ISC Class XII Maths Project SectionB

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ISC Class XII Maths Project Section -B

Topic : Using Vector Algebra ,find the area of a parallelogram/triangle .Also ,derive the area
analytically and verify the same .

General Direction:

 Use Camlin Sheets ( One side plane and other side ruled)
 All writings must be on the ruled page and diagrams, Graphs ,Pictures on the plane side of
the page
 All headings should be written in bold letters
 Use only blue and black ink
 Design the front page on the computer
 Use the transparent plastic file as cover and fix it with stapler.
 The entire work must be systematic, Informative , Neat and Clean

Various parts of project

Front Page (1st Page): Include (Topic ,Subject ,Class ,Section ,Name ,School)

2nd Page : (Acknowledgement );Place for thank you note

3rd Page :Include various Heading and Page Number

4th Page ( Introduction) : One big paragraph (about the topic)

5th page onwards Elaboration of the topic : Calculation of area of parallelogram / triangle through
vectors and verify the same with example .

2nd last page: (Conclusion) Conclude in a paragraph

Last page Include reference book , person media, etc

********* Complete the project latest by first week of November 2020********

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