Turn To Turn Insulation Fault
Turn To Turn Insulation Fault
Turn To Turn Insulation Fault
The purpose of dissolved gas analysis (DGA) in utilities is to help detect the presence of
abnormality within transformer. When faults occur in transformers, transformer
engineers need to determine the location and risk of the faults. Ultimately, they have to
decide, based on DGA, whether to continue operating or not, perform internal
inspection, or dispose the transformer. In this study, the fault and failure types in the
transformer are suggested to determine the location and risk of the faults. In
particular, turn-to-turn insulation faults are classified as degradation and breakdown.
These faults are difficult to identify during internal inspection, and have a high
possibility of failure. Urgent decision and action are thus required to avoid failure. In
degradation of turn-to-turn insulation faults, failures may occur by generating thermal
gases in paper during a long period of time. In breakdown of turn-to-turn insulation
faults, thermal gases are not generated in paper, and failures are rather due to sudden
breakdown of insulation. This study also presents a typical example of a turn-to-turn
insulation fault. This example shows the progress of the fault from thermal to
discharge, which is common phenomena in winding fault. Based on the findings of this
work, transformer engineers can determine by DGA if transformers can be operated
with or without internal inspection, or disposed when the fault has not been identified
during internal inspection.
Index Terms — dissolved gas analysis, power transformers, transformer winding,
failure type, fault type
1 INTRODUCTION seldom cause failure. However, most faults inside winding are
discharge fault, which may lead to rapid failures according to
TRANSFORMER engineers determine whether faults
KEPCO’s experiences. The risk of failure in transformers is
are present in transformers with dissolved gas analysis (DGA).
higher when oil has been degassed because gas concentrations
If the transformer is judged by DGA as presenting danger for
need at least several months to reach previous levels. The
its operation, transformer engineers determine the fault
reason why transformers are operated with a high risk of
occurring in the transformer according to gases formed and
failure is that turn-to-turn insulation faults cannot be identified
inspection of its internal parts, in order to identify the faults. If
by traditional DGA methods.
faults are identified during internal inspection, the faults are
repaired, and the transformer put back in operation. If the IEEE C57.104 [1], IEC 60599 [2], and Electric Technology
faults cannot be repaired, or if their repair would be too costly, Research Association - Japan (ETRA) [3] are the main
the transformer is disposed. Deciding whether to dispose of standards or criteria used for evaluating the faults in
the transformer or not is difficult when the faults cannot be transformers from DGA. Michel Duval has developed the
identified during internal inspection. The transformer is, Duval Triangles and Duval Pentagons, and introduced the
therefore, operated again after degassing oil, without having Duval Triangle in IEC 60599 [4-6], thus contributing to the
identified the fault locations (components) or causes, and the evaluation of the faults in transformers [7]. Many researchers
DGA oil sampling interval used to monitor the transformer is have improved the reliability of diagnosis using DGA because
reduced. it is recognized as an effective method for the diagnosis of
Locations that cannot be identified during internal transformers. The fault types in transformers that can be
inspection of transformers are more likely to be inside core detected with DGA are classified as thermal and discharge,
and winding. Most faults inside core are thermal fault, which using the key gas or gas ratio methods, among others. Thermal
faults are classified as thermal in oil and thermal in paper, and
Manuscript received on 8 April 2018, in form 30 May 2018, accepted discharge faults are classified as discharges in oil and
30 May 2018. Corresponding author: D. Kweon. discharges in paper.
DOI: 10.1109/TDEI.2018.007477
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 25, No. 4; August 2018 1561
Table 1 shows the key gases according to the fault types in can still be operated, or should be disposed. In this study, in
transformers. C2H6, CH4, and C2H4 are key gases for thermal in order to determine the location and risk of the faults in
oil of t < 300 °C (T1), 300 °C < t <700 °C (T2), and t > 700 °C transformers, the fault and failure types in transformers are
(T3), respectively. H2, C2H2 and C2H4 are key gases for corona classified by DGA from failed and internal inspected
partial discharges (PD), low energy discharges (D1), and high transformers where faults were identified.
energy discharges (D2) in oil, respectively. CO and CO2 are key
gases for thermal in paper. However, for discharge in paper, no
key gas has been presented. For faults in paper. CO and CO2 may
also indicate that paper has deteriorated during a long period of Figure 1 shows the results of internal inspection and DGA of
time due to heat generated by the normal operation of aged transformers at KEPCO. A total of 293 transformers are
transformers. However, most transformers that have not reached evaluated by DGA from 2001 to 2016. Faults were identified by
their end of life are replaced because of abnormal accidental internal inspection in 141 transformers, and not identified by
failures rather than normal deterioration. Most of these failures internal inspection in 152 transformers.
are of discharge inside winding where paper is used, and the key
gas is C2H2, seldom CO or CO2. Moreover, because the fault
types in transformers indicated in traditional standards are
difficult to relate to the fault and failure types that occur in actual
transformers, transformer engineers cannot easily estimate the
fault and failure types in winding with DGA.
Table 3. Percentage of fault location found and identified by internal inspection of transformers.
Found and Identified Total
Number of Faults
Number of Fault Percentage Unidentified Number of Percentage of Fault Locations
Identified by Internal
Locations Found of Faults Identified Faults Identified by Internal Inspection
Winding 45 30 67% 49 94 32% 32%
Bushing 12 10 83% 12 4% 83%
OLTC 11 10 91% 11 4% 92%
Core 62 19 31% 96 158 54% 12%
Clamp 3 3 100% 3 1% 100%
Oil 8 8 100% 7 15 5% 53%
Total 141 80 57% 152 293 100% 27%
transformer can be kept in operation, should be repaired, or are classified as the degradation and breakdown. These faults are
should be disposed. Table 3 shows the percentage of fault difficult to identify by internal inspection, and have a high
locations found and identified by internal inspection. possibility of failure. Therefore, they require urgent decision or
As shown in Table 3, the number of faults in core was 158. action. Degradation lead to failure by generating thermal gases in
However, the percentage of faults identified by internal inspection paper during a long period of time. In breakdown, thermal gases
was only 12%, because of the difficulty of identifying faults are not generated in paper but result in the sudden breakdown of
during internal inspection. The number of faults in winding was insulation. Bushing faults are classified as faults in corona shield
94, and the percentage of faults identified was 32%. Faults in and terminals. Corona shield faults are classified as of the
bushing, OLTC tap selector, and clamp, which can more easily be discharge and thermal. Terminal faults are classified as of the
identified by internal inspection of transformers, had high discharge and thermal in loose bolts. OLTC faults are classified
percentages of faults identified. There were 15 faults in oil, and as faults in the diverter S/W cylinder and tap selectors. Diverter
the percentage of faults identified was 53%, due to stray gassing cylinder faults are classified as the thermal when oil is
of oil. These values indicate that the locations, in transformers communicating with the main tank oil by cracking of the
where faults are difficult to identify by internal inspection, are cylinder. Tap selector faults are classified as faults in terminals
core and winding. and contacts, all of which involve loose bolts. Tap selector
contact faults are classified as the discharge and thermal. Core
As shown in Table 3, total percentage of faults identified by faults are classified as faults in multiple grounds, loose stud bolts,
DGA was only 27%. The reason why faults could not be and core. Multiple grounds are classified as the thermal, loose
accurately identified is that fault locations in transformers cannot stud bolts as the discharge, and core as the T1, T2, and T3,
be identified precisely by DGA. Many studies have classified the respectively, depending on temperature. Clamp faults are
failure types (FMEA) in transformers [10-12]. However, these classified as the discharge in loose bolts of the pressure ring. Oil
studies do not address the relation between the locations of faults are classified as oxidation of uninhibited oil and partial
failures and DGA. Moreover, only a few studies have classified discharge by particle and stray gassing [9].
the fault types not reaching to failure. The fault types can be
classified as those progressing from fault to failure and those not Table 4. The fault types in transformers determined by DGA.
progressing to failure but are generating gases. For example,
discharges in winding are likely to rapidly progress to failure, but Component1 Component2 Component3 Causes Results
discharges in bolts are unlikely to progress to failure and only Degradation
Insulation Turn to Turn
generate gases. Therefore, transformers with discharges in bolts Winding
can continue to operate, but internal fault must be inspected Lead Discharge
during the scheduled internal inspection period. Stray gassing Corona Discharge
does not require internal inspection. However, discharges in Shield Thermal
winding or OLTC tap selector contacts are likely to lead to failure Terminal Bolts Loose bolts
and should be inspected immediately. Diverter S/W Cylinder Crack Inflow Oil
Terminals Loose bolts Discharge
Therefore, classifying the fault types of transformers is OLTC
Tap Selector Discharge
necessary to determine the locations and likelihood of failure Contacts Loose bolts
occurrence in transformers by DGA. In this study, 293 Ground
transformers that were internally inspected are analyzed to Core
Stud Bolts Loose bolts Discharge
classify the fault types by DGA. Fault locations are classified as Thermal
winding, bushing, OLTC, core, clamp, and oil, as shown in Table Pressure
Clamp Bolts Loose bolts Discharge
4. Winding faults are classified as faults in paper and leads. A Ring
winding fault was expected to cut winding conductors because of oil
through faults or lightning, but this situation does not occur in Oil Particle Discharge
actual transformers. Paper faults were expected to be of the Stray
thermal or discharge. In this study, turn-to-turn insulation faults Gassing
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 25, No. 4; August 2018 1563
2.2 FAILURE TYPES OF TRANSFORMERS failures are classified as occurring in condenser, gasket,
DETERMINED BY DGA corona shield, and porcelain in the literature, but only failures
In this study, 1,030 transformers that tripped by operating in the corona shield occur in actual transformers. Therefore,
circuit breaker or relay from 1981 to 2014 are analyzed. The this fault is classified as of the discharge. OLTC failures are
classified as faults in the diverter S/W, tap selector, drive
locations of faults in transformers are given in percentages,
shaft, and contacts in the literature. However, in actual
with winding at 20%, OLTC at 10%, bushing at 3%,
transformers, failures occur only in the tap selector contacts
accessories at 22%, and others at 45%. Among the 1,030
and are classified as the discharge.
tripped transformers, 338 units showed failures of winding,
OLTC, and bushing that affected DGA. The failures of
accessories and others did not relate to DGA. In accessory
failures, transformers tripped due to malfunctions of the INSULATION FAULT
relays, such as the sudden pressure relay and the pressure 3.1 DGA HISTORICAL DATA OF THE
relief valve. Other failures occurred because transformers TRANSFORMER
tripped due to T/L and D/L through faults and workmanship
In this study, turn-to-turn insulation faults are classified as
errors. In this study, the failure that could be identified by
the degradation and breakdown. This study presents a typical
DGA are classified as faults in winding, bushing, and OLTC,
example of a turn-to-turn insulation fault. This example shows
as shown in Table 5.
the progress from thermal fault to discharge, which is common
Table 5. The fault types in transformers determined by DGA. phenomenon in winding fault. The transformer is 154/23 kV, 1
Component1 Component2 Component3 Causes Results
phase, 60 Hz, 15/20 MVA, and ONAN/ONAF cooling with
Turn-to-Turn OLTC.
Degradation This transformer was manufactured in May 2001 and had
Winding Insulation
Breakdown been in operation since June 2001. As shown in Table 7, C2H4
Bushing Corona Shield Discharge was at Caution 1 level from June 2009. Therefore, the DGA
OLTC Tap Selector Contacts
Discharge sampling interval was reduced. C2H4 and TCG were at
bolts Caution 1 level from January 2010. CH4 also was at Caution 1
level from June 2011. However, because C2H4, CH4, and TCG
In the literature [10-12], transformer failures are classified were all at Caution 1 level, the DGA sampling interval was
as occurring in winding, core, clamp, mechanical support, oil, maintained at six months. Gas concentrations significantly
bushing, OLTC, tank, fan, pump, radiator, and conservator. increased in January 2016. H2 and C2H6 were at Caution 1 level,
Winding failures are classified as occurring in the conductor,
insulation, lead, mechanical structure, barrier, and binding in Table 7. DGA historical data (ppm).
the literature. However, in actual transformers, winding Date H2 C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 CH4 TCG CO CO2 Decision
failures occur only in the insulation. Therefore, considering 08/14/01 22 82 Normal
the fault types classified in Section 2.A, turn-to-turn insulation 06/04/02 6 3 9 50 505 Normal
06/18/03 18 7 25 180 1,451 Normal
faults are classified as the degradation and breakdown. Bushing 06/03/04 6 29 5 14 54 183 402 Normal
07/06/05 19 14 48 142 Normal
Table 6. Failure types of transformers. 09/01/06 36 42 21 99 45 835 Normal
08/07/07 44 41 18 103 228 1,876 Normal
Classification of fault
Parts KEPCO experience 10/21/08 67 53 55 223 151 1,635 Normal
in the literature
06/24/09 9 128 92 128 439 547 2,314 Caution 1
conductor, insulation, lead,
01/05/10 11 146 112 145 512 309 1,778 Caution 1
Winding mechanical structure, barrier, and insulation
06/25/10 9 193 135 147 592 532 1,809 Caution 1
12/07/10 4 151 120 140 516 288 2,159 Caution 1
condenser, gasket, corona shield,
Bushing corona shield 06/02/11 9 173 128 169 578 353 1,911 Caution 1
and porcelain
02/14/12 9 176 132 166 591 244 1,484 Caution 1
diverter S/W, tap selector, drive tap selector 08/17/12 8 167 129 156 565 246 2,105 Caution 1
shaft, and contacts contacts 04/12/13 7 173 132 174 587 244 2,182 Caution 1
Core steel insulation and ground 09/05/13 8 174 157 179 631 295 2,075 Caution 1
04/08/15 185 181 162 653 165 1,912 Caution 1
workmanship errors, transportation
Clamp 01/08/16 34 1 180 85 97 518 25 382 Caution 1
failure, and operating vibration
01/15/16 256 835 204 602 2,197 27 416 Abnormal
mechanical 02/02/16 587 4 1,886 459 1,404 4,986 Danger
wedges and woods
support 02/03/16 Internal Inspection
Oil moisture, oxygen, and particle 02/16/16 15 8 Normal
03/17/16 22 24 10 Normal
tank, tank and gaskets
04/20/16 40 86 25 Normal
fan, pump motor, bearings, and impeller 05/30/16 43 80 35 206 Normal
08/01/16 337 3 1,220 372 926 3,239 47 547 Danger
radiator plate, flange, and valve
08/08/16 Internal Inspection
conservator tank, piping, and gaskets 01/23/17 Disassemble Inspection at the Factory
1564 D. Kweon and Y. Kim: Interpretation of Turn-to-Turn Insulation Fault by Dissolved Gas Analysis
CH4 and TCG at Caution 2 level, and C2H4 was at Abnormal 3.3 INTERNAL INSPECTION OF THE TRANSFORMER
level. After 15 days, C2H4 increased from 835 ppm to 1,886 The transformer was internally inspected to find the fault.
ppm, and H2 increased from Caution 1 to Caution 2 level. External inspections and electrical tests were performed before
TCG reached danger level from the abnormal level, and the internal inspection of the transformer. The external
other gases increased by more than twice. Therefore, the inspections, which included the OLTC driving unit, OLTC oil
transformer was determined as requiring internal inspection. filtering unit, lightning arrester, fans and pump motors,
3.2 ESTIMATION OF THE FAULT radiator, bushing, conservator, temperature indicators, local
panel, mechanical protection devices, oil preservation system,
The fault was estimated before internal inspection of the and oil leakage, were all good. Insulation resistance between
transformer based on the methods proposed by IEEE C57.104, winding and ground was more than 2,000 MΩ, and the results
IEC 60599, and ETRA. Table 8 shows the identification of the of the electrical tests were good.
fault using IEEE C57.104, IEC 60599, and ETRA. The key
The transformer was de-energized, and the external parts of
gas method of IEEE C57.104 indicated C2H4 as the key gas
winding, core, clamps, bolts, bushing lead, support wood, and
and thermal fault in oil as the fault types. The Doernenburg
OLTC tap lead were inspected, but thermal or carbonization
ratio method indicated thermal decomposition, and Roger’s marks were not found. Local thermal traces were also not
ratio method thermal > 700 °C. Basic gas ratios and the Duval found in core. However, as shown in the results of the
Triangle of IEC 60599 indicated a T3 (thermal fault, t > 700 evaluation of the fault, arc traces at OLTC tap selector
°C). The gas pattern of ETRA indicated C2H4-A, which is a contacts were found (Figure 2). Therefore, OLTC tap selector
thermal fault in oil. The gas composition ratio indicated a contacts were replaced. The fault in the transformer was
thermal fault > 700 °C. Therefore, the fault in the transformer considered to have been repaired, and voltage applied on the
in this study was estimated to be a thermal fault, t > 700 °C. transformer in February 2016. After applying the load, DGA
IEEE C57.104 provides no specific information about the results measured every month from March 2016 were all
typical causes of thermal faults of t > 700 °C. In IEC 60599, normal.
the typical causes of thermal faults are insufficient cooling,
excessive currents circulating in adjacent metal parts (as a
result of bad contacts, eddy currents, stray losses, or leakage
flux), excessive currents circulating through the insulation
dielectric losses, thermal runaway, overheating of internal
winding or bushing connection lead, and overloading. In
addition, the typical causes of T3 are presented as large
circulating currents in the tank and core, and minor circulation
currents in tank walls created by a high uncompensated
magnetic field and shorting links in core steel laminations. In
(a) + Tap (b) – Tap
ETRA, the typical causes of high temperature thermal are
large circulating currents in tank and core, closed loops in Figure 2. Arc traces at OLTC tap selector.
core, overheating of winding, and bad contacts of OLTC tap
selector. Typical fault examples for C2H4 suggest bad contacts
of OLTC, circulating currents in core, and short circuits
between core laminations and bad contacts.
Six months after replacing OLTC tap selector contacts,
danger level of DGA was again reached, as shown in Table 7,
Table 8. Identification results of the fault. in August 2016. DGA had the same pattern as before. This
DGA Interpretation Results of DGA indicated that the fault had not been repaired by replacing
Methods Interpretation OLTC tap selector contacts. Therefore, the transformer was
Key gas C2H4 Thermal oil subjected to another internal inspection. External inspections
IEEE Doernenburg R1 (2.4), R2 (0), R3 Thermal and electrical tests were performed again before internal
C57.104 ratio (0), and R4 (0) decomposition
R2 (0), R1 (2.4),
inspection of the transformer. Test results were all good.
Roger’s ratio Thermal>700℃ Internal inspection of the transformer was carried out again in
and R5 (4.15)
Basic gas
C2H2/C2H4 (0), T3 (thermal fault, t August 2016. Thermal or carbonization marks were not found
CH4/H2 (2.4), and in any visible parts, such as winding, core, bushing lead,
IEC ratios >700 ℃)
C2H4/C2H6 (4.1)
60599 T3 (thermal fault, t OLTC tap winding leads, and OLTC tap selector.
Duval Triangle
Gas Pattern C2H4-A Thermal-Oil STUDY
ETRA C2H2/C2H4 (0), The fault was re-estimated because IEEE C57.104, IEC
Gas Ratio C2H2/C2H6 (0), and Thermal>700℃ 60599, and ETRA did not match internal inspection results of
C2H4/C2H6 (4.1)
the transformer. The transformer in this study was considered
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol. 25, No. 4; August 2018 1565
not to have reached its end of life after 15 years of operation. 4 CONCLUSIONS
Therefore, paper was less likely to have generated gases due to
In this study, the fault and failure types in transformers are
load-related thermal faults. Transformers that have not
deduced from DGA to determine the location and risk of the
reached their end of life are likely to generate gases due to
faults. A total of 338 failed transformers and 141 internal
discharge in winding paper. The deterioration caused by
inspected transformers where faults were identified have been
discharges in winding paper leads to failure due to arcing
used. Turn-to turn-insulation faults are classified as
between turn-to-turn winding. At this moment, a fault in
degradation and breakdown. These faults are difficult to
winding starts with partial discharge of low energy, and it
identify during internal inspection, and have a high possibility
develops into serious discharge of high energy and arcing.
of failure. Therefore, urgent decision or action are required to
Windings are covered with paper. Therefore, if partial
avoid failure. In degradation of turn-to-turn insulation faults,
discharge occurs between windings, paper will begin to
failures may occur by generating thermal gases in paper
deteriorate due to weak discharge at first, and gases will be
during a long period of time. In breakdown of turn-to-turn
generated due to local thermal degradation of paper due to
insulation faults, thermal gases are not generated in paper, and
partial discharge. When the deterioration of paper advances
failures are rather due to sudden breakdown of insulation. This
and the amount of discharge charge increases, the paper will
study also presents a typical example of a turn-to-turn
be carbonized due to local overheating by discharge. Gas
insulation fault. This example shows the progress of the fault
concentrations will increase as paper deteriorates. As the
from thermal to discharge, which are common phenomena in
deterioration of paper further increases, a direct discharge (arc
winding fault. The identification of the fault using IEEE
discharge) will occur between windings as paper punctures,
C57.104, IEC 60599, and ETRA indicated a thermal fault, t >
and gases will be generated by arc discharge in oil rather than
700 °C. However, the results of twice internal inspections of
in paper. As a result, H2 will be generated. As the arc
the transformer did not match with the fault identified by
discharge increases further, C2H2 will be generated.
traditional DGA standards. The fault presented in this study
Therefore, paper begins to deteriorate due to partial was degradation of turn-to-turn insulation fault. Paper
discharge at first, and C2H4 and CH4 are generated by the local deterioration considerably progressed. The fault proposed in
overheating of paper by partial discharge. As paper this study has been determined by disassembling the
deterioration and amount of partial discharges increase, C2H4 transformer at the factory and confirming that carbonization
and CH4 increase, and H2 occurs due to partial discharge. occurred as a result of significant thermal or discharge faults
Therefore, the transformer in this study can be interpreted as between windings. Based on the results of this study,
being in a state in which partial discharge in turn-to-turn transformer engineers can determine by DGA if transformers
winding increase considerably due to the progress of paper can be operated without internal inspection, should be
deterioration. However, arc discharge did not progress because internally inspected, or should be disposed when the fault has
C2H2 was low. That was, this transformer corresponds to the not been identified during internal inspection.
typical example of the degradation of turn-to-turn insulation
fault classified in Section 2.A. REFERENCES
3.6 DISASSEMBLED INSPECTION OF THE [1] Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed
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considered dangerous to operate. The transformer was moved 60599, 2015.
to the factory in December 2016 and disassembled clamp, core [3] 電力用変圧器改修ガイドライン,” 日本電気協同研究, Vol. 65, No.
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discharges but more likely to the hot spot T3. [6] M. Duval, “The Duval Triangle for load tap changers, non-mineral oils
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[7] M. Duval and L. Lamarre, “The Duval Pentagon-A New Complementary
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[8] Standard of Diagnosis for Power Transformers - Dissolved Gas
Analysis, Korea Electric Power Corporation Standard, pp. 41-76, 2014.
[9] Dongjin Kweon, Yonghyun Kim, Taesik Park, Nohong Kwak and
Yongho Hur, “DGA Gases related to the Aging of Power Transformers
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[10] Guide for the Evaluation and Reconditioning of Liquid Immersed Power
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[11] J. Bloom, “Equipment Failure Model and Data for Substation
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Figure 3. Carbonization in the medium-voltage winding. [12] CIGRE Technical Brochure 642, “Transformer Reliability Survey”, 2015.
1566 D. Kweon and Y. Kim: Interpretation of Turn-to-Turn Insulation Fault by Dissolved Gas Analysis
Dongjin Kweon He received his B.S. degree from Yonghyun Kim He received his M.S. degree in 2015.
Seoul National Industry University, Seoul, Korea, in and is currently Ph.D. course in Mok-Po National
1986, and his M.S. and PhD. degrees from Soongsil Maritime University, Korea. He is currently a
University, Seoul, Korea, in 1992 and 1995, researcher in substation part with Korea Electric
respectively. He is currently a principal researcher in Power Corporation Research Institute (KEPCO),
substation department with Korea Electric Power Daejeon, Korea. He has joined at KEPCO since 2016.
Corporation Research Institute (KEPCO), Daejeon, He has been working in the field of DGA, asset
Korea. He has joined at KEPCO since 1995. He is also management for power transformers. He is currently
a leader of power transformer division in KEPCO RI. under develop an asset management system for power
He has been working in the field of diagnosis, on-line transformers. He is a member of the IEEE, CIGRE
monitoring and asset management for power transformers since 1990. He is and KIEE.
currently under develop an asset management system for power system. He is
a member of the IEEE, CIGRE and KIEE. He is a currently member of IEC
TC 123 and CIGRE WG A2-55.