Developmental Lesson Plan: Flip Chart

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Brenna Clark Date: 02/22/2021

Group Size: 25 Allotted Time: 60 minutes Grade Level: 3

Subject or Topic: Parts of a Plant (Lesson #2)

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard : 3.1.2.A5
Explain how different parts of a plant work together to make the organism function.

NGSS Standard(s):
3-LS1-1. Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles but all
have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
3-LS3-2. Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the

Learning Targets/Objectives:
● After learning about the different parts of a plant, the students will be able to determine
their individual purposes through watching the video.
● After learning about the parts of a plant, the students will be able to identify the
different structures of a plant through creating an anchor chart as a class.
● Using their knowledge of the parts of a plant and each of their purposes, the students
will be able to create a flip chart.
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
● KWL Chart (with video) ● Checklist
● Thumbs Up ● Observational
● Observing Plants ● Collect
● Flip Chart ● Collect
● Exit Ticket ● Collect
Assessment Scale:
● Flip Chart
○ 10-15 parts of a plant correctly identified = proficient
○ 5-10 parts of a plant correctly identified = average
○ <5 parts of a plant correctly identified = below basic
● Exit Ticket
○ 3 correctly answered = proficient
○ 2 correctly answered = approaching proficient
○ 1 correctly answered = basic
○ 0 correctly answered = below basic
Subject Matter/Content: Parts of a Plant
Prerequisites :
● An understanding of what a plant is.
● An understanding of where a plant originates from (a seed).
● An understanding of the basic parts of a seed.
● An understanding of what a seed produces.
● An understanding of an ideal environment for a seed.
● An understanding of the basic parts of a plant.
● A basic understanding of an ideal environment for a plant.
● A basic understanding of a plant's needs.
Key Vocabulary:
Plant - living organisms that cover much of the land of planet Earth.
Stem - the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above
Leaf - a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a
stem directly or via a stalk.
Root - the part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground,
conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.
Petal - each of the segments of the corolla of a flower, which are modified leaves and are
typically colored.
Ovule - the part of the ovary of seed plants that contains the female germ cell and after
fertilization becomes the seed.
Stamen - the male fertilizing organ of a flower, typically consisting of a pollen-containing
anther and a filament.
Anther - the part of a stamen that contains the pollen.
Filament - a slender threadlike object or fiber, especially one found in animal or plant
Carpel - the female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an ovary, a stigma, and
usually a style. It may occur singly or as one of a group.
Stigma - The stigma is a specially adapted portion of the pistil modified for the reception of
Style - a structure found within the flower. It is a long, slender stalk that connects the stigma
and the ovary. The stigma is at the top of the style and is a sticky platform where pollen is
Ovary - enlarged basal portion of the pistil, the female organ of a flower. The ovary contains
ovules, which develop into seeds upon fertilization. The ovary itself will mature into a fruit,
either dry or fleshy, enclosing the seeds.
● What a plant is
○ living organisms that cover much of the land of planet Earth.
○ Parts of a plant
● Common examples of plants
○ Trees
○ Shrubs
○ Grass
○ Moss
● How/why plants are beneficial to nature
○ Plants provide us with food, fiber, shelter, medicine and fuel
○ Plants release oxygen into the environment which is the air that we breathe in
order to survive
○ Basic food for all organisms is produced by plants
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
● To get the students interested in the lesson, begin by asking the students a question:
○ What are some components of good teamwork?
○ When does teamwork work best?
● Have the students sitting at their desks to answer this question, and have them in
pairs/groups of three.
● After giving the students time to discuss with their peers, bring them back into whole
group instruction.
● Discuss some of the things that the students came up with.
○ Good responses include communication, responsibility and collaboration.
● Then, connect the idea of teamwork in our daily lives to the parts of a plant working
together to produce a healthy plant that will thrive.
○ Also connect the idea of plant growth/development to the previous lesson on
● Relate how it is important for the different parts of the plant to work together by
communicating, collaborating and having their own individual responsibilities.
● After having this discussion with students, pass out a KWL chart about plants - have
the same worksheet projected on the white board and fill out the “KNOW” section
along with the students.
● Following the KWL chart, play the youtube video, starting from 1:34-7:25 and tell
students that they use this video for the “WANT TO KNOW” section of the chart.
● Once the video is over, give the students a minute or so to complete the K and W
section of the chart.
○ They will be writing their ideas on post-it notes, and then paste their post-it
notes to the enlarged KWL chart that will be projected on the white board.
■ Have a discussion/review of knowledge/questions the students may have
during whole group instruction.
● Instruct the students to leave the worksheet at their desks and to find their way to the
Development/Teaching Approaches
● After changing locations, tell the students that they will be creating a diagram (anchor
chart) of the many different parts of a plant.
○ Will be going into more detail than the video.
● Then, begin to create the parts of the plant, beginning with the ones previously
discussed in the video (i.e. stem, root, leaf) and then discuss in more detail the other
parts of the plant (i.e. stamen, anther, filament, carpel, stigma, style, ovary, ovule,
○ Also connect the idea of plant growth/development of the different parts of a
plant to the previous lesson on seeds and how seeds are the basis of all of these
different components that go into plants.
● Add post-it notes with the definition/purpose of each part of the plant.
● Similar to the previous lesson on seeds, after you have discussed the different parts of a
plant with the class, remove the post-it notes and have the students volunteer to define
a part of a seed and have the class give a thumbs up or thumbs down to determine
whether a student has provided a correct/incorrect definition.
○ If the student provides the correct answer, provide praise for the student and
those who participated with their feedback and then put the post-it note back on
the anchor chart
○ If the student provides an incorrect answer, ask if any one else would like to
help their peer define the part(s) of the seed and review the different parts and
● Let the students know that this knowledge should be stored in their schemata for later
use, when they begin to learn more about plants and their importance in the
● Then, instruct the students about the next activity they will be engaging in with plants.
● The students will be broken down into small groups of 3-4
● Each small group will be provided with a fully developed plant (each plant will be
different) and the children will have to classify parts of the plant and write down their
observations about the plant itself down.
● After giving students the appropriate amount of time to complete their observation
worksheet, bring the class back to the whole group instruction to discuss the final
activity they will be working on.
● Once the students have settled, give them instructions for the next activity, while
conncecting it to the content/information that they have learned from the lesson thus far
● The students will be creating a flip chart which includes all parts of the plant that have
been previously discussed in class.
● Provide the students with an example of how they should be going about creating their
flip chart.
● The flip chart will provide students the opportunity to have their own visual of the
different parts of a plant and each definition.
● The students will be provided with materials needed to complete the activity
○ i.e. Crayons, Markers, Pencils
● Once the students have completed their flip charts, I will collect them for accuracy, and
make corrections as needed on post-it notes so that students can go back and correct
their work for future reference.
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
● Allow students to share their flip charts with the class if they would like, and review
the parts of the plant one last time.
● Finally, once the students have completed their flipcharts and handed them in, I will
instruct them to complete the exit ticket on their chromebooks.
● The exit ticket questions will consist of two multiple choice questions and two short
answer questions and in one of the short answer questions the students will write about
the final part of the KWL chart which is the ‘learned’ section, and the students will
write new information that they have gathered from the lesson.
● Tell the students that they will be using their new knowledge about parts of a plant
again tomorrow during science because they will be examining plants that they may
find where they live!
● Due to the fact that Student B has an IEP that specifies that she struggles with writing
legibly on paper, I can provide her the opportunity to use her chromebook to engage in
the many different activities that will be completed with a pencil and paper by her other
classmates during the lesson. I will also have her share all of her documents with me in
order to keep track of her learning. I will make sure that Student B is making
corrections to her work as needed.
● KWL Chart
● Projector
● White Board
● Youtube Video (
● Anchor Chart
● Post-It Notes
● Plastic Cup
● Plant
● Seed
● Water
● Labels (for different plants)
● Flip Chart
● Pencil
● Paper
● Markers
● Crayons
● Exit Ticket
● Chromebooks

Reflective Response:

Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Did I do a sufficient job of connecting this lesson to my previous lesson?

Did I provide my students with relatable materials to my lesson topic?

Additional Reflection/Thoughts

Did I provide students with enough activities to understand the different parts of a seed
and their importance?
*Include additional pages for more parts of the plant that were discussed in class
i.e. petal, ovule, stamen, anther, filamaent, carpel, etc.

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