Lesson Plan - Sesalie - Nelson

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Teacher Candidate

Name: Sesalie Nelson

Grade: 3rd Grade

Date: 03/07/2021

Lesson Title: Division Algorithm-Repeated Subtraction

Total Time Needed: 95 minutes

Lesson The focus of this lesson is dividing whole numbers using different models and
Overview/Focus: understanding the properties of 0 and 1. Students will use different strategies
to divide whole numbers, one strategy being repeated subtraction.
National/State 3.C.3 Represent the concept of division of whole numbers with the following
Learning Standards models: partitioning, sharing, and an inverse of multiplication. Understand the
(Optional): properties of 0 and 1 in division.
Specific Learning By the end of this lesson students will be able to divide using whole numbers
Objectives: as well as using strategies such as subtracting until the answer is found.
Students will be able to do this with at least 80% accuracy.
Formative and/ or I will use the exercises and group times as well as observing individual
Summative worktime to see who is grasping the instruction well and who may be
Assessments: struggling with it. I will observe where they are coming to a halt and having a
problem and write it down on a list, so I know what to look over or review
after the lesson is done as well as make a list of those who caught on quickly
and did not have a hard time with the lesson. The exit ticket will give me an
idea of how much they were able to retain from the lesson and what still
needs to be addressed and worked on.
Academic Language: Dividend, divisor, quotient, subtraction
Resources, https://youtu.be/k_e-pgiqqYo - brain pop about dividing with repeated
Materials, subtraction. Computer, internet, smart board with interactive activity, pencils,
Equipment, and papers, dry erase markers, dry erase boards, and vocabulary activity.

Section 2: Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set Time

Identify how this lesson is meaningful to the students and connects to their lives. Needed:
Students will have a discussion of how important division is and what are some Mins.
important ways they think it is used in everyday life. The teacher will show examples of
ways division is used to in everyday life during the discussion.
Activate Prior Knowledge Time
Identify how this lesson connects to previous lessons/ (prior knowledge of students) and Needed:
students’ lives 10
The teacher will play a video for the students introducing division using repeated
subtraction. Then the teacher will ask the students what they already know about
division, the teacher will put an example problem on the board and ask if any of the
students already know how to do it on their own.
Introduction Time
Remember to think of your “hook” Needed:
Teacher Instruction: Begin with a fun exercise about division using candy, the students Mins.
will use the candy to help them solve the division exercise and can eat the candy
afterwards. This will grab the student's attention and really get them engaged. Write a
few problems on the board for example, 15/3. Start with 15-3= use the candy pieces to
figure this out 15 pieces take 3 away so then you have 12 left and so on. Then subtract
until you get to the answer.
Guided Practice Time
1. Explain to students it is now their turn to... Needed:
I will write 3 problems on the board; it is now your turn to come up with 3 15
different strategies for each on how to solve each problem. One of those strategies Mins.
being repeated subtraction.
2. List all steps with timestamp for each step
63/7.......40/8......and 18/3...... give students about 5 minutes to come up with 3
different ways they think they can solve these problems; be sure they know one of those
ways is repeated subtraction. Then have students volunteer to come to the board and
show their different ways they used to solve the problems. Have students write each
example down in their notebook to be sure they have them to look back on. This will
take about 5 minutes.
Discuss the different ways that are used to solve these problems and how each way is
useful. This will take about 5 minutes.
Independent Working Time Time
1. Students are instructed to work independently on.... Needed:
Each student is given an activity sheet on the activity sheet there are 10 15
problem sets to figure out and complete, each student is expected to use the different Mins.
strategies and do this on their own.
2. List all the steps with timestamp for each step
After passing out the activity sheet explain that you will be going over the first
question together and then the class will be working independently on the rest of the
questions. Write the first question on the board and discuss how to solve it with the
class. This should take about 3 minutes. After going over the first question together have
each student work independently and walk around the room to keep an eye on each
student as well as assist with any student who may be struggling. Give the students 10
minutes to complete the sheet and then use the last 2 to discuss if any students
struggled on any problems specifically, if there was one problem more than 2 students
struggled with then go over it on the board.
Differentiation Time
These are examples. You may use your own groupings to best suit your classroom Needed:
 Gifted 25
 ELL- Mins.
 Special Needs-
 Early Finishers-

There are 4 groups in the classroom, there is one group the is for our gifted or high
ability students, these students understand the lesson well and may need something a
little harder to push them more, most of these students will probably finish their work
quickly. The second group is for a few students who can do the lesson on their own but
still struggle and need a little more practice. The third and fourth group are for the
students who struggle and have a hard time understanding the lesson or students who
may be special needs and need more help and differentiated work.
Closure Time
Explain how students will share what they have learned in the lesson. Identify questions Needed:
that you can ask students to begin the closure conversations. 5
I will begin asking the students what their favorite activity was, we then will discuss a
mixture of things like the introduction. We will discuss different ways that division can
be used in the real world, whether it be using money to pay for something, sharing
candy with some friends, playing a game out at recess, or many other things. I will wrap
things up with going over the exit ticket for the students to complete before finishing
the lesson.
Exit Ticket/ Homework Assignment Time
1. Exit Ticket Needed:
Students will have an exit ticket with 3 problems on it they will solve the 5
problems using what they learned from the lesson today on their own and then turn it in Mins.
once they are finished.
2. Homework
Tell students to think about their favorite strategy they learned from the lesson
today and why they liked it the best. Tomorrow in out math block we will discuss the
students' thoughts about these strategies.

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