WINGS - of - An - EAGLE - MW 6.0

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I want to take the time to send this out to our friends, family and
those who will become friends in the days ahead. Many of you
have become a very big part of our lives and of the ideas and the
dream, which is laid out in this document. Please feel free, if you
get through it, to use anything you can, forward it far and wide,
give me any feedback you may have, and certainly any new
ideas. It may be that if you pray about it, you may be led to take
a specific part in the program laid out therein. Most all of you
are already, in one way or another.

I have already been severely castigated by a self-righteous

“Christian” for being a cultist because of my quotation of Joseph
Smith. I adamantly refuse to take out any references to Mormon
history and prophecies just to, perhaps, make this message more
“palatable” to milk drinking babes. “Some love to eat the meat;
some love to pick the bone”-John Bunyan REFUSING TO
FOOLISH AND ARROGANT. That would be like refusing to live in a
YURT, or a TIPI because they were used by Mongolians, or

This is a plan and plea for a structured, replicating, systematic,

and inter-communal effort to provide shelter and food for those
relatives, friends, as well as “strangers in Israel” that I foresee to
be cast upon us in the near future.

People are being led to gather OUT of the CITIES. Some are
becoming committed enough. A community near us has one
young family with three small children who live in an un-
insulated school bus, vans and tents, with a single layer
“greenhouse” for a kitchen, and shower. In their determination
to try to live a debt-free life, apart from the physical and spiritual
deadliness of the city, this is their “winter quarters,” as it were.
They hope to build a more livable home in the spring.

We moved from Denver to Topeka on 800.00, with no job lined

up. I empathize with them, totally. A friend moved to Missouri
from NJ in a subcompact, with no job, no housing and a pregnant
wife. It is happening. “Wheresoever eagles gather, there the
body is.” Listen to the Father as to where you are to be.

- Jeremiyah Elliott


So much Christian, Patriot and Prophetic information tends to be

truthfully informative, but also alarmist, and downright
frightening. It is hard not to be. The ugly facts of the deplorable
condition we have degenerated into as a nation, and as a
“church” is truly sickening and terrifying.

However, I once heard Bob Spears, a preparedness leader, say

that in the military, an officer should never bring a problem
before his commander, unless he has developed “at least two
workable solutions to the problem.” There is no need for me to
recount how deep the “mire” is into which we have sunk. What
follows is a workable plan to achieve survivability for many who
desire to obey the command to flee, literally, to use John
Bunyan's phrase, “the city of destruction.” As in the introduction
to the novel, Systemic Shock, by Dean Ing, I know that there is
another workable, albeit less desirable solution. Things were
getting bad quickly, “but Americans knew there would be a
solution. There was. It found 100 million Americans. It was
called sudden death.” What I envision is a way to avoid that for
as many as will listen.

Twelve years ago, I made up a saying, which came from my

assessment of the situation as I saw it. It still is true; “A lot of
people are going to die because they thought they were smart
enough to think for themselves.” Recently, we watched the
movie, The Druids, about Vercingetorix, the great leader in Gaul
who stood up to the Romans. The people failed to heed the
wisdom of his advice, and so thousands were slaughtered. My
son pointed out that “it is what you have been saying, Dad. A lot
of people die when they think they are smart enough to think for
themselves.” Often, we need to subject our intellect to that of
another greater, or more informed mind. I deliberately did that,
and ended up where I am now, after four years in Kansas, “boot-
camp for Missouri,” as my wife says.

This booklet will comprise a mere outline of a plan to help people

to relocate from the cities, out into the country, to begin to build
an attempt to live on the land. It is intended, not so much as an
argument to convince believers to do so, but as a guide for those
who know that we are in the last days and who know that “hard
times” are soon to come

To begin with, we have the “survivalist” who is living in the city.

He has his bucket of wheat, along with his book on how to live on
a bucket of wheat and no electricity. He has a “good-to-go”
pack, his survival pack. Now please understand, I’m not
knocking those things; that is pretty much where we were at for
twenty some years. We were accumulating a large number of
things, with no better plan than to “head for the hills” when “the
posterior excrement began to impact the rotating oscillator”.
But you have that city person, versus the farmer or rancher who
has grown up on the land and lived out in the country his entire
life. He has a well, a septic tank or a lagoon, chickens, a garden,
a milk cow, perhaps some goats and maybe a greenhouse. He
runs cattle, and perhaps grows corn, as well as hay for his cattle.
Now, I ask you, what is the difference between those two insofar
as “surviving” goes? Which one is in a better situation, a more
survivable situation? It takes many people years to understand
that the “survivalist” is merely that - he is a survivalist; he is not
a survivor. There were many “survivalists” leaving fingernail
marks on the outside of Noah’s ark. Noah was a survivor. We
need to have an ark; we need to be survivors, living and working
in a survivable area, not mere survivalists, whose last minute
plan is not workable for even one out of a thousand people.


Next you transition from the concept, or attitude, of “us four and
no more” versus that of beginning to look at the ability to keep
other people alive. These people might be friends, family, fairly
new acquaintances, or they might be complete strangers. They
may be refugees when it comes down to that. One truth, which
we would do well to keep at the forefront of our plans is a
statement by Buckminster Fuller. For anyone who does not know
who Fuller was; he designed the geodesic dome and thousands
of other inventions. He was a very far-sighted man, a Solomon
of his generation insofar as his inventiveness went. He said this:
“We now know what true wealth is. True wealth is the ability to
regenerate forward life. In other words, how many people can
you keep alive for how many days?”

Now I would ask that question of anyone who is reading this

booklet. You may “own” a half a million dollar home; you may
have a five million dollar estate. But if all you have is paper
money, and bricks and mortar and stone, with green grass out
front and an SUV in the garage, you really have nothing. I ask
you this question: do you have the ability to regenerate forward
life? As a believer, unless you are willing to put the things you
“own” to work for the building of the Kingdom of Heaven, of Zion,
you are not wealthy.

I’ve said for many years, that someday things are going to be
turned upside down, topsy-turvy. When the economy crashes or
whatever happens, how many people can you keep alive for how
many days? If your answer is zero, then you’re not wealthy. The
sum total of everything you own will be worth nothing. There
will be people who were relatively poor who will suddenly be
wealthy because they will have true wealth.


To put it into a different perspective; let us look at something

that happened to us. We were going to be moving and while we
were visiting, we went to look at land that a friend of ours was
planning to buy (this is the person that we would be working
with). He had a large family. They lived in the country with a
garden and chickens. They lived as close to the land as they
could, and they had a vineyard. They had the ability to make
vinegar and wine. They had good neighbors around. They were
surrounded by good people, and they were working with good
people. They had a business from which they could ship product
nationwide. We went to see the land, and as we were driving
away, we hadn’t gone but a quarter of a mile, and my son, who
was seventeen, said something very insightful to me. Now you
have to understand that he and I traveled all over the country
during the Y2K concern. We did expos in many major cities. We
met some wonderful people; I met some very wealthy people
who were literally millionaires. They had visited the Whitehouse,
and were big supporters of political candidates. We have done
work in million dollar homes. My son has met some very
influential, great leaders, and very wealthy people. As we were
pulling out of there he said, “You know, Dad, of all the people
that we have met in our entire life, Kent is the wealthiest man
that we know.” And this is true because he had the ability to
regenerate forward life. That was true wisdom and insight on his


Now to put it into another light- the classic example is that of the
story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph, when explaining the dream,
and then being asked to put that dream into practice, stored up
what? He did not stock up gold or silver, he stored up food. And
what did that in turn become? He stored up the ability to keep
people alive. He stored up the ability to regenerate forward life,
and so when famine came, people came to him and traded their
money, goods and land for food. He stored up the ability to
regenerate forward life and that became wealth. But the true
wealth was in the food or the ability to regenerate forward life.
And in doing that, I might point out, he saved his own family; he
saved the entire House of Israel. So the life of the patriarch
Joseph is the most powerful illustration we have of what I am
trying to get across here.


This is where we need to be heading if we want to consider

ourselves wealthy. We need to have food and it needs to be food
that is growing. The best form of food preservation is meat on
the hoof and crops in the ground. Another experience my son
and I had, way back when we were in Denver, happened in a
restaurant which “counter-culture” types often frequented; you
know, you’d have radicals and patriots and all kinds of different
people. This one gentleman was sitting up at the counter and
we were sitting at a booth. He was talking to somebody about
his investments and buying stock in DIA (Denver International
Airport). I made a comment out loud to him while they were
talking. Later I made another comment out loud, and so a while
later, after his friend left, he came and sat down at the booth
with us and told us about how you could get a ten percent
discount on Canadian gold maple leaves if you drove to Canada
and bought a quarter of a million dollars at a time. And I said,
“Ian, what are we waiting for, let’s go.”


He did recognize, however, that while talking about buying

massive amounts of gold coins, and knowing people who did,
that gold is not true wealth when times are hard. He told us
about Germany in World War II and how people would come
down the country roads and see a farm with a garden, and they
would come up to the door of a farm house and they would
knock on the door. When the farmer would come to the door,
they would offer to buy food with gold and they were sent on
down the road. The man said three times “the garden was worth
more than the gold” and this has stuck with me. “The garden
was worth more than the gold.” We need to have food in the
ground; we need to have gardens, orchards, vineyards, olive
yards, bees, goats, chickens, and cattle. We need to have meat
on the hoof and crops in the ground. I wrote a poem sometime
back and it is entitled “Alas Babylon.” This was written about the
time of Pentecost.

In wrath remember mercy, the prophet Habakkuk pled,
Their judgments are our blessings, is how that could be read.
Were not 3 million people by plagues from Egypt freed?
May we by Yahweh’s catastrophes from Babylon us lead.
Yeah, it would be wise to heed the writing on the wall.
Relocate our families before the empire’s fall.
We’ll learn to grow a garden- worth more than lifeless gold,
Build our new communities and our new borders hold.
Cut your losses! Burn your bridges! You’d better do it now.
10 WINGS of an EAGLE
Don’t look back; escape the fire; put your hand upon the plow.
It takes some time to settle in, be trusted, learn the ropes,
We must build a house and grow some crops if we’re to live our
The war we fought for freedom 200 years ago,
Dragged on for 8 long dark years; hunger pangs did many know.
We’ll never last the coming wrath unless our storage food
And that is meat upon the hoof and crops within the ground.
It is not just for “us four- no more” from our stores we’ll have to
Shan’t we our brother’s keepers be, thus obeying Bible law?
Would Joseph have been blessed of God with an attitude like
See the world starve to death while only the rich grew fat?
But no, in blessing all the world he reached his own family too,
Thus saved all Israel from death and received the double birth
right too.
America is Joseph’s house, Manasseh tribe by name,
And parts of all the other twelve, who gather in his name

For Shiloh soon is to return whose right it is to rule.

He’ll crush the nations with His law and in righteousness us
It falls to Joseph once again to savior all the rest.
Thus the entire world looks on as we begin the test.
Our test begins right now to use what we thought we owned.
To build a kingdom we can’t yet see with what God to us has
To lay our every resource down in sacrifice before his feet
11 WINGS of an EAGLE
Will seem as nothing when at last the nail scarred man we meet.
He will not own you then, if you do not own Him now.
Obey His word, escape the world and- yes begin to plow.
If with His image- our children- we’ll fill up all the world,
The millennial Kingdom will have come, His glorious banner

So that poem brings out several ideas: 1) we’re headed for hard
times, 2) we need to be living closer to the land, 3) whether we
believe it or not, whether we like it or not, if we are living in a
safe area, we will most likely see vast numbers of refugees
pouring out of the cities as the social infrastructure deteriorates
in this country, and 4) storage food, when we speak of storage
food, needs to be utilizing the best method of food preservation
that there is, and that is meat on the hoof and crops in the
ground. It needs to be growing.


Back in the 1830s, Joseph Smith made a prophecy. He said that

the area of SW Missouri would be so flooded with refugees that
there would almost be the threat of famine. It was not because
the land was not capable of producing enough food for such a
massive amount of people, but because you just can’t store
enough food for the vast numbers he saw coming as refugees.
Yes, there should be food storage, but the main part of your
“food storage” needs to be crops or growing food. No matter
what one may believe about Joseph Smith or the Mormon Church
in general, this statement has a lot of wisdom and foresight in it.
And I would also point out that were it not for the Mormon
movement, there would be precious little capability in this
country in the way of food storage technology. So that is one
part of the big picture I saw ten years ago. Had this area of food
12 WINGS of an EAGLE
production been left to the churches of general Christendom,
with their rapture or their preterism, there would be no long term
food storage plants anywhere in America.

So this is what we will be faced with, refugees, or homeless

people. When, not if, judgment begins in this country, we’re
going to see some massive amounts of changes. As they come
into a part of the country that I believe will be ruled by God’s law
(and this is an area we’re going to cover briefly, what area of the
country to go to), things are going to change. Life is going to be
very different. We can refuse to be a part of the solution, but in
so doing, we will be making ourselves a part of the problem.

We need to be as prepared as possible. As many people as

possible need to do things ahead of time. In other words, we
need to do these things now. It is virtually too late now, but a lot
of good can still be done. A lot of preparation and groundwork
can still be laid, and so we need to have the utmost in
cooperation. We do not need to have perfect doctrine. We do
not need to have the splitting of hairs and arguing and
screaming and yelling about doctrinal points of view, we need to
work- and work together. One of this country’s founding fathers
stated, “Gentlemen, we shall either hang together or we will
most assuredly hang separately.” May I suggest that an untold
amount of suffering could be avoided by cooperative


We need to get back to the land and be caretakers of the garden.

Adam and Eve were given the charge to take care of the garden,
to take care of the earth. In fact, the series of commands to “be
fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, take dominion and subdue

13 WINGS of an EAGLE
it” is five things, and they’re not all saying the same thing.
They’re not all saying be fruitful and multiply - you know, have
many, many children. The “replenish the earth” part, I believe,
at least in part is to take care of the earth, to take care of the
garden, to be caretakers, to tend it, to replenish and renew the
soil. We would be blessed much more by “replenishing the
earth” instead of poisoning and toxic waste dumping and strip
mining and clear cutting it, all of which are far too prevalent. I
know that I may sound like a liberal; I’m not, honest, but we do
need to take care of the earth. “When man sins; nature suffers”
was a dictum laid down by a memorable speaker I once heard
back in my college days.

Consider that in the book of Revelation, many of the judgments

that are going to come are earth-oriented judgments, in other
words: earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, pestilence, famine and
drought. Now if we are living close to the earth, and growing our
wealth from the ground, and raising livestock, and care-taking
the earth as we are commanded to by our Creator, and
replenishing the soil, replenishing the earth, might it be possible
that we be spared a great measure of judgment?


Certainly, I would hope that to be the case if we are in an area of

refuge. It says in Isaiah 4:5 that “The Lord will create upon every
dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies a cloud
and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night, for
upon all the glory shall be a defense and there shall be a
tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat and for the
place of refuge and for a covert from storm and from rain.” So I
believe that there are going to be different areas of the country,
perhaps eastern Washington, central Idaho, up in Michigan,
Kentucky/ Tennessee and perhaps many others, but, I do believe
14 WINGS of an EAGLE
that some of those are going to be temporary. I don’t know. It’s
just conjecture on my part.

I am very clear, however, that the area of the central United

States is now, and will be, one of the best places in the world to
be. This would be based upon The Christian Patriot Civil Defense
Association, which held that from Scottsbluff, Nebraska to
Lubbock, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
would be the area to gather to and how big the “SAFE AREA”
ended up being would depend on how many good people
gathered there before the breakdown. I also saw that in George
Washington’s vision at Valley Forge, when he foresees a last
day’s invasion of America by many nations, states clearly that
those who survived would be driven to the center of the country.
A “heavenly host” army would help them.


On December 16th, 1838, a group of 464 South African

Voortrekkers, when attacked by 15,000 Zulus, were allegedly
aided by a heavenly host. Similarly, the British in World War II,
when the Luftwafte was coming over to bomb London for the last
time and there were no fighters left, watched the hordes of
enemy planes turn around and go home. Later, when asked,
German pilots said that there were hundreds and hundreds of
white planes in the air and they were terrified of being
annihilated and so they turned around and flew back to

And so that is the scenario in George Washington’s Vision. There

will be a heavenly host coming to the aid of the inhabitants, or
the good people of the land that were driven to the interior. So I
believe there will be areas of refuge, and certainly “the interior

15 WINGS of an EAGLE
of the land” being one of them, if not the main one. To cover all
the facts and topics relevant here, would take a couple of
hundred pages. In brief, I believe that an area with Springfield,
Missouri as its center will be the safest place to be in the next
few years. How large that area turns out to be will depend on
how many good people gather there. This is based on a
multitude of reasons such as soil, growing season, wood
availability for heating and building, being near like-minded folk,
lack of building codes, and above all… water.


Corrie Ten Boom, author of In My Father’s House, was in a

concentration camp during World War II. Years later, while on a
plane flight over the Midwest, she said that she had a vision of a
circular area, mostly in Missouri, with a wall of fire around it.
Inside everything was green and lush. Children were playing and
cattle were grazing and crops were growing. Outside there was
desolation, anarchy, chaos, death, destruction, pestilence,
famine and drought. She also allegedly had a vision of the area
being surrounded by angels with drawn swords five ranks deep.
So she moved to northern Arkansas (Eureka Springs) and lived
out her days there. The only source for this is from Charles
Jennings, who has a website Any others
would be appreciated.*


One more comment on America is a recommendation to read

Civil War Two by Tom Chittum. This book has a single theme;
America has become a multi-national empire, and all such
empires degenerate into civil war. In relation to the rectangular
area described above, this scenario whittles the central safe area

16 WINGS of an EAGLE
down by hundreds of miles on the southeast (NEW Mexico - and I
am not talking about the state, but rather AZTLAN, and the “plan
of San Diego” to kill every white male over the age of 16), and
on the southeast because of the overwhelming numerical
superiority of the black population and other races. In spite of
attending innumerable patriot, prophecy and other meetings and
watching hundreds of alarmist videos, this book was one of the
most sobering and chilling, yet factual and realistic books I have
ever read in my life. This includes close to a hundred science
fiction and fantasy doomsday books.


The most powerful and telling description of America as having a

prominent place in a last days scenario comes from scripture
itself, in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel. For a full analysis
of this position, please read the works by F. E. Pitts, which are
available online at several sites. A brief summary of his position
is at
He has the distinction of preaching these ideas twice before the
United States Congress at their invitation.

In brief, let it be pointed out that not one of the descriptions of

“the land of the people of Israel” is a description of Palestine, or
of the people who presently occupy it, who use the name Jew
and incorrectly named their country Israel. (Why not Judah?)
Every single description fits America exactly. Many of them fit
only America of all the nations on earth.


17 WINGS of an EAGLE
Many people, ”Christians” included, have been convinced that
America is going down; that they must go to some other country
such as Belize, Argentina, or Canada. The motivation is fear,
mongered by newsletter writers such as Don MacAlvaney and
others. Many are convinced to buy gold, and do. Ezekiel 7:15
and ff states that silver and gold will be thrown into the street;
they will be worthless. Fear is not a bad motivator, IF GOD GIVES
IT. Noah “moved with fear built an ark…” If it is fear that only
wants to save ones own life, it is not good; it is selfish. The
desire to own gold may not be wrong, but again, it can be only
greed with a fine veneer.

In light of the passage in Ezekiel, both motivators in this point in

time are wrong. They are ungodly greed and ungodly fear. They
will, in most cases, lead to destruction. One family I know may
move to Hawaii. Now let’s see; living on a military target with a
big black X on it is not my idea of intelligence. It is also the top
of a huge volcano, susceptible to the ring of fire of the pacific. In
addition, it is not a survivable place, being subject to major earth
and water catastrophes.

One absolute fact must be considered before a major move like

this, one already mentioned. Life is not going to continue as it is
now. Countries are changing. War is inevitable. Do not live
where invading armies are going to be. Do not be where civil
war will wreak havoc. Canada once had 3 million land mines to
prevent Russia from crossing the country. They are gone, thanks
in part to Princess Diana’s crusade against them. Handguns are
essentially illegal. Canada is a highway to America for Russia,
and any part of Canada that the Russians decide is a nice place
to occupy and farm, will be “pacified.” Pacify, in military jargon,
means to “terminate with extreme prejudice” all living
opposition, something the spetsnatz as well as the regular army,

18 WINGS of an EAGLE
are experts at. Before going, I suggest one learn Russian now; it
is not too hard to pick up.

Further, if one looks at a map of the great lakes region and

northward, it will not take a rocket scientist to figure out that
what land is there is an enormous mass of nearly submerged
islands. I posit that in the near future with chunks of Antarctica
the size of Rhode Island falling off, and Greenland melting away,
that nearly all of the area which looks like it is an ocean with lots
of islands will be an ocean with no islands. It is entirely
conceivable that from Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico could
become a several hundred mile wide waterway.

The point is that coastal areas, whether due to a gradual rise of

the ocean level, or a catastrophic event on the low side like
Katrina, and on the high side a LUCIFER’S HAMMER Extinction
Level Event, would not seem to be safe areas to plan on
surviving in.


So this plan that the Lord gave me is a very far-reaching plan

and all we’re going to get down here is a beginning, an outline I
guess, and I need to get into that. In order to do that I just
wanted to touch on the passage in Revelation chapter 12. It
speaks of the woman who is given two wings of a great eagle
that she might fly into the wilderness. The dragon was wroth
that she had escaped, and so he spewed out a flood of water and
the earth helped the woman and opened up and swallowed the
flood. And so that was something that for several years, actually
when we moved out from Denver in ’97, my prayer was to go
into the wilderness. That didn’t really happen. We ended up in a
small town of 200, which compared to Denver and the front

19 WINGS of an EAGLE
range population base of 2 million people is certainly wilderness,
but we knew fairly soon that it was not where we wanted to be
and that we would be moving. So coming into ’97 I felt that this
would be a time to move. A cycle of 4 years in Denver of
teaching and educating and waking people up and then we
moved, and we’ve been here 4 years, teaching and educating
and helping people and holding meetings and training and
providing people with stuff and I felt it was time to move, and the
case is turning out that it is, and that it is happening very
suddenly, 11th hour. So my prayer was to go out into the
wilderness, that’s where my heart is to be- out into the woods, in
the wilderness and to live close to the earth. The Lord put that
desire there. For many of us it’s in our blood, if you would rather
live out in the country than in the city, it’s in your blood. It’s a
Celtic or ancestral thing with the Israelite people.

20 WINGS of an EAGLE

We need to be out in the country where we can be survivors, and

not in the cities where we are merely survivalists. In the cities,
many people who consider themselves survivalists may have
tons and tons of goods. I believe a lot of them will have to leave
those supplies behind, and they will be scavenged, or salvaged
or stolen by other people. But a lot of those people eventually -
and I’m looking at a 3 year time period here- that at the end of
that time period people will be on foot, with the shirt on their
back and that’s all. It’s sad but true and it’s always happened.

We’ll just be seeing history repeat itself. Think about the history
cycle of Beirut. When you think about it, it’s a bombed out city,
a war torn city and has been for many years. Was it always that
way? Beirut was once the Paris of the Middle East. Sarajevo,
site of the 1980 Winter Olympics, was once a beautiful city. Now
it’s a bombed out and war torn town, also. It used to be called
the Beirut of the Balkans because it was so picturesque. Beirut
was the Paris of the Middle East. Both cities are now full of
craters, shelled buildings and human misery. There has been
incredible destruction of medical and educational facilities and
historical monuments. The point here is that throughout man’s
history, war comes, civilization breaks down, and people are
refugees. They are pushing carts, they are pulling wagons, with
bird cages hanging off the side of the cart. You know they are
taking whatever they perceive of value and they are going out
into the country to try to find sustenance, to try to find food.
There is no food in the cities, none.


21 WINGS of an EAGLE
When war hits bad things happen. When food supplies are
interrupted in this country, people will very, very quickly become
violent. There is a movie called The Trigger Effect. The question
in the movie was how soon after the power goes out in a city will
people become violent. How long will it be before they begin
preying on one another through theft, and burglary, even to the
point of committing murder? The conclusion of the movie is: not
very long.

There is going to be a breakdown in this country. It may be

precipitated by an economic collapse. It may be any number of
catalysts - drought, disease, invasion, or internal strife. Most
likely it will involve a combination of many factors. We are
seeing several at work already. We have the threat of
“terrorism” doing incredible damage to the airlines, as well as
the economy in general. What is happening is the judgment of
God. It would be well to prepare ourselves ahead of time.


So the idea that the woman fled into the wilderness and the
dragon poured out a flood and the earth absorbed or swallowed
that flood, so what I’m leading up to here is a concept, a way of
life, a building of homes that will “swallow” the cold, and
“swallow” or absorb the heat and swallow or absorb radiation.
Well, what is your best defense against radiation? The answer is
“three feet of dirt.” Gary North wrote a book, With Enough
Shovels, which gives this answer.

So if we were to live in earth sheltered, or underground homes,

we would be able to live more comfortably year round, zero
dollars paid out for cooling in the summer and virtually no
money paid out in the winter for heating. We have lived in a

22 WINGS of an EAGLE
COB HOUSE as well as an EARTH SHELTERED HOME. In both, we
did not fire up our wood stove until months after other people
had their furnaces on. When we did, the wood provided free
heat. Thus we’ve been dealing with designing simple, free,
cheap easy ways to build these homes and the heating systems.
So this is the area where the plan begins and revolves around:
mortgage-free housing. Eliminate completely the “death-
pledge”, or mortgage. Eliminate completely any expense in the
area of cooling. Virtually eliminate heating costs. So I’m going
to go into that at this point.


One Statement That I have kept in mind for about 30 years is

that “It is better to be a year too early than a day too late.”

The core of the idea of the plan, which I’ll call Eagle Wings
(because there are believers in the cities and they need two
wings of a great eagle to help them get out into the country),
began with a short dream, or vision. I want to say that I am by
putting this on tape and then putting this in print and putting it
out on the Internet - encouraging people to take part in it and to
be a part of it. By doing this we are speaking this plan into
existence. It’s going to happen, it has to happen, it will happen,
to what extent it’s going to happen I can’t say. I feel driven and
pushed to get this done as soon as possible because we do not
have any minutes, hours, weeks, months and definitely not years
to spare. At the very, very, very outside I believe we’ve got
three years to see all this come to pass and then the door is
going to be shut. A friend of mine was given a poem back in
early December of 1998 and it says in part and I’ve rewritten and
taken on a little bit of poetic liberty here:

23 WINGS of an EAGLE
2001 it's just begun
2002 they break the golden rule
2003 we are not free
2004 God shuts the door
2005 Whose left alive
2006 pick up the sticks
2007 God’s glorious heaven

I think that’s about as accurate a time sequence as I can

imagine, so 2004 God shuts the door, my sense is we better plan
on being done by 2003. Even at that time, going into that time
period people are going to be refugees. I have had, call it a
vision, just a sight, a picture burned into my mind for twenty
years of a tent city. So it was put onto my heart. Back then I
thought well, I’m crazy, but I was driven to buy tents, and
sleeping bags and blankets, sweaters, boots and gear to provide
for those people that I saw in that vision. So here twenty years
later we are going out into a community, out in the wilderness
and at some point of time I do believe that we’re going to have
that tent city. It’s going to happen. There will be many, many


This is how this plan began for me. I had visited my wife down in
Missouri, she was down there waiting for a friend to have a baby,
and I visited her. Early in the morning, I was sitting up in bed
about 3 am. I was awake, I wasn’t sleeping so it wasn’t a dream
but, I had this picture in my mind, but a moving one, it wasn’t a
still thing. I’m facing toward this home; it’s an earth bermed
home. All I could see was the front of it, the rest of it was just hill
or into the earth. A young family comes walking toward the

24 WINGS of an EAGLE
woods toward me, to the right of the home; I’m facing the front
of the home so they are coming up on my left. They come
around and they don’t see anything or me, and I’m watching.
They curl around and see the home and the door’s there, and it’s
a wooden door with a welcome mat out front and, it’s their
home. There is bedding in there, a stove with wood in it ready to
light up. A few utensils in the kitchen and some food, and it just
broke me up, I cried. My wife kept asking what’s wrong, she
thought something was physically wrong and for a long time it
just tore me up inside; I could not talk to see that something that
beautiful could happen, that this young refugee family, on foot is
coming into this area with no food, two small children, nowhere
to go, they’re homeless, and for a home to be waiting for them,
and it just spoke volumes to me about the capability that we do
have to see that happen for a large number of people.


And so I believe that is going to happen. I never really said that

before but I believe that is going to happen. So that began a
three-day marathon. I wouldn’t say I intended to do it, but just a
marathon of thoughts and a structuring of a plan or idea flowed
through my head, a massive plan to see that be able to happen.
What I “saw” was at the tail end of the three years. These were
people on foot - not people selling their homes in the city
because they had foresight enough, sense enough, guts enough,
desire enough, and determination enough to sell their home in
the city while it was worth anything at all and use that money for
the building of the Kingdom of God. This was a couple that
didn’t have the drive, the money or whatever it took to relocate
sooner. Instead of having all their life’s accumulated wealth, and
pulling a loaded trailer, they are on foot, with the clothes on their
back, small children in hand. But for whatever reason, this is
going to happen, there will be refugees they may be true
25 WINGS of an EAGLE
believers, and so, nonetheless they are refugees, for whatever

26 WINGS of an EAGLE

To see them have a home, however, is possible. It is possible.

It’s possible that 3 million people could come out of “Babylon”
the system and the cities in the next few years. We can see it
happen, we can make it happen and be part of it happening. It’s
an awesome idea and I believe that we are speaking this into
existence. We’re speaking that dream into existence and this
concept, this plan into existence. Put it out on the Internet, e-
mail it to everyone, and develop websites for it, and link up with
other websites that are community oriented. Get the idea out
there. Plant it; spread it; broadcast it.


This is the core of the idea. Let’s say you live in what would be
the safe area, mostly southwestern Missouri, southeast Kansas,
northeast Oklahoma, northwest Arkansas or some other area of
the country and you owned 200 acres. What would be wrong
with tithing 10 percent of that land to the Lord for the building of
homes for the poor, refugees, widows, and orphans? We are
commanded to take care of those people. It’s in the law both in
the Old Testament, as well as the New. Ten acres is enough as a
rule of thumb for a family to subsist on. They can graze a milk
cow and raise a garden and have wood to cut for a fire and to
build a home with. Two families could subsist on the 200 acres
that is owned by the landowner without really encroaching upon
the landowner. In fact if you looked at them as poor but good
people, and they didn’t make it out in time and they didn’t sell
their house like you did twenty years ago and established
yourself on the land and bought 200 acres. Well let’s say that
you build homes and they’re there and two families show up and
need homes and they are willing to work. You now have two
families of “employees.” In Biblical terms they are servants or
27 WINGS of an EAGLE
slaves; that’s Old Testament. This is a part of the plan. People
that already own land tithe 10 percent and set it aside. Now are
you going to build those homes at your own expense, no you
don’t need to. I hope to see increased numbers of construction
companies building these homes. For the setting aside of that
land, which in most parts of Missouri and these areas, 10 acres
would be worth about ten thousand dollars. They would still own
it and be caretakers of it. They’re going to obey the law by
taking care of the poor, the widows, and the needy. You may
have a widow that has a business, a very good business. Maybe
for the exchange for that land we build a house or a garage or an
office building near your main house, that’s 8 thousand dollars
for the house. Build it for 8 thousand dollars in trade for the 10
acres that would be set-aside basically for the Lord. Then build a
house on that property for a family to come in and live there.


When that is done and that property is set-aside for the Lord and
that family comes in who is poor or needy, refugee or a widow or
an orphan under the care of a Ward or someone. You now have
more “employees.” You’ve added a significant margin to the
survivability factor of your small community, your family
community on your 200 acres. So that’s the gist of the plan.
That can expand to a farmer who has 1,000 acres and if he
would be willing to set aside some of that acreage, 10 percent.
There could be a small community there around him. They
could help him farm the place. It’s an idea that can happen.


Another thing that Israel always did was to build altars when
claiming land. To walk the land everywhere on which you tread

28 WINGS of an EAGLE
with the sole of your foot I shall give unto you. When Joshua
crossed the Jordan they had one man from each tribe pick up
twelve stones from the middle of the river and they built an altar.
Joshua built an altar. So, one way to claim land is to build altars.
Well, my family, thinking that we still wanted to rent a certain
house and a certain property, built an altar there. The very next
time I spoke with the landowner to tell her at that point in time
that we were not interested in the house, even though it’s a
beautiful house. It’s a mansion and probably worth half a million
dollars. It’s on 160 acres. It was $350 per month rent with a
huge steel barn, a pond, a fenced pasture for cattle, a huge
garden area, pecan trees, apple trees, and all that. It was
phenomenal for $350 per month. And I called her to tell her that
nope, we don’t want that property because we realized we have
to live in a home that when we’re done building, it won’t cost
anything. It’s paid for and it won’t cost us anything to heat or
cool, which this big house would. I told her we wanted to build
an earth-sheltered house. I said all that I need was land to build
it on. She said, “Well I have 160 acres; you can build a house on
my land.” She’d have to check with her husband and her son.
So here is a beautiful example. We built an altar and prayed and
claimed the land and the very next time I talked to that
landowner that land was offered to me for the building of a home
and I explained my idea, the plan to her, the Eagle’s wing plan. I
felt it was a confirmation of two of the ideas - of building altars,
and of building/ owning a home which is paid for free and clear,
with no interest or loan payments to a bank.


The core idea of what we’re dealing with here is a program to

build homes and it’s going to take a lot, it may very well demand
working together with people that you might not be on the same
page with in all areas. You may be on the same page in a lot of
29 WINGS of an EAGLE
ways, which we are and yet doctrinally there may be differences
here and there. It’s going to take a lot of cooperation in a lot of
areas and that’s what we need to get into here.


In regard to this, what kind of area are we looking at? What area
of the country, what area of the state should be considered? I’d
say that we’re looking at an area where land is not real
expensive. You’re not near large population centers, which drive
the price of land up to anywhere from $2,000 an acre and up. In
Denver, actually up in Fort Collins a friend of ours said to buy just
a lot for a module or mobile home is $70-80,000 that’s mind
boggling, it’s insane. For $70-80,00 out here in
Missouri/Arkansas, at $1,000 an acre you can get 70 acres and
build your own home, have a garden, goats, chickens, ducks,
geese or lamas, whatever you want to raise. So what area of the
country? An area perhaps where there’s good wood for building
and firewood. We need an area where the soil is good. It must
be an area of the country where wind patterns are not going to
dump a lot of radioactive material on you. A place where there
are no building codes would be advisable to reduce the cost of
home building. I think that is critical. If we’re going to build
earth-sheltered homes we can’t be, in we’re going to build a lot
of homes inexpensively, it’s going to have to be in an area of the
country where you’re not fighting building inspectors and that
driving the cost of the construction up and you have to contract
with a particular type of contractor, a state licenses contractor.
We’ve got to be in an area where we can go out and build a
home and live in it and not have anybody on our backs or
looking over our shoulders or photographing our structure and
taxing us for it. That is a critical area there. There needs to be
water, surface water, well water, and ponds. Wildlife would be
nice, not necessary.
30 WINGS of an EAGLE

So that’s where we’re heading at, that’s it on the introduction.

Specifically we’re going to deal with the plan, the idea of the
Eagle’s Wings program. Initially I’m done with the introduction
overall but just a real quick background of the evolution or the
development of this, the things that laid the ground work for it.
The plan itself all kind of came together within 3 days but, in the
book of Acts you had people sharing, holding all things in
common and when they had a need, the need was met. It began
with people selling land and laying the money at the apostle’s
feet. They were selling land that was out in the country so that
they could minister within the cities. I believe it’s the opposite
now. That was the beginning of the church era and now at the
end of the church era I believe that we need to sell the
properties in the cities, it’s too late to minister, the salt needs to
be preserved. The carcass is dead; it’s rotting. And the church
needs to get out of the cities and go out into the country so that
the salt can be preserved for a time when it is needed. That’s
basically the book of Acts what I see applying to today and I saw
that back in 1993 when we first began waking up and realizing
who we were and learning about Israel identity. Another guy, a
Christian, Don Paul writes a series of books (he was a green
beret) called Everybody’s Knife Bible, Great Living in Grubby
Times and a general book on preparedness. They are really
good books, very well written and very concise with brand new
information for a lot of people. He advocated the concept of
working together. He said if you have five families or five
members, that by pooling their resources they could have five
times the amount of things available to them. Instead of every
single person buying a chainsaw, you might be able to use one
or two. Let’s say you felt like you needed to have a drill press.
Well one drill press could serve for everybody. So you expand

31 WINGS of an EAGLE
your capabilities and resources. By pooling resources you
multiply them. So I proposed this back then and the reaction
was “No, well I bought mine and it’s my stuff and I’m not going
to share it.” We’ve probably at that time had 10, 50, 100 times
more stuff then other people and they still refused and so OK,
fine and well and good.

32 WINGS of an EAGLE

A friend of ours, one of my wife’s friends in Colorado is a Mormon

and she told me one time how she went to a reenactment of the
trek west and she said that some of the poorer Mormons used
carts; they didn’t use wagons, so they didn’t have so much
money tied up in moving. They walked. They had handcarts
that they pushed or pulled I’m not sure which, but they put their
belongings on the cart and they walked. A collection would be
taken up, a family would be supplied with utensil tools, money,
etc and they would go out to Utah and when they would get
established and when they were making money they would send
money back to bring another family out so it was a continuous
immigration. That is an interesting concept. It is a workable
concept. It is kind of part of this idea that you have continuous
exodus, immigration into Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Idaho,
Michigan or wherever but, it’s a continuous exodus out of the
cities over the next three years. So I proposed the idea of
sharing again to a home church group that we had here and
everybody pretty much was like “It doesn’t work, it can’t happen,
it won’t happen, it’s communism.” I said, “Look, it did work, it
worked in the book of Acts. If no other time in history, it did work
in the book of Acts.”


Then you have the idea of the Amish. I just heard this last week,
and it is a fabulous idea. A certain man is given a full time job of
going around and raising money. His goal he is supposed to
raise is $30,000 per month. And some of that is gathered from
tithes and some of the business owners maybe contribute more
and wealthy people contribute more. Then that man’s job is to
take that $30,000 and buy farms. Well, $30,000 will buy 30-40
acres in this area. So every month this man is responsible for
33 WINGS of an EAGLE
purchasing 30 acres a month let’s say. This man said some
people describe the Amish as being the last intact or separated
Israelite tribe. Whether that’s true or not I don’t know and I
don’t have any speculation as to which tribe that would be, but
very intelligent, very wise. Why can’t we put that principle into
practice? If everybody in the cities would tithe to an
organization or a committee or a treasurer or caretaker and we
would go around and purchase land, this would be a store house,
basically a bishop store house, that’s exactly what the Mormon’s
call it. Put money into that storehouse for a return to the land
and this can be accomplished. There are people sitting on
massive amounts of money, people that have money in 401Ks
and CDs and money markets and stocks and their IRAs and life
insurance and things that are in essence worthless, or will be
worthless. Many years ago when we came out here to Kansas
we cashed in a life insurance policy and used the money for what
we felt was the Lord’s work.


James Stivers, an author, in the book The Holy Conspiracy

speaks of the fact that the south was a self-sustaining
civilization, that it was a Celtic (Scottish Irish) society. It was
butting heads with the Roman Imperial one-world mentality. And
now at this point in time, this is the 6th time in history when the
Celtic mindset is warring against the Roman-Imperial one world

Charles Jennings, another author, made the statement that in

the south, when a boy came of age he was given a working
plantation. And so that, and what I had just read from James
Stivers really clicked and said that’s possible, we can do that,
there’s no reason why we can’t. We can gather construction
materials and we can have homes built for young men and
34 WINGS of an EAGLE
families as they come of age and so they can start having
children right away without waiting and without paying off any
mortgage; the house will be paid for before he ever gets
married. This is how the whole idea of the possibility of it
evolved. We’ve already been thinking about alternative homes,
for many years we’ve loved cordwood. We’ve now figured out
that you can use cob, which is a mixture of clay, sand and straw
as mortar for the cordwood. That reduces the expense even
more. You’re not paying for cement and whatnot.

One major factor in building a community or a civilization that

will be self-sustaining is to have all of the areas of food
production, manufacturing and raw materials in operation
“locally.” One man, when speaking of Missouri as a good place
to live, said that it could be a nation in itself, because there is
everything in state to be survivable. I have heard that there are
more cattle grown in Missouri, than any state, including Texas. A
community must be able to grow, build or produce everything it
needs, or be able to have enough valuable products to trade or
sell to get those things it does not have.

35 WINGS of an EAGLE

Around Passover, I had prayed, I was at work and all day long
just from my heart I was praying “Lord, deliver me from the hand
of the oppressor, deliver me from the hand of the Midianite.” At
2:45 the boss came around and said we are having a meeting up
in the break room and about 20 of us were laid off due to lack of
work. I just went, “Praise God, that was a very quick answer to
prayer; I’ve been delivered. I now have no job but I was
delivered.” Well, 6 months later at Tabernacles I got my answer
and that was to live in a home that is completely paid for. No
mortgage, no rent to a landlord, virtually no expenses for
heating and cooling. You must understand that this is a major
revelation that most people never figure out. The average family
spends over a thousand dollars a month on something they do
not own and may succeed in paying off just before they die.
Then estate taxes steal a lifetime of hard work from the
scriptural rightful heirs- the family of the deceased. Why so you
think it is called a mortgage? The word is from the French, and
means death-debt!!! You statistically will not pay it off before you

By building your own home, you have, in reality, made yourself a

millionaire, by putting the half million to one million dollars you
would have spent on housing you will never own, into your own


If you build an earth-bermed home in the summer you have a

60-degree temperature. If it’s 110 degrees outside, it’s 60
degrees inside, and that’s very livable. You don’t spend any
money on air-conditioning whatsoever. Grow some trees out

36 WINGS of an EAGLE
front, some vines and buy some solar screen netting and shield
off the south side and you’ve got yourself a very comfortable
home. In the wintertime, with a proper stove with thermal mass,
it’s going to cost virtually nothing to heat it. Because you’re
going from sixty degrees to seventy-two degrees, you’re heating
twelve degrees. If it’s zero degrees outside everybody else is
heating how much? Seventy-two degrees. If you have an earth-
bermed home, you’re only heating twelve degrees, so that’s a
factor of six times. 6 x 12 = 72. So everybody else is going to
be heating six times more. They’re going to be paying six times
more than you are. They’re going to be working six times longer
than you are. They’re going to be using six times as much fuel
for their chainsaw. Six times as much gas in a truck. So this is


I was speaking with a friend about the concept of being a ward

and coverture and this friend of mine read from the Webster’s
dictionary of 1828, which is awesome resource. In the course of
the conversation she said that her husband has believed and
contended for years that if we are not living on the land we are
insane. Wow what a concept. It blended well with the idea of
coverture or ward because one of the types of people who are
kept under ward is insane people, and we’re all insane according
to her husband. And that’s true if we’re not living close to the
land, especially in this day and age, if we’re not intending to live
on the land, live close to the earth, I believe that we’re going to
be judged, we’re going to starve if nothing else.


37 WINGS of an EAGLE
I have not mentioned until this point, Ezekiel 7:15, which says
those who live near the city or just outside the city will die by the
sword. Those who live inside the city will die by pestilence and
starvation or famine. Those who escaped will be as doves in the
valleys of the mountains. We need to be in the valleys of the
mountains. In other words, we need to be in the hills, the
country. We need to be out on the land. And it also goes on to
say that your silver and your gold will not deliver you. They will
be thrown out in the streets and trodden underfoot. You cannot
eat silver, you cannot eat gold and vice versa. You need food to
subsist and pure water.


So what happened was, to recount a little a bit, I had this picture

in my mind of this young couple or young family coming through
the woods and seeing this home and this home was theirs. So
that broke me up and my mind went into hyper drive or light-
speed or whatever you want to call it and for three days, virtually
nonstop, ideas were going through my mind. One of the things
that we already had an idea of with a man at a Church near us
was a salvage storage area. This church has what they call a
quarter store it’s a thrift store, everything in it is a quarter. You
can go in there and find a $200 suit, a $500 suit a quarter for
each article of clothing. So I came up with the idea of a salvage
thrift storage yard. When you go into construction sites, there
are tons and tons of construction material that’s thrown away,
let’s stock it up. So in different areas, in different counties,
we’ve got within an hour or two drive let’s say you have a
storage yard for salvage and it’s a bishop storehouse. All things
in common if you need something you come in and get it. You
might pay $1.00 maybe $10.00 for something. So you have that
idea. You have people doing that; so Ok, there’s going to have to
be somebody running that yard taking care of it, supervising it.
38 WINGS of an EAGLE
Maybe it’s on somebody’s property where they can keep an eye
on it. You have people that are out doing construction, gathering
these materials. The commercial dumpsters that are 20-ton
capacity the big green or purple dumpsters go to construction
sites and are filled with wood and a lot of good stuff in them.
That stuff can be salvaged and brought to the yard. So this is a
package deal where everybody can do something. A working
example is all the HABITAT FOR HUMANITY stores around.


There’s a job for virtually everybody. And here’s the deal. As

people participate they can have a home built for them. In other
words we can run an ad in the big papers in the areas where we
want to do this “You may qualify for a free home.” People
respond and say “how can I qualify for a free home?” Well, help
us out. You can tithe to this ministry, this organization; send
money. Let’s set the value of one of these homes at $10,000,
since that should cover the value of 10 acres. So we can trade a
home for a garage or a barn, or an office. What about youth
groups? Let’s say they want a retreat center. Let’s say they
have land where those can be built on so we set aside some
homes on the property. Let’s say the church has 500 acres; we
set aside 50 acres as home sites, which is enough for 5 homes.
Then we build a retreat center there. A family that has property
for trade for the land, we’ll build them another home there and
they could run a bed and breakfast or let’s say they have in-laws
come quite often they could have a separate home for the in-
laws, so the in-laws wouldn’t be encroaching on their personal
territory or personal space. There are endless possibilities.
Youth camps, seminars why not build a home for and have a
home paid for your children. This is great motivation. Let’s say
a young man is 15 years old. So he has 5 years to have a home
built for him. I think $10,000 to $12,000 is a reasonable amount
39 WINGS of an EAGLE
so that if someone has land or he or she has the money. One
gentleman I know is an air traffic controller so he has money to
pay for a home perhaps. Someone who works a good job and
they don’t have the time or ability to build a home, maybe
they're a little bit older or don’t have the manpower. So a small
construction company could go around and oversee the building
of homes at a retail value of $12,000. Now every 10th home
they build they tithe a home to the system, the Eagle’s Wings
program where that home is set-aside for people to come home
to the area to live in. So there are a lot of applications there. So
what are the different positions that need to be filled? Obviously
a system would need to be set up to take care of money. Maybe
a treasurer or a board, somebody who is trustworthy is needed.
In the New Testament book of Acts, people sold land and what
did they do with the money? They laid it at the apostle’s feet.
The apostles were trustworthy men. So the bishop’s storehouse
concept is that these are trustworthy men, the money can be
brought in and “deposited” and somebody needs to keep track of
that so you need a treasurer, an accountant. At this point, I
would like to touch on the Amish practice of the fundraising
person. Why not have someone who would go around and
collect money for the program? We desperately need at this late
hour, motivational speakers. We need a lot of these people. We
need speakers who will tell the truth about the future and who
will pleadingly convince people to get out of the cities, out of
Babylon. We need apostolic speakers who will convince people
to invest in the kingdom of God instead of a 401k or a New
Cadillac or a bigger condo or mansion. They need to speak in
the big cities as well as going to different communities.
Webmasters, web designers, people that could put up a website
for this is one thing I want to get done; put it on the Internet.
There are websites already in existence that have to do with
communities. They list quite a few. There’s one website in
particular that’s kind of nuclear oriented, survival oriented. The
man that does the website built the largest survival shelter in the
40 WINGS of an EAGLE
world. They concrete reinforced scooped out earth movers,
scooped out enough dirt to then bury it in concrete rein versed a
roof over I think it was 40 school buses so that turned into a very
large bomb shelter. So he lists quite a few retreats or
communities in Missouri, northeastern Oklahoma etc. So there’s
the aspect of a fundraiser, webmasters, accountant/treasurer,
salvage gatherer, salvage storage area caretakers or overseers.
Small construction companies are needed that can go around
and build the homes. The list goes on and on. We need people
to haul materials, equipment operators, salvage people, salvage
operators, management, and promotions. We must have people
that advertise, and get the idea out there. We need to go to
churches and speak; we need sales representatives; it needs to
be sold. It’s an idea that people need to hear. It’s like you need
to hear preaching; you need to have it spoken to you from the


We know for a fact through our business that there are

thousands and thousands of people that want to get out of the
cities and just don’t know how to do it. There’s a lot, carpenters
obviously, metal workers, just any number of things that can go
on and on and on. The types of buildings that could be built
would be like I mentioned before even tornado shelters,
somebody may want an office built, a barn, a garage, a
workshop, a classroom for a school or a church. Even a home
schooling family might want a separate office built so there’s
allot of different ways to go with that. At this point we need to
talk about the type of structures that I would see being


41 WINGS of an EAGLE
What we’re looking at is a combination of several earth
sheltered, earth friendly designs. Cob is a mixture of sand, clay
and straw. The word means “round mass.” You are making a
giant mud-daub house. Typically they seem to have
standardized on 18-inch thick walls. With cordwood, you take
pieces of firewood, basically 18 inches long You see the sawed
piece of wood on the inside and outside There's usually 5 inches
of mortar at the outside and 5 at the inside and the interior filled
in with sawdust and lime. You can use the cob mixture as the
mortar. Then you’re not paying for cement, as I mentioned
earlier. You have an 18-inch wall; it would go up a lot faster. Cob
takes time to dry; if you can imagine 18 inches of mud basically
it takes an incredibly long time to dry, In other words you put up
a course of say 6 to 8 inches of cob, it may be a week before
that’s dry. Cordwood you can keep going around and around the
building and you can continue to work. It dries a lot quicker. In
fact they put soaking wet sawdust in their mortar to keep it from
drying out too fast and cracking. I see a combination of that.

42 WINGS of an EAGLE

There is another type of earth sheltered home. Mike Oehler

wrote a book The $50 and Up Underground Home. In 1971, he
built himself an underground that he says cost him $50 in
materials. Later on he did a $500 “palatial” addition, and he’s
still living in this home 30 years later. So he fairly well
brainstormed it, as has Rob Roy with the cordwood and Yanto
Evans and Linda Smiley with the cob. There’s different people
that have done Cob and different people that have done
cordwood, but they’ve been perfected. They know how to do the
roofs; they do earth sheltered roofs. Rob Roy tends to do with
the cordwood 12 inches of dirt on the roof because he’s looking
at it as just thermal insulation, whereas Mike Oehler is looking at
it as nuclear radiation insulation so Oehler tends to go for three
to four feet of dirt. So looking at a combination would be an
actual idea for a home. Mike Oehler uses what is called Post
Shoring Polyethylene (PSP). So if you can picture earth sheltered
homes where basically the front of it is accessible to the south
and that’s kind of what we’re looking at. Fifty to ninety percent
being earth sheltered depending on the conditions and the time,
terrain and everything else. But what we’re looking for is a great
deal of the house to be earth sheltered. So how do you do that?
Well in a recent issue of Backwoods Home there was an article
about “earth sheltered homes” and these earth-sheltered homes
that were featured were done by Davis Caves it’s a company that
does underground homes. They’re doing concrete, steel-
reinforced concrete. Mike Oehler calls these people concrete
terrorists. He says you end up with steel reinforced concrete so
you end up living in a faraday cage. There are radiations,
frequencies throughout the universe that the human body was
created to absorb. He says created or evolved, but the human
body is meant to absorb those and so when you’re living in a
metal building you’re prevented from that. And that’s not that
big of a deal, it may be, it may not be I don’t know but it’s an
43 WINGS of an EAGLE
interesting thought. A faraday box is something that was
discovered and built for a very specific reason - to prevent
frequencies from penetrating. The big difference is the Davis
Caves homes cost 20 percent more than a conventional home.
This is very expensive. Mike Oehler’s homes on the other hand,
he contends, are just as good if not better. They are far more
ascetically pleasing to the psyche, to the mind and emotions
because he has a lot more balance in the getting of air, view,
and light into the home from different points. So let’s say we use
his method. You dig a hole in the ground and put the post in.
This is the corner, and also about every 6-8 feet, I think he does.
So to prevent deterioration of that post you could go with very
expensive lumber that is treated. You could use that lumber if
you wanted. It’s treated with chemicals that may perhaps
outgas, I don’t know. Oehler’s very cheap very simple solution is
to take a rough-cut timber out of the forest and you char it over a
fire. That’s going to prevent any bugs from getting in there. So
you burn it; he tells you about a quarter of an inch of charring on
that thing as you turn it in the fire. Then, you wrap it with
garbage bags: one, two, three or whatever. And this has all been
tested. He knows that it works. Then you put that in the ground
and compact it in really good. Then you’ve got a vertical beam
or post. Then from post to post you put in whatever kind of
wood you’ve got. This is shoring which means a material that
keeps dirt and rocks from caving in. So let’s say you want to
build a wall you put in shoring. This could be pallet slats or 4x8
sheets of plywood. It could be whatever material you have at
hand there, that is cheapest and easiest to go with. It could
even be the mill end or rough cut from a sawmill. So you have
your shoring in. Then you’re going to put in polyethylene for
waterproofing. That polyethylene does not have to be UV grade
so it can be fairly inexpensive. In other words UV grade meaning
greenhouse polyethylene, which it is never going to see the
sunlight so it’s not going to get deteriorated by the sunlight. So
just use regular black polyethylene. He’ll usually put cardboard
44 WINGS of an EAGLE
in there to protect the plastic as you put the dirt against it. And
that can be upgraded. You could use 2 layers of polyethylene.
The next thing would be a PSP or a Post Shoring Polyethylene
wall. Let’s say around 60 percent if it’s a 20-foot wide, 30-foot
long you’ve got then a 600 square foot building. With 100 linear
feet of circumference to deal with so you’re rear 60 percent is
post shoring polyethylene and it’s earth sheltered. He has all
kinds of other things that can be applied there. Then the front
part that would be exposed would be a combination of the
cordwood and using cob as mortar so again these are materials
that are indigenous. They’re handy, there and ready to go. No
expense virtually. As far as the roof, goes, the roof would be
earthen. These technologies have been used for 30 some years
and again polyethylene can be used. It does not have to be UV
grade. Use straw or cardboard as a buffer when you go from one
material to the next, to protect the poly from your planks. If you
have tar paper available then you tarpaper, use some sand, the
polyethylene, some straw, four inches of dirt, another layer of
polyethylene, and then 12 inches or 3 feet of dirt. Then, seed it
and plant it and you can have a garden up there. So that gives
you good thermal mass and protection from heat and cold as
well as radiation. Like I said, Mike Oehler likes the three to four
feet of dirt.

45 WINGS of an EAGLE

Let’s touch on some different ideas for inexpensive ways to

build. Stoves can be home made. The cob people bake outside
in a cob oven. It’s a blob, kind of a teardrop shaped. They fancy
them up and put animal designs in them but basically it’s a
thermal mass. You build a fire in it and heat it up. It’s got a slate
bottom, a steal bottom on the inside. When it’s heated up you
rake or scrape all the coals out of there and then bake in there
just from the radiant mass. So that gave me the idea, why not
build an oven/stove right into the wall so there is a possibility.
Again almost zero cost. And then why not put a heat exchanger
system into it? Run a system of pipes whether it is 6-inch gas
pipe or just whatever piping you have lying around. Put those in
place first and then build the cob around that with your stove in
the middle of it. So you now have a stove, an oven, a thermal
mass as well as a heat exchanger unit blowing hot air out. You
could build it so that it sucks in air from the outside of the
building and or sucks air in from the inside of the building at the
bottom of the cob oven. You could even build in a water heat
exchanging system so you heat water up. Copper piping can be
wrapped around the stove itself or around the flue pipe. So
there is a lot of different ways to go there as far as inexpensive
heating systems, so again it doesn’t have to cost hardly

Windows for these inexpensive homes can be done also. Years

ago, I worked with a company, and we did storm window
systems. We made acrylic storm windows using Velcro as a
fastening system. But we also used a 16 mil vinyl. It’s crystal
clear. If you stretch it tight, you virtually can’t tell that it’s not
glass. This has been 17 years ago that I was doing that and
we’re still using some of those as storm windows so this stuff is
really good. It comes on a roll. You could do a double pane
46 WINGS of an EAGLE
window with a 1x4 or a 1x3 frame of wood. Stretch two of these
sheets of 16 mil vinyl over that and staple it in. Tape on some
foam taping with weather stripping taping so it will fit tightly into
the frame and the frame could be built exactly to accommodate
that. Again, this is an inexpensive way to have a very thermally
efficient system. Actually, it would be more thermally efficient
than glass because glass conducts heat and cold. Plastic does
not. So you would have a dead air space here, not a vacuum
space but a dead air space. So these can be comfortable homes.

47 WINGS of an EAGLE

Mike Oehler stresses light, air and view. You want to have light
so you can see. You don’t want to just have light from the front
of the house so that at the back of the house there’s a totally
different environment. It’s gloomy and that will wear on you
psychologically, mentally and emotionally. You may not even
notice, it but it will. He wants you to have light, air and view in
all rooms. You can have some screen material; otherwise you’re
going to have some bugs. Screening comes on rolls also.


Real quickly, he builds what he calls an uphill patio. This is a

terrace system built into the uphill side of the hill so that you
have light, air and view coming from the backside of the house
as well as a backdoor. He doesn’t believe in having only one
door to the house or one entryway, one direction. But, you can
have light, air and a view. So with these screens and windows
you can have a very beautiful, pretty view that is psychologically
pleasing with greenery growing. Another very interesting factor
would be during the summertime. With it being an earth bermed
home, you’re going to have a 60-degree start up temperature. If
you have greenery growing out of the front door on the down hill
side, and greenery growing on the up hill side, but primarily on
the downhill side if there is any kind of vegetation out there and
you have the screen door open or an opening at the bottom of
the screen door, heat rises and so with the least amount of cool
and fresh air coming through the greenery the heat in the house
will tend to rise and go out the higher point of the house which
would be the loft or the back assuming that this is built into a
hillside. At the back, top, or wherever, you’ll have a screened
window that you can open. The heat will rise and go out that

48 WINGS of an EAGLE
window and suck in cooler air from the bottom. 60 degrees is
certainly livable and comfortable.


Another system can be done very easily, and I’ll go into two
different facets of it here. On the south facing side, very
inexpensively again, posts can be put into the ground and there
doesn’t need to be but two of them. You could have framework
built out of either PVC or bamboo or saplings but, basically a
porch area so that in the wintertime you have UV grade
polyethylene - greenhouse plastic over this. What is this going
to do? It’s going to extend your growing season either end of
your growing season. You can start saplings, tomato plants, and
seedlings. You’re going to get about a 2-month jump before the
normal growing season. Mike Oehler, in northern Idaho takes
some plants year round in underground greenhouses that he
built. Well into December, he’ll be growing plants and your
tough plants like broccoli and kale can go through the winter. So
certainly this is a feasible idea. Again, this is very inexpensive;
the greenhouse plastic for one home might be $50.

In the summertime, maybe you don’t want to have a greenhouse

since it’s not necessary. You can take that roll it up, store it and
put on UV screen netting to keep the bugs out and provide shade
to cool your house. You can get on a roll of solar screen that will
shield up to 90 percent of the heat and sunlight. So in the
summertime put that up and again you’ve reduced the
temperature beating on the house by quite a bit and so the
framework that you used for the greenhouse in the winter can be
used for your shading system in the summertime or vines could
be grown over it. If there are trees in the south they’re going to
protect you, since they will have leaves in the summer, which
will protect you from heat and in the winter the leaves will fall off
49 WINGS of an EAGLE
and you’ll have your solar pick up on your panel on the
greenhouse plastic.


So then I had the idea that OK, you’re foam tape comes on a roll
and the screen comes on the roll and your solar plastic comes on
a roll and your normal polyethylene comes on a roll, so, hey,
we’re on a roll here. Why not have something like a goose
necked trailer that all this stuff could be stocked in as well as
prefab parts, the stove or just the door. For a cob oven all you
would need really would be a plate of steel or even slate rock for
the base and all you would need is a door for it and the other
accessories like a damper and stove pipe and whatnot. But, a lot
of the things, a stovepipe comes nested inside. You can get like
12 pieces and it takes up the same amount of space as one
piece. Windows could be prefabricated and maybe just stapled
together on site. A lot of these materials, being on a roll and
then of course the timber, the earth, the clay and the straw
would be picked up on site locally.

50 WINGS of an EAGLE
As far as the doors, Rob Roy builds his own doors. He’ll build a
2x4 frame and then inside and outside cover that over with barn
board or something maybe pallet boards. The interior could be
filled with foam or something to insulate. Maybe put a window in
it if you want. This is specifically for the earth swallow home.
It’s the cheapest, fastest, simplest, and easiest to build.

In a lot of cases people can scavenge. For instance, many big

cities, like Kansas City have a bulky item pickup day, where
people put things out that they don’t want anymore. You can get
bathtubs, toilets, doors, windows, and even a kitchen sink.
Check construction dumpsters. There is material everywhere
that is being thrown away.


Other things could factor in. Old issues of Mother Earth News,
the various magazines, Countryside, Backwoods Home, Back
home Magazine deal with things like sun grabbers or heat
grabbers. A passive solar system where you have a rippling in a
framework painted black, it excites the air, glass plate over it of
course. So it sucks air cold in from the bottom and pumps it out
the top. If a person wanted, that could be done very
inexpensively. This is the idea of having other types of heating.
Basically this would cover the needs with the solarium on the
house. In this area that we’re looking at there’s plenty of wood
so heating is not going to be a problem, and as I said before,
cooling, I don’t foresee being that big of a problem.


Now we need to just touch base back on the philosophical side of

this, the hows and the whys a little bit. What is the motivating
51 WINGS of an EAGLE
factor, which is going to make this work? It will work utilizing
those people for whom the desire to come out of Babylon is
greater than their love of the world. It will work if you who are
listening right now- if your desire to come out of Babylon is
greater than your love of the world. If you love the world, the
city, system, money and jobs; if you love that greater than you
love your Lord and greater than you love obedience to the
scripture and the law; if you love Babylon more than Jesus Christ,
and your heavenly Father, then no it’s not going to work for you.
But, if you do indeed love them, and Jesus said if you love me
you will obey my commandments, if you love Him, then this will
work for you, but it means making decisions and getting out of
the city as soon as possible. We must get rid of the
entanglements and encumberments, “the weight, which so
easily besets us” which is holding us there.


For our entire married life, as much as possible I never worked a

“real job” we tried to be self-employed. We did not store up any
401K or IRA, or anything like that. We have lived without
insurance since my very first child was born; we have not had
any medical insurance. We have not owned a house except for a
very, very brief period of time. We were actually forced into a
situation, the thing we found was a mobile home and we bought
it but, that didn’t last very long, that was before our first child
was born so that was 20 years ago. We did that for a reason. Do
you own the house or does the house own you? You have to
repair it, you’re committed to it, you’re worried about it, there’s a
lot more concern there and I’m not saying that this is right for
everybody but if you combine that with a good job, a
professional job, it gets to the point where you have too much to
walk away from. For 20 years and better we intended to walk
away and when the time came, we did, we burned our bridges
52 WINGS of an EAGLE
and cut our losses. At that point in time we left a considerable
amount of stuff behind and Oh well, life goes on.


I need to get back to the overall plan, the idea. Let’s say we get
one home built like this and I call around and I find a family that
really would like to get out of the city and like to get back onto
the land and let’s say someone who’s going to plug right into the
system and be able to help me, maybe someone in construction
or who is an organizer, or someone who will go out and promote
the idea or raise funds by meeting churches and farmers and just
explain that we will build you a garage farmer John if you will
give us 10 acres of land that you will set aside for this program
and we’ll try to get people in here that you like, that you
appreciate, and that can work for you, so you’ll have a
workforce. So it works both ways, it would help the farmer or the
church or whoever owns that land. There are churches or
communities around that have more than 1,000 acres. I know
that there is at least two. There’s a possibility of helping them
build and increase. I’m not asking them to bring in riff raff or
people who are not of their kind. They would build homes on
property that they have; let’s say they have 1,500 acres. If they
set aside 150 acres that’s 15 families and they would have the
ability with the manpower that they have to build homes and
bring in 15 more families. So that’s a very feasible, very
workable thing, So now I bring in somebody that can help, so
now they have 6 months to a year or so to live in that home until
they help me or help the construction company arm of this
program to build 2 more homes, then they help get their home
built. So now they know how to do this, the man or his sons
have built 3 homes, their own and 2 more. Now they're free to
go ahead and move into their home and that first home is freed
up. But, now we have 4 homes where we initially had one. But,
53 WINGS of an EAGLE
let’s say that we can just geometrically, progressively double.
You have one home, you bring in a family, they build themselves
a home, now you have two homes, you bring another family into
that first home and they build their home and the first family
helps build so a geometric progression of building these homes

Now my belief is that we have at the very outside three years.

I think toward the end of that time we’re going to see a
breakdown of transportation and communication. We’ll be
hoping that we can ride a horse or a donkey. At the end of that
time people are going to be on foot also, but let’s try to get as
much of that done beforehand as possible. I’m looking at 3
years on the outside and I’m looking at an area of about 180
mile radius around Springfield as a safe haven or a refuge, based
on George Washington’s vision of people being driven to the
interior of the country, and the Corey Ten Boom/Nora Lam vision
of the circular area with a wall of fire around it. It’s not a huge
area of the country. But, it’s rich enough to support many, many
people. 10 percent of that landmass equates to 300,000 homes
in 10-acre increments. So it’s plenty to do what needs to be
done in the amount of time that we have to do it, but it’s going
to take a lot of work, bringing people in to the idea of the system
to help out.

There are a lot of people out there I know for a fact who want
to get out of the system, the city, the trap, the rut, the rat race
of Babylon, Rome and Egypt. We’re only one of probably 1,000
companies that sprang up during the Y2K thing and every one of
our customers were saying the same thing, that they’d love to
get out of the city but didn’t know how. They were wonderful
people; I had conversations that lasted an hour, 2 hours with
some of these people, so we know there are people out there
with a desire to do this, so it’s a matter of contacting people like
54 WINGS of an EAGLE
this, and beginning this system. We need to build, starting with
one, then build two, build four and bring in people to help them
extricate themselves from the clutches of the system and the
trap that they are in.


It should be apparent by now that this plan can work if we will

work it together. During the Mormon trek west, Brigham Young
proved to be an inventive genius, capable of “thinking outside
the box.” He helped many of the poorer families by designing
carts with which they could walk the 1300 miles at very little
expense; they needed to purchase no wagon or oxen.

We had best, as a people, learn very quickly, to think outside of

our box, or we will suffer immeasurably because of it. I see
thousands of believers duplicating the Mormon saga, however
without the benefit of a handcart, help from supposed brethren,
farming or house buildings skills or equipment.

We need to pull some pages out of history and out of other

organization’s practices. The Amish method of collecting monies
for land purchase is one, which I believe we must begin


If we will put together a coalition of people who are already

where they believe they are to be, and together with those who
are still in the cites, begin a tithe and offering system of
collecting money for land, supplies and housing purchases, we
could begin this plan. IF WE CONTINUE TO WORK ALONE, WE

55 WINGS of an EAGLE

In the book of Acts, people sold their land, and gave the money
to trustworthy leaders, the apostles. This was to help the
ministry to the sudden massive influx of believers to the faith. At
this point in time, I believe the opposite needs to happen; those
who are of the believing remnant, need to sell out their city
holdings, and buy land in the country. Why? Judgment is at
hand, and we are told to “step back into the cleft of the rock and
wait for the indignation of the LORD to pass by.” A lion is coming
down the path. We would be wise to get out of the way. What is
the number one rule of survival? GET OUT OF THE CITIES!!! What
is the number two rule of survival? GET OUT OF THE CITIES!!!
And now, class, what is the number three rule of survival?

Remember Ezekiel 7:15-16 “The sword is without, and the

pestilence and the famine within: he that is in the field shall die
with the sword; and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence
VALLEYS...” In cities, with no sewage control, power, or trash
pickup, disease and pest(rats, possums, mice, snakes, wild dog
packs, etc)-ilence will run rampant. (In case you think that is not
serious, consider that birth to breeding age for a rat is 2 to 3
weeks. Gestation is 2 to 3 weeks. A litter is 7 to 14 young who
will be able to breed in, guess what? 2 to 3 weeks!!! And when
can momma rat have her next litter? You guessed it; 2 to 3

56 WINGS of an EAGLE
If you are just outside the city, there will be open warfare in the
fight for food, shelter, and perceived wealth, and killing will be
common. Where should we be? “On the mountains.”



Too many believers are described by the following parody of

Onward Christian Soldiers; if you are still one of them, get off the
fence!!! You have talent; use it!!! You have wealth; spend it!!!
You have land; make it productive!!! You have tools and
equipment; build homes and greenhouses!!! You have farming
experience; grow food!!! Those who bury their talents will be
called “wicked and unfaithful servants.” Be one of those to whom
it will be said, “welcome good and faithful servant.”


1. Backward Christian soldiers,
Fleeing from the fight,
With the cross of Jesus,
Nearly out of sight.
Christ our rightful master
Stands against the foe
Onward into battle, we
seem afraid to go.

Chorus: Backward Christian soldiers,

Fleeing from the fight,
With the cross of Jesus,
Nearly out of sight.

2. Like a mighty tortoise

57 WINGS of an EAGLE
Moves the church of God.
Brothers we are treading,
Where we've often trod.
We are much divided,
Many bodies we,
Having different doctrines, but
Not much charity.

3. Crowns and thrones may perish,

Kingdoms rise and wane,
But the cross of Jesus
Hidden does remain.
Gates of hell should never
'gainst the Church prevail,
We have Christ's own promise, but
we think that it might fail.

4. Sit here then ye people,

Join our sleeping throng.
Blend with ours, your voices
in a feeble song.
Blessings, ease and comfort
Ask from Christ the King,
But with our modern thinking,
We won't do a thing.

-George Verwer

I will conclude by extending an invitation and plea for help in this

endeavor. Anyone willing to help at any level would be greatly
welcomed. Send this to a friend, or a list. Give it to people at
your church group. Let me know if you would be able to do any
of the needed tasks. We need people who are in a good place
for others to land. We need money to buy land, so families have
a place to rebuild their lives. We need people to handle the real
58 WINGS of an EAGLE
estate searches and purchases. We need construction thrift
store yards, and tools and equipment to build with. The list goes
on and on.

Ezra and Nehemiah worked well together. I remember David

Barton of WallBuilders Ministry tell how God did not let him begin
his ministry until he had found his Ezra. Ezra was the scholar,
the prophet, the visionary, the strategist, and the prayer warrior.
Nehemiah was the governor, the general, the “tirshatha,” the
tactician, and the wallbuilder. As near as I can tell, I am an Ezra,
and I have yet to find my Nehemiah. The Lord gave me this
idea. I believe it will work. I know it will work. I need a get-it-
done person to ramrod the operation.

Thank you for your time and patience in reading what I have set
down in so few words.

Please visit my website at:



59 WINGS of an EAGLE

A Hopi Elder Speaks

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this IS the Hour.
And there are things to be considered…

Where are you living?

What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This
could be a good time!"
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that
there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the
shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go
of the shore, push
off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our
heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and
celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing
personally. Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do,
spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
60 WINGS of an EAGLE
The time for the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word -- struggle -- from your attitude and your
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

61 WINGS of an EAGLE
62 WINGS of an EAGLE

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