Government Public Works Department Establishment Branch: of West Bengal

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Government of West Bengal

Public Works Department
Establishment Branch
Khadya Bhavan, Kolkata - 700087

No: 2194-E/PWD-II011/2/2021-WORKS WING Date: 25.02.2021


The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to state that Sri Amitabha Sengupta, Chief Engineer (H.Q.), PW.Dte.
will retire on superannuation from service on 28.02.2021. The proposal of re-employment in favour of Sri Amitabha Sengupta,
Chief Engineer (H.Q.), P.W.Dte. beyond the age of superannuation has already been approved by Department of Personnel &
Administrative Reforms (General Cell) vide order No.198·PAR(Genl.)dated 18.02.2021.

2. The undersigned is further directed by order of the Governor to state that the Governor is pleased in the interest of Public
Service to appoint Sri Amitabha Sengupta, Chief Engineer (H.Q.), PW.Dte. in the Ex-Cadre post of OSD and Ex-Officio Chief
Engineer (Civil) under PWD on re-employment basis for a period of 01 (one) year w.e.f. 01.03.2021 or date of joining the said post.

3. On such appointment as stated herein above, Sri Amitabha Sengupta is hereby authorised to take over the charge of Chief
Engineer (H.Q.), PW.Dte. and also in addition to take over the additional charge of E-in·Cunder PWD and until further order(s).

4. This order issues with approval of the Department of P&AR(Genl.) vide Order No. 198-PAR(Genl.)dated 18.02.2021.

5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department- Group-P? vide U.O.No. Gr.·P2/2020-2021/0837 dated

6. The A.O. & Ex-Officio Deputy Secretary, PWD will act as DDOin respect of the post as stated under Para-2.

Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal

No: 2194/1(s)-E/PWD-llOll/2/2021·WORKS WING Date: 25.02.2021

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:-

1. The P.A.G.(A&E), W.B.
2. The P.A.O.,Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office 1/11/111.
3. The A.O. & Ex-officio Deputy Secretary, PW.D./ O.S.D& DDO,PWD,Rds.Wings.
4. The P.E.Branch/ Pension Cell P.W.D.
5. The Guard File.
Deputy Secretary, P.W.D.

No: 2194/2(15)-E/PWD-llOll/2/2021-WORKS WING Date: 25.02.2021

Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The P.Sto M.I.C, PWD.
2. The Pr. ACS,PWD
3. The E-in-C,P.W.D
4. The Chief Engineer, (H.Q.)/Planning, P.W Dte./PW.(Rd) Dte./ North Zone/West Zone/ South Zone/SOCial
Sector, PW.Dte. / North Zone/West Zone/ South Zone/PIU(ROB)/ NH Wing, PW(Rds.)Dte.
5. The Joint Secretary, (Personnel/ Works/Roads/P&C)PWD.

Deputy Secretary, P.W.D.

No: 2194/3-E/PWD-llOll/2/2021-WORKS WING Date: 25.02.2021

Copy forwarded for information to Sri Amitabha Sengupta, Chief Engineer (H.Q.), PW.Dte.

Deputy Secretary, P.W.D.

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