Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education
Learning Competency
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Tasks
At the end of the week, the students should be able to:
7:30 – 7:45 F L A G C E R E M O N Y
illustrate simple and compound interests Refer to the following topics and pages in your General Mathematics module:
distinguish simple and compound interests General Mathematics Quarter 2 – Module 1-3
compute interest, maturity value, future value and
GENERAL Read and analyze the assigned topics for this week. Do the following learning activities/task.
7:45 – 12:00 present value in simple interest and compound interest
MATHEMATICS environment Answer the provided activity of the teacher. Show your complete solution. (Activity sheet to
solve problems involving simple and compound be provided by the subject teacher)
12:00 – 12:45 L U N C H
12:45 – 4:00 F O L L O W U P A N D P O R T F O L I O P R E P A R A T I O N
Self-assess health-related fitness (HRF), status, Written Task: Copy and answer the test under What I Know.
barriers to physical activity assessment participation Read and understand the entire content of Lesson 1: Managing One’s Stress through Individual,
HEALTH and one’s diet. Dual and Team Sports.
Engage in moderate to vigorous physical activities Accomplish the two activities under What’s In by supplying details.
4:00 – 5:00 (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week Answer the questions briefly on What’s New.
PHYSICAL in a variety of settings in-and-out of school Do What’s More Activity A-B. Copy the table.
EDUCATION Complete the statements on What I have learned.
Performance Task: Make a dance video using the basic skills of individual, dual and team
sports. The video should last for not more than three (3) minutes. Any music genre can be used.
explain the evolving concept of life based on emerging Refer to the following topics and pages in your Earth and Life Science module:
pieces of evidence Earth and Life Science Quarter 2 – Module 21
Read and analyze the assigned topics for this week. Do the following learning activities/task.
7:45 – 12:00 Activity 1: My Life in Timeline (Module 21, pg. 4)
Activity 6: Arrange Me (Module 21, pg. 9)
Activity 8: Origin of Life (Module 21, pg. 10)
What I Can Do (Module 21, pg. 14)
12:00 – 12:45 L U N C H
explain the forms and functions of state and non-state Read the important concepts and examples on your module. (p. 1-12)
institutions Do the following tasks:
12:45 – 5:00 o What’s More (p..13)
o What I Have Learned (p. 14)
o What I Can Do (p. 15)
explain how the Greeks knew that the Earth is Activity 1 (pg. 2-3)
spherical Activity 2 (pg. 4-5)
cite examples of astronomical phenomena known to Activity 3: Do Try it on (pg. 10-11)
astronomers before the advent of telescope What I Have Learned (pg.11)
PHYSICAL Activity 4: Assessment (pg. 13-14)
7:45 – 12:00
SCIENCE Activity 5: What I Know (pg. 2-4)
Activity 6: What’s More (pg. 18-29)
What I Have Learned (pg. 19)
Activity 7: Assessment and Additional Activities (pg. 21-23)
12:00 – 12:45 L U N C H
employs various communicative strategies in different What’ New (pg. 6)
situations What I Have Learned (pg. 14)
ORAL What I Can Do (pg. 15)
12:45 – 5:00
COMMUNICATION Assessment (pg. 16)
Additional Activities (pg. 17)
EsP-PD11/12PR-IIa-9.1 Module 17:
EsP-PD11/12PR-IIa-9.2 o What’s In Page 10-11
o What’s More Page 18
o What I can Do Page 20
PERSONAL o Additional Activities Page 21
7:45 – 12:00 Module 18:
o What’s More Page 17 (Act. 1-2)
o What I have Learned Page 18
o What I can Do Page 19
o Additional Activities Page 22
12:00 – 12:45 L U N C H
identify the context in which a text was developed Read and analyze the assigned topics for this week. Do the following learning activities/task.
(hypertext and intertext)
What I Have Learned (pg. 8)
12:45 – 5:00 What I Can Do (pg. 9)
WRITING What I Have Learned (pg. 18)
What I Can Do (pg. 18-19)
describe graphic fiction and flash fiction Refer to Module 6 Week 1 of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 11
read and respond critically to texts read Lesson 1: Differentiating 21st Century Literary Genres
write in one of the genres What I Know (pg. 1-4)
present similarities and differences of basic graphic What’s In (pg. 5)
fiction and flash fiction What’s New (pg. 6-7)
21st CENTURY show an appreciation on modern literary genres as an What is It (pg. 8-9)
7:45 – 12:00
LITERATURE appealing medium to literary conventions What’s More : Activity 1-3 and Assessment 1-3 (pg. 10-12)
What I Have Learned (pg. 12-13)
What I Can Do (pg. 13)
Assessment (pg. 14-16)
Additional Activities (pg. 17)
12:00 – 12:45 L U N C H
illustrate: (a) null hypothesis; (b) alternative Module 1: Testing Hypothesis
hypothesis; (c)level of significance; (d) rejection o Do the following activities: (p. 15-19)
region; and (e) types of errors in hypothesis testing o Activity 1.1 Null Vs Alternative (Item no.1&2)
Identify the parameter to be tested in a given real life o Activity 1.2 The Tale of Tails (Item no.1&2)
problem o Activity 1.3 Are You In or Out? (Item no.1&2)
formulate appropriate null and alternative hypotheses o Activity 1.4 Type I or Type II (Situation 1)
STATISTICS and on a population mean o Additional Activities (p. 23)
12:45 – 5:00 identify appropriate test statistics involving population
PROBABILITY Module 2: Identifying Parameters for Testing in Given Real-Life Problems
o What I have learned, (p. 8)
Module 3: Formulating Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses on a Population Mean
o What I Can Do, (p. 15)
Module 4: Identifying Appropriate Test Statistics Involving Population Mean
o Activity 4. Check It Out! (p. 44)
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