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Laboratorytestrequest: Version & Date Content Breaking Changes

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Version & date Content Breaking changes

v1 2020 10 05 − Introduction of new eform Yes, new eform

v2 2020 11 20 − Sample location data No, only an additional optional field

v3 2020 11 26 in use as of − Use of LOINC codes for test type and Extra field values as well as new fields
3/12 SNOMED CT codes for sample type (concept codes for test and sample
− Healthcare professional types)
− Standardized date and gender formats

V4 2021 03 01 in use as of − Added Version number, Software of sender Extra fields and deleted fields, no new
31/03 − Added CTPC values to existing fields.
− Added Dummy field
− Deleted descriptive value for test type and
sample type, only concept codes remain

0. Context
This document contains information on the LaboratoryTestRequest which the laboratories will receive from:
• GP software packages;
• Tool for collectivities (health inspector, collectivity physician, company doctor);
• Web application for sampling reservation and sample registration;
• Sampling posts with own software.

This is different from both the LaboratoryTestPrescription (from a prescriber to Sciensano) and the LaboratoryTestResult (from the
laboratories to Sciensano).

The aim of the LaboratoryTestRequest is to standardize the communication flow between the different parties and allow for lower
administrative burden on all sites.

Please note that there are some differences in format compared to previously used communication formats. These are all necessary
changes to ensure a standardized communication flow and to secure the testing at a large scale in Belgium.

The LaboratoryTestRequest is a message sent to the eHealthBox of the labs containing an XML and a PDF (sometimes 2 PDFs: FR & NL) in

1. Functional description of the XML

Use case
Field name Level Parent Field description XSD XSD field type Comment validity field

eform Level 1 LaboratoryTestRequest

Version of the Easier for lab to accept
version Level 2 eform V4 Mandatory string
LaboratoryTestRequest different versions in
Name of the software
provider(s) that created In case of an issue, the
senderSoftware Level 2 eform and sent the XML + Mandatory Mandatory string right people can be
software version if contacted
This field could be used in
the future if needed to
Open text field to add
comment Level 2 eform Optional Optional string add something to the
more info
eform and no update to
xsd desired
Information about the
Field to group underlying
prescriber Level 1 LaboratoryTestRequest prescriber of the PrescriberType
data fields
COVID-19 test
First name of the NameType
Pseudo prescriber if based
firstName Level 2 prescriber prescriber of the Mandatory Mandatory (string, max
COVID-19 test length 64)
Last name of the NameType
Pseudo prescriber if based
lastName Level 2 prescriber prescriber of the Mandatory Mandatory (string, max
COVID-19 test length 64)
Nihii number of the Valid nihii -
Mandatory NihiiType (8 or Pseudo prescriber if based
nihii Level 2 prescriber prescriber of the Mandatory on 8 first
(11 digits) 11 digits) on CTPC
COVID-19 test digits
Nihii number of the
physician that should Optional, If tools ask for 11 digits, a Valid nihii -
Max 3 (11 NihiiType (8 or
forwardResultsTo Level 1 LaboratoryTestRequest receive the results - do Max 10 lab can still choose to only on 8 first
digits) 11 digits)
not repeat the occurrences use 8 of them digits
prescriber here

Information about the
Field to group underlying
patient Level 1 LaboratoryTestRequest person that requires the PatientType
data fields
COVID-19 test

First name of the
firstName Level 2 patient Mandatory Mandatory (string, max
length 64)

Last name of the
lastName Level 2 patient Mandatory Mandatory (string, max
length 64)

National social security

ssin Level 2 patient Mandatory Mandatory string (11 digits) Valid ssin*
number of the patient
If Belgian number,
Phone number of the string (max validity can be checked,
phoneNumber Level 2 patient Mandatory Mandatory
patient length 20) International format:
+Country code
Additional info about Not asked
dateOfBirth Level 2 patient Optional string YYYY-MM-DD
the patient in tool
Additional info about Not asked
gender Level 2 patient Optional string Sex code list
the patient in tool
Mandatory CountryCodeTyp
Additional info about
countryOfResidence Level 2 patient for specific Optional e (string, 2
the patient
TP Code letters (A-Z))
Mandatory DetailsType
Additional info about
cityOfResidence Level 2 patient for specific Optional (string, max
the patient
TP Code length 255)
Mandatory DetailsType
Additional info about
streetOfResidence Level 2 patient for specific Optional (string, max
the patient
TP Code length 255)
Mandatory DetailsType
Additional info about
postalCodeOfResidence Level 2 patient for specific Optional (string, max
the patient
TP Code length 255)
Mandatory DetailsType
Additional info about
houseNumberOfResidence Level 2 patient for specific Optional (string, max
the patient
TP Code length 255)
Mandatory DetailsType
Additional info about
boxNumberOfResidence Level 2 patient for specific Optional (string, max
the patient
TP Code length 255)

Additional info about Not asked
freeTextAddress Level 2 patient Optional string
the patient in tool

healthcareProfessional Level 2 patient HCP or not Optional Boolean true/false

Information on the SampleLocationT Field to group underlying

sampleLocation Level 1 LaboratoryTestRequest Optional
sampling location ype data fields

E.g. for a triage center, it

ID of the sample
can be their nihii number.
location (nihii or other automaticall
For a GP it can be the
locationID Level 2 sampleLocation type of ID depending on y based on Optional string
number of a common
the type of sampling log-in
practice or their own ID if
not linked to a practice.

Name of the sampling
locationDescription Level 2 sampleLocation y based on Optional string
Clinical background Field to group underlying
clinicalData Level 1 LaboratoryTestRequest ClinicalDataType
information data fields
If symp-
Date since when the
symptomsSince Level 2 clinicalData tomatic, Optional string YYYY-MM-DD date format
patient has symptoms
need date

Is the patient
Hospitalisation Level 2 clinicalData Default: NO Mandatory (string, max
length 255)

Check TP
options TestPrescribed-
code with
Reason for doing the available ReasonType (TP Test prescribed reason
testPrescribedReason Level 2 clinicalData Mandatory respect to
COVID-19 test than in followed by 4 code list
published list
XSD) based digits)
of codes

to look into
Information on # earlier Type (string:
for #of
illnessCollection Level 2 clinicalData tests of the same type Mandatory FIRST, SECOND,
on the same patient MORE_THAN_2,
Information about the Field to group underlying
samples Level 2 clinicalData Mandatory SamplesType
samples data fields
Information about the Field to group underlying
sample Level 3 samples Max 1 Max 1 SampleType
sample data fields
If no identification
optional string (max
identificationNumber Level 4 sample Unique ID of the sample Mandatory number available:
until sample length 128)
is taken
Optional Should be filled in if no
Unique ID coming from CTPC type (16
CTPC Level 4 sample (but see Optional INSZ (NISS/BIS) is Valid CTPC
the request for testing alpanumerics)
comment) entered
The date and the time
until sample YYYY-MM-
time Level 4 sample at which the sample Mandatory string valid time
is taken - DDThh:mm+01:00
was taken
only allow
valid time
Specimen material code
The sampling method
sampleConceptCode Level 4 sample Mandatory string list as published by
Information about the
Field to group underlying
tests Level 4 sample type of test that is TestsType
data fields

The type of test to be Test code list as published

testConceptCode Level 5 tests Mandatory string
performed by Sciensano

Deleted fields:
Field name Level Parent Field description
test Level 5 tests The type of test to be performed
type Level 4 sample The sampling method used

2. Meta-data in the eHealthBox message
There are 2 possibilities:

1) XML and PDF in attachment:


2) XML and 2 PDFs in attachment:


3. Possible TP codes

Please find the TP codes as published by Healthdata:


More code lists for the LaboratoryTestRequest are also based on those for the LaboratoryTestPrescription:

Error handling guide
Error handling at the labs will take place on different levels:

A. On the overall form level

1) Data Completeness
2) Lab Analysis Prerequisites
B. On the individual field level
1) Data Validity

The error messages can be sent back to the sender of the xml in a pdf in an unstructured way.

A. On the overall form level

A.1) Data Completeness

A data completeness check needs to be performed in order to verify that the data transferred to the lab is as per expectation. This data
quality check is performed at the point of entry for each mandatory attribute from the source system.

The following fields are mandatory:

Field name Parent Field description

firstName prescriber First name of the prescriber of the COVID-19 test

lastName prescriber Last name of the prescriber of the COVID-19 test

nihii prescriber Nihii number of the prescriber of the COVID-19 test

ssin patient National social security number of the patient

phoneNumber patient Phone number of the patient

testPrescribedReason clinicalData Reason for doing the COVID-19 test

identificationNumber sample Unique ID of the sample

time sample The date and the time at which the sample was taken

type sample The sampling method used

test tests The type of test to be performed

Check to be performed Error message in case of fail

ERRORMandatory “All mandatory fields should be completed. Missing values:
All mandatory fields have a non- <Field name>
null value. <Field name>

A.2) Lab Analysis Prerequisites

In order for the testing lab to be able to initiate the lab analysis of the samples, a subset of the mandatory data fields needs to be
available. During the analysis process an update of the XML with all mandatory fields completed can be requested.

At a minimum the following mandatory fields need to be completed:

Field name Minimum requirement

ssin Patient identifier to link the COVID-19 test result to the patient.

phoneNumber Contact details to communicate back to the COVID-19 test result to the patient.

testPrescribedReason Reason for doing the COVID-19 test and hence whether test will be reimbursed.

identificationNumber Unique ID of the sample to link the physical sample to the ID.

time Timestamp to allow for accurate TAT calculation. Now date only.

type, sampleConceptCode Sampling method used to adapt the analysis process as required.

test, testConceptCode Type of test to adapt the analysis process as required.

Check to be performed Error message in case of fail

ERRORPrerequisites “In order to start lab analysis, a minimum dataset is required. Missing
All mandatory fields required to
initiate the lab analysis process
<Field name> (<Minimum requirement>)
have a non-null value.

B. On the individual field level

B.1) Data validity

Field level validation ensures the correct value is entered in the field, meeting certain format requirements and/or existence in a
predefined database.

Field name Error message per field

nihii Valid nihii format expected.

forwardResultsTo Valid nihii format expected.

ssin Valid ssin format expected.

symptomsSince Date format expected.

testPrescribedReason Fixed format expected (TP followed by 4 digits). List of possible values described online.

identificationNumber Valid ID expected. ID applied on sample through barcode.

time DateTime format expected.

type, sampleConceptCode Unexpected value. List of possible values described online.

test, testConceptCode Unexpected value. List of possible values described online.

Check to be performed Error message in case of fail

Each field has the expected format. ERRORFormat <Field name>: <Error message in case of fail>


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