Latihan Nulis
Latihan Nulis
Latihan Nulis
Does a hot, humid summer’s day make you feel grumpy? Does a rainy day make
you feel depressed? The weather seems to affect people’s mood. Hot weather
makes some people irritable, while others love the heat and very happy and cheerful
on a summer’s day. Others don’t mind the heat, but say that they hate it when it is
humid, because the humidity makes them tired.
In the 1980’s computer tecnology became more and more common in classroom.
But the technology was ‘assimilated’ in to the classroom in that there was little or no
change to classroom practice. The first educational uses for computer were
technology driven and technology controlled. Use of technology was rarely
integrated into curriculum teaching and objectives were outcome based. Throughout
this time, increasing access to computers often led to a greater focus on individual
instruction resulting in isolation e.g. keyboard skills. There was little effort to make
learning with technology meaningful. There tended to be a focus on the technical
aspect and little attention was given to the social impact technology might have.
Hezbollah is a menace to the Lebanese State, the Lebanese people and the
entire region. Hezbollah started off as a Shia militant group, founded in 1982 after
Israel invaded Lebanon and is lead by Hassan Nasrallah. The group continues to
increase its military arsenal which threatens to start yet another conflict with Israel
constantly fighting them back. Hezbollah actually holds seats in the Lebanese
parliament through its political wing Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc and has strong
support from Lebanon’s Shia population. Rusia recognises the group a legitimate
socio-political organisation but the US and the Arab League consider Hezbollah a
terrorist organisation. With the support of Iran, the organisation is also fueling
humanitarian catastrophe in Syria. Hezbollah is backed by Iran and has been helping
Assad fight opposition forces in Syria since 2002.
Imagine if you live in a small country with more than a hundred thousand
missiles pointed at it. And imagine the leaders who control those weapon had one
stated purpose: to destroy you, to literally wipe tour country off the map. What would
you do? Strike first and try to destroy all the weapons? Set up an anti-missile
system? Or would you ignore the problem and hope it goes away? You can now stop
imagining, because these are real-life questions that one country in the world has to
ask every day. That country is Israel. And the leaders who control these missiles
(and the number i ave ia a low-ball estimate) belong to an organization known as
Hezbollah-Arabic for “Party of God.” Moreover, they are not rogue terrorists. They
actually run a country-Lebanon. You should know something about them. Hezbollah
first burst onto International scene in 1983, when they simultenously bombed the
United States Marine barrack and French paratrooper base in Beirut. 241
Americans-the largest loss of American military personnel in a single incident since
Worl war II-and 58Frencmen were killed in the attacks.
But this was only the beginning.
More bombings followed, killing 24 people at the U.S. Embassy annex in
beirut in 1984: killing 85 at the Jewish Community center in Buenos Aires in 1994;
and killing 19 at a housing complex for American oil executives in Saudi Arabia in
1985, Hezbollah terrorist highjacked TWA Flight 847, during which they beat
passengers, separated those with Jewish-sounding names, and murdered U.S. Navy
diver Robert Stethem.
Hezbollah also supplied roadside bombs and helped organize groups who
committed terror attacks against American forces during the Iraq War.
They routinely assassinated political rivals, most notably the former prime
minister of Lebanon rafic Hariri, in 2005.
They provoked numerious border clashes with Israel, which escalated into
war in 2006 during which Hezbollah launched thousands of rockets at civilian
Today, Hezbollah is a military force, a political party, a terrorist group and a
transnational criminal organization engaged in drug trafficking, money laundering,
and arms smuggling.
But the most important thing to remember about Hezbollah is not Hezbollah;
it’s Iran.
Hezbollah is an extension of iran and it operates under its command.
Don’t take my word for it. Take it from the man who has been running
Hezbollah for thr last twenty-five years and now is the most powerful man in
Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah.
Here’s what he said in 2016: “We are open about the fact that Hezbollah’s
budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapon and
rockets, come from the Islamic Republic of Iran.” That’s pretty much always been the
case. Indeed, Hezbollah is the demon child of the Iranian Revolution. Its founders
were Iranian revolutioneries who operated out of Lebanon in the 1970s. After
overthrowing the Shah of Iran in 1979, they set up Hezbollah in Lebanon. This is why
in the early days, Hezbollah referred to itself as “the islamic revolution in Lebanon.”
That definition still fits. In the 1990s, Hezbollah added politics to its resume. This led
many scholars to claim that the group had abandoned its terrorist past and its
subservienced to Iran. If only. In truth, throughout the decade, Hezbollah extended
its murderous influence into Africa and Latin America, and even into North America.
Cocaine trafficking (they got very cozy with Colombian and Mexican drug cartels),
phony charity operations, and a wide variety of other criminal activities brought in
more cash with which to finance their political and terror operations. Today,
Hezbollah dominates Lebanon. It directs the nation’s major domestic and foreign
policy decisions, including war. It has gained control of the Lebanese parliament as
well as its military and security agencies. It has also effectively turned Lebanon into
an Iranian missile base. That’s where the more than 100,000 rockets come in. Iran is
working to surround Israel with missiles capable of hitting anywhere inside the
country, all while pressing ahead toward developing nuclear weapons. As Hezbollah
and Iran entrench themselves in Syria, where they’re intent on activating a new front
against Israel, the likelihood they will trigger another war-more devastating than the
one in 2006 is growing. In addition, Iran has used Hezbollah to further its ambituon to
become the region. Hezbollah operatives are deeply involved in the conflicts in Iraq
and Yemen. Sin 9-11, the world has come to associate terrorist threats mainly with
non-state actors like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. But unlike all these others, Hezbollah is a
state enterprize. As such, the threat Hezbollah poses to Weat, to Arab countries, and
to Israel’s existence is different-and far more dangerous. How do we stop Hezbollah.
The key;stop Iran
Air Land Battle
Air land battle was