Micro Mite

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The wing is made from 1/32” sheet balsa.

The ribs are glued

to the root of each wing panel and at the location shown in
If foam wing is used, sand a the panel span. Glue the ribs to each panel before
taper at the tip on the bottom assembling the wing halves. After the ribs are in place, block
surface starting here. up the tip of each panel 9/16” and sand the root vertical. The
panels can then be assembled so the total dihedral is 1 1/8”.

An alternative is to use a Bob Selman “Flat Plate” foam wing .

Mabuchi M20 motor. You
That will require cutting the stock wing to the size shown and
can use the low volt
then sanding the upper surface to achieve the correct airfoil.
version for more
If a foam wing is used, it will need to be strengthened. The
performance, or the high
best method for that is to cover the wing with Japanese tissue
volt model for added
using an adhesive like thinned white glue.

Use a U-80 prop cut down
to 2 1/8” diameter.
1 1/8” Total Dihedral

All electric/electronic
components are available
from Bob Selman.

Control horns are
1/64” plywood. Make
Motor is glued to
fuselage with

medium Cya
Wing rib. Make 4 from 1/20” or
1/16” balsa sheet.
Be sure to check lateral
Use Selman mini actuators. Remove the stock
balance after the model magnets and replace with 1/8” x 1/16” magnets

Tail surfaces are made

from 1/32” balsa sheet
is completed!! from wondermagnet.com. Also, use a 1/16” x
1/32” centering magnet on each actuator. This
adjustment to the actuators allows them to
work in close proximity to each other with out
140 mah Lithium interaction. An unmodified actuator can be
Polymer cell used if the model is flown rudder only.

Use an Azar M72-L or M72-I


JMP Combo

Fuselage is made from 1/8” balsa.

Balance here Taper aft of the actuators. Micro Guided Mite
Background Information: If foam wing is used, sand the Wing Span - 7 3/4” Wt. - 15 gr
This model is based on the Guided Mite that was upper surface to create this Designed by Ralph Bradley
designed by Bob Coon and published in the April 1958 airfoil shape.
issue of Flying Models. For it’s day, the Guided Mite was Drawn by Paul Bradley
a real micro R/C model with an 20” wing span.
April 2004

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