Assignment Jesus or Muhammed Paper
Assignment Jesus or Muhammed Paper
Assignment Jesus or Muhammed Paper
University of Phoenix
Kristofer Atkinson
Assignment: Jesus or Muhammad Paper
To begin with, I decided to talk about the life and teachings of Christianity. I am going to
trace the life of Jesus Christ and I and going to show what an impact the death of Jesus Christ
had on his religion. I am also going to trace the growth and development of Christianity from the
time of its origin to the present. The last thing I will do is discuss how Jesus is worshipped and
The life of Jesus is traced directly to the religion of Christianity. It also has to do with the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After that, his life was not really documented much until
after his death, it is hard to talk about the exactness of his birth. His life began on the day we call
“Christmas”. His mother, Mary, was said to have been a virgin, and his conception was of
miraculous conception. She was married to Joseph, a carpenter, from Bethlehem. No stories are
really told of Jesus until he turned 12. Then according to the gospel Luke, Jesus and his
parents traveled to Jerusalem for their yearly trip for the Passover. Somehow he and his parents
got accidentally separated, where he is said to have been found in the Temple talking about the
Torah with a rabbi. His parents found that he had an amazing understanding of the Torah and his
His life though-out his young manhood are not documented until he went to “John the
Baptist” to be baptized, around the age 30. After his baptism, he is said to have gone through
a forty-day fasting in the wilderness. The first people to have recognized Jesus as the Messiah
were people in John’s gospel. These people became to be known as his first disciples. First there
was Simon (called Peter), Andrew (Peter’s brother), James, and John (James’s brother).They had
to leave all their possessions and human contacts behind to follow him, and learn his teachings.
As he traveled around, teaching these disciples, he is said to have preformed many miraculous
acts such as turning water into wine, restoring the dead to life, healing the sick, and healing the
sick. Along the way, he is said to have ate with people of all class, and even welcomed women as
his disciples. Some his first disciples even had their wives as disciples of Jesus. He is also said to
have extended the Jewish laws. Along with his teachings, and radical living style, he preached of
the all forgiving God to those who would repent for their sins. His stories were presented as
parables. He believed that his sole purpose in life was to teach the world of good news of the
As Jesus traveled through Galilee, he had many people gathering around him to be
healed. This brought the attention of Herod Antipas, who had already killed John the Baptist, and
he thought Jesus to be a ”suspicious character” that could bring an uprising against the Romans.
Jesus then moved out of Herod’s jurisdiction, and continued on with his teachings.
Because Jesus’ teachings did not go over so well with the people in power, he knew it
would be dangerous to travel to Jerusalem, but he did for the Passover. He entered the town
humbly, and felt that his end was near. He was sold out by one of his disciples, Judas, for the
amount of 30 silver pieces. With his arrest, his questioning leads to the assumption of
blasphemy by Joseph Caiaphas, and then sent to Pontius Pilate, the governor of Roman, for
sentencing. He found Jesus to be somewhat guilty, and preferred to let Jesus off with a flogging,
but the crowds demanded his death on the justification that he was a challenger of the earthly
king, Caesar. Pilate had to hand him over to his military guards for execution.
The impact that his death had on this religion was a great one. This could have been the
end for the whole religion of Christianity. His followers were so terrified that they ran and hid
thinking that death would also be their fate. But when some women who had been his followers
went to prepare his body, they found an empty tomb and were told by “angels” that he had been
resurrected. There were also numerous reports that Jesus had appeared to various disciples. He
had them touch his wounds and eat fish with him in order to prove to them of his resurrection. It
was the resurrection of Christ that turned the defeat into a victory. This made more and more
people put their complete faith into this new religion made official in 380 CE. Christianity then
From Christianity’s origin to the present, there have been many key historical events and
figures that have made it what it is today. For example; in 50-60 CE St. Paul organized the early
Christians. Between 70 and 95 CE the gospels were finally written down. A few hundred years
later, it is documented in 379-395 CE that Christianity became the state religion under the rule of
Emperor Theodosius. In 1054 CE, there was a split between Eastern and Western Orthodox
church. This is the first split off in Christianity, and there are a few more to come. Between
1095- and 1300 CE, there were the crusades. The crusades are a religious war that happened not
only in the 11th century, but also in the 12th and the 13th century as well. The second separation
for the church happened in 1534 when the Church of England separated from the Church of
Rome. Eleven years later (1545-1563), the Council of Trent, reformed the Roman Catholic. In
1703 the founder of the Methodist Church, John Wesley was born. He died in the year 1791, but
his life had produced another branch of the Christian religion. In 1945 the discovery of the Nag
Hammadi manuscripts were found. “This library found in Egypt, presented Jesus as a great
Gnostic teacher. Gnosticism means the mystical perception of knowledge,” according to Fisher,
2005. In 1948, the World Council of Churches was formed. By this time there were so many
different types of Christianity all around the world and with more popping up in America, this
council helped maintain the religions. They had been closed during the twentieth century by the
Soviet government. All church property was proclaimed to be property of the state and closed. In
the early 1920s, the revolution began, and many priests, nuns, and Christians were killed. In
1988, the Churches were re-opened in the Russian Federation. In 1989, the Soviet President,
Mikhail Gorbachev, proclaimed that the right of the Soviet faithful should be allowed to satisfy
their “spiritual” needs. This was the end of over seven decades of the suppression of religion.
The most recent thing that has happened with this religion was in 2002, when the
Boston’s Roman Catholic Bishop resigned due to the growing scandal of sexual abuse in the
church, by priest.
Today, Jesus is worshipped, and respected in many ways by all different types of people.
The Christian religion may have over 21,000 denominations of it, but they all believe in the
common factor; Jesus Christ, and the words he left behind with his disciples. Jesus Christ is
worshipped today as the bringer of the heavenly father’s (God’s) word. There are not places of
worship for only Jesus Christ, but there are many idols, figures, and pictures that people can have
in their home to help remind them of the day he is said to return to Earth and he will first take the
dead and the believers of God. This is all said in the final book in the bible; the book of
Revelations. Mary is also a greatly worshipped woman because of conceiving a miraculous boy
that she named Jesus, meaning “God saves”. There are however many places of worship for God
in every denomination of Christianity. They all try to live by the moral codes of the Ten
Commandments, and are waiting for the day that the Revelations foresaw as the day they all get
to go to heaven.
In conclusion, there are many things that have molded Christianity into the way it is
today. Starting over 2000 years ago with the miraculous conception, birth, life, death, and
resurrection of a man named Jesus Christ. He was killed, but he had already known he would die
early. He is said to have died for all man’s sins, and as long as a person repents and lives by the
certain ethics, they will be granted with open gates to the Kingdom of God, also known as the
Kingdom of Heaven.