Krok2 - Medicine - 2013
Krok2 - Medicine - 2013
Krok2 - Medicine - 2013
A. Grandmother A. Phentolamine
B. Husband B. Pipolphen
C. Daughter C. Nifedipine
D. Son D. Mesatonum
E. Wife E. Prednisolone
determine the pathological prevalence of appeared 5 days ago after a contact with
disease N in his district. What document a person having ARVI. Objectively: the
allows to estimate the disease prevalence child is in grave condition. Temperature
in the population of a medical district? of 38o C, cyanosis of nasolabial triangle is
present. RR- 54/min, nasal flaring while
A. Prophylactic examinations register breathing. There was percussion dullness
B. Statistic coupons (+) on the right below the scapula angle, and
C. Statistic coupons (-) tympanic sound over the rest of lungs.
D. Statistic coupons (+) and (-) Auscultation revealed bilateral fine moist
E. Vouchers for medical appointments rales predominating on the right. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
44. A 32-year-old female complains of di-
zziness, headache, palpitation, tremor. For A. Acute pneumonia
the last several months she has been under B. ARVI
outpatient observation for the increased C. Acute laryngotracheitis
arterial pressure. Since recently such D. Acute bronchitis
attacks have become more frequent and E. Acute bronchiolitis
severe. Objectively: skin is covered with
clammy sweat, tremor of the extremities 48. A 40-year-old patient complains of
is present. HR- 110/min, AP- 220/140 mm fever up to 39o C, cough with sputum and
Hg. Heart sounds are muffled. Blood test blood admixtures, dyspnea, weakness,
results: WBCs - 9, 8 · 109/l, ESR - 22 mm/h. herpetic rash on the lips. Objectively:
Blood glucose - 9,8 millimole/l. What di- respiration rate - 32/min. Under the
sease is the most likely cause of this crisis? shoulder blade on the right the increased
vocal fremitus and dullness of percussi-
A. Pheochromocytoma on sound were revealed. Auscultation
B. Essential hypertension revealed bronchial respiration. Blood
C. Preeclampsia count: WBCs - 14 · 109 /l, ESR - 35 mm/h.
D. Primary hyperaldosteronism What is the provisional diagnosis?
E. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis
A. Right-sided croupous pneumonia
45. A 55-year-old male has a 1,5-year B. Focal right-sided pneumonia
history of viral cirrhosis with symptoms C. Cavernous tuberculosis of the right lung
of portal hypertension. Over the last D. Lung cancer
month the weakness has progrssed, E. Exudative pleuritis
there appeared coffee ground vomit. Fi-
brogastroduodenoscopy revealed vari- 49. A patient underwent stomach resecti-
ceal esophageal haemorrhage. What drug on. During the operation, the left upper
should be used to reduce the pressure in limb of the patient was abducted and fi-
the portal vein? xed to the operating table for anesthetic
management. Postoperatively, the pati-
A. Vasopressin ent developed dysfunction of the upper
B. Reserpine extremity in form of "drop hand."This
C. Calcium gluconate symptom results from the damage of the
D. Dicynone following nerve:
E. Furosemide
A. Radial nerve
46. In an urban settlement situated on the B. Axillary nerve
riverbank an outbreak of hepatitis A was C. Ulnar nerve
registered. The disease might have water D. Median nerve
origin. This assumption can be confirmed E. Musculocutaneous nerve
by growth of the following indicators of
water quality: 50. In the morning a patient had nausea,
abdominal discomfort, single vomiti-
A. Number of coli-phages ng, dry mouth. In the evening, the
B. Escherichia coli index patient presented with the increasing
C. Oxidability general weakness, double vision, diffi-
D. Presence of benign leptospirosis cult swallowing of solid food. Objectively:
pathogen ptosis, mydriasis, anisocoria, absence of
E. Index of fecal coli-forms gag and pharyngeal reflex, dry mucous
membranes. The previous evening the
47. A 9-month-old child presents with patient had dinner with canned food
fever, cough, dyspnea. The symptoms
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 8
and alcohol. What is the presumptive di- tive airway pressure). Ro-gram of lungs
agnosis? shows reticular and nodular pattern, air
bronhogram. What is the most likely cause
A. Botulism of respiratory distress syndrome?
B. Food toxicoinfection
C. Intoxication with unknown poison A. Hyaline membrane disease
D. Acute ischemic stroke B. Segmental atelectasis
E. Poliomyelitis C. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
D. Congenital pulmonary emphysema
51. An 8-year-old child complains of fever E. Edematous hemorrhagic syndrome
up to 38, 8o C, throat pain when swallowi-
ng, skin rash. Objectively: lacunar tonsi- 55. An 8-year-old child with a 3-year
llitis, circumscribed hyperaemia and history of diabetes was hospitalized in
enanthema of soft palate, pinoint-sized hyperglycemic coma. Specify the initial
skin rash, mostly in the folds and on dose of insulin to be administered:
the flexor surfaces of the extremities,
pale nasolabial triangle. Which antibiotic A. 0,1-0,2 U/kg of body weight per hour
should be administered in the first place? B. 0,05 U/kg of body weight per hour
C. 0,2-0,3 U/kg of body weight per hour
A. Penicillin D. 0,3-0,4U/kg of body weight per hour
B. Gentamicin E. 0,4-0,5 U/kg of body weight per hour
C. Ampicillin
D. Lincomycin 56. A 12-year-old girl undergoes
E. Tetracycline regular gastroenterological check-ups for
duodenal ulcer, biliary dyskinesia. What
52. A 28-year-old female patient with a is the recommended frequency of anti-
six-year history of Raynaud’s syndrome relapse treatment?
has recently developed pain in the small
joints of hands, difficult movement of food A. Twice a year
down the esophagus. What kind of disease B. Every 2 months
can you think of in this case? C. Every 3 months
D. Once a year
A. Systemic scleroderma E. Three times a year
B. Periarteritis nodosa
C. Rheumatoid arthritis 57. A 47-year-old patient came to see a
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus doctor on the 7th day of disease. The di-
E. Pseudotrichiniasis sease developed very fast: after the chill
body temperature rose up to 40o C and
53. A 16-year-old girl had had polyuria, lasted up to 7 hours, then it dropped
polydipsia for 2 months. She had lost abruptly, which caused profuse sweat.
8 kg with a good appetite. The patient There were three such attacks occuri-
was urgently hospitalized for abdominal ng once in two days. Two days ago the
pain and nausea. Examination revealed patient arrived from Africa. Objectively:
glycemia at the rate of 18 mmol/l, pale skin, subicteric sclera, significantly
glycosuria at the rate of 24 g/l. Insulin enlarged liver and spleen. What is the
and infusion of isotonic solutions of sodi- cause of fever attacks in this disease?
um chloride and glucose eliminated these
problems, including thirst. What is the A. Erythrocytic schizogony
most likely diagnosis? B. Tissue schizogony
C. Exotoxin of a causative agent
A. Diabetes mellitus type 1 D. Endotoxin of a causative agent
B. Diabetes mellitus type 2 E. Gametocytes
C. Renal glycosuria
D. Diabetes insipidus 58. On the 2nd day of illness a 27-
E. Secondary (symptomatic) diabetes year-old patient complains of unbearable
headache, repeated vomiting. Objecti-
54. A boy was born at 32 weeks gestati- vely: the patient is in a grave condition.
on. 2 hours after birth he developed He is conscious but adynamic. Lies in a
respiratory distress. The RD severity forced position with his head thrown back.
assessed by Silverman score was 5. The There is no skin rash. Nuchal muscles
respiratory disorders progressed, respi- are evidently rigid, there are Kernig’s and
ratory failure couldn’t be eliminated by Brudzinski’s signs. to - 39, 5oC, Ps- 120/min,
Martin-Bouyer CPAP (continuous posi- AP- 130/80 mm Hg. The leading syndrome
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 9
Hb- 74 g/l, reticulocytes - 16%, RBCs - the patient is pale, mucous membranes
2, 5 · 1012 /l, platelets - 30 · 109 /l, ESR- 25 are cyanotic, breathing rate is 24/min,
mm/h. What is the most effective measure tachycardia is present. In lungs: dimini-
for the treatment of thrombocytopenia? shed breath sounds, moist rales over both
lungs, crepitation. What is the most likely
A. Splenectomy diagnosis?
B. Iron preparations
C. Hemotransfusion A. Pneumonic plaque
D. Cytostatics B. Miliary tuberculosis
E. Vitamin B12 C. Influenza
D. Ornithosis
81. After lifting a load a patient felt E. Sepsis
undurable pain in the loin. He was di-
agnosed with acute lumbosacral radiculi- 85. An 8-month-old baby has decreased
tis. Which of the following is contraindi- appetite, pale skin, enlarged right side
cated for this patient? of abdomen. Palpation the right side of
abdomen reveals a dense elastic tumour-
A. Warming procedures like formation 10x7 cm large. There is
B. Dehydrating drugs a positive ballotement sign. What is the
C. Analgetics most likely diagnosis?
D. Vitamins of B group
E. Intravenous injection of aminophylline A. Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ tumour)
B. Liver tumour
82. The institutions which take part in C. Congenital hydronephrosis
medical examinations can be prevention D. Colon pathology
and treatment facilities, medical board E. Intestinal tumour
of Ministry of Defense, medical board of
Ministry of Home Affairs, medico-social 86. An infant is 3 weeks old. Since bi-
expert commissions, forensic medical rth there has been observed periodical
boards etc. What institutions are responsi- vomiting within a few minutes after feedi-
ble for temporary disability examination? ng. The amount of vomitive masses does
not exceed that of previous feeding. The
A. Prevention and treatment facilities infant has age-appropriate body weight.
B. Sanitary-and-prophylactic institutions What is the most likely cause of this
C. Medico-social expert commissions symptom?
D. Medical boards of Ministry of Defense
E. Medical boards of Ministry of Home A. Pylorospasm
Affairs B. Esophageal chalasia
C. Adrenogenital syndrome
83. While lifting a heavy load a 39-year-old D. Pyloristenosis
patient suddenly felt a severe headache, E. Esophageal achalasia
pain in the interscapular region, and
started vomiting. Objectively: the pulse 87. A city somatic hospital with 300
is rhythmic, 60/min, AP- 180/100 mm Hg. beds consists of the main building whi-
The patient is agitated. He presents wi- ch houses the therapeutic and surgical
th photophobia, hyperacusis. There are departments. Several separate buildings
positive Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s signs house the maternity, pediatric and radi-
on both sides. In blood: WBCs - 10 · 109 /l. ologic departments that are connected
CSF is bloody, cytosis is 240/3. What is the to the main building by underground
most likely diagnosis? walkways and above-ground covered
skybridges. Specify the building system
A. Subarachnoid haemorrhage of the hospital:
B. Sympathoadrenal crisis
C. Acute hypertonic encephalopathy A. Central-unit
D. Meningococcal meningitis B. Centralized
E. Ischemic stroke C. Decentralized
D. Free
84. A 45-year-old patient, a sailor, was E. Combined
hospitalized on the 2nd day of the di-
sease. A week ago he returned from 88. A 13-year-old girl complains of fever
India. Complains of body temperature of up to 37, 4o C during the last 2 months
41o C, severe headache, dyspnea, cough after recovering from ARVI. Objectively:
with frothy rusty sputum. Objectively: malnutrition, diffuse grade II enlargement
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 13
96. From urine of a 14-year-old boy with test results: ESR- 47 mm/h, total bili-
the exacerbation of secondary obstructive rubin - 86,1 mmol/l, direct bilirubin - 42,3
pyelonephritis Pseudomonas aeruginosa mmol/l. Total protein - 62 g/l, albumins
was isolated with a titer of 1000000 mi- - 40%, globulins - 60%, gamma globuli-
crobes per 1 ml. Which antibiotic is most ns - 38%. Viral hepatitis markers were
advisable to be administered in this case? not detected. The antibodies to smooth
muscle cells are present. On ultrasound
A. Ciprofloxacin the portal vein diameter was of 1 cm.
B. Ampicillin What is the most likely diagnosis?
C. Cefazolinum
D. Azithromycin A. Autoimmune hepatitis
E. Chloramphenicol B. Primary biliary cirrhosis
C. Gilbert’s syndrome
97. A 62-year-old male patient complai- D. Cholangiogenic hepatitis
ns of intense pain in the left leg that E. Hemachromatosis
suddenly arose three hours before, leg
numbness and coldness. During the year 100. A patient is 60 years old, retired,
there has been pain in the leg while walki- worked as deputy director of a research
ng, hypersensitivity to cooling. Objecti- institute. Behavioural changes appeared 2
vely: the left foot and shin have marbled years ago after the death of her husband:
skin, subcutaneous veins are collapsed. she stopped looking after herself and
The foot is cold, active movements of leaving the house; then she refused to
the foot and toes are preserved. Pulse is clean the apartment and cook. Mental
present only on the femoral artery. There status: temporal disorientation. The pati-
is rough systolic murmur above the artery. ent does not understand many of the
Make a provisional diagnosis: questions, is confused; does not know
how to cook soup or fasten a button.
A. Acute occlusion of the left femoral Her speech is characterized by stumbli-
artery ng and logoclonia. She does not recognize
B. Occlusive disease doctors, fellow patients. She cries a lot but
C. Stenosis of the left popliteal artery can not explain the reason for tears. What
D. Acute thrombophlebitis is the mechanism of this pathology?
E. Acute arterial thrombosis ileofemoralny
A. Atrophy of the cerebral cortex
98. A 28-year-old patient complai- B. Atherosclerotic changes in cerebral
ns of profuse, painful and prolonged vessels
menstruation. Before and after the C. Serotonin deficiency
menstrual period there is spotting lasting D. Impaired conversion of dopamine to
for 4-6 days. Vaginal examination reveals noradrenaline
that the uterus is enlarged correspondi- E. Disorder of melatonin metabolism
ng to 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, has limited
mobility, is painful. Appendages are not 101. A 70-year-old patient with a
palpable. On the 15th day of the menstrual strangulated inguinal hernia called a
cycle, the uterus was of normal size, pai- therapist in. The strangulation took place
nless. On account of stated problems and 10 hours ago. There are signs of intestinal
objective examination the patient has obstruction. The skin over the herniation
been diagnosed with internal endometri- is hyperemic. What is the tactics of choi-
osis. Which drug should be used for the ce?
efective treatment of this patient?
A. Emergency hospitalization to a surgical
A. Duphaston hospital
B. Synoestrolum B. Referral to a surgeon
C. Parlodel C. Cold to the hernia, analgesics, antibioti-
D. Ovidon cs
E. - D. Reduction of hernia after a narcotic
99. A 24-year-old female patient complai- E. Reduction of hernia
ns of pain in the right hypochondrium
that is getting worse after taking meals; 102. An employee was on a business trip
nausea, fever up to 37, 7oC, icteric skin, to another city, where he fell ill and was
pain in the large joints. These presentati- hospitalized. The sick leave certificate can
ons have been observed for 8 months. be issued:
Objectively: hepatosplenomegaly. Blood
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 15
A. With the permission of the head doctor 106. Examination of a 38-year-old pati-
of the city hospital ent who had been hit with a blunt object
B. With the permission of the deputy head on the left side of chest revealed a
doctor after the disability examination fracture of the X rib with fragments di-
C. With the permission of the deputy chief splacement, parietal pneumothorax. The
doctor in charge of medical work patient complains of pain in the left
D. By doctor in charge and chief of subcostal area. Objectively: the patient
department is pale, AP- 80/40 mm Hg, Ps- 138/min,
E. By doctor in charge of poor volume. USI reveals fluid in the
left abdomen. Splenic rupture is present.
103. A 14-year-old boy with a history What treatment tactics should be chosen?
of chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis has
developed a feeling of heart irregulari- A. Drainage of the left pleural cavity
ties and additional pulse. HR- 83/min. followed by laparotomy
ECG results: regular impulses with no vi- B. Immediate upper median laparotomy
sible P wave that occur every two sinus followed by drainage of the left pleural
contractions, QRS complex is dramati- cavity
cally deformed and prolonged to over C. Immediate laparotomy and alcohol-
0,11 s, T wave is discordant followed by novocaine block of the X rib
a complete compensatory pause. Specify D. Anti-schock actions followed by
the arrhythmia type: laparotomy after the arterial pressure rise
E. Left-sided thoracotomy immediately
A. Trigeminal extrasystole followed by laparotomy
B. Bigeminal extrasystole
C. Partial AV-blockade 107. A baby is 3 months old. The mother
D. Complete AV-block consulted a pediatrician about lack of
E. Left bundle branch block breast milk. After several test weighings
it was found that the child had to receive
104. An 8-year-old girl periodically has supplementary feeding. What is the opti-
sudden short-term heart pain, sensation mal milk formula for this child?
of chest compression, epigastric pain, di-
zziness, vomiting. Objectively: the patient A. Malysh
is pale, respiratory rate - 40/min, jugular B. Milk formula № 2
pulse is present. Ps- 185 bpm, of poor C. Milk formula № 3
volume. AP- 75/40 mm Hg. ECG taken D. Whole cow’s milk
during an attack shows ectopic P waves, E. Malutka
QRS wave is not deformed. At the end
of an attack a compensatory pause is 108. Examination of a newborn revealed
observed. The most likely cause of the skin redness that appeared immediately
attack is: after birth and reached the maximum
intensity on the second day of life. What
A. Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia is your provisional diagnosis?
B. Sinus tachycardia
C. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia A. Simple erythema
D. Complete AV-block B. Toxic erythema
E. Atrial fibrillation C. Transient erythema
D. Erythema nodosum
105. A 45-year-old patient with acute E. Annular erythema
abscess of the left lung has suddenly
developed acute chest pain and dyspnea 109. A 27-year-old sexually active female
while coughing, tachycardia has increased. complains of numerous vesicles on the ri-
The control Ro-gram shows collapsed left ght sex lip, itch and burning. Eruptions
lung, the air in the left pleural cavity regularly turn up before menstruation and
and a horizontal fluid level. What is the disappear 8-10 days later. What is the most
mechanism of this complication? likely diagnosis?
A. Abscess burst into the pleural cavity A. Herpes simplex virus
B. Bullae rupture of the left lung B. Bartholinitis
C. Inflammation spread to the visceral C. Primary syphilis
pleura D. Cytomegalovirus infection
D. Atelectasis of the left lung E. Genital condylomata
E. Acute cardiovascular insufficiency
110. A 38-year-old patient has suddenly
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 16
developed pain in the left side of his chest, score was 4. Which of the following is a
suffocation. Objectively: moderately risk factor for a spinal cord injury?
grave condition, Ps- 100/min, AP- 90/60
mm Hg, breath sounds on the left cannot A. Difficult delivery of the head and
be auscultated. Chest radiography shows shoulders
the collapse of the left lung up to 1/2. B. Young age of the mother
What kind of treatment should be admi- C. Pernicious habits
nistered? D. Uterine inertia
E. Chronic hypoxia
A. Passive thoracostomy
B. Rest, resolution therapy 115. A 10-year-old child has been admi-
C. Pleural puncture tted to a hospital with a closed crani-
D. Operative therapy ocerebral injury with suspected cerebral
E. Active thoracostomy edema. The patient is in grave condition,
unconscious. The dyspnea, tachycardia,
111. A 40 week pregnant secundipara is hypertension are present. Muscle tone is
28 years old. Contractions are very active. increased, there is nystagmus, pupillary
Retraction ring is at the level of navel, the and oculomotor reactions are disturbed.
uterus is hypertonic, in form of hourglass. The mandatory component of intensi-
On auscultation the fetal heart sounds ve care is dehydration. What diuretic is
are dull, heart rate is 100/min. AP of the adequate in this case?
parturient woman is 130/80 mm Hg. What
is the most likely diagnosis? A. Furosemide
B. Mannitol
A. RIisk of hysterorrhexis C. Hydrochlorthiazide
B. Mazolysis D. Spironolactone
C. Disturbed labour E. Moduretic
D. Complete hysterorrhexis
E. Attack of eclampsia 116. A 57-year-old patient taken to the
surgical department by ambulance has
112. A 10-year-old patient has a hi- been provisionally diagnosed with acute
story of mild bronchial asthma. During intestinal obstruction. Acute pancreatitis
a regular check-up the patient should be is suspected. What is the most informative
recommended: method of study to verify the diagnosis?
A. To avoid allergenic food A. Plan radiography of stomach
B. To avoid body tempering procedures B. Biochemical blood analysis
C. Not to go in for sports C. Complete blood count and clinical
D. To avoid spa treatment urinalysis
E. Not to go to the seaside D. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy
E. Ultrasound
113. A 26-year-old patient with left lower
lobe pneumonia experiences an acute 117. After myocardial infarction, a 50-
chest pain on the left during coughing. year-old patient had an attack of asthma.
Objectively: diffuse cyanosis, extension of Objectively: bubbling breathing with
the left side of chest. Percussion reveals frequency of 32/min, cough with a lot
high tympanitis. Auscultation reveals no of pink frothy sputum, acrocyanosis,
respiratory murmurs above the left side swelling of the neck veins. Ps- 108/min,
of chest. There is a deviation of the right AP- 150/100 mm Hg. Heart sounds
cardiac border towards the midclavicular are muffled. Mixed moist rales can be
line. What examination will be the most auscultated above the entire lung surface.
informative? What drug would be most effective in this
A. X-Ray
B. Bronchoscopy A. Nitroglycerin intravenously
C. Bronchography B. Pentamin intravenously
D. Pneumotachometry C. Strophanthin intravenously
E. Spirography D. Dopamine intravenously
E. Aminophylline intravenously
114. A baby was born by a young smoker.
The labour was complicated by uterine 118. A baby born after fast labour has
inertia, difficult delivery of the baby’s palsy of hand muscles. Grasp reflex is
head and shoulders. The baby’s Apgar absent, as well as hand-to-mouth reflex.
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 17
A. Electromagnetic fields
B. Anthropotoxins A. Status epilepticus
C. Carbon dioxide B. Frequent generalized seizures
D. Tetrachlor plumbum C. Frequent jacksonian seizures
E. Formaldehyde D. Hysterical attacks
E. Frequent complex partial seizures
127. A man abused alcohol, drank away
the property and wages thus getting hi- 131. A 45-year-old patient complains
mself, his wife and two underage children of fever up to 40o C, general weakness,
into deep financial problems. He was regi- headache and spasmodic contraction of
stered in a local drug abuse clinic. His wife muscles in the region of a shinwound. The
asked a family doctor, what kind of petiti- patient got injured five days ago when ti-
on she could file in court: lling soil and didn’t seek medical attenti-
on. What kind of wound infection can be
A. On restriction of her husband’s civil suspected?
B. On recognition of her husband’s A. Tetanus
incapacity B. Anthrax
C. On recognition of her husband’s partial C. Erysipelas
incapacity D. Gram-positive
D. On recognition of her husband’s E. Gram-negative
E. On recognition of her husband’s disabi- 132. A 60 year-old female has been sufferi-
lity ng weakness, dizziness, fatigue over the
last year. Recently she has also developed
128. A child is 12 years old. He complai- dyspnea, paresthesia. Objectively: skin
ns of a dull aching pain in the epigastri- and mucous membranes are pale and sli-
um and right hypochondrium, that is ghtly icteric. The tongue is smooth due
getting worse after taking fatty or fried to the loss of lingual papillae. Liver and
food, headache, weakness, nausea, low- spleen are located at the costal margin.
grade fever. Abdominal palpation reveals Blood count: Hb- 70 g/l, RBCs - 1, 7·1012/l,
a marked resistance of muscles in the right colour index - 1,2, macrocytes. Admini-
hypochondrium, positive Kerr’s, Ortner’s, ster the patient a pathogenetically justifi-
Murphy’s symptoms. What is the most li- ed drug:
kely diagnosis?
A. Vitamin B12
A. Chronic cholecystitis B. Vitamin B6
B. Acute appendicitis C. Ascorbic acid
C. Viral hepatitis D. Iron preparations
D. Acute gastritis E. Vitamin B1
E. Acute pancreatitis
133. Analysis of organization of medi-
129. A 3-month-old girl presents wi- cal care in a regional centre has shown
th rhinitis, dyspnea, dry cough. These that every year about 12% of patients
manifestations has been observed for receive inpatient care for diseases that
two days. Objectively: the child has don’t require round-the-clock monitori-
pale skin, acrocyanosis, shallow respi- ng and intensive care. What are the most
ration at the rate of 80/min. Percussi- appropriate organizational changes requi-
on reveals handbox resonance over the red to address this problem?
whole surface of lungs, massive fine rales.
What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Development of medical care forms
replacing the in-patient care
A. Acute bronchiolitis B. Changes to the statute of outpatient
B. Pneumonia clinics
C. Mucoviscidosis C. Development of primary care
D. Foreign body of the airway D. Restructuring of specialized care
E. Acute bronchitis E. Upgrading of hospital facilities
130. A patient had 4 generalized convulsi- 134. A newborn (mother’s I pregnancy)
ve seizures within a day. Between the sei- weighing 3500 g presents with jaundice,
zures the patient did not maintain clear lethargy, reduced reflexes. Objectively:
consciousness (was in a coma or stupor). second grade jaundice of skin with saffron
Specify his state: tint, liver - +2cm, spleen - +1 cm. Urine
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 19
and feces are yellow. Blood count: Hb- 100 kely diagnosis?
g/l, RBCs - 3, 2 · 1012 /l, WBCs - 18, 7 · 109 /l,
mother’s blood type - 0(I) Rh(+), baby’s A. Acute bartholinitis
blood type - А(II) Rh(-), bilirubin - 170 B. Labial furuncle
C. Acute vulvovaginitis
mmol/l, indirect fraction. ALT, AST rates
are normal. What disease is the child most D. Bartholin gland cyst
E. Carcinoma of vulva
likely to have?
138. A 28-year-old female patient has
A. Hemolytic disease of newborn, AB0-
been admitted to a hospital. She states
B. Perinatal hepatitis to be ill for 12 years. On examination she
has been diagnosed with bronchiectasis
C. Hemolytic disease of newborn, Rh-
conflict with affection of the left lower lobe of
lung. What is the optimal treatment tacti-
D. Biliary atresia
cs for this patient?
E. Physiologic jaundice
A. Left lower lobectomy
135. Doctors of a polyclinic conduct
a statistical research of the disease B. Left-sided pneumoectomy
C. Antibiotic therpy
outcomes in two groups of patients (those
registered with dispensary departments D. Active drainage of the left pleural cavity
E. Bronchopulmonary lavage
and unregistered ones), depending on
age and level of hygiene. What type of 139. 4 weeks after myocardial infarction a
statistical tables would be most suitable 56-year-old patient developed acute heart
for profound analysis of the interrelation pain, pronounced dyspnea. Objectively:
between the above-mentioned variables? the patient’s condition is extremely grave,
there is marked cyanosis of face, swelling
A. Cross tabulation and throbbing of neck veins, peripheral
B. Analytical pulse is absent, the carotid artery pulse is
C. Group rhythmic, 130 bpm, AP is 60/20 mm Hg.
D. Simple Auscultation of heart reveals extremely
E. Developing muffled sounds, percussion reveals heart
136. A 57-year-old female complains border extension in both directions. What
of having a sensation of esophageal is the optimal treatment tactis for this
compresion, palpitation, difficult breathi- patient?
ng during eating solid food, occasional A. Pericardiocentesis and immediate
vomiting with a full mouth, "wet pi- thoracotomy
llow"sign at night for the last 6 months. B. Oxygen inhalation
Objectively: body tempearture - 39oC, C. Puncture of the pleural cavity on the left
height - 168 cm, weight - 72 kg, Ps- 76/min, D. Conservative treatment, infusion of
АP- 120/80 mm Hg. X-ray revealed a adrenomimetics
considerable dilation of esophagus and E. Pleural cavity drainage
its constriction in the cardial part. What
pathology is most likely to have caused 140. A 15-year-old boy feels pain in the
dysphagia in this patient? region of the left knee joint. Objecti-
vely: the soft tissues in the affected region
A. Achalasia cardiae are infiltrated, the joint function is limi-
B. Primary esophagism ted. Radiography reveals a focus of bone
C. Hiatal hernia destruction in the distal metaepiphysial
D. Esophageal carcinoma segment of the left femur. The destruction
E. Reflux esophagitis is accompanied by periosteal detachment
137. A 37-year-old patient complains of and a defect formed within cortex of
acute pain in the region of genitals, Codman triangle bone. X-ray of chest
swelling of the labia, pain when walki- shows multiple microfocal metastases.
ng. Objectively: body temperature is What is the most likely pathology?
38, 7oC, Ps- 98/min. In the interior of A. Osteogenic sarcoma
the right labia there is a dense, painful B. Fibrosarcoma
tumour-like formation 5,0x4,5 cm large, C. Chondrosarcoma
the skin and mucous membrane of geni- D. Ewing’s sarcoma
tals is hyperemic, there are profuse foul- E. Juxtacortical sarcoma
smelling discharges. What is the most li-
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 20
141. On the first day after a surgery for di- tation: she makes stereotypic grimaces,
ffuse toxic goiter a patient developed di- exposed, masturbating in front of a loud
fficulty breathing, cold sweats, weakness. laugh, repeating the stereotypical abusive
Objectively: pale skin, body temperature shouts. The patient should be assigned:
- 38, 5o C, RR - 25/min, Ps- 110/min, AP-
90/60 mm Hg. What early postoperative A. Neuroleptics
complication occurred in the patient? B. Antidepressants
C. Tranquilizers
A. Thyrotoxic crisis D. Nootropics
B. Hypothyroid crisis E. Mood stabilizers
C. Postoperative tetany
D. Acute thyroiditis 145. A young woman with seborrhea adi-
E. Compression of the trachea by the posa has numerous non-itchy light brown
hematoma and white spots with clear outlines and
defurfuration on the torso and shoulder
142. A 49-year-old patient consulted a skin. What is the provisional diagnosis?
doctor about difficult swallowing, voice
hoarseness, weight loss. These symptoms A. Pityriasis versicolor (scaly skin disease)
have been gradually progressing for the B. Tinea corporis
last 3 months. Objectively: the patient is C. Seborrheic dermatitis
exhausted, there are enlarged supraclavi- D. Pityriasis rosea
cular lymph nodes. Esophagoscopy E. Vitiligo
revealed no oesophageal pathology. Whi-
ch of the following studies is most 146. 10 days after birth a newborn
appropriate in this case? developed a sudden fever up to 38, 1o C.
Objectively: the skin in the regi-
A. Computed tomography of chest, medi- on of navel, abdomen and chest is
astinum erythematous; there are multiple pea-
B. X-ray of lungs sized blisters with no infiltration at the
C. Multiplanar imaging of esophagus base; single bright red moist erosions wi-
D. Radioisotope investigation of chest th epidermal fragments on the periphery.
E. Ultrasound investigation of mediasti- What is your provisional diagnosis?
A. Epidemic pemphigus of newborn
143. A 45-year-old female patient B. Syphilitic pemphigus
complaining of general weakness, nausea C. Streptococcal impetigo
and vomiting hass been delivered to a D. Vulgar impetigo
hospital by the ambulance. Recently there E. Atopic dermatitis
has been a lack of appetite, weight loss.
Objectively: hyperpigmentation of skin, 147. An emergency physician arrived to
blood pressure at the rate of 70/45 mm Hg, provide medical care for a hangman taken
bradycardia. Additional studies revealed out of the loop by his relatives. The doctor
the reduced concentration of aldosterone revealed no pulse in the carotid arteri-
and cortisol in blood, decreased excretion es, absence of consciousness, spontaneous
of 17-ketosteroids and 17-oxyketosteroids breathing and corneal reflexes; cadaver
in the urine, hyponatremia, chloropenia, spots on the back and posterior parts of
hypokalemia. What therapeutic measures extremities. A person can be declared
are required? dead if the following sign is present:
even at the smell of paint. The symptom by pain syndrome. Objectively: body
intensity progresses with relapses. Make a temperature is at the rate of 36, 8oC, Ps-
provisional diagnosis: 78/min, abdomen is soft and painless,
the symptoms of peritoneal irritation are
A. Occupational eczema present, palpation reveals a dramatically
B. Simple contact dermatitis enlarged, tense gallbladder. What disease
C. Contact-type allergy are these symptoms typical for?
D. Urticaria
E. Toksikodermiya A. Cancer of the pancreatic head
B. Duodenal ulcer
162. In a cold weather, the emergency C. Acute cholecystitis
room admitted a patient pulled out of D. Chronic cholecystitis
the open water. There was no respiratory E. Lamblia-induced cholecystitis
contact with the water. The patient is exci-
ted, pale, complains of pain, numbness of 166. A 22-year-old vegetarian patient wi-
hands and feet, cold shiver. Breathing rate th signs of malnutrition consulted a doctor
is 22/min, AP- 120/90 mm Hg, Ps- 110/min, about smell and taste distortion, angular
rectal temperature is 34, 5oC. What kind stomatitis. Objectively: expressively blue
of warming is indicated for this patient? sclerae. The patient was diagnosed with
iron deficiency anemia. What is the domi-
A. Passive warming nating clinical syndrome?
B. Infusion of 37o C solutions
C. Hot compresses A. Sideropenic
D. Warm bath B. Anaemic
E. Hemodialysis with blood warming C. Haemologic
D. Haemolytic
163. Survey radiograph of a 52-year-old E. Myelodysplastic
worker of an agglomeration plant (28
years of experience, the concentration of 167. A 13-year-old girl was admitted to
metal dust is 22-37 mg/m3 ) shows mildly the gynecological department with heavy
pronounced interstitial fibrosis with di- bleeding, which appeared after a long
ffused contrast well-defined small nodular delay of menstruation. Shortly before,
shadows. The patient has no complaints. the girl suffered a serious psychotrauma.
Pulmonary function is not compromised. Her menarche occurred at the age of
What is the provisional diagnosis? 11, she has a 30-day cycle with 5 to
6 days of moderate, painless bleeding.
A. Siderosis The patient is somatically healthy, of
B. Silicosis normosthenic constitution with height
C. Anthraco-silicatosis of 160 cm, weight of 42 kg. The pati-
D. Silicatosis ent is pale. Rectoabdominal examination
E. Anthracosis revealed that the uterus was of normal si-
ze and consistency, anteflexio-versio, the
164. A week ago a 65-year-old patient appendages were not changed. What is
suffered an acute myocardial infarction, the most likely diagnosis?
his general condition deteriorated: he
complains of dyspnea at rest, pronounced A. Juvenile bleeding
weakness. Objectively: edema of the B. Ovarian cyst
lower extremities, ascites is present. Heart C. Hysteromyoma
borders are extended, paradoxical pulse is D. Girl is healthy
2 cm displaced from the apex beat to the E. Amenorrhea
left. What is the most likely diagnosis?
168. It is planned to build a multi-
A. Acute cardiac aneurysm disciplinary hospital with 500 beds in a
B. Recurrent myocardial infarction town. Specify the location of a polyclinic
C. Acute pericarditis within the medical centre:
D. Cardiosclerotic aneurysm
E. Pulmonary embolism
165. A 64-year-old patient has been
referred to planned hospitalization
for general weakness, poor appetite,
progressive jaundice which appeared over
3 weeks ago and wasn’t accompanied
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 24
A. Menopausal syndrome
B. Cystitis A. Amiodarone
C. Trichomonas colpitis B. Flecainide
D. Vulvitis C. Encainide
E. Bacterial vaginosis D. Moracizine
E. Digoxin
190. A 56-year-old female patient
complains of recurrent attacks of intensi- 194. A 38-year-old male works within the
ve pain irradiating along the ureters. Uri- range of ionizing radiation. At a routi-
ne test results: protein - 0,37 g/l, RBCs- ne medical examination he presents no
20-25 in the field of vision, WBCs - 12- problems. In blood: RBCs - 4, 5·1012/l, Hb-
14 in the field of vision. What method 80 g/l, WBCs - 2, 8 · 109 /l, thrombocytes -
of instrumental diagnostics is the most 30 · 109 /l. Decide if this person can work
informative for the diagnosis? with sources of ionizing radiation:
A. Intravenous urography A. Working with radioactive substances
B. USI of kidneys and other sources of ionizing radiation is
C. Computer tomography contraindicated
D. Radioisotope renography B. The patient is allowed to work with
E. Cystoscopy radioactive substances
C. The patient can only work with radi-
191. 2 weeks after labour a parturi- oactive substances of low activity
ent woman developed breast pain bei- D. The patient can be allowed to work
ng observed for 3 days. Examination after an extended medical examination
revealed body temperature at the rate E. The patient is allowed to work with
of 39o C, chills, weakness, hyperaemia, radioactive substances for the limited
enlargement, pain and deformity of the period of time
mammary gland. On palpation the infi-
ltrate was found to have an area of softeni- 195. A puerpera breastfeeding for 1,5
ng and fluctuation. What is the most likely weeks consulted a doctor about uniform
diagnosis? breast engorgement. Breasts are painful.
The body temperature is of 36, 6o C. Milk
A. Infiltrative-purulent mastitis expressing is difficult. What is the most li-
B. Phlegmonous mastitis kely diagnosis?
C. Lactostasis
D. Serous mastitis A. Lactostasis
E. Mastopathy B. Infiltrative mastitis
C. Purulent mastitis
192. A 22-day-old infant had developed D. Fibrocystic mastopathy
red subcutaneous nodules from 1,0 to 1,5 E. Gangrenous mastitis
cm large on the scalp. Later the nodules
suppurated, body temperature rose up 196. A 28-year-old male patient complains
to 37, 7o C, there appeared symptoms of of regurgitation, cough and heartburn that
intoxication, the regional lymph nodes occurs every day after a meal, when bendi-
grew bigger. Blood test results: anemia, ng forward or lying down. These problems
leukocytosis, neutrophilia, accelerated have been observed for 4 years. Objective
ESR. What is the most likely diagnosis? status and laboratory values are normal.
FEGDS revealed endoesophagitis. What
A. Pseudofurunculosis is the leading factor in the development of
B. Pemphigus this disease?
C. Vesiculopustulosis
D. Scalp phlegmon A. Failure of the inferior esophageal
E. - sphincter
B. Hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid
193. A 70-year-old patient consulted a C. Duodeno-gastric reflux
doctor about arrhythmic cardiac activity, D. Hypergastrinemia
dyspnea. Objectively: AP- 150/90 mm Hg, E. Helicobacter pylori infection
extrasystole arrhythmia (10-12 beats per
minute), left ventricular systolic dysfuncti- 197. A 24-year-old patient had been deli-
on (ejection fraction at the rate of 42%). vered to the thoracic department with
Which of antiarrhythmic drugs should a chest injury, a fracture of the IV, V,
be administered as initial therapy in this VI ribs on the right. Plan radiography
case? shows the fluid level in the pleural cavity
Krok 2 Medicine 2013 28
reaching the III rib on the right. Puncture had experienced antenatal fetal death due
blood contained clots. What is the optimal to hemolytic disease. What is the optimal
treatment tactics? tactics of pregnancy management?
A. Emergency thoracotomy A. Early delivery
B. Pleural puncture B. Delivery at 37 weeks of gestation
C. Thoracentesis and thoracostomy C. Screening for Rh-antibodies 2 weeks
D. Hemostatic therapy later and early delivery in case of further
E. Medical thoracoscopy titer rise
D. Introduction of anti-Rh (D)
198. A 10-year-old patient complains of immunoglobulin
skin itch that occurs at night. Objecti- E. Ultrasound for signs of hemolytic
vely: multiple paired papules, burrow disease of the fetus
tracks in the interdigital skin folds, on
the anterolateral surfaces of abdomen and 200. A 7-year-old female child has
buttocks. Specify the period of regular developed an acute condition. She
medical check-up for pupils of the class complains of a headache, two onsets of
where the patient learns: vomiting. Objectively: deferred reactions,
body temperature - 39, 3o C, pronounced
A. 2 months hyperesthesia, nuchal rigidity, positive
B. 2 weeks superior and inferior Brudzinski’s signs,
C. 5 days symmetric Kernig’s sign. What is the
D. 6 months provisional diagnosis?
E. 1 year
A. Meningitis
199. Examination of a Rh-negative B. Food toxicoinfection
pregnant woman at 32 weeks of gestation C. Craniocerebral trauma
revealed a four-time rise of Rh-antibody D. Toxic encephalopathy
titer within 2 weeks, the titer was 1:64. E. Encephalitis
In the first two pregnancies the patient