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Tutoring Intervention #1

Student: Cassidy Waller and Karson Ross Grade Level: 1 Teacher: Westberry
Tutor Name: Bailey Zacherl
Section Description Notes
Reading or Rereading for Since this is your first meeting with your 1st grader,
Fluency you will get to know them a bit and then read
together. Your Rereading materials will include a
(5-10 minutes)
Reading A-Z book called Ten Pets and a Poem Go to
This may include a book, Bed.
poem, or other item. Most of
You can let the student choose.
the time you will have the
child read something familiar
that they have already read
with you.

Word Study Work on sight words, short vowel contrasts, a CVC

sort, blends or digraphs. I’ve provided all of these
(10-15 minutes)
choices. Now that you have read Go to Bed, you can
Examples might include 1 or have students highlight short e words OR the words in
all of the following: the –ed word family. You will use the highlighter or
crayons and can also work with the sorts. Many of
Picture/Word Sort, Writing you have the spelling stage written on their referral
Sort, Word Hunt, Letter or form and can make those connections
Sound Game, etc.
Reading and Writing Title: Be thinking about how well
the reading goes on this
(20-30 minutes) Introduce a new title for your student. I’ve divided
initial read and whether the
these by the Levels on the referral forms. You will
This includes what you will be book seems to be
have an appropriate level book.
doing with the student frustration, Instructional, or
related to the text before Before: Take a book walk, explore pictures, make Independent.
reading, during reading, and predictions, introduce words that may be difficult
after reading.
During: Support the reading of the text. Practice using
a range of strategies with the student. You can have
them look at the picture, work on the sounds, look for
chunks of sounds in the word they already know, look
at sounds all the way through the word, etc. Ask
questions and make connections.

After: Identify a favorite part/page, make

connections, discuss what the author helped us learn.

Take-Home Book Title:

The student may take home the book that they “re-
read” Ten Pets at the beginning of the lesson today.
Please send it home with your introduction and
invitation to families. They can bring the forms back
for next Wednesday when we are here. It is ok to give
forms to teachers, and we can pick them up. You can
send home that 1st book and your information with
the bag. YOU KEEP the new book and games in case
you want to use them again next week.

Typically, we will pick up the children from their classrooms, work with them approximately 40-45 minutes, and then
return them to their classrooms.

Lesson Plan format adapted from Book Buddies, (2021) Third Edition, by Marcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner,
Francine R. Johnston, and Connie Juel. Guilford Press.

Tutoring Intervention (First Grade—11:45-1:15)

Students: Karson Ross and Cassidy Waller Teacher: Westberry Tutor Name: Bailey Zacherl

Section Description Notes

Reading or Rereading for Both children were excited to tell
Fluency me that they read their take-home
Reread Reading A-Z book These are Opposites
book with their parents at home.
(5-10 minutes) and talk about if the students read their book we
sent home with them last week.
This may include a book,
poem, or other item. Most of
the time you will have the
child read something familiar
that they have already read
with you.
Word Study Cat in the Hat sort—have both students take turns Both KR and CW enjoyed both
or work together or work independently highlighting and the word sort.
(10-15 minutes)
(whichever they decide to do) on sorting the cut- They also asked if I could bring
Examples might include 1 or out words into the correct column (column that another one of these items again
all of the following: the word rhymes with/just like last week) next time.

Picture/Word Sort, Writing Also read the poem, Pat the Cat. Read poem out They both had a hard time
Sort, Word Hunt, Letter or loud as a group, and then go back through the focusing on reading the poem/just
Sound Game, etc. poem a second time and highlight word that wanted to use the highlighter.
belong in the -at family. (Both students really
KW: “This is rhyming we are
seemed to enjoy/like/feel confident in this
The students also liked to think of
their own words that rhymed with
the word families in the Cat in
the Hat word sort.
Reading and Writing Title: What Can We Draw? The students seemed to struggle a
little bit with the book. I asked
(20-30 minutes) Introduce a new title for your student. I’ve
them if they thought the book
divided these by the Levels on the referral forms.
This includes what you will be was too hard after we read it, but
You will have an appropriate level book.
doing with the student related they said that “they liked the
to the text before reading, Before: Take a book walk, explore pictures, make challenge and the book.”
during reading, and after predictions, introduce words that may be difficult
During: Support the reading of the text. Practice
using a range of strategies with the student. You
can have them look at the picture, work on the
sounds, look for chunks of sounds in the word
they already know, look at sounds all the way
through the word, etc. Ask questions and make
After: Identify a favorite part/page, make
connections, discuss what the author helped us
Take-Home Book Title: These are Opposites
The student may take home the book that they
“re-read” These are Opposites at the beginning of
the lesson today. SEND HOME.
Lesson Plan format adapted from Book Buddies, (2021) Third Edition, by Marcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner,
Francine R. Johnston, and Connie Juel. Guilford Press.

Tutoring Intervention (First Grade—11:45-1:15)

Students: Karson Ross and Cassidy Waller Teacher: Westberry Tutor Name: Bailey Zacherl

Section Description Notes

Reading or Rereading for Fluency “I read the book you sent
home with us last time a lot
(5-10 minutes) Reread Reading A-Z book What Can We
with my momma. She was so
Draw? and talk about if the students read
This may include a book, poem, or proud of me for knowing it.”
their book we sent home with them last
other item. Most of the time you will KW
have the child read something familiar
that they have already read with you.
Word Study -at word family manipulative. Have both - “We liked that word sort
children take turns pulling the word family game you brought for us the
(10-15 minutes)
beginning sound through the manipulative. last two times. Why didn’t
Examples might include 1 or all of the (together, take turns, or I pull the sounds you bring it this time?”
following: through and they tell me the sound;
whatever they want)
Picture/Word Sort, Writing Sort, Word
- Both students struggled with
Hunt, Letter or Sound Game, etc. Also read the poem, A Day with Dave. Read
b and d during manipulative.
poem out loud as a group, and then go back
through the poem a second time and
highlight word that belong in the -at family.
(Both students really seemed to
enjoy/like/feel confident in this activity)
Reading and Writing Title: My Brain - “Everything. That has 3
syllables in it.” KW
(20-30 minutes) Introduce a new title for your student. I’ve
divided these by the Levels on the referral - Students said that My Brain
This includes what you will be doing
forms. You will have an appropriate level was “way too easy” for them.
with the student related to the text
book. Went and grabbed a D level
before reading, during reading, and
book. (Silent e) They
after reading. Before: Take a book walk, explore pictures,
struggled very hard and was
make predictions, introduce words that may
not able to read this book.
be difficult
- “We learned about silent e
During: Support the reading of the text.
and magic e in class.”
Practice using a range of strategies with the
student. You can have them look at the
picture, work on the sounds, look for chunks
of sounds in the word they already know,
look at sounds all the way through the word,
etc. Ask questions and make connections.
After: Identify a favorite part/page, make
connections, discuss what the author
helped us learn.
Take-Home Book Title: What Can We Draw? - Went over with the students
what I was sending home
The student may take home the book that
with them in their Family
they “re-read” What Can We Draw? at the
Literacy Bag. Also put their
beginning of the lesson today. SEND
take home book in that bag.
They were both excited about
their bags.
Lesson Plan format adapted from Book Buddies, (2021) Third Edition, by Marcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner,
Francine R. Johnston, and Connie Juel. Guilford Press.

Tutoring Intervention (First Grade—11:45-1:15)

Students: Karson Ross and Cassidy Waller Teacher: Westberry Tutor Name: Bailey Zacherl

Section Description Notes

Reading or Rereading for Fluency - Students were first nervous
and did not want to read the
(5-10 minutes) Reread Reading A-Z book My Brain (and
D level book we read last
maybe Silent e if the students are up for
This may include a book, poem, or week. After successfully and
it) and talk about if the students read their
other item. Most of the time you will efficiently reading the C level
book we sent home with them last week.
have the child read something familiar book, we reread “Silent e.”
that they have already read with you.
- Reading of “Silent e” went
MUCH better than it did last
- KR struggled with the word,
Word Study - Word Family Manipulative (-ight word - both students did very well
family) with -ight word family
(10-15 minutes)
Examples might include 1 or all of the
- KR: “I know that word goes
following: 2 Different Word Sorts:
there because they have the
Picture/Word Sort, Writing Sort, Word o Sorting Words with s Blends same ending sound.”
Hunt, Letter or Sound Game, etc. o Sort and Read: Short a KW: at the beginning of the
Short a Word Sort, thought
“Sam” said “same”, but then
realized that “same” had a
magic e on the end of the
word and it changed the
sound of the word.
- both students really seemed
to enjoy the word sorts
- both students did well on
sounding out the words and
not just giving up/looking at
me when they did not know a
- Students decided to add an
aspect of making a sentence
using the words in the word
sort after they put it in the
correct column.
Reading and Writing Title: Going Away - Both students did great
sounding out and reading out
(20-30 minutes) Introduce a new title for your student. I’ve
the words in the story.
divided these by the Levels on the referral
This includes what you will be doing
forms. You will have an appropriate level - They both seemed more
with the student related to the text
book. confident in their reading
before reading, during reading, and
after reading. Before: Take a book walk, explore pictures, today.
make predictions, introduce words that may
be difficult
During: Support the reading of the text.
Practice using a range of strategies with the
student. You can have them look at the
picture, work on the sounds, look for chunks
of sounds in the word they already know,
look at sounds all the way through the word,
etc. Ask questions and make connections.
After: Identify a favorite part/page, make
connections, discuss what the author
helped us learn.
Take-Home Book Title: My Brain (maybe Silent e) - Sent both books home.
The student may take home the book that
they “re-read” My Brain (maybe Silent e)
at the beginning of the lesson today. SEND
Lesson Plan format adapted from Book Buddies, (2021) Third Edition, by Marcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner,
Francine R. Johnston, and Connie Juel. Guilford Press.

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