The Quantum Cascade Laser: A Versatile High-Power Semiconductor Laser For Mid-Infrared Applications
The Quantum Cascade Laser: A Versatile High-Power Semiconductor Laser For Mid-Infrared Applications
The Quantum Cascade Laser: A Versatile High-Power Semiconductor Laser For Mid-Infrared Applications
Since its invention at Bell Labs in the mid-nineties, the quantum cascade laser
(QCL) has evolved rapidly to become a viable commercial alternative to other
solid-state mid-infrared light sources. QCLs are compact, high-power,
wavelength-agile laser devices that are ideally suited for mid-infrared
applications such as chemical sensing and free-space telecommunications.
This paper summarizes our recent progress in QCL technology, with a
particular emphasis on device design and fabrication. The current state-of-
the-art in performance of InP lattice-matched QCL is reviewed. In order to
expand the functionality of QCLs, new materials and device concepts are
being explored. In particular, nonlinear light generation in QCLs is discussed
in detail. The experimental results confirm the potential of nonlinear QCLs
to extend the wavelength range of InP-based devices. Ongoing efforts to
improve the fabrication of InP-based QCLs and to develop new QCL
materials are presented. © 2005 Lucent Technologies Inc.
Quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are compact, currently offered commercially by several Lucent
rugged, high-power, semiconductor light sources op- licensees. This rapid progress was made possible not
erating in the mid- to far-infrared range of the spec- only by the extremely active worldwide research on
trum. Unlike quantum-well semiconductor lasers, band-engineering, but also by the continuous devel-
QCLs can be designed to operate at any wavelength opment of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), the semi-
within a broad spectral range. While QCL emission conductor growth technique that enables accurate
has been demonstrated down to the terahertz range, nanometer control and the reproducibility of complex
this paper will focus on mid-infrared Type I QCLs. In semiconductor structures. Today, QCL technology
the approximately ten years since its invention at Bell promises to have a major impact in fields ranging from
Labs [11], QCL technology has evolved rapidly and chemical sensing to free-space telecommunications.
has been extremely helpful in extending our knowl- This paper presents an overview of QCL technol-
edge of semiconductor physics. Moreover, the swift ogy, with a particular focus on current research ac-
development of QCLs has led to a technology transfer tivities at Bell Labs. First, the principles of QCL
from research to production; mid-infrared QCLs are operation are introduced. Then, material growth,
Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(3), 199–214 (2005) © 2005 Lucent Technologies Inc. Published by Wiley Periodicals,
Inc. Published online in Wiley InterScience ( • DOI: 10.1002/bltj.20114
device processing, and device characterization are
discussed in detail. Next, current state-of-the-art de- Panel 1. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms
vice performance is presented and the factors limiting CVD—Chemical-vapor deposition
device performance are investigated. It turns out that cw—Continuous wave
QCL light characteristics and operating range are lim- DFB—Distributed feedback
DIAL—Differential-absorption LIDAR
ited by some fundamental properties of the materials
of choice. A separate section is devoted to ongoing HR—High reflectance
research efforts at Bell Labs to push the limits of QCL L-I—Output versus current
operation and to explore new materials and device LIDAR—Laser radar
concepts. The following section briefly discusses LO—Longitudinal optical
applications of QCLs. The final section presents some MBE—Molecular beam epitaxy
MOCVD—Metal-organic chemical-vapor
concluding remarks and offers a perspective on future
research and development. ppb—parts per billion
QCL Principles of Operation QCL—Quantum cascade laser
QW—Quantum wells
QCLs are unipolar semiconductor devices con- RADAR—Radio detection and ranging
sisting of complex layered structures of two or more SH—Second harmonic
semiconductor alloys [11, 15]. Figure 1 shows a laser TEM—Transmission electron microscopy
bar containing several QCLs mounted on a copper TILDAS—Tunable infrared laser diode
heat-sink (a), an scanning-electron microscopy (SEM) absorption spectroscopy
TM—Transverse magnetic
image of an individual laser device (b), and a trans-
VCSEL—Vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers
mission electron microscopy (TEM) image of the
semiconductor layered structure inside the active
waveguide core of the device (c). The light is gener-
ated in the active region by an intersubband transition a QCL biased at operating voltage. In this basic design,
of the single charge carriers (i.e., the electrons) be- the active region of the device consists of three strongly
tween two quantized levels in the conduction band. coupled QWs. The light is emitted by a transition be-
Because the energy difference between the two quan- tween levels 3 and 2. In order to achieve population
tized levels is determined by the specific structure de- inversion for lasing, the electrons must be injected rap-
sign (i.e., the quantum well [QW] and barrier widths), idly into the upper level 3 and then rapidly extracted
the wavelength emitted can be tailored by band- from level 2. Fast depopulation of level 2 is achieved
engineering to be any value within a broad spectral by means of longitudinal-optical (LO) phonon scat-
range. This range is limited only by the conduction- tering from level 2 into level 1, which is located ap-
band offset available between the two materials of proximately 35 meV below level 2. The injector region,
choice and the Reststrahlen region. here consisting of 5 QWs, has the role of facilitating the
This section will be using InP lattice-matched al- transport of the electrons through the device by in-
loys to exemplify the QCL principles of operation, but suring fast extraction from both level 1 and level 2 and
the general concepts are the same for any other mate- fast re-injection into level 3 of the down-stream ac-
rial system. In InP-based QCLs, the active region con- tive region. To maximize the gain, 30 to 100 active
sists of In0.53Ga0.47As QWs and In0.52Al0.48As barriers regions are typically chained (i.e., “cascaded”) together.
(see Figure 1c). The conduction-band offset for these The electrons are recycled from one active region to
two materials is 0.52 eV at low temperatures and cor- the next, emitting more than one photon per pass
responds to an operation range between 5 mm and through the device. This process is the reason for the
20 mm. It is noteworthy that QCL operation has also high emission power of these devices.
been achieved in strained InGaAs/InAlAs devices on The basic QCL structure exemplified in Figure 2
InP as well as in GaAs/AlGaAs and Sb-based material has evolved over the years into many more sophisti-
systems. Figure 2 shows the detailed band structure of cated designs. The three-level active region can be
15 m
(a) QCL bar containing several devices mounted on a copper heat-sink and wire-bonded to
Au-plated alumina contact pads
(b) SEM image of the front facet portion of a deep-etched ridge-waveguide DFB-QCL
(c) TEM image of a portion of the active waveguide core of a QCL
Figure 1.
The quantum cascade laser is a compact, rugged, high-power, semiconductor light source.
replaced by a superlattice to allow large current- the matrix dipole moment for the 3-2 transition, nef the
carrying capabilities [40]. In this case, the lasing tran- effective refractive index at wavelength l, Lp the thick-
sition occurs between two extended states of the ness of one active region and injector, e0 the vacuum
superlattice minibands. If the transition is between a dielectric constant, e the elementary charge, and 2g32
localized state and an extended superlattice state, the the full width at half maximum of the luminescence
design is referred to as a bound-to-continuum transi- spectrum. The lifetimes are determined by LO-phonon
tion [9]. Moreover, the transition can be either verti- interband scattering and are of the order of ps.
cal, as in the above examples, or diagonal, a design Laser action requires that the material gain over-
that increases the upper-laser-state lifetime [10]. come the device losses. The losses come from two main
Using the usual rate-equation formalism, the sources: the nonresonant free-carrier losses in the wave-
material gain coefficient can be calculated as [15] guide, aw, typically calculated with a Drude model, and
the mirror losses, am, given by am (1L)ln(R), where
t2 4pez232 1 R is the mirror reflectivity R ((n 1)(n 1))2. The
g t3 a1 b ,
t32 le0nef Lp 2g32 threshold current density Jth is then given by
e 1
3 Ibott
Itop Active
e 1 Injector
The laser transition is indicated by the arrow between levels 3 and 2. The layer thicknesses
in nanometers of one period of active material and injector are, from right to left starting
from the injection barrier: 3.8/2.1/1.2/6.5/1.2/5.3/2.3/4.0/1.1/3.6/1.2/3.2/1.2/3.0/1.6/3.0. The
underlined layers are n-type doped. The barriers are indicated in bold symbols; italic style
shows the injector region. The applied electric field is 65 kV cm1.
Figure 2.
Conduction band diagram of the active and injector regions of an 8 m QCL and the moduli squared of the most
significant wavefunctions.
where is the confinement factor, typically of the of the various waveguide layers depend on the specific
order of 0.5. For the structure in Figure 2, the losses application. The waveguide in Figure 3 is optimized
can be estimated as am 5.1 cm1 (for a 2.5 mm-long for low loss and maximum overlap of the TM00 mode
cavity) and aw 19 cm1, resulting in a threshold with the active region.
current density of 1.6 kA/cm2. This typical value for a The dielectric waveguide shown in Figure 3 is a
three-well design emphasizes the main limiting as- Fabry-Perot-type resonator that emits a multimode
pects of QCL devices, i.e., their high threshold and laser spectrum. For certain applications, however, it is
operating currents. desirable to have single-mode operation. This is
In order to minimize device losses and confine achieved with a distributed feedback (DFB) resonator.
the mid-infrared light to the gain material, the active A DFB resonator consists of a grating of period
region is inserted into a waveguide. Figure 3 shows lB(2 neff) etched in the top cladding of the
the structure of a typical QCL waveguide, together device. For practical processing reasons, DFB top
with the profiles of the refractive index and of the claddings are typically significantly thinner than that
lowest-order transverse-magnetic mode (TM00). The shown in Figure 3. The grating induces a modulation
waveguide core consists of the active section stacked in the refractive index and losses along the laser ridge
between two InGaAs layers. The claddings are given that selects a unique emission wavelength for each
on one side by the InP substrate and on the other by lateral and transverse mode of the cavity. Because the
either an InAlAs or another InP layer. A highly-doped refractive index depends on temperature, the QCL
plasmon-enhanced InGaAs layer also contributes to wavelength also varies with temperature. QCL tem-
the confinement. The thicknesses and doping profiles perature tunability, which is particularly important
Thickness (m)
n InGaAs, 5 1016 cm3, 0.35 m
0 3
(a) (b) Refractive index and
mode profile
QCL—Quantum cascade laser
TM—Transverse magnetic
(a) Layer structure of a low-loss waveguide for the 8 m QCL shown in Figure 2
(b) The corresponding profiles of the refractive index and magnetic field of
the TM00 mode
Figure 3.
Waveguide structure of a QCL.
for spectroscopy applications, is achieved by changing x-ray scattering for the alloy composition and Hall
the active region temperature by adding a DC ramp to measurements for doping calibration. It is worth not-
the laser current drive. ing that QCLs have also been successfully grown by
metal-organic chemical-vapor-deposition (MOCVD)
QCL Material Growth [35, 20].
The complex QCL structures are grown by solid- For InP-containing structures, such as InP top-
source MBE on n-type InP (100) substrates doped at cladding devices, we have been using a two-step MBE
the level of 1–2 1017/cm3. MBE has so far proven to growth process. First, the P-free core of the device is
be the growth technique of choice, because it allows grown in an arsenide machine and the material is
accurate control of sub-nanometer size semiconductor capped with a low-temperature, pure As layer. Then,
layers. Moreover, MBE has high reproducibility over the sample is transferred into a second MBE machine
the entire structure, which may be 5 mm to 10 mm equipped with a solid P-source and the top InP-
thick and contain more than 500 layers. Figure 1c containing layers are grown. InP has the advantage of
shows the TEM image of several active regions of a having lower mid-infrared losses and a lower refrac-
QCL structure. The growth of InP lattice-matched ma- tive index than InAlAs as well as higher thermal
terials is extremely demanding and requires precise conductivity. This results in a better optical confine-
control of the InGaAs and InAlAs alloy composition. ment of the wave and ultimately in improved laser
The MBE-grown structures are characterized using performance. The two-step technique has been most
Power (mW)
1.0 300 K 200 K 1.0 120 K
0 150
0 20 40 60 80 145 K
Number of stages 250 K
0.5 0.5
300 K
N = 75
0 0 0
10 0 10 20 0 300 600 900 1200
2 Current (mA)
Current density (kAcm )
(a) (b)
(a) Pulsed L-I curves of an 8 m QCL with 75 stages of the active region shown in Figure 2 at temperatures from
5 K to 300 K. The inset shows the dependence of the maximum power on the number of stages at 10 K and 300 K.
(b) Continuous-wave L-I plot of a 6 m QCL at temperatures from 30 K to 145 K.
Figure 4.
QCL performance characterization in pulsed and continuous-wave operation modes.
material systems that would enable new QCL func- phase-matching techniques. The first obstacle was
tionality. Finally, this exploration into new device and recently overcome by monolithically integrating the
materials concepts is going on in parallel with a con- nonlinear intersubband transitions with the structure
tinuous effort to improve the performance of the of a QCL [32]. The idea of monolithically integrating
more mature InP-based technology. nonlinear intersubband transitions with the QCL
structure is natural, because they both use intersub-
Nonlinear Quantum Cascade Lasers band transitions to generate light. However, from a
QCLs operate in a broad mid-infrared spectral practical point of view, the strict current-injection re-
range, but, as pointed out above, for each material quirements of these devices raise significant design
system, this range is limited by some fundamental challenges. Sum-frequency and second-harmonic
property of the material (e.g., the conduction-band (SH) generation were the first nonlinear processes
offset). Nonlinear light generation offers the poten- demonstrated in QCLs [14, 32]. Third-harmonic gen-
tial of extending the functionality of QCLs beyond eration has also since been reported [31].
the limits set by the intrinsic properties of materials. We are currently investigating means to improve
Of particular technological interest is the low- second-harmonic generation in QCLs [27, 28]. The
wavelength spectral range below 5 mm, in which no first step was to design an active region that acts
clearly advantageous semiconductor laser technology simultaneously as a pump source and a nonlinear
has yet been identified. Nonlinear QCLs use the giant mixing region. In Figure 5, 5a shows the detailed
nonlinear properties of resonant intersubband transi- band structure of the optimized design. This structure
tions [3, 21]. These properties have been studied exhibits a record-high nonlinear susceptibility of
intensively over the past 20 years, but practical |
(2)| 4 105 esu (2 104 pm/V), a value that is at
applications of them have been limited by the lack least three times higher than the values measured for
of compact, powerful pump sources and versatile any other material. The second step was to develop
SH refractive index
Mode profiles
2 2.0
(a) Conduction band diagram of one QCL active region stacked between two injector regions of a structure optimized for
second-harmonic generation and the moduli squared of the essential wavefunctions. The laser transition occurs between
levels 3 and 2. The resonant intersubband cascades are 2 - 3 - 4 and 3 - 4 - 5. The dashed rectangles indicate the extent of
the minibands inside the injector regions. The layer thicknesses of one period of active region-injector are from left to right
starting at injection barrier “I”: 4.1/8.3/1.3/5.2/2.6/4.1/2.1/3.9/2.3/3.7/2.5/3.5/2.6/3.3 nm. The barriers are indicated by bold
font, and the underlined layers are doped to 3.0 1017 cm3.
(b) Pulsed L-I curves for the laser and nonlinear light at 5 K for a device with the active region shown in (a). The inset shows
the profiles of the SH refractive index and the laser TM00 and SH TM02 modes for a phase-matching waveguide. The
calculated refractive indices of the fundamental TM00 and SH TM02 modes for an infinitely wide waveguide are 3.2079 and
3.1689, respectively.
Figure 5.
Structure and performance of a nonlinear QCL emitting fundamental light at 9 m and second-harmonic light at
4.5 m.
a phase-matching technique between the fundamen- of the waveguide, a record second-harmonic power of
tal and nonlinear light. We found that, due to the 2 mW was achieved at 4.55 m (Figure 5b) [28]. This
flexibility in the design of the QCL waveguide, modal- result was made possible by the use of an InP top-
phase matching is the most promising candidate. cladding waveguide and of HR coating on the laser
Modal-phase matching consists in matching the back facets. We are currently working on lowering
effective refractive indices of the laser and nonlinear the SH emission wavelength below 4 m and im-
light of different order transverse modes. For the proving the thermal characteristics of the devices. We
second-harmonic process, the laser TM00 mode and are also investigating other nonlinear processes, such
the SH TM02 mode offer the best choice in terms of as frequency down-conversion and coherent inver-
refractive indices, lowest losses, and highest overlap sionless lasing [29].
with each other and with the active region. The inset
of Figure 5b shows the profiles of these two modes Novel Materials
together with the profile of the SH refractive index. Another approach to expanding QCL functional-
An additional degree of freedom is given by the strong ity is to explore new material systems. The GaAs/
dependence of the refractive indices on the ridge- AlGaAs system has been shown to be a potential com-
width. Using the active region of Figure 5a and in- petitor of InP lattice-matched materials [37]. This
cluding phase-matching considerations in the design system is particularly attractive because it uses the
As a first step toward a hole-based mid-infrared The spectra for p-polarized (circles) and s-polarized
(diamonds) light are shown for measurements at 17 K.
emitter, we are exploring the properties of inter- The inset shows the heavy-to-heavy hole intersubband
valence band transitions in GaAs QWs with high Al transition energies for 4 QW widths.
composition barriers. Bound-to-bound intersubband
absorption in C-doped GaAs QWs was measured Figure 6.
Mid-infrared intersubband transmission spectra of
in the mid-infrared range. Taking advantage of a high-
a sample containing 31 Å wide, carbon modulation-
purity MBE facility at Bell Labs, GaAs QWs with doped GaAs QWs with digital Al0.57Ga0.43As alloy
modulation-doped Al0.57Ga0.43As barriers were grown barriers.
found them to be in very good agreement with the The lighter regions in (b) are the InGaAs (bottom) and
experimental results for wider wells. The model is less InGaAs/InAlAs (top) MBE-grown QCL structure etched
into a ridge-waveguide.
accurate in predicting the out-of-plane absorption for
the narrowest wells and the in-plane absorption fea- Figure 7.
tures. For all practical purposes, however, the model Schematics of the InP MOCVD overgrowth process
is accurate enough to be adequate for band-structure (a) and side image of a deep-etched ridge-waveguide
(b) on which InP (darker regions) was grown by
calculations of hole QCL structures.
In this subsection we have been discussing only
the GaAs system, but research on new QCL materials
at Bell Labs also includes work on strained InGaAs/ DFB lasers. However, both the thermal and optical
InAlAs on InP to access the low-wavelength mid- properties of the deep-etched ridge waveguides can
infrared range as well as investigations of the novel be improved dramatically by using a buried hetero-
GaN system. Mid-infrared absorption measurements junction design. In this case, the mesa patterning is
have been reported on GaN/AlGaN quantum wells done using an SiO2 mask instead of photoresist. After
[17, 18], and work is currently being done to study the ridges have been wet-etched into the MBE-grown
photocurrent and resonant tunneling. material, the wafer is transferred to an MOCVD reac-
Advanced Fabrication of InP-Based QCLs tor and a thick layer of InP is grown on the sides of
In the section on device characterization, we in- the ridges (see schematics in Figure 7). MOCVD is
troduced some of the main requirements for QCL ap- the technique of choice for this process, because it
plications that are still challenging for the technology: allows selective-area overgrowth on the exposed semi-
high-power operation, cw operation, and room- conductor but not on the SiO2 mask. The main bene-
temperature operation. Our ongoing development to fit of this design is that it increases the heat dissipation
overcome these challenges involves designing high- out of the active region, allowing operation at higher
performance structures, improving the quality of MBE currents and, consequently, higher maximum cw
material by improving the MBE process, and per- temperature. InP also has the advantage of a low re-
forming advanced device fabrication. MBE process fractive index that defines the lateral waveguide con-
improvement includes optimization of the doping finement. The losses of this geometry are lower than
level, growth parameters (e.g., temperature, growth they are for deep-etched ridge waveguides, because
rate, and arsenic overpressure), and a systematic effort the overlap of the wave with the metal top-contact
to lower the defect level and unintentional back- is minimal. Figure 7 shows a cross-section of a device
ground concentration. Advanced QCL fabrication with InP overgrown on the sides of the ridge. The
includes epi-side-down mounting of the samples, maximum cw operating temperature is increased by
HR-coating of the back facets, and InP overgrowth by 25 K over that of a device without the buried hetero-
either MBE or MOCVD. junction, and there is a total maximum cw tempera-
MBE overgrowth has mainly been used to grow ture increase of 50 K when HR coatings are used on
the top InP claddings or to create a buried grating for the back facet.
Sensitivity ~10 ppb
CO concentration, ppm
22:13:20 01:00:00 03:46:40 06:33:20 09:20:00 12:06:40
Time, hrs:min:sec
Figure 8.
CO concentration recorded over time in Houston, TX, with QCL spectroscopy.