Control of Relative Humidity Inside An Agricultural Greenhouse
Control of Relative Humidity Inside An Agricultural Greenhouse
Control of Relative Humidity Inside An Agricultural Greenhouse
ª§ ·º
U a S pl Ǭ J CnU 2
Q Evapotranspiration
O ¬© Ta 1 cdU 2 ¸¹ »¼
§ Rha ·
¨1 ¸ (3)
© 100 ¹
With J is the psychrometric constant ( Pa .K 1 ), S pl is the
surface of the plants ( m 2 ), U 2 wind speed ( m.s 1 ), Ta
temperature of inside air ( K ), Rha is the relative humidity
Fig. 2. External structure of the experimental greenhouse.
of the air (%).
The input/output parameters and the dimensions of the
The mass transfer obtained by air renewal is represented
experimental greenhouse have been used for this simulation.
by (4):
After that two control techniques have been applied to this
QVentilation U a Gv We Wa process to control its internal relative humidity.
The PID controller is used to drive the system output in
order to follow the setpoint, avoiding overshoots, and using
only the power required to go to the setpoint and maintain.
Concretely, in PID, we have 3 actions: P (Proportional), D
(Derived) and I (Integral).
A. Régulateur PI
The development of fuzzy controllers is usually based on The output control,
the expression in the base of the linguistic rules. It Where:
incorporates a set of rules to (logically) assign an output to an Com: control; H: High-Com; M: Average-Com; L: Low-Com.
To control relative humidity, the greenhouse model typically The input variables of the fuzzy controller are the relative
has two types of input data: KXPLGLW\RIWKHLQGRRUDLUDQGLWVHUURUǻ+, where:
- Disturbance variables: outside weather, outdoor temperature, 'H H set po int H inside , greenhouse (11)
external relative humidity, solar radiation and wind speed.
- Actuators: dehumidification. These current rules are chosen in order to have desirable
interior humidity. Therefore, if the humidity is high, we must
reduce it by using the dehumidification system. The
membership functions of this FLC controller are written
taking into account the variation of the relative internal
humidity to achieve the desired one by activating the actuator
at a suitable rate.
The operator ( ) makes it possible to obtain the
variation of the error between two sampling instants. The
controller will therefore be sensitive to the humidity error and
its variation.
Variation Command
H-Err N H-Com
H-Err Z H-Com
M-Err P L-Com Fig. 7. The membership of the error and the variation
M-Err P L-Com
L-Err N M-Com
L-Err Z L-Com
L-Err P L-Com
Err: error; H: High-Err; M: Average-Err; L: Low-Err; N:
Negative; Z: Zero; P: Positive
Fig. 8. The membership functions of the command.
In this section, we present the simulation results
concerning the application of the fuzzy logic and PID control
on Fig. 9, 10, 11 and 12 respectively.
A series of setpoint changes was performed, and the process
behavior was simulated using the Matlab-Simulink
Fig. 11. The evolution of the relative humidity of the controlled air with
setpoint 80.
Fig. 9. The evolution of the relative humidity of the controlled air with
setpoint 60.
Fig. 12. The evolution of the relative humidity of the controlled air with
setpoint 90.
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