Fire Design of Concrete Structures According To The Eurocodes: A Review

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Fire Design of Concrete Structures

According to the Eurocodes: A Review

by L.R. Taerwe

Synopsis: Whereas traditionally the verification of fire safety is based on prescriptive measures and
criteria, an evolution toward performance-based design can be noticed, which is reflected in the
design approaches given in the fire parts of Eurocodes 1 and 2. In Part 1-2 of Eurocode 11, general
design aspects of structures exposed to fire are given as well as specific load combinations, design
values of thermal and mechanical material properties, fire models, and heat transfer models. Most of
these design principles are applicable to all types of construction materials. In Part 1-2 of Eurocode 22,
specific approaches related to concrete structures are given, i.e., models giving the influence of high
temperatures on material characteristics, a method based on tabulated values, simplified verification
methods, and the basic principles of advanced calculation methods. In this paper, a review is
presented of the most relevant clauses of the mentioned documents. For practical applications, the
complete documents should be consulted.

Keywords: Eurocodes; fire resistance; simplified verification methods; tabulated


76 Taerwe
1 Biography: ACI fellow Luc R. Taerwe graduated as a civil engineer at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium) where

2 he also obtained his PhD degree (1985). He is the present director of the Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research

3 and a full professor of concrete structures at Ghent Univerity. He is a member or chairman of several international

4 technical committees (ACI, fib, IABSE, …) dealing with concrete or concrete related topics. He is a recipient of the

5 Robert l’Hermite Award (RILEM) and the IABSE prize.


8 The Structural Eurocode program comprises the following standards, which generally consist of different parts:

9 Eurocode : Basis of structural design (EN 1990)

10 Eurocode 1 : Actions on structures (EN 1991)

11 Eurocode 2 : Design of concrete structures (EN 1992)

12 Eurocode 3 : Design of steel structures (EN 1993)

13 Eurocode 4 : Design of composite steel and concrete structures (EN 1994)

14 Eurocode 5 : Design of timber structures (EN 1995)

15 Eurocode 6 : Design of masonry structures (EN 1996)

16 Eurocode 7 : Geotechnical design (EN 1997)

17 Eurocode 8 : Design of structures for earthquake resistance (EN 1998)

18 Eurocode 9 : Design of aluminium structures (EN 1999)

19 Before the introduction of the Eurocode system, no systematic and unified approach to fire safety design of

20 structures was available in most countries. With this set of codes the same design principles can be applied to

21 different building materials.

22 Each country can determine numerical values of a specified series of parameters (NDP : Nationally Determined

23 Parameters) which can be found in its National Annex. The introduction of this procedure was necessary to cope

24 with the specific backgrounds and experiences of different countries and yet to arrive at unified design formats and

25 formulae. However, the aim was to keep the number of NDP’s as small as possible.

26 Part 1-2 of Eurocode 1 (EN 1991-1-2) is entitled “General actions – Actions on structures exposed to fires” and Part

27 1-2 of Eurocode 2 (EN 1992-1-2) is entitled “General rules – structural fire design”. This latter part deals with the

28 design of concrete structures for the accidental situation of fire exposure and only covers passive methods of fire
Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 77
1 protection, thus not including active measures such as sprinkler systems. Whereas traditionally fire safety is based

2 on prescriptive measures and criteria, an evolution towards performance based design can be noticed, which is based

3 on realistic fire scenarios and a probabilistic risk analysis. This latter analysis is based on the assessment of the

4 probability of fire ignition and the probability of success of safety measures including manual extinguishing,

5 sprinklers, alarm systems, intervention of fire brigades etc. The mentioned Eurocodes include basic principles and

6 data which constitute the basis for a performance based design.


9 The system of Eurocodes offers a unified approach for fire safety design of structures built with different materials.

10 They include basic design principles for the accidental fire situation, fire models with different degrees of

11 sophistication and models for thermal an mechanical material properties which constitute the basis for a

12 performance based design. The paper presents a systematic synthesis of the major procedures and data for fire safety

13 design of concrete structures and some explanation and background information of the most current approaches.


16 Performance criteria

17 Three basic performance criteria are defined:

18 - Criterion “R” is assumed to be satisfied when the load bearing function is maintained during the required

19 time of fire resistance.

20 - Criterion “I” may be assumed to be satisfied when the average temperature rise over the whole of the non-

21 exposed surface is limited to 140 K, and the maximum temperature rise at any point of that surface does not

22 exceed 180 K. In this way, ignition of combustable materials at that side of a compartment wall which is

23 not exposed to the fire, may be avoided.

24 - Criterion “E” requires that no cracks, holes or openings occur through which flames or hot gasses may

25 escape from the compartment under fire, to an adjacent compartment where no fire occurs.

26 For the standard fire exposure, members shall comply with criteria R. E and I as follows:

27 - load bearing function only: mechanical resistance (criterion R)

28 - separating function only: integrity (criterion E) and, when requested, insulation (criterion I)
78 Taerwe
1 - separating and load bearing function: criteria R, E and, when requested, criterion I.

2 As such, the notations R30, R60, E30, E60 and I30, I60 mean that an element complies with criteria R, E and I

3 respectively during at least 30 or 60 minutes for exposure to a standard fire. The notation REI90 indicates that an

4 element complies at least during 90 minutes with the three criteria simultaneously, whereby the most critical criteria

5 is decisive for the classification.

6 The mentioned criteria are verified within a structural fire design analysis which encompasses the following steps:

7 - Selection of the relevant design fire scenarios on the basis of a fire risk assessment

8 - Determination of the corresponding design fire, which should be applied only to one fire compartment of

9 the building at the same time

10 - Calculation of the temperature evolution within the structural members. For external members, fire

11 exposure through openings in facades and roofs should be considered.

12 - Calculation of the mechanical behaviour of the structure exposed to fire.

13 Fire models

14 The evolution of a fire is determined by several parameters among which:

15 - the geometrical characteristics of the compartment

16 - the thermal properties of the compartment walls

17 - the position and size of openings in the walls which influence the ventilation conditions

18 - the fire load density which depends on the occupancy and the net calorific value of the combustible

19 materials.

20 Depending on the experience and judgment of the designer and the applicable fire regulations, a choice is made

21 between:

22 a) nominal temperature–time curves

23 b) natural fire models

24 b.1) simplified fire models: compartment fires and localised fires; data for design fire loads and gas

25 temperature models based on ventilation characteristics, can found in the annexes of Part 1-2 of

26 Eurocode 1

27 b.2) advanced fire models: one-zone models, two-zone models and Computational

28 Fluid Dynamic models (CFD)

Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 79
1 The nominal temperature–time curves give a relation between the gas temperature șg in the compartment and the

2 time t, expressed in minutes. No parameters related to the compartment characteristics are considered. The following

3 models are given in EN 1991-1-2:

4 - Standard temperature-time curve (ISO834)

5 Tg 20  345 log10 (8t  1) >qC@ (1)

6 - External fire curve

7 Tg
20  600 1  0,687 e  0,32 t  0,313 e  3,8 t >qC@ (2)

8 - Hydrocarbon curve

9 Tg
20  1080 1  0,325 e  0,167 t  0,675 e  2,5 t >qC@ (3)

10 The corresponding curves are shown in Fig. 1.


13 Representative values for a live load Q are (EN 1990) :

14 - Qk = the characteristic value

15 - ȥoQk = the combination value

16 - ȥ1Qk = the frequent value

17 - ȥ2Qk = the quasi-permanent value

18 In the order given, the probability of exceedance of these values increases. Typical values of ȥo, ȥ1 and ȥ2 are

19 given in Table 1.

21 For normal temperature design (persistent design situation), the design value Ed of an action effect is calculated from

22 the basic load combination which, in general and including prestressing, can be written as

23 ¦J
Gj G kj  J P Pk  J Q1 Q k1  ¦ \ 0i J Qi Q ki
i !1

24 where "+" stands for "combined effect of " and

25 Gkj = characteristic value of permanent action j

26 Pk = characteristic value of the prestressing force

80 Taerwe
1 Qk1 = characteristic value of the leading variable action (designated by 1)

2 Qki = characteristic value of other independent variable actions (i > 1)

3 ȖG, ȖQ , ȖP = partial safety factors; typically ȖG = 1.35; ȖQ = 1.50 and ȖP = 1.0 or 1.3

5 For an accidental design situation such as a fire, the following load combination is considered:

6 ¦J
GAj G kj  J PA Pk  J A A k  \ x ,1 Q k1  ¦ \ 2,i Q ki
i !1

7 where ȖA Ak is the design value of the accidental action and ȥx,1 is equal to ȥ1,1 or ȥ2,1 depending on the national

8 choice of a country. For accidental design situations J A J GA J PA 1 and Eq. (5) becomes

9 ¦
G kj  Pk  A k  \ x ,1 Q k1  ¦ \ 2,i Q ki
i !1

10 In the case of a fire, Ak represents the indirect actions due to the fire, caused by internal or external restraint of

11 deformations. The action effect resulting from Eq. (6) is denoted as Efi,d(t).

12 According to EN 1991-1-2, indirect actions from adjacent members need not be considered when fire safety

13 requirements refer to members under standard fire conditions. In this case Efi,d can be considered as being time

14 independent. From comparison of Eqs. (4) and (6) it follows that, in general, the ratio

E fi,d
15 Kfi (7)

16 is substantially smaller than 1. For member analysis according to EN 1992-1-2, the following simplification may be

17 applied:

18 E fi ,d Kfi E d (8)

19 with

Gk  \ x,1 Q k1 1  <x,1 ]
20 K fi (9)
J G Gk  J Q1 Q k1 1.35  1.50 ]

21 where ȗ = Qk1/Gk and Ed is obtained from normal temperature design. Fig. 2 shows Șfi as a function of ȗ and ȥ1,1. As

22 a simplification a recommended value of Șfi = 0.7 may be used. Application of Eq. (8) is subjected to several

23 limitations, which are not discussed here.

Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 81

2 Basic aspects

3 In the accidental fire situation, design values of mechanical material properties are defined as:

X k (T) kT Xk
4 X d ,fi (10)
J M ,fi J M ,fi

5 where

6 - Xk is the characteristic value of the property considered for normal temperature design

7 - Xk (ș) is the characteristic value of the property considered for a temperature ș

8 - kș is a reduction factor equal to Xk (ș)/Xk

9 - ȖM,fi is the partial safety factor for the property considered; for accidental design situations the

10 recommended value is equal to 1.

11 The values of Xk (ș) = kș Xk are used to calculate Rfi,d (t). Values of kș for the basic mechanical properties of

12 concrete, reinforcing steel and prestressing steel can be found in EN 1992-1-2. In Figs. 3 and 4 values of kc (ș) =

13 fck(ș)/fck and ks (ș) = fyk (ș)/fyk are given. The curves shown in Fig. 3 are valid for fck d 50 MPa. For high strength

14 concrete (HSC) specific models, resulting in a steeper descent, are given Models for the influence of high

15 temperatures on the stress-strain curves and the basic physical and thermal properties of concrete and reinforcing

16 steel are also given.

18 Explosive spalling

19 Explosive spalling of concrete shall be avoided or its influence on the performance requirements shall be taken into

20 account (e.g. reduced cross section). According to EN1992-1-2, explosive spalling is unlikely to occur when the

21 moisture content is less than 3% by weight (recommended value for NDP). Although a limitation of the Relative

22 Humidity is commonly used in some countries, it was found appropriate to put a limit on the moisture content.

23 Above 3% accurate assessment of moisture content, type of aggregate, permeability of concrete and heating rate

24 should be considered. For HSC with 55 MPa d fck d 80 MPa, the previous rules are still applicable provided that the

25 maximum content of silica fume is less than 6% by weight of cement. In case of higher silica fume contents and for

26 HSC with 80 MPa d fck d 90 MPa, specific measures should be taken to avoid spalling. A possibility is to include in
82 Taerwe
1 the concrete mix at least 2 kg/m³ of monofilament polypropylene fibres. This limit was chosen based on a wide

2 range of available test results.


5 Basic aspects

6 The basis of the mechanical analysis is shown schematically in Figs. 5a and 5b, where the following notations are

7 used:

8 Ed = design value of an action effect at room temperature e.g. MEd, NEd, VEd, …

9 Rd = design value of the resistance of a structural member at room temperature e.g. MRd, NRd,

10 VRd, …

11 Efi,d (t) = design value of an action effect in the fire situation at time t, including the effect of indirect actions

12 Rfi,d (t) = design value of the relevant resistance of a structural member in the fire situation at

13 time t

14 tfi,req = required fire resistance time give as a multiple of 30 min

15 tfi,d = design value of the fire resistance, which is determined by Rfi,d (t) = Efi,d (t)

17 The general case of varying Efi,d(t) is shown in Fig. 5a. When indirect actions due to restrained deformations are

18 neglected, Efi,d can be considered as time-independent as assumed in Fig. 5b. Rfi,d (t) decreases in time, due to

19 material degradation under increasing temperatures of the cross-section considered. Rfi,d(0) is higher than Rd due to

20 the fact that in the accidental fire situation JM,fi = 1 whereas for the persistent design situation Jc = 1.5 and Js = 1.15.

21 Generally Rd > Ed due to the fact that for practical reasons more reinforcement is placed than strictly necessary from

22 the design calculations, or As,prov > As,req.

24 The general verification format for each cross-section can be written as:

25 t fi ,d t t fi ,req (11)

26 or

27 R fi ,d ( t ) t E fi ,d ( t ) for t d t fi,req (12)

Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 83
1 As the action effects are obtained with reduced partial safety factors and also the material factors are reduced, the

2 margin between the design values Rfi,d(0) and Efi,d(0) at the onset of fire is higher than the margin between Rd an Ed

3 for ambient temperature design. This makes it possible to satisfy the basic design equation (12) during at least tfi,req

4 despite the fact that

5 Rfi,d (t) is a monotonic decreasing function of the exposure time.

6 The reduction of the partial safety factors in the accidental fire situation is related to the fact that, although the

7 conditional probability of failure in case of fire is relatively high, the occurrence probability of a fire during the

8 design service life is quite low. Hence, the product of both probabilities should be comparable to the target failure

9 probability specified for the persistent design situation.

11 Design procedures

12 In order to satisfy Eq. (12) the following design methods are permitted:

13 - detailing according to recognised design solutions e.g. tabulated data

14 - simplified calculation methods for specific types of members

15 - advanced calculation methods for simulating the behaviour of structural members, parts of the structure or

16 the entire structure.

17 For beams and slabs, neglecting the effect of axial restraint generally leads to conservative results 3. For frames, the

18 axial compression forces in beams and slabs, resulting from longitudinal restraint, may result in shear failures in the

19 columns, even if they are in bays not exposed to the fire.


22 Field of application

23 The method is applicable for the verification of separate members and gives recognized design solutions for

24 standard fire exposures up to 240 minutes. In the tables, minimum values are given for the cross-sectional

25 dimensions and the axis distance of the main reinforcement. Additional detailing rules are specified for each type of

26 structural member. An advantage of the tabulated values is that a designer can quickly verify whether the

27 dimensions which follow from a normal temperature design, are acceptable under fire conditions. The following

28 aspects should be considered:

84 Taerwe
1 - The given values are based on the standard fire exposure according to ISO 834

2 - The tables have been developed on an empirical basis and confirmed by experience and theoretical

3 evaluations of tests. The values have been derived under rather conservative assumptions.

4 - The values apply to normal weight concrete made with siliceous aggregates. If calcareous or lightweight

5 aggregates are used in beams or slabs, the minimum dimensions of the cross-section may be reduced by

6 10 %

7 - When using tabulated values, no further checks are required concerning explosive spalling, shear and

8 torsion capacity and anchorage details.

9 General rules

10 1. The minimum requirements concerning section sizes and axis distance of the steel have been determined in

11 order to satisfy criterion R (load bearing function) during the specified standard fire resistance according to

12 Eq. (12). The tabulated data are based on a reference load level corresponding to Șfi = 0.7 with Șfi

13 determined in accordance with Eq. (7), unless otherwise specified.

14 2. In the tables, minimum concrete cover is expressed as the distance “a” from the axis of the main

15 reinforcement to the closest concrete surface (see Fig. 6). The stated axis distances are nominal values.

16 Allowance for tolerance need not be added. In part 1-1 of Eurocode 2, valid for normal temperature design,

17 the concrete cover “c” is defined as the distance from the edge of a reinforcing bar to the closest concrete

18 surface. Hence, for a longitudinal rebar (main reinforcement) with diameter Ibar, the relation between “a”

19 and “c” typically can be written as a = c + Istirrup + Ibar/2 with Istirrup the stirrup diameter.

20 3. The minimum axis distance of reinforcement located in tensile zones of simply supported beams and slabs,

21 was calculated on the basis of a critical steel temperature șcr = 500 °C. The critical temperature is that

22 temperature for which the steel yields under the steel stress ıs,fi occurring in the fire situation. For

23 prestressing tendons, the critical temperature for bars is assumed to be 400 °C and for strands and wires to

24 be 350 °C.

25 Columns

26 For assessing the fire resistance of columns, two methods (A and B), are provided, which are applicable within

27 certain limits of the influencing parameters. As an example, Table 2 gives values of "bmin"and "a" for columns with
Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 85
1 rectangular or circular cross-section according to method A. In this method, the load level in the fire situation is

2 characterized by the parameter

N Ed ,fi K fi N Ed
3 µ fi (13)
N Rd N Rd

4 Where NEd,fi is the design value of the applied axial load which follows from Eq. (6) and N Rd A s f yd  A c f cd

5 is the design value of the resisting axial force under normal temperature conditions. Fig. 5b shows the relative

6 positions of R d N Rd , E d N Ed and E fi ,d N Ed ,fi .

7 In method A, also a formula is given which allows to calculate the standard fire resistance (in minutes) for other

8 parameter values than those mentioned in Table 2.

10 Other members

11 In EN 1992-1-2, similar tables are given for load-bearing and non load-bearing walls, tensile members, simply

12 supported and continuous beams and solid slabs, flat and ribbed slabs. By way of example, table 3 is given which is

13 valid for simply supported reinforced or prestressed slabs.

14 In continuous beams and slabs, thermal moments Mș develop during heating due to restraint of the thermal rotations.

15 This phenomenon is shown schematically in Fig. 7 for a beam clamped at both ends. Mainly during the first 30

16 minutes, the moment line shifts towards more negative values (line 1). In some cases, the zone with positive

17 moments can disappear completely (line 2). If no upper reinforcement is provided in that zone, a hinge can occur in

18 the middle section. For this reason it is required that in continuous beams and slabs at least 25 % of the upper

19 reinforcement is placed at the intermediate supports, continuous over a distance of at least 0.3 leff towards the

20 adjacent spans.


23 General

24 Simplified calculation methods may be used to determine the ultimate load-bearing capacity of a heated cross

25 section and to compare the capacity with the action effect resulting from Eq. (6). In 1992-1-2 the following methods

26 are mentioned :
86 Taerwe
1 - Informative annex B provides two alternative methods, B.1 “500°C isotherm method” and B.2 “Zone

2 method” for calculating the resistance to bending moments and axial forces. Second order effects may be

3 included with both methods.

4 - Informative annex C provides a zone method for analyzing column sections with significant second order

5 effects.

6 - Informative annex D provides a simplified calculation method for shear, torsion and anchorage.

7 - Informative annex E provides a simplified calculation method for the design of beams and slabs.

9 Temperature profiles

10 The basis of all simplified methods are the temperature profiles in the considered cross section. In Annex A, several

11 temperature profiles are given for typical cross-sections with siliceous aggregates for 30, 60, …, 240 minutes

12 exposure to a standard fire. The temperature profiles are conservative for most other aggregates. By way of example,

13 fig. 8 shows the temperature profiles in a slab (thickness 200 mm) for one-sided exposure.

15 500°C isotherm method

16 The method is based on the hypothesis that concrete at a temperature above 500°C is neglected (kc = 0) in the

17 calculation of the load-bearing capacity, while concrete at a temperature below 500°C is assumed to retain its full

18 strength (kc = 1). The characteristics of the reinforcing and prestressing steel are determined according to the local

19 temperature. The method is applicable to reinforced and prestressed concrete sections with respect to axial load,

20 bending moment and their combination.

21 The following steps are followed (fig. 9) :

22 - determine the 500°C isotherm by mean of the information provided in annex A for the specified fire

23 exposure.

24 - determine the reduced width bfi and the reduced effective depth dfi of the cross-section by excluding the

25 concrete outside the 500°C isotherm. The rounded shape of the isotherms is approximated by rectangles.

26 - determine the temperature of the reinforcing bars in the tension and compression zones by means of the

27 available temperature profiles. Also the bars outside the reduced cross section are considered.

28 - calculate the reduced value fyk(T) for each bar from the ks(T)-temperature curves.
Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 87
1 - calculate the resisting moment MRd,fi according to the methods for normal temperature design, taking into

2 account the reduced cross section and the modified material properties.

3 - verify whether MRd,fi • MEd,fi for the exposure time considered.

5 Continuous beams and slabs

6 The verification is based on plastic limit analysis, assuming that sufficient rotation capacity is available at the

7 intermediate supports. The following condition has to be verified (fig. 10) :

M Rd1,fi  M Rd 2,fi
8  M Rd ,fi ,span t M Ed ,fi (14)
9 with

w Ed ,fi " 2
10 M Ed ,fi (15)
11 where wEd,fi follows from Eq. (6). Eq. (14) expresses that the statically determined parabolic bending moment line

12 “1” is located within the values MRd1,fi, MRd2,fi and MRd,fi,span.


15 - Common rules regarding general verification formats and load combinations for the accidental fire situation

16 are given in Part 1-2 of Eurocode 1 (EN 1991-1-2). Thus a unified approach is available with the advantage

17 of being independent of the construction material used.

18 - Models giving the influence of high temperatures on concrete properties are given in Part 1-2 of Eurocode

19 2 (EN 1992-1-2) which offer a valuable basis for detailed calculations.

20 - The tabulated values for minimum cross-section size and axis distance of the main reinforcement given in

21 EN 1992-1-2, allow a fast verification of the cross-section for the required fire resistance time. The values

22 are based on a synthesis of experimental data, numerical simulations and field experience.

23 - Simplified design methods (e.g. the 500°C isotherm method), which are an extension of those valid for

24 normal temperature design, are given in EN 1992-1-2. Thus a fast verification of the fire resistance of

25 concrete structures can be performed.

88 Taerwe

2 1. EN 1991-1-2 : Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures – Part 1-2 : General actions – Actions on structures exposed to

3 fire, CEN, November 2002.

4 2. EN 1992-1-2 : Eurocode 2 : Design of concrete structures – Part 1-2 : General Rules – Structural Fire design,

5 CEN, December 2004.

6 3. Riva P., Nonlinear and plastic analysis of reinforced concrete beams, Proceedings of the Workshop “Fire Design

7 of Concrete Structures: What now? What next?”, Starrylink Editrice, 2005, Brescia, Italy.

9 Table 1–Values of ȥ0, ȥ1, and ȥ2 according to EN 1990

Occupancy ȥ0 ȥ1 ȥ2
Residential 0.7 0.5 0.3
Office 0.7 0.5 0.3
Storage 1.0 0.9 0.8
12 Table 2– Combinations bmin/a for columns with rectangular or circular cross-section (dimensions in mm)

Standard fire Fire exposure on more than one side One-sided exposure
resistance µfi = 0.2 µfi = 0.5 µfi = 0.7 µfi = 0.7
R 30 200/25 200/25 200/32 155/25
R 60 200/25 200/36 250/46 155/25
300/31 350/40
R 90 200/31 300/45 350/53 155/25
300/25 400/38 450/40
R 120 250/40 350/45 350/57 175/35
350/35 450/40 450/51
R 180 350/45 350/63 450/70 230/55
R 240 350/61 450/75 - 295/70
14 Table 3 – Minimum thickness and axis distance for reinforced and prestressed simply supported one-way and

15 two-way solid concrete slabs

Standard fire Slab thickness Axis distance (mm)

resistance hs (mm) One-way Two-way
Ɛy/Ɛx ” 1.5 1,5 < Ɛy/Ɛx ” 2
REI 30 60 10 10 10
REI 60 80 20 10 15
REI 90 100 30 15 20
REI 120 120 40 20 25
REI 180 150 55 30 40
REI 240 175 65 40 50
Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 89


Temperature șg [°C]




400 ISO 834

Hydrocarbon fire
200 External fire

0 50 100 150 200 250
Time t [min]

3 Fig. 1 – Standardized temperature-time curves


8 Fig. 2 - Variation of the reduction factor ] = Qk1/Gk
90 Taerwe

4 Fig. 3 - Variation of the Coefficient kc(T) for normalweight concrete

5 with siliceous aggregates (curve 1) and calcareous aggregates (curve 2)

Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 91

2 Fig. 4 - Variation of the coefficient ks(T)

3 Curve 1 : Tension reinforcement (hot rolled) for strains Hs,fi • 2 %

4 Curve 2 : Tension reinforcement (cold worked) for strains Hs,fi • 2 %

5 Curve 3 : Compression reinforcement and tension reinforcement for strains Hs,fi < 2 %

92 Taerwe

2 (a)

15 (b)

16 Fig. 5 – Design values of action effects and corresponding resistances

17 (a) including indirect actions and (b) neglecting indirect actions

Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 93

3 Fig. 6 - Nominal axis distance and other typical cross-sectional dimensions

7 Fig. 7 - Shift of the bending moment line in a clamped beam during fire exposure

8 at the bottom side

94 Taerwe

2 Fig. 8 - Temperature profiles for slabs (thickness 200 mm) for R30, R60, …, R240

Designing Concrete Structures for Fire Safety 95

2 Fig. 9 - Reduced cross section of reinforced concrete beams and column

5 Fig. 10 - Positioning of the free bending moment diagram MEd,fi to establish equilibrium

96 Taerwe

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