Lesson Plan - Sesalie - Nelson
Lesson Plan - Sesalie - Nelson
Lesson Plan - Sesalie - Nelson
Date: 03/07/2021
There are 4 groups in the classroom, there is one group the is for our gifted or high
ability students, these students understand the lesson well and may need something a
little harder to push them more, most of these students will probably finish their work
quickly. The second group is for a few students who can do the lesson on their own but
still struggle and need a little more practice. The third and fourth group are for the
students who struggle and have a hard time understanding the lesson or students who
may be special needs and need more help and differentiated work.
Closure Time
Explain how students will share what they have learned in the lesson. Identify questions Needed:
that you can ask students to begin the closure conversations. 5
I will begin asking the students what their favorite activity was, we then will discuss a
mixture of things like the introduction. We will discuss different ways that division can
be used in the real world, whether it be using money to pay for something, sharing
candy with some friends, playing a game out at recess, or many other things. I will wrap
things up with going over the exit ticket for the students to complete before finishing
the lesson.
Exit Ticket/ Homework Assignment Time
1. Exit Ticket Needed:
Students will have an exit ticket with 3 problems on it they will solve the 5
problems using what they learned from the lesson today on their own and then turn it in Mins.
once they are finished.
2. Homework
Tell students to think about their favorite strategy they learned from the lesson
today and why they liked it the best. Tomorrow in out math block we will discuss the
students' thoughts about these strategies.