Mikko Pakarinen
Tomas Wester Editors
Current Concepts
of Intestinal Failure
Current Concepts of Intestinal Failure
Risto J. Rintala • Mikko Pakarinen
Tomas Wester
Current Concepts
of Intestinal Failure
Risto J. Rintala Tomas Wester
Children's Hospital Department of Pediatric Surgery
Helsinki University Central Hospital Karolinska University Hospital
HUS Helsinki Stockholm
Finland Sweden
Mikko Pakarinen
Children's Hospital
Helsinki University Central Hospital
HUS Helsinki
vi Preface
Intestinal Failure in Children
Olivier Goulet, Florence Lacaille,
and Cécile Lambe
there is not enough data to provide the scientific diseases of enterocyte development (CDED); and
foundation needed to form treatment guidelines (iii) disorders with an intact mucosal surface but
or for the creation of gold standards for the care with extensive motility dysfunction such as exten-
of such patients. In clinical practice, intestinal sive intestinal pseudo-obstructions (CIPOS) or
sufficiency is indirectly measured by the percent- extensive aganglionosis in Hirschsprung disease
age of parenteral nutrition (PN) required for (Table 1.1). Intestinal atresia as well as necrotizing
growth. Other indicators such as residual bowel enterocolitis (NEC) or gastroschisis may be associ-
length measured at final surgery and serum citrul- ated with severe motility disorders and hence often
line, though helpful, have not proven to be highly result in more serious IF [7].
reliable prognostic factors in children with short
bowel syndrome (SBS) [2]. Therefore, PN
requirements remain the best measure of the Short Bowel Syndrome
degree of intestinal sufficiency in this setting.
Due to technical refinements and steady Definition and Etiology
advances in the development of highly sophisti-
cated nutrient solutions consisting of optimal SBS is the leading cause of pediatric IF. It is a
combinations of macronutrients and micronutri- disorder characterized by a compromised bowel
ents, PN has became a safe feeding technique and absorptive capacity due to a severely reduced
continues to play an important role in patient mucosal surface resulting in diarrhea, water-
management. However, some complications, electrolyte imbalance, and malnutrition. SBS
such as catheter-related sepsis (CRS) and cho- usually follows extensive surgical resection leav-
lestasis, still occur at high incidence, particularly ing the SB length below a critical value for
in neonates even during short course of PN [3–5]. adequate nutritional supply [6]. At birth, term-
Moreover, IF that requires long-term PN may be neonates have a SB length of approximately
associated with various complications including 250 cm, and their intestines lengthen substan-
CRS, growth failure, metabolic disorders, and tially during the first year of life. Preterm infants
bone disease. Cholestatic liver disease (CLD) have a greater potential for bowel growth [8].
was rapidly identified as one of the limiting fac- The cut-off length for SBS is related to a num-
tors of long-term IF management and may lead to ber of factors. In general SBS occurs after a mas-
the so-called nutritional failure which is consid- sive resection leaving less than 40 cm of viable
ered as a major indication for intestinal small bowel; nevertheless, a residual bowel
transplantation or combined liver-intestinal trans- length of only 15–40 cm has been associated with
plantation. According to the current long-term bowel adaptation, intestinal autonomy, and PN
graft and patient survival following intestinal weaning [9–13]. Important factors determine
transplantation (ITx), IF alone may be a debat- SBS prognosis: the underlying diagnosis, the
able indication for ITx, whereas nutritional fail- type of segments preserved, a long-term stoma
ure remains a clear indication [6]. versus a primary anastomosis, the presence of the
ileocecal valve (ICV), as well as the age of the
patient at the time of surgery [9–13]. Other fac-
Causes of Intestinal Failure tors are relevant to the development of SBS such
as the functionality of the residual bowel, espe-
In developed countries, pediatric IF is most com- cially the motility disorders [11].
monly due to congenital or neonatal intestinal In children the conditions most commonly
diseases that can be divided into three groups: (i) leading to extensive small bowel resections are
disorders with a reduced intestinal length and conse- necrotizing enterocolitis, midgut volvulus, gas-
quently reduced absorptive surface, such as in SBS; troschisis, intestinal atresia, and extensive
(ii) disorders related to an abnormal development aganglionosis, the last one leading to SBS with-
of the intestinal mucosa such as congenital out functioning colon (Table 1.1 and Fig. 1.1).
1 Intestinal Failure in Children 3
Table 1.1 Liver disease-related factors interest and enjoyment associated with eating,
Patient and intestinal failure-related factors thus helping to prevent eating disorders. It is
Prematurity and low birth weight important to point that OF promotes the release
Lack of enteral feeding of epidermal growth factor (EGF) from salivary
Total parenteral nutrition glands and increases GI secretion of trophic fac-
Disruption of enterohepatic biliary acid cycle tors [15]. Sialoadenectomy in animals signifi-
Proximal stoma, ileal resection cantly attenuates ileal villus height, total protein,
Intestinal stasis and bacterial overgrowth and DNA content after small bowel resection that
Obstruction, dysmotility, lack of ileocecal valve, is reversed by the administration of both systemic
over-tube feeding
and oral EGF [16]. Moreover, the stimulation of
Parenteral nutrition-related factors
Duration of PN
hormones released by the GI tract promotes
Recurrent catheter-related sepsis adaptation, whereas alternating fasting and feed-
Unadapted protein-energy delivery ing periods along with cyclical PN avoid perma-
Excessive or unadapted amino acid intake nent secretion of insulin and fat synthesis.
Continuous versus cyclic infusion Enteral – preferentially oral – feeding must be
Excessive glucose intake started as soon as possible after surgery.
Unappropriate use of lipid emulsion Breastfeeding should be encouraged [17, 18].
Phytosterols Human milk (HM) contains a number of factors
Lipoperoxidation supporting the developing neonate’s immune
Excess of omega-6 fatty acids system including nucleotides, immunoglobulin
Essential fatty acid deficiency A, and leukocytes [19]. HM also contains gluta-
Potential toxic components of PN mine and growth factors, such as EGF, which
Iron promote bowel adaptation [19]. Polymeric diets
Aluminum are not usually used. However, extensively hydro-
lyzed formulas are preferred with the advantage
of containing short peptides easily absorbed as
well as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) [14].
Amino acid-based formulas (AABF) are gener-
ally used in the treatment of food allergies or in
case of milk protein hydrolyzate intolerance [20].
Management of SBS True food allergies have been rarely documented
in children with SBS. Andorsky reported less
Bowel adaptation after small intestine resection intestinal allergy by using AABF, without clearly
is a physiological process [14]. The management defining the criteria for the diagnosis of allergy
of SBS aims at promoting small bowel adaptation [21]. Two retrospective studies report that the use
and villous hyperplasia by using as much of the of an AABF was associated with earlier weaning
gastrointestinal tract (GI) by oral feeding (OF) or off PN and also a reduced rate of allergies [22,
enteral tube feeding (ETF) and by promoting 23]. However, the very small sample sizes and
normal somatic growth with PN. the lack of control groups in these studies do not
The GI tract should be used for feeding as it is support the recommendation of AABF in SBS
the most physiological and safest way to provide patients.
nutrition. However, PN should not be stopped Feeds should be increased gradually as toler-
until adequate intake and growth can be achieved ated. Tolerance is evaluated by measuring stool
with OF and/or ETF alone. The optimal strategy number and volume and by the observation of
for enteral feeding, OF versus ETF and continu- vomiting, irritability, and intestinal distension.
ous versus bolus, remains a matter of debate [14]. Many factors can affect stool volume in SBS,
The advantages of OF allow the maintenance of including the length of the residual intestinal seg-
sucking and swallowing functions along with the ment; the type of segment (the more proximal the
4 O. Goulet et al.
Fig. 1.1 Different types of short bowel syndrome according to the remnant bowel
resection the larger the fluid and sodium losses); models, supplementation of an elemental diet
the mucosal and endoluminal variables (residual with pectin, which is fermented to SCFAs in the
enzymatic activity and absorptive capacity, bacte- colon, improved adaptation of the small intestine
rial overgrowth); the presence of the colon that can and colon in SBS [26]. The supplementation of
absorb large amounts of water, sodium, MCT, and parenteral nutrition with SCFAs or their intrace-
peptides; as well as carbohydrates metabolized to cal infusion reduced mucosal atrophy and intesti-
short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) [24]. Continuous nal immune dysfunction following massive small
aggressive ETF may worsen fluid, mineral, and bowel resection [27].
nutrient malabsorption and may result in severe In addition to their local effects, systemic
perianal skin lesions. Bile salt malabsorption SCFAs in animal studies can affect the motil-
should be suspected in children without ICV and/ ity of both the stomach and the ileum through
or colon, high stool volume, and perianal injury neuroendocrine mechanisms, probably through
that can be improved by using cholestyramine. the expression of proglucagon and peptide
Fluid losses in these patients are often accompa- YY. Furthermore, both systemic and enteral
nied by sodium and zinc losses and depletion; SCFAs exert a trophic effect on the jejunum
supplements should therefore be provided [25]. by increasing mucosal mass, DNA, and vil-
lus height [28]. Since SCFAs are the preferred
energy source for colonocytes, in patients with
Role of the Colon in SBS SBS the colon becomes an important organ
for calories salvage [29]. Restoration of intes-
The role of the colon in SBS management and tinal continuity, such as anastomosis of the
adaptation is crucial by reducing loss of energy small intestine with the colon, should be done
and by producing trophic factors [24]. In animal whenever possible. By improving water and
1 Intestinal Failure in Children 5
electrolyte absorption, PN can then often be disease, and duration of hospitalization). The
discontinued. In addition anastomosis enables case fatality rate was 37.5 % in patients with
colonic fermentation of unabsorbed carbohy- SBS versus 13.3 % in patients without SBS
drates from the small intestine to occur, being (P = 0.001). Most of the deaths were caused by
an important source of energy assimilation. In liver failure or sepsis and occurred within 1 year
spite of small intestine malabsorption in patients from the date of surgery. These patients were for
with SBS, both hyperphagia and adaptation of the most part managed by using continuous tube
the remaining colon improve patient outcomes. feeding (CTF). It is generally accepted that CTF
A study evaluated morphology, proliferation offers the advantages of optimal digestion and
status, and transporters’ expression level in the absorption rate [35]. However, continuous infu-
epithelium of the remaining colon of SBS adult sion changes the intestinal motility pattern by
patients compared to controls [30]. It seems that missing fasting period [36]. Significant dys-
in hyperphagic SBS patients with severe malab- motility – impairing intestinal bacterial clear-
sorption, adaptive colonic changes include an ance – leads to small intestinal bacterial
increased absorptive surface with an unchanged overgrowth (SIBO) with subsequent Gram-
proliferative/apoptotic ratio and well-preserved negative sepsis [37–39]. SIBO and cholestasis
absorption NHE2, NHE3, and PepT1 transporter are common especially in patients without ICV
mRNA levels [30]. The remnant colon and its and those having abnormal motility (e.g., intes-
associated microbiota play a major role in the tinal atresia, gastroschisis, NEC). Aggressive
outcome of patients with short bowel syndrome continuous ETF is often attempted for mimick-
(SBS). As mentioned before, preservation of ing “hyperphagia” with the aim of weaning the
the colon in SBS patients is essential to recov- child off PN that is thought to be the cause of
ering energy and is consequently a determinant liver injury. These patients present with dilated
in reducing the need for PN. The essential role loops of bowel containing residual non-absorbed
of the colon in SBS patients is linked to its own nutrients. This strategy results in increasing
absorptive capability, its adaptive increased SIBO that can cause mucosal inflammation and
absorptive surface, and the metabolic capability increased permeability leading to sensitization
of the microbiota. Bacteriological analysis based and allergy as well as bacterial translocation,
on culture-dependent methods has found that the sepsis, and cholestasis [37–41] (Fig. 1.2). In
microbiota of SBS patients is mainly composed addition, overaggressive ETF may also result in
of Lactobacilli [31], but neither qualitative nor abdominal discomfort, intestinal distension, and
quantitative information is available regarding loss of self-regulation of intake leading to eating
the other main bacterial groups. Recent data in disorders.
pediatric SBS have shown low intestinal micro- Factors that link infection to cholestasis are
biota diversity and a dysbiosis [32, 33]. either cytokines (mainly TNF, IL-1b, IL-6) or
microbial TLR2 or TLR4 agonists [42]. Liver
targets primarily include hepatocytes, but also
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth extend to Küpffer cells, cholangiocytes, endo-
thelial cells, and stellate cells. There are no
Cholestatic liver disease (CLD) has been shown direct studies of bile flow in humans given
to be more frequent in the SBS patients than in endotoxin, but there is sufficient indirect evi-
any other IF conditions [34]. Out of 175 neo- dence to link endotoxin and endotoxin-induced
nates with abdominal pathology requiring lapa- cytokines to cholestasis [43]. During severe
rotomy (SBS = 40, without SBS = 135), the sepsis, including septic shock, hyperbilirubi-
patients with SBS suffered significantly more nemia is usually a central clinical finding,
morbidity than the group without SBS in all cat- often out of proportion to typically mild eleva-
egories of investigation (surgical complications, tions in serum transaminase [44]. Interestingly,
septic events, CRS, PN weaning delay, liver TNFa administered in humans has shown
6 O. Goulet et al.
Food allergy
Eating disorders
Poor growth
Fig. 1.2 Intestinal and extraintestinal disorders due to complicated short bowel syndrome
Hormonal Therapy and Other SBS provided disappointing results with limited
Adaptive Treatments capacity of PN weaning and loss of effects after
treatment cessation (ESPEN 2015). Oral insulin
Hormonal therapy is promising in the manage- has been shown to be beneficial in animal models
ment of infants with SBS. Nevertheless, the and might be assessed very soon in infants and
results of recent trials have largely reduced the children [59, 60]. Other relevant treatments asso-
enthusiasm around this therapeutic option [51–55]. ciated with a trophic effect on the bowel mucosa
Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) such as short-chain fatty acids may be beneficial
provided inconsistent results with reported side in children with SBS [61]. Finally, there is also
effects in adult trials [51]. A few studies of rhGH interest in the use of other trophic factors such as
alone or in combination with glutamine have epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin-like
been carried out in PN-dependent children with growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in children with IF and
SBS. Despite some decrease in PN requirements SBS [62].
during treatment, these trials showed little benefit
on body composition and mucosal absorption in
the long term [53–55]. Non-transplant Surgery for SBS
Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) is produced
by the L-cells of the terminal ileum in response to Several surgical strategies are used to improve
luminal nutrients and has a trophic effect on the the intestinal function in children with SBS hav-
intestine, promoting absorption and adaptation ing rapid transit time, dilated bowel loops, and
[56]. GLP-2 has been shown to increase the sur- insufficient absorptive capacity. Longitudinal
face area of the gut mucosa, upregulate nutrient intestinal lengthening and tailoring (LILT) and
absorption, improve gut-barrier function, increase more recently the serial transverse enteroplasty
intestinal blood flow, and decrease bone resorp- technique (STEP) are the most widely used [63,
tion. Patients with low levels of GLP-2 following 64] (Fig. 1.3). Classical conditions and indica-
the resection of the terminal ileum and/or the tions for bowel-lengthening surgery include the
ileocecal valve improved intestinal absorption presence of a large intestinal diameter (>3–4 cm)
and nutritional status after treatment with GLP-2 for at least 20 cm of small bowel and a minimum
[57, 58]. A recent multicenter study in pediatric total bowel length of 40 cm.
Fig. 1.3 The longitudinal intestinal lengthening and tailoring (LILT) procedure and the serial transverse enteroplasty
procedure (STEP)
8 O. Goulet et al.
The advantages of the LILT procedure include by reducing SIBO restores small intestinal
the conservation of the normal orientation of the mucosa integrity and improves villous size within
muscular fibers allowing more physiological per- the first weeks following the procedure. Surgical
istaltic contraction, and the possibility to further bowel lengthening should be considered in any
perform a STEP procedure on the operated seg- chronically PN-dependent patient when there is
ments. The disadvantages are the risk of vascular substantial bowel dilatation – regardless of the
complications during the operation making LILT remaining bowel length [65].
more technically demanding as compared to the
STEP procedure [65].
The STEP operation involves the use of a sur- Congenital Enteropathies
gical stapler applied sequentially from alternat-
ing and opposite directions to the dilated loop, in Congenital diseases of enterocyte development
a transverse, partially overlapping fashion creat- (CDED) are a group of rare disorders causing
ing a zigzag-like channel of approximately intestinal failure in infancy and early childhood.
2–2.5 cm in diameter (Fig. 1.3). This operation Children with these disorders have early or even
has the great advantage of being simple and neonatal onset of chronic diarrhea that requires
reproducible [65, 66]. PN support [68].
These procedures aim not only to enhance the The etiology includes defects in nutrient-
intestinal length but to reduce the diameter of the electrolyte absorption and disorders of enterocyte
distended intestinal loop with subsequent reduc- differentiation and polarization. Clinically, it is
tion of SIBO. A 5-year follow-up cohort study important to differentiate protracted from intrac-
after STEP confirms the efficiency of this proce- table diarrhea of infancy – the latter being irre-
dure. Interestingly, both D-xylose – a marker of versible. Figure 1.4 proposes a simple algorithm
carbohydrate absorption and mucosal integrity – to approach newborns and infants with severe
and plasma citrulline – a marker of small bowel diarrhea.
enterocyte mass – increased significantly postop- The most common causes of intractable diar-
eratively [67]. This suggests that STEP procedure rhea of infancy are microvillus inclusion disease
Diagnosis pathways for the most frequent early onset severe diarrhea
Starting day 1 to 10
Fig. 1.4 Simple algorithm to approach newborns and infants with severe diarrhea
1 Intestinal Failure in Children 9
(MVID, also known as microvillus atrophy), tuft- been reported as related to SPINT2 mutations
ing enteropathy (TE, also known as intestinal [77–79]. Clinical presentation, associated
epithelial dysplasia), syndromic or phenotypic extraintestinal disorders, and histological fea-
diarrhea, and autoimmune enteropathy. The latter tures suggest a link between CTE and CSD [74].
is not considered to be intractable unless all avail- Syndromic diarrhea (SD), also known as phe-
able treatments fail. Several genes responsible notypic diarrhea (PD) or tricho-hepato-enteric
for these disorders have been identified by stud- syndrome (THE) is a rare congenital bowel disor-
ies based on genome-wide analysis of polymor- der [80]. It is characterized by intractable diar-
phisms, adding new tools for the diagnosis of rhea starting within the first 6 months of life in
intractable diarrhea of infancy [69]. most cases and is associated with several other
MVID is due to MYO5B mutation [70, 71]. disorders. SD is caused by mutations in TTC37
Severe watery diarrhea develops in the first few encoding the uncharacterized tetratricopeptide
days after birth and can rapidly reach a total fecal repeat protein thespin [81] or SKIV2L mutations
output of 200–300 ml/kg of body weight per day. [82]. This disorder is characterized by life-
Diarrhea does not stop during fasting and causes threatening diarrhea in early infancy, immunode-
life-threatening electrolyte and acid-base imbal- ficiency, liver disease, wooly and poorly
ances, rapid and severe dehydration, and hypovo- pigmented hair, facial dysmorphism including
lemic shock. Children with MVID are usually prominent forehead and cheeks and hyper-
dependent on continuous PN infusion not allow- telorism, hypopigmentation, and cardiac defects.
ing for cyclic PN. Some patients have associated Liver disease, including extensive hepatic fibro-
disorders involving biliary acid metabolism, and sis and cirrhosis, affects about half of such
some develop liver disease leading to liver failure patients. There are currently no specific biochem-
within the first few years of life [71]. Currently ical profiles in these patients although a func-
the survival rate for these children is around tional T-cell immune deficiency with defective
70 %, including those patients (up to half) antibody production has been reported [82].
requiring intestinal or liver-intestinal transplanta- Microscopic analysis of the hair shows twisted
tion [72]. hair (pili torti), aniso- and poikilotrichosis, and
Neonates with congenital tufting enteropathy trichorrhexis nodosa. Histopathological analysis
(CTE) develop a severe neonatal diarrhea persist- of small intestine biopsies shows nonspecific vil-
ing at bowel rest [73]. Often there is a family his- lous atrophy with low or no mononuclear cell
tory of consanguinity and neonatal deaths related infiltration of the lamina propria and no specific
to severe diarrhea and dehydration. Indeed CTE histological abnormalities involving the epithe-
has been found to be associated with mutations in lium. Early management consists of total
the genes encoding for epithelial cell adhesion PN. Some infants have a milder phenotype
molecule (EpCAM and Spint2) [74]. There are requiring partial PN or only enteral feeding.
reported clusters of cases in the Arabic Gulf area Prognosis of this syndrome is poor but most
[75]. Infants with CTE typically experience a patients now survive and about half of the patients
worsening of diarrhea during continuous ETF may be weaned from PN at adolescence. Even
even when given extensively hydrolyzed or treated patients have a short stature and often a
amino acid-based formula, resulting in failure to mental retardation [83].
thrive and protein-energy malnutrition. Diarrhea
is usually less severe than in children with MVID;
some patients may be weaned from PN [76]. Intestinal Motility Disorders
Nevertheless, most remain PN dependent and
sometimes require ITx [73]. Expert histological Intestinal motility is under the control of the
review of duodenal biopsies is the key to making enteric nervous system that is functionally
the diagnosis of this severe cause of IF. The so- independent from the central nervous system
called congenital sodium diarrhea (CSD) has and is therefore efficient even in completely
10 O. Goulet et al.
disconnected bowel loops, such as intestinal bouts of intestinal obstruction without demon-
transplants. Normal motility is achieved through strable mechanical occlusion. CIPOs are the
the transmission of the signals from the enteric cause of approximately 15 % of all pediatric
nervous system to the enteric smooth muscle cases of IF [1]. Repeated surgical procedures can
generating healthy peristaltic waves. Therefore negatively affect the course of the disease [86].
motility disorders may derive from either enteric CIPOs may be due to several diseases that can
nerve or muscle dysfunction. Although several be either congenital or acquired. The most severe
gastrointestinal conditions are classified among forms are usually congenital and present shortly
the motility disorders, only a few can lead to after birth with episodes of intestinal obstruction.
intestinal failure: extensive Hirschsprung dis- CIPOs have been conventionally divided into two
ease and chronic intestinal pseudo-obstructions groups, according to the pathogenesis of dys-
(CIPOs). motility: neuropathies and myopathies. The for-
mer is due to the involvement of the enteric
nervous system, and the latter is due to the dys-
Hirschsprung Disease function of intestinal muscles. CIPOs due to
muscle dysfunction are rare but seem to be more
Total or subtotal intestinal aganglionosis (TIA) severe. Urinary tract disorders such as megacys-
leaving the child with less than 50 cm normally tis and megaureter can be associated both with
innervated small intestine below the ligament of neuro- and myopathies causing CIPOs. These
Treitz (LOT) is a rare condition [84]. It may be should be managed by experienced urologists
considered as a SBS type 1. Appropriate manage- although, surprisingly, they may be better toler-
ment strategies are not well established. Surgery ated than other more common obstructive urinary
is performed as a simple jejunostomy below the tract disorders [87].
LOT with or without or short-segment longitudi-
nal myomectomy. In our practice, nutritional Diagnosis
management includes cyclic PN (home PN) asso- The diagnosis of CIPOs is based on clinical and
ciated with oral feeding for reducing the risk of radiological analysis. Tools helpful to assess
liver disease and promoting oral skills. ITx is a severe motility disorder include radiologi-
undertaken according to the occurrence of com- cal and histological evaluations and, if feasible,
plications (water-electrolytes disorders, CRC, gastrointestinal manometry. However, intestinal
and IFALD) and/or the wish of parents for manometry has never been conclusive for either
another quality of life. In 12 patients with TIA, the diagnosis of CIPO or its treatment. CIPOs
we reported an outcome rate of 62.5 % in the management is mainly based on clinical and
LITx group and 75 % in the ITx group, both with radiological features. In CIPOs a plain abdominal
half colon grafting [85]. All the surviving patients x-ray typically shows air-fluid levels and dilata-
were fully weaned from total PN, after a median tion of the bowel loops. Contrast studies, such as
of 57 days. Pull through of the colon allograft the barium small bowel follow-through study, are
was carried out in all patients. Fecal continence is helpful to rule out mechanical obstruction, but
normal in all but one of the surviving children. may not reveal motility abnormalities. The pres-
ence of a systemic autoimmune disease as well as
severe infections and endocrinopathies suggests
Chronic Intestinal an acquired form of CIPOs that sometimes can
Pseudo-obstruction be managed by treating the underlying illness.
Congenital forms of CIPOs can be misdiagnosed
CIPO is a descriptive term pooling together sev- as Hirschsprung disease, even resulting in surgery.
eral disorders of the enteric muscles or nerves. However, surgical biopsies reveal normal enteric
Thus it may have heterogeneous features but has ganglia. In these cases bowel resections should be
a similar phenotype characterized by recurrent avoided [86]. When CIPO is strongly suspected,
1 Intestinal Failure in Children 11
laparoscopic full-thickness biopsies may sup- onset, severity, and the outcome of surgical pro-
port the diagnosis with a minimally invasive cedures such as a primary ileostomy [86]. These
procedure. Nevertheless, histological hallmarks children need to maintain the ability and the plea-
are scant and the sample should be evaluated in sure to eat normal food, and this can be permitted
referral centers by expert pathologists who have by taking small and frequent meals with liquids
experience in similar cases and access to specific or, in more severe cases, by using the gastros-
immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy tomy as a venting device; the known benefits of
allowing the recognition of immune-mediated delivering enteral feeding in children with IF
conditions, congenital neuromuscular disorders, make it mandatory to attempt intermittent gas-
and mitochondrial cytopathies [88]. trostomy closure and gastric or gastroduodenal
Most patients do not show familial recurrence low-fiber feeding [100].
(sporadic cases), but syndromic autosomal- Only a few medications have been shown to
dominant [89], autosomal-recessive [90], and improve gastrointestinal motility in patients with
X-linked [91–94] forms have been described. In an intact enteric nervous system. Erythromycin at
particular, an X-linked locus has been mapped to low or full antibiotic doses may improve gastric
the Xq28 region. Although both familial and spo- emptying in children with CIPOs and gastropare-
radic CIPOs have been widely reported, so far sis [101]. Several other drugs with a demon-
only a few genes have been identified as respon- strated effect on gastric motility, such as the
sible for syndromic CIPO: the thymidine phos- serotoninergic agents cisapride and tegaserod,
phorylase gene (TP, also known as endothelial have been withdrawn from the market because of
cell growth factor-1, ECGF1) [95], DNA poly- the occurrence of rare but severe cardiac adverse
merase gene (POLG) [96], and SOX10 [97]. events including arrhythmias, heart attacks, and
strokes. Colonic acute pseudo-obstruction can be
Management managed successfully by the infusion of the anti-
Management is based on a multidisciplinary inter- cholinergic drug neostigmine, but this drug has
vention by medical, surgical, and allied profes- not been tested on a long-term regimen [102].
sionals. Children with CIPOs almost invariably Children with CIPOs may experience small
require some surgical intervention. The major bowel bacterial overgrowth and can thus occa-
barriers to food progression in patients with inef- sionally benefit from a course of antibiotics such
ficient propulsive strength are the natural GI tract as metronidazole, aminoglycosides, or cotrimox-
bottlenecks: the pylorus and the ileocecal valve. azole. These drugs should be prescribed only in
These can cause a functional occlusion of the case of clinical symptoms rather than regularly,
gastric outlet or small bowel clogging, which can in order to avoid the emergence of bacterial
be easily resolved by the formation of a gastros- resistance.
tomy (or jejunostomy) and an ileostomy respec- A French multicenter study including 105
tively. The formation of a stoma can improve the children, 18 with prenatal diagnosis and 80
quality of life and reduce symptoms in up to 50 % younger than 12 months of age at onset, showed
of children with CIPOs [86]. It is sometimes pos- that early age at presentation, PN dependency
sible to localize the segments of the bowel the and the number of surgical procedures were
most responsible for the dysmotility symptoms: associated with a poor prognosis [103]. In the
in such cases, a loop resection can improve the most severe forms of CIPOs, children end up
intestinal transit and allow enteral feeding and a with an ileostomy, a gastrostomy with almost
return to a more normal life [98]. Near total small permanent aspiration due to gastroparesis, fre-
bowel resection has been proposed as treatment quent bowel obstructions, and total PN depen-
of CIPOs in some cases [99]. dency. Patients with such a poor quality of life
Due to the heterogeneity of the syndrome, a may benefit from transplantation that should
key issue is to adapt the treatment/management include the stomach (i.e., modified multivisceral
to each individual patient according to age at transplantation) [104, 105].
12 O. Goulet et al.
Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Table 1.2 High-risk situations for developing liver
Premature and young infants
Possible Mechanism of IFALD NEC or gastroschisis ± atresia
Protracted bowel rest/intestinal stasis
IFALD is probably the most relevant and persis- Bacterial overgrowth/gram-negative sepsis
Recurrent catheter-related sepsis
tent complication affecting children with IF on
Unadapted and/or continuous PN
long-term PN. The prevalence of the disorder is
The combination of the following factors makes
unknown because there is no established defini- cholestatic liver disease likely
tion of liver disease in this setting, and it is
unclear as to whether IFALD should be diag-
nosed on the basis of clinical, biological, or histo- Intravenous Lipid Emulsions
logical criteria. Indeed there are insufficient data and Liver Disease and IFALD
on the degree and type of liver involvement in
patients with long-term PN [106, 107]. Frequently cited observational studies suggested
The main factors contributing to liver injury in a link between intravenous lipid emulsions (ILE)
these patients are recurrent catheter-related sep- and liver disease [114, 115]. Ganousse et al.
sis, SIBO with bacterial translocation and release reported that the improvement of cholestasis
of enterotoxins, and a paucity of oral and enteral depends also on maintaining an appropriate pro-
nutrition. tein/energy ratio in PN, achieving cyclic rather
Factors affecting the onset and the expression than continuous PN infusion, using medium-
of LD that are specifically related to PN are the chain triglycerides-based ILE and adding alpha-
inadequate supply of amino acids, the adminis- tocopherol in ILE [116].
tration of excessive amounts of glucose, the dura- IFALD is a multifactorial disease in which the
tion of the infusion period, the inappropriate use use of soybean oil-based emulsions (SOBE) in
of lipid emulsions, and, finally, micronutrient PN may represent the major culprit [117]. Several
imbalances (Table 1.1). It should be stressed that factors should be taken into consideration when
the most important factors leading to IFALD are choosing an ILE for parenteral use: the content in
those related to individual patient characteristics essential fatty acids (EFAs), the ratio of ω-6/ω-3,
and, importantly, the episodes of sepsis the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content,
[108–112]. the amount of medium-chain triglycerides
IFALD develops frequently at very early ages, (MCTs), and the quantity of alpha-tocopherol
especially in premature infants in whom liver and phytosterols.
immaturity, frequent sepsis, and necrotizing The probable detrimental effect of ω-6 FAs on
enterocolitis (NEC) facilitate liver inflammation liver function is provided by studies that showed
and severe damages [110, 111]. At this young that fat emulsions based on pure fish oil (contain-
age, PN is most often administered continuously ing ω-3 FAs) have been successful as rescue ther-
over 24 h and CRS is common. apy in pediatric patients with SBS affected by
An important role in this process is played by severe liver disease [118]. The infusion of exclu-
liver inflammation caused by extrahepatic infec- sively ω-3 FAs ultimately changed the manage-
tions in which microbial products brought to the ment of these patients since it allowed the
liver through the bloodstream, either directly or reduction of intake of pro-inflammatory ω-6 and
through production of cytokines, lead to altera- phytosterols while increasing the amounts of
tions of bile flow. The inflammation associated alpha-tocopherol, a powerful antioxidant [119].
with these changes may cause rapid fibrosis and The evidence gathered on the beneficial
eventually biliary cirrhosis with end-stage liver effects of fish oil in these patients has led to its
disease [112, 113] (Table 1.2). use in clinical practice; however, two differ-
1 Intestinal Failure in Children 13
ent approaches have been developed in North has analyzed a set of parameters (clinical data,
America compared to Europe. In North America, laboratory data, fatty acids in plasma and red
only a pure fish oil solution (Omegaven®) is avail- blood cells, plasma levels of alpha-tocopherol
able on the market, whereas in Europe it is also and phospholipids) after infusion of PN with
possible to use an emulsion containing a mixture SMOFlipid® or soybean oil-based emulsion
of soybean oil (30 %), coconut oil (30 %), olive [124]. The SMOFlipid® emulsion increased the
oil (25 %), and fish oil (15 %) (SMOFlipid®). content of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosa-
Both ILEs contain 200 mg/L of alpha-tocopherol. hexaenoic (DHA) acids and reduced the ω-6/ω-3
Some concerns have been raised on providing ratio, improving also liver function tests [124].
fish oil as the sole source of lipids over a long Another study evaluated the long-term effects
period of time. Pure fish oil provides less essen- of the lipid mixture SMOFlipid® versus a soy-
tial ω-6 fatty acids than that currently recom- bean oil-based preparation in pediatric patients
mended in infants and young children [118, 120]. on home PN [125]. This randomized, double-
Furthermore, Omegaven® (pure fish oil) can blind study involved 28 children who received
only be given at lower infusion rates compared to more than four infusions of PN per week for four
SMOFlipid®. Omegaven® may not be able to consecutive weeks. The infusion was adminis-
provide enough calories to sustain growth. Thus, tered in 12–14 h overnight. At the end of the
the combination of several types of oil by mixing study, no differences between biochemical and
soybean oil (rich in ω-6 FAs), coconut oil (rich in nutritional outcomes were recorded, but there
MCTs), olive oil (rich in MUFAs), and fish oil was a clear association between the use of
(rich in ω-3 FAs) appears to promote better SMOFlipid® and a significant decrease of biliru-
growth while limiting hepatic toxicity [120]. bin levels that conversely increased in the soy-
Phytosterols contained in soybean oil have been bean oil-based group [125].
found to be associated with liver disease progres- A confirmation of these findings comes from
sion, and their exclusion from intravenous lipid the study of Muhammed et al. who examined the
emulsions may also be beneficial in children on effect of the switch from a soybean oil-based
PN [121]. Clayton compared the level of phytos- emulsions (SOBE) lipid emulsion to SMOFlipid®
terols in plasma of healthy subjects, patients with in 17 children with cholestasis. The subjects were
mild hepatic dysfunction, and those with severe assigned to a treatment group receiving
dysfunction who received soybean oil emulsion – SMOFlipid® and a group receiving soybean oil-
rich in sterols – and found a link between liver based emulsions (SOBE) lipids. Over a period of
damage and phytosterol plasma levels [122]. 6 months, the use of SMOFlipid® was associated
Regarding the presence of tocopherol in lipid with a marked statistically significant reduction
emulsions, we should emphasize that there are in the levels of bilirubin when compared with the
different preparations of tocopherol: alpha- soybean oil-based emulsions (SOBE) lipid group
tocopherol is the form with far greater antioxi- [126].
dant activity. While soybean oil-based emulsions We can therefore conclude that recent studies
(SOBE) contain a high amount of gamma- have emphasized the superiority of fish
tocopherol (which has 25 % of the antioxidant oil-derived lipid emulsions as a major advance
power as compared to alpha-tocopherol), lipids for the management of patients on long-term
based on fish oil are rich of the most powerful PN. Preparations with pure fish oil are effective
antioxidant vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol [119, in improving cholestasis, but their use as the sole
120, 123]. To ensure a proper antioxidant power source of lipids may not meet essential fatty acid
in lipid preparations, it is advisable to add 0.5 mg requirements especially in the long term [127].
of alpha-tocopherol per gram of PUFAs. Nevertheless, while some randomized controlled
A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial trials have demonstrated the beneficial effect of
on 60 preterm babies stratified by body weight SMOFlipid® versus soybean oil-based emul-
14 O. Goulet et al.
sions (SOBE) lipid emulsion, no studies have home PN, 8 % had intestinal transplantation,
compared SMOFlipid® to Omegaven® in these and 9.6 % of children died – most of them had
patients [124, 125]. immune deficiency. The major complications
of home PN were catheter-related bloodstream
infections (CRBSI, 1.7 per 1000 days of cathe-
Long-Term Management ter) and IFALD, 51 children (20 % of the cohort).
of Intestinal Failure Children with congenital enteropathies had the
highest rates of IFALD (44 % of the subgroup).
Home Parenteral Nutrition Children on home PN in our cohort have a shorter
HPN duration to weaning, lower death rate, and
Home PN, first used in the early 1980s, allows for longer interval to catheter replacement than other
full nutritional support of children and adults studies.
with temporary or permanent IF at home [128– The European data on the long-term manage-
134]. Survival of children receiving prolonged ment of IF on home PN need to be compared
PN depends mainly on the underlying diagnosis with other continents, especially North America.
and has increased dramatically during the last Several papers from the USA report “intestinal
three decades; nevertheless, complications such rehabilitation centers” including early manage-
as CRS, IFALD, and loss of venous access can ment of intestinal failure (IF), especially short
seriously challenge the clinical stability of bowel syndrome in both neonatology and surgical
patients with IF [135–137]. wards, with the aim of the earliest PN weaning
The expertise required to prescribe PN both at [138–143]. Some patients get severe complica-
home and in the hospital usually comes from a tions and become candidates for ITx. Some oth-
dedicated hospital-based nutritional team who ers fail to be weaned off PN and are discharged
has a thorough knowledge of energy expenditure, on home PN when suitable. The organization and
nutrients and trace-elements requirements by follow-up of home PN is supposed to be shared
age, appropriate central catheter handling, and between pediatric gastroenterology-nutrition
awareness of the risk and complications of long- teams and home caregiver companies accord-
term PN. Home PN must be tailored to the single ing to the local facilities. Unfortunately, there is
patient and its family, always maintaining the almost no report in the literature about the preva-
goal of counteracting the deleterious aspects of lence and results of pediatric home PN programs
intestinal failure. Official guidelines and position making a comparison with North American man-
statements on central catheter handling and PN agement almost impossible. One of the reasons is
prescription have been published [138]. linked to the organization and the management
We followed up 251 children referred to our of IF. In France, patients suffering from IF, espe-
institution and discharged on HPN between cially those with SBS, are managed by specialized
January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2013 (manu- medico-surgical departments, including pediat-
script in preparation). In this survey, 217 chil- ric surgeons and pediatric gastroenterologists-
dren (86 %) had primary digestive diseases. The nutritionists or neonatology units. The decision of
mean age at HPN onset was 0.7 ± 0.3 year with discharging the child on home PN and the follow-
a mean duration of 1.9 ± 0.4 years. The major up are fully dependent on pediatric gastroenterol-
indication for HPN was SBS (59 %) secondary ogy and nutrition teams. The French network is
to midgut volvulus (16.7 %), necrotizing entero- organized regionally. Patients are referred to the
colitis (12.3 %), gastroschisis (12 %), extensive closest of the seven reference centers for home
Hirschsprung disease (10 %), and intestinal atre- PN. Our own history and experience make us the
sia (6.4 %). Other PDD were congenital enterop- reference center for a large part of the territory.
athies (10 %), CIPOS (9.1 %), and inflammatory In 2014, the prevalence of home PN for pediatric
bowel diseases (IBD, 5.1 %). At the end of the patients was 262 patients, 108 (41 %) being fol-
study period, 56 % of children were weaned off lowed up by our center.
1 Intestinal Failure in Children 15
selected patients. We therefore believe that only These children need careful assessment before
“nutritional failure” should be regarded as a clear isolated LTx and close follow-up with an experi-
indication to ITx. enced multidisciplinary team to monitor nutri-
Isolated liver Tx (LTx) has been performed for tional outcomes and may need consideration for
IFALD in patients with SBS. Taha et al. reported transplant or non-transplant surgery in the long
a group of children with SBS and IFALD who term (Fig. 1.5).
have the potential for adaptation in the residual In conclusion treatment of permanent IF has
bowel underwent isolated LTx [151]. The prog- made remarkable strides in the past decades. The
nosis remains poor after this procedure, eight sur- establishment of multidisciplinary intestinal
vivors out of 14 [151]. This procedure should be rehabilitation programs at leading centers has
avoided by preventing liver disease. If performed, improved the survival of children with IF, while
it should be exercised with extreme caution. the morbidity associated with both IF and PN has
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Short Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal
I. Sukhotnik
of water secretion because of malabsorption of were not found to adequately maintain the
luminal contents. Hypertonic concentration of mucosa in the setting of TPN [21]. Gastric acid
partially digested nutrients in the jejunum results hypersecretion is a common finding after mas-
in massive fluid losses that would normally be sive small bowel resection and is proportional to
reabsorbed in the ileum and colon. If the ileum is the length of intestine resected. Gastric hyperse-
resected, one of the primary reabsorptive sites cretion has been attributed to hypergastrinemia
for these secretions is lost, and the remaining following the loss of gastric peptide production
colon is incapable of reabsorbing most of the from the resected small intestine [22]. The
fluid. Consequently, patient with distal bowel increased gastric secretions and acidity inacti-
resection develops usually massive fluid losses vate pancreatic enzymes, reducing the efficiency
in response to large bolus feeding or feedings of protein and lipid digestion [23]. The excess
containing high concentrations of rapidly gastric acid and low intraduodenal pH may dam-
digested carbohydrates [5]. The degree of mal- age the bowel mucosa, inactivate digestive
absorption increases with the length of resection, enzymes, and stimulate peristalsis [24].
and the variety of nutrients malabsorbed Decreased secretion of cholecystokinin and
increases [6, 7]. Balance studies of energy secretin further reduces gallbladder contraction
absorption showed that the absorption of fat and and pancreatic secretion. These factors along
carbohydrate was equally reduced to between 50 with secretion of a high salt load by the stomach
and 75 % of intake [7]. However, nitrogen may compound the diarrhea associated with
absorption was reduced to a lesser extent than short bowel syndrome [25].
that of carbohydrate and fat, namely, to 81 % of
intake. Although the ability to absorb many
nutrients is decreased following resection, lipid Intestinal Adaptation: Definition
absorption is generally considered the most vul-
nerable [8–12]. Therefore, patients with short Intestinal adaptation means progressive recovery
bowel syndrome have been considered to benefit from intestinal failure throughout which the
from a low-fat diet early in the course of therapy small bowel increases its absorptive surface area
[13, 14]. Absorption of calcium, magnesium, and its functional capacity in an attempt to meet
zinc, and phosphorus is reduced in SBS patient, the body’s metabolic and growth needs [26].
but does not correlate with the remaining length Although intestinal transplantation has emerged
of bowel [15–17]. Colonic bacteria deconjugate as a feasible alternative in the treatment of chil-
the bile salts entering the colon to free bile acids dren with SBS during the last two decades, intes-
that stimulate secretion, leading to the develop- tinal adaptation remains the only chance for
ment of watery diarrhea. Therefore, the severity survival in a subset of these patients. Intestinal
of diarrhea following ileal resection depends in adaptation begins within 24–48 h of resection
part on the length of contiguous colon removed and includes morphologic (structural adaptation)
[18]. The gastrointestinal tract is also the site of and functional changes (functional adaptation)
synthesis of a number of important gastrointesti- of the residual bowel. Structural adaptation
nal hormones and growth factors. Many of these includes increasing bowel diameter and length,
play an important role in regulating gastric emp- lengthening the villi, deepening the crypts, and
tying and small intestinal transit. Resection of increasing the rate of enterocyte proliferation,
the ileum results in delayed gastric emptying finally resulting in increased absorptive surface
that is a major factor in adaptive increased transit area and in increased numbers of enterocytes.
time [19]. On the other hand, resection of the Functional adaptation entails modifications of
ileum may impair the “colon brake” phenome- the brush border membrane permeability and
non through to be controlled by neurotensin and upregulation of carrier-mediated transport, ulti-
peptide YY [20]. Other compounds, including mately resulting in increased nutrient absorption
prostaglandins, cholecystokinin, and secretin, by isolated enterocytes.
2 Short Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal Adaptation 25
In the early twentieth century, it was first be relevant in patients who are difficult to main-
observed that the residual intestine can undergo tain on parenteral nutrition. However, the maxi-
structural changes that result in increased surface mal increase in the functional absorptive capacity
area and enhanced nutrient absorptive capacity. obtained by enhanced adaptation, represented by
In 1957 Piling and Cresson [27] described the the level of the plateau, is the aim when trying to
first successful extensive resection in two infants, wean stable patients from parenteral support.
who survived with only 26 and 28 cm of remain-
ing small bowel. Subsequently, many series of
patients have documented survival in infants with Intestinal Adaptation: Animal
even shorter small bowel remnants. A review of Models
50 infants with significant small bowel resection
showed a good probability of survival with 15 cm Most studies investigating the process of adapta-
or more of residual gut when ileocecal valve is tion have utilized animal models (rat, mouse,
preserved; a loss of ileocecal valve, however, and dog) with a jejunoileal anastomosis.
requires at least 40 cm of residual small bowel for Therefore, the relevance of the physiological and
a reasonable chance to survive [28]. Several stud- structural changes that occur is of unclear clini-
ies have shown that the functional integrity of the cal relevance to humans who uncommonly have
remaining intestine is of far more importance this bowel anatomy remaining. Hyperplasia of
than the outward appearance of the bowel [29]. the mucosal epithelium, not hypertrophy, is the
The nutritional benefits of an increased intestinal primary event occurring in intestinal adaptation
absorption in short bowel patients are usually [30]. In rodent systems, animals subjected to
reflected in changes of body weight and compo- extensive (70 %) intestinal resection undergo a
sition. The increases in the body weight and lean pattern of well-described morphological and
body and bone mass and the reduction in the fat functional changes. The remaining intestine
mass seen as a result of the conservative treat- changes macroscopically with dilatation, thick-
ment may be taken as clinical indications of a ening, and an increasing length. There is an
beneficial effect, which most probably is medi- increase in villus height and diameter and an
ated through the effect on intestinal absorption. elongation of the crypts. Increased villus height
In addition, the increase in urine creatinine and and crypt depth is the result of increased prolif-
the absence of clinical signs of edema supported eration and accelerated migration along the vil-
that the increase in lean body mass, measured by lus and is a marker for the increased absorptive
dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, actually surface area. Increased mucosal proliferation in
reflects an increase in muscle mass. The increases a functioning intestine, as demonstrated by the
in serum albumin and sodium are also encourag- increased cell proliferation index following
ing [30]. Figure 2.1 illustrates a theoretic graphic bowel resection, suggests an activated entero-
presentation of gut function in relation to time cyte turnover and may be considered as a main
after bowel resection. mechanism of mucosal hyperplasia in residual
A “spontaneous adaptation” or recovery of bowel. An increase in epithelial cellular prolif-
intestinal function is generally described, reach- eration, coupled with an increase in apoptosis,
ing a plateau at a certain time (usually after 18 produces increases in intestinal RNA, DNA, and
months). When trying to improve intestinal adap- protein content [31]. The dynamic process of
tation, therapies could either reach a higher pla- enterocyte turnover is a function of the rates of
teau phase (given as graph “enhanced adaptation”) crypt cell proliferation, migration along crypt-
or reduce the time period until the plateau was villus axis, and death via apoptosis. This process
reached (given as graph “accelerated adapta- may be affected by nutritional status, the route of
tion”). Enhanced accelerated adaptation refers to feeding, and the adequacy of specific nutrients in
situation when adaptation reaches higher plateau the diet. Apoptosis or programmed cell death is
and in shorter time. Accelerating the process may an active, genetically controlled process of cell
26 I. Sukhotnik
function Enhanced accelerated adaptation
Accelerated adaptation
Enhanced adaptation
Spontaneous adaptation
1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years
suicide. It is a physiologic process whereby the that counterbalances the increased enterocyte
body disposes of unwanted cells by self-destruc- proliferation in order to reach a new homeostatic
tion and is our greatest defense against damaged status during intestinal adaptation, promoting
cells [32]. In contrast to necrosis, which is more the disposal of genetically aberrant stem cells
of an accidental death process, apoptosis com- and preventing tumorigenesis. In a recent experi-
prises highly regulated and reproducible events ment, Jarboe et al. [37] examined the role of bax
that eventually lead to cell death. Several regula- in exaggerated post-resection apoptosis induced
tory genes affecting apoptosis have been identi- by epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition in
fied and divided into proapoptotic genes (bax, mice and demonstrated that bax is required for
bik, bak, bcl-xs, bad, p53, c-jun, hrk) and anti- the induction of such cell death. Moreover,
apoptotic genes (bcl-2, bcl-xL, rb, mcl-1, a1, defective epidermal growth factor receptor sig-
brag-1, bfl-1) [33]. Many reports on apoptosis naling augmented resection-induced enterocyte
focused on the role of the executioners, cysteinyl- apoptosis via a mechanism that also requires bax
aspartate-acid-proteinases, termed “caspases” expression. Functionally there is an increase in
which are triggered in response to proapoptotic absorption per unit length of carbohydrates, pro-
signals. Caspases cleave numerous substrates at teins, water, and electrolytes [38, 39].
the carboxyl side of an aspirate residue upon
induction of apoptosis. A key caspase involved
in the apoptotic pathway is caspase-3 (also Regulating Intestinal Adaptation
known as Yama, CPP32, and apopain). Inhibition
of caspase-3 has been linked to prevention of In response to a variety of stimuli, including
apoptotic death in vitro, although certain stimuli luminal nutrients, hormones, growth factors,
can induce apoptosis by a caspase-3-indepen- and pancreaticobiliary secretions, the small and
dent pathway [34]. Bcl-2 and related proteins large intestine increase their absorptive surface
play an important role in the regulation of apop- area and functional capacity to meet the body’s
totic cell death in mammalian systems [35]. At metabolic and growth needs. Considerable
least two family members, Bcl-xs and Bax, act in research over many years has focused on the
opposition to Bcl-2. Recent evidence has dem- identification of those trophic factors that may
onstrated that apoptosis increases in SBS [36]. promote bowel absorption after massive intesti-
Enhanced enterocyte apoptosis following bowel nal resection and provide a successful outcome
resection is considered as being a mechanism in patients with SBS. These factors include
2 Short Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal Adaptation 27
nutrients and other luminal constituents, gas- Early exposure to a high-fat diet augmented and
trointestinal secretions, hormones, and peptide accelerated intestinal regrowth after massive
growth factors [25–27]. small bowel resection in a rat model [43]. In
addition, dietary lipids increased the absorptive
capacity of the intestinal remnant, improved food
Adaptation and Nutrients and fat absorption, and restored plasma and tis-
sue lipid content in this model [44]. In contrast, a
The initial management of patients with SBS low-fat diet significantly affected adaptive
typically involves TPN. TPN is usually initiated responses by an inhibition of enterocyte prolifer-
as soon as clinical stability allows and provides ation and did so independently of enterocyte
adequate total caloric intake and the necessary apoptosis [45]. Depletion of dietary fat inhibited
amounts of nutrients and micronutrients. also cellular and molecular mechanisms of LCFA
Importantly, it also “buys time” for gradual toler- absorption by isolated enterocytes in the same
ance of enteral feedings and successful adapta- model. This was evident from a decrease in
tion of the intestine. However, it is well LCFA plasma-membrane transport protein fatty-
documented that exposure to intraluminal nutri- acid translocase (FAT) (the rat homologue of
ents is required for stimulation of intestinal adap- human CD36) and a decrease in isolated entero-
tation in general and mucosal hyperplasia in cyte [3H]-oleate uptake as measured by estab-
particular [40]. Early gradual introduction of lished cellular LCFA transport assay [46].
enteral feedings also plays an important role in Extensive studies in various experimental
successful postoperative management. It is well models of SBS have established that many amino
documented that exposure to intraluminal nutri- acids (e.g., glutamine) strongly stimulate the
ents is required for stimulation of intestinal adap- intestinal adaptive response. Glutamine, rather
tation in general and mucosal hyperplasia in than glucose, is the major fuel for mitochondrial
particular [41]. Therefore, many experts in the respiration in enterocytes. Glutamine is used for
management of SBS recommend attempting protein synthesis either directly or as a result of
enteral feeding as early as possible. The mecha- catabolic pathways. Within 24 h of 80 % small
nism whereby food induces this adaptation is bowel resection in the rodent, glutamine and
unknown. It is likely that enteral nutrition works total amino acid uptake per gram of tissue is
through a number of mechanisms, including increased [47]. However, with the decrease mass
stimulation of mucosal hyperplasia by direct con- of tissue, overall glutamine consumption in the
tact with the epithelial cells, stimulation of tro- long term is less than controls, and muscle stores
phic gastrointestinal hormone secretion, and of glutamine remain unchanged [48, 49]. The
stimulation of the production of trophic pancre- addition of glutamine or arginine to enteral feeds
aticobiliary secretions [27, 28]. Although enteral after extensive resection does not seem to pro-
feeding is one of the major trophic factors in the duce a consistent effect between studies; indeed,
stimulation of intestinal adaptation, not all nutri- there is little evidence that either amino acid
ents have equal stimulating trophic effects. increases adaptation, with some groups report-
Growing evidence suggests that glutamine, pec- ing lower protein and DNA levels than controls
tin, short-chain fatty acids, and long-chain fatty [50]. Supplementation of enteral feeds with orni-
acids are considered the most effective among the thine a-ketoglutarate (OKG), the soluble orni-
factors promoting post-resection intestinal adap- thine salt, does seem to have a positive effect on
tation [41]. Although lipid absorption is gener- intestinal adaptation and mucosal polyamine
ally considered the most vulnerable in SBS synthesis [51]. However, another nonessential
patient, growing evidence suggests that long- amino acid arginine impairs post-resection intes-
chain fatty acids appear to be more effective tinal regrowth in rats through a decrease in
stimulators of intestinal adaptation than either enterocyte proliferation and increase in cell
medium-chain fats or carbohydrates [42]. death via apoptosis [52].
28 I. Sukhotnik
Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and mucosal hyperplasia and increases water, electro-
for differentiation of epithelial tissues. Extensive lytes, and nutrient absorption [54, 55]. In a rabbit
studies in various experimental models have model of SBS, Avissar et al. [56] recently demon-
established that vitamin A may regulate intestinal strated that treatment with growth hormone for 2
epithelial cell proliferation and regeneration. weeks restored a Na(+)-dependent broad-
Swartz-Basile et al. [53] examined the mecha- spectrum neutral amino acid transporter (ATB(0)/
nisms by which the status of vitamin A affects ASCT2) protein in the jejunum and ileum, which
adaptation by analyzing proliferation, apoptosis, is responsible for downregulated glutamine trans-
and enterocyte migration in the early postopera- port in rabbit residual bowel following 70 %
tive period after bowel resection in rat. Both crypt small bowel resection. Many studies in various
cell proliferation and enterocyte migration rates experimental models of SBS have established
were significantly decreased in the vitamin that exogenous administration of growth hor-
A-deficient rats subjected to submassive small mone enhances mucosal hyperplasia and
bowel resection. In contrast, apoptosis was sig- increases water, electrolytes, and nutrient absorp-
nificantly greater in the remnant ileum of resected tion [54, 55]. Treated animals have shown muco-
vitamin A-deficient rats compared to control ani- sal hyperplasia and increased absorptive capacity
mals. The authors concluded that vitamin A defi- above and beyond the normal adaptive response
ciency inhibits intestinal adaptation following after small bowel resection. Other studies have
partial small bowel resection by reducing crypt demonstrated increased villus height and crypt
cell proliferation, by enhancing early crypt cell depth, positive nitrogen balance, and bowel
apoptosis, and by markedly reducing enterocyte growth when rats were given GH combined with
migration rates. glutamine and/or a diet high in protein [57, 58].
These studies do not discredit GH as a driver of
adaptation but underscore the interplay between
Intestinal Adaptation and Hormones the many factors involved in adaptation in
SBS. Another very promising observation is that
It is widely accepted that the adaptive response is GH may augment the length of the remnant intes-
controlled in part by the release of one or more of tine after bowel resection. This finding is particu-
the gut signaling hormones. These include larly important when you consider that remnant
enteroglucagon, neurotensin, peptide YY, growth intestinal length is the greatest predictor for long-
hormone, and insulin-like growth factor [20]. term parenteral nutrition requirement.
Additionally, enteral feeding stimulates the Since Wilmore et al.’s [59] demonstration that
release of enterotrophic hormones (gastrin, cho- a combination of growth hormone, glutamine,
lecystokinin, neurotensin) which have an impor- and a specialized diet enhances intestinal com-
tant role in the process of gut adaptation. There is pensation and optimizes nutrient absorption in
growing evidence in animal models of SBS that patients with intestinal failure, many similar
some hormonal manipulation can improve intes- studies were conducted and yielded inconsistent
tinal adaptation. results. For example, Matarese et al. performed a
Growth hormone (GH) is a single-chain pro- systematic search on electronic databases and the
tein produced in the anterior pituitary gland. Internet for the purpose of compiling the evi-
Because GH has been shown to induce growth dence published to date on this subject. The
and proliferation in many different tissues and authors concluded that the administration of
cell lines and the receptor for growth hormone recombinant human growth hormone alone or
has been found throughout the intestine, its role together with glutamine with or without a modi-
in the setting of SBS has been studied exten- fied diet may be beneficial when the appropriate
sively. Many studies in various experimental patients are selected for treatment [60].
models of SBS have established that exogenous Enteroendocrine glucagon-like peptides
administration of growth hormone enhances GLP-1 and GLP-2 are synthesized and released
2 Short Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal Adaptation 29
from enteroendocrine cells in the distal small in many diseases as well as gender dimorphism
intestine and large intestine. GLP-1 promotes in the response to trauma, shock, and sepsis.
efficient nutrient assimilation, while GLP-2 regu- Current theories for the different responses to
lates energy absorption via effects on nutrient these events between genders are based on
intake, gastric acid secretion and gastric empty- gonadal, hypothalamic, and pituitary hormone
ing, nutrient absorption, and mucosal permeabil- levels. In a recent study, the effects of gender and
ity [61]. Evidence that GLP-2 is important in sex hormones on structural intestinal adaptation
controlling intestinal adaptation following bowel were investigated following massive small bowel
resection has come from experiments by Litvak resection in a rat [71]. This study confirms that
et al. [62]. In addition, Martin et al. [63] have bowel regrowth following massive small bowel
recently shown that luminal nutrients stimulate resection is not gender related. Depletion of
bowel growth and differentiation by stimulation androgen by castration inhibited intestinal adap-
of GLP-2 secretion and that GLP-2 levels signifi- tation, and testosterone showed a strong stimulat-
cantly correlated with the magnitude of intestinal ing effect on bowel regrowth.
resection and nutrient malabsorption. Uluutku
et al. [64] investigated the trophic and functional
effects of bombesin on the remaining gut in rats Adaptation and Peptide Growth
with SBS and showed an increased absorptive Factors
capacity and improved serum protein and albu-
min levels following bombesin administration, Over the past decades, several proteins produced
even in the absence of elemental nutrition. In by different cells and tissues, designated peptide
another recent study, treatment with bombesin growth factors, have been reported to play an
resulted in a significant increase in accelerated important role in stimulating enterocyte turnover.
cell turnover after massive small bowel resection Our understanding of the structure and function
in a rat [65]. The obese gene protein product of the peptide growth factors has advanced rap-
leptin is a hormone that is secreted from adipo- idly in recent years. Peptide growth factors
cytes and acts primarily on the hypothalamus appear to mediate many of the processes required
regulating energy expenditure and food intake for normal intestinal growth and differentiation.
[66–68]. Recent study has shown that treatment Every growth factor modulates growth through
with leptin enhances structural intestinal adapta- autocrine, juxtacrine, or paracrine mechanisms
tion, increases enterocyte proliferation, and and usually acts as a mitogen through the stimu-
decreases cell death via apoptosis following mas- lation of specific cell surface receptors. It has
sive small bowel resection in a rat [69]. been reported that growth factors stimulate cell
Because of its antisecretory properties, soma- proliferation through the alteration of transcrip-
tostatin has been advocated for the treatment of tion of various genes [72]. Peptide growth factors
patients with SBS. Somatostatin decreases diar- are often divided into several groups based on
rhea and stoma output following massive small their structure and mode of induction and include
bowel resection. However, recent experimental the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, the
evidence suggests that Sandostatin decreases cell transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family, the
proliferation and inhibits structural intestinal insulin-like growth factor (IGF) family, and the
adaptation following massive small bowel resec- fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family. In addi-
tion in a rat model [70]. In light of these results, tion, a smaller number of peptide growth factors
somatostatin should be avoided following mas- having different structural properties compared
sive small bowel resection in order to prevent its to the main families also have been identified
inhibitory effects of bowel regrowth. within the gastrointestinal tract. These include
Little is known about the effects of gender and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), platelet-derived
sex hormones in short bowel syndrome. A grow- growth factor (PDGF), trefoil peptides, hemato-
ing body of literature points to gender differences poietic stem cell factors, and many more [73].
30 I. Sukhotnik
Certain peptide growth factors have been eval- intestinal resection has been reported by many
uated for their role in modifying cell proliferation investigators [77, 78]. In a recent study, oral insu-
and in stimulating the enterocyte functional lin supplementation dramatically enhanced struc-
activities in animal models of short bowel syn- tural intestinal adaptation after massive bowel
drome. The effect of other factors has not been resection in a rat [79]. This effect was much more
evaluated following bowel resection, and further significant than the one observed previously fol-
work is required to study its effect on intestinal lowing parenteral insulin administration and was
adaptation. EGF was initially isolated by Cohen correlated with insulin receptor expression along
in 1962 from mouse submandibular salivary the villus-crypt axis [80]. Based on these studies,
glands as the factor responsible for promoting a pilot study was performed to examine whether
premature eyelid opening in neonatal mice. EGF oral insulin supplementation decreases the need
is a multifunctional, 53-amino-acid peptide that for parenteral nutrition in pediatric patients with
acts through stimulation of specific cell surface SBS. In this trial, clinical improvement was
receptors. EGF exerts a variety of biological observed in a subset of children, and two of ten
influences in numerous cell populations. Among infants were successfully weaned off parenteral
these, EGF was shown to regulate proliferation of nutrition [81]. In the intestinal mucosa, numerous
gastrointestinal epithelium through interaction cytokines were shown to affect epithelial cell dif-
with the enterocytes at the luminal surface as ferentiation and proliferation through epithelial-
well as increases functional capacity of the gas- mesenchymal and epithelial-immune cell
trointestinal tract mucosa. EGF has been shown interaction. Transforming growth factor-beta
to augment the intestinal adaptation in animal family includes TGF-β1 and several peptides
models of SBS. Multiple studies have suggested exhibiting various degrees of homology to this
a positive effect of EGF on both structural [74] prototypic member. TGF-β1 was first isolated
and functional [75] parameters of intestinal adap- from human platelet as a large propeptide of 391
tation. The second member of the EGF family, amino acids with the characteristics of secretory
transforming growth factor-α (TGFα), is a polypeptide. TGF-beta has been found to inhibit
50-amino-acid polypeptide which was first iden- proliferation of all epithelial cell proliferation of
tified in nontransformed fibroblast indicator cells all epithelial cell populations through prolonga-
in soft agar and was found to promote anchorage- tion of the G1 phase. Therefore, probably, there
independent growth of these cells [76]. TGFα are no works studying the effect of TGF-β on
shares many structural homologies to EGF and intestinal adaptation following massive small
appears to act through the same receptor as bowel resection. The most interesting possibility,
EGF. Since its isolation from transformed cell but one that is speculative at present, is that TGF-
lines, TGFα has been demonstrated to directly beta in conjunction with TGF-alpha can contrib-
promote cell proliferation and to exert a trophic ute to the regulation of the dynamic turnover of
effect on intact gastric, intestinal, and colonic the intestinal epithelium in adapting gut.
mucosa. Recently, the effect of TGFα on intesti- Additionally, TGF-beta may affect bowel growth
nal adaptation has been evaluated in a mice model through its stimulating effect on extracellular
of SBS. Falcone et al. [76] have reported that in matrix. Fibroblast growth factors play key roles
mice with SBS, intestinal adaptation occurs in controlling tissue growth, morphogenesis, and
despite the absence of TGFα expression in the repair in animals. Recent study has shown that
remaining bowel; however, exogenous TGFα keratinocyte growth factor (fibroblast growth fac-
stimulated enterocyte proliferation and intestinal tor VII) plays a positive role in intestinal regrowth
adaptation. The insulin-like growth factor family in a mouse model of SBS [82]. The effects of
includes three peptides: insulin, insulin-like other fibroblast growth factor family members,
growth factor I (IGF-I), and insulin-like growth transforming growth factor-β family, and platelet-
factor II (IGF-II). The positive effect of IGF-I derived growth factor on bowel growth have been
and IGF-II in stimulating bowel regrowth after examined in normal intestine, but have not been
2 Short Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal Adaptation 31
evaluated in an animal model of short bowel syn- of almost all nutrients, including water, electro-
drome. Future experiments will, therefore, be lytes, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and
needed to examine the role of these factors and to trace elements [87]. Fluid loss from the gastroin-
elucidate the potential mechanisms by which testinal tract tends to be greatest during the first
they affect the adaptive response. Hepatocyte few days after massive small intestinal resection;
growth factor (HGF) is a distinctive growth- ostomy outputs may exceed 5 L/day. Aggressive
modulating peptide, which has been identified in fluid and electrolyte replacement therapy is nec-
primary hepatocytes and is also expressed in the essary to reduce life-threatening dehydration,
stomach, small intestine, and colon. HGF was hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances.
found early in all human fetal digestive tissues, Frequent measurements of vital signs, intake and
suggesting its morphogenic role in digestive sys- output, and central venous pressures are required
tem development during embryogenesis [83]. It because of rapid metabolic changes and possible
has been reported that intestinal mesenchyme hemodynamic instability [88]. Phase II, the adap-
secretes HGF which stimulates the growth of tation phase, generally begins within 24–48 h
attaching epithelial cells by a paracrine mecha- after resection and may last from 1 to 2 years.
nism [84]. Comparing the effect of TGF-alpha, During this period, 90–95 % of the bowel adapta-
TGF-beta, keratinocyte growth factor, and hepa- tion potential (including nutritional and meta-
tocyte growth factor on restitution of intestinal bolic stability) has been realized, and only
epithelial cells, Nishimura and collaborators have 5–10 % of additional improvement in bowel
shown that HGF was the most potent of the cyto- adaptation and absorption is possible [89].
kines in accelerating repair of the damaged Adaptive changes also take place in the stomach,
monolayer of the intestinal epithelium [85]. pancreas, and colon. Clinical manifestations of
Further experiments demonstrated that HGF can intestinal adaptation include weight change and
increase intestinal epithelial cell mass and func- stabilization of fluid and electrolyte levels [87].
tion in vivo. After reviewing the evidence for the By phase III, the maintenance phase, the absorp-
role of HGF as a pro-adapting agent after bowel tive capacity of the gut is at a maximum. Although
resection, it should be mentioned that recent some patients still require parenteral nutrition,
work by Schwartz and colleagues [86] has dem- others do well on diet alone. Attempts should be
onstrated dramatic response in mucosal mass and made to compensate for continued malabsorption
enterocyte functional capacities following bowel by increasing the quantity of small meals and
resection in rats exposed to HGF. supplementation with vitamins and minerals
[90]. At this point, the patient has either adapted
maximally so that nutritional and metabolic
Enhancing Adaptation homeostasis can be achieved entirely by oral
in the Treatment of Short Bowel feeding, or the patient is committed to receiving
Syndrome supplemental or complete nutritional support for
life, either by ambulatory home TPN or special-
Early management of SBS in reference centers ized enteral or oral feedings.
by multidisciplinary groups is certainly the key An increasing number of factors have been
issue to recognize, as early as possible, irrevers- identified that can promote epithelial growth,
ible intestinal failure, to improve its outcome, increase epithelial absorptive function, and affect
and to perform intestinal transplantation in an intestinal growth. Recent clinical trials offer the
appropriate time. Management of SBS has tradi- potential of a new modality to care for such patients.
tionally been divided into three phases: an acute Selection of appropriate patients for these new
phase, an adaptation phase, and a maintenance therapies and ensuring efficacy of these factors will
phase. Phase I, the acute phase, occurs during the be important objectives over the next several years
immediate postoperative weeks and may last 1–3 [91, 92]. In a pilot study, enteral treatment with epi-
months. This phase is marked by poor absorption dermal growth factor in pediatric SBS improves
32 I. Sukhotnik
nutrient absorption, increases tolerance with enteral characterized by their ability to self-renew as
feeds, and improves the infection rate [93]. Two well as to differentiate into specialized cells,
clinical studies in adult SBS patients show properties critical for tissue maintenance and
extremely encouraging results of glucagon-like regeneration. ISC compartment has long been
peptide 2 (GLP-2). In a non-masked study of eight known to reside near the crypt bottom; however,
SBS patients, a number of positive effects of GLP-2 the definitive identification of ISCs has been
were noted [94]. These patients lacked a distal hampered by a lack of unique molecular markers
small bowel and colon and thus had very little (Fig. 2.2).
endogenous GLP-2 and were without the normal Two hypotheses exist regarding the exact
postprandial elevation in GLP-2 levels. Nutrient identity of the ISCs: the +4 position model and
absorption was carefully measured in this study the SC zone model. Both concepts are based on
and was found to increase by 3.5 %. A significant the assumption that every crypt contains approx-
increase in protein absorption, and a nonsignificant imately 4–6 independent ISCs. According to the
increase in carbohydrate absorption, was noted; +4 position hypothesis, the ISCs reside at posi-
however, no significant change was found in fat tion 4 relative to the crypt bottom, while the first
absorption. three positions are occupied by the terminally
Morphometric analysis of the small intestine differentiated Paneth cells. Potten and col-
demonstrated an increase in villus height and leagues reported that these +4 cells retain DNA
crypt depth in the majority of their patients. labels throughout long periods of time [96] and
Teduglutide is a protease-resistant analog of are extremely radiation sensitive [97]. The sec-
GLP-2 for the potential treatment of gastrointes- ond (SC zone) hypothesis was put forward after
tinal disease. Teduglutide has prolonged biologi- the identification of a unique small cycling cells
cal activity compared with native GLP-2, and interwedged between the Paneth cells (so-called
preclinical studies demonstrated significant crypt base columnar (CBC) cells). Bjerknes and
intestinotrophic activity in models of SBS, exper- Cheng proposed that these CBC cells represent
imental colitis, and chemotherapy-induced intes- the true intestinal SCs [98].
tinal mucositis. Patients with SBS rely on +4 stem cells (which occupy the fourth posi-
parenteral nutrition following bowel resection, tion from the crypt base) reside at position 4 rela-
and in a phase III clinical trial with teduglutide, tive to the crypt bottom, while the first three
>20 % reduction in PN was observed in patients positions are occupied by the terminally differen-
with SBS receiving teduglutide [95]. tiated Paneth cells. Multipotent LGR5+ (Leu-
In a recent pilot study, oral insulin supplemen- rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor
tation decreases the need for parenteral nutrition 5-expressing) crypt base columnar stem cells
in pediatric patients with SBS with clinical drive regular epithelial renewal.
improvement in a subset of children, and two of Until recently, there had not been consistently
ten infants were successfully weaned off paren- reliable markers to identify these intestinal stem
teral nutrition [81]. cells. However, several intestinal stem cell mark-
ers including Musashi1, Lgr5 (leucine-rich
repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 5),
Stem Cells and Intestinal and DCAMKL-1 (doublecortin and CaM kinase-
Adaptation like-1) have been identified. Musashi1, an RNA-
binding protein, was originally thought to be a
Intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are fundamental cor- neural stem cell marker. However, subsequent
nerstones in intestinal biology, ensuring homeo- studies demonstrated that Musashi1 was also
static self-renewal of intestinal mucosa and present on intestinal and colonic stem cells [99].
presenting a reserve pool of cells that can be acti- Utilizing this marker, the isolation of an unpure
vated after tissue injury (ischemia-reperfusion) culture of intestinal stem cells from the jejunum
or after bowel resection. Intestinal stem cells are was achieved.
2 Short Bowel Syndrome: Intestinal Adaptation 33
Goblet cell
Enteroendocrine cell
Paneth cells
Lgr5+ stem cells
However, additional markers were clearly conjunction with these techniques to increase the
needed to purify this culture. Wnt signaling has absorptive capacity of the intestine in short bowel
been implicated in different stages of mammary syndrome. In this regard, supplying an adequate
development as well as in mammary oncogenesis number of functional stem cells to affected
[100]. Lgr5 has recently been discovered and has patients, either through tissue-engineered neoin-
been shown to exist exclusively in crypt base testine or via stem cell transplantation, may
cells within the intestine. Studies examining increase overall enteric function, promote intesti-
intestinal stem cell signaling have also suggested nal restitution, and relieve disease symptoms.
that Wnt/Ephrin, BMP (bone morphogenic pro- Such procedures have already shown benefit in
tein), Notch, and PI3K/PTEN (P-phosphatase and animal models and may decrease the need for
tensin homologue) signaling cascades are dra- long-term parenteral nutrition or multivisceral
matically involved with intestinal stem cell pro- organ transplantation [101]. In addition, the release
liferation and lineage commitment. of protective factors (paracrine effects) has also
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Bacterial Overgrowth
and Intestinal Microbiome
Jason Soden
intestinal failure. Perhaps more notorious in interaction between bacteria and the gut epithe-
intestinal failure is the concept of small intestinal lium is critical to the maintenance of mucosal
bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), whereas colonic integrity. From an immunologic standpoint, the
flora overpopulate in the small intestine leading interplay between bacteria and the host immune
to clinical symptoms. system influences immune conditioning, toler-
The intestinal lumen houses an immense num- ance, and homeostasis. All of these functions are
ber and diversity of microbial species. In a likely to be influenced by a balanced intestinal
healthy state, the proximal small intestine con- microbiome, which further maintains proper
tains 103–105 colony-forming units (CFU) bacte- nutrient competition and bacterial population
ria per milliliter (mL) fluid. This number increases homeostasis.
to an estimated 1010–1012 CFU per mL in the Furthermore, the physiologic state of the
colon. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is microbiome is maintained by several intestinal
therefore defined as >105 CFU bacteria per mL functions. Luminal pH gradient, which is regu-
duodenal or jejunal fluid. Although this quantita- lated by gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal
tive estimate is important, patients may manifest secretions, influences bacterial population and
clinical symptoms with bacterial counts that are anatomic distribution of colonies. Pancreatic
less than this presumed cutoff. Similarly, patients secretions have additional bacteriocidal proper-
may remain clinically asymptomatic with a larger ties, and therefore dysbiosis and overgrowth are
small intestinal bacterial burden. Therefore, aside found in chronic pancreatitis [6]. The gut
from the number of bacterial CFU, the types of mucosa contains an elaborate network of immu-
bacteria play a crucial role as well. The human nologic cells, mucous layer, and nutrient by-
gut contains >500 microbiological species. These products which stimulate and fuel bacterial
bacteria have a characteristic distribution from subpopulations and maintain homeostasis.
mouth to anus (Fig. 3.1). In the setting of small From an anatomic standpoint, the ileocecal
intestinal bacterial overgrowth, the small intes- valve is an established barrier that prevents ret-
tine is overpopulated by colonic-type flora, rograde contamination of colonic flora into the
namely, gram-negative coliforms, gram-positive small intestine. Finally, the enteric nervous sys-
anaerobes, and enterococci. This entity is com- tem fires regular contractions through the MMC
mon in intestinal failure. Gutierrez and Duggan Phase III contractions that play a critical house-
reported their results of duodenal aspirates from keeping role.
pediatric patients with intestinal failure, in which In the patient with intestinal failure, several
70 % of patients had bacterial overgrowth perturbations in these physiologic processes may
(defined as duodenal aspirate >105 CFU/mL), lead to alterations in gut microbial homeostasis
with predominant species including S. viridans, (Table 3.1). Perhaps the most widely recognized
Enterococcus, E. coli, and Klebsiella [4]. category involves alterations in the host anatomy
In a healthy state, intestinal bacteria play a that predispose to bacterial overgrowth. In short
role in several key physiologic functions. bowel syndrome, which accounts for the majority
Luminal bacteria are involved in nutrient metab- of both pediatric and adult intestinal failure [7],
olism, including degradation and absorption of the foreshortened intestine has altered function
amino acids, starches and complex carbohy- typically following surgical resection. The neo-
drates, and fat, in addition to micronutrient and natal patient with congenital intestinal atresia or
vitamin metabolism (vitamin K, vitamin B12, gastroschisis typically has dilated small intestine
and folate). Bacterial conjugation of intralumi- that may be dysfunctional, leading to altered
nal bile acids is integral to micelle formation and motility and stasis. Anastomotic narrowing and
dietary fat absorption. The carbohydrate salvage strictures may create stagnant proximal loops of
pathway supports short-chain fatty acid produc- bowel that fester luminal overgrowth. It is well
tion, which influences cell proliferation, intesti- established that the absence of the ileocecal valve
nal adaptation, and energy recovery [5]. The propagates retrograde contamination of the small
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 41
< 10 3 CFU/mL
Some fungi
Duodenum Staphylococci
< 10 3–104 CFU/mL
Ileum Colon
< 10 8–1010 CFU/mL < 10 11–1012 CFU/mL
Bacteroides Bacteroides
Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium
Clostridium Clostridium
Coliforms Enterococci
Fig. 3.1 Distribution of bacterial flora in the healthy human intestine (Reproduced from Cole and Ziegler [5])
intestine with coliform bacteria. The absence of contractions that migrate distally toward the
the ileocecal valve is therefore a key prognostic ileum [11, 12]. This critical phase serves a house-
factor in predicting outcome in short bowel syn- keeping function, important in anterograde
drome, likely mediated by the role of bacterial clearance of secretions, debris, and microbes.
overgrowth [8, 9]. As the postsurgical bowel Extensive intestinal or predominantly ileal resec-
undergoes adaptation, the bowel may dilate to tion alters small intestinal motility as measured
increase absorptive surface area. This compensa- by shortened MMC cycles [13]. Furthermore,
tory response may further result in an overly alterations in MMC have been associated with
dilated, dysfunctional bowel that drives ongoing the development of bacterial overgrowth [13].
anatomic disadvantages. Therefore, patients with The intestinal microbiome is therefore altered in
a shorter length of residual small intestine carry a postsurgical states, influenced by perturbations in
higher risk for bacterial overgrowth [10]. normal motility. Because the intestinal micro-
Although congenital and postsurgical ana- flora plays a role in determining normal motility
tomic changes create the scaffolding for short patterns, these alterations may spiral into down-
bowel syndrome, the secondary alterations in gut stream cycles of motility disturbances [12].
motility further influence the bowel dysfunction Aside from postsurgical short bowel syndrome,
that leads to intestinal failure. The enteric ner- gastrointestinal motility disorders account for an
vous system regulates gastrointestinal motility in important subset of etiologies in refractory intesti-
both fasting and postprandial states. In the fasting nal failure [14]. Severe motility disorders, includ-
state, motility is dominated by the migrating ing chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, radiation
motility complex (MMC), a three-phase cycle enteritis, and systemic sclerosis, all have been
that terminates in Phase III MMC. Phase III shown to impact the MMC cycles [15–19]. Luminal
MMC activity originates in the proximal small stasis inherent in these disorders leads to bacterial
bowel, generating progressive, short and intense overgrowth, which may further complicate the
42 J. Soden
Table 3.1 Factors contributing to microbiome altera- human milk, and has been demonstrated with vari-
tions in intestinal failure
ations in formula components, individual diets,
Anatomic and regional and cultural dietary and environmen-
Dilated intestine tal influences. In contrast, the lack of enteral nutri-
Foreshortened intestine tion alters the function of the dynamic intestinal
Stricture epithelial barrier, which plays a role in influencing
Absence of the ileocecal valve
the populations of individual bacterial strains that
compose the microbiome [2, 22].
Maladaptive bowel dilation
Pharmacologic alterations in intestinal pH
Primary/idiopathic motility disorder
Pharmacologic: loperamide, narcotic
may further impact the microbiome, contributing
Nutritional influences: to bacterial overgrowth. Acid suppressive agents
Enteral nutrition source are commonly prescribed in to reduce the effects
Parenteral nutrition, including parenteral lipid source of post-resection gastrin hypersecretion, and to
Malnutrition treat the suspected symptoms of gastroesopha-
Pharmacologic: geal reflux disease or gastroduodenal hyperacid-
Acid suppression ity. The Pediatric Intestinal Failure Consortium
Antibiotics reported that 57 % of their patient cohort was
Antimotility agents exposed to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy,
Narcotics and 69 % received histamine-2 receptor antago-
nist treatment [23]. PPI-induced alteration in
small intestinal pH decreases bifidobacteria pop-
motility failure of the underlying disorder. A com- ulation and has been demonstrated to result in
mon pharmacologic treatment in diarrhea-predom- bacterial overgrowth [24]. Changes in the colonic
inant intestinal failure is the use of antimotility pH alter population of both Lactobacillus and
agents including loperamide, which may also alter Bacteroidetes species and may foster Clostridium
MMC [20]. Disorders that result in a “two-hit” sce- difficile infection [24]. Therefore, the relatively
nario, with significant alteration in both anatomy common practice of acid suppression prescrip-
and motility, may result in more complicated out- tion in the intestinal failure population may fur-
comes in intestinal failure, and this may be medi- ther impact dysbiosis, overgrowth, and associated
ated by the impact of bacterial overgrowth. sequelae.
Characteristic pediatric conditions, including long- Another pharmacologic necessity in the neo-
segment aganglionosis or gastroschisis with atre- natal intestinal failure population is the use of
sia/short bowel syndrome, tend to result in more broad-spectrum antibiotics. Antibiotics are pre-
guarded prognosis and longer parenteral nutrition scribed commonly in neonatal and NICU care
requirement [7]. and have established effects on the developing
Aside from underlying gastrointestinal anat- infant microbiome [25]. The routine manage-
omy and function, the host’s nutritional state influ- ment of life-threatening surgical emergencies
ences the small intestinal microbiome. The including necrotizing enterocolitis and volvu-
maldigestive and malabsorptive state, present in lus requires systemic, broad-spectrum antibiot-
short bowel syndrome and pancreatic insuffi- ics to treat the effects of peritonitis and sepsis.
ciency, provides substrate that fuels the prolifera- Subsequent infectious events in the intestinal
tion of bacterial populations that may not be failure patient, namely, catheter-associated
present in health. Furthermore, malnutrition in bloodstream infections, are relatively common
itself may alter immunologic homeostasis and per- and require intermittent courses of systemic
turb physiologic checks and balances that regulate antibiotics. These treatment regimens, although
the microbiome [21]. Individual sources of enteral critical in the current standard of care in intesti-
nutrition play a large influence in gut microbiota nal failure, may further lead to perturbations in
development, as is well established with the use of gut flora.
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 43
Finally, the sine qua non in the definition of a population that favors a proinflammatory state
intestinal failure is the requirement for parenteral [28–30]. Therefore, alterations in the microbi-
nutrition (PN), which, in itself, has been demon- ome in intestinal failure undoubtedly influence
strated to alter the intestinal microbiome through unique complications of the disorder and long-
various mechanisms. In humans, isolation of the term outcomes.
role of PN is challenging, based primarily on the
multitude of clinical factors that cumulate in fail-
ure to tolerate adequate enteral nutrition. Bacterial Overgrowth:
Therefore, the majority of data characterizing the Pathophysiology and Clinical
effect of PN on microbial population changes Presentation
derive from animal models. In both mouse and
piglet models, PN exposure led to an expansion Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth manifests
in Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes species, with predictable clinical presentations in the
with a decrease in Firmicutes [2, 26, 27]. This patient with intestinal failure (Table 3.2). The
population shift leads to a proinflammatory state classic clinical presentation is driven by luminal
by affecting cytokine signaling within the intesti- bacterial fermentation of dietary carbohydrates,
nal immune system, theoretically leading to leading to bloating, gas, and malabsorptive
downstream mucosal and systemic inflammatory stools. Furthermore, the bacteria interact with
cascades that further influence the host and intraluminal bile acids, leading to a higher profile
microbiome [26]. of deconjugated (and therefore inactive) bile
Taking these factors into account, there are acids. Bile acid-mediated micelle formation is
multiple risk factors in the patient with intestinal secondarily impacted, resulting in fat malabsorp-
failure that may conspire to create significant tion [5, 31]. Therefore, classic symptoms would
alterations in gut flora leading to dysbiosis and include gas, bloating, watery diarrhea, and fat
overgrowth. The complex interplay between malabsorption. Bacteria may further lead to
anatomy, motility, enteral nutrient intake and depletion or interference with intestinal disaccha-
malabsorption, epithelial barrier function, and ridases, trypsin, and digestive enzymes, further
mucosal/systemic inflammation summarizes a driving osmotic diarrhea [32]. To the clinician,
multifactorial pathogenesis, challenging the util- these symptoms are essentially identical to the
ity of a single therapeutic target for the down- malabsorptive symptoms associated with many
stream sequelae of microbial alterations in the anatomic etiologies of intestinal failure, namely,
intestinal failure patient. It is therefore not sur- short bowel syndrome. Therefore, it may be
prising that alterations in gut microbiome have impossible to distinguish the signs and symptoms
been directly linked to outcome in intestinal fail- of the patient’s underlying intestinal failure from
ure. In a large retrospective series of pediatric the secondary development of bacterial over-
patients with short bowel syndrome, the pres- growth. One should consider SIBO when the
ence of bacterial overgrowth was predicated a SBS patient has developed an increase in symp-
significantly prolonged reliance on parenteral toms compared to baseline, especially in the set-
nutrition as compared to patients who did not ting of bowel dilation, and in later phase of
have bacterial overgrowth [10]. In the evolving adaptation. To that end, bacterial overgrowth
era of intestinal microbiomics, new techniques should theoretically not be seen in the acute,
including 16s rRNA sequencing allow a detailed postsurgical setting, characterized by fast transit,
analysis of the intestinal flora in health and dis- high output, and likely without adequate time for
ease states. Both pediatric and adult patients maladaptive colonization to incur [33].
with short bowel syndrome have been found to Another luminal impact of small intestinal
have uniquely different microbial patterns as bacterial proliferation involves the downstream
compared to healthy controls, including descrip- effects on micronutrient status. Decreased
tion of decreased bacterial diversity in SBS with micelle formation impacts fat-soluble vitamin
44 J. Soden
Table 3.2 Clinical manifestations of dysbiosis and bac- tory evidence of an anion gap-positive meta-
terial overgrowth in intestinal failure
bolic acidosis [36]. D-lactic acidosis may occur
Luminal: through a few mechanisms, including high
Gastrointestinal symptoms related to carbohydrate dietary carbohydrate intake (leading to overpro-
duction of d-lactate from colonic flora), a dysbi-
Gas, bloating, distension, diarrhea
otic state that favors the overpopulation of
Toxin production: d-lactic acidosis
d-lactate-producing organisms, bacterial over-
Fat malabsorption (bile acid deconjugation)
Micronutrient deficiencies:
growth, or short bowel syndrome. In the latter
B12, fat-soluble vitamins two scenarios, bacterial overpopulation and/or
Mucosal: excessive carbohydrate malabsorption fuels
Mucosal inflammation/enteritis microbial fermentation and secondary lactate
Alterations in intestinal permeability and epithelial production. As luminal pH declines, this milieu
barrier function favors the survival of d-lactate-producing spe-
Translocation/catheter-related bloodstream infection cies, including Lactobacillus fermenti, L. aci-
Systemic: dophilus, and Streptococcus [36]. D-lactic
Systemic inflammatory symptoms: arthritis, acidosis should be considered in any patient
constitutional complaints
with intestinal failure/short bowel syndrome
Liver disease
that presents with changes in mental status.
Sepsis/catheter-related bloodstream infection
Diagnosis is traditionally confirmed with labo-
ratory analysis of d-lactate level in plasma.
absorption, which may result in vitamin A, D, Treatment recommendations include correction
and E deficiency states. Because vitamin K is of acidosis, dietary carbohydrate restriction, and
produced by many strains of coliform bacteria, initiation of oral/enteric antibiotics. Akin to
vitamin K deficiency and PT/INR prolongation D-lactic acidosis are clinical syndromes that
is not commonly seen. Intestinal anaerobes have been described by other by-products of
compete with the host for vitamin B12, and bacterial carbohydrate fermentation, including
therefore vitamin B12 levels may be low, com- ethanol and ammonia [33].
pounded by the anatomic impact of ileal resec- An important and evolving area of both clini-
tion in short bowel syndrome. Monitoring of cal and laboratory investigation is the spectrum
B12 status in the intestinal failure patient with of mucosal inflammatory disorders in intestinal
overgrowth may be particularly challenging, as failure. Enteritis is a recognized complication in
some strains of intestinal microbes may produce short bowel syndrome, and it has been associated
B12 analogues that interfere with conventional with the occurrence of bacterial overgrowth [10,
assays [34]. Methylmalonic acid, which is an 37]. The spectrum of mucosal inflammatory dis-
established indicator for B12 status, has been ease is variable, and may include patchy visual or
shown to be elevated in a patient with SIBO, microscopic inflammation, anastomotic ulcer-
speculating that bacteria may lead to methylma- ations, and Crohn’s-like ulcers with severe,
lonic acidemia [35]. chronic inflammation, typically without granulo-
Intraluminal microbial toxin production may mata [38–40]. Although the pathogenesis of this
result in clinical sequelae, as is seen in the set- complication is not well understood in intestinal
ting of D-lactic acidosis. This unique entity failure, the interaction between luminal bacteria
occurs when dietary carbohydrates are fer- and mucosa in other disorders including inflam-
mented by intestinal bacteria, leading to d-lac- matory bowel diseases may have overlapping
tate production. In large quantities, the d-lactate mechanisms to intestinal failure-associated
crosses the blood-brain barrier and leads to enteritis [41–43]. Facultative anaerobes produce
D-lactic encephalopathy. Patients classically endotoxin, and aerobes produce proteolytic
present with neurologic symptoms (altered enzymes, which may have direct effects on
mentation, slurred speech, ataxia) and labora- mucosal injury and inflammation [5, 44]. As has
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 45
previously been discussed, changes in intestinal sterols may favor the overpopulation of proinflam-
microbiome related to TPN may further drive matory taxa [54, 55]. Therefore, parenteral lipid
disturbances in the epithelial barrier and influ- emulsions coupled with dysbiosis and overgrowth
ence proinflammatory immunologic pathways. may play a key role in the multifactorial pathogen-
Luminal and mucosal disease that is influ- esis of PN-associated liver disease.
enced by the microbiome may dictate some of the
more notorious extraintestinal complications in
intestinal failure. Disruption of the epithelial bar- Diagnostic Testing
rier function coupled with luminal bacterial over-
population may trigger bacterial translocation In the present era, confirmatory diagnostic testing
and spawn septic events including catheter- for bacterial overgrowth is wrought with chal-
related bloodstream infections [45–47]. Cole lenges, and therefore empirical therapy is often
et al. described a high incidence (0.80) of blood- employed in clinical practice. Because a defini-
stream infections in a cohort of ten infants with tion of SIBO requires greater than 105 CFU/mL
intestinal failure, and the presence of bacterial of intestinal fluid, duodenal/jejunal aspirate is
overgrowth (confirmed by breath testing) considered a theoretical gold standard. Fluid can
increased odds for infection by sevenfold, with- be obtained relatively easily by standard endo-
out evidence of altered small intestinal permea- scopic techniques. The proceduralist should be
bility [48]. careful to avoid suctioning fluid from the oro-
As the host inflammatory state is turned on, pharynx or stomach prior to duodenal intubation
either by overt bacteremic events or subclinical to minimize contamination, and sterility may be
mucosal injury with or without endotoxemia, improved by passing a sterile suction catheter
patients may develop other systemic manifesta- through the endoscope channel. The procedure
tions attributed to overgrowth. Rash, arthritis, itself is complicated by relative expense, and the
and fatigue may occur. Utilizing the model of requirement for procedural sedation or general
inflammatory bowel disease, the mucosal inflam- anesthesia. Gutierrez et al. reported a high yield
matory state carries a comorbid risk for venous of positive diagnostic aspirates for SIBO in their
thrombosis [49, 50]. Furthermore, small bowel series of 57 patients with intestinal failure that
bacterial overgrowth has recently been linked to a underwent diagnostic endoscopy, in which 70 %
higher risk for deep vein thrombosis [51]. One of patients were found to have overgrowth
may extrapolate that the microbial-derived (defined as >105 CFU/mL fluid) [4]. Challenging
inflammatory state contributes to the high burden this approach, however, is the relative difficulty
of catheter-associated venous thrombosis in in culturing many species of intestinal microbi-
patients with intestinal failure [52]. omes, including anaerobes. Clinical laboratories
No discussion involving the impact of the may have varied degrees of expertise in this tech-
microbiome in the patient with intestinal failure is nique. Therefore, quantitative results may under-
complete without mention of its implicated role in estimate true luminal bacterial load, and
liver pathogenesis. Sepsis events, possibly influ- speciation may not accurately reflect the patho-
enced by overgrowth and mucosal injury, have genic spectrum [56]. Nevertheless, this technique
been well associated with the severity and progres- is used by many centers to reinforce clinical sus-
sion of PN-associated liver disease [53]. From a picion and decipher appropriate antibiotic treat-
mechanistic level, dysbiosis and increased intesti- ment choices.
nal permeability may lead to increased absorption Hydrogen breath testing (HBT) is a less inva-
of microbe-associated molecular pattern, leading sive modality that utilizes exhaled hydrogen gas
to Kupffer cell activation through Toll-like recep- as a by-product of luminal bacterial carbohydrate
tor signaling. These pathways, and the luminal metabolism. Various ingested substrates have
microbial patterns, are further influenced by par- been evaluated including glucose, lactulose, and
enteral lipid emulsions, in that soy-derived plant xylose. A positive test results in a change in
46 J. Soden
exhaled hydrogen by >10 ppm compared to base- be performed with attention to vitamin B12 and
line. Unique features in patients with short bowel other vitamin levels that are influenced by micro-
syndrome may complicate interpretation of the bial overgrowth.
tests. Most importantly, alterations in gut transit,
either fast or slow transit, impact results.
Similarly, the patient with a short small bowel Treatment
length and colon intact may register a “positive”
test based on substrate interaction with colonic Oral/enteric antibiotic treatment remains the
flora. In addition, some species of intestinal bac- mainstay of therapy in bacterial overgrowth.
teria preferentially produce methane, which may Initiation of antibiotic treatment should be con-
not register in the HBT. Finally, cooperation may sidered when the patient has digestive symptoms
be limited in younger pediatric patients with (gas, bloating, diarrhea, early satiety, distension)
intestinal failure leading to inadequate breath that are increased compared to clinical baseline,
collection. especially in the setting of dilated bowel, diag-
A compelling future direction in the clinical nostic confirmation of SIBO, or previous treat-
assessment of microbial profile employs 16s ment response to antibiotics. Antibiotic therapy
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing. This may also be considered as an adjunct treatment in
technique allows extensive microbial profiling of intestinal failure-associated enteritis, recurrent
relatively easy-to-obtain biological samples, catheter-related bloodstream infections, or anas-
including stool or intestinal mucosal biopsy. tomotic ulcerations – although these treatment
Engstrand et al. recently reported on 11 pediatric pathways are experience based without conclu-
patients with IF/SBS who had 16s rRNA sequenc- sive clinical evidence supporting benefit of ther-
ing of fecal samples. They found an abundance of apy. The decision to initiate antimicrobials should
facultative anaerobic Enterobacteriaceae in chil- be weighed against the potential consequences,
dren on PN compared to those weaned from PN including further cycles of dysbiosis, microbial
and healthy siblings, a microbial profile similar selection, and resistance patterns.
to patients with inflammatory bowel disease and Selection of the appropriate antibiotic remains
NEC [30, 57]. Thus, 16s rRNA sequencing may largely empirical, with center-to-center variation
provide detailed characterization of the dysbiotic in prescription patterns. The ideal antimicrobial
microbiome in intestinal failure, offering further choice would be largely active in the intestinal
insight on pathogenesis and potential treatments. lumen only, with little systemic absorption, and
Because of challenges in accuracy and reli- have penetrance toward typical offending coli-
ability of objective diagnostic testing for SIBO, form and anaerobic bacteria, but carry low risk of
intestinal rehabilitation centers frequently resort side effect or antibiotic resistance. Medications
to utilization of empiric antibiotics when clinical that target anaerobes include metronidazole and
suspicion is warranted. This widely accepted nitazoxanide. Rifaximin and Amoxicillin/clavu-
practice continues to carry risk for antimicrobial lanic acid both have a relatively large spectrum of
resistance and microbial selection and may foster activity, including aerobic and anaerobic gram-
worsening dysbiosis. negative and gram-positive species [58–60].
Finally, when bacterial overgrowth is sus- Augmentin carries the additional benefit of a pro-
pected, one should consider evaluations for motility agent; therefore, it may have a dual thera-
underlying etiology and/or sequelae. Structural peutic benefit. Rifaximin is nonabsorbable and
evaluations utilizing gastrointestinal contrast has primarily bacteriostatic properties; there is
(e.g., upper gastrointestinal series with small less concern about development of microbial
bowel follow-through) may reveal stricture or resistance patterns in comparison to standard bac-
pathologically dilated loops of bowel. Endoscopy teriocidal alternatives [33]. Ciprofloxacin affects
with mucosal biopsy may demonstrate mucosal coliform bacteria including enterococcus and
inflammation. Micronutrient surveillance should anaerobes. Antibiotics that target gram-negative
3 Bacterial Overgrowth and Intestinal Microbiome 47
aerobes include aminoglycosides (gentamicin lactobacillus and other probiotic strains have
and tobramycin), sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim been reported in patients with central venous
(Bactrim), and cephalosporins [3]. catheters [69–71]. Akin to the principles behind
Antibiotics may be prescribed for a single probiotic therapy, a recent case report describes
1–2 week courses, or may be cycled. Cycling the successful use of fecal microbiota transplant
patterns vary, but typically include utilization of to treat recurrent D-lactic acidosis in a child with
an antibiotic with anaerobic penetrance (e.g., short bowel syndrome [72].
metronidazole), followed by an antibiotic with Aside from direct inoculation of live bacte-
targeted gram-negative penetrance (e.g., genta- ria to alter flora, prebiotic therapy aims to “feed
micin), with a gap either in between or following the gut” with substrates that are conducive to
back-to-back courses. The potential benefits of the proliferation of symbiotic bacterial strains.
rifaximin for small bowel bacterial overgrowth The administration of fructo-oligosaccharides,
in other gastrointestinal disorders, including irri- human milk oligosaccharides, and inulin-type
table bowel syndrome, make this a favorable fructans may help to improve intestinal barrier
choice and may be incorporated into treatment function and fuel the development of appropri-
protocols [61]. When available, duodenal aspi- ate flora.
rate and culture may inform antibiotic selection More global management strategies in
strategies. approaching the patient with intestinal failure
Treatment of dysbiosis and overgrowth would and bacterial overgrowth may target underlying
ideally be targeted at restoring normal bacterial etiology, or secondary complications. As has
homeostasis, rather than broadly eliminating been discussed, the patient may likely have a
potential overpopulated strains. Therefore, the dilated, dysfunctional bowel, with secondary
utilization of probiotics and prebiotics has theo- associated dysmotility. The use of promotility
retical benefit in this arena. Probiotic therapy, agents, including Augmentin, cisapride, and
that is, the luminal inoculation of live strains of erythromycin, may be beneficial [73–75]. It
theoretically beneficial bacteria, has many poten- should be mentioned that cisapride carries an
tial benefits in gastrointestinal and systemic established risk of QTc prolongation and sudden
human disease. Probiotics may induce effects by cardiac death; therefore, careful consideration
producing bacteriocins that affect local microor- and monitoring should occur if this therapy is
ganism populations, competing for physical considered. When bowel dilation has evolved and
space and nutrients in the mucosa, and improving the intestinal architecture promotes stasis and
epithelial border function, immune response, and failed enteral advancement, then autologous
gut adaptation [62]. Current available probiotic bowel reconstruction should be considered.
therapies largely include Lactobacillus, Serial transverse enteroplasty and other “length-
Bifidobacterium, and Saccharomyces strains. ening” procedures may induce significant effects
Probiotics are largely utilized in inflammatory by improving luminal diameter and restoring
and functional gastrointestinal disorders with function, as opposed to the measured increase in
mixed reported benefit [63–65]. Interpreting the length alone. Therefore, these surgical interven-
results of clinical studies involving probiotic tions may be required in refractory dysbiotic
therapy is challenging, based on variant micro- states including recurrent D-lactic acidosis [76].
bial strains and concentrations, as well as analy- Finally, management of intestinal failure-
sis of benefit in the setting of largely heterogeneous associated enteritis presentations, from “short
groups of disorders. These challenges exist in bowel-associated colitis” to Crohn’s-like ulcer-
translating the potential benefits of probiotic ations, may require combined approach of anti-
therapy in the patient with intestinal failure. microbial management of the overgrowth,
Various reports have demonstrated benefit of pro- targeted mucosal anti-inflammatory therapy, or
biotic therapy in short bowel syndrome and intes- systemic immunosuppressive agents. At present,
tinal failure [66–68]. However, bacteremia with the pathogenesis of this complication is not well
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Intestinal Failure-Associated
Liver Disease
Mikko P. Pakarinen and Annika Mutanen
of micro- and macrovesicular steatosis with no with pediatric onset IF, abnormal liver histology
associated Mallory body formation or apoptosis was found in 77 % of patients, who had weaned
were observed. Fibrotic change of the liver may off PN an average of 8.8 years before after receiv-
progress to porto-central scarring and cirrhosis, ing PN for an average of 3 years [6]. Of them,
which occurs rapidly in occasional children. The 60 % had Metavir stage 2 fibrosis, 45 % displayed
degree of liver fibrosis and steatosis is interre- steatosis, none had cholestasis, 10 % had ductal
lated in children with IF, suggesting their linked proliferation, and 9 % had portal inflammation,
pathogenesis [16]. Among 79 children with IF while only 18 % of the patients showed abnormal
referred to intestinal transplantation, 58 % had liver biochemistry. Other retrospective studies
precirrhotic changes or established cirrhosis [18] and case reports also suggest that liver histology
Abnormal histological liver fibrosis and ste- remains abnormal and may even continue to
atosis persist after weaning off PN, despite progress after weaning off PN [17]. Clearly,
diminishing cholestasis and portal inflammation. further studies are needed to define whether the
In a cross-sectional follow-up study on patients persistent histological liver injury represents a
potentially progressive and destructive disease cholestasis and fibrosis in infants, while histo-
process, because an increasing number of chil- logical liver fibrosis and steatosis progress in par-
dren with IF are successfully weaned off PN allel with increasing duration of PN exposure in
with a long life expectancy. older children [6, 17]. Whenever tolerated, provi-
sion of tolerated enteral nutrition during PN
delivery offers an effective way to prevent and
Risk Factors and Preventive even reverse IFALD as enteral nutrient depriva-
Measures tion promotes mucosal atrophy and epithelial
barrier dysfunction [22]. Enteral feeding acti-
Intestinal surgery markedly increases the risk of vates meal-stimulated secretion of bile, bile
IFALD in neonates and children requiring PN acids, and pancreatic fluid along with a plethora
[19–21]. Etiology of IFALD is most likely multi- of gut-derived hormones and growth factors
factorial. Accordingly, various clinical risk fac- including glucagon-like peptides 1 and 2 sup-
tors have been linked with the development of porting epithelial integrity and intestinal motility.
IFALD. In addition to intestinal pathology, the Excess of parenteral energy in the form of either
most important clinical risk factors include dura- fat, glucose, or amino acids has been associated
tion, amount and composition of PN, enteral with pathological changes in liver biochemistry
nutrient deprivation, remaining small bowel and histology, including elevated transaminases,
length, absence of the ileocecal valve (ICV), sep- steatosis, and cholestasis [11]. Cyclic infusion of
tic episodes, intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and PN with the support of tolerated amount of
young gestational age (Table 4.2). Many of these enteral feeds during infusion breaks may reduce
risk factors are modifiable offering possibilities the risk of liver complications [23]. This practice
for prevention and treatment of IFALD. has been shown to result in reduction of serum
Duration of PN is a central risk factor of liver enzymes and conjugated bilirubin, and it
IFALD and associated histological liver injury. also helps to avoid hyperinsulinemia and fat
The frequency of biochemical liver dysfunction deposition in the liver [11].
is linearly related to PN exposure. Duration of Composition of PN lipids and their excessive
PN correlates with the frequency of histological delivery have a central role in the development
of IFALD, and reduction of overall parenteral
Table 4.2 Main clinical risk factors of intestinal failure-
fat is a clinically applied approach when signs
associated liver disease of IFALD occur to prevent further liver damage.
Surgically treated intestinal pathology
Reduction of soy oil-based lipid emulsion in PN
Enteral nutrient deprivation to 1 g/kg/day twice a week has been shown to
Parenteral nutrition associated factors significantly reduce bilirubin levels in neonates
Prolonged duration [24]. Soy oil-based PN lipid emulsions in par-
Plant sterols containing lipid emulsion ticular have been regarded as a significant clini-
Excess lipid provision
cal risk factor of IFALD. They contain high
Excess energy provision
concentrations of polyunsaturated omega-6
Low omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid ratio
fatty acids and plant sterols such as sitosterol,
Septic complications
stigmasterol, avenasterol, and campesterol
Bacterial translocation
Central line-associated blood stream infections
and low contents of an important antioxidant
Intestinal factors α-tocopherol. Alternative lipid emulsions con-
Short remaining small bowel taining significant amounts of olive and/or fish
Loss of ileocecal region oil have largely replaced purely soy oil-based
Loss of ileum lipids in Europe. Olive oil is rich in omega-6
Bacterial overgrowth fatty acids and (omega-9) oleic acid, a mono-
Intestinal inflammation unsaturated fatty acid that is less prone to lipid
Young gestational age peroxidation than polyunsaturated fatty acids [25].
4 Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease 55
Olive oil contains less plant sterols and soy oil, Unsurprisingly, septic infections are a well-
and their distribution differs by olive oil contain- recognized and a significant risk factor of
ing markedly less stigmasterol [26]. Fish oil- IFALD. Systemic bacterial infections disturb
based emulsions are rich in omega-3 fatty acids hepatic function and biliary secretion by numer-
and α-tocopherol and are devoid of plant sterols ous mechanisms, which induce cholestasis.
in contrast to vegetable oil-based lipid emul- Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and endotoxins act
sions. In general, the downstream products of as inflammatory signals that reduce gene and
omega-6 fatty acids through arachidonic acid are protein expression of bile transporters either
potent proinflammatory eicosanoids, including directly or by activating cytokine production
leukotrienes, prostaglandins, and thromboxane through toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in Kupffer
A2. In contrast, omega-3 fatty acids are thought cells [30]. IFALD-associated cholestasis is
to have hepatoprotective potential via production more common in children with recurrent septic
of less proinflammatory eicosanoids and pro- episodes, originating either from central line
resolving mediators of inflammation through infections or bacterial translocation from the
eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. intestine. The number of septic episodes cor-
PN lipid emulsions containing plant sterols and relates positively with liver fibrosis in children
their increased serum concentrations have been with IF and predicts elevated bilirubin levels
repeatedly linked with biochemical and histo- in neonates with surgical SBS [6, 31]. Sepsis
logical liver injury in IF. Serum levels of plant episodes frequently precede development of
sterols markedly increase in children during soy cholestasis. Primary intestinal motility disor-
oil- and olive oil-based PN in parallel with bio- ders and massive intestinal resection leading
chemical and/or histological evidence of IFALD to IF favor development of intestinal bacterial
[9, 27, 28]. A number of studies have indicated overgrowth through frequent loss of the ICV,
that the use of fish oil either alone or in com- abnormal bowel dilatation, and impaired intes-
bination with other lipid emulsions is an effec- tinal motility patterns. Altered intestinal micro-
tive way to decrease occurrence and enhance biota may promote translocation of bacteria
recovery from IFALD-associated cholestasis, and their antigens through inflamed and leaky
although adequately powered randomized con- intestinal epithelium into the portal circulation.
trolled clinical trial to test this hypothesis has Accordingly, in patients with pediatric onset IF,
not been performed [5]. At present, contribution altered intestinal microbiota composition asso-
of lower overall lipid dose, different fatty acid ciates with histological liver injury, while loss
profile, higher α-tocopherol content, and lesser of the ICV, predisposing to small intestinal over-
plant sterol content to the advantageous clinical growth of colonic bacteria, has been clinically
experiences with the fish oil-based lipid emul- linked with the progression of liver fibrosis [6,
sions remains unclear. In addition to limited 32]. The contribution of intestinal microbiota to
overall PN lipid load, PN lipid emulsions with development of IFALD is supported by success-
low soy oil-derived omega-6 fatty acid and plant ful prevention of cholestasis with erythromycin
sterol contents, for example, by combining lipid in PN-dependent neonates [8]. Effective control
emulsions based on olive and fish oil has been of central line-derived blood stream infections
adopted increasingly in order to prevent IFALD by antimicrobial lock therapies and standard-
[11, 29]. Active surveillance of serum fatty acid ized care protocols offers a potential way to pre-
profiles, fat-soluble vitamins, and plant sterol vent IFALD. Surgical treatment of obstructive
concentration along with biochemical markers short bowel pathology predisposing to bacte-
of liver function enables meaningful adjustments rial overgrowth seems to be equally important.
of the lipid source and vitamin supplementation Strictures and excessive bowel dilatation asso-
to avoid essential fatty acid deficiency, shortage ciated with stasis should be treated operatively
of fat-soluble vitamins, as well as plant sterol to prevent bacterial overgrowth and to optimize
overload [29]. bowel function [3, 31].
56 M.P. Pakarinen and A. Mutanen
The length of the remaining small intestine is profibrotic transforming growth factor ß through
a powerful prognosticator of IFALD-associated TLR4 signaling. Neither LPS translocation nor
cholestasis and histological liver fibrosis in pedi- PN alone caused liver injury, which was attenu-
atric IF [6, 33]. Extremely short small bowel ated after suppression of enteric microbiota with
remnants correlate with prolonged PN depen- broad-spectrum antibiotics or ablation of TLR4
dence and may predispose to gut-derived infec- signaling. Further studies in this IFALD mouse
tions favoring development of IFALD indirectly. model showed that infusion of PN lipid emulsion
Massive small intestinal resections are likely to containing plant sterols (derived from soy oil) or
promote IFALD also directly by disturbing gas- stigmasterol alone in combination with increased
trointestinal physiology and the gut-liver axis LPS permeability produced biochemically
more profoundly than more limited resections. verified IFALD through stigmasterol-mediated
Newborns, particularly those with a young inhibition of canalicular bile acid (ABCB11), bil-
gestational age, have an increased risk of IFALD irubin (ABCC2), and sterol (ABCG5/G8) trans-
[11, 19]. In the newborn, immaturity of the liver porter expression by antagonizing their upstream
is associated with reduced bile salt pool and regulators nuclear receptors farnesoid X recep-
incompletely developed molecular mechanisms tor (FXR) and liver X receptor (LXR) [36].
responsible for biliary secretion and bile acid Inhibition of hepatocyte bile and sterol trans-
uptake [34]. The newborn hepatobiliary physiol- porters was reversed after removing plant ste-
ogy is likely to contribute to the high risk of rols from PN using fish oil-based lipid emulsion,
IFALD in the neonatal period. In addition to liver antibiotic suppression of enteric flora, and TLR4
immaturity, premature babies are exposed to ablation. Furthermore, stigmasterol and LPS
multiple risk factors of IFALD, which include induced in vitro transcription of proinflamma-
increased vulnerability to sepsis, defective intes- tory cytokines (IL-1ß, IL-6, and TNFα) in naive
tinal propulsive motility predisposing to feeding mouse macrophages. In cultured hepatocytes not
intolerance, relatively high parenteral fat and glu- only stigmasterol but also other plant sterols such
cose dosage to meet energy needs, and require- as sitosterol and campesterol antagonize FXR
ments for continuous rather than cyclic PN and expression of its target genes, which control
infusions. bile acid homeostasis and biliary secretion in the
liver [36–38]. These experimental data suggest
that parenteral plant sterols and translocated LPS
Pathogenesis of IFALD or other bacterial antigens following loss of intes-
tinal epithelial barrier integrity synergistically
Intestinal pathology is a major prognosticator of promote IFALD. Plant sterols and LPS activate
IFALD in neonates and children, who require pro- hepatic Kupffer cell expression of proinflam-
longed PN, suggesting that compromised bowel matory cytokines thorough TLR4 signaling and
function essentially contribute to the IFALD suppress hepatocyte expression of canalicular
pathogenesis [19, 20]. Accordingly, in mice, bile transporters by antagonizing nuclear recep-
both administration of PN and impaired intesti- tor signaling, which induces cholestasis and
nal barrier function are required for development hepatic accumulation of plant sterols and bile
of cholestatic liver injury [35]. In this mouse acids. Some of the above reviewed mechanisms
model, pharmacologically induced epithelial bar- unraveled in mice may be translatable to IFALD
rier dysfunction in unresected intestine leads to observed in humans. Patients with pediatric onset
LPS translocation to the portal circulation, which IF show increased serum concentrations of IL-6
in combination with soy oil PN lipid emulsion and TNFα, and IL-6 levels correlate positively
causes biochemical cholestasis and histological with histological cholestasis, suggesting that
liver injury by activating Kupffer cell expression proinflammatory status is linked with IFALD-
of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1 (IL- associated cholestasis also in humans [7]. A
1), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) and number of clinical studies also support the role of
4 Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease 57
PN plant sterols and compromised intestinal bar- Provision of PN lipid emulsions containing
rier function in the pathogenesis of IFALD. The plant sterols and their simultaneously increased
possible mechanisms of IFALD pathogenesis are serum concentrations have been repeatedly
outlined in Fig. 4.1. linked with biochemical and histological liver
Fig. 4.1 Possible pathogenic mechanisms of IFALD. also directly. Following their biliary secretion, bile acids
Plant sterols derived from vegetable oil-based PN lipid enter the intestine, where they undergo microbial modifi-
emulsion antagonize nuclear receptors FXR and LXR, cations affecting their absorbability and ability to activate
which results in decreased expression of their target genes target receptor FXR after being actively absorbed to the
encoding canalicular bile acid (ABCB11), phospholipid ileal enterocytes. Surgical removal of the ileum and sub-
(ABCB4), bilirubin (ABCC2), and sterol (ABCG5/G8) sequent malabsorption of bile acids due to loss of their
transporters, impairing bile flow. Defective biliary secre- active ileal absorption site reduces intestinal FXR activa-
tion predisposes to injurious detergent effects of bile tion, which result in decreased transcription of FGF 19.
acids and further accumulation of plant sterols to hepa- Altered intestinal microbiota chemically modifies bile
tocytes. Plant sterols activate liver macrophages directly acids altering their ability to active nuclear target receptor
and may promote selection and overabundance of specific FXR. Defective intestinal FXR induction may interfere
intestinal bacterial species. IF-associated intestinal epi- with prevention of intestinal bacterial overgrowth, inflam-
thelial barrier dysfunction allows translocation of LPS mation, and barrier dysfunction. Interrupted enterohepatic
and other bacterial antigens to the portal vein, activating circulation of bile acids decreases hepatic FXR activa-
liver macrophages through TLR signaling, which also tion, which together with defective ileal FGF 19 secretion
occurs in response to central line-derived bacteremia. leads to activation of CYP7A1, the rate-limiting enzyme
Proinflammatory cytokines including IL-1, IL-6, and in the bile acid synthesis. Impaired FXR-FGF 19 axis has
TNFα produced by activated liver macrophages inhibit potential to promote liver injury also by inducing lipogen-
expression of canalicular bile transporters. LPS may esis and inflammatory responses in the liver. See text for
inhibit protein and gene expression of biliary transporters references
58 M.P. Pakarinen and A. Mutanen
injury in children and adults [39]. Experimental motility patterns, and frequent loss of the ICV
studies have shown that intravenously adminis- predispose to profound disturbances within the
tered plant sterols accumulate in the liver reflect- intestinal microbiota [3]. In addition, PN lipid
ing their serum concentrations while attenuating constituents such as plant sterols may even pro-
bile flow [40]. Normally, only small amounts mote selection and overabundance of specific
(<5 %) of dietary plant sterols are absorbed from bacterial species, which associate with cholesta-
the intestine, and their serum levels remain low sis in PN-infused mice with intestinal barrier
[39]. Markedly increased serum concentrations dysfunction [45]. Modulation of intestinal micro-
of stigmasterol and its close structural homo- biota by PN plant sterols could be mediated
logue avenasterol have been shown to correlate through inhibition of FXR, which participates in
positively with histological portal inflammation the regulation of intestinal bacterial overgrowth
and cholestasis in PN-dependent children [27]. and maintenance of epithelial barrier function
Biochemical cholestasis, high serum concen- [46]. In accordance with experimental studies,
trations of stigmasterol and avenasterol, and clinical data indicate that PN-dependent children
histological cholestasis were interrelated, while with IF have altered intestinal microbiota charac-
the magnitude of increase in serum plant ste- terized by overabundance of Proteobacteria [32].
rol concentrations in children was similar to Proteobacteria are opportunistic Gram-negative
those reported in animal models. Moreover, in pathogens, which produce LPS and normally
PN-dependent neonates with IF, median serum form a very small proportion of intestinal micro-
stigmasterol levels increased over tenfold when biota. Their overabundance associated with his-
compared to healthy control neonates while tological liver steatosis, fibrosis, and portal
being over threefold higher among those who inflammation and also with intestinal inflamma-
develop IFALD [9]. Stigmasterol levels cor- tion as measured by fecal matrix metalloprotein-
related positively with biochemical markers of ase excretion [32]. Taken together, profound
liver injury and remained elevated after weaning alterations in intestinal microbiota and epithelial
off PN in those neonates with ongoing IFALD barrier dysfunction occur in patients with IF, and
based on deranged liver biochemistry. Although these changes have been shown to associate with
not proving causal relationship, these obser- histological liver injury.
vations support proinflammatory and choles- In pediatric onset IF, histological liver fibrosis
tatic effects of intravenous plant sterols also in and steatosis persist after cessation of PN, sup-
humans. porting a central role of compromised intesti-
In mice, enteral nutrient deprivation and PN nal function in the pathogenesis of IFALD [6].
were associated with intestinal Proteobacteria Extensive small intestinal resection alone in
overgrowth, mucosal inflammation, and epithe- pigs without PN causes histological liver fibro-
lial barrier dysfunction, resulting in bacterial sis and steatosis together with increased hepatic
translocation [41]. Clinical studies have provided expression of proinflammatory cytokines in
evidence that SBS is associated with respective association with altered intestinal microbiota,
shift in intestinal microbiota and intestinal barrier enhanced bacterial metabolization of bile acids,
dysfunction also in humans. Enteral deprivation and FRX signaling [47]. In children with IF,
and PN promote mucosal atrophy and loss of partial or total loss of the distal small intestine
intestinal epithelial barrier function in healthy (ileum) irrespective of PN delivery closely cor-
volunteers and in children following intestinal relates with histological liver fibrosis along with
resection, while PN-dependent SBS patients decreased circulating fibroblast growth factor
were systematically exposed to LPS [22, 42–44]. (FGF) 19 levels, which, in turn, was associated
Many other factors affecting intestinal function with portal inflammation and liver fibrosis. Ileal
in IF patients are also important in this respect. enterocytes secrete FGF 19 to portal circula-
After resection, abnormal dilatation of the tion in response to FXR induction by absorbed
remaining small bowel, deranged intestinal bile acids [7]. In the liver, both FGF 19 and bile
4 Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease 59
acids returning from the intestine downregulate underlying mechanism for the high incidence of
bile acid synthesis. Reclaimed bile acids inhibit cholelithiasis in patients with IF analogous to
bile acid synthesis through induction of FXR low phospholipid-associated cholelithiasis.
[48]. Ileal resection leads to diminished secre-
tion of FGF 19 and decreased intestinal FXR Conclusions
transcription being confined to the ileum but During the recent years, we have witnessed
also decreases FXR agonism in the liver due to significant advancements in understanding the
interruption of enterohepatic circulation of bile pathogenesis of IFALD. Despite this progres-
acids after loss of their active ileal absorption sion, incidence of neonatal IFALD has
site [49]. In mice, induction of intestinal FXR remained unchanged, although experienced
protects the liver from cholestatic injury by individual centers have been able to limit the
inducing FGF 15 (FGF 19 homologue in mice) disease progression avoiding liver failure by
expression and reducing hepatic accumulation multidisciplinary measures [29, 54]. Future
of bile acids [50]. In addition to activation of studies are needed to unravel causal relation-
hepatic bile acid synthesis, impaired FXR-FGF ships between different etiological factors,
19 axis has potential to promote liver injury in IF which could allow development of prevention
via multitude of mechanisms by interfering bili- and treatment strategies based on critical dis-
ary bile acid and phospholipid secretion, induc- ease mechanisms. These strategies should be
ing lipogenesis and inflammatory responses in tested in adequately powered multicenter ran-
the liver and by failing to prevent bacterial over- domized trials. Further clinical studies are
growth and intestinal barrier dysfunction in the also needed to evaluate the long-term conse-
gut [46, 48, 51]. Reformed intestinal microbiota quences and the natural history of IFALD-
may mediate these effects by enhanced micro- associated histological liver injury following
bial transformation of bile acids altering their weaning off PN. At the same time, develop-
ability to active target receptors such as FXR and ment of more accurate noninvasive diagnostic
G protein-coupled member receptor TGR5. Of modalities to replace liver biopsy is required
note, both FXR and TGR5 suppress hepatic fat to serve in clinical patient surveillance and in
accumulation [48, 52], which is associated with performance of these clinical trials [55].
increased serum levels of FGF 21 in IF similar Recognition of the potential role of FXR sig-
to patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease naling in the pathogenesis of IFALD provides
[16]. Altered intestinal microbiota may essen- theoretical basis for future treatment by utiliz-
tially promote liver injury also after weaning off ing synthetic FXR agonists such as obeticho-
PN and associated more strongly with liver ste- lic acid, which have already provided
atosis than duration of PN or remaining bowel promising clinical results in various liver dis-
length in patients with pediatric onset IF [32]. orders in adults [56].
Genetic susceptibility is likely to modify patho-
genesis of IFALD, which would help to explain
the large interindividual variation in the disease Financial Support Mikko Pakarinen was supported by
phenotype. Mutations of biliary phospholipid research grants from the Finnish Pediatric Research
Foundation, the Sigrid Juselius Foundation, and the
transporter gene ABCB4 has been reported to
Helsinki University Central Hospital research funds.
correlate with PN-associated cholestasis in
preterm infants [53]. Canalicular secretion of
phospholipids protects cholangiocyte cell mem- References
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Recent Advances in Nutritional
Care of Patients with Intestinal
disease [2]. Malabsorption due to ineffective fluid and electrolyte homeostasis is therefore
mucosal surface (congenital enterocyte disor- required, and it needs aggressive recovery with
ders, including microvillus inclusion disease, fluids [6]. Similarly, in newborns with congenital
tufting enteropathy, phenotypic diarrhea, and enteropathies, especially in microvillus diseases,
autoimmune enteropathy) and motility disorders severe watery diarrhea develops in the first few
with undamaged mucosal surface but wide motil- days after birth that does not stop during fasting,
ity dysfunctions (chronic intestinal pseudo- and it may cause life-threatening electrolyte and
obstructions, CIPOs; gastroschisis not associated acid-base imbalances, rapid and severe dehydra-
with small bowel resection and Hirschsprung’s tion, and hypovolemic shock [3]. Congenital
diseases (HD) are further categories of IF [1–3, forms of CIPOs present shortly after birth with
5]. Some neurological diseases which on the episodes of intestinal obstruction [3]; major fluid/
long-term acquire progressively intestinal dys- electrolyte imbalances related to proximal gastro-
function with gut dysmotility, such as severe intestinal stomas or fistula, extreme bowel dilata-
cerebral palsy, are emerging causes of IF [5]. tion with bacterial overgrowth and intractable
The key concept of the overall nutritional care abdominal pain, and careful clinical management
is to integrate the maximum tolerated amount of require also in such type of IF careful replacement
enteral intake with the ongoing support of PN strategies [1].
[6]. The final objective is to achieve total or par- Therefore, fluid restoration is crucial in this
tial intestinal rehabilitation that can be fast or phase; fluid replacement is determined by the
quite prolonged, depending on the type of injury, volume of overall digestive losses, and if it is not
but that is possible even in children with congeni- appropriate, dehydration and electrolyte abnor-
tal enterocyte disorders [7]. malities may occur [1]. Early fluid replacement is
usually 1 mL for every mL of fluid loss.
This phase is followed by PN beginning.
Nutritional Care of IF Timing of PN initiation will depend on the under-
lying disease, background nutritional status, and
The nutritional care of pediatric IF can be sum- the age of the child. Previously, well-nourished
marized as follows: (1) early managing of fluid children should start PN supports if they will be
and electrolyte losses before starting PN and unable to achieve enteral autonomy by 5–7 days.
enteral nutrition (EN); (2) providing adequate Overall, undernourished patients or with neona-
PN, for growth and normal development; (3) pro- tal onset IF who have low tissue reserves and
moting intestinal rehabilitation by optimizing therefore increased nutritional risk duration is
EN; (4) discharging on home parenteral nutrition shorter for, require earlier PN beginning [8].
(HPN) the patients with predicted long-term PN;
and (5) preventing/treating complications related
to the patient’s underlying disease and their PN. Providing Adequate PN
therefore strongly recommended for all CVC structural similarity to bile acids and may act
insertions, and it is increasingly employed [9]. as antagonists to nuclear bile receptors that
Placement by surgical cutdown is not recom- are protective against cholestasis [14].
mended, in terms of cost-effectiveness and risk of (c) Overall content of vitamin E, especially of its
infection [10]. most bioactive isoform α-tocopherol, which
The expertise of a dedicated hospital-based protects PUFAs from oxidative damage due
nutritional team is required to tailor PN to the to lipid peroxidation. The addition of this
single patient and to manage central catheters; it component to SO has been shown to reduce
is supported by official guidelines published by liver damage in a piglet model of IFALD [14].
the pertinent societies [8, 10].
IF patients are at risk for developing intestinal Published surveys report that the use of a fish
failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) [11] due oil-based LEs (FO) is able to reverse IFALD [15,
to IF-related factors, such as lack of enteral feed- 16]. These surveys, nevertheless, are used at a
ing, disturbed enterohepatic bile flow, presence markedly decreased dosage of FO (1 g/kg/d) if
of inflammation, oxidative stress, immaturity of compared to that of SO in the control historic
the liver, and infections, but also PN-related fac- group (3 g/kg/day) [15]. That supports the
tors [11]. Therefore, in patients who are predicted hypothesis that the overall decreased fat intake
to require long-term treatments, PN should be rather than FO supplementation is important in
adapted to reduce the risk of liver injury [3, 12]. reversing IFALD [14]. Interestingly, a recently
A further chapter widely treats IFALD; however, published paper reports two cases of reverted
for our purpose, two aspects of the PN manage- cholestasis by switching from SMOF lipid
ment deserve specific consideration: (Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany), an
emulsion containing a mixture of 30 % of SO,
A. Choosing lipid emulsions (LEs) 30 % of coconut oil, 25 % of olive oil, and 15 % of
B. Optimizing non-lipid intake FO at 2.0–3.0 g/kg/day, to FO at 1 g/kg/day [17].
That supports the hypothesis that the reduced
amount rather than the type of LEs may be
Choosing LEs hepatotoxic.
Anyway, FO monotherapy is now widely
Historically, a French study delineated that employed in clinical practice. FO alone may not
IFALD in adult HPN patients has a value of at be able to provide enough energy to sustain
least 1.5-fold the upper limit of normal on 2 of 3 growth. A mixed LE containing soybean oil
liver function measures for cholestasis that per- (SMOF lipid) compared with SO in a blinded
sists for more than 6 months [13]. This study also randomized controlled trial in pediatric HPN
showed that chronic cholestasis predicts serious patients resulted in mild changes in total bilirubin
liver problems and is associated with the use of when administered 4–5 times per week at 2 g/kg/
soybean oil-based lipids (SO) at doses >1 g/kg/ day and in normal growth pattern [18].
day [13]. Several factors may explicate how LEs In North America, FO alone (Omegaven,
can impact on the development of IFALD: Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany) is
available on the market, whereas in Europe, it is
(a) Activation of hepatic macrophages (Kupffer possible to use LEs containing the mixture
cells) by excess ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty (SMOF lipid, Fresenius Kabi, Bad Homburg,
acids (PUFA) in SO that leads to the produc- Germany). That led to develop two different
tion of proinflammatory cytokines derived approaches to optimize LEs used in the United
from linoleic and arachidonic acids [14]. States and Canada as compared with Europe.
(b) High intake of phytosterols (e.g., stigmasterol Many institutions generally combine the use
and campesterol, equivalents of cholesterol in of novel lipid preparations and reduced rates of
vegetable oils) derived from SO; they have administration of SO to prevent the development
66 A. Diamanti et al.
of liver disease [14]; e.g., if bilirubin exceeds (20 mg/kg per min). A stepwise increase and
34 μg/L, lipid intake is reduced at 1 g/k/day, decrease of glucose infusion rate at onset and at
while if it goes over 50 μg/L, the lipid source is discontinuation of the infusion should be consid-
changed to FO alone at 1 g/kg/day. ered to avoid hyper- and hypoglycemia, respec-
Table 5.1 summarizes the composition of tively. A reliable method for tapering is to halve
available LEs employed in PN. the rate for 30 min and then to halve this again for
an additional 30 min. Glucose tolerance should
be monitored during the first phases of the cycling
Optimization of Non-lipid Intake PN [8].
With regard to the choice of amino acid solu-
Excessive glucose intake causes increased lipo- tion, there is evidence that supplementation of
genesis and fat tissue deposition together with TrophAmine may reduce the incidence of IFALD
subsequent liver steatosis and enhanced produc- in certain high-risk populations such as those
tion of triglycerides by the liver [8]. The American with NEC [12].
Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Furthermore, copper and manganese serum
(ASPEN) [19]; the European Society for Pediatric levels from PN solutions should be monitored
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition closely in patients who have developed IFALD
[11]; and the American Academy of Pediatrics because they may exacerbate it [12].
guidelines [20] recommend limiting the glucose
infusion rate (GIR) at 12–14 mg/kg/min (18 g/kg
per day) in infants and young children up to 2 Promoting EN
years. Glucose intake should usually cover
60–75 % of nonprotein calories [8]. As above The provision of enteral nutrients is a critical
reported, reduced LE intake as strategy to pre- component of the therapy of IF; in SBS patients,
vent/treat IFALD may be required; in such cases, it represents the fundamental driver of adaptation
increased glucose intake, to better satisfy the [12]. Early attempts of oral nutrition confer the
nutritional needs, resulted well tolerated [21]. critical window of opportunity for establishing
Furthermore, prophylactic cycling of PN may normal suck and swallow patterns; if this is not
reduce the incidence of IFALD [14]. Cyclical PN attended, the child is at risk for oral aversion,
is well tolerated and may be 3–6 months of age. which has many long-term negative conse-
In cyclical PN, the maximal rate of glucose infu- quences [22]. The most pragmatic way to address
sion may exceed the advised GIR. The maximal EN handling in IF should take into account that
infusion rate should not exceed 1.2 g/kg per hour all patients regardless the etiology of their IF may
5 Recent Advances in Nutritional Care of Patients with Intestinal Failure 67
recover to a variable degree and that the strate- milk even with pasteurization has nearly identical
gies to promote EN should be reconsidered on a physiologic benefits [25]. Overall, BF should be
day-to-day basis. The overall care of IF is based the first choice in all IF patients.
on the judicious integration of two overlapped If BF is not available, formula selection should
goals: progressive advancement of enteral calo- be based on (a) low allergenicity especially in
ries and gradual weaning from the ongoing sup- SBS infants who are at high risk for allergy [30];
port of PN, maintaining a weight gain [6]. If tube (b) fat profile based on a combination of medium-
feeding is used, the practice of inserting a gas- chain triglycerides (MCTs) and long-chain tri-
trostomy early allows a more controlled method glycerides (LCTs) (ratio of MCTs to LCTs of
of delivering feed with an opportunity to preserve 30/70 %) that seems to favor fat absorption in
and promote voluntary feeding without the nega- patients with significant intestinal resection, with
tive effects of the long-term presence of a nasal or without colon in continuity [31]; (c) pre-
tube [22]. If patients with motility disorders but hydrolyzed protein content that may be more
also with SBS show poor tolerance to gastric suitable than whole proteins to give nitrogen
feeding, the post-pyloric EN approach should be source to an inefficient mucosal surface [26]; (d)
tried [23]. The main aspects concerning the EN low osmolality (less than 310 mOsM/L) to mini-
management in IF are: mize the risk for osmotic diarrhea [32, 33]; and
(e) glucose polymer as main carbohydrate source
Choosing the formula rather than lactose, due to the possible lactose
Assessing methods of feeding intolerance, especially in SBS children [9].
Assessing tolerance to EN Some extensively hydrolyzed formulas (HFs)
Using enteral supplements and amino acid-based formulas (AFs) meet the
Starting and handling complementary foods above reported criteria. AFs have been shown
effective in decreasing PN length in small and not
controlled series of SBS patients [11, 34].
Choosing the Formula In adults, polymeric formulas are better toler-
ated than HFs and AAs; thus we can deduce that
There is a paucity of evidence in favoring one in non-neonatal forms of IF such as in IF acquired
type of feed over the other in this setting; how- in childhood and adolescence, the use of poly-
ever, breastfeeding (BF) should be used when meric formulas may be appropriate [35, 36].
tolerated as it helps and promotes adaptation Table 5.2 shows the criteria for choosing the
[24]. The full advantages of BF include the opti- best formula when the BF is not available.
mal macronutrient composition for human infant
growth, with a full complement of macro- and
micronutrients [25, 26]. In addition, it contains Table 5.2 Criteria for choosing the best formula when
breastfeeding is not available
trophic factors such as epidermal growth factor,
which likely augment the adaptive process [1]. Criteria for choosing Best formula References
Furthermore, BF contains immunoglobulins and Allergenicity AAs > HFs > [30]
polymeric formulas
natural antimicrobial properties which both
Fat profile as MCTs/ HFs > AAs > [31]
enhance mucosal barrier function and prevent LCTs polymeric formulas
dangerous overgrowth of bacteria within intesti- More absorbable HFs > AAs > [26]
nal lumen. Finally, it promotes intestinal coloni- nitrogen source polymeric formulas
zation by appropriate lactobacilli and related Osmolality HFs > AAs > [32, 33]
bacteria which are important elements of healthy polymeric formulas
microbiome [27, 28]. Bovine colostrum also Glucose polymer as Polymeric [9]
main CH source formulas and
seems to confer beneficial effects on IF [29]. HFs > AAs
Finally, BF supports physiological and psy-
MCT medium-chain triglycerides, LCTs long-chain tri-
chological between infant and mother. If the glycerides, CH carbohydrates, AAs amino acid-based for-
mother’s own milk is not available, banked breast mulas, HFs hydrolyzed-based formulas
68 A. Diamanti et al.
We summarize in Fig. 5.1 the management of also via enteral route [5]. It is important to moni-
EN in IF at neonatal onset and in Table 5.3 the tor sodium balance, because sodium deficiency
diagnostic tools useful to assess tolerance to EN can limit growth in infants [1, 35]. The simple
and optimize EN intake. spot measurement of the urinary sodium and, in
selected cases, the calculation of the fractional
excretion of sodium are rapid and efficient ways
Use of Enteral Supplements to monitor the sodium loss. If the spot urine
sodium is <10 mEq/L, increased sodium intake,
IF patients can lose bicarbonate and sodium in both in EN and in PN, is required. The sodium
their stool or stoma, which must be closely moni- content in PN should be titrated to keep urine
tored and replaced, not only intravenously but sodium >30 mEq/L and to maintain urine sodium
When to start EN: within 7-10 days since post-operative ileus is resolved. How and how
much volume: gastric or post-pyloric feeding (if gastric not tolerated) via oral bolus or by
tube feeding or by stoma. Begin at 1-2 ml/Kg/h with drip slow continuous or frequent small
boluses and increase on a daily basis With which formula?:BF if available is the first
choice. If BF is not available HFs and AFs in neonatal forms. In childhood and adolescence
the use of polymeric formulas may be appropriate.
Assess EN tolerance
See Table 3
Fig. 5.1 Management of enteral nutrition in intestinal failure. EN enteral nutrition, BF breastfeeding, HFs hydrolyzed
formulas, AAs amino acid-based formulas, PN parenteral nutrition
70 A. Diamanti et al.
Table 5.3 Diagnostic tools to assess tolerance to EN and gradually increasing amounts of MCTs to the
optimize EN intake formula being used, especially if delivered by
Assessment of tolerance tube feeds, may favorably increase the overall
to EN References caloric intake. MCTs are nevertheless less effec-
Clinical 1. Weight and stool pattern [9, 35, 37] tive than LCTs in promoting intestinal adapta-
markers (diaper that contains only
urine several times/day; tion [38].
less than 6–8 stools/day;
absence of diaper rash due
to liquid feces; lack of Starting and Handling
weight gain)
2. Amount of stool output
Complementary Foods
(between 30 and 40 ml/kg
body weight; higher The introduction of complementary, age-
than > 50 % respect basal appropriate foods between 4 and 6 months of
output or loss from ostomy
age, as well as oral boluses of human milk/for-
about 50 ml/Kg/day)
3. Symptoms suggestive for
mula as soon as tolerated, is helpful to stimulate
occlusion (vomiting, oral-motor development and to prevent feeding
abdominal distension, aversion [5].
constipation) in patients Early weaning (17 weeks) has the advantage
with motility disorders
of promoting feeding maturation with respect to
Biochemical 1. Plasma citrulline [1, 3, 35,
markers concentration (in SBS 36] solids and a reduction in milk fluid volume which
patients, may exacerbate a tendency to vomit or induce an
levels > 12–15 μmol/L increase in osmotically driven stomal losses [5].
indicate adaptation) Feeding therapy is usually required as these
2. pH of feces (values < 5
infants are likely to have some degree of oral
indicates acid and not
absorbed stools) aversion due to delayed introduction of oral feeds
3. Urine electrolytes as a result of prematurity, prolonged intubation,
(sodium > 30 mEq/L and and cardiovascular instability.
urine sodium to potassium Patients without a colon tolerate better diets
ratio at least 1:1 indicate
good hydration)
that are high in fat (30–40 % of caloric intake),
whereas those with intact colons experience ste-
atorrhea, magnesium, and calcium loss with
to potassium ratio at least 1:1. Weekly monitor- high-fat intake. With calcium loss, oxalate
ing of the urinary sodium is a preemptive way of absorption is enhanced in the colon and kidneys,
assessing status, rather than waiting for the serum which can lead to the formation of oxalate renal
level to drop, and long-term monitoring of this stones [39, 40]. Hence, it is necessary to restrict
parameter is suggested [1]. oxalate intake in SBS patients with a colon to
When increasing in feeds does not result decrease the risk of oxalate renal stones. Oral
in appropriate weight gain, it should consider calcium supplements can also reduce the forma-
supplementation with additional fat [6]. There tion of oxalate stones.
is good rationale for using long-chain fats Soluble dietary fiber (pectin or guar gum) can
(LCTs) as supplemental vegetable oils, or olive slow gastrointestinal transit time allowing for
oil, or emulsified preparations. Additionally, improved absorption (see above). The soluble
it may be reasonable to add MCTs because fiber in the colon is fermented to short-chain fatty
they are absorbed directly across the entero- acids, including butyrate which is an energy
cyte membrane, without requiring lymphatic source for colonocytes. In addition, the butyrate
absorption. This occurs in the proximal small regulates colonocyte proliferation and improves
bowel and even the stomach; therefore, adding water and sodium absorption by upregulating the
5 Recent Advances in Nutritional Care of Patients with Intestinal Failure 71
Start BF if available or
At 18 , 24, 30 and 36
Go to the step of 12 months
After 36 months continue follow up by SPT and/or sIgE and clinical evaluation of
CMA every 6 months in SBS patients with suggestive for CMA symptoms and /or
positive SPT and/or sIgE
Free diet
5 Recent Advances in Nutritional Care of Patients with Intestinal Failure 73
to rapidly catabolize L-lactate, which is a product preventing deficiency, but after weaning off PN,
of human anaerobic metabolism, but d-lactate enteral supplementation is advisable.
can be catabolized and cleared very slowly, and Iron deficiency can occur in patients with
toxic blood levels can build up when the small SBS, but it is frequently correctable with oral
intestine is overgrown with anaerobic bacteria. iron supplements because the efficiency of enteral
Signs and symptoms of d-lactic acidosis include iron absorption is maximal in the duodenum
confusion, somnolence, dementia, ataxia, or even which is often maintained after neonatal surgical
seizures. This condition is characterized by aci- resections. For patients who cannot tolerate
dosis associated with an anion gap but a normal enteral iron or who remain deficient despite
blood L-lactate level. Lactobacilli and other bac- enteral supplementation, parenteral iron may be
teria, including Clostridium perfringens and given. Iron deficiency can be also due to chronic
Streptococcus bovis, when present, may ferment gastrointestinal bleeding [35].
nonabsorbed carbohydrate to D-lactic acid, Another concern of the long-term PN is the
which cannot be metabolized by L-lactate dehy- potential exposure to toxic plasma aluminum
drogenase [38]. These microorganisms may pro- concentrations. A recent Canadian survey found
liferate in the acidic environment of the colon that in pediatric patients receiving long-term PN,
that is the result of the metabolism of unabsorbed aluminum intake is significantly greater than rec-
carbohydrate to short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). ommended by the US Food and Drug
D-lactic acidosis presents with encephalopathy Administration to prevent aluminum toxicity. In
(ataxia, blurred speech, decreased conscious- IF patients on PN, aluminum is stored in the body
ness) and should be considered when there is a because the protective gastrointestinal barrier is
high anion gap metabolic acidosis with normal bypassed and renal function may be impaired.
serum lactate and high gram + strains in the stools The long-term aluminum exposure can contrib-
[35]. Preventive measures for D-lactic acidosis ute to chronic bone disease (by inhibition of
include the reduction of carbohydrate intake, fol- PTH) and to neurotoxicity of PN. In addition, it is
lowed by antibiotics (such as metronidazole or involved in IFALD (it accumulates in the liver)
cotrimoxazole) when dietary changes fail [47]. and in the development of hypochromic, micro-
Vitamin B12 absorption may be impaired cytic anemia (binding to transferrin).
among patients who have undergone distal small Colonic oxalate absorption is increased in
bowel resections. Serum levels of B12 are some- patients with SBS, resulting in hyperoxaluria and
times falsely elevated because of the production in calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis. The risk of
of biologically inactive B12 analogues among stone formation is reduced if colon is partially or
patients with bacterial overgrowth syndrome [39]. fully removed. Renal function can also be com-
Provision of enteral water-soluble vitamins is promised by some antibiotics or by not corrected
unnecessary while patients are on parenteral vita- control of fluids and electrolytes in the first phase
min supplements, but if adaptation occurs and of IF.
patients are weaned off PN, enteral provision of Growth is usually impaired in IF at neonatal
most water-soluble vitamins is advisable. Fat- onset. These infants will be small, and to push
soluble vitamin supplementation is delivered via their weight gain to the 50th percentile or higher
parenteral vitamins and parenteral lipid generally is not physiologic. It is more appropriate to
Fig. 5.2 Practical algorithm for the evaluation of toler- amino acid-based formulas, CMP cow’s milk protein,
ance to cow’s milk proteins. The dotted arrow represents CMF cow’s milk-based formulas, SBBO small bowel bac-
the subjects who develop the symptoms between the terial overgrowth. *Elimination diet: AA in subjects
steps. The complete arrow represents the subjects who receiving HF and maternal elimination of CMP in those
don’t show any symptoms between the steps. SPT skin receiving breastfeeding. BF°: maternal elimination of
prick tests, CMA cow’s milk allergy, BF breastfeeding, CMP, integrated by calcium
HFs hydrolyzed formulas, OFC oral food challenge, AAs
74 A. Diamanti et al.
Occlusion (clot
BLOODSTREAM or calcium
INFECTIONS phosphate
Optimal CVC placement
Fig. 5.3 Summary of parenteral nutrition complications. disease, WHO World Health Organization, SBBO small
CVC central venous catheter, PN parenteral nutrition, IF bowel bacterial overgrowth
intestinal failure, IFALD intestinal failure-associated liver
5 Recent Advances in Nutritional Care of Patients with Intestinal Failure 75
examine the birth record and weight and to use Table 5.5 Plan of imaging monitoring of intestinal
these to guide the decision as to which percentile failure
seems appropriate. There should be careful serial Timing Imaging investigations
measures of length, head, and weight gain, with At PN Chest X-ray: (a) when the position of
plotting of the appropriate normative or “Z” beginning the tip has not been checked during the
procedure and/or (b) when the device
scores. It may be necessary to tolerate a modest has been placed using blind subclavian
growth in weight, so long as growth in height and approach or other techniques which
carry the risk of pleuropulmonary
Table 5.4 Plan of clinical and biochemical monitoring of Each 6 Abdominal and neck vessels
intestinal failure months–1 ultrasonography, echocardiography
Clinical Biochemical year
Timing assessmenta investigations Each year Bone densitometry
At PN Complete PN profileb, blood cell If indicated Chest X-ray, neck vessel
beginning count, urine electrolytes, ultrasonography, echocardiography, and
clotting test, urine- venography: if signs or symptoms
specific gravity suggestive for CVC occlusion and/or
With every Complete PN profile, blood cell pain, swelling of the arm and neck,
change in PN count, urine electrolytes edema, and discoloration of the arm
Weekly until Complete PN profile, blood cell Gastrointestinal endoscopy/
stable count, urine electrolytes, colonoscopy: if blood in stool and iron
urine-specific gravity deficiency
Small bowel X-ray transit: if signs and
Each 1–3 Complete PN profile blood cell
symptoms of SBBO
months count, urine electrolytes,
clotting test, iron, total PN parenteral nutrition, CVC central venous access,
iron-binding capacity, SBBO small bowel bacterial overgrowth
ferritin, zinc, thyroid
function tests
Each 6 Complete Plasma vitamins A, E, especially head circumference are maintained. It
months–1 and D. Red blood cell
year folate
is likely appropriate to follow the WHO growth
Plasma citrulline curves.
Tests for food allergies In Tables 5.4 and 5.5, we propose a plan of
Blood in the stool scheduled diagnostic tools to apply in the follow-
Each year Complete α-Fetoprotein up of IF patients.
If indicated Ceruloplasmin and copper: cholestasis,
persistent anemia
Selenium: chronic diarrhea, high ostomy Conclusions
output (low alkaline phosphatase Nutritional workup of pediatric IF is usually
suggests low zinc levels) complex and requires close attention. It should
Chromium: difficult glycemic control be tailored to the single case. The outcome is
D-lactate: encephalopathy, anion gap significantly improved if they are managed by
metabolic acidosis
a multidisciplinary team that allows for fully
Manganese: cholestasis
integrated care of inpatients and outpatients
Serum B12: ileal resection, macrocytic
anemia with IF by favoring coordination of surgical,
Blood cultures: suspected CRBSI medical, and nutrition management [1, 5, 6].
Stool cultures: suspected SBBO and
D-Lactic acidosis
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Short Bowel Syndrome:
Pharmacological Improvement
of Bowel Function and Adaptation
Palle Bekker Jeppesen
from mild, moderate and severe intestinal insuffi- for PS may be permanent in type 3 IF patients
ciency (INS) across a borderline to mild, moderate depending on the degree of functional intestinal
and severe intestinal failure (IF) may exist [2]. adaptation [11]. These patients are discharged
Absolute intestinal absorption may be impaired by from the hospital with home parenteral nutri-
intestinal resection and a reduction in the absorptive tion (HPN). If left untreated, the type 3 IF
surface area, but a variety of other pathophysiologi- patients will experience depletion of their body
cal conditions may contribute to the development of stores and changes in body function and clini-
IF [3]. Examples include extensive mucosal disease cal symptoms, and they may eventually die due
caused by inflammatory bowel disease, radiation to malnutrition, dehydration and electrolyte
enteritis, coeliac disease or microvillus atrophy. disturbances.
Furthermore, the absorptive surface area may be In clinical practice, it is important to assess
bypassed by the presence of intestinal fistula. In where in the INS/IF spectrum each patient is
addition, intestinal obstruction or pseudo-situated, both to provide the best tailor-made
obstruction could diminish the oral intake of the and well-tolerated parenteral support and in
patient, thereby limiting their capacity for compen- order to be able to predict the potential effects
satory hyperphagia. Nutrient assimilation could and consequences of rehabilitative treatments.
also be diminished by impairment of digestion Individualised evaluations are required in a syn-
caused by disturbances in the production of bile drome with a large inter-patient variability and
acids [4] and digestive enzymes [5]. Small intestinal large treatment effect heterogeneity. However,
bacterial overgrowth could also contribute to the this clinical assessment can be difficult or even
malabsorptive disorder [6, 7]. In addition, it has also impossible without objective or indirect mea-
been suggested that the neuroendocrine feedback, surements of intestinal function. The conduc-
evidenced by the elevated [8] or impaired [9] post- tion and evaluation of laboratory blood tests and
prandial endogenous hormone secretions, in SBS nutritional screenings and obtaining a careful
patients with and without an intact “ileo-colonic” anamnesis including information regarding the
brake, respectively, could play a central role in the remnant bowel anatomy may provide some guid-
regulation of the gastrointestinal motility, gastric ance, but frequently judgements based on this
and intestinal secretion, and the functional adapta- information are too imprecise to guide potential
tion following surgery. Thus, these potential patho- lifelong treatments.
physiological factors should be considered and Previously, measurement of the faecal fat
addressed when evaluating and treating SBS excretion, in relation to consuming a diet with
patients with IF. The location of the individual SBS fixed amount of fat, was considered the golden
patient in the spectrum from intestinal insufficiency standard regarding measurement of malassimi-
to intestinal failure may depend upon all of these lation. However, this technique has been dem-
factors, the ability of the patient to compensate for onstrated to be a poor predictor of the total
this malassimilation, the metabolic needs of the faecal energy losses, due to the considerable
patient and the ability and willingness of the patient colonic carbohydrates and protein salvage seen
to adapt to a situation with limited nutrient in SBS patients with a preserved colon in conti-
availability. nuity [12].
By definition, patients with IF need parenteral In an attempt to objectively demonstrate the
support (PS) to ensure the adequate provision of spectrum of malassimilation, Jeppesen and
macronutrients and/or water and electrolytes, Mortensen measured the absolute intestinal
while the patients with INS can compensate absorption by performing metabolic balance
orally by hyperphagia to manage without [10]. studies in adult patients with intestinal insuffi-
Type 1 and 2 IF patients require PS tempo- ciency and failure [10]. Duplicate portions of oral
rarily while regaining intestinal function and intakes and faecal excretions were quantified,
restoring nutritional deficits and metabolic and absolute energy and wet weight absorption
instability following surgery, whereas the need were determined. The results of these balance
6 Short Bowel Syndrome: Pharmacological Improvement of Bowel Function and Adaptation 81
studies allowed the spectrum of intestinal insuf- In theory, the optimisation of intestinal diges-
ficiency or failure to be determined and objective tion and absorption is achieved by maximising
discrimination between the two conditions was the exposure of the mucosal surface area to nutri-
made possible [10]. These balance studies, how- ents, fluids, electrolytes, trace elements and vita-
ever, also illustrated the heterogeneity of the mins in the right form, concentration and
patients within the spectrum. Functional intesti- composition, at the right place, in the right envi-
nal failure was present in most adult patients ronment and in a timely fashion. The pathophysi-
when absolute wet weight absorption (diet wet ological hallmarks of enterectomy are gastric
weight minus faecal wet weight) was below hypergastrinaemia and hypersecretion [15],
1.4 kg/day (equivalent to 23 g/kg body weight/ accelerated gastric emptying, reduced portal
day) or when absolute energy absorption was blood flow, impaired immunological and barrier
below 5 MJ/day [~1200 kcal/day] (~84 % of cal- functions and mucosal replacement, repair and
culated basal metabolic rate). This wet weight adaptation. The aetiology of these pathophysio-
and energy absorption was the minimally logical changes in the bowel function presum-
required for just maintaining perspiration, renal ably involves the loss of secretion of
function and protein-energy metabolism in SBS neuroendocrine inhibitors confined to the termi-
patients. Based on results from these and other nal ileum and colon. Thus, whereas the conven-
balance studies, a urine volume above 800 mL/ tional treatments mainly consist of anti-secretory
day with a sodium concentration above 20 mmol/l drugs and anti-motility/antidiarrhoeal drugs, the
and a body mass index above 20 kg/m2 is desired new hormonal treatments aim to ameliorate these
in adults with SBS [13, 14]. Therefore, today, effects by restoration or amplification of the neu-
metabolic balance studies with measurements of roendocrine communication in the gut.
the total wet weight and energy intake and excre-
tion by weight measurements and bomb calorim-
etry, respectively, should be regarded as the Conventional Pharmacological
golden standard to assess intestinal wet weight Treatments
and energy absorption in patients with SBS.
Anti-secretory Drugs
BID twice daily, CD Crohn’s disease, EJIS end jejunostomy or ileostomy, IRA Ileorectal anastomosis, ITA ileotransverse anastomosis, JRA jejuno-rectal anastomosis, mth month,
NS non-significant, OD once daily, OLCS open-label case series, PS parenteral support, RCT randomised controlled trial, SB small bowel, TID three times daily, unk unknown,
y years
84 P.B. Jeppesen
creation of the ileostomy, the output decreased In the last study given in Table 6.2, Nehra
from 5300 to 1600 g/day, sodium excretion from et al. described the use of a long-acting release
656 to 162 mmol/day and potassium from 48 to depot, octreotide preparation, Sandostatin LAR,
20 mmol/day. The faecal excretion of fat and in a 15-week, open-label trial in eight adult
glucose was not affected. Small bowel transit SBS-IF patients [40]. Following the initial 48-h
time was prolonged from 76 to 134 min. balance study, the patients received the first
Subsequently, the patient was given octreotide, 20 mg, intramuscular, Sandostatin LAR injec-
50 ug subcutaneously twice daily, and her sto- tion. This was repeated by self-injection as an
mal output remained below 2.5 kg/day thereby outpatient at weeks 3, 7 and 11. The parenteral
rendering parenteral support unnecessary [34]. support was kept constant throughout the study,
The results of subsequent open-label case and patients had a fixed habitual-like diet during
series and randomised controlled trials are given admissions. Sandostatin LAR treatment did not
in Table 6.2. In the four studies employing octreo- lead to significant differences in body weight,
tide, mainly patients with end jejunostomy with 48-h urine volume, stool weight, faecal sodium
true high outputs, evidenced by average stomal or potassium losses or faecal fat excretion. This
losses exceeding 4 kg/day and needs for PS suggests that peak concentrations rather than the
exceeding 3 l/day, were examined. In these area under the curve may be important for the
patients, a 30–40 % reduction in wet weight and effect of Sandostatin and analogues.
sodium losses was demonstrated. Again, the larg-
est effects seemed to be confined to the patients Clonidine
with the highest outputs. It was not possible to Clonidine is approved by the FDA and EMA to treat
demonstrate significant positive effects on the hypertension. It is an α2-adrenergic receptor agonist
macronutrient absorption in relation to octreotide that also inhibits gastrointestinal motility by both
treatment. In other studies, the actual data in rela- central and peripheral actions. It increases intestinal
tion to octreotide treatment on reductions in sto- sodium and water absorption and decreases bicar-
mal output were not presented [41] or only bonate secretion by direct activation of postsynaptic
presented in abstract form [42, 43]. However, the enterocyte α2-adrenoreceptors [46, 47].
main conclusions in these studies were in accor- The effect of clonidine was initially described
dance with the other studies. in a patient with refractory diarrhoea (up to 10 l/
In general, a few patients developed abdomi- day) following colectomy and placement of an
nal distention, cramping and symptoms of ileus ileostomy. The patient was treated with cloni-
that resolved after conservative treatment and dine, after failure in treatments with loperamide,
discontinuation of octreotide. Labile blood sug- tinctura opii, cholestyramine and somatostatin to
ars, symptoms of fluid overload (oedema and reduce stool volume to less than 6 l/day. Under
headache) and formation of gallstones necessitat- combined treatment with clonidine (1200 micro-
ing cholecystectomy were described in relation grams/day) and somatostatin (6 mg/day), which
to long-term octreotide treatment. Somatostatin was well tolerated, stool weights were normalised
may reduce splanchnic blood flow [44], and con- within 24 h [48]. McDoniel et al. described the
cerns have been raised by O’Keefe et al. that effect of clonidine in two other SBS patients [49],
long-term octreotide treatment would interfere and Buchmann et al. subsequently described the
with the process of intestinal adaptation [38, 39, effect of clonidine in eight jejunostomy SBS
45]. Therefore, in recent recommendations, a patients (small bowel length 72 ± 152 cm) before
careful monitoring of patients is advised in and after placement of a 0.3 mg clonidine patch
patients treated with octreotide to prevent fluid for a week [50]. This resulted in a reduction in
retention in relation to initiation of the treatment the faecal weight of 438 ± 527 g/day (9.4 %,
as well as potential adverse effects and potential p = .05, baseline 4394 ± 1727 g/day). Urine vol-
negative interference with the process of intesti- umes correspondingly tended to increase by
nal adaptation in the long-term use. 747 ± 1934 mL/day (18.9 %, p = not significant).
Table 6.2 Summary of octreotide studies and results
Rodrigues et al. [35] Nightingale et al. [36] Ladefoged et al. [37] O’Keefe et al. [38, 39] Nehra et al. [40]
Octreotide/Sandostatin LAR Octreotide Octreotide Octreotide Octreotide Sandostatin LAR
50 μg s.c. 30 min 50 μg i.v. BID 25 μg/h i.v. 100 μg s.c. BID 20 mg depot at 0, 3, 7
Before-test meal or 50 μg s.c. BID and 11 weeks
Duration 6 h 2 days 2 days 11 days 15 weeks
No pts 4 6 6 10
SBS type 3 EJIS, 1 JR anast. 5 EJIS, 1JR anast. 6 EJIS 10 EJS 5 EJIS
Remnant SB 30–100 cm Remnant SB 25–70 cm Remnant SB: 40, 100, 110, Remnant SB 15–200 cm 3 SBS + colon
150, 225, All 30 cm
Time from last surg. 2–75 mths unk 14–101 mths 1–15 years 11.1 years on TPN
(range 1–22 y)
Baseline faecal weight 0.923 ± 0.213 kg/6 h 5.13 kg/day 4.92 kg/day 8.1 ± 1.8 l/day 4.54 kg/day
(3.6–6.9) (2.3–8.2) (2.4–20.7) (2.20–10.72)
Baseline faecal sodium 95 ± 12 mmol/6 h 405 mmol/day 347 mmol/day 510 ± 71 mmol/day 393 mmol/day
(144–601) (247–982) (126–789)
PS All 4 All 6, All 6 > PS volume > 3 l/ in 9 of 10 All 8
PS volume > 4.5 l/day PS volume > 4.5 l/day pts
Follow-up faecal weight 0.358 ± 0.078 kg/6 h 3.30 kg/day unk unk 4.63 kg/day
ΔFaecal weight −0.565 kg/6 h −1.83 kg/day i.v.: Abs. increase= −3.3 ± 0.4 l/day +0.10 kg/day
(~ − 39 %) (0.5–5.0 kg/day, 1.12 kg/day (~ − 41%) (−0.66 to 0.99, ~2 %)
~−36 %) (0.35–1.85 g/day, ~29 %)
s.c.: Abs. increase=
1.37 g/day
(0.64–2.11 g/day ~ 36 %)
ΔFaecal sodium −46 mmol/6 h −157 mmol/day i.v.: Abs. increase= −170 mmol/day −10 mmol/day
(−56 to −405 mmol/day, 126 mmol/day (~ − 33 %) (~ − 3 %)
~−39 %) (52–191 mmol/day ~ 87 %)
6 Short Bowel Syndrome: Pharmacological Improvement of Bowel Function and Adaptation
s.c.: 115 mmol/day
(16–142 mmol/day ~ 79 %)
ΔUrine volume – unk unk NS
ΔUrine sodium – unk unk unk
Effect on macronutrients abs. NS NS NS NS
BID twice daily, CD Crohn’s disease, EJIS end jejunostomy or ileostomy, IRA ileorectal anastomosis, ITA ileotransverse anastomosis, JRA jejuno-rectal anastomosis, mth month,
NS non-significant, OD once daily, OLCS open-label case series, PS parenteral support, RCT randomised controlled trial, SB small bowel, TID three times daily, unk unknown,
y years
86 P.B. Jeppesen
Faecal sodium loss decreased by 887 ± 996 mg/ use of hormones to promote “bowel rehabilita-
day (11.2 ± 12.3 %; p = 0.036). None of the tion”. The pathophysiological effects of intestinal
patients developed hypotension, and in short- resection on gastrointestinal motility, secretion,
term studies, the adverse events were minor. blood flow, immunological and barrier functions,
mucosal replacement, repair and adaptation may
be ameliorated by restoration or amplification of
Anti-motility/Antidiarrhoeal Drugs the neuroendocrine communication in the gut.
This structural and functional adaptation, or even
As given in Table 6.3, oral loperamide and a degree of hyperadaptation, may be induced by
codeine phosphate reduce intestinal motility and luminal stimulation of the endogenous gastroin-
decrease fluid and sodium output from ileosto- testinal hormone secretion, by the amplification
mies by 20–30 % [55, 56]. Loperamide, 4 mg of this secretion by reducing hormone degrada-
given four times per day, has been shown to be tion or by exogenous hormonal therapy. Growth
superior to codeine phosphate, 60 mg four times hormone, glucagon-like peptide-2 and the ana-
per day, in reducing the weight and sodium con- logue, teduglutide and GLP-1 have been investi-
tent of ileostomy fluid [53, 57]. Loperamide is, gated in clinical trials.
however, circulated through the enterohepatic
circulation, and therefore doses as high as
12–24 mg at a time may be required in patients Growth Hormone
with resection of the terminal ileum. A mixture
of codeine phosphate (8 mg/ml) in doses as high A summary of growth hormone studies and
as 80–160 mg or tincture of opium, 0.3–1.0 mL, results is given in Table 6.4. Byrne and Wilmore
both four times per day, is employed in other cen- were the first to use high-dose (0.14 mg/kg/day)
tres. The optimal timing, dose and tolerability of growth hormone, glutamine, and a high-
all of these drugs may be highly individual. They carbohydrate diet in the treatment of short bowel
are often used in combination, and it is suggested patients [58, 66]. When combining these treat-
that they should be provided 30–60 min before ment modalities in SBS patients with a preserved
meals and at bedtime, although the scientific evi- colon, who on average had a faecal wet weight
dence for this practice is lacking. In general, the excretion of 1.65 kg/day, the wet weight absorp-
effect of the anti-motility and antidiarrhoeal tion increased from 1.7 to 2.4 kg/day, and sodium
drugs has been demonstrated in patients with a absorption increased from 74 to 113 mmol/day
faecal excretion of less than 1000 g/day over 5 weeks of treatment. However, in addition
(Table 6.3), and the effects in high-output situa- to dietary changes toward a high-carbohydrate
tions are not well described. Therefore, in the diet, all eight patients were also given oral rehy-
ideal setting, the clinical effects on symptoms dration solutions as a part of the “rehabilitation”.
and faecal excretions should be evaluated in the Therefore, the true effects of growth hormone
individual patient, especially in the light of detri- were challenged by Scolapio et al. [60, 61] and
mental sedative and possible addictive, central Szkudlarek et al. [62, 63], who could not repli-
effects of codeine and opium. cate the positive effects on wet weight or energy
absorption in a more mixed patient population
with a more severe intestinal failure. In the
he Use of Intestinal Growth Factors
T lower-dose studies from Ellegaard et al. (growth
and Mediators of Intestinal hormone, 0.024 mg/kg/day) [65] and Seguy et al.
Adaptation (0.05 mg/kg/day) [64], no significant positive
effects on either wet weight or sodium absorption
The search for the main factors responsible for the were seen. In the study by Seguy et al., growth
intestinal adaptation seen in some SBS patients hormone and an unrestricted hyperphagic diet
following intestinal resection has triggered the increased intestinal nitrogen absorption by 146 %
Table 6.3 Summary of antidiarrhoeal studies and results
Tytgat et al. [51, 52] Tytgat et al. [53] Mainguet et al. [54] Newton et al. [55] King et al. [56]
Treatment Loperamide 4 mg BID Loperamide 4 mg TID Loperamide 4–12 mg, Codeine 60 mg TID Loperamide 4 mg TID vs.
3 days median 6 mg codeine 60 mg TID
Loperamide 4 mg TID
4 days
Duration 7 days 7 days Median 37 days 5 days 4 days each
No. of patients 20 7 13 5 9
SBS type Ileostomies: 12 UC, 5 Ileostomies: 4 UC, 2 CD, 1 Pts with ileocolic resections Ileostomies due to IBD Ileostomies: 6 UC and 4
CD, 1 AC, 1 CP CP CD with <60 cm SB
Time from last surg. 26 mths (3 mths–25 y) 3 y (27 mths–10 y) unk 2.3 y (2 mths–7y) 6.2 y (2–15y)
Baseline /placebo faecal Median 660 716 g/day 800 g/day 991 g/day 633 ± 253 g/day
weight Mean 698 g/day (range 409–1158) (approx. 600–1300) (range 367–819)
(range 180–2020)
Baseline faecal sodium – 121 mmol/day – 131 mmol/day 76 ± 38 mmol/day
(51–199) (approx. 90–190)
Follow-up/active treatment Median 500 g/day 481 g/day 480 g/day 755 g/day Lop: 464 ± 116 g/day,
faecal weight Mean 557 g/day (286–1158) Cod: 524 ± 200 g/day
Follow-up/active treatment 47 mmol/day – 99 mmol/day Lop: 47 ± 15 mmol/day,
faecal sodium (27–156) p < 0.02
Cod: 60 ± 25 mmol/day,
ΔFaecal weight Mean −141 g/day −33 % Approximately – 320 g/ −236 g/day Lop: −169 g/day ~ −27 %
(40–344) ~ −20 % day ~ 40 % (approx. 40–350) Cod: −109 g/day ~ −17 %
ΔFaecal sodium – NS (-21 %) – −32 mmol/day Lop: −30 mmol/
day ~ −39 %
Cod: −16 mmol/
6 Short Bowel Syndrome: Pharmacological Improvement of Bowel Function and Adaptation
day ~ −21 %
ΔFaecal macronutrients – Lipid NS – Increase fat 13 g/day Lop: Increase fat 4 g/day
Cod: Increase 2 g/day, NS
None of the patients received parenteral support. In one of the studies, measurements of urine volume or electrolytes are provided. BID twice daily, CD Crohn’s disease, EJIS
end jejunostomy or ileostomy, IRA ileorectal anastomosis, ITA ileotransverse anastomosis, JRA jejuno-rectal anastomosis, mth month, NS non-significant, OD once daily, OLCS
open-label case series, PS parenteral support, RCT randomised controlled trial, SB small bowel, TID three times daily, unk unknown, y years
(p < 0.040), carbohydrates by 104 % (p < 0.040) are global and not specific for the intestine. It has
and energy by 155 % (p < 0.002), which in abso- been reported that GH increases extracellular
lute terms was 427 kcal/day (~1787 kJ/day). Fat volume by stimulating sodium reabsorption in
absorption was unaffected by the treatment. the distal nephron and preventing pressure natri-
During growth hormone treatment, the mean uresis [68]. When using bioelectrical impedance
dietary energy intake was 192 kcal/day (804 kJ/ in the weaning from parenteral support, it should
day) higher. Ultimately, the efficacy of somato- be considered that the effects of GH on fluid bal-
tropin (0.1 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks) was tested in ance in SBS patients may be related to effects on
a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, piv- the kidneys and the extracellular space rather
otal study of 41 patients with short bowel syn- than on the intestine. The positive effect of low-
drome (mainly with a preserved colon and stool dose GH on energy absorption observed in
volume less than 3 L/day), who were dependent Seguy’s study may be explained by GH acting
on parenteral nutrition [59]. The protocol for via IGF-1 mainly in SBS patients with a pre-
weaning from parenteral support is not given, but served colon. Alternatively, the GH-induced
it mainly seems to be based on body weight, mea- stimulation of IGF-1 [69] might stimulate GLP-2
surement of total body water by BIA and mea- effect in the intestine. This assumption is sup-
surements of serum sodium, potassium and ported by the results from the study by Liu [70],
bicarbonate. A significant greater reduction from which indicates that IGF-1 may be a downstream
baseline in total parenteral volume occurred in mediator of GLP-2 action in intestinal growth. In
recipients of somatropin (ZorptiveTM) plus gluta- 2003, the FDA approved Zorptive® for 4-week
mine or somatropin (ZorptiveTM) alone than in treatments in SBS patients. However, since none
placebo plus glutamine recipients (–7.7 and –5.9 of the studies have demonstrated ongoing effects
vs. –3.8 L/week). Thus, the effect of somatropin after termination of treatment, it is likely that
and glutamine averaged 557 ml/day. Balance effects disappear shortly after discontinuation.
studies on intestinal absorption were not per- The presence and severity of adverse effects
formed and the results on urinary excretions were (swelling, fluid retention symptoms, myalgia,
not given [59]. The mean reductions from base- arthralgia, gynaecomastia, carpal tunnel syn-
line in total parenteral calories were significantly drome, nightmares and insomnia) in relation to
greater in recipients of somatropin plus gluta- high-dose growth hormone treatment have raised
mine or somatropin alone than in recipients of concern and may explain the limited long-term
placebo plus glutamine 5751 and 4338 vs. use and commercial success of this treatment
2633 kcal/week. Thus, the effect of the combined modality.
therapy of somatropin plus glutamine would cor-
respond to an effect of 445 kcal/day (1863 kJ/
day). Apparently, there were no changes in the lucagon-Like Peptide 2
dietary energy intake in the three parallel study and Teduglutide
groups. However, a weight loss of 5.2 kg of body
weight (from 63.9 to 58.7 kg) was observed from Another hormone of interest in the treatment of
week 2 (pretreatment) to week 18 (12 weeks SBS patients is glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-
post-treatment) in patients treated with the com- 2). A summary of GLP-2 and teduglutide studies
bined therapy of somatropin plus glutamine. This and results are given in Table 6.5. Initially GLP-2
weight loss closely reflected the anticipated was highlighted for its effect on the promotion of
weight loss derived by calculation of the energy the expansion of the intestinal mucosa via the
deficit obtained by reduction of the parenteral stimulation of crypt cell growth and the reduc-
energy support of 1863 kJ/day. tion of enterocyte apoptosis in relation to exog-
The diverging conclusions of the studies of enous GLP-2 administration [75]. However, a
GH in SBS patients reveal the controversial role wide range of other beneficial physiological
for GH in this condition [67]. The effects of GH effects of GLP-2 have been described.
Table 6.5 Summary of glucagon-like peptide 2 and teduglutide studies and results
Pts Remnant ΔWet ΔEnergy
with small Colon in Δ PN weight ΔPN abs. ΔBody Arthralgia/ Abd.
Glutamine CD (n/ bowel continuity volume abs. energy (kcal/ weight Dist./Abd. Pain/
Citation Drug/dose (mg/kg/day) Days Diet i.v./p.o ORS total) (cm) (n/total) (kg/day) (kg/day) (kcal/day) day) (kg) Oedema nausea
Jeppesen GLP-2/0.013 35 Hab No No 6/8 30–180 0/8 Fixed 0.42, Fixed 105, 1.2, 0 % 0 %/0 %/0 %/0 %
et al. [71] p < 0.05 p = 0.09 p = 0.01
Jeppesen Teduglutide/0.03–0.15 21 Hab No No 11/16 25–150 6/16 Fixed 0.74, Fixed 189, n.s. 0.9, 44 % NR/ NR/19 %/NR
et al. [72] p < 0.05 p = 0.12
Jeppesen (a) Placebo 168 Hab No No 7/16 77 ± 23 11/16 −0.13, NM −58, NM 0.2, n.s. 0 % 0 %/0 %/6 %/6 %
et al. [73] (24 weeks) p = 0.03 p = 0.056
(b) Teduglutide/0.05 168 Hab No No 10/35 58 ± 44 26/35 −0.35, NM −218, NM 1.2, 2.9 % 0 %/9 %/6 %/11 %
(24 weeks) p < 0.05 p = 0.001 p < 0.05
(c) Teduglutide/0.10 168 Hab No No 13/32 68 ± 43 19/32 −0.35, NM −107, NM 1.4, 3.1 % 3.1 %/3 %/3 %/9 %
(24 weeks) p < 0.05 p = 0.03 p < 0.01
(a) vs. (b) 168 Hab No No – – – p = 0.08 NM p = 0.11 NM p = 0.31 – –
(a) vs. (c) 168 Hab No No – – – p = 0.08 NM p = 0.11 NM p = 0.18 – –
Jeppesen (a) Placebo 168 Hab No No 8/43 69 ± 64 23/43 −0.63, NM NM NM −0.6, 5 % NR/
et al. [74] (24 weeks) p < 0.001 p = 0.20 2 %/23 %/19 %
(b) Teduglutide/0.05 168 Hab No No 10/43 84 ± 65 26/43 0,33, NM NM NM 1.0, 17 % NR/
(24 weeks) p < 0.01 p = 0.10 21 %/31 %/29 %
(a) vs. (b) 168 Hab No No – – – p = 0.1 NM NM NM n.s. – –
Abd. Dist. abdominal distension, Abd. Pain abdominal pain, CD Crohn’s disease, Hab habitual, HCLF high-carbohydrate low fat, NM not measured, NR not reported, n.s. not signifi-
cant, ORS oral rehydration solutions, Δ compared to baseline
P.B. Jeppesen
6 Short Bowel Syndrome: Pharmacological Improvement of Bowel Function and Adaptation 91
Thus, GLP-2 inhibits gastric acid secretion and mainly with Crohn’s disease, vascular disease,
gastric emptying, stimulates intestinal blood flow volvulus and injury, who had received PS at least
[76–78], increases intestinal barrier function three times per week for 12 months were enrolled.
[79], opposes inflammatory insults [80, 81] and PS requirements and oral intakes were optimised
enhances nutrient and fluid absorption [82], and and stabilised for up to 16 weeks before randomi-
GLP-2 may also decrease bone resorption [83]. sation to ensure a constant urine volume between
In the first clinical study with native GLP-2 by 1 and 2 l per day. In the primary efficacy analysis
Jeppesen et al., eight patients were treated with of the study, no statistically significant difference
400 mcg of native GLP-2 twice a day (corre- between the group on teduglutide 0.10 mg/kg/
sponding to 0.013 ± 0.002 mg/kg/day, a range of day and the placebo group was shown, while the
0.011–0.017 mg/kg/day), given subcutaneously proportion of subjects receiving the recom-
for 35 days in an open-label study [71]. None of mended dose of 0.05 mg/kg/day achieved at least
the patients had colon in continuity. Their aver- a 20 % reduction of parenteral support at weeks
age wet weight absorption was 1.2 ± 1.7 kg/day at 20 and 24 which was significantly higher versus
baseline, and it increased by 420 ± 480 g/day, placebo (46 % vs. 6 %, p < 0.01). At week 24,
p = 0.04, whereas the effect on sodium absorption teduglutide treatment resulted in a 2.5 L/week
did not quite reach statistical significance reduction in PS requirements from a 9.6 L/week
(33 ± 49 mmol/day, p = 0.10). at baseline. In this study, teduglutide also induced
In a subsequent open-label pilot phase 2 study expansion of the intestinal mucosa. Sixty-five
employing a dipeptidyl peptidase IV-resistant patients opted to enter an open-label, 28-week
GLP-2 analogue, teduglutide, in doses 0.03– extension study [84]. In the patients, who received
0.15 mg/kg/day, in 16 short bowel patients (6 1 year of continuous teduglutide treatment, the
with remnant parts of the colon), the wet weight mean reduction of weekly PS volume was 4.9 l/
absorption increased by 743 ± 477 g/day week equivalent to a 52 % reduction from base-
(p < 0.001), thereby significantly increasing urine line levels.
weight (555 ± 485 g/day, p < 0.001) and sodium After modifications of the study protocol
excretion (53 ± 40 mmol/day, p < 0.001) [72]. allowing for earlier (at week 2 vs. week 4) and
Teduglutide, in doses 0.03–0.15 mg/kg/day, more aggressive PS weaning (10–30 % vs. 10 %),
reduced faecal energy excretion by 808 1453 kJ/ a second pivotal, phase 3 study was performed
day (p = 0.04), but this only translated to a signifi- [74]. Forty-three SBS patients were randomised
cant increase in intestinal absorption (963 to a 0.05 mg/kg/day dose of teduglutide, and 43
1290 kJ/day, p < 0.05) in a subset of patients with patients received placebo for up to 24 weeks [74].
high dietary compliance during balance studies. The proportion of teduglutide-treated patients
No significant changes were seen in the absolute achieving a 20–100 % reduction of PS at weeks
absorption of individual macronutrients [72]. 20 and 24 was statistically significantly higher
The finding of paralleling increases in urine compared to placebo (27 out of 43 patients,
production related to increases in intestinal wet 62.8 %, vs. 13 out of 43 patients, 30.2 %;
weight absorption prompted the use of this sur- p = 0.002). Teduglutide treatment resulted in a
rogate endpoint to guide reductions in parenteral 4.4 l/week (32 %) reduction in PS volume at
support, which were the primary endpoint of the week 24 from a pretreatment baseline of 12.9 l/
two phase 3, 24-week prospective, randomised, week while maintaining oral fluid intake, urine
double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, production and body weight constant throughout
multinational and multicenter studies conducted the study. In placebo-treated patients, the average
in the USA, Canada and Europe [73, 74]. In the PS reductions were 2.3 ± 2.7 L/week (21 %), but
first phase 3 study, patients with SBS were ran- they significantly increased their oral fluid intake
domised to a 0.05 mg/kg/day dose (n = 35), a by 1.6 ± 3.6 L/week (p < 0.009) at week 24 in
0.10 mg/kg/day dose (n = 32) or placebo (n = 16) order to maintain urine production constant. In
for up to 24 weeks [73]. Adult SBS patients, patients completing the study, 21 patients treated
92 P.B. Jeppesen
with teduglutide (54 %) versus 9 on placebo malignancy and in patients with malignancies in
(23 %) achieved at least a one-day reduction in the gastrointestinal tract including the hepatobi-
PS administration (p = 0.005). liary system within the last 5 years. Cases of
The reduction in parenteral energy supply cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis and
was only reported in the first of the two phase 3 pancreatitis have been reported in the clinical
teduglutide studies. Reductions in parenteral studies, and therefore in such cases, continued
energy at week 24 of 243 ±
450 kJ/day teduglutide treatment should be reassessed.
(p = 0.056), 447 ± 1051 kJ/day (p = 0.030) and Causes of intestinal obstruction have been
912 ± 1333 kJ/day (p = 0.001), respectively, described in clinical studies, and in such inci-
were seen in the placebo group, teduglutide dences, continued teduglutide treatment should
0.10 mg/kg/day group and the teduglutide be reassessed. Due to the increased fluid absorp-
0.05 mg/kg/day group, respectively, compared tion in relation to teduglutide, patients with car-
with baseline. However, the reductions in paren- diovascular disease should be monitored for
teral energy were not significant between active cardiac insufficiency or hypertension, especially
teduglutide (0.10 mg/kg/day and 0.05 mg/kg/ during initiation of treatment. Patients receiving
day) and placebo (p = 0.11) [73]. medicinal products with a narrow therapeutic
In all the clinical teduglutide studies, body index should also be monitored due to the poten-
weights remained stable in spite of PS reduc- tial for increased absorption.
tions. Numerical increases in body weight
were seen (0.9 ± 2.1 kg, at week 3 [72];
1.4 ± 2.5 kg, teduglutide 0.10 mg/kg/day and Other Hormones on the Horizon
1.2 ± 2.8 kg teduglutide 0.05 mg/kg/day at
week 24 [73]; and 1.0 ± 2.8 kg, teduglutide Numerous growth factors may be involved in
0.05 mg/kg/day at week 24 [74]). However, the postresectional intestinal adaptation, such as
none of these reached statistical significance glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), oxyntomodu-
compared to placebo. lin, peptide YY, neurotensin, insulin-like growth
In 2012, the EMA and FDA approved tedu- factor-1, hepatocyte growth factor, vascular
glutide (Gattex and Revestive, respectively) for endothelial growth factor, cholecystokinin, epi-
the treatment of SBS patients, and it will prob- dermal growth factor, gastrin, insulin, vascular
ably be available for the clinical use around the endothelial growth factor and keratinocyte
world in the years to come. Concern has been growth factor. GLP-2 is just one of many endog-
raised about potential adverse effects of tedu- enously secreted hormones involved in the pro-
glutide. The phase 3 studies have revealed that cess of intestinal adaptation following intestinal
teduglutide treatment may be associated with resection. Therefore, in theory, other hormones,
adverse events, mainly of gastrointestinal origin or inhibitors of their degradation enzymes, indi-
(abdominal distension, abdominal pain, nausea vidually, or in concert with GLP-2, may have
and stoma enlargement), due to its pharmaco- positive effects on the intestinal absorption in
logical mode of action. A carefully monitored SBS patients. Results obtained so far have been
down-titration of the daily dose may be consid- demonstrated in preclinical studies and in small,
ered for some patients with adverse events to open-label, pilot studies. In mice, inhibiting
optimise tolerability of teduglutide treatment. dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), which is a ser-
As a precaution for the development of neopla- ine protease cleaving dipeptides from the
sia, a colonoscopy with removal of polyps N-terminal end with l-proline or l-alanine at the
should be conducted at the start of treatment penultimate position (e.g. GIP, GLP-1 and GLP-
with teduglutide. A re-evaluation at 1 year and 2), has been suggested as a novel approach to
adherence to follow-up guidelines are recom- promote adaptation in SBS patients with pre-
mended. The use of teduglutide should probably served L-cell secretion [85, 86]. Other peptides
be avoided in patients with active or suspected such as peptide YY, glicentin, oxyntomodulin
6 Short Bowel Syndrome: Pharmacological Improvement of Bowel Function and Adaptation 93
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Modern Intestinal Rehabilitation
and Outcomes
Rubén E. Quirós-Tejeira
Table 7.1 Some important factors affecting intestinal Table 7.2 Management of short bowel syndrome in
adaptation and survival in short bowel syndrome [9–11] children
Better chance Worse chance (a) Parenteral Main goal is to become PN
SBL >38 cm SBL < 15 cm nutrition independent
ICV No ICV (b) Enteral Focus on “trophic effect” initially
Intact colon Colonic resection >50 % nutrition LCT vs. MCT – LCT promotes
Primary anastomosis Secondary anastomosis intestinal adaptation in animal
Intestinal continuity No intestinal continuity – i.e., If cholestasis, high MCT formulas
ostomy because bile is not required for
Liver disease No Liver disease MCT absorption
>75 % of calories <25 % of calories enterallya Continuous vs. boluses – main
enterallya principle should be to utilize the
By 3 months post-small bowel resection. SBL small method that allows the greatest
bowel length, ICV ileocecal valve proportion of enteral feedings
(c) Pharmacologic/ H2 blockers or PPI
medical options Antimotility agents – to slow
down intestinal transit
Bile salt resin binders – overall, if
TI resection
Establishing enteral feedings as soon as possible SBBO with antibiotics (i.e.,
has been widely accepted as one important con- metronidazole, gentamicin, SMZ/
trollable variable that may help intestinal adapta- TMP, etc. – enterally)
tion [11–13]. Tables 7.2 and 7.3 summarized the UDCA – if TI preserved
management and monitoring of children on PN Probiotics – controversial due to
potential for bacteremia
Enteric hormone therapy: GH,
Parenteral Nutrition (PN) PN has been used (d) SB lengthening Bianchi procedure vs. STEP in the
for over 30 years allowing long-term survival of procedures right candidate
children undergoing major intestinal resection (e) Transplantation Intestinal vs. liver/intestinal vs.
[14]. It is important for the parents or guardians multiorgan
to undergo a comprehensive training period, PN parenteral nutrition, LCT long-chain triglyceride,
MCT medium-chain triglyceride, PPI proton-pump inhib-
because they will assume full responsibility for
itors, TI terminal ileum, SBBO small bowel bacterial over-
CVC and PN care at home. The major nutritional growth, SMZ/TMP sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim,
criterion for hospital discharge is evidence of UDCA ursodeoxycholic acid, GH growth hormone, GLP-
steady weight gain on cycled PN and, in most 2 glucagon-like peptide 2, STEP serial transverse entero-
plasty procedure
cases, some enteral feeding [9].
Enteral Nutrition It is extremely important to breast milk. In one study, enteral feeding with
establish enteral feedings as soon as medically breast milk or an amino acid-based formula cor-
permitted. The initial goal is to have a “trophic related with a shorter PN requirement [12]. In
effect” with nutrients in the intestinal lumen general, the main recommendation is to use ele-
rather than a concern for calories delivered. In mental or semi-elemental formulas when breast
addition, nutrients in the intestinal lumen will be milk is not available since most available studies
“hepatoprotective” from injuries that PN could in children with SBS have used these choices for
cause. Breast milk is always preferred since it enteral nutritional support.
may provide growth factor that could help intes-
tinal adaptation [11]. Unfortunately, this is not Most pediatric gastroenterologists and dieti-
possible all the time because of different issues tians would recommend continuous feeding
including the baby’s inability to nipple, the need instead of bolus feedings, because of a possible
for tube feedings, and the need for pumping vicious cycle of large-volume feeds and
7 Modern Intestinal Rehabilitation and Outcomes 99
Table 7.3 Suggested monitoring while on parenteral cerns when choosing the formula for these
children is not unreasonable.
Monitoring Stool output, growth pattern, and As far as introduction of meals on children
percentage of parenteral support – help
with SBS, it should follow the age-appropriate
to assess intestinal absorption and caloric
needs approach and the estimated absorptive capacity
Weekly: CBC and differential, AST, ALT of the children with the main principle of complex
alkaline phosphatase, fractioned carbohydrates being encouraged and refined sug-
bilirubin, GGT, albumin, creatinine, ars being discouraged.
BUN, electrolytes, magnesium, calcium,
and phosphorus
Monthly: iron panel and prealbumin
Growth Factors and Enteric Hormones One
Every 3 months: Zn, Mn, Se, Cu, Cr study reported that growth hormone in addition
Every 6 months: vitamins A, D, E, and to glutamine increases the height percentile and
K. Vitamin B12 overall, if terminal seemed to facilitate PN independence [17]. There
ileum was resected are some other growth factors currently under
Other tests – yearly: liver US, renal US, investigation for their use in promoting intestinal
and bone mineral density testing
adaptation like glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)
Essential fatty acids profile should be
monitored if omega-3 emulsion is used [18, 19]. Clinical use of growth factor in children
Actual monitoring should be tailored to each patient’s
is still in the investigational phase.
needs based upon clinical status and progress
Medications and Intestinal Absorption When
treating children with intestinal failure, we have
malabsorptive diarrhea. Overall, there are not to keep in mind that they may have erratic
well-controlled studies looking at continuous absorption of enteral medications such as antibi-
versus bolus feeding. Therefore, the main goal otics. Therefore, IV medications should be con-
remains to use the method that will deliver the sidered when treating different conditions such
greatest proportion of calories enterally. as otitis media.
Since most children with SBS will require
tube feeding, a gastrostomy tube is recommended Gastrointestinal Continuity The presence of
in most cases. However, it is important to keep in colon after intestinal resection is important in
mind that children on tube feedings may not adaptation and fluid and electrolyte management.
develop good oropharyngeal coordination. When undigested nutrients reach the colon, they
Consequently, it is important to allow some oral induce changes in the colonic mucosa that
intake to help developing this skill. enhance water and electrolyte absorption. In addi-
In regard to fat, animal studies have shown that tion, mucosal modifications allowing absorption
long-chain triglycerides (LCT), especially men- of nutrients such as short- and medium-chain fatty
haden oil, have a more significant trophic effect acids take place when the colonic mucosa is
when compared against diets containing short- exposed to undigested nutrients [20]. Furthermore,
chain or saturated fat [15]. In the children with intact nutrients reaching the colon will induce
cholestasis, it is advisable to use high medium- enteric hormones like enteroglucagon, peptide
chain triglycerides (MCT) containing formula, YY, GLP-1, and GLP-2 that will promote intesti-
because bile is not required for MCT absorption. nal adaptation [18, 21, 22]. Therefore, intestinal
In regard to protein, it has been suggested that continuity must be reestablished as soon as pos-
intact protein formula may offer a disadvantage sible to enhance the likelihood of intestinal adap-
to semi-elemental or elemental formula because tation and PN independency.
children with SBS may develop colitis [16].
Although it is not clear if the colitis is due to Small Bowel Lengthening Procedures The
cow-milk protein allergy or bile acid malabsorp- main goal of lengthening procedures is to increase
tion, eliminating cow-milk protein allergy con- intestinal transit time and subsequently increase
100 R.E. Quirós-Tejeira
the absorptive surface exposed to nutrients with a Table 7.4 Common complications of children on paren-
subsequent positive impact on absorption and teral nutrition and short bowel syndrome
intestinal adaptation. The Bianchi procedure was Complications
the first intestinal lengthening technique and was Central venous catheter-related sepsis
first described in 1980 [23]. In 2003, the serial Cholestasis progressing to end-stage liver disease
transverse enteroplasty (STEP) procedure was Thrombosis leading to central venous access problems
reported as another alternative for lengthening Small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SBBO)
Gastrointestinal bleeding
[2]. A study from our center, University of
Renal disease
Nebraska Medical Center, showed that both
Noninfectious colitis
Bianchi and STEP procedures resulted in
improved enteral tolerance, reversed complica-
D-lactic acidosis
tions of PN, and avoided intestinal transplanta- Dilated intestinal loop
tion in the majority of patients with reportedly Intestinal strictures or fistulas
few surgical complications [3]. More recently,
including our institution, STEP is becoming
more popular since it is technically less compli- CVC-Related Sepsis In our center, we prevent
cated than the Bianchi procedure [4]. In any case, CVC-related sepsis with the careful use of proto-
a dilated small bowel loop is required for either colized cleaning techniques and the use of etha-
procedure; therefore, these procedures should nol lock that have had a great impact in our
only be considered in those children with dilated CVC-related septic episodes as it has been
loop who are not steadily advancing their enteral reported somewhere else [5]. Prompt treatment
feeds. of CVC sepsis with antibiotics will also prevent
further malabsorption and progression of liver
Transplantation In the era of intestinal reha- disease caused by possible endotoxemia [24].
bilitation programs, intestinal or intestinal/liver Endotoxemia is an important factor that has a
transplantation is not seen as an end point any- negative impact in intestinal adaptation. An ani-
more but as another strategy to accomplish PN mal model of SBS treated with endotoxin has
independency in the right candidate. This showed a decrease in the intestinal mucosa
includes children with chronic intestinal failure weight and villus height in the treated rats [25].
who have no hope for adaptation, those who have Therefore, sepsis will not only worsen liver dis-
end-stage liver disease, children with CVC access ease but also may perpetuate intestinal malab-
problems, and patients with recurrent CVC- sorption in children with intestinal failure.
related septic episodes or life-threatening infec-
tions. More recently, isolated intestinal PN-Associated Liver Disease Different strate-
transplantation has emerged as a therapeutic gies have been well established to prevent liver
option for children with no hope for intestinal disease including cycling PN, lipid minimization,
adaptation without end-stage liver disease who avoiding nil per os, special amino acids prepara-
have central access issues (i.e., SBL < 15 cm tions, preventing CVC sepsis, and, more recently,
without the ICV, long-segment Hirschsprung’s the possible role of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3
disease, etc.). fatty acids emulsion has been used to prevent and
treat PN-associated cholestasis. One of the prin-
Avoiding Complications Common complica- ciples is that omega-3 fatty acids preparations do
tions from PN support are presented in Table 7.4. not have phytosterols which are present in the
It is not the purpose of this chapter to discuss in soybean emulsion (omega-6 fatty acids).
great detail the pathophysiological mechanisms Phytosterols are present at high levels in human
of the PN-associated complications. The most serum of individuals on soybean emulsion, and
important factor for any intestinal rehabilitation they have been found to contribute to liver dis-
program is to understand and prevent them. ease in experimental animals [26]. Omega-3 fatty
7 Modern Intestinal Rehabilitation and Outcomes 101
acids have been associated to improvement of and portal hypertension, children with SBS could
cholestasis in children on PN [6], yet further have GI bleeding episodes secondary to ulcers at
studies are needed to understand the actual role in the anastomotic sites or noninfectious colitis. The
stopping progression of PN-associated liver dis- intestinal anastomotic bleeding may be related to
ease. Finally, one factor that is frequently over- local ischemia and could be severe enough to
looked is the restoration of intestinal continuity. require multiple transfusions and surgical revision
Early restoration of intestinal continuity corre- of the anastomotic site [30]. Sometimes it could
lates with less severe liver disease [12] and better be in relation to small bowel bacteria overgrowth
chance for intestinal adaptation [9, 10]. (SBBO) and could resolve as SBBO is treated.
Noninfectious colitis is probably less common in
CVC-Related Thrombosis It is believed that the current era of hypoallergenic formulas. The
CVC-related thrombosis is related to infection prevalence of colitis may be underestimated, as
because central vein thrombosis is usually pre- lower endoscopy is not performed routinely in
ceded by CVC sepsis and a clot in the children with SBS. Sulfasalazine (25–50 mg/kg/
CVC. Therefore, prevention and treatment of day) or prednisone (1 mg/kg/day) has been pro-
infection should in theory prevent thrombosis. posed as potential therapeutic options for nonin-
However, sometimes central venous thrombosis fectious colitis [16].
may happen in the absence of infection. In these
instances, it could be in relation to increasing
tonicity of the PN or “decentralization” of the Outcome
central access. In addition, hypercoagulable
states are not rare, and screening for conditions In 1972, Wilmore’s report suggested that without
such as protein S or C deficiency, antithrombin the ICV, a jejunoileal segment of more than
III deficiency, and the factor V Leiden mutation 38 cm was necessary to ensure survival and that
may be helpful. no patient with less than 15 cm of a jejunoileal
segment would be able to survive [31].
D-Lactic Acidosis It is another complication in Fortunately, our understanding of intestinal fail-
children with SBS. D-lactic acid is normally ure secondary to SBS and the repercussion of
absent in human serum, but in patients with SBS long-term PN support have improved signifi-
can be present and causes hyperchloremic meta- cantly over the years. This has had a significant
bolic acidosis, encephalopathy, and hypotension. influence in the overall outcome of children with
It could be confused with sepsis; however, it is this condition. We still have multiple medical and
important to recognize that these findings may be surgical areas that require further investigation to
in relation to D-lactic acid. D-lactic acid is pro- keep on impacting morbidity and mortality in
duced by lactobacilli, bacteroides, and other these children.
gram-positive bacteria in the intestine. Treatment One study looked at the chance of becoming
includes stopping oral intake of carbohydrates, PN independent based upon SBL. This study
sodium bicarbonate therapy, enteral administra- showed that there was a < 50 % chance of becom-
tion of poorly absorbed antibiotics (i.e., vanco- ing PN independent if SBL was < 30 cm, 60 % if
mycin, neomycin, etc.), and thiamine SBL was 60 cm or more, and almost 100 % if the
supplementation [27]. D-lactic acidosis is proba- SBL was 100 cm [12].
bly secondary to multiple factors including Survival is also affected by SBL. In a 25-year
increased small bowel malabsorption, abnormal follow-up study, about 80 % of the children with
colonic flora, distorted motility, and impaired SBL > 15 cm survived vs. 47 % of the ones with
lactate metabolism [27–29]. SBL < 15 cm. In this study, the impact of the ICV
in intestinal adaptation was better appreciated in
Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleeding Besides the GI this latter group, with all the survivors who
bleeding in relation to ulcers in the upper GI tract adapted having the ICV [9]. In the same study,
102 R.E. Quirós-Tejeira
infants with 15–38 cm of SBL have a reasonable 5. Cober MP, Kovacevich DS, Teitelbaum DH. Ethanol-
lock therapy for the prevention of central venous
survival and even a good chance for intestinal
access device infections in pediatric patients with
adaptation with or without the ICV. In addition, intestinal failure. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.
the presence of ICV had its greater impact in 2011;35(1):67–73.
intestinal adaptation if the SBL was < 15 cm [9]. 6. Diamond IR, Sterescu A, Pencharz PB, Kim JH,
Wales PW. Changing the paradigm: omegaven for the
More recently, we reported a series of 28 chil-
treatment of liver failure in pediatric short bowel syn-
dren with ultra-SBS (SBL < 20 cm) with 96 % drome. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009;48(2):
survival and 48 % of them undergoing intestinal 209–15.
adaptation [10]. In this report, there were four 7. El Kasmi KC, Anderson AL, Devereaux MW, Vue
PM, Zhang W, Setchell KD, Karpen SJ, Sokol
children with < 20 cm of SBL without the ileoce-
RJ. Phytosterols promote liver injury and Kupffer cell
cal valve who adapted [10] in contrast to a study activation in parenteral nutrition-associated liver dis-
published 10 years before that showed no chil- ease. Sci Transl Med. 2013;5(206):137–60.
dren with similar characteristics reaching PN 8. Siebert JR. Small-intestine length in infants and chil-
dren. Am J Dis Child. 1980;134:593–5.
independency [9]. This fact clearly represents the
9. Quirós-Tejeira RE, Ament ME, Reyen L, Herzog F,
impact that new strategies such as lengthening Merjanian M, Olivares-Serrano N, Vargas JH. Long-
procedures [2–4], techniques to decrease CVC- term parenteral nutritional support and intestinal
related sepsis such as ethanol lock [5], and the adaptation in children with short bowel syndrome: a
25-year experience. J Pediatr. 2004;145(2):157–63.
use of different lipid emulsions like omega-3
10. Infantino BJ, Mercer DF, Hobson BD, Fischer RT,
fatty acids [6] and lipid minimization strategies Gerhardt BK, Grant WJ, Langnas AN, Quiros-Tejeira
[7] have had in the overall outcome of children RE. Successful rehabilitation in pediatric ultrashort
with intestinal failure. small bowel syndrome. J Pediatr. 2013;163(5):1361–6.
11. Sondheimer JM, Cadnapaphornchai M, Sontag M,
Intestinal failure in children on long-term PN
Zerbe GO. Predicting the duration of dependence on
remains as one of the most challenging diseases parenteral nutrition after neonatal intestinal resection.
for all health-care providers involved in the care J Pediatr. 1998;132(1):80–4.
for these patients not only because of the morbid- 12. Andorsky DJ, Lund DP, Lillehei CW, Jaksic T,
Dicanzio J, Richardson DS, Collier SB, Lo C, Duggan
ity and mortality involved on it but also due to the
C. Nutritional and other postoperative management of
financial, emotional, and social burdens to the neonates with short bowel syndrome correlates with
health-care system and families of these children. clinical outcomes. J Pediatr. 2001;139(1):27–33.
Continued research in all different areas of SBS, 13. Christie DL, Ament ME. Dilute elemental diet and
continuous infusion technique for management of
intestinal failure, and long-term PN support will
short bowel syndrome. J Pediatr. 1975;87:705–8.
keep on impacting the care of these children and 14. Vargas JH, Ament ME, Berquist WE. Long-term
their overall outcome. home parenteral nutrition in pediatrics: ten years of
experience in 102 patients. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
Nutr. 1987;6(1):24–32.
15. Vanderhoof JA, Park JH, Herrington MK, Adrian
References TE. Effects of dietary menhaden oil on mucosal adap-
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1. Koeberle E. Resection de deux metres d’intestine Gastroenterology. 1994;106(1):94–9.
grele guerison. Bull Acad Med. 1881;8:249–50. 16. Taylor SF, Sondheimer JM, Sokol RJ, Silverman A,
2. Kim HB, Fauza D, Garza J, Oh JT, Nurko S, Jaksic Wilson HL. Noninfectious colitis associated with short
T. Serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP): a novel gut syndrome in infants. J Pediatr. 1991;119(1):24–8.
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Raynor S, Langnas A. Comparison of intestinal with short bowel syndrome. J Pediatr Surg.
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syndrome. Ann Surg. 2007;246(4):593–601. 18. Jeppesen PB. Clinical significance of GLP-2 in short-
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bowel to wean from parenteral nutrition. J Pediatr. Sangild PT. GLP-2 stimulates intestinal growth in
2014;164(1):93–8. premature TPN-fed pigs by suppressing proteolysis
7 Modern Intestinal Rehabilitation and Outcomes 103
and apoptosis. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver intestinal adaptation in a rat model of short-bowel
Physiol. 2000;279(6):G1249–56. syndrome. Pediatr Surg Int. 2002;18(7):615–9.
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patients with small bowel resection. Gut. 1998;43: nutrition support. Clin Nutr. 2005;24(3):415–20.
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Current Concepts of Intestinal
Failure: Serial Transverse
development of bacterial overgrowth follow- remnant [1, 13]. Recovery of propulsive motility
ing massive distal small bowel resection [6, 8]. is expected to reduce bacterial overgrowth [5, 7],
Profound unfavorable changes in the intestinal while improved mixing of luminal contents and
microbiota have been also demonstrated in chil- normalization of the bowel width-to-length ratio
dren with SBS, characterized by overabundance enhances mucosal contact of nutrients for absorp-
of gram-negative proteobacteria, such as E. coli, tion. Resultant decrease in PS requirement and
especially in patients dependent on parenteral improved small intestinal mucosal health pro-
nutrition (PN) [9, 10]. Bacterial overgrowth has vides protection against liver injury [14].
been reported in up to 60 % of children with Although the exact mechanisms of action remain
SBS mostly after stabilization on parenteral sup- unclear, some of these assumptions are supported
port (PS) with increasing enteral nutrition [11]. by direct experimental evidence. In pigs with
Production of D-lactic acid by overabundant 90 % enterectomy, STEP reduced intestinal over-
gram-positive anaerobes may lead to D-lactic growth of gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) while
acidosis characterized by anion gap acidosis with improving weight gain and xylose absorption and
low L-lactate and neurological symptoms [1, 2]. serum lipid levels [15]. Although STEP animals
Importantly, bacterial overgrowth has potential had higher serum citrulline levels, a surrogate
to further exacerbate malabsorption and pro- marker of enterocyte mass, no changes in muco-
mote development of intestinal failure-associated sal morphology were observed [15]. One small
liver disease (IFALD) [9]. Unfavorably altered study in pigs found preserved intestinal motility
intestinal microbiota increasingly metabolizes patterns after STEP when compared to short
ingested nutrients and deconjugate bile acids, bowel control animals [15, 16]. In rats, STEP
which aggravates lipid malabsorption by reduc- increased weight gain and villus height without
ing micelle formation. Bacterial overgrowth has change in nutrient absorption [17]. Interestingly,
also potential to cause direct mucosal injury STEP also induced intestinal expression of
and inflammation, promoting malabsorption glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) receptor and
and increased epithelial permeability [7, 9]. postprandial GLP-2 serum levels. In both pigs
Epithelial barrier dysfunction may be mechanis- and rats, STEP induced longitudinal small intes-
tically important in the development of IFALD tinal growth [15, 17]. Experimental findings are
by allowing translocation of certain bacterial in line with uncontrolled clinical observations,
species and their antigens into the portal circula- which demonstrate improving weight gain, stool
tion inflicting inflammation-mediated liver injury frequency, and consistency as well as increasing
[9, 12]. Enhanced bacterial modification of bile xylose absorption and serum citrulline levels fol-
acid pool has multiple far-reaching effects on lowing STEP [18]. The STEP channel does have
health and hepatic function by altering regulative a tendency for redilatation both in experimental
properties of bile acids, which govern their own and clinical setting [18], which may compromise
enterohepatic circulation, as well as lipid and functional benefit of the operation in the long
carbohydrate metabolism by ligand activation of term [19].
specific intestinal receptors.
Normal and uniform bowel diameter can be
effectively restored surgically by serial transverse Indications
enteroplasty (STEP), while preserving the entire
limited intestinal absorptive surface. Elimination Adaptation-associated bowel dilatation often pres-
of pathological dilatation with simultaneous ents clinically with increasing feeding intolerance,
increase in functional bowel length has potential which precludes further weaning off PN [1, 20–
to decrease PN dependence by improving enteral 22]. Other clinical signs are mostly attributable to
feeding tolerance and intestinal absorptive func- bacterial overgrowth, including abdominal disten-
tion. It is believed that STEP promotes purpose- sion, vomiting, diarrhea, or increased intestinal
ful motility patterns in the dilated small intestinal excretions and D-lactic acidosis [1, 2, 11].
8 Current Concepts of Intestinal Failure: Serial Transverse Enteroplasty 107
Presence of bowel dilatation is confirmed by intes- intentionally in neonates with congenitally short
tinal contrast study or MRI enterography in older small intestine by creating temporary controlled
children. Dilatation may involve only an isolated bowel obstruction for several months prior to
segment or extend to the entire remaining small STEP [24].
intestine. Besides adaptation-associated bowel Patient selection and timing of surgery are
dilatation, strictures, fistulas, and loss of the ileo- essential for successful AIR surgery. STEP sur-
cecal valve are common predisposing factors to gery should be considered well before progres-
bacterial overgrowth in SBS. Objective preopera- sion of IFALD. The presence of jaundice and
tive confirmation of small intestinal bacterial over- limited liver fibrosis without concurrent portal
growth is more complicated. Diagnostic value and hypertension, ascites, or decreased hepatic
clinical application of hydrogen breath tests is lim- synthetic function may not decrease postopera-
ited especially in neonates with SBS. Traditional tive survival [25]. Reversal of IFALD seems to
cultures of small intestinal aspirates are able to occur in a majority of these patients after suc-
detect alterations only in a fraction of potential cessful intestinal lengthening [20, 22, 25–27].
microbial pathogens. Modern culture-independent Postponing AIR surgery, if possible, beyond
phylogenetic DNA-based microarray analyses the most efficient period of adaptation taking
have potential to reveal much more detailed intes- place during the first year has been considered
tinal microbiota signatures in children with SBS beneficial by some centers [18, 21, 28].
and clinical diagnosis of bowel dilatation-associ- Theoretically, this could reduce the tendency
ated bacterial overgrowth [9]. for adaptation-induced redilatation. Liver fail-
Indications for STEP surgery are outlined in ure is a clear contraindication for bowel length-
Table 8.1. The main indication for STEP is per- ening procedures. For patients with advanced
sistent PN dependency without further progres- liver fibrosis and complications of portal
sion of weaning despite optimized nutritional hypertension, the primary treatment is intesti-
and medical therapy with the presence of exces- nal transplantation (ITx) with or without liver
sively dilated remaining small intestine. At this component. In general, STEP is contraindi-
point, most patients display symptoms of intes- cated in primary intestinal motility disorders,
tinal bacterial overgrowth. Patients who continue because any operative intervention is very
to progressively wean from PN, despite dilata- likely to further compromise propulsive intes-
tion, are not candidates for autologous intestinal tinal motility [29].
reconstruction (AIR) surgery. STEP is an effec-
tive surgical approach also for neonatal bowel
obstruction associated with marginal bowel Surgical Technique
length that would be further compromised by
simple tapering such as intestinal atresia [23]. Kim described STEP procedure experimentally
Small intestinal dilatation has been also pursued in 2003 and reported the first clinical application
later in the same year [30, 31]. After full adhe-
Table 8.1 Indications for serial transverse enteroplasty siolysis the entire remaining intestine is thor-
Short bowel syndrome oughly evaluated. The operation is performed by
Unprogressive weaning from parenteral support firing linear staplers from alternating and oppo-
Bowel dilatation site directions perpendicular to the long axis of
Symptomatic intestinal bacterial overgrowth the bowel and parallel to the bowel vasculature
Diarrhea, increased stromal secretions (Figs. 8.1a, b). Small openings in the mesentery
Vomiting are created at each point of stapler application.
D-lactic acidosis The distance between stapler firings is guided by
Congenital dilated short bowel the pursued bowel diameter, which should be
Intestinal atresia more than 2 cm, depending on age and size of a
Closing gastroschisis patient. In addition to restoring bowel diameter,
108 M.P. Pakarinen and T. Wester
showed that only weight for age improved after age, diagnosis, weight at STEP, or presence of
STEP [21]. In one study, both height for age and ileocecal valve. However, shorter small bowel
weight for age z-scores improved [34]. length and higher serum bilirubin concentra-
Approximately half of the patients can be weaned tions before STEP were independently asso-
off PN after redo STEP [22, 46]. Catch-up growth ciated with death or ITx after the first STEP
has been shown to occur also after redo STEP in [39]. Elevated conjugated serum bilirubin has
children [46]. previously been shown to be a very significant
negative predictor of survival in children with
SBS [48].
Small Bowel Transplantation
and Mortality Conclusion
In children with intestinal failure and symp-
In most series of STEP patients, mortality or ITx tomatic bowel dilatation, accompanied with
have been relatively rare events (Table 8.2). The unprogressive weaning from parenteral nutri-
indication for ITx is often progressive liver fail- tion, STEP has the ability to increase enteral
ure. Mortality is frequently related to liver fail- tolerance and limit symptoms of bacterial
ure or serious infections, sometimes after ITx. overgrowth. However, a significant number of
STEP and redo STEP do not preclude later ITx patients develop recurrent dilatation, requiring
if the procedures are unsuccessful. The patients repeated STEP. The complication rate is low,
in the STEP Data Registry were divided in two but sometimes STEP alone is insufficient to
groups: transplant-free survivors (n = 81) and fully control bacterial overgrowth. In the
those who underwent ITx or died (n = 16). There future, additional modalities, combined with
was no statistical difference between the two STEP, may improve the efficacy of the proce-
groups with respect to sex, ethnicity, gestational dure and the outcomes.
8 Current Concepts of Intestinal Failure: Serial Transverse Enteroplasty 111
Financial Support Mikko Pakarinen was supported with 15. Chang RW, Javid PJ, Oh J-T, Andreoli S, Kim HB,
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DO, Kim HB, Jaksic T, Nurko S. Preservation of
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Longitudinal Intestinal
Lucas Marie Wessel and Rasul Khasanov
short bowel syndrome [7–10]. Nowadays the Table 9.1 Objectives of lengthening procedures
experience of such surgical treatment is the larg- Avoidance of bacterial translocation leading to sepsis
est comparing to other lengthening techniques Avoidance of bacterial overgrowth
around the world [6, 11]. Prolongation of transit time and optimization of
The objectives of lengthening procedures are resorption of fluids and nutrients
avoidance of bacterial translocation and sepsis, Gaining intestinal autonomy
bacterial overgrowth, and increasing dystrophy,
prolongation of transit time, and optimization of each half of the circumference of the small bowel
resorption of fluids and nutrients in order to gain (Fig. 9.1a). Therefore, the small bowel can be
intestinal autonomy (Table 9.1). divided longitudinally in the midline along the
mesenteric and antimesenteric borders in order to
create two sufficiently vascularized narrowed
Principals and Justification tubes which are implanted end to end in continuity
of the bowel [5, 12]. This method does not change
LILT technique is based on anatomical peculiarity the physiological direction of longitudinal and cir-
of blood supply of the small intestine, where two cular muscle layers, which could play a beneficial
leaves of the mesentery provide blood supply to role in intestinal function afterward [13].
a b
c d
Fig. 9.1 Longitudinal intestinal lengthening and tailor- Separation of the mesentery vessels to the left and right
ing: main steps of the surgery. (a) Dilated small bowel: side with forceps according to their belonging to right or
two leaves of the mesentery provide blood supply to each left mesenteric leaf. (c) The stapler divides the bowel into
half of the circumference of the small bowel. (b) two loops. (d) Two newly formed small intestine loops
9 Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening 115
a b
c d
Fig. 9.2 Photographies from surgery. (a) Dilated small formed with inverting running sutures. (d) Anastomosed
bowel in child with a short bowel syndrome. (b) The sta- small bowel loops after LILT, the construction comes out
pler divides the bowel into two loops. (c) New loops are as a spiral-formed part of the bowel
116 L.M. Wessel and R. Khasanov
produce peptide YY, glucagon-like peptide-1, 8 cm, was tailored in half of previous bowel
and glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) [2, 14, diameter and lengthened from 50 to 100 cm.
15], which influence on histology and func- Afterward, the condition of the patient improved.
tion of the gut. Peptide YY and glucagon-like In a follow-up control 6 months after LILT, the
peptide-1 effect gastric emptying and intesti- child was in a good general condition and on
nal transit. Glucagon-like peptide-2 acts as partly parenteral nutrition. His weight increased
intestinotrophic peptide stimulating mucosal to 8770 g. In a year after LILT, the patient
growth and could be associated with mucosal weaned off PN.
hypertrophy [2, 15, 16]. The administration Intestinal failure-associated liver disease/par-
of GLP-2 improves clinical, functional, mor- enteral nutrition-associated liver disease (IFALD/
phological, and histological outcomes [17, PNALD) in severe stage such as hepatic fibrosis
18]. The ICV is a strong predictor of weaning or liver failure may be contraindication for
off PN at the time of diagnosis; however, it is lengthening procedures. Hepatopathy manifests
believed that the role of the ICV in achieving itself as liver insufficiency and impairs blood
enteral autonomy may be actually mediated by coagulation, which leads to severe complications
the residual terminal ileum, which is always during surgery as well as during postoperative
retained together with an intact ICV [19]. The period, which increases postoperative morbidity
colon in SBS in addition to its physiological and mortality [7]. However, there is data showing
abilities increases intestinal energy salvage that LILT procedure can improve damaged
by metabolizing carbohydrates to short-chain hepatic function [21, 22]. SBS patients usually
fatty acids, which are effectively absorbed in have many adhesions in abdominal cavity, which
the colon [2, 20]. might cause severe bleeding during this surgery.
Surgery during first year of life can harm Therefore, impaired coagulation may be an
potential for intestinal adaptation. Therefore, the important contraindication for LILT surgery as
indications for surgery during the first year far as substitution of clotting factors is not
should be very restricted. Exception could be possible.
done for progressive small bowel dilatation with LILT is a complicated and challenging opera-
aggressive bacterial overgrowth, which cannot be tion, which requires enough condition from the
treated by conservative methods and leads to patient to endure surgery and postoperative
repeated life-threatening episodes of sepsis. In period. Thus, distinct cachexia is also contraindi-
such cases, lengthening procedures may have cation for LILT. Before indicating LILT the
positive effect against bacterial overgrowth and cachexia should be treated by PN.
translocation. The patients with SBS require parenteral
For example, in a patient P (gestation age, nutrition and intravenous correction of electro-
32 weeks; birth weight, 1400 g) with gastroschi- lytes. In early postoperative period after LILT,
sis due to necrosis, a resection of large part of the necessity of parenteral nutrition increases
small bowel and half of the colon with ileocecal considerably. In order to keep control of the
valve was necessary. In spite of intensive con- patient’s alimentation, LILT surgery can be per-
servative treatment and several repeated surger- formed only in patients who have central line
ies to correct relapsing stenosis, the condition of blood catheter (Broviac, Hickman). Otherwise, a
the patient deteriorated. He developed func- central line should be implanted at the beginning
tional ileus, recurrently bacterial overgrowth of the operation.
and translocation, chronic Cytomegalovirus For patients with severe stage of IFALD/
infection, and cholestatic hepatopathy. PNALD and/or without possibility to place a cen-
Therefore, adequate parenteral as well as enteral tral line (Broviac, Hickman), small bowel trans-
nutrition was not possible to provide and to plantation (SBTx) should be considered.
assure thriving. At the age of 8 months, the Indications and contraindications for length-
patient underwent LILT. His jejunum, dilated to ening procedure are assembled in Table 9.2.
9 Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening 117
should be large enough to introduce GIA stapler. bowel function returns. During the first days, the
Due to its smaller size in children, the use of patient receives total parenteral nutrition (TPN).
Endo GIA is recommended. The smaller branch Oral feeding starts slowly only after restoring
of the stapler is put in the tunnel; the thicker motility of small bowel, when gastric reflux
branch is placed on antimesenteric side of the reduces, usually on the fifth postoperative day.
bowel accurately in the middle (Fig. 9.1c). The Feeding should be advanced very carefully and
stapler divides the bowel into two loops. This slowly. The management of these patients requires
step must be repeated several times, until the a multidisciplinary team, including pediatric sur-
whole dilated bowel is dissected (Fig. 9.2b). It is geons, intensivists, neonatologists, pediatricians,
very important not to twist the small bowel dur- and gastroenterologists. Multidisciplinary intes-
ing the dividing procedure in order to prevent tor- tinal rehabilitation programs are associated with
sion of the vessels. reduced morbidity and mortality [23].
If mesenteric tunnel is too narrow to use a sta-
pler, the sharp longitudinal division can be per-
formed surgically. In this approach, the bowel is Outcome
transected longitudinally with scissors, needle-
tip electrocautery, or bipolar scissors along the At the average LILT can increase overall intestinal
antimesenteric and mesenteric borders. New lengthening to 48 % (25–100 %) of bowel’s length
loops are formed with inverting running sutures [6]. In our experience with LILT, the main small
[7, 8] (Fig. 9.2c). This procedure is longer last- bowel length increased to 52.9–55.9 % [8, 24].
ing, and risk of anastomotic insufficiency is
greater than in using stapler. Weaning Off Parenteral Support Achievement
One of received loops is cut off from continu- of enteral autonomy through weaning off paren-
ity of the bowel (Fig. 9.1d) and anastomosed iso- teral nutrition (PN) is the principal aim of the
peristaltically to the second received loop and LILT. The first significant data about weaning off
helically to the distal part of the bowel. This con- PN were published by Bianchi in 1997. The
struction comes out as a spiral-shaped part of the author reported achievement of full enteral nutri-
bowel (Fig. 9.2d). As a result, dilated part of the tion in seven out of the nine (77.8 %) surviving
bowel is tapered to half of the initial diameter, patients within 8–16 weeks from LILT procedure
and its length is twice as long as its previous size. [25]. Two years later, Waag et al. described get-
It is important to include all intestinal seg- ting of enteral autonomy in 17 out of 18 (94.4 %)
ments into bowel continuity in order to recruit the patients within the period from 1 to 10 months
entire resorption area of the intestine. [7]. The same year Weber T.R. reported that 14
The patient should receive a peridural catheter out of 16 (87.5 %) surviving patients at 12 months
(PDC) by anesthesiology team for postoperative postoperatively were receiving their nutrition all
analgesia and to ameliorate postoperative enterally [26]. In 2012, Khalil et al. published
motility. data where 13 out of 15 (86.6 %) patients after
LILT, who survived and are not lost to follow-up,
weaned off from total parenteral nutrition [10].
Postoperative Management However, there are articles with low weaning off
PN rate; for example, only 8 from 19 (42 %)
After completion of the surgery the patient is patients weaned off PN after LILT [27]. In a sys-
transferred to an intensive care unit usually for tematic review of Frongia et al. in 2013, it is
2–3 days. Postoperative pain control with PDC shown that in about 10.3 months (5–21 months)
generally lasts for about 4–5 days. Two antibiot- after LILT, 71.5 % (4–100 %) of patients could
ics are administrated for 1–2 weeks after surgery wean off PN [6]. Meanwhile in a systematic
or longer, if necessary. In the early postoperative review from King B. et al., it was shown that
period, an oral gastric tube is left in place until enteral autonomy could be achieved in 54.9 % of
9 Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening 119
patients [11]. In our clinic, successful weaning small bowel stenosis, and/or intestinal fistula
off PN was defined as 4 weeks weaning off PN with formation of a blind intestinal loop. By
period without weight loss [24]. Our experience other authors, bleeding, intestinal necrosis, and
showed that 36 out of 41 (87.8 %) surviving perforation have also been described [6], which
patients could successfully wean off PN. In a we did not face in our series. Among them, the
long-term follow-up, 79 % stayed free of PN [8, most challenging complication is recurrent and
24]. It is important to evaluate not only weaning recalcitrant bacterial overgrowth, which impairs
off PN ratio but also the ability of the patients to considerable malabsorption and requires intensi-
stay free of PN in a follow-up. fication of TPN. These problems can be treated
with conservative and operative methods.
Mortality The data about survival in patients
after LILT procedure is very diverse indeed. Redilation Intestinal redilation gives a signal
Bianchi showed in his review article in 2006 an that the bowel returns to a dysfunctional state
overall survival ranging from 30 to 100 % [22]. [28]. It is an important outcome-influenced com-
The mortality after LILT significantly changed as plication of LILT [7], which impairs intestinal
time went by. In 1997, the mortality rate after transit, promotes bacterial overgrowth, and
LILT was 55 % (11 out of 20 patients) in a mean thereby intensifies malabsorption by SBS
follow-up period of 6.4 years (range 0.5–15) [25]. patients. It is shown that patients with intestinal
However, no surgery-related mortality was redilation have lower weaning from PN rate com-
described. The main reason for mortality was paring with patients after LILT without redila-
hepatic failure in ten patients and sepsis in one tion. The reoperation frequency by patients with
patient. In contrast, in further publication of the redilation was significantly higher as well [28].
same group from 2012, the mortality rate did con- In systematic review from 2013, Frongia et al.
siderably ameliorate. Overall mortality was only reported about 39 % of redilation rate after LILT
in 2 out of 27 (8 %) patients encountered [10]. [6]. Miyasaka et al. reported that in their series,
Systematic review from King B. et al. showed four out of seven (57 %) patients developed intes-
19 % mortality rate after LILT [11]. At the same tinal redilation. In our series recurrent dilation of
time, the systematic review from Frongia et al. the lengthened bowel segments was the most fre-
showed that the main postoperative mortality rate quent complication in the long-term follow-up.
is 30.2 % in LILT cases [6]. In our hands, LILT is This condition manifests itself as dysmotility,
a safe therapy. There was no mortality as direct stasis, and bacterial overgrowth which leads to
consequence of the procedure in our institution steatorrhea, D-lactic acidosis, cholelithiasis, uro-
[7, 8]. In our series the overall mortality rate was lithiasis, and malabsorption [8]. Symptomatically,
22.6 %. The most frequent reasons for death were these symptoms can be treated with dietary mea-
liver failure in four patients, sepsis (central venous sures and bowel decontamination with cyclic
line) in three patients, and pneumonia due to gas- nonabsorbable antibiotics. However, success of
troesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in two antibiotic decontamination is not very consistent.
patients [24]. All patients who did not survive Surgically intestinal redilation may be treated
died within the first 22 months after LILT [24]. with serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP)
The postoperative mortality rate after LILT according to Kim et al. [24, 29].
depends mostly not on the operation itself but on
the underlying compilations of SBS, preoperative Predictive Factors for Successful Outcome
selection of patients, and development of nonsur- Predictive factors for successful outcome in
gical methods of SBS treatment. patients with SBS can be divided into two groups:
general factors and surgery-related factors.
Complications Possible complications of LILT
are ischemia of a part of short bowel segment, General factors for successful outcome are
leakage of suture, formation of abscesses [8], residual bowel length >35 cm or ≥10 % of
120 L.M. Wessel and R. Khasanov
age-expected length, older infant/child at initial some time. For such patients presence of the ileo-
bowel loss, jejunal resection, presence of termi- cecal valve did not influence the prognosis [24].
nal ileum/ileocecal valve, presence of colon, ear- Small bowel length is important regaining
lier reestablishment of bowel continuity, and achievement of intestinal autonomy [2]. The
necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and intestinal shortest small intestinal remnant is a negative
atresia as underlying causes of bowel loss [19, prognostic factor [31]. Apart from extremely
30]. Factors associated with worse outcomes are short segments, preoperative bowel length in
primary intestinal motility disorders or enteropa- patients who required LILT had no statistically
thies, residual bowel length <20 cm or <10 % of significant influence on outcome [24]. Duration
age-expected length, end jejunostomy, less than of PN is a significant prognostic parameter after
40 cm of small bowel with partly preserved colon LILT. The patients who exceeded 18 months of
without ileocecal valve, less than 15 cm of small PN showed a significantly worse prognosis for
bowel with ileocecal valve and entire colon, full- survival [24].
term or beyond at-time intestinal resection, pre-
maturity/younger infant at initial bowel loss, ileal Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening and
resection, IFALD/PNALD, bacterial overgrowth, Tailoring (LILT) and Serial Transverse
gastroschisis as underlying cause of bowel loss, Enteroplasty (STEP) LILT and STEP are
and recurrent catheter-associated infections [2, autologous gastrointestinal reconstructive proce-
30]. In our view the worst survival prognosis dures, which can be performed only on dilated
have patients who own only small part of jeju- small intestine. In spite of that, surgical tech-
num, without ileum, ileocecal valve and have less niques of these methods are different; the object
than 30% of the colon as well as intestinal neuro- of both approaches is to return the bowel lumen
degenerative pathology (Zuelzer–Wilson syn- diameter to normal size without loss of adapted
drome). These patients have severe malabsorption, valuable bowel mucosa and restoration of
reduced intestinal adaptation potential, and high affected intestinal transit [5]. Both techniques
complication rate (IFALD/PNALD, recalcitrant reduce stasis and bacterial overgrowth, facilitate
bacterial overgrowth, sepsis, etc.). food contact with bowel mucosa, and improve
Besides general factors, surgery-related fac- nutrient absorption [5]. The comparison of LILT
tors are also important for successful outcome in and STEP shows advantages of each method in
patients with SBS. IFALD/PNALD is a very certain aspects; however, the results depend on
challenging issue. All patients with end-stage many factors [6, 11]. The single center compari-
liver disease died of liver failure in the early post- son study also showed some distinctions between
operative period that is why such patients should LILT and STEP, but could not find significant dif-
be treated for liver insufficiency or be considered ferences in terms of survival, PN weaning, and
for small bowel or multi-organ transplantation. complications [29]. The experience of STEP
Furthermore, surgical therapy should be per- shows that it is a useful procedure for selected
formed as soon as it was indicated because pro- patients with SBS and seems to facilitate wean-
longation of an unsuccessful conservative ing off PN [32]. In our view LILT and STEP both
treatment increases risk of worsening liver func- are efficient methods; each of these has specific
tion and developing other major complications indications and limitations. The main advantages
[8]. The length of the colon, especially the of LILT include maintaining of physiological
remaining right hemicolon, has a significant direction of longitudinal and circular muscle lay-
impact on the survival. ICV is a strong predictor ers after procedure [13] and delayed bacterial
of weaning off PN but only during the first year overgrowth in comparison with STEP. The main
of SBS; after 1 year of PN dependence, ICV disadvantages of the LILT are its technical diffi-
influences the outcome not significantly [19]. culty, the need for the dilated segment of intestine
LILT is usually performed in selected cohort of to be symmetrically dilated, and it can only be
patients, who are already depending on PN for performed once [30].
9 Longitudinal Intestinal Lengthening 121
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Controlled Tissue Expansion
Riccardo Coletta and Antonino Morabito
a b
Fig. 10.1 (a) Schematic representation of proximal and ioned using purse string sutures to the abdominal wall.
distal tube stomas. Malecot or Foley catheter is placed Tube is highlighted in yellow and purse string suture in
into the proximal and distal end of the remnant bowel. (b) red
Enlarged view of the tube stoma. The tube stoma is fash-
Every day of CTE, the input and output should could be also due to the volume of feed. In this
be recorded by the family or nurse looking after scenario, we suggest to reduce the clamping
the patient. Volume of feed, stoma effluent con- time. Finally, CTE programme may restart after
sistency and volume recycled and volume and 24 h if the child is well and tolerating feeds.
consistency of stool passed per rectum are If dislodgement of catheter happens during
important information to understand whether the the early postoperative period, another catheter
CTE clamping–recycling is reaching its goal. is placed under radiological guidance.
Furthermore, routine monitoring of blood, uri- Occasionally surgery is indicated to replace the
nary sodium and weight and multidisciplinary catheter. When accidental removal of the tube
review are performed weekly. occurs more than 4 weeks postoperatively, a
Foley catheter can be inserted with the balloon
inflated just to keep the catheter snug. If there is
Complications of Controlled Tissue any doubt, a radiological confirmation is man-
Expansion datory. Under no circumstances, the catheter
should be left in if there is any doubt on its
Since 2005 when the CTE clamping–recycling position.
was started in our clinical practice, the most com- If the child develops sepsis due to a line infec-
mon problems that we have encountered in the tion or any other factors, the expansion pro-
programme are vomiting, dislodgement of cath- gramme is put to a break until the episode of
eter, sepsis and fluid and electrolyte imbalance. sepsis is over. The treatment of sepsis in these
In case of vomiting, we advise to unclamp cases is the same as any other cases with appro-
proximal tube and to flush catheter to ensure it priate administration of antibiotics guided by
is not blocked or kinked. In case of a patient microbiologist’s advice and results of cultures.
with gastrostomy or NG, unclamping these In case of fluid and electrolyte imbalance,
tubes is a good practice to protect the upper air- correction of electrolyte disturbances should
ways, to reduce abdominal distension. Vomiting be performed quickly. Intravenous fluids may
126 R. Coletta and A. Morabito
be necessary, and TPN composition should be 2. Collins 3rd J, Vicente Y, Georgeson K, Kelly D. Partial
intestinal obstruction induces substantial mucosal pro-
re-tailored based on the child requirements.
liferation in the pig. J Pediatr Surg. 1996;31(3):415–9.
3. Bianchi A. From the cradle to enteral autonomy: the
Conclusion role of autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction.
Controlled tissue expansion allows creation Gastroenterology. 2006;130(2 Suppl 1):S138–46.
4. Khalil BA, Ba’ath ME, Aziz A, Forsythe L, Gozzini S,
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Surg. 1994;29(2):316–20; discussion 20–1. the right timing. J Pediatr Surg. 2013;48(3):579–84.
Pediatric Small Bowel
Transplantation: An Update
Aparna Rege and D. Sudan
Fig. 11.1 Isolated intestinal transplant: transplantation of isolated small bowel with anastomosis of superior mesen-
teric artery and vein to the infrarenal aorta and inferior vena cava, respectively
superior mesenteric vein is anastomosed to technique, and the donor aorta with the double
the recipient superior mesenteric vein, portal arterial stem of the celiac and superior mes-
vein, or inferior vena cava. enteric arteries is connected to the infrarenal
2. Small bowel and liver transplantation when aorta (Fig. 11.2b) or to the supraceliac aorta
intestinal failure is associated with PN- (Fig. 11.2c) using a donor aortic conduit.
induced liver failure. In this case when the Alternatively, the native stomach, duodenum,
native stomach, duodenum, and pancreas are and pancreas may be removed and the proxi-
preserved, a native portacaval shunt is per- mal GI tract reconnected by gastrojejunostomy
formed for venous drainage of the preserved between the native stomach remnant and the
native viscera. The liver and bowel with the proximal donor jejunum (and no need for por-
allograft duodenum are typically procured en tacaval shunt placement). In addition to the en
bloc to maintain the integrity of the allograft bloc technique typically performed, the liver
biliary system (Fig. 11.2a). During implan- and bowel graft can be procured separately
tation, the hepatic veins of the donor liver and implanted separately without the duode-
are anastomosed to the native cava either num and pancreas. However this technique is
by the piggyback or the caval replacement associated with higher rates of complications
130 A. Rege and D. Sudan
a b
Fig. 11.2 (a) Allograft for combined small bowel and Infrarenal placement of the donor aortic conduit in a com-
liver transplant. The liver and bowel with the allograft bined small bowel-liver transplant. (c) Supraceliac place-
duodenum and donor pancreas are procured en bloc to ment of the donor thoracic-aortic conduit for combined
maintain integrity of the allograft biliary system. (b) small bowel-liver transplant
and is therefore not the preferred method at some centers elect to remove the native stom-
most centers. ach, duodenum, and pancreas in addition to
3. Multivisceral transplantation when the recipi- removal of the native liver and small bowel.
ent suffers from severe gastric dysmotility, Other situations in which explant of the native
11 Pediatric Small Bowel Transplantation: An Update 131
A proper size match between the donor and the Initial attempts at intestinal transplantation
recipient is of particular importance in pediatric were largely unsuccessful due to the lack of
transplantation as loss of domain from prior reliable immunosuppression to control the
extensive bowel resections is not uncommon. aberrant immune response in a highly immuno-
Occasionally reduction of the liver graft (leaving genic, lymphocyte-rich intestinal allograft [23].
behind the left or right lobe only) and variable Immunosuppression management in intestinal
reduction of the intestine allograft may be essen- transplantation has evolved over the past several
tial to facilitate abdominal closure with the use of years. The most important impact was made with
a larger donor [17]. Alternatively, an increase the introduction of tacrolimus in the 1990s, trans-
size of the abdominal cavity can be achieved with forming an experimental procedure into a real-
alternate abdominal closure techniques as noted ity for patients with irreversible intestinal failure
below. [24, 25]. Other immunosuppression regimens
132 A. Rege and D. Sudan
that have been evaluated include a combination Macrophages can be controlled by donor pretreat-
of tacrolimus and steroid maintenance alone, to ment with polyclonal lymphocyte depletion.
the addition of induction therapy with cyclophos- Patients prone for ACR are commonly found to
phamide or daclizumab and in recent years with have donor-specific inflammatory CD154 T cells.
rabbit antithymocyte globulin (rATG). Additional The presence of donor T-cytotoxic (Tc) cells indi-
immune modulation of the allograft with either cates a possibility of developing drug resistance
in vivo antilymphocyte therapy to the donor leading to recurrent rejection episodes. More
with an attempt to reduce the incidence of post- recently NOD2 gene has been implicated in severe
transplant acute cellular rejection associated with ACR and graft loss in a small population of pediat-
graft loss or ex vivo intestinal allograft irradiation ric and adult SBTx recipients [35]. NOD2 gene in
to eliminate the risk of graft versus host disease response to gut pathogens induces an unregulated
(GVHD) also became a routine practice [26, 27]. aberrant innate immune signaling involving helper
Donor bone marrow augmentation was also used in T cell, creating a cytokine-rich inflammatory
select centers in attempts at developing chimerism response.
and enhanced graft acceptance with the infusion Treatment of ACR is not standardized; how-
of 3–5 × 108 donor bone marrow cells/kg recipi- ever, it is primarily aimed at the cellular compo-
ent body weight. However, this attempt has not nent, and at some centers the treatment is based
improved overall rejection rates or graft survival on the severity of the rejection process. Most
[28]. Aggressive immunosuppression strategies cases of mild rejection respond well to 3–5 days
are fraught with significant infectious complica- of intravenous methylprednisolone 20 mg/kg,
tions and drug toxicities and an unresolved chal- with optimization of serum tacrolimus levels to
lenge of graft loss from chronic rejection. 15 ng/mL. Severe exfoliative rejection or steroid-
resistant rejection requires treatment with anti-
lymphocyte antibodies like rATG, up to 10 mg/
Complications kg, in 5–7 divided doses. Testing serum CD3 lev-
els can help confirm lymphocyte depletion and
Rejection provide guidance on the duration of treatment
required. A posttreatment biopsy to gauge the
Rejection continues to be the major cause of response to treatment is routine. The risk of acute
allograft failure after intestinal transplantation, rejection has diminished to 30 % with alemtu-
affecting approximately 50–60 % of pediatric zumab induction and 62 % with rATG induction
recipients, with severe rejection in as many as one in comparison to a rate of 80 % with the pre-
third of recipients in the first 90 days after trans- rATG immunosuppressive protocols. Severe
plantation [29]. The intestinal allograft is highly rejection however has been associated with a
immunogenic, loaded with donor lymphoid tissue, high mortality rate (up to 50 %) due to the risk for
and it is hypothesized that this can stimulate host bacterial translocation and systemic infection
immune reactivity leading to a higher propensity during the period of mucosal denudation.
for rejection than other solid organ allograft recipi- The role of humoral immunity in mediating
ents. While the mechanism for the increased immu- rejection in intestinal transplant recipients has been
nogenicity of the bowel graft is not well understood, increasingly recognized. A routine use of cross-
several observations have been made including an match (virtual or prospective) has helped minimize
association between elevated myeloid/plasmacy- the incidence of antibody-mediated rejection
toid dendritic cell ratio and early acute cellular (AMR) from pre-existing donor-specific antibod-
rejection (ACR) in pediatric small bowel transplan- ies (DSAs) [36]. There is considerable controversy
tation [30, 31]. Various other cellular mechanics of however in this regard; while some clinicians have
rejection include macrophages in both the allograft implemented strategies to desensitize recipients
and host, donor T-cytotoxic (Tc) cells, and donor- with preformed antibodies with the use of plasma-
specific inflammatory CD154 T cells [32–34]. pheresis and immunoglobulin therapy at the time
11 Pediatric Small Bowel Transplantation: An Update 133
of transplant [37], others have demonstrated that propria devoid of crypts. Chronic rejection which
preformed antibodies are related to AMR [38]. is the main cause of late intestinal graft dysfunc-
Furthermore, histological findings of AMR are not tion and loss is characterized mainly by allograft
universally accepted or defined. obliterative vasculopathy with marked intimal
Chronic rejection (CR) is observed in 10–15 % hyperplasia in submucosal or mesenteric arteries,
of patients and is considered as an important identified only on full-thickness intestinal biop-
cause of graft loss after the second year of intes- sies. Mucosal biopsies are noncontributory to the
tinal transplantation [39]. CR is fivefold more diagnosis of CR but may show mild ischemic
common with isolated small bowel transplant in changes, low-grade apoptosis, and possibly mild
the absence of a liver allograft. De novo DSAs, fibrosis of the lamina propria [42, 43].
appearing in one fourth of patients after bowel
transplants, have been shown to be closely asso-
ciated with chronic rejection and graft loss [40, Graft Versus Host Disease
41]. The clinical presentation includes diarrhea,
weight loss due to protein-losing enteropathy, Graft versus host disease (GVHD) results from
and chronic abdominal pain. The onset is insidi- reaction of donor-derived lymphocytes and inflam-
ous and often difficult to diagnose. A definitive matory cytokines against host tissues through
management of CR requires re-transplantation. microchimerism. Donor-immunocompetent cells
Reasonable long-term outcomes have now damage the host skin, native liver, native intes-
been achieved (71 % survival at 4 years) follow- tine, and bone marrow resulting in symptoms like
ing re-transplantation for CR [41]. Handling pre- generalized maculopapular rash, diarrhea, pul-
formed antibodies at the time of re-transplantation monary symptoms, and hematologic abnormali-
can pose a major challenge. ties including pancytopenia, myeloid dysplasia,
and autoimmune hemolytic anemia [44]. GVHD
is more common after multivisceral transplant in
Allograft Rejection Histopathology comparison to isolated intestinal transplantation,
with an incidence of less than 10 % and mostly
Close monitoring of the intestinal allograft by cutaneous involvement. Extensive GVHD with
frequent endoscopy and histopathologic exami- BM involvement is usually associated with high
nation of allograft biopsies is still the gold stan- morbidity and mortality [45]. Treatment usually
dard for identifying early rejections and assessing involves reduced immunosuppression and high-
the integrity of the graft. Pathologists are explor- dose steroids. Occasional steroid nonresponders
ing ancillary tools like molecular biomarkers to are managed with other agents like sirolimus,
further identify and characterize the rejection mycophenolate mofetil, pentostatin, etc. Various
process. Histologically, rejection is graded by the other agents like monoclonal antibodies such as
degree of epithelial damage based on three infliximab (anti-CD20) and anticytokine thera-
parameters: (1) the extent of mucosal injury, (2) pies like etanercept (antitumor necrosis factor-a
the degree of inflammatory infiltration, and (3) [TNF-a]) and daclizumab (anti-interleukin [IL]-2
the crypt apoptotic body count or degree of receptor) have been used successfully to treat ste-
destruction. Mild rejection is characterized by roid-resistant GVHD following allogeneic stem
increased crypt apoptosis with intact surface epi- cell transplantation [46–48].
thelium. In moderate rejection, crypt damage is
more severe with architectural distortion and vil-
lous blunting with edema and congestion. Severe Infections
rejection may lead to marked architectural distor-
tion with crypt damage, crypt loss, and erosion of Infectious complications add significant mortal-
the surface epithelium. Regeneration occurs by ity and morbidity in patients with intestinal trans-
reepithelialization over the surface of a lamina plantation. Pediatric patients carry a 90 % risk of
134 A. Rege and D. Sudan
acquiring bacterial infections within 6 months this in combination with the potential for reduced
after intestinal transplantation, with the risk of absorption of immunosuppressive medications in
bacteremia being higher than in adults [49]. The the presence of diarrhea increases the incidence
immense microbial burden of the intestinal of acute rejection to 69 % [53]. Occasionally,
allograft, the complexity of the procedure, the multisystem involvement from disseminated ade-
high levels of immunosuppression required, and novirus infection, in the presence of significant
the higher incidence of acute rejection with bac- immunosuppression, can lead to 20 % mortality
terial translocation through a damaged mucosa necessitating the use of antiviral agents like cido-
are all contributory to the high incidence of bac- fovir [54].
teremia in this population. Severe hypogamma- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections are a
globulinemia after intestinal transplantation may major source of morbidity after intestinal trans-
be another important factor that can have an plantation with an incidence of 18 % in the pedi-
adverse impact on infection-related morbidity atric recipient and a 7 % risk of invasive disease
and mortality [50]. Although not proven, fre- [55]. Symptoms can vary from fever, myalgia,
quent monitoring of IgG levels and replacement and leukopenia in CMV viremia to elevated liver
with intravenous immunoglobulins in recipients enzymes, increased ileostomy output, or gastro-
with low levels in the early posttransplant period intestinal bleeding with tissue-invasive disease.
have been suggested to minimize the incidence Matching the CMV serology of the donor and the
and severity of posttransplant infections [50]. recipient should ideally be sought but is not
The predominant causative organisms isolated always feasible. A CMV mismatch recipient
in the order of frequency include gram-positive (donor+/recipient – status) is at the highest risk of
cocci, mainly the Enterococcus species, gram- developing invasive CMV, recurrent CMV, and
negative bacteria, and Candida species [51]. Intra- ganciclovir-resistant CMV. Hence, intensive
abdominal infection within the first 6 weeks of serum CMV PCR monitoring after transplanta-
transplant is associated with a high mortality rate. tion should be employed for early detection of
The incidence of multidrug-resistant infections is CMV viremia; however, the possibility of having
also high (50 %); hence, the antimicrobial resis- undetectable serum CMV PCR in the presence of
tance pattern needs to be considered when planning tissue-invasive disease has been described [55].
empiric coverage in the peri-transplant period [52]. Prophylaxis protocols although center specific
Viral enteritis is another significant infection, usually include ganciclovir or oral valganciclovir
usually occurring after 6 weeks posttransplanta- for a duration of 3–6 months; occasionally CMV
tion. Various viruses known to cause disease hyperimmune globulin has also been described in
include adenovirus, norovirus, rotavirus, and recipients of CMV-mismatched allografts.
double-stranded DNA viruses of the herpesvirus Treatment on the other hand involves not only
family, i.e., cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein- ganciclovir or oral valganciclovir but also
Barr virus (EBV). Clinically, viral enteritis is requires reduced immunosuppression.
often indistinguishable from allograft rejection Infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a
with similar symptomatology, and hence separat- herpesvirus family, is another significant viral
ing the two is very important since management infection more commonly found in intestinal
of viral infection includes reduction in immuno- transplant patients than any other type of solid
suppression. Besides bowel biopsy, serum and organ transplantation. EBV viremia has been asso-
tissue DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ciated with posttransplant lymphoproliferative
and immunohistochemistry can help in securing diseases (PTLDs) including early, polymorphic,
the correct diagnosis. Viral enteritis can cause monomorphic, and classic Hodgkin lymphoma-
protracted diarrhea and severe dehydration in type lesions. The incidence of PTLD is in the
pediatric patient often requiring intravenous fluid range of 5–10 % for pediatric organ recipients
resuscitation and even temporary PN. Viral infec- and is higher, 12–20 %, in patients with intesti-
tion is associated with immune activation, and nal and multivisceral grafts compared to other
11 Pediatric Small Bowel Transplantation: An Update 135
solid organ graft recipients [56]. Risk factors for syndrome or posttransplant elevated stool or
PTLD include a pediatric patient younger than 5 ostomy outputs and chronic hypertension from
years of age, high levels of immunosuppression the use of immunosuppressive agents. The inci-
such as the use of anti-T-cell antibodies, recipi- dence of chronic kidney disease in adult intesti-
ent EBV seronegativity at the time of transplant, nal and multivisceral transplant recipients 5 years
and high circulating levels of EBV posttransplant after transplantation has been reported as high as
[57, 58]. Most PTLDs in the pediatric age group 21.3 %, higher than in other solid organ trans-
are EBV positive, after the development of pri- plant populations [64].
mary EBV infection in the early posttransplant
period. However, the incidence of EBV-negative
PTLD giving rise to monomorphic plasma cell Outcomes
lesions like atypical plasma cell hyperplasia or
plasmacytoma-like lesions appears to be increas- Patient and graft survival after intestinal or multi-
ing in the adult population [59]. Serial monitor- visceral transplantation have steadily improved
ing of EBV viral load in peripheral blood with over the past decade. According to the 2013
EBV DNA PCR monitoring and high index of OPTN report on intestinal transplantation, the
suspicion is needed to detect PTLD. Imaging number of recipients alive with a functioning
with computed tomography (CT), magnetic intestine graft has steadily increased since 2002,
resonance imaging (MRI), or positron emission to 1012 in 2013; almost half of them being pedi-
tomography (PET) scan and bone marrow biopsy atric intestine-liver transplant recipients
provide staging of PTLD, whereas biopsy of the (Fig. 11.3). For intestine transplants in 2008, 1-
accessible nodal tissue provides histopathologic and 5-year graft survival was 73.1 and 62.3 %,
confirmation of the diagnosis [60, 61]. respectively, for recipients less than 18 years old
The therapy for PTLD focuses around reduc- and 78.6 and 48.0 %, respectively, overall for
tion of immunosuppression and resection of recipients of intestine transplant alone compared
localized lesions if necessary. Refractory PTLD to 70.6 and 48.9 %, respectively, for combined
is treated successfully with chemotherapy regi- intestine-liver recipients [65].
men of cyclophosphamide and prednisone with Patient survival was superior for intestine-
addition of rituximab, an anti-CD 20 antibody alone recipients compared with intestine-liver
[62]. Prognosis depends on disease dissemina- recipients, regardless of age. Patient survival is
tion and response to reduction of immunotherapy. lowest in adult intestine-liver recipients (1- and
5-year survival, 69.1 and 46.1 %, respectively)
and highest in pediatric intestine-alone recipients
Renal Insufficiency and Chronic (1- and 5-year survival, 89.2 and 81.4 %, respec-
Kidney Disease tively) [65] (Fig. 11.4).
03 05 07 09 11 13
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 12 24 36 48 60 0 12 24 36 48 60
Months posttransplant Months posttransplant
Fig. 11.4 Graft survival among intestine transplant recipients, 2008, with respect to age and type of transplant
According to the 2013 ITR report, of the micronutrient deficiency and fat malabsorption
patients surviving more than 6 months after often require an ongoing supplementation and
transplantation, 67 % are free from TPN and ongoing need for antimotility agents [67].
25 % require either partial supplementation or Positive weight gain and growth reported in
full TPN or IV hydration. In patients receiving a pediatric recipients indicate successful gastroin-
colon segment with their intestine graft, there is testinal autonomy can be achieved after intesti-
a 5 % higher rate of freedom from parenteral nal transplantation as suggested from the
nutrition or IV fluid support [66]. However, as a freedom from parenteral nutrition and intrave-
result of existent denervation and a lack of lym- nous hydration and positive growth and weight
phatic drainage of the transplanted bowel, gain reported [68].
11 Pediatric Small Bowel Transplantation: An Update 137
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Intestinal Regeneration
Tracy Grikscheit and Paolo De Coppi
Abbreviations Introduction
BMP Bone morphogenetic protein The small intestine is a vital organ that achieves
CBCCs Crypt base columnar cells homeostasis through tissue growth and mainte-
ENS Enteric nervous system nance. Its loss may lead to variable degrees of
ESCs Embryonic stem cells absorption debilities, such as short bowel syn-
FGF Fibroblast growth factor drome (SBS). In previous chapters, we have
GLP-2 Glucagon-like peptide-2 looked at alternative therapeutic options to treat
Ihh Indian hedgehog SBS; however, this is an area of unmet clinical
iPSCs Induced pluripotent stem cells need. While strategies such as the increase of
ISCs Intestinal stem cells intestinal surface area could help by partly restor-
OUs Organoid units ing the absorption level to that of the healthy
PDGF Platelet-derived growth factor organ, at the moment only total parenteral nutri-
PGA Polyglycolic acid tion (TPN) and bowel transplantation are real
PLLA Poly-l-lactic acid long-term options for these patients. However, as
SBS Short bowel syndrome discussed in this volume, TPN is associated with
Shh Sonic hedgehog line infections, deep venous thrombosis, and liver
TA Transit amplifying failure, while intestinal transplantation is limited
TESI Tissue-engineered small intestine by organ shortage and the need for immunosup-
TPN Total parenteral nutrition pression. Therefore, there is a need for innovative
VEGF Vascular endothelial growth factor solutions which would allow a better quality of
life and a higher survival rate for patients with
SBS [1].
The intestine, similar to other epithelial
T. Grikscheit, MD, PhD
Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine organs, undergoes constant epithelial renewal,
Program, Saban Research Institute, Children’s thanks to the presence of highly proliferative res-
Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA ident stem cells. Intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are
P. De Coppi, MD, PhD (*) present in the crypt and maintain the pool of pre-
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, DBC, cursor and differentiated cells, which are shed
Institute of Child Health, University College London,
from the tip of the villi after a journey of 7–10
and Great Ormond St. Hospital for Children,
30 Guilford Street, London WC1N 1EH, UK days from their production at the base of the
e-mail: p.decoppi@ucl.ac.uk crypt [2]. This highly specified environment,
Natural or
Fig. 12.1 Tissue engineering. A tissue-engineered intes- matrix. Cells for the use of tissue engineering are derived
tinal construct may be created by the combination of a from a number of sources such as the adult, the fetus, and
scaffold and cells, grown in a bioreactor and transplanted the embryo. Additionally, biomolecules may be co-
in patients. A three-dimensional scaffold may be created transplanted with the aim of ameliorating cell integration,
from synthetic material, collagen, or a decellularized survival, and differentiation
together with the supporting mesenchyme, We will review here the advancements of
appears to be crucial for the preservation of the tissue-engineered small intestine (TESI) research
intestine physiology, and its understanding has and the potentially vital combination of stem
helped in developing possible therapeutic cells and biopharmaceuticals to improve the
approaches [3]. While a limited number of hol- quality of life and life span of patients suffering
low organs such as the trachea, urethra, and from SBS.
vagina have been initially transplanted to patients,
more complex tubular structures such as the
intestine require further experimental work prior Adult Stem Cells
to translation. Although pioneering investigations
in the field of intestinal bioengineering date back TESI originated in the late 1980s in Vacanti’s
to the 1980s [4], initial excitement has been group. By seeding mouse and rat cells and cell
blunted by the considerable limitations and road- clusters from different origins onto biodegrad-
blocks encountered in the course of experimental able, polymeric scaffolds and implanting them
investigations. While simpler tissue-engineered into host animals, they obtained satisfactory cell
organs such as the trachea and bladder have been viability, proliferation, and engraftment rates [7].
adopted clinically, a major hurdle for the intes- The development of isolated organoid units (OUs)
tine is the complexity of its anatomy and func- from the intestine of the suckling rat to produce
tions [5, 6] (Fig. 12.1). all of the epithelial cell lineages represented an
12 Intestinal Regeneration 143
important step forward. In an adaptation from any mesenchymal niche [20]. As these cells can
a method elaborated by Evans et al. in the early be reliably expanded in culture, they could repre-
1990s, the Vacanti group reported the generation sent the ideal source of progenitor cells for intes-
of TESI in vivo. Cells were isolated in the form tinal bioengineering. Work by Cheng and
of organoid units (OU), which consisted of mul- Leblond [21] provided evidence that intestinal
ticellular clusters of epithelium and mesenchyme stem cells located in the crypts, also known as
[8]. Organoid units isolated through enzymatic crypt base columnar cells (CBCCs), were plu-
digestion were seeded on tubular polyglycolic ripotent, responsible for generating the four dif-
acid (PGA) scaffolds sprayed with 5 % poly-l- ferentiated cell types of the intestinal epithelium.
lactic acid (PLLA) and transplanted heterotopi- Many ISC markers have been proposed, namely,
cally. Consistent results showed that OU survived Bmi1, Lgr5, CD133, DcamKL-1, and Musashi
and formed a complex composite that resembled [20, 22–24]. In the intestine, leucine-rich repeat-
a small intestine, indicating that morphogenesis, containing G-protein-coupled receptor (Lgr5) is
cytodifferentiation, and phenotypic maturation exclusively expressed in CBCCs, which are truly
of the organ had occurred [9, 10]. Interestingly, capable of forming “crypt-like structures” and all
TESI rescued rats subjected to 75 % small bowel of the four differentiated cell types of the intes-
resection after anastomosis to the native intestine tine in vitro. In addition, Lgr5- and CD133-
in an end-to-end fashion [11, 12]. Later studies positive cells are located at sites at the base of the
would show that tissue-engineered intestinal tis- crypt [25–27] and are capable of dividing to gen-
sues were capable of generating a mature immune erate the large amount of specialized cells the
system with macrophages, T, B, and NK cells, intestine requires for performing its function
and of presenting SGLT1 transporter expres- properly [28]. The niche stem cells guarantee a
sion [13, 14]. Similar results were later obtained constant production of progenitor cells that pro-
using xenograft models with transplantation of liferate following the dogmatic crypt-villus axis
TESI based firstly on human fetal intestinal cells and proliferate four to five times becoming
[15, 16] and more recently postnatal large and transit-amplifying (TA) cells, before differentiat-
small intestinal tissue. The human TESI devel- ing, and subsequently shed at the tip of the villi
oped similarly to reported murine TESI, forming [29, 30].
crypts and villi with all four specialized epithe-
lial cell types, mucosa, and a mesenchyme from
human origin with cells expressing muscular and Pluripotent Stem Cells
neural markers [17].
While innovative and efficient in the func- Alternatively, intestinal cells could be derived
tional regeneration of the intestine, OUs are dif- from pluripotent stem cell. However, one of
ficult to expand in culture, and therefore the major obstacles for engineering organs is the
replacement of large amounts of autologous purity and lack of oncogenic potential of the
intestine still requires further development [18]. required large-scale donor cell population [31].
Recent work done both on the optimization of When millions of cells are required for a thera-
intestinal epithelial stem cells and on the deriva- peutic effect, it is difficult to make sure none of
tion of intestinal cells from pluripotent stem cell these still maintain characteristics of pluripo-
could however overcome these limitations. tency. When smaller numbers of cells are
The former has been advanced thanks in par- required, it is easier to make sure they all have
ticular to the work done by Clevers’s group, reached terminal differentiation as it has been
which has shown in the last few years how ISC recently reported for macular degeneration of the
which reside in the base of Lieberkuhn crypts and retina. Retina transplantation has been success-
express Lgr5 [8, 19] can be isolated and expanded fully achieved because of the lower number of
in culture in defined conditions and still capable cells required and also the immunoprivileged site
of building crypt-villus structures in vitro without where allergenic cells can engraft without being
144 T. Grikscheit and P. De Coppi
triggered by the immunological system [32]. structure and may represent in the midterm a
Functional differentiation of ES and iPS cells bridge for transplantation since any complex
toward intestinal epithelium and, more recently, structure may be difficult to mimic artificially
neural crest cells has been successfully achieved [37]. However, understanding the different mol-
and could offer a clinical opportunity also for ecules involved at different level will be essential
individuals who have lost their entire intestine to the engineering of a functional intestine.
with no other options for an autologous treat- While the vascular architecture around the
ment. Enteric nervous system (ENS) precursors engineered intestine is found to be similar to that
derived in vitro are capable of targeted migration found in the native intestine [7], the concentra-
and colonization of the adult mouse colon with tion of antigenic growth factors such as vascular
the potential for rescuing a Hirschsprung mouse endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic
model [33]. Human pluripotent stem cells [both fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the engineered
embryonic (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem intestine is significantly lower than that found in
cells (iPSCs)] have been directly differentiated the juvenile bowel [38]. Similarly, specific sig-
in vitro to form a tissue resembling that of the nals are important for both niche maintenance
fetal intestine, presenting secretory and absorp- and the generation and maintenance of a normal
tive functions [34]. Human intestinal organoids crypt-villi unit. Stem cells and TA cells are regu-
demonstrated digestive functions and were lated by the evolutionarily conserved canonical
responsive to systemic signal from the host. [35]. Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, which targets
Even though mesenchymal markers forkhead Lgr5 expression and is thought to be the master
box F1 (FOXF1) and vimentin detected through activator of intestinal crypt proliferation [29, 39–
immunofluorescence and anatomical micro- 41]. Wnt blocks β-catenin degradation, resulting
scopic analysis indicated the presence of a mes- in stabilization and translocation to the nucleus
enchymal layer in the formed tissue, it lacked where it forms β-catenin/TCF complexes [2].
blood vessels and nerves. Fetal enterospheres can The absence of Wnt signal targets β-catenin for
also be established during differentiation of degradation through the ubiquitination/protea-
human iPS cells. Following transplantation in a some pathway, elicited by the destruction com-
colonic injury model, fetal enterospheres contrib- plex composed of APC, Axin, CKI, and GSK3.74,
uted to regeneration of colonic epithelium 75, and 76. β-Catenin-mediated gene expression
expressing region-specific differentiation determines the physical structure of the ISC
markers [36]. niche, in coordination with Ephrins and Eph pro-
teins, which control cell migration patterns. The
nuclear/cytoplasmic β-catenin pattern indicates
Biomolecules that Wnt acts forming a gradient along the crypt
axis, with its signaling components being shown
Because of the highly specialized signaling to be present in both epithelial cells of the crypt
required to both maintain the stem cell niche and and mesenchymal cells [42]. Interactions between
promote functional differentiation, engineering the intestinal epithelium and the mesenchyme
of a functional intestine requires not only the also occur through the hedgehog, platelet-derived
combination of functional cells with the capacity growth factor (PDGF), and bone morphogenetic
of regeneration with a scaffold that would pro- protein (BMP) pathways. The sonic hedgehog
mote functional integration but also the interac- (Shh) and Indian hedgehog (Ihh) ligands are
tion of specific ligands capable to promote the expressed in the small intestine epithelium of the
reconstitution of an environment that can respond mouse, becoming concentrated to intervillous
to the physiological stimuli. Although represent- regions as villus formation occurs. Conversely,
ing only an initial step toward the ultimate goal of receptors (Ptch1 and Ptch2) and effectors (Gli1,
generating a fully functional intestine, decellular- Gli2, and Gli3) are constrained to the mesen-
ized matrices may help to recapitulate a functional chyme lying beneath [43]. Hedgehog is proposed
12 Intestinal Regeneration 145
to be essential for villus establishment but nega- intestinal OUs. The microspheres provided a sus-
tively regulates crypt formation. PDGFA is also tained delivery of VEGF culminating in an
produced in the epithelium, with its receptors increased vascular net outside the developing
located in the mesenchyme. This signaling path- organs (CD31 staining), which also grew larger
way is important for villus shaping and control of and denser than the control counterparts.
mesenchyme behavior [44]. For BMP signaling, Moreover, epithelial cell proliferation increased
on the other hand, opposite expression patters are and no alteration in apoptosis was detected [52].
found: BMP2 and BMP4 ligands are produced in Matthews et al. also reported the beneficial
the mesenchyme and their receptor (BMPR1A) is effects of pro-angiogenic VEGF overexpression
present in the endothelium. Indeed, BMP path- on TESI formation, by means of an inducible,
way activation is higher in the villus epithelium, ubiquitous genetic system. Overall, OUs overex-
and BMP acts as a hedgehog mediator and a pressing VEGF formed TESI that grew faster and
blocker of ectopic crypt formation [30, 45, 46]. bigger after 4 weeks in vivo when compared to
Similarly, adding regulatory molecules to the control, also presenting higher villi and deeper
developing engineered intestine may be a crypts with all differentiated cell types. CD31/
required and useful approach. Glucagon-like PECAM staining proved that capillary density
peptide-2 (GLP-2), produced by enteroendocrine and crypt epithelial cell proliferation were also
cells, induces intestinal hyperplasia in patients increased in the overexpressing TESI [53].
and has been reported to control expression and Growing the tissue-engineered small intestine
activity of an intestinal transporter [47]. When from organoid units on a scaffold requires that
GLP-2 was administrated to rats bearing TESI ISCs be co-isolated with cell members of the
anastomosed to the jejunum, there was improved niche that regulate the balance of renewal and
intestinal function of the TESI, with higher villi, differentiation of the resident stem cells. Wnt is a
deeper crypts, higher crypt cell proliferation, and family of highly conserved, secreted signaling
reduced apoptosis of epithelial cells, when com- proteins that play a crucial role in development
pared to controls [48]. Moreover, loading GLP-2 and stem cell proliferation control, maintenance,
onto PGA disks before seeding rat OUs aug- and differentiation in the adult vertebrate, includ-
mented the number of tissue-engineered intesti- ing ISCs [54]. Wnt is palmitoylated in the ER by
nal complexes. Porcupine and secreted with the assistance of
Insufficient vascularization is a common hur- Wntless/Evi in the Golgi and plasma membrane.
dle for engineered organs, precluding proper It then diffuses through the ECM and acts upon
influx of nutrients and oxygen and, consequently, target cells expressing the seven-pass transmem-
proper growth and function. Initial efforts to pre- brane receptor Frizzled and its adjacent Lrp5/6
vascularize biodegradable polymers to amelio- (low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein)
rate cell attachment and growth had not employed co-receptors [55]. The third element involved in
additional biologicals in the composite [49, 50]. Wnt recognition by ISCs is the Lgr5 receptor. It
Angiogenesis is the growth of blood vessels from is likely that targeting Wnt isoforms could be
the pre-existing vasculature. Vascular endothelial beneficial for the crypt intestinal stem cell niche
growth factor, for instance, comprises a group of and other Wnt-responsive organs. Indeed, drug
proteins belonging to the PDGF/VEGF growth candidates that enhance and especially those that
factor family. As key mediators of physiological block Wnt signaling have been studied in dis-
and pathological angiogenesis and lymphangio- eases, such as various types of cancer, Alzheimer’s
genesis, these proteins are therapeutic targets in disease, osteoporosis, fracture repair, and ES/iPS
several disease contexts [51]. In an effort to stem cell differentiation. However, this pathway
improve the vascular architecture of TESI, a pro- still poses several challenges as a therapeutic tar-
angiogenic VEGF isoform was encapsulated in get. So far, 19 Wnt ligands and 10 Frizzled recep-
poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres tor isoforms are known, rendering specificity and
and loaded into molded scaffolds containing control of individual downstream events a real
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Distraction Enterogenesis
Farokh R. Demehri and Daniel H. Teitelbaum
with SBS – including novel parenteral nutrition lengthening achieved with distraction enterogen-
(PN) strategies, growth hormone therapy, and esis preserved intestinal function, with sustained
surgical lengthening – the fundamental deficit of lengthening after completion of the distraction
reduced intestinal absorptive capacity remains, process [16, 18, 19]. While it has yet to be stud-
leaving many patients chronically dependent on ied in humans, ongoing advances have brought
parenteral nutrition. The significant complica- this approach close to becoming a clinical
tions of prolonged PN dependence in the setting reality.
of SBS – including metabolic abnormalities,
hepatic dysfunction, and sepsis – contribute to
the considerable morbidity and mortality that Mechanotransduction: Mechanism
remain for patients with this disease [7–10]. of Action
The underlying etiology of SBS is a critical
loss of intestinal length, resulting in a loss of The principle of distraction enterogenesis finds
functional intestinal surface area with subsequent parallels in other clinical contexts, where
inadequate absorption of nutrients and water. The mechanical force has been long used to induce
remarkable progress in supporting patients with tissue growth. For example, soft tissue expanders
SBS has largely been due to improved compensa- have been used for decades to induce skin growth
tion for this lack of intestinal length – either via via gradual tension [20, 21]. Similarly, the use of
alternative nutrient delivery (i.e., PN), enhanced longitudinal traction is an effective method of
mucosal turnover (i.e., glucagon-like peptide 2 increasing bone length via distraction osteogen-
[GLP-2] analogue therapy), or surgical tapering esis [22]. These applications harness the phe-
to increase the course of transit of nutrients nomenon of mechanotransduction, wherein a
through a given segment of intestine (i.e., serial mechanical force induces tissue growth [23, 24].
transverse enteroplasty [STEP]). These interven- When tension is applied to tissue with replicative
tions do not directly address the lack of intestinal potential, mechanotransductive signaling leads to
length, however. The most significant predictor increased cellular proliferation and subsequent
of the ability of a patient to wean off of PN sup- tissue growth in the axis of tension application
port is the patient’s residual small bowel length [5]. Other examples of clinically established
[7–9, 11]. This may explain the number of mechanotransductive tissue lengthening include
patients who remain PN dependent, despite max- vascular [25] and esophageal lengthening [26].
imum medical and surgical therapy. One bridge between the extracellular matrix
In this chapter, we introduce distraction enter- and cell is surface integrins (e.g., alpha V, beta
ogenesis, a novel approach under development to 1). These integrins can subsequently activate
treat SBS. Distraction enterogenesis is the use of (via phosphoinositol 3-kinase [27]) and a num-
applied mechanical force to induce intestinal ber of intracellular processes which can second-
elongation. It was first described in 1994 by arily mediate cellular proliferation and growth
Printz et al. using a rabbit model [12]. In this [28]. These factors include adjacent sub-cell
model, a segment of jejunum was brought to the membrane members of the c-src family and
abdominal wall as blind-end jejunostomy, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) [29]. Activation
through which an extracorporeal screw was of such factors may be manifested by either the
inserted. Advancement of this screw by 1 mm/ increased expression of these factors (e.g., FAK)
day achieved a doubling of the intestinal length [4] or phosphorylation (activation) of FAK [28,
within 3 weeks. Subsequent studies using more 30]. Activation of the mitogen-activated protein
refined distraction techniques in larger animal kinase family (MAPK) with eventual extracel-
models have established distraction enterogene- lular signal-related kinase (ERK1/2) activation
sis as a reproducible phenomenon with the poten- [29] appears to be a final path resulting in cellular
tial to achieve clinically significant intestinal proliferation. Activation of transcription factors
lengthening [13–17]. Importantly, the multifold can mediate proliferation, either independently
13 Distraction Enterogenesis 153
or dependently on a number of growth factors the cell shape change and the increase in cell
(e.g., c-fos and IGF-I) [31]. FAK and other sub- proliferation and survival are directly linked
membrane factors (e.g., paxillin) also translate remains to be addressed.
mechanical signals to the nucleus via the Rho
family and actin intracellular filaments [5, 32].
We have recently explored the mechanisms Enterogenesis Leads to Normal
of enterogenesis using a mouse model using a Intestinal Function and Morphology
closed loop of small bowel filled with a hyper-
tonic solution [16, 18]. Using untargeted (two- A critical question is whether bowel which under-
dimensional gel electrophoresis) and known goes lengthening retains normal function, includ-
targeted pathways (e.g., FAK), we identified ing nutrient absorption, motility, and morphology.
that many of the classically defined pathways in Using a rat model, investigators have shown
other organs driven by mechanotransduction intestinal mucosal digestive enzymes are retained
mechanisms were also seen in the small bowel. including a number of disaccharidases and alka-
A summary is shown in Fig. 13.1. Physical force line phosphatase [33, 34]. More recently, using
(potentially via cell membrane integrins) drives this same rat model, the Dunn laboratory has
the FAK pathway which plays a central role in shown preserved motility.
mechanotransduction during enterogenesis. Reimplantation of the bowel into the normal
FAK activation leads to polymerization with continuity consistently showed improvement of
α-actinin. Beyond the mechanisms shown in GI function. Certainly, enteric flow can lead to
Fig. 13.1, this polymerization leads to several dramatic improvements in GI function, and this
downstream regulatory processes, including included glucose absorption and peristalsis [19].
RAC-1 and cell shape changes. RAC has been This same restoration of continuity was also
shown to activate p38 MAPK which can lead to found with neuroganglion cells, a critical system
p-Akt activation and decreased apoptosis. FAK for normal motility. During the process of length-
activation also led to Akt and ERK activation ening, numbers of ganglia declined, but after res-
facilitating proliferation and survival. Whether toration of bowel continuity, the number reached
control levels [35].
Using a pig model of enterogenesis, Koga
et al. demonstrated similar findings to those pre-
viously mentioned [18]. Several key points were
shown. First, and most importantly, upon reim-
plantation of the lengthened segment in this large
animal model, the gained length persisted.
Second, nutrient absorption, epithelial barrier
function, and motility (including transit time)
were similar to control segments. Finally, pigs
thrived and gained weight after reimplantation,
Fig. 13.1 Potential model of mechanotransduction forces
driving enterogenesis. Physical force drives the activation supporting this as a clinically viable approach.
of the FAK pathway (via phosphorylation) which has a
central role in mechanotransduction during enterogenesis.
FAK activation leads to a polymerization with α-actinin. Enterogenesis Leads to Growth
This then leads to several downstream regulatory pro-
cesses, including RAC-1 and cell shape changes. Although of the Entire Thickness of the Bowel
not shown in the figure, RAC has been shown to activate Wall and Its Vascular Mesentery
p38 MAPK which can lead to p-Akt activation and
decreased apoptosis. FAK activation also led ERK activa- The demonstration of the growth of the myen-
tion facilitating cell proliferation and survival. Whether
the cell shape change and the increase in cell proliferation teric plexus distribution during the period of
and survival are directly linked remains to be addressed enterogenesis suggests that the entire intestine
154 F.R. Demehri and D.H. Teitelbaum
wall grows. In fact, the muscularis propria sig- Attempts to employ a fully endoluminal distrac-
nificantly increases in thickness during entero- tion, however, have been limited by the lack of
genesis [16, 19]. Using a more clinically relevant effective endoluminal device attachment, with
pig model and three-dimensional imaging of the atraumatic balloon-based approaches failing to
vasculature, the mesenteric vessels actually provide the attachment strength required for
increase in their branching pattern and overall enterogenesis [41]. Other strategies such as self-
volume, suggesting that enterogenesis is driving expanding metal stents (SEMS), while relatively
increased blood flow to the growing bowel [36]. safe for prolonged implant, are designed to be not
readily detached [42]. In addition, SEMS are not
designed to withstand high longitudinal force
Clinically Relevant Distraction required for distraction enterogenesis. Further,
Enterogenesis Device Approaches because of their hourglass shape which grasps the
bowel at both ends, there may be a high likelihood
Prior distraction enterogenesis device approaches of perforation with an applied distractive force.
have required the surgical creation of blind- We began with the use of a double-balloon
ending intestinal segments [13, 14] or the place- catheter design, similar to the approach taken for
ment of transmural sutures or circumferential double-balloon enteroscopy. The device created
vessel loops [37, 38]. These intestinal attachment distractive forces as the distance between the
approaches all require open surgical device inflated balloons increased. A major limitation of
placement and reoperation for removal and resto- this approach was insufficient device attachment
ration of intestinal continuity. This unfortunately to the inner lumen of the bowel wall. Further, if
has led to significant intestinal length loss, the balloon pressure increased excessively, it
increases the risk of surgery-related injury to the would induce ischemia [41]. To overcome this
intestine, and adds considerable risk given the problem, we recently developed a novel expand-
elevated systemic inflammatory response of SBS able mesh attachment. This attachment design
patients to laparotomy [39, 40]. Other approaches provided high-strength, reversible coupling of an
have included the use of novel expandable poly- endoluminal device within a compliant tube – the
mers in isolated segments [19]. Another recently small intestine. With expansion, a high-friction
described approach has been the use of an mesh coated balloon allowed the application of
expandable shape memory alloy which stretches over 500gf of longitudinal distraction without
the bowel on the serosal surface [17], which slip, well exceeding loads that have previously
would also require surgical device placement and produced intestinal lengthening [41]. Given the
removal. While no approach has achieved clini- high compliance of the small intestine, however,
cal utility to date, we will focus on the details of device uncoupling failed to occur with balloon
endoluminal distraction enterogenesis. This deflation using a simple high-friction balloon,
approach, wherein a device applies reversible still requiring excessive tension of 200gf to slip.
longitudinal force to the intestine from within the This would make device implantation and
bowel lumen, has the promise of allowing entero- removal difficult and exceeds the safe upper limit
genesis in a minimally invasive fashion. of distraction before perfusion compromise as
Our group has taken a unique approach to cre- previously shown [43]. By covering the
ate a method of distraction enterogenesis using a high-friction mesh with a novel dilating fenes-
fully endoluminal intestinal lengthening device. trated elastic mask (DFM) attachment ensures
The endoluminal approach to distraction entero- separation of the compliant bowel wall from the
genesis remains an attractive strategy, as it would attachment surface, uncoupling the device and
allow the application of distractive force using a reducing the tension required to slip to a safe
device that may be placed via a stoma (e.g., gas- 80gf. The current design of the device is hydrau-
trostomy or jejunostomy) or trans-orally. This lically driven using a concentric piston device
may obviate the need for multiple operations. (Fig. 13.2) as previously described [36] and
13 Distraction Enterogenesis 155
adapted for linear actuation and inclusion of our [41], yielding a total increase in length of
DFM attachment. 7.1 ± 0.3 cm vs. fed control. The increase in
Based on a series of preclinical implantations length exceeded the 1.1 cm stroke length of the
in 30–35 kg pigs, several key findings are noted device, indicating multiple payout distraction.
below and are summarized in Fig. 13.3. This degree of lengthening is actually quite com-
Lengthening: After 7 days of distraction, the parable to the current gold-standard surgical
cumulative percent growth of the bowel in con- lengthening procedure of a primary STEP proce-
tact with the device relative to fed control was dure, which produces between 22 and 43 % bowel
44 ± 2 % (Fig. 13.3a). The net gain in length is lengthening per operation [45–47]. While bowel
dependent upon the length of bowel which is lengthening operations such as STEP create
exposed to distractive force, with notable varia- length gains at a single setting, however, distrac-
tion in the percent length gain achieved at differ- tion enterogenesis produces lengthening over the
ent points along the device. Therefore, the period of time during which distraction is applied.
cumulative distance from the stoma to each Therefore, results were measured relative to con-
marker along the distracted segment was mea- trol bowel after the same period rather than com-
sured and compared to the group of fed control paring to the same segment of intestine at the
segment marker intervals at explant. This was time of device implant.
extrapolated over the same number of markers
b Externally-driven catheter
Small bowel
Tapered end
Masked high-friction
balloon Force transducer
Fig. 13.2 Current preclinical endoluminal device design. attach to the inner lumen of the bowel wall. To ensure
(a) Close-up view of the dilating fenestrated elastic mask accurate measurement of distractive forces, a force trans-
(DFM attachment). (b) Schematic drawing of the preclini- ducer is placed at one end of the device. Finally, to avoid
cal design. Note the two DFM balloons (labeled masked forces distal to the device which could lead to a perfora-
high-friction balloons); the external drive applies a tion, a geometric tapered end is used, as previously
hydraulic distracting load between the balloons after they described [44]
156 F.R. Demehri and D.H. Teitelbaum
a 44+2 %
Increase in length
% PCNA positive
Net % growth to marker
40 0.4
20 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 Attachment site Mid-device Fed control
Marker number
400 0.5
400 e
200 vic 0.0
200 De e e
vic vic
0 0 de De
Fig. 13.3 Preclinical outcomes of MEND derived from of the mucosa failed to show any mucosal disruption. (d)
35 kg Yorkshire pigs. (a) Overall gain in length after a Laser Doppler scanning failed to show any loss of blood
7-day period of distraction. (b) Intestinal epithelial cell flow in the implanted area of the bowel during the applica-
proliferation, using PCNA staining, demonstrates a sig- tion of distractive forces
nificant increase in proliferation. (c) Histologic inspection
Epithelial cell proliferation: PCNA staining of at attachment sites (57.7 ± 6.3 μm) vs. fed control
unfed distracted bowel (mid-device) without (41.3 ± 9.4 μm; p < 0.01) and mid-device bowel
attachment contact demonstrated increased epi- (40.9 ± 6.0 μm; p < 0.01). On the other hand, mus-
thelial cell proliferation vs. fed control cularis propria thickness was not significantly
(53.4 ± 11.5 % vs. 41.0 ± 6.2 %; p = 0.04; different between the attachment sites
Fig. 13.3b). Attachment sites similarly demon- (534.2 ± 37.4 μm), fed control (559.0 ± 16.9 μm;
strated an elevated proliferative index vs. fed p = 0.17), and mid-device bowel (551.0 ± 20.1 μm;
control (60.0 ± 9.4 %; p < 0.01), though not sig- p = 0.36).
nificantly greater than mid-device bowel Device safety: Laser Doppler (Fig. 13.3d)
(p = 0.26). assessment demonstrated no significant decrease
Histologic changes: Histologic examination in intestinal tissue perfusion with the DFM
of attachment sites demonstrated loss of villus attachment (0.21 ± 0.07 perfusion units [PU] vs.
height (265.3 ± 15.7 μm) compared to fed control 0.30 ± 0.09 PU; inflation vs. deflation; p = 0.46).
(535.2 ± 33.4 μm; p < 0.01) and mid-device bowel PU is a dimensionless unit used for laser Doppler
(341.3 ± 38.6 μm; p < 0.01; Fig. 13.3c). measurement. After 7 days of distraction, no
Attachment site crypt depth was increased device-related intestinal obstruction, perforation,
(594.3 ± 33.1 μm) vs. fed control (546.3 ± 15.8 μm; or anastomotic complication occurred. Gross
p = 0.01) and mid-device bowel (519.7 ± 68.4 μm; inspection of the mucosa at attachment sites
p = 0.04). Muscularis mucosa thickness increased remained intact without ulceration.
13 Distraction Enterogenesis 157
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A Colon, 2, 4–6, 10, 23, 24, 31, 32, 40, 46, 67, 70, 71,
Abdominal wall closure, 131 73, 80–82, 85, 86, 88–91, 93, 98, 99, 104,
Allograft rejection histopathology, 133 115–117, 120, 131, 136, 144
Antibiotics, 6, 11, 42, 44, 46, 47, 56, 68, 73, 74, Colony-forming units (CFU), 40, 45
99–101, 118, 119, 125 Complications, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 23, 39,
Anti-motility/antidiarrhoeal drugs, 81, 86 43–45, 47, 48, 54, 64, 71–75, 82, 100, 101,
Anti-secretory drugs, 81–86 107–110, 116, 119, 120, 124–129, 131–135,
Apoptosis, 25–29, 53, 89, 133, 145, 153 137, 151, 152, 156, 157
Congenital enteropathy, 8–9, 14, 64, 68
Controlled tissue expansion (CTE), 9, 123–126
B Crohn’s disease, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91
Bacterial overgrowth, 3, 12, 23, 39–48, 54, 55, 57–59, Crypt base columnar (CBC) cells, 32, 99, 143
64, 73, 105–107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 116, CTE. See Controlled tissue expansion (CTE)
117, 119–121, 123, 124 CVC. See Central venous catheter (CVC)
Bile acid-mediated micelle formation, 43 CVC-related sepsis, 74, 100, 102
Biopharmaceuticals, 142, 146 CVC-related thrombosis, 101
Body weight, 9, 13, 25, 68, 70, 81, 84, 88–92, 121, 132 Cytomegalovirus (CMV), 116, 134
Bombesin, 29
Bowel function, 52, 55, 56, 79–93, 97, 109, 118
Device safety, 156
C DFM. See Dilating fenestrated elastic mask (DFM)
Caspases, 26 Diagnostic testing, 45–46
Central venous catheter (CVC), 15, 47, 65, 71, 74, 75, Diarrhea, 2, 8, 9, 23, 24, 29, 43, 44, 46, 64, 67, 68, 71,
98, 100–102, 109, 117 75, 99, 106, 107, 121, 133, 134
Children, 1–17, 24, 30, 32, 46, 51–55, 57, 64, 66, 67, Dilating fenestrated elastic mask (DFM), 151, 154–156
71, 97–102, 105–107, 109, 110, 118, 124, Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), 92
128, 137, 157 Distraction enterogenesis, 151–157
Cholestasis, 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 51–56, 58, 59, 65, 75, D-lactic acidosis, 6, 44, 47, 71, 73–75, 100, 101, 106,
98–101, 128 107, 119
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome Donor, 128–134, 137, 143
(CIPOS), 2, 10, 11, 14, 16, 41, 51, 64, 117 Dysbiosis, 5, 39, 40, 42–47
Chronic kidney disease, 135
Chronic rejection (CR), 132, 133, 137
CIPOS. See Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction E
syndrome (CIPOS) EGF. See Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Clamping–recycling stoma, 124 EMA, 84, 92
Clinical outcome, 5, 10, 11, 13, 15–17, 26, 31, 41–43, Enhancing adaptation, 31–32
75, 97–102, 109–110, 116, 118–121, 128, Enteral nutrition, 12, 27, 42, 43, 54, 64, 69, 97–99,
131, 133, 135, 137, 156, 157 106, 116, 118
Clinical presentation, 9, 43–45, 133 Enteric hormones, 98, 99
Clonidine, 68, 84–86 Enteritis, 41, 44, 46, 47, 80, 134
CMV. See Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Enteroendocrine, 28, 29, 115, 145
Epidermal growth factor (EGF), 3, 7, 26, 29–31, 67, 92 Intestinal adaptation, 6, 23–33, 40, 70, 80, 84, 86, 92,
Epithelial cell proliferation, 28, 30, 145, 156 93, 97–102, 115, 116, 120, 126, 131, 146
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), 134, 135 Intestinal failure (IF), 1–17, 23, 24, 28, 31, 39–48,
51–59, 63–75, 80, 81, 86, 97, 99–102,
105–111, 116, 127–129, 131, 137, 146, 151
F Intestinal failure associated liver disease (IFALD), 10,
Farnesoid x receptor (FxR), 56–59 12–17, 51–59, 65, 66, 73, 74, 106, 107,
FGF. See Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) 116, 117, 120
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), 23, 29, 30, 57–59, Intestinal failure-associated liver disease/parenteral
141, 144, 146 nutrition-associated liver disease (IFALD/
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), 152, 153 PNALD), 116, 120
FxR. See Farnesoid x receptor (FxR) Intestinal growth factors, 86, 93
Intestinal microbiome, 39–48
Intestinal microbiota, 5, 6, 55, 57–59, 106, 107
G Intestinal rehabilitation, 14–17, 46, 64, 91, 93, 97–102,
Gastric hypersecretion, 24, 68, 81 118, 123, 128
Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, 73, 100, 101, 109, 134 Intestinal stem cells (ISCs), 32, 33, 137, 141, 143–145
Gastrointestinal continuity, 99 Intestinal transplantation, 12, 14–17, 24, 31, 52, 53,
Gastrointestinal tract, 3, 24, 29–31, 71, 82, 92, 146 100, 127, 128, 131–137, 141
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract, 3, 11, 24, 29–31, 71, 79, Intraluminal microbial toxin production, 44
82, 92, 101, 129, 146 ISCs. See Intestinal stem cells (ISCs)
GH. See Growth hormone (GH)
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), 28, 29, 86, 92,
93, 99, 116 L
Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), 7, 28, 29, 32, 86, LCFA. See Long-chain fatty acids (LCFA)
89–93, 98, 99, 106, 116, 145, 146, 152, 157 Lengthening, 24, 47, 97–100, 102, 105, 108, 114–117,
Glutamine, 3, 7, 27, 28, 86, 88–90, 99 123, 124, 151–153, 155, 157
Graft versus host disease (GVHD), 132, 133 LILT. See Longitudinal intestinal lengthening and
Growth factors, 3, 24, 29, 54, 98, 99, 151, 153 tailoring (LILT)
Growth hormone (GH), 28, 86–89, 98, 99, 152 Lipid absorption, 24, 27
Gut microbial homeostasis, 40 Liver transplantation, 53, 100, 129
Living donor intestine grafts, 131
Long-chain fatty acids (LCFA), 27
H Longitudinal intestinal lengthening and tailoring
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), 29, 31, 92 (LILT), 7, 8, 108, 109, 113–121
Hirschsprung’s disease, 2, 10, 14, 51, 64, 100, 127 Loperamide, 42, 68, 84, 86, 87
Home parenteral nutrition (HPN), 14, 23, 64, 65, 71, 80 Luminal and mucosal disease, 45
Hormones, 3, 23, 24, 26–29, 54, 80, 82, 86, 88, 89,
92–93, 98, 99, 146, 152
H2-receptor antagonists, 81–82 M
Humoral immunity, 132 Mechanotransduction, 151–153
Hydrogen breath testing (HBT), 45, 46 Mediators, 55, 86, 89, 145
Hyperplasia, 3, 25, 27, 28, 97, 105, 133, 135, 145 Medications, 11, 46, 82, 99, 134
Microbiome, 39–48, 67
Migrating motility complex (MMC), 40–42
I Morphometric analysis, 32
ICV. See Ileocecal valve (ICV) Mortality, 15, 52, 101, 102, 110, 116, 118, 119, 128,
IFALD. See Intestinal failure associated liver disease 131–134, 146, 151, 152
(IFALD) Multivisceral transplantation, 11, 15, 128, 130, 135, 137
Ileocecal valve (ICV), 2,–5, 7, 11, 25, 40–42, 54, 55,
58, 98, 100–102, 107, 110, 115, 116,
120, 131 N
Immunosuppression, 131–135, 137, 141 Nutrients, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 14, 23–29, 31, 32, 40, 43, 47,
Indications, 2, 7, 14–16, 25, 63, 68, 69, 106–107, 109, 54, 58, 66, 68, 79–81, 91, 98–100, 106,
110, 115–117, 120, 123 113, 114, 120, 127, 145, 152, 153
Infections, 5, 10, 12, 14, 32, 42, 44–46, 54–56, 65, 71, Nutritional outcomes, 13, 16, 109–110
74, 100, 101, 108–110, 116, 117, 120, 125,
128, 132–135, 137, 141
Intestinal absorption, 7, 25, 80, 81, 89, 91–93, 97, O
99, 121 Octreotide, 68, 82–85
Index 163
Parenteral nutrition (PN), 2, 4, 15, 25, 28, 30–33, 39, 42, S
43, 51, 53, 54, 63, 66, 69, 74, 75, 89, 98–100, SBBO. See Small bowel bacteria overgrowth (SBBO)
106, 110, 113, 115–118, 127, 128, 136, 137, SBS. See Short bowel syndrome (SBS)
151, 152 SBTx. See Small bowel transplantation (SBTx)
Parenteral support (PS), 25, 51, 80, 82–85, 87, 89, Serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP), 7, 8, 47, 98,
91–93, 99, 106, 107, 109, 118–119 100, 105–111, 119–120, 152, 155
Pathogenesis, 10, 39, 43–47, 52, 53, 56–59 Short bowel syndrome (SBS), 2–8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17,
Pathophysiology, 43–45 23–33, 40–44, 46, 47, 51, 55, 58, 63, 64,
Pediatric small bowel transplantation, 127–137 66–68, 70, 71, 73, 79–93, 97–102, 105–107,
Peptide growth factors, 27, 29–31, 146 109, 110, 113–117, 119–121, 123–124, 135,
Pharmacological treatments, 81–86 141, 142, 146, 151, 152, 154, 157
PN. See Parenteral nutrition (PN) Small bowel bacteria overgrowth (SBBO), 68, 72–75,
PN-associated liver disease, 45, 51, 100–101 98, 100, 101
Postoperative management, 118, 227 Small bowel transplantation (SBTx), 110, 116,
Posttransplant lymphoproliferative diseases (PTLDs), 127–137, 151
134, 135 Somatostatin, 29, 82–84
PPI. See Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) Spontaneous adaptation, 25
Predictive factors, 119–120, 157 Stem cells, 26, 29, 32–33, 133, 141–146
Preoperative assessment, 123–124 STEP. See Serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP)
Preoperative management, 117 Surgery, 2, 3, 5–8, 10, 15–17, 54, 80, 82, 107,
Probiotics, 6, 47, 98 114–118, 124, 125, 128
Proton pump inhibitor (PPI), 42, 68, 81–83, 98 Surgical technique, 107–109, 120, 123
PS. See Parenteral support (PS)
PTLDs. See Posttransplant lymphoproliferative diseases
Teduglutide, 32, 89–92
Tissue-engineered small intestine (TESI), 142, 143,
Q 145, 146
Quality of life (QOL), 10, 11, 15, 137, 141, 142 Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 3, 24, 27, 31, 45, 85,
118, 119, 126, 128, 136, 141
Transplantation, 11, 15, 23, 33, 100, 127–137, 143, 144
Redilation, 119
Redo STEP, 109, 110 V
Rehabilitation, 14–17, 46, 64, 86, 93, 97–102, Vascular mesentery, 153–154
123, 127, 128 Viral enteritis, 134
Rejection, 132–135, 137 Vitamin A, 28, 44