative 387 CE Operative CE Operative 12.55 1026-968 12.55 1026-968 25.1 2052-1936
Narsingdi2 HE Deactivated HE Operative HE Operative HE Operative

Narsingdi1 2028-31 300 CE Operative CE Operative 278 CE Operative CE Operative 13.65 1475-1390 13.65 1475-1390 27.3 2950-2780
Narsingdi2 HE Operative HE Operative HE Operative HE Operative

Narsingdi-1 2031 300 CE Operative CE Operative 293 CE Operative CE Operative 10.03 1044-988.5 10.03 1044-988.5 20.06 2088-1977
Narsingdi-2 HE Operative HE Operative HE Operative HE Operative
Annexure-3 Process Block Flow Diagram
Annexure-4 Layout Plan
Annexure-5 Safe Distances
Annexure-6 List of codes & Standards


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0 Issued For Tender 7/12/2016 SMu RTT SRx

Rev Description Date Prepared by Checked by Approved by Client



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1 American Petroleum Institute (API)

Code Description
Spec. 5L Specification for Line Pipes
Spec. 5LC Weld able Stainless Steel Pipe
Spec. 6D Specifications for pipeline valves
API 11P Packaged Reciprocating Compressor Sets
API 12J Specifications for Oil and Gas Separators
Spec. 1104 Specifications for Welding pipelines and related facilities
RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification and Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities
RP 520 Recommended Practice for Sizing, Selection and Installation of Pressure Relieving Devices
RP 521 Guide for pressure relieving and de-pressuring system
RP 500C Recommended practice for classification of locations for electrical installation at pipeline transport facilities
RP 553 Refinery Control Valves
RP 582 Welding of Metals
RP 686 Recommended Practices for Machinery Installation and Installation Design
API 600 Steel Gate Valves, Flange and Butt Welding
API 602 Compact Gate Valve
API 610 Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery Services
API 613 Special Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industries
API 614 Lubrication, Shaft Sealing; and Control Oil Systems and Auxiliaries for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industries
API 615 Sound Control of Mechanical Equipment for Refinery Services.
API 618 API 618 Reciprocating Compressor for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industries
API 661 Air Cooled Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services
API 670 Machinery Protection Systems
API 671 Special Purpose Coupling for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industries
API 674 Positive Displacement Pumps- Reciprocating
API 676 Positive Displacement Pumps- Rotary
API 677 Accessory Drive Gear for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas Industries
API 686 Installation of Rotating Equipment
API 942 Recommended guide for controlling weld hardness of mild carbon steel refinery to prevent environmental cracking.
RP 526 Flanged steel Pressure relief valves
RP 14E Recommended practice for design and installation of Offshore production platform piping systems
API 14J Design and hazard analysis
API 594 Wafer & Wafer LUG Check
API 608 Metal Ball Valves
API 609 Butterfly Valves: Double flanged, Lug and Wafer type
API RP 551 Process Measurement Instrumentation
API RP 552 Transmission Systems
API RP 554 Process Control System
API RP 555 Process Analyser
2 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Code Description
A58 Minimum design loads in building and other structures (for wind loading)
B 2.1 Pipe threads (except dryseal)
B16.1 Cast iron pipe flanges and flanged fittings
B16.5 Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings
B16.9 Factory-made wrought steel butt-welding fittings
B16.11 Forged steel fittings, socket welded and threaded
B16.21 Non-metallic gaskets for pipe flanges
B16.34 Valves- Flanged and Buttwelding Ends
B31.3 Process Piping
B31.8 Transmission and Distribution Piping
ANSI/AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Codes
AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestructive Examination
AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions
ANSI/ AFMBA Load Ratings and fatigue Life for Ball/ Roller Bearings
ANSI MC96.1 Temperature Measurement Thermocouples
ANSI/FCI 70-2 American National Standard Control Valve Seat Leakage
ANSI/ISA-S75.03 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Separable Flanged Globe-Style Control Valves (ASME Classes 150, 300, and 600)
3 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Code Description
A36 Specification for Structural Steel
A106 Seamless carbon steel pipes for high temperature services
A105 Forged carbon steel for piping components
A193 Alloy steel and stainless steel bolting material for high temperature service
ASTM A194 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both
A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Rod 60000 psi Tensile Strength
A325 High strength bolts for structural steel joints, including suitable nuts and washers
A388 Practice for UT examination of heavy steel forging
A501 Hot formed welded and seamless carbon steel structural tubing
A435 Straight beam ultrasonic examination of steel plates
A370 Mechanical testing of steel products
A488 Qualification for procedure and personnel for the welding of steel casting


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A571 Specification for austenitic ductile for low temperature service

A577 Specification for angle-beam examination of steel plate
A578 Examination for straight beam-ultrasonic examination
A745 Recommended Practice for ultrasonic examination of austenitic steel forging
A770 Specification for through-thickness tension testing of steel plate for special application
A694 Forgings, Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, Pipe Flanges, Fittings, Valves and parts of High Pressure Transmission Pipeline
E213 Practice for ultrasonic examination of metal pipe and tubing
G57 Standard Method for Field Measurement of Soil Resistivity Using the Wenner Four- Electrode Method
ASTM C31 Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field
ASTM C109 Standard Test Method for compressive strength of hydraulic cement Mortars (using 2 in. or [50 mm] cube specimens)
ASTM C579 Standard test methods for compressive strength of chemical resistant mortars, grouts, monolithic surfacings, and Polymer concretes
ASTM C14 Standard Specification for Non-reinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe
ASTM C76 Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe
ASTM C443 Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets
ASTM C67-78 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Brick and Structural Clay Tile
ASTM C78 Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading)
ASTM C779 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces
ASTM C33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates
ASTM C94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete
ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement
ASTM A354 Standard Specification for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded Fasteners
ASTM A449 Standard Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts and Studs, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, General Use
ASTM A490 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength
ASTM A563 Standard Specification for Carbons and Alloy Steel Nuts
ASTM A588 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel, up to 50 ksi Minimum Yield Point, with Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance
ASTM A687 Standard Specification for High-Strength Non-headed Steel Bolts and Studs
ASTM F436 Standard Specification for Hardened Steel Washers
ASTM A53 Pipe Steel Black, Hot Dipped Zinc Coated, Welded & Seamless
ASTM A134 Pipe Steel Electric Fusion Welded size 16" & over
ASTM A182 Standard spec for forged, rolled Alloy steel pipe flanges, forged fitting, Valves & Parts for High temperature service
ASTM A312 Seamless, Welded and Heavy Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe.
ASTM A358 Electric Fusion Welded Austenitic Chromium Nickle Alloy Steel Pipe
ASTM A234 Pipe Fitting for Wrought Carbon Steel & Alloy Steel for High & Moderate temperature.
ASTM A333 Seamless & Welded pipe for Low Temperature Service
ASTM A420 Pipe Fitting for Wrought Carbon Steel & Alloy Steel for Low temperature service
ASTM A671 Electric Fusion Welded Pipe for Atmospheric & Lower temperatures.
ASTM A350 Carbon & Low Alloy forging requiring Notch Toughness testing for Piping Components.
ASTM A403 Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe fittings
ASTM A216 Steel Casting Carbon, suitable for fusion welding for High temperature service
ASTM C1585 Standard test method for measurement of rate of absorption of water by hydraulic cement concretes
ASTM A615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM D561 Standard Specification for Carbon Black Pigment for Paint
ASTM C1012 Standard Test Method for Length Change of Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Exposed to a Sulfate Solution
ASTM F1498 Standard Specification for Taper Pipe Threads 60° for Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D1785 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120
ASTM C847 Standard Specification for Metal Lath
ASTM A510 Standard Specification for General Requirements for Wire Rods and Coarse Round Wire, Carbon Steel, and Alloy Steel
ASTM C126 Standard Specification for Ceramic Glazed Structural Clay Facing Tile, Facing Brick, and Solid Masonry Units
ASTM D1748 Standard Test Method for Rust Protection by Metal Preservatives in the Humidity Cabinet
ASTM B633 Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel
ASTM A123 Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products
ASTM D1557 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3))
ASTM A269 TP316 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service
ASTM B68 Specification for Seamless Copper Tube, Bright Annealed
4 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Specifications; ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ISO, MSS, etc.

Code Description
ASME VIII Div I Rules for Construction of Presure Vessels
ASME SEC II Materials
ASME V Non Destructive Examination
ASME SEC IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications

ASME PTC 10 Performance Test Code

ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution System
AGMA 421 Practice for High Speed Helical and Herringbone Gear Units
TEMA Standards for the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association, USA
WRC 107 Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings
WRC 297 Local Stresses in Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings on Nozzles-Supplement to WRC Bulletin No
ASME B36.10 Welded & Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
ASME B36.19 Stainless Steel Pipe
ASME B16.10 Face to Face & End to End dimensions of Valves
ASME B16.20 Metallic Gasket for Pipe Flanges
ASME B16.25 Butt Welding Ends


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ASME B16.36 Orifice Flanges

ASME B16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges
ASME B16.48 Line Blanks
ASME B46.1 Surface Texture: Roughness, Waviness & Lay
ASME PTC 19.3 Temperature Measurement
ASME MFC 14M Measurement of fluid flow using small bore precision orifice meters closed conduits
ASME B2.1 Pipe Threads ( Except Dry Seals)
ASME B16.1 Cast Iron pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
ASME B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitting
ASME B16.9 Factory Made Wrought Steel Built Welding Fittings
ASME B16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded
ASME B16.21 Non Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
ASME B16.34 Valves Flanged, Threaded and Welding End
5 Instrument and Control
5.1 API
Code Description
API RP 551 Process Measurement Instrumentation
API RP 552 Transmission Systems
API RP 554 Process Control Systems
API RP 555 Process Analyser
API 6D Specification for Pipeline Valves, End Closures, Connections and Swivels.
API 607 Fire Test for Soft Seated Ball Valves.
API 6F Recommended Practise for Fire Test of Valves.
API RP 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities
API RP 525 Testing Procedure For Pressure-Relieving Devices Discharging Against Variable Back Pressure
API RP 527 Seat Tightness or Pressure Relief Valves
5.1 IEC
Code Description
IEC 60445 Basic and Safety Principles for Man-Machine Interface, Marking and Identification
IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP code)
IEC 60617 Graphic Symbols for Electronic Diagrams
IEC 61000 Electromagnetic Compatibility
IEC 61009 Residual Current Operating Circuit Breakers
IEC 61010 Safety Requirements for Electric Equipment
IEC 61131, Part 1,2,3 Programmable Controllers
IEC 61643-21 Low Voltage Surge Protective Devices
IEC 61499 Function Blocks for industrial process measurement and control System
IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronically/ Programmable Electronic Safety Related Systems
IEC 61511 Functional Safety – Safety Instrumented Systems for Process Industry Sector
IEC 62305 Protection Against Lightning
IEC 61200 Electrical Installation guide
IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 60332 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions
IEC 60332-3-24 Part 3-24 Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Category C
IEC 60754 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables
IEC 61034 Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions
IEC 60381 Analogue signals for process control systems
IEC 60654 Operational Condition for Industrial Process Measurement & Control
IEC 60079 Electrical Installations in hazardous area
IEC 60751 Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer Sensors and Thermocouples

IEC 60540 Test Methods for Insulation and sheaths of Electric Cables and cords
IEC 60534-2-1 Sizing Equations for Fluid Flow
IEC 60534-2-2 Flow Capacity Test Procedures
IEC 60534-3-1 Face-to-face Dimensions for Flanged, Globe Control Valves
IEC 60534-3-2 Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves
IEC 60534-4 Industrial-process control valves - Part 4: Inspection and routine testing
IEC 60534-8-3 Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction Method
IEC 60534-8-4 Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise Prediction Method
IEC 60085 Electrical Installation – Thermal Evaluation and Designation
IEC 60304 Standard Colours for Insulation for Low-Frequency Cables and Wires
IEC 60331 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions – Circuit integrity
IEC 60332-3 Flame Retardant Characteristics of Electric Cables. Part 3 Test on Bunched Wires or Cables
IEC 60584-3 Thermocouples Extension and Compensating Cables -Tolerances and Identification System
IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machines
IEC 60072 Diamentions and Output Series for Rotating Electrical Machines
IEC 60896 Stationary Lead-Acid Battires
IEC 60947 Low Voltages Switchgares and Control gear
IEC 62040 UPS Classification
5.3 IEEE
Code Description
IEEE 730 Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plan
IEEE 29148 Systems and Software Engineering- Life Cycle Processes
IEEE 1202 Standard for Flame Propagation Test of Wire and Cable


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5.4 ISA
Code Description
ISA 5.1 Instrumentation Symbols and Identifications
ISA 5.2 Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations
ISA 5.3 Graphic Symbols for distributed controls/shared display instrumentation, Logic and computer systems
ISA 5.4 Instrument Loop Diagrams
ISA 5.5 Graphic Symbols for DCS Display Information, Logic Computer System
ISA 18.1 Annunciator Sequences and Specifications
ISA 18.2 Management of Alarm Systems for the Process industries
ISA 51.1 Process Instrumentation Terminology
ISA 71.01 Environmental Equipment Conditions for Process Management and Control System, Temperature and Humidity
ISA 71.04 Environmental Equipment Conditions for Process Management and Control System
ISA 99 D Security Guidelines and User Resources for Industrial Automation and Control Systems
ISA TR99.00.01 Security Technologies for Industrials Automation and Control Systems
ISA 50.1 Compatibility of analogue signals for electronic and industrial process instruments
ISA-75.01.01 Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves
ISA – S20 Specification Form for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Primary Elements and Control Valves
ISA S75.04 Face-To-Face Dimensions for Flangeless Control Valves (Ansi classes 150, 300, & 600)
5.5 ISO
Code Description
ISO 9001 Quality Management Requirements
ISO 50001 Energy Management
ISO 10474 Steel and steel products -- Inspection documents
ISO/TS 19425 Reciprocating internal combustion engines -- Measurement method for air cleaners -- Sound power level of combustion air inlet noise and insertion loss using
ISO 10441 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -- Flexible couplings for mechanical power transmission -- Special-purpose applications
ISO 1217 Displacement compressors -- Acceptance tests
ISO 15664 Acoustics -- Noise control design procedures for open plant
ISO 2954 Machinery Requirements for Instruments for Measuring Vibration Severity
ISO 3046 Reciprocating internal combustion engines -- Performance
ISO 5168 Measurement of Fluid Flow – Estimation of Uncertainty of a Flow-Rate Measurement
ISO 5167 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full
6 Fire and Gas Safety
6.1 Fire and Gas Hazardous Zones
Code Description
FM Equipment and Protective System intended for use in potentially explosive Atmospheres
IECEx Equipment and Protective System intended for use in potentially explosive Atmospheres
ATEX 95 Equipment and Protective System intended for use in potentially explosive Atmospheres
ATEX 99 Safety of Installations
API RP-505 Classification of hazardous locations
6.2 NFPA
Code Description
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signalling
NFPA 79 Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
NFPA 110 Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems
NFPA-13 Standard for Installation of Sprinkler System
7 Electrical and Power Generation Codes
7.1 IEC
Code Description
IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machines
IEC 60072 Dimensions and Output Series for Rotating Electrical Machines
IEC 60896 Stationary lead- Acid Batteries
IEC 60947 Low Voltage Switchgears and Control gear
IEC 62040 UPS Classification

IEC 60027-1 Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology Part 1: General

IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machines
IEC 60038 IEC standard voltages
IEC 60059 IEC standard current ratings
IEC 60079 Explosive atmospheres.
IEC 60085 Electrical insulation – Thermal evaluation and designation
IEC 60095-1 to 2 & 4 Lead-acid starter batteries
IEC 60099 Surge arrestors
IEC 60196 IEC standard frequencies
IEC 60204 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines
IEC 60228 Conductors of Insulated Cables
IEC 60255 Electrical relays
IEC 60287 Electric cables – Calculation of the current rating
IEC 60331 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions – Circuit integrity
IEC 60332-1 to 3 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions
IEC 60364-5-54 Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements and protective conductors.
IEC 60364-5-56 Low-voltage electrical installations – Selection and erection of electrical equipment – Safety services
IEC 60439 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control gear Assemblies


Bangladesh Gas Field Company Ltd.

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IEC 60502 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)

IEC 60598 Luminaries

IEC 60622 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes Sealed nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cells
IEC 60662 High-Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamps-performance specifications
IEC 60715 Dimensions of Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control gear- Standardized Mounting on Rails for Mechanical Support of Electrical Devices in Switchgear and Control gear
IEC 60947 Low voltage switchgear and control gear
IEC 60947-4-1 and 4-2 Contactors and motor starters
IEC 61175 Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products – Designation of signals
IEC 61200-53 Electrical Installation Guide - Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Switchgear and Control gear
IEC 62305 Protection Against Lightning (Shifted From I&C To Electrical)
IEC 60445 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
IEC 60617 Graphical symbols for diagram
IEC 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
IEC 61009 Residual current operated circuit breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's)
IEC 61010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
IEC 61131 Programmable Logic Controllers
IEC 61643-21 Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems
IEC 61499 Function blocks
IEC 61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
IEC 61511 Functional safety – safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector
Code Description
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
7.3 National Bangladesh Rules
Code Description
ECR 1997 Environmental Conservation Rules
ECA 1995 Environmental Conservation Act
1994 Bangladesh Petroleum Act
1991 Natural Safety Gas Rules
NSAPR II Efficient Use of Gas Plan
MSS (Manufactures Standardization Society of Valves & Fitting Industry)
Code Description
MSS SP-97 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet fittings
NACE (National Association of Corrision Engineers)
Code Description
NACE MR0175 Metal for Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Sour oil field Environment.
Code Description
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural concrete and Commentary
Code Description
AISC-LRFD Manual for steel construction
Code Description
ISO 3633 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) inside buildings -- Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
ISO 4427 Plastics piping systems -- Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings for water supply
Code Description
API RP 2218 Fireproofing practices in petroleum and petrochemical processing plants
Code Description
AWS A3.0 Standard Welding Terms and Definitions
AWS A5.1 Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
AWS A5.5 Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Code Description
ASCE-7 Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures
Code Description
UBC-97 Uniform Building Code
Code Description
CP 2012 Code of practice for foundations for machinery. Foundations for reciprocating machines

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