Assignment: Programs, Elements of Python, Type Conversion. Precedence, Boolean Expression
Assignment: Programs, Elements of Python, Type Conversion. Precedence, Boolean Expression
Assignment: Programs, Elements of Python, Type Conversion. Precedence, Boolean Expression
Introduction: The Programming Cycle for Python, Python IDE, Interacting with Python
Programs, Elements of Python, Type Conversion.
Basics: Expressions, Assignment Statement, Arithmetic Operators, Operator
Precedence, Boolean Expression.
Conditionals: Conditional statement in Python (if-else statement, its working and execution), Nested-if
statement and Elif statement in Python, Expression Evaluation & Float Representation.
Loops: Purpose and working of loops , While loop including its working, For Loop , Nested Loops , Break
and Continue.
Function: Parts of A Function , Execution of A Function , Keyword and Default Arguments ,Scope
Strings : Length of the string and perform Concatenation and Repeat operations in it. Indexing and
Slicing of Strings.
Python Data Structure : Tuples , Unpacking Sequences , Lists , Mutable Sequences , List
Comprehension , Sets , Dictionaries
Higher Order Functions: Treat functions as first class Objects , Lambda Expressions
1) Summarize the difference between algorithm, flowchart and pseudo code.
2) Explain the operator precedence of arithmetic operators in Python.
3) Name the type of Boolean operators.
4) Explain Expression Evaluation & Float Representation with example.
5) Explain the basics for executing a python program using RELP (Shell) with an example.
6) Briefly explain about any 5 keywords in python.
7) Mention five benefits of using Python.
8) How is Python an interpreted language?
9) Define floor division with example.
10) What is Python? How Python is interpreted? What are the tools that help to find
bugs or perform static analysis?
11) Explain about break statement with an example.
12) Illustrate the flowchart of if-elif-else statements.
13) Explain the significance of for loop with else in an example.
14) Differentiate for loop and while loop.
15) What is the use of pass statement? Illustrate with an example.
16) Explain with an example – while loop, break statement and continue statement
in Python.
17) Explain the syntax and flowchart of the following loop statements: - for loop
and while loop
18) Explain the purpose and working of loops. Discuss Break and continue with
19) What are local variables and global variables in Python?
20) Differentiate Fruitful functions and void functions.
21) What is Python List? Describe the list usage with suitable examples.
22) Describe the following:-
a. Creating the list
b. Accessing values in the lists
c. Updating the list
d. Deleting the list elements
23) Explain the basic list operations in detail with necessary programs.
24) Discuss the Python list methods with examples.
25) Why it is necessary to have both the functions
26) Illustrate List comprehension with suitable examples
27) What is a Python Tuple? What are the advantages of Tuple over list?
28) “Tuples are immutable”. Explain with example.
29) Illustrate the ways of creating the Tuple and the Tuple assignment with suitable
30) What are the accessing elements in a Tuple? Explain with suitable programs.