Salivary Reservoir Designs For Patients With Xerostomia: A Review
Salivary Reservoir Designs For Patients With Xerostomia: A Review
Salivary Reservoir Designs For Patients With Xerostomia: A Review
The present paper aims to review the literature available on various approaches to salivary reservoir
designs, the functional aspects, cleansibility, type of attachments used, and different techniques used for the
fabrication of salivary reservoirs in patients suffering from xerostomia.
A search in the National Library of Medicine’s Pub Med database, Google search and
Science Direct was performed to include all case reports and reviews on prosthodontic rehabilitation of
dentulous/partially edentulous/edentulous patient with xerostomia.
Out of the 35 articles found in the database search, 18 articles were included based on the designs they
adopted for fabrication of salivary reservoirs.
The various designs available in literature enable an operator to choose the most suitable
reservoir design based on specific patient requirements. Innovations in reservoir design promise a more
customized prosthesis for every patient. Further research and innovation will enable increasingly efficient
salivary substitute delivery systems for the xerostomic patient.
KEYWORDS: salivary reservoir, denture reservoir, xerostomia, functional reservoir, attachment for reservoir
INTRODUCTION contributions of unstimulated saliva are candidosis; burning mouth; sore tongue
20% from parotid, 65% from (glossodynia); difficulties with speech,
Saliva is one of the most submandibular, 7% to 8% from mastication, and swallowing; altered
important components of the sublingual, and less than 10% from taste sensation (dysgeusia); and halitosis
stomagnathic system and is secreted numerous minor glands2. The accepted are either due to decreased salivary flow
from the exocrine salivary glands. It is of normal flow for unstimulated saliva is or alteration in salivary composition1.
great importance for the maintenance of anything above 0.1 ml/min; any Xerostomia is the subjective symptom or
health and function of the system. Mean unstimulated flow rate below 0.1 ml/min sensation of dry mouth; defined as
daily salivary output ranges from 500 to is considered to be hypofunction3. dryness of mouth due to lack of normal
1500 ml and the average volume of saliva Many of the signs of oral secretion of saliva1.
present in the oral cavity is imbalances like increased caries
Causes of xerostomia can be
approximately one ml1. The percentage incidence; susceptibility to oral categorized into: (1) developmental
Bhushan et al • Journal of Research in Dentistry 2016, 4(2):51-57
disturbances in the glands; (2) water or oral functions and should be simple to salivary reservoir - reservoir where the
metabolite loss; (3) iatrogenic causes use and easy to clean4. patient can control the release of saliva by
including medication and radiotherapy; functional movement of the structures of
(4) systemic disease including sjogren LITERATURE REVIEW the oral cavity like movement of tongue4,
syndrome, diabetes, etc; (5) local factors s u c k i n g5 a n d s w a l l o w i n g6,7; ( b )
including smoking, mouth breathing nonfunctional salivary reservoir -
In literature a classification for reservoir where release and flow rate are
salivary reservoirs does not exist. A
The treatment options of not under the control of patient (eg:
classification of salivary reservoir is
xerostomia are categorized into: (1) release of saliva due to gravity only).
proposed here based on the designs
general management (etiological This article reviews in English
found during the search, to simplify
management) which focus on treating literature published from 1984- 2014 with
understanding and communication.
the main etiology of xerostomia which various approaches for the fabrication of
1. Based on the arch into which the
can be drugs, low salt diets, radiotherapy, a salivary reservoir.
salivary reservoir is incorporated: (a)
etc; (2) preventive measures which A search in the National Library
maxillary salivary reservoir; (b)
include frequent checks for maintenance of Medicine’s Pub Med database, Google
mandibular salivary reservoir.
of stomagnathic system (eg: frequent scholar and Science Direct was
2. Based on cleansibility of salivary
dental visit, fluoride application, etc); (3) performed to include all case reports and
reservoir: (a) cleansable salivary reservoir
measures to increase salivary flow reviews on prosthodontic rehabilitation
- reservoir which has a removable lid and
including sialogogues; (4) management of dentulous/edentulous patients
can be cleaned from inside under direct
of underlying systemic disease; (5) use of suffering from xerostomia where
vision; (b) non-cleansable salivary
saliva substitute which are categorized treatment included incorporation of
reservoir - reservoir which cannot be
into glycerine and lemon based, salivary reservoir into prosthesis. The
cleaned under direct vision as the lid is
carboxymethyl cellulose based, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were
permanently fixed and cannot be
mucin based; (6) use of oral lubricating described in table 1.
device which includes salivary reservoirs.
3. Based on functional aspect of
An ideal salivary reservoir is a
stomagnathic system: (a) functional
device which should not impede normal
Bhushan et al • Journal of Research in Dentistry 2016, 4(2):51-57
swallowing6,7. Upadhyay et al.6 had leads to less outlet clogging and helps have been used for the fabrication of
used swallowing movements for the in sustained release of saliva6. These the lid of the reservoirs.
release of salivary substitute which articles report that flexible materials
1 mm in the 1 mm in Acrylic based resilient liner((Permasoft;
Both components Orthana(AS
Fixed with anterior part anterior part Dentsply, New Delhi, India) was used for
Upadhyay et al [6]
Maxillary functional Non-cleansable were fabricated Pharma,
autopolymerising resin (lowest part of (lowest part of functional flow of saliva, activated by tongue
separately Andover,
reservoir floor) reservoir floor) movements
3 holes in 3 holes in
anterior region anterior region
Fixed with along the outer along the outer Co-Cr palate and meshwork was used to reduce
Toljanic et al[8] Maxillary Non fuctional Non- cleansable Plaster Laboratorie,
autopolymerising resin edge of cap with edge of cap overall thickness of the denture base
Inc., Dallas,
number 1 round with number 1
bur round bur
Two holes of 1.5
Mucin (Salivamm in diameter Co-Cr plate was 0.45mm thick in the center and
0.1-0.2 mm hole
Mechanical interlocking Optosil (Bayer, Orthana, in anterior and 1mm at the junction of acrylic resin denture
which was 5mm
Vissink et al[9] Maxillary Non fuctional Cleansable between Co-Cr plate and Leverkuse, West Orthana Ltd., posterior areas base and Co-Cr. Palatal contouring was carried
palatal to the
acrylic Germany) Copenhage, of the metal out by functional movement of the tongue and
anterior tooth
Denmark). base (intaglio recorded by soft wax
Mechanical interlocking By seepage of
By sliding open Lid fabricated with flexible denture material
Singh et al[10] Maxillary Non fuctional Cleansable with 1mm slot below the N.A wetmouth salivary
the lid (Lucitone).
polished surface of palate substitute
Escape path was
0.5 mm hole in
made by using
the intaglio 0.45 mm Co-Cr intaglio surface with vertical
Rhein 83 attachment of Modeling clay Wetmouth a cellophane
Debnath et al[11] Maxillary Non fuctional Cleansable surface of the wallsfor the reservoir and spheres for OT caps
2mm diameter (Jingjing, china) ICPA sheet in the
metallic were cast together
posterior part of
the lid
Denture made in
0.1 -0.2 mm on The stainless steel metallic track was 25 mm
Sliding frictional lock two parts by using By sliding the
the lingual long, 2.8 mm high, and 7 mm wide at the base,
between the metal track interchangeable posterior tooth
Vissink et al[9] Mandibular Non fuctional Cleansable N.A surface of the and 4.5 mm wide at the top. Lid on top of it was
and block of acrylic resin flask and fix with section on its
midline of made with a block of acrylic resin that slid into
posterior teeth autopolymerising metallic track
denture the metal track
Magnets, two 4 mm
cobalt samarium magnets
KY jelly
[Magnet Development 1.3 mm release The magnets used had a breakaway force of 400
(Johnson and By removing
Ltd., Swindon, England] Mixture of hole in the fit gm.
Sinclair, Frost and Johnson Ltd. the occlusal lid
Mandibular Non fuctional Cleansable posteriorly for 80%plaster and surface, one in Magnetic force is lost under shear force so to
Walter[12] Maidenhea, from the
attachment and one 1.2 20%pumice each 2nd avoid that,an anterior rod was used which
Berkshire, reservoir
mm stainless steel strut premolar region prevents the shearing force
anteriorly for bracing
Three Space for reservoir
double-toothed LegoTM was cut in recall
Mendoza and (LEGO, LEGO Korea Co appointment by By separating 0.5 mm
Tomlinson[13] Ltd, maintaining a the two parts of diameter on the
Mandibular Non fuctional Cleansable
Seoul, Korea) blocks were minimum the split inferior aspect
And Dabas et al[14] used, one in anterior thickness of 2mm denture of lingual flange
region and two in of acrylic for
posterior region reservoir walls
3 outlet holes on
Labially in
each side in
Stainless steel press on between two
Wet Mouth, retromylohoid
Burhanpurwala et al[15] Mandibular Non fuctional Cleansable button in the molar Putty central incisor
ICPA region of
region of diameter of
diameter of 26
19 gauge needle
gauge needle
Bhushan et al • Journal of Research in Dentistry 2016, 4(2):51-57
Upadhyay et al.6 preferred to time but requires special equipment xerostomic patients and other patients
use an acrylic resin based heat for its fabrication. Vissinik et al.5 used predisposed to infection, especially to
polymerizing liner material which they rubber dam material which allows slow candidial infection. A reservoir can be
claimed can be polished, has high release of saliva but its integration onto rendered cleansable by separating two
durable bond strength, and is less the prosthesis is technique sensitive parts of the reservoir, so that it’s
susceptible tocolonization with and durability is questionable. cleaning can be performed under
candida albicans22. However the main direct vision. Some designs in
disadvantage of this material is that it CLEANSIBILITY literature advocate cleaning by forcibly
loses its resiliency in 12-18 month and Cleansibility of a reservoir injecting a cleaning agent from one
requires replacement6. Shah et al.7 used becomes an important consideration as opening and discharging it from the
a 2mm thick ethylene vinyl acetate, it can harbor pathological other, but the effectiveness of this type
which does not lose its resiliency over microorganisms particularly in of cleaning of the reservoir is less than
Bhushan et al • Journal of Research in Dentistry 2016, 4(2):51-57
adequate at best as the operator/ attachment component is critical to manual dexterity to separate and rejoin
patient does not have direct access to achieve, increased costs and the the two segments of the split denture,
clean all the surfaces of the reservoir possible encroachment into the tongue accurate reseating of the processed
thoroughly especially with the presence space especially in a lower prosthesis denture becomes difficult if large
of particulate matter and biofilms which may adversely affect speech and undercuts are present so case selection
within the cavity. comfort. becomes important while selecting this
type of attachment system, only cases
ARTIFICIAL SALIVA Figure 1. Cross section of maxillary functional of sufficient vertical dimension and
Ideally saliva substitutes reservoir with mechanical attachment. thickness are suitable for these
should be pleasant to taste, nontoxic, attachment13 and they also cannot be
non-addictive, economical and must used universally for all cases (Figure 3).
exhibit good wetting of the tissue
surface of denture23. Studies have Figure 2. Magnetic attachment with anterior
Bhushan et al • Journal of Research in Dentistry 2016, 4(2):51-57
components make it precise and it For a mandibular salivary 7. Shah RM, Aras MA, Chitre V. An
utilizes less space thus providing more reservoir it is better to determine the innovative and simple approach to
volume for the reservoir. potential area for the salivary reservoir functional salivary reservoir fabrication. J
Disadvantages include the cost and by carrying out a neutral zone Prosthodont 2014;00:1-4.
difficulties is achieving parallelism recording. In cases of split dentures it 8. Toljanic JA, Zucuskie TG. Use of palatal
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