Broek 2
Broek 2
Broek 2
FractuREsearch Inc., Galena, OR, USA
Brock, David.
The pract,ical use of fr'actUJ'e mechanics.
Bibliography: p.
1. Fract,ure mechanics. 1. TiUe.
TA409.B773 1988 620.1'126 88-9336
No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any
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This book is about the use of fracture mechanics for the solution of practical
problems; academic rigor is not at issue and dealt with only in as far as it
improves insight and understanding; it often concerns secondary errors in
engineering. Knowledge of (ignorance of) such basic input as loads and stresses
in practical cases may cause errors far overshadowing those introduced by
shortcomings of fracture mechanics and necessary approximations; this is
amply demonstrated in the text.
I have presented more than three dozen 40-hour courses on fracture
mechanics and damage tolerance analysis, so that I have probably more
experience in teaching the subject than anyone else. I learned more than the
students, and became cognizant of difficulties and of the real concerns in
applications. In particular I found, how a subject should be explained to appeal
to the practicing engineer to demonstrate that his practical problem can indeed
be solved with engineering methods. This experience is reflected in the presenta-
tions in this book. Sufficient background is provided for an understanding of the
issues, but pragamatism prevails. Mathematics cannot be avoided, but they are
presented in a way that appeals to insight and intuition, in lieu of formal
derivations which would show but the mathematical skill of the writer. A
practicing engineer does care little about how a crack tip stress field is derived;
he accepts that it can be done, as long as he can understand that the result must
be of the form it is. His real concern is what it means for the solutions to
practical problems.
Mathematical background is of use to future scientists, but few engineering
students taking fracture mechanics courses will become researchers in fracture
mechanics. My advice is that indeed very few should. Fracture mechanics has
matured to a useful engineering tool as has e.g. buckling analysis. Certainly, it
is not perfect, but no engineering analysis is. Not much buckling research is
practiced today; the present number of researchers in fracture mechanics is far
out of proportion to the remaining engineering problems.
Despite the acclaimed solid education of engineers, it is my experience in
teaching fracture mechanics to literally hundreds of practicing engineers, that
most have only a vague idea of such subjects as plastic deformation and design;
to many Mohr's circle is an enigma; at most one in a class knows the stress
concentration factor of a circular hole; fewer even remember yield criteria
and their significance. For this reason Chapter 2 of the text discusses the
effect of notches and local yielding and provides a simplified look at yield
criteria. The treatment is necessarily compromising rigidity, but it serves the
purpose of providing the insight without which fracture mechanics cannot be
My research work covered fundamental fracture and fatigue mechanisms,
experimental evaluation of criteria for fatigue, fracture, and combined mode
loading, the development of engineering procedures for arrest analysis in
stiffened panels, collapse conditions, and damage tolerance analysis in general.
My engineering background however, has always prevailed and forced me to
consider the practicality of procedures. This book reflects a lifetime of
experience in research and practical applications. No subject is discussed on the
basis of hearsay. Instead the basis is "hands-on" experience with virtually every
issue from the fundamental to the practical.
I am aware of my shortcomings, prejudices and opinionations, but believe to
be entitled to these on the basis of my engineering experience. This text reflects
them, and I do not apologize. Too many "refinements" in engineering solutions
pertain to secondary errors; they increase the complexity, but do not improve
the solution. One does not improve the strength of a chain by improving the
strong links. The weak links in the fracture mechanics analysis are the
unknowns, not the procedures. This book is for engineering students and for
engineers, who must solve urgent problems yesterday. Engineering solutions are
always approximative, no matter what the subject is. Such is the nature of
engineering. Necessary assumptions are far more influential than those due to
limitations of fracture mechanics.
The text is intended for the education of 'engineers'. At the same time it serves
as a reference. For this reason there is some duplication and extensive cross-
references are provided. This may be objectionable to the reader going through
the text from A to Z, but it will be of help to those who read sections here and
there. It is not perfect as no human effort ever is, and I shall welcome construc-
tive criticism with regard to the engineering applications. My haste in accom-
plishing things (enforced by the unfortunate situation that I have to make a
living, while writing a book is an extraneous effort which is not very profitable)
may be reflected in the text. Again, I am not apologizing, just explaining.
I am grateful to my wife, Betty, for putting up with my preoccupations and
moods while writing this text, and for submitting all writing to a word-process-
or. I am also thankful to my son Titus, who spent numerous hours in producing
solutions to exercises and in drawing figures.
I dedicate this book to the memory of my father, Harm Broek. Many
sons see their father as the ultimate example. So do I. His unfailing support has
always been a driver of my ambitions.
Preface v
Notice VB
1.1. Fracture control 1
1.2. The two objectives of damage tolerance analysis 3
1.3. Crack growth and fracture 8
1.4. Damage tolerance and fracture mechanics 15
1.5. The need for analysis: purpose of this book 17
1.6. Exercises 20
component. In the design stage one still has the options to select a more crack
resistant material or improve the structural design, to ensure that cracks will not
become dangerous during the projected economic serivce life. Alternatively,
periodic inspections may be scheduled, so that cracks can be repaired or
components replaced when cracks are detected. Either the time to retirement
(replacement), or the inspection interval and type of insepction, must follow
from the crack growth time calculated in the damage tolerance analysis.
Inspections can be performed by means of any of a number of non-destructive
inspection techniques, provided the structure is inspectable and accessible; but
destructive techniques such as proof-testing are essentially also inspections. If a
burst occurs during hydrostatic testing of e.g. a pipe line, then there was
apparently a crack of sufficient size to cause the burst. Although this may be
troublesome, the proof test is intended to eliminate defects under controlled
circumstances (e.g. with water pressure) to prevent catastrophic failure during
operation when the line is filled with oil or gas. After the burst and repair, the
line can continue service. If no burst occurs during the proof test, then
apparently any cracks were smaller than the critical size in the proof test. A
certain period of safe operation is then possible before such cracks would grow
to the permissible size.
Fracture control is a combination of measures such as described above
(including analysis), to prevent fracture due to cracks during operation. It may
include all or some of these measures, namely damage tolerance analysis,
material selection, design improvement, possibly structural testing, and main-
tenance/inspection/replacement schedules. The extent of the fracture control
measures depends upon the criticality of the component, upon the economic
consequences of the structure being out of service, and last but not least, the
consequential damage caused by a potential fracture failure (including loss of
lives). Fracture control of e.g. a hammer may be as simple as selecting a material
with sufficient fracture resistance. Fracture control of an airplane, includes
damage tolerance analysis, tests, and subsequent inspection and repair/replace-
ment plans.
Damage tolerance analysis and its results form the basis for fracture control
plans. Inspections of whichever nature, repairs and replacements, must be
scheduled rationally using the information from the damage tolerance analysis.
This book deals with practical damage tolerance analysis. Fracture control
measures are discussed in general, but the execution, use, and interpretation of
the damage tolerance analysis for scheduling fracture control measures are
discussed in detail.
The mathematical tool employed in damage tolerance analysis is called
fracture mechanics; it provides the concepts and equations used to determine
how cracks grow and how cracks affect the strength of a structure. During the
last 25 years fracture mechanics has evolved into a practical engineering tool. It
is not perfect, but no engineering analysis is. The equation for bending stress
(0' = Mh/I) is rather in error when used to calculate structural strength, because
Figure 1.1. Residual strength in the presence of cracks; strength of new structure (a = 0) is P u =
where} is again the safety factor. Hence, since load and stress are usually
proportional, the structure is actually capable of carrying iPs = Pu. Plasticity
may well prohibit proportionality, but since plasticity is generally limited to
small areas at notches and stress concentrations, the above is approximately
correct. But, even if it is not correct in actual numbers, it is true in spirit: the
structure is designed to carry a load higher than the highest anticipated service
load by a factor }, and the structural strength is Pu = iPs. The value of} is
between 3 (many civil engineering structures) and 1.5 (airplanes).
It is emphasized that P s is the'highest service load. If the service load varies,
the load may well be much less than P s during most of the time. For example
the loads on cranes, bridges, off-shore structures, ships and airplanes are usually
much less than Ps • Only in exceptional circumstances (e.g. storms) does the load
reach Ps • At other times the load may be only a fraction of P,., so that the margin
against fracture is much larger than}, except in extreme situations. The loads on
some structures, e.g. pipelines, pressure vessels, rotating machinery are reaching
more nearly always the same level (Ps ), as shown in Figure 1.2.
The new structure has a strength Pu with safety factor j. Its strength is finite,
so that the probability of fracture is not entirely zero. If the load should reach
Pu (e.g. in a storm) the structure fails. The probability of this occurring is
non-zero, but experience has shown that it is acceptably low. If cracks are
present the strength is less than Pu • This remaining strength under the presence
of cracks is generally referred to as the 'residual strength', Pres; the diagram in
Figure 1.1 is called the residual strength diagram. With a residual strength
Pres < Pu the safety factory has decreased: } = PreslPs which is less than
} = PulPs. In concert, the probability of fracture failure has become higher.
Fracture is the catastrophic break-up of the structure into two or more pieces.
With a crack of size a, the residual strength is Pres. Should a load P = Pres occur
then fracture takes place. The fracture process may be slow and stable initially,
the crack extending (by fracture), but the structure still hanging together.
Eventually, the fracture becomes unstable and the structure breaks into two or
more pieces. The whole process of stable-unstable fracture may take place in a
fraction of a second. If the load P = Pres does not occur, service loading
continuing at loads at or below Pre" the crack will continue to grow, not by
fracture but by cracking mechanisms such as fatigue, stress-corrosion or creep.
Due to continual growth the crack becomes longer, the residual strength less,
the safety factor lower, and the probability offracture higher. If nothing is done
and the structure remains in service, the residual strength evenutally will become
equal to Ps (or even equal to the average service load Pa in Figure 1.2). Then the
safety factor is reduced to I and fracture occurs already at P,., i.e. at the (highest)
service load, or even at Pa • This is what must be prevented: the crack should not
be allowed from becoming so large that fracture occurs at the service loads.
P,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----
Figure 1.2. Schematic examples of load histories. (a) Typical loading of offshore structures, ships,
airplanes; (b) typical loading of rotating machinery.
Hence, the structure or component must be replaced before the crack becomes
dangerous, or the crack must be detected and repaired before such time.
The above implies that the limit should be set somewhat above Ps • For
example, one may require that the residual strength never be less than Pp = gP"
where g is the remaining safety factor, and Pp the minimum permissible residual
strength. The design engineer or user does not decide what should be the initial
safety factor j. This factor is prescribed by rules and regulations issued by
engineering societies (e.g. ASME) or Government authorities. Similarly, these
rules or requirements should prescribe g. This has not been done for all types
of structures yet, while e.g. the ASME rules approach the problem somewhat
differently (rules and regulations are discussed in Chapter 12). However, some
rule or goal must be estabished, some decision made, to set the minimum
permissible residual strength, so that the maximum permissible crack size, ap '
can be determined from the residual strength diagram.
Provided the shape of the residual strength diagram is known, and Pp
prescribed, the maximum permissible crack size follows from the diagram. In
order for damage tolerance analysis to determine the largest allowable crack, the
first objective must be the calculation of the residual strength diagram of Figure
1.1. If ap can be calculated directly from Pp it may not be necessary to calculate
the entire residual strength diagram, but only the point (ap , Pp ). However, this
is seldom possible and rarely time saving. In general, the calculation of the entire
diagram is far preferable. The maximum permissible crack size follows from the
calculated residual strength diagram and from the prescribed minimum permiss-
ible residual strength, Pp • The residual strength diagram will be different for
different components of a structure and for different crack locations; permissible
crack sizes will be different as well.
The permissible crack size is sometimes called the critical crack size. However,
the objective of fracture control is to prevent 'critical' cracks. A critical crack is
one that would cause fracture in service. Cracks are not allowed to grow that
long. Instead, they are permitted to grow only to the permissible size ap • They
would be critical only in the event that a load as high as Pp would occur.
Knowing that the crack may not exceed ap is of little help, unless it is known
when the crack might reach ap • The second objective of the damage tolerance
analysis is then the calculation of the crack growth curve, shown diagrammatic-
ally in Figure 1.3. Under the action of normal service loading the cracks grow
by fatigue, stress corrosion or creep, at an ever faster rate leading to the convex
curve shown in Figure 1.3.
Starting at some crack size ao the crack grows in size during time. The
permissible crack ap following from Figure 1.1 can be plotted on the curve in
Figure 1.3. Provided one can calculate the curve in Figure 1.3 one obtains the
a H
~ -------------------
________ ________
~ ~~1
~ ~-h--===_N ~~
9 : :
5 I :
~ ! I I
~z ':.. I 16a I
~ I I I
9 I I I
~ C:'='==-=-=== = ==-!--[)j
~ I I I
9 I I I
z I I !
::J G : I I I
I I I 6a I
z I I I- ~
is I I I I
9 I :: :
) I I I I
::J ! I I I
i ,
Figure 1.5. Fatigue striations on crack surface of aluminium alloy. Spacing of striations coincides
with cyclic loading (insert). Magnification 12000 x.
light and looks dull grey. The holes of the large particles and those of the small
particles (Figure 1.7) are visible at high magnification in the electron
microscope, as shown in figure 1.8. As the fracture surface shows the halves of
the holes, the fracture is referred to as dimple rupture or just rupture. Elimina-
tion of the large particles (by selective alloying and heat treatment) can improve
the fracture resistance of an alloy [4]. On the other hand, alloying is necessary
to provide strength in the first place, so that not all particles can be avoided.
That they playa role in the final fracture process becomes rather of secondary
importance; without the particles, the strength would be less.
Both cleavage fracture and rupture are fast processes. A cleavage fracture
may run as fast as I mile/sec (1600 m/s), a dimple rupture as fast as 1500 ft/sec
(500 m/s), although it may be slower. Fracturing is sometimes stable. The crack
Figure 1.6. Cleavage fracture starting at (blunted) crack tip. Bottom: flat facets glitter due to
reflection of incident light.
.••. ®
~-,~) . . . 0 .. j
.. . .
e . .'. .
.. e · ·
.... e
'. .
~~~. ".'
~c;. 0 0
C5Q~ 0 I' Soo
Figure 1.7. Four stages of ductile rupture. Bottom: fracture surface shows holes formed by large and
small particles (dimples).
defects, a true overload fracture being very rare indeed (Chapter 13). It is
equally wrong (though not as confusing) to speak of fatigue fracture or stress
corrosion fracture. The fracture may be a consequence of a fatigue crack or a
stress corrosion crack, but it occurs by cleavage or rupture.
There is a third fracture type, namely intergranular fracture. The distinction
here is on the basis of fracture path (along the grain boundaries). Nevertheless,
intergranular fracture is not an altogether different type. Whether intergranular
or transgranular, the mechanism of separation either resembles cleavage or
rupture, be it that cleavage at a grain boundary is not as well defined as
transgranular cleavage.
Figure 1.B. Fracture surface of ductile rupture showing large holes with cracked large particles and
interconnecting dimples; Aluminium aHoy; Top: Scanning electron microscope; 1400 x . Bottom:
Transmission microscope (replica): 5000 x .
ap - - __ - -
Figure 1.9. Residual strength diagram on the basis of nominal engineering stress.
Figure 1.10. The modes of loading. Mode I opening mode. Mode II shear mode. Mode III tearing
These modes of loading (not modes of cracking), are usually referred to simply
by Roman numerals I, II and III. Other descriptions used are opening mode or
tension mode for mode I, (in-plane) shear mode for mode II, and (out-of-plane)
shear mode or tearing mode for mode III.
It turns out that the crack-tip stress equations are very similar for each of the
modes. As a matter of fact the format of the equations is exactly the same.
Consequently, the fracture and crack growth analysis procedures for each of the
modes individually, turn out to be identical, be it that different numbers apply.
If one knows how to deal with mode I, one knows essentially how to analyse
modes II and mode III individually. This is one reason why this book deals
primarily with mode I. However, there are other more compelling reasons.
In practice, by far the majority of cracks result from mode I loading. The other
two modes do not occur individually, but they may occur in combination with
mode I, i.e. I-II, I-III or I-II-III. However, if the loading of these modes is in
phase, cracks will rapidly choose a direction of growth in which they are
subjected to mode I only (Chapter 9). Thus, the majority of apparent combined
mode cases are reduced to mode I by nature itself. There are few cases left then
which cannot be treated as pure mode I. These occur when for example in a
mode I-II combination (where the crack would normally select a mode I path),
there is a direction in the material where the resistance to cracking and fracture
is substantially lower. A case in point is a circumferential weld in a torque tube
(Chapter 9). Normally, a crack in a torque tube will develop and grow under
45 degrees (tension only) and thus be in mode I. But if a circumferential weld
confines the crack to the circumferential direction (shear plane) mode II must
be considered. Another case occurs when mode I and e.g. mode II loading are
out of phase (bending and torsion cycles with different frequencies; see Chapter
Although individual loading modes are easy to deal with, a combined mode
loading case is rather more difficult. Several combined mode (or mixed mode)
analysis concepts have been proposed. A practical approach will be presented
in Chapter 9 for the few instances of 'true' mixed mode loading described above.
During the first half of the industrial era structural failures were numerous;
railroad accidents, elevator accidents, boiler explosions, etc., were a common
occurrence; accidents due to structural fracture were reported weekly if not
daily. The first powered flight was postponed because of a broken propellor
shaft. Orville Wright returned from Kitty Hawk to Dayton to machine a new
shaft, which caused a 2-week delay of the first flight. Due to improved materials,
and refinements of design procedures, and not in the least, due to the enforce-
ment of design safety factors and quality control measures, the number of
strucutral failures has abated, but not been reduced to zero.
More than two dozen major bridges have collapsed during this century. Since
World-War II in excess of 200 civil airplanes had fatal accidents due to fatigue
cracks; the number of cracks discovered in commercially operated jets is
estimated at well over 35 000. Many cracks have been reported in nuclear power
structures. Although less frequent, catastrophic structural failures have far more
serious consequences now than in the past. At the same time society has become
less tolerant and abundantly more litigious. Thus, no manufacturer, nor
operator of larger structures, can afford to ignore the issue of fracture control.
Rational fracture control being based on damage tolerance analysis, the use of
fracture mechanics and damage tolerance analysis is well-nigh imperative.
Rules and requirements have been issued for Military airplanes as well as for
are those oflength, stress, force, and stress intensity. Should the reader want to
do so, she or he can easily make the conversions.
Material properties such as tensile strength, yield strength and collapse
strength are consistently referred to as strength and denoted as F tu , F tv and
Feol respectively. Although they are expressed as stress, denoted as (J, they are
critical values (material properties).
1.6. Exercises
(1) D. Broek, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, 4th Edition, Nijhoff (1985).
[2] M.F. Kanninen and C.H. Popelar, Advancedfracture mechanics, Oxford University Press (1985).
[3] J.F. Knott, Fundamentals offracture mechanics, Butterworths (1973).
[4] D. Broek, Some contributions of electron fractography to the theory of fracture, Int. Met.
Reviews. Review 185, 9 (1974), pp. 135-181.
[5] C.Q. Bowles and D. Broek, On the formation of fatigue striations, Eng. Fract. Mech., 8 (1972),
[6] V. Kerlins, Modes of fracture, Metals Handbook, 12 (1987), pp. 12-71.
2.1. Scope
(J (J
p p
carryall the load: the stress, the strain and the elongation will be twice as high
as before. Consequently, the gap between the two halves of the left bar will be
2A.L. The left bar carries no stress at all (Figure 2.l.c).
Next consider the case where the left and right bar are attached (e.g. welded)
as depicted in Figure 2.2. If the bars are intact, the situation is identical to the
previous. However, if the left bar is cut a different situation develops. If the top
half of the right bar is strained, the top half of the left bar must necessarily
undergo approximately the same strain. Both bars being of the same material
(same modulus of elasticity, E), equal strain in the bars dictates equal stress
(0' = eE). Thus, each bar still carries the same stress and therefore each bar
carries half the load. However, since the left bar is cut, the right bar alone must
carry all load across the cut. Below the cut the two bars are again attached and
must strain equally. Consequently the bottom halves of the bar again share the
load equally.
The attachment sets the condition for approximately equal strain and equal
stress in both bars, almost all the way to the cut. Close to the slit, the load of
the left bar must be transferred to the right bar which, over a short distance, will
then carry the total load. The nominal stress in the right bar in the section of
the slit is then PIA. However, the load from the left must be transferred to the
right and back over such a small distance that the additional load cannot be
distributed evenly. Instead, most of the extra load will be carried by a small
portion of the right half cross section, so that higher stresses occur close to the
cut (Figure 2.2c): there is a stress concentration at the cut. It does not make a
I I 1T 1Ll.l,
.1 .10-
Iii 0-
Figure 2.2. Effect of cutting one of two welded bars or half of one (wider) integral bar.
difference whether the bars are welded together or whether they are one piece,
cut until midway. Transfer of the load from the cut half to the right half takes
place by shear. This can be appreciated by imagining how a material element of
the left deforms in the area of the slit as depicted in figure 2.2.
As long as the bar is intact, the strain is uniform and the total elongation is
11L. If the bar IS half-way cut the stress and strain will still be uniform in the
extreme upper and lower portions; they will be the same as in the bar without
the cut. Only in the area of the slit, where the total load must be carried by half
of the bar, the stresses and strains are higher. Hence, the total elongation will
be somewhat larger than ilL, but much less than 21lL (compare Figures 2.1 and
It is helpful to consider load-path (load-flow) lines: imaginary lines indicating
e.g. how one unit of load is transferred from one loading point to the other
(Figure 2.3). For uniform load the flow lines are straight and equally spaced,
indicating that the load is evenly distributed (uniform stress). If the load path
is interrupted by a cut, the flow lines must go around this slit within a short
distance as shown in Figure 2.3. Were the load lines rubber hoses and the cut
a wedge, a similar pattern would develop.
At the tip of the cut the flow lines are closely spaced, indicating that more load
is flowing through a smaller area, which means higher stress. Load flow lines are
also useful for obtaining a rough indication of the direction of stress. In
by-passing the cut the flow lines are bent, i.e. the load changes direction. The
direction of the load flow line is an indication of the direction of the local tensile
----- ...
(a) (b)
stress, as indicated in Figure 2.3.c. It appears that the direction of load around
the notch is not the same as in the uniformly loaded part: the local stress has a
vertical as well as a horizontal component, and it must be concluded that in the
vicini ty of the cut the stress field is biaxial (a y and ax) while the applied load is
uniaxial. In the absence of the cut the stress field is uniform, the state of stress
uniaxial throughout. Due to the slit a biaxial stress field develops locally. Not
only does the slit cause a stress concentration, it also gives rise to a transverse
Figure 2.4. 'Load-flow' lines around notches and consequent stress concentrations.
The nominal stress is not always defined in the same manner. Sometimes one
uses the (uniform) stress in the full section away from the notch, sometimes the
average stress in the section through the notch. As the local stress is the same
in either case, the use of a different definition for the nominal stress leads to
different values of the stress concentration factor. This presents no problem as
long as the proper combinations are used to obtain the local stress.
For an elliptical notch (Figure 2.5), the stress concentration factor is:
k/ = 1 + 2-
where a and b are defined as in Figure 2.5. The radius of curvature, e, of the
ellipse at the end of the transverse axis is e = d Ib, so that Equation (2.2) can
also be written as:
kt = 1 + 2 A = 1 + 0( A· (2.3)
(a) (b)
Figure 2.5. Elliptical notches. (a) High stress concentration; (b) Low stress concentration; (c) Stress
free notch faces.
sharper the notch (smaller (2), the larger is k,. For an ellipse with bla = 3 (12 =
b19) the stress concentration factor is k, = 7, while for an ellipse with alb = 3,
the stress concentration is only k, = 1.67.
As was shown in Section 2.2, a stress concentration also causes a change in the
state of stress; even if the stress is uniaxial throughout the remainder of the
body, the state of stress in the area of the notch will be at least biaxial (Figure
2.3). At the free surface where no external loads are acting the state of stress will
be plane stress (there are no stresses on a free surface). Since the free surface
carries no shear either, it is a principal plane with a principal stress equal to zero.
A state of stress in which one of the principal stresses is zero is a state of plane
The face of the notch (Figure 2.5c) is a free surface: it carries no stress (plane
stress). The root of the notch (if there is a radius) is also a free surface. This
means that at the free surface of the notch root (Jx must be zero, because there
is no stress on (perpendicular to) that free surface. Slightly inwards from the
notch root, however, (J x will be non-zero. The faces of the plate are still stress
free, so that (Jz = O. The state of stress is biaxial (plane stress). At some small
distance from the notch root, the state of stress may be triaxial as explained
Because the surface (face of plate) is a principal plane, and because the three
principal planes are mutually perpendicular, it follows that the stresses (Jx and
(Jy at the notch root in the plane of the notch are the principal stresses (JI and
(J2. Due to the stress concentration the local values of (JI and (J2 are very high
and so are the strains 81 and 8 2 • According to Hooke's law, this will lead to a
strain in Z-direction, given by:
8z = (2.4)
assuming that the stress (Jz = o. This negative strain, 8 n indicates a thinning of
the plate.
The stresses are high only in the vicinity of the notch root. Further away (Jx
vanishes and (J v is much lower. Hence further away 8z would become very small.
The faces of the notch are stress free, so that 8 z = 0 along the faces. It appears
that there will only be a small amount of material at the notch root for which
8 z should be very large, while around it 8 z is either zero (notched faces), or small
(further inwards). Assuming that the material wanting to undergo large 8 z is
approximately a cylinder (roll), the situation is as shown in Figure 2.6.
If the roll is very long (large thickness) and thus relatively thin, such a large
8 z cannot take place. The surrounding material, being attached to this roll, will
not permit the contraction to occur, apart from a little bit at the face of the plate.
Imagine that the roll of material is a steel bar cast in concrete, where the concrete
represents the surrounding material. If the steel is cooled, it wants to contract.
However, contraction will be prevented by the concrete, which would lead to
(thermal) tension stresses in the bar. The same happens to the roll of material
in Figure 2.6: contraction is prevented by the surrounding material and a tensile
stress develops in the roll.
Apparently, constraint of the contraction causes a tension {Jz in the z-
direction. Should the contraction be completely constrained then the strain 6z is
zero. Writing the complete equation for 6: provides:
and then:
Equation (2.6) shows that a high tension develops in thickness direction when
no contraction is permitted. This stress is exerted on the roll by surrounding
material acting to constrain the contraction. At the free surface this stress
cannot exist, but it builds up rapidly, going inward (Figure 2.7). Due to the
absence of a {!z at the surface, an 8 z occurs there, so that a small dimple develops
at the surface.
It follows then that at the surface, with stresses only in X and Y-direction,
there is a biaxial state of stress (plane stress). Further inward there is a triaxial
state of stress. Should there be complete constraint then this triaxial state of
stress is plane strain, because 8 z = 0 for complete constraint. (A state of stress
where one of the principal strains is zero is called plane strain).
Now consider a thin plate with a notch as in figure 2.7b. In this case the roll
t h ic kness
.. -- B-
thick plate thin plate
thin cylinder no contraction free contraction
plane strain plane stress
Figure 2.7. Contraint of long, thin cylinder (large thickness) and free contraction of short, thick
cylinder (small thickness).
-, ,
-.. .....
, I
Figure 2.8. Length of contracting cylinder bears no relation to thickness in case of surface notch.
The stress required for plastic deformation depends strongly upon the state of
stress. In plane stress yielding occurs when the highest principal stress is ap-
proximately equal to the yield strength, but much higher stresses are required
in the case of a triaxial state of stress.
For readers not familiar (any more) with yield criteria, the following brief
summary may be of help. Yielding is plastic deformation which takes place by
slip; it is therefore caused by shear stresses. Plastic deformation will not take
place unless the shear stress is sufficient to cause slip. In a tensile bar (uniaxial
tension) the state of stress is as shown in Figure 2.9a. Yielding occurs when (J =
FlY where FlY is the uniaxial yield strength as measured in a tensile test. Since
plastic deformation takes place in the case of Figure 2.9a, the shear stress
(a) (1,
(1, (1,
(b) 1
Triaxial equivalent
(hydrostatic state
of stress)
~~~ g,~~~ 0~
(~ ~ ~ 0; v, (1,
v, (1, Triaxial
Figure 2.9. Postponement of plastic deformation due to combined stresses. (a) Uniaxial (longitudi-
nal); shear followed by slip (plastic deformation); (b) Uniaxial (transverse); shear followed by slip;
(c) Biaxial; no shear, no slip, no plastic deformation; (d) Biaxial (0"2 = O"tf2; plastic deformation,
but not until stress is twice as high as in case a.
required for slip must have been exceeded. The maximum shear stress acting on
a plane at 45 degrees is" = a/2. Apparently then the shear stress required for
slip (yield) equals rty = Fty /2.
Figure 2.9b shows a similar case of uniaxial loading; again yielding occurs
when the shear stress equals Fty /2. Next consider Figure 2.9c assuming for the
moment that the material is two-dimensional (existing in the plane of the figure
only). Since there is equal tension in both directions the two shear stresses of
Figures 2.9a and b cancel, so that there is no shear stress in the case of Figure
2.9c. Without shear stress there can be no slip and no plastic deformation. In
order for slip to occur one of the stresses must be larger than the other by F ty ,
in which case the same shear stress will be present as in Figure 2.9a. For
example, if the horizontal ~tress is Fty , the vertical stress must be 2Fty for yielding
to occur, so that the highest stress must be twice the yield strength before plastic
deformation begins. If the horizontal stress were 3Fty , the vertical stress would
have to be 4Ftv before the shear of Figure 2.9a would be restored. In both of
these examples the difference between the two principal stresses is F tv •
Naturally, a real material is three dimensional as in Figure 2.9, and out of
plane shear stresses are possible. But it is easy to see now that there still will be
no shear when all three principal stresses are equal (Mohr's circle becoming a
point), and hence, there will be no plastic deformation. Apparently, yielding
requires that the difference between the largest and smallest principal stress is
equal to Fty , because only in that case will there be a shear stress r = Ftv /2 as
required for yield. Thus, yielding (slip) will take place when (r Fty /2):
or (2.7)
depending upon which is lower a2 or a3. Were for example a 2 = a 3 = 0.8 ai,
then it would follow from Equation (2.7) that the stress required for yielding is:
i.e. the stress would have to be 5 times the yield strength for plastic deformation
to occur. If a l = a2 = a3' the shear stress is zero, and yielding will never occur,
regardless how high the stress. The above is the Tresca yield criterion. Instead,
the Von Mises yield criterion is more generally used, but its results differ very
little from those of Tresca. As it makes no difference for the essence of the
discussion, the Tresca criterion is used here, because it is the easiest to
The above has important repercussions for the yielding at a notch, since the
state of stress may be triaxial. For example, consider a case of plane strain,
where the third stress a z is given by Equation (2.6). Note again that for a
material element in the section through the notch, the principal stresses ai' a2 ,
a3 are an aX' a z respectively. Consider a case in which ax = a v as would occur
at a very sharp notch. Given that v ~ 0.33, the lowest principal stress a 3 = a z
Assuming the material does not exhibit strain hardening (horizontal stress-
strain curve beyond yield), the stress cannot increase further after yielding
occurs. Away from the notch there is again a uniaxial state of stress (ux = u z =
0) so that the stress will again be limited to F,y, Hence, by the time the entire
section is yielding (fracture may occur before this can happen) the stress distri-
bution in the section is as shown in Figure 2.12. Whether there is plane stress
or plane strain at the notch, the final stress distribution will be about the same
(compare Figures 2.11 and 2.12 and note that triaxial stress area is very small),
apart from a small area where the stress reaches 3F,y in the plane strain case.
Note that these stress distributions may not be reached if fracture occurs before
the entire ligament yields.
Not only may the high local stresses cause cracks by fatigue, stress corrosion (or
creep) which may eventually lead to a fracture, they may cause fracture to
proceed immediately from the notch, in particular when the notch is sharp (e.g.
crack). Alternatively, failure can occur by plastic collapse which is always
followed by fracture.' If the stress distributions of figure 2.11 or 2.12 can be
reached before fracture then plastic collapse could occur. Obviously, with the
given stress-strain curve without work hardening, the cross section with the
notch cannot carry any more load once the entire cross section is yielding,
because the yielding will continue unihibited until fracture results. This is called
plastic collapse. Thus, in plane stress where the stress in the entire cross section
is equal to yield strength at the time of collapse, (Figure 2.11) the maximum load
Plane Stress
at surface
of notch (crx=O)
if a is the notch depth, W the total width and B the thickness. This failure load
is called the collapse load or limit load. The nominal stress in the full width part
IS (J = PIBW. Hence, the part in Figure 2.11 fails when the nominal stress is:
Collapse: (Jfe = Pmaxi W = W FlY' (2.9)
This is the equation of a straight line (as a function of the notch depth a. If a =
W, failure will occur already when the nominal stress is (Jre = O. This failure
stress is plotted as a function of notch depth in Figure 2.13. If fracture indeed
Notch depth a
where the strain concentration, k" is equal to the theoretical stress concentratin,
k, = k,. When the whole ligament is yielding, the stress concentration has
disappeared (k a = 1 in Figure 2.14b), but there is still a strain concentration.
Neuber [2], writes for the stress concentration factor ka, and for the strain
concentration factor k" and postulates that:
(2.11 )
fA - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1J.J4.
Figure 2.14 .. Stress and strain distribution at notch (plane stress). (a) Strain; (b) Stress with
horizontal stress-strain curve; (c) stress with rising stress-strain curve.
stress concentration factor, kG, is reduced when the material yields, but the
strain concentration increases. Taking the case of Figure 2.14b where ku has
become kG = I, the strain concentration factor has become k, = k; / kG = k~ /
I = k;. In the case of e.g. k, = 3, the stress concentration decreases from
kG = k, = 3 in the elastic case to kG = I in the fully plastic case; the strain
concentration on the other hand increases from k, = k, = 3 in the elastic case
to k, = k; = 9 in the plastic case.
Now consider a work hardening material in which the stress in the ligament
could be raised somewhat above F,y- Some stress concentration will remain
(Figure 2.14c) but the strain concentration will become very high. As the whole
ligament is plastic, even the strain at the plate edge is above yield, but at the
notch the (plastic) strain is many times higher. Eventually the high notch root
strain will cause fracture long before the stress further away has reached values
much above F,y. Once fracturing has begun a much sharper notch has formed,
so that the situation becomes worse and fracture continues.
Given the strain distribution and the stress-strain curve, the stress distribu-
tion can be sketched as shown in Figure 12.14. When tearing or plastic collapse
commences at the notch tip, the stresses in most of the ligament are still close
to F,y, because the strain gradient is very steep. Thus, even in a strain hardening
material and plane stress, the (average) stress in the cross section cannot reach
Ftu , where Ftu is the tensile strength (see stress-strain curve in Figure 12.14).
Apparently, collapse will occur at an average ligament stress somewhat higher
than F,y but less than Ftu . The average ligament stress at which collapse occurs
is called the collapse strength Fcol . Note that for a non-workhardening material
Fcol = F,y, and that at best Fcol = F,u. It is not very well possible to determine
the values of F,y and F,u other than by a (tensile) test; similarly, it is not very well
possible to determine Fcol other than by a test on a notched sample. However,
its value depends upon the severity of the notch (ku and k,). For circular holes
with k, = 3, the collapse strength is often close to the tensile strength
(Fcol ~ F,u), but for a sharp crack, the value is very close to the yield strength
(Fcol ~ F,y).
It follows that for a work hardening material Equation (2.9) changes into:
W- a
ufe = W Fcol (2.12)
Using the collapse strength of e.g. 50 ksi and W = 2in, B = 0.5 in (Figure 2.15)
and a = 0.5 in, the collapse moment is:
Mmax = t x 50 x 0.5 (2 - 0.5)2 = 14.1 inkips = 14100 inlbs.
One can establish the entire collapse curve by solving Equation (2.13) for
various crack sizes, as shown in Figure 2.15d.
Analysis of combined bending and tension requires determination of the
point of stress reversal, D, in Figure 2.15e. Since the stresses in the cross section
have to be in equilibrium with the external load, one can establish 2 equilibrium
a (ksi) 40
I-----f 20
(a) (b)
2 3 4 5 6
2a (in)
M (103 in-Ibs)
(e) ~ ~ ~ 1 2
(d) 2a (in)
/' /V B
I (W-a- d)
Figure 2./5. Collapse analysis. (a) Center crack; (b) Collapse stress; (c) Stress distribution for
increasing M. (d) Collapse strength; (e) Combined bending and tension.
equations, one for P and one for M. For a given P one finds D and then M by
solving the equilibrium equations. This is shown in Table 2.1.
Generally speaking, in engineering all solutions must be obtained in terms of
the nominal applied stress, as was done going from Equation (2.8) to (2.9). For
the bending case the same can be done, because the nominal bending stress at
Mmax is (J = 6 Mmaxl BW2. Substitution in Equation (2.13) leads to:
(Jle =
3(W W- a)2 F
2 eol •
Note that in contrast to Equations (2.9) and (2.12), the Equation (2.14) is not
a straight line, but a curve (Figure 2.15d). For complete derivation see Table 2.1.
W- a
Collapse: M 2 --
2- x .1
(W - a) Fco I
Note: quadratic curve; also arc 1.5 Fcol for a = 0, collapse curve starts at a = 1.5 Fcol (not at Fcol
as in tension).
w-o P=(JW
Combined bending and tension (bending due to excentricity; unit thickness, total load is P = aW
in center; hence eccentricity with respect to cracked section.
Point B (i.e. Xs) is unknown:
Horizontal equilibrium:
aW = (W - a - xs)Fcol - xsFcol (d)
Moment equilibrium point B:
Solve (d) and (e) to obtain XB = 0.5 W - 0.25 J4W2 - 8a(W - a), and more important:
afe = (a/W + 0.5 J4 - 8a(W - a)/W2) ~ol.
The limitation of yielding to the notched section has considerable effect on the
total elongation at the time of failure. In a normal tensile test on an unnotched
sample the strain at the time of necking is often on the order of 10% or more.
Thus the bar has become 10% longer (Figure 2.16). During necking still higher
strains occur. In a notched sample plastic deformation occurs only in the
notched section. Even if this small section would deform 10% before fracture,
the total elongation would be much smaller than of the unnotched bar (Figure
2.16). Consequently, elongation after fracture is hardly noticeable. If little
overall plastic deformation occurs, the fracture is called 'brittle' from an engi-
neering point of view. The text in this book strictly adheres to the engineering
use of the word. In that sense virtually all service fractures are brittle: fractures
occur almost always at notches or cracks. Thus plastic deformation is always
restricted to the notched section and the fractures are brittle in the engineering
sense. The fracture mechanism may be either by dimple rupture (often called
ductile) or by cleavage (often called brittle; see chapter 1), but the great majority
of fractures occurs by rupture; from an engineering point of view they are
brittle because of little overall deformation in the cracked section (Figures 2.16).
p p
I-::-l ~
i Wo i .
Wo •
La Lr La
_{ 6
La >- ..... 6{-
® _i6 @
p p La
Figure 2.16. Apparent 'brittleness' due to notches and cracks as a consequence of localized plastic
deformation in area of high stress.
2.S. Measurement of collapse strength
The easiest way to measure the collapse strength, Fcol , is by means of a center
cracked panel. In view of the fact that constraint will still play a role, the
specimen should have a thickness close to the thickness used in the structure of
interest. As this may lead to unwieldy specimens, a compact tension specimen
(Chapter 3) can be used where circumstances so dictate, provided it is analyzed
for combined bending and tension (Table 2.1).
It should be noted here, that in the case of center cracks, the definition of
crack size is 2a instead of a. This is a convention, by which all cracks with one
tip are defined as a, all cracks with two tips as 2a (see also Chapter 3). Note that
with this definition Equations (2.9) and (2.12) become for the center cracked
The specimen may be fatigue cracked, but blunting before collapse usually is so
extensive that a sharp saw cut and a fatigue crack are undistinguishable at the
onset of fracture. The load at fracture (maximum load) is recorded. From this
the net section stress can be calculated directly as:
PfraClure I (2.16)
w- 2aB
Note that the measured Fcol should be greater than or equal to the yield strength,
otherwise fracture occurred before collapse was reached and the measured net
section stress is not the collapse stress. In that event the test should be analyzed
using fracture mechanics as discussed in the following chapters.
Instead of calculating the net section stresses directly, one may calculate the
remote stress, (5= PIA, at the time of fracture, which is the residual strength. By
plotting the latter in a diagram such as in Figure 2.17, and by drawing a straight
line through the data point and the point (W, 0), the collapse strength Fcol is
found at the intercept of this straight line with the vertical axis, as can be seen
from Equation (2.15). The advantage of this procedure is that results obtained
from specimens with different crack sizes can be plotted as well, thus providing
a check of the applicability of the collapse criterion. If all data fall on the same
straight line as per Equation (2.15) then collapse occurred in all tests; if they do
not, the tests below the line represent cases where fracture occurred before
collapse and these tests should be analyzed using fracture mechanics concepts
(Chapters 3 and 4).
Figure 2.17c presents test data [3] for 304 stainless steel showing a collapse
strength of 67 ksi. (The yield strength of this material is 30 ksi and the ultimate
strength is 90 ksi). Indeed, the collapse strength is considerably higher than
(a) W 28
W 28
(c) 2 4 6 8 10 12 2a(jn)
Figure 2.17. Measurement of Fccl • (a) Plot of test data; (b) Determination of Feol ; (c) Actual test data
(Ref. 3).
yield. For all cracks smaller than 5-in the residual strength is more than 30 ksi.
This means that the entire panel was above yield (O'r/ is the nominal remote
stress) and not just the net section. Data points at various crack sizes all fall on
or close to the straight line, thus confirming that collapse occurred in all tests.
Other metal alloys usually have a collapse strength much closer to, or equal
to the yield strength; in this respect the example of 304 stainless steel is not
2.9. Exercises
6. Using the solution of Exercise 5 calculate the nominal stress in the full section
at which yielding begins at the free surface of the notch. Sketch the stress
distribution in these two cases. Assume kr = 4.
[I] R.E. Peterson, Stress concentration design/actors, John Wiley (1953).
[2] H. Neuber, Theory of stress concentration for shear strained prismatical bodies with arbitrary
non-linear stress-strain law of J. App. Mech. 28 (1961) pp. 544-550
[3] M.F. Kanninen, et aI., Towards an elastic-plastic fracture mechanics capability for reactor
piping, Nuclear Eng. and Design (48) (1978) pp. 117-134
3.1. Scope
In this and the following chapter, the fracture mechanics concepts for the
analysis of fracture will be discussed. With these concepts it will be possible to
obtain the residual strength diagram and the maximum permissible crack size
(Chapter I). Following the arguments used in Chapter I, the discussion will be
limited to mode I loading (mixed mode loading is considered in Chapter 9).
Materials with relatively low fracture resistance fail below their collapse
strength and can be analysed on the basis of elastic concepts through the use of
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). Such materials are, among others,
practically all high strength materials used in the aerospace industry, high-
strength-low-alloy steels, cold worked stainless steels, etc. For the fracture
analysis of many tlther materials, the use of Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics
(EPFM) as discussed in Chapter 4, is often indicated. Understanding of EPFM
concepts requires familiarity with LEFM concepts.
Consider (Figure 3.1) a body of arbitrary shape with a crack of arbitrary size,
SUbjected to arbitrary tension, bending, or both, as long as the loading is mode
I (Chapter I). The material will be considered elastic, following Hooke's law.
For such a case the theory of elasticity can be used to calculate the stress field.
The stresses, (Ix and (I, can be obtained as well as the shear stress r n ' Details of
the derivation can be found in more extensive texts [1,2, 3]. In the following only
the solution will be given, and it will be shown that the result is in accordance
with what would be expected.
As was explained already in Chapter 2, the crack tip stress field is at least
biaxial (load-flow lines) and it may be triaxial if contraction in thickness
direction is constrained. Hence, there will be stresses in at least X and Y
direction, (Ix and (Iy. From the stress field solution it appears that the stresses on
a material element as shown Figure 3.1 can be described by (in the absence of
. 0 . 30)
= -K- cos -0 ( 1 "2 SIn 2"
(1x - SIn
. 0 . 30)
--cos -0 ( 1 "2 SIn 2"
J2iU' 2
(1y - SIn
(1z 0
- - cos -
oSIn. -0 cos-
J2iU' 2 2 2
Indeed, both (1x and (1y exist (as should be the case as discussed in Chapter 2).
For the case that 0 = 0 (plane through the cracked section), the shear stress, 'xy,
is zero, as should be expected for a plane of symmetry. Although it does not
make any difference for the following discussion, it is convenient to confine the
considerations to the plane through the crack with 0 = 0; in that case the
functions of 0 will be either 0 or 1, so that they essentially disappear: (note also
that x = r for 0 = 0):
(1x =
(1y =
It appears that, at least along the plane Y = 0 for which Equations (3.2) hold,
the transverse stress, (1x, is equal in magnitude to the longitudinal stress, (1.v' The
stresses depend upon the distance x from the crack tip; note that at greater
distances (larger x) the stresses are lower. The stresses also depend upon a
parameter K, which is as yet undefined.
The expressions for the stresses appear to be remarkably simple. Even more
remarkable is that a stress field solution could be obtained at all, since the body,
crack, and the loading are arbitrary. Because of this arbitrariness it is not
surprising that the equations contain an unknown parameter K. As Equations
(3.2) are for an arbitrary case, they must describe the stresses at each and every
crack in each and every elastic body in the universe. Apparently, the equations
are universal and can be used for all crack problems. Therefore, also the
parameter K will appear in all crack problems, reason to give it a name: K is
called the stress intensity factor, not to be confused with the stress concentration
factor, k" discussed in Chapter 2.
Similar solutions can be obtained for other modes of loading (Chapter 9), be
Crack t x
Figure 3.1. Arbitrary body with arbitrary crack and arbitrary mode I loading.
it that the goniometric functions are different for different modes. A stress
intensity factor appears in all solutions, but the definition of K is slightly
different for different modes. For this reason, the stress intensity factors are
often labeled in accordance with the mode of loading (Chapter I), namely K),
K II , and Kill' In the above equations K should then be labeled as K). However,
when there can be no confusion about which mode is meant, the subscript is
often omitted; this is what will be done in the following. Should more than one
loading mode be operable, the labels must be carried to avoid confusion, as will
be done in Chapter 9.
Since Equations (3.2) are for all crack problems, there is no objection against
selecting a familiar geometry. Let this be a very large (infinite) panel, subjected
to uniform unaxial loading with a nominal stress (T, and a central crack, as in
Figure 3.2a. The size of the crack will be called 2a. This is a convention: In
fracture mechanics all cracks with 2 tips are called 2a, all cracks with one tip a.
There is no reason why it could not be done differently, but this convention is
necessary to compare notes. The convention should be adhered to if one wants
to use data generated elsewhere, otherwise erroneous results will be obtained.
Equations (3.2) apply to the problem of Figure 3.2a, and it is now possible
to examine the significance of the stress intensity factor, K. It should be noted
then that the stresses everywhere in an elastic body are proportional to the
applied load. If the load is increased by a factor 2, all stresses everywhere will
(a) (b)
Figure 3.2. Center crack with uniform loading. (a) Infinite plate; (b) finite plate.
increase by a factor 2. Thus, it can be concluded that the crack tip stress must
be proportional to the applied stress, (I, i.e. (see Equation (3.2))
It stands to reason that the crack tip stresses will also depend upon crack size.
The stresses will certainly he higher when a is larger; hence, the crack size, a,
must appear in the numerator in Equation (3.3). There is only one way in which
this can happen. Both sides of the equation must have the dimension of stress,
but in the denominator at the right there appears a square root of a length, the
distance x. In order to cancel the square root of length in the denominator, the
crack size must appear in the numerator as square root of a:
. (IJ{I
(Iy -;- .j2nx' (3.4)
Comparison of Equations (3.6) and (3.2), leads to the conclusion that for the
configuration of Figure 3.2a:
K = afo. (3.7)
In this case it must be expected that the size of the plate also will affect the crack
tip stresses. It must be anticipated that the stresses will increase when W
becomes smaller. The only manner in which the effect of W can appear is in the
factor C. Hence, C must be a function of (depend upon) the width W. However,
C must be dimensionless, and hence, it can depend upon W only through
dependence upon a dimensionless parameter such as W/a or a/W. For the
configuration of Figure 3.2b the expression for C appears to be [1]:
so that:
always be:
and the stress intensity factor is always:
Note that Equations (3.14) are identical to the previous equations. The
Equations (3.14) present the stress and the stress intensity factor in comparison
to those for the infinite panel: {J = 1 for the infinite panel, but for the finite
width panel:
It must be emphasized that Equations (3.14) represent the crack tip stresses and
stress intensity for all crack problems, the equations having been derived from
the general solution for an arbitrary crack in an arbitrary body with arbitrary
mode I loading. For any crack in any practical problem only the function {J, or
its functional value, need be derived. For many configurations the function, {J,
has been calculated already; the results can be found in handbooks [4, 5, 6].
Examples of {J functions for a few common crack cases are shown in Figure 3.3.
Note that in the Equations (3.1) through (3.14) the stress, (1, is the nominal stress
in the uncracked section. The fact that the stresses are higher in the cracked
section when e.g. W becomes smaller, is wholly accounted for by {J. Although
handbooks are a source for {J expressions for many generic configurations,
obtaining {J for a practical problem may be rather involved. Fortunately there
are many simple ways in which it can be obtained with good accuracy. Such
simple procedures to derive {J for practical cases are discussed in Chapter 8. At
,6=1 +0.256
Vi <J!~2 {8~3
-1.15,W} +12.200 \WJ
8 L L/W= 2 ONLY:
8 8 8 (8'l
,6=1.12+0.43 W -4.79 W) +15.46 (8~3
this point it is sufficient to note that {3 can always be obtained and that
Equations (3.14) are universal.
3.4. Toughness
Several difficulties arise with the direct use of Equations (3.14), and these may
have serious consequences, as discussed in subsequent sections. Nevertheless,
although somewhat prematurely, the practical use of the equations for the
analysis of fracture problems, will be considered first, be it that some of the
conclusions will have to be modified later.
Fracture will occur when the stresses at the crack tip become too high for the
material to bear. As the stress intensity factor determines the entire crack tip
stress field, the above statement is equivalent to: fracture will occur when K
becomes too high for the material. How high the stress intensity can be depends
upon the material; it must be determined from a test.
For example let a test be performed on a 30 inches (762 mm) wide plate of a
certain steel X, with a central crack 2a = 4 inches (101.6mm). Let the plate
have a thickness of 0.2 inch (5.08 mm). The plate is pulled to fracture in a tensile
test machine. Suppose that fracture occurs at a load of 180 kips or 180000 lbs
(800000 N). The nominal stress in the uncracked section at the time of fracture
was then 180/(0.2 x 30) = 30ksi (800000/(5.08 x 762) = 207N/mm2
= 207 MPa).
This information permits calculation of the value of the stress intensity at
fracture. Note from equation (3.15) that {3 ~ 1 for the small a/Wused, and that
a = 2 in (0.0508 m). Hence:
The fracture stress, (Jf" is the residual strength (remaining strength under the
presence of a crack; Chapter I). Using the equation for f3 in Figure 3.3, one can
calculate the residual strength from Equation (3.18) for a number of crack sizes.
A plot of the results provides the residual strength diagram shown in Figure 3.4.
50 1016mm.
in example
Other points
2 4
(The fracture stress, (Jfr' would indeed be the residual strength defined in
Chapter I unless failure by collapse as discussed in Chapter 2 prevails. As this
remains to be established, (Jf' is not yet called (Jres).
3.5. Plastic zone and stresses in plane stress and plane strain
Equations (3.2) and (3.14) predict that far from the crack tip where x is large,
the stresses (Jx and (Jy become zero. That the transverse stresses, (J x' becomes zero
is not surprizing but (Jy becoming zero is incorrect because, e.g. in Figure 3.2 the
stress (Jv far away from the crack is equal to the applied stress (J. The reason is
that Equations (3.2) do not provide the complete solution of the stress field. The
complete solution is a series of terms:
In particular the second term will ensure that (Jy = (J for large x.
Approaching the crack tip, x becomes very small, so that all terms except for
the first become very small. Actually, for x = 0 all terms become zero, except
for the first term, which then becomes infinite. Hence, for small x, close to the
crack tip, all terms can be neglected with respect to the first term, and for x = 0
Equations (3.1) are the exact solution. Fracture begins at the crack tip and not
somewhere else, so that the use of only the first term is justified.
For x = 0 the stresses become infinite. This is correct from the point of view
of the theory of elasticity, because Hooke's law (0' = BE) puts no limitations on
stress nor strain. The crack (tip) is a sharp discontinuity, which causes very high
stress (according to Eq. (2.3), a notch with a tip radius of zero causes an infinite
stress concentration). Note however, that the infinite stress occurs at only one
single point (i.e. in an infinitely small area) and not over a certain distance. Yet,
in a real material plastic deformation will occur so that stresses cannot increase
much further after yielding begins.
As explained in Chapter 2, the stress field at notches and cracks and the state
of stress depend upon thickness. Contraction in thickness direction of the highly
stressed roll at the crack tip can take place freely when the plate is thin, leading
to plane stress. In thick plates however, contraction is constrained which leads
to plane strain (see Chapter 2, Figures 2.6 and 2.7). According to Equations
(3.2) the transverse stress, O'x, equals the longitudinal stress, 0'" at the crack tip.
Plane strain (Chapter 2) then leads to: .
CRACK~~~~~~~ ________________________________
cry \
- X, f
Figure 3.5. Stress Distribution (a.,) at crack tip. (a) Plane stress; (b) Plane strain.
tion occurs, i.e. the size of the plastic zone. For plane stress this follows from
the Tresca yield criterion (Chapter 2) and the condition (Iy = FlY' and for plane
strain from the condition (Iy = 3Fly ' Using Equation (3.2) for (Iy one obtains:
K K2
for plane stress: J2iU"v F,y or rp
2nrp 2nF,~.
for plane strain: ~ = 3F,y or rp
2nrp l8nF,~
In reality, the plastic zones are about twice as large as in Equations (3.23). This
is due to the fact that actually a much higher stress should have been carried by
the plastic zone. This extra stress must be bypassed around the plastic zone thus
increasing the stress there and causing more material to yield [1]. By limiting the
crack tip stresses because of plastic deformation, the dashed part of the stress
distribution in Figure 3.5 was essentially eliminated. However, the total stress
distribution, including the dashed part, was calculated from the theory of
elasticity on the basis of equilibrium. Cutting off the dashed part is
violating equilibrium. This must be mended by restoring equilibrium. The
dashed areas in Figure 3.5 represent a load which cannot be carried by the
material in the plastic zone because the load carrying capacity of that material
is limited by yielding. However, the cut load must still be carried through
(equilibrium) and it must bypass the crack, or it must bypass rp ' as the plastic
zone cannot carry it. This implies that yielding actually extends beyond rp' (Note
that the high stresses were due in the first place due to a load path interruption
by the crack, so that the load had to bypass the crack as shown in Chapter 2.
Now it appears that the load represented by the shaded areas in Figure 3.5 must
bypass further away, because once it is loaded to yield, the area rp is no longer
a viable load path either). The consequence is that the plastic zones are actually
larger than those represented by Equations (3.23). Restoring equilibrium will
lead to plastic zones exactly twice as large [1], as those in Equations (3.23). For
other reasons [1], the plastic zones are usually taken as:
= - -
75 2
plane strain: rp = 6n x 1002 = 0.03 inch.
These are very small plastic zones indeed. At this point it cannot be decided
whether there was plane stress or plane strain in the example in Section 3.4. This
question is discussed in the following section.
The true size of the plastic zone is not important for the following discussion,
but the format of Equation (3.24) is relevant; it shows that the size of the plastic
zone depends upon K only. Thus for all cracks in any configuration, and at the
same K, the stress distributions at the crack tip will still be completely dictated
by K and by K only. It follows that the fracture criterion then still holds
regardless of the plasticity; if fracture occurs in a test specimen at a certain value
of K (the toughness) then it will do so in any other configuration at the same K,
because in that other configuration the stress distribution as well as the size of
the plastic zone will still be the same as in the test specimen, provided there is
equal constraint.
One problem has arisen however. The stress distributions are not the same in
plane stress and plane strain; as shown in Figure 3.5. Also a: differs in the two
cases. As a consequence, the above fracture criterion cannot be used indiscrimi-
nately. If fracture in plane strain occurs at a certain value of K, then it will not
in plane stress at that same value of K, because then the stress distributions will
be different (different a z and different ay at the crack tip due to different plasticity
as shown in Figure 3.5). It follows then that the toughness will depend upon the
state of stress. As the latter depends upon thickness, the toughness must be
expected to depend upon thickness.
It should be noted here that Equation (3.24) was derived using only the first
term of the stress distribution in Equation (3.19). Should the plastic zone be so
large that the other terms come into play then its size will depend not only upon
K, but also upon C, D etc. In such a situation equal K is not enough to guarantee
equal stress distribution and fracture is not likely to occur at always the same
value of K. Apparently, for the fracture criterion to be useful the plastic zone
must be very small. Since rp depends upon K, this implies that the stress intensity
at fracture, i.e. the toughness, must be low. As rp also depends upon the yield
strength, the fracture criterion will be better applicable to materials of high yield
strength and low toughness. Although the criterion does not work when the
yield strength is very low and the toughness very high, satisfactory results can
be obtained for many such cases, provided one realizes that plastic collapse
(Chapter 2) may prevail. This will be discussed in detail in a later section. In the
case of extremely high toughness and/or low yield strength, EPFM may have to
be used (Chapter 4).
Consider two plates, a thin one with plane stress, and a thick one with plane
strain. Both have cracks and are loaded to have equal stress intensity factors.
In the case that the prevailing stress intensity is equal to the toughness of the
thick plate fracture ensues in the thick plate. The stress distributions in the thin
plate will be much more benign (see Figure 3.5 and note the difference in o-z) at
this same K, so that it must be anticipated that the stress intensity in the thin
plate can be further increased; i.e. the expectation is that the toughness is higher
in plane stress than in plane strain (Figure 3.6a).
In plates of intermediate thickness the state of stress gradually changes from
plane stress, via more and more triaxility, to plane strain in thick plates.
Therefore, the toughness will not suddenly, at one particular thickness, drop
from its high plane stress value to its low(er) plane strain value, but the change
will be gradual; i.e. the toughness decreases with thickness as depicted in Figure
3.6b. Beyond a certain thickness there will be plane strain. As the state of stress
cannot become worse than plane strain (complete constraint of contraction), the
toughness will not decrease further.
For plane strain cases the toughness is called the plane strain fracture
toughness. It is generally denoted as Kin i.e. the critical value of the mode I
stress intensity, K" at which fracture occurs. (Compare: FlY is the critical value
of the stress 0- at which yield occurs). Similarly one speaks of the plane stress
fracture toughness, and of the transitional fracture toughness for intermediate
situations. Plane stress and transitional toughness are generally denoted as K,
or K I ,. Unfortunately, this introduces a confusing inconsistency. In plane stress
or in transitional cases, the loading is still mode I, the toughness is still the
critical value of the mode I stress intensity. Thus, the general denotation of
toughness should be Kin regardless of the state of stress. One could speak of
THE toughness Kin and indicate whether the value is for plane stress, plane
strain, or a transitional case. Be that as it may, the above denotations have
become the 'accepted' ones. Once the user gets used to these denotations, they
are, in a way, helpful. If the toughness is given as KIn it is immediately clear that
this toughness is for plane strain; while a toughness K c or K lc is obviously for
a thickness in which full constraint does not occur (plane stress or transitional).
The toughness as a function of thickness can be measured in tests of the type
discussed in Section 3.4 on plates of different thickness. It can then be used to
calculate the residual strength of cracked structures:
Fracture if: K = Kc or K - K }
i.e. Fracture if: po-Fa = K, ~or ;IC) (3.25a)
High Stress
_ __ Fracture
Low Stress /
Equal Plast ic
." '4
(a) ~Thickness
K IC -- - - - - - - - - - - - -::-,-"..-.------
/_ Transitional I Plane
(b) Thickness
Figure 3.6. Dependence of toughness upon thickness. (a) Effect of thickness on plastic zone and
state of stress; (b) Effect of thickness on toughness.
from which the fracture strength follows as
Kc (or K/c)
For the configuration at hand p can be obtained from a handbook or
otherwise (Chapter 8), and the residual strength calculated provided one uses
the toughness for the thickness at hand, in the same manner as discussed in
Section 3.4.
It is of interest to know at which thickness full constraint and plane strain
occur. As discussed in Chapter 2, plane strain develops when the roll of material
at high stress at the crack tip is long and thin (Figure 3.7). Hence, LID, where
L is the roll's length and D its thickness, must be large, e.g. larger than a certain
value Q. When the crack is all the way through the thickness, the length of the
roll is equal to the thickness, B, i.e. L = B. Taking D equal to the size of the
plastic zone, D = rp ' from Equation (3.24) one obtains as the condition for
plane strain:
D (Klc!r:J.Ft~, > Q.
In this equation r:J. and Q are numbers. Rewriting Qlr:J. q, the condition can be
given as:
B Klc
> q'F 2 •
B --- - B
t CT t
- -
~ ! ~
--- 0 - crack
Low stress thick plate, Low stress thin plate,
thin cylinder no contraction free contraction
plane stress
(b) plane strain
Figure 3.7.
K rc (ksiv'Trir
2.5 I
2 3 4 5 6
- (~)2
Figure 3.S. Effect of thickness on measured K" of a Marageing Steel [7].
Therefore part-through cracks (surface flaws and corner cracks) are in plane
strain, at least in the center. For such cracks, one must use the plane strain
fracture toughness, KIn regardless of the thickness.
: Tp 1.25W I
I- -I I
and is loaded through two pin's in a tensile machine. Cyclic loading is applied
to introduce a fatigue crack. When the crack is at the desired length the cycling
is stopped, and the load is raised until fracture occurs. The stress intensity at
fracture can then be calculated; i.e. the toughness obtained.
The stress intensity factor for the compact specimen is usually written as:
During the test the so-called crack mouth opening displacement is measured by
inserting a gage in the notch (Figure 3.11). Since there is hardly any strain in the
material between the loading pins, the crack mouth opening displacement is
essential equal to the displacement of the loading pins. Load and displacement
are plotted in a load-displacement diagram (Figure 3.11). The maximum load
is substituted in Equation (3.28) to find the toughness.
The test standard prescribes that the load-displacement line must be straight
or nearly so. When extensive plastic deformation occurs the diagram will
become non-linear. However, yielding is often confined to such a small plastic
zone that non-linearity is hardly perceivable. Should the diagram be significant-
ly non-linear then the plastic zone is large: as discussed in the previous sections
the fracture criterion based on K is then no longer valid and "the" toughness
cannot be defined. Hence, the standard sets a limitation on non-linearity for the
measurement of 'valid' toughness numbers. Should the entire ligament yield
then collapse may occur as discussed in Chapter 2.
The standard test is specifically for the measurement of the plane strain
fracture toughness KJc. This means that there must be plane strain. Therefore
the thickness of the specimen must be sufficient to satisfy Equation (3.27) with
q = 2.5. The toughness is not known in advance (otherwise measurement
would not be necessary), so that one cannot determine how thick the specimen
should be. It is possible that the specimen was made too thin, in which case the
Clip Gage
Figure 3.11. Standard Kh test. (a) Clip gage mounted in specimen; (b) Straight P - ,5 record; (c)
Curvature due to plasticity; (d) Curvature due to plasticity and growth.
measured toughness would not be the plane strain fracture toughness. For this
reason the toughness obtained from Equation (3.28) is initially called the
candidate value, KQ , of the plane strain fracture toughness, K/c. One must check
whether B > 2.5K6/Ft~,. If this is the case then indeed KIc = KQ; if not then a
new test must be done on a thicker specimen if one insists on knowing the plane
strain toughness. It should be noted however, that Kc = KQ (Figure 3.6), is a
perfectly useful toughness number for the actual thickness of the specimen. (See
also Chapter 7).
As was pointed out already, the number q = 2.5 is rather dubious, and
therefore rigorous application of Equation (3.27) somewhat ludicrous. The
number 2.5 was obtained from an interpretation ofa limited number of test data
(Figure 3.8). It was then agreed upon by a committee that the number was
reasonably representative, and as a consequence it appears in the test standard
[8]. However, a committee decision, nor an ASTM standard, is a sufficient
guarantee that the number is indisputable. If there is general concurrence that
the number is useful then there are no objections against its use, but it still
remains an arbitrary number. Also the uncommon significance attached
to the standard test is largely exaggerated. Toughness can be measured on any
cracked specimen, provided the plastic zone is small. If it could not, the result
could not be used to calculate residual strength of any other structural crack
(based upon the generality of Equations (3.2», which is the purpose of the
measurement. In that case the standard test would have no use in the first place.
(See also Chapter 7).
In this equation Feol is the collapse strength which may be as low as the yield
strength and almost as high as the tensile strength. Recall from Chapter 2 that
Equation (3.30) is a straight line as a function of crack size a.
Also discussed in Chapter 2 is the fact that Equation (3.30) represents the
absolute highest load carrying capability: at collapse plastic deformation
becomes unbounded and fracture follows, regardless of the toughness. Hence,
(fracture) failure by collapse may occur before K reaches the toughness.
Naturally, K lc is the result of a semi-elastic concept while at collapse the entire
cracked section is yielding. Therefore, the two failure conditions cannot be
directly compared; but they can be in an indirect way.
If the toughness is high, Equations (3.25b) will predict a very high fracture
stress (residual strength). This may be as high or higher than the stress for failure
by collapse. Then failure by collapse will prevail, because, of two competing
failure modes, the one which first becomes possible will prevail. This may
happen when the toughness is high, but under other conditions as well.
Should the fracture stress (ll" be higher than the stress causing failure by
collapse, then collapse will prevail. This is the case when the result of Equation
(3.25b) is more than the result of Equation (3.30), i.e. when (for a center crack):
w- 2a
(3.31 )
or W Feol <
The lowest of the two is the actual residual strength discussed in Chapter 1.
From Equation (3.31) it appears that there are 3 situations in which a collapse
failure could prevail, namely when
F ly ·50
(a) 4 8 10 11 12
2a (in)
Fly = 60
10 15 20 25 30 35 ~o 45 50 55 60
(b) 2slin)
Figure 3.12. Effect of panel size on Residual Strength. (a) Residual strength of l2-in wide panels;
(b) Residual strength of 60-in wide panels.
asymptoticalIy to infinity for smalI a; this means that there will always be a point
at a certain small a, where colI apse failures will prevail, regardless how low the
behavior between a = °
Equation (3.25b) applies (which is the curve in Figure 3.12). Obviously, the
with (J ::::: F/j, and the curve for large a, cannot be as
A or B in Figure 3.12a. Hence, if one assumes the 'eye-balled' curve C (tangent
to the curve), the assumption cannot be far from the truth; it certainly will be
adequate for engineering analysis.
It is important that of two plates of different sizes - but of the same material
- one may fail by collapse, the other by fracture. This is depicted also in Figure
3.12 as well as in Figure 3.13. From this it can be concluded that a specimen for
the measurement of toughness must be of sufficient size. If in the case of Figure
3.13 a plate of the smaller size W] would be used in a test, the failure would occur
by collapse. Hence, the value of the stress intensity at the time of failure would
stilI be lower than the toughness, because K has not yet reached the toughness.
This problem also exists for plane strain toughness testing with the CT
specimen. The specimen may fail by collapse if the toughness is very high or if
the specimen is too small (specimen size is rather ignored in the test standard).
If one insisted t.o calculate KQ from such a test by using Equation (3.28), the KQ
of O'fr'
at and Gfe }
W3 W, W, 2a
would be LESS than the actual K lc • Fortunately, the test would be invalid
because the standard requires a 'straight' load displacement diagram. If the
specimen were to fail by collapse, the load displacement diagram would not be
straight because of large scale plastic deformation in the ligament.
Apparently, Equation (3.25b) is not sufficient to determine the residual
strength diagram, nor is Equation (3.25a) enough to determine the toughness. It
is always necessary that the stress for collapse be determined as well, because the
lower of the two prevails, and the residual strength, are" is the lower of afe and
afro For short cracks, the tangent approximation, aft' may prevail ifit is lower
than afe and afe. Determination of the collapse curve is simple in the case of
uniform tension loading. If the loading is non-uniform such as for the compact
tension specimen, the collapse condition is somewhat more difficult to evaluate
(see Table 2.1). The calculation of residual strength diagrams is discussed
further in Chapter 10.
This and the following sections present another look at the fracture criterion.
This is of interest for understanding LEFM, but it is essential for the
understanding of EPFM as discussed in Chapter 4. Finally, it will appear that
the definition of toughness may have to be revised (Section 3.12).
Conservation of energy demands that the work, F, done by the load on a
body, is not lost. It is conserved as strain energy, U, so that:
F - U = o. (3.32)
The work done by the load is F = JP d<5 (where P is the load and <5 the load
displacement), which is the area under the load-displacement curve. As long as
the material is elastic, the load-displacement diagram is a straight line, so that
the work done by the load is tP<5 (see Figure 3.14). It follows from Equation
(3.32) that U = tP<5 as well. But U can be determined in a different manner.
Consider a small material element of unit size, subjected to a uniaxial tension
a, as shown in Figure 3.14b. The stress does work to deform the material over
de the total work done is a de, which for a linear elastic material is the area of
the triangle shown in Figure 3.l4b, namely tae. By substituting e = alE from
Hooke's law, the work becomes 2/E. As this work must be equal to the strain
energy, the value of 2/E also represents the strain energy in the material
The stress on each volume element is not always the same. Therefore the total
strain energy in the entire body or structure is obtained by taking the integral
over the volume of the body:
(a) p
Figure 3.14. Strain energy. (a) Load and load-displacement diagram; (b) Stress on material element.
in which a may depend upon x, y and z. In the case of a simple tensile bar the
stress is the same on each and every volume element. In that case the total strain
energy is simply equal to ta2 /E times the volume. If the cross section of the bar
is A and its length L, then the strain energy is:
U = 2ELA. (3.34)
o. (3.35)
The equality must hold when fracture occurs. Conversely when the equality
cannot hold, fracture does not yet take place and Equation (3.32) remains valid.
Apparently then, Equation (3.37) is a fracture criterion. Fracture will occur
when enough energy can be delivered to provide for the fracture energy d Wjda.
Energy delivery must come from a surplus of d(F - U)jda. If this surplus is
sufficient to cover the energy required for fracture, d Wjda, then fracture will
occur; ifnot Equation (3.32) continues to govern.
The fracture criterion of Equation (3.37) can be used if the energy delivery
d(F - U)jda can be quantified. This will be done in the next section.
(b) (c)
(d) (e)
Figure 3.15. Energy release during constant displacement and constant load. (a) Plate with crack
a under load P; displacement b; (b) Load displacement record; (c) Pb record for small and larger
crack; (d) Fracturing at constant displacement; (e) Fracturing at constant load.
process. The strain energy decreases, so the change is negative. Hence, it turns
out that the deliverable energy is - dUjda, and Equation (3.37) becomes:
dU dW dU
- -
= -
where da < o. (3.38)
Next examine the case in which the load remains constant during the fracture
over da. In that case the displacement increases from 15, to 152 as shown in Figure
3.15e. Now the load does work, namely an amount P( D2 - D1); note that the
load remains constant during the process. The strain energy also changes,
namely from tP1D 1to tP1D2. This time the strain energy increases, so its change
is positive. Equation (3.37) becomes:
tP 1(D 2 - D1) = ~~
In one case the deliverable energy is - dU/da, in the other casetP(D 2 - DI).
Note that the latter amount is exactly equal to dU/da. It appears then that the
deliverable energy is always the same, namely dU/da, regardless of whether
fracture occurs under constant load or constant displacement. In either case the
deliverable energy is equal to the change in strain energy dU/da. For constant
displacement the deliverable energy is coming directly from a release of strain
energy. In the other case the strain energy increases, but the load does twice that
much in work, so that the surplus is still equal to the change in strain energy,
be it with opposite sign
Clearly then, the deliverable energy is always equal to the change in strain
energy regardless of its sign. Instead of d(F - U)/da one may then use the
absolute change of the strain energy dU/da in Equation 3.37. Then the fracture
criterion is:
dU dW
da . (3.40)
The left hand side is called the strain energy release rate, the right hand side the
fracture energy or fracture resistance. Fracture will occur if, due to the extended
slit by da, sufficient strain energy is released to cover the energy to create a
fracture over da.
The fracture criterion is somewhat simpler now than before, but it remains
necessary to find an expression for dU/da. As the strain energy is affected by the
crack one can write:
The stress due to the crack will depend upon the crack tip stresses. These crack
tip stresses are proportional to the applied stress u. Thus the strain energy due
to the crack must be proportional to u 2j E. The term will also be proportional
to the thickness B (twice as thick a plate has twice the energy). Hence,
Udue to crack -7- E B. (3.43)
The contributions by Equations (3.42) and (3.43) must have the same
dimension. They differ by a length squared (LW). Since the contribution due to
the crack must depend upon crack size, a, it becomes inescapable that it depends
upon a2, otherwise the dimensions would not be correct. Therefore:
Udue to crack = C E Ba 2 • (3.44)
Usually, the fracture energy per unit crack extension dWjda is denoted by R (for
fracture Resistance), while the energy release rate dUjda is denoted as G. Then
Equation (3.48) in shorthand is given as:
7tu.2 a
-- = R or G = R (3.49)
which is the same as Equation (3.48) except for the short hand notation.
Equation (3.49) shows that fracture occurs when (Jta 2 a) reaches a certain value,
namely ER. Now notice that Jta 2 a is exactly the square of the stress intensity
factor: K. Hence, the equation pronounces that fracture occurs when K2 reaches
a certain value, which is the same as K reaching a certain value:
Fracture if: K = JER. (3.50)
= O. 19 in. kip
2 0.19kip/in = 190Ibs/in.
Note that indeed R = K: /E, because with K = 75 ksi Jill (Section 3.4) one
obtains R = 75 2/30000 = 0.19 kips/in. The fracture energy is an energy (in/lbs
or Nm) per unit crack extension (in or m) and per unit thickness (in or m), so
that its unit is in Ibs/in or Nm2/m = N/m.
One can apply this result to calculate the residual strength for the same case
as in Section 3.4. The fracture stress follows from Equation (3.49) as:
G, G,
G, /
,/,/ / G1
,/ ~1//
/ /
/ / /
(a) (b)
a2 a2
Figure 3.17. Rising R-Curve. (a) Stable fracture from G, to GJ ; (b) Stable fracture at cracks of
different length.
During the stable phase of the fracture the crack extends from a! to a2' This
should not be interpreted to mean that a crack of size a 2 has a strength (ffr! .
Although this seems trivial, serious errors in fracture calculations often occur
due to this misinterpretation as shown later in this section. Extension of a! to
a2 occurs by fracture and not by the process by which a! was formed as e.g. by
fatigue or stress corrosion. A fatigue crack of length a 2 cannot sustain the same
high stress. Fracturing will commence at a lower stress than (ffr!' namely (ffr2'
(Figure 3.17b). Fracture instability occurs at (ffr2' which is lower than (ffr!' Note
that the smaller slope of the G-lines indicates lower stress.
The interpretation is that a fatigue crack of size a! causes the strength to be
(ffr!' That the fracture proceeds to a 2 before it becomes unstable is rather
immaterial for the end result (two half structures). Similarly, a crack of size a2
has a lower strength (ffr2' Given the presence of a certain fatigue crack say a!,
in e.g. an airplane wing, the strength of the wing is (ffr!' That the fracture
proceeds first to a2 before the wing comes off is rather immaterial for the
passenger (and for the engineer). It is the strength that counts. Naturally, if the
stress would rise above (fi (Figure 3.17) but not reach (ffr then the wing would
stay together and the crack would be somewhat longer than a!, due to some
stable fracture. However, this is trivial: if the fracture stress is not reached the
structure always stays together, whether there is stable fracture or not.
Clearly, fracture instability occurs when the G line is tangent to the R-curve,
i.e. when the two have equal slopes (Figure 3.17). As the slope of the line is
described by the first derivative, the condition for instability is:
G(a;) = R(a;) }
and also (3.52)
(dG/da)u; = (dR/da)u,
If only the first equation is satisfied fracture will occur, but in order for fracture
to become unstable (uncontrollable), the second equation must be satisfied as
This has important consequences for the definition of toughness. In previous
sections toughness was defined as the stress intensity at which fracture occurs.
It now appears that (unstable) fracture occurs at different values of G for
different crack sizes. Figure 3.17 shows that with crack of size a l fracture occurs
at GA , while with a crack size a2, fracture occurs at GB • Since K2 = JEG it
follows that the values of K are different at the time of fracture in the two cases.
In previous sections it was assumed that fracture always takes place at the same
value of K, namely the toughness K,. Apparently, this is not true if there is stable
fracture first. This might cause serious complications for the analysis of fracture,
but it will be shown below that an engineering approach can solve the problem.
It should first be mentioned that Figures 3.16 and 3.17 are for the case that
/3 = I, namely the infinite panel. For real structural cracks /3 is not equal to one,
so that the G-lines are curved (note that G = K2jE = /3 2u 2najE (The curvature
being larger for large cracks, the values of G, and hence of K, at fracture tend
to be more or less equal to different crack sizes as illustrated in Figure 3.18a.
From this one might conclude that the assumption of a constant K (namely K,)
at fracture was not so objectionable from an engineering point of view.
Next consider the residual strength diagram as shown in Figure 3.18b. In the
presence of a fatigue crack of say one inch, fracture starts at a stress indicated
by A, and fracture instability occurs at a stress indicated by B (compare previous
figures). This means that if a crack of 1 inch is present, the strength of the
structure is defined by B. It does not mean that the residual strength with a crack
size of 3 inches is defined by B. The figure shows that such a crack would cause
fracture instability at D, and its residual would therefore be defined by D.
Although the one inch crack shows stable fracture until 3 inches, a fatigue crack
of three inches would cause fracture at D, and not at B.
The two curves in Figure 3.18b can be defined by a 'critical' stress intensity.
The top curve is determined by the critical G (or K) for fracture instability, the
bottom curve by the value of G (or K) for the onset of fracture:
From this the stresses at onset of fracture, U;, and the stresses at fracture
instability, Un would follow from:
_ a l1a _
K i =27ksiv'in
Kc=65 ksiv'in
234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(b) 2a (in)
Figure 3.18. Approximate Constancy of G; and K,. (a) Curved as opposed to straight G-lines; (b)
Residual strength curves for plane stress.
The curves represented by Equations (3.54) are shown as the top and bottom
curve in Figure 3.19a. Clearly, the value of Kc in the above equation is not a
constant (see previous figures), but the value of Kc depends upon crack size. On
the other hand, as shown in Figure 3.18a, the value of Kc will not vary a great
deal in actual structures.
Neither the top curve, nor the bottom curve in Figure 3.19a provides the
actual residual strength. On the basis of Figure 3.18, it was shown that the actual
strength of a structure with a crack of say one inch is B. Hence, to obtain the
actual residual strength of this crack one should plot the strength B at the
original crack size. This has been done in Figure 3.19.
Fictitious Test
CJ I \ Data:
Initiation 0
Fracture •
(a) 2a
Test Data
CJ 48 in. Wide Panels
30 o c-~
o 0
2 4 6 6 10 20 30
(b) 2a (j~)
Figure 3.19. Use of Keff in Fracture Analysis. (a) Residual strength and initial crack size; (b)
Predicted curve and test data on basis of K eff •
The fracture stress calculated by Equation (3.57) would be for e.g. a fatigue
crack size of three inches in Figure 3.18b, and therefore would be B, while the
REAL fracture stress is at D. Clearly, the use of Kc as defined would lead to
wrong answers. The use of Equation (3.55) would lead to the correct answer if
an engineering approximation is accepted.
It must be concluded that if the toughness is defined as K.rr, the engineering
answer will be correct, while erroneous answers are obtained with Kc. Neverthe-
less, in many instances reviewed by the author, Kc was used instead of Kerr. As
it is somewhat cumbersome to use K.rr for toughness, the discussion of residual
strength analysis in Chapter 10 will make use of the denotation Kn but it is
strongly emphasized that Keff is meant; i.e. the numbers used for the toughness
are Kerr, and NOT Kc.
It seems almost superfluous to mention that the above discussion is not
restricted to plane stress or transitional cases. All arguments hold for plane
strain, although this is often not realized. As the R-curve in plane strain usually
rises only moderately, the problem is not acute; it nevertheless exists. Hence, all
of the above applies to plain strain as well as to plane stress.
Clearly, the above engineering approximations need not be made if fracture
analysis is based on the R-curve. The procedure would then be to solve the
problem of Figures 3.15 through 3.18 either graphically or mathematically. This
can be done rather easily (Chapter 10). The question is whether the result will
be any more reliable. From an academic point of view, it will be, but from a
practical point of view it is not. Such a solution requires knowledge of the
R-curve. Certainly, the R-curve can be measured, but it requires the measure-
ment of the progress of fracture. Such measurements by their nature are so
inaccurate that the R-curve can be determined only in an approximate way. Its
subsequent use in analysis does not provide more accurate answers than the
engineering solution discussed above. Academic rigor does not necessarily lead
to better answers; it only complicates problems. This will become abundantly
clear in the next chapter.
3.13. Exercises
1. Calculate the fracture toughness of a material for which a plate test with a
central crack gives the following information: W = 20in, B = 0.75 inch,
2a = 2 inch, failure load P = 300 kip. The yield strength is FlY = 70 ksi. Is
this plane strain? Check for collapse. How large is the plastic zone at the time
of fracture?
2. Using the result of problem I, calculate the residual strength of a plate with
an edge crack W = 5 inch, a = 2 inch. Do the same for W = 6 inch and
a = 0.5 inch (See Figure 3.3 for /3). Check for collapse.
[I] D. Broek, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, 4th Edition, Nijhoff (1985).
[2] M.F. Kanninen and C.H. Pope\ar, Advancedfracture mechanics, Oxford University Press (1985).
[3] J.F. Knott, Fundamentals of fracture mechanics, Butterworths (1973).
[4] H. Tada, P.C. Paris and G.R. Irwin, The stress analysis of cracks handbook, Del Research (1973).
[5] G.C. Sih, Handbook of stress intensity factors, Lehigh University Press (1973) ..
[6] D.P. Rooke and DJ. Cartwright, Compendium of stress intensity factors, Her Majesty's
Stationery Office (I976).
[7] W.F. Brown and J.E. Srawley, Plane strain crack toughness testing of high strength metallic
materials, ASTM STP 410 (\966).
[8] Anon., The standard K/c test, ASTM Standard E-399.
4.1. Scope
Whether there is plasticity or not, the energy conservation criterion must hold.
It was demonstrated in Chapter 3 that this leads to the following fracture
dU dW
da = da or G = R. (4.1)
da . (4.2)
With the use of Hook's law (a = eE), the energy release rate, dUlda, the
above equation can be written in terms of stress and strain:
f3 2 naea = R or G = R. (4.3)
The strain energy release is usually denoted in shorthand by G, and the fracture
energy by R. Although the expression for G was derived formally in the previous
chapter, it is important to notice that Equation (4.3) must be true on the basis
of dimensional arguments. The factor f3 is dimensionless. Since strain energy is
f a de = Cae (Chapter 3), the equation for G, the strain energy release rate,
must contain the factor ae. Obviously, G depends also upon the crack size a.
As G is an energy per unit thickness and per unit extension, its dimension is
in-lbs/in2 = lbs/in. The dimension of a is Ibs/in2 (e is dimensionless). Therefore,
the crack size must appear in linear form as a (not a2 or a3 or otherwise). In that
case the dimension of G becomes indeed Ibs/in2 x in = lbs/in. Thus is can be
understood without analysis that Equation (4.3) must be of the format shown.
Equation (4.3) can be changed into (4.2) because the stress-strain equation
(e = a/E) is known. Expressing G in terms of stress only, permits the use of the
criterion in engineering analysis where stresses are of interest:
nf3 2 a2 a
-- = R (4.4)
so that the fracture stress can be calculated from:
Provided f3 is known for the geometry at hand, Equation (4.5) can be used for
engineering fracture analysis to calculate the fracture stress of a cracked
structural component.
In the case of plastic deformation the geometry factor f3 may change, but there
will still be a dimensionless geometry factor; let this factor be denoted as H.
Whether the stress-strain curve of the material is linear or not, the strain energy
release rate is stiIl given by Equation (4.3) (same dimensional arguments):
Haea = R. (4.6)
Note again that the equation must contain a factor ae, the dimension of which
is lbs/in, so that the crack size must appear in linear form (a) for the dimension
to become lbs/in (strain energy per unit thickness and per unit crack extension).
Indeed, Equations (4.3) and (4.6) are identical regardless of the form of the
strain-stress curve, be it that another dimensionless geometry factor may
For a linear-elastic material dU/da is generally called G, but for a non-linear
material the shorthand denotation J is used, which is a little confusing and for
which there is no good reason. Since the denotation J is used throughout the
literature it will be used here as well. Similarly, while the symbol R is used for
the fracture energy of a linear-elastic material, the fracture energy for a non-
linear material is denoted in shorthand as JR' The fracture criterion is still
dU/da = d W/da, which is written in shorthand as G = R for elastic materials,
but in accordance with the above new symbols, it becomes for a non-linear
J = JR (4.7)
or alternatively:
H(Jea = JR' (4.8)
The previous Equations (4.1) through (4.6) have not changed; only the symbols
It was possible to use Equation (4.3) for fracture analysis because [; = (JI E, so
that Equation (4.3) becomes (4.5), thus permitting calculation of the fracture
stress. By the same token, Equation (4.8) can be used for fracture analysis, if G
can be expressed in (J, i.e. if an equation is available for the non-linear stress-
strain curve.
Any form of stress-strain equation will be useful, provided it properly
describes the material's stress-strain curve. It will have to be a curve-fitting
equation (empirical). There is no objection against this; also Hooke's law is
empirical as it is no more than a linear curve fit, where E follows from the slope
of the line.
The most convenient curve fit for a non-linear stress-strain curve (Figure 4.1)
is a power function. The resulting stress-strain equation is known as the Ram-
berg-Osgood equation:
(J (In
G = E+ F or G = Gel + Gpl • (4.9)
For most materials, but not all, Equation (4.9) provides a good fit of the
stress-strain curve. The equation can be used in various forms, but Equation
(4.9) is the most convenient. Other forms of the equation will be discussed in
Section 4.7.
Figure 4.1. Stress-Strain diagram.
(4.9) represents the linear (Hooke's) part of the stress-strain curve. For this part
it is already known that dUjda = n{32u2ajE. Therefore, only the effect of the
plastic part needs consideration:
Note that this equation simplifies to Hooke's law for the case that n = 1
(F = E).
Substitution of Equation (4.10) in Equation (4.8) provides:
F = JR' (4.11)
Equation (4.11), it is more consistent to call it Jel , and to drop the shorthand
denotation G altogether:
Fracture if: J el + Jpl = J R (4.13)
This equation indeed provides a useful fracture criterion for engineering ap-
plications, because it is expressed in stress. Fracture will occur when the stress
is sufficiently high to satisfy Equation (4.14). The fracture energy J R in the
equation represents the material's fracture resistance; it is therefore essentially
the material's toughness expressed in a somewhat different form. It can be
measured in a test, if the geometry factors p and H are both known for a certain
specimen configuration. The modulus E, as well as nand F can be derived from
a stress-strain curve measured in a regular tensile test. By performing a fracture
test on a cracked specimen, the fracture stress can be measured. Values for all
parameters in the left hand side of Equation (4.14) are then available, so that
the 'toughness' J R can be calculated.
For example, assume that for a certain material E = 30000ksi, n = 7 and
F = 2 X 10 12 . (Section 4.7 explains how nand F are obtained from a tensile
test). Also assume that for a certain specimen with a crack of a = 2 inch and
the values of p and Hare 1.1 and 6 respectively. The specimen is tested and it
is observed that fracture starts at a stress (1 = 30 ksi. Substitution of all data in
Equation (4.14) provides:
7t x 1.1 2
X 302 X 2 6 X 307+1 X 2
30000 + 2 X 10 12 JR
so that
JR = 0.23 + 3.94 = 4.17in-ksi = 41701bs/in.
The fracture energy now being known for the material at hand, Equation (4.14)
can be used to calculate the fracture stress of a cracked structure by solving for
(1. Naturally, both geometry functions p and H must be known for the structure
_ (2 x 107 x x3 4.17)1 /
12 (1+7) _
28.2 ksl.
Clearly then EPFM is no more difficult to use than LEFM; the only complica-
tion is the necessary iterative solution when Equation (4.14) must be used. (One
other complication arises as discussed in Section 4.4.) Of course the 'toughness'
J R is to be measured in a test, but also the LEFM toughness must be measured.
The geometry factors p and H must be obtained for the structure at hand. The
elastic geometry factor, p, has been calculated for many geometries and
compiled in handbooks [1, 2, 3], or can be derived using one of the simple
procedures discussed in Chapter 8. Similarly, the plastic geometry factors, H,
have been calculated for a number of geometries. These are also available in
handbooks [4, 5]. One complication arises here because H depends upon n also:
H = B(aIL, n). Obtaining H is more cumbersome than obtaining p, but once
calculated H can be presented in handbooks for later use.
are shown in Figure 4.2. At the stress (Ja the value of J(a) is given by point A,
which is lower than B. Hence J < J R , and fracture is not possible. Increase of
the stress to (Ji raises J(a) to point B. Fracture now takes place because J = JR'
But this fracture is stable; it cannot proceed if the stress remains equal to (Ji'
because then J would increase to point C, while J R would increase to point D,
so that J would be less than JR' For fracture to continue the stress must be
increased to (Jb' which brings Jto point D. During the increase of the stress from
(Ji to (Jb the fracture proceeds in a stable manner from a to a + l1ab' Further
which signifies tangency between the J(a) curve and the JR-curve. The instability
point can be found graphically by plotting the JR-curve and the J(a) curves for
a number of stress values as in Figure 4.2. Algebraic solutions are discussed in
Chapter 10. (See also Eqs. 3.52)
The procedure is valid when there is a condition of load control; i.e. if the
stress does not drop once the fracture becomes unstable. If there is displacement
control, the stress may drop. For example, when the loading is due to thermal
stress, the end displacement is fixed. During fracturing the stiffness decreases
which may cause a very rapid decrease of the stress, because less stress is needed
to maintain the fixed displacement. Since J depends upon (J, it may not be
possible to maintain J > J R , so that the instability is postponed. In that case the
drop in stress must be calculated from the decreased structural stiffness, and the
calculation be continued until Equation (4.17) is satisfIed (Chapter 10).
Both in load control as well as in displacement control, the stress will increase
to a certain maximum. Instability in load control coincides with the maximum
stress. In displacement control the fracture may remain stable after the
maximum is reached (Figure 4.3); instability mayor may not ensue later. Up till
the maximum stress there is no difference between load control and displace-
ment control. Displacement control is governed by the stiffness of the system
(loading + structure); instability is therefore system dependent and not a
'material property' (Figure 4.3).
Most structures are under load control. For example, the wave load on a ship,
the gust load on an airplane or the load on a crane does not abate when the
structure is fracturing. Hence, a load control analysis is usually applicable. In
the event of displacement control, the only thing of interest often still is the
maximum stress that can be sustained. In that case no account for displacement
control is needed either, because up till the maximum stress there is no distin-
ction anyway.
In most cases the difference between (Ji and the stress at instability is very
small, and solving Equation (4.14) once for (Ji (point B in Figure 4.2) may be
adequate (conservative). Examples of analysis are provided in Chapter 10.
Finally it should be mentioned that Equation (4.17) has been modified by
a a
Figure 4.3. Load control (left) versus displacement control (right).
E dJ _' E dJR or •
h h an d
sort T (4.18)
F12, da FI~ dQ
Figure 4.4. Residual strength diagram in EPFM.
The quantities at both sides are then renamed. The left side in shorthand is
called the tearing modulus, T, the right side T mat for lack of a descriptive word.
Hence, the instability equation is written as T = Tmato but nothing has changed.
To the uninitiated only the fog intensified.
By solving Equation (4.14) for a number of crack sizes one obtains the residual
strength diagram, as shown in Figure 4.5. Solution of Equation (4.17), either
graphically or otherwise (Chapter 10), provides the stresses for instability as
well. Hence, there will be a line for the onset of fracture, and one for instability
(compare Figures 3.l9 and 3.20). For convenience only the lower of these
(Figure 4.5) is taken into account in the following discussion, because in general
there is little difference between U i and ufr.
Now consider again Equation (4.14). For the case of a -+ 0, the calculated
residual strength will be infinite. This same problem was encountered in LEFM;
it has not been solved by EPFM. An approximation is still necessary as in
LEFM. For small crack sizes the calculated fracture stresses will be very high;
for very small cracks it will be infinite, i.e. higher than F tu , which is clearly
wrong. Apparently, as in LEFM, collapse as a competing fracture condition
cannot be ignored. Collapse determines the highest load carrying capability of
the structure, regardless of any fracture criterion, whether LEFM or EPFM.
Thus collapse must be analysed as a separate condition, as in the case of LEFM.
This problem was discussed extensively in Chapters 2 and 3. The condition
satisfied first (at the lowest stress) determines the strength of the structure.
For an ideally plastic material (horizontal stress-strain curve beyond F,y), the
exponent in the Ramberg-Osgood equation (Equation 4.9) is n = 00. Thus the
left hand side of Equation (4.14) becomes indeterminate; J is undefined and
attains any value necessary (collapse) to satisfy the equation. This always will
occur at plastic instability. When plastic deformation becomes uncontrollable J
attains the necessary value for collapse. Attempts have been made to incor-
porate the collapse condition in the EPFM criterion, but this cannot be done by
just considering J. It would require a separate evaluation of plastic instability
criteria. Although this might be possible in principle, it is hardly feasible for
engineering analysis. Concocted modifications of J are doomed to failure as are
plastic zone corrections to K [6]. The practical solution is to treat collapse in the
manner discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, and to assess both the collapse condition
and Equation (4.14). The one leading to the lowest failure stress determines the
residual strength. Then the problem is the same as in LEFM, discussed exten-
sively in the previous chapter.
J = - Jo (oP)
oa b
dt5. (4.19)
p G'-J)
Figure 4.6. Strain energy release at constant displacement (infinitesimal da). left: linear; right:
non-linear. Compare with Figure 3.15.
PL b
'" = C Fty Bb2 L
FtyBb 2 b
P =
CL 2
8P FtyBb P
2 Ce 2-
8b b
8P -2~
8a b
(b) J = - 2- f8P db = ~ f Pdb
B 8a Bb Bb
'~"U A Bb
(c) J for bend specimen
Figure 4.7. Standard J le and J R test. (a) Specimen; (b) Analysis; (c) Result.
The integral part of the equation is simply the area, A, under the load displace-
ment diagram (Figure 4.7c), which can be measured - by using a planimeter or
otherwise - from the test record of P - b.
Surprisingly, the small area between the curves in Figure 4.6b is found by
taking twice the total area, A, under the curve and by dividing by band B.
Naturally, this is true only under the assumption made, namely that the entire
ligament is yielding and that the stress-strain curve is horizontal beyond FlY
(note that n does not appear in the equation). These are in fact the collapse
conditions under which J becomes indeterminate as argued above. The latter
means that Equation (4.20) is unsuitable for the independent calculation of J,
but since J = J R during fracture, the equation can be used to determine JR'
Figure 4.7 is for a ligament in bending; it applies to a compact tension specimen
as well, be it that a small correction must be made [7] as there is some tension
superposed on the bending.
At the time of fracture J = JR' Hence the fracture resistance J R is derived
from the load-displacement diagram measured in a test on a compact specimen
by applying Equation (4.20). The fracture resistance increases (Section 4.4).
In a test fracture is first stable. At various stages during the test the amount of
stable fracture, /).a, is measured and marked on the load-displacement diagram
(Figure 4.8). By the use of Equation (4.20), J R can be obtained as a function of
/).a, yielding the sought JR-curve as in Figure 4.8b (compare with Figures 3.18,
3.19 and 4.6).
The standard recommends use of a so-called 'blunting' line, which forces the
JR-curve to go zero for a = O. Obviously, with a = 0 in Equation (4.14), the
stress for fracture would become indeterminate. Thus the blunting line cannot be
used in a fracture analysis. It is an artificiality; blunting is due to plastic
deformation (Figure 1.4), not fracture (Figure 1.7). It has no place in the
JR-curve, because it ignores the physics of the problem.
Constraint is essentially ignored in the standard. In LEFM the toughness K
or R depends upon constraint (thickness), and the standard for Klc tests puts
great emphasis on the constraint condition through the thickness requirement.
(a) P-b
Figure 4.8. Measurement of JR' (a) Load displacement diagram with indications of fracture
extension; (b) J R curve.
This section could be very short if the stress-strain equation used in EPFM had
been given the simple form of Equation (4.9). Unfortunately, new confusion has
been introduced as will appear in Section 4.8. It is for this reason that a longer
discussion of the stress-strain equation is necessary here.
Hooke's law is a simple mathematical description of the experimental fact
that elastic stress and strain are proportional; it is an empirical law. In the same
vein one can use mathematical equations that fit the remainder of the stress-
strain curve. The most useful equation is the Ramberg-Osgood equation, which
covers the plastic strain as:
The modulus E is measured as the slope of the linear part of the stress-strain
curve. Values for nand F can be obtained rather easily as well. A tensile test
provides the stress-strain curve in terms of strain. At any stress the plastic strain
is obtained from the measured total strain as Gpl = Gtot - alE (Figure 4.1); for
an example see the solution to Exercise 1).
Taking the logarithms in Equation (4.23) yields:
log Gpl = n log a - log F. (4.25)
Hence, in a plot of log(stress) versus log(plastic strain), the data should fall on
a straight line as shown in Figure 4.9a. The slope of the line is n, the intercept
with the abscissa is -log(F) as shown. If the data do not fall on a straight line,
the material does not obey a Ramberg-Osgood equation, which is sometimes
the case. There is nothing that can be done about this.
With nand F, the total stress-strain curve can be calculated with Equation
(4.24). If the data (Figure 4.9) are reasonably on a straight line Equation (4.24)
will be a good representation of the measured stress-strain curve as is demon-
strated in Figure 4.9b: the curve through the data points was obtained using n
and F from Figure 4.9a.
The Ramberg-Osgood equation was intended to describe the true stress-true
strain curve. However, up to the point of maximum load, the equation can be
used ju~t as well for the engineering stress-strain curve (Figure 4.9), be it that n
and F are different even though the material is the same. The latter is demon-
strated in Figure 4.10 which is for the same data as Figure 4.9. The only
restriction is that the equation cannot be used beyond maximum load in the case
of the engineering stress-strain curve. It can be readily demonstrated [9] that n
is equal to the inverse of the true plastic strain at maximum load. Although this
would be an easier way to find n, its accuracy is poor. The value ofn so obtained
from Figure 4.10 would be n = 8.49 which is different from the n derived from
the slope of the line in Figure 4.9. As F still would have to be determined as in
Figure 4.10, the plot is necessary anyway. Besides, this simpler method would
not apply to the engineering stress-strain curve.
~ 1. 4
~ 1. 2
o. 4
:::: 52
Ul SOD ~
~ 70
w 60
g: 400
30 200
(b) .025 .050 .075 .100 .125 . ISO .175 .200 .225
Figure 4.9. Ramberg-Osgood equation for engineering stress-strain curve. (a) Log (plastic strain)
versus log (stress); (b) Engineering stress-strain curve equational fit.
The 'plastic modulus', F, tends to have rather unwieldy values, so that it may
be more convenient to replace F by (Sf)":
U1 500 ~
e: 400
'" 50
40 E • 3 a 000, F = 3. 096 E+12, n = 5. 77
30 200
Figure 4.10. Fit of true stress-strain curve. (a) Long (true plastic strain) versus log (true stress); (b)
True stress - true strain equational fit.
It appears from Equation (4.26) that for (J = Sf' the strain reaches 1 (100%
strain). Sometimes Sf is called the 'flow stress', a somewhat unfortunate name,
because it suggests that Sf has physical significance as a stress. As a strain of
100% is hardly ever possible, the stress will never reach the value Sf.
This section could end here if the developers of EPFM geometry factors had
used the Ramberg-Osgood equation in the form discussed. Instead they
There is no objection against replacing Fby (ao)" as was done before in Equation
(4.26). However, introduction of the fourth parameter is permitted only if a and
aoare dependent, because by definition: a3/a = F. As a matter of fact, one may
now take any value for ao , as long as a is adjusted accordingly to a = a3/F.
For no reason at all, also the modulus was eliminated by DEFINING a strain
eo, such that eo = ao/E. Thus, Equation (4.27) was written as:
The geometry factors H(a/L, n) were developed [4,5] for a number of structural
geometries and n-values, using the plastic stress-strain equation of Equation
Table 4.1. Effect of different definitions of Ramberg-Osgood equations.
([ ([6.27
As Equation (4.9) (A)
e = 30000 + 2.1 E 13
e ([ ( ([ )6.27 (C)
0.00167 = 50 + 1.28 50 As Equation (4.28)
e ([ ( ([ )6.27
0.0033 = 100 + 50 100 As Equation (4.28). (D)
In this equation P is the load, Po is the load at collapse supposing ([0 were the
collapse strength. Instead of the crack size, a, the unbroken ligament, c, is used.
Finally, hi is the geometry factor.
Clearly, the load P is related to the stress, Po to 0"0 and the ligament c to the
crack size a:
c =
where g, k, and f are just functions of the geometry. With this knowledge, and
with Equation (4.29) the complicated Equation (4.31) readily turns into:
0"0 0"0 eo fa hi (g)n+1
= eoF k (:o)n+1
with H = fh(gjk)n+l. Equation (4.33) is the basic form of the equation already
known as Equation (4.8) from simple arguments. Equation (4.30) is just a
complicated version of the same. Obviously, cx, 0"0' and eo can be divided out;
they are superfluous. Indeed, the solution to Exercise 6 shows that the same
results are obtained with Equation (4.32) regardless of the choice of 0"0
(arbitrary). Equation (4.30) suggests that J depends upon a collapse load Po, but
obviously 0"0 is divided out as well. This should be expected, because a collapse
load cannot enter into J since the stress-strain equation used has no limit. The
elastic energy release, G, could be expressed in the same manner by using
P = gO", Po = kO"o and 0"0 = eoE
k2 (P)2
G = n/320"0eOt a Po . (4.34)
Bringing in the collapse load or the collapse strength does not make G
dependent upon same; it merely amounts to multiplying numerator and denomi-
nator by the same number, which does not change the basic equation. Collapse
does not enter LEFM equations, nor does it enter EPFM equations in their
present form. An artificial introduction does not change this fact. Collapse is a
competing condition which must be assessed separately, at least for the time
Two other objections can be raised against Equation (4.30). Instead of just
one geometry parameter H, it must use four geometry parameters: h, g, k, and
f. Every time a calculation is performed double work is necessary: parameters
must be derived and are subsequently divided out. Naturally, one could, once
and for all, calculate H from H = fh(gjk)"+ I and from then on use Equation
(4.33), but a computer does not object to unnecessary work and for it the form
of Equation (4.30) need not be changed.
The second objection is that J is expressed in the load P, while in engineering
one works with stress. Therefore Equation (4.33) is more useful; all other
fracture mechanics equations are expressed in stress for this very reason. For
complicated structures the conversion from load to stress is done in the design
stage not at the time of fracture analysis.
4.9. Accuracy
Researchers have expressed great concern about the large variability of J and
(consequently) JR. The reason for the large variability is obvious. As J depends
upon stress to the n-th power, according to Equation (4.11), a slight difference of
5% in stress with e.g. n = 9, leads to a difference of (1.05)10 = 1.63 or a
difference of 63% in JR. (Note that this occurs also in a standard tests: the
load-displacement diagram becoming almost horizontal, the area under the
curve, which determines J R , changes dramatically with a slight change in ().
This may seem bothersome but it is of little practical importance. The value
of J R is of no interest as long as the predicted fracture stress is reasonably
accurate. This the case, because in a fracture analysis the situation is reversed:
a difference of 63% in J with n = 9 will lead to only a difference of 5% in the
predicted fracture stress: (1.63)1/10 = 1.05. (See Eq. (4.16»
For a difference in J by a factor of 2, and for n = 7, the predicted fracture
stresses would be different by 2 1/8 = 1.09; hence the error (difference) would be
9% only. This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 4.11, showing the results of two
calculations with exactly the same input and n = 7. Two JR-curves were used
differing by a factor of approximately two throughout. The predicted fracture
stresses differ only by a small amount (9%). In general the stresses in a structure
will not be known with better accuracy, so that any of the predictions in Figure
4.11 would be satisfactory from an engineering point of view. Even the predicted
amounts of stable crack growth at maximum load do not differ appreciably, as
shown in Figure 4.12.
Most alloys satisfy the Ramberg-Osgood equation fairly well. However, a
material of great interest to some industries, namely annealed 304-SS, exhibits
a stress-strain curve that cannot be fitted with the equation. Yet it must be fitted
to such an equation, otherwise an EPFM fracture analysis cannot be performed.
In that case there is a choice as to whether the equation should fit the lower or
the upper part of the stress-strain curve.
There is no categoric answer to this problem. Any conclusions reached are
necessarily material specific. Although it may be argued that most of the crack
tip material is subject to relatively small plastic strains, so that a fit of the lower
part of the stress-strain curve is the most important, it cannot be denied that the
2 3 456 7 8 9
DELTA 0 (101M)
300 I
1II 250
10 20 30 40
50 60 70 80 90
Figure 4.11. Fracture stress prediction for different R-Curves for center cracked panel [15]. Above:
R-curves; Below: predicted fracture stress and fracture progress (Courtesy EMAS).
-- --
100 .r"
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
...., 350
a 300
"0 250
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Figure 4.12. Instability prediction according to Equations (4.17) for the two cases in Figure 4.11
[I5]; Above: Case I; Case 2 of Figure 4.11 (Courtesy EMAS).
crack tip material is subject to strains in accordance with the upper part of the
stress-strain curve. Common sense indicates that the decision must be made on
a material-by-material basis; there is no categoric answer. Any conclusions
arrived at certainly should not be generalized, and if they are, they are still
restricted to materials not obeying an exponential stress-strain curve; for other
materials there is no choice. When there is a choice, the criterion for the choice
is whether the fracture stress is predicted correctly; the value of J is irrelevant.
The problem would not exist if the measurement of J R would use Equation
(4.15) instead of (4.20), because the reverse operation of Equation (4.16) would
then automatically lead to the correct answer (use of same F and n as in
Equation (4.15).
Eshelby [10] defined a number of contour integrals which are path independent
by virtue of the energy conservation theorem. The two-dimensional form of one
of these integrals can be written as:
J. V dy - T ~ ds = 0
j ox
where (4.35)
V = Iade
~ 0
I+ I + I+ I
rl CD r2 FA
= o. (4.36)
, a\
Figure 4.13. Contour integrals. (a) Elastic body; (b) Body with crack; (c) Path independent contour.
Therefore, the contribution of ABC must be equal (but opposite in sign) to the
contribution of DEF. Note that one is clockwise, the other counter-clockwise.
This means that the integral, if taken in the same direction along r I and r 2 will
have the same value: Sll
= Sl2 in (Figure 4.13c). As r l and r 2 were arbitrary
paths, the integral over r is apparently path-independent (one may take any
path, beginning and ending at opposing crack faces, and the integral will always
have the same value). The value of the integral was called J:
f v dy - T
-a ds = J. (4.38)
It should be noted that there is no proof as yet that this J is the same as the one
used in previous sections; thus, for the time being it should be considered as the
definition of a new quantity, defined only by the value of the above integral. The
path-independence is not of apparent relevance to fracture.
If the integral is path independent any convenient contour may be taken to
determine its value. The simplest contour is a circle, as in Figure 4.14, with
radius r, its center at the crack tip. For this case y = r sin e, so that
dy = r cos e de, and ds = r de. Then Equation (4.38) becomes:
No matter what the relationship between u and e, the integral Jude at any point
always evaluates to a l ue, where al is dimensionless. Since T is a stress, it can
always be expressed as Clu, and du/dx being a strain can always be expressed
as C2 e. Then T (du/dx) evaluates as C l C 2 ue = a2ue. Both a l and a2 may depend
upon e, but regardless of how complicated this dependence, the integral of
Equation (4.39) will be:
f f(e) de
Clearly, Equation (4.44) is the same as the very original Equation (3.2). It shows
that for n = I we have Q = J2iC, and JE.i = K. This means for n = I that
J = K2/E = dU/da. Thus the path-independent contour integral is but the
strain energy release rate. It is now apparent why this integral was denoted by
J, a symbol already used for the energy release rate.
The above being the case for n = I, it will be true in general, because nowhere
above was a restriction made with regard to the shape of the stress-strain curve.
Thus, the only significance of the 'path-independent' contour integral is to show
that it represents the strain energy release rate, J = dU/da, so that the J-integral
is indeed the same as J defined previously. Indeed, that is of secondary
importance only: the energy release rate can be defined in a much simpler way
as was shown earlier in this chapter.
Nevertheless, the integral has its use. As it is known now that it equals dU/da,
it can be used to calculate G, J or K. It can be applied to the results of a finite
element analysis (most codes have post-processors to do this). If the analysis is
for the elastic case one can obtain K from K = JE.i. When the analysis uses the
Ramberg-Osgood it can provide the geometry factor H from:
FJ (4.46)
H = (In+la'
This is essentially the way in which H (and h; Section 4.9) were obtained.
(J (J
Non- Linear
p p
(a) (b)
Figure 4.16. Strain energy release upon fracture by da under constant displacement. (a) Non-linear
elastic; (b) Elastic plastic.
load the energy available for fracture is equal to the work done by the load
minus the increase in (plastic) strain energy. However, during linear elastic
unloading the plastic strain energy remains in the material. Only the small elastic
part of the strain energy is indeed released: the available energy is much less
during constant displacement than during constant load (Figure 4.16b). Hence,
strictly speaking, the resulting equations are valid only in load control, so that
fracture analysis is meaningful only up to the point of maximim load: this is not
a severe restriction, because in most engineering analysis one will be interested
only in the maximum stress a cracked structure can sustain.
Yet, even the latter is somewhat questionable. The material at the crack tip
is highly stressed. When stable fracture is occurring (up to maximum load), it
is this highly stressed crack tip material that is unloading after the fracture has
passed through. Hence, the errors due to the unloading assumptions are felt
most strongly where it counts most: at the crack tip. The errors will be small
initially, but increase with increasing l1a. This sheds doubt on the analysis of
stable growth and instability. As a matter of fact the analysis will be only
meaningful when the 1 curve rises very steeply, so that there is very little stable
fracture before maximum load (Figure 4.2). It has been suggested [12] that stable
fracture should be limited to just a few percent of the remaining ligament,
otherwise the errors become considerable.
Using the path-independence of the l-integral it was shown that the crack tip
stress field in EPFM is described by Equation (4.44). For an ideally plastic
material (n -+ 00) the equation leads to a finite crack tip stress, but for all other
values of n the stress is still infinite at r = 0. It was pointed out already that the
use of Equation (4.14) leads to an infinite fracture stress for a -+ 0, and
therefore will be increasingly in error for smaller cracks; approximations for
small cracks will be necessary just as in the case of LEFM. For this and other
reasons, as discussed, collapse still must be evaluated separately as a competing
Apparently, EPFM has cured none of the ills ofLEFM; it is a mere extension
of LEFM for n #- I. A host of modifications to J have been proposed [13]; most
of these belong in the category of 'patch work' as much as do plastic zone
corrections to K [6]; they provide few new insights, complicate the procedure
and lead to only marginal improvements.
Nevertheless, EPFM is still very useful and has a definite place in conjunction
with LEFM. It has extended the use of fracture mechanics to non-linear
materials at least up to a point. Judicious use will provide meaningful engineer-
ing answers, provided collapse analysis is done as well, just as in the case of
LEFM, and provided appropriate approximations are made for short cracks
(Section 3.8). It may be noted again that the accuracy of fracture analysis need
only be as good as that of general accuracy of engineering procedures (Chapters
10, 12, 14). With the emergence of geometry factors [4, 5], and the possibility for
simple estimates of these (Chapter 8), EPFM has become a useful engineering
Figure 4.17. Closing forces to close the crack tip over da.
Since v is related to CTOD, the work will be dF = a CTOD FlY da. Upon
release of these forces the same amount of energy is released, and the crack will
'grow' again by da. This energy release, dFjda = a CTOD FlY, is what has been
called the strain energy release rate G or J. Therefore:
G = a FlY CTOD or J = a FlY CTOD. (4.47)
The first of these expression would be applicable for LEFM, the second for
Naturally, the stresses over the future da are not uniformly equal to FlY as
assumed, but if they are not, only the dimensionless factor a will be affected. It
turns out [6] that a is approximately equal to unity, but various interpretations
would put it between nj4 and 4jn in LEFM. However in the case of J the value
of a depends upon n [4]. In any case, the above equations lead to:
CTOD ~ ~
= K2
(LEFM) )
Fracture occurs at a critical value of G (or K) or a critical value of J. Then,
according to Equations (4.48) fracture takes place at a critical value of CTOD,
defined as CTOD c ' Consequently, CTOD c should be a material property
characterizing fracture resistance; as such it is a descriptor of 'toughness', and
the measurement of CTOD in a test would provide the material's propensity to
A test for CTOD measurements was standardized first in Great Britain in
British Standard BS-5762. Essentially, the test is performed on a small three-
point bend specimen, (Figure 4.18). As in other toughness tests a record is made
ofload versus crack mouth opening displacement. The critical crack tip opening
displacement CTOD n usually referred to as COD, can be obtained as follows.
The ligament is assumed fully plastic so that all specimen deflection' can be
considered to be due to rotation around a plastic hinge, the specimen limbs
rotating by rigid-body motion. If it is assumed that the center of the plastic hinge
coincides with the center of the ligament, then (TOD can be obtained from the
crack mouth opening in the manner shown in Figure 4.18. It is not necessary to
make the assumption that the center of the hinge coincides with the center of the
ligament. One possibility is to determine its location experimentally. Other
options are open [14, 6].
Knowledge of the critical CTOD per se, is of no use for damage tolerance
analysis. The number will have significance for engineering only ifit can be used
to predict fracture in a structure. For this to be possible CTOD must be
expressable in terms of the stress acting in a structure, so that the (fracture) stress
Center of Hinge
I ,
,, crOD = COQ.~ _ _1_)
"\ 2ba + 1
a Crack Face
Figure 4.18. Crack opening displacement test. (a) COD specimen; (b) Measured CODm and inferred
p p
[kips] [kips]
S, S,
10 10 j j
-- i
7.56 ...
o E
Figure 4.19. Data for exercise 1. (a) Load-displacement measured in test; (b) Enlarged view of small
b regime.
can be calculated as that stress at which the CTOD of the structural crack
reaches the critical value. So far only empirical relations between stress (strain)
and CTOD have been developed. There is no objection against their use, as long
as they are reasonably general. However, with the aid of Equations (4.47)
the measured CTOD can be converted into J R or G and then the result can be
used in accordance with Eqs. (4.16) or (3.25). Certainly, Equation (4.47) is an
approximation, but IX can be obtained as a function of n [4]. Besides, an approxi-
mate general equation is more likely to be useful than a specific empirical one.
The development of the simple EPFM procedures discussed in this chapter
have made the semi-empirical CTOD approach somewhat obsolete for damage
tolerance analysis. However, the CTOD test is a useful extension of EPFM, as
it can provide J R or K/c through Equation (4.47) from tests on small specimens.
4.13. Exercises
I. For a test bar of a certain steel one measures a load displacement curve as
in Figure 4.19. The original diameter of the cylindrical bar is 0.4 inch; the
original length is 4 inch. The final thickness in the neck is 0.28 inch.
(a) Determine the engineering stress-strain curve, FlY and Flu.
(b) Determine E, F and n.
(c) Determine ex, (Jo and eo for (Jo = 100 ksi.
(d) Do the same for (Jo = 50 ksi.
(e) Check whether (a) and (b) lead to the same strain for at least two different
stress values, e.g. 50 and 55 ksi.
2. Determine the true stress-true strain curve for the problem in Exercise 1 up
to the point of maximum load. Repeat questions (b), (c), (d) of Exercise 1.
3. The bar of Exercise I is unloaded at P = 7.3 kips and tested as a new bar in
a new test. Determine the new load-displacement curve. For this cold-worked
material, assuming that FlY coincides with the load at unloading, calculate FlY
and FlU.
4. A test on a center cracked panel with 2a = 4 inch, W = 32 inch shows a
fracture stress of 50 ksi. The collapse strength is 55 ksi. Given that W = 20
inch (500mm), B = 0.4 inch and assuming E, F and n as in Exercise I,
calculate J, at fracture. Or did failure occur by collapse? (Neglect Jel )·
H = 8.72.
5. Using the results of Exercises I and 4, calculate the failure stress of a panel
24 inch wide, with a center crack of 2a = 6 inch. H = 13.5; assume that the
J el can be neglected. Does failure occur by fracture or by collapse?
6. Given that Equation (4.30) for a center cracked panel is: J = CX(Joeo(1 -
(22/W»ah l (P/Po)" + I with P = (JWB and Po = (Jo(W - 2a)B, and that hI for
a/ W = 0.125 is hI = 4.13. Calculate the fracture stress with the information
obtained in Exercise Ic (0"0 = 100 ksi) and in Exercise Id «(Jo = 50 ksi) and
show that the results are the same, independent of the arbitrarily selected (Jo.
Assume J = 2 kips/in and neglect J el •
7. In a J R test on a CT specimen the load rises almost linearly to 5 kip upon
which fracture begins, and upon which the load-displacement diagram
becomes essentially horizontal. The initial crack size is one inch; the displace-
ment is 0.15 inch when fracturing begins. The crack (fracture) size reaches
1.05 inch when (j = 0.20 inch and 1.15 inch when (j = 0.27 inch. Calculate
the JR-curve. Thickness is 0.5 inch, W = 2 inch.
[I] D.P. Rooke and OJ. Cartwright, Compendium of Stress intensity factors, H.M. Stationery
Office, London (1976).
[2) G.C. Sih, Handbook of stress intensity factors, Inst. Fract. Sol. Mech, Lehigh Un (1973).
[3) H. Tada et aI., The stress analysis of cracks handbook, Del Res. Corp (1973).
[4) V. Kumar et aI., An engineering approach for elastic-plastic fracture analysis, Electric Power
Res. Inst., Rep NP-1931 (1981).
[5] V. Kumar et aI., Advances in elastic-plastic fracture analysis, Electric Power Res. Inst., Rep NP
3607 (1984).
[6) D. Broek, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, 4th Edition, Nijhoff (1986).
[7) Anon., Standard method for the determination of J, a measure of fracture toughness, ASTM
Standard E-813.
[8] C.F. Ghih and M.D. German, Requirements for one-parameter characterization of crack tip
fields by the HRR singularity, GE Tech Rep (1978).
[9] A.S. Tetelman and A.J. McEvily, Fracture of structural materials, John Wiley (1967).
[10) J.D. Eshelby, Calculation of energy release rate prospects offracture mechanics, Sih et al. (eds),
Noordhoff (1974) pp. 69-84.
[II) J.R. Rice, A Path independent integral and the approximate analysis of strain concentration
by notches and cracks, J Appl. Mach (1968) pp. 379-386h.
[12] J.W. Hutchinson and P.e. Paris, Stability of J-controlled crack growth, ASTM STP 668 (1979)
[13) M.F. Kanninen and C.H. Popelar, Advancedfracture mechanics, Oxford Un. Press (1985).
[14) e.e. Veerman and T. Muller, The location of the apparent rotational axis in notched bend
testing, Eng. Fract. Mech. 4 (1972) pp. 25-32.
[15] D. Broek, J. astray and back to normalcy, ECF6-Fracture control of structures, Vol. II EMAS
(1986) pp. 745-760.
5.1. Scope
In this chapter the concepts and procedures for crack growth analysis are
discussed. Fatigue, being technically the most important crack growth
mechanism covers most of the chapter (environmentally assisted growth or
combined stress corrosion and fatigue is integrated into this discussion). Stress
corrosion cracking by itself is covered in but one section; this is not because it
is not considered important, but because stress corrosion cracking is practically
covered by prevention and not by control, while analysis procedures are essenti-
ally similar to those either for residual strength (Chapter 3) or fatigue. Fatigue
crack growth on the other hand can hardly be prevented in many structures; it
must be controlled.
The discussions cover the concepts of crack growth analysis, retardation and
special effects, as well as the analysis procedure. Examples of analysis are given.
However, fatigue crack growth analysis is a complicated subject, and the
discussions in Chapters 6 and 7 should be read as well, before attempts to
analysize crack growth are made.
Figure 5.1. Parameters for fatigue crack growth. (a) Blunting and resharpening; (b) ~a and ~K; (c)
Stress ratio.
the cycle. Note that in the above the Greek letter ~ is used to indicate a RANGE
of the stress. This is not in accordance with the normal use of ~ in mathematics,
where ~ indicates a small change. In this case ~ stands for the total range of
stress in a cycle: ~(J = (Jmax - (Jmin' which need not be small at all. It would be
better to use e.g. (J, for the stress range, but since the denotation ~(J has become
common practice, it will be used here as well.
Another parameter is often convenient. This is the so-called stress ratio, R,
defined as R = (Jmin/(Jmax' One of the above parameters can be replaced by R to
define the cycling. For instance, any of the following combinations fully defines
the stresses: ~(J and R, (Jmin and R, (Jmax and R, (Ja and R, (Jm and R. The case of
R = 0 defines a situation in which the stress always rises from, and returns to
O. When R = - 1, the stress cycles around zero as a mean, which is called fully
K min = {3 (J min Fa }
Kmax = {3 (J max Fa . (5.3)
11K = {311(J Fa
Again, the Greek letter 11 stands for range and not for a small increment; the
denotation Kr would be better and less confusing, but 11K is used here III
conformance to general practice (see also Figure 5.1 b).
With the use of Eqs (5.3) the Equation (5.2) for crack growth becomes:
l1apcrcyclci for Kmaxi and/or I1Ki. (5.4)
Further, the stress ratio is defined as R = (Jmin/(Jmax' It appears from Eqs (5.3)
that at any given crack size a, the stress ratio is also equal to Kmin/ KmaX' since
{3(Jmin = Fa/{3(JmaxFa = (Jmin/(Jmax = R, so that:
According to Equation (5.4) there is more crack growth when Kmax is higher. It
follows from Equation (5.5) that this is the case when 11K is larger and/or R is
higher, so that Equation (5.4) can be written as:
l1aper cycle i for I1Ki and/or R i· (5.6)
In this equation l1a is the amount of crack growth in one cycle, which would be
expressed in inch/cycle or mm/cycle. If growth were measured over e.g.
I1N = 10000 cycles, the average growth per cycle would be 11 a/ I1N, which is the
rate of crack propagation. In the limit where N --> 1, this rate can be expressed
as the differential da/dN. Equation (5.6) indicates that the rate is a rising
function of 11K and R, so that the proper mathematical form of Equation (5.6)
dN = f(I1K, R). (5.7)
As shown, Equation (5.7) derives directly from the model of crack growth
discussed in Chapter I and shown in Figure 5.1 a.
a dN
1~a~ ______________ _ ~2 . - - - - - - - - - - -.'
• I
a2 r------ ----------,1
l~:'_______ _
a, T- - - - - - - -
,,, ,,I
.. ,,
, ;
", '
(b) (c)
Figure 5.2. Obtaining the rate function (a) Specimen and loading; (b) Measured data; (c) Rate data.
consider a stress cycle with Urnin = 0, so that R = 0 throughout the test. Also,
U rna• = l1u in that case.
Crack growth is monitored throughout the test by measuring the length of
the crack at intervals of e.g. 10 000 cycles. The results are plotted to optain the
crack growth curve as in Figure 5.2b. This is all the information that can be
extracted directly from the test. It must be interpreted for the determination of
the form of Equation (5.7).
Consider a small crack increment, l1a 1, on the curve. (Figure 5.2b) According
to the measured curve, it took I1N1 cycles for the crack to grow over l1a 1. Thus,
the rate of growth is (11 a/11N)1. For example, if the crack increment is 0.1 inch
and this growth took I1N = 10000 cycles, then the rate is (l1a/I1N) =
0.1/10000 = 1 x 1O- 5 in/cycle.
The objective is to obtain the growth rate dependence upon 11K, which
requires determination of the stress intensity range. The average crack size at
l1a1 is a1. The stress range is l1u, so that I1K1 = P1 l1u J1Ui;. Apparently, a value
of 11K = I1K1, produced crack growth at a rate of (l1a/I1N)1. This result is
plotted as a data point in a diagram with da/dN( = Aa/AN) and AK along the
axes, as shown in Fig. 5.2c.
The above procedure is repeated for a number of points along the crack
growth curve. At a larger crack size a2, an amount of growth Aa2takes only AN2
cycles. Because the curve is steeper, the rate is higher: as a2 > ai' also
AK2 > AKI • Hence, a larger AK indeed produces a higher rate of growth. A
plot of the data points as in Figure 5.2c confirms this.
Because differentiation is a very inaccurate procedure, large 'scatter' may
occur in da/dN. This problem is discussed in Chapter 7. It is the reason why in
practice da/dN is obtained as a running average of 5-7 points along the crack
growth curve.
Figure 5.2c provides the growth rate for any given AK. In Chapter 3 it was
shown that the crack tip stress distribution is unique and depends only upon the
stress intensity factor. If at two different cracks in the same material have equal
stress intensity then the two crack tip stress fields are identical; there is
similitude. Hence, if the stress intensities are equal the response of the cracks
must be the same. This means that the crack growth rate will always be the same,
if AK is the same. Thus, Figure 5.2c is the material's rate response in all cases.
It can be used to analyze crack growth in a structure built of this material.
The validity of this similitude argument can be checked by performing a
second test on a similar (or different) panel, but with a different Au. The crack
growth is measured (Figure 5.3), the results analysed in the same manner as
before, and the data of both tests plotted in the same rate diagram (Figure 5.3).
The rate data of.-the second test will fall on the same line as the data of the first
test. This confirms that the same rate was obtained at the same AK in both tests.
For example, take a point on crack growth curve 1 at a crack size of a l = 0.2 in.
da -3,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---,
(jn~h) 1 . o . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , iiN 10
w= 6 in. (in/c)
AI-Cu Alloy
50,000 100,000 150,000
AK kshJin
Figure 5.3. Data for two tests. Tests at Au = 17.6 and 11.4 ksi; R = 0 on center cracked panels;
left: measured data; right: reduced data.
With a stress range of 1l(1 = 17.6 ksi, the value of the stress intensity range is
ilK = 17.6-J0.2 x 7t = 14ksi,fifl. In the second test the stress range was
1l(1 = 11.4 ksi. This would produce a stress intensity of 14 ksi.Jffi, if
a = 2.38 x 0.2 = 0.48 in (assuming f3 = 1) in the second test, i.e.
ilK = 11.4-J0.48 x n = 14.0ksi.Jffi, still assuming f3 = 1. This means that at
a crack size 0.2-in in test 1 and 0.48-in in test 2, the stress intensities were the
same, so that the rates should be the same. Figure 5.3a shows that the slopes
(rate) of the curves at these two crack sizes are indeed equal (naturally, this
followed immediately from the fact that the two tests led to the same da/dN
- ilK diagram). Similitude in behaviour is hereby established. The results can
be used to analyze crack growth in a structure.
The tests discussed so far were all at the same stress ratio, namely R = o.
According to Equation (5.7) the rates also depend upon R. This dependence can
be assessed by performing tests at different values of R. The results are plotted
versus ilK, to obtain data such as in Figure 5.4. Indeed, higher R produces
higher growth rates as should be anticipated on the basis of Equation (5.7). The
data in Figure 5.4 show that the effect of R is smaller than that of ilK, but that
is simply the way it comes out.
Data are always plotted on logarithmic scales of 10g(llK) and 10g(da/dN),
10 -.
LOWEST R-RAT 10 ~ o. 0
~ UP TO 0.5
u 10 -s
z 10 -6
10 -7
10 -8
10 -9
lOll f--------+------------j
Figure 5.4. Crack growth rates for Ti-6AL-4V; Mill Anneal; Lab. Air; 70F (21C). Effect of R-Ratio.
because the rates vary over several orders of magnitude. A log scale for 11K is
not strictly necessary, but it has become standard practice to use a logarithmic
scale for 11K as well.
Crack growth properties of a number of structural alloys are compared in
Figure 5.5. Environment, loading frequency, and temperature may have a
significant effect on growth rates. Examples of some of these effects are shown
in Figure 5.6. For a discussion of crack growth at negative R see Chapter 7.
The form of Equation (5.7) follows from the test data; it cannot be obtained
from a theoretical model. Naturally, a functional form can be established by
fitting a curve through the test data. The resulting equations are sometimes
useful as they eliminate the necessity of using a graph.
From Figures 5.3 through 5.6 it appears that the rate data for one particular
R-ratio fall more or less on a straight line in a logarithmic plot. The equation
for a straight line is y = mx + h. In the present case y = log (da/dN) and
x = log (11K), so that:
10 ~K (kslvin )
10' rTl---.---.-,.......,4-r........--r--;-"
a. A 537
C. (3 Ti ALLOY ~~ (In/c)
10- 4
da b.600°C
~~ (In/c)
(I'm/c)d"N Al ALLOY
da = C (AK)mp (5.9)
dN P •
10- 4
........- - - '
t.K (ksivfn)
Figure 5.7. Paris equation.
for this particular material. For most materials the value of mp is between 3 and
5. The value of Cp is more strongly material dependent; it has also largely
different values in different unit systems (see Chapter 7).
The Paris equation covers only one R-value. The lines for different R are often
parallel, i.e. have equal slope as e.g. in Figure 5.4. Thus all these lines would
have the same m-value, but different C; the latter depending upon R as C(R).
Hence, the following equation could cover all R-values:
:; = C(R)dK"R. (5.13)
da A.K"F
dN - CF (l - R)Kc - A.K"
At fracture, where A.K = (l - R) Kn the above equation indeed provides an
infinite growth rate. This equation is known as the Forman equation. It shows
the growth rate to depend upon R and should therefore apply for all R-values:
the equation 'pretends' to 'know' how dajdN depends upon R. A strong
objection against the equation is that in many cases fracture is not governed by
the toughness, because of collapse (Chapters 2 and 3).
In addition to Equations (5.9) through (5.16) many different curve fitting
equations can be developed to describe the test data. As a matter of fact, there
are probably as many equations as there are researchers in the field. Several
others are in common use. But none of these, nor the above equations, have any
physical significance; they are merely curve fitting equations. If they do fit the
data properly, there is no objection against their use. But no equation can fit all
data, so that religious adherence to one equation is not advisable. One should
use the equation providing the best fit in a particular case. An equation may be
used if convenient, but direct graphical use of the rate diagram is just as reliable.
Most crack growth analysis is done by computer, which can be supplied the rate
diagram in tabular form. It makes little difference to a computer whether it
interpolates in a table or uses an equation. It should be noted that the
parameters for the various equations are different, even if they cover the same
data set. For this reason the coefficients Cp , Cw , and CF and exponents m p , m w ,
and m F are used to indicate that they are specifically for a certain equation
(Paris, Forman, Walker). Use of the parameters of one equation for another-
even for the same material - may lead to dramatic errors. Conversion of
parameters to other unit systems requires great care (Chapter 7).
Integration provides:
N = ("p da (5.18)
Jao J(AK, R)'
Generally, the integration is done numerically; it can seldom be performed in
closed form, because of the complexity of the functions J and P in AK, and of
the stress history. The function J might be as simple as the Paris equation:
N = ~ s.a p da (5.19)
Cp ao {p(a/w)AuFar p '
The P for a structural crack is usually a lengthy polynomial in a/W or known
only in tabular form, so that numerical integration is indicated even ifJis simple
and Au is constant (independent of a). Integration is performed most easily
through the use of a computer, but in the case of constant amplitude loading a
hand computation is very well possible. The principle for a simple numerical
integration in the case of constant amplitude loading is shown below.
If the loading is of constant amplitude, the integration can be done in small
steps with little error; the step size might be taken as e.g. a crack increment of
one percent of the current crack size. Assume for example (Figure 5.8) a case of
constant amplitude loading at e.g. Au = 20 ksi; further assume that a Paris
equation applies with da/dN=6.17E-10 !t..K3. Let f3 for the structural crack
be given as P = 1.12 + (a/W)2 (a hypothetical case) and let W = 4 inches
(Figure 5.8). The first two steps of a calculation starting at a crack size of 0.75
inch are shown below:
a = 0.75 in; N = 0 cycles;
Aa = 0.01 x 0.75 = 0.0075 in (one percent increase);
AK = [1.12 + (0.75/4l] x 20 x .j0.75n = 35.5ksiFn;
da/dN = 6.17 x 10- 10 x 35.5 3 = 2.75 X 10- 5 in/cycle;
AN = = 0.0075/(2.75 x 10- 5) =
Aa/(da/dN) 273 cycles;
N = N + !t..N = 0 + 273 = 273 cycles;
a = a + Aa = 0.75 + 0.0075 = 0.7575 in;
Aa = 0.01 x 0.7575 = 0.007575 in (one percent);
AK = [1.12 + (0.7575/42 ] x 20 x .j0.7575n = 35.7ksiFn;
da/dN = 6.17 x 10- 10 x 35Y = 2.81 x 1O- 5 in/cycle;
AN = 0.007575/(2.81 x 10- 5 ) = 269 cycles;
.5 a
(a) (b)
da 104~-----------------------------,
(in/cycle) -5 ~=6.17X10-10AK3
10 dN
pj = f(adw);
AKj = pjA(J~;
dN = f(AK j , R)
AM = Aa)(da/dN)i
~ = M + ANi;
When one single high stress is interspersed in a constant amplitude history, the
crack growth immediately after the 'overload' is much slower than before the
overload. Figure 5.10 shows how three single overloads increase the crack
growth life by almost a factor of five (compare A and B). After a period of very
slow growth immediately following the overload, gradually the original growth
rates are resumed. This phenomenon is known as retardation. A negative load
following the overload reduces retardation but does not eliminate it (compare
Band C in Figure 5.10). Crack growth analysis for variable amplitude loading,
is not very well possible without an account of retardation effects. Before such
an account can be made, retardation must be explained.
Consider (Figure 5.1I) a crack subjected to constant amplitude loading at
Table 5.1. Hand calculation. Case = Center cracked panel; W = 6 inch; da/dN = 4 x 10- 9 tJ.K 35 ; tJ.u = 12 ksi; R = o.
a tJ.a Average a in f3 = Jsec(nam/W) tJ.K = f3tJ.u Jna a" da/dN = 4 x 10 9 tJ.K 35 tJ.N = tJ.a/da/dN N=N+tJ.N
(in) (in) step am (ksiJIii) (in/cycle) (cycles) cycles
0.1 0
0.4 0.30 1.006 11.72 2.20 x 10- 5 18182
0.5 18182
0.5 0.75 1.040 19.16 1.23 x 10- 4 4065
0.5 1.25 1.123 26.70 3.93 x 10- 4 1272
1.5 23519
0.5 1.75 1.282 36.07 1.13 x 10- 3 442
2 23961
0.8 2.40 1.799 59.28 6.42 x 10- 3 125
2.8 24085
Ll 4.0 HAND (TOP PART OF T"SLE 5. 1)
w 3.5
Ll 2.5 I
2.0 J
0.5 .., ./
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Figure 5.9. Comparison of computer analysis and the hand analysis of Table 5.1.
.MI\J\J\M Overload (0), Sma. =19.2
c. J
f\ f\ f\
1\ f\ n fOverload, Sma.=19.2
v v ""'\..Cytle (0), Smln=-2.9
a B
4~~ __ ____
~ ______ ____-L____--J
~ ~
R = 0; during the first cycle the load varies from A to C through B. Before the
loading starts, imagine a little (dashed) circle (Figure 5.11a) at the crack tip,
indicating the material that will undergo plastic deformation in the future plastic
zone (Chapter 3). The plate is then loaded to B. Imagine that one could now
~,.-, FUTURE
~ ~ ZONE
(a) -- B
(c) "
Figure 5.11. Residual stress at crack tip (a) Load at A; (b) Load at B; (e) Load at B; plastic zone
removed; (d) Load at C; plastic zone still out; (e) Load at C; plastic zone back in.
remove the plastic zone and put it aside (Figure After unloading to C the
situation of Figure 5.11d is reached: all material is elastic - the plastic material
having been cut out - so that all strains and displacements are zero after
unloading. Hence, after unloading the hole at the crack tip in Figure 5.11d is
equal in size to the dashed circle in Figure 5.11a. The plastic zone has become
permanently deformed; it is larger than before the loading started. Thus it will
not fit in the hole of Figure 5.11 d. In order to make it fit it must be squeezed
back to its original size for which a stress at least equal to the yield strength is
needed (it must be deformed plastically again in compression to be squeezed
back to its original size; this requires stresses at least equal to the yield).
The plastic zone in fatigue loading is very small. Most of the fatigue crack
growth takes place at low values of ilK as can be appreciated from the data in
previous figures. At high ilK the rates are so high that little crack growth life
is left; most of the life is covered at low ilK. If for example, ilK = 10 ksi.Jln in
a material with a yield strength F,y = 50 ksi, the plastic zone size (Chapter 3)
would be rp = 102/(6n502) = 0.0021 inch. As the remainder of the plate is
elastic and returns to zero strain after unloading, this small plastic zone indeed
will be squeezed back to its original size and made to fit in its surroundings. In
order to squeeze the permanently deformed material back to its original size
reverse yielding is necessary: the compressive stress must be at least equal to the
yield strength. Whether the plastic zone is taken out as hypothesized above, or
whether it remains in place as it normally will, the end result will be the same.
It follows that after unloading, there is a compressive stress at least equal to
the yield strength at the crack tip. This is a residual stress (no external load)
which must be internally equilibrated by tension further away. The residual
stress distribution is as shown in Figure 5.11e. During subsequent cycling this
residual stress system will be present upon each unloading and it will have to be
added to (act together with) the applied stress. The crack growth response by
the material automatically accounts for this residual stress system; the data in
e.g. Figures 5.4-5.6 already reflect its effect, because the material 'knows' about
these residual stresses and shows growth rates in accordance with their presence.
If an overload occurs, a much larger plastic zone is formed (Figure 5.12).
After the overload a more extensive residual stress system is present than before
the overload. This more extensive system, acting against the applied stress,
(a) l:/
Figure 5.12. Residual stresses before and after overload. (a) Before; (b) After; (c) Situation after
causes subsequent growth to be slower (retarded). Once the crack has grown
through the overload residual stress field ( ~ overload plastic zone), the original
residual stress field is restored (Figure 5.12) and the 'normal' growth is resumed.
(In reality the compressive stresses do not extend throughout the plastic zone,
because the compressive yield zone is smaller. However, the principle is still
Another way of looking at this problem is illustrative. It was shown in
Chapter 1 that crack growth occurs by plastic deformation (slip). As a conse-
quence, the crack tip plastic strain range is the best measure of crack growth.
The stress and strain being singular at the crack tip, it is somewhat hard to
envisage how they vary. However, the singularity occurs only in an infinitesim-
ally small material element, while it will effectively disappear due to crack tip
blunting. Therefore, crack growth phenomena can be discussed on the basis of
finite values of stress and strain, their values being bounded by the (cyclic)
stress-strain curve.
First, consider a crack with no previous history (no previous plastic zones)
with a very small plastic zone, cyclically loaded at R = 0 (Figure 5.13). At
maximum load, the stress and strain are defined by point A. Assuming an
extremely small plastic zone in a large plastic plate, the elastic deformations of
the plate will completely dominate the problem. Hence, all deformations will
come back to almost zero upon load release: the elastic plate will squeeze the
permanently deformed material in the (extremely small) plastic zone at zero
load. This implies that the crack tip strain will be reduced to almost zero (point
B in Figure 5.13).
Figure 5.13. Stress-strain loop at crack tip. [7]. Copyright ASTM reprinted with permission.
Upon reloading, the stress and strain must conform to point A, because that
is the condition dictated by the surrounding elastic material. Obviously, the
crack tip is subjected to a plastic strain range /).ep with R, ~ 0 and Ra close to
- 1. The material experiences a stress-strain cycle BCDAEB.
The crack tip strain at R = 0 will return to almost zero, but not exactly so,
because there must be equilibrium of residual stresses, as illustrated in Figure
5.14. The compressive stresses in the plastic zone have to be equilibrated by
tension stresses around the plastic zone, which give cause to a small remaining
positive strain. Note however that the extent of residual tension stresses is
actually less than shown in Figure 5.12. This is due to the fact that upon return
from point A in Figure 5.13 yielding begins earlier, because AE = BD in Figure
5: 13 due to the Bauschinger effect.
The return of the crack tip strain to almost zero is a result of the action of the
large elastic plate, or rather of the remaining ligament. Note that the stiffness
of the plastic zone is very small compared to the stiffness of the ligament.
Now consider a real fatigue crack with a previous history (Figure 5.15); in its
wake along the crack edges is a strip of material representing the accumulation
of all previous crack tip plastic zones through which crack has progressed. This
material is no longer loaded, but at one time it underwent plastic deformation.
Closure stresses arise because the permanent elongation of the crack lips will
CT yy \~ Elastic
It, r
It, r
Figure 5.14. Crack tip stresses at R = 0 loading. top: at max load. Bottom: at zero load. Compare
with Figure 5.13. [13]. Courtesy EMAS.
U'yy \_.....-Elastic
I, r
Figure 5.15. Crack tip stresses at R = 0 loading while accounting for previous plastic deformation
in wake of the crack, causing closure of crack tip at zero load. [13]. Courtesy EMAS.
close the crack before the load is zero. As such, they are similar to the com-
pressive stresses built up in the plastic zone. As a matter of fact, both stress
systems result from the same action of the surrounding elastic field. Therefore,
Figure 5.14 can be redrawn by including the crack lips as shown in Figure 5.15.
The closure stresses at the crack tip never exceed the yield. Thus, it requires
only an elastic strain to accommodate the remaining strain at the crack tip (in
case of complete closure), which means that the remaining crack tip strain is
elastic and the return point in Figure 5.13 is still B. Upon reapplication of the
load, the crack will remain closed until the closure stresses and the compressive
stresses are relaxed. But, the crack tip material is already straining. ·Its stress-
strain condition moves from B to C in Figure 5.13 while the crack is still closed.
Figure 5.16 shows the consequences of an overload. Depending upon the
minimum stress in the cycle and upon the relative stiffness of previously plastic
material with respect to the elastic material, the remaining strain after the
overload will be larger or smaller (point F in Figure 5.l6a). Therefore,
depending upon return to Fl or F 2 , the straining during the subsequent cycles
will be as in Figure 5.16b. In any case, the cyclic strain range (i.e. the opening
of the (J-e loop) is considerably reduced and the crack growth rate will decrease
accordingly (retardation).
According to some retardation models (see Section 5.7) the growth rate
reduction is proportional to the ratio between the overload plastic zone and the
tN!\ F
/" I
/ I
/ I
1\ 1-1 ~
'\' 'I, I I I
I ~ n I I
Figure 5.16. Consequences of overload for crack tip plastic strain loop. Top: during overload;
Bottom: after overload. [7]; Copyright ASTM. Reprinted with permission.
the condition for plane strain is B > 2.5K~ax/Ft~, in which 2.5 is a somewhat
arbitrary number (Chapter 3). 'Normal' stress cycles at low Kmax may give plane
strain, but an overload may cause plane stress due to its larger Kmax. This also
causes a more extensive residual stress field and more retardation. Thus, in
accounting for retardation the computer code should assess the state of stress
in each cycle. If it does not, even the 'so-called' sophisticated retardation model
may give large errors. For example, the larger retardation at longer cracks in
Figure 5.10 may be caused by a change from plane strain to plane stress during
the overloads. But even if the state of stress is evaluated, the value of a will be
arbitrary, the factor of 2.5 is arbitrary and F,y is more or less arbitrary. Some
models use different plastic zone formulations than above, but these still contain
arbitrary numbers.
In the following crack growth analysis for variable amplitude loading will be
illustrated on the basis of the Wheeler model. This model is used here not
because it is believed to be better than any other, but because it is very simple,
so that it can be used easily for illustrations. It is worth mentioning however that
if all models are simplifications anyway, the simplest certainly is the most
appealing. If all models must be calibrated for general use, even the simplest
model can be made to work by calibration.
Wheeler introduces a retardation parameter ¢ R' It is based on the ratio of the
current plastic zone size and the size of the plastic enclave formed by an
overload (Figure 5.17a). An overload occurring at a crack, size ao will cause a
crack tip plastic zone of size
K~ p2(JJao
rPO = --2 = --2-' (5.20)
anF,y aF,y
where (Jo is the overload stress. When the crack has propagated further to a
length ai the current plastic zone size will be
p2(Jimax ai
where (Jimax is the maximum stress in the i-th cycle. This plastic zone is still
embedded in the plastic enclave of the overload: the latter proceeds over a
distance g in front of the current crack (Figure 5.17b). Wheeler assumes that the
retardation factor ¢R will be a power function of rpc/g. Since
g = ao + rPO - ai' the assumption amounts to:
with (5.22)
Figure 5.17. The model of Wheeler. (a) Situation immediately after overload; (b) After some crack
growth; (c) Situation after second overload.
If rpc = {!, the crack has grown through the overload plastic zone, and the
retardation factor becomes <p R = I by definition. The exponent in Equation
(5.22) has to be determined empirically. This is the adjustable calibration factor.
Note that if y = there will be no retardation at all under any circumstances.
Hence, the minimum value ofy is zero. Typically for variable amplitude loading
< y < 2, depending upon the material but also upon the spectrum.
For the case of a single overload in a constant amplitude test the retardation
factor gradually decreases to unity while the crack progresses through the plastic
enclave (Figure 15.17b). If a second high load occurs, producing a plastic zone
extending beyond the border of the existing plastic enclave, the boundary of this
new plastic zone will have to be used in the equation (Figure 5.17c), and the
instantaneous crack length will then become the new ao.
Calibration of the above model (and all other models) proceeds as follows. A
test is performed under variable amplitude loading. The test result is then
're-predicted' several times using the proper dajdN - 11K data and the proper
/3, but with different values of the adjustable parameters; (in the case of Wheeler
y-values taken are e.g. 0,0.5, 1, 1.5 etc.). The parameter value(s) that produce(s)
the best coverage of the test data, is (are) the values to be used in analysis. An
example of such a calibration [8] is shown in Figure 5.18. Clearly, in this case
}' = 1.4 is the parameter value to be used.
Unfortunately, the parameter calibration is not general. It depends upon the
load-history and spectrum (Chapters 6 and 7). A different spectrum with a
different mixture of high and low loads requires a different calibration factor.
E.g. the non-linear man-induced exceedance diagram (Chapter 6) requires
different calibration parameter(s) than a nature-induced log-linear exceedance
diagram; the calibration parameters are suitable for one type of spectrum, but
they cannot be generalized for all spectra. Failure to perform this re-calibration
and subsequent general use of calibration factors, is the main cause of claims
that one retardation model is better than another. If proper calibration is
performed for each spectrum type, any model can be as good as any other.
Calibration for a certain spectrum type and material generally gives good results
[8] for all variations of the same type of spectrum (Chapter 6), as shown in
Figure 5.19. This figure shows results of about 70 predictions for random
loading with the spectrum and calibration as used in Figure 5.18. More informa-
tion on model calibration can be found in Chapter 7.
Figure 5.18. Calibration of Wheeler model for flight-by-flight aircraft simulation loading [8).
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 O.S 0.9 1.0
Figure 5.19. Accuracy of 70 predictions as compared to tests [8], Courtesy Engineering Fracture
an overload cycle with respect to the subsequent cycle). Therefore, the computer
program must evaluate and add crack growth on a cycle-by-cycle basis. For
example if crack growth takes 200000 cycles, the computer must perform the
'operation' 200000 times. This may take considerable computer time. Typically,
a mainframe computer can perform at about 50000 cycles a minute, so that the
above computation would take about four minutes. A personal computer might
take as much as two to three hours for the same job (1987).
A logic diagram for the integration is shown in Figure 5.20. This is again
based on the Wheeler model because of the latter's simplicity, but it is not
essentially different for other retardation models. Naturally, in order to perform
the calculation for a structural crack, the computer must be provided with
applicable da/dN data for the material at hand (Chapter 7), and last but not
least, the stress history for the structure (Chapter 6).
A more detailed representation of the algorithm involved is shown in Table
Ni+I-N j
da da
dN = l/!Rj dN (retarded)
I1N = 1
l1a = I x da/dN
if ai < ap then return to line 2
a, N
a (years, voyages, flights) Subroutine conversion
Output Subroutines
Plots Subroutines
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 \3 14 15 16
Cycle a fl(T R flK KmJx r ,Ji Xe new X vo1d Xe Q 1 (dajdN) Retarded N fla a = a + flu
= 1 dajdN new a for
next line
0.1 10 0 5.61 5.61 0.0020 0.10020 - 0.10020 0.0020 3.53£-7 1 3.53E-7 0.100000353
2 0.1 ' 10 0 5.61 5.61 0.0020 0.10020 0.10020 0.10020 0.0020 3.53£-7 2 3.53 £-7 0.100000706
3 0.1 + 15 0.1 8.42 9.35 0.0056 0.10056 0.10020 0.10056 0.0056 1.32£-6 3 1.32 £-6 0.100002026
4 0.1 + 10 0 5.61 5.61 0.0020 0.10020 0.10056 0.10056 0.0056 0.21 7.41 £-8 4 7.41 £-8 0.100002100
5 0.1+ 12 0 6.73 6.73 0.0029 0.10029 0.10056 0.10056 0.0056 0.37 2.25E-7 5 2.25£-7 0.10002325
6 0.1 + 10 0 5.61 5.61 0.0020 0.10020 0.10056 0.10056 0.0056 0.21 7.41 £-8 6 7.41 £-8 0.100002399
7 0.1 + 19 0 10.66 10.66 0.0072 0.10072 0.10056 0.10072 0.0072 2.42.£-6 7 2.42£-6 0.100004822
8 0.1 + 15 0.1 8.42 9.35 0.0056 0.10056 0.10072 0.10072 0.0072 0.69 9.11 £-7 8 9.11 £-7 0.100005733
9 0.1 j 10 0 5.61 5.61 0.0020 0.10020 0.10072 0.10072 0.0072 0.15 5.17 £-8 9 5.17 £-8 0.100005785
10 0.1 + 12 0 6.73 6.73 0.0029 0.10029 0.10072 0.10072 0.0072 0.26 1.59 £-7 10 1.59 £-7 0.100005944
will be evaluated correctly, but if da = IE - 16 and a = 1, the computer will
still not recognize growth. There is nothing that can be done about this rounding
problem. Usually it is not serious, but it may become a problem in evaluating
retardation. Computer programs working in single precision may be one cause
of claims regarding the accuracy of retardation models.
It should be noted, that the above does not change when a is evaluated in
meters. For example if a = 0.01 m and da = l-EI6m, the addition will be
performed properly in double precision because leading zeros do not count.
Mainframe computers already carry 16 decimals in single precision; they carry
32 in double precision. Even in that case rounding errors may occur, but they
are even less significant.
Although the algorithm in Table 5.2 is simple, computer codes are generally
rather complicated [e.g. 9], because there must be
(a) preprocessors for p, or a p library.
(b) options for various rate equations, da/dN table and/or library of data;
(c) options for various retardation models;
(d) accounting for state of stress;
(e) options for random loading;
(f) accounting procedures for stress history;
(g) options for cycle counting.
If all of the above are included, the main code of 3000 statements as
mentioned above can easily triple or quadruple in size. Of the above (e), (f) and
(g) may be the most important and most involved; they are discussed separately
in Chapter 6. Further discussions of the subject are found in Chapter 7 (data and
calibration) and Chapter 12 (errors and accuracy).
It is well-known that fatigue predictions, in general, have a low accuracy. In
the case of crack propagation, a linear integration (without interaction effects
or retardation) will generally yield results which are on the safe side. As shown
in Figure 5.10 negative loads reduce the retardation caused by positive loads,
but the net effect is usually a deceleration of crack growth, so that retardation
models must be used.
Figure 5.21 shows results of crack growth in rail steel [10] under simulated
train-by-train (Chapter 6) loading. Retardation hardly plays a role in rail steels,
therefore predictions were made by means of linear integration. The figure
shows that they are within a factor 2 of the experimental data.
Better accuracy can be obtained in general, provided the retardation model
is adjusted. Predicted crack growth for a titanium alloy sUbjected to aircraft
service loading [8] is shown in Figure 5.22 together with experimental data.
Generally, part of the discrepancy between computation and test may be caused
by scatter in crack growth properties. Most retardation models can be empiric-
ally adjusted. In this respect, the Wheeler model is attractive, because it contains
only one adjustable constant.
40.0 •
37.5 •
E 35.0 •
~ •
'" e 32.5 •
30.0 •
. v
.~ 1.5
'"eu 1.0 v
Figure 5.22. Predicted crack growth and test data for aircraft spectrum [8]. Courtesy Engineering
Fracture Mech.
and higher stresses and for cracks of different types (different fJ). Crack growth
properties of most materials show considerable scatter. The rail steels that are
the subject of Figure 5.21 showed variations of almost a factor often in constant
amplitude crack growth (see Chapter 14). Therefore, discrepancies between
predicted and experimental crack growth are not a shortcoming of the predictive
method per se, but are due to anomalies in material behaviour.
Fortunately, most materials are well-behaved in comparison, by showing less
scatter in crack growth. Nevertheless, there is enough scatter that predictions
will always have some uncertainty. This would still be the case if better retarda-
tion models were developed.
However, the prediction procedure in general contains many more uncertain-
ties, which may be just as detrimental to the final results as are the shortcomings
of the retardation model. These are:
(a) Uncertainty in the local stress level.
(b) Uncertainty in the stress intensity calculation.
(c) Insufficient knowledge of the load spectrum.
(d) Possible environmental effects.
Consider first the uncertainty in stress level and stress intensity. In the case of
a complex structure consisting of many elements, an error of five percent in the
stress analysis would be quite normal. The subsequent determination of the
stress intensity can easily add another five percent, especially in the case of
corner cracks or surface flaws. Thus, the final inaccuracy of the stress intensity
may be in the order of 10%. If the crack growth rate is roughly proportional to
the fourth power of 11K, the error in the crack growth prediction will be on the
order of (1.1)4 = 1.45 (45%); see also Chapter 12.
Despite extensive load measurements, the prediction of the load spectrum is
still an uncertain projection in the future. Slight misjudgements of the spectrum
can have a large effect on crack growth.
Even if possible environmental effects are disregarded, the errors in crack
growth prediction due to uncertainties in stress analysis and loads analysis can
be just as large or larger than the errors due to the crack growth integration.
Development of better crack growth integration techniques will not improve
this situation. Therefore, the shortcomings of the retardation models can hardly
be used as an argument against crack growth predictions.
Taking into account all errors that can enter throughout the analysis, it is
obvious that a safety factor should be used. This safety factor should not be
taken on loads or stresses or dajdN data. Doing this would make some
predictions more conservative than others. The complexity of crack growth
behaviour does not permit an easy assessment of the degree of conservatism
attained through the application of such safety factors. A safety factor should
rather be applied to the final result, i.e. to the crack growth curve, by dividing
the number of cycles to any given crack size by a constant factor. The problem
of accuracy and sources of error is discussed further in Chapter 12.
tensile mode
Figure 5.23. The transition of a fatigue crack in sheet. (a) Transition of fatigue cracks to double
shear (top) and single shear (center and bottom) in AI-alloy specimens; (b) Single shear (A) and
double shear (B).
cracks [13]. As shown in Figure 5.27 small cracks tend to show growth rates
much higher than would be expected on the basis of the acting 11K. Various
explanations have been put forward but the 'cure' proposed is mainly artificial
use of an apparent crack size a + ) .where A is a fixed quantity determined
Most of the short crack data stem from strain control fatigue tests at R = - I
crock size (mm)
thickness 0.6 mm
sm =8 kg/mm2
sa = 6.5 kg/ mm 2
10 20 30 40
___ N (103 cycleS)
Figure 5.24. Effect of sheet thickness on crack growth.
(1-R)K 1C !;K
on small notched coupons (usually with central holes). Consider a short crack
at such a hole as in Figure 5.28a and compare it with a long crack at the same
/).K (Figure 5.28b). By the nature of the test, the plastic zone at the hole is much
larger than the crack tip plastic zone. Since completely reversed plastic strain is
enforced in most of these fatigue tests, the crack tip will also be subjected to
completely reversed strain (R, = -1). A larger crack at R = -1 will close
during compressive loading, so that its strain range will still be as if R, = O. The
small crack at the hole is experiencing a strain range twice as large as a regular
crack at Ra = O. Hence, the small crack should show a rate of growth as if its
/).Kwere approximately twice as large as the calculated value. This is indeed the
u 4.0
u 2.5
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 5.26. Effect of using threshold in computation; threshold is 5 ksi; Curves indistinguishable.
case as can be judged from Figure 5.27. When the small crack grows, it will
gradually move away from completely reversed straining so that the growth rate
decreases. Once the crack tip is outside the plastic zone of the hole, the small
crack behaves as a normal crack.
The small crack behaviour depends upon the loading and upon the ratio
between ligament and hole diameter (notch depth). A hole, unlike a crack, does
not close in tension and it is equally as much a stress raiser in compression as
in tension, so that even under load control reverse plastic strains can occur.
Therefore, similar, but smaller, effects should be anticipated under general
loading conditions. However, if the hole is filled with a fastener, it will essentially
'close' and little or no small crack effects should be anticipated. In technical
problems many cracks start from holes, but these are often "filled" fastener holes,
so that the 'small crack problem' may be of little relevance. In most other cases
these so-called 'small cracks' are well below the detection limit in practical
inspections. They are then irrelevant because crack growth below the detectable
crack size is hardly of interest. Naturally, one can always give examples of cases
where the problem might appear, but generally speaking, it is an interesting
research subject, but its technical relevance is small.
As a final note in this section consider the use of J (Chapter 4) as opposed to
K for representing da/dN data. By far the larger part of fatigue crack growth
lives is spent at low AK. Let e.g. AK = IOksiy'iil and R = O. Taking a (low)
yield strength of F;sy = 40 ksi, the plastic size would be r = 10/(6 x
n x 402 ) = 0.003 in. If this is not a small enough plastic zone, none will ever be.
~ -2
: 10-3
10 '00
K""",. MPa,/iii
Figure 5.27. Crack growth rates of small cracks [13] (Courtesy EMAS).
Naturally, at large crack sizes the plastic zone will be larger, but does this justify
the use of EPFM. Consider Figure 5.29. The crack growth life might be either
N], N2 or N 3 , but practically this makes little difference on the total. The
difference is only caused at the high AK. During most of the crack growth life,
the stress intensity is well below Klc (fortunately). Thus, the use of K for the
analysis is well justified. Finally, the champions of using J for representing
da/dN data have always used approximations of J rather than actual J values
obtained properly (Chapter 4). By using 'appropriate' approximations, one can
always make data look better. However, should the data at high AK indeed be
better represented by J, the differences in analysis results (Figure 5.29) would
still not justify the use of a more complicated parameter; a parameter moreover
that has more drawbacks than advantages (see Chapter 4). In short, the use of
Notch zone
~crock lip zone ---e
Crock lip
Plastic zones Plaslic zone
Figure 5.28. Stress-strain loop for small crack at notch. (left) as compared to regular (large crack;
right); both R = 0 loading. [7, 13]. Copyright ASTM. Reprinted with permission.
Figure 5.29. Effect on life of using different parameter in high rates regime.
J for fatigue crack growth analysis is another interesting research subject, but
not of practical interest.
Crack growth can occur by other mechanisms than fatigue (Chapter 1). The
most important one is stress corrosion cracking. Given a specific material-
environment interaction the stress corrosion cracking rate is governed by the
stress intensity factor. Specimens with the same initial crack but loaded at
This is shown in Figure 5.31. When the crack has grown to such a size that K
becomes equal to Klr> final failure occurs, as indicated in Figure 5.30b.
Obviously, if failure does not occur (infinite time to failure) the crack did not
grow at all, because if it did, K would increase causing more growth, etc. Thus,
the K giving an 'infinite' life is indeed a threshold.
The stress corrosion cracking threshold, Kiser> and the rate of crack growth
depend upon the material and the environment. From Figure 5.30 it follows that
a component with a certain size of crack loaded such that K = Klr> fails
immediately. Components loaded to K values at or above K lscc will show crack
growth to failure. No failure (no crack growth) occurs when K < K lsee '
Fracture mechanics can deal with stress corrosion crack growth in the same
manner as with fatigue crack growth. Obtaining the crack growth curve as a
function of time amounts to integration of da/dt in much the same manner as
integration of da/dN (see previous sections). However, the total times to failure
in stress corrosion are usually from 1 to 1000 hours or they are infinite (Figure
5.30). If the crack growth life is less than 1000 hours there is hardly time to
K -------::=-'"=-"!:"-=---- ~--~--~-~----~-~-~--+--
Iscc Isec
Figure 5.30. Stress corrosion test data. (a) Stress corrosion time to failure, upon loading to initial
K-level; (b) Cracking during test.
(in/hr) 1
0.01 L--------:--"7"'7
time (b) K (kSivln)
Figure 5.31. Stress Corrosion Crack growth. (a) Crack growth as a function of time; (b) Growth
rate as function of K.
inspect or deal with cracks otherwise. Thus crack growth analysis is seldom
Stress corrosion cracking should be prevented rather than 'controlled'. Crack
growth is prevented by keeping K < K Iscc ' Mathematically, this problem is
identical to keeping K < Klc or Kc (i.e. the fracture problem as discussed in
Chapter 3). Thus prevention of stress corrosion cracking can be dealt with in
damage tolerance analysis in the same manner as fracture.
The discussions in Chapters 3 and 10 apply if K/c is replaced by KIscc ' By the
same token any computer software that can solve fracture problems (residual
strength) can solve stress-corrosion prevention problems.
For example if K Iscc = 15ksiy'1n, would an edge crack of a = 0.5 inch in a
structure subjected to u = 18 ksi present any danger? Assuming f3 = 1.15
(Chapter 3) the stress intensity is
K = f3u Fa = 1.15 x 8 x ..)0.5 x n = 11.5 ksiy'1n. This stress intensity is
below K Iscc and therefore crack growth by stress corrosion should not occur.
4. The following data are obtained from crack growth tests at constant
amplitude; center crack with W = 20 inches.
a (inch) N (cycles)
/J.(J = 16ksi; R = 0 /J.(J = IOksi; R = 0.5
0.1 o o
0.105 1100 2000
1.5 k
1.55 i + 100 k + 170
Establish the rate diagram using two data points for each R-value; assume
straight lines between data points.
5. For the data in Exercise 4 determine a Paris equation (calculate Cp and m p )
for each of these R-values.
6. Using the results of Exercise 4 determine the Walker equation.
13. If K lsec = 15 ksi.J\n, what is the highest permissible stress for the configura-
tion of Exercise 11 for stress corrosion cracking to be prevented?
14. A material with K le = 30 ksiFn is subjected to stress corrosion tests in salt
water. Three specimens with a single edge crack are loaded in uniform
tension at loads of 18, 24 and 30 kips respectively. All cracks are 0.5 inch
long; W = 3 inch and B = 0.5 inch; F,y = 70 ksi. The times to failure of the
three specimens are respectively: 5000, 100 and 3 hours. Estimate K lsee and
calculate the amount of crack growth that occurred in each of the tests.
Ignore collapse. Assume f3 = 1.12 throughout.
[l] B.J. Habibie, Eine Berechnungsmethode zum Voraussagen des Fortschritten von Rissen, Messer-
schmidt-Bolkow-Blohm Rep. UH-03-71 (1971).
[2] J. Willenborg et aI., A crack growth retardation model using an effective stress concept, AFFDL-
TM-71-1-FBR (1971).
[3] P.D. Bell and A. Wolfman, Mathematical modeling of crack growth interaction effects. ASTM
STP 595 (1976), pp. 157-171.
[4] J.C. Newman, A crack closure model for predicting fatigue crack growth under aircraft
spectrum loading, ASTM STP 748 (1981) pp. 53-84.
[5] A.U. de Koning, A simple crack closure model for prediction of fatigue crack growth, ASTM
STP743 (1981) pp. 63-85.
[6] H. Fuhring and T. Seeger, Structural memory of cracked components under irregular loading.
ASTM STP667 (1979) pp. 144-167.
[7] D. Broek, A similitude criterion for fatigue crack growth modeling, ASTM STP 868 (1985),
pp. 347-360.
[8] D. Broek and S.H. Smith, Fatigue crack growth prediction under aircraft spectrum loading,
Eng. Fract. Mech.ll (1979) pp. 123-142.
[9] D. Broek, Fracture Mechanics Software, FracturREsearch (1987).
[l0] D. Broek and R.C. Rice, Prediction of fatigue crack growth in railroad rails, SAMPE Nat.
Symp. Vol. 9 (1977) pp. 392-408 11. A. Nathan et aI., The effect of thickness on crack growth
rate, paper presented at 14th symposium on aeronautical fatigue (ICAF) (1987).
[l2] Various Authors, Fatigue thresholds, Eng. Mat. Adv. Servo (EMAD), (1982), 2 volumes.
[13] D. Broek and B.N. Leis, Similitude and anomalies in crack growth rates, Mat. Exp. and Design
in Fatigue, Westbury (1981) pp. 129-146.
6.1. Scope
In this chapter the word spectrum will be used to mean any statistical re-
presentation of loads or stresses. A stress history (or load history) is the
particular sequence of stresses (or loads) experienced by a structure or
component in service or as used in crack growth analysis.
For the application of damage tolerance concepts, a reliable prediction must
be made of the number of load cycles that will propagate a crack from a certain
starting size to the permissible size. Inspection intervals or any other fracture
control measures envisaged will be based on this prediction (chapters 11, 12).
The prediction of fatigue crack propagation rates and propagation time of a
structural crac~ requires the input of relevant crack propagation data, geometry
factors and stress history. Although often great efforts are expended in
obtaining geometry factors (to great accuracy) and material data, and much
significance is attached to the applicability of retardation models, the stress
history frequently is the stepchild in the analysis. Yet, the effects of stress history
are so significant, that slight misinterpretations may lead to errors in crack
growth life far overshadowing those in data and geometry factors.
This chapter presents a general discussion on the generation of stress histories
for use in crack growth analysis. Most load spectra can be represented by
exceedance diagrams; therefore the latter will be used as the basis for the stress
history development for structures subjected to random or semi-random
loading, but the essentials of the discussions apply just the same to load spectra
of different form and/or different formats. The representation by an exceedance
diagram has many advantages for random and semi-random loading, not in the
least because of its simplicity. Examples of exceedance diagrams will be given
for many types of structures.
In most cases the stress history used in the crack growth analysis is a
simplified version of the stress history anticipated to be experienced in service.
The simplification is necessary because (I) the actual stress cycles cannot be
(a) - time
known in advance, especially in the case of random loading, and because (2) the
stress history must be derived as an interpretation of past experience on other,
similar structures, obtained either from load/stress measurements or from
All major considerations in the development of a representative stress history,
including selection of clipping and truncation levels, will be reviewed and
examples will be given to illustrate the effects on the results of the crack growth
analysis. The use of a representative stress history is extremely important
-probably more so than any other ingredient of the analysis- in particular when
there is retardation.
Figure 6.2. Proposed stress history for nuclear power generation components (2).
(b) (c)
Figure 6.3. Loads on ship. (a) Still water; (b) Sagging; (c) Hogging.
discussed in this chapter still apply. Also the discussion on 'errors' in Chapter
12 are of relevance.
Many structures experience loads (stresses) of variable amplitude in 'random'
sequence. Actually, the load sequence most often is semi-random, and
sometimes interspersed with deterministic loads (stresses). Typical examples are
airplanes, ships, offshore structures, railroad rails etc. The load sequence on a
ship is not the same during every voyage, because storms and high seas are
encountered only occasionally. Similarly, the loads on an offshore structure
depend upon winds and waves, and are different from month to month. Such
L !Q V~ SC L
, dC L
!J.L loV"S-Lh
2- dO(
!J.L !nVUS dC L
2~ dO(
L +!J.L
n --W-; S = Area
Figure 6.5. Loads on aircraft wing. (a) Gust loads on commercial aircraft; (b) Maneuver loads on
fighter aircraft.
sequences are not truly random; high loads are clustered in certain periods
(storms). The word semi-random is used here to describe such sequences.
The loads on e.g. a crane derive from the anticipated weights of various
magnitudes lifted. Loads on a ship arise from hogging and sagging across the
waves. In still water the buoyancy forces on a ship are more or less evenly
distributed (apart from bow and stern). The resulting bending moment then
depends upon the distribution of masses such as engine, fuel and cargo (see
Figure 6.3). In waves the buoyancy forces are unevenly distributed, causing
bending of the ship, and leading to tension in the deck during hogging and
compression during sagging, and to tension in the bottom during sagging.
Loads on off-shore structures arise from winds and waves (Figure 6.4), on
automobile structures from uneven roads, on railroad rails from different wheel
loads and different car weights, as well as from impacts due to wheel flats and
gaps (bolted rails and points).
Aircraft wings and tails experience loads due to maneuvers and gusts
(turbulence), as shown in Figure 6.5. Commercial airliners are subject to some
maneuver loading, but gust loading is the most important. Fighters on the other
hand do experience gusts, but maneuver loading is the most important. In
upward wing bending the lower surface of the wing is in tension.
The variable bending due to gust and maneuvers is superposed on the steady
bending of stationary horizontal flight (I g), where the wing just carries the
weight of the aircraft.
(c) I
Figure 6.6. Landing loads on aircraft. (a) Ground loads; (b) Moment-line; (c) Stress in lower wing
skin during flight and landing.
5 12
I 4 16
o 20
-4 -------------------
-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I
Ignores small cycles not crossing mean
Peak count
6 --------------.---- Level Counts Exceedances
-3 .---.--------------
~ -------------------
-5 -----------.------- -I
-1 30
-3 -------------------
20 o
~ ------------------- 10
-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
Range-pair count
Range Count Exceedances
6 -----.-------------
50 o
40 o
10 4
Solid symbols: up range
Open symbols: down range
O/same magnitude
: 51
- - - - -i- -
--4. -
- - -
(a) (b)
Figure 6.8. Significant counts for fatigue analysis. (a) Exceedances of maxima (or ranges: not levels);
(b) Levels and maxima.
Although power spectra are useful, in particular when there are environmental
and frequency effects, exceedance diagrams are more convenient because they
lend themselves easily for the (re-) generation of stress histories. A typical
exceedance diagram is shown in Figure 6.8. The diagram shows how many times
a certain stress (or load) level is exceeded. This by itself is a 'loaded' statement.
More properly expressed, the diagram gives the number of times certain maxima
and minima (or ranges) are exceeded. For example in Figure 6.8b the level R is
exceeded twice when the load varies from Q through R to SI and S2. These
exceedances are NOT and should not be represented in the diagram, because
they would be of no use for crack growth analysis; only Q and S are of interest.
Rather, e.g. point SI in Figure 6.8a indicates that the maximum stress in A
CYCLE exceeded level SI a certain number (1000) times during the time (1000
hours) for which the diagram was established.
Thus, the exceedances must be interpreted as exceedances of peaks or
RANGES, depending upon the counting method, and not as level-crossings. A
level-crossing diagram (first case in Figure 6.7) might look very different and
would be rather useless for fatigue crack growth analysis without further
interpretation. On the other hand, level crossings may provide some informa-
(a) o;"in
Figure 6.9. Typical exceedance diagrams. (a) typical for weather induced; ships, aircraft; earth-
quakes; (b) Typical weather induced; offshore structures; (c) Typical for mechanically induced;
railroad rails; (d) Typical for mechanically induced; fighter aircraft.
tion about the time spent at or above certain load levels, which maybe of interest
if there are significant environmental (time-dependent) effects. Note that ex-
ceedances are generally presented on a logarithmic-scale, the loads (stresses) on
a linear scale.
Exceedance diagrams can be categorized roughly in two classes, namely
(almost) semi-log linear and non-linear. These types are shown in Figure 6.9.
The almost semi-log-linear diagram is typical for nature induced (e.g. weather)
loading: very similar diagrams apply to ships, offshore structures and
commercial airplanes. The diagram may be asymmetric, or symmetric around
a non-zero 'steady' load or stress. The non-linear diagram is typical for mechan-
ically induced loads. This type of diagram applies to fighter airplanes, cranes
and e.g. railroad rails. It is almost always asymmetric. For lack of a better word,
the level at which top and bottom part of the diagram meet, will be called the
'steady stress' (load). The exceedance diagram may be expressed in loads,
g-levels, wave heights, gust velocity or any measure of load. The diagram gives
the load experience for a certain time interval, number of flights or voyages,
amount of traffic (rails or bridges), number of years or hours; it is a statistical
average for that time interval. It is usually assumed that for each such time
interval the same load envelope applies, be it that the load sequence may be
different in each interval.
::f 12
0 10
Log Exceedonces
Typical exceedance diagrams for ships are shown in Figure 6.10. These are
induced by nature and are indeed nearly semi-log-linear (note that they are
symmetric, but only the top half is shown). Spectra for off-shore structures are
very similar, but often asymmetric (Figure 6.11). An aircraft gust spectrum
(nature induced) is shown in Figure 6.12 (only top half is shown; diagram is
symmetric); indeed it is almost semi-log-linear, while the man-induced fighter
1ft. I
0.1 10 100
o 2 3 4 5 6
o 0.6
"0 0.4
13 0.3
en 0.2
---I.l!.----- ____________________
(/)~ 0.1
10 100
Figure 6.13. Fighter aircraft manoeuver spectrum [9]. Courtesy Eng. Fract. Mech.
No load experience is available for a new structure. Hence, the fatigue crack
growth analysis must be based on past experience and be a projection in the
future. In some cases the loads (or stresses) in a structure are continously
monitered, so that the analysis can be updated from time to time depending
upon the actual service experience. (The United States Air Force 'tracks' many
of its aircraft for this specific purpose). The projection ofload experience in the
future introduces an uncertainty in the crack growth prediction. Nothing can be
done about this problem other than performing multiple computer runs, using
various alternative load spectra, to bound the fatigue performance for best,
worse and average scenarios.
-6 ~ ______________________ ~~~
-5 ~ ________________-.~£-I
- J I-------~~~
level 4 will be exceeded 250 times per year, and level 3 will be exceeded 80 times
per year. As a result, there will be 250-80 = 170 events in which the maximum
stress reaches a level somewhere between 3 and 4.
One can identify a stress level i that is exceeded 99 times, and a levelj that is
exceeded 98 times. Thus, there would be one stress excursion to j. Similarly in
the case of Figure 6.15, one could identify 60000 different stress levels, each of
which would occur just once per year. In general, one could define as many
stress levels as there are exceedances in the diagram. Obviously, it is impractical
to consider so many different stress levels. Not only would it be impractical, it
would also ignore the fact that the spectrum is a statistical representation of past
experience and that the analysis is a prediction of the future. Accounting for so
many stress levels would be presuming that the stresses are known to occur in
the future exactly as they did in the past, which they will not.
LIFE IhrsJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - ,
I thousands I 7 r-
Figure 6.16. Effect of levels in exceedance diagram approximation; computed number of hours for
crack growth as a function of number of levels. One level is constant amplitude.
Instead, the exceedance diagram is approximated by a limited number of
discrete levels; six such levels are shown in Figure 6.15. The stress levels do not
have to be evenly spaced, but they usually are selected that way. Alternatively,
one may select a number of exceedances and start constructing the levels from
the abscissa. This has the advantage that for a change of the load-stress
conversion factor always the same number of cycles would occur; only the stress
values would change. Experience shows that 10 to 12 levels (each for positive
and negative excursions) are usually sufficient to give the desired accuracy; the
use of more than 12 levels hardly changes the results. This can be appreciated
from the results of actual fatigue crack growth analyses for one particular
exceedance diagram, shown in Figure 6.16.
For clarity only 6 levels (6 positive and 6 negative) are shown in the example
in Figure 6.17. At each level a line is drawn that intersects the exceedance curve.
Usually the steps are completed by placing the vertical AB in such a manner that
the shaded areas above and below the exceedance curve are equal, as shown in
Figure 6.17. If the exceedance diagram is semi-log-linear, this vertical AB will
be at the logarithmic average of C and D, i.e midway between C and D on the
log scale of exceedances. Other procedures have been suggested, but these do
not lead to essentially different results, as can be inferred from Figure 6.16: if
more and more levels are selected, the approximation has less and less signifi-
cance. Besides, great sophistication (complication) is not warranted, because the
exceedance diagram of the past will not be repeated exactly in the future
anyway. Figures 6.15 and 6.17 shows how the exceedances and from these the
number occurrences of each level are obtained.
6 a
5 A 61----=---.,=
C 0
B 4~----------~~
(a) (b)
tion sequence B :"ould cause only about 1/3 of the growth of sequence A, while
even sequence C would cause less growth than A. Clearly, Band C are more
severe than A, and this should be reflected in the growth, otherwise erroneous
answers will be obtained. The solution to this problem is in the interpretation,
as shown below.
In all sequences the material is subjected to the large excursions of 815, causing
a growth of C(86)4 = 4096 C6 4 in ALL FOUR cases. In addition there is a small
reversal with a range of 26 in sequence B causing a growth of C(2bt = 16 C6 4 ,
and bringing the total to 4112 Cb 4 . Similarly, the small range of 415 in sequence
C causes an additional growth of C(4b) = 256 Cb 4 to bring the total at 4352 Cb 4 .
With this correct interpretation sequences Band C indeed produce more growth
than A. The conclusion is, that in an arbitrary sequence of peaks and valleys,
the identification of significant stress ranges requires a new interpretation. A
counting procedure such as the rainflow count will accomplish this (Figure 6.18
bottom); effectively the example above is the consequence of a rainflow count.
Should an arbitrary sequence of peaks and valleys be used in the analysis, then
the computer code must have a facility to count the stress history again. Besides,
a new problem of sequencing arises: should the large range in sequences Band
C be applied first and then the small range, or vice versa?
Positive and negative excursions following from the exceedance diagram must
be combined and sequenced. If this is done randomly, rainflow counting of the
history will again be necessary as shown in Figure 6.18 to determine what
constitutes a range. Although this is a legitimate approach, a simpler procedure
is often employed. Because the spectrum was developed from a counted history
in the first place, why would it be necessary to disarrange it again, and then
count it again, if the result was counted already a priori. Besides, the effective
result of the second counting will be that the largest positive peak will be
combined with the lowest valley. Foreseeing this, one may combine positive and
negative excursions of equal frequency of occurrence immediately. The ranges
are then easily established as shown in Figure 6.17 top, and these can now be
applied randomly because they are already pre-counted and interpreted. This
leads to the largest possible load cycles, which is conservative; the computer
code does not need a counting routine. Sea and air are continous. A down-gust
must soon be followed by an up-gust of approximately equal magnitude
otherwise air would disappear in space. Similarly, when the waves are high, a
ship is likely to experience hogging and sagging of the same magnitude in close
succession. Hence, a priori combination of positive and negative excursions of
the same frequency of occurrence is realistic; it avoids the necessity of renewed
counting and sequencing.
The content of the stress history is now known, but the sequence must still be
determined. If retardation is not an issue, sequencing of stresses is rather
irrelevant. Fatigue crack growth analysis without load interaction is virtually
insensitive to load sequence, provided the stress history is more or less random.
If the material exhibits little or no retardation, the problem of sequencing as
discussed below does not apply. The same holds, iffor reasons of conservatism,
retardation is not considered. In the latter case it should be recognized that the
ANALYSIS is indeed insensitive to the sequencing, but if load interaction
actually occurs, the analysis without retardation does not give answers that
have any bearing upon reality.
On the other hand, if load interaction is (or must be) considered, stress
sequencing becomes of eminent importance. In many computer analyses the
loads are simply applied in random order. However, because load interaction is
indeed important, a random sequence is certainly not providing correct answers
when actual service loading is semi-random. Not all voyages of a ship are of the
same severity; a ship experiences storms only occasionally, and so does an
offshore structure. A jet liner experiences many smooth flights and occasionally
a rough flight. This means that the loading is not truly random, but clusters of
high loads occur (Figure 6.19). Were these high loads randomly distributed
throughout, they would cause large retardation continually. Because of the
clustering, the retardation will be much less. The fatigue crack growth analysis
must account for these effects: a mixture of PERIODS or flights or voyages of
different severity must be applied. This is defined here as semi-random loading.
Moderate Mild I Mild I Severe I Mild Semi-severe I Mild I
!..-ccP'~rI",Od~_ _---->l--,-p~.r-"io=-=-d'iO=-::d_ _---...j~.-period .. __ -+ Perio~__ Period !II .. Period ..
-->1 I
• ..--_- -
Storm I Mild .1. High Winds .1. Mild .1
I---s_m_o_ot_h_~mO~~b"I.I_le-"n_ce_~.oI<lc~smooth. .
~! Thunderstorm .. I. Smooth
Landing ~Time
Figure 6.19. Semi-random loading in different periods (voyages, months, flights). (a) General case;
(b) ship or offshore structure; (c) Commercial aircraft.
Of course there will be fewer severe periods than mild periods, as shown in
the example in Table 6.1 and in Figure 6.19. In the computer analysis periods
of different severity are to be applied in random sequence, the cycles in each
period to be applied randomly, but different from the random sequence in
previous applications of the same period.
A semi-random sequence can be developed in many ways. A simple algorithm
is shown below. The mild and severe periods are constructed by recognizing that
the exceedance diagrams for the individual periods are of the same shape [11],
but with a different severity factor (slope), their total making up the diagram of
total exceedances. The example will be based upon an exceedance diagram for
100 periods (be it voyages, hours, months or flights) as shown in Figure 6.20,
and again only six levels are used, but the same procedure can be followed with
exceedance diagrams for fewer or more periods, and/or more levels.
The different periods are constructed as illustrated in Figure 6.20 and
Table 6.2. The total number of exceedances is 100000, so that the average
number of exceedances per period 1 000000/100 = 1000. The highest level
occurs 3 times (Table 6.2, column 8). Naturally, it will occur only in the severest
period denoted as period A. Letting this level occur once in period A: the
exceedance diagram for period A is established as shown in figure 6.20b. Note
that the total exceedances are 1000 (per period) and that level 6 must occur once
(step at level 6 must be at 1), so that the exceedance diagram of period A can
indeed be constructed as in Figure 6.20b; then all levels can be drawn as
(b) (e)
Figure 6.20. Stress history generation (see also Table 6.2). (a) Total exeeedances; (b) Exeeedanees
for period A: only top half shown; (e) Exceedances for other periods: only top half shown.
shown. Period A can occur only three times, because then the cycles of level 6
will be exhausted. The exceedances for period A are read from the exceedance
diagram of A (Figure 6.20b), and from these the occurrences (number of cycles)
are determined as in Table 6.2 columns 4 and 5. There being three periods A,
the total cycles for all A are as in column 6. These cycles are subtracted from
the total (column 3) so that the remainder for all other 97 periods is as shown
in column 7. The next most severe period is B. Its highest will be level 5 which
will occur once. This information permits construction of the exceedance
diagram for B in the same way as for A as shown in Figure 6.20c. The
exceedances and occurrences are determined as in columns 8 and 9 in Table 6.2.
As there were only 12 cycles of level 5 left after subtraction of three periods A
(column 7), there can be 12 periods B. These 12 periods will use the numbers of
cycles shown in column 10, which must be subtracted from those in column 7
Table 6.2. Generation of stress history with different periods based in Figure 6.20.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 x 5 3-6 12 x 9 6-10
Level Exceed- Occurrences Type A Occurr Occur in Remainder Type B Occur Occur in Remainder
ances exceed in A 3 types A exceed in B 12 types B
Fig.6.20a Fig.6.20b Fig. 6.20c
6 3 3 1 3
5 21 18 3 2 6 12 12
7 132 111 12 9 27 84 5 4 48 36
3 830 698 48 36 108 590 20 15 180 410
2 5750 4920 158 110 330 4590 100 80 960 3630
43650 37900 575 417 1251 36649 480 380 4560 32089
If considered necessary
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
36 x 13 11-14 15/49 16 x 49 15-17 18/12 9 + 19
Type C Occur Occur in Remainder Occur Occur in Remains Distributed New Exceed According
exceed in C 36 types C for III 49 type D in type B orD to
Fig.6.20c 49 type D type 12 type B diagram
D Fig.6.20c
1 36 4
8 7 252 158 3 147 II 16 3
52 44 1584 2046 42 2058 -12 -I 79 45 20 00
400 348 12528 19561 399 19551 10 381 444 300
15 + 36 = 51 51 + 49 = 100
Same for negative levels if applicable. Periods: 3A + 12B + 36C + 49D 100 totaL
to leave the remaining cycles in column 11. Period C is constructed in the same
manner. There can be 36 periods C and then the cycles of level 4 are exhausted.
One could go on in this manner, but since there now are only 49 periods left,
it is better to divide the remaining cycles in column 15 by 49 in order to
distribute them evenly over 49 types D. This is done in columns 15-17. There
are some cycles unaccounted for, and also a few too many cycles were used as
shown in column 18. These are cycles oflower magnitude contributing little to
crack growth, and since the diagram is only a statistical average - and the
procedure an approximate one - this little discrepancy could be left as is.
However, if one would want to be precise, they could be accounted for by a little
ch~nge in the content of period C, as shown in columns 18-20.
By means of the manipulation in column 16 the exceedance diagram of type
D is determined as shown in column 21. Were the exceedance diagram for D
determined in accordance with the above principle, it would be as shown in
Figure 6.20c and the exceedances would be as in column 22. The latter are
certainly somewhat different from those in column 21, but since they concern
only the lower stresses, the effect on crack growth analysis will be minor (note
again that the procedure is based upon statistical averages).
The above is an example only. If more than 6 levels are used, more (and
different) types of periods can be generated. However, there is no need to go to
extremes as long as a semi-random history is obtained, recognizing that periods
of different severety do occur and that the higher loads are clustered in those
periods. No matter how refined the procedure, the actual load sequence in
practice will be different anyway. No mater how many levels are used and how
many different types of periods are generated, there comes a point where the
remaining cycles must be lumped into the remaining periods. Thus the mildest
period will never be entirely representative; but since this concerns only the
lowest stresses, no great harm is done.
Clearly, the total number of cycles in the stress history as generated above is
less than the total number of exceedances of the steady level. This is
entirely acceptable, because the very smallest cycles certainly will have no effect
on crack growth, the procedure being for crack growth with retardation. The
larger the number of levels used, the more (small) cycles there will be. But as
shown in Figure 6.16 the result of the analysis will be the same (see also section
6.7 on truncation).
In accordance with the nature of the loading, there are only three severe
periods A and 12 periods B in the total of 100 in Table 6.2. The majority consists
of mild periods D (49) and C (36). Regardless of the number oflevels chosen and
the number of periods concerned, the above procedure will reflect this reality.
Naturally, other procedures can be devised, but the above is certainly a rational
one and easy to implement; besides it is based upon reality [11].
In the crack growth analysis the various periods should be applied in random
order and the cycles within each period should be applied randomly. Thus the
10 lOa E xceedon ces
3 15 8
10 100 Exceedances
Aa 1
________ 1 ____ _
4 10'
6.6. Clipping
Linear AnalysIs
Symbol Spectrurn (Flights)
0 •
Wheeler, 2.3
Fighter 270
b •
Wheeler> 2.3
Trainer 460
c •
Wheeler 1 2.3
8-1 class bomber 140
. Willenborg
C-transport 1270
" Wheeler, 2.3
'E 0.'
c 0,8
g Gust spectrum test
It data by Schljve
~ 0,6
'"c ~
:~ 0,5 0
100 1000 10,000 100,000
Flights for Crock Growth to 2 in.
in Figure 6.23. These are computational results [9] for four different spectra.
Clearly, clipping has an effect only if there is retardation; in an analysis without
retardation the differences would not be noticeable.
As discussed above, it should be expected that clipping occurs in service. The
exceedance diagram is a statistical average, and loads that are occurring only a
few times might reach to a slightly lower level only. Should this occur then crack
growth would be faster; if the analysis did not account for clipping the crack
growth in service might be much faster than predicted. It is sometimes argued
that clipping is unrealistic and that all those load levels should be included that
may be anticipated to occur in service. The latter part of the argument is crucial;
if they indeed occur, they should be included. However, whether they will occur
is questionable. The spectrum is only a conjecture or, at best, an interpretation
of measured data. Slight variations of the spectrum may be unimportant in the
lower part, but they are very significant in the upper part.
level (lxceedances occurrences
level 8 8
50 42
250 200
2000 1750
10000 8000
80000 70000
log (lxceedances
: level exceedances occurrences
1 8 8
I 2 50 42
level I 3 250 200
I 4 2000 1750
I 5 10000 8000
6 a
I 5
b. I
Ilevel exceedances occurrences
I 1 8 8
I 2 50 42
I 43 250 200
2000 1750
I 5 20000 18000
I 6 a
5r---------------~~~= I
Figure 6.24. Truncation. (a) Complete spectrum; (b) Improper truncation (omission oflower level);
(c) Proper truncation at level 5.
6.7. Truncation
It takes as much computer time (and testing time) to deal with one small cycle
as with one large cycle. Thus the small cycles at the lower end of the exceedance
diagram consume most of the time (cost) while their effect may be very small.
Therefore, it would be advantageous if their number could be reduced. This is
called truncation.
In essence the spectrum approximation by discrete levels already causes
truncation of lower stressess. Figure 6.24a shows truncation from 100000
exceedances to 80000 due to the selection of the lower level. Further truncation
could be achieved by raising the lower level to level 5. This is sometimes
understood to mean elimination of all levels 6 as shown in Figure 6.24b. In that
case 70000 cycles would be simply thrown out without any account of their
effect. This is an improper procedure.
True truncation involves reconstruction of the lower step as shown in Figure
6.24c. This is in accordance with the stepwise approximation of the idagram
which is known to be legitimate. In this way the 70000 cycles of level 6 are
replaced by an additional 10 000 cycles of level 5, and as such they are still
accounted for in a manner consistent with the entire procedure. Yet there is a
savings of 60000 cycles. The total cycles are reduced from 80000 to 20 000 and
the computation time is reduced accordingly by 75%. A proper truncation
procedure (not elimination) must be included in software.
Truncation requires judgement and it is recommended that the effect of
truncation on analysis results be evaluated by making different computer runs
to determine whether truncation is permissible (giving the same results as the full
history). The larger the number of stress levels the less the effect of truncation
on crack growth. Hence, truncation is better justifiable if the user selects e.g.
12-16 levels instead of the smallest possible number of levels. Figure 6.25 and
Table 6.3 show that proper truncation is indeed permissible (conservative),
improper truncation leading to unconservative results. (Note labels in Fig. 6.25
are reversed)
If truncation is understood to mean the elimination of small cycles. Then
concerns about the effect of truncation are legitimate, and a sensitivity analysis
should be performed. On the other hand, if done properly, true truncation is
Table 6.3. Stress levels in case of truncation (compare Figure 6.24. Results potted in Figure 6.25).
Unit of stress is ksi
Case I; no truncation; 10 levels
Exceedances Occurr. Min. str. Max. str.
cycles cycles
I I -5.000 25.000
4 3 -3.500 23.500
10 6 -2.000 22.000
25 15 -0.500 20.500
63 38 1.000 19.000
158 95 2.500 17.500
398 240 4.000 16.000
999 601 5.500 14.500
2511 1512 7.000 13.000
6309 3798 8.500 11.500
3. Ei
:3. ~~
- - - - PROPER "UNW10N,
10 LEVEeS,
2ND em
1ST CASE "BLE 6. 3
TAB,E 6.3
,~ f - . - ._. ,"PROPER ,"UNCATION, 3RO CASE TABLE 6.3 I I
2 ..: I I
/ I
u 2.e
1. tJ / /
/ /
1. 2
/ /
O. '1
/// ///
O. 4
...--'-- - -- ---- --
2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5
Ll FE (1800 FLl GHTS)
Figure 6.25. Effect of proper and improper truncation (unconservative) on piedicted crack growth.
Warning: labels for proper and improper truncation are inversed in above figure.
perfectly legitimate as can be seen from Figure 6.25. A well designed computer
code includes provisions for proper truncation, the truncation being performed
automatically upon user specification of the truncation level. The issue is then
of little importance. If the computer code understands truncation to be the
elimination of the lower levels multiple runs will always be necessary to prove
that this 'improper' truncation is justifiable. Moreover, multiple runs must then
be made in every case, because the effect of the 'improper' truncation depends
upon spectrum shape, material and geometry.
A is for 100 years
n is for 10 years (120 months)
45 C is for 1 year (52 weeks )
CLIP 40 ,,-:---...~"'I....
10 8 10 9
-10 -1
-13.34""- _ -
-16.67 ~
40.0 -16.7 I 0 0 0 0
40.0 -14.4 9 0 0 1 2 4
40.0 -12.2 36 0 I 3 4 7
40.0 -10.0 169 I 4 4 5 8
36.7 -7.8 785 7 10 13 12 20
33.3 -5.6 3642 35 40 46 38 60
30.0 -3.3 16903 164 181 204 170 268
26.7 -I.l 78455 764 830 939 780 1222
23.3 I.l 364156 3550 3840 4341 3604 5639
20.0 3.3 1690264 16480 17818 20134 16712 26141
16.7 5.6 7845510 76493 82705 93460 77572 121331
13.3 7.8 36415624 355052 383875 433780 360038 563138
clipping the spectrum at 40. Using a stress history with different periods of years
(i.e. years with different cycle content) leads to the results in Table 6.4. The
period 'year' may be too long, and it may be more realistic to construct 1200
different months, or even 5200 different weeks. This would result in stress
histories as shown in Tables 6.5 and 6.6. Obviously, the latter two stress histories
are not realistic, because too many cycles are concentrated in one period (month
or week). A much better result can be obtained by using a spectrum for 10 years
(i.e. 120 months), which is spectrum B in Figure 6.26. Note that B and A are still
the same spectrum; a factor of ten in exceedances is made up for by a ten times
smaller time interval. As can be seen from Table 6.7 a more realistic stress
history is obtained. If weeks are used as a period, a spectrum for one year (52
weeks) can be used, which is spectrum C in Figure 6.26. The resulting stress
history is shown in Table 6.8. Note that the highest stress is now 40 without
It is advisable to reduce the spectrum (or stress table) to one that covers
50-1000 periods in the above manner, in order to arrive at a realistic stress
history. All of the above may seem a little artificial, but it should be realized that
Table 6.6. Stress history for 5200 weeks
Exceedance table for 5200 weeks
Max. stress Min. stress Steady stress Exceedances
50.00 -16.67 10.00
42.00 -11.34 10.00 40
34.00 -6.00 10.00 1585
26.00 -0.67 10.00 63096
18.00 4.67 10.00 2511876
10.00 10.00 10.00 100000000
I unit of stress is 1.00 ksi
History for 5200 weeks I unit of stress = 1.00 ksi.
Max. str. Min. str. Occurr Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks
4159 832 167 41 I
40.0 -16.7 0 0 0 0 1
40.0 -14.4 9 0 0 0 0 9
40.0 -12.2 36 0 0 0 0 36
40.0 -10.0 169 0 0 0 3 45
36.7 -7.8 785 0 0 3 5 78
33.3 -5.6 3642 0 3 5 5 105
30.0 -3.3 16903 3 4 5 4 98
26.7 -1.1 78455 14 18 24 23 302
23.3 l.l 364156 68 76 84 75 1009
20.0 3.3 1690264 316 352 386 347 4466
16.7 5.6 7845510 1471 1617 1774 1597 20542
13.3 7.8 36415624 6827 7511 8231 7398 95084
prizingly, if such complicated procedures are used, the stresses often are applied
in random sequence, while they should be semi-random, and clipping is ignored.
It is very easy to perform many computer runs with different stress levels,
simple and sophisticated stress histories, etc. If the results do come out about
the same (which they do), the above point is proven. One might ask whether
tests would prove the same. Not enough test data are available to conclude that
they do. But, after all, crack growth prediction are made by analysis, and hence,
only the analysis results count. If the computer cannot distinguish the difference,
the results apply.
Next hypothesize that there would be a difference, depending upon the
sophistication of the stress history generation. Then of course, also the behavior
in service would be different. In other words: no matter how sophisticated the
stress history generation, it would have no bearing upon the service behavior,
and the effort a waste.
The above discussion shows that procedures to derive stress histories in a
complicated way are defying themselves. If they were necessary, they would be
useless by implication. If they are not necessary, they are useless from the start.
It must be concluded that only those effects count that could make a signifi-
cant difference in the calculated crack growth. Those are the effects listed above
concerning the signature of the loading and clipping. They have to be accounted
for as was demonstrated by test and analysis results. All others are secondary;
they complicate procedures without adding to their usefulness.
A final problem in the generation of the stress history is in the definition of
stress. Should one use nominal stress, local stress, or hot spot (welded
structures) stress? Should secondary stresses, residual stresses and dead stresses
be accounted for, and if yes, how? To a certain degree, this can be dealt with
through the baseline data used in the analysis. However, there is more here than
meets the eye, the main problem being that local plasticity during the highest
load cycles tends to make even the most sophisticated load-interaction models
go awry. This problem can be solved only by pragmatic engineering judgement.
So-called 'standard' spectra have been developed in Europe for general use for
a variety of structures. The word standard is to be interpreted to mean a general
norm based upon a very great number of measurements; it is not meant to be
a design standard or specification. These standard spectra were intended
primarily for use in tests, so that results of various experimental investigations
might be better comparible. There are standard spectra [12-19] for airplanes
(Falstaff and Twist), for helicopters (Helix and Felix), for offshore structures
(Wash), etc.
Stress histories for these spectra were obtained by using algorithms very
similar to those discussed in the previous sections using semi random loading
with periods of different severity. In essence, not the exceedance diagrams but
the stress histories derived in this manner are considered to be the standard. A
limitation of the standard spectra is that they essentially always perform in the
same way; this is useful for testing and data comparisons, but may be too severe
a limitation for practical use.
Using the standard stress histories in a crack growth analysis, would necess-
itate input of all stress cycles in the sequence generated, and thus require special
input facilities. Fortunately, the algorithm as discussed here (which is somewhat
simpler than the one used for the standard histories), can be rather easily
incorporated in a computer code for crack growth analysis. In that case only a
few data points describing the exceedance diagram would be needed as input,
upon which the analysis code would generate a load history, perform clipping
6.11. Exercises
I. Approximate the exceedance diagram of Figure 6.27 by 8 equally spaced
positive and 8 negative stress levels for equal exceedances as the positive
levels. Determine the number of occurrences of each level. Assuming that the
100% level represents a stress of 15 ksi, determine the stress ranges for each
level by combining positive and negative excursions of equal frequency of
Stress 1.2
300 DAYS
10 10' 106 Exceedances
_.2 4.5X10 5
[I] M.E. Mayfield et aI., Cold leg integrety evaluation, USNRC Report NUREGjCR-1319,
February 1980.
[2] International group on Crack Growth in Nuclear, Structures (lCCGR).
[3] J. Schijve, The analysis of random load-time histories with relation to fatigue tests an life
calculations, Fatigue of Aircraft Structures, p. 115, Pergamon (1963).
[4] J.B. de Jonge, The monitoring offatigue loads, ICAS congress, Rome (1970), Paper 70-3\.
[5] G.M. van Dijk, Statistical load data processing, ICAF symposium Miami (1971).
[6] D. Broek et aI., Fatigure strength of great-lakes ships, Battelle Rept to Am. Bur. Shipping
[7] Private communication.
[8] J. Schijve, Cummulative damage problems in aircraft structures and materials, The aeron. J.
74 (1970) pp. 517-532.
[9] D. Broek and S.H. Smith, Fatigue crack growth prediction under aircraft spectrum loading,
Eng. Fract. Mech. 11 (1979) pp. 122-142.
[10] D. Broek and R.C. Rice, Prediction of fatigue crack growth in railroad rails, SAMPE Nat.
Symposia, 9 (1977) pp. 392-408.
[II] N.!. Bullen, The chance of a rough flight, Royal Aircraft Est. TR 65039 (1965).
[12] G.M. van Dijk and J.B. de Jonge, Introduction to afighter aircraft loading standardfor fatigue
evaluation, FALSTAFF, NLR-Report MP 75017 (1975).
[13] J.B. de Jonge, D. Schuetz, H. Nowack, and J. Schijve, A standard load sequence for flight
simulation testing, NLR- Report TR 73029, or LBF-Report FB - 106, or RAE-Report TR
73183 (1973).
[14] J.J. Gerharz, Standardized environmental fatigue sequence for the evaluation of composite
components in conbat aircraft (ENSTAFF), Lab. fiir Betriebsfestigkeit, Fraunhofer Inst. fiir
Betriebsfestigkeit FB-179 (1987).
components in conbat aircraft (ENSTAFF), Lab. fiir Betriebsfestigkeit, Fraunhofer Inst. fiir
Betriebsfestigkeit FB-179 (1987).
[IS] G.E. Breithopf, Basic approach in the development of TURBISTAN, a loading standard for
fighter aircraft engine disks, ASTM conference Cincinati OH (1987).
[16] M. Huck and W. Schutz, A standard load sequence of Gaussian type recommended for general
application infatigue testing, Lab. fiir Betriebsfestigisellschaft IABG rept TF-570 (1976).
[17] J. Darts and W. Schutz, Helicopter fatigue life assessment, AGARD-CP-297, (1981), pp. 16.1
- 16.38.
[18] P.R. Edwards and J. Darts, Standardizedfatigue loading sequence for helicopter rotors (HELIX
and FELIX), Royal Aircraft Establishment RAE TR 84084, Part I and 2, Augutst 1984.
[19] W. Schutz Standardized stress-time histories-An overview. ASTM conference, Cincinnati OH
7.1. Scope
Material data are an essential input to all fracture and crack growth analysis;
without applicable data analysis is not possible. Misinterpretation and misuse
of data are major contributors to the acclaimed shortcomings of fracture
mechanics, because the data interpretation problem is not a trivial one,
especially where it concerns fatigue crack growth. The phrase: 'data are data,
and cannot be argued with', is commonly misapplied. The statement may be
true for the raw data, i.e. a load-COD curve, or a measured crack growth curve,
but cannot be applied to the derived data, Ke , K(C' J R , and da/dN - AK. The
latter are obtained from the raw data through an interpretation process full of
assumptions such as the data reduction procedures stipulated in the relevant
ASTM specifications [1-5]. Although these reduction procedures are probably
the best available, they are not indisputable.
This chapter is not intended to argue the shortcomings of data reduction
procedures. Rather, it is concerned with how these data are subsequently
interpreted and used in the analysis. Questions arise regarding constraint,
scatter, equation fitting, data errors and inaccuracies, retardation parameters,
mixed or changing environments, etc. These are the type of problems addressed
here, because they may affect the accuracy of the damage tolerance analysis,
more than the shortcomings of fracture mechanics.
Problems in the use of toughness data, both in terms of K and J, will be briefly
addressed first. As the toughness affects the calculated permissible crack size, ap '
inaccuracies change ap only. From the point of view of fracture control this is
often not very important as will be discussed in Chapter 11. A small change in
a" does not affect the life much, unless at' is already small - especially when
in rare cases it is below the detection limit, or where it affects arrest and leak-
before break (Chapter 9). Errors in rate data on the other hand, affect the life
directly. A factor of two difference in rates (which is not uncommon) changes
the life by a factor of two, which is significant. For this reason, the main
emphasis in this chapter is on the interpretation and use (estimation sometimes)
of fatigue rate data.
In many cases the analysis must make use of data provided in handbooks [6]
or the general literature [7], or of data in magnetic files in software libraries.
These are almost always reduced data, as opposed to raw data: they have been
manipulated. Often some interpretation has been done as well, such as
averaging or curve fitting. The user of such data should not overlook this
'triviality', and if possible, check whether reduction and interpretation was
appropriate for the application envisaged. In practically all cases a decision
must be made on how to deal with scatter, in particular for rate data. Data for
the exact condition or alloy at hand (regarding temperature, environment,
material direction, R-ratios, etc.) often are not available. They then must be
estimated on the basis of available data for similar alloys or circumstances.
These kinds of problems are addressed in this chapter as well. Recipes cannot
be given; only guidelines can be provided. In the end the user must exercise
engineering judgement, possibly honed by the following discussions.
No attempt will be made to provide any material data here as this is not a
materials handbook. Considering that the DT-handbook [6] consists of
thousands of pages, any attempt to present data here would be inadequate and
selective. Real data will be used for illustrative purposes; in some cases hypo-
thetical data will be used to better demonstrate a specific point.
80 •
-- a--.... ----.......
60 '" p-----....
50 ~~ ~ I:ls,
~ ~
~ ::::::::-... "'I---- I---
Figure 7.1. Toughness data [6] for 7075 Aluminum alloy (large center cracked panels).
same reference [6] quotes K lc ~ 30 ksiJill for the same material, obtained from
a standard test. As the alloy's yield strength is FlY ~ 80 ksi, the standard would
predict plane strain at a thickness of 2.5 (30/80)2 = 0.35 inch. Yet, the center
cracked panels of 0.35 inch thickness have a toughness much higher than
30 ksiJill. Similar discrepancies are found for other materials. Constraint in CT
specimens is higher than in some other configurations. This is convenient
because it permits the use of small CT specimens and tends to lead to conser-
vative toughness values. But clearly, if the factor 2.5 is applied to the center
cracked panel, a toughness of only 30 ksiJill would be counted on for a plate
of 0.35 inch thickness, while the actual toughness is as high as 50-60 ksiJill. For
a given crack size this would be underestimating the residual strength by almost
50%, certainly not a negligible error.
Clearly, plane strain in center cracked panels has not been reached yet at a
thickness equal to 2.5 (KdF,yt At this thickness the toughness is higher
(transitional). Plane strain occurs at a thickness of 4-5 times (KIc/Flyt Besides,
there is another reason why the center-cracked panel behaves differently, namely
the rate of change of K(a) as explained below.
Every material, except a truly brittle one, exhibits a rising R-curve (Chapter
3), as shown in Figure 7.2. This is usually not a problem in a standard test on
a CT specimen, because G(a) and K(a) rise very sharply with crack size in this
specimen (G = K2/E; Chapter 3), so that the beginning of fracture usually
coincides with the instability. The standard prohibits excessive non-linearity of
the load displacement diagram in order to exclude cases in which instability is
not immediate [8]. In a center cracked panel G(a) or K(a) increase only
moderately with a. Hence, fracture is first stable, and instability occurs at higher
values of K, especially for larger cracks (Figure 7.2). Usually, the question of
interest is how much load a structure can carry and at which stress it breaks.
This is determined by the instability, and thus the K at instability is the relevant
number, called Kc or K.ff (see also chapter 3).
Which cases warrant the use of a valid KIc? It is obvious from the above
arguments that there is no categoric answer to this question. Engineering
R __ l ___________ .s G
IN Gc (Kelt)
6a 6a
..<a} (b)
Figure 7.2. Different behavior of compact tension specimen and center cracked panel. (a) CT
specimen; (b) Center crack.
L = Long iludinal
T = Transverse
: "" S =Short transverse
L.__ _-
Spec Axis Crack
1 T L
2 T S
T 3 L T
~ --- 4 L S
5 S T
6 S L
size as well as the raw data so that the user can readily check whether collapse
or net section collapse (yield) occurred, and then make a judgement. If no panel
size is quoted the numbers are suspect.
For example if the toughness provided is 80 ksiFn for a 6-inch wide center
cracked panel of a material with FlY = 60 ksi, the number is useless. A 2-inch
crack (a = 1 inch) in such a panel would provide (ffr = 80jl.07.J1W = 42 ksi,
but failure by net section yield is at (ffc = (6 - 2)/6) x 60 = 40 ksi.
Obviously, the test panel failed at net section yield. The value of this to the user
is only that it is certain that Kc ~ 80 ksiFn and that all center cracked panels
smaller than 6-inch will fail by collapse.
Another problem arises because of the definition of toughness. The value
quoted may be the actual Kc or the effective toughness, Kcff ' which is sometimes
called K,. As explained in Section 3.12 neither of these is actually a material
property; both depend upon crack size and configuration, because they are
derived for fracture instability. In principle, the actual K, is not a very useful
number: if the amount of stable fracture is unknown, the 'crack' size itself is
unknown; the residual strength cannot be calculated. Conversely the calculated
'critical' crack size is always too large (Chapter 3). If some information on the
amount of stable fracture is available Keff can be estimated from Kc. Without
such information, a safe assumption is that Keff = 0.9-0.8 Kc. The use of Keff is
not without problems either, but it is the most rational solution short of using
the R-curve. The criteria for panel size apply.
Using the R-curve and an instability analysis may seem to solve the difficulties
with K cff , but in practice it does not. First of all, R-curve data are scarce. More
important, accurate measurement of R-curves are difficult. As a consequence,
the inaccuracy of the data usually negates the advantages of the more refined
procedure. Furthermore, collapse considerations apply to R-curves as well.
Like the plane strain toughness, K, and Keff depend upon temperature. Direc-
tional dependence is usually small (TL versus LT), because plane stress and
transitional toughness always apply to through-the-thickness cracks and these
do seldom, if ever, occur in ST direction. The problem of estimating the
toughness where no data are available, is discussed in Section 7.5.
then can be performed only if the J R curve is extrapolated. In view of the fact
that the analysis is very forgiving, such extrapolations can be made rather easily
without sacrificing much accuracy. Nevertheless, this is an unfortunate
situation which should be corrected through a thorough revision of the
standard test procedure with regard to specimen size requirements.
should provide a safe (conservative) estimate, but only if F ,yy > F ,yx , This
should not be used if F',yy < F',yx. In that case it would be safer to use the same
toughness as for X. For dissimilar alloys such estimates should not be attempted
at all.
Estimating the effect of temperature is more dangerous because temperature
affects the yield strength. One may try:
Toughness (Xn) F,y YT1
Toughness (Yn ) = T h (X) x F YT x Toughness (Yn )
oug ness n Iy 2
strength alloys. But even for those materials estimates are often necessary;
because of the enormous number of parameters not all cases are covered. The
situation is worse for the most widely used materials: common structural steels.
On the other hand for those materials one often knows some Charpy data. The
lower shelf Charpy-value is essentially a fracture energy and can thus be
expected to correlate with K!c. The Charpy test measures the total fracture
energy of the specimen, which is essentially the integral of R(a) over the
ligament. If the R-curve would be horizontal the value of this integral divided
by the ligament would indeed be Rand K = JER.
For the low toughness at the
lower shelf the R-curve will be nearly horizontal, so that a correlation between
K 1c and Charpy energy is indeed likely. However, there are some essential
differences between a Charpy test and a toughness test. The most important of
these are the difference in loading rate (affecting the yield strength) and the
difference in notch acuity (affecting the state of stress at the notch root, and as
such the stress at yield).
From empirical comparisons [10, 11, 12], it appears that
K/( 12 jCv for K in ksi Fn and Cv in ftIbs;
K/( 11.4 jCv for K in MPa rm and Cv in Joules.
A conservative lower bound [11] is claimed to be:
K 22.5 (Cv) 0.17 for ksi Fn and ftlbs;
K }1.6 (Cv) 0.17 for MPa rm and Joules.
Toughness values so obtained would be for the same high loading rates (impact)
as prevalent in the Charpy test.
The toughness for slower loading rates may be obtained from the same
equations, while accounting for a transition temperature shift given by:
AT 215 - 1.5 Fly for OF and ksi and 36 < FI , < 140 ksi;
AT 0 if FlY> 140 ksi;
AT 119 - 0.12 FlY for °C and MPa and 250 < FlY < 965 MPa;
AT 0 if FI\ > 965 MPa.
Note that the slower loading will cause the transition temperature to be lower
(lower F;J, so that the estimated toughness values will be useful - if the loading
rate is low - even at these lower temperatures T - AT. Other empirical correla-
tions have been derived [12].
If for example the Charpy value is 20 ftlbs, the yield strength F;, = 60 ksi at
a temperature of 65F, the toughness for high loading rates would be estimated
as Klc = 12,j20 = 54 ksiFn. This would be a safe value to use, because the
toughness would be higher for slower loading. One could probably use this
toughness value for temperature as 65 - (215 - 1.5 x 60) = - 60F (see
above equations for AT).
Empirical correlations to estimate the toughness at the upper shelf from
Charpy data have been developed as well [10]. The generality of these is less
certain, because the upper shelf Charpy energy is not directly related to
toughness. If the R-curve rises steeply - which it does at the upper shelf - the
integral of R(a) over the ligament is not universally relatable to R. Besides, much
of the Charpy energy on the upper shelf is energy used for general specimen
deformation rather than for fracture: in the extreme case Charpy specimens do
not fracture at all, but are simply folded double, so that only deformation
energy is measured. Nevertheless, in some cases the empirical correlations may
be the only way to arrive at an estimate.
Toughness estimates can also be based upon the results of COD tests. Cor-
relations between CTOD and toughness were discussed in Chapter 4.
Estimating K", or the effect of thickness is usually somewhat easier. Assuming
that true plane stress occurs when the thickness is equal to the plastic zone, plane
stress will develop during loading when B = (Klc /F;y)2/2n. Note that Klc is used
in this equation, because at very low stress (low K) there will be plane strain, but
plane stress must have developed when K = KIn otherwise K cannot be
increased to the full plane stress toughness Kc. Further assume that plane strain
is reached at a thickness of B = 2.5 (KIc!F;yf These two points can be identified
in the diagram of toughness versus thickness as shown in Figure 7.4. A straight
line approximation between the full plane stress and full plane strain value is
usually a conservative one (compare Figure 7.1). The straight line can then be
used as the basis for the estimate, provided the plane strain toughness and the
Figure 7.4. Conservative estimate of transitional toughness on the basis of two data points
(compare with Figure 7.1.).
toughness for at least one other thickness are known. If only Klc is known, one
may estimate that for full plane stress is between 2 and 2.5 times Klc (Kc is
another 10-20% higher), and then follow the above procedure. (For examples
see solutions to Exercises.)
Actual and reliable data are preferable above estimates. In the lack of
handbook data a test on a specimen of sufficient size is always preferable.
However, most engineers, unlike researchers, do not have easy access to a
laboratory; even if they do, economic conditions and/or pressures for immediate
answers often preclude obtaining data for each and every alloy, condition, heat
treatment, temperature, material direction and thickness. Thus, estimates are
often necessary. Used judiciously, the above procedures should provide conser-
vative answers.
Usually da/dN data obtained from handbooks or the literature need further
interpretation and so, naturally, do test data. A typical data set as might appear
in a handbook [6] is shown in Figure 7.5. The set shown is rather complete as
it covers several R-ratios. Not always are such complete sets available; in general
R = 0 is covered (or R = 0.05 or 0.1), but often this is the only R-value for
which data are available.
There may be a question about the effect of negative R. Some schools hold
that negative stresses hardly affect crack growth, while others maintain that data
clearly demonstrate a substantial effect. Both schools are essentially right, the
dichotomy being a matter of interpretation.
Consider Figure 7.6. A small negative stress may still have some effect until
the crack is fully closed. However, after complete closure there is no longer a
stress concentration: the compressive stress can be carried through and does not
have to by-pass the crack. In tension the crack forms a load-path interruption
which must be bypassed and which causes the high crack tip stresses, crack
growth and fracture in the first place. In compression the crack faces carry
through the load, as a loose pile of bricks can carry compressive loads. Thus
indeed the compressive part of the cycle has no effect (low elastic crack tip
stresses, as opposed to a very high stress concentration and yielding in tension),
and e.g. crack growth curves obtained for R = 0 and R = - 1 with the
loading as in Figure 7.7a, would be almost identical as shown in Figure 7.7b. But
the da/dN data can be represented in two ways.
By accounting for the above argument the negative part of the cycle could be
ignored and the stress ratio be defined as R = 0, with J1(J = J1(J] and
J1K] = /3J1(J1Fa. The da/dN data will then be as shown in Figure 7.7c (school
1), and there will no apparent effect of negative R. On the other hand, in a
'formal' interpretation, R = - 1, the stress range J1(J = J1(J" and J1K1 = /3J1(J1
.~ IcY
g 10· • ~
u... Icr6
10- 8
I 10 10C
Stress Intensity Factor Range, ilK, ksi-in~/2
Figure 7.5. Example of rate data in MCIC Handbook [6); Courtesy MCIC.
J1W would be employed. Since the rates are obviously the same ones as in the
previous case (same data as in Figure 7.7b) the same rate data are plotted at
twice as large a 11K, namely I1Kt = 211Kj , as in Figure 7.7c (school 2). Now
there is a considerable effect of negative R; nevertheless the crack growth curves
are identical; both rate diagrams in Figure 7.7c are based on the same data of
Figure 7.7b.
Both interpretations are tenable as long as each is interpreted in the same
manner in a crack growth analysis. In a loading case such as in Figure 7.7d
school 1 must take R = 0,110'3 and I1K3 = [3110'3 and use data set 1 to find J1W,
da/dN, but school 2 must take the larger 110'4 and I1K4 = [3110'4 with J1W
negative R, to find da/dN from data set 2. (Note that both will find the same
da/dN as they should). Consistent interpretation and usage will prevent errors.
-t--: -
(a) (b)
Figure 7.6. Crack Tip Stresses in Tension and Compression. (a) Tension; (b) Compression.
R =0 R =-1
school 1
da/dN set 1 da/cfN
da/dN l _I_- _ _ ~a~N3
I tI da/dNl
11K IIK3 11K IIK t 11K, IIK t
R=O R=-1 IIKIII R=Q R=-l
(e) (d)
Figure 7.7. Effect of Negative R. (a) Loading, (b) Test data (hypothetical); (c) Rate plots for two
schools; (d) Use of data in analysis.
One should be aware however, of the 'school' built into computer software.
Some programs use the school 1 interpretation, others use school 2, some
provide the option for either one.
Fatigue crack growth properties depend upon direction T-L, L- T etc. (Figure
7.3). In particular in the case of surface flaws one must be cautious in the
selection of the appropriate data set, especially in forgings where due to the
different grain flow the identification of L, T and S direction is not always trivial.
Figure 7.8 shows a part produced by two different methods. Machining to
provide for the seat of the bolt head will expose grain endings in different ways.
The crack will select the weakest path along the long exposed grain boundaries
and tend to grow in the ST (or SL) direction, so that ST-data should be used
for the analysis. The analyst must be cognizant of the production procedure and
use the appropriate data. A crack assumed in the wrong direction (i.e. reversing
the directions in the forged and machined-out-of-plate parts), results in
erroneous predictions, because ST toughness values and rates are usually much
lower than those for LT or TL (cross grain growth).
It is crucial that the proper crack direction and data set are selected for
fracture and crack growth predictions. The analyst must be aware of how the
part is made in order to identify crack location and direction of growth.
Arbitrarily choosing the crack in the same direction in all cases (and using the
wrong data) will lead to predictions with no bearing upon practice. 'The
computer says so', is no excuse; neither the computer code nor fracture
mechanics can be blamed if wrong assumptions are made.
When the environment to be considered is different from air, the rates may
Figure 7.8. Effect of Production Procedure on Crack direction. (a) Rolled plate; (b) Forging; (c)
Oversize Forging.
be substantially different and also the effect of R-ratio. A typical data set for a
pipeline steel in seawater [13] is shown in Figure 7.9. It needs no emphasis that
the data used, must be for the proper environment. The damage tolerance
requirements may prescribe a data set for environmental effects (ASME). But
in general, an estimate must be made for the 'average' environmental effect as
will be discussed later.
20 40 6080 100
10-4 a>
10-5 o 10 Hz
I>. 1 Hz
0 0.1 Hz
v 0.01 Hz 10-7
4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 7.9. Effect of Sea Water on Crack Growth in Pipe Steel [13] (Courtesy ASME).
The problem of how to deal with scatter per se will be discussed in Section 7.8.
This section concerns the first step of the interpretation.
In some cases a growth rate equation may be desirable; in particular if the
data appear to fall on straight lines, the Paris or Walker equations may be
convenient. Most computer programs have options for the use of a number of
equations (Walker, Forman and some threshold equation are the most
common), but accept tabular data as well. The latter eliminates the need for
force-fitted (sometimes poorly-fitted) equations. Whatever the shape of the rate
curves, they can be represented in tabular form. This is especially convenient if
the data can be read from a permanent magnetic data file that can be called by
the program. However, the program does not interpret the data, so that one
cannot submit the data points as they appear in the da/dN - ilK data plot.
First lines must be drawn through the data for different R and points of these
lines must appear in the table, be it that this line may have any form without
being fixed by an equation.
Whether equations or tabular data are used, interpretations must be made.
All equations derive from 'curve' fitting and have no physical basis. None of
them is fundamentally better than any other; none is more universally useful
than any other. The most appropriate equation is the one giving the best fit for
the case at hand, which in turn depends upon the material, environment etc.
Also for the use of tabular data, the best fitting line must be drawn through the
Commonly, equations are obtained by using e.g. a least squares fit of the da/
dN - ilK data. This is all that can be done if the original raw test data (a versus
N) are not available; the original crack growth data usually are not reported in
the handbooks or the literature. The best fit through the da/dN - ilK data
must then be used, although this 'best' fit may not give the best predictions as
shown below.
A measured crack growth curve is shown in Figure 7. lOa, the da/dN data in
Figure 7.10b. In this particular case a straight line is appropriate (Paris
equation). A least-squares fit of these data provides Cp = 6.496E-ll, and
mp = 3.43. When these parameters are used in a crack growth analysis routine
to re-predict the original crack growth curve, the result is as shown in Figure
7.l0a, which is certainly not the best fit to the actual crack growth curve. In this
case the curvature of the predicted curve seems appropriate (which means that
the value of mp is correct), but there is a more-or-less proportional error, which
can be corrected by adjusting Cpo The predicted life is too long as compared to
the test life by a factor of 1 937483/1871080 = 1.035. Multiplication of Cp by
this factor to obtain a new Cp = 1.035 x 6.496E-ll = 6.72E-ll, will result in
a better prediction as shown in Figure 7.lOa.
Apparently the regression fit of the da/dN data is not necessarily the best fit
for analysis. The reason for this is that in all curve fitting procedures every data
0.2 O. 4 O. 6 O. 8 1. 0 1. 2 1. 4 1. 6 1. 8
~ -4.3 f
:z r
-4. 6 .
-Ui ./
-5. 2:-
I"" ,;/
CJ ft'/
2S I *
-5. 5 ~ //
1 /4/'
-6. j r . ~<fr'+ "'t- test
I ~
-5.41.- .. ~ - - linear regression
I *./
-6. 7~!
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
Figure 7.10. Finding the best representation of rate data. Material: A-533 Bat 550 F; R = 0.1. (a)
Test Data and Predicted curves (see text); (b) Regression Fit of Rate data.
point gets equal weight. But the points for high da/dN affect only a small portion
of the life, while those for low da/dN are of much more influence on the life (they
are the relevant data during most of the life); the latter should weigh more in the
curve fitting.
In the above examples, the curvature of the predicted curves was appropriate,
and only Cp needed adjustment. If the curvature is found to be incorrect, mp
must be adjusted first by trial and error, as shown in Figure 7.11. This usually
causes wild gyrations in the predicted curve, but these can be ignored. The
objective is to arrive at a line with the proper curvature, which will have the
proper mp. Once this mp-value is found (TRY 2), the curve can be adjusted by
adjusting Cp in the manner discussed above (Figure 7.11).
Clearly, fitting an equation is not trivial; it requires judgement, and re-predic-
tion of the original data using a predictive computer code. If the original crack
growth curve is not available, there is no other option than to fit the da/dN data
as well as possible. This can be done by regression, but this is not necessarily the
best; regression analysis may be a refinement and not necessarily an improve-
ment over a hand-drawn best fit line. With the latter the parameters for some
equations can be derived very easily by hand.
The Paris equation for example is a straight line on a log scale, with the equation
y = mpx + b, where y = 10g(da/dN), x = 10g(L1K), and b = log Cpo By
taking two points (as far apart as possible) on the hand-drawn fit, the values of
da/dN and L1K can be substituted in the equation. This provides 2 equations
with two unknowns (Cp and m p ), which can be solved to obtain the values of the
parameters. An example was given in Chapter 5.
If data are available for more than one R-ratio (Figure 7.12), the Walker
equation can be derived in an equally simple manner. All data sets are fitted with
UJ 2.4
"" 2.2
5 2.0
o. 5 I. 0 I. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0 3. 5 4. 0 4. 5
Figure 7.11. Adjustment of data for best predictions. Try 1 provides best m; adjustment of C as in
Figure 7.10 (see text) Material: A-533 Bat 550 F; R = 0.7.
parallel straight lines (same m). For each line m and CR are determined as for
the Paris equation, CR being the value of C for each particular R-ratio and C w
is the value of CR for R = O. The Walker equation reads:
dN (7.1)
so that:
dN = Cw tJ.K'w K.;.x· (7.3)
10- LOWEST R-RATIIl" 0.0
u UP TO 0.5
Figure 7.12. Rate data used for examples of equation fits (see text) Ti-alloy (see Tables 7.1 and 7.2).
Table 7.1. Derivation of Walker equation for data of Figure 7.12
Paris equation for R = 0, using !J.K = 2 ksi Jin and 20 ksi Jin.
Log dN = m log !J.K + log C
log (1 - R) versus log C R plotted in Figure 7.13. From Figure 7.13 and Equation (7.1):
Equation 7.3: dN 6.3 £-10 !J.K 134 ~~~.
log C R
Figure 7.13. Fit of Walker equation for data of Figure 7.12 (see Table 7.1).
then be used in the form Equation (7.1), or in the alternative form of Equation
(7.3) with mw = m R - n w.SomecomputercodesuseEquation(7.1),othersuse
Equation (7.3), so that the required input may be different (either C w , m R , nw
or C w , m w, nw).
Also the parameters of the Forman equation can be obtained in a simple
manner. The Forman equation is:
0 0
'"0 0.1
~ •.
10- 4 0.3
I 10- 5
10- 6
10- 7
10 20 100
Figure 7.14. Derivation of Forman equation for data set of Figure 7.12 (see Table 7.2).
then the Forman equation is not a good fit at all. Similarly, if log (CR ) versus
log (1 - R) data do not fall on a straight line, the Walker equation is not a good
fit. In that case a more complicated curve fit could be used, but curve fitting is
appealing only if the equation is a simple one. Ifnot, it is much more convenient
to use tabular data inputs instead of an equation. A computer works just as
easily with a data table (11K, da/dN for various R) as with an equation.
This section would not be complete without a warning with regard to
conversion of equation parameters to other equations or to other unit systems.
It appears that Cpo m p. C F • m F • are NOT transferable, nor are Cwo mw. nw. A
little exercise deriving all parameters for all equations from the same data set
(regardless of fit) will easily demonstrate the difference. For example, Tables 7.1
and 7.2 show the Walker and Forman equations for the same data sets. Note
that C F f= C w , and mw f= m F •
Unit conversions can be made, but they are treacherous. Fortunately the n
and m values do not change for different unit systems, because exponents are
dimensionless by nature. But C does change, because C is not dimensionless.
For example, in a Paris equation with 11K in ksi.Jln and da/dN in in/c, the
units for Cp follow from (note that 'cycle' is dimensionless):
Table 7.2. Derivation of Forman equation from data set of Figure 7.12
Assumption: Kc = 100 ksi ~ (other values may be assumed to obtain better fit).
R da/dN from Figure 7.12 K, = 100 ksi ~
(in/c) da
{(I - R) K, - ~K} dN
2 points:
log (5.24 £-7) mF log 2 + log C F } -6.28 0.301 m F + log CF
log (4.07 £-4) m F log 20 + log CF -3.39 1.301 m F + log CF
2.89 mF
CF = 7.08 £-8
. da ~K2.89
EquatIon (7.4): - = 7.08 £-8 ------::---,--
dN (1 - R) x 100 - ~K
This strange unit comes about by the curve fit, and because Cp therefore has no
physical significance. Conversion of the units to psiyin and in/c would require
a conversion factor of:
l in __ in -
( - I )mp In (7.7)
(ksi yintp (1000 psi yin)mp - 1000 (psi yint p
i.e. the conversion depends upon m p , and Cp should be multiplied by (lOOO)-mp
for use of the same equation with psi yin. If Cp = lE-9 and mp = 3.2 for ksi
yin, its value becomes lE-9/(l000) 3.2 = 2.5E-19 for psiyin.
Conversion to ilK in MPa Jffl da/dN in m/c would require a conversion factor
_0. S
E -".0
u -4. 5
"0 -5.0
:3 * *
-' -6. 0
O. 2 O. 4 O. 6 O. 8 I. 0 I. 2 I. 4 I. 6 I. 8
Figure 7.15. Data for A-533 B steel for various R-ratios plotted to fit Forman equation. Data do
not consolidate to one line and do not fit equation.
I in = 0.0254 m = 0.0254 m
(ksi Jffitp (6.86 MPa ..j0.0254 mtP (1.09t (MPa Jffitp '
In the above example the conversion to MPa Jiii and m/cycle, Cp would become
IE-9 x 0.0254/(1.09)32 = 1.93E-I1.
Conversions of equations other than the Paris equation are even more tricky.
They can be made, but usually it is easier to convert the da/dN and 11K data fIrSt
and then derive the new equation parameters from the converted data set. It is
advisable to make it a common practice to specify the unit system used when
quoting equation parameters, a practice not often followed in toe literature.
Equation parameters without specification of the unit system are useless; the
effects of the unit system are such that indiscriminate use of the parameters will
be disastrous.
In the use of computer software some caution is needed when working with
MPa Jiii for 11K. In that case the crack size, a, must be given in meters (instead
of the more customary mm). Since I MPa = IN/mm2, it is more rational to use
the unit MPa ..jmm, as some codes do. This may require unit conversion for the
coefficients in the rate equations or even for the 11K values in tabular input.
Although these seem trivial matters, little slips can lead to such large errors in
predictions that the problem is worth mentioning.
It may be obvious from this section that indeed the fitting of rate data is not
trivial. As was shown in Table 7.1 and Figure 7.13, the Walker equation is a
good fit to the data set in Figure 7.12. Yet, the resulting Cw-values are off by a
factor of l.ll on the average (Table 7.1). Thus, all rates will be II % higher, and
therefore predicted lives will be II % too low (conservative). Naturally, this is
largely due to the difficulty of reading data from a log-log-plot. However, it is
not really the reading of data that counts; after all rate data vary as strongly as
they do and direct use of data would not improve the situation. The reader is
challenged to derive more accurate equation parameters (Exercise II). It should
be noted that these inaccuracies are not due to shortcomings of fracture
mechanics; they are caused by material behavior. The latter is the 'real world';
it is 'the way it is', theory or not. No better 'theory' would improve the situation
(see also Chapter 12 on accuracy).
As may be clear from the examples, the Forman equation often will be a poor
fit (Figure 7.15). This is because the equation implicity accounts for the effect
of R, which is usually more complicated as can be seen from Table 7.1.
Any equation fitting leads to errors, even if it may seem (on a log-scale) that
the fit is very good. On the other hand, the use of tabular data may not be much
better, because the reading of data from a log-plot is full of error also. It should
be realized however, that this is not due to the log-plot, but due to the material
behaving in the manner shown. No theory or equation can accurately account
for material behavior if it depends as strongly as shown upon 11K. Any small
error in 11K will cause large errors in dajdN.
Despite regular practice a regression fit is seldom the appropriate fit of rate data,
as was explained in the previous section. Similarily, use of statistical procedures
to account for the scatter are seldom in accord with physical reality. Most
statistical procedures ignore the physics and mechanics of the problem.
Commonly e.g. the 90% confidence curves are determined by using the
individual dajdN data points as the statistical population sample. However,
applying correct mathematics does not lend credence to the physical result.
First consider the nature of the scatter. The three main sources of scatter are:
(a) Consistent difference between heats A and B of the same alloy.
(b) Local differences due to inhomogeneities and 'weak spots'.
(c) Errors in measurement.
Essentially, only the first source of scatter is relevant; the other two have little
bearing on the problem. The three sources of scatter will be considered indepen-
dently as if the others were absent. Consistent differences between various heats
or batches of materials, and to a certain degree differences from location to
location in one batch or plate, will be reflected in a more-or-Iess consistent
difference in crack growth curves. As a consequence, the rate also will be
consistently different as shown in Figure 7.16. This is true material scatter and
it must be accounted for in an analysis because it is not known what the exact
properties are of the batch used in the structure.
Next consider the scatter due to inhomogeneities and 'weak spots'. These may
occur anywhere in the material, but only locally. At some locations the crack will
accelerate, but soon afterward it resumes normal behavior. Another crack (in a
different specimen) will encounter such 'weak' spots at other locations and will
speed up locally (at different stages in life than the first one), and then resume
normal growth; similarly, it slows down sometimes locally. On the whole, the
two crack growth curves will be essentially identical as shown in Figure 7.17a.
Also the rate data will be identical, except that each test provides a few outlying
data points due to local higher or lower rates as indicated in Figure 7.17b. The
outlying data points occur at different locations in the two tests. If instead of
two, many tests are performed on specimens from the same plate, more and
more outlying data points appear and the scatter seems to become well estab-
lished (Figure 7.l7c).
Taking the upper (or 90%) and lower bound of this scatter (Figure 7.17c), and
reconstructing crack growth curves on this basis, results in Figure 7.17d.
Clearly, the upper and lower bound data lead to unrealistic results, as all
measured crack growth curves are essentially identical. This is caused by the
implicit assumption that it is possible that in some cases all crack growth could
be through a continuous string of weak spots (note that this scatter is caused by
local weak spots). This is an unt~nable assumption. Weak spots are local; in
each case only a few will be encountered; the entire bulk will not be one great
weak spot. Hence, the average curve is the relevant one; the 'scatter' is apparent
only and not real.
The third type of scatter is due to measurement errors, shown in Figure 7.18.
Actual crack growth measurements, sometimes even show the crack to become
smaller. This indicates that the measurement interval is too small: it is erroneous
to believe that more measurements are always better. If the crack appears to
become smaller the data point is useless (negative da/dN). Even if the crack
'appears' not to grow the data point is useless: zero cannot be plotted on a
logarithmic scale. The above shows that wild gyrations can occur if measure-
ments are made too close and scatter can actually get worse because too many
data are taken, each of them having an error.
The main reason for the problem is the differentiation (obtaining - da), an
inherently inaccurate procedure. It tends to exaggerate measurement inac-
curacies. For example consider a case with a measurement accuracy of
0.005 inch, which is about as good an accuracy as can be attained by any
Aberation B
in test 2
_ Aberation A
in test 1
(a) (b)
da/dN r 90~
j - :/ /90~
/. :
; .. "/'
"I. ••• '';
' .../
/. ' / '
/.' ··i
Figure 7.17. Scatter due to local inhomogenieties. (a) Measured data for two tests; (b) Rate data for
two tests; (c) Multiple tests; (d) Predictions.
crack growth
a curve
• A~tual average
o Measurements -Data
N 11K
(a) (b)
y/ / test data
da/dN ;--90%
I .I
j - :/
/ • • • of /
;" : /
i .' ."/'
"I. ••• ''/
' . . ·1
I ' '/'
I.' .. i
ilK N
(e) (d)
Figure 7.18. Scatter due to measurement errors. (a) Measured data for one test; (b) Rate data for
one test; (c) Multiple tests; (d) Predictions.
measurement of crack size. If a = 0.5 inch nominally, its value is between 0.495
and 0.505 inch; the possible error is only one percent. Let the next measurement
be 0.52inch, indicating a crack size between 0.515 and 0.525, again with an
accuracy of one percent. The value of A.a is then between 0.525-0.495 = 0.030
and 0.515-0.505 = 0.010, with an expected value of 0.52-0.50 = 0.020. Hence,
the error in rate will be as large as 50% (0.020 ± 0.010). This problem is not
unique for crack growth; it always occurs where (numerical) differentiation is
To counteract this problem, the ASTM procedure recommends to take a
moving average for the rate determination. Yet the differentiation will still
exaggarate measurement inaccuracies, which will appear as 'scatter' in the rate
diagram. If a sufficient number of such data is accumulated the scatterband
becomes impressive, even if the. other sources of scatter were completely absent.
The resulting problem is the same as was discussed on the basis of Figure 7.17.
Upper and lower bound would give crack growth curves bearing no relation
to the tests (Figure 7.18d), since all tests essentially showed the same crack
growth curves. Using the errors of all measurements and assuming they all
worked in one direction, ignores the mechanics and physics of what causes
All retardation models contain 'unknown' parameters; if they do not, too many
assumptions were made, e.g. about the accuracy of the plastic zone size and
constraint equations, the yield strength (arbitrarily defined), the strain
Table 7.3. Pragmatic estimate of da/dN for changing environment for the case of equal mp for all
mp = 3 (Paris)
Cp = I £-8 (salt air)
Cp = 3 £-9 (air at RT)
Cp = 5 £-10 (cold air)
All data fictitious.
Experience Environment Weighted Cp
% time
hardening etc. Models without any unknown parameters can hardly be expected
to have general applicability other than by happenstance. Any model that does
contain such parameters can be made to work because the parameters can be
obtained (adjusted) empirically. (Chapter 5). '
From an engineering point of view there is no objection against empirical
adjustment, provided the result is reasonably general. Objections against
empericism are somewhat exaggerated.
ALL material properties used in engineering are obtained from tests. Crack
growth data (dajdN) must be obtained from tests as well. Then it is hardly
objectionable to use empirical retardation parameters. The only objection can
be that retardation models are primitive and may not reflect the actual physics
of retardation, so that the empirical parameter may not be applicable for general
For the latter reason a model with one and only one (adjustable) parameter
is the most attractive. Without any such parameters, the model can hardly be
expected to be general; with too many parameters, it will always be possible to
fit a specific case, but the generality becomes more dubious.
Regardless of the number of parameters, an experimental determination of
their values is necessary. This is called calibration. For any such calibration at
least one test is needed for the type of variable amplitude loading relevant to the
structure. It must contain the signature of that loading as discussed in Chapter
6. The test can be done on a simple specimen (P is not important as it is not the
p-analysis that is at issue, but the retardation model). CT specimens should not
be employed for this purpose unless the stress history contains no compressive
stresses at all. In the case of compressive loading, the stress distribution (load
path) in a CT specimen bears no resemblance to that around structural cracks
in compression. (The specimen can be used in tension because of the uniqueness
of the near crack tip stress field.) Although one test is necessary, results of
several tests are preferable for a reliable calibration.
Performing the calibration is a simple matter, especially if there is only one
parameter in the model. Predictive crack growth analysis is performed, using the
proper loading spectrum with the appropriate dajdN data, and assumed
parameters for the retardation model. The analysis is repeated several times with
different parameter value(s), and the results compared with the test data. The
parameter value giving the best reproduction of the test data is the sought value.
An example for an aircraft spectrum loading case using the Wheeler retar-
dation model was shown in Figure 5.18. Note that the case with a Wheeler
exponent, Y = 0, represents the case without retardation, called the linear case.
The results in Figure 5,18 show that y = 1.4 gives the best representation of the
The generality of this calibration must now be brought to trial. In practice it
must be assumed to be rather general, but in a research project generality can be
ignored as well. Should one elect to use counting in the calibration analysis the
parameters may be found to have different values if there happens to be an effect
of counting at all (Chapter 6). Then of course, one must use counting in
subsequent analysis as well.
A problem often not recognized is that the calibration is also specific to the
computer code used. Some computer codes account for changes in state of
stress, others do not. Some use different equations for the plastic zone size than
others. Consequently, the calibration parameters obtained with different
computer codes will be different as well; they depend upon the equations used.
Every retardation model must be calibrated with the same computer code
as used for analysis. Transfer of calibration parameters from one code to
another is not permitted, unless the codes use exactly the same equations for
plastic zone, state of stress, etc., and use the same definitions of F,y- This may
seem cumbersome and unscientific, but the reason is that the above equations
and definitions are arbitrary. If one specific computer code is used however, for
calibration as well as for predictions, this is only a one-time problem. The
transfer of calibration factors may be another reason for acclaimed inaccuracy
of some models.
Despite the arguments in this section, objections may still be raised against
retardation handling and calibration. Unfortunately then there is no other
alternative than using linear analysis, which is not very accurate either. In the
extreme one might forego all analysis; this would provide no information at all.
Waiting for the perfect retardation model is no way out. Even the perfect model
must work with interpreted estimates of future stress histories. In that
respect, they are hardly different from weather predictions; the reader be the
judge of the latter's accuracy. Again, the resulting inaccuracies are not due to
fracture mechanics, but due to assumptions made for input.
7.11. Exercises
1. Estimate Kc for a material with Fty = 80 ksi and B = 0.3 inch, if the quoted
plane strain toughness is K/c = 40 ksi fo, and the plane stress toughness
90ksi fo.
2. A center cracked panel test shows a Kc = 75 ksi fo. The panel was 16 inch
wide, and the fatigue crack size was eight inches. Estimate KelT' if there was
a stable fracture causing Aa = 0.3 inch, and F,y = 80 ksi.
3. Supposing F ty = 35 ksi for the material in Exercise 3, estimate Kc.
4. If the Charpy energy is 16 ft/lbs at room temperature and the yield strength
Ftv = 70 ksi, estimate the toughness. For which temperature can this
toughness still be used if the loading rate is low?
II. Using the data of Table 7.3 obtain the best constant for an equation
governing five percent usage in salt air, 25% in room temperature air,
remainder in cold air.
[I] Standard test method for plane-strain fracture toughness of metallic materials ASTM standard
[2] A standard method for the determination of J, a measure of fracture toughness, ASTM
standard E-813.
[3] Methods for crack opening displacement (COD) testing, British Standards Institution BS.5762.
[4] Standard recommended practice for R-curve determination ASTM standard C-561.
[5] Tentative test method for constant-load-amplitude fatigue crack growth rates above 10- 8
m/cycle ASTM standard E-647.
[6] Anon., Damage tolerant design handbook. Mat & Ceramics Info Center, (Columbus) MCIC
HB-OJ; yearly updates.
[7] J.E. Campbell et al. (ed.), Application offracture mechanicsfor selection of metallic structural
materials, Am. Soc. Metals (1982).
[8] D. Broek, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, 4th Ed, Nijhoff (1986).
[9] M.F. Kannenin and C.H. Popelar, Advancedfracture mechanics, Oxford Un. Press (1985).
[10] S.T. Rolfe and 1.M. Barson, Fracture and fatigue control in structures, Prentice-Hall (1977).
[11] R. Roberts and C. Newton, Interpretive report in small scale test correlation with K" data,
Welding Res. Council. Bulletin 265 (1981).
[12] B. Marandet and G. Sanz, Evaluation of the toughness of thick medium strength steels by using
LEFM and correlations, ASTM STP 631 (1977) pp. 72-84.
[13] O. Vosikovsky, Fatigue crack growth in X-65 line pipe steel at low frequencies in aquous
environments, ASME trans 997 (1975) pp. 298-305.
Geometry factors
8.1. Scope
For the solution to any fra~ture or crack growth problem the analyst must know
the geometry factors for either K, J, or both, for the structural crack of interest.
Geometry factors for many generic configurations already have been obtained
and compiled in handbooks [1, 2, 3]. This can be done a priori for generic
loading and geometries, but actual structural details are often unique so that
ready made handbook solutions cannot be expected to be available.
In such a case a formal solution can be obtained in principle, but due to the
complexity of structural details formal analysis may be too costly or prohibitive
for any number of other reasons. Structural cracks usually are of the part-
through type so that 3-D analysis would be indicated. If the structure is expen-
sive, the cost of fracture high and only one type of crack is of interest, a finite
element analysis may be a solution. If on the other hand one must consider
literally hundreds of potential crack locations, it is not possible to obtain
geometry factors in this manner other than for a few of the most critical cases,
Finite element analysis of models with cracks for hundreds of crack locations
is prohibitive.
There is a great need for simple (be it approximative) methods to obtain
geometry factors. Fortunately, there are many practical and easy procedures
which can provide geometry factors with good accuracy; they are almost
always adequate for engineering applications in view of the general accuracy of
damage tolerance analysis (Chapter 12).
Methods to obtain geometry factors are the following:
(a) Direct use of handbook solutions.
(b) Indirect use of handbook solutions through superposition and compound-
(c) Methods based on insight and engineering judgement, combined with (b)
and (a).
not be immediately obvious which stress should be used in the expression for K.
An example of this was given already in Chapter 3 where the stress intensity for
the compact tension specimen was discussed. Commonly the latter is expressed
in load instead of stress, because 'the stress' in a compact tension specimen
cannot be defined easily. Use of the load presents no problems in the evaluation
of a toughness test result, but in structural analysis stresses are used, not loads.
Especially in crack growth analysis for complex structures, the use of loads
would be awkward; more specifically, computer crack growth analysis codes are
based upon stress. It was shown in Chapter 3 that the problem can be mended
for the compact tension specimen, by simply defining a reference stress as
(5 = P/WB. Although this reference stress has no physical significance, the
Equation (3.29). All analysis can then be based upon this reference stress.
Before turning to the case of non-uniform stress distributions, it may be
worthwhile to consider another example. For a central crack of size 2a in a plate
of width Wunder uniform tension it has been shown that 13 = ..}sec(na/W), and
K = f3(JFa = ..}sec(na/ W) (J Fa.
Should one insist on using a reference stress
different from (J in this expression, one can legitimately do so. For example, one
could use the average stress in the cracked section, (Jnel' which is given by
(J = (JneIW/(W - 2a). Then K would become:
..}sec na/W
K = 1 _ 2a/W (Jnel Fa = 13 (Jnel Fa
with (S.I)
13 = .Jsec na/W
1 - 2a/W
Obviously, the values of K obtained would be identical to those based upon (J.
Consistent use of Equation (S.l) in a residual strength analysis would provide
as output the fracture stress in terms of (Jnel (from which (J could be obtained).
Similarly, cyclic stress input in a crack growth analysis should then be in terms
of (Jnel> and the input for 13 should be in accordance with Equation (S.l). In this
case a reference stress other than (J offers no advantage, but the example
illustrates the principle. Any reference stress can be used provided 13 is adjusted
accordingly, so that the product f3(J remains unaffected.
The simplest case of a non-uniform stress distribution is a bending moment
(Figure S.1). The 13 for this case can be found in handbooks, but different
handbooks may provide different f3's. This difference is due to the use of a
different reference stress, as shown in the figure. In one case the reference is the
maximum bending stress in the outer fiber, (Jrna., while in the other case it is the
bending stress at x = a given as (Jm = (1 - 2a/W)(Jrna,. Defining 13 as 13m and
f3xa respectively for the two cases, a conversion can be made as follows:
Clearly f3w goes to infinity for a = W/2, because (Jm goes to zero, while the stress
intensity is finite. Numerical evaluation of a few cases will readily demonstrate
that the two lead to the same value of K. In this case, the maximum bending
stress is obviously the easiest to use. In employing handbook solutions one
should ascertain which reference stress is used, and make conversions if
desirable. It is good practice to define the reference stress when quoting 13.
(j (jm
The need for a clearly defined reference stress is most obvious in the case of
a generally non-uniform stress distribution, such as in Figure 8.2. The highest
stress is usually the best choice. But all stresses are proportional to load (elastic),
so that the stress at any point is proportional to the highest stress in the
distribution. Hence, any other local stress can be used as the reference, by
multiplying p by the proportionality factor. With the nomenclature of Figure
It is emphasized once more that the reference stress must be used consistently.
The p-input to the crack growth analysis must be for the proper reference stress,
and the input of stress ranges, exceedance diagrams, stress histories and/or stress
occurrence tables must be in terms of the reference stress. The output of a
residual strength analysis will be in terms of the reference stress and may require
further interpretation. For example, let P2 in Equation (8.3) for a crack size of
e.g. two inches be 1.1, and U 2/U I = 2, so that PI = 2.2. Supposing
K/c = 60 ksifo, the residual strength would be evaluated for the two cases as
U I = 60/(2.2..jn.2) = 10.9 ksi, and U2 = 60/(1.1..jn.2) = 21.8 ksi. The former
solution predicts fracture to occur when the local stress U I has the value 10.9 ksi.
This is the case when the maximum stress in the distribution is
2 x 10.9 = 21.8 ksi. Although this may seem trivial in this example, misinter-
pretations are easily made when input and results of a lengthy analysis are
reconsidered at some later time or reviewed by others. Providing the definition
of the reference stress in input and output tables is a good practice.
8.3. Compounding
In the general expression for the stress intensity factor K = puJ/W, the
geometry factor P accounts for the effect of all boundaries: P = f(a/W,
a/D . .. ), where W, D, etc. are relevant dimensions of the structure. In many
cases the individual effects of these boundaries can be found in handbooks;
Their composite effect is obtained by compounding, which is multiplication of
all individual effects.
Possibly, the most prominent example of compounding is demonstrated by
the classical solution (other solutions have since been obtained [5-8]) for the
elliptical surface flaw (Figure 8.3). The various boundary effects are due to: back
free surface (BFS), front free surface (FFS), width (W), and crack front
curvature (CFC), i.e.
cross section
.. W
K= (3 uv:;;.
.3 1.6
.2 1.4
.1 1.2
1.5 .1 .2' .3 .4 .5
(b) (c) 2c
Figure 8.3. Stress~Intensity of Surface Flaw under uniform tension. (a) Surface flaw; (b) qi versus
a/2c; (c) f3FFs versus a/2c.
The effect of the back free surface is simple, and almost always taken as
/3BFS = 1.12 regardless of crack type (Section 8.5). The effect of the front free
surface depends upon crack shape (Figure 8.3c). Finally, the effect of curvature
/3CFS = l/¢ is a complicated function of the parametric angle, cp, and the flaw
aspect ratio ale. The elliptical integral in the denominator can be and has been
evaluated once and for all for various ale as is shown in Figure 8.3b. Its value
is ¢, but the common representation is as in Figure 8.3b, providing Q = ¢2
instead of ¢. For a crack with a certain aspect ratio ale (or aI2e), the value of
Q can be read from this diagram and then ¢ = JQ is obtained. Alternatively,
the curve can be fitted with an equation so that ¢ can be calculated in a simple
The function of cp in the numerator must be evaluated for a certain point at
the crack front. Note that Equation (8.5) implies that the stress intensity varies
along the crack front. For the deepest point A (cp = n12; Figure 8.3), the value
of f( cp) equals 1 because cos (nI2) = 0, so that:
P: ~ L12Pm~} (8.6)
K = f3A (J Fa
in which f3FFS and Q follow from the graphs in Figure 8.3.
F or point C at the surface (<p = 0; sin <p = 0; cos <p = 1) the numerator in
Equation (8.5) becomes equal to JlifC, and therefore:
1.12 f3FFS JQ JlifC
KC f3c (J Fa .
Note that f3c = f3AJlifC, so that with a < c, the stress intensity at the deepest
point of the flaw is higher than at the surface (f3~ > /3J.
There is no objection in expressing K' in terms of c instead of a; in that case:
8.4. Superposition
i}' 0.5 a/w 0.1
0.5 ajW
Because the solution of the crack tip stress field is universal, the functions hi e)
in both terms of Equation (S.9) are identical for each i - j combination, so that
the equation can be written as:
= K ben
+ K ten r (()
Jij =
K tot I' ()
jii;Jij ( .
P= Pben -
+ Pten
while the use of (ftot provides:
P = Pben (fben + Pten (ften
(ftot (ftot
Equations (8.14) and (8.15) are equivalent and both can be used as long as one
is aware that all solutions are obtained in terms of the reference stress. For
example, if one wants to find the residual strength for a crack size of
a = 2.4 inch (in an 8-inch wide panel with Kc = 70 ksiFn) the solution is as
shown in Table 8.1. The same result is obtained in either case, provided the
numbers are interpreted correctly. The solution in terms of (ftot is least likely to
lead to interpretation errors, but careful application of the rules will provide
correct answers in all cases.
Equation (8.13) can be used directly, provided one of the stresses is defined
in value. The fracture condition K = Kc (or K/c ) leads to:Kben + K ten = K"
which represents a straight line in K ten - K ben - space, as depicted in Figure
8.5. It shows the combinations of tension and bending that lead to fracture. In
the above example of a 2.4-inch crack and Kc = 70 ksiFn, one obtains the
solutions as in Figure 8.5b. If the tension stress in e.g. 12.62 ksi, an additional
bending of 8.45 ksi would cause fracture (compare with results in Table 8.1).
Although Figure 8.5 is illustrative, a solution by means of Equations (8.14)
Table 8.1. Residual strength analysis with different reference stresses. (Case of Figure 8.4). Compare results of columns 7 and 9
Specifics: W = 8 inch; K, = 70 ksi $n
ube.lute• = 0.67; Ute. lUbe. = 1.5
Utot = 2.5 Ute.
Ute.IUtot = 0.6
ube.lutot = 0.4
Example: a = 2.4 inch; Uf'te. = 12.62 ksi
Kte• = 1.27 x 12.62 x ~ = 44 ksi $no
K be• = 70 - 44 = 26 ksi $n
U be• = 26/(1.12 ~) = 8.45 ksi; U tot = 12.62 + 8.45 = 21 ksi
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a alw Pte. Pbe. Ute. reference 70 U tot reference 70
(in) Figure 8.4 Figure 8.4 P Uf'te. = pJ;(; Uf'tot = 0.6 Uf'te. P UFtot = PFa
From Equation (8.14) From Equation (8.15)
(ksi) (ksi) (ksi)
0.8 0.1 1.15 1.045 1.850 23.87 39.78 1.108 39.85
1.6 0.2 1.20 1.055 1.907 16.37 27.28 1.142 27.34
2.4 0.3 1.27 1.120 2.020 12.62 21.03 1.210 21.07
3.2 0.4 1.35 1.255 2.191 10.08 16.80 1.312 16.83
4.0 0.5 1.45 1.500 2.455 8.04 13.40 1.470 13.43
10 50 70 Kten
(a) (b)
Figure B.5. Combination of mode I loadings (right diagram shows specific example of Table 8.\).
f3 f3 hole. ben f3 w.ben -0"ben + f3 hole. ten f3 w,ten-
O"tot O"tot
Ta Ta ja II
fBa = -- + tEa ..
A B c 0
t L L
Figure 8.6. Superposition for uncracked plate.
uniform stress (case A). Hence, applying this uniform (J to the crack faces as in
case B will result in the identical situation as case A. Since case B is the
superposition of 2 mode I loading cases, the stress intensity of B (and of A) is
equal to the sum of the stress intensities of cases C and D:
KA = x.c + KD. (8.17)
The stress intensity of case A is zero (K A = 0), the case of no crack, so that:
~ = - x.c. (8.18)
Case D cannot exist by itself as the crack faces would interfere, but if C is applied
first then D can be superposed.
If we reverse the applied stresses in case D, the sign of the cracks tip stresses
(and hence of K) also will change (case E), and hence:
Combination of Equation (8.18) and (8.19) yields:
KE = x.c. (8.20)
Equation (8.20) provides a new stress intensity factor for a crack loaded by
internal pressure. This is useful for surface flaws along the internal wall of
pressure vessels, where the pressurized medium enters the crack (Figure 8.7).
However Equation (8.20) has more important implications. Note first that the
picture of Figure 8.6 can be redrawn for any geometry and stress distribution,
as long as the proper stresses are applied to the crack faces (Figure 8.8). The
following rule emerges:
The stress intensity for any loading case is equal to the stress intensity
obtained by applying to the faces of the crack the stresses that used to be there
when there was no crack (K = K E ). C
This rule can be used to obtain stress intensities and geometry factors in many
(a) (b)
Figure 8.7. Cracks in pressurized container. (a) Internal: pressure inside crack; (b) External.
m II fB
= -- 't
" E
Figure B.B. 'Uncracked stress distribution' rule.
Pictorial superposition as used in Figures 8.6 and 8.8 is often very helpful in
obtaining geometry factors, especially in the case of asymmetric loading. The
most prominent asymmetric loading case is the lug (Figure 8.9). This case can
be built up [10] by superposition of two symmetric loading cases (B and C).
Then of course the downward load P and the upward stress system (J are
I I! (]
(] T T [ (] i l l
o +
A ~B~rT~ c D
(b) 'L L (] (]'"
Figure 8.9. Superposition to Derive K for Asymmetric case. (a) Basic configuration; (b) Inverse
(8.21 )
It is obvious that KD = KA (inversing the picture does not change the stresses).
Then it follows that the stress intensity of the lug crack is:
2 KA = KB + XC or KA = KB; XC . (8.22)
The geometry factors for both KB and K C can be found in handbooks, so that
indeed K can be derived. Should the hole be negligably small, and W large, then
Equation (8.22) leads to:
1 W
+ 1-
, c
t 0"2 q-02
Figure B.10. General case of asymmetric loading (combine with Figure 8.9).
which can be manipulated in the manner shown in Equations (8.22) through
(8.25) to obtain p. Proper accounting for the reference stress is essential.
i T T t
• • -L
1 1 T T T _1
-.1!- -~
- :--
W W=W/2 W=W/2 W=W/2 W=W/2
• • (d)
• (e)
-*- ~
Figure 8.11. Case a = case b; Case c = case d ,,; case e. Cutting in two of uniformly loaded plates.
more: K is higher. Since K = fJ(JJiW, and (J is the same for the two halves (W
is large), this implies that fJ > 1. The cut stresses existed very close to the crack
only (Chapter 2), hence the difference from fJ = 1 cannot be large. It is certainly
less than a factor of 2. On the other hand one would expect the difference to be
more than one percent (1.01 < fJ < 2). Intuitively, one would guess the
difference to be about 10 percent: fJ = 1.1. In actuality the geometry factor for
the edge crack is fJ = 1.12 for small ajW (Figure 3.3). Hence, if one would guess
fJ = 1.1, the estimate would have an accuracy of two percent. Better accuracy
is certainly not required. Note that a guess of 1.05 would have been within seven
percent and a guess of 1.15 within three percent.
For large ajW the differences might be larger. However, let us explore the
premise holds for larger ajW. Then fJ for the single edge crack would be
evaluated as 1.12-../secnaj2 W, while the proper solution is the polynomial shown
in Figure 3.3 (note that W = Wj2). It is easy to evaluate these two alternatives
for various aj W; results are shown in Figure 8.12. The agreement, for the case
of LjW = 00, is within a few percent up till ajW >::: 0.5. But cracks larger than
half the structural size are of no technical interest. Hence, the above 'guesses'
are perfectly acceptable from an engineering point of view. (See also Chapter 12
on accuracy.)
Section 8.3 showed the classical solution for a surface flaw. The geometry
factor for the back free surface appeared to be fJ = 1.12. Clearly, this geometry
4 L/W=2
Isee equation
in fig. 3.3)
Figure 8.12. Geometry factors for edge cracks (estimated for L/W = 00; see text).
factor has the same origin as the one for the edge crack discussed above. The
classical solution is for an embedded elliptical crack (Figure 8.13). Cutting
the plate in two to obtain a surface flaw, cuts some stresses acting across the
center plane. Again, if one estimated these to be 10%, on would only introduce
a two percent error, if any. It is not difficult to figure that the actual factor of
1.12 (Equation 8.5) was simply taken from the edge crack solution above, and
as such was an estimate as well. This estimate is not necessarily better than the
10% estimate. Continuing this procedure, the same arguments can be used for
a corner crack (Figure 8.13). Again some interface stresses are cut, so that a
geometry factor for the side free surface must be introduced. From the above
one would estimate /3SFS/3BFS = 1.12 = 1.21. Indeed, most handbooks provide
the free surface geometry factor for corner cracks as 1.21. The above 'guess' is
'error free' as compared with the classical solution.
Figure 8.13. Solution for embedded crack applied to part-through cracks. (a) Embedded crack; (b)
Surface crack; (c) Comer crack.
r ---T - - - - -- -I
(a) (b)
Figure 8.14. Case of two very small cracks at hole. (a) hole; (b) Equivalent case for a Rj O.
,- '
, I
, ,I
a a
-, I'
' -0 ;
.1- a
t· -I
(a) (b)
Figure 8.15. Large cracks at hole. (a) Physical crack; (b Effective crack.
hole is part of the crack, ~nd as far as the plate is concerned there is a crack of
an effective length 2aeff = 2a + D. If W is large, the stress intensity is:
K = f3wu ..}rtaeff in which 13 = 1 for large W. (8.27)
Expressing K on the basis of the true crack size a, yields (with f3w 1):
13 ..}1 + D/2a
5n------------------------, 5r------------------------,
-0 D
I, ...
(a) (b)
Figure 8.16. P for symmetric cracks at hole. (a) Simple solution; (b) comparison with Bowie's
This Pcan be calculated for various a/D values and plotted as in Figure 8.16a
(curve). Also the point P = 3.36 for a = 0 is plotted. The curve is accurate for
large a, but not for small a. The point 3.36 is accurate for small a. The curve
between is certainly not like curves A or B in Figure 8.16a. Hence, a line C faired
between (0, 3.36) and the curve (accurate for large a) must be very close to the
truth, i.e. within a few percent. The result, shown in Figure 8.16b, can be
compared with a solution by Bowie [II]. Clearly, the two are very close. The
Bowie solution is considered the best available, but it was obtained by numerical
methods, and hence, it will have some error. Then it is hard to say whether the
Bowie solution or the above simple solution is the better one. But even if one
were to accept the Bowie solution as the absolute standard, the simple solution
is within a few percent; the former was obtained with great effort and cost, while
the latter can be derived literally 'on the back of an envelope', as shown above.
One might argue that the simple solution is hardly worthwhile if a SEMI-rig-
orous solution is available anyway. However, the above example demonstrates
that accurate results can be obtained by simple means. More important, the
simple procedure can now be used with confidence to generate solutions to more
complicated problems for which no semi-rigorous answers have as yet been
obtained, as shown below.
For a single crack at a hole (Figure 8.17) the above procedure leads to
P = 3.36 for small a, and for large a (large W):
-- ..,
, I
-,-- a
2a eff
(a) I. -I
5 1
~ 1
0.1 0.5
Figure 8.17. One crack at a hole. (a) Single long crack; (b) fJ for single crack.
* 30
(e) (d)
Figure S.lS. Stresses at hole due to biaxial loading. (a) Tension-tension; (b) Tension-compression;
(c) Load path deviation at short crack (stress component perpendicular to crack); (d) No load path
deviation at tip of long crack.
cracks (a = 0). For long cracks Figure 8.15 and Equation (8.28) apply, because
the transverse stress is not deviated at the crack tip: one can cut the plate
in two horizontally if only (Jr is present (only when the crack is small will the load
be deviated around the hole and have an effect on K causing f3 = 2.24 as shown
in Figure 8.l8c, d). Hence for long cracks Equation (8.28) does apply, and the
geometry factor is as shown in Figure 8.19.
This procedure can be extended to any kind of biaxial loading. If (J, = O.S(J"
as in a pressure vessel with end caps, it follows that the equator stress is
3(J - O.S(J = 2.5(J. Hence, for small cracks f3 = 1.12 x 2.5 = 2.80. For long
cracks again Equation (8.28) applies, and the resulting f3 is as shown in Figure
8.19. Similarly, geometry factors for other biaxiality ratios can be obtained as
shown in Figure 8.19. The same procedure can be followed for single cracks
using Equation (8.29).
Should the width W be small, compounding will be necessary, as may be
demonstrated by the following example for a symmetric crack (both sides). For
small a the geometry factor will still be f3 = 3.36 (a - t 0; (Jr = 0). For large
K = .Jsec naeff/W (J .Jnaeff' . (8.30)
Substitution of aeff= DI2 + a yields:
Figure 8.19. Geometry factors for cracks at hole under biaxial loading.
K 13(1 Fa
13 ,Jsec n(D/2 + a)/W ,JI + D/2a·
A curve for the above 13 can be drawn for various aiD, and the results for small
cracks are obtained by fairing between 13 = 3.36 for a = 0 and the curve in the
same manner as described above.
The above method as applied to uniaxial loading with large W was shown to
be in excellent agreement with the Bowie solution. Thus it may be expected that
the extension of the procedure to more complicated cases will provide geometry
factors of good accuracy. The method can be used for cracks at any stress
concentration. In the case of Figure 8.20 the stress concentration is
k, = 1 + 2JT{e; Chapter 2). If for example I = 2 and (! = 0.5 then
k, = 1 + 2.J2/0.5 = 5. Using the uncracked stress distribution rule (Section
8.4) as above, one obtains 13 = 5 for small cracks. For sharp notches it becomes
questionable whether one should apply the factor 1.12 as in the case of holes.
However, it should be noted that this would introduce at maximum a 12%
error. Using judgement and taking the factor as 1.06 would reduce the error
to 6 percent. Clearly, the sharper the notch, the smaller the correction
should be. A rule of thumb could be to take the factor as f3FS = I + 0.12/
(k, - 2) for k, > 3, and 13 = 1.12 for k, < 3. The equation provides 13 = 1.12
for k, = 3 (circular hole), but some engineering judgement is required here.
For large cracks, the notch can be considered part of the effective crack
(aetf = I + a; Figure 8.20) as in the case of the holes. Hence:
(a) (b)
Figure 8.20. Crack at stress raiser. (a) Short crack; (b) Long crack.
(a) (b)
Figure 8.21. Cracking at hole with edge distance d from free surface. (a) First crack; (b) Broken
ligament plus crack.
! I
~ + +
W W Weff W
• • • • • • •
(a) (b) (c) (d)
X/O e
<0·6 1
0.6-0.7 1.01
0.7-0.8 ,.03
0.8-0.9 1.07
>0.9 1.11
f3 = ~ = 1.56
Fa I~ -_ O.SS,. known f3 I; error 12%, but see Table 8.3.
Notes: (I.) Better result is obtained in Table 8.3 with finer steps. (2.) Assumptions: central crack 2a = 2 inch; uniform stress, 0" = I. (3.) With above
assumptions integration can be done in closed form, but not if stress is non uniform; this is an example for a case with known f3 so that results can
be checked.
a There are two sides of the crack ( - x and x), both must be accounted for.
b In case of non-uniform stress O"ave is average stress over 8X; in this case 0" I overall.
'0"." at - X; in this case 0" = I overall.
d K at right crack tip due to stresses on left side of crack (Figure 8.23).
Table 8.3. More refined land integration of case of Table 8.2. N
Same notes apply as in Table 8.2. 0
Fa ~ a - x Fa ~ a + x
0.1 0.2 0.2 0.113 1.106 0.125 0.2 0.113 0.905 0.102 0.227
0.3 0.2 0.2 0.113 1.363 0.154 0.2 0.113 0.734 0.083 0.237
0.5 0.2 0.2 0.113 1.732 0.196 0.2 0.113 0.577 0.065 0.261
0.65 0.1 0.1 0.056 2.171 0.122 0.1 0.056 0.461 0.026 0.148
0.75 0.1 0.1 0.056 2.646 0.148 0.1 0.056 0.378 0.021 0.169
0.85 0.1 0.1 0.056 3.512 0.197 0.1 0.056 0.284 0.016 0.213
0.925 0.05 0.05 0.028 5.066 0.142 0.05 0.028 0.197 0.006 0.148
0.96 0.02 0.02 0.011 7.000 0.077 0.02 0.011 0.143 0.002 0.079
0.98 0.02 0.02 0.011 9.950 0.109 0.02 0.011 0.101 0.001 0.110
0.9945 0.009 0.009 0.0051 19.043 0.097 0.009 0.0051 0.053 0.097
0.9995 0.0001 0.0001 0.0006 63.238 0.038 0.0001 0.0006 0.016 0.038
1.000 Ktotal = 1.727+
Klal 1.727
fi = Fa = ~ = 0.976; known fi = I; error 3.5%.
a na I n1
p = K (8.35)
Uref J;=;; ,
where a is the crack size in the model. Naturally, the following damage tolerance
C\ K
(1Y2 -~'
x, X2 x, X2 X, X.
a (b)
Figure 8.24. Obtaining K from finite element model with crack. (a) Stresses from finite element
model; (b) Stress intensity.
analysis should be based upon the same reference stress (Section 8.2). The above
provides f3 for one crack size only, but f3 must be obtained for a range of crack
sizes. Hence, the procedure must be repeated for a number of crack sizes
(multiple finite element solutions). It should be noted that in each case the
same reference stress must be used - in terms of both location and magnitude
- to obtain f3 from Equation (8.35); any inconsistency may lead to serious errors.
There are a multitude of other methods to obtain f3 from finite element models
with cracks. In analogy with the above approach, use can be made of the
displacements. For example, the displacement u at a distance r from the crack
tip follows from the general crack tip filed solution as:
u = CK v'r fee), (8.36)
which can be used in the same manner as Equation (8.33) to obtain K from the
calculated displacements.
Alternatively, f3 may be derived from the strain energy U. The total strain
energy U in the model is calculated for crack size a. Subsequently the crack in
the model is extended by one element size (Lia) to a + Lia, and again the total
strain energy calculated. The change in strain energy dU/da is approximated as:
dU LiU
da Lia
involves subtraction of two large numbers of equal magnitude. Ifboth and Va+!'.a
are accurate within one percent, the accuracy of L1 V is certainly no better than
If there is a single load on the model the strain energy can be obtained as
Va = O.5Pc5 a, where c5a is the load-point displacement for crack size a. Similarly,
for crack size a + L1a the strain energy is Va +Aa = O.5Pc5 a+Aa' Calculation of K
and p then proceeds as above from Equations (8.37) and (8.38). For an example
see solution to Exercise 15.
Since J = G = dVjda (Chapter 4) the strain energy release rate can be
obtained by evaluating the J-integral (Chapter 4) along a convenient path in the
finite element model. Subsequently, K and pagain are obtained as shown before.
Most finite element codes have post-processors which provide Kby several or
all of the above methods. It cannot be said a priori which method will provide
the best results; this will depend upon the configuration, and especially upon the
modelling. As in the case of the indirect use of finite element models, the
accuracy depends mostly upon modelling of areas with stress concentrations
and load-transfer, and upon assumptions made for the boundary conditions.
Damage tolerance analysis always requires knowledge of p (not K) for a
range of crack sizes. Hence, several finite element solutions must be obtained for
a number of crack sizes, which requires a number of different models; indeed a
costly proposition for complex structural configurations. In the literature the
accuracy of such analysis is often demonstrated on the basis of simple configur-
ations such as center cracked panels. In the first place those solutions are always
known anyway, but more important, structures seldom resemble center cracked
panels. Finite element models of cracked real structures are rather more difficult
and expensive; besides they require many more assumptions with regard to
boundary conditions, load transfer, etc., and small elements in areas of stress
concentrations, so that their final accuracy is very limited despite the effort. The
simple procedures discussed in this chapter, possibly employing finite element
analysis of the uncracked structure, presently are the most viable methods for
general engineering applications. In view of the inaccuracies introduced by other
assumptions (Chapter 12) they are also the most sensible solutions.
Several other numerical analysis procedures to obtain K are availabe, but they
are not within the realm of general engineering applications and as such they are
beyond the scope of this book; for a discussion of these and further references,
the reader is referred to more basic standard texts.
Consider two wide plates, one without and one with stringers (or doublers),
as in Figure 8.25, both subjected to uniform stress (1. For the plate without
stringers the geometry factor will be f3 = 1 for crack sizes up to alb = 1
(W ~ b), as shown in Figure 8.25d. In the plate with stringers, the effect of the
latter will be negligible when the crack is small; f3 = I for alb ~ O. However,
if the crack extends from stringer-to-stringer, the situation is quite different. In
an un stiffened plate all load in the section of the crack must bypass the crack
inside the plate, which gives rise to f3 = 1 in the first place. If the stringers are
present a second load path is available: part of the load can now by bypassed
outside the plate via the fasteners into the stringers and then back into the plate,
again via the fasteners (Figure 8.25c). If part of the load bypasses outside the
plate, then the stresses at the crack tip (inside the plate) will be lower. This means
that K is lower, which is reflected in a lower f3 then in the unstiffened plate. Since
for the latter f3 = I, the f3 for alb = I in the stiffened plate will be less than I,
as shown in Figure 8.25d. For intermediate crack sizes f3 will gradually decrease
from 1 at a = 0 to the lower value at alb = 1.
Thus the stress intensity is lower than in the absence of stringers, which can
.. 2a
(a) 'w'"
(b) (c)
~ L
alb alb
(d) (e)
Figure 8.25. Effect of stringers on stress intensity. (a) Unstiffened panel: load bypass in plate; (b)
Stiffened panel; (c) Side view; alternative load bypass through stringer; (d) Geometry factor; (e)
Stress concentration in stringer.
The reason that f3s < f3u is the load transfer to the stringer. If there is no stringer,
the load carried by the plate in front of the crack tip is:
Carrying the integration over a distance equal to r = a from the crack tip is
sufficient to obtain the bypassed load. Hence Equation (8.39) becomes:
r~fa Fa
B f3(J
dr = Bf3(J JGfi f r- I /2
dr (8.41)
r~O J2iU o
J2 f3(J aBo
Clearly, the additional load carried by the stringer is P, (stiffened) minus Pu
(unstiffened) and the additional stringer stress is (Ps - Pu)IA, is the stringer
cross sectional area. The total stress in the stringer is (J, = (J + (P, - PJIA"
so that the stress concentration L = IJ,I(J becomes, with Equation (8.41):
L = I + aB J2 (f3u - f3')IA,. (8.42)
The handbook provides f3u and f3,.; the value of L can then be obtained from
Equation (8.42). By taking f3u and f3s from the handbook for a number of crack
sizes between alb = 0 and alb = 1, the stringer stress concentration can be
calculated as a function of crack size. An example is shown in the solution to
Exercise 15.
Obtaining fastener shear loads is somewhat more precarious, but a sensible
estimate can be made as follows. All load is transferred by the fasteners closest
to the crack plane: assume that three fasteners above the crack transfer the load
into the stringer, three fasteners below the crack transfer the load back into the
plate. Together the three fasteners transfer the total load which is ((J, - (J)A,.
Typically, the fastener closest to the crack transfer most of the load (e.g. 60%),
the other two transfer e.g. 30 and 10% respectively. Hence, the highest fastener
shear load would be:
Pfastcncr = 0.6 (L - 1) (JA" (8.43)
where L follows from Equation (8.42). Clearly, the fasteners must be made
strong enough to carry this shear otherwise the whole scheme will not work
(Chapters 9). It turns out that the actual fastener load on the average is only in
the order of 60-70% of the value in Equation (8.43) due to fastener hole
ovalization (plasticity).
8.11. Geometry factors for elastic-plastic fracture mechanics
may be used if a is small and n is low, but the solution is up to the user. As
forgiving as EPFM analysis is, the results are usually within acceptable engi-
neering accuracy. Hence, H can be obtained from fJ through Equation (S.49),
where fJ is derived by any of the procedures discussed in the previous sections.
The fact that Equation (S.49) does not exactly cover the computed H values does
not make the equation invalid, because there is equal reason to suspect the finite
element analysis, which will contain increasing errors for larger aj L and larger
8.12. Exercises
1. Using the maximum bending stress as the reference stress determine fJ for
a crack with ajW = 0.5 from Figure Calculate the residual strength
given Kc = 70 ksiJffi, W = 10 inch, and F;y = 60 ksi.
2. Calculate and plot the fJ-curve for a plate of with an edge crack subjected
to combined tension and in-plane bending, using the maximum total stress
as a reference; note take six values of aj W at increments of 0.1, starting at
0.1. A remote load P is applied 2 inches from the center of the plate to the
side of the crack; W = 10 inch.
5. Calculate and plot the fJ-curve for a single crack at a hole of diameter D
in a plate of width W subjected to uniform tension. Take 10 values of ajD
increasing with increments of 0.2.
6. Use the result of Exercise 5 to calculate the rate of fatigue crack growth
of a crack of 0.3 inch if D = 1 inch, W = 6 inches, Aa = 10 ksi at
R = 0.2, dajdN = 2E-9 AK2.3 K~!x.
7. Modify Exercise 5 for biaxial loading with aLja T = 3 and for aLj
aT = - 0.5 (aT negative). Then repeat exercise 6 for both cases, but with
a crack size of a = 0.1 inch.
8. Determine the fl-curve for symmetric cracks at a fastener hole where the
fastener takes out 20% of the load for five values of aiD at increments of
0.4 (Note from Exercise 5 that for aiD> 0.4 the hole may already be
considered part of the crack. Assume that W = 8 inch, D = 1 inch, B =
0.5 inch and that the stress distribution at the ends is uniform.
10. Determine the fl-curve for cracks emanating from a semi-elliptical edge
notch with a depth d and radius r in a plate of width W subjected to
uniform loading. Use 5 aid values at increments of 0.1; dlr = 5.
II. A crack emanated from a hole with diameter D at a distance of e from the
edge of the plate. The entire ligament has cracked. Determine the fl-curve
for the crack emanating at the other side of the hole.
12. A shouldered part with a stress concentration factor of k t = 1.5 at the fillet
radius develops a through crack. What is fl for small cracks.
13. An elastic finite element analysis with elements of 0.1 inch at the crack tip
and a crack of 2 inches produces the following results for the longitudinal
stress in the plane of the crack: 48.9 ksi in element 1, 30.0 ksi in element 2,
25.2 ksi itt element 3. The applied stress is non-uniform. The highest stress
applied in the model is 5 ksi. Calculate fl, assuming the given stresses act
in the center of the elements, and taking highest stress as a reference.
15. Assuming J1 = 0.4 and a fastener spacing sib = 0.1, calculate the L curve
and fastener load curve for 5 values of alb in increments of 0.1; let Figure
8.25c apply and assume that 60% of the load is transferred by the first
fastener. B = 0.2 inch, b = 8 inch; J1 is defined as A,lbB, where A, is
stringer cross section.
[I) D.P. Rooke and D.J. Cartwright, Compendium of stress intensity factors, H.M. Stationery
Office, London (1976).
(2) O.C. Sih, Handbook of stress intensity factors, Lehigh University (1973).
(3) H. Tada et aI., The stress analysis of cracks handbook, Del Research (1973, 1986).
(4) D. Broek, GEOFAC. a pre-processor for geometry factor calculation, Fracturesearch software
(5) J.e. Newman and I.S. Raju, Stress intensity factors equations for cracks in three-dimensional
finite bodies, ASTM STP 791 (1983) pp. 1-238-1-265.
(6) I.S. Raju and J .C. Newman, Stress intensity factors for circumferential cracks in pipes and rods
under tension and bending loads, ASTM STP 905 (1986) pp. 789-805.
(7) J.C. Newman and I.S. Raju, Analysis ofswface cracks infinite plates under tension and bending
loads, NASA TP-1578 (1979).
(8) 0.0. Trantina et aI., Three dimensional finite element analysis of small surface cracks, Eng.
Fract. Mech. 18 (1983) pp. 925-938.
(9) D. Broek, Fracture mechanics software, Fracturesearch (1987).
(10) D. Broek et aI., Applicability offracture toughness data to surface flaws and corner cracks at hole.
Nat. Airspace Lab (Amsterdam) NLR-TR 71033 (1971).
[Il) O.L. Bowie, Analysis of an infinite plate containing radial cracks originating at the boundary
of an internal circular hole, J. Math. and Phys. 25 (1956), pp. 60-71.
(12) D.P. Rooke et aI., Simple methods of determining stress intensity factors, AOARDograph 257
(1980) Chapter 10.
(13) M.F. Buckner, A Novel principle for the computation of stress intensity factors, Z. Angell'.
Math. Mech. 50 (1970) pp. 529-546.
(14) P.e. Paris et al., The weight function method for determining stress intensity factors, ASTM
STP 601 (1976) pp. 471-489.
(15) Anon. Crack growth analysis software, Failure Analysis Associates.
(16) H. Vlieger, Residual strength of cracked stiffened panels, Eng. Fract. Mech. 5 (1973) pp.
(17) T. Swift, Development of the fail safe design features of the DC - 10, ASTM STP 486 (1974)
pp. 164-214.
(18) T. Swift, Design of redundant structures, AGARD LSP 97 (1978), Chapter 9.
(19) C.e. Poe, The effect of riveted and uniformly spaced stringers on the stress intensity factor of a
cracked sheet; AFFDL-TR-79-144 (1970) pp. 207-216.
(20) V. Kumar et aI., An engineering approach for elastic-plastic fracture analysis, Electric Power
Res. Inst. NP-1931 (1981).
(21) V. Kumar et aI., Advanced in elastic-plastic/racture analysis, Electric Power Res. Inst. NP-3607
Special subjects
9.1 Scope
This chapter covers a number of special subjects. Although the procedures
discussed in Chapters 3 and 4 for residual strength analysis, and those for crack
growth analysis discussed in Chapters 5 and 7 remain unaffected in principle,
slight complications arise e.g. in the analysis of surface flaws, corner cracks and
multiple cracks, or in the case that residual stresses are present intentionally or
inadvertently. In other cases, such as leak-break analysis or in a situation where
load transfer to other members may set up conditions for fracture arrest, the
interpretation of the analysis results may be somewhat different than usual.
Engineering procedures to deal with such problems are discussed in this chapter.
Examples are presented
The final sections provide a brief review of engineering solutions to mixed-
mode loading cases and a short discussion on damage tolerance of composites.
The classical solutions for stress intensity and geometry factors of elliplical
surface flaws and corner cracks was discussed in Chapter 8, Section 3. More
recently solutions for part-through cracks of all kinds (surface flaws and
cotner cracks in tension and bending, surface flaws in circular bars, corner
cracks at holes, etc) were obtained by Newman et al. [1, 2, 3, 4]. The latter
solutions are generally acclaimed to be of better accuracy, and may be
preferable above the classical solution.
For the following discussion, it does not matter which solution is used. The
only issue of importance is that the geometry factor (and therefore the stress
intensity) varies along the crack front. In contrast to the case of a through-the-
thickness crack with an essentially straight front where K and {3 are the same
everywhere along the crack front and where one can speak of THE stress
intensity, in the case of part-through cracks the stress intensity and {3-depend
KA = ~aFa
JQ }
K c = ___ Ar:::::.
a "\Ina
In this equation, Q = q/, is a function of crack aspect ratio a/c. Its value can
be obtained from Figure 8.3. Some literature provides a set of curves for Q
where the lines are labled for various ratios of applied stress/yield strength
(a / FlY)' The curves stem from the time that attempts were made to compensate
for plasticity by means of a so-called 'plastic zone correction' to the crack size
[5]. This practice has been long abandoned as it is cumbersome and inadequate.
Nevertheless some analysts and computer codes still use these curves. However,
if the practice is not followed for other cracks, there is no reason to use it for
surface flaws. Moreover, if a plastic zone correction is made for the surface flaw,
it should also be made in the evaluation of Klc and of 11K in the rate diagram,
which it is not. Thus, only the line for a/Fty = 0 (elastic solution) is applicable,
which is the one shown in Figure 8.3. (Modern solutions [1-4] do not use a
plastic zone correction either).
For residual strength analysis the fracture criterion (Chapter 3) is:
Fracture if K = Klc (9.2)
The assumption is implied that fracture indeed occurs when the highest stress
intensity anywhere equals the toughness. As the highest stress intensity occurs
at the deepest point.. it is KA that would be used in Equation (9.3). If the flaw
is circular (JG7C = I) the stress intensity is the same everywhere (KA = K C ),
and the use of Equation (9.3) is certainly justified. But, in the case of a long
elongated flaw (JG7C small), the stress intensity at C, K C ,is still be considerably
less than the toughness when Equation (9.3) is satisfied. One could then argue
that fracture probably will be postponed, as is indeed borne out by some test
data [5, 6, 7]. Thus the use of Equation (9.3) may be somewhat conservative. As
it cannot be assessed theoretically how much fracture would be postponed, it is
safe engineering practice to use the conservative Equation (9.3)
It is emphasized that the toughness used must be (the plane strain fracture
toughness), Kif' At through-the-thickness cracks constraint is dictated by
thickness because the length of the roll of highly stressed material wanting to
undergo (Poisson) contraction is equal to the thickness (Chapters 2 and 3). In
the case of part-through cracks, the length of this role, as determined by the
length of the crack front, bears no relation to thickness. The contraction of the
roll is fully constrained by surrounding elastic material (Figure 2.8), so that
plane strain prevails at least in the interior at the deepest point of the flaw.
Hence, the use of the plane strain fracture toughness is indicated for ALL
part-through cracks, regardless of thickness.
Fatigue crack growth (and stress corrosion cracking) is also dictated by the
~ c
Figure 9.2. Development of surface flaws by fatigue . Lower right: originally circular flaw becomes elliptical due to bending (stress gradient).
stress intensity. As KA is larger than K C , more growth will occur in a certain
cycle at A than at C (Figure 9.2). Hence, the flaw shape, a/c, will change and
therefore Q will change accordingly. In the next cycle KA is still less than K C and
again a will grow more than c. As a consequence, the flaw aspect ratio decreases
and the shape begins to approach a circle. Once the flaw has become circular,
the stress intensity will be the same everwhere, KA being equal to K C because
JiiC = 1. Then also, the growth at a will be the same as at c and the flaw will
remain circular. This development from elliptical to circular can be commonly
observed in cases of uniform stress (Figure 9.2), provided the thickness is large
enough for a circular shape to be reached. If the latter is not the case, there will
not be enough material space and the crack may reach the front free surface
before it has attained the circular shape. In the case of out-of-plane bending, the
stre~s gradient through the thickness may cause KA to decrease; in such a case
a circular shape may not be reached either (Figure 9.2). Similarly, for corner
cracks at holes, where KA is affected by k, more than is K C , the end situation may
not be a circular shape. (Figure 9.1 lower right)
For example consider a flaw under uniform stress with an aspect ratio of
a/c = 0.25. In that case K C = JiiC KA = 0.5 KA by Equation (9.1), i.e. the
stress intensity at C is only half that at A. Assuming that e.g. a Paris equation
(Chapter 5) applies with an exponent of 4, (da/dN = CAK4 ), the growth at C
will be only (0.5)4 = 0.063 times the growth at A: the growth in depth will be
16 times faster than the growth in length. This is demonstrated by the results of
an actual crack growth analysis displayed in Figure 9.3a.
This presents a complication for the crack growth analysis. In order to obtain
the growth of a, the flaw shape must be known because Q must be evaluated
first. But the new flaw shape cannot be known unless the growth of c is known
and vice versa. This problem can be solved by modifying the crack growth
analysis to account for the growth of a and c simultaneously. In every cycle KA
and K C are calculated for the current flaw shape. Then growth da at a and dc
at c are assessed; the new flaw shape a + da/(c + dc) permits evaluation of KA
and K C for the next cycle. The analysis then automatically provides the changing
flaw shape as in Figure 9.3. A good computer code for crack growth analysis will
include this feature. It should be noted that growth of a and c cannot be
computed independently as the flaw shape must be known in each stage of the
analysis; simultaneous analysis is a pre-requisite. Also, the analysis may have to
make use of different rate data for a andc if the crack growth properties in depth
direction (LS) are markedly different from those in width direction (L T).
The above problem can be avoided if the flaw is assumed to be circular to
begin with. Note however (Figures 9.3a and b) that this causes dramatic
difference in projected crack growth life. This is another demonstration of the
fact that assumptions have much more effect on the results of an analysis than
small errors in geometry factors for example. When assuming a circular flaw it
z a/c=1 a/c=o.25
1.4 1
1.2 I
'"u"" 1.0
0.6 '/''/
0.4 .::::-::::: --
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
z a/c=1 a/c=o.25 8/C=1
1.2 I i
'"u"" 1.0 a,c/ a,ci
0.6 /
/. I
/ c;.... a
(b) 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225
Figure 9.3. Effect of flaw shape assumptions. (a) Elliptical versus circular flaw assumption; (b)
Alternative assumptions.
is hardly worthwhile worrying about the accuracy of /3. The cicular flaw
assumption may lead to a conservative answer, it does not provide a realistic
answer. Besides, if there is a stress gradient through the thickness then even for
a circular flaw KA # KC, and growth of a and c still would have to be assessed
simultaneously. Whether the assumption of a circular flaw is conservative in
that case will depend upon structure and loading.
Table 9.1. Hand calculation for change of shape of surface flaw. tv
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
a e al2e alB <P fJFFS fJA = 1.12 fJ FFS I<P !'J.a !'J.e = (Fc)m!'J.a New a Newe
Figure 8.3 Figure 8.3 (a + !'J.a) (e + !'J.e)
0.1 0.300 0.17 0.10 1.08 1.07 1.11 0.05 0.010 0.15 0.310
0.15 0.310 0.24 0.15 1.23 1.07 0.97 0.05 0.017 0.20 0.327
0.20 0.327 0.31 0.20 1.32 1.05 0.89 0.05 0.024 0.25 0.351
0.25 0.351 0.36 0.25 1.42 1.06 0.84 0.05 0.030 0.30 0.381
0.30 0.381 0.39 0.30 1.48 1.05 0.80 0.10 0.070 0.40 0.451
0.40 0.451 0.44 0.40 1.55 1.06 0.77 0.10 0.083 0.50 0.534
0.50 0.534 0.47 0.50 1.58 1.05 0.72 0.10 0.091 0.60 0.625
Almost circular
18 '58 ·58 18
I. Find power m in rate equation (in this case m = 3).
2. In this example thickness B = I inch; start is ale = 0.1/0.3 = 0.333.
3. Work table horizontally; e in first line is starter value.
4. Take small increments !'J.a.
5. Calculate new a and c and use in next line.
6. Submit columns I and 7 as fJ-table to computer program for crack growth.
u 50e
::s- 4:]0
is J7lJ
5 10 15 20 30 3S
Figure 9.4. Comparison of computer calculation operating on a and c simultaneously, and result
for a, using f3 of Table 9.1 in computer analysis.
2a = 28
2C 2C
I ..
2a a
.....a N=NOTCH
Should the stress intensity reach the toughness before the crack has grown
through the thickness then a (fast) fracture will ensue. The flaw development is
essentially the same as in the case of crack growth, except that the break through
now occurs suddenly from a crack smaller than break-through size (Figure 9.7).
Upon break-through a leak occurs in the same manner as before and a con-
figuration change takes place. Again the question is whether the stress intensity
for the new configuration is above or below the toughness. If K > Kc (or KIc )
fracture will continue (break), but if K < Ke (or KJc) the through crack will be
sub-critical, fracture will stop and only a leak is formed: leak-before-break, and
further growth would be by crack growth instead of fracture.
Fracture of the part-through crack is governed by plane strain. However,
the constraint for the through crack is governed by thickness, and there is a
distinct possibility that plane stress or a transitional condition prevails for the
through crack. In that case the toughness is higher (Figure 3.6) as well, (leak
only). Clearly then, the chances for leak-before-break are better when the
wall is thinner. The longer the through crack, the smaller the chances that
K < Kn because K depends upon the through-crack size a. Thus, a circular flaw
has a better chance of leading to a leak than an elongated crack, the former
causing a through crack of size 2a = 2B, the latter a through crack of larger
Suppose that break through occurs by fracture of a small crack. Also suppose
that K of the ensuing through crack is less than the toughness, Kc or Kin
whichever is applicable. Fracture being a fast event, the question arises whether
it is indeed arrested or whether it will continue even though K is less than the
toughness. Although dynamic fracture analysis [5,8] in principle can answer this
question, the analysis is rather involved and beyond the realm of day-to-day
engineering fracture mechanics. Besides, the solution depends upon the
assumptions. Pragmatically, a simple assumption can be made. If K is equal to
the toughness or slightly below, the dynamic effects will probably prevail and a
break occur. Accounting for a reasonable dynamic effect of 15%, a leak-before-
break will occur when K is less than 85% of the toughness Kc or Kle , whichever
is applicable. Instead of using 0.85 Kc (or 0.85 K 1c ) sometimes the so-called
arrest toughness, K a , is used (ASME requirements). Even with the use of the
arrest toughness [5] the question of state of stress of the through crack remains,
as the through crack could be in plane stress. In view of the fact that measure-
ment of the arrest toughness is difficult and data are scant, the pragmatic
approach of using a 15% dynamic effect may be the only possible avenue. An
example of analysis is given in the Solutions to Exercise 1-4.
It should be noted here that leak-before-break assessment requires establish-
ment of complete residual strength diagrams (Chapter 3) for the part-through
crack as well as the through crack. Various ale ratios must be considered.
Considering only one crack size or stress can easily lead to erroneous
conclusions, especially in this case, where geometry factors depend upon crack
size as well as shape.
0·6 ~
0.2 0.5
I ~
1 cr
i 0: Kc
I I t"/3"fira
, tI ...!IiI -WITHOUT
Figure 9.8. Residual strength of stiffened panel. (a) Geometry factor; (b) Stringer stress concentra-
tion; (c) Residual strength diagram.
corrections should be made for small crack sizes where (J is close to Fry, as
discussed in Chapter 3.
Subsequently, the residual strength diagram for the stiffened panel is esta-
blished, also using Equation (9.4). For small cracks (13 ~ 1) the residual
strength curve is the same as for the unstiffened panel (Figure 9.8c), but for the
case of alb = 1, the 13 for the un stiffened panel is much less than 1 (Chapter 8).
If for example 13 = 0.4 then the residual strength of the stiffened panel will be
1/0.4 = 2.5 times as high as that of the stiffened panel. This defines point Bin
Figure 9.8c to be 2.5 times as high as point A. For intermediate crack sizes the
residual strength curve for the stiffened panel will be as shown (see 13 in Figure
Apparently the residual strength diagram of the stiffened panel exhibits a
relative minimum and a relative maximum at alb = 1. Paradoxically, the
residual strength under the presence of a long crack of a = b is higher than for
certain smaller crack sizes; the strength increases beyond the relative minimum
when the crack is longer.
Consider a case where a (fatigue) crack of size al has developed (Figure 9.8c).
Should a high stress (load) occur of magnitude 0'1 a complete fracture will ensue.
Next consider a case where the crack grows by fatigue until size a2' At a stress
of magnitude 0'2 a fracture will occur, but it will only run to a3 and be ar-
rested at a3' Note that the curve identifies all points where K = K,. The
fracture will proceed to a 3 , but then again (K < K c ); although the crack size
increases, the decrease in p is such that pJ1W, decreases. In order for fracture to
continue from a 3 the stress must be increased to iI. The damage will then increase
by fracturing to ii, but this fracturing will be controlled tearing. At the point (ii,
a) fracture will again be fast and unstable.
For ALL cracks larger than as' fracture will be arrested, and the residual
strength will still be ii, as illustrated in Figure 9.8c. Naturally, for all cracks
smaller than as an immediate total fracture would result, but this would require
a very high stress. If the minimum permissible residual strength, up (Chapters I,
11, 12) is up < iI the structure can always sustain a damage of a as shown by
the horizontial line in Figure 9.8c. Of course, a fracture can occur at stresses
lower than iI (a > as), but such a fracture would be partial only: it would be
arrested at or close to the stringer upon which the residual strength still would
be iI.
Indeed, if the structure is designed such that iI > up, large damage can be
sustained under all circumstances where 0' < up, so that fracture control is
facilitated by inspection for large damage. For reasons of stiffness airframes are
built of skin-stiffened structure anyway; it then is a small step to provide the
above fail-safety by apropriate selection of stringer size and spacing. (As
discussed in Chapter 8, the reduction of P by load transfer depends upon
stringer stiffness and spacing, i.e. upon the stiffening ratio Ji..)
Up till this point the stiffeners and the fasteners have been ignored. When the
fracture approaches the stringer the stresses in the stringer will increase signifi-
cantly because of load transfer from plate to stringer, the very reason for which
the plate experiences lower crack tip stresses and lower p. This was demon-
strated in Figure 8.25. The stringer stress concentration, L, is depicted in Figure
9.8b. Load transfer to the stringer has to be accomodated by the fasteners
causing high fastener shear. As the stringer is uncracked it will fracture when its
local stress is equal to its tensile strength O'{ = LO' = Ftu . Thus stringer fracture
occurs when the remote stress is O'fs = Ftu/L. Using L from Figure 9.8b, this
criterion provides the stringer fracture line as in Figure 9.9a.
A fatigue crack a l in Figure 9.9a will cause a fracture at a stress 0'1' and arrest
at a2' The stress can then be increased to iI (fracture proceding to a) upon which
the stringer will break. Then load transfer to the stringer is no longer possible
I '
, '
I I , I
Figure 9,9, Effect of stringer on residual strength diagram. (a) Stringer critical; (b) Plate critical
(stringer material with higher F ru than in Figure a).
and total fracture ensues, This means that (j is reduced to the level of the
intersection between stringer fracture line and plate fracture line, (Compare
Figures 9.8c and 9,9a). This is an undesirable situation, It can be improved by
selecting a stringer material with a higher F,,.., The diagram of Figure 9.9a will
then change into that of Figure 9.9b, Again, proper design will affect the crack
arrest capabilities to the degree required; other ways to change a stringer critical
case into a skin critical case will be shown later in this section (Figure 9.17)
It is important to note here that the stringer fracture is detemined by F,u
because the stringer is uncracked. Should the stringer be cracked already (which
is unlikely), its strength would be much less and be determined again by the
toughness, so that it would fail at lower stress, In such a case arrest may not be
Increased {3 due to
1 - - 1 _ ... ~rOken stringer 0
(a) (b)
0 2
1--. b
Broken st,inger 0
1 2
~ 1m
Figure 9.10. Crack strting at fastener; with broken stringer. (a) Geometry factor; (b) Stress con-
centration in stringers I and 2; (c) Configuration.
Fastener failer due to high shear must be considered as well. The fastener
forces can be calculated accurately or estimated as discussed in Chapter 8. In
an uncracked structure the fasteners carry hardly any shear, so that they are
often light, their primary function being to hold plate any stringers together.
However, in the case of a crack the fasteners must transfer load to the stringer
so that they are subjected to high shear. Thus, in order to make fracture arrest
possible, heavier fasteners may be necessary.
It may seem that the case discussed above is not a relevant one, because cracks
will not occur between stringers. If cracks develop they will do so at a fastener
hole at a stringer (Figure 9.10). The stringer crossing the crack will be highly
stressed, and develop a crack as well. It will not take long before this stringer
breaks. The plate then will have to carry the load of the broken central stringer,
so that K is increased; f3 > 1. However, from then on the problem is as before:
there is a crack between the two adjacent stringers. By simple redefining the
stringer spacing as b, instead of 2b as before, all previous arguments will hold
(Figure 9. lOb), with slight modifications to f3 and L; these parameters can be
obtained from handbooks as discussed in Chapter 8. Typically, the stringer or
frame spacing in a commercial jet is from 8-12 inches. These structures are
designed to sustain a two-bay crack (16-24 inches) with the central frame or
stringer broken.
If stringers have higher stiffness, or are more closely spaced, they will transfer
more load and be more effective in reducing {3. The smaller the fastener spacing,
i ?H
(a) (b)
t" ¥ .# ,
Figure 9.11. Behavior of stiffened plates with 'zero' fastener spacing. (a) Integral; fracture severs
stringer; (b) Welded; fracture severs stringer; (c) Adhesively bonded (physical separation between
plate and stringer; (d) fillet weld (physical separation).
the more effective load transfer to the stringers, This can be understood intuit-
ively, because the closer the fasteners at either side of the crack tip the more the
stringer will prevent the crack from opening (lower K and lower [3). Hence, small
fastener spacing improves arrest capabilities, as long as the fasteners are of
sufficient size to carry the shear.
The smallest 'fastener' spacing is obtained if the stringer is integral or con-
tinuously welded (Figure 9.11 a, b). Unfortunately, this does permit fracture to
proceed into the stringer, severing the latter in the process. There being no
physical separation between plate and stringer the fracture will include the
stringer, upon which total fracture ensues. An alternative way to obtain 'zero'
- - - - - - -----i
~ b----t
fastener spacing is adhesive bonding or fillet welding (Figure 9.l1c, d). Because
of the physical separation the running fracture cannot penetrate the stringer.
The bonds or welds must be capable of transferring the load to the stringer by
Although in the above discussions the word stringer was used, one need only
replace the work 'stringer' by 'arrester' or 'second element', and the arguments
will be equally applicable. For example, a crack arrester for a pipeline could be
designed as in Figure 9.12. and the above discussions would apply. Similarly the
effects of second elements such as shown in Figure 9.13, whether integral or not
cr 1
Integrated t
::=C6K" ~
AK =(3Acr..{ia
L cr
0- j
j. 0- j.
Figure 9.15a. Life as affected by intermediate fracture and arrest. Intermediate fracture and arrest.
4)110 4 - - -
Figure 9.15b. Life as affected by fracture and arrest. Actual case in aircraft structure.
,', ~>' JEI- I
cr 35
SPEC'MeI ~ 5 1 , , ,
o 80 120 160 200
table is submitted to the crack growth program, which now calculates the
growth curve for a j • The associated a2-sizes follow from the pre-established
table, as does c in Table 9.1
A changing geometry is also a common problem. For example, (consider the
case of Figure 9.19 ) with a crack starting in the thin flange (plane stress; high
Kc). Although for such cases f3 sometimes can be found in a handbook, an
stiffening rallo c.
Increasing fastener
d. e. stiffness I
2. 2.
4&,>5»> ?? ? Z Z Z Z
~ _a_,_
:Z:Z-Z ZZ 22/1 MiN ZZ 2 2%
Figure 9.18. Cases oLmultiple cracks. (a) Increased f3 due to load transfer of broken 2nd element;
(b) Decreased f3 due to intact 2nd element: (c) Interacting cracks in same element: (d) Interacting
cracks in different elements.
... T
': a
(a) I
(b) ---
I a
! ;jody - KC b or Kid
i " lOf'J
a I i
Figure 9.19. Changing geometry (approximation). (a) Configuration; (b) Flange; (e) Body; (d)
Resid ual strength.
The residual strength diagram is plotted on the same scale as that of the flange
(Figure 9.19d) but in such a manner that Geff = 0 coincides with the location of
the fictitious edge of the body. Note that Kc for the body is lower (larger
thickness) which must be accounted for in the analysis; the body may be so thick
that plane strain prevails (K1c )'
The two residual strength curves are now combined; it is of course the lowest
residual strength curve that is of interest. The discontinuity is artificial and the
change-over can be considered as the average of the two curves. In this
particular case, a more rigorous analysis can be made, because a handbook
solution for a thickness change is available [12].
This example demonstrates that the complete residual strength diagram is
required to determine the permissible crack size. Also note that the abscissa of
the residual strength diagram is indeed on the scale of the physical crack size,
the only one of interest for inspection. Naturally, the problem can be solved by
using handbook solutions, but the above example demonstrates that where such
solutions are not available good engineering approximations can be made.
A changing geometry may also be encountered when multiple elements are
cracking simultaneously, as in the case of Figure 9.20. It may not be realistic to
consider only the case that the entire reinforcement is cracked. The engineering
approach illustrated below can provide a reasonable and slightly conservative
result. First consider the two members more or less as independent parts and
then the combination.
When the cracks are small, there hardly will be any load transfer between the
members. Thus a residual strength curve can be calculated for each. However,
for longer cracks there will be load transfer and therefore the net section yield
(collapse) condition is meaningless for the reinforcement and can be ignored.
The independent residual strength curves are shown in Figure 9.20b. Finally,
the residual strength curve is obtained for the case that A is completely severed;
(a) -a I
B independent
Physical crack size a
Figure 9.20. Changing geometry with two members (approximation). (a) configuration; (b)
Residual strength.
L -_ _ _
,-. L_'
t t J 1.
:1 : ..
I .. It ..
1 :, 1--
L_ Failed Plan\'l:; /Most load
1 "'-:.
~~ . ~' .: here
1'- /t--- -
III' .
1 T
: : I..
, , ,
C I :J"
• • • I I ~
° c
Continuous panel
r) !::
••_ _..::;2a:.:=:..::b_~·r
T" _K_ cos ~ sin!!. cos ;lll 1
,f21rr 2 2 2
0"'[ K"o,hrtv2 1
Figure 9.21. Estimate of fastener forces in case of failed plank (top: planks; bottom: full plate
/3 for this can be found in handbooks, the resulting curve is shown in Figure
9.20b as well.
When cracks are small member A will be intact and curve c is not
applicable. Thus the curve starts out as the lowest of curves a and b (in this case
a and b coincide). Where curves band c intersect, member A will be failed and
curve c applies. On the basis of these two criteria, the solid line can be drawn
as a good approximation of the residual strength curve. The result is certainly
approximative, but the top of b and the tail of c are accurate. Not too many
different curves can be drawn between the top part of b and the tail of c.
Therefore the interpolation must be reasonable.
In the example of Figure 9.21 the centre plank may experience fracture
instability. The structure may qualify as fail safe if the remaining planks can still
carry (Jp. In the case of three planks this would cause an average stress of
1.5 x (Jp in the two remaining planks which will be less than the actual
strength of these (intact) panels, if they were initially designed with a safety
factor of 1.5 or more. The question is, however, whether the load of the failed
panel can be transferred to the intact planks. Load transfer has to occur through
the fasteners. Displacement compatibility requires (see discussion Figure 2.2)
that the load in the center plank remains there until close to the break and that
almost all its load will be transferred by shear by a few fasteners close to the
break. If these fasteners would fail under this shear the longitudinal splice would
zip open and the structure would still fail. Thus fastener strength is the crucial
point, and two rows of fasteners are usually required.
A good way to find the fastener forces is through finite element analysis, but
this will require assumptions with regard to the fastener stiffness; the fasteners
will yield and must therefore be represented as non-linear springs. If they are
simply assumed elastic the result of a finite element analysis will be no better
than of the following engineering approach to obtain a first estimate.
Compare the structure and the continuous panel in Figure 9.21 b. There will
be shear stresses along line A-C. This is essentially the Slime in the case of three
planks, but the shear in the vertical plane would have to be transmitted by the
fasteners. The shear stresses in the continuous panel are known from Equations
(3.1) as shown in Figure 9.2Ib. For e = nl2 they are: r = 0.35KIJ2iIT. As a
first approximation it may be assumed that the total shear force over the
fastener distance, rBs, should be transmitted by the adjacent fastener or, if there
are two rows of fasteners, shared equally by two fasteners. Then the forces on
the fasteners nearest the fracture can be estimated as P = 0.35 BfJ-.jbI2s, since
a = band fJ is the applied stress. This is probably a conservative estimate,
because fastener and hole deformation will tend to spread the shear somewhat
to more remote fasteners. The estimate can be improved by integrating
over s instead of taking r = s12.
In cases of rapidly decreasing K fracture arrest conditions may be set up. The
most prominent examples are stringer-stiffened structures as discussed in
Section 9.4. In general, it applies to all built-up structures where load transfer
to uncracked members or flanges is possible. Other cases of decreasing K may
be encountered if cracks are in fields with negative stress gradients, or in cases
of displacement control, when stresses decrease owing to reduced stiffness due
to the presence of the crack (as e.g. in the case of thermal stresses). Finally,
fracture arrest conditions may occur due to changing constraint (plane strain to
plane stress), as discussed in Section 9.3, or if a crack in a thick part starts
penetrating a thinner part. In such cases arrest is not due to decreasing K but
due to increasing toughness, Kc.
As in the discussions of stiffened panels, the term fracture arrest is used. Crack
arrest, (arrest of crack growth) will seldom occur: a decreasing K will simply
l )
.- 2. S
3D •• EL~STl[
~ '~B
a, 0
u 1.6
w 1.4
'"u 1.0
l.O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 9.22. Case of decreasing p. Lug with bad bypass. (a) Geometer factor; (b) Residual strength;
arrest condition between a, and ii; (c) Crack growth; lower line, but upper line iffracture burst from
a, to ii (smaller jump possible).
slow down crack growth by fatigue (Figure 9.14). In the case of stress corriosion
cracking crack arrest may occur if K drops below KIscc '
Cases of decreasing K are quite common, but fracture arrest is not always of
significance. For the case of a 1ug the geometry factor was derived in Equations
(8.25). This geometry factor decreases rapidly because of the term Wjna. When
the crack is long, the effect of the finite Width, W, will act to increase p again.
Hence, for a particular case as in Figure 9.22, p may be as shown. The residual
strength diagram follows from (1 = KclPFa with appropriate corrections for
small a (Chapter 3). Thus the residual strength diagram is as shown in Figure
Clearly, there is a dip in the residual strength diagram, so that fracture arrest
will occur for all cracks between as and ii, the residual strength over this range
of crack sizes being essentially equal to jj as in the case of stiffened panels
discussed in Section 8.4. This arrest is not of much consequence for fracture and
residual strength other than that the residual strength does not drop below jj
until the crack exceeds ii. However, in the interpretation of the fatigue crack
growth curve this effect should not be ignored.
The fatigue crack growth curve is shown in Figure 9.22c. Indeed a slow down
between as and ii is discernible because of the decreasing K. It is quite possible,
however, in the case of variable amplitude loading that a high load occurs
between as and ii. Should this load have sufficient magnitude to cause fracture,
the damage will progress by fracture from e.g. as to ii (Figure 9.22b). Further
growth at lower stresses now occurs by fatigue as shown in Figure 9.22c, but the
fife between as and a is lost. Such 'fracture bursts' are sometimes observed in
service failures of structures with decreasing K. Thus, it may be prudent in the
analysis of such a case to ignore the crack growth life between as and ii (Figure
9.22c) for a case of variable amplitude loading. Whether or not such prudence
is taken must remain an engineering decision. Fracture mechanics can analyse
the problem, but cannot predict which loads will occur in the future.
9.6. Stop holes, cold worked holes and interference fit fasteners.
k, = 1 + if, (9.5)
Where r = Dj2 is the radius, of the stop hole (Chapter 2), I = a for the
configuration of Figure 9.23b. Hence, larger diameter stop holes are more
effective. As a matter of fact, the configuration of Figure 9.23c would be the
most effective, as can be seen from Equation (9.5), but it is not a desirable one
for other reasons. Also, stop holes will have more effect for smaller cracks as
borne out by Equation (9.5).
Once the crack reinitiates the effective length of the new crack will be
an = a + Dj2 for the configuration of Figure 9.23d. See also Chapter 8 on
cracks emanating from notches. This longer crack will grow faster than the
original crack. From this, as well as from Equation (9.5) and Figures 9.23 a
through d, it can be concluded that the best position for the stop hole would be
the one of Figure 9.23b. However, in that situation one would never be sure that
the crack tip is eliminated; if it is not, the 'stop hole' becomes just a hole and
will have no effect at all. Hence, the best compromise is a stop hole centered at
the crack tip (Figure 9.23d).
The beneficial effect of a stop hole can be improved considerably by cold
work. Plastic deformation of the rim of the hole will stretch the material
permanently. However, since this material must fit in the surrounding
elastic material, it must be compressed to its original size. Thus the cold work
(plastic deformation) will create a residual compressive stress around the rim of
the hole in much the same manner as in the case of an overload (Chapter 5). Its
workings are discussed later in this section.
There are many ways to effect the cold work (plasticity). Methods as crude
as hard blows with a blunt instrument are effective and may be useful in tests,
but somewhat more sophisticated procedures are indicated for practical appli-
cations. The procedure most uniformly used is hole expansion by pulling a
tapered pin through the hole. Figure 9.24 shows how this expansion (cold work)
improves the beneficial effect of stop holes [13]. The figure shows cases of very
large hole expansions; normally one would use 3-5% in order to avoid introduc-
ing new cracks.
The above arguments are not limited to stop holes. If all structural holes
are cold worked to begin with, the residual compressive stresses around the rim
would postpone crack initiation as well as reduce crack growth rates once the
crack has started. It has become common practice in aircraft production to cold
work significant holes. Obviously,the procedure is not limited to aircraft
structures, but can be used just as effectively in any other structure, because it
is based on a principle, not a specific material or structure.
Devices for hole expansion are commercially available, but simple tools can
(b) .....
Figure 9.23. Temporary repair with stopholes. (a) Principle, (b), (c), (d) Various configurations.
repair codes I, ! 71
E unrep I I
0 I ,
E 14 ~ 1~ :::
ex p ~.n si onJ- - - 6 - - - l.----¢t--+--.Q-+:
j ----1
~~ , 2 <> 20 /0 0
5 mm stop holes
I )
' T,j
steel sheetj:;
'II 1
L---'LT I_V
8~~'----1 ---I~~l~j~!---+---+--~--~~~~
I I : I 1
6 1--__:~-__1I--+___<l:xZ1I>_-~,---11---__1'- ----+----+--- - + - - - j
I ~
i : I
~~~ i
(a) (b)
Figure 9.25. Simple devices for expanding holes (more sophisticated devices commercially
available). (al Two side access; (bl One side access from top.
be made without great expenditure. If the hole is accessible from both sides, the
device can indeed be very simple as shown in Figure 9.25a. A tapered pin for e.g.
three or five percent hole expansion is inserted from the bottom. A common
wrench is used to pull the pin through. As the pin will cause some damage
(scratches) to the hole subsequent slight reaming is advisable, but the detriment-
al effect of such damage usualIy wilI be outweighed by the beneficial effect of the
residual stresses.
If the hole is accessible from one side only, a device with a split bushing must
be used. This is illustrated in Figure 9.25b. The tapered pin in this case has a
maximum diameter equal to or less than the hole diameter. It is inserted from
the top. Subsequently, the two halves of the split bushing are dropped into the
hole from above. The remaining hole is now too smalI for the pin. If the pin is
pulled through, the hole wilI be expanded because the bushing is split and can
expand. The bushing is removed after the pin is through. Commonly, the
bushing is not re-usable. Again, more refined tools are commercialIy available.
The principle underlying the effect of cold work will be discussed later,
because it is more illustrative to consider interference fits first. Oversize
fasteners, such as e.g. taper locks (trade name) improve life to crack initiation
and decrease the rate of growth of small cracks. In such a case the hole is also
stretched and it is often argued that the effect is the same as of cold work, which
is not the case. In cold work, the oversized pin is removed, allowing the material
to relax and causing the build-up of residual compressive stresses. In the case of
an interference fit the oversized fastener is left in, causing residual tensile
" -'t
: I I I
, I I I
O"f, I 11 ,
I l'
I '/
(a) (b)
Figure 9.26. Effect of interference fit fastener on cycle oflocal stress. (a) Open hole; (b) Interference
fit fastener.
e, " - A-
I 1/ I
I 1/ \ I II
1_ _L_J
(a) (b)
Figure 9.28. Combination of cold work and interference. (a) Net positive effect; (b) Cancellation of
the residual compressive stress will be equal to at least F II, (Chapter 5). If the
applied stress is high, the compressed ring will eventually be relieved (point B
in Figure 9.27) and from there on the line for an open hole is applicable. If the
applied stress varies from 0 to (J a1 the local stress varies from - FlY to (J/3' Hence
R is reduced, but !l(J is much larger than before (it was O-(JII)' However, most
of this cycle ( - F,y to 0) is in compression. Only the tension part is effective, so
that the local stress is from 0-(J/3 which is less than from O-(JII . Hence, the life
is longer; crack growth is slower.
It is sometimes argued that the combination of cold work and interference
gives an even larger improvement. However, a simple assessment of the
situation shows that in general this cannot be so, as shown in Figure 9.28. The
local stress range is effectively larger. Indeed if (Jprt = F,y the two effects cancel
completely (Figure 9.28b). Hence, the combination is worse than either inter-
ference or cold work alone. Claims that combinations are better are fortuitous,
for which there can be two reasons (Figure 9.28):
(a). The range from zero in cold work is somewhat larger than with the
combination (R = 0), but the difference may be small in certain cases. If the
interference reduces fretting (which it will) the combination may give longer life.
(b). Figures 9.26-9.28 are not entirely true to nature because they are for
elastic behavior but plastic deformation occurs locally.
Yet, it is fortuitous if the combination is better in a certain test. Whether it
is or not depends upon spectrum (plastic deformation at high loads), the
material and the hardness of the interference pin or bushing (fretting). It will be
easy to show cases where the opposite is true. The foregoing explanations,
showing that the effects are due to opposite causes bears this out. Claims that
cold work and interference are basically the same, clearly are unfounded.
The previous section shows how residual stresses affect crack growth. Residual
stresses are static. Thus, in general their only effect is a change in R, not in !l(J,
unless they are at a stress concentration as in the case of holes discussed in the
Section 9.6. In the case of uniform residual stresses, the situation is in
accordance with one of the cases shown in Figure 9.29.
If the residual stress is negative R will be lower. Since only the positive part
of a cycle is effective for crack growth (Chapter 7) also the effective !l(J (with
R = 0) may be less as is shown in figure 9.29. It should be noted here that
residual stresses may gradually disappear as a consequence of the cycle stresses,
a phenomenon called 'shake down'. If crack growth is by stress corrosion only
the sustained stress is of importance. The sustained stress is equal to the residual
stress plus the applied stress. Hence, tensile residual stresses will always promote
-M- ----
01----- .
, 1'1
-_/_~-~- - -- --
stress corrosion crack growth and compressive residual stresses will supress it.
This implies that all measures taken to introduce compressive residual stresses
(shot peening, hole expansion, etc.) will be beneficial. Interference fit fasteners
(tension) are detrimental for stress corrosion. It is stressed once more that in the
case of stress concentrations residual stresses may affect t1cr as well as R (Figures
9.26 and 9.27).
For residual strength (fracture) the applied stress is always additive to the
residual stress (superposition). Tensile residual stress is adverse, compressive
residual stress beneficial. These are qualitative statements. It is quite another
matter to quantify the residual stress effect. This requires determing f3 and K for
the residual stresses. In principle, this can be done using Green's functions or
weight functions (chapter 8), but principle is not practice. The stress intensity (or
f3) can be determined easily enough when the residual stresses are known, but
usually, they can be estimated only.
The above arguments apply to welded structures as well. Residual stresses are
always present especially in the heat affected zone (HAZ). If the user knows the
residual stresses at a weld, the procedures discussed in this book are applicable.
The work by Rybicki et al. [14, 15] may be helpful in determining residual
stresses at welds. Thus fracture mechanics is applicable to welded structures
provided the input is correct. Admittedly, there are some complications, but
there are complications for other structures as well as was clearly shown in
foregoing sections. A crack (or fracture) propagating in a weld or a HAZ must
be analyzed using the properties (KIf' da/dN) of the weld metal or of the HAZ.
Again, this is a matter of input, not a shortcoming of fracture mechanics. It may
be difficult to obtain the properties of welds and HAZ, but it is not impossible;
it may be costly and objectionable, it does not constitute a shortcoming of
fracture mechanics. Naturally, some questions will always remain, but many of
these can be answered by engineering procedures (see examples in Chapter 14).
The problem of crack and fracture in welds is no more complicated than those
In many other structures. Each have their specific difficulties. A proper solu-
Mode II
- KI/ () (
~ sin"2 2
+ cos "2 cos "2
KI/ . () 0 3()
- - SIn - cos - cos -
~ 2 2 2
In- =
KI/ () (
~ cos"2 1 -
. 0 .
SIn"2 SIn
KI/ = flllrFa
Mode III
Kill . ()
- --SIn-
~ 2
KI/I ()
~ 2
The crack tip stress fields for modes IIand III can be derived in the same way
as for mode I. The solutions even have the same format as for mode I, as can
be seen in Table 9.2; they contain a stress intensity factor K. Throughout this
book the denotation K has been used for stress intensity, and since all
discussions concerned the same loading mode, there could be no confusion.
However, when considering different modes a distinction must be made between
the stress intensity factors of different modes, K I , KII and Kill.
Dimensional analysis in the manner used in Chapter 3, readily shows what the
format of KII and Kill must be. All crack tip stresses must be proportional to the
applied stress (elastic loading), hence, K+!. Certainly, the crack tip
stresses must be larger if the crack size a is larger, and since there is a root of
a length (r) in the denominator, the only possibility is that K -:- rJa, otherwise
the expression for stress would not have the proper dimensions (note that all
functions of () are dimensionless).
Dimensional analysis does not provide any constants that might appear.
These would have to be derived from a formal analysis of the problem. Again,
it turns out that for infinite panels the proportionality factor is J1i, so that
KII = rFa. The dimensional argument remains the same when the body is of
finite size, so that as in the case of mode I (see Chapter 3) the general expression
for K becomes KII = PllrFa, and similarly Kill = PIII!Fa. Again, P must be
dimensionless and still depend upon geometry; such dependence can be only in
the form p(ajL), where L is a generalized length parameter. All geometrical
effects must be reflected in P, so that the structural complexity will be accounted
for in the geometry factors. They are obtained by means of the same procedures
as discussed for mode I (Chapter 8). Although handbooks contain P/l and 13m
for some geometries, the mode II and III geometry factor are not available in
such abundance as PI
Fracture will occur when the crack tip stresses become too high, which leads
to the fracture conditions: Fracture if KII = K IIe , or if Kill = Kille. The
toughness K lle or Kille in principle could be measured in a test on any specimen,
provided PII or Pili is known for the configuration. Analysis of the residual
strength for any other structure would then proceed on the basis of the above
fracture criterion in the same manner as for mode I. Hence, for the analysis of
the SEPARATE modes no new analysis techniques would be needed.
In practice modes II and III do not occur separately, but always in combina-
tion with mode I, e.g. I-II, or I-III or I-II-III. The treatment of combined
modes is somewhat more complicated. Before considering these combinations
K 1ben
(a) (b)
Figure 9.30. Fracture locus for combined loading. (a) Combined modes I; (b) Combined modes I
and II.
of different modes, a brief review of combined mode I loadings (e.g. tension plus
bending), is in place; it was discussed in detail in Chapter 8.
In combined mode I loadings, addition of crack tip stresses leads to:
This is the superposition principle (Chapter 8): stress intensity factors of the
SAME mode are additive, because the crack tip stress field solution is universal.
This means that the functions of e in the terms of Equation (9.6) are identical,
so that the terms can be combined by makingf(e) explicit. Fracture occurs when
Ktot = Kc (or KIc)' In combined bending and tension for example, this leads to
K ten + K ben = Kn which is represented by a straight line in Figure 9.30a. Each
combination (Kten , K ben ) falling on this straight line represents a fracture case.
Now compare this with a combination of different modes, e.g. I-II. Addition
of the crack tip stresses leads to:
-----K 2c
2021, -T3
KI]C OlD 5050
;~' "". o
(a) , ",I.,
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
100 •
2 .. r-----~----------------------~
2.0 I
I /
I /
1.6 I
o w= 12-in.
I 6 w= 6-in
ksiKn. 1.2
Figure 9.31. Mixed mode fracture test data. (a) aluminium alloys; (b) Plexiglass [16] (Courtesy
ASME); (e) Paper. Courtesy Mead Paper Co.
This would be the fracture criterion for combined modes I and /I. For it to be
valid in general, it must hold for the case that K/I = o. Then it follows readily
(see also Chapter 3) that dW/da = K~c/E. The equation must also hold when
K J = 0, in which case dW/da = Kic/E. This would lead to the conclusion that
K2c = K ,c . (Since apart from a factor (I-v) the above applies to plane stress as
well as plane strain, the toughness is denoted here as K 1c and K 2C' where the
Arabic 1 and 2 signify mode I and mode /I respectively, independent of the state
of stress.)
Equation (9.10) then reduces to:
(9.11 )
Equation (9.11) represents a circle with radius K 1c as shown in Figure 9.30b.
Every combination of K/I and K J falling on this circle represents a fracture case.
(Compare with Figure 9.30a.)
Application of two modes of loading in a test generally requires two loading
axes. Since most testing machines have only one loading axis, most tests to
vaJidate the criterion of Equation (9.11) have been performed on plates with
oblique cracks (Insert Figure 9.31 b), where both modes I and /I occur due to one
loading axis. The stress intensities are KI = PI (TN Fa, and Kl/ = Pl/7:Fa,
where both PI and Pll are aproximately equal to 1 when the plate is large. In a
fracture test one measures the value of (T at fracture. From this (TN and 7: at
fracture can be determined as in Figure 9.31 b, and subsequently the values of
KI and Kl/ at fracture calculated. The data point can be plotted in KI-Klrspace.
For the fracture criterion of Equation (9.11) to be true, data points of tests with
different KdKl/ (different angles) must fall on a circle with radius Klc (or K2c)'
Three such data sets are shown in Figures 9.31. A test in which the crack
angle = 90 degrees is not a viable possibility. Thus the test data for large crack
angle (large Kl/) are dubious. But even if such data points are ignored, the
hypothesis does not seem to be substantiated: the data do not fall exactly on a
The question is now where the hypothesis could be wrong. Equation (9.8) is
certainly true, and therefore Equation (9.9) must be correct. Hence, the error
must have been introduced between Equations (9.9) and (9.10). It was shown in
Chapter 3 that in mode I, indeed dUjda = KJ/E. In the derivation of this
equation an implicit assumption was made however, namely that fracture
occurs in a self-similar manner: da in the same direction as a. This
seemed trivial at the time: it is everbody's experience that the fracture will
proceed in the manner indicated (Figure 9.32a). Pulling a piece of paper with a
tear will confirm this. In the same vein, self-similar fracture was assumed when
writing (dUjda)/l = KJdE. However, it is not obvious that the fracture proceeds
self-similarly in a combined mode I-II case. One feels intuitively that it does not;
1 1
! 1 (c) (d)
(a) (b)
Figure 9.32. Fracture direction. (a) Anticipated fracture path in mode I; (b) Anticipated fracture
path for mode I-II; (c) vertical da; (d) Direction of da.
Figure 9.33. Crack perpendicular to principal stress (tension) (a) Shear web. (b) Pure torsion.
it will proceed as shown in Figure 9.32b. This can be readily demonstrated by
pulling a sheet of notepad paper with an oblique (e.g. 45 degrees) slit.
The energy release rate (dU/da)tot depends upon the angle at which fracture
proceeds. It is obvious that a vertical da (figure 9.32c) will cause much less
energy release than a horizontal da. Indeed a horizontal da gives the highest
energy release in mode /, reasons why fracture proceeds as in Figure 9.32a. In
combined mode loading fracture will proceed in that direction for which the
total energy release is the largest, because Equation (9.8) is first satisfied for this
direction. Hence, in developing Equation (9.9), one should write:
1Y.[(IjJ) E + 1Y./l(IjJ) E = da' (9.12)
where IY.[ and IY.I/ are both functions of IjJ (Figure 9.32) which can be formally
evaluated by calculating dU/da as a function of the angle IjJ of da. It can then
be determined for which IjJ the left hand side of Equation (9.12) becomes a
maximum. This provides not only the angle IjJ at which the fracture proceeds,
but also the values of K[ and KII required for fracture. The question is whether
this is still necessary.
There is no doubt that a fracture in mode / will proceed in a self-similar
manner. Neither is there any doubt that the fracture as in Figure 9.32b will
proceed as shown (simple tests on paper bear this out). In both cases this is the
direction perpendicular to the maximum principal stress. This is immediately
clear for pure mode /, but it can be demonstrated for the combination as well
[5, 16].
This being the case, the question must be asked: how could the oblique crack
(mode IIII) in the tests represented in Figure 9.31 develop in the first place. The
answer is simple: the cracks did not develop; they were cut intentionally for the
purpose of the tests. Had the crack developed by fatigue, they would have grown
horizontally and not under an angle. As a matter of fact this is a common
observation. Cracks in shear webs and pure-torsion bars develop under 45 0 as
shown in Figures 9.33. Even if such cracks initially are forced in another
direction, they will soon turn and find a path in which they experience mode /
only. Cracks tend to turn away from the shear loading so that the mode /
loading is the only relevant one. Hence, cracks such as in Figure 9.31 would
never develop.
The above behavior of service cracks is also observed in tests. A fatigue crack
in a combined shear-tension field [17] followed a curved path. Finite element
analysis of a model in which the crack was represented in the way it actually
developed in the test showed that Kl/ dropped immediately to zero. Its initial
value was high because it was forced by the notch, but the crack turned readily
away into a direction of mode / only. Thus all tests data in Figures 9.31 and
behavior of forced slant cracks or forced combined mode tests in general, are
of academic interest but of no practical value if natural cracks develop in mode
I, i.e. perpendicular to the maximum principal stress.
Essentially then the entire problem of combined mode loading seems of little
practical significance. This categorical statement must be blunted somewhat,
however. There are cases where the crack may indeed be forced into a combined
mode situation. A good example would be a torque tube with a circumferential
weld. Because the weld HAZ is often the weakest path, the crack will stay in the
HAZ where it experiences both mode I and II. Other examples of this forced
behavior can be thought of. In such cases combined mode crack growth and
fracture criteria may have to be used. One may then turn to formal analysis [5]
which leads to considerable complication. Instead, engineering pragmatism
would dictate simpler and more cost-effective ways. The simplest approach
would be to use the circle of Equation (9.11). In most engineering cases K/l will
be small with respect to K/ and for small ratios K/l/K/ the circle is a very good
approximation as can be readily seem from Figures 9.31. It could be improved
somewhat by recognizing that data suggest that K2c ~ 0.8 K 1c and that the data
fall more closely on an ellipse:
(KK/)2 + (~)2
1c 0.8 K 1c
The use of the criterion is simple. For example, if K 1c = 50 ksi JIn, it follows
that K 2c = 40 ksi JIn. When considering a case where Ih = P/I ~ 1 (other cases
can be treated in the same manner after determination of p/ and P/l), it can be
calculated how much shear can be applied if e.g. (j = 16 ksi and a = 2 inches.
It follows that Kl = 16~ = 40 ksiJIn. Fracture occurs in accordance
with Equation (9.13):
G~Y + (~;Y = 1
9.9. Composites
• W=18 in.
o W=12 in.
... W=6in.
I.B 20
:21 1.6
,,' 1.4
Predicted curves "e- g T;
.jrlJ sec
0 2 4 6 10 12 14 16 18
Crock Size. 20e• inches
Figure 9.34. Residual strength prediction and data for random fiber composite (paper board).
Courtesy Mead Paper Co.
on paper and cardboard to check analysis procedures. Figure 9.34 shows test
data for center-cracked card-board panels. A 'toughness' Kc = 1.34~sec 2n/12
Jfii = 3.6 ksi Fn follows from the average fracture stress for the three data
points indicated by arrows. Using common procedures of residual strength
analysis as discussed in Chapters 3 and 10, the residual strength curves for other
panel sizes were predicted. Figure 9.34 compares predictions (curves) with tests
(data points). Clearly, the results are in accord with predictions. There are
discrepancies, but these are well-explained by common material scatter, and no
larger than in metals. In the case of card board, one must account for aniso-
trophy and inhomogeneity of the material and the problem seems unmanage-
able from the point of view of analysis. However, if one can make predictions
(curves in Figure 9.34) as well as shown using a very simple concept, the
engineering problem is solved. Similarly the problem of crack growth and
fracture in composites can be solved. However, solutions as e.g. the one
discussed above must probably come from engineering-oriented (development)
research. Academic fracture mechanics research may help to improve under-
standing, but its track record for solving engineering problems is not encourag-
9.10. Exercises
1. Using the values for a, determine the residual strength diagrams for lon-
gitudinal suface flaws (internal as well as external) with ale = 1 and al
e = 0.3 in a pressurized cylinder of 10 inch diameter with a wall thickness
of 0.5 inch; assume that the hoop stress is pR/B (thin wall solution.
K/c = 35 ksi Fn; F,y = 70 ksi. Assume f3 of figure 8.3 is applicable. Note:
use a for residual strength analysis, and e = al(ale).
2. Given that the pressure in the cylinder of Exercise 1 cycles between 0 and
3000 psi, will the cylinder leak or break? Assume f3 = 1 for the through
3. Assuming that F,y = 50 ksi instead of 70 ksi in Exercises 1 and 2, and
Kc = 80 Ksi Fn, will the cylinder leak or break?
4. If da/dN = C I1K 3 , determine the changing shape of the crack starting at
ale = 0.3 and ale = 1 starting at a = 0.1 inch. Assume same conditions as
in previous exercises.
5. Assume Figure 8.25 applies. Given is: B = 0.2 inch, b = 8 inches, W large,
J1. = 0.4, F,y = 60ksi, F,u = 75ksi, Kc = 70ksiFn. Calculate the residual
strength diagram (including stringer failure line). Is this case stringer critical
or skin critical? What would you change to make this a skin critical case? If
the allowable shear stress of the fasteners is 100 ksi what size offasteners do
you need? What is the bearing stress?
6. Suppose that in the case of Exercise 5 the normal fatigue stresses have a
range of 15 ksi at R = 0.2. Occasional higher stresses occur. One of these
occurs when the crack size is a = 2 inches, causing a fracture. Assume that
da/dN = 3£-9I1K21K!~x.
(a) At which stress did the fracture occur?
(b) At which crack size does arrest occur?
(c) What was the rate of fatigue crack growth before arrest?
(d) What is the rate of fatigue crack growth after arrest?
(e) Why could you have obtained the result of d without any calculation,
and what is the general consequence of this observation?
7. A stop-hole repair is made of an edge crack of 0.75 inch length for which
f3 = 1.12. Calculate f3 for the crack emanating from the stop hole. Diameter
stop hole is 0.25 inch, its center at the crack tip.
[II J.e. Newman and I.S. Raju. Stress intensity factors equations for cracks in three-dimensional
finite bodies, ASTM ATP 791 (1983) pp. I-238-I-265,
[21 I.S. Raju and J.e. Newman, Stress intensity factors for circumferential cracks in pipes and rods
under tension and bending loads ASTM STP 905 (1986) pp. 189-805.
[3] J .C. Newman and I.S. Raju. Analysis of surface cracks in finite plates under tension and bending
loads, NASA TP-1578 (1978)
[4] G.G. Trantina et al., Three dimensional finite element analysis of small surface cracks, Eng.
Fract. Mech. 18 (1983).
[5] D. Broek, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, Nijhoff (1986) 4th edition.
[6] D. Broek et al., Applicability of toughness data to surface flaws and corner cracks at holes. Nat.
Aerospace Lab. NLR TR 71033 (1971)
[7] L.R. Hall and R.W. Finger. Fracture and fatigue crack growth of partially embedded flaws,
AFFDL TR 70-144 (1970) pp.235-2626.
[8] M.F. Kanninen and C.H. popelar. Advanced fracture mechanics, Oxford University Press
[9] T. Swift. Development of fail safe design features of the DC-IO, ASTM STP 486 (1974)
[10] H. Vlieger and D. Broek. Residual strength of cracked stiffened panels. AGARDograph 176
(1974) Chapter V.
[II] H. Vlieger. Residual strength of cracked stiffened panels. Eng. Fract. Mech. 5 (1973) pp. 447-
[12] D.P. Rooke and DJ. Cartwright, Compendium of stress intensity factors HM Stationery Office,
London (1976)
[13] H.P Van Leeuwen et al., The repair offatigue cracks in low alloy steel sheet, National Aerospace
Institute, Amsterdam, Rep NLR TR-70029 (1970)
[14] E.F. Rybicki and R.B. Stonesifer, Computation of residual stresses due to multi-pass welds in
piping systems, J. of Press. Vessel Techn. 101 (1979) pp. 149-154.
[15] E.F. Rybicki et al., A finite element model for residual stresses and deflections in girth-butt
welded pipes, J. of Press Vessel Techn 100 (1978) pp.256-262.
[16] F. Erdogan and G.S. Sih. On the crack extension in plates under plane loading and transverse
shear. J. Basic Eng. 85 (1963) pp.519-527.
[17] D. Broek and R.C. Rice. Prediction offatigue crack growth in rails. Battelle rept to US DOT
TSC (1977)
[18] Various Authors, Tough composite materials, Noyes (1985).
[19] J.R. Soderquist Certification of civil composit aircraft structure SAE paper 811061 (1981).
Analysis procedures
10.1. Scope
This chapter is essentially a summary of all foregoing chapters and serves as an
introduction to those following on fracture control and damage tolerance
requirements. As such it is repetitive in many ways and contains many cross-
references to other chapters. Nevertheless, despite its repitition, the reader may
find it useful as a general tie-in of the general procedures, and as a reference to
other parts of this book where the issues are discussed in more detail.
Tahle 10.1. Analysis (and fracture control) complications for various types of structures (subjective rating)
Item Complexity due to: Ships Offshore Pipelines Nuclear Airplanes Chemical Heavy
processing machinery
Load and Spectrum 8 8 2-7' 2 9b 2 7-8
spectrum Load response 7-8 6-7 1-4' 3-4 8-9' 2 6-7
Load and weight 6-9 2 2 2 8 2 3
Environment 6 8 3-8' 9 4 9 7-9
Stresses Structural geometry 7 6 3 5 9 3-5 8
Stress analysis 7 6 4 6 8-9 5 8
Cracks and Detail design 8 6 4 5 9 4-5 6
fracture Residual stress 6 8 5 4 2 7 7-8
Welded joints 8 8 7 6 1 8 8
Fastened joints 3 8 2
Active fracture Inspection 6 8 4-7" 9 6 6-7 5
control Total complexity 70-74 67-68 36-52 54-55 74-76 50-54 66-71
a High numbers for submarine pipeline.
h Maneuvers, gusts, and taxi-loads.
C Including control surfaces.
Chapter 8. Libraries of geometry factors are sometimes included in computer
codes. This is useful mostly for standard geometries. When compounding,
superposition and other methods are necessary, a pre-processor performing all
of the procedures discussed in Chapter 8 is more versatile [4].
After the input is complete residual strength analysis (Chapters 3, 4, 9) is
performed to determine the permissible crack size, ap • Crack growth analysis
(Chapters· 5, 9) then provides the life to ap (Chapter I), upon which fracture
control decisions can be made (Chapter II, 12). The latter computations are
usually performed by employing proven computer software. As such they are
essentially the easiest part of the analysis. Nevertheless, the analyst should be
aware of the procedures used in order to appreciate the possible consequences
of· approximations and judgements, which largely determine the accuracy of the
analysis. Preparation of the input is the most difficult and most crucial task.
Every type of structure presents its own special difficulties (Chapter 9), and the
difficulties are more or less of the same level regardless of the application. This
can be appreciated from Table 10.1, where the various complicating factors are
subjectively rated on a scale from 1 to 10. With few exceptions the total rating
is of the same order of magnitude. Naturally, these ratings are somewhat argu-
able, but they were based mostly upon actual experience with damage tolerance
analysis for these structures, so that they certainly provide a good indication
of complexities.
t t
Environment load spec- Stress Permissible minimum
spectrum trum distribution ~ residual strengt, 0',
Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Chapters 1 and 12
da/dN. da/dt Stress Geometry
parameters fly r- history factors Ke , K1c. • JR
also ~DI.f1y
Chapter 7 Chapter 6 Chapter 8 Chapter 7
t t
Crack growth Resi dual strenghth
cal culati on diagram calculation
Chapter 5 (and 9) Chapters 3, 4,9
Permissi ble
crack Qp
Chapter 1. 12
llifo to a,
Chapters 1. 12
I Frature control
Chapters 11,12
IlIa rJ.Lif.. I
p p
A 04- ~
8 0/ /
LlIt, 04- rJ.Li!!. I
(a )
c o
c o
P 3/4 P
1/2 P
o II P
K l M
/ '-
--L ( )
" /'
Figure 10.2. Hidden stress concentration in bolted joint. (a) Poor design; (b) Improved design; (c)
Full body equivalent of a; (d) Full body equivalent of h.
consider the area of the joint between bolts C and D. Parts IIa and IIb together
have the same stiffness (equal thickness) as part I. Since the parts are attached
at C and D they must stretch equally: they undergo equal strain. But for equal
strain they must have equal stress. Therefore IIa and lIb together carry half the
load, and part I carries half the load. This means that half of the load is
transferred at bolt C, the other half at bolt D; the two other bolts carry no load
at all. Equal strain in the parts between C and D, causes the holes of the centre
bolts in the three parts to remain lined up: hence the bolts cannot transfer load.
A much better design is shown in Figure 10.2b. If bolt C is to transfer 1/4P
then there will be 3/4P between GH, while there will be 1/8P between CE and
KL each. The parts being attached, they must have equal strain (stress).
Therefore the thickness of CE and KL each must be 1/8 x 3/4 = 3/32 of the
center part, and so on, in order to carry loads of iP, tP and iP.
The design of Figure IO.2b provides a gradual change in stiffness. The
equivalent in full body design is shown is Figure 10.2d. No designer would
conceive the configuration of Figure 1O.2c, but the design of Figure 1O.2a is
quite common. Apart from the stress concentration of the bolt holes per se,
there is a 'hidden' stress concentration of a factor of 2 (the bolt carrying 1/2P
instead of 1/4P). Cracking will occur at C and D, and the analysis must account
for a bolt load of ~ P. (Somewhat less ifbolt hole deformation occurs)
Once the critical areas have been established, it is still not trivial how the
analysis should proceed. One must also know (or assume) how cracks will
develop. This assumption is very influential on the results of the life calcula-
tion and may overshadow other errors (Chapter 12).
In the case of surface cracks or corner cracks there is usually little choice but
to assume that the flaw is elliptical, otherwise geometry factors are not available.
Yet many surface flaws are not elliptical. A circular flaw is often assumed. As
discussed in Chapter 9 this assumption may have more effect on the results of
the analysis than all acclaimed analysis shortcomings together (see also Figure
7.8). One might select to go through the costly exercise of generating geometry
factors by means of 3-D finite element analysis, but if the wrong flaw shape
assumption is made also this may be in vain.
For example, nuclear pressure vessels tend to develop cracks at the nozzle
(Figure 10.3) where cyclic (thermal) stresses occur due to the 'cold' water
returning from heat exchanger or turbine. The stress distribution is as shown in
Figure lO.4a. Stress intensity factors were obtained [I] by 3-D finite element
analysis (Figure lO.4b) on the basis of the flaw assumptions of Figure lO.4c.
Consider the case of crack front 3. The stress intensity is higher at the free
surface. This means that crack growth will be faster there, so that crack front
4 will no longer be a circle (as was assumed). Indeed, model tests confirmed this
faster growth at the surface, as shown in Figure 1O.5b. Subsequent fracture tests
overpredicted (unconservative) the fracture stress as shown in Figure 10.5.
It is strongly emphasized that this is not intended to suggest that the des-
crepancies in Figure 10.5 are due to the flaw assumptions. On the other hand,
if the tests had been done first, proper flaw assumptions could have been made,
and at least one area of uncertainty could have been eliminated. The example
shows that answers do not lie in costly analysis. Unfortunately, engineering
insight and foresight tend to be lost in the computer world. Any of the methods
discussed in Chapter 8 (possibly combined with the FEM stress distribution for
the uncracked model) would have given equally useful results, the (flaw)
assumptions being the crucial point.
Similarly, flaw development presents a problem, in particular when the
structure consists of multiple elements. It would be hard to decide which
assumptions should be made with regard to the sequencing and interaction of
cracks I through 8 in a case such as in Figure 10.6: Of the many possible
assumptions none will occur in reality, and no useful answer will be obtained
. ..... ,1.
Figure 10.4. Analysis of nozzle corner cracks [I]. (a) Stress distribution at nozzle corner; (b)
Calculated stress intensity on basis of a and c. (c) Flaw assumption.
o Kave
• Kmax
* K45
/ 0
Figure 10.5. Possible effect offiaw assumption [1]. (a) Predicted fracture stress and test results; (b)
Actual crack shapes in test.
unless the effect of different assumptions is analysed and the worst scenario
adopted. The latter must follow from multiple analyses; it cannot be foreseen.
Naturally, if the structure is really damage tolerant (can sustain large damage)
no assumption may be necessary. The analysis could start by noting that
eventually all of the area in Figure 10.6b will be cracked, and the inspection
interval could be based upon the time for this damage to grow to ap (Chapter
. ' Crack.d ~-
I Rear view
Side view
Crack stopper
Joggi. Stringer strap
7 . B
• ' Crackod
Figure 10.6. Crack development and sequencing in multiple element structure (example: aircraft
fuselage) (a) Eight different cracks; (b) total assumed damage.
and collapse, be it that some approximations may have to be made for small
cracks (fracture at high stress), but such approximations are still necessary with
EPFM, as shown later in this chapter. The significance of EPFM is exaggarated
in the literature. Judicious use ofLEFM in conjuction with collapse analysis will
provide the residual strength with good engineering accuracy in most cases. The
intrinsic inaccuracy of the toughness measured in terms of J R (Chapter 7) usually
causes EPFM analysis to be no more accurate than LEFM even for very ductile
materials, in particular because collapse must still be separately evaluated.
Besides, fracture control usually depends only slightly on permissible crack size.
(Chapter II, 12) and is more influenced by crack growth.
In this respect the so-called 'failure analysis diagram' developed [2] in Great
Britain is of great interest, because it provides much insight. The whole gamut
of fractures from brittle to fully plastic can be represented in the failure analysis
diagram as shown in Figure 1O.9a. The stress intensity is plotted along the
tJ ". ~ 0--
Figure 10.7. Fracture analysis (bottom lines) as compared to conventional design analysis (to line).
ordinate and stress along the abscissa. The stress is limited by collapse and the
stress intensity by the toughness.
The limits of Kc at the one end and collapse at the other end, require that there
is a limiting line going from Kc to arc. The end portions of this contour must be
straight so that there is only a relatively small curved part. The top horizontal
part is governed by LEFM and the vertical portion by collapse. The curved part
is the regime ofEPFM. For some applications it may be permissible to approxi-
mate the diagram by two straight lines (Figure 10.9b). The failure analysis
diagram is usually presented in normalized form by plotting K/Kc and a/arc so
that the intercepts with the axes are at 1 (Figure 1O.9c). This normalization
makes the diagram universal.
The use of the failure analysis diagram can best be demonstrated by an
example. Consider a material with Klc = 50 ksi Fn and Fcol = 60 ksi. Assume
that the 'structure' is a center cracked panel, 12 in wide with a crack 2a = 2 inch
subjected to a stress of 10 ksi. The nominal stress at collapse would be:
w - 2a
W F col , (10.1)
which for the given case becomes: af<. = 60(12 - 2) = 50 ksi. Thus,
a/arc = 10/50 = 0.20. The stress intensity is K = /3aFa, so that with /3::::; 1
itsvalueisK = 1O~ = 17.7ksiFn. Thus,K/Kc = 0.35. Now the point
~ Plasticity
Figure 10.8. Regimes of LEFM, EPFM and collapse.
a/ajc = 0.20 with K/Kc = 0.35 can be plotted in the diagram as point A in
Figure 10.10. If the stress is raised to 20 ksi, the stress intensity becomes
K = 20FXT = 35.5ksiy'lrl and K/Ke = 35.5/50 = 0.71. Further,
a/a!e = 20/50 = 0.40. This produces point B in the diagram
Clearly, K/Ke and a/aj( increase proportionally. Therefore, a straight line
through the origin provides all combinations of K and a. Fracture occurs where
this line intersects the fracture locus. Judgement of the proximity offracture can
be made from the distance between a point and the contour. Extension of the
line will also show whether fracture occurs by LEFM or collapse. In the
present example LEFM applies (point C).
Consider another case with a crack of 2a = 0.6 in. The stress at collapse is
arc = 60(12 - 0.6)/12 = 57 ksi. For example, with a = 20 ksi one obtains
a/a}e = 20/57 = 0.35, and K = 20)n x 0.3 = 19.4ksiy'lrl or K/Ke =
19.4/50 = 0.39, plotted as point D. The extension of the line OD predicts that
LEFM Ke 1------- - -- .,
a a
ale .!L
(a) (b) (c) ale
Figure 10.9. Principle of failure analysis diagram[2]. (a) Regimes of fracture failure; (b) Question-
able area in transition region; (c) Normalized diagram.
Point E F G On tangent
2a = 0.25 0.5 in
(Jres = 55 48 40 ksi (from tangent)
K = {3uFa = 34.5 42.5 50 ksi~
K/K/c = 0.69 0.85
af' = (W - 2a)FcodW 58.8 57.5 55 ksi
ures/af , = 0.94 0.80 0.73
Then the three points F, and G and E in Figures 10.10 a can be constructed
so that the curved part of in Figure 1O.1Oa can be drawn. Clearly in this case the
curved part can still be treated with the LEFM tangent approximation.
In its normalized form the failure analysis diagram is the same for all
materials and structures, regardless of K,. and ~ol' Given the scatter in material
behavior, an approximation of the curved part will suffice for many purposes.
A more precise diagram (curved part) can be drawn based on J, but obviously
this cannot be too different.
Uc 60 \
(kSi) \
K G \
50 E
Kc F
.6 40
- - - - - - -<I
6 /1 / 30
. 1:/
.4 ---,Lll.t 20
---~~ II
/1 J: 10
.2 //1 II
(a) .2 .4 .6 .6 .5 2 3 4
2a (in)
Figure 10.10. Approximation of curved part by LEFM. (a) Failure analysis diagram; (b) Tangent.
The use of the diagram for a particular application requires the calculation of
the stress at collapse and the stress intensity at a given stress and crack length.
This permits calculation of and K/ K, at that stress, which can be plotted on the
The diagram presents a means for a judgement of the proximity of fracture
and it shows what kind of fracture to expect, putting the three areas of fracture
analysis, LEFM, EPFM and collapse in perspective. It is useful in conjunction
with (not insteasJ of) the residual strength diagram, as it can be derived from the
latter as shown above. Its significance is possibly that it illustrates that from a
technical point of view the EPFM fracture criterion is not very sensitive, and
that also in EPFM collapse must treated separately as a competing condition.
Fi nd Kc or KJc
Find bela
Find yield stress F,y
Cres is Low,r of
u'r and Cife
10.12 shows the procedure. Note again that for small cracks unconservative
results would be obtained, so that a tangent approximation to the calculated
curve must be made. Similarly, for high toughness, or in the general case for
smaller structures, collapse may prevail.
Generally the residual strength analysis (LEFM, EPFM and Collapse), will
be performed using some sort of computer software but hand calculations are
well possible. It should be noted once again, that the analysis will be the same
for any kind of structure, provided one finds P (or H) for the structural
geometry as described in Chapter 8. Since the center crack is easy to envision,
examples here will be based on the center crack.
The stress intensity is K = pa Fa. Fracture occurs when the stress intensity
is equal to the toughness, Klc or Kc whichever is applicable. Fracture occurs if:
pa Fa = Klc (or Kc). Thus for given crack size the fracture stress is found as:
air = Klc(or KJ (10.2)
Table 10.2. Critical crack size calculation (not advisable; see test)
According to Figure 3.3, the stress intensity is:
na/ W in radians!
- -KJc
-- First assume fJ I, so that a
n na'
(J2 sec W
I( 60
n 1.029 x 30
)2 1.20 in This means fJ J nxl.2
sec-I- 2- 1.025;
Then ac = -I (
n 1.025 x 30
60 )2 = 1.21 in.
The last ac differs only slightly from the previous one so that iteration complete: ac = 1.21 in, and
2ac = 2.42 in.
Table 10.3. Calculation of residual strength center crack; Fry = 120ksi, KJc = 60ksi.JTn" and
W= 12.
2a a p=
sec W Fa (J/r
= KIc/ W - 2a
(iI' = --W- x Fry (Ires
This fracture stress is the residual strength unless collapse occurs at a lower
stress, or unless af' is close to F;;ol so that the tangent must be used (Figures 10.11
and 10.l2.
It is possible to calculate the crack size at fracture directly, or rather, the
permissible crack size ap for the minimum permissible residual strength, ap • It
followed from Equation (3.25a) that
= .!.(K/c)2
n f3a
40 (J = 60 ~(10%)
2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12
28 (jn)
2a a f3 Fa (fIr a" a
0",., (k'i)
70r-----~----------------_.r_--~ 70r------------------------.r---,
60 \
\ 60
" '- ,, 12
.................K{C=160 ksi~
'- ,,
, \
" \
6 7 9 10 11 12 (b) L---"--,--=======:::2~
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
~~ ~~
Figure 10.14. Residual strength diagrrn for cases of Table 10.4. (a) 12 inch panel; (b) 60 inch panel.
Accounting for all of the above, residual strength analysis can be performed
as in Table 10.4. In order to show that collapse may occur even if the toughness
is low, two panel sizes were considered. Also some of the results may fall on the
tangent regardless of how low the toughness. This becomes clear from the
residual strength diagrams obtained by plotting the data of table 10.4 as in
Figure 10.14 (Note: in order to avoid clutter and to better demonstrate the
effect, F;y was assumed the same for all three materials; naturally, the principle
would not change if the materials had different F;y.
Figure 10.14 illustrates one more reason for which it is important to construct
a complete residual strength diagram. The line for collapse can be constructed
and it can be seen immediately whether or not the residual strength should be
found from collapse, LEFM or from the tangent to the curve. Also, note that
the whole curve has to be determined before the tangent can be constructed.
In the case of plane stress or transitional fracture the question arises as to
whether one should use Keff instead of Kc (Chapter 3). From a technical point
of view Keff is the relevant toughness. Naturally, the calculation procedure
remains the same regardless of the toughness used.
The limitations of LEFM are by no means as severe as sometimes suggested,
if sensible approximations are made where necessary, as shown. Besides EPFM
is no panacea either.Calculations are more involved and often not more
accurate than the approximations used in LEFM border cases.
The concept and equations for EPFM residual strength analysis were
discussed in Chapter 4. The calculation is simplest when stable fracture is
ignored (as it is in LEFM). In many cases this will lead to slightly conservative
results. The calculation procedure for that case is shown in Figure 10.15. The
question of constraint (Chapters 4, 7) has not been resolved for EPFM, so that
0;. for collaps.
Find G, from U.
'toughness' values must be used for the appropriate thickness in the case of
through cracks. For part-through cracks (plane strain) there is no obvious
answer; the use of conservative values is recommendable.
Generally the fracture equation (Chapter 4):
np2 aa F Hri'+la
~+ F = JR (10.4)
must be solved for al" the fracture stress. Solution is possible only by iteration
which is best done by means of appropriate computer software [4]. If either of
Table 10.5. Residual strength analysis using EPFM for four cases, ignoring stable fracture.
a (in) a/W H (fl' = (FJ/ Ha)I/(n+ 1) (fli = (1 - 2a/W) Fe,1
Feol = 56ksi
JR = 0.83 kips/in JR = 5.3 kip/in
W = 8inch
0.5 0.063 8.72 38.9 53.3 49
1.0 0.125 13.5 32.4 44.1 42
1.5 0.188 24.6 27.4 37.3 35
2.0 0.250 57.9 22.6 30.8 28
2.5 0.313 190 17.9 24.4 21
3.0 0.375 1239 12.7 17.3 14
3.5 0.438 35389 7.1 9.6 7
W = 24inch
1.5 0.063 8.72 32.6 44.4 49
3.0 0.125 13.5 27.1 86.9 42
4.5 0.188 24.6 22.8 29.6 35
6.0 0.250 57.9 18.8 25.7 28
7.5 0.313 190 14.9 20.3 21
9.0 0.375 1239 10.5 14.4 14
10.5 0.438 35389 5.9 8.0 7
n = 5;F= 1.9ElOksi 5 .
the terms in Equation (l0.4) is small with respect to the other, hand calculations
are a simple matter. The case of the second term being negligible is a trivial one,
because then the case reverts to LEFM and it is solved as discussed above
(toughness .jEJR ). If the first term is negligible solution proceeds as in the
numerical example in Table 10.5.
The results of this example are plotted in Figure 10.16. Note again that the
same problems exist as in LEFM. An approximation must still be made for
small crack sizes (because for a approaching zero Equation (10.4) leads to
infinite stress); also collapse must be evaluated separately. A complete residual
strength diagram is again necessary for a complete evaluation. Almost all
remarks in this section made regarding LEFM apply to EPFM residual strength
analysis as well, as can be judged easily from a comparison of Figures 10.16 and
There is an additional nuisance of EPFM. The criterion is expressed in terms
of strain energy and therefore the 'toughness' or fracture resistance (JR ) is a
meaningless number for direct comparison of alloys. This can best be demon-
strated on the basis of the LEFM expressions. For example, consider a steel and
an aluminum alloy both with the same toughness (e.g. K, = 50 ksi v'In). This
means that the fracture resistance in terms of G (which may be called Gi, or R)
irrespective of its denotation is G, = R (= J R ) = KJ,/E. For the aluminum
with E = 10 000 ksi one obtains G, = 502 /10.000 = 0.25 kips/in, and for the
steel with E 30000 ksi; Gc = 502 /30000 = 0.083 kips/in.
cr~ r-------------------~ crresr-------------------~
rksi] [kSi] ,
W=8 in. w =24 in.
\ , ""
501 1-"
, "
r """ '- '- ;COLLAPSE
(a) --,'----~-----'3:----~ (b) L---~----~----~9----~,2
Figure 10./6. Residual strength analysis with EPFM (Tble 10.5) .• Calculated points from EPFM
(Table 10.5). (a) Panel of 8 inch width; (b) Panel of 24 inch width.
Whether the R-curve (LEFM) or the JR-curve (EPFM) is used, the procedure is
essentially the same. The solution is the easiest when done graphically, using
kips/'n 1
8 .1 ·5
I ,
o .5 1.5 total a
plots such as in Figures 3.17 and 4.2. The G or J lines are represented by the
First the R or JR curve (material data) is plotted. Then G(or 1) are calculated
in tabular form for a number of crack sizes and five or six values of the stress.
The fracture stress is the one associated with that curve which is tangent to the
R or J R curve. An example is shown in Table 10.7 and Figure 10.17. The
procedure works the same for EPFM using the second of Equations (10.5).
Table 10.8. Logic for iterative solution
(g) if dJ/da ;;: dJR/da or dG/da ;;: dR/da then done (tangency).
(h) Otherwide go back to b.
The crack growth analysis procedure is shown in Figure 10.18. Extensive details,
algorithms and examples were shown in Chapters 5 and 6, specific problems
illustrated with examples in Chapter 9. Crack growth analysis, it was pointed
out, requires appropriate computer software [e.g. 4]; in few cases an analysis by
hand is possible (constant amplitude). The following example may serve as a
general illustration.
It is anticipated that cracks might occur at the edge of the reinforcement plate
of a nozzle in a pressure vessel Figure 10.19). The pressure fluctuates approxi-
special analysis
may be Establish stress
necessary history
(clipping, truncationl
Lpossible I
mately once per two hours between p = 1500 and 3000 psi. Under certain
conditions if the process stagnates the pressure may reach 3600 psi, but this is
an unlikely event. Failure of the vessel would cause explosion damage and
involve loss oflife. The fracture control objective is to reduce the probability of
failure to essentially zero even if this would involve high fracture control costs.
A conservative analysis is indicated.
Cracks are expected to occur in a plane perpendicular to the hoop stress. As
a first approximation, the vessel is treated as a thin-wall cylinder. The hoop
stress (Figure 10.19) is (Jh = pRJB = P x 20/2 = lOp. Hence, (Jh = 30.000 psi
(30 ksi) at maximum operating pressure (and 36 ksi at overpressure) with fluc-
tuations of 15 ksi with a stress ratio of R = 15/30 = 0.5. The yield strength of
the steel is }~y = 60 ksi. The toughness is 80 ksi JITi at operating temperature.
Fatigue crack growth data appear to be reasonably well described by the Walker
equation: da/dN = 10- 10 11[(38/(l-R)2.
Cracks will initate as surface flaws. Several of these may initiate simultaneous-
Table 10.10. Computational solution in EPFM
Load/mom Crack. Length J-appl Stress
inkips inches kips/in ksi
0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
124.386 1.000 0.035 11.330
248.772 1.000 0.358 22.659
373.159 1.000 1.796 33.989
497.545 1.000 6.009 45.318
621.931 1.000 15.641 56.648
621.933 1.002 15.690 56.648
621.933 1.004 15.739 56.648
Max load; instability dJ/da > dJR/da
621.933 1.006 15.789 56.648
621.932 1.008 15.838 56.648
621.930 1.010 15.888 56.648
Cylindrical container
Bending; through crack; circumferential; bending or tension
Outside diameter = 6 inches
Wall thickness = 0.5 inches
Crack size 2a = 2 inches
Yield strength F,y = 30 ksi
Ultimate tensile strength FlU = 60 ksi
Collapse stress F,ol = 40 ksi
Reference stress 0'0 = 40 ksi
Reference strain 6 0 = 1.73913E-03
(X = 15.99831
Strain hardening exponent, n = 3.4
Young's modulus = 23000 ksi
Plastic modulus = 1.006 E + 07 ksi /\ 3.4
Nominal stress at collapse = 44.39756 ksi
Table 10.11. Approximate analysis of case of Figure 10.19.
(a) Residual strength.
B = 2inch; K/c = 80ksiFn; a/2c = 0.1; F,y = 60ksip = 1.12pFFSk,/l/J; l/J ;:::: 1 (Figure 8.3); k, = 1.3;13 ;:::: 1.46pFFS
Crack Fa a/ B pFFS P u, = (K,)pFa)
depth from
a (in) Figure 8.3
0.1 0.56 0.05 1.02 1.49 96
0.3 0.97 0.15 1.07 1.56 53
0.5 1.25 0.25 1.15 1.68 38
0.7 1.48 0.35 1.28 1.87 29
1 1.77 0.50 1.60 2.34 19
1.2 1.94 0.60 2.00 2.86 14
( ksi)
60 \ .6
\ tangent ___ .... _ ~r~is~bl!.
- - - - - - - - - - -
50 .5
40 .4
- - over pressure
30 _max operating
20 .2
I crack .1
.2 .4 .6 .8 1.9 10 50
crack depth a (in)
ly and join up to form a long slender flaw, or a slender flaw may form im-
mediately. For flaws with large aspect ratios, ¢ will approach I (Figure 8.3). A
stress concentration factor, k t = 1.3 is included to account for the stress con-
centration due to the weld. A hand analysis is shown in Table 10.11; the results
are plotted in Figure 10.20.
Cracks mayor may not occur, but if they do, they will cause catastrophic
failure. Therefore, the fracture control is to be based upon inspection (Chapter
II). Since the maximum permissible crack size (for the case of overpressure) is
0.54 inch, much -smaller cracks must be detected. Ultrasonic inspection (Chapter
II) is probably best suited for the purpose. Considering the circumstances
(height, surrounding piping) the probability of detecting cracks with a depth less
than 0.15 in is considered low regardless of their length. In that case, the
remaining life to failure would be 126000-92 000 = 34000 hours or 3.9 years
(Figure 10.20). The calculations were generally conservative, but nevertheless a
factor of 4 on life is considered advisable. Thus, the inspection interval is taken
as 3.9/4 = I year. Further analysis should be performed to evaluate cracks of
various depth-length ratios. Clearly, more refined analysis is possible with
sophisticated computer software [4]. It should be realized however, that this
would not necessary lead to better answers. (Chapter 12; Sources of error).
Most practical problems are more complicated than the above example.
Questions of stress history, sequencing, clipping and truncation, retardation
parameters and so on, must be considered, as discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. The
above merely shows the principles. Analysis is best performed using reliable
software, but the reliability of software is largely determined by the user (input);
with a sound knowledge of the principles behind the software the effects of
assumptions can be assessed (Chapter 12).
10.S. Exercises
1. Given that K/c = 55 ksiFo and that (Jp = 16 ksi calculate ap using iteration,
and Equation (10.3). The configuration is a single edge crack (Figure 3.3)
with W = 10 inches; Fry = 100 ksi; B = 0.8 inch
2. Calculate the complete residual strength diagram for the case of Exercise 1
and determine ap • How much time did you save and how much more
information did you get, comparing Exercises 1 and 2?
3. Calculate and plot the residual strength diagrams for three panels with center
cracks; W = 4, 10 and 30 inches respectively. F;ol = F" = 60 ksi,
Kc = 65 ksiFo. In each case determine the permissible crack· size if the
permissible minimum residual strength is 20 ksi, and if it is 35 ksi, and if it is
51 ksi, use 10 crack sizes in each case.
4. Repeat Exercise 3 for the case that J c = 0.75 kips/in; Fcol = 60 ksi. Use Has
in Table 10.5. Assume F = 1.2 E 11, n = 5, and neglect elastic term of J.
Take crack sizes so that a/W in each case comes out at values for which H
is known, so that you do not need to interpolate.
5. Calculate graphically the fracture stress for a fatigue crack of a = 2 inch,
using the information of Table 10.7 and the R curve of Figure 10.18; How
much stable fracture will occur?
6. Repeat Exercise 5 using the procedure of Table 10.9, assuming f3 = 1.
Compare with results of Exercise 4.
7. Repeat Exercises 5 and 6 using F and n of Exercise 4. Assume that JR curve
is same as R-curve in Exercise 5, and assuming W = 16inch.
8. On the basis of Exercise 7 estimate K. from J R (E = 10 000 ksi) Then repeat
Exercise 4 using LEFM procedures.
9. Compare results of Exercise 3-8 above and draw your own conclusions.
[I] M.J. Broekhoven and M.O. Ruytenbeek, Fatigue crack extension in nozz/ejunctions. 3rd SMIRT
ConY., paper 04.7 (1975)
[2] 0.0. Chell, A procedure for incorporating thermal and residual stresses into the concept of a
failure analysis diagram. ASTM STP 668 (1979)
[3] J .M. Bloom, Prediction of ductile tearing using a proposed strain hardening failure assessment
diagram, Int. J. Fract. 16 (1980) pp. R 163-167.
[4] D. Broek, Fracture mechanics software, FractuREsearch (1987).
Fracture control
11.1. Scope
Chapters 2 through 5 provided the concepts of damage tolerance analysis, while
Chapter 6 through 10 were concerned with input and analysis practice. This
chapter considers the use of the analysis for fracture control. Crack growth and
fracture analysis is not an end by itself. Its sole purpose is to provide a basis for
fracture control.
Fracture control can be exercised in many different ways. Apart from a review
of fracture control options, this chapter provides procedures for the use of
analysis results in scheduling inspections, repair and replacements, proof tests
and so on. In view of the nature of the problem, the discussions do not provide
clear-cut recipes. Even more so than the analysis, fracture control measures
require engineering judgement and pragmatism. The considerations upon which
such judgement may be based are reviewed. Some damage tolerance require-
ments already specify the fracture control procedure, as discussed in Chapter 12.
These can be understood in the light of the possible fracture control measures
presented here.
After a summary of fracture control options, the selection of inspection
intervals on the basis of analysis results is disussed. Fracture control by
inspection is probably the most universal; safety depends upon the timely
detection and repair of cracks. The sole purpose of the damage tolerance
analysis is then to establish the inspection procedure and the inspection interval.
In view of the cost of analysis, it is important that this be done rationally. The
analysis efforts are futile if the inspection interval is still determined haphaz-
ardly. The chapter is concluded with a survey of itemized fracture control plans,
and a discussion of the cost offracture and fracture control.
j .. safety factor
a;b::======-__4--____!--__ TIME
Figure 11.1. Time available for fracture control. (a) Residual strength diagram providing ap; (b)
Crack growth curve providing H.
ap --------:--
Figure 11.2. Two detection possibilities with interval H/2, no matter when crack starts.
there will always be three inspections between ao and ap ' whether the crack
occurs early or late, or whether simple visual or other inspections are used
(different ao and H).
still sustain (f p when one member fails. Inspection for cracks would not be
required, but regular checks for failed members would be. Of course member
failure must be obvious, otherwise there is no advantage; a second member will
soon develop cracks when it must carry additional load.
(c) Durability
Ifno inspections can or will be done, a small crack, ai' could be assumed to exist
initially in the new structure (Figure ILl). The time H, for the crack to grow
from ai to ap is then the available safe life. In that case the structure or
component must be retired or replaced after e.g. H/2 hours. This is called the
durability approach.
This may prove a wasteful method. Since H must be very long, heavier and
more costly design may be necessary. If no inspections are performed, there is
no other choice than replacement after H/2 hours. In the case of inspections, the
structure can essentially be operated forever (Figure 11.2). If no cracks should
occur, this would be evident; if they do occur they are detected and repaired and
so eliminated. In the durability approach without any inspection, cracks of size
ap could be present after H, but there would be no way of knowing their
A major problem with the durability approach is the necessary assumption
for the size of the initial crack. This is an odd problem for structures and
components that are essentially defect free. In that case the initial flaw may just
represent an equivalent crack; at best it is the size of a flaw that can pass initial
quality control. In welded structures the assumption of an initial flaw is more
realistic. Welds often contain defects such as porosity or lack of fusion. In
particular the latter is a sharp defect equivalent to a crack of about equal size.
ad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ap _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.. I
, RT
-- ---'", '. ;
I '
(b) a (e) a
Figure 11.3. Proof testing. (a) Crack growth; (b) Proof test; no crack larger than aproof; e.g.
hydrostatic test of pipeline or pressure vessel; (c) Lower proof test load after cooling; example USAF
Pipelines and pressure vessels are eminently suitable for the proof test
approach. A line or vessel normally filled with gas or dangerous chemicals can
be proof tested (hydro-tested) with water. A failure during the proof-test would
happen under controlled circumstances, causing a water leak only. In many
cases hydro-tests are already performed anyway. Selecting the proof stress level
and interval on the basis of fracture mechanics analysis, H, would give these a
rational foundation.
Proof tests on structures other than pressurized containers are often hard to
perform. However, if the component can be removed and easily loaded, the
option is available and has been exercised (wing hinges of F-Ill aircraft).
Cooling the structure or component during the proof test causes a drop in
toughness. This permits the use of lower proof stresses to 'detect' the same aproof,
as shown in Figure 11.3c. After the test and warm up, the original toughness and
residual strength are automatically restored.
(e) Stripping
Stripping is another option for fracture control in components with permissible
crack sizes so small that they defy detection. If at a certain time the crack has
reached the permissible size ap , machining (stripping) away a surface layer b
would reduce the crack size to a, = ap - b (Figure 11.4b). As it would take H
ad - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ap ___ - - _ _ ._--
Figure 11.4.. Stripping for fracture control. (a) Crack growth; (B) Stripping; (c) Practice at fillet; (d)
Practice in oversizing holes.
hours for the crack to grow from as to ap (Figure II.4a), H hours of safe
operation would be available after stripping. After these H hours the crack
could be of size ap again (note that cracks are too small for detection), hence the
stripping of (i would have to be repeated every H hours.
It would seem that stripping cannot be repeated too many times, but it should
be realized that the stripping layer {) is very small indeed, the cracks not being
detectable. Furthermore, it should be known where the cracks occur, as for
example in a fillet radius (Figure 11.4c, d). Machining the fillet radius by a small
amount is repeatable many times without affecting the general stress level. Shot
peening after the operation, to introduce residual compressive stresses, would be
beneficial. Another case where stripping is feasible and often performed is a
fastener hole. Oversizing the hole and using an oversize fastener can be repeated
several times. A safe period H is available after each such operation.
n (1 -
P = 1- Pi) (11.2)
where P at each crack size follows from a curve such as in Figure 11.5 or from
an equation such as Equation (11.1).
Figure 11.6 shows what happens if inspection intervals are determined as
I = H/2, where H is the time required for crack growth from ad to ap- The
,i ,
a Hn/2
r" H
Figure 11.6. Inspection intervals following from H/2. (a) Probability of detection in one inspection
of crack size a, with two methods; (b) Crack growth curve and inspection intervals for two
inspection methods.
detectable crack size, ad' is often taken more or less arbitrarily, but it might be
selected as a crack with a certain probability of detection. For example, the
detectable crack size could be defined as aso, a crack with 50% probabilty of
detection. Such a criterion certainly has appeal, because it seems consistent; yet
it still leads to inconsistencies.
For the case of Figure 11.6 either method lor method II could be prescribed.
The detectable crack sizes, a so , lead to different inspection intervals, Hd2 and
H1/12. Inspections would take place as indicated by arrows in Figure 11.6b. The
cracks would be inspected for the first time when they still have a size smaller
than aso . At this first inspection, the probability of detection is not zero (unless
a < ao). There a distinct probability, PI' that the crack is already detected
during that first inspection; the probability that it is missed is ql = 1 - PI' At the
next inspection the crack is larger, and the probabilty of detection is Pl' etc. By
the time the crack reaches ap ' it has been inspected n times. The cumulative
probability of the crack having been detected at anyone of these inspections
follows from Equation (11.2).
The probability-of-detection curves are different for the two procedures in
Figure 11.6, but either method would be satisfactory on the basis of the criterion
I = H12, where I is the inspection interval. The more involved method II (for
example ultrasonic) inspection with a conveniently long interval, and the easier
method I (for example visual) inspection with the more cumbersome shorter
W 40
u 30
20 i
. _Hj2 )
ad L-~=._=. _ _. _ . _ . _ ' _ - - ' - ' - '
A sizeable body of inspection data was generated by Lewis et al. [2] for several
large and small structural components inspected by many inspectors. An
example of the results is shown in Figure 11.8. The figure shows the detection
ratio, defined as the number of detections of a crack of a certain size divided by
,9 00
8 o o
o ag °0
oco o o o
o 0
00 0 0
g 0
8 0 o
.1 '
5 10 15 a (mm)
Figure 11,8, Detection ratio, jJ; from Lewis et al (2), as a function of crack size a,
o. 9
o. B
O. 5 1. 0 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0 3. 5 4. 0 4. 5
Figure 11.9. Probability of detection in one inspection; 90% band for 100 inspectors.
low and follows the lower bound of the data in Figure 11.8. Indeed, this low
curve should be used if inspectors were assigned just to look for cracks in a large
structure somewhere. That is not the way inspections are specified in practice.
The data of Figure 11.8 are repeated in Figure 11.10 to show categories of
difficulty of inspection. Figure 11.10 also contains data [3] for a case where
I /
5 10 15 a
Figure 11.10. Data from Figuf(~ 11.8 split into different families.
inspectors were assigned one particular location in different aircraft: they knew
where to inspect and what type of crack to look for (high specificity), as is
normally the case; their results are much better. Had all inspectors represented
in Figure 11.10 been given specific assignments their results would have been
better as well. As the assignment was for any cracks in large areas the results are
varied, namely the way they came out.
The 90 percent bands, known a priori as discussed on the basis of Equation
(11.3) and Figure 11.9, can be drawn for the 96 inspectors involved for certain
probability curves. Three such bands are shown in Figure 11.10. They indicate
that the data cover at least three different populations, determined by specificity
(some components were small, others very large) and accessibility (some cracks
were easily accessible, others were not).
A category or population can be defined qualitatively only. An 'ideal'
population is formed by the increasing crack sizes during successive stages of
growth of a single crack. These cracks of different length are indeed of the same
class of difficulty (access). Similarly, cracks of different sizes at the same location
in a number of identical components would be in the same category. But two
such crack types would be in different populations if one were located in a niche
with a difficult viewing angle, the other in a smooth flat surface. The data
reported in [3], shown in Figure 11.10, belong to more than one population.
A comprehensive damage tolerance assessment will identify types of cracks
and their locations. Inspections will be prescribed for specific locations with
known access. The probability-of-detection curve can be defined for the specific
circumstances oJ the inspection envisaged.
Clearly, probability-of-detection curves obtained in the laboratory are not
very relevant. In the first place the inspectors know that there are cracks,
otherwise the experiment would not be conducted; this introduces bias. In the
second place laboratory specimens are ideally accessible under comfortable
circumstances. Third, the assignment is very specific: small specimens and
usually one specific location. Results of such investigations can provide data for
the most ideal circumstances only. Cracks in the tension bars of a suspension
bridge will be in a different category. In each case a different probability of
detection curve applies.
Available data obtained under realistic circumstances for structures [2] are
useful, provided it is realized that they cover more than one population. For
inspections of high specificity and/or easy access their upper bound applies,
while for general inspections and/or poor access their lower bound applies. As
long as inspection assignments are accounted for, the relevant probability curve
can be determined from those data. Thus a re-evaluation of the data would be
highly worthwhile. In the mean time, the data set is still useful, because of its
extent. Not only eddy current inspection was covered, but also X-ray, penetrant
and ultrasonic inspection.
Table 11.2. Hand calculation of cumulative probability of detection for two inspection intervals.
Inspection interval = 500 hours Inspection interval = 1000 hours
10 11 12 13 14
Inspection Hours a from Pd from Pmiss Pmiss Pdetect Inspection Hours a from Pd from Pmiss Pmiss Pdetect
Fig. 11.7 Equation (1 - Pd) cumulative cumulative Fig. 11.7 Equation (1 - Pd) cumulative cumulative
(or figure) n x Pmiss (I - 6) x 100% n x Pmiss (I - 13) x 100%
5 5
500 5.5 0 1 1000 6.5 0.27 0.73 0.7300 27
1000 6.5 0.27 0.73 0.7300 27 2000 0.54 0.46 0.3358 66
1500 7.5 0.42 0.58 0.4234 58 3 3000 13 0.69 0.31 0.1041 90
4 2000 9 0.54 0.46 0.1948 80 4 4000 19 0.80 0.20 0.D208 98
5 2500 11 0.63 0.37 0.0721 93 Total at ap : 98
6 6000 13 0.69 0.31 0.0223 97
3500 15.5 0.75 0.25 0.0056 99.4
4000 19 0.80 0.20 0.0011 99.9
4500 28 0.88 0.12 0.0001 99.99
Total at 0p: 99.99
Notes: (I.) Crack growth curve (calculated) must be known (Case I of Figure 11.7 assumed). (2.) Columns 3 and 10 follow from crack growth curve. (3.) Pd in columns 4 and II follow from curve
as in Figure t 1.10 or from Equation 01.1). In this case Equation (11.1) assumed with ao = 6.), = I L:x. = 0.5. (4.) Columns 6 and 13 [rom Equation (11.2): Column 5 or 12 times previous number
in same column.
I- \
;; 0.9
gJ 0.8 \
0- \
~ 0.7 \
a """
0.6 . _ _ PENETRANT
" '-----
D. 5 1. 0 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0 3. 5 4. 0 4. 5
Figure 11.11. Cumulative probability of detection; Case I crack growth curve of Figure 11.7 (small
area; good access).
_J 0.9
< I
co 0.8
:> 0.7 \ _ _ lA...TRASONIC
:::J 0.6
O. 4
\ _._X-R.\Y
0.3 \ _ _ VISUAL
"\" '-...
0.1 ............"'""----._._.-
\ ...............
" 0.5 1. 0 1. 5 2. 0 2.5 3.0 3. 5 4.0 4.5
Figure 11.12. Cumulative probability of detection; Case 2 crack growth curve of Figure I 1.7 (small
area; good access).
\ \
~ 0.8 \ \.
'"n. \ \.
~ 0.7
~ \
\ \.
:::J 0.6 ___ P::~Ei"RANT
\ "-.
0.5 \ "-. _ _ EDDY CURR::~T
o. 4
_ _ X-RAY
0.3 __
.......... J--
0.2 '....... ~
------ - - - ---
Figure 11.13. Cumulative probability of detection Case 1 crack growth curve of Figure I 1.7. Cat.
A; One location: Good accessibility Cat. E: Large area; access not easy.
The consequences of a fracture must be acceptable, the fracture control
measures in accordance with the acceptable risk. The structure must have
adequate damage tolerance to meet this risk. Designer or manufacturer
prescribe the details of the fracture control plan, the operator implements this
plan through maintenance, inspection., repair, replacement, proof testing, and
possibly load monitoring. The plan must be suitable for a particular structure,
component or part; it also must be suitable for the potential operators. Pro-
fessional operators of pressure vessels, airplanes and the like, can implement
more complex fracture control measures than the general public operating
automobiles. When fractures can be adequately controlled by selecting
materials of sufficient toughness, the fracture control plan is indeed simple. But
here the concern is with those cases where fractures can have serious conse-
quences and where material selection alone does not provide adequate
safeguards against such fractures.
Plan 1I
For all defects (initial or initiating later) that will grow during service - these will reach critical size.
Alternative lIa
- Show by analysis (or tests) that the structure can sustain without failure such large defects that
the damage will be obvious (e.g., readily apparent leak or failed component; fail safety).
- Repair when damage is discovered.
Alternative lIb
- If above cannot be shown, calculate permissible crack size.
- Establish crack size that can be detected reliably with inspection technique envisaged.
- Calculate time for crack growth.
- Implement periodic inspection based on crack growth calculation, using adequate factor or
procedure of Section 1I.S.
- Start inspection immediately as time of crack initiation is not known.
- Repair or replace when crack is detected.
Table 11.4. Fracture control plans for anticipated cracks not detectable by inspection because they
are too small.
Plan 1I1 For parts where a is so small that it defies inspection.
Alternative lIla
- Calculate life.
- Replace/retire after calculated life expires (using adequate factor).
Alternative 1IIb
- Make best estimate of possible initial defects.
- Calculate permissible crack size ap •
- Calculate crack growth life from initial defect size to ap •
- Replace/retire after calculated life expires (using adequate factor).
Table 11.5. Fracture control plan for anticipated cracks not detectable by inspection because
inspection is not feasible, but proof testing is possible.
Plan IV For components or structures that can be proof tested and where failure during proof
testing is not a catastrophy.
- Determine feasible proof test pressure or load.
- Calculate maximum crack size a pmof that could be present after proof test (see Section 11.2).
- Calculate maximum permissible crack ap '
- Calculate crack growth time, H, from apmof to ap •
- Repeat proof test before H has expired (using adequate
Plan VI
For detected cracks for which analysis is done (if immediate replacement is impractical).
Alternative VIa
Show that larger defect can be sustained.
- Check growth daily; drill stop hole if possible.
- Prepare for repair or replacement at earliest convenience.
Alternative VIb
Determine exact size and shape.
- Find materials data; if possible cut test specimens from structure.
- Obtain reliable load and stress information.
- Calculate ap •
- Calculate time, H, for growth to ap '
- Prepare for repair or replacement before H (with adequate factor) expires.
- Check growth daily; drill stop hole if possible.
- If crack grows faster than calculated, update prognosis and speed up replacement or repair
- If possible reduce operational loads.
- Repair or replace as soon as possible.
Plan VII
For structures identical to those in which a crack was detected.
- Use parts of cracked or failed structure to obtain material properties.
- Implement one of Plans II a-b, III a-b, IV.
remedial action can be scheduled for the next major overhaul or shut down, or
when at least operations can continue until a new part or component has been
manufactured and received. Whether or not this is possible depends upon the
fracture control plan in force. A well-conceived Plan IIa already contains
information on crack growth and residual strength. Using this information as
an initial safeguard, operation can be continued but the analysis should be
updated and Plans VIa or VIb (Table 11.6) be put into action. As it is often
difficult to measure the exact size and shape of the crack, the more stringent plan
VIb may be indicated.
A crack may be discovered accidentally in a structure not subject to a fracture
control plan. When no analysis is to be done, Plan V is the only possible course.
Otherwise, Plans VIa or b can be used. Recurrence of the incident can be
prevented using Plan VII.
11.7. Repairs
4 ' ....
Figure 1J .14. Unsatisfactory repair (for better solution see Figure IO.2b).
situation worse than it was, because the load will be attracted to the stiff element
(see Figure 10.2).
The total potential cost of fracture is the sum, S, of the above. The anticipated
cost is P*S.
The costs of fracture control include:
(a) Damage tolerance analysis (20000-50000 man hours for an airplane).
(b) Coupon tests and verification tests.
(c) Inspections (or stripping or proof tests).
(d) Repairs or periodic replacements.
Some of these are incurred by the manufacturer, some by the operator, but
the manfuacturer's cost (including those of fracture) are obviously calculated in
the price, so that eventually all costs are incurred by the operator.
The costs of fracture control as listed above, can be easily assessed, but
determining those of fracture is more difficult. Some items can be estimated,
others can be 'guessed' only. Besides, the anticipated cost of fracture depends
upon the probability of fracture, which is the most difficult to estimate. Never-
theless, the principle applies, whether the numbers are 'hard' or 'soft'.
To facilitate the discussion, consider a qualitative Fracture Control Index
(FCI), a higher FCI signifying more extensive fracture control measures. The
probability of failure decreases within increasing FCI (Figure 11.l5a). The
Figure 11.15. Cost of fracture and fracture control. (a) Probability of fracture; (b) Cost offracture
control; (c, d) Total cost.
decrease is faster for high strength materials, because low strength (high
toughness) materials have a lower probability of failure in general. The cost of
fracture control increases with FCI, both for design and operation (Figure
IU5b; the curves show trends only).
The probability offailure can be translated into an expenditure, and the costs
plotted versus the FCI (Figure Il.15c). The minimum of the total-cost curve
indicates the most economic fracture control. For high-cost structures and
high-strength materials, the minimum shifts to the right so that more extensive
fracture control is warranted (Figure Il.15d). If only parts of the structure are
fracture critical, the cost of fracture control would pertain mostly to those parts,
and fracture-control costs could be much lower. (If fracture of a given
component would cause loss of structure a higher FCI is warranted only for that
specific part). Should the cost lines be different than assumed, a minimum may
not be achievable. The probability of fracture of various components of a
system may be different; then the probability of fracture can be made the lowest
for those components for which fracture control is the easiest. This permits
acceptance of a somewhat higher probability for components for which fracture
control is more difficult, while the total probability could remain the same.
The above is but a qualitative assessment of the problem. Nevertheless, it
touches upon the relevant issues. When the logical process of decision-making
leads to a fracture control plan involving analysis, information on loads must
be available. The cost of obtaining load data must be expended. Any analysis
without detailed information on loads, load history and stresses is wasteful. The
decision maker should be aware of the obtainable accuracy in analysis (Chapter
12) and of the statistical aspects of fracture control as discussed. The decision
maker, if aware of the above considerations and of the sources of inaccuracy,
will not embark on finite element analysis to obtain geometry factors when loads
and load history are not known accurately. Cheaper, approximate analysis will
suffice in such cases; uncertainties should be covered by safety factors. Where
fracture control calls for inspection, the decision maker should appreciate that
even detectable cracks may be missed. Inspection intervals should be determined
rationally as discussed in Section 11.5, otherwise all analysis, regardless of
accuracy is futile. If the cost of fracture control (including analysis) far exceeds
the cost of fracture, a simple fracture control plan should be selected. Analysis
then may serve as a guideline; it may bound the problem. But in such cases
rough assessments should suffice.
11.10. Exercises
1. Determine the inspection interval on the basis of the criterion I = H/6 for
structures with crack growth curves as in Figure 11.7, assuming the 'detectable
crack size' is 5 mm, and the permissible crack size 33 mm.
2. Using the results of Exercise I, determine the cumulative probability of
detection for the two cases, assuming that the middle probability of detection
curve in Figure 11.10 is applicable.
3. Repeat Exercise 2 for the case that IY. = 0.5, a o = 5 mm, )0 = 8 mm.
4. Select three inspection intervals, 500, 1000, and 1500 hours. Determine the
cumulative probability of detection for each of the cases of Exercise 2 using the
upper curve of Figure 11.10; then estimate the required inspection interval for
a cumulative probability of detection of95%. Compare the results with those
obtained in Exercise 2.
5. Assuming the crack propagation curves of Figure 11.7, determine a proof test
. interval. Assume that Kc = 50 MPa Jill, f3 = I, and select proof test
conditions that would eliminate cracks larger than 15 mm. What is the
required proof stress?
6. A large component made of a material with K[c = 30 ksi Jill and
F,y = 200 ksi is subjected to service stresses of 100 ksi. Crack growth from
a = 0.01 inch to ap has been calculated to cover two years of operation given
that (Jp = 150 ksi. The crack occurs at a fillet. Determine a stripping depth;
assume f3 = 1.
[I) D. Broek, Fracture control by periodic inspection with fixed cumulative probabilty of crack
detections, Structural failure, product liability and technical insurance, Rossmanith Ed. pp.
238-358, Interscience Enterprises, Ltd (1987).
(2) W.H. Lewis et aI., Reliability of non-destructive inspections, SA-ALCjMME 76-6-38-1 (1978).
(3) E. Knorr, Reliability of the detection of flaws and of the determination of flaw size, AGARDo-
graph 176, pp. 396-412 (1974).
[4] U. Gorenson, Paper presented at ICAF meeting, Toulouse (1983).
(5) D. Broek, IPOCRE, Software FractuREsearch Inc. (1985).
12.1. Scope
12.2. Objectives
- - - - - - - Design Strength a __________ __
(a) -
c rack size (b) - time
Figure 12.1. The engineering problem. (a) Residual strength curve; (b) Crack growth curve.
places in this book. They are briefly summarized here, in the context of damage
tolerance requirements.
A new structure can sustain the design load, which is higher than the
maximum expected service load, because of safety factors on loads or allowable
stresses. The probability of occurrence of the design load is small, but finite for
many structures, so that the probability of failure is not zero. When cracks are
present, the strength is less than the design strength so that fracture may occur
during extreme( or even normal operation. A fracture control plan is established
to prevent such fractures.
control; it is only one link in the chain of fracture prevention. The manner in
which the analysis results are used to implement fracture control was discussed
extensively in Chapter 11. The damage tolerance substantiation consists of the
proof that the damage tolerance requirements can be met (these may be self-
imposed). Although this proof is provided by analysis, uncertainties and engin-
eering judgements often require tests to verify that the analysis is adequate (a
full-scale test will often be part of the damage tolerance substantiation of
Figure 12.2 shows the elements of the damage tolerance substantiation
program. The small center box pertains to the fracture mechanics analysis.
Material data handbooks may be useful, but some tests are often necessary to
DISUbst~ Verification
~I cr,itica(
- ..... -I
- ..... _1
+ i component
....-- I d.t.ctabl.
do mao.
rem.nts I
spe-ctrum his!.
l7/'I .,
anal b.ta
I chock
Ir.nv,roni r l coupons
tests c.K r K" K,1- t.sts
r analyze I
II a·NIFl I r a, l
I inspection
I !nspection
experience r
Figure 12.2. Damage tolerance substantiation.
substantiate and adjust the analysis. These may include (semi-random loading)
crack growth tests, arrest tests, and tests for calibration of retardation models,
effects of clipping and truncation. Such tests establish confidence that the
analysis procedure is adequate for the substantiation of all other critical
locations, loading cases and crack cases. Component tests (and/or full-scale
tests) are used to substantiate the analysis, at least for some of the most critical
locations. They provide guidelines for the engineering judgements involved.
This phase is not a check of the models per-se, but of the analysis capability in
general, including the basic stress analysis.
The ultimate check of damage tolerance is in the service experience. Feed
backs on crack detection and (perhaps most important) measured load/stress
histories are extremely useful for analysis updates and refinement of inspections,
inspection intervals, and replacement schedules. In view of the many
.assumptions and judgements, expenditures can be saved (and safety improved)
by monitoring service loads, and by updating analysis and fracture control plans
during operation.
The time available for fracture control is H, which is governed by the residual
strength (ap ) and the crack growth curve. In essence, fracture safety is not
affected by the length of H (Chapter 11). If H is short, frequent inspections must
be scheduled, or the component replaced soon. As long as all fracture control
decisions are indeed based on H, safety will be maintained. But long inspection
intervals or replacement times are desirable from an economic point of view.
The question then is which measures can be taken to improve the situation
when H is too small to be economically acceptable. The following avenues are
open (Figure 12.3).
, , ,
a NEW H a a a H
;;; ---p
ap /
~, ~, ,
I ap
, I
ad - ---~
ad - -- ad
- :: :~I
... : I t I
Figure 12.3. Options to increase inspection interval. (a) Crack growth time from ad to ap; (b) Better
material; (c) Other inspection method; (d) Redesign or lower stress; (e) Redundancy or arresters.
growth curve. Note that inspection intervals (Chapter 11) on the basis of
probability of detection are still governed by H. The penalty will be a more
difficult inspection, but the inspection interval is longer; fewer inspections
are needed.
If the structure is not inspected and the component replaced after H hours
better quality control can be used to reduce ao and so increase the replacement
life H. In the case of proof testing, higher proof loads or lower temperatures
would reduce a proof and hence increase the proof test interval (H).
in (T. In the above example of the reduced stress concentration, the effect is
actually in {3(k,) instead of in (T (the nominal stress does not change). Last but
not least, the redesign may be in the production procedure so that cracks occur
in cross-grain direction instead of along exposed grain boundaries (Figure 7.8).
All of the above options can be exercised during design. It is crucial, therefore
that damage tolerance assessments commence in the early design phase when
modifications are still possible. Once the design is finalized, the options for
improvement are drastically reduced. Essentially for finalized designs and
existing structures, only option b remains (Figure 12.3c), although doublers or
arresters sometimes can be added later .
Inspection interval H - life'"
2 2 4
Post instability
growth: if
Ground evident I flight
Walk around visual 50 flights
Special visu 2 years
Depot level ~ life I
Safe Life
hypothetical crack
~ [I + :x + {I)PIL [I + :x + ~]Pu
Initial crack size 0.02 inch 0.05 inch
Growth period I life" 2 lives'"
similar crack in a pressure bulkhead may still not be discovered until the next
major overhaul, while further growth by fatigue of the large crack will be fast.
To cover this there are secondary requirements for post-arrest, the severity of
which depends upon the detectability of the post-arrest damage. It can be
so-called ground evident, walk around visual, or detectable only at the next
major overhaul. These secondary requirements are also shown in Table 12.1. In
the commercial requirements this post-instability is not covered explicitly.
Two other secondary requirements are of interest. These concern so-called
'continuing damage' and 'dependent damage'. Continuing damage is a conser-
vative 'invention' to facilitate crack growth calculations. Its effect is illustrated
in Figure 12.5. When a crack grows into a hole it is effectively terminated; a
certain time is required for reinitiation of a crack at the other side of the hole
(Chapter 9). Crack growth analysis is powerless in calculating the reinitiation
time. Continuing damage conveniently provides for immediate reinitiation
through a mandatory assumption of a pre-existing crack of 0.005 inch at
every hole in the structure. Crack growth thus calculated will follow curve C in
a /
, /
(a) (b)
Figure 12.4. Comparison of requirements for aircraft damage tolerance. (a) Federal; (b) Military.
:;) wJ:
Figure 12.5. Further artificiality is introduced because the 0.005 inch continuing
damage cracks in some cases must be assumed to grow simultaneously with the
main crack, in other cases they are assumed dormant until reached by the main
crack. It is questionable whether natural cracks will comply with these PRE-
SCRIPTIONS (assumptions).
When the crack approaches the hole it accelerates. After reinitiation it is
longer by the diameter of the hole (curve B in Figure 12.5). It has been shown
experimentally for through-the thickness cracks [3] that regardless of distance
and diameter of the hole these two effects approximately cancel the gain due to
reinitiation. A crack growth calculation ignoring the hole (curve A) would
provide a 'good' answer within the accuracy of analysis. Admittedly, examples
can be given where this simple solution is not so obvious. Besides, in a row of
fasteners several holes may crack simultaneouly, so that continuing damage is
indeed present. Some assumption may be necessary, but whether that
assumption should be prescribed quantitatively in an official requirement is
Another secondary requirement concerns so-called dependent damage. This
is based on the notion that if a crack initiates in one of multiple parts, joined
together by one fastener, the holes for which are drilled in a 'stack', cracks in
the other parts will follow soon. The cracked part loses stiffness and, therefore,
sheds its load to the other parts which then will crack as well. However, by the
nature of the load shedding through adjacent fasteners, cracking of the other
parts should typically occur at the next fastener. Because of the assumption of
pre-existing cracks - supposedly due to manufacturing - parts joined by one
fastener must be assumed to have the same initial damage if the fastener hole
in all parts is drilled in one operation in a stack.
Non-fail-safe structure (NFS) is penalized because an initial crack of 0.05 inch
has to be assumed instead of 0.02 inch for fail safe structure, and because growth
period H must cover two lives (durability) or two-inspection intervals (inspect-
able), as opposed to one life or one inspection interval for fail-safe structures
(Figure 12.4). Accepting the assumption of initially cracked structure, an initial
0.05 inch crack is more conservative than an 0.02 inch crack. But, whether or
not the longer crack has a much shorter life depends upon its location. For
example, five types of cracks are compared in Figure 12.6. Crack type B, starting
at 0.02 inch, would have a life of 34900 flights; starting at 0.05 inch the life
would be (34000 - 19000) = 15000 flights. Thus the assumption of the larger
initial crack implies an additional safety factor of more than two.
In the case of crack type D on the other hand, the life of an 0.02 inch crack
would be 9000 flights, whereas an 0.05 inch crack would have a life of
(9000 - 2000) = 7000 flights. The difference is much smaller here, so that for
cracks of this type the additional safety factor is much less. For many types of
cracks, it can be readily foreseen how much NSF structure is penalized, and as
Figure 12.6 shows, the extra conservatism is small for some types of cracks. A
numerical example is shown in the solution to Exercises 1-3. Besides, the
_ wwn • WI}; Ia ~
O.l25--j I-- --jO.25
I-- f-05-j
_ 0.125-ln. thickness
1- in. thickness
0.9 IC
0,8 I
0.6 I
0.4 I
.... '"
0.3 "',;
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Figure 12.6. Differences in crack growth life for O.02-in and O.05-in initial crack.
question arises whether NSF structures are built so differently that they have
larger initial damage than fail-safe structures.
Although the requirements for non-inspectable structure (durability) may be
defendable, commercial requirements are based on the fact that all cracks are
detectable sooner or later (Figures 10.6 and 12.9). If a hidden crack becomes
long enough it will eventually run into inspectable area. For such large damage
to be sustainable, only very damage tolerant designs can satisfy the require-
ments, so that the design must be made more damage tolerant.
The assumed initial cracks are small. This means that crack growth is largely
influenced by adjoining structural elements. Due to the dependent damage
assumptions, neighboring holes are cracked as well. Finally all cracks are
prescribed to be circular. But natural cracks have no obligation to the require-
ments; natural crack growth will be different from the calculated growth. Thus,
the calculation becomes hypothetical due to too many assumptions.
Other damage tolerance requirements exist for ships and for nuclear pressure
vessels. Requirements for ships are issued by Shipping Bureaus, such as Lloyds
of London, Veritas (Norway) and ABS (American Bureau of Shipping). Similar
requirements exist for military ships. Essentially these are preventive require-
ments; no analysis is necessary. Ships of a certain size and over must be
equipped with so called arrest strakes, which are located at the gunwale and at
the bilge and sometimes mid decks. They are longitudinal strakes of a higher
quality (higher toughness) material than the normal hull plating. The strakes are
essentially of the same thickness as the plating. For a more detailed discussion
of these see the example in Chapter 14, Section 3.
The damage tolerance requirements for nuclear pressure vessels are contained
in the ASME boiler and pressure vessel code [5], Section XI and its Appendix
---- .........
+I +, +,'
I ,
Ocu -4 - - .. - - - ---,;---
I , , I
(a) (e)
a cu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ad-=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
time time
(b) (d)
Figure 12.8. ASME requirements. Subscript cu = critical at upset conditions; Subscript ce =
critical at emergency conditions; I = time till next inspection (shut down). (a-b) Upset conditions;
(c-d) emergency conditions.
10). The procedure has long been abandoned as impractical and inadequate. If
a plastic zone correction is applied to K, it should be done so generally, and
therefore also in the determination of K[c in toughness tests. Although the
procedure is obsolete it will provide somewhat conservative results, and as such
is not objectionable in a requirement. However, the requirement ignores the fact
that for a small a the elastic fracture mechanics approach is unconservative and
that a tangent must be used (Chapters 3 and 10) or possibly a collapse approach.
As mentioned, the appendix to the requirements even prescribes the
toughness and rate data to be used. The given data are very conservative, so that
the actual safety factors are likely to be much higher than those discussed earlier
in this section. Operators wanting to use more realisitic data must seek approval
from the authorities.
However, if for these same cases inspections would be by, e.g., X-ray, some
ASSUMPTIONS on flaw shape development would be necessary, since X-
raying can potentially reveal cracks in hidden layers and components. In such
a case several scenarios of damage development may be postulated, to assess
which of these would lead to the shortest life (inspection interval).
If initial flaws are postulated, the problem is of a different nature. Initial
defects in welded structures can be defined. Weld defects such as porosity,
undercut, lack of fusion, lack of penetration can be identified. On the basis of
the weld quality control criteria it can be concluded which size defects might
pass quality control inspection, and be present in the new structure. Such defects
can be treated as initial cracks (Chapter 14).
In other cases initial flaw assumptions are a more delicate problem. Indeed
sometimes they may be based on quality control experience (or criteria) if they
are of sufficient size to represent a crack, as for example in the case of castings.
But it is questionable what would be the size of an initial flaw in a crankshaft
built under stringent quality control.
In the case of the military airplane requirements this problem was addressed
as follows [6]. A total of 2000 holes in a wing that had been subjected to a fatigue
test (known loads), were broken open to reveal any cracks. Of these, 119 holes
were found cracked; the crack sizes were established. Crack growth analysis was
then perfonned for each crack starting at a very small size, using the appropriate
{J and stress history for each location. The calculated crack growth curves were
shifted so that the final crack size matched the one in the test (Figure 12.10). It
followed which size of crack should have been assumed present at the start of
numbers are somewhat subjective but of the right order of magnitude (from
analysis experience).
The error due to the use of LEFM for the residual strength analysis occurs
mainly at small crack sizes (tangent approximation) and for small structures
(collapse) as discussed in Chapter 3 and 10, but accounts for these make this
error quite acceptable. For longer cracks and larger structures the error is very
small (Figure 5.29). Note that this is the error due to the procedure alone, and
does not include the one due to data scatter. The error will hardly be less if
EPFM is used; collapse will still be a problem especially for small cracks and
components. However, errors in IIp have only a small effect on the life H, as was
shown already in Figure 5.29; most of the life is in the early stages of growth.
Retardation models are not ideal, but as shown in Figures 5.19 and 5.22 well
calibrated models provide results in which the error in life is generally only
around 10% (1.1) with few exceptions running as high as 30% (1.3). This is
under conditions where p, da/dN, stress history and calibration factors are
known accurately; i.e. it is the intrinsic error of the models. The fact that
retarded crack growth analysis is generally less accurate is due to other factors
which will be considered separately.
The errors due to data input are larger. Misinterpretation of scatter and
force-fitting by unsuitable equations may introduce a factor of 2 to 3. But even
careful assumptions may well cause a factor of 1.5-2. The situation is worse for
mixed environments where the data for the separate environments must be used
to obtain a weighted average. By itself this may be an acceptable engineering
approach, but estimating the mixture and sequence of environment requires
judgement and assumptions, and is a delicate matter. These issues were discussed
extensively in Chapter 7.
Flaw assumptions are other big drivers of errors. By assuming a 'conser-
vative' circular instead of elliptical flaw, one may 'casually' introduce factors of
2 or 3. As many flaws are not elliptical, the assumption of ellipticity by itself
causes errors (Chapter 9). Assumptions for initial flaw size may introduce
equally large factors (Figure 12.6 and Exercises 1-5). Flaw development
assumptions, continued cracking assumptions when cracks run into holes
(Figure 12.5) and so on, are equally influential.
Every load history is an approximation (Chapter 6). Loads and number of
occurrences must be approximated (number of levels). Decisions have to be
made about clipping and truncation. Since the simple clipping of a few loads can
have dramatic effects on H (Figure 6.23), the decision on clipping should not be
made by load experts but by damage tolerance experts. Improper sequencing is
another error driver. Randomizing the history while in reality it is semi-random
(mild weather-storms), can cause great differences. All these are introduced by
Errors in stress intensity are drivers of intermediate importance. Crack
Table 12.2. Error sources +>-
Category Cause of error Comment Possible
factor on
calculated H
(a) Intrinsic I. LEFM approximation Small error in ap for 1.1-2 Figure 5.29
shortcomings small cracks or small
of fracture parts
mechanics 2. Retardation model Small error if well 1.1-1.3 Figure 5.19
(c) Assumptions 8. Direction (e.g. LT versus SL) Wrong data applied 1-2a Figure 7.8
9. Size Important for initial 1-3" Figure 12.6
flaw only
10. Shape Surface flaws 1-3' Figure 9.3
II. Development E.g. multiple cracks, 1.1-2' Figure 12.5
load transfer etc.,
continuing damage
(e) Stress intensity 15. Actual load values Measurement, analysis 1-1.75 Chapter 6
15% (1.15)4
16 . Stresses Assumptions, boundary 1-1.5"
conditions, load
transfer 10% (1.1t
17. f3 10% (1.1)4 1-1.5 Chapter 8
(f) Computer 18. Integration scheme Minor if small steps l-l.l Chapter 12
software 19. Double precision Usually minor; Large 1-(2) Chapter 12
20. State of stress for retardation No large error if 1-1.5 Chapter 12
Total possible: 2.7-1.37000
a Fully, or partly due to assumptions.
growth is roughly proportional to the 3rd or 4th power of K. Since K = f3(J J1W,
all errors in life are proportional to the errors in f3 and (J to approximately the
4th power. A 10% error in stress causes a factor of (1.1 = 1.46 on life. Errors
in stress stem from errors in loads and stress analysis.
The calculated loads contain an error, a 10% error being quite acceptable.
Subsequently these loads are used for stress analysis. No matter how sophis-
ticated the latter, the error is unlikely to be much less than 10%, especially in
places of importance (stress concentrations, eccentricities, load transfer). In
finite element analysis complex structures are often crudely modeled at such
places, boundary conditions are assumed, fasteners represented by assumed
springs, three-dimensional cases approximated in 2-dimensions, etc.
Admittedly, this situation can be improved, but the cost may be prohibitive for
analysis covering hundreds of potential crack locations, or even for one crack
in a common hammer. FEM has a potential for good accuracy, but in general
applications an accuracy of 10% is all that may be expected.
The stresses may be obtained within 10% for the given load, but also the load
contains an error. Hence, the final stress may have an error larger than 10%,
possibly 15%. This causes a factor between (0.85)-(1.15) or between 0.52 and
1. 75 on life, the expected life being 1.
Also the error in f3 is included in the stress intensity. If this error can be
reduced from e.g. five to three percent, the gain is only from a factor on life of
(1.05)4 = 1.2 to (1.03)4 = 1.13, a small improvement indeed in comparison
with other factors. If the inaccuracies in loads and stresses together account for
a factor of 1.5 or more, while a simple assumption on flaw shape may cause a
factor of 2, it is hardly a worthwhile effort to obtain f3 for this assumed flaw
within three percent through a costly analysis if a simple procedure (Chapter 8)
can yield a 5% accuracy. And if the assumption of a circular surface flaw (for
conservatism or otherwise) introduces a factor of 2 to 3, it is not realistic to
demand a high accuracy for f3.
Finally there are errors due to specific computer modelling. These may be due
to (1) the integration scheme, (2) rounding errors, and (3) equations for retar-
dation and state of stress.
A crack growth calculation per se is but a simple numerical integration which
does not give rise to large errors. Integration scheme errors can be introduced
only in the case of constant amplitude where integration is performed in steps,
because for variable amplitude loading integration is performed cycle-by-cycle
anyway. If integration in constant amplitude is done in large steps, the accuracy
is less. This was demonstrated by the hand-calculation and other examples in
Chapter 5. But it was also shown there that integration is an intrinsically
accurate process, as opposed to differentiation. Numerical integration
procedures such as the Runge-Kutta and Simpson rules were devised in the
pre-computer era when hand-calculations forced large steps. With the introduc-
tion of the computer, the step-size does approach zero (as it should), because the
computer can perform many steps in a short time. Since integration is very
forgiving in the first place (Chapter 5), these small step sizes are adequate and
produce negligible errors, in particular when the result is seen in the context of
the other errors discussed above.
The use of single instead of double precision can sometimes cause significant
errors, especially in variable amplitude loading where da (one cycle) is very
small, but also in constant amplitude loading with very small steps (in that case
smaller steps give a LESS accurate answer than larger steps). This is an intrinsic
problem of numerical computers. Personal computers provide eight significant
figures in single precision and 16 in double precision, while mainframe
computers generally work with 16 significant figures in single and 32 in double
precision. The following examples are for personal computers; they apply
equally to mainframes if one just changes the numbers.
An output given as e.g. 831 259 cycles is erroneous, if the accuracy is a factor
of 2. The number should be 830000, the error being much larger than 1259/
830000 = 0.1 %. Similarly an input for da/dN = CpKmp as 9.4327 E-IO K 3.7234 is
unrealistic. Considering the accuracy of the data an input of 9.45 E-lO K 3.7 is
more than adequate. Giving m = 3.7234 is implying that
3.7233 < m < 3.7235. Clearly m is not known that accurately: at best
3.6 < m < 3.8.
However, double precision has nothing to do with the accuracy of input and
output; it defines the number of significant figures carried in the computations,
not in input and output. If the computer must evaluate 1.79 E-l 0 x 2.73 E-ll,
the result is 4.8867 E-21. Note that these numbers provide 12, 13 and 25
decimals respectively, and the result is evaluated properly. The number of
decimals is not important. In single precision the product 1879.43284 x 3.83
will be evaluated as 1879.4328 x 3.83 because the first number has nine signifi-
cant figures of which only eight are carried. The difference is insignificant for
engineering calculations. Therefore, throughout most of the crack growth
analysis, single precision is MORE than adequate for multiplications, divisions,
power, logs, etc.
However, double precision may become important in addition of large and
small numbers and in subtractions oflarge numbers. This situation occurs when
the small crack growth in one cycle is added to a large crack (a + da). For
example, in a particular cycle da is evaluated as 7.45 E-8 =
0.000000074500000. This occurs PROPERLY in eight significant figures;
leading zeros do not count. If the crack size is 12, the results will be
a + da = 12.000000 + 0.0000000745 = 12.000000. As 12.000000 has eight
significant figures, da will be rounded off and not be counted. It will appear as
if there is no growth. This might occur in a similar way in 10000000 successive
cycles. The total growth would then have been 10000000 x 7.45 E-8 = 0.745,
so that a + da = 12.745. However, in each cycle the growth was rounded off
and after the 10 000 000 cycles a is still 12.
Double precision will mend this problem, but only to a degree:
a + da = 12.00000000000000 + 0.0000000745 = 12.00000007450000,
and indeed after a lO-million cycles the size will be 12.745. However if da
appears to be 7.45E-16, this crack growth will still be ignored. The problem
occurs in mainframes also, but it is less important because 32 significant figures
are carried in double precision. Hence, double precision is useful, but there is a
limit to accuracy. Fortunately, the above problem seldom arises, but the use of
double precision is recommendable at one place in the software, namely where
a + da is evaluated.
Other inaccuracies are introduced when the computer model cannot cope
with the simultaneous growth of two axis of a surface flaw. Then the user is
forced to make the circular flaw assumption, the inaccuracy of which was
discussed above and at other places. (Chapter 9 shows how this problem can be
circumvented, at least partially.) Serious errors may occur if the code can
perform random loading only, thus ignoring semi-randomness as discussed in
Chapter 6.
The way retardation is treated may affect the results considerably. All models
use F;y, but F;y is but an arbitrarily defined number. One can argue whether the
model requires the use of the 0.01 % yield strength, the 0.02% yield strength, or
the cyclic yield strength, where the latter can be defined qualitatively only. All
models make use of a plastic zone equation which contains arbitrary numbers
for plane stress and plane strain. Different computer codes use different
numbers and equations. A proper code will check the state of stress in every
cycle. The latter depends upon thickness, Kmax and F;v.
Even if using the most sophisticated retardation models, all computer codes
contain assumptions, with regard to retardation. Consequently, retardation
calibration parameters are not transferable between codes. Calibration must be
performed using the same code as used for subsequent analysis. If the models
are thus calibrated it does not matter what the code's assumptions are. The same
assumptions used in calibration will be used in analysis, and inaccuracies due to
assumptions are compensated for by the same assumptions in the analysis. But
if these calibration factors are used with other computer codes the results will
be different. As long as codes are used in a consistent manner, only small errors
occur. Naturally, if the computer code provides more options, it is more
versatile and can provide somewhat better results.
In the case that all errors discussed are active (which depends upon the
complexity of the problem), the total factor on life (Table 12.2) would be
between 2.7 and 137000, with a logarithmic average of 600. This can hardly
be called an error; it is a total misrepresentation. Naturally, errors generally will
not operate in the same direction, and some will compensate others. However,
it can be seen readily that the reliability of the result is affected much more by
assumptions than by shortcomings of fracture mechanics or computer software.
It is not worthwhile to improve the strong links in a chain; the weak link must
be improved. The geometry factors, fracture mechanics concepts and calibrated
retardation models are not the weak links. Improving these will hardly improve
the result. The weak links are the assumptions involved in rate data, clipping,
flaw size, flaw shape and so on.
There is only one way in which the magnitude of the inaccuracies due to
assumptions can be assessed, namely, by repeating the analysis using different
assumptions. It should be second nature to a damage tolerance analyst to
perform calculations a number of times to evaluate the effects of assumptions
with regard to stresses, loads, stress history, clipping levels and so on. Once the
analysis is set up, such evaluations amount to no more than a number of similar
computer runs.
'Garbage in, garbage out' is a worn phrase, but it needs more repetition. No
answer to engineering problems is more suspect than the one generated by a
computer. Although the computer is perfect, and good computer programs are
nearly perfect, the result is still dependent upon input and assumptions. The
effects of assumptions should be assessed. Only then can the problem be
bounded and an impression of the 'true answer' obtained. A single analysis is
never adequate.
The common practice of making 'conservative' assumptions everywhere is
ASSUMING that all errors work in the same direction. Table 12.2. shows that
the answer could be off by a mere factor of 137000. Realism and sound
judgement are necessary and it is better to use best estimates, than conservative
estimates. Even with the best estimates the answer will be in error, but it will be
closer to the truth. Analysis to assess the sensitivity to assumptions is required.
In the end, one must admit ignorance; the result is dubious, but this holds for
any other engineering analysis. The magnitude of the safety factor should
depend upon the total 'uncertainty', as in conventional design. Regulating
societies and/or authorities would have to establish rules and recommendations.
Where such information is lacking, engineers will have to decide on a case-by-
case basis.
12.9. Misconceptions
strength is much higher than the stress for collapse, failure occurs by collapse
and not at the calculated LEFM fracture strength (the latter's result is unconser-
vative). Again, the same problem exist in EPFM.
In many practical cases, the cracks of interest are surface flaws or corner
cracks, which indeed are in plane strain and should be treated as such (that
thickness has no relevance here was discussed extensively in Chapters 3 and 7).
Thus the plane strain toughness is needed in such cases. But if the toughness is
high, the ASTM standard of B > 2.5(K/c/F;y)2 may require such a large
specimen that K/c cannot be measured. Ergo, fracture mechanics cannot be
applied; another misconception.
In the first place, the number 2.5 used in the standard is rather arbitrary and
not rigorous as it is often considered (Chapter 7). But apart from that, the value
of K[c can be reasonably well estimated from a specimen that is too thin, as was
discussed in Chapter 7 and in the solution to Exercise 6 of Chapter 3. Insight
and ingenuity go a long way in obtaining engineering solutions. Certainly, in
such cases the ASTM standard is not satisfied, but the standard is there for
convenience, not to make engineering impossible. Of course, one MUST check
whether collapse occurred in the test; but if it did the 'apparent' toughness
following from the test is too low (conservative). Actually a check for collapse
should always be made, whether mentioned in the standard or not.
In EPFM and JR-tests the problem of constraint still exists. The LEFM test
for K[c puts much emphasis on thickness and state of stress, but the EPFM test
for JR is unrealistic (Chapter 4). This raises the impression that constraint is of
less importance in EPFM. But as shown above, whether there is plane stress or
plane strain the 'procedures' still apply provided collapse is recognized as a
failure criterion.
The present standard for the JR-test analysis is based on a collapse condition.
In that case the obtained J is too low; as a matter of fact it is only an 'apparent'
JR' Collapse and fracture are competing conditions, and the one satisfied first
will prevail. The true JR-test should be on larger specimens (no collapse) and be
evaluated with J = HcrD + 1 a/F. Indeed, a new standard for the EPFM test is
badly needed (Chapters 4, 7).
In some cases, where approximations must be used in LEFM, it is better to
use EPFM. This is not a misconception, but certainly a statement reflecting
more academic than pragmatic wisdom. JR-curves are difficult to measure so
that the data are inaccurate. Thus, it is questionable whether the answers EPFM
provides, are any more accurate than those obtained with LEFM using the
appropriate approximations as discussed. If the fracture stress can be calculated
within 10% using a simple procedure, one would not want to use a 'sophis-
ticated' and complicated procedure, to produce results to the same or poorer
accuracy. This may not always be the case, but from an engineering point of
view, fundamental rigor does not count; only results do.
As far as crack growth analysis is concerned, a few persistent misconceptions
exist as well. Should crack growth be based on K or J? In fatigue crack growth
most of the life is at small 11K (Chapter 5), i.e. from K = 5-20 ksi JUl, and
most of that part at K = 5-10 ksi JUl. Even in a material with a yield strength
as low as F;y = 50 ksi, the plastic zone size at 11K = 15 ksi JUl (R = 0), is only
0.004 inch; during most of the crack growth it is even smaller. This is a very
small plastic zone indeed. The data clearly show that it is not necessary to
question the use of K. The high growth rate regime affects only a small portion
of the life; it does not change the life H to a significant degree. Considering the
general accuracy, using J in this regime amounts to a third order correction and
is of no practical interest.
Retardation models are inaccurate and hence crack growth analysis is useless;
another misconception. Certainly, the first part of the statement is true. Re-
tardation models are inaccurate, but they can be calibrated empirically, and
then they work satisfactorily. This is based upon empiricism, but also the da/dN
data are empirical, F;y is empirical, and even E is empirical. A calibrated
retardation model provides useful results. Any errors due to other unkowns in
load and stress input, and clipping, overshadow those due to the models.
A final misconception is that test data can be obtained only from standard
specimens. If that were true they could be applied only to standard specimens
and not to structures. If the data can be applied to configurations other than test
specimens, they can be obtained from any non-standard specimen, as long as the
f3 for the specimen is known (Chapter 7). Some specimens have been standard-
ized for which a very accurate f3 is available. This is a matter of convenience
only. it is not a restriction.
12.10. Outlook
Speculations about the outlook for the future must take due account of the
points discussed in the previous two sections. At present it is possible with
judicious use offracture mechanics, combined with small crack approximations
and collapse analysis, to predict the failure strength of a structure in most cases
within about 10%. This is as good as is desirable for engineering analysis.
Buckling strength, or for that matter the strength of uncracked structures,
cannot be predicted with greater accuracy. If a more rigorous fracture theory
emerges in the future, the resulting engineering analysis will not be better than
it is now. Scatter in material data will not be less. It will be equally difficult to
predict the actual loads on a structure. Hence, the predicted fracture case will
still be within about 10% only.
Most likely more refined crack growth and retardation models will be
developed in the future. But these will not improve crack growth analysis much.
The inherent large scatter in da/dN will remain; it is 'in the nature of the animal'
(Chapter 7). Loads and stresses in complex structures will still contain errors,
and since crack growth rates are proportional to some power of stress/load, small
errors in the latter are magnifed by this power: (1.1.)4 = l.46. Thus, the
accuracy of crack growth analysis as presently obtained in engineering appli-
cation will not be much improved. It will remain equally difficult to make
projections in the future of stress histories and changing environments.
Predictions will remain predictions.
From a fundamental point of view it is desirable that research continue and
more is learned, better hypotheses and procedures developed. From a practical
point of view, the present situation cannot be much improved upon. The
exponential growth of the number of researchers in the field has come at an
inopportune time; their efforts could be better spent in other, new areas. After
a period of slow and consistent growth, subsequent exponential growth in any
bull market signifies that collapse is near. Many agencies have discovered this,
and research funds are decreasing. In 1987 more papers were published on
fracture mechanics than in the entire decade of 1960-1970. However, the results
were less worthwhile. Research should certainly be continued, but should
concentrate on problems of real engineering interest (dynamic fracture,
composites, etc.).
Fracture mechanics has become an established tool. It is not perfect, but it
provides engineering answers previously unobtainable. Engineers feel uncom-
fortable because of the possible errors (again, largely due to input), but this
can be cured by experience. Compare the situation as it was 100 years ago. A
bend member was designed by calculating the bending stress with (1 = Mh/I
(elastic) and by sizing the member with a safety factor. Obviously, the elastic
analysis was in error, and there was a great deal of uncertainty with respect to
the (inaccurate) results. But structures were designed on this basis, because there
was no alternative. With the years came experience. Certainly, there were
misphaps, but in the end the procedures were made to work, and eventually the
necessary safety factors were established. Today nobody questions this
procedure; 100 years of engineering experience has shown that it works. Even
today, virtually all structues are designed on this very basis: an 'inadequate'
elastic analysis and a safety factor. Plastic analysis is certainly possible but it is
also more complicated; it is more fundamental, but does not lead to better
results in the general design of load-bearing structures. Compare LEFM and
EPFM in this light.
Fracture mechanics should be considered against this background. Once a
century of experience is obtained, it will be as common as present day design
analysis. Mishaps will occur, but become fewer when experience accumulates.
Experience will be obtained only through application. Naturally, safety factors
are necessary. As before, experience must show how large these should be.
Fracture mechanics is useful now. Waiting for further technical improvement
will be in vain. Better methods will evolve, but the engineering results will
improve only marginally. (Elastic-plastic analysis has not displaced regular
elastic design analysis).
Inexperience and unjustified fears are no excuse. If they had been 100 years ago
with elastic design analysis, there would have been little progress in enginneer-
ing. But a century ago, engineers were willing 'to stick their neck out'. This is
true, now as much as a century ago. Fracture mechanics is a new tool to prevent
fractures. As such it can only lead to improvements. Damage tolerance analysis
may not prevent all fractures, but it can prevent many, which is sufficient
justification for its use.
Fracture prevention is not glamorous. It can never be proven that a fracture
was prevented. If the fracture does not happen, some may think that the effort
was 'money down the drain', but in today's litigious society a fracture may cost
much more than fracture prevention. If fracture mechanics is not used and a
fracture occurs, lawyers will be quick in pointing out that 'the best available'
techniques were not used. Even though fracture mechanics is not perfect, it is
the best available. The time for its application is now.
12.11. Exercises
[I] Airworthiness requirements FAR 25b. U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.
[2] Damage tolerance requirements for military aircraft, MIL-A-83444.
[3] G.L. van Oosten and D. Broek, Fatigue cracks approaching circular holes, Delft Un. rept (1973).
[4] Anon. ASME boiler and pressure vessel code; Section XI; In service inspection of nuclear power
plant components,plus Appendix A, Analysis offlaw indications, ANSI/ASME, American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, New York, Issued annually.
[5] D. Broek, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, 4th ed. Nijhoff (1985).
[6] J.P. Gallagher et aI., USAF damage tolerant design handbook, AFWAL-TR 82-3073.
[7] R.C. Rice and D. Broek, Evaluation of equivalent initial flaws for damage tolerance analysis,
Naval Air Dev. Center NADC-77250-30 (1978).
13.1 Scope
Despite careful fracture control, service failures will continue to occur; but
without it more fractures would be experienced. Engineering journals from the
turn of the century discuss the large numbers of failures then occurring.
Presently, with many more structures in service, the number of structural
failures is relatively low (although these few get much more publicity). This is
due to better design, but not in the least due to fracture control and quality
control. Fracture mechanics and damage tolerance analysis can further improve
the situation, but cannot eliminate all failures.
When a service fracture occurs, a failure analysis is usually performed. Every
fracture, in principle, contains all the evidence about its cause, although this
information is iiometimes hard to extract. The broader the scope of the failure
analysis, the greater the likelihood that the scenario and cause can be recon-
structed. In this respect fracture mechanics can provide a great deal of infor-
mation as discussed in this chapter.
Fractography is an indispensable part of the failure analysis as it is usually the
only means by which the failure mechanism can be established, but the
knowledge that failure was caused by fatigue or stress corrosion does not solve
the problem. The purpose of the failure analysis is to arrive at 'solutions' that
will prevent subsequent failures. In the author's experience the majority of
failures is due to design and production deficiencies; few are due to material
defects. The remedies often lie in design and structural changes. Quantitative
fractographic analysis and fracture mechanics can be of help. This chapter does
not review fracto graphic features as excellent texts on the subject are available
[e.g. 1,2,3,4]. Instead, its purpose is to review the structural and design aspects
of failure analysis, and to show the role fracture mechanics can play. In this
respect some quantitive measurements of the microscopic features are reviewed;
also a few fracto graphic features observable with the naked eye will be
discussed, as they may be of help to the damage tolerance analyst involved in
failure analysis.
Figure 13.1. Cracks due to relative displacements (fretting; a, b) or consequent secondary stresses (c).
bolts. However, during elastic service loading, the center bolts transfer no load,
causing cracking at the highly loaded outer bolts.
Other design details may cause secondary displacements, not accounted for
in design or fatigue analysis. Consider the shrink fitting in Figure
Eventually, the load must be transferred from the shaft to the shrunk-on part.
However, at A the shrunk-on part is still relatively stress-free (no stress and no
strain). The shaft is strained, so that there will be relative movement between A
and B, which may cause fretting and subsequent fatigue cracks. The same
happens at bolt shafts, under bolt heads, and so on.
Secondary stresses due to displacements may cause problems as well. The
loading of parts I and II in Figure 13.1 b causes (small) upward displacements
of A and therefore of B. As B cannot undergo vertical displacements because of
the bolts, secondary bending stresses in the bolted flanges may cause cracking.
Elimination of some bolts may solve the problem, because there will be some
freedom for vertical displacements if bolt 1 and 2 are omitted.
Determining the cracking mechanism is a significant part of the failure
analysis, but the starting point of the crack must be found in order to establish
the reason why it became operative. All fundamental causes listed above must
then be considered. At this time there is an essential task for the damage
tolerance analyst. Questions regarding the origin of stresses, loads, load path,
primary and secondary displacements/stresses, must be answered. Answers to
these are often found in general area deformations (occurring during the
fracture process); deformation of adjacent parts will reveal directions of acting
loads, and stresses. It should be checked whether these are compatible with the
design assumptions and with the cracking mechanism. Analysis of stress fields
for 'unanticipated' stress concentrations, secondary stresses and displacements
(Figure 13.1) is necessary.
13.3. Fractography
The tools for fractography are loupe and stereo microscope, optical micros-
copes, electron microscopes, X-ray analysers, and image analysers. The non-
fractographer should be aware that an electron fracto graph (high magnification
photograph) shows only a very small area. This may be adequate, but it is
sometimes deceiving because it may not be representative of the whole.
The main cracking mechanisms were discussed in Chapter 1. Fatigue damage
and fatigue cracking in service take place under nominal elastic stresses, but a
fatigue crack cannot initate without plastic deformation, however local and
minute (Chapter I). Generally, such plastic deformation will occur at the tip of
a notch or at a stress raiser (including particles in the material). Once a crack
is initiated it grows by a mechanism similar to the example in Figure 1.4. A
regular repetition of blunting and sharpening causes the formation of distinct
lines on the fracture surface, the fatigue striations. One striation is formed
during each cycle as shown in the electron fracto graph in Figure 1.5. This opens
the possibility to measure the rate of growth by measurement of the striations
Striations as regular as those in Figue 1.5 can be formed only when the
material can accomodate the mechanism of Figure 1.4 by opening and closing
in a uniform manner over some distance along the crack front, as shown in
Figure 13.2. If the material's deformation possibilities are insufficient to open
Figure 13.2. Formation of regular and ill-defined striations Left: uniform opening and closing over
some distance creates lines on crack surface (regular striation as in figure 1.5) Right: Non-uniform
opening and closing (ill-defined striations as in Figure 13.3).
Figure 13.3. Patch of rather well-defined striations (center) and 'chopped' striations (top left and
bottom right); 4340 steel;3500 x.
and close the crack uniformly, the striations become ill-defined as illustrated in
Figure \3 .2 (right). This is the case in many steels (Figure \3 .3). Nevertheless
striations (even if ill-defined) can provide the rate of growth by their average
Fractographic features of other cracking mechanisms are more variable and
differ from material to material. A stress corrosion crack often follows the grain
boundaries because the chemical composition at the grain boundaries is
different from that inside the grains. The fractographer will recognize the
features by which to identify a stress corrosion crack.
Fracture mechanisms were discussed in Chapter I as well. To a degree the
shape of dimples depends upon the (local) stress gradient. Thus, the dimple
shape can be used occasionally for a qualitative assessment of the local stress
field, but dimple shape can be deceiving as it depends upon the angle of view [4].
The dimple rupture surface is irregular and (in contrast to the glittering cleavage
surface) diffuses light, so that the fracture looks dull grey to the naked eye; as
such it often can be recognized without microscopic aid.
Whether fracture occurs hy cleavage or rupture depends upon rate ofloading,
temperature, and state of stress. Roughly speaking, if sufficient plastic deforma-
tion can occur to relieve stresses, cleavage will not occur. At low temperatures
and/or high-loading rates the yield strength is higher. If the state of stress is one
with high hydrostatic tension, yielding is postponed to stresses higher than the
uniaxial yield strength (Chapter 2). Hence, the above conditions tend to confine
plastic deformation and promote cleavage if the stress peaks at or above the
cleavage strength. In other cases local plasticity will ameliorate conditions
through lower stresses and larger plastic strains to set the rupture process in
motion. In many alloys it is virtually impossible to induce a cleavage fracture.
Of particular interest for the damage tolerance interpretation of the fracture
surface are transverse cracks, such as shown in Figure 13.4. They are an
indication of high hydrostatic tension (plane strain), or high (Jz as shown in
Figure 13.4, possibily combined with a low fracture toughness in Z-direction
(ST or SL).
p = CD - CE = bcos() + hsin()
- (b cos () - h sin () = 2h sin ()
h =
2 sin ()
For fracture mechanics analysis the most fruitful application of this technique
is in the area of transition between crack and fracture, as in the example given
in Figure 13.6. A topographic measurement [8] provides the size of the Crack
Tip Opening Displacement, CTOD. Stereo pictures show the blunting in a
different projection (different size; Figure 13.7), so that CTOD can be measured
by Equation (13.1). Using fracture mechanics equations, the CTOD can be
I.. I
../../~' /
../ ~/
../ .,,-'
../ '--/../
Figure 13.4. Transverse cracks due to high <12 Left: crack surface at 50 x (optical microscope).
, 'E
CI ,'0
, ~/}-
~_(_ h
Figure 13.5. Height measurement from stereo micrographs. Features A and B project at different
distances on photographic plane (horizontal).
Figure 13.6. Blunting of crack tip before fracture (slip) forming stretched zone characterized by
wavy slip lines.
Crack growth often is suspended for long periods because the structure is not
being loaded (not in use). The already present part of the crack will be subject
to environmental influences and may undergo slight discoloration. Then a ring
shaped mark (beach mark) will be visible on the crack surface, delineating the
shape of the crack (front) at a given point in time (see Figure 13.9). Changes in
load will change the rate of crack growth. Higher growth rates (higher stress)
result in a rougher crack surface, than low rates (low stress). A smoother crack
surface has more luster because it is more reflective. Also this will result in a
delineation on the crack surface, creating another beach mark . Beach marks
may occur on any crack surface, whether fatigue or stress corrosion. They
always signify a change in circumstances, either load or environment. An
absence of beach marks is an indication of uniform circumstances throughout
the cracking phase. As beach marks signify the positions of the crack front at
certain times, they are useful in correlations with the stress-time-environment
Fracture is a fast process. Its macroscopic features are reflections of fracture
speed and hence of stress level and fracture toughness. Many fracture surfaces
(both cleavage and rupture) show chevron marks as depicted in Figure 13. 10:
Figure 13.7. Measurement ofh (1 /2 CTOD) in accordance with Figure 13.5. Stereo photographs at
+ and - 6 degrees.
they point to the origin of the fracture. The sharper the points of the chevrons,
the faster the fracture (low toughness; high stress). The chevrons are not
indicative of the shape of the fracture front ; instead they are more or less a
mirror image of the fracture front. They show increasing height (roughness)
towards the outer surface: in the interior the state of stress is often triaxial, but
at the surface (Jz is always zero, so that there is a gradual decrease of the
hydrostatic tension towards the surface. The higher the hydrostatic tension the
lower the fracture resistance (plane strain versus plane stress). Consequently the
fracture tries to run faster in the center giving a smoother fracture surface, but
naturally the fracture at the free surface must move along with that in the
If the stresses are high and/or the material's fracture resistance low, the energy
released during fracture is high. When sufficient energy is available, two or more
fractures can be maintained simultaneously (a branch is formed [5]). A higher
energy surplus causes more branching. High energy surplus occurs in the case
of low fracture resistance (windows shatter when fracturing) . Branching
provides another indication of the fracture origin. This is particularly helpful
when shattering has occurred.
Much information can be gained from the general condition of the broken
o path A
a *B
~ ~9
6.5 t/
I /8
5.5 / /
13 I ~/
9-- 40'
5.8- 50-
o 20,000 N
Figure J3.B. Calculation of crack growth curve from measurement of striation spacings. Numbers
in bottom left drawing are measured striation spacings in units of 0.1 microns (see Table 13.1). ~
Table 13.1. Calculation of crack growth curve along path A in Figure 13.8
a Striation ~a aaverage da/dN da/dN ~a N = N + ~N
(mm) spacing (mm) over average average ~N = da/dN
p/c increment over increment mm/c
0 0 0
0.8 0.4 0.05 5.0 x 10- 5 16000
0.8 0.1 16000
0.93 1.27 0.13 1.3 x 10- 4 7150
1.73 0.16 23150
1.20 2.33 0.26 2.6 x 10- 4 5150
2.93 0.35 28300
3.27 4.57 0.45 4.5 x 10- 4 7270
6.20 0.55 35570
1.13 6.77 0.75 7.5 x 10- 4 1510
7.33 0.94 37080
Failure analysis as discussed, will show the mechanism of cracking and the
mechanism of fracture, and whether or not material defects or manufacturing
defects were involved. Fractography generally will show the crack size at which
final fracture occurred because cracks have a different surface roughness than
fracture. Examples are shown in Figure 13.9.
Fracture occurs in accordance with the concepts discussed in Chapter 3 and
4. If operational stresses are known, the equations in Chapters 3 and 4 can be
used to calculate the toughness from the crack size at fracture, which, if
compared with the anticipated toughness, will show whether or not the material
so that the toughness can be calculated from the measured stretched zone size.
Careful measurement can give reliable toughness values [8]. For example,
consider the case of Figure 13.7, which is for a material with 1';y = 65 ksi and
E = 10000 ksi. The distance between the two features indicated by the large
arrows can be measured from which the value of p in Equation 13.1 is obtained.
Using the micron-scale shown in Figure 13.7, the value of p in Equation (13.1)
is found as 2.7 microns = 0.0027 mm. Since (J = 6 degrees = 0.10 radians, the
height h is found from Equation (13.1) as h = 0.0027/0.2 = 0.0135mm. As
CTOD = 2h(Figure13.6),itfoliowsthatCTOD = 0.027mm = 0.00106 inch.
Then with the aid of Equation (13.2) the toughness is found as
,JIOOOO x 65 x 0.00106 = 26ksi.Jill. It was pointed out already that
micrographs exhibit only a small area, so that several measurements of different
areas are required to obtain an average. If more measurements are made using
the fractographs of Figure 13.7 an average toughness value of 28 ksi.Jill
With the toughness known, fracture stresses can be calculated from (J = KI
f3 J1W;, where ac is the crack length at fracture; f3 is determined by one of
the procedures discussed in Chapter 8. It then can be determined whether the
fracture took place due to an excessively high load or whether the local stresses
were too high.
Fatigue-striation counts (Figure 13.8) generally provide a reasonable account
Figure 13.10. Chevrons on surface of high speed fracture (high stress/low toughness).
of the crack-growth rates and crack-growth curve. If the crack-growth rate data
of the material and the stresses are known, the stress intensity can be inferred,
and a comparison made between actual and anticipated properties for a
conclusion about the adequacy of the material. Conversely, if the stresses are
not known, the measured rates and the rate properties can be used to estimate
the acting stresses. From the amount of crack growth (crack size at fracture),
known stresses, and growth-rate properties, a reasonable insight can be
obtained regarding the question of misuse (e.g. continual high loading). The
time to failure and final crack size are determined using fracture mechanics, as
discussed above. When the results are not in accordance with the observations,
the analysis can be repeated to determine how much higher (or lower) the
stresses would have had to be to produce the cracking time and crack size at
fracture as observed.
The most direct way to use the information is as a basis for determining
inspection intervals for similar components, using the procedures discussed in
Chapter 11. Indirect use can be made by comparing the curve with a calculated
one using the concepts described in Chapters 5, 6 and 10. This can provide
information regarding the adequacy of the analysis (e.g. load history, (J, dajdN).
If no corroboration is found the analysis can be performed for different load
histories or da jdN data, to evaluate the cause of the problem. Other indirect use
can be made by determining I1K-da jdN at various crack sizes from the striation
measurements. Comparison of these results with the anticipated rate properties
can reveal whether the material might have been below standard. (For an
example see Exercises 3, 4, 5.)
A change in loading or environment during the cracking process is likely to
leave a beach mark. If information on the nature of these changes is available,
the crack size at which they occurred can be used to obtain information on rate
properties or stresses at that time. Conversely, without knowledge of the nature
of the changes, information (a change in loading in particular) can be obtained
from known growth-rate properties: the time for growth between beach marks
can be calculated, and the stress required to produce the observed crack sizes
If fractography shows the presence of initial defects - whether mechanical or
metallurgical - crack-growth analysis can be used, starting from the initial
defect. Again, depending upon the objective, information can be obtained on
stresses (known material properties) or material properties (known stresses).
The stress intensities due to different stress systems are additive as long as all
stress systems are of the same mode (Chapter 8). Residual stresses due to
welding, cold deformation, surface treatments, or heat treatments can thus be
accounted for. Although this is useful in principle, the magnitude of the residual
stresses is often unknown. It may be assumed that yielding at the crack tip is so
extensive that residual stresses can be ignored for the fracture analysis. For
fatigue-crack growth, the residual stress (static) causes only a change in R-ratio
(Chapter 9). In the case of sustained-load stress corrosion, the stress intensities
are additive. These guidelines can be used to evaluate the effect of residual stress.
The procedures can at least provide an estimate of the effect, but engineering
judgement is required. Residual stresses can be accounted for (Chapter 9), but
the real problem is to know their magnitude.
13.7. Exercises
1. Using the same procedure as in the text calculate the toughness by making
measurements at two or more locations in Figure 13.7 and estimate the
average toughness.
2. If the crack at fracture in Exercise I was 20 mm long and 13 = 0.7, what was
the nominal stress at fracture.
3. Measurements of striation spacings at 8000 x provide spacings of 0.03, 0.08
and 0.15 inch respectively at crack sizes 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and striation spacings
of 0.06 and 0.09 inch at 2000 x at crack sizes of 0.4 and 0.5 inch resp.
Determine the growth rates and estimate the crack growth curve.
4. Assuming that 13 = 1 throughout, and assuming that a materials handbook
provides da/dN = 2£-8 IlK 3 for the material, estimate the stress range in
Exercise 3 if the loading was of constant amplitude. R = O.
5. Using the rate data quoted in Exercise 4, calculate the crack growth curve,
and compare the result with that of Exercise 4.
6. Suppose that the stress range in the case of Exercise 4 is known to be 15 ksi,
could there be a problem with the material?
7. It appears that in the component concerned in Exercise 4 a stress concentra-
tion exists with kr = 1.5. Re-evaluate the results of Exercises 5 and 6. Which
remedial action would you take.
8. A fracture occurs in a single lap joint with three bolts due to a crack. The
joint transfers a load of 100000 Ibs. The material has a yield strength of
F;y = 50 ksi, the bolts a shear strength of 100 ksi. The joint was designed
with a safety factor of 3 against the above numbers. No action was taken in
the original design for equal load distribution during elastic loading. The
width of the joined plates is two inches. What is the configuration of the
original design. Redesign the joint for optimal crack resistance still using
three bolts. Would four bolts in the original design provide a good alter-
9. A service fracture appears to have been caused by a stress corrosion crack.
The crack size at fracture was I inch (13 = 0.7), the material's toughness is
50 ksi,Jlli, while K[scc = 7 ksi,Jlli. What was the operating stress and which
size of defect would have to be eliminated in quality control to prevent
10. A failure analysis leads to the hypothesis that the crack was caused by a
material deficiency. No crack is apparent. A crack larger than 0.05 inch
would have been identified. The specified toughness of the material is
60 ksi,Jlli, F;y = 80 ksi. At the location of the crack there is a stress con-
centration with k, = 2. The nominal stress was calculated to be 25 ksi. Is the
hypothesis tenable?
11. A material's yield strength is 90 ksi and its crack propagation properties at
R = 0 can be described by da/dN = 8 x 10- 9 (K?5 inch/cycle if K in ksi Jill.
Failure analysis of a very large failed part made of this material shows that
fracture occurred due to a fatigue crack penetrating 0.6 inches from the
surface (/3 = 0.64). At a magnification of 2000 x the striation spacing at the
very front of the fatigue crack is 0.12 inches. The loading was of constant
amplitude with occasional overloads of twice the maximum of the constant
amplitude loading (R = 0 in both cases). Calculate the material's toughness
and the maximum stress during the constant amplitude loading.
[I] D.A. Ryder, Elements oJJractography, AGARDograph 155-71 (1971).
[2] A. Phillips et aI., Electron Jractography handbook, AFML-TDR-64-416 (1965).
[3] Various authors, Failure analysis and prevention. Metals Handbook, Vol. II, 9th ed. ASM
[4] D. Broek, Some contributions of electron fractography to the theory of fracture, Int. Met.
Reviews, Review 185, Vol. 9 (1974) pp. 135-181.
[5] D. Broek, Elementary engineering Jracture mechanics, Nyhoff, 1985.
[6] I.F. Nankivell, Minimum differences in height details in electron stereomicroscopy, Brit. J. Appl.
Phys. 13 (1962) pp. 126-128.
[7] D.C. Wells, Correction of errors in electron stereomicrography, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 11 (1960)
pp. 199-200.
[8] D. Broek, Corelation between stretched zone size andJracture toughness, ICF conference, Munich
14.1. Scope
Many examples of practical damage tolerance problems and analysis were given
throughout this book, especially in the Exercises and their solutions. This
chapter provides a number of examples in which application of damage
tolerance analysis and fracture control can be seen in the larger context of
structural design and operation. In some cases use is made of fictitious situations
and numbers, but they are derived from actual cases. Sometimes insufficient
input data are available, which is common in engineering. These conditions were
not changed artificially. Instead, the problems are represented as they might
appear in engineering, so that judgement and approximations can be illustrated.
Only scant details are provided on the actual analysis since the analysis
procedures were amply discussed in the forgoing chapters. Instead, the problems
are treated in their general context, so that the reader may appreciate how input,
assumptions, and judgement affect results, accuracy and subsequent fracture
control decisions. It would have been easy to fill this whole book with examples
from the author's experience concerning aircraft, but in order to avoid the
suggestion that damage tolerance analysis only works for aircraft, all of the
examples are for other structures. It stands to reason that not all areas of
technology can be covered. However, the examples are of such variety that
similarities to other problems may be found and ideas be transferred.
longItudinal 7
weld defect
weld failure
weld d"'f~ct
~ \ ._____---L.-__.../ i
2a =0.1
/ /
design operate in areas with different climates. The cost of the incident,
including lost revenues, clean-up operation, and replacement is estimated at 30
man-year equivalents. A fracture control plan costing less than a fracture, would
be implemented.
7 X 10- 6 X 90 = 18.9 ksi. Hence, the total stress could have been as high as
4.7 + 18.9 = 23.6ksi.
(c) Material data
The material's yield strength at - 20 F is FII' = 55 ksi. Toughness data not being
available, Charpy specimens containing longitudinal welds were cut from the
failed tank (weld crosswise in the specimen at the location of the notch). These
tests showed the transition temperature at 10 F, and a Charpy energy of 2 ft/lbs
at - 20 F. Using the conversion equations discussed in Chapter 7, the toughness
is estimated to be K/c 12y'2 = 17ksi~in. Naturally, the weld defect is in plane
strain, but fracture would first cause a through-the-thickness crack. For
through-cracks plane strain occurs at a thickness larger than 2.5 x (17/
55)2 = 0.24 inch, so that with the given wall thickness the toughness estimated
above for fast loading, it is considered a useful number because at break-
through due to fracture the high fracture speed must be accounted for in
considering leak-before-break (Chapter 9).
(d) Analysis
The weld-defect here is a lack of fusion defect, with dimensions as in Figure 14.1.
It can be considered as an elliptical flaw with a/2e = 0.05. The geometry factor
is f3 = f3FFS/</J (Figure 8.3). Since this is a buried defect the back free surface
correction of 1.12 is not required. In determining f3FFS it must be realized that
the distance from crack center to the wall is equal to half the wall thickness, so
that the value of alB used in Figure 8.3c must be 0.05/0.2 = 0.25. This leads to
f3 = 1.15/1.05 = 1.1.
After breakthrough there is a through-the-thickness crack of 2a = 1 in. For
such a crack in a pressurized container f3 = .jl + 1.6la2 / RB =
.jI + 1.61 x 0.5 2 /(18 x 12 x 0.4) = 1.002. Since this is approximately
equal to I superposition to the thermal stress can be accomplished by directly
adding the stresses (same geometry factor).
With a total stress of 23.6 ksi the stress intensity at fracture of the embedded
flaw was K = 1.1 x 23.6 x .jnO.05 = 10.3 ksiFn, which is considerably
lower than the estimated toughness. The latter would require a stress of 17/
(1.1.jn x 0.05) = 39 ksi so that either an additional residual stress of about
15 ksi was present or the toughness was lower than estimated. The stress
intensity of the one inch through crack was 23.6.jnO.5 = 29.6 ksiFn, which is
larger than the toughness, so that fracture should indeed occur after break-
through of the internal defect.
It may be assumed that the residual stresses were largely relieved after
break-through. Using the stress intensity for the through crack, the stress
intensity and residual strength can be calculated for various locations in the
tank. For example at half of the height of the tank the hoop stress is reduced
to 4.7/2 = 2.35 ksi. Assuming (very conservatively) that the thermal stress
decreases linearly to the top, because fixation is at the bottom, the correspond-
ing thermal stresses is 9.3 ksi. If the toughness is 17 ksi Fn a through cracks of
,4 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
C. COl ]NCH)
Q !50 150
g 100 100
80 80
L_--- 50
40 40
20 20
The costs for inspection and repairs are estimated at an equivalent of three
man years. The fracture control plan is implemented because the cost is
negligible with respect to the anticipated cost of fracture.
NOTE: The above is a fictitious example. Numbers may bear no relation to
reality. Certain aspects of the problem may have been overlooked.
~Deck plating
(b) Background
A Navy ship is designed [13, 14] for a Standard Design Wave with a wave length
equal to the Length Between Perpendiculars (LBP) and a wave height equal to
1.1 LBP, the LBP being roughly equal to the ship length. Two cases are
considered, one where the top of the wave is at midship (hogging) and one where
the trough of the wave is at midship (sagging), as shown earlier in Figure 6.10.
The Standard Design Wave provides the distribution of the upward forces on
the ship; the downward forces can be obtained from the estimated weight
distribution. These provide the bending moment.
The material allowables used are as follows (requirements [13, 14]):
If the ship is built of mild steel the maximum allowable live stress (due to
applied loads) is 19 ksi. The maximum allowable for the 'total stress' is 27 ksi,
which means that there is an allowance of 8 ksi for secondary stresses, due to
dead weights, misfits, slamming, etc. These secondary stresses are not evaluated
in the design. Their existence is acknowledged and a margin is provided by
limiting the bending stress to 19ksi. Essentially, this provides a safety factor of
34/27 = 1.26 against yield and of 60/27 = 2.22 against F,u (compare I and 1.5
respectively for airplane structures).
Shell plating, and the size and spacing of longitudinals (stringers) are selected
to produce the section modulus required to sustain the bending at the Standard
Design Wave with stresses less than or equal to the allowable; the hull is then
roughly sized. The design, in particular the bottom, is checked for hydrostatic
pressure and elastic stability to determine the final size and spacing of the
longitudinals. The loop is closed by calculating the section modulus of the final
design and by checking whether the bending stress is not in excess of the
allowable. Naturally this summary is simplifying matters. Merchant ship hulls
are designed in essentially the same manner, but the Standard Design Wave is
:t== I QUlzmm I I
HY-130 strakes would provide arrest if the strakes were 23 and 28 inches away
respectively (points B and C). If arrest were required at a stress of 12 ksi, a
somewhat longer crack (point E) could be tolerated in the MS. Arrest would
occur in HY-80 arrester strakes at a distance of approximately 70 inches or in
HY-130 strakes at a distance of about 115 inches (points F and G).
On this basis residual strength diagrams for plates with arresters can be
constructed. If arrest were required for example at a stress of 14 ksi, the diagram
of Figure 14.5 would apply. For this situation, HY-80 arrester strakes at
100-inch spacing would be required. The width of the strakes was taken here as
25 inches, but the necessary strake width depends upon the dynamic effects (see
later). Figure 14.5 shows that any crack smaller than four inches (2a = 8
inches) will not be arrested because it will be critical at a stress higher than 14 ksi
(e.g. point C). When a fracture precipitated by a smaller crack (higher stress) has
propagated across the MS bay and reaches the arrester, the arrester cannot
sustain the damage at this higher stress (point D). Cracks longer than 4 inches
will be critical at stresses below 14 ksi. For example, a fracture starting at point
A runs to B, where it is arrested. In the above it was implicitly assumed that the
crack in the MS would occur in the center of the bay, but in the absence of
dynamic effects, the location of the crack (if it has two tips) is immaterial. A
fracture starting at both tips would still propagate through the whole bay.
1 .
Ii=== • HY-BO •
•• 160-ln. 25-in.-1
, , .D"" ,,
" ....
Crack Size, 0, inch
Figure 14.5. Required spacing of two types of strakes for equal arrest capability.
The examples apply to plates, but a hull consists of plate and stringers.
(Figures 14.3). A running fracture in the plate can and will enter the welded
stringers, severing them in the process. The load originally carried by these
longitudinals also has to bypass the crack, which will increase the stress intensity
factor, and therefore, reduce the arrest capability of the strakes. In other words
Figures 14.4 and 14.5 may draw too optimistic a picture of the effect of strakes.
The figures show that crack arrester strakes as used presently have little effect.
If a crack would occur anywhere in the deck plating in Figure 14.3, it could
essentially run through the entire deck (e.g. 60 ft) if arresters were present only
at the gunwale.
For a 60 foot crack size, the residual strength of HY-80 is 5.2 ksi; arrest in
general then would be possible only at stresses below 5.2 ksi.
(a) ,
Crack Size, a
StrInger: a=~
fs L
Stiffened plate:
',, /unstiffened plate:
............. ~ K
, -- "f=-:J;O
Crack Size, a
other words, they are not just an addition for the mere purpose of fracture
arrest. In the absence of arresters, /1 = I. The load originally carried by the
cracked material has to bypass the crack. Some of this load will be transferred
to the arresters which will cause a reduction of the stress intensity factor: /1 < I.
(Chapter 9). This causes the arrester stress to increase to af = La, where L
increases with crack size.
If the plate material has a toughness K" the residual strength of the unstif-
fened plate follows from aF = Kc//1.fiW. with /1 = I (dashed line in Figure
14.6). The residual strength of the plate with arresters follows from the same
equation with /1(a) < 1. Since /1 decreases with crack size, the residual strength
curve shows the typical relative maximum. The nominal stress at which arrester
fracture occurs is obtained as afa = Flu/L, where FlU is tensile strength of the
arrester material. See Chapter 9 for more details and a discussion of the arrester
critical case.
The residual strength diagram is determined by /1, L, Kn and FlU (of the
stringer material), where 13 and L depend upon arrester spacing and stiffness,
and upon the fastening system. They are also affected by plastic deformation in
arrester and fastener holes. All these effects can be accounted for in the calcu-
lation. If the fastener spacing is smaller, load transfer is more effective, which
results in larger L and lower 13. Indeed, 13 is lower for welded arresters, but in
that case the fracture can readily enter the arrester and a failed arrester is worse
than none at all (Chapter 9).
A hybrid arrester is a combination of a strake and a load transfer arrester
(Figure 14.7). The residual strength diagram of a strake arrester is shown
schematically in Figure 14.7a, that of a stringer arrester in Figure 14.7b.
Combining these leads to the residual strength diagram of the hybrid as in
Figure 14.7c. The effect of the strake is a further increase of the relative
For a mere assessment of their effectiveness the use of handbook solutions
[18,8] for 13 is satisfactory (Figure 14.8). This case is for a fastener spacing equal
to 1/12 of the bay width; smaller fastener spacings would give somewhat better
results. The discussion will be for riveted hybrids; welding, if performed in a
certain way, is feasible as will be discussed. The value of 13 depends upon the
stiffening ratio.
Ship plating is already stiffened by stringers. These longitudinals are relatively
light, but more important, will be penetrated by the fracture because they are
welded to the plate. Unlike riveted stringers they are not effective as arresters.
Special heavy stringers or girders are required. In order to avoid confusion
about the use of the word stringer, they are called arrester in previous paragraph
and in the following discussion. When the arrester must come into action, the
'hatched' plate and stringers in figure 14.9 will all be broken. The broken
stringers cause an increase in 13, depending upon their size and spacing. As a first
approximation, an increase of 13 by a factor 1.2 was assumed on the basis of
calculations for broken stringers [18]. This factor may be somewhat low, but the
13 from Figure 14.8 is too high, because the fastener spacing for the large bay
widths considered here will certainly be less than 1/12th of the bay width. Thus,
Max \
__ ....
arrest O"amox
, I
I ' ......... :
£: stress,
I ... I
I ......... I I
I . . -t----- --+-
O'min 0amal °amOl DornaK
Figure 14.7. Principle of hybrid arrester. (a) Tough strake; (b) Stringer or Doubler; (c) Hybrid.
o .1 .5 a
Figure 14.B. Geometry factors.
errors in the above assumptions will compensate one another. As the broken
stringers in Figure 14.9 are part of the total load path interruption, they
must be accounted for in arrester stiffening ratio. In order to avoid complica-
tions due to curvature and hydrostatic pressure flat deck plates were considered
only. For an assessment as aimed at here, it is sufficient if f3 is within about 10%
of the actual value; for actual design more rigorous procedures [9, 12] can be
used. Plate critical conditions were assessed only; because of the high F tu of
HY-80 and HY-130 arrester critical cases will be rare.
(1) Effectiveness of hybrid arresters
The performance of two hybrid arrester designs is shown in Figure 14.10.
Design B has a crack arrest capacity of 14 ksi. In order to obtain the same crack
arrest stress by means of HY-80 strakes only, the strake spacing would have
to be 50 inches (Figure 14.5), whereas the hybrid arresters could be spaced at
160 inches (Figure 14.10). If the same design (B) were built of HY-130, the arrest
capability would go up to 18 ksi (Figure 14.11).
An example may show how the design of arresters would proceed. Let the
problem be that of designing arresters with a spacing of 300 inches for a required
arrest stress of 15 ksi. The two material candidates are HY-80 and Hy-130.
Figure 14.8 is assumed applicable, but for an actual design more specific curves
are needed [9, 12]. It is assumed that the general design specifies the deck plating
to be 20.41bs/sq ft with deck stringers of 1O.21bs/ft spaced at 30 inches (ship
plating is specified in weight per foot). According to Figures 14.8 and 14.9, the
minimum value of f3 occurs at alb = 0.6. Therefore, the arrested crack size
should be a = 0.6 x 300 = 180 inches. It is assumed that the broken stringers
A- Due 10 broken slringer accounled for by 0=1.2
B - Due to intact arrester accounted for by 13
, 12ZZZZZ211 = broken material
\\ Arrester with stringers
\\\\ / "c: a13KFa
T ; ' : I a : e ;;:: stringers
c a~
'~>:t" I //ArreS~~:QWlthout stnngers
" . . .: 1-~-
............ ---- u c = Jr;O
Crack Size, 0
\ Arrester
ilegular stiffening ratio: S: ~:
AQ + Wi
Arrester (stiffening) rolio: So: nAs + Bb
Crack Size, a
Figure 14.9. Effect of deck stringers. Top: increased K due to broken stringers. Bottom; redefinition
of arrester ratio.
account for a factor of 1.2 as before. In order for this crack to be arrested, the
stress intensity K = 1.2{3(JJ1Ui, must be less than the toughness
(Kc = 175 ksiFu for HY-80). Since' arrest must occur at (J = 15 ksi, the
required {3 follows from:
{3 == 0.41.
1.2(JJ1(i 1.2 x 15 x ~n x 180
For {3 = 0.41 at alb = 0.6, the required stiffening ratio is S 0.43, according
to Figure 14.8.
: i----
i 25 -in--!
. ."':...----I---~I --- -- -- - ...... _ I I Design C
I 1------
20# 20.4 # HY-130
Welded Doubler
Equal arrest capability
HY-130 __ -
o ~ ~ ~ ~
Creck Size, c, inch
The deck plating being 20.41bs/sq ft and the spacing between arresters 300
inches, the total weight of the plating is 20.4 x 300/12 = 510 lbs/ft. Attached
to this are nine stringers of 1O.21bs/ft with a total weight of 921bs/ft. Hence, the
weight of the cracked bay is 510 + 92 = 6021bs/ft. With a required arrester
stiffening ratio of S = 0.43, the required arrester weight is 0.43 x 602 =
The arrester width is taken as e.g. 30 inches. The arrester strake is of equal
weight (equal thickness) as the deck plating and the arrester doubler has the
same width as the strake. If the arrester is provided with two stringers of 20 Ibs/ft
(40Ibs/ft total), the doublers have to provide 259 - 40 = 2191bs/ft. Then the
doubler plating should be 219/30/12 = 881bs/sq ft. Since such heavy plating
might be impractical, two doublers each of 44lbs/sq ft could be used. Given that
S = 0.43, the p-values for other crack sizes can be derived from Figure 14.8 and
the residual strength calculated from (fIr = K e /(1.2PJ1W,). The residual strength
diagram is so obtained (Figure 14.12). Also the design for HY-130 is shown
(Ke = 220 ksiJffi).
The example shows that the design procedure is straightforward if the
required arrest stress is specified. Almost any arrest requirements can be met,
but the resulting design may be expensive and impractical.
The analysis is somewhat crude, but is meant only as an assessment of
feasibility. As such it shows that hybrid arresters are feasible. Required spacings
would be on the order of 200-300 inches for an arrest capability of about 15 ksi,
in accordance with the criterion discussed (once per year wave at LAST). At
temperatures above LAST the arrest stress would be higher. In the examples, the
load tranfer part of the arresters is riveted to the strake. This would prevent the
fracture from entering into the arrester and from rendering it useless. However,
welding the doubler plates to the strakes along the edges of the doubler maya
viable solution, as the filled weld (Figure 14.12 insert) would provide relatively
little opportunity for the fracture to enter the doubler. In addition, the weld
would provide small (zero) 'fastener' spacing which would reduce p, which can
be exploited to increase arrester spacing or to increase the arrest stress.
However, the fillet weld must have sufficient shear strength to permit load
tranfer from the cracked plate to the doubler (Chapter 9). A doubler plate is
necessary. The required stiffening should not be effected by using just a thicker
strake because the running fracture would then sever the reinforcement.
(a) f--f!,.a
G.R r--
I-- R.r
--- ---
(e) r-~-I\a
Figure ]4.13. Dynamic effect. (a) Arrester strake of insufficient width; (b) Strake of sufficient width;
(c) Hybrid.
assumption does not affect the conclusions for the case of hybrid arresters.
If the structure contains a crack arrester strake of a high toughness material,
the fracture energy (K~ar/ E) suddenly increases as shown in Figure 14.13a.
Assuming that f3 = I, the energy release G is represented by a straight line. The
kinetic energy, (G - R) da, is represented by the area between the G and R
lines. When the fracture enters the arrester this kinetic energy is given by the
area ABC (Figure 14.13a). At that time the energy release rate (driving energy)
is less than the fracture energy. In other terms: G < Rar , which means K2/
E < K~ar / E, or K < Kcar . The latter criterion was used in the foregoing analysis,
but this condition may not be sufficient for arrest.
The material around the crack is still displacing at a high rate and 'contains'
a kinetic energy represented by the area ABC. This energy may no'Y drive the
fracture. While fracture continues, G increases to point D where G > Ran so
that fracture is driven again by G; there is no arrest. While the fracture
propagates from C to D, the energy release is smaller than the fracture energy,
(G < Rar)' The difference, Rar - G, has to come from the kinetic energy.
Therefore, the area CDF represents the part of the kinetic energy used for
fracture from C to D. Since CDF < ABC, arrest does not occur; the fracture
slows down only, because of the loss of kinetic energy (CDF), but it continues
because G > Rar at point D. For the fracture to be arrested, all kinetic energy
must be used (displacements must stop). This means that the arrester strake
must have sufficient width, as illustrated in Figure 14.13b. Because area
CHLM = area ABC, all kinetic energy would be used (all displacement motion
stopped) and arrest would occur at H.
The case of a hybrid arrester is depicted in Figure 14.13c. Due to the load
transfer to the arrester f3 decreases with increasing a. Therefore the G-line
(G = nf32(12 a /E) slopes down as shown. Without dynamic effects arrest would
occur at C. This was the arrest condition used in the foregoing analysis (G < Rar
or K < Kcar ), but if kinetic energy can be used the fracture may run through the
strake as before. However, in the case of a hybrid arrester there is a much more
effective energy dissipator than the high toughness trake, namely the doubler
plate with attached stiffeners (both uncracked). If fracture were to continue
(large local displacements), the doubler and stiffeners would have to undergo
large strains in the region crossing the fracture path. The plastic deformation
energy of this uncracked material constitutes an effective increase in the fracture
resistance R, as shown in Figure 14.13c.
As a result, the hybrid arrester can easily absorb all kinetic energy. Consider
for example, arrester design B of Figure 14.11. The energy diagram for this
arrester is shown in Figure 14.14. Using Kcar = 174ksiFu for HY-80 as in the
foregoing, provides Rar = K~ar/E = 175 2 /30000 = 10201bs/in, as shown in
Figure 14.14. According to Figure 14.11 the maximum static arrest stress for this
design was 15 ksi; the G-line for this stress is shown in Figure 14.14, based upon
the appropriate values of f3 and with the factor 1.2. The static solution predicts
arrest at A as discussed. For the estimate of the plastic deformation energy that
can be absorbed by the doubler and stringers, it is conservatively assumed that
only one inch (length) of these takes part in the deformation. Also assuming,
again conservatively, that the fracture strain is 30% (uncracked) and that there
is no strain hardening, the 0.5 inch (thick) doubler can absorb 110001bs/(inch
width), which is the effective R of the doubler. The effective R of the stringer can
be estimated in the same manner, bringing the total effective R of the hybrid
arrester to at least 150001bs/(inch width). Thus, the kinetic energy can be
absorbed; only about 40% of the energy absorption capacity is used when arrest
occurs. Since the estimate of the energy absorption capacity was low, the above
numbers are conservative.
The example shows that the dynamic effect in the case of hybrid arresters is
negligeable. In fact, the statically calculated arrest stress of 15 ksi still stands. It
also is obvious now that the assumption of constant R has little effect upon the
conclusion. Whether R is increasing or decreasing, it remains small in
comparison to the effective R of the load tranfer arrester. The example also
illustrates why quasi-static crack arrester analysis is in excellent agreement with
experimental data [9-12], and why it is used so successfully in aircraft design.
l \leak
-J>l.... i
------, At
!It ' l
a = 10 x 10-'/' F
- p
PI 2 Mel 1
rp = 2EI - Ei = 0 or Me = 2 PI (rp = 0 at x = f)
The deflectionf at x = I is equal to the thermal expansion of the other leg. which is I'll = a/lT/.
f = PI] _ Me /2 = rx/lTI
at Weld I:
6rx/lT EIjl - 12rx/lT EI 6/ 2 4rx/lT EIjl
at Weld 2:
Mw2 = PI- Me 12rx/lT EI 12/2 - 6rx/lT EIjl 5rx/lT EIjl
(c) Analysis
The question is whether leaking pipes could cause complete fracture. Therefore,
the crack of concern is a circumferential through-the-thickness crack (Figure
14. I 7). The stresses at the crack location are due to the bending moment M and
axial compressive load P. The longitudinal compressive stresses due to Pare
small as compared to the bending stresses. Neglecting this compressive stress
crack 20:'
horizontal equilibrium
2f3 BFcol = (2n: - 2:x - 2f3) BF;ol or Ii (n: - :x)/2
(collapse) moment Meal around the line (i - ).)
f f
Mcol = 2 BF,ol (R cos <p - R cos Ii)R d<p + 2 BF;ol (R cos f3 - R cos <p) R d<p
() {I
will be conservative and simplify the problem. The collapse analysis is shown in
Figure 14.17. The residual strength can now be calculated for EPFM fracture
and collapse. Results are shown in the residual strength diagram of Figure
14.19. Collapse is prevalent (lowest). Through cracks up to 2a = 4 inches can
be sustained, without fracture, at the acting stress of 35 ksi.
'S cr:
F _
40 I
Feor- 30
• 200 F
2 5
-- gr-
, -0
to obtain the stresses in the rail from the loads, and subsequently the stress
exceedance diagrams for different usage and locations in the rail head. A typical
exceedance diagram [21], shown in Figure 14.22, provides stress exceedances
during passage of 1 MGT (1 Million Gross Tons) of traffic. The diagram is
non-linear and asymmetric, which is typical for man-induced exceedance
diagrams (Chapter 6).
The stresses are given as ranges, /l.u, but since there is no live stress without
a load, these are excursions from zero. When a wheel passes the rail, there will
be downward bending, so that the stresses shown in the diagram are essentially
compressive stresses (some tension occurs when the wheel is further away due
to a tendency of the rail to be 'lifted' from the roadbed).
The question arises why fatigue cracks occur when the stresses in the rail head
are compressive. The answer lies in residual stresses (Figure 14.23). Continuous
'pounding' by the wheels causes plastic deformation of the upper layers (3 mm)
of the railhead, so that this layer is stretched (rolled out). However this layer,
Figure 14.21. Fracture of railroad rail as a result of detail crack. Courtesy TSC and Battelle.
being attached to the head, must remain of the same length, which requires a
(residual) compressive stress. Residual stresses must be in internal equilibrium,
so that, there will be residual tensile stresses in the rest of the rail head as shown
in Figure 14.23. The residual tension stresses are very high. Compressive stresses
Figure 14.22. Stress exceedance diagram for I million gross tons (IMGTM) of traffic.
ReSiDUAL - _ - - -
Figure 14.24. Strain gages on rail for measurement of residual stress. Courtesy TSC and Battelle.
Head longitudinal _____-E::===aI
Figure 14.25. Cyclic stresses on shell crack, A, and detail crack (transverse), B.
1l-h1-H-\-- SHELL
Load interaction (retardation) was negligible, and in view of the large varia-
bility in data, retardation was not included in the analysis. Predictions were
made using average rate data, and the actual rate data of the particular rail used
in a service simulation test. Some results and data are shown in Figure 14.31.
~ 10-'
z Scatterband of
~ baseline data
10 20 3Q 40 50 70
Stress Intensity Factor Range, L'lK,
~,MI MInt nn
Train B (very heavy)
n_amrC_(_he_aVy_)t-~_ _
i n-t-J Train 0 (medium I
Train E (medium)
cor I truck
I truck I wheel
2 r- I wheel .J
o- I ,A
-2 I-
- A A
6 ,-
-7 f--
Stiff Rood Bed
9f-- V
Soft Rood Bed
-I 0
Predictions were generally within a factor of 2. This may not be very accurate,
but the test data showed a similar variability. Obviously, if discrepancies are
caused by material variability, they cannot be blamed on the prediction method.
Examples of analysis results for actual rail cracks are shown in Figure 14.32.
42.5 ....-----------=-Ra-n"""'d,"S,,.tr-u-m-------------,
12 level o
Figure 14.31. Predictions of crack growth (solid lines) and test data under simulated train-by-train
High residual
0 0.5
0 10 20 lSO 40 50 60 '70 80 90 100 160
MillIon Gross Tons
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 B
,,- ---------
O ') .,:;)
r \
\ \
\ \
10 100 1000
of stresses, the amplitude of the vibrations must be known. The response curve
can be calculated, provided the damping is known as well. Hydrodynamic and
material damping must be accounted for; many assumptions must be made. As
this is not a 'fracture mechanics' problem, further details are beyond the scope
of this book.
The above is a fine illustration of the arguments in Chapter 6 and 12 with
regard to accuracy of the loads analysis. So many assumptions are involved in
the solutions that the anticipated accuracy of the loads (amplitudes in this case)
is certainly not better than 10 to 15%. It also illustrates how engineering
depends upon assumptions. Vibration analysis is well founded, its rigor hardly
questionable. Yet, practical results and accuracy are governed by assumptions.
The same holds for fracture mechanics analysis. Deficiencies in the underlying
theory do not determine its accuracy, but the engineering assumptions and
judgements do.
(c) Stresses
The amplitude now being 'known', based upon reasonable assumptions, the
stresses can be calculated; but the stress history has yet to be determined from
the current spectrum. As spans of any size may occur anywhere, the current
spectrum had to be measured at many points along the projected line. Only then
was it be possible to determine the vibration response. With the information of
Figure 14.34, the current spectra can be used to establish the excitation spectrum
for any span. Using estimated fixity and damping, the critical current velocity
and the maximum amplitude can be calculated. Vibration response curves show
that excitation will still occur at frequencies (current velocities) close to the
natural frequency, but the amplitudes are smaller (Figure 14.35). When this is
accounted for, the stress spectrum can be obtained as in Figure 14.36. As it is
not known which combinations will occur, this stress spectrum must be
obtained for a range of span sizes and locations, so that a total of at least
100-400 cases must be analyzed.
A simple formula for bending stress permits calculation of the cyclic stresses,
but crack growth is also affected by the mean stress (R-ratio; Chapter 5). The
mean stress can be calculated from the pre-tension in the line, which depends
upon the depth oflaying (vertical suspension from barge), bottom friction, and
so on. Again the problem is simple in principle, but assumptions must be made
to obtain a solution. The results are strongly dependent upon this assumption.
L:::----- A/Arne.'
-............J 0.25
......... 0.50
1.1 ~ 0.75
------ - - -- -~ 1.0
"J 0.75
'\j 0.50
"- 0.25
.6 1.0 1.4
prudent to base the analysis on the largest possible defect size, but a sensitivity
analysis to assess the conservatism introduced by this assumption, is advisable.
/' "-
Figure 14.37. Weld defect sizes appearing from fatigue tests; Courtesy SNAM .
; 1/ R2
I /1
/ ;1
/ /1
r-~--r'7'/ /
\ ,-
\ /
time, and their frequency is so low that few cycles are accumulated. Thus, their
life (years; not cycles) is long. Note that the results may be quite different for
other current spectra, line diameters, coatings etc.
In this case intermediate span sizes show the shortest lives. Should this
shortest life (with adequate safety factors) be enough to cover the economic
service life of the line, no specific fracture control measures would be necessary.
Failing that, measures might be taken to reduce stresses, improve weldments,
and so on. A sensitivity study might indicate that not much can be gained by
such measures, so that other fracture control measures are indicated. Because
inspection for cracks is impossible, one alternative is to inspect the line (by
submarine) to find span sizes in the critical range. If any are discovered, they can
be eliminated by insterting an artificial support. New span sizes in the critical
range may develop (Figure 14.33) if the current washes away sand; should this
occur then the life would still be limited. Hence, future inspections (submarine)
would have to be scheduled at intervals equal to the life of the most critical span
(with safety factor).
It needs no emphasis that, owing to the assumptions, the results of this
damage tolerance analysis are not very accurate. Without damage tolerance
analysis no information at all would be available. If responsible for the line, in
which situation would be reader like to be: without any information, or with
that provided by an imperfect damage tolerance analysis with appropriate safety
factors? Obviously, the damage tolerance assessment is costly, because of the
necessary data generation, but is far outreached by the cost of fracture. It needs
no further arguments that extensive finite element analysis would be out of place
in view of the many assumptions involved. Stresses in a pipe in bending and
tension can be determined accurately enough with conventional procedures;
errors due to the simple assumptions with regard to fixity will be much larger
than those introduced by stress analysis.
14.7. Closure
[I] I. Fioriti, Fracture control of a naval destroyer, Private Communication.
[2] Anon., Rules for building and classing steel vessels, American Bureau of Shipping (1978).
[3] R.J. Mosberg, Behaviour of riveted and welded crack arresters, Final Report on SR-134 to Ship
Structures Committee, SSC-122 (1960).
[4] P. Romualdi et aI., Crack extension force near a riveted stringer, Naval Research Lab. Rept No.
4956 (1957).
[5] T. Kanazawa et aI., Study on Brittle Crack Arrester, Selected Papers from G of Soc., Naval
Architects of Japan 11 (1973) pp. 135-147.
[6] T. Kanazawa et aI., Fracture mechanics analysis and design of stiffener-type crack arrester,
Japan Shipbuilding and Marine Eng. (JSME) 3,6 (1968) pp. 10-19.
[7] M. Yoshiki et aI., Fracture mechanics analysis of stiffener-type crack arrester, JSNA 118
(1965); JSNA 122 (1967) and JSNA 124 (1968).
[8] c.c. Poe, The effect of riveted and uniformly spaced stringers on the stress intensity factor of a
cracked sheet AFFDL-TR-79-144, (1970) pp. 207-216.
[9] H. Vlieger, Residual strength of cracked stiffened panels, Engineer Fracture Mechanics, 5 (1973)
pp. 447-478.
[10] T. Swift, Development ofthe fail-safe design features of the DC-IO, ASTM STP486 (1974) pp.
[II] T. Swift, Design of redundant structures, AGARD LSP 97, (1978) pp. 9/1-23.
[12] D. Broek, Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, Nijhoff, Fourth Edition (1986).
[13] I. Fioriti, Abbreviated hull structural design, Paper for Committee on Toughness Require-
ments for Materials in Weapon Systems (1978).
[14] T.C. Gillmer, Modern ship design, Second Edition, Naval Institute Press. Annapolis, Maryland
[15] G. Buchanan et aI., Lloyd's register of shipping's approach to the control of the incidence of
brittle fracture in ship structures, Lloyd's Paper, No. 56 (1969).
[16] E.V. Lewis, Dynamic loadings due to waves and ship motions, Paper presented at Ship Structure
Symposium, Washington D.C. (1975).
[17] B.H. Barber et aI., Structural considerations in the design of the Solar class of coast guard
icebreakers, Paper presented at the Ship Structure Symposium, Washington, D.C. (1975).
[18] D.P. Rooke and D.J. Cartwright, Compendium of stress intensity factors, Her Majesty's
Stationery Office (1976).
[19] D.R. Ahlbeck et aI., Evaluation of analytical and experimental methodologies for the charac-
terization of a wheel/rail loads, Fed. Railroad Adm. Rept. 76-276 (1976).
[20] T.G. Johns, and K.B. Davis, A preliminary description of stress in railroad rails, Fed. Railroad
Adm. FRA-ORD-76-294 (1976).
[21] J.J. Groom, Residual stress determination in railroad rails. Dept of Transport. DOT-TSC-1426
[22] D. Broek and R.C. Rice, Prediction of fatigue crack growth in railroad rails, SAMPE Nat.
Techn. Con! 9 (1977) pp. 392-408.
[23] R.C. Rice et aI., Post Service rail defect analysis, Battelle Rept. to Dept of Transp. (1983).
[24] O. Orringer et aI., Applied research on rail fatigue and fracture in the U.S., Theor. Appl. Fract.
Mech. I (1984), pp 23-49.
[25] O. Orringer et aI., Detail fracture growth in rails: test results Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 5 (1986)
pp 63-95
[26] O. Orringer, Rail testing: strategies for safe and economical rail quality assurance, TRB
symposium (1987).
[27] M. Celant et al. Fatigue characterization for probabilistic design of submarine pipelines, Corr.
Science 23,6 (1983) pp 621-636.
[28] M. Celant et al. Fatigue analysis for submarine pipelines, OTC paper 4233 (1982).
Solutions to exercises
2. Material A: Maximum service load is 1000 kip. Design load, Pu = 2500 kip.
Required area A = Pu/Ftu = 2500/60 = 41.7in2 • At 1.3 x 1000 = 1300kip
no yielding is allowed: Check (J = PIA = 1300/41.7 = 31 ksi, is indeed less
than F,y. D = 7.29 inch.
Material B: Area A = 2500/80 = 31.25 in 2 • (J = 1300/31.25 = 41.6 is less
than F ty (OK); D = 6.31 inch.
2. Since ka = I net stress has become approximately uniform and equal to F,y,
i.e. 50ksi; fracture load: (W - 2a)BF,r = (12 - 4)0.5 x 50 = 200 kips. In
second case at collapse uniform -net stress approximately 75 ksi; fracture load
300 kips. Nominal stress in the two cases: (I) 200/(12 x 0.5) = 33.3 ksi (2)
300/(12 x 0.5) = 50 ksi.
3. Circular hole k, = 3.
Elliptical notch k[ = I + 2-./0.8/0.1 = 6.66.
6. With k[ = 4, elastic stress (just before yielding) at crack tip is 30 ksi. Nominal
stress = 30/4 = 7.5 ksi, i.e. yielding at notch tip begins at nominal stress
7. No numerical answer.
8. No numerical answer.
6. For plane strain B > 2.5 (50/100)2 = 0.625 inch. Thickness is less; therefore
no plane strain. Toughness for 0.5 inch thickness is Ke = 50 ksi.JID. Plane strain
toughness is less. Specimen measures plane strain if 0.5 > 2.5 (Kle (100)2, i.e. if
KIc ~ 45 ksi.JID. Hence, actual toughness is larger than 45 ksi.JID otherwise test
would have been valid. Hence, 45 < K le < 50. Estimate KIc = 47.5 ksi.JID.
(accurate within about five to six percent even if toughness is as low as 45, which
is lowest possible). Highest possible 50 kSi.JID; required specimen thickness
0.625 in or larger.
for both cracks) fracture stress at center crack is lower; failure should occur at
center crack.
1b. Plot 0" - Stot to obtain stress-strain curve. Plot log 0" - log Sp to obtain F
and n by determining slope and intercept from straight line through data points.
E = 30,000 ksi, n = 16.2, F = 3.9 X 1029 ksi A 16.2, depending upon how
you draw line.
3. At P = 7.4kips the plastic strain is 0.009804. Hence, the bar has become
thinner. Constant volume requires that (L + .1.L)A = LAo or Ao = A(1 + e)
so that A = Ao/(1 + ep ) = 0.126/1.09804 = 0.1l5inch2 •
This new bar will yield at P = 7.4 kips, the cold worked material's Fry =
7.4/0.115 = 64.3ksi. The fracture load is 7.56 kips so that F ru = 7.56/0.115 =
65.7 ksi.
This is the common way to strengthen materials by cold work (e.g. cold
Make a similar table for the case of R = 0.5, and plot da/dN versus 11K on
6. Lines in Exercise 5 are parallel (Same m), so that Walker equation is certainly
applicable C R = CR~O/(1 - R)"w where CR~O = Cw (Equation 5.14), so that
(1 - R)"K = CR/CR~O' Using the C values from Exercise 5 for R = 0.5 and
R = 0 one obtains (1 - 0.5)"" = 2.21/6.49, so that OS, = 0.34 and
n.. = log 0.34/log 0.5 = 1.56. As flK/(l - R) = Kmax: mw = 3.45 - 1.56 =
1.89. Hence, the Walker equation reads:
da 2.21 E - 9 flK3.45 da
or 2.21E - 9flKL89 K~~~.
dN (1 + R)1.56 dN
7. Forman Equation:
2 3 4 5
.1.0- R .1.K da/dN {(l - R)Kc - .1.K}da/dN
16 0 9.08 4.55£-6 3.23£-4
35.53 5.00£-4 2.22£-2
10 0.5 5.68 2.50£-6 8.58£-5
22.21 2.94£-4 5.23£-3
8. Naturally, all rate diagrams should be the same, otherwise equations would
not fit the data. Example: for flK = 8 ksi.Jffi and R = 0.5 the Walker equation
of Exercise 6 provides
11. u rn•x = 11 ksi; R = 0.2; I1u = 0.8 x 11 = 8.8 ksi 11K = 3 X 8.8 x
..}nx 0.1 = 14.8ksiJ1i1;Krnax = 18.5ksiJ1i1.
With Walker equation: da/dN 3.41E - 5 inch/cycle.
With Forman equation: da/dN 3.27 E - 5 inch/cycle.
14. Results (a, = 0.5 inch in alI cases; ac is crack size at fracture); (J = P/ BW.
Plot K,(linear) versus time (log). Draw asymptote for KIsC(. Graph shows Klscc ~
16 ksi,Jill. Amount of growth shown in fifth column.
2. For results see Table 15.2 and Figure 15.2. The exceedance diagram is for 300
periods (days). In Exercise 1 it was represented by a total of 200 000 cycles, i.e.
200000/300 = 667 cycles per period (day). In Exercise 2 this was represented by
100,000 cycles, i.e. 333 cycles per day (but with cycles of different magnitude).
Computer crack growth analysis, for each case are shown in Figures 15.3 and
15.4. The data used were the same in each case. The results are different in
numbers of cycles, (as they should) but not much in number of periods (days).
Hence, both stress history representations of the same spectrum give about the
same answer. Better agreement would be obtained if more levels were chosen
300 DAYS
/ a t level 7
.4~----------------------- ----'---'>~__rL_1 (Exercise 4)
-.2 4.SX10'
3. Solutions in Figure 15.5 and Table 15.3 first 8 lines: 2 periods (days) type A,
5 types B, 34 types C, 130 types D, 129 E types E. Average total exceedances/day
= 4.5 x 103/300 = 1500, which provides 'pivot' point, P, for exceedance
diagram of periods in Figure 15.5.
5. Instead of one cycle of level I and two of level 2, there will be three cycles
of level 2 in period A.
6. Similar as Tables 15.1 and 15.2, but all stress levels, exceedances and cycle
numbers in accordance, see Figure 15.6. Pivot point, P, at 1500 Exceedances.
7. All stresses will be multiplied by 21.5/15 = 1.43. Everything else remains the
same as in Tables 15.1 and 15.2.
300 DAYS
r------ ---~ ----- ------
.41'-__~ ___ ~~_~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'___~::____,
-.2 4.5xl0 s
4.5 4.5
u 4.0 4.0
w 3.5 3. 5
3.0 3.0
'"u"'" 2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
2 3 5 6 7 8 9
LIFE (l000 DAYS)
Figure 15.3. Same configuration and data as in next figure. Crack growth as in Exercise 1 of
Chapter 6.
(1000 CYCLES)
350 700 1050 1400 1750 2100 2450 2800 3150
4.5 4.5
u 4.0 4.0
w 3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
L.J 2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
O. 5 0.5
2 3 5 6 9
LHt: (lUOO C,~YS)
Figure 15.4. Same configuration and data as in previous figure. Crack growth in Exercise 2 of
Chapter 6.
300 DAYS
/ a t level 7
1-------.-::::-....=-=~~~VM"--------""LL>..."<777TL-1 (Exercise 4)
.4 I
-.2 4.sx10'
300 DAYS
-.2 4.sx10'
Figure 15.6. Solution to Exercise 6 of Chapter 6.
3. (It, = (16-8) 35/16 = 17.5 ksi; (Irr = 17.1 ksi (see Exercise 2). Hence,
fracture was probably by collapse; therefore K, ~ 75 ksiyTil, and
Kerr ~ 72.3 ksiyTil.
4. K 1, = 12J'i6 = 48 ksiyTil.
!1T = 215 - 1.5 x 70 110 F, so that toughness might be useful for slow
loading at 70 - 110 = - 40 F.
2 2 1 2 0
2 11 9 2 4 5 0
63 52 4 8 44 10 34 1 34
4 316 253 17 10 20 233 10 35 198 2 68
1680 1364 46 29 58 1306 29 19 95 1211 i4 11 374
6 7830 6150 124 78 156 5994 80 51 255 5739 56 42 1428
7 43300 35470 365 241 482 34988 254 174 870 34118 190 134 4556
200000 156700 1000 635 1270 155430 866 612 3060 152370 750 560 19040
7 43300 35470 365 241 482 34988 254 174 870 34118 190 134 45556
81000 73170 487 363 726 72444 365 285 1425 71019 273 217 7378
1 0
0 2 0
130 1 130 0 7 10 0
837 4 520 317 317 2 258 59 12 31 41 60 -1
4311 22 17 2210 2101 2101 16 18 2064 37 58 99 35 2
29562 124 102 13260 16302 16302 126 144 16254 48 10 184 283 50 -2
133330 650 526 68380 64950 64950 503 647 64887 63 13 625 908 65 -2
29562 124 102 13260 16302 16302 126 144 16254 48 10 184 283 50 -2
63641 177 155 20150 43491 43491 337 355 43473 18 4 289 388 20 -2
"Total of 2A + 58 + 34C + 1300 = 171 periods used; Remain: 300 - 171 129 periods E
h Or io other 'period'
'Differences negligeable (lower stresses: and consider log readings)
I in = (1000)-mR in .
(ksiv'\nt R (psiv'\ntR
Cw must be multiplied by (1000)-307 if K in psiv'\n, i.e. C = 3.88E-19.
4. See Table 15.4 columns 6 through 9 (note same results in columns 7 and 9).
Tahle 15.4. Solution to Exercise 2 (columns I through 4), Exercise 3 (columns I through 5), and Exercise 4 (columns 6 through 9) of Chapter 8.
8. For large cracks and tension: Phote = .JI + Dj2a. Due to fastener force:
Kp = Pj-j-rc(2a + D), where P is per unit thickness; so that we have K = aWj
.In(2a + D); Ku = .JI + Dj2a a.jiW. Ktot = 0.8Ku + 0.5 x 0.2(Kp +
Ku) = Pta.jiW. Substitute expressions and work out Pt. Compound P with
.Jsec n(2a + D)j2 W. Result in Table 15.5 first 2 columns.
72 ----------i----------------_______ _
64 \"
56 '" "
______ £LASTle
~ ____ NSY
For large a: 13 is f3e for edge crack (Figure 8.5) for (a + d)/W.
For example fora = d = 0.5 and W = 5:aetrlW = 0.1;13 = 1.15fromFigure
_. __ ~ _____________ .. ________ _
64 \
40 f ____ NS)
Figure 15.8. Residual strength diagram; solution to Exercise 1 of Chapter 9; ale = 0.3.
-"~.,:-,,",.,....- -
- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -
<J) 37.5 ........... ~.. ____ STRINGER
30.0 _ _ TANGENT
15. Of
3. For plane strain B > 2.5 (35/50? = 1.225 inch, which is not the case (B =
0.5). Hence, the given Kc = 80 ksiFo applies. Note that a new tangent from
50ksi must be drawn in Figure 15.7 and 15.8 because of the lower yield.
The part through cracks are still in plane strain, so that otherwise Figure 15.7
and 15.8 apply. Following Exercise 3, the break-through crack sizes are:
External: alc = la = 0.40 inch. Through crack a = B; K =
30.jn x 0.5 = 37 ksiFo ( < Kc), fracture arrests (leak). For alc = 0.3: c =
0.7 inch. Through crack a = 0.7 inch; K = 30-/n x 0.7 = 44.5 ksiFo < K
Internal: Through crack a = B for alc = 1: K = 37.6ksiFo (leak); alc =
0.3: K = 30.jn x 0.59 = 40.8 ksiFo (leak).
4. For alc = 0.3 about same result as in Table 9.1 for alc = 0.33. For alc =
flaw remains circular.
-' 60
8U1 so _____ NSy
'" ____
5. See Figure 15.9. Stringer critical. To make it stringer critical use stringers of
another material; F tu = 75 x 40/37.5 = 80 ksi. Fastener load at arrest (if skin
critical): P = 0.41 x 40 = 16.4 kip (Exercise 15 of Chapter 8). Fastener
diameter is D = .,)4 x 16.4/(100 x n) = 0.45 inch. Bearing stress: (fb =
P/DB = 16.4/(0.45 x 0.2) = l82ksi; elastic; redistribution will occur.
8. Before stophole (ffr = 50/1.12.,)n x 0.75 = 29.l ksi. If e.g. crack of 0.02
inch has developed from hole:
(ffr = 50/7.48.,)n x 0.02 = 26.7ksi.
4. See Table 10.5 for example. In present case the numbers will be different. Plot
(Jlr and (Jle and draw tangent. Lowest of three prevails. Read ap from curves for
7. (Je ::::; 36ksi; /).a ::::; 0.3 inch; J at fracture::::; 0.68 kips/in.
8. K = ../6800 = 82 ksiJli1.
I 800 6 0.6 004 004 0.6 5.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2 1600 7.5 0.69 0.31 0.12 0.88 5.5 0.52 0048 0.24 0.76
3 2400 10.0 0.74 0.26 0.03 0.97 6.0 0.60 0.40 0.096 0.904
4 3200 13.0 0.80 0.20 0.006 0.994 6.5 0.63 0.37 0.036 0.974
5 4000 20.0 0.87 0.13 0.0008 0.9992 7.5 0.69 0.31 0.011 0.989
3. By assuming a larger initial crack size, the extra safety for the crack at the
hole (1.16) is much less than for edge crack (2), showing that assuming larger
initial cracks for 'safety' is dubious; sometimes the extra safety is very small. For
a consistent safety factor, it is better to assume the correct crack size (0.04 inch)
in both cases, and then apply the same factor to both, e.g. factor of 2. In Exercise
1 life from 0.04 to 1.30 is 94,000 cycles. Factor of 2 gives H = 47,000 cycles. In
Exercise 2, the same factor on 22,000 cycles gives H = 11,000 cycles. Now both
cases are equally 'safe'.
6. If the actual stress range was 15 ksi, the growth rates were too high by a
factor of (15/9.97)3 = 3.40 (third power of AK). If the handbook data were
correct then the material behaved as if C = 6.8E - 8 instead of C = 2E - 8
from the handbook. The material could be a 'bad lot', but may be the stress
analysis was incorrect and the stresses were indeed 9.97 ksi. Possibly there was
a hidden stress concentration, so that {3 = 1.50 instead of {3 = 1.
7. See solution to 6.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15
a Spacing Magni- da/dN da/dN 8a 8N N 8K" 80- a 8K' da/dN 8N N
fication 2/3 average 6/5 8K average Equation 6/13
0.1 0.03 8000 3.75£-6 0 5.62 10.0 0
6.83£ -6 0.1 15000 0.15 6.84 6.4£-6 15625 15625
0.2 0.08 8000 1.00£ - 5 15000 7.77 9.80
1.44£-5 0.1 7000 0.25 8.84 1.4£-5 7143 22768
0.3 0.15 8000 1.88£ -5 22000 9.57 9.86
2.44£-5 0.1 4100 0.35 10.45 2.3£-5 4348 27116
0.4 0.09 2000 3.00£-5 26100 11.2 9.99
3.75£-5 0.1 2700 0.45 11.85 3.3£-5 3030 30146
0.5 0.09 2000 4.50£-5 28800 12.8 10.21
11. If fracture would have been approached gradually at lower stress, the
striation spacing would have increased toward fracture. If striations suddenly
end (Figure 13.7), the fracture was due to one of the higher loads. The crack
growth rate just before fracture was: da/dN = 0.12/2000 = 6£ - 5. It follows
from the crack growth equation that 11K = (6£- 5/8£ _9Y/3.5 = 12.8 ksi.Jlll.
Hence, l1a = 12.8/0.64.Jn x 0.6 = 14.6 ksi. The occasional overloads
(R = 0) are a max = 29.2 ksi, and Kmax = 25.6 ksi.Jlll. Iffracture occurred at the
peak of the overload KIc = 25.6 ksi.Jlll. It could have occurred before the load
reached its maximum, so that K]c ~ 25.6 ksi.Jlll.
Subject Index
Concentration (Stress) (see Stress concentra- -opening displacement (see CTOD)
tion) -plastic zone (see Plastic zone)
Concept -stress field (see Stress field)
-of collapse 35 Crane 5, 172
-of EPFM 89 Creep 5, 8
-of fatigue crack growth 123 Criterion
-of LEFM 55 crack growth- 124
Conservation of energy (see Strain energy) energy- 73
Constant amplitude 126, 133 fracture- for EPFM 90, 92, 95
Constraint 28, 30, 58, 62, 64, 65, 10f, 284 fracture- for LEFM 56, 75, 78, 82
Contour integral 112, 114 instability- 82, 95
Contraction 28, 30, 58, 62, 102 plane strain- 64, 69, 102
Control (see Fracture control) Critical crack 7, 22, 94, 346
Convention (crack size) 50 Critical location 332, 334
Conversion of units 55, 229, 242 Critical stress intensity 56, 62, 82
Corner Crack 66, 214, 260, 282, 414 CTOD 118, 119,217,430,433,438
Correction factor (see Geometry factor) Cycle counting 174, 184, 202, 240
Cost 387, 390, 461 Cycle ratio (see Stress ratio)
Counting (loads or stresses) 174, 184, 202, Cycle-by-cycle 150
Counting (striations) 435, 439, 441, 442 Damage tolerance 1,391, 393, 395
Crack -analysis 1,3, 15,335,391
-arrest (see Arrest) -requirements 6, 17, 18,397,404
-at hole (see Holes) Data 208, 223, 412
-blunting (see Blunting) Defects 426
-closure 142, 145 Definition of
corner- (see Corner crack) -a 50
detail- 472 -C 131
-detection 369, 373, 381 -F 103
-growth (see Fatigue and/or Stress -Feo' 39
corrosion) -Fty 20
-growth curve (see Fatigue and/or Stress -F tu 20
corrosion) -G 78
-opening displacement (see COD) -H 89, 363, 366
permissible- I, 48 -h, 107
-propagation rate (see Fatigue or Rate -1365
equation) -J 89, 90
-resistance (force) (see Fracture -J R 90
resistance or R-curve) -K 49
-resistance curve (see R-curve) -Kapp 212
-size convention 50 -Ke 55, 62
small- 162 -Kelf 85
surface- (see Surface flaw) -K" K", Kill 50
shell- 472 -K" 62
Cracking mechanisms -K,= 165
of SCC 8, 10 -Km" 125
of fatigue 8, 9, 124 -Kmin 125
of hydrogen 8 -kt 26
Crack tip -kc 37
-blunting 13,44, 101 -ko 37
-closure 142, 145 -~K 125
-L 53 Effect of- on fatigue crack
-m 131 anisotropy 221
-n 103 direction 221
-P 371 environment 157,204,222,236
-Pd" 370 frequency 157,222
-Pcurn 371 mean stress 124
-q 374 overloads (see Retardation)
-R(-curve) 80 stress ratio 126, 129,218
-R (stress ratio) 123, 125 temperature 157
-r 60 thickness 157
-Trn •t 97 Effect of- on toughness
-8T 216 anisotropy 213
-u 73 direction 213
-w 75 grain direction 213
-IX 106 loading rate 216
-f3 53 processing 213
-8124 specimen size 211
-60 106 strain rate 216
-/1 276 temperature 216
-Uk 36 thickness 61, 63,210,217
-u[,56 yield strength 215
-Urnin 123 ElF 409
-Urn., 123 Elastic energy (see Strain energy)
-U o 106 Elastic energy release rate (see Strain energy
-U,", 345, 351 release)
-8u 123 Elastic stress field (see Stress field)
Design Load (strength) 4, 20, 485 Elliptical cracks (see Corner crack, Surface
Detail crack 472 flaw, Geometry factor)
Detection of cracks 208, 369, 373, 381,412, Elliptical notch 26, 27
508 Embedded crack 260
Deterministic load 171, 202 Energy consumption (see R-curve and
Dimple 13, 14 Fracture energy)
Displacement Energy criterion 73, 79
constant- 77 Energy release rate (see Strain energy
--control 95, 196, 462 release)
Double shear 159 Environment 137, 204, 222, 236, 242
Ductile Equivalent initial flaw 409
-fracture 8, 13, 14 EPFM 22, 48, 62, 88, 93, 97, 102, 108, 116,
-rupture 8, 13, 43 119, 162, 214, 278, 339, 342, 350,
Durability 367, 399, 403 351,418
Dynamic Errors 208, 232, 410
-effect 292, 450, 458 Estimate of
-fracture 292 geometry factors (see Geometry factor)
toughness 87, 215, 241
Exceedance diagram 168, 176, 188, 205, 469,
Eddy current inspection 364, 375 493
Edge crack bending 246
Edge crack tension 54, 259
Edge notch 26, 36 Fail safety 366, 397, 398
Effective crack size 261, 304 Failure analysis 424, 441
Effective toughness 86, 213, 350 Failure analysis diagram 340, 343
Paper 46, 87, 322, 325, 328, 329 Rail(road) 154, 155, 171, 172, 177, 180,206,
Panicles 13 465
Part-through-crack (see Surface flaw or Rainflow (see Cycle counting)
Corner crack) Random loading 168,171,201
Path independence 113, 115 Range K 125
Penetrant inspection 364, 376 Rate equation (function) 126, 130,222,226,
Permissible 232, 242, 490, 498
-crack I, 6, 20, 48, 208, 363, 392 Rate data 218, 232, 234
-residual strength 6, 48, 295, 347, 363, Ratio (stress ratio) (see Stress ratio)
392, 397 R-curve 79, 211,212,353,361
Piping 170, 462 Reference stress 244, 271, 279
Pipeline 169,222,298,333,338,357,366, Repair 2, 365, 384, 405
391 Regulations (see Damage tolerance require-
Plane strain ments)
-conditions 29, 30, 58, 64, 66, 102, 284, Replacement 2, 367, 396,423,440
487 Requirements (see Damage tolerance re-
-cracking (see Plane strain fracture) quirements)
-fracture toughness 62, 66, 67 Residual strength 4, 56, 62, 70, 82, 84, 86,
-plastic zone 57, 60 252
-stress field 34, 59, 6 I permissible- 6, 7
-testing 67 Residual strength diagram 4, 7, 15, 16,48,
-toughness (see Plane strain fracture 56, 71, 93, 96, 97, 294, 305, 345,
toughness) 361, 392
Residual stress 15, 139, 145,312,316,440, arrest in- 293
467 design of- 303
Resistance (see Fracture resistance) fatigue crack growth in- 300
Retardation 136, 185,238,420,492 residual strength diagram of- 293
Retardation calibration 148, 154, 238, 416 Stiffening ratio 276, 455
Retardation models 143, 145, 154,239,412. Stiffener- (see stringer)
416,420 Stop hole - (see hole)
Rivets (see Fasteners) Storage tank 443
Rotating machinery 169 Storm 4, 171
Rules and Regulations (see Damage Strain concentration 37
tolerance requirements) Strain concentration factor 37
Rupture 12, 13,43 Strain distribution 38
Strain energy 73, 76, 88, 112
Safety factor 4, 5, 392, 402, 422, 485, 509 Strain energy release 22, 75, 77, 79, 88, 99,
Scatter 128, 222, 232, 412, 422, 470 117, 273, 322
Scc (see Stress corrosion) Strain hardening exponent 103
Secondary stresses and displacements 427 Stress concentration 22, 28, 37, 47, 336
Semi-random 168, 173, 186, 190,202,412 Stress concentration factor 25, 37, 47, 58,
Sequencing 183, 186, 202,412 276, 311
Service Stress corrosion cracking 5, 8, 15, 163,441,
-failure analysis 424 506
-loading I, 4, 168 Stress distribution (see Stress field)
-life 400 Stress field
Shear -at crack tip 48, 57, 59
double- 159 -at notch 24, 27, 34, 36, 38
-loading 324, 325 Stress at fracture (see Fracture stress,
-mode 16,319 Residual strength)
-stress maximum 32, 58 Stress history (see also Structures) 6, 151, 169,
single- 159 180,198,206,332,412,474,479,
Shell crack 472 498
Ship 5, 171, 172, 177, 178,203,206,333, Stress intensity
391,447 calculation of- (see Geometry factor)
Single shear 159 compounding of- 247, 257, 500
Size correction (see Geometry factor) definition of- 49, 51
Size requirements (see Testing and/or general form of- 52
Criteria) -range 125
Slip deformation 32, 33 simple solutions to- 243-280
Slow crack growth (see Fracture-stable) Superposition of- 249, 256, 500
Software (see Computer software) Stress range 123
Specifity 376 Stress ratio 124, 125, 220, 228
Spectrum 168, 175,205,206,240 Stress spectrum (see Spectrum)
Speed of fracture II Stress-strain curve 90, 102, 107, 121, 488
Stable crack growth (see Fracture-stable) Stress-strain equation 90, 98, 121
Stable fracture (see Fracture-stable) Stress-strain loop 141, 144
Standard spectra 205, 206, 207 Stretched zone 433
standard tests (see Testing) Striations 9, 11. 428, 432, 512
Starter notch 67 Striation count 435, 439, 441, 442
State of stress 28, 30, 58, 62 Stringer 275, 293, 448
Stereography 430 Stringer failure 296, 329
Stiffened structures Stringer stress concentration 276, 277, 280,
analysis of- 275, 293, 329, 330 294, 329
Stripping 368, 390 -effect on toughness 61, 63, 69, 101,212
Structures Threshold
airplane 5, 17, 18, 149, 155, 172, 173, 177 fatigue cracking- 158
179, 193,203,206,237,295,302, stress corrosion- 165
327, 333, 340, 376, 391, 397, 398 Topography 430
bridge 5, 17, 237, 326, 376 Toughness (see Fracture toughness)
crane 5, 172 Transition
nuclear 17, 170,206,214,333,338,407 fatigue crack- 159
off-shore 5, 171, 177, 178, 333 temperature- 216
pipeline 169, 222, 298, 333, 366, 476 Transitional fracture toughness 62
piping 170, 462 Tresca yield criterion 32, 58, 59
pressure vessel 18, 290, 329, 333, 338, Triaxial stress field 28, 48
357, 366, 391 True stress-strain 103, 121
rail(road) 154,155,171,172,177,180, Truncation 192, 194, 195, 206, 494
206, 465
rotating machinery 169 Ultrasonic Inspection 360, 364, 376
ship 5, 171, 172, 177, 178, 203, 206, 333, Uncracked stress distribution rule 255, 267
391,447 Unstable fracture (see Fracture instability)
storage tank 443 Unit
Subcritical growth 94, (see Fatigue and -conversion 55, 229, 242
Stress corrosion) -of toughness 55
Superposition 249, 256, 317, 320, 550 -of fracture energy
Surface flaw 66, 214, 247,282, 291, 414 -of fracture resistance 79, 89
-of J 89, 90
Tangent approximation 71, 72, 350, 487, 507
Tearing mode 16 Valid toughness (see Fracture toughness)
Tearing modulus 97 Variable amplitude 136, 147
Temperature (see Effect of - on) Velocity of fracture II
Testing Visual inspection 364, 408
COD- 118, 119 Void coalescence 13
collapse strength- 44
fatigue- 126 Welding 24, 257, 298, 299, 318, 326, 357,
J R and J- 98, 100,419 367, 426, 444, 447, 476, 480
plane strain fracture toughness- 67, 87
proof- 2, 367, 390, 393 X-ray inspection 364, 376, 476, 479
stress corrosion- 164
Theoretical stress concentration factor 37, Yield (see Plastic or Collapse)
46 Yield at notch 31, 34
Thermal stress 462 Yield criterion
Thickness Von Mises- 33
-effect on fatigue crack 157 Tresca- 32, 58, 59
-effect on state of stress 30, 58, 65