Teaching Staff
The Program is delivered by Faculty from the
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
and is also supported by Faculty from the
School of Economic Sciences and
026 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 027
*All taught courses have a 3-hour weekly load divided between lectures,
The program has been conditionally approved by the Evaluation Committee of Private Universities ( ECPU ) laboratories, invited speeches, case study analysis sessions and other
educational activities.
028 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 029
Description of Courses
MEM501: Quantitative Methods in Engineering MEM509: Master Thesis, ECTS: 26 sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy & atmos-
Management, ECTS: 6 The aims of this Master’s project are to: (a) develop a phere, materials & resources, indoor environmental
The aims of this course are: (a)to provide students systematic approach in novel problem solving situa- quality, innovation and design.
with the methodological understanding of quantitative tions (b) cultivate critical approach in selecting tools
analysis used in engineering management (b) to cre- and techniques to comprehensively cope with indus- MEM516: Applied Data Mining, ECTS: 6
ate an awareness of quantitative analytical tools used trial problems, (c) apply, in a holistic manner, acquired To provide students with a deep understanding of the
in engineering management (c)to use quantitative knowledge in realistic problem solving situations (d) main concepts and techniques of data mining and
analytical tools in engineering management and inter- develop professional approach in preparing, present- their application to engineering problems. The course
pret their findings and (d)to engage students in criti- ing and defending managerial reports. will consist of hands-on experimentation on real life
cally evaluating the tools of quantitative analysis. engineering problems and data to develop critical
MEM510: Production Systems and Automation, thinking on the proper application of data mining tech-
MEM502: Engineering Economics, ECTS: 6 ECTS: 6 niques.
The aim of this module is to provide an understanding The aims of this course are: (a) to present and explain
of the main accounting statements together with the common key elements of production systems. MEM517: Multi-objective decision making in
awareness of basic accounting principles, terminolo- Including how these key elements function and inter- Engineering Management, ECTS: 6
gy and techniques, and a broad understanding of act in an integrated environment. (b)to give an under- In many engineering problems one needs to compute
long-term financial decision-making. An important standing of the automation hardware, software and a solution to a problem with more than one objective.
aspect of the investment decision-making process is procedures and how these can influence the perform- The traditional optimization model in these settings is
financial evaluation including the development and ance of production system. (c) to provide the students not sufficient to accurately depict the problem at
interpretation of criteria for assessing the risk and with a logical framework to identify and analyse partic- hand. Furthermore, realistic engineering problems are
return and the financing of investment costs. ular problems in a production system, and subse- often too complex to generate optimal solutions and
quently to recommend feasible solutions with justifica- systems for obtaining near-optimal solutions in realis-
MEM503: Project Management, ECTS: 6 tions. tic execution times are designed. This course exam-
The aim of this course is to provide a broad under- ines the theory, algorithms and applications behind
standing of the theoretical background and the activi- MEM511: Product Design and Innovation, optimization under such competing objectives. In this
ties necessary in modern production and construction ECTS: 6 course, we explore the concepts of dominated solu-
management projects, together with the awareness of This course aims to improve the ways in which prod- tions, Pareto optimal or "efficient" solutions, as well as
project management principles, software and prac- uct design and innovation managements is managed several approaches to finding such points. We devel-
tices and how they are effectively implemented at an and to generate products and services that exceed op the theory for general nonlinear multi-objective
SME level. the expectations of all stakeholders. On completion of optimization problems. In addition we consider other
this course, participants should be able to: Develop multi-objective type models such as goal program-
MEM504: Supply Chain Management, ECTS: 6 new approaches to managing design and product ming to solve problems with competing objectives.
To provide students with a deep understanding of the development, Improve the management of products
implication of supply chain management in modern and brands, Understand and improve the strategic MEM518: Marketing Issues for Engineers,
production systems as well as theoretical and practi- use of design at a firm levels, Define the components ECTS: 6
cal knowledge on how to improve supply chain per- of product design and development processes and The course aims to introduce the students to the
formance, especially within the context of SME organ- their relationships from concept to customer, Define areas of managing the marketing function for engi-
izations. the design management process and how innovation neers and to provide them with a deep understanding
can be successfully brought to the market place to of the relationship of marketing with daily manage-
MEM505: Management Information Systems, satisfy customers in an effective manner, Undertake a ment operation in a company.
ECTS: 6 methodical approach to the management of product
The aim of the course is to provide students with a development, Distinguish the differences between the MEM 519: Capital Budgeting Under Uncertainty,
deep understanding of different managerial aspects important methods, technologies, latest trends, tools ECTS: 6
of technology-oriented organizations. To achieve this and techniques of product design and development The aim of this module is to provide an understanding
aim, this course will consider several of the transfor- and how they can be effectively utilized. of the methodologies for investment decisions under
mations that have arisen in contemporary organiza- uncertainty. Special emphasis will be placed to learn
tions as a result of the introduction and use of new MEM512: Risk and Operations Analysis, ECTS: 6 how to form scenarios of the evolution of uncertain
information systems. To consider how information The aim of this module is to provide an understanding project variables and how to make optimal decisions
systems have been implicated in these transforma- of the main risks faced by companies and investigate under uncertainty when managerial flexibility exists.
tions, this course will focus on five themes: alternative methods for risk management. In particular, The course will capitalize on the real options
Introduction to MIS, Enterprise systems, Radio this module investigates both financial and engineer- approach. This framework allows for decision making
Frequency Identification systems, E-commerce, ing management risk issues. Main emphasis is given under uncertainty with investment managerial flexibili-
Managing Risks in Systems Design & Implementation. in the measurement of financial risks for different ty to delay, stage investment costs, abandon, expand
types of risk exposures and the calculation of portfolio or contract capacity, as well as various operational
MEM506: Total Quality Management, ECTS: 6 risk. Prominent role is placed on the value at risk (VaR) flexibility options like the option to shut down and
Quality and its management are key aspects of mod- for monitoring and hedging these risks. Regarding restart or switch between different inputs in produc-
ern businesses, and have a great impact on both engineering management a hands-on computer sim- tion. The methods will be applied in actual case stud-
industrial and service sector enterprises. This module ulation practice is provided. Spreadsheet simulation ies in engineering and other related areas.
aims to develop an understanding of the issues using @Risk and system simulation using Arena will
involved and the approaches employed in quality be covered. MEM520: Technology Policy and Innovation
management, and provide an understanding of the Economics, ECTS: 6
techniques of quality improvement. Additionally, this MEM513: Energy Management, ECTS: 6 In recent years, industrial firms have faced new chal-
module aims to develop an understanding and profi- This course reviews the range of energy resources lenges through the intensification of international com-
ciency in the most common quality assurance tech- available to humankind, identifies trends in the uses of petition, the globalization of markets and competitors,
niques. These techniques focus mainly in measure- such resources, examines major problems associated the seemingly ever more rapid pace of technological
ment and inspection ensuring delivery of products with such trends, and discusses the major policies change, and pressures to better link corporate
within certain specifications. and organizations that have evolved to address such research and technology strategies with commercial
problems. Then it turns to the study of energy conser- success. The aim of this course is twofold. The first
MEM507: Strategic Management, ECTS: 6 vation methods and techniques to reduce environ- half of the course will examine how governments and
The aim of this module is to provide an overview and mental pollution problems associated with energy firms are responding to global transformations. There
an understanding of the core challenges of Strategic use. will be a particular focus on management and policy
Management and how these are addressed. Specific experience in the EU with regional technology diffu-
emphasis of the course is small business develop- MEM514: Environmental Management, ECTS: 6 sion and industrial modernization policies focused on
ment and creation. The following topics will be The aim of this module is to provide a broad under- small and medium sized enterprises and their link-
addressed during the course: strategic planning in standing of the theoretical background and the activi- ages to large firms and the external environment. The
small business enterprises, business models relevant ties necessary in environmental management, second half of the course will provide a comprehen-
for this type of firms, strategic management of partic- emphasizing on principles, tools, and motivation to sive and holistic understanding of the phenomenon of
ular types of SMEs, such as family firms, high tech design and implement engineering projects in harmo- innovation. Innovation spans a number of fields within
firms, franchising networks. ny with sustainable development.. the social sciences (such as Management Studies
and Economics to name a few) and is a topic of great
MEM508: Research Methodology, ECTS: 4 MEM515: Sustainable Construction and practical and policy interest. This course offers a com-
The aim of this course is to provide a broad under- Technology, ECTS: 6 prehensive yet accessible introduction to the econom-
standing of the three main sections of a research -pro- The purpose of this course is to understand how new ics of innovation.
ducing a proposal; executing the research; reporting buildings are designed and constructed using green
the results-, to discuss the key issues in research and building strategies. This course emphasizes the tech- MEM521: Human Resource Management,
examine the primary approaches, both qualitative and niques and methods of sustainable construction ECTS: 6
quantitative. The methods adopted for scientific and /development. The importance of a collaborative team The aims of this course are: (a) to provide students
engineering experiments, model building and simula- effort from owner, developers, architects, engineers, with an in-depth understanding of the modern activi-
tions are discussed, as well as those employed for constructors, and consultants will be integrated into ties concerning the management of people. (b) to
research into management, social and economic the course. The influences on the cost and schedule explore the main human resource functions. (c) to
issues. due to a sustainable construction/development proj- examine and apply the different human resource
ect will be analyzed. Topics will include Leadership in methods available.
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification
introduction, performance certification techniques for
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 031
Department of
Electrical Engineering
Komodromos Michael
Themistos Christos
Andronikou Tassos
Komodromos Michael
Associate Professors
Themistos Christos
Assistant Professors
Papadakis Antonis
Christofides Nicolas
Nicolaou Symeon
Polycarpou Alexis
Vrionides Photos
Lab Assistants
Efstathiou Stathis
Loizou Loizos
032 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 033
Objectives: The program aims to provide educational resources so the students will
In order to achieve the goal of the program, the following objectives were be equipped to meet the challenges of the future.
- To provide an excellent education in the principles of analog and digital In order to achieve the goal of the program, the following objectives were
designs, stability of systems, and system identification and developed:
- To prepare students for life-long careers and professional growth in - To provide an excellent knowledge in digital designs including re-con
Control Systems as it applies to the principles of analog and digital figurable computing techniques, design and verification.
designs, stability of systems, and system identification and - To provide an excellent knowledge in computer architecture including
re-configuration. microprocessor architecture, ILP techniques, memory hierarchies and
- To provide students an interactive learning environment to understand parallel processing.
and appreciate the grand nature of the engineering profession, to - To provide an excellent knowledge in computer networking including
develop responsible teamwork, and to promote sensitivity to societal data communications, local and wide area networks, network
issues based on an interactive learning experience. programming and multimedia networking.
- To provide the students with the skill to reinforce theory with hands–on - To provide an interactive learning environment to understand and
experience and applications to design process. appreciate the grand nature of the engineering profession, to develop
- To provide the ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering responsible teamwork, and to promote sensitivity to societal issues
problems and the ability to test and validate their designs. based on an interactive learning experience.
- To provide the capability to develop computer programs to facilitate the - To provide the skill to reinforce theory with hands–on experience and
implementation, and simulation of computational components and applications to design process.
systems. - To provide the ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
- To provide the skills to be able to effectively use the rapidly expanding problems and the ability to test and validate their designs.
base of technical information, and the ability to communicate and also - To provide the skills to be able to effectively use the rapidly expanding
be aware of the effect of economics, and information technologies on base of technical information, and the ability to communicate and also
engineering practice. be aware of the effect of economics, and information technologies on
engineering practice.
Required Courses ECTS Periods
per week Required Courses ECTS Periods Technical Electives
AEEE503 Random Variables and per week ECTS Periods ECTS Periods
Stochastic Processes 7 3 AEEE561 Digital System Design 7 3 per week per week
AEEE541 Modern Control Systems 7 3 AEEE562 Computer Organization and Architecture 7 3 AEEE511 Antennas and Wave Propagation 7 3 AEEE553 Computational Electromagnetics 7 3
AEEE542 Linear Systems Analysis 7 3 AEEE563 Data and Computer Networks 7 3 AEEE512 Modern Optical Communications 7 3 AEEE554 Hybrid Systems 7 3
AEEE543 Digital Control Systems 7 3 AEEE564 Advanced Computer Architecture 7 3 AEEE513 Detection and Estimation Theory 7 3 AEEE555 Estimation Theory 7 3
AEEE544 Optimal Control Systems 7 3 AEEE565 Wireless Computer Networks 7 3 AEEE514 Digital Image Processing 7 3 AEEE556 Optimization Methods and Applications 7 3
AEEE595 Graduate Seminars I 2 - AEEE595 Graduate Seminars I 2 - AEEE515 Information Theory 7 3 AEEE571 Multimedia Networking 7 3
AEEE596 Graduate Seminars II 2 - AEEE596 Graduate Seminars II 2 - AEEE516 Microwave Engineering 7 3 AEEE572 Parallel Computer Architectures 7 3
AEEE597 Research Preparation and Proposal 7 - AEEE597 Research Preparation and Proposal 7 - AEEE531 Computer Methods in Power Systems 7 3 AEEE573 Image and Video Processing 7 3
AEEE598 Graduate Research 13 - AEEE598 Graduate Research 13 - AEEE532 Faulted Power Systems 7 3 AEEE574 Mobile Robotics 7 3
AEEE599 Thesis Writing and Presentation 10 - AEEE599 Thesis Writing and Presentation 10 - AEEE533 Power system Protection 7 3 AEEE575 Embedded Systems 7 3
Technical Elective 1 7 3 Technical Elective 1 7 3 AEEE534 Energy Distribution Systems 7 3 AEEE576 Digital System Verification and Testing 7 3
Technical Elective 2 7 3 Technical Elective 2 7 3 AEEE535 Power System Stability 7 3 AEEE581 Project Management and
Technical Elective 3 7 3 Technical Elective 3 7 3 AEEE551 Non-linear and Adaptive Control 7 3 Business Practices 7 3
TOTAL 90 TOTAL 90 AEEE552 Automation and Robotics 7 3
036 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 037
Description of Courses
EEE501: Advanced Digital Communication Systems I, 7 ECTS AEEE513: Detection and Estimation Theory, 7 ECTS charging resistor and resonance charging switching converters. Study the power AEEE543: Digital Control Systems, 7 ECTS
Basic elements of a digital communication system. Communication channels and Probability concepts. Sets and random variables. Moments. Higher-dimensional electronic devices used in capacitor charging applications, photovoltaic applications Review of z-transform. Definition, properties, solution of difference equations.
their characteristics. Mathematical models. Signal analysis of deterministic and ran- random variables. Expectations and correlations. Distributions. Random process- and in renewable energy sources in general. Introduction to state space representation of digital systems. Properties and design
dom signals. Fourier transforms. Representation of baseband and bandpass sig- es. Correlation functions. Stochastic signals and LTI systems. Ergodicity. of digital controllers. Stability analysis of discrete systems. Controllability, observabil-
nals. Vector space representations. Orthogonal expansions. Random variables and Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. AR, MA and ARMA random processes. Markov AEEE525: Electromagnetic Energy Conversion, 7 ECTS ity and stability via Lyapunov’s second method. Pole placement, full and partial state
random processes. PAM, QAM and PM. Continuous phase FSK and multidimen- chains. Decision theory. Baye’s criterion. Binary hypothesis testing. M-ary hypothe- The course focuses on the performance and design of electrical machines such as feedback controller design. Full and reduced-order observers and dead-beat con-
sional signaling. Power spectral density of digitally modulated signals. Optimum sis testing. Minimax criterion. Parameter estimation. Maximum likelihood estima- generators and motors. The principle of operation, characteristics and construction trol. Introduction to quadratic optimal control and regulator design.
receivers for AWGN. Waveform and vector channel models. Optimal detection. tion. Baye’s estimation. Least square estimation. Cramer-Rao inequality. Best linear details of the various types of electrical machines are examined highlighting the dif-
Maximum likelihood detection. Error probabilities for PSK and QAM. Demodulation unbiased estimator. Filtering. Optimum unrealizable and realizable filters. Discrete ferences between them. Examine modeling considerations. The types of electrical AEEE544: Optimal Control Systems, 7 ECTS
and detection. Noncoherent detection. Detection of signaling schemes with mem- Wiener filters. Kalman filter and prediction. Detection. Correlation receiver. Matched machines examined include induction motors, DC generators and motors and syn- Review of optimization in classical control. Dynamic programming; The optimal con-
ory. Performance analysis for wire line and radio communication systems. filter. ML estimation. MAP estimation. Detection performance. chronous machines. Examine the starting characteristics properties and the dynam- trol law. The routing problem. Optimal control systems Interpolation. Recurrence
Regenerate repeaters and link budget analysis. ic properties of the machines, in conjunction with the stability problem. relation of dynamic programming. The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation.
AEEE514: Digital Image Processing, 7 ECTS Continuous linear regulator problem. The calculus of variations. Piecewise smooth
AEEE502: Advanced Digital Communication Systems II, 7 ECTS Applications of image processing. Formation of digital images. Image sensing, AEEE531: Computer Methods in Power Systems, 7 ECTS extremals. Constrained extremals. The variational approach to optimal control prob-
Information characteristics and measure. Mathematical models of information acquisition, sampling and quantization. Spatial and gray level resolution. Encoding. The subject relates the application of power system knowledge to creating and sim- lems. Pontryagin’s minimum principle. Minimum time and minimum control effort
sources. The lossless source coding theorem. Lossless coding algorithms. Entropy Image enhancement in the spatial domain. Gray level transformations. Histogram ulating systems within PSCAD. Introduction to PSCAD operation and generator problems.
and mutual information. Channel modeling and capacity. Orthogonal signals. processing. Spatial filtering. Smoothing filters. Order statistic filters. Sharpening implementation simulation. Representation of transmission line impedance by circuit
Reliability function. Linear codes. Hamming codes. Maximum length codes. Soft spatial filters. Laplacian. Combination of spatial enhancement methods. Image parameters and implementation of a voltage divider circuit for load voltage calcula- AEEE551: Nonlinear and Adaptive Control, 7 ECTS
decision decoding and hard decision decoding. Performance comparisons. Block enhancement in the frequency domain. Fourier transform and frequency domain tion. Principle of transformer operation overview, application in power systems and Planar dynamical systems. Phase plane techniques. Qualitative behavior near equi-
and bit error probabilities. Cyclic codes. Trellis codes. Trellis and state diagrams. analysis. Two-dimensional DFT and its inverse. Smoothing frequency filters. implementation for transmission purposes. Circuit breaker operation and load varia- librium points. Limit cycles. Poincare-Bendixson theory. Lyapunov stability.
Non-recursive and recursive convolutional codes. Maximum likelihood decoding. Sharpening frequency domain filters. Homomorphic filters. Image restoration. tion. Load impedances, induction motors. SQC100 double cage motor analysis and Definitions. Basic stability theorems of Lyapunov. LaSalle’s Invariance principle and
Viterbi algorithm. Intersymbol interference. Optimum receiver for channels with ISI Modeling of the degradation-restoration process. Types of noise. Mean filters, simulation parameters. Per unit systems and simulation-calculation methods. Load converse theorems. Lyapunov based design. Feedback stabilization. Backstepping,
and AWGN. Optimum maximum-likelihood receiver. Linear equalization. Mean order-statistics filters. Frequency domain filtering. Wiener and least squares filter- flows. Y-bus matrix formulation, Gauss Seidel load flow method used for verification sliding mode control. Real time parameter estimation. Plant parametric models.
square error (MSE) criterion. Performance evaluation. ML detectors. Recursive ing. Image compression. Redundancy. Image compression models. MATLAB exer- of the simulation results of an interconnected system. Simulation of power system. Linear, bilinear. Parameter identifiers and algorithms. SPR-Lyapunov design.
least squares (Kalman) filtering. M-ary orthogonal signals. Orthogonal frequency cises. Stability indicators with infinite and non infinite bus source. Loss of stability. Gradient method, least squares method. Model reference adaptive control. The MIT
division multiplexing (OFDM). Modulation and demodulation. Spectral characteris- rule. MRAS design using Lyapunov Theory. Output feedback. Adaptive pole place-
tics. Model of spread spectrum digital communication system. Error rate perform- AEEE515: Information Theory, 7 ECTS AEEE532: Faulted Power Systems, 7 ECTS ment control. Scalar case and polynomial approach. State-variable approach.
ance. Applications of spread spectrum systems. Entropy, and mutual Information. Chain rules. Jensen’s inequality. Log sum inequal- The course identifies the various types of power system faults, the necessity for Adaptive control of nonlinear systems. Model reference control for nonlinear sys-
ity. Sufficient statistics. Fano’s inequality. Asymptotic equipartition property theo- studying faults and the parameters and characteristics that govern them. tems. Adaptive control of linearizable minimum phase systems).
AEEE503: Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 7 ECTS rem. Data compression. Kraft inequality. Optimal codes. Bounds on the optimal Methodologies readily applicable for analyzing power system faults on transmission
Basic probability concepts. Probability axioms. Random variables. Functions of a code length. Kraft inequality. Huffman codes and optimality. Shannon–Fano–Elias and distribution lines are examined for various possible situations and permutations. AEEE552: Automation and robotics, 7 ECTS
random variable and multiple random variables. Covariance matrix, conditional dis- coding. Channel capacity. Noiseless binary channel. Noisy channel with non-over- Study cases include single-phase and two-phase faults, balanced and unbalanced Robot classification by coordinate system and by control method. Kinematics and
tribution, joint distribution, moments, and joint moment generating function. Mean lapping outputs. Binary symmetric channel. Binary erasure channel. Symmetric three-phase faults and simultaneous faults on same and/or different locations. dynamics. Homogeneous transformation, DH representation, euler transformation
square estimation. Fundamentals of random processes. Definition of random channels. Channel coding theorem. Zero-error codes. Hamming codes. Gaussian matrix. Jacobian matrix transformation. Robot drive systems. Pneumatic, hydraulic
processes, continuous and discrete random processes, stationarity and ergodicity. channel. Band-limited channels. Parallel Gaussian channels. Network information AEEE533: Power System Protection, 7 ECTS and electric. Sensors. Robot arm manipulator programming, Computer model and
Analysis and processing of random signals. Power spectral density, linear system theory. Gaussian multiple-user channels. Gaussian multiple-access channel with m Protection of electrical power systems. Types of protection systems and protection CAD simulation packages for robotics applications. Machine vision, data capture,
response, optimum linear systems and Kalman filtering. Markov chains. Selected users. Gaussian broadcast channel. Gaussian relay channel. Gaussian interference device design (Oil, Air, Vacuum, and SF6). Introduction to protection principles. image display, texture extraction and object recognition. Imaging components.
topics. channel. Uncertainty on Shannon’s reliable data transmission blocks. Operating characteristics of a fuse, rupture time, energy let through, use of fuses for Image representation and picture coding. Existing vision systems. Binary vision and
protection of radial feeders. Unit protection, circulating current, voltage balanced dif- gray-level vision. Scanning methods. Robot control. Open loop, closed loop control,
AEEE504: Wireless Communications and Personal Communications, AEEE516: Microwave Engineering, 7 ECTS ferential scheme, non-unit protection, zones of operation of protection device. servo control robots. Impulse response and step response. PID controllers. Position
7 ECTS Plane waves. Losses in conductors and dielectrics. The distributed circuit represen- Primary and secondary protection and dual/main protection schemes. IDMT operat- and orientation control of the robot.
Overview of wireless communications, History of wireless communications, current tation of transmission lines. Transient response of transmission lines. Phase and ing characteristics, static and digital relays. Relay application for protection of feed-
wireless systems, and the wireless spectrum standards. Path loss and shadowing, group velocity. Dispersion. TEM, TE, TM waves. Parallel- plate transmission line. er circuits. Relay current settings (min, max, chosen), time multiplier setting, protec- AEEE553: Computational Electromagnetics, 7 ECTS
radio wave propagation, transmit and receive signal models, free-space path loss, Dielectric slab waveguide. Coaxial cable. Stripline. Microstrip. Coplanar waveguide. tion of feeder circuits and parallel feeders. Current transformers, operation, satura- Finite difference time domain method (FDTD). The Yee-algorithm, physical source
shadow fading, and channels capacity. Cellular systems and infrastructure-based Series and parallel resonators. The Q-factor. Coupling to resonators. L and PI tion, voltage transformers, errors and tests associated with protection. models, absorbing boundaries and perfectly matched layered media, near-field to
wireless networks, cellular system fundamentals, channel reuse, interference matching networks. Single and double stub matching. RF transformers. Scattering far-field transformations. Modeling of microwave circuits and antennas; Ritz and
reduction techniques, dynamic resource allocation. Digital modulation and detec- matrix. The scalar and vector network analyzer. Power combiners/dividers. The AEEE534: Energy Distribution Systems, 7 ECTS Galerkin methods for formulating variational problems. Maxwell’s equations,
tion, signal space analysis, amplitude and phase modulation, frequency modula- Wilkinson divider. Circulators and isolators. Directional couplers. The 90-degree The power supply system, generation, transmission and distribution. Characteristics Boundary conditions. Wave equation scalar and vector shape functions. 2D finite
tion, pulse shaping, AWGN channels. Equalization, multiuser systems, multiple hybrid. The 180-degree ring hybrid. Coupled lines as a four port. Coupled line after privatization. Operating voltages. Distribution network planning. Objectives, element analysis. 2D shape functions on triangles and numerical integration on 2D
access, frequency -division multiple access (FDMA), TDMA, CDMA, random directional couplers. The lange coupler. Periodic structures. The insertion loss long term planning, reinforcement planning and updating planning. Distribution sys- triangles. Higher-order elements on a 2D triangle. Static & dynamic problems.
access, pure ALOHA, slotted ALOHA. MIMO systems. Emerging mobile and per- method. The Kuroda identities. Stepped impedance filters. Coupled- line filters. tem overhead lines configuration, underground cables construction and configura- Absorbing boundary Conditions. Applications of 3D FEA. Waveguide analysis with
sonal communication systems. Selected topics. tion. Thermal rating, heat input and heat losses. Thermal performance of cables. 3D edge functions. 3D absorbing boundary conditions. Modal analysis.
AEEE521: Power Transmission Lines, 7 ECTS Thermal resistance of single core cable. Underground cable transient thermal per-
AEEE505: Digital Signal Processing, 7 ECTS The course focuses on overhead transmission lines and in particular on the four formance. Types of EG. Problems induced by EG operation. Distribution loads, AEEE554: Hybrid Systems, 7 ECTS
Classification of signals and systems. Sampling. Signal operations. Correlation. parameters affecting their performance and functionality; resistance, inductance, induced problems, load forecasting, domestic, commercial and industrial. Special Review of systems theory. Continuous systems theory. Discrete event systems.
Linearity, shift-invariance and causality. Input output descriptions. Difference equa- capacitance and conductance. The parameters are individually examined highlight- loads. Types of protection systems and protection device design (Oil, Air, Vacuum, Modeling. General formulation, trajectories, languages, special classes. Analysis
tion. Impulse response and convolution. Block diagram representations. Cascaded ing the reasons for their existence, factors causing variability in their magnitudes, and SF6). Protection principles. Arc extension and contact erosion. and abstractions. Stability, reachability, simulation and bisimulation. Verification, tem-
systems. Recursive and non-recursive realizations. The z-transform. Rational z- consequences arising from their existence and the methodology in determining poral logic, model checking, tools and deductive verification. Simulation based
transforms, poles and zeros, causality and stability. Location of poles and zeros their magnitudes. In addition, the types of conductors generally used for the con- AEEE535: Power System Stability, 7 ECTS methods. Barrier certificates, sums of squares. Logic based optimal control. Game
and system behavior. Inverse z-transform. Schur-Cohn stability test. Frequency struction of transmission lines, tower designs and line configuration/formation as The course identifies the problem and stresses the two types of power system sta- theoretic methods, symbolic control. Stochastic hybrid systems. Modeling and veri-
analysis of signals and systems. Fourier Transform. Power density spectrum and well as lightning protection methods are studied. Furthermore, transmission line bility studies of interest; transient and steady state. Stability analysis techniques are fication.
cepstrum. Frequency response. Magnitude and phase. Group delay. Ideal filters. representation for short, medium and long lines is examined in conjunction with examined and applied for small and large system disturbances. The behavior of a
Discrete Fourier Transform. Frequency analysis of signals using the DFT. Linear fil- respective voltage and current modeling and calculations. power system under steady state is examined including components such as lines, AEEE555: Estimation Theory, 7 ECTS
tering based on the DFT. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms and its applica- transformers and generators. Real and reactive power control and voltage and fre- Introduction to stochastic systems and mathematical preliminaries. Probability and
tions. Digital filter design and implementation. Selected topics on the design and AEEE522: Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainability, 7 ECTS quency control are parameters governing power system stability that are discussed random processes. Random vectors. Conditional expectations. Second order
implementation of FIR and IIR digital filters. Fundamental understanding of several renewable energy sources technologies, and analyzed. Furthermore, power system including synchronous generators, exci- processes and calculus in mean square. stochastic differential equations. Markov
such as a) Fuel Cells b) Hydrogen Production c) Wind Energy d) Biomass e) tation systems, turbines and governors are discussed and modeled computationally. processes. Wiener-Levy process. White noise. Ito Integrals and solution of stochas-
AEEE511: Antennas and Wave Propagation, 7 ECTS Photovoltaic f) Wave Energy g) Solar Thermal h) Geothermal Energy and i) Fusion tic differential equations. Continuous time linear stochastic control systems. Analysis
Antenna characteristics: Dimensions, gain (dB), polarization, F/B ratio, VSWR, radi- Energy. Analysis of the economics involved, the physics and basic principles of AEEE541: Modern Control Systems, 7 ECTS of causal LTI systems. LQ control problem. Optimal control of continuous time linear
ation diagrams, input impedance. UHF communications, electromagnetic field, operation, the different techniques used, their advantages and disadvantages, a Review of classical control theory. Mathematical modeling of dynamical control sys- stochastic systems. Stochastic dynamic programming. Kalman-Bucy filter. Optimal
ground and surface waves, direct waves, direct LOS, Fresnel theory, free space comparison of the different technologies, and the expected future evolvement of tems (electrical and mechanical systems). Block diagram, signal-flow graph and prediction and smoothing. The separation principle. Stability analysis of stochastic
loss. RF communications (WLAN, GSM), link budget, Line-of-Sight (LOS) path loss these technologies. Sustainability of the above renewable sources of energies in state space representation. Transient-response analysis of first, second- and higher- differential equations. Stability of deterministic systems.
models, the Fresnel zone, path loss and free space path loss. Antenna gain, fre- terms of cost, duration of existing equipment used, replacement of equipment and order systems. Control actions and response of control systems (PID controllers).
quency considerations, atmospheric, weather and rain attenuation, terrain factors, substitution with new improved technologies, ensuring long term utilization and Frequency domain analysis of feedback control systems (Bode and Nyquist plots). AEEE556: Optimization Methods and Applications, 7 ECTS
multipath loss, Rician and Raleigh fading considerations. Co-channel interference, growth. Stability of control systems. Ruth-Hurwitz and Nyquist stability. State space analysis. Application of the variational methods, Pontryagin maximum principle, Hamilton /
transmission line loss. Radio propagation in a mobile environment, multipath fad- State variables and state-space equations. Linear time-invariant systems. Linear Jacobi / Bellman equation (dynamic programming) for the development of algo-
ing, Hata, Okumura propagation models. Satellite communications propagation. AEEE523: Power System Analysis, 7 ECTS time-invariant state equations, state-transition matrix of linear time-invariant control rithms for the solution of optimum control problems of dynamic systems modeled by
Special topics on wireless communications: RFIDs/sensor networks, UWB/WiMAX Advanced topics on the analysis of electric power systems which includes topics systems. Lyaponov stability analysis and non-linear systems. Experimental plant nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Develop computer algorithms for system
communications. such as load flow studies in power systems using one-line diagrams, per-unit sys- parameter identification and Rigid Body PD & PID control for linear / tortional control optimization. Study and apply the various search techniques, gradient methods
tems, and reactive, real, and apparent power, symmetrical components, short cir- systems. (steepest descent, conjugate gradient methods) and parameter optimization in con-
AEEE512: Modern Optical Communications, 7 ECTS cuit studies on machines and power systems including symmetrical and unsym- trol systems. Optimization with constraints, linear and nonlinear programming.
Optical fiber communication technology. Lightwave technology, optical line trans- metrical faults using zero, positive and negative sequence voltages and current net- AEEE542: Linear Systems Analysis, 7 ECTS Random search techniques. Apply these optimization methods to engineering prob-
mission, fibre optics communication systems. The Optical fiber. Single-mode and works, power system protection including protection devices, and elements of Review of state space concepts and extension of state space model to non-linear lems of optimal control such as minimum time, minimum fuel and minimum energy
multimode fibers, step index, grade Index fibers, refractive index. Snell’s Law, total power system stability. and time-varying systems. Relationship between state variable and tansfer function control systems.
internal reflection, modes and materials, dispersion, losses and bandwidth. description of systems. Stability analysis of linear systems. Use of Lyapunov meth-
Coupling of optical fibers. Couplers, connectors and repeaters. The optical wave- AEEE524: Power Electronics, 7 ECTS ods in feedback design. Controllability and observability for linear systems. Kalman AEEE561: Digital System Design, 7 ECTS
guide. The optical waveguide structures, TE and TM modes, cut-off frequency and Fundamental understanding of the basic concepts of AC-AC single phase and canonical forms. Stabilizability and detectability. Design of linear feedback control Advanced topics in digital systems design. ASIC architectures and design. EDA
optical bends. Optical communication systems. Integrated optical devices, optical three-phase converters, description and analysis of the various types of power systems. State and output feedbacks. Pole assignment using state. observers. tools for ASICs, Semi-custom / full custom ASICs, PLDs and FPGAs. Digital systems
emitters and detectors, laser diodes, optical polarizers. Wavelength division multi- electronic devices used in power factor quality control, familiarity with power elec- Experimental successive loop closure / pole placement design for 2 DOF plants. design. Mealy and Moore machines. ASM Charts. VEM minimization. Minimization
plexing. Bragg gratings and microstructure fibers. tronics circuits used in power supplies such as high voltage DC power supply with and realization of IFL/OFL. State machines using PROMs and multiplexers. PLDs.
038 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 039
Description of Courses
State machines using FPLAs. Timing considerations. Glitch suppression tech- AEEE574: Mobile Robotics, 7 ECTS
niques. Asynchronous input systems. VHDL: Top-down design. Structural design vs Locomotion with legs and wheels. Principles found in nature. Biped walking.
behavioral design. Mixed level modeling. VHDL. Primitives. State system. Signal Walking and rolling. Characterization of locomotion concept. Mobile robots with
queues and delta times. Sequential statements. Concurrent statements. Design for legs. Humanoid robots. Mobile robots with wheels. Wheels types. Characteristics
test in ASIC/VLSI devices. Testing, verification and production. Digital designs for of wheeled robots and vehicles. Mobile robot kinematics, constraints and maneu-
embedded systems. verability. Robot workspace and degrees of freedom. Motion control. Perception.
Sensors, classification, performance and technology overview. Vision, uncertain-
AEEE562: Computer Organization and Architecture, 7 ECTS ties, and fusion. Features, edges, histograms, fingerprints, lines and planes.
Advanced concepts in uniprocessor computer organization. Instruction set architec- Localization and, mapping. Map representations. Markov localization. Kalman filter
ture (ISA). Specifications, classes, registers, memory addressing and addressing and SLAM. Path planning and navigation. Configuration space for a mobile robot.
modes. The MIPS, 80x86, and EPIC ISAs. Performance. Measuring performance Visibility graph, Voronoi diagram, cell decomposition. Potential field path planning.
and metrics. Benchmarks and performance monitoring and tuning tools. Pipelining. Obstacle avoidance. Vector field histogram. The bubble band concept. Basic cur-
Pipeline design issues, hazards and optimizations such as forwarding, loop vature velocity methods. Lane curvature velocity methods. Localization. Position
unrolling, branch prediction, speculative execution, and out-of-order execution. estimation. Mapping. Environment representation.
Memory hierarchy. The memory wall problem. Semiconductor memory optimiza-
tions. Locality and memory hierarchy. Advanced cache memory and cache opti- AEEE575: Embedded Systems, 7 ECTS
mizations cache optimizations such as multilevel caches, software and hardware Topics on microprocessor architecture with emphasis on embedded systems.
prefetching, thread level prefetchers, victim caches. Virtual memory, protection, and Memory interfacing, and I/O Interfacing techniques. I/O synchronization, handshak-
translation. ing, interrupts, and DMA. Analog signal interfacing. Embedded system evolution.
Design metrics, constraints and design optimization challenges. Comparison of
AEEE563: Data and Computer Networks, 7 ECTS embedded system implementation options in terms of performance, cost, power
Advanced topics in data communication networks, and computer networks. consumption and time-to-market. Embedded system specification and modeling.
Introduction to the technologies of computer networking. Congestion and perform- The ARM processor architecture. ARM assembly processor I/O, Serial I/O,
ance issues. Performance requirements and metrics. Traffic management. Self-sim- Busy/wait I/O, interrupts, exceptions, traps, and ARM memory mapped I/O. The
ilar traffic. Congestion, flow and error control. Transport protocols. TCP, UDP, explic- ARM cache, memory management units, and protection units. Program design and
it congestion notification. Quality of service in IP networks. Principles of internet- analysis and optimizations. Hardware accelerators - IP block design for reuse.
working. Queuing disciplines. Differentiated services. Resource reservation.
Multiprotocol label switching. Real-time transport protocol. Network and link layers. AEE576: Digital System Verification and Testing, 7 ECTS
Local area networks protocol architecture. Wide area networks. Data link control. Introduction to verification concepts and guidelines. Verification plan, first time suc-
Network security. Socket network programming. Open research issues and chal- cess. ASIC and FPGA verification. System level verification, board level verification
lenges. and verification strategies. Directed and constrained-random verification. Simple
stimulus, verifying the output. Self-checking Testbenches. Input and output vectors.
AEEE564: Advanced Computer Architecture, 7 ECTS Local data storage. Testbench components. Generator, agent, driver, scoreboard,
Issues raised and tradeoffs in modern high performance processor and computer monitor and checker. Connecting the DUV. Randomization and coverage.
designs. Technology issues. Clock frequency trends, transistor density trends, Randomization in System verilog. Constraint details, coverage types, functional
power scaling and temperature issues, wire scaling, wire fan out and soft errors. coverage strategies. Data sampling. Introduction to testing. Test economics, cost-
Instruction level parallelism. Pipelining, superscalar, superpilelined and VLIW/EPIC benefit analysis, economics of testable design. Fault modeling. Defects, errors and
architectures and OOO execution. Thread level parallelism. Latency and latency tol- faults. Single stuck at faults. Fault collapsing. Design for testability and Built-In-Self-
erance. Multithreading, implicit/explicit multithreading, blocking/non-blocking multi- Test (BIST). Scan methods. BIST using LFSRs.
threading, and thread switching mechanisms. Simultaneous multithreading, hyper-
threading. Subordinate multithreading SSMT/Helper threads. Chip multiprocessors AEEE581: Project Management and Business Practices, 7 ECTS
and tiled architectures and multi-core processors. The aim of this course is to provide a broad understanding of the theoretical back-
ground and the activities necessary in the modern management of electrical engi-
AEEE565: Wireless Computer Networks, 7 ECTS neering projects. This is coupled together with the awareness of project manage-
Applications of wireless/mobile communications. Wireless transmission tech- ment principles, software and general business practices and how they are effec-
niques. Frequencies and regulations, signals, antennas, signal propagation, signal tively implemented at the SME level.
important quantities, multiplexing, spread spectrum, cellular systems. Medium
access control techniques: SDMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Principles of cellular net- AEEE595: Graduate Seminars I, 7 ECTS
works. Cellular network organization, operation of cellular systems, handover, The main objective of the course is to promote a graduate/research culture among
power control, traffic engineering. Basic concepts of wireless and mobile networks, the graduate students. Students are required to attend a number of research or sci-
including the system and protocol architecture of Wireless LAN (infrastructure and entific events such as seminars, talks and conferences. To satisfy these require-
ad-hoc, IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth), IEEE 802.15, Broadband networks (WiMAX) and ments, the student must attend at least six talks or its equivalent. For the purpose
telecommunications systems (GSM, GPRS, UMTS). Mobile network- and transport- of this course, one-day seminars count as two talks, while conferences count as
layer characteristics. Open research issues and challenges. two talks per day. Students may attend scientific talks in the context of their special-
ization, organized either by the department, or by other institutions or universities.
AEEE571: Multimedia Networking, 7 ECTS Students are expected to submit a logbook identifying each event with an extend-
Introduction to the concepts, principles, protocols and systems of networked mul- ed abstract outlining the content of the event. Furthermore, they must submit a for-
timedia. Concepts of multimedia. User requirements of multimedia applications. mal report on one of the events attended, with a detail description and a critical
Multimedia information representation, Digitization principles. Audio and video evaluation of the work presented.
compression principles and standards. Multimedia over the network. Protocols:
RTP/RTCP, SIP, SDP. Audio and video streaming protocol (RTSP). Multimedia com- AEEE596: Graduate Seminars II, 7 ECTS
munications in wireless/mobile networks. Issues/challenges raised for multimedia The course follows the format of AEEE595.
over wireless IP networks. Content distribution networks. Providing multiple classes
of service and quality of service guarantees. Entertainment networks. Open AEEE597: Research Preparation and Proposal, 7 ECTS
research issues and challenges. The course is research oriented work at the forefront of knowledge within the spe-
cialization of the student and constitutes the first part of the Masters Thesis. At the
AEEE572: Parallel Computer Architectures, 7 ECTS beginning of the course, students must consult with the academic staff and decide
Advanced topics in parallel computer architectures and processing. Introduction to on the topic of their Masters Thesis. After deciding on the topic of the Master
parallel processing. Historic evolution and motivation for parallel processing, paral- Thesis, the program coordinator, in consultation with the student and other mem-
lel computer models and classification. Performance metrics. Workloads and bers of the Department, forms an Assessment Committee. By the end of the
benchmarks. Interconnection networks. Communication performance, interconnec- course, the student must submit and present a proposal for his or her Masters
tion organization, links, switches and interconnection topologies. High speed LANs. Thesis. In this proposal, the student is expected to propose the topic of his or her
Shared memory multiprocessors. The cache coherence problem, memory consis- project, providing the detailed objectives and expected contributions of his or her
tency and replication, synchronization mechanisms and barriers. Latency. Sources work, give a complete literature review of the current state of the knowledge on the
of latency and latency tolerance. Parallel programming. Message passing program- issues related to the proposal, and suggest a methodology and planning for the
ming using MPI, and shared memory programming using Open MP. implementation of the Thesis. The proposal report must also include any parts of
the methodology completed.
AEEE573: Image and Video Processing, 7 ECTS
Introduction to digital image processing. Types of images, imaging geometry, imag- AEEE598: Graduate Research, 13 ECTS
ing devices, image acquisition and image representation. Image histogram and A student registered in this course is expected to perform research work to imple-
point operations. Histogram of an image, linear point operations. Nonlinear point ment the objectives of the Thesis, using the methodology proposed in AEEE597.
operations, histogram shaping and matching, algebraic image operations, geomet-
ric image operations. Discrete Fourier Transform.0 Sinusoidal image Discrete AEEE599: Thesis Writing and Presentation, 10 ECTS
Fourier Transform. Linear gray scale image filtering. Non-linear gray scale image fil- After conducting the research work, students are expected to deliver a detailed
tering, image noise and modeling. Image compression. Binary image creation, log- project report that describes their research work and also present their project out-
ical operations on images. Algorithms for Blob coloring, binary morphology, binary comes to their Assessment Committee, as well as defend their work during an oral
image compression. Image and video analysis. Image quality assessment, noise presentation. This course is graded in conjunction with the Graduate Research
models, image and video segmentation. Video acquisition and analysis. Video (AEEE598).
acquisition techniques, motion estimation using general methodologies or specif-
ic like block matching algorithms or meshed based motion estimation.
040 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 041
Electrical Engineering
4 Years, Bachelor of Science, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS
General Aim: The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits and
The Program of Study BSc in Electrical Engineering is designed to enable students to make immediate contribution to industry and take responsi- comprises of required courses, technical electives, free electives
bility for development, design, construction, application and operation of electrical systems. and general electives.
ECTS Technical Electives
The objectives of the program are: Required Courses 201 Students are required to take 6 Technical Electives (Total 30 ECTS).
(a) To provide an understanding of scientific concepts and engineering laws and develop abilities to interpret and evaluate engineering problems. Technical Electives 30 ECTS Hours
(b) To provide a broad based education in electrical and electronic engineering together with the relevant mathematics and support subjects. General Electives 4 AEEE419 Digital Image Processing 5 3
(c) To reinforce understanding of theory through laboratory application of electrical, electronic and digital circuits, transmission lines and commu- Free Electives 5 AEEE423 RF Engineering 5 3
nication electronics, electric machines and transformers, three phase distribution techniques, robotic systems and microprocessors. TOTAL 240 AEEE425 Antennas and Radars 5 3
(d) To provide the necessary knowledge to students enabling them to carry out consultation services. AEEE426 Antennas Laboratory 5 3*
(e) To furnish students with knowledge on specialized subjects based on their area of interest. Required Courses ECTS Hours AEEE431 Modern Control System Analysis 5 3
(f) To prepare students to continue their education through graduate work. AMAT181 Linear Algebra with MATLAB 5 3 AEEE432 Dynamic Control Systems Laboratory 5 3*
AMAT111 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 3 AEEE433 Discrete Control Systems 5 3
Laboratories AMAT122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 5 3 AEEE434 Introduction to Optimization Methods
Several courses are accompanied with laboratory experimentation and instrumentation. All laboratories are fully equipped with state of the art edu- AMAT204 Differential Equations 5 3 and Applications 5 3
cational and other equipment to fulfill the objectives of the Program. AMAT223 Calculus III 5 3 AEEE439 Digital Integrated Circuits II 5 3
AMAT300 Probability and Statistics 5 3 AEEE444 Wireless Communications 5 3
There are four laboratories available to all Electrical Engineering students: AMAT314 Numerical Methods 5 3 AEEE450 IEE Wiring Regulations Part I 5 3
- Analog and Digital Systems Laboratory ACHM112 General Chemistry 5 3 AEEE451 IEE Wiring Regulations Part II 5 3
- Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory APHY111 Mechanics, Heat and Waves with Lab 5 3 AEEE452 Electrical Installation Design and Applications 5 3
- Power and Control Systems Laboratory APHY112 Electromagnetism and Optics with Lab. 5 3 AEEE453 Advanced Electric Power System Analysis 5 3
- Computer Engineering Laboratory AEEE161 Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering 3 2 AEEE454 Basic Power System Protection 5 3
AEEE162 Engineering Economics 3 2 AEEE455 Power System Control and Stability 5 3
(a) Analog and Digital Systems Laboratory AEEE170 Freshman Electrical Engineering 5 2+1* AEEE456 Power Electronics 5 3
The laboratory is used by students to carry out experiments related to dc and ac circuits, electronics and digital circuits. AEEE191 Digital Circuits I 6 3+1* AEEE457 Renewable Energy Sources 5 3
AEEE192 Digital Circuits II 6 3+1* AEEE493 Fiber Optic Communications 5 3
(b) Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory AEEE195 Programming Principles 5 1+2* ACES103 Statics 5 3
The laboratory is equipped with analog and digital communication units for experimentation and instrumentation supported by relevant software. AEEE222 Circuit Analysis I 6 3+1* ACOE243 Computer Interfacing 5 3
Students carry out experiments related to analog and digital communication courses. AEEE223 Circuit Analysis II 6 3+1* ACOE312 Data Communications and
AEEE225 Instrumentation and Measurements 5 3+1* Computer Networks 5 3
(c) Power and Control Systems Laboratory AEEE238 Electronics I 6 3+1* ACOE322 Local and Metropolitan Area Networks 5 3
In this laboratory students carry out experiments related to electric machines, three phase distribution techniques, transformers and control sys- AEEE239 Electronics II 6 3+1* ACOE347 Data Acquisition and Automation Systems 5 3
tems. AEEE294 Computer Architecture 5 3
AEEE295 Microprocessor Architecture 6 3+1* Free Electives
(d) Computer Engineering Laboratory AEEE299 Technical Report Writing 3 2 Free Elective is a course offered by other Departments of the University for
Students use this laboratory to carry out experiments on digital systems, microprocessors, interfacing, microcontrollers, automations and PLC. In AEEE310 Signals Systems and Transforms 5 3 which a student is qualified to register.
this laboratory, students can also use a variety of computer programs related to electrical and computer engineering subjects. AEEE312 Introduction to Electromagnetics 5 3
AEEE313 Transmission Lines and Waves 6 3+1* General Electives
Students of the Department also have access to the University’s general purpose computer laboratories. These laboratories, with a total of 140 AEEE321 Communication Systems I 7 3+2* Students should choose one course from group A and one course
workstations, offer a wide variety of software including office applications, programming environments and mathematical packages. The laborato- AEEE345 Control Engineering 6 3+1* from group B.
ries provide high-speed Internet access and printing facilities and are accessible 08:00 to 21:00 daily. AEEE350 Introduction to Power Systems 5 3 ECTS Hours
AEEE351 Power System Analysis 5 3 Group A - Cyprus Studies
Professional Eligibility AEEE352 Electrical Machines 6 3+1* AECH111 Cyprus in the 20th Century 2 2
The Program graduates are eligible to register to the Technical Chamber of Cyprus. AEEE396 Embedded Systems 5 3 AECH101 Introduction to the History of Cyprus 2 2
AEEE414 Automation and Robotics 5 3
AEEE422 Communication Systems II 7 3+2* Group B - Greek Language and Literature
AEEE424 Digital Signal Processing 5 3 AEGL111 Modern Greek Literature 2 2
AEEE438 Digital Integrated Circuits I 5 3 AEGL101 Introduction to Greek Language 2 2
AEEE498 Introduction to Senior Project 1 -
AEEE499 Senior Project 7 - *Laboratory Hours
042 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 043
Description of Courses
ACHM112: General Chemistry, 5 ECTS algorithmic thought, by examining written programs type filter according to the specifications. Design, sim- AEEE321: Communication Systems I, 7 ECTS tem, real-time input and output applications with the arrays, array factor, mutual and self impedance, end-
Chemical conservation laws and states of matter. and identifying their function and underlying algorith- ulation and assembly of higher order active filters, Information, analog and digital information sources. DSK, architecture and ISA of the C64x processor. fire and frontal arrays. Radar systems. Active and pas-
Acid-base and oxidation reduction theory. Introduction mic logic. Develop the ability to express elementary oscillators and timers. Laboratory instrumentation and Deterministic and random signals. Channels. Basic Fixed-point considerations. The theoretical work is sive systems. Range, target velocity, incident power
to chemical thermodynamics and chemical equilibri- algorithms in the syntax of an imperative program- experimentation. communication system. Frequency allocation. Average accompanied with laboratory work on single board density. Range equation, radar system description and
um, electrochemistry kinetics. Atomic and molecular ming language (C), choosing the appropriate data power, rms value, Decibel. Signal to Noise ratio. systems using microcontrollers and DSPs. Laboratory frequency bands.
structure, period table, descriptive inorganic chem- types and applying the correct operations and form- AEEE294: Computer Architecture, 5 ECTS Spectrum. Overview of filters and amplifiers. Mixer, instrumentation and experimentation.
istry, introduction to organic chemistry including poly- ing the necessary statements. Analysis of simple Introduction to computer architecture and organiza- PLL, envelope detector, product detector. Amplitude AEEE426: Antennas Laboratory, 5 ECTS
mer and biochemistry, and photochemistry. problems and algorithms and formulation to program- tion. Von-Neuman architecture, hardware level of a Modulation. Double-sideband AM, SSB-AM, DSB-SC- AEEE414: Automation and Robotics, 5 ECTS Prerequisites: AEEE425 or concurrent enrolment
matically solve them. Corresponding programs are computer. Instruction set architectures, relation of AM. Modulation index and efficiency, carrier frequency, Overview of matrix transformation techniques and the Laboratory instrumentation and experimentation on
AEEE161: Ethics and Professionalism in formulated using selective, iterative and sequential hardware with software. Flow of information at the reg- side-frequencies, spectrum and spectrum plots. Over- concepts related to the building and programming of radiation pattern of a Ï/2 dipole at 1 GHz, gain of
Engineering, 3 ECTS statements. ister level. CPU design: register files, ALU, buses, sin- modulation and distortion. Multi-tone modulation. the industrial robot arm. Focus on the understanding of pyramidal horn antennas, experiments with Ï/2, Ï, and
Introduction and overview (definition of “engineering gle cycle and multicycle datapaths,. Sequencing and Power of AM signals. Generation and demodulation of the kinematics and dynamics of a robot arm manipula- 3Ï/2 dipoles, half-wave folded dipole antennas, mono-
ethics” and presentation of three scenarios concern- AEEE222: Circuit Analysis I, 6 ECTS control, hardwired and microprogrammed control. AM. Costas Loop. Super-heterodyne receiver. Phase tor, classification of the robot drives and sensors and pole antennas, loop antennas, parasitic array (yagi-
ing “ethical issues”). Introduction to engineering code Current, voltage, resistance dc power and their units. Pipelining, data, control and structural hazards, mem- modulation. Phase deviation, modulation index, spec- explanation of the operation of the various sensors and uda) antennas and rectangular patch antenna
of ethics, Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber Voltage and current sources. Ohms Law. Series and ory hierarchies, caches and virtual memory. I/O organ- trum and bandwidth. Frequency Modulation. Noise fig- actuators together with various control techniques (microstrip technology).
(ETEK) Code of Ethics, NSPE Code of Ethics and parallel combinations of resistors. Kirchhoff’s voltage ization, peripheral devices, I/O interfacing, interrupts, ure and link budget analysis. Laboratory instrumenta- used in industrial robots. Topics covered also include
IEEE Code of Ethics. Use of cases as a tool for the and current laws. Voltage and current divider rules. and DMA. tion and experimentation. the application of coordinate matrix transformation, AEEE431: Modern Control System Analysis,
teaching of engineering ethics. Professional responsi- Circuit analysis methods. Mesh analysis, Node link-joint parameters and Lagrange Polynomial theory 5 ECTS
bility and trust. Conception and philosophical issues. Voltage method, and source transformations. AEEE295: Microprocessor Architecture, 6 ECTS AEEE345: Control Engineering, 6 ECTS to estimate the kinematics and dynamics of a robot State space models of dynamic control systems:
Definition of a “Professional” Engineer. Responsibili- Thevenin’s and Norton's theorems, maximum power Introduction to microprocessor design and program- Introduction to the fundamental concepts of control arm manipulator. Robot drivers, sensors, controllers Review of matrix algebra, eigenvalues and eigenvec-
ties of engineers as employees and managers. transfer, superposition theorem. Introduction to the ming. Overview of microprocessor families. Basic engineering systems. Class sessions focus on theory and the integration of the robot arm manipulator in tors. State variables. State-space equations.
concept of impedance. Simple R-L, R-C, and RLC cir- hardware characteristics of the 80x86 microproces- and practice in relation to the mathematical model, industrial automation systems are also appraised. Linearization of non-linear systems. State space real-
AEEE162: Engineering Economics, 3 ECTS cuits. Laboratory instrumentation and experimenta- sors. Memory interfacing: semiconductor memory block diagram representation, open- and closed-loop ization of transfer functions. Canonical forms.
Introduction to engineering economic decisions. tion. devices, address decoding and memory bus, bus transfer function, static and transient response, applied AEEE419: Digital Image Processing, 5 ECTS Transformation of system models. Linear time-invariant
Types of strategic engineering economic decisions: contention, memory timing analysis and synchroniza- control actions and stability criteria of basic electrical, Light. Visual phenomena. Applications of image pro- systems: Solution of linear time-invariant state equa-
equipment and process selection, equipment replace- AEEE223: Circuit Analysis II, 6 ECTS tion. Input/Output interfacing: Isolated and memory mechanical and hydraulic control systems. Topics cov- cessing. Sampling, digitizers and resolution. Image tions. State-transition matrix. Cayley-Hamilton theo-
ment, new product introduction and existing product Two Port Networks. RC and RL Circuits. Laplace mapped I/O, interfacing with two state devices, I/O ered include review of Laplace Transform theory, analy- enhancement: Gray scale modification. High pass and rem. Controllability and observability. Liapunov stabili-
expansion, cost reduction, service improvement. Time Transform. Circuit elements in the s-domain. Circuit synchronization using interrupts. Analog interfacing: sis of the gain, natural/ damped frequency, damping low pass filtering of image signals, homomorphic pro- ty. Feedback controller design and optimal control:
value of money: interest, economic equivalence, inter- analysis in the s-domain. Applications. The transfer Digital to analog and analog to digital converters. ratio and the action of PID controllers in the closed- cessing, noise reduction and smoothing. Edge detec- Pole placement with state feedback. State observers.
est formulas for single cash flows. Evaluating busi- function and partial fraction expansions. Impulse Interfacing with programmable devices such as PIO, loop transfer function of a control system, the judg- tion techniques and image interpolation. Image Optimal control design. Linear Quadratic Regulator
ness and engineering assets: present worth analysis. response. System analysis of RLC Circuits. Sinusoidal PIT, PIC, DMAC, and USART. Laboratory instrumenta- ment of the stability of a closed-loop control system restoration. Reduction of noise, Wiener filtering. (LQR) design.
Annual worth analysis. Make or buy decisions, break- steady state analysis. Phasors and phasor domain tion and experimentation. from the Routh-Hurwitch and Nyquist Criteria and the Reduction of image blurring, inverse filtering and blind
even point. Rate of return analysis. Internal rate of analysis. Frequency response. Steady state response Root Locus approach, supported by MATLAB-based deconvolution. Reduction of signal dependent noise AEEE432: Dynamic Control Systems Laboratory,
return criterion. Depreciation. Factors inherent to asset analysis of circuits. Series and parallel resonance. AEEE299: Technical Report Writing, 3 ECTS CAD based simulation. Laboratory instrumentation and and frame averaging. Image coding and compression. 5 ECTS
depreciation. Book depreciation methods. Project Quality factor, resonance frequency and bandwidth. This course Illustrates the ability to use various infor- experimentation. Codeword assignment and Huffman coding. Study the characteristics of dynamic control systems
cash flow analysis. Classification of costs. Incremental Amplitude plots. Relation to passive filtering. mation searching techniques (Internet searching, such as electromechanical plants. Use data acquisi-
cash flows. Project cash flow statements. Laboratory instrumentation and experimentation. library investigation, use of books and periodicals, AEEE350: Introduction to Power Systems, 5 ECTS AEEE422: Communication Systems II, 6 ECTS tion tools in the characterisation of control systems.
etc), to accumulate, evaluate and synthesize different Introduction to the generation of electricity, transmis- Introduction to digital communications. Applications. Investigate the effect of basic control actions on the
AEEE170: Freshman Electrical Engineering, AEEE225: Instrumentation and Measurements, sets of data obtained from multiple sources of infor- sion and distribution. Principles of operation of a gen- Conversion of analog signals to digital signals. Nyquist performance of dynamic systems. Study non-ideal
5 ECTS 5 ECTS mation and correctly reference them in reports. The erator. Transmission system considerations: theorem. Uniform and non-uniform quantization. behaviours that affect many control applications. Use
Historical review of Electrical Engineering and main Principles of instrumentation and measurements. purpose and importance of the different sections of a Transmission line cable parameters, series imped- Quantization error. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM). the following laboratory apparatus: Tortional Control
milestones. Major specialization areas in Electrical Error in measurements. Measurement standards and report are recognized and the ability to design the ance, ideal transformer operation and basic magnetic Encoding. Baseband transmission. Baseband line System Plant; Rectilinear Control System Plant;
Engineering. Basic electrical components and calibration. Introduction to DC meters, d’Arsonval structure and compose the contents of technical principles. Distribution system considerations: Types of codes. Unipolar, Polar, RZ, NRZ, Bipolar, Manchester. Industrial Emulator / Servo Trainer Plant; Magnetic
devices. Units. Description of the main measurement meter movement, DC Ammeter/ Voltmeter/ reports, to be aesthetically coherent and pleasant, loads, static and dynamic loads. Introduction to the Rates. Bandwidth. Signal to Noise ratio. Power Levitation Apparatus and the Inverted Pendulum
equipment. Project based examples from electrical Ohmmeter. Introduction to ac meters, d’ Arsonval employing appropriate software applications to sup- general characteristics of motor loads. Power in 3- Spectral Density of line codes. Differential coding. Accessory.
engineering. Systematic thinking process for engi- meter movement, half-wave and full-wave rectification, port them and using graphical elements if necessary, phase ac systems: Definition and calculations of Multilevel signaling and baud rate. Effects of Noise and
neering problem solving. Group problem solving. ac Ammeter/ Voltmeter/ Ohmmeter. Loading effects. is demonstrated. active, reactive and apparent power. Calculation of eye patterns. Intersymbol interference. Regenerate AEEE433: Discrete Control Systems, 5 ECTS
Mathematical, conceptual and computer based proj- Introduction to oscilloscope, architecture and control power with circuit analysis. Mathematical analysis of repeaters and bit synchonization. Delta modulation. Introduction to discrete-time control systems and digi-
ects. Solving engineering problems and presenting functions. Introduction to signal generators, architec- AEEE310: Signals Systems and Transforms, radial and mesh power networks. D-Y transformations. Bandpass Communications, bandpass modulation tal control systems. Quantization and data acquisition.
solutions through technical reports in the form of text ture and control functions. Definition of a transducer 5 ECTS and demodulation schemes, ASK, BPSK, DPSK, FSK. The z-transform, definition and properties. Solution of
and graphs and possible oral presentations. Learn to and selection of transducers. Basic electrical trans- Classification of signals, average and rms value, AEEE351: Power System Analysis, 5 ECTS Generation and detection. Multiuser communications. difference equations. z-plane analysis: Impulse sam-
use tools and methods for solving electrical engineer- ducers. Resistive Position Transducers, capacitive instantaneous and average power, amplitude and Per unit analysis. Calculation of parameters and poten- Multiplexing. Synchronization. Laboratory instrumenta- pling and data hold. Convolution. Integral method.
ing problems. Use of electrical and electronic circuit transducers, inductive transducers, LVDT, thermocou- time scaling, unit step, impulse, sinusoidal, exponen- tial difference for any section of a radial system. tion and experimentation. Reconstruction from sampled data. Digital controllers
simulation packages to design and simulate basic ple, thermistor and RTD (Resistance Temperature tial, complex exponential. LTI systems. Causality. Introduction of symmetrical component theory for and digital filters. State-space analysis: State-space
electrical circuits. Detectors). Magnetic level gauges, capacitance trans- Convolution. Graphical interpretation. Impulse three phase system analysis. The A-operator matrix. AEEE423: RF Engineering, 5 ECTS representation. Solution of the discrete-time state
mitters, ultrasonic level transmitters. Radar level trans- response. Fourier series. Frequency spectra. Laplace Delta connected loads and star connected loads and S parameters, series and parallel connection of net- space equations. Stability analysis. Design of discrete
AEEE191: Digital Circuits I, 6 ECTS mitters. Introduction to signal conditioning, bridge cir- Transform. Transfer function, poles and zeros, stabili- the mathematical expressions for their representation. works. Chain scattering matrix. ABCD network repre- time control systems: Controllability and observability.
Introduction to digital concepts. Number systems, cuits, amplifiers, protection and filters. Laboratory ty. Fourier Transform. Frequency spectra. Analog fil- Power factor effects on electricity consumption and sentations. Conversion between Z and S matrices. Canonical forms of state-space equations. Design via
data and number representation. Floating point num- instrumentation and experimentation. ters. Specification of filters. Magnitude and phase various methods for improving and controlling the Noise and distortion: multistage noisy circuits, noise pole placement.
ber representation. Combinational logic circuits. Logic functions. Group delay. power factor of a load. Types of protection systems temperature. Matching networks: two component
gates, truth tables, timing diagrams, Boolean algebra AEEE238: Electronics I, 6 ECTS and protection devices. Protection principles. matching network, quality factor, T and Pi matching AEEE434: Introduction to Optimization Methods
and combinational logic minimization. Karnaugh Introduction to the fundamental concepts of semicon- AEEE312: Introduction to Electromagnetics, networks. Filters: Butterworth, Chebyshev, microstrip and Applications, 5 ECTS
maps. Combinational circuit design. Do not care con- ductor theory and qualitative explanation of the oper- 5 ECTS AEEE352: Electrical Machines, 6 ECTS filters, coupled filters PAs/LNAs: Stability considera- This course is an introduction to optimization theory,
ditions. Basic combinational circuits. Decoders, ation of the p-n junction, the bipolar junction transistor Introduction to vector calculus, integration and deriva- Description, theory and analysis of steady-state per- tions, stability circles, constant gain, noise figure cir- both constrained and unconstrained. Both single and
adders, flip-flops and latches. Laboratory instrumen- (BJT) and the field-effect transistor (FET). Thorough tion of vector multi-variable functions, divergence the- formance of various types of electrical machines. cles. Mixers, oscillators: feedback oscillator, negative multi variable cases are covered. Some hours are
tation and experimentation. study of the basic properties, operating modes and orem, gradient’s theorem. Electrostatics: Maxwell’s Transformers. Induction motors. Synchronous resistance oscillator. Transceiver architectures, receiver reserved for gradient free optimization techniques in
biasing configurations of the BJT and the FET. Topics equations, charge and current distributions, machines and dc machines. Equivalent circuits and architectures. Heterodyne receivers. Homodyne the form of genetic algorithms. It includes unimodal
AEEE192: Digital Circuits II, 6 ECTS covered include the analysis of the common-emitter Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law. Magnetostatics: mag- vector diagrams are derived and used as the primary receivers. Transmitter architectures. Direct conversion search, unconstrained optimization with respect to a
Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, flip-flop and common-source configurations of the BJT and netic forces and torques, Biot-Savart law. Maxwell’s tools for analysis. The laboratory part of the course transmitters, two-step transmitters. single variable, optimization with respect to a multiple
triggering, state diagrams and equations, excitation the FET, respectively. Design and laboratory exercises equations, Faraday’s law, Ampere’s law, stationary supports the theoretical course on electrical machines. variables, constrained optimization, calculus of varia-
tables, state reduction and assignment. Design of cir- are performed to deduce theoretically and experimen- loop in a time-varying magnetic field, displacement Students are given practical experience with measure- AEEE424: Digital Signal Processing, 5 ECTS tions, principles of optimality and dynamic program-
cuits such as synchronous counters, sequence detec- tally and verify, through CAD simulation, the input-out- current, plane-wave propagation, waves and phasors. ment instruments and their applications. Discrete time signals. Sampling theorem. Discrete- ming, maximum principle, Kuhn-Tucker conditions of
tors and parity generators. Algorithmic state put characteristics under DC and AC conditions and Time-harmonic fields. Characteristics of transformers, induction motors, load time LTI systems. Input-Output description. Block dia- optimality. This course covers classical direct search-
machines. ASM charts and timing considerations. to select the optimum components values for the connection arrangements, dc and ac machines are gram representation of DT LTI systems. Impulse for-optimum methods, such as Golden Mean,
Control implementation using decoders, multiplexers design of transistor amplifiers. Laboratory instrumen- AEEE313: Transmission Lines and Waves, studied within the framework of 8 separate experi- response. Convolution sum. z-transform. Inverse z- Conjugate Gradients, Modified Newton Method, meth-
and PLAs. Asynchronous sequential circuits. Analysis tation and experimentation. 6 ECTS ments. Students setup the experiments themselves, transform and partial fraction expansion. Poles and ods for constrained optimization, including Linear and
of asynchronous circuits, transition tables, flow tables. Introduction to waves. Electric and magnetic fields. choose the appropriate instruments for the measure- Zeros. Unit circle. Stability and causality. Fourier Quadratic Programming, and others. It also briefly
Design procedure of asynchronous circuits. Hardware AEEE239: Electronics II, 6 ECTS Traveling waves. Transmission lines. Frequency and ments, understand the overall aims and decide on the Transform and frequency domain analysis of LTI sys- reviews genetic algorithms that mimic evolution and
description languages (VHDL). Levels of description. Identification of the basic characteristics of opera- wavelength. Propagation modes. Modeling of trans- necessary measurements/results needed to meet the tems. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast stochastic algorithms that account for uncertainties of
Behavioral, register transfer, and gate level. Signals, tional amplifiers (op-amps) in open-and closed-loop mission lines. Line parameters. Lossless and lossy objectives of the experiments. Laboratory instrumenta- Fourier Transform (FFT). FIR vs IIR digital filters. Linear mathematical models. The course work includes sev-
variables, processes and control structures. configurations and the application of the negative lines. Reflection. Standing waves. VSWR. Input tion and experimentation. phase FIR filters. eral homework assignments that ask to implement the
Simulation and examples using VHDL. Development feedback principle for performing basic mathematical Impedance. Smith chart analysis of transmission studied methods.
on FPGAs using VHDL, of digital circuits ranging from operations. Theoretical and experimental study of the lines. Line stubs, matching and quarter wave trans- AEEE396: Embedded Systems, 5 ECTS AEEE425: Antennas and Radars, 5 ECTS
simple sequential circuits to a simple microprocessor. frequency response of op-amps in open- and closed- formers. Basic principles of waveguides. Applications. Introduction to the design of real-time embedded Fundamentals of antennas. Radiation and radiation AEEE438: Digital Integrated Circuits I, 5 ECTS
Laboratory instrumentation and experimentation. loop configurations and the relation of the response Propagation modes and governing equations. Cutoff processor systems, including microcontrollers and patterns. Lobes, beamwidth. Radiation resistance. This course examines analogue integrated circuits and
characteristics to the design of first and second order frequency and wavelength. Laboratory instrumenta- digital signal processors. Hardware description and Effective aperture. Radiation efficiency. Directivity. systems in CMOS and Bipolar technologies and out-
AEEE195: Programming Principles, 5 ECTS (low, high and band-pass) active filters. Other topics tion and experimentation. software development using embedded C/C++ and Transmission loss. Resonant and nonresonant anten- lines the fundamentals of VLSI design fabrication tech-
This course introduces the goals, capabilities and covered include the design of higher order active fil- assembly programming for the 8051-based and the nas. Isotropic antenna. Gain. Hertzian Dipole. Friis niques. Students are engaged in understanding how
benefits of structured programming and the basis of ters by the selection of the appropriate Sallen-Key MSC121x microcontrollers. The DSP development sys- equation. Dipoles, loop and patch antennas. Antenna digital systems are implemented using real devices
044 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 045
Description of Courses
with their limitations. Topics covered include: the rical fault, transients on a transmission line, bus the use of integrated optical devices, such as, LED’s,
application of Bipolar and CMOS technology princi- impedance and the matrix method for the analysis of optical sensors, optical polarisers, Couplers,
ples to estimate the basic characteristics, such as, unsymmetrical fault. The 'a' operator, symmetrical Connectors, Repeaters in optical communication sys-
voltage and current logic operating levels, noise component transformation, sequence impedances tems. Suitable techniques for modulation, signal rout-
immunity, speed, power dissipation and levels of a and sequence networks and construction of ing and timing in typical optical communication sys-
logic inverter gate; the implementation of complex sequence networks. Network model formulation, Ybus tems, are also proposed.
logical functions using the CMOS inverter as the basic matrix, Gauss-Seidel method.
building block; the comparison between the TTL and AEEE498: Introduction to Senior Project, 1 ECTS
CMOS technologies in implementing the basic logic AEEE454: Basic Power System Protection, The course aims in familiarizing the students with the
inverter gate and the design basic integrated circuit 5 ECTS overall spirit and objectives of the senior project.
layout of CMOS logic gates using CAD/ CAE tools. Basic areas of power system protection. Study the Plagiarism, referencing, writing style, literature review-
characteristics of switchgears, isolators, circuit break- ing, content structure, figures and tables and number-
AEEE439: Digital Integrated Circuits II, 5 ECTS ers and fuses. Arc principles and contact erosion. ing systems are amongst some of the elements that
This course recalls practical CMOS VLSI design Operating characteristics of fuses, rupture time, ener- are addressed and pointed out so that students are
methodologies, including circuit design methodology gy let through and use of fuses for protection. Circuit aware of the approach and emphasis they should give
and VLSI Layout Methodology to implement the breaker construction, operation and limitations. when they will be required to undertake the senior
design and operation and simulation of practical digi- Operating characteristics, protecting radial feeder cir- project.
tal integrated circuits, via CAD/ CAE software. Topics cuits with fuses. Circuit breakers: Oil, air, SF6, vacu-
covered examine the operation of CMOS logic um. (construction and operation). Unit, non-unit pro- AEEE499: Senior Project, 7 ECTS
devices, such as, logic gates, clocked logic, registers tection. Current differential scheme. Zones of opera- The purpose of the course is to provide senior stu-
and shift registers. Detailed operation of the MOS tion of protection devices. Relay parameter setting. dents with practical experience on the design, possi-
transistor, latchup and buffer stages. Different CMOS Primary and secondary protection schemes, dual bly of experimental or numerical nature, of electric or
fabrication processes and VLSI design rules are main protection schemes. electronic systems and present their work. The stu-
reviewed for the implementation of the design and dent decides to conduct research on a project that is
simulation of complicated CMOS-based devices, AEEE455: Power System Control and Stability, closely related to a thematic area of interest of a
such as, adders, multipliers, flip flops, and RAMs. 5 ECTS supervisor. The student then conducts the work relat-
Introduction to power system stability. Requirements ed to his or her project under supervision to obtain his
AEEE444: Wireless Communications, 5 ECTS for a reliable electrical power service. Disturbances on or her results and write the project report. The stu-
Introduction to wireless communications; Propagation the system and their consequences to stability. dents present their work to the project committee for
and noise. Modulation schemes. Frequency-Division Simulation methods. Power and frequency control. evaluation.
Multiple Access (FDMA). Coding and Time-Division The turbine governor as means of output power con- .
Multiple Access (TDMA). Study of Spread Spectrum trol. Division of load. Economical and other consider-
systems. Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA). ations. Power-frequency characteristic of an intercon-
Diversity, capacity and Space-Division Multiple nected system. System connected by lines of relative-
Access. Wireless architectures. ly small capacity. Control of voltage and reactive
power. Methods of voltage control. Combined use of
AEEE450: IEE Wiring Regulations Part I, 5 ECTS tap-changing transformers and reactive power injec-
This technical elective subject is related to the require- tion. Voltage collapse and consequences. Voltage
ments and legislation that governs electrical installa- control in distribution networks. Problems associated
tions in Cyprus. It relies on the current IEE wiring reg- with long lines. Power system stability. Rotor dynamics
ulations according to the British standard 7671 and and the swing equation. The power angle equation.
the methodology with which it is applied. Students are Synchronizing power coefficients. Equal area criterion
initially acquainted with various safety rules and termi- of stability. Multi-machine stability studies. Step by
nology that govern the wiring regulations. step procedure of the swing curve. Transient and
Fundamentals on earthing and its vital importance small signal analysis. Introduction to transient stability.
and role in the design of any electrical installation are Consideration of rotor angle. Computer calculation
discussed, followed by installation and circuit protec- methods for transient stability analysis. Factors affect-
tion techniques, selection and erection of equipment ing transient stability.
and circuit design topics. By the end of the course stu-
dents should be in position to carry out electrical AEEE456: Power Electronics, 5 ECTS
installation designs of various simple dwellings such Introduction to power electronics and applications.
as households. History of power electronics. Power semiconductor
devices. Power diodes, thyristors, power transistors.
AEEE451: IEE Wiring Regulations Part II, 5 ECTS Control characteristics of power devices. Operating
Following on AEEE450, this course advances in more characteristics and specifications of switches. Ideal
depth in regards to certain instances of an electrical characteristics, characteristics of practical devices,
installation design. In particular, emphasis is given on switch specifications. Types of power electronic cir-
special locations that might require special consider- cuits. Design of power electronics equipment.
ation in the design such as bathrooms, swimming Peripheral effects. Power modules, intelligent mod-
pools, agricultural and horticultural premises, photo- ules, power diodes, power thyristors and power tran-
voltaic systems, UPS supplies etc. More advanced sistors.
circuit designs, taking into consideration external influ-
ences and other factors that could affect the circuit AEEE457: Renewable Energy Sources, 5 ECTS
design are discussed in more detail. The course also Introduction to the renewable energy sources tech-
involves electrical installation inspection and testing nologies such as current situation and prospects, in
techniques and practices as well as on-site visits to Cyprus and the rest of the world. Emphasis given on
electrical installations. solar, wind, biomass and fusion. For solar energy, var-
ious photovoltaic technologies, the three existing gen-
AEEE452: Electrical Installation Design and erations of PV, various categories of silicon-based
Applications, 5 ECTS PVs. For wind energy, basic systems of wind turbines,
This course touches on the legislation governing the aerodynamic control and step control, constant and
occupation in electrical installation services, design variable speed operation, inverters, existing wind tur-
and commissioning in Cyprus. The parties involved in bine technologies. For biomass, plants such as wood,
electrical installation services design and commis- food crops, and industrial wastes. For fusion, the gen-
sioning are identified and their roles are discussed. eral principles of fusion reaction, electromagnetic and
Elements of electrical installations belonging to more inertia confinement, tokamaks, advantages and dis-
advanced and complex cases are discussed, broad- advantages.
ening and equipping students with more experiences
in the design of electrical installations. A software pro- AEEE493: Fiber Optic Communications, 5 ECTS
gram is introduced and students have the opportunity The course provides an overview of the fundamentals
to use the software for the design of electrical installa- of optical waveguides and fibres as key components
tions and compare the results with theory. in optical communication. The characteristics of guid-
ed electromagnetic waves in optical waveguides such
AEEE453: Advanced Electric Power System as modes, material dispersion and attenuation are
Analysis, 5 ECTS also identified. Topics covered include the application
Examination and study short, medium and long trans- of the Geometrical-optics and the wave propagation
mission lines. Interpretation of the line equations. approach to illustrate the basic parameters of the opti-
Power flow through a transmission line and equivalent cal waveguide, comparison of the several techniques
circuit representations. Symmetrical fault, unsymmet- applied for Dispersion management and appraisal of
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 047
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Rossides Stamatis
Omirou Sotiris
Kanarachos Andreas
Demosthenous George
Christodoulou Christodoulos
Associate Professors
Fyrillas Marios
Rossides Stamatis
Omirou Sotiris
Karagiorgis George
Assistant Professors
Kanarachos Stratis
Loizou Savvas
Lontos Antonios
Menicou Michalis
Chasos Charalambos
Papadakis Loucas
Lab Assistants
Athanasiou Charalambos
Papamichael Theodoulos
048 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 049
Mechanical Engineering
4 Years, Bachelor of Science, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS
The objectives of the program are: Required Courses ECTS Hours Mechanical Engineering Electives ECTS Hours
AMAT 111 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 3 AMEE 303 Energy Management and Conservation 5 3
- To provide an integrated academic background in order to adapt to technological advancement in the context of Mechanical Engineering. AMAT 122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 5 3 AMEE 401 Aerodynamics 5 3
- To inculcate a proficient mastery of fundamental scientific principles and engineering laws and to develop analytical skills to formulate and solve AMAT 181 Linear Algebra with MATLAB 5 3 AMEE 402 Turbomachinery 5 3
engineering problems. AMAT 204 Differential Equations 5 3 AMEE 403 Gas Turbines 5 3
- To provide a global understanding of theory and reinforce the ability to analyze and design mechanical systems. AMAT 223 Calculus III 5 3 AMEE 404 Advanced Heat Transfer 5 3
- To familiarize students with the state of the art and user-friendly computer software in order to advance students’ skills in solving engineering AMAT 300 Probability and Statistics 5 3 AMEE 405 Thermodynamics II 5 3
problems and applying computer technology in applications relevant to Mechanical Engineering. AMAT 314 Numerical Methods 5 3 AMEE 406 Fluid Mechanics II 5 3
- Gain practical experience in the use of modern engineering instruments and reinforce understanding through computerized and other APHY 111 Mechanics, Heat, and Waves with Lab 5 3+1* AMEE 407 Alternative Sources of Energy 5 3
experimentation. APHY 112 Electromagnetism and Optics with Lab 5 3+1* AMEE 408 Mechanical Engineering Analysis 5 3
- To give students the opportunity to attend subjects of general interest. ACSC 104 Computer Programming for Engineers 5 2+2* AMEE 409 Environmental Impact Assessment
- To enhance the skill of communicating with other engineering disciplines. AEEE 103 Electrical Science I 5 3+1* and Environmental Management 5 3
- To lay the foundation for further education. AMEM 100 Freshman Mechanical Engineering 4 3 AMEM 308 Total Quality Management 5 3
AMEW 101 Mechanical Workshop 2 3* AMEM 309 Tribology I 5 3
All along the objectives of the Program are re-examined in the light of technological changes, developments in the field of study, employability AMEM 107 Introduction to Materials 5 3 AMEM 310 Introduction to Composite Materials 5 3
requirements and are redefined whenever and as necessary. AMEM 110 Materials Engineering 5 3 AMEM 402 Introduction to Robotics 5 3
AMEG 103 Engineering Drawing 4 3 AMEM 403 Operations Management 5 3
Department Laboratories AMEG 202 Computer Aided Design 5 1+3* AMEM 406 Introduction to Finite Elements
ACES 103 Statics 5 3 in Engineering 5 3
The Department operates a number of laboratories, both for teaching and research purposes. A list of the laboratories available is provided below. AMEM 208 Dynamics 5 3+1* AMEM 407 Introduction to Boundary Elements
- Physics Laboratory AMEM 209 Strength of Materials with Lab 6 3+2* in Engineering 5 3
- Materials Characterization Laboratory AMEM 210 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 5 3 AMEM 408 Tribology II 5 3
- Vehicle Systems Laboratory AMEE 200 Thermodynamics I 5 3+1* AMEM 410 Nanotechnology 5 3
- Materials Preparation and Processing Laboratory AMEE 202 Fluid Mechanics I 5 3+1* AMEM 411 Advanced Manufacturing Processes 5 3
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I AMEM 201 Manufacturing Processes 5 3 AMEG 203 Computer Aided Design Methodology II 5 1+3*
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II AMEM 211 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems 5 3+1*
- CAD/CAM Systems and CNC Machine Tools Laboratory AMEM 203 Engineering Economy 5 3 Free Electives
- Thermodynamics Laboratory AMEM 315 Kinematics of Mechanisms 5 3 Free Elective is a course offered by other Departments of the University for
- Hydraulics & Pneumatics Laboratory AMEM 316 Machine Elements I 6 3+1* which a student is qualified to register.
- Dynamics Laboratory AMEM 323 Mechanical Vibrations and Machine Dynamics 6 3+1*
- Heat & Mass Transfer Laboratory AMEE 302 Heat and Mass Transfer 6 3+1* General Electives
AMEM 317 Machine Elements II 6 3+1* Students should choose one course from group A and one course
Students of the Department also have access to the University’s general purpose computer laboratories. These laboratories, with a total of 140 AMEM 326 Automation and Control Systems 6 3+1* from group B.
workstations, offer a wide variety of software including office applications, programming environments, mathematical packages. The laboratories AMEE 310 Hydraulics and Pneumatics 5 3+1* ECTS Hours
provide high-speed Internet access and printing facilities and are accessible 08:00 to 21:00 daily. AMEM 400 Design and Organization Group A - Cyprus Studies
of Production Systems 5 3 AECH111 Cyprus in the 20th Century 2 2
Professional Eligibility AMEG 408 Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning 6 3+1* AECH101 Introduction to the History of Cyprus 2 2
AMEE 431 Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals 5 3
The Program graduates are eligible to register to the Technical Chamber of Cyprus. AMEM 405 Manufacturing Processes with the aid Group B - Greek Language and Literature
of CAD/CAM Systems 6 3+1* AEGL111 Modern Greek Literature 2 2
AMEM 414 Mechanical Engineering Design & Optimization 5 3 AEGL101 Introduction to Greek Language 2 2
AMEM 413 Mechatronics 5 3
AMET 300 Design Project 5 1 *Laboratory Hours
AMET 400 Senior Project 8 1
050 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 051
Automotive Engineering
4 Years, Bachelor of Science, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS
General Aim: The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits and
comprises of required courses, free electives and general elec-
The Automotive Engineering Program of Study provides the opportunity for students to gain a deep understanding in a particular automotive engi- tives.
neering discipline while also gaining breadth in complimentary engineering disciplines. The automotive content is evident from the first semester ECTS
and concentrates on important aspects of automotive technology including Vehicle Dynamics & Control, Internal Combustion Engines, Power Required Courses 226
Trains, Autronics (Vehicle Electronics) and Vehicle Design. The Program also provides students with the opportunity to work on a team project
General Electives 4
within the automotive sector and to train in an Automotive Station. Students who graduate from this program will have both enhanced interdiscipli-
nary skills in automotive engineering and business, and the teamwork skills necessary to guide product and process development in this fast- Free Electives 10
growing field. The Program finally provides an excellent career preparation. TOTAL 240
Description of Courses
AEEE 103: Electrical Science I , ECTS: 5 function, vorticity, circulation and lift. Flow around thin Wind power, Hydro-electric power, Tidal and wave Geometry and Line generation, Planes and coordi- Strengthening by Solidification (grain size). Solid loading and fatigue, creep and viscoelasticity and
Electrical Principles. Basic electrical quantities and airfoils. Boundary layers, skin friction drag, pressure energy, Geothermal Energy. Hydrogen from renew- nates, Projections, Points and lines, Line segments, Solution and Dispersion Strengthening by Solidification impact loading). Mechanical strength of different mate-
units. Simple d.c. circuits, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law, drag, separation, and stall. Combining boundary layer able energy sources and H2 / fuel cells Curves. Attaching Menus, Design File Concepts, and by Phase Transformations. rials through various mechanical tests (tension, shear,
superposition theorem, mesh and nodal analysis. and potential flow theories. Introduction to compress- Activating Drawing Commands, The Main Palette, torsion, bending, buckling, fatigue).
Alternating voltages and currents, sinusoidal signals, ible aerodynamics; speed of sound, Mach number AMEE 408: Mechanical Engineering Analysis, Symbology and Toolbars. Plotting Manager, AMEM 110: Materials Engineering, ECTS: 5
frequency, amplitude, period. Peak, average and and isentropic variations of thermodynamic proper- ECTS: 5 Dimensioning placement, Miscellaneous dimension- Principles of Phase Diagrams, Relationship to AMEM 210: Mechanics of Deformable Solids,
RMS values. Capacitive and inductive circuits, types ties. Shock waves and relationships for non-isentrop- Ordinary Differential Equations; non-homogeneous ing, Linear dimensioning, Angular Dimensioning, Materials Strengthening. Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, ECTS: 5
of capacitors, capacitance, charging and discharging ic flow. Drag at high subsonic Mach number; the area linear ordinary differential equations; variable coeffi- Radial dimensioning, Plotting, Creation and designing Completely Miscible Systems (Equilibrium and Non- Bending of Unsymmetric Beams. Shear Stresses in
of capacitors. Inductance, types of inductors, energy rule. cient linear ordinary differential equations; Sturm- of mechanical part and elements in 2D dimension. Equilibrium Cooling Curves, Liquidus, Solidus, Phase Beams of Thin-Walled Open Cross Sections. Bending
stored in inductive circuits. Electronic Principles. Liouville problems; Laplace and Fourier transforms. Definition of 3D Surfaces using the CAD systems. Fields, Type of Phases, Lever Rule, %Phase slope and deflection in statically indeterminate beams.
Introduction to semiconductor materials, P-N junction, AMEE 402: Turbomachinery, ECTS: 5 Partial Differential Equations; Diffusion, Laplace's and Construction of mechanical parts in 3D dimension, Composition, Phase Composition, Microstructure). Cu- Energy Methods. External Work and Internal Strain
the junction diode, rectifiers, regulators and the Zener Energy considerations and applications to turboma- Wave equationd; Fourier series; Separation of vari- Sections and views. Drawing and construction of Ni Alloy System. Binary Phase Diagrams of Immiscible Energy. Strain Energy in Torsion and Bending. Virtual
diode. Bipolar junction transistor, input/output charac- chinery. Angular momentum and velocity diagrams. ables; Fourier and Laplace transforms and their appli- assembled mechanical parts. Searching for new tech- Systems containing Three-Phase Reactions (eutectic, Work. Castiglianos’s Theorem. Elementary Plasticity.
teristics, circuit configurations, and biasing. Transistor Pump selection and application; applications to fluid cations; complex variables and conformal mapping. niques and methods for the designing of complicated eutectoid, peritectic, peritectoid, monotectic). The Iron- Plastic Bending of Beams; Plastic Collapse of Beams.
applications, switching and amplifiers. Digital systems; parameters involved; performance data. Calculus of variations and optimization. Notions of mechanical parts. Carbon Phase Diagram – TTT Diagrams – Steels and Plastic Torsion of Shafts. Axial Plastic Collapse of Thin-
Electronics. Number systems. Binary addition, sub- Turbines; impulse and reaction turbines; turbine stability for linear and nonlinear differential equations. Stainless Steels. Mechanical Properties of Ferrite, Walled Tubes. Finite Element Method. Principle of
traction and signed numbers. Digital circuits. Boolean design procedure. Compressible flow turbomachines; Applications to the analysis of problems in Mechanical AMEG 203: Computer Aided Design Methodology II Austenite, Cementite, Martensite. TTT Diagrams for Finite Element Method. Analysis of Uniaxial Bars.
algebra. Analysis and design of combinational logic Compressors; Compressible flow turbines; compres- Engineering including Structures, Vibrations, Control ECTS: 5 Eutectoid Steel, Steel Design and Properties. Analysis of Frame Works. Analysis of Beam Elements.
circuits. sor stage design procedures. Systems and Fluids. Creating and editing of assemblies, Creating views, Ceramics. Sintering. Polymers. Polymer Additives – Stiffness Matrix for a Triangular Element. Fracture
Base views, Projected views, Section views, Detail Forming of Polymers. Composites. Fiber and Laminar Mechanics. Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics. Strain
AMEE 200: Thermodynamics I , ECTS: 5 AMEE 403: Gas Turbines, ECTS: 5 AMEE 409: Environmental Impact Assessment views. Drawing and construction of assembled Composites. Dispersion-Strengthened Composites. Energy Release Rate. Stress Intensity Factor. Modes of
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics: ther- Fundamental concepts, Introduction to the basic and Environmental Management , ECTS: 5 mechanical parts (car components). 3D solid model- Laminar Composites. Deterioration of Metals. Crack tip Deformation. Fracture Mechanics for Ductile
modynamic system, control volume concept, units of processes, Performance analysis, Types/arrangements Stages in the Environmental Impact Assessment. ing of Camshaft, Crankshaft, Piston, Cylinders, Valves, Corrosion. Materials.
measurement, energy, work, heat, property of pure of engine components. Compression processes, Methods. Strategic Environmental Assessment. Gearbox assembly, Independent Front Suspension
substances. The first law of thermodynamics: forms of Combustion processes, Turbine Expansion process, Introduction to the physical environment – assembly, Roller chain timing drive assembly, Brake AMEM 201: Manufacturing Processes, ECTS: 5 AMEM 211: Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
energy, conservation of energy, thermodynamic prop- Exhaust heat exchange process. Performance and Understanding environmental problems. Air pollution system assembly. Localization of automotive engineer- Casting processes. Solidification of Metals. Cast Systems, ECTS: 5
erties, conservation of mass and the first law applied characteristics, Instrumentation. Non-dimensional and climate change. Water and land degradation. ing model libraries on the World Wide Web. Structures. Casing Alloys. Casting Processes. Instrumentation principles. Elements in real measure-
to a control volume, the steady-state steady-flow groups. Engine testing, Performance of a single shaft Ecological impacts. Impacts on humans. A Tourism Expendable Mold. Permanent Mold. Processing of ment systems. Measurement statistics: standard devi-
process, the uniform-state uniform-flow process. The unit, Performance of a two-shaft unit, Characteristics of Project: Scoping – Public Involvement. An Agro-indus- AMEG 408: Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Casting and Casting Design. Bulk deformation ation, curves of regression, accuracy, error analysis.
second law of thermodynamics: the Carnot cycle, the components, Theory of stationary gas turbine power try Project: Environmental Management Plan. ECTS: 6 processes. Forging. Rolling. Cold and hot Extrusion. Sensors and transducers: Heat, strain, force, accelera-
thermodynamic property entropy, the T-s and h-s dia- plants. Design of gas turbines, Hardware & compo- Environmental auditing. Introduction to Environmental Air-conditioning loads (ASHRAE) load from walls, light- Rod. Wire and Tube Drawing. Die Manufacturing tion, displacement, flow and rotational movement.
gram, reversible and irreversible processes, efficiency. nents Matching. Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion. Auditing - Environmental Auditing vs Environmental ing, people, appliances, ventilation, infiltration etc. Methods. Die Failures. Sheet-metal forming process- Load cells and lvdts. Signal conditioning: Signal ampli-
Application to engineering systems, power and refrig- Assessment. The Environmental Audit Process. Heating load estimate, Cooling load estimate. Solar es. Sheet-Metal Characteristics. Shearing. Bending of fication and filtering. Noise, grounding, differential sig-
eration cycles: Otto cycle, diesel cycle, refrigeration AMEE 404: Advanced Heat Transfer, ECTS: 5 Methodology for an Environmental Audit for Air, Water radiation (solar heat gain, solar load). Psychrometry Sheet and Plate. Deep-Drawing. Formability of Sheet nals. Computer based data acquisition systems.
cycles, turbines, compressors, pumps. Introduction to Heat Transfer: (Modes of heat transfer, and Land. Auditing Techniques for Noise, Transport (specific humidity, relative humidity, and percentage of Metals. Material-Removal Processes. Milling. Turning. Analog to digital converters: resolution, linearity, con-
conduction, convection and radiation). Conduction: and Visual Effects. Environmental Management saturation). Comfort and health (comfortable condi- Tool Wear. Cutting Processes and Machine Tools for version time, quantazation error. Sampling, aliasing,
AMEE 202: Fluid Mechanics I , ECTS: 5 (Thermal conductivity of materials, Derivation of the System vs Environmental Auditing. Structure of an tions). Heat transmission in building structures. Producing Round Shapes. Cutting Processes for Nyquist rate. Data acquisition hardware: computer
Properties of fluids, viscosity and stress-strain rela- general conduction equation, Boundary conditions Environmental Management System. Environmental Complete air-conditioning systems. Direct expansion, Producing Various Shapes. Machining Centers. card characteristics: bus standards, maximum sam-
tionships, fluid statics, fluid kinematics, integral and and initial conditions, Unsteady and two-dimensional Management System vs Environmental Reporting. All water (fan coil units). Joining Processes. Oxyfuel Gas Welding. Thermit pling rate, resolution, single ended and differential
differential forms of the conservation laws, control vol- conduction, Thermal contact resistance, Extended Certification vs Verification. Welding. Arc-Welding. Resistance Welding. Solid-State inputs, hardware timers/pacers, interrupts and DMA.
ume analysis using mass, momentum and energy surfaces, Transient conduction). Convection: AMEM 100: Freshman Mechanical Engineering, Welding, Electron-Beam Welding. Laser Beam
(Bernoulli equation), basic applications, viscous flow, (Boundary layers, Dimensionless groups for forced AMEE 431: Internal Combustion Engine ECTS: 4 Welding. The welded Joint. Introduction to Integrated AMEM 308: Total Quality Management, ECTS: 5
dimensional analysis and similitude, basic boundary and free convection, Forced convection, external and Fundamentals , ECTS: 5 Basic Physical Concepts. Codes and standards. SI Manufacturing Systems. Manufacturing Systems. Quality overview: historical review, dimensions of qual-
layer analysis, drag/lift relationships. internal flows, Natural convection, external flows). Four stroke cycle: SI engines and CI engines, Two Units. Force and its units. Forces in equilibrium, Computer-Integrated-Manufacturing. Computer-Aided- ity, total quality as management approach. Quality in
Radiation: (Introduction, Radiative properties, stroke cycle: Theory and operation. Criteria of per- Moment of a force. Conditions for static equilibrium. Design. manufacturing systems. Quality management philoso-
AMEE 302: Heat and Mass Transfer , ECTS: 6 Black/grey body, Stefan-Boltzmann and Kirchoff’s formance: performance parameters, speed, fuel con- Center of mass, centroids. Introduction to Materials. phies: Deming, Juran & Crosby philosophies. Product
Introduction to Heat Transfer. Modes of heat transfer, Laws, Radiation transfer between two grey surfaces, sumption, air consumption, exhaust emissions, brake Types of materials. Material behavior. Metals and AMEM 203: Engineering Economy, ECTS: 5 design: cost and manufacturability, the quality function
conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction: View factors, Analysis of simple geometric configura- horsepower. Engine output and efficiency, indicated alloys. Mechanical Properties of Materials. Introduction Equipment and process selection, equipment replace- deployment. Process management and continuous
Thermal conductivity, Fourier’s law of conduction, One- tions, Environmental radiation). horsepower. Factors influencing performance: size of to mechanical testing and properties. The stress-strain ment, new product introduction, existing product improvement (Kaizen, benchmarking, reengineering).
dimensional steady-state conduction through simple cylinder, speed, load, ignition timing, compression diagram. Thermodynamics. Heat, work, and system. expansion, cost reduction. Time value of money: inter- Human resource management for quality. Teamwork:
and composite flat and cylindrical walls. Convection: AMEE 405: Thermodynamics II , ECTS: 5 ratio, air-fuel ratio, fuel injection, engine cooling, The state of a working fluid. Reversibility. Reversible est, economic equivalence, interest formulas for single quality circles, problem-solving teams, management
Boundary layers, Dimensionless groups for forced and Thermodynamic Relations for simple compressible supercharging. Real cycles and the air standard work. Fluids. Pressure. Manometers. Continuity equa- cash flows. Evaluate business and engineering assets: teams, work teams. Quality management, evaluation
free convection. Forced convection. Natural convec- substances: Equation of state, Thermodynamic func- cycle: air standard cycles, fuel-air cycles, actual tion. Bernoulli’s equation. Introduction to Computer present worth analysis, rate of return analysis, internal and assessment: ISO 9000, Malcolm Baldridge crite-
tion. Radiation: Introduction, Radiative properties, tions of two independent variables. Nonreacting Ideal cycles and their losses. Properties of fuels for IC Technology. Description of the main components of a rate of return criterion. Depreciation: factors inherent to ria, Deming prize.
Black/grey body, Stefan-Boltzmann and Kirchoff’s Gas Mixtures: Describing mixture composition, engines: fuels for SI engines, knock rating of SI computer. Familiarization with the Windows operating asset depreciation, book depreciation methods. Project
Laws, Radiation transfer between two black surfaces, Relations for ideal gas mixtures, U, H, and S for ideal engines, Diesel fuels. Alternative forms of IC engines: system. Introduction to MS-Office. Use of the Internet cash flow analysis: classification of costs, incremental AMEM 309: Tribology I, ECTS: 5
View factors. Combined heat transfer modes for analy- gas mixtures, Mixtures processes at constant the Wankel rotary combustion engine, the variable and e-mail. cash flows, project cash flow statements. Project risk: Introduction to tribological phenomena, factors that
sis: Heat exchangers. Introduction to Mass Transfer: Composition, Mixture of ideal gases. Reacting mix- compression ratio engine. sensitivity analysis, break-even analysis, probability influence tribological phenomena and regimes of lubri-
Concentration and Fick’s Law of diffusion, Diffusion in tures and combustion: Combustion process, conser- AMEM 106: Materials Science and Engineering, concepts, probability distributions, decision trees dia- cation. Surface geometry and topography, Surface
stationary medium, Stefan’s law of diffusion. vation of energy for reacting systems, Adiabatic flame AMEG 103: Engineering Drawing, ECTS: 4 ECTS: 5 grams. Capital budgeting decisions: equity financing, measurement and statistics. Contact pressure and
temperature, Absolute temperature and the third law Linework and Lettering. Orthographic and isometric Introduction to Materials: Types of Materials, Structure dept financing, capital structure. Cost of capital, mini- deformation, Temperature rise due to frictional heating.
AMEE 303: Energy Management and of thermodynamics, Chemical availability. Second law engineering drawings. Drawing of views. – Property. Atomic Structure and Bonding. Atomic mum attractive rate of return, capital budgeting. Friction theories. Wear and wear theories, Design for
Conservation, ECTS: 5 (Exergetic) efficiencies of reacting systems: Chemical Dimensioning Principles. Sections and Sectional Arrangements. Basic mechanical properties of metals. zero wear, Wear debris analysis. Ferrograph.
The Need to conserve energy – ways in which Energy and phase equilibrium, Preliminary considerations, Views. Drawing of Machine Elements: screws, bolts, Testing of metals. Non destructive test methods. AMEM 208: Dynamics, ECTS: 5 Introduction to Hydrodynamic lubrication: The
may be saved. Heat losses from buildings, heat gains Equation of reaction equilibrium, Calculation of equi- nuts, springs, gears, cams, bearings, etc. Technical Failure of metals. Principles of Phase Diagrams: Review of kinematics of particles: rectilinear motion, Reynolds equation. Journal bearing design: the mobil-
to buildings, heating-cooling systems. Infiltration-ven- librium compositions, Equilibrium between two phas- drawings of components and assembled mechanical Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams of Completely Miscible dependent motions, angular motion, force and accel- ity method. Theories of EHL. Mixed lubrication.
tilation. Insulation-double glazing cavity walls, weather es of a pure substance, Equilibrium of multi-compo- parts. Limits and Fits, Geometrical Tolerances. Systems. Focus on the Cu-Ni Alloy System. Binary eration, work and energy, impulse and momentum,
stripping, etc. Optimization of building design for nent, multiphase systems Roughness symbols. Welding and Welding Symbols. Alloy Phase Diagrams of Immiscible Systems impact. Dynamics of rigid bodies in 2D: angular veloc- AMEM 310: Introduction to Composite Materials
energy conservation. Waste heat recovery, use of Description of all related DIN and ISO standards. Containing Three-Phase Reactions. The Iron-Carbon ity vector, absolute and relative velocity, acceleration in ECTS: 5
more efficient lighting, energy management systems. AMEE 406: Fluid Mechanics II, ECTS: 5 Phase Diagram – TTT Diagrams – Steels and Stainless plane motion. Dynamics of rigid bodies in 3D: Euler Types of composite materials, Reinforcements, Matrix
Alternative energy sources, solar energy, wind power, Differential form of the conservation laws; basic vis- AMEG 104: Computer Aided Design Steels. Materials for Automotive Engineering: angles, general plane motion, force and acceleration, Materials, interfaces, thermoplastic and thermoset
hydro-electric power, tidal Geothermal and wave ener- cous flow; the boundary layer; unsteady Bernoulli’s Methodology I, ECTS: 5 Common materials in vehicle production, Ceramics for work and energy methods, impulse and momentum composites. Fibres and matrices. Reinforcements,
gy, applications. Energy accounting (auditing), Energy equation. Laminar viscous flow; pressure driven Designing principles of mechanical drawings. CAD automotives. Recycling considerations. New materials methods. Fundamentals of vibration: spring, Carbon fibres, Glass fibres. Fibre strength. Fibre archi-
conservation in practice. Qualities of an Energy flow in tubes of various cross-sections; flow with systems, Geometry and line generation, Planes and (with particular emphasis on opportunities for reducing mass/inertia/ and damping elements, degrees of free- tecture, fibre packing arrangements, long fibres, unidi-
Manager. power law transport properties; Stoke’s oscillating coordinates, Projections, points and lines, Line seg- weight and cost, and improved fuel efficiency, safety dom, analysis procedure, harmonic motion. rectional and multidirectional laminates, short fibres,
plate. Flow over immersed bodies; Lift and drag con- ments, Curves, AutoCAD file Creation, Attaching and energy absorption) Laboratory work: simulation with the use of common fibre distributions. Matrices, Polymer matrices, Metal
AMEE 310: Hydraulics and Pneumatics , ECTS: 5 cepts. Boundary layer characteristics; Blausius menus, Design file concepts. Activating drawing com- industrial packages such as Matlab. Experiments matrices, Ceramic matrices. Fabrication of compos-
Hydraulics, Principle of operation. Technology and boundary layer solution; integral momentum method; mands, The main palette, Symbology and toolbars. AMEM 107: Introduction to Materials, ECTS: 5 include small component testing in the laboratory vali- ites. Fabrication methods: Autoclave moulding,
design of positive displacement pumps. Physical turbulent boundary layers; drag and lift prediction. Plotting manager, Dimensioning placement, Basic Materials. Atomic Structure and Bonding. Ionic- dated using numerical models. Vacuum bug, Spray-up, Filament winding, Pultrusion,
Properties of Hydraulic Fluids. Energy and Power in Flow at low Reynolds number; equations for Stoke’s Miscellaneous dimensioning, Linear dimensioning, Covalent-Metallic Bonding. Potential Energy Diagrams. Resin transfer moulding, Hand lay-up. Basic
Hydraulic Systems, Friction Losses in Hydraulic flow; sphere in a uniform stream; Faxen’s law; lubrica- Angular Dimensioning, Radial dimensioning, Plotting, Atomic Arrangements. Gases – Liquids – Solids. The AMEM 209: Strength of Materials with Lab, ECTS: 6 Mechanics of composites. Micromechanics. Density.
Systems, Hydraulic Cylinders, motors, Pumps, Valves, tion approximation. Creation and designing of mechanical part and ele- Crystal Structure of Materials. Directional Density, Stress-strain relationships in one and in three dimen- Mechanical properties. Thermal properties.
Actuators. Hydraulic Circuit Design and Analysis ments in 2D dimension (samples from the automotive Planar Density, Bulk Density, Packing Factor. sions. Expressions relating applied torque, shear Macromechanics. Elastic constants of an isotropic
(Circuits and sizing of Hydraulic Components, sym- AMEE 407: Alternative Sources of Energy , ECTS: 5 industry). Definition of 3D Surfaces using the CAD Imperfections in Crystals – Slip Systems in Crystals. stress and twist. Longitudinal stresses in beams due to material. Elastic constants of a lamina. Analysis of lam-
bols). Introduction to Pneumatics, Control of Introduction to the Energy problem and the renewable systems, Construction of mechanical parts in 3D Defects. Physical Properties of Materials in Relation to bending. Analytical methods and Mohr’s circle to inated composites. Applications in Aircraft engineering
Pneumatic Energy, Compressors. Directional Control energy sources. Fundamental characteristics and dimension, Sections and views. Drawing and con- Bonding and Crystal Structures. Mechanical Testing determine principal stresses and maximum shear and space hardware, Wind turbines, Marine craft,
Valves, Regulators, Excess Flow Valves, Sequence properties of the renewable energy sources. Solar struction of car components. Searching for new tech- and Properties. Strain Hardening and Annealing. stresses. Bending slope and deflection in statically Surgery.
Valves. Sizing of Pneumatic systems, Air Preparation energy and applications, Solar central receivers niques and methods for the designing of complicated Strain-Hardening Mechanisms. Characteristics of Cold determinate beams. Maximum principal stress and the
(Parabolic trough, Power towers, Solar Dish genera- mechanical parts (shaft, valves). Working. Recovery-Recrystallization-Grain Growth. maximum shear stress of a plate under tension, bend- AMEM 315: Kinematics of Mechanisms, ECTS: 5
AMEE 401: Aerodynamics, ECTS: 5 tor), Solar Collectors (Flat plate collectors, Vacuum flat Principles of Solidification. Homogeneous Nucleation ing, shear and combined loading. Boundary conditions Mechanisms: slider crank, four bar linkage. Vector
Aerodynamic forces and terms; similarity and drag/lift plate collectors, Vacuum tube collectors, Compound AMEG 202: Computer Aided Design, ECTS: 5 (Critical Nucleus Size, Activation Energy for on the buckling load and column stability. Material mechanics and position analysis. Velocity analysis:
coefficients; potential flow, streamlines and stream- parabolic concentrators), Solar collector performance. Designing principles of mechanical drawings, Solidification). Heterogeneous Nucleation. behaviour under various loading conditions (repeated velocity diagrams, diagram construction methods rela-
054 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 055
Description of Courses
tive velocity method, instant center method. tem: job design, motivation theories, job expansion, Mechanical properties and composition of machine and cost assessment where applicable. The student is parts to be replaced, intervals for next service/inspec- impulse and momentum methods. Vibration: spring,
Acceleration analysis: acceleration diagrams, dia- self – directed teams, ergonomics. Work measure- components. Lubricant and grease composition. also responsible to present his work and answer ques- tion and connecting a diagnostic unit on the vehicle. mass/inertia/ and damping elements, degrees of free-
gram construction methods, normal and tangential ment: labour standards, time studies. Quality man- Lubricant specification. Types of mechanisms of tribo- tions orally. Communication with other engineers and inspection dom, analysis procedure, harmonic motion.
acceleration, relative acceleration. Gear trains: types agement: TQM, cause-and effect diagrams, SPC. Use logical damage including: Wear, Scuffing, Rolling con- for probable faults and warranty recalls. Specification Laboratory work: simulation with the use of common
of gears, terminology, relationship of gears in mesh, of commercial software for project management. tact fatigue. Performance charts. Monitoring the health AMET 400: Senior Project, ECTS: 8 of parts to be used checking for oil grade and quality, industrial packages such as Matlab. Experiments
gear trains, planetary gear trains. Cams: kinematics, of lubricated systems. This course gives students the opportunity to apply his spark plug gap, Coolant additives, etc. Record keep- include small component testing in the laboratory vali-
types of cams/ followers, follower motion, cam design. AMEM 402: Introduction to Robotics, ECTS: 5 knowledge of engineering and design to a real engi- ing, filling in vehicle record history and updating cus- dated using numerical models.
Coordinate transformations: position and orientation AMEM 410: Nanotechnology, ECTS: 5 neering situation. The student will be responsible for a tomer records.
AMEM 316: Machine Elements I, ECTS: 6 of 3-D objects, 3-D positional relationships, 3-D orien- Basic concepts of nanotechnology. Nanostructures, specific task from start to end. Projects may be theo- AUTO 205: Introduction to Vehicle Systems,
General concepts on machine design such as stress tational relationships, minimal descriptions of orienta- Micro/nanofabrication, and Micro/nanodevices. retical, experimental or design projects. In case of AUTO 108: Vehicle Electrical and Electronic ECTS: 6
and strength, stress concentration, Static strength, tion, position and orientation transformations. Nanomaterials synthesis and applications. Carbon group projects each student is assigned specific Principles, ECTS: 5 Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics: longitudinal tire forces,
Plastic deformation. Theories of failure, Failure pre- Manipulator kinematics: forward and inverse kinemat- nanotubes, nanowires. Micro/nanotribology and tasks. Each student has a project advisor with whom Basic electrical quantities and units. Simple d.c. cir- axle loads, power and traction limited acceleration,
vention, Static and dynamic strength of machine ele- ics. Motion Kinematics: angular and translational materials characterization. Friction and wear on the he meets at least once a week to discuss progress cuits, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Law, superposition theo- braking forces, split braking, wheel lock up, ABS, per-
ments, Fatigue. Shafts, Shaft material and critical velocity kinematics, construction of the manipulator atomic scale. Nanoscale. Mechanical properties. and future work. Each student is responsible for rem, mesh and nodal analysis. Alternating voltages formance, modeling and simulation. Vehicle Power
speeds, Keys and Couplings. Bearings, Bearing Jacobian, Singularities of the manipulator Jacobian. Nanomechanical properties of solid surfaces and thin preparing and presenting a final report and answer and currents, sinusoidal signals, frequency, amplitude, Units: Otto and Diesel Motors, hydrogen motors, elec-
types, Lubrication and seals, Bearing load and life, Manipulator Dynamics: static forces and moments, films. Mechanical properties of nanostructures. questions orally. The report will include detailed math- period. Types of capacitors, capacitance, charging trical motors, power curves. Transmission Systems:
Selection of ball and cylindrical roller bearing. Screws, Lagrangian dynamics. Trajectory generation. Molecularly thick films for lubrication. Nanotribology of ematical background of the problem, drawings, spec- and discharging of capacitors. Types of inductors, manual, automatic, CVT. Energy Resources and
Fasteners and Connections. Welded and Bonded Manipulator design. ultrathin and hard amorphous carbon films. Industrial ifications, calculations and cost assessment where energy stored in inductive circuits. P-N junction, the Environmental Impact: 3-liter car, weight considera-
Joints, Welding symbols, Stresses in welding, Static applications and microdevice reliability. Micro/nanotri- applicable. junction diode, rectifiers, regulators and the Zener tions, aerodynamic resistance, rolling resistance, pol-
and fatigue loading, Specification set. Cams and AMEM 403: Operations Management, ECTS: 5 bology of MEMS/NEMS materials and devices. diode. Bipolar junction transistor, input/output charac- lution, pollution reduction measures, policy, noise,
Flywheels. Project management:, Gantt Charts, PERT analysis, Mechanical properties of micromachined structures. AMEW 101: Mechanical Workshop, ECTS: 2 teristics, circuit configurations, and biasing. Transistor noise reduction measures. Laboratory work includes
CPM analysis. Use of commercial software to form Safety precautions in Mechanical Workshop. applications, switching and amplifiers. Digital sound level measurements, performing field tests
AMEM 317: Machine Elements II, ECTS: 6 schedules, assign resources and estimate costs. AMEM 411: Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Engineering measurements. Linear, angular and form Electronics. Number systems: binary, octal and hexa- using the lab car and measuring the longitudinal accel-
General, Introduction to gears, Types of gears, Tooth Forecasting, least square method. Supply chain man- ECTS: 5 measurements. Measuring instruments: Vernier decimal numbers. Binary addition, subtraction and eration, deceleration, braking distance.
system, Contact ratio, Force analysis, Applications of agement: make or buy, outsourcing, vertical Automation of Manufacturing Processes, Computer Caliper, Micrometer, Protractors, Dial indicator. signed numbers. Character and numeric codes.
gear design and power transmission in mechanical Integration, logistics, waiting-line models. Inventory Integrated Manufacturing, Manufacturing Systems, Dimensional tolerances. Surface texture and proper- Digital circuits: logic functions, gates and truth tables. AUTO 206: Electronic Management Systems,
drives. Spur and Helical Gears. Bevel and Worm management, ABC analysis, EOQ model. Aggregate Computer Aided Design and Engineering, Computer ties. Lathes and turning processes. Main features and Boolean algebra. Analysis and design of combination- ECTS: 6
Gears, Stresses and Strength. Mechanical Spring, planning: material requirement planning (MRP), mas- Aided Manufacturing, Computer Aided Process controls of lathes. Lathe structure, Cutting tools. Basic al logic circuits. Introduction to the Vehicle electronic engine control:
Stresses in helical springs, Deflection of helical ter production schedule (MPS), MRP structure, MRP Planning, Computer Simulation of Manufacturing cutting parameters. Milling machines and milling oper- Emissions and Fuel economy, engine Mapping, effect
springs, Extension and Compression springs, Springs management (JIT), MRPII. Short-term scheduling, Processes and Systems. Nontraditional manufactur- ations. Main features and controls of milling machines. AUTO 109: Automotive Workshop, ECTS: 2 of various control features on performance. Electronic
material, Fatigue loading, Design of springs, assignment method, bottlenecks. JIT & lean produc- ing processes. Processing of powder metals, ceram- Horizontal and vertical milling machines. Milling Engineering measurements. Importance of measure- control Strategy of Fuel System: Catalytic Converters
Miscellaneous springs. Clutches and Breaks, Brake tion systems. Decision tree diagrams. ics, glass, and superconductors, Production of Metal machine structure. Basic milling parameters. Gear cut- ments in engineering design and manufacturing. and Oxygen sensor, frequency and deviation of the
analysis, Band-type clutches and brakes, Energy con- Powders, Compaction of Metal Powders, Sintering. ting. Typical welding processes. Arc and gas welding Measurement of linear dimensions. Measurement of fuel controller and open and close loop control.
sideration, Temperature rise, Friction materials. AMEM 405: Manufacturing Processes with the Rapid prototyping, Subtractive Processes, Additive using various welding parameters. Permanent stress angular dimensions. Comparative length-measuring Electronic control Strategy of Ignition System:
Competition of the design of a power transmission, aid of CAD/CAM Systems, ECTS: 6 Processes, Virtual Prototyping, Applications. and strain in welding structures. instruments. Dial indicator. Dimensional tolerances. Electronic, mechanical and transistorized ignition (Hall
Flat belts, Roller chain, Wire rope, Flexible shaft. CAD/CAM Systems in manufacturing. Optimization of Advanced Machining Processes and Nanofabrication, Surface texture and properties. Internal combustion generator, induction type, pulse generator, semicon-
cutting processes. Principles of Computer Aided Chemical Machining, Electrochemical Machining, ACES 103: Statics, ECTS: 5 engines: cooling system, lubrication, electronic fuel ductor ignition, Knock control, distributorless semicon-
AMEM 323: Mechanical Vibrations and Machine Designing systems. CAD systems for designing Electrochemical Grinding, Electrical-Discharge Condition for the equilibrium of a particle. The free and ignition system. Assembly and disassembly of an ductor ignition), Open and closed loop control and
Dynamics, ECTS: 6 mechanical parts in 2D and 3D dimension. Machining, Wire EDM, Laser-Beam Machining, Laser body diagram, Coplanar force systems. Force sys- ICE. Measurement of compression ratio, pressure, spark plugs. Various sensors and actuators: Fuel con-
Mechanical Vibrations: Fundamentals of vibration, Description of different CAD/CAM neutral files. applications in manufacturing, Electron-Beam tems resultants. Moment of a force – scalar formula- cubic capacity, valve seating, camshaft and crankshaft trol sensors and actuators operation and ignition tim-
Parts, degrees of freedom, classification, analysis pro- Importing and exporting CAD/CAM electronic neutral Machining and Plasma-Arc Cutting, Water-Jet tion. Equivalent system. Resultants of a force and cou- wear etc. Introduction to diagnostic units. Emission ing control sensors and actuators operation.
cedure, spring/ mass/ inertia/ damping elements, har- files (IGES, STEM, DXF). Principles of CAM systems, Machining. Abrasive-Jet Machining, Nanofabrication, ple system. Equilibrium of a rigid body. Conditions for measurement and analysis from petrol and diesel
monic motion. Free vibration of single-degree-of-free- PostProcessor operation and typical examples. Micromachining. Mechanical Surface Treatment and rigid - body equilibrium. Equilibrium in two dimensions. engines. AUTO 210: Technology and Business, ECTS: 5
dom systems (Formulation of equations of motion Production processes using CAD/CAM systems and Coating. Free body diagrams. Equations of equilibrium. Two Business Management: Managerial functions, roles and
using Newton’s second law of motion, D’Lambert’s CNC machine tools NC Code in the material removal and three force members. Structural analysis. Simple AUTO 201: Mechanics of Automotive skills. Organisational structure and design. Individual
Principle, Harmonic motion, Energy methods. (milling, turning). Optimization of manufacturing AMEM 413: Mechatronics, ECTS: 5 trusses. The method of joints. Zero – force members. Engineering Materials with Lab, 6 ECTS and group decision making. Employee motivation
Prediction of natural frequency for single-degree-of- processes using flexible manufacturing systems, Integrated Electro-Mechanical Systems, functions of The method of sections. Frames and machines. Study the fundamentals and mechanical properties of (process & content theories). Group and team behav-
freedom systems, modelling the stiffness characteris- Graphical modeling of milling and turning. Operation Mechatronic systems. Ways of information process- Internal forces. Shear forces and bending moment materials used in automotive engineering such as iour. Managing individual differences and team dynam-
tics, damping). Forced Vibration (Harmonic excitation, and programming of CNC machine tools using manu- ing. Mechatronic Elements (Mechanical, Electrical, equations and diagrams. Relations between distributed steels, including high-strength steels, aluminium ics. Engineering Economic Decisions: Evolution of large
General Forced response). Basic introduction to multi- al programming and CAM systems. Hydraulic, Thermal). Fundamentals of theoretical load, shear, moment. Center of gravity and centroid. alloys, polymers and fibre composites. Introduce and engineering projects: idea generation, design, safety,
degree-of-freedom systems. Machine Dynamics: modeling of technical processes. Connection of Center of gravity. Moments of inertia. Definition of analyse different aspects of material strength and their cost, market demand, business risk. Classification of
Continuous systems. Longitudinal and torsional vibra- AMEM 406: Introduction to Finite Elements in process elements. The bond graph method. Electrical moments of inertia for areas. Parallel – axis theorem for application on automotive structures. Investigate the Engineering Cost Elements, Average Unit Cost. Cost
tions. Vibration measurement and evaluation. Engineering, ECTS: 5 drives, Power electronics. Sensors, Signal types, an area. Moments of inertia for an area by integration. material behaviour of structural components accord- concepts relevant to Decision Making (Make of Buy
Vibration control, balancing of rotating masses, Stiffness matrix for spring element. FE equations transducers, measuring amplifiers. Analog to digital Moments of inertia for composite areas. ing to different designs and load cases. Apply and Decision, Differential Cost, Break – even Volume analy-
Balancing of reciprocating engines, Whirling of rotat- assembly of stiffness matrices. Bar and beam ele- conversion. Actuators (Electromechanical, Hydraulic, intensify the knowledge gained by means of laborato- sis). Marginal Costing (Profit maximisation problems).
ing shafts. ments. Linear static analysis. Transformation of coor- Pneumatic). Open & Closed loop control. AUTO 100: Freshman Automotive Engineering, ry work, which deals with tests on automotive parts: Technology Management: Technology Assessment.
dinate systems; Element stress. Beam elements. ECTS: 4 tension, compression and torsion tests; deflection and Tools for Analyzing Organizational Impacts of New
AMEM 326: Automation and Control Systems Frame Analysis. Using Analysis Software (FE). Two- AMEM 414: Mechanical Engineering Design & Basic Physical Concepts. Codes and standards. SI strain measurements; buckling tests; fatigue tests etc. Technology/ Forecasting and Planning Technology.
ECTS: 6 dimensional Problems. Stiffness matrices for 2-D Optimization, ECTS: 5 Units. Force and its units. Forces in equilibrium, Statistical thinking and process evaluation.
Control system: model, input and output, plant and Problems: T3, T6, Q4 and Q8 Elements. Plate, shell The position of the design process within the compa- Moment of a force. Conditions for static equilibrium. AUTO 203: Vehicle Electric and Electronic
process, open vs. closed loop system, transducers and solid Elements. Using COSMOS software. Solids ny: The necessity for systematic design, design meth- Center of mass, centroids. Introduction to Materials. Systems, ECTS: 6 AUTO 301: Automotive Thermal Management,
vs. actuators. Modelling of systems, Laplace trans- of revolution. Axisymmetric Elements. Symmetry in ods, systems theory. Product planning and clarifying Types of materials. Material behavior. Metals and Vehicle Wiring: Production issues, DIN regulations on ECTS: 6
forms, transfer function. Time response: transient and finite element analysis. Nature of FEA Solutions; Error, the task: general approach. product definition, design alloys. Mechanical Properties of Materials. Introduction wiring diagrams, test Equipment and multiplex Wiring Introduction to Heat Transfer. Modes of heat transfer,
steady-state, poles and zeros, first-order systems, convergence and adaptivity. Substructures (superele- specification, house of quality, task clarification. to mechanical testing and properties. The stress-strain systems. Instrumentation and Display systems. conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction:
second-order systems, natural frequency, damping ments) in FEA; Equation solving. Conceptual design: abstracting to identify the essen- diagram. Thermodynamics. Heat, work, and system. Charging and Starting systems and batteries: Layout Thermal conductivity, Fourier’s law of conduction, One
ratio, higher-order systems. Block diagrams: cascade, tial problems, establishing function structures, devel- The state of a working fluid. Reversibility. Reversible and function of AC generator, current rectification and dimensional steady-state conduction through simple
parallel, feedback. Stability: test of coefficients, Routh AMEM 407: Introduction to Boundary Elements in oping working structures, examples of conceptual work. Fluids. Pressure. Manometers. Continuity equa- regulating, layout and function of starting system with and composite flat and cylindrical walls. Convection:
Test. Accuracy: Steady-State Errors, unity feedback Engineering, ECTS: 5 design, evaluating designs – decision making tech- tion. Bernoulli’s equation. Introduction to Computer solenoid and sliding rotor and, starting motors with Boundary layers, Dimensionless groups for forced and
systems, systems with disturbances, non-unity feed- Boundary Element Formulation of Laplace's Equation; niques. Embodiment design: basic rules and princi- Technology. Description of the main components of a permanent magnetic, with magnetic coils and manu- free convection. Forced convection. Natural convec-
back systems. The Root Locus: properties, sketching, weak formulation of the differential equation; transfor- ples, guidelines for embodiment design, materials computer. Familiarization with the Windows operating facture and capacity of batteries. Signals, Wipers and tion. Radiation: Introduction, Radiative properties,
design for positive feedback systems. Automation: mation on the boundary; fundamental solution as selection and design, materials processing and system. Introduction to MS-Office. Use of the Internet Lighting. Safety Systems, Body Electrics and Control: Black/grey body, Stefan-Boltzmann and Kirchoff’s
Design for Automation and Processes, EDM, PLC’s, weighting function; boundary integral equation of the design, detail design. Parametric design: modeling and e-mail. ABS systems, SRS systems, Traction control systems, Laws, Radiation transfer between two black surfaces,
Sensors and Simulation, conveyors, part feeders, 2-D problem; preparative example for the limit and simulation, cause and effect analysis. Design for electric Windows/mirrors, air conditioning, sound sys- View factors. Combined heat transfer modes for analy-
AGV's, AS/RS, Human Side of Automation, Cells and process; calculation of the limit; discretisation of the minimum cost: cost factors, fundamentals of cost cal- AUTO 101: Vehicles Technology, ECTS: 5 tem, Alarm system and Information systems sis: Heat exchangers. Internal Combustion Engine Heat
Robots. Laboratory work includes experiments with boundary. Collocation method; numerical and analyti- culations, methods for estimating costs. Optimization: Role of vehicles in transportation. Role of vehicles in (Operation and design). Future Trends in electronics: Transfer: Energy Flows in Engines, Engine Heat
mechanical plants, and modelling and simulation of cal solution; Boundary Element Formulation of unconstrained & constrained optimization, global and environment: air pollution, noise, energy consumption, Higher power demands, increase in loads and proba- Transfer Correlations, Instantaneous Heat Transfer
controlled systems using MATLAB and PLC program- Poisson's equation; calculation of domain integrals; local optima, steepest descent method, transforma- recycling. Vehicle types/market segments: passenger ble advances. Coefficients, Coolant Heat Transfer, Exhaust System
ming. calculation of the unknown boundary variables. tion methods, strategies for solving optimization prob- vehicles, vans, buses, road tankers, trailers, motorcy- Heat Transfer, Cylinder Heat Transfer Processes,
lems. cles, military vehicles, agricultural vehicles, special AUTO 204: Dynamics for Automotive Engineers, Cylinder Heat Flux and Temperature, Piston Heat
AMEM 400: Design and Organization of AMEM 408: Tribology II, ECTS: 5 purpose vehicles. Vehicle components: car body, ECTS: 5 Transfer Process.
Production Systems , ECTS: 5 Simple contact mechanics including: The contact of AMET 300: Design Project, ECTS: 5 engine, exhaust, shafts, clutch, gearbox, suspension Review of kinematics of particles: rectilinear motion,
Design of Goods: product life cycle, QFD approach, rough and smooth surfaces. Surface topography. This course gives students the opportunity to apply system, braking system, tires, steering. Safety dependent motions, angular motion, force and accel- AUTO 302: Vehicle Internal Combustion Engines,
make-or-by decisions, group technology. Selection of Solid / solid friction. Flash temperature. Tribological their engineering knowledge in order to solve a real Features: crashworthiness, anti-lock braking system, eration, work and energy, impulse and momentum, ECTS: 5
manufacturing process: project, job, batch, continu- phenomena. Lubricant film generation including: engineering problem. Projects may be individual or adaptive cruise control, active suspension system, impact. Kinematics of mechanisms. Four bar mecha- Four stroke cycle: SI engines and CI engines, Two
ous, product – process matrix. Capacity planning: Liquid viscosity and its measurement, Characteristics group projects. In case of group projects each stu- traction control, electronic stability system, pre-crash. nism, crank-slider mechanism. Position velocity and stroke cycle: Theory and operation. Criteria of perform-
forecasting demand fluctuations, measuring capacity, and specification. Derivation and approximation to dent is assigned specific tasks. Each student has a Laboratory work includes the description of vehicle acceleration diagrams. Non-holonomic kinematic con- ance: performance parameters, speed, fuel consump-
alternative capacity plans. Location selection: location Reynolds’ equation. Regimes of lubrication includ- project advisor with whom he meets at least once a components using the cut away models. straints.Ackermann steering. Dynamics of rigid bodies tion, air consumption, exhaust emissions, brake horse-
decision, evaluation of alternatives. Production layout: ing: Hydrodynamic lubrication, Elastohydrodynamic week to discuss project progress and future work. in 2D: angular velocity vector, absolute and relative power, friction horsepower. Engine output and efficien-
fixed – position, process, cell, product, mixed; select- lubrication, Mixed and boundary lubrication. Practical Each student is responsible for presenting a final AUTO 105: Training in Automotive Service Station velocity, acceleration in plane motion. Dynamics of cy, indicated horsepower. Performance characteristics:
ing a layout type; line balancing; relationship charts. application of these types of lubrication; plain bear- report that will include a detailed mathematical back- ECTS: 2 rigid bodies in 3D: Euler angles, general plane motion, speed, fuel consumption, efficiency, brake horsepower,
Labour planning: job classifications and work rules, ings, rolling element bearings, gears, additives. ground of the problem, justify design decisions taken, Check list for serving a Car: Points for inspection and force and acceleration, work and energy methods, performance maps. Factors influencing performance:
work schedules). Organisation of a production sys- Nature and properties of rubbing materials including: include working drawings, specifications, calculations
056 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 057
Description of Courses
size of cylinder, speed, load, ignition timing, compres- ible aerodynamics; speed of sound, Mach number AUTO 406: Major Project, ECTS: 8
sion ratio, air-fuel ratio, fuel injection, engine cooling, and isentropic variations of thermodynamic proper- This course gives students the opportunity to apply
supercharging. Real cycles and the air standard cycle: ties. Aerodynamics and vehicle performance; aerody- knowledge of engineering and design to a real engi-
air standard cycles, fuel-air cycles, actual cycles and namics of the complete vehicle. neering situation. The student should learn to appreci-
their losses. Properties of fuels for IC engines: fuels for ate the problems and steps involved in such a design
SI engines, knock rating of SI engines, Octane number AUTO 401: Vehicle Internal Combustion Engines since will be responsible for a specific task from start
requirement, Diesel fuels. Alternative forms of IC Design, ECTS: 5 to end. Projects may be theoretical, experimental or
engines: the Wankel rotary combustion engine, the Induction and Exhaust process: Dynamics behaviour design projects. In case of group projects each stu-
variable compression ratio engine. Developments in IC of Valve gear and effects of valve timing. Manifold dent is assigned specific tasks. Each student has a
engines: fuel injection, supercharging. design. Requirement and properties of cooling agent project advisor with meets at least once a week to dis-
and design and calculation of cooling system ele- cuss project progress and future work. Each student
AUTO 303: Vehicle Dynamics & Control I, ments. Design and calculation of lubricating system is responsible for presenting a final report that will
ECTS: 6 elements. Mechanical Design considerations: include a detailed mathematical background of the
Ride Vehicle Dynamics: vertical tire forces, coil springs, Cylinder block and Head materials, piston and rings problem, justify design decisions taken, include work-
leaf springs, shock absorbers, stabilizer, independent and connecting rods, crankshaft, camshaft and ing drawings, specifications, calculations and cost
front and rear suspension system, ride comfort, Valves. Engine Modelling: Burn rate, induction and assessment where applicable. The student is also
lumped parameter modeling, eigenfrequencies, eigen- Exhaust process, engine Friction with case studies responsible to present his work and answer questions
modes, stability, resonance, quarter car model with and applications. Experimental Facilities like orally.
two and four dofs, half car model, heave and pitch dynamometers, fuel consumption measurement, air
motion, frequency response, time response. Active flow rate, temperature and pressure and energy bal- AUTO 407: CAD/CAM Technology in Automotive
Suspension Systems: open loop, closed loop, sen- ance Engineering, ECTS: 6
sors, actuators, first order system, second order sys- Introduction to various manufacturing processes,
tem, overshooting, rise time, settling time, PID, tuning, AUTO 402: Vehicle Dynamics & Control II, manufacturing technology, material removal, opti-
state space, optimal control, skyhook damping. ECTS: 5 mization of cutting processes. Principles of Computer
Laboratory work includes performing field tests using Handling Vehicle Dynamics: lateral tire forces, Aided Designing systems, CAD systems for designing
the lab car, measuring the vertical acceleration and Ackermann geometry, steady state cornering- low mechanical parts, creation and designing of mechan-
identifying vehicle parameters. speed, steady state cornering high–speed, side slip, ical part and elements in 2D and 3D dimension.
critical velocity, lateral acceleration gain, neutral steer, Construction of various automotive parts and dies of
AUTO 307: Automotive Design Project, ECTS: 5 understeer, oversteer, yaw velocity – rate gain, tran- automotive parts in 3D dimension by means of CAD
This course give students the opportunity to apply their sient response, equations of motion, stability, tire as a system. CAD/CAM neutral files, importing and export-
engineering knowledge in order to solve a real engi- damper, obstacle avoidance, wind force. Vehicle ing CAD/CAM electronic neutral files (IGES, STEM,
neering problem. Projects may be individual or group Control Systems: accident avoidance systems: elec- DXF). Principles of CAM systems, Post-Processor
projects. In case of group projects each student is tronic stability system, advanced steering control, operation and typical examples. Production process-
assigned specific tasks. Each student has a project driver assistance systems, adaptive cruise control, es using CAD/CAM systems and CNC machine tools,
advisor with whom he meets at least once a week to automated lane keeping. Future Developments: NC Code in the material removal (milling, turning).
discuss project progress and future work. Each student clutch, differential, braking system, gearbox, steering Optimization of manufacturing processes using flexi-
is responsible for presenting a final report that will system, road wheel, air conditioning systems, safety ble manufacturing systems, Operation and program-
include a detailed mathematical background of the systems. Laboratory work includes performing field ming of CNC machine tools using manual program-
problem, justify design decisions taken, include work- tests using the lab car, measuring the lateral acceler- ming, CNC milling programming, CNC turning pro-
ing drawings, specifications, calculations and cost ation, identifying Ackermann steering geometry. gramming. Operation and programming of CNC
assessment where applicable. The student is also machine tools using CAM systems. Laboratory work:
responsible to present his work and answer questions AUTO 403: Vehicle Structures, ECTS: 6 A series of machining applications on a 5-axis CNC
orally. Vehicle body structures, body engineering. Linear machining center and a CNC turning machine.
elasticity: three dimensional stress and strain analysis
AUTO 308: Machine Elements and Analysis I, using rectangular co-ordinates. Equilibrium, compati- AUTO 408 Automotive Operations Management,
ECTS: 6 bility and stress-strain relations. Vehicle body materi- ECTS 5
General concepts on machine design and vehicle als: Metallic beams of prismatic and circular sections Operation Management: Introduction, Project man-
mechanics, Stress and strength, stress concentration, under load, orthotropic and anisotropic materials agement and use of MS Project, Regression analysis
Static strength, Plastic deformation. Fatigue, Theories stress and flexural analysis, circular, rectangular, cor- to forecast key operational parameters. Operations
of failure, Failure prevention, Static and dynamic rugated plates under load. Plasticity: plastic failure, Design: Design of products (Product Life cycle, QFD
strength of vehicle machine elements. Engineering crack propagation, long life and short life fatigue. approach, Make-or-by decisions, Group Technology),
shafts, Crankshaft, Shaft material and critical speeds, Vehicle overall structural design: loading cases, shear Selection of Manufacturing Process (Project, Job,
Vehicle axles, Keys and Couplings. Vehicle Bearings, panel method, Bredt-Batho theory, Finite Element batch, continuous; the product – the process matrix).
Bearing types and applications, Lubrication and seals, Analysis, stress concentration. Laboratory work Capacity Planning: Forecasting demand fluctuations,
Bearing load and life, Selection of ball and cylindrical includes road tanker simulation under ADR loads measuring capacity; alternative capacity plans.
roller bearing for vehicles. Calculation and applica- using COSMOS, ANSYS and LS_DYNA and plotting of Production Layout: Types of layout (Fixed – position,
tions of bolted connections, Bolt strength, Screws and force – deflection curves using the mechanical press. Process, Cell, Product, Mixed, selecting a layout type,
Fasteners, Fasteners stiffness. Vehicle applications. line balancing, relationship charts). Human
Calculation of welded and bonded Joints, Welding AUTO 404: Vehicle Crashworthiness, ECTS: 6 Resources: Job classifications and work rules, Work
symbols, Stresses in welding, Static and fatigue load- Frontal, side, rear and rollover accident. Legislations schedules, Job Design (motivation theories, job
ing, Specification set. Vehicle cams and flywheels. and directives. Equations of motion, accident investi- expansion, self – directed teams, ergonomics), Work
gation and reconstruction. Design Practices: Lumped measurement (Labour standards, Time studies).
AUTO 309: Machine Elements and Analysis II, Mass-Spring System (LMS) and FE-based. Energy Quality Management: TQM, Cause-and Effect dia-
ECTS: 6 management by energy absorbing mechanisms. grams, Statistical Process Control, Process Capability,
Manual and automatic gearboxes, synchronisers, Energy Absorbing Systems: rings and beams. Statistical Control Charts. Operations Management:
continuously variable transmissions, traction control, Circular, square and tapered members, inversion Maintenance approaches and Product Reliability,
Types of gears, Tooth system, Contact ratio, Force tubes and composite tubes. Vehicle and Occupant product availability. Process Optimisation: simplex
analysis, Applications of gear design and power trans- Analysis: Restraint and airbag systems. Description method and MS Excel/ Solver, Aggregate Planning
mission in Automotive Industry. Design and calcula- of head, neck and chest criteria. Impact biomechanics and MRP/ ERP Systems, Short term scheduling and
tion of Spur and Helical Gear systems. Design and and Injury mechanisms. Human tolerance to impact. JIT operations.
calculation of Bevel and Worm Gear systems, Lumped Mass-Spring Systems and FE based sys-
Stresses and Strength. Design and selection of vehi- tems. Dummies and their modelling. Real human AUTO 409: Automotive Mechatronics, ECTS: 5
cle springs, Suspension springs and shock body modelling. Multi-body models versus FE mod- Integrated Electro-Mechanical Systems, functions of
absorbers, Stresses in helical springs, Deflection of els. Laboratory work includes beam member simula- Mechatronic systems. Ways of information process-
helical springs, Extension and Compression springs, tion under axial and bending loads using COSMOS, ing. Mechatronic Elements (Mechanical, Electrical,
Springs material, Fatigue loading, Design of springs, ANSYS and LS_DYNA and plotting force – deflection Hydraulic, Thermal). Sensors & Actuators, signal
Miscellaneous springs. Vehicle Clutches and Breaks, curves using the mechanical press. types, transducers, measuring amplifiers. Velocity,
Brake system components and their characteristics, acceleration, vibration, force, pressure, torque, tem-
Brake analysis, anti-lock braking systems, Energy AUTO 405: Vehicle Engineering Design, ECTS: 5 perature measurement, DAC and ADC, types of actu-
consideration, Temperature rise, Friction materials, Engineering Design: Energy, material and signal trans- ators, modeling. Machines and drivetrains, stability,
Other brake technologies. Vehicle belts and chains, formation. Functional, working, conceptual and system operating point. Advanced control techniques, feed-
Power transmission, efficiency, Flat belts, Belt drive, interrelationship. Logical, physical and constructive back control, adaptive controllers, fuzzy controllers.
synchronous belts, Roller chain, Flexible shaft. operations. Systematic Approach: problem solving, Modeling control and diagnosis of automotive
abstracting to identify functions, solution principles, Mechatronic systems.
AUTO 400: Ground Vehicle Aerodynamics, estimation and evaluation. Design Process:
ECTS: 5 Requirements definition, Conceptual Design,
Aerodynamic forces and terms; similarity and drag/lift Embodiment Design, Detail Design. Embodiment
coefficients; potential flow, streamlines and stream- Design: Basic rules, principles and guidelines. Design
function, vorticity, circulation and lift. Flow around thin Analysis and Optimization Methods: Finite Element
airfoils. Boundary layers, skin friction drag, pressure Analysis, Parameter Optimization Methods. Laboratory
drag and flow separation. Combining boundary layer work includes the minimization of the weight of a bus
and potential flow theories. Introduction to compress- frame structure using the Optimization Toolbox.
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 059
Department of
Civil Engineering
Papadopoulos Panicos
Michaelides George (Acting)
Associate Professors
Papadopoulos Panicos
Assistant Professors
Anastasiou Christos
Christou Petros
Lees Andrew
Michaelides George
Michael Antonis
Nikolaides Dimitris
Onisiphorou Christakis
Perdikou Skevi
Civil Engineering
4 Years, Bachelor of Science, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS
Aims and Objectives of the Program: The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits and
comprises of required courses, technical electives, free electives
The aim of the Program is to prepare students professionally as Civil Engineers for employment in the private and public sectors of industry and and general electives as specified below:
provide the academic background to fullfil the obligations of the Civil Engineer in a highly diversified environment. ECTS
Required Courses 211
- To acquire the knowledge and skills for employment in the private and public sectors of the economy and building industry, as professional Civil Technical Electives 10
Engineers. Free Electives 15
- To provide an integrated academic background in order to adopt to technological advancement . General Electives 4
- To provide the scientific background for futher studies or research. TOTAL 240
- To gain knowledge of scientific concepts and engineering laws and develop an ability to interpret and evaluate engineering problems.
- To reinforce understanding of theory through laboratory experience and design projects. Required Courses ECTS Hours Drawing
- To develop an ability to reason analytically and abstractly. Mathematics ACED 100 Construction Drawing & Detailing I 6 3+2*
- To introduce students in the practical engineering environment AMAT 111 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 3 ACED 200 Computer Aided Design (Civil Engineering) 6 3+2*
AMAT 122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 5 3 Programming
Laboratories AMAT 204 Differential Equations 5 3 ACSC 104 Programming for Engineers 5 3+1*
AMAT 223 Calculus III 5 3 ACES 403 Computer Methods in Civil Engineering 6 3+2*
Within the Civil Engineering Department the following five laboratories operate: AMAT 181 Linear Algebra with MATLAB 5 3 General Civil Engineering
AMAT 300 Probability and Statistics 5 3 ACES 100 Introduction to Civil Engineering 2 1
- Civil Engineering Laboratory AMAT 314 Numerical Methods 5 3 ACEH 318 Environmental Engineering 5 3
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II Physics ACET 314 Transportation Engineering 5 3
- CAD/CAM Systems and CNC Machine Tools Laboratory APHY 111 Mechanics, Heat & Waves With Laboratory 5 2+1* ACET 406 Highway Engineering 5 3
- Air Pollution Laboratory APHY 112 Electromagnetism and Optics with Laboratory 5 2+1* Project Work
- Physics Laboratory Mechanics and Structural Engineering ACEP400 Senior Project 8 1+1*
ACES 103 Statics 5 3
In addition, for the Program of Study needs, there is also access to Chemistry, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ACES 212 Structural Analysis 6 3 Technical Electives ECTS Hours
Power and Control Systems laboratories, as well as to the Drawing Room. All laboratories and Drawing Room are fully equipped to fulfill the goals ACES 322 Indeterminate Structures 6 3 ACES 480 Prestressed Concrete 5 3
of the Program. ACES 410 Advanced Structural Analysis 5 3 ACES 490 Bridge Engineering 5 3
ACES 401 Concrete Structures Design 5 3 ACEH 418 Environmental Engineering II 5 3
Professional Eligibility ACES 402 Steel Structures Design 5 3 ACET 450 Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation 5 2+1*
ACES 471 Earthquake Engineering Design 5 3 AARC 301 Environment and Services I 5 3
The Program graduates are eligible to register to the Technical Chamber of Cyprus. Dynamics ACEC 405 Estimating 5 3
AMEM 208 Dynamics 5 3+1* ACES 451 Structural Dynamics II 5 3
ACES 450 Structural Dynamics I 5 3 ACEC 436 Construction Inspection 5 3
Soil Mechanics and Foundations
ACEG 209 Geology I 5 3 Free Electives
ACEG 210 Soil Mechanics I with Laboratory 6 3+1* Free Elective is a course offered by other Departments of the University for
ACEG 220 Soil Mechanics II with Laboratory 6 3+1* which a student is qualified to register.
ACEG 434 Foundation Design 5 3
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics General Electives
ACEH 315 Fluid Mechanics with Laboratory 6 3+1* Students should choose one course from group A and one course
ACEH 430 Hydraulics 6 3+1* from group B.
Land Surveying ECTS Hours
ACET 108 Surveying I 6 3+1* Group A - Cyprus Studies
ACET 208 Surveying II 5 3 AECH111 Cyprus in the 20th Century 2 2
Construction Management AECH101 Introduction to the History of Cyprus 2 2
ACEC 220 Measurement and Costing of Works 5 3
ACEC 316 Construction Management 5 3 Group B - Greek Language and Literature
ACEC 438 Engineering Contracts and Specifications 5 3 AEGL111 Modern Greek Literature 2 2
Materials AEGL101 Introduction to Greek Language 2 2
ACEM 116 Construction Materials I with Laboratory 6 3+1*
ACEM 216 Construction Materials II 5 3 *Laboratory Hours
062 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 063
Description of Courses
ACES103: Statics - ECTS: 5 ACES471: Earthquake Engineering Design - hence degree of conservatism, need for further inves- and methods used in construction. Create case study programs. Create a simple design using engineering design of bridges. Evaluate the suitability of the differ-
Upon completion of the subject students will be able ECTS: 5 tigation, need for monitoring. Create design calcula- involving manipulation and interpretation of data; software or a hand-written program and then compare ent bridge types to particular situations. Design a
to understand the basic concepts and methods for Upon completion of the subject students will be able tions for shallow foundation with complex loads and mathematical skills; project, time and resource man- results with equivalent manual calculations to help bridge to solve a particular problem.
the analysis and composition of forces, of particle to understand the principles and concepts of modern soil conditions, RC cantilever and gravity retaining agement. understand the accuracy and assumptions of each
equilibrium, summation of forces and moments, load- design codes with respect to the dynamic behavior wall. method. ACEH418: Environmental Engineering II - ECTS: 5
ing configurations, the importance of the Free Body and seismic design of structures. Apply seismic ACEC438: Engineering Contracts and Upon completion of the subject students will be able to
Diagram, how to handle distributed loads, beam equi- design concepts in the conceptual design of struc- ACEH315: Fluid Mechanics with Laboratory Specifications - ECTS: 5 ACES100: Introduction to Civil Engineering understand concepts, ideas, principles relating to:
librium, joint equilibrium. Apply and use the principles tures and decide on geometrical configurations of ECTS: 6 Upon completion of the subject students will be able to ECTS: 2 Water Quality, Public Health, Water Pollution,
of mechanics to the equilibrium of particles and buildings. Analyze design spectra, and corresponding Upon completion of the subject students will be able understand the legal aspects of engineering and iden- Upon completion of the subject students will be able to Wastewater treatment and disposal, Sanitary Sewer
beams, trusses, mechanisms, concepts of centroids dynamic behavior of buildings and other structures to identify Properties of fluids and understand con- tify the elements of a valid contract, types of contracts identify the participants in an engineering project, Systems, Municipal Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste
and second moments of areas to the determination of Evaluate different design philosophies with respect to cepts and principles of Fluid statics and fluid-motion, and the importance of specifications and method of including client, contractor, QS, etc and understand the Management, Waste Stabilization Ponds, Air Pollution
properties of sections. Analyze trusses and mecha- earthquake resistance. Create design-drawings and continuity equation, Bernouli equation Momentum measurement. Recognize and assess the type of con- roles and responsibilities of the Civil Engineer. and Control, Noise Pollution, Sustainable
nisms, and determine shear-force and bending- details of earthquake resistant members. equation. Apply fluid mechanics basic principles and tract that will suit a specific type of project and adjust Appreciate the importance of Civil Engineering in soci- Development, Environmental Impact Assessment &
moment equations for simple beam configurations. laboratory techniques in the determination of fluid and modify accordingly specific data within the con- ety. Analyze the environmental impact of many civil Risk assessment, GIS and Remote Sensing for
Evaluate different methods of analysis. Create struc- ACES450: Structural Dynamics I - ECTS: 5 parameters and effects. Analyze forces on sub- tract variables so that it will apply and fit best the type engineering projects. Evaluate the need for regulation Environmental Applications. Apply principles in an
tural models of real structures. Upon completion of the subject students will be able merged surfaces and become familiar with the princi- of project. Verify through a feasibility study if a contract in civil engineering, in particular in the area of health environmental impact assessment study. Analyze pub-
to understand basic dynamic terms and concepts of ples involved in fluid motion such as continuity and can lead to a successful project. Analyze differences and safety. Create a construction team for an example lic health situations, preventing strategies. Evaluate
ACES212: Structural Analysis - ECTS: 6 the dynamic behavior of systems. Apply structural momentum for providing solutions to fluid problems. between the contracts signed by architects and con- civil engineering project, describe the roles of each sustainable development, air pollution, waste manage-
Upon completion of the subject students will be able dynamics in the determination of the response of sim- Evaluate various case studies. Create preliminary tractors, engineers and contractors, owners and engi- participant. ment strategies in Cyprus. Create waste management,
to understand the concepts of shear force, bending ple single-degree of freedom systems to dynamic hydraulic designs. neers etc. Evaluate various options of available con- waste-water treatment design, water treatment design
moment, slope and deflection, and their use in struc- loading. Analyze response spectra diagrams. tracts that apply to a series of project types. Create ACEH318: Environmental Engineering - ECTS: 5 system, noise pollution case studies.
tural design. Apply these concepts & use consistent Evaluate mode shapes for simple two-dimensional ACEH430: Hydraulics - ECTS: 6 specifications according to type of project, scheduling, Upon completion of the subject students will be able to
sign conventions in order to calculate, sketch, and frames simple harmonic motion of a basic frame Upon completion of the subject students will be able location, available terrain and weather conditions. identify general environmental engineering issues, ACET450: Remote Sensing & Image Interpretation
write equations to describe the distributions of shear- structure. Create dynamic analysis results for a two to identify basic hydraulic principles and understand environment and understand principles and concepts ECTS: 5
force and bending-moment diagrams and draw bend- dimensional shear building, and algorithms for the laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, Dimensional ACEM116: Construction Materials I with relating to: Public Health, Private and Public Water Upon completion of the subject students will be able to
ing moment and shear force diagrams. Analyze matrix formulation of structural dynamics. analysis, Open-channel flow. Apply hydraulic princi- Laboratory - ECTS: 6 Supplies, Water Quality: Physical and Chemical understand remote sensing basic principles:
beams in order to calculate longitudinal stresses and ples to solve civil engineering problems and use Upon completion of the subject students will be able to parameters and Quality requirements, Water Photogrammetry, Satellite Remote Sensing, Non-pho-
shear stresses due to bending moment and shear ACEG209: Geology I - ECTS: 5 dimensional analysis, to simulate engineering prob- identify physical, index, and mechanical properties of Treatment, Water and Waste Water Quantities, tographic Imagery, Digital Image Analysis, Image
force, locate points of maximum stress and calculate Upon completion of the subject students will be able lems. Analyze pipe flow, laminar and turbulent flow in materials and understand the advantages and disad- Engineered Systems for Wastewater Treatment and Exploration, Image Correction / Rectification,
slopes and deflection equations giving due regard to to identify minerals and rocks, igneous, sedimentary, pipes. Evaluate water distribution systems. Create vantages of different materials and their applications. Disposal. Primary and Secondary. Treatment Systems. Unsupervised Classification, Supervised Classification,
boundary conditions. Evaluate different methods of metamorphic rocks, earth surface processes, geolog- hydraulic designs. Apply knowledge and skills concerning the setting up Advanced Wastewater Treatment. Apply water quality Post-processing techniques, Verification, Additional
determining shear –force and bending-moment equa- ical hazards, groundwater, plate tectonics and earth- of materials classification and strength/stiffness tests issues for providing solutions to a variety of water pol- Capabilities of Software / Outputs, Applications, GIS,
tions as well as geometric and virtual work methods to quakes and understand Cyprus ground formations ACET108: Surveying 1 - ECTS: 6 in the laboratory. Analyze material parameters required lution problems. Analyze water quality data. Evaluate GPS & Remote Sensing Applications: case studies
calculate beam deformations from applied loads. and soils and main Cyprus geological hazards. Apply Upon completion of the subject students will be able for different applications and different types of materi- case studies of waste water treatment. Create private from Cyprus. Apply satellite remote sensing applica-
Create basic beam and column designs. standard methods of rock, soil and soil-processes to identify branches of surveying – general principles als. Evaluate the methods of obtaining material param- and public water supplies, water-treatment and waste- tions to geological, civil engineering and environmental
description. Analyze relevance of Geology to Civil of surveying –types of surveys-importance of survey- eters for different applications. Create specification for water treatment systems in Cyprus. problems and areas. Analyze satellite imagery (pre-
ACES322: Indeterminate Structures - ECTS: 6 Engineering. Evaluate methods and stages of site ing-survey of Cyprus – scales of maps and plans material selection and required tests for a building processing and post-processing) classified images
Upon completion of the subject students will be able investigations. Create a field-trip-report describing andunderstand measurement concepts and methods project. ACET314: Transportation Engineering - ECTS :5 Evaluate different atmospheric correction methods
to: a) Differentiate between statically determinate and rock and soil formations in Cyprus. for distance measurements, principles of GPS, and Upon completion of the subject students will be able to used in the pre-processing of satellite images differ-
indeterminate stable and unstable structures. b) angular measurements. Apply measurement and lev- ACEM216: Construction Materials II - ECTS: 5 understand basic concepts, ideas, principles of ences between aerial photography and satellite remote
Understand the principle of superposition for linearly ACEG210: Soil Mechanics I with Laboratory eling principles in the surveying and mapping of Upon completion of the subject students will be able to Transportation engineering Airport Engineering, sensing. Assess case studies from Cyprus and other
elastic structures and its importance. ECTS:6 areas, the determination of sections and for creating identify the basic properties of modern materials and Coastal Engineering and Railroad Engineering. Apply countries. Use of commercial packages in remote
Apply the concepts of flexibility and stiffness, the Upon completion of the subject students will be able contours. Analyze practical results found from a series their uses and understand the measurement and use transportation planning and modeling in several case sensing applications (civil & environmental engineering
force-method, the moment-distribution, and virtual to describe methods of visual soil description, meth- of practical exercices related with the use of leveling, of the more advanced properties of concrete, including studies. Analyze traffic impact assessment case stud- themes)
work methods of analyzing statically indeterminate lin- ods of site improvement and their suitability for differ- optical square, theodolite. Evaluate experimental modulus of elasticity, creep, thermal shrinkage. Apply ies. Evaluate traffic signal design case studies and pro-
early elastic structures. Analyze beams, frames and ent soils and situations and understand the physical results obtained from GPS measurements and level- the basic properties of modern materials and their use. vide the suitable design. Create design case studies AARC301: Environment and Services I - ECTS: 5
trusses using the force method the moment distribu- nature of soil, measurement and interpretation of ing exercises. Create plans of topographical survey Analyze the relative properties of various modern con- for airport engineering and highway engineering Upon completion of the subject students will be able to
tion method and virtual work. Evaluate and compare index properties, and concept of effective stress. for engineering development; plans, designs for set- struction materials and assess the applicability in dif- aspects. understand environmental issues and building servic-
different methods of analysis of indeterminate struc- Apply soil mechanics concepts and laboratory tech- ting out engineering works ferent situations. Evaluate advantages and disadvan- es and the concepts of: basic environmental control
tures. Develop the methods in matrix form and create niques in the determination of in-situ stress and tages of modern construction materials. Interpret of ACET406: Highway Engineering - ECTS: 5 systems and issues, and develop an intuitive under-
small computer algorithms for their implementation. stress change due to surface load, one-dimensional ACET208: Surveying II - ECTS: 5 laboratory measurement data and application of mod- Upon completion of the subject students will be able to standing of how to apply these concepts to the design
compression calculations, maximum dry density/ opti- Upon completion of the subject students will be able ulus of elasticity of concrete in a simple RC beam understand basic concepts, ideas, principle :Highway of buildings, water supply, waste sewage, storm water
ACES410: Advanced Structural Analysis - ECTS: 5 mum moisture content. Analyze geotechnical prob- to identify instruments for angular measurements example. Additional assessment of shrinkage and Economics and Finance, Highway Planning and disposal, heating, cooling, lighting, electrical/mechani-
Upon completion of the subject students will be able lems by appropriately categorizing into soil-mechan- “Theodolite” and understand the concepts and princi- creep potential. Design/Geometry, Highway Soil Engineering, Highway cal systems work for the design of buildings. Apply
to understand the concepts of stiffness-related distri- ics formulations. Evaluate the techniques of site ples for the determination of areas and volumes for Pavement Materials, Flexible Pavement Design, design procedures for buildings using environmental
bution of moment and develop the formation of stiff- improvement in different situations and the impor- several civil engineering projects, Setting out a vertical ACED100: Construction Drawing and Detailing I Concrete Pavement Design, Pavement Maintenance. issues and services location. Analyze environmental
ness equations including the use of matrix notation tance of site controls. Create flownet and associated curve, Tacheometry, Traverse Surveys and ECTS: 5 Apply highway pavement design for various situations factors and their significance in building design.
and matrix algebra to systemize the computations of seepage and pore pressure calculations, oedometer Computations, Basic geodesy, the theory of the GPS Upon completion of the subject students will be able to and geometry standards for planning/designing high- Evaluate case studies: building services, urban design,
the stiffness method. Apply stiffness principles in the test and associated in-situ stress/stress change/set- satellite system and the use of the system for survey- identify drawing equipment, lines, presentation meth- ways. Analyze highway geometry standards (employ sustainability issues. Design case study for building
formulation and development of the stiffness matrix of tlement calculations, laboratory determination of MDD ing and setting out purposes and GIS, Satellite ods, drawing principles, plan-view, elevations, sections commercial packages such as AUTOCAD, MAPCIVIL services.
a real structure. Analyze structures using the stiffness and OMC. Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry principles. and understand how to undertake and read architec- 2006). Evaluate pavement maintenance methods used
method for the determination of displacements and Apply using areas and volumes principles for deter- tural and construction drawings and how to work with around the world and pavement maintenance methods ACEC405: Estimating - ECTS: 5
stresses. Evaluate the use of the stiffness method for ACEG220: Soil Mechanics II with Laboratory mining earthworks in several civil engineering projects the drawing instruments. Apply basic drawing skills in used in Cyprus. Create design case studies for high- Upon completion of the subject students will be able to
the analysis of structural systems.Create stiffness and ECTS:6 and using Mass Haul Diagrams for determining costs the drafting of elements plan and elevation view and way engineering aspects (design, soil materials etc). identify different estimating methods and tools. Apply
finite element models for simple linearly elastic frame Upon completion of the subject students will be able in earthworks. Analyze practical results found from a sections. Develop an ability to link the three dimension- different methods of estimating, including computer
structures. to describe laboratory and in-situ methods of deter- series of practical exercices related with the use of al nature of objects to two dimensional drawings and ACEP400: Senior Project - ECTS: 8 methods. Analyze costs. Evaluate the construction
mining soil strength, foundation types, retaining wall total station for closed traverses. Experimental results vice versa. Evaluate different presentation methods. Upon completion of the subject students will be able to costs of standard building elements as part of a partic-
ACES401: Concrete Structures Design - ECTS: 5 types and understand parameters of soil strength obtained from total station measurements, laser level Create drawings for a building project. Case studies: understand basic engineering background civil engi- ular construction project. Create through research and
Upon completion of the subject students will be able to (Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, apparent cohesion, measurements -case studies from the use of GIS and Staircases - Different types Retaining Walls - neering concepts, ideas, principles. Use library case study review.
understand the principles and concepts of modern drained/undrained strengths, volume changes, critical satellite remote sensing for several civil engineering Foundation Walls Windows - (Types)Parapet Wall - resources (journals, books, local industry) for research.
design codes appropriate for different applications of state concept). Apply soil mechanics concepts and projects.Plan photogrammetric flight missions, deter- Roof Detail Analyze experimental or theoretical results. Evaluate ACES451: Structural Dynamics II - ECTS: 5
reinforced concrete and relate analysis and design laboratory techniques in the determination of shear- mine flight plan for mapping purposes. alternative scenarios, appraise literature review and Upon completion of the subject students will be able to
stages. Apply & use code provisions in the determina- box determination of friction angle of sand, triaxial ACED200: Computer Aided Design – (Civil examine problems and recommend ideas. Develop an understand the matrix formulation of dynamics .Apply
tion of loads on structures and the application of appro- determination of shear strength of sand and a clay ACEC220: Measurement & Costing of Works - Engineering) - ECTS: 6 ability to report information in a structured manner. dynamics in the solution of multi-degree of freedom
priate load factors in the analysis of structures, as well (undrained with measurement of pp), Analyze geot- ECTS: 5 Upon completion of the subject students will be able to systems to dynamic loading. Analyze three dimension-
as design code provisions with respect to serviceability echnical problems by appropriately categorizing into Upon completion of the subject students will be able identify Autocad layout, layers, various drawing com- ACES480: Prestressed Concrete - ECTS: 5 al structures for their response due to dynamic loading
and ultimate limit states. Analyze and design beams for soil-mechanics formulations (embedded cantilever to identify methods of measurement and understand mands, drawing layout, printing and plotting and Upon completion of the subject students will be able to Evaluate methods of dynamic tuning and control of
bending, shear and deflection, one-way and two-way retaining wall design, shallow foundation design). the general principles of measurement. Apply meas- understand how to manipulate drawings, make correc- identify the principle of prestressed concrete and its vibrations in structures. Create dynamic designs of
slabs, columns and footings. Evaluate the analysis and Evaluate the accuracy, precision and suitability of soil urement procedures and mensuration applications. tions and modifications, in a fast and simple way inside applications, methods of prestressing, appropriate complex structures
design cycle. Create complete design drawings for strength measurement methods in different soils, situ- Analyze different measurement methods. Evaluate the Autocad. Apply in drawing plans, elevations and sec- design codes. Apply appropriate codes to design pre-
simple beams, slabs, columns and footings. ations and applications suitability of gravity/RC can- advantages and disadvantages of different measure- tions. Analyze three dimensional objects to two dimen- stressed concrete beams and slabs. Analyze the differ- ACEC436: Construction Inspection - ECTS: 5
tilever/embedded cantilever retaining walls and ment methods. Create measurements for Groundwork sional drawings and vice versa. Evaluate the advan- ences and similarities between design codes for pre- Upon completion of the subject students will be able to
ACES402: Steel Structures Design - ECTS: 5 pad/strip/raft and deep foundations on different soils and Foundations, Brick and Block Walling Fires, tages and disadvantages of computer aided design stressed concrete. Evaluate the different systems and identify inspection methods and procedures, health
Upon completion of the subject students will be able and for different applications. Create foundation and Flues, Vents and Stone Walling, Floors and Partitions Create Drawings for a building project using CAD. their advantages and disadvantages. Design basic and safety, quality control, Construction issues and
to understand the principles and concepts of modern retaining wall designs calculations and drawings. ,Pitched and Flat Roofs, Internal Finishes, Windows, prestressed concrete continuous beam and prestress- understand basic concepts, ideas, principles relating
design codes appropriate for different applications of Doors, Staircases and Fittings, Bill Preparation and ACES403: Computer Methods in Civil Engineering ing regime. to: Importance of inspection control Site Supervision,
steel and relate analysis and design stages. ACEG434: Foundation Design - ECTS: 5 Production ECTS: 6 Methods for Sampling Procedures, Methods for
Distinguish between working stress and LRFD. Apply Upon completion of the subject students will be able Upon completion of the subject students will be able to ACES490: Bridge Engineering - ECTS: 5 Inspection of row and composite materials, Methods
& use code provisions in the determination of loads on to identify methods of site investigation, foundation ACEC316: Construction Management - ECTS: 5 identify the types of engineering software available to Upon completion of the subject students will be able to for Inspection of finish products, Testing of Materials,
structures and the application of appropriate load fac- and retaining wall types and understand the geotech- Upon completion of the subject students will be able assist the engineer in different aspects of design and identify various bridge types, their applicability to differ- Compliance of Materials with specification Products,
tors in the analysis of structures, as well as design nical design process from site investigation, interpre- to identify critical path networks and resource alloca- construction and understand the need to organize ent situations and their corresponding construction Tolerances, Inspection of Finished Product. Apply per-
code provisions with respect to serviceability and ulti- tation, design and monitoring. Apply design tech- tion; quality assurance, health and safety and codes engineering problems for computer solution carefully methods and understand the relationship between formance-related quality criteria. Analyze several alter-
mate limit states. Analyze and design beams, niques for shallow foundations with complex loads, of practice and understand aspects of civil engineer- and to understand the limitations and assumptions of geotechnical information, analysis techniques and native supervising procedure and systematic process
columns, and connections. Evaluate the analysis and RC cantilever and gravity retaining walls. Analyze site ing management. Apply knowledge of the above top- the software being used. Apply simple engineering design issues to bridge design. Apply the relevant controls, sampling and testing procedures. Evaluate
design cycle. Create complete design drawings for investigation data for the selection of appropriate ics in carrying out associated analysis and planning. algorithms to simple computer programs. Analyze the codes to develop load cases for various highway inspection methods and procedures. Develop inspec-
simple beams, columns and connections. shallow and deep foundation types or retaining wall Analyze discipline-specific practical skills in using dis- applicability of various common engineering programs bridge designs and methods for the design of key ele- tion and supervision skills and procedures to the
types and calculation of factors of safety on stability counted cash flow techniques to assess the financial to everyday engineering problems. Evaluate the limita- ments of the common types of bridges. Analyze the prompt completion of an engineering project - case
for complex cases. Evaluate degree of certainty and worth of construction projects; Evaluate basic plant tions and assumptions of a selection of engineering effects of construction methods and sequence in the studies: inspection reports, structural reports.
064 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 065
Quantity Surveying
4 Years, Bachelor of Science, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS
General Aim The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits and AQSL270 Construction Contracts 5 3
The “Quantity Surveying” Program of Study provides the opportunity to students with an orientation towards the disciplines of building technology, comprises of required courses, technical electives, free electives AQSL370 Construction Contract Administration 5 3
management, economics and law to merge these disciplines into a professional career in the area of Quantity Surveying. This is a highly concise and and general electives as specified below: AQSL390 Dispute Resolution 5 3
practical program geared towards providing the state-of the-art skills necessary for immediate entering practice at the highest level. The program gives ECTS AQSL450 Adjudication and Arbitration 5 3
students the opportunity to apply their training in real world applications. Required Courses 206 Management
Technical Electives 15 AQSM200 Principles of Business Management 5 3
Program Course Distribution Free Electives 15 AQSM250 Management of Products and Finance 5 3
The structure of the Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying is based on the Credit Accumulation Mode of Study. At least two hundred and forty General Electives 4 ACEC316 Construction Management 5 3
(240) credits are required in order to graduate, of which two hundred and six credits (206) are required courses. Students must also take three techni- TOTAL 240 ACEC320 Construction Planning and Procurement 5 3
cal electives from a list of advanced courses in the major specializations of Quantity Surveying. In addition to the technical courses, students must Practical Training
Required Courses ECTS Hours AQSP410 Construction QS Practice 7 1+5*
take non-technical electives in the areas of Cyprus Studies and Greek Language and Literature as well as a minimum of three additional free electives.
General Quantity Surveying AQSP420 Advanced QS Practice
Furthermore, during the 7th and 8th semesters of the program, each student has to complete projects in areas of his/her interest. The program is AQSP100 Introduction to Quantity Surveying 5 1 in Engineering Services 8 1+5*
structured in such a way as to provide students a broad knowledge from all main areas of the field of Quantity Surveying. A general Quantity Surveying Mathematics & General Science Project Work
knowledge is provided through courses related to Mathematics and through a number of introductory courses on Construction Materials, Construction AMAT111 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 3
AQSP400 Integrating Project 5 1+4*
Technology, Management Economics and Law. The tools required by students to become successful professional Quantity Surveyors, are provided AMAT182 Lin. Algebra with Analytic Tools 5 3 AQSP450 Senior Project 10 1+7*
through a number of advanced courses, extensive assignments and practical case studies. All courses are assessed according to the normal proce- AMAT300 Probability and Statistics 5 3
dure followed by the University with the exception of practical work, which have no final exam element. The practical component mark that is included APHY111 Mechanics, Heat & Waves With Laboratory 5 2+1* Technical Electives ECTS Hours
in certain subject areas contributes to the overall students' coursework mark for each course individually. Project assessment is carried out based on ACES200 Structural Systems 5 3 AQSM440 Negotiating Skills and Resolving of Disputes 5 3
regulations. Geology
AQSM403 Real Estate Management 5 3
ACEG207 Engineering Geology 5 3
Land Surveying AQSE460 Feasibility and Technoeconomic Studies 5 3
ACET108 Land Surveying 6 2+2* AQSE430 Evaluating Sustainable Development 5 3
Construction Technology AQSE470 Advanced Risk Analysis and Management 5 3
Core Quantity Surveying Competences ACEC200 Construction Technology 5 3 AQSE490 Transport Economics 5 3
ACEH210 Environment and Services 5 3 AQSM475 Facilities Management 5 3
Technical Cost Control ACEH330 Sustainability AMAT314 Numerical Methods 5 3
- Interpret and to some extend prepare working and shop drawings - Measure and price construction works
- Have knowledge of construction processes, methods and materials - Incorporate H&S and environmental management issues in costing and Environmental Management 5 3
- Interpret and implement a health & safety plan - Evaluate sustainable development in the construction environment Drawing Free Electives
- Propose sustainable materials, methods and systems in construction - Perform feasibility studies and assess alternatives ACED100 Construction Drawing 5 2+2* Free Elective is a course offered by other Departments of the University for
and development - Carry out cost benefit analyses ACED200 Computer Aided Design 5 2+2* which a student is qualified to register.
- Interpret and to some extend verify levels and construction layout - Analyse whole-life cycle costing and advice on whole life appraisal Programming
information - Perform cost planning AQSC104 Computer Programming
- Have Knowledge of geology and geotechnical materials in construction - Carry out valuations and cost estimation General Electives
for Quantity Surveyors 5 2+2* Students should choose one course from group A and one course
- Have knowledge of infrastructure (building services, roads, water - Prepare construction financial reports
main/sewer, mechanical and electrical systems) - Prepare property and asset valuations AQSC431 Computer Methods in Construction from group B.
and Virtual Prototyping 5 2+2* ECTS Hours
Legal Managerial Measurement and Costing
Group A - Cyprus Studies
- Have a general competence in construction contracting practices - Organize, plan, monitor and control construction projects ACEC220 Measurement and Costing of Works 5 2+2*
- Understand European and Cyprus Law in general and with respect to - Use computer methods for project planning and cost control AECH111 Cyprus in the 20th Century 2 2
ACEC223 Measurement and Costing
health and safety and the environment - Plan and conduct meetings of Engineering Services 5 2+2* AECH101 Introduction to the History of Cyprus 2 2
- Advise on ways of procuring a project - Manage people and products AQSP220 Measurement Project 5 1+4*
- Form Cyprus and International construction contracts - Manage a modern organization with information technology Materials Group B - Greek Language and Literature
- Administer construction contracts - Manage the commercial success of a project for a contractor AEGL111 Modern Greek Literature 2 2
- Assess or compile claims for loss and expense - Monitor design development against planned expenditure ACEM 117 Construction Materials 5 2+2*
- Advise on the avoidance and settlement of disputes - Conduct value management and engineering exercises Economics AEGL101 Introduction to Greek Language 2 2
- Possess professional and ethical behaviour - Assess capital and revenue expenditure over the whole life of a facility AEAP200 Principles of Economics 5 3
- Undertake a risk appraisal AEAP350 Economics and Finance 5 3 *Laboratory Hours
- Have negotiation skills AQSE330 Cost Planning and Project Cost Control 5 3
AQSE430 Evaluating Sustainable Development 5 3
AQSE480 Development Economics
and Investment Appraisal 5 3
The Program has been conditionally approved by the Evaluation Committee of Private Universities (ECPU). AQSE360 Construction Economics 5 3
AQSE370 Risk Analysis and Risk Management 5 3
Legal Aspects
ALAW200 Principles of Law 5 3
066 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 067
Description of Courses
AQSP100: Introduction to Quantity Surveying ACEC200: Construction Technology – ECTS:5 principles etc: the use of computer methods for solv- structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating) ment used. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri- ries, strategies in different situations: Contract resolu-
ECTS:5 Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- ing Quantity Surveying problems, visualization and in order to obtain test results and information concern- tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, tion, Forms and Correspondence. Analyzing (compar-
Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) simulation. Applying (implementing, carrying out, ing the properties of materials. Evaluating (checking, monitoring): equipment functions, production rates. ing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining,
fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) specific information from the course content: using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, test- Creating (designing, constructing, planning, produc- structuring, integrating). Contractual and Financial
specific information from the course content: Construction and building, materials, construction strategies in different situations: the subject specific ing, detecting, monitoring) testing methods. Creating ing, inventing, devising, making): effectively plan the Injury Litigation, Claims, Defence. Evaluating (check-
University Procedures and the use of IT. Duties of each methods, equipment and procedures, fixing methods software packages associated with quantity survey- (designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- use of equipment to complete a construction project. ing, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging,
professional in the construction industry, important and details, health and safety considerations the ing, planning and scheduling in VP environment. ing, devising, making): material selection and required testing, detecting, monitoring) General Practice and
construction methods, methods of organizing con- basic elements of substructure (site works, setting out Analyze in a number of ways (comparing, organizing, tests for a building project. AQSE370: Risk Analysis and Risk Management – Procedures. Creating (designing, constructing, plan-
struction, methods of measurement of works in inter- and foundations) and superstructure (flooring and deconstructing, attributing, outlining, structuring, inte- ECTS:5 ning, producing, inventing, devising, making) through
national construction practice. Understanding (inter- roofs, simple finishes, fittings and fixtures) as well as grating): computer oriented methods. Evaluate in a AEAP200: Principles of Economics – ECTS:5 Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- Research and Case Study Review.
preting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, sum- basic services such as water, gas electricity and number of ways (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, execut- fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
marizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, princi- drainage. Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitor- ing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in dif- specific information from the course content: risk, ele- AQSL450: Adjudication and Arbitration – ECTS:5
ples etc: The role of the Quantity Surveyor and paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, ing): the advantages and disadvantages of computer ferent situations: into simple project cases. Analyzing ments of risk. Understand (interpreting, exemplifying, Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
Related Disciplines (Engineers, Architects), and the explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: every aided measurement. Create in a number of ways (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
importance of planning, control and management of aspect of the technology of residential and office (designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- outlining, structuring, integrating) basic economic explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: to identify specific information from the course content: Review
works. Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, building construction. Applying (implementing, carry- ing, devising, making): contract documentation, con- concepts. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri- risk in real estate, management of risk. Applying and Consultation Methods. Understanding (interpret-
executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies ing out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, the- struction programs and cost plans using software. tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, (implementing, carrying out, using, executing) con- ing, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, summa-
in different situations: in an organizational chart for a ories, strategies in different situations: in the identifi- monitoring): economic management policies. Creating cepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different situ- rizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, principles
small construction project. Analyzing (comparing, cation of the most appropriate construction materials, ACEC220: Measurement & Costing of Works – (designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- ations. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstruct- etc: the interpersonal skills required to participate suc-
organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, methods and equipment for a construction project. ECTS:5 ing, devising, making) an economic analysis of a sim- ing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): the cessfully in negotiations and mediations, Obligations,
structuring, integrating): Quantity Surveyors Analyze (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- ple project. significance of strategic management in real estate. Powers and Possible |Liabilities of the Adjudicator &
Functions. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri- attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating) the fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experi- Arbitrator. Applying (implementing, carrying out, using,
tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, details of a modern construction system (i.e tilt-up specific information from the course content: methods AEAP350: Economics and Finance – ECTS:5 menting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring): busi- executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies
monitoring): Construction Technology Equipment and construction). Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, of measurement. Understanding (interpreting, exem- Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- ness process analysis in real estate. Creating (design- in different situations: the methodology of Adjudication
Procedures. Creating (designing, constructing, plan- critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, plifying, paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, infer- fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) ing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, and Arbitration Procedure for Dispute Resolution.
ning, producing, inventing, devising, making): monitoring) recent developments in technology affect- ring, explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: specific information from the course content: basic devising, making): of IT in real estate. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing,
Planning the execution of a small building project in ing the construction industry. Case study. Selecting General Principles of Measurement. Applying (imple- theories and tools of Economics and Finance. attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating) the back-
Cyprus. materials, construction methods and equipment and menting, carrying out, using, executing) concepts, Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- ALAW200: Principles of Law – ECTS:5 ground of Adjudication and arbitration Procedure for
fixing details of major components for an office devel- ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different situations: ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- Dispute Resolution. Advantages and Disadvantages.
ACES200: Structural Systems – ECTS:5 opment in Cyprus. measurement procedures mensuration applications. concepts, ideas, principles etc: ideas and principles of fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experi-
Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, finance. Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, specific information from the course content: Crimes menting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring)
fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) ACEH210: Environment and Services – ECTS:5 attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): different executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies and Torts, Justice advantages and disadvantages. Creating (designing,
specific information from the course content: Analysis Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- measurement methods. Evaluating (checking, in different situations: into building related topics. Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising,
and Composition of Forces, Concept of Moment of fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, test- Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) making) through Research and Case Study Review.
Force, summation of forces and moments, loading specific information from the course content: environ- ing, detecting, monitoring) the advantages and disad- attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): con- concepts, ideas, principles etc: the Fundamental
configurations, definition of truss, mechanism, shear- mental factors and their significance in building vantages of different measurement methods. Creating struction goals with an Economics and Finance objec- Principles of Law. Legal concepts and Issues. Law AQSM200: Principles of Business Management –
force, bending-moment, centroid moment of inertia. design. Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, (designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- tive. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, History. Appling (implementing, carrying out, using, ECTS:5
Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, ing, devising, making) measurements for Groundwork experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: the basic and Foundations, Brick and Block Walling Fires, economic management policies. Creating (designing, in different situations: principles of law in disputes. fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
concepts, ideas, principles etc: Types of Structures physical concepts of environmental control systems Flues, Vents and Stone Walling, Floors and Partitions constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, specific information from the course content: Principles
and Systems, basic concepts and methods of particle and issues, and develop an intuitive understanding of ,Pitched and Flat Roofs, Internal Finishes, Windows, making) case studies in construction projects in attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): the Law of business management. Understanding (interpreting,
equilibrium, the importance of the Free Body Diagram, how to apply these concepts to the design of build- Doors, Staircases and Fittings, Bill Preparation and Cyprus and Abroad. of Contracts. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri- exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing,
how to handle distributed loads, beam equilibrium, ings. Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, para- Production. tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc:
joint equilibrium. Applying (implementing, carrying phrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explain- AQSE330: Cost Planning and Project Cost monitoring) through research and case study review. how management is practised and how these prac-
out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, ing) concepts, ideas, principles etc: the way water ACEC223, Measurement & Costing of Control – ECTS:5 Creating (designing, constructing, planning, produc- tices have developed. Applying (implementing, carry-
strategies in different situations: the principles of supply, waste sewage, storm water disposal, heating, Engineering Services – ECTS:5 Remembering in a (recognizing, listing, describing, ing, inventing, devising, making): through research ing out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theo-
mechanics to the equilibrium of particles and beams, cooling, lighting, electrical/mechanical systems work Remembering in a number of ways (recognizing, list- identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defin- and case study review. ries, strategies in different situations: in managing
concepts of centroids and second moments of areas for the design of buildings. ing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locat- ing) specific information from the course content: small businesses. Analyzing (comparing, organizing,
to the determination of properties of sections. ing, finding, defining) specific information from the Interest Rates and Present Values. Understanding AQSL270: Construction Contracts – ECTS:5 deconstructing, attributing, outlining, structuring, inte-
Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, ACED100: Construction Drawing – ECTS:5 course content: methods of measurement of services. (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- grating): the topics of finance, marketing and commu-
attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): trusses Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- Understanding in a number of ways (interpreting, summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) nications. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri-
and mechanisms, and determine shear-force and fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, principles etc: Value Management. Applying (imple- specific information from the course content: Types of tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting,
bending-moment equations for simple beam configu- specific information from the course content: drawing inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: menting, carrying out, using, executing) concepts, promises that are legally enforceable. Understanding monitoring): the importance of Planning and Control.
rations. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri- equipment, lines, presentation methods, drawing prin- how a QS measure and prepare cost analysis of sev- ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different situations: (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, Creating (designing, constructing, planning, produc-
tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, ciples, plan-view, elevations, sections. Understanding eral building services. Applying (implementing, carry- in comparing alternatives. Analyzing (comparing, summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, ing, inventing, devising, making): Create the structure
monitoring): different methods of analysis. Creating in a number of ways (interpreting, exemplifying, para- ing out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, the- organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, struc- principles etc: What it takes to form a contract, Cyprus, of a small business.
(designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- phrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explain- ories, strategies in different situations: measurement turing, integrating) Methods of Comparing Alternatives. JCT, FIDIC Contracts. Applying (implementing, carry-
ing, devising, making): structural models of real struc- ing) concepts, ideas, principles etc: how to “read” procedures mensuration applications. Analyzing Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experi- ing out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theo- AQSM250: Management of Products and Finance
tures. architectural and construction drawings. Applying (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, menting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) ries, strategies in different situations: principles of con- – ECTS:5
(implementing, carrying out, using, executing) con- outlining, structuring, integrating) different measure- Project Investment. Creating (designing, constructing, tract law in disputes. Analyzing (comparing, organiz- Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
ACEG207: Engineering Geology – ECTS:5 cepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different sit- ment methods. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making): ing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, structuring, fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- uations: basic drawing skills. Analyzing comparing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, Feasibility Study for a Project. integrating): the obligations of the parties. Evaluating specific information from the course content: basic
fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, monitoring) the advantages and disadvantages of dif- (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, tools and principles upon which finance is based.
specific information from the course content: matter, structuring, integrating): Develop an ability to link the ferent measurement methods. Creating (designing, AQSE480: Development Economics & judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) what consti- Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras-
minerals and rocks, igneous, sedimentary, metamor- three dimensional nature of objects to two dimension- constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devis- Investment Appraisal – ECTS:5 tutes breach and what remedies are available upon ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining)
phic rocks, weathering of soils, mass movements, al drawings and vice versa. Evaluating (checking, ing, making) in the measurement of Water, Heating Remembering in a number of ways (recognizing, list- breach. Creating (designing, constructing, planning, concepts, ideas, principles etc: Product Lifecycle
stream erosion, groundwater, continental drift and hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, test- and Waste Service Electrical Services, Drainage Work ing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locat- producing, inventing, devising, making): through Costing. Applying (implementing, carrying out, using,
earthquakes. Understanding (interpreting, exemplify- ing, detecting, monitoring) different presentation External Works ing, finding, defining) specific information from the research and case study review. executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies
ing, paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, methods. Creating in a number of ways (designing, course content. Understanding in a number of ways in different situations: simple product management.
explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: geologi- constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devis- AQSP220: Measurement Project – ECTS:5 (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, AQSL370: Construction Contract Administration Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing,
cal and ground formations and the means of identify- ing, making) Drawings for a building project. Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, – ECTS:5 attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): the struc-
ing them. Cyprus ground formations and soils. Main fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) principles etc: valuation theory and principles. Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- ture and operation of financial management; planning
Cyprus geotechnical problems. Applying ( implement- ACED200: Computer Aided Design – ECTS:5 specific information from the course content: Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, execut- fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) and control, capital structure and investment decision,
ing, carrying out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- European measurement methods and standards. ing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in dif- specific information from the course content: Methods valuation. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri-
skills, theories, strategies in different situations: in the fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- ferent situations: in-depth valuations using the most of Contract Administrator. Understanding (interpreting, tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting,
identification of soils and formations. Analyzing (com- specific information from the course content: Autocad ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) appropriate techniques. Analyzing (comparing, organ- exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, monitoring): problems of internal financial analysis.
paring, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlin- layout, layers, various drawing commands, drawing concepts, ideas, principles etc: the interrelated use of izing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, structuring, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: Creating (designing, constructing, planning, produc-
ing, structuring, integrating) the processes that lead layout, printing and plotting. Understanding (interpret- measurement methods and standards. Applying integrating) the limitations of valuation techniques and Roles and relationships of Consultants and Role of the ing, inventing, devising, making): Conclude to an
to ground formation and structure of ground bodies. ing, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, summa- implementing, carrying out, using, executing) con- their effectiveness in a wide range of circumstances. Contract Administrator. Contractor's Obligations, investment decision.
Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, exper- rizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, princi- cepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different sit- Evaluating in a number of ways (checking, hypothesiz- Employer's obligations. Applying (implementing, carry-
imenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) ples etc: how to manipulate drawings, make correc- uations: knowledge and skills into the setting up meth- ing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detect- ing out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theo- ACEC316: Construction Management – ECTS:5
ground and geological conditions the science of tions modifications, in a fast and simple way inside ods for the measurement of a project. Analyzing ing, monitoring): the effect of government intervention ries, strategies in different situations: Contract Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
Geology and its relevance in Civil engineering. Create Autocad. Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, on the property market. Creating (designing, construct- Management, Forms and Correspondence, Contract fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
(designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies outlining, structuring, integrating): in order to obtain ing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making) Accounting. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon- specific information from the course content: critical
ing, devising, making): Essays and reports on Cyprus in different situations: In drawing plans, elevations and results and information. Evaluating (checking, hypoth- EC valuation practice. structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): path networks and resource allocation; quality assur-
formations, ground conditions and problems. sections. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon- esizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, Liability in Contract and Tort, Financial Remedies for ance, health and safety and codes of practice.
structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating) detecting, monitoring): measurement methods. AQSE360: Construction Economics – ECTS:5 Breach of Contract Suspension and Determination of Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras-
ACET108: Land Surveying – ECTS:6 three dimensional objects to two dimensional draw- Creating (designing, constructing, planning, produc- Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- Contracts. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri- ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining)
Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- ings and vice versa. Evaluating (checking, hypothesiz- ing, inventing, devising, making): QS reports and Bills. fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, concepts, ideas, principles etc: aspects of civil engi-
ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) ing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detect- specific information from the course content: the types monitoring): Contractor's Claims for Loss and neering management. Applying (implementing, carry-
concepts, ideas, principles etc: the role of the engi- ing, monitoring) the advantages and disadvantages of ACEM117: Construction Materials – ECTS:5 and functions of common construction equipment. Expense. Creating (designing, constructing, planning, ing out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theo-
neering surveyor in the civil engineering industry. computer aided design. Creating (designing, con- Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- producing, inventing, devising, making): through ries, strategies in different situations: knowledge of the
Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, execut- structing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) Research and Case Study review. above topics in carrying out associated analysis and
ing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in dif- making) Drawings for a building project using CAD. specific information from the course content: physical, concepts, ideas, principles etc: ownership and operat- planning. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon-
ferent situations: a topographical survey for engineer- index, and mechanical properties of materials. ing costs for construction equipment (Understand time AQSL390: Dispute Resolution – ECTS:5 structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating):
ing development. Applying (implementing, carrying AQSC431: Computer Methods in Construction Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- value of money/components of equipment costs). Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- discipline-specific practical skills in using discounted
out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, and Virtual Prototyping – ECTS:5 ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, execut- fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) cash flow techniques to assess the financial worth of
strategies in different situations in the planning, Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- concepts, ideas, principles etc: the advantages of dif- ing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in dif- specific information from the course content: Contract construction projects. Evaluating (checking, hypothe-
design and set out engineering works. Creating fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) ferent materials and their use. Applying (implement- ferent situations: the types and functions of common problems. Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, sizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing,
(designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- specific information from the course content: subject ing, carrying out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, construction equipment in costing operations. paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, detecting, monitoring): basic plant and methods used
ing, devising, making) a given task to meet specifica- oriented software commands and use. Understanding skills, theories, strategies in different situations: knowl- Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: Dispute in construction. Creating (designing, constructing,
tions within a strict deadline; work in groups. (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, edge and skills into the setting up laboratory experi- attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): Resolution principles. Applying (implementing, carry- planning, producing, inventing, devising, making):
summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, ments. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon- Construction production rate based on type of equip- ing out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theo- case study involving manipulation and interpretation of
068 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 069
Description of Courses
data; mathematical skills; project, time and resource results, amend and reiterate. Creating (designing, fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
management. constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devis- specific information from the course content.
ing, making): measurements and bill for a specific Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras-
ACEC320: Construction Planning and project building services. ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining)
Procurement – ECTS:5 concepts, ideas, principles etc: supply and demand in
Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- AQSP450: Senior Project – ECTS:10 the context of transport. Applying (implementing, car-
fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- rying out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills,
specific information from the course content fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) theories, strategies in different situations: appropriate
Procurement Methods And Contracts in Use. specific information from the course content: meas- methods to solve problems in transport economics.
Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- urement methods and standards. Understanding Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing,
ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating): the
concepts, ideas, principles etc: Design and Build, summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, nature of local and national transport policies.
Private Finance Initiative, Prime Contracting frame- principles etc: the interrelated use of measurement Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, exper-
works. Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, and standards. Applying (implementing, carrying out, imenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring):
executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, Cost of accidents for a Highway Junction. Creating
in different situations: Tendering procedures and stan- strategies in different situations: knowledge and skills (designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent-
dard procurement methods. Analyzing (comparing, into the setting up methods for the measurement of a ing, devising, making): through Research and Case
organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, project. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon- Study Review.
structuring, integrating) the role of the project manag- structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrat-
er. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, ing): in order to obtain information technical legal. ACEH330: Sustainability and Environmental
experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, exper- Management– ECTS:5
different frameworks. Creating (designing, construct- imenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) the Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
ing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making) results, amending and reiterating. Creating (design- fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
through Research and Case Study Review. ing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, specific information from the course content: sustain-
devising, making): through review and research and able materials, construction methods and proce-
AQSM475: Facilities Management – ECTS:5 obtaining information regarding a realistic project and dures, health and safety, quality control, energy con-
Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- assessment and evaluation by the student of the situ- servations. Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying,
fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) ation providing proposals regarding measurement, paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring,
specific information from the course content: human planning and procurement, administration, dispute explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: the impor-
resources and facility management principles. resolution or a combination thereof in relation to the tance of sustainability and environmental manage-
Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- specific project. ment to the prompt completion of an engineering proj-
ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) ect. Applying (implementing, carrying out, using, exe-
concepts, ideas, principles etc: importance and meth- AQSM440: Negotiating Skills and Resolving of cuting) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in
ods of recruitment, selection, utilization and develop- Disputes – ECTS:5 different situations: performance -related quality crite-
ment of human resources. Applying (implementing, Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, iden- ria. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing,
carrying out, using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, tifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating) system-
theories, strategies in different situations: policies, specific information from the course content: atic process controls. Evaluating (checking, hypothe-
procedures, forms of Facility Management. Analyzing Negotiating skills and Dispute resolution methods. sizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing,
(comparing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- detecting, monitoring) construction methods and pro-
outlining, structuring, integrating) Facility Financial ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) cedures. Creating (designing, constructing, planning,
Forecasting and Management. Evaluating (checking, concepts, ideas, principles etc: the procedures producing, inventing, devising, making) through
hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, test- involved in each dispute resolution method. Applying Research and Case Study Review.
ing, detecting, monitoring) different management poli- (implementing, carrying out, using, executing) con-
cies and frameworks. Creating (designing, construct- cepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different sit- AQSP400: Integrating Project – ECTS:5
ing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, mak- uations: in the successful contractual and financial Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
ing): Long-range and Annual Facility Planning. negotiation with another party on behalf of his client. fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
Analyzing (comparing, organizing, deconstructing, specific information from the course content: meas-
AQSM403: Real Estate Management – ECTS:5 attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating) dispute urement methods and standards. Understanding
Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- resolution methods when faced with a contractual dif- (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying,
ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) ference. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, cri- summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas,
concepts, ideas, principles etc: the significance of tiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, principles etc: the interrelated use of measurement
strategic management in real estate. Applying (imple- monitoring) dispute resolution methods. Creating and standards. Applying (implementing, carrying out,
menting, carrying out, using, executing) concepts, (designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories,
ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different situations: ing, devising, making): through Research and Case strategies in different situations: knowledge and skills
of IT in real estate. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, Study Review. into the setting up methods for the measurement of a
deconstructing, attributing, outlining, structuring, inte- project. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon-
grating): business process in real estate. Evaluating AQSE460: Feasibility and Technoeconomic structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating)
(checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, Studies – ECTS:5 in order to obtain information technical legal.
judging, testing, detecting, monitoring): business Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, exper-
process analysis in real estate. Creating (designing, fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) imenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring): the
constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devis- specific information from the course content: methods results, amend and reiterate. Creating (designing,
ing, making): through Research and case Study of comparing alternatives, present value, internal rate constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devis-
Review. of return. Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, ing, making) through review and research and obtain-
paraphrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, ing information regarding a realistic project and
AQSP410: Construction QS Practice – ECTS:7 explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: the tech- assessment and evaluation by the student of the situ-
Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- niques of identifying economic trends. Applying ation providing proposals regarding measurement,
fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) (implementing, carrying out, using, executing) con- planning and procurement, administration, dispute
specific information from the course content: meas- cepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different sit- resolution or a combination thereof in relation to the
urement methods and standards. Understand in a uations: technoeconomic knowledge and economics specific project.
number of ways (interpreting, exemplifying, para- to make informed decisions on whether one invest-
phrasing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explain- ment is better than another. Analyzing (comparing, AMAT182: Linear Algebra with Analytic Tools,
ing) concepts, ideas, principles etc: the interrelated organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, ECTS: 5
use of measurement and standards. Applying (imple- structuring, integrating): Economic trends. Evaluating Vectors and Vector spaces, Matrices, Determinants,
menting, carrying out, using, executing) concepts, (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, Linear Transformations, Systems of Linear Equations,
ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different situations: judging, testing, detecting, monitoring): methods of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Matlab Applications,
knowledge and skills into the setting up methods for comparing alternatives. Creating (designing, con- Applications of Linear Algebra to Engineering and
the measurement of a project. Analyzing (comparing, structing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, other problems.
organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, making): Technoeconomic Study for a development
structuring, integrating): in order to obtain information project. AQSE430: Evaluating Sustainable Development,
technical legal. Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, ECTS: 5
critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, AQSE470: Advanced Risk Analysis and Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
monitoring): the results, amend and reiterate. Creating Management – ECTS:5 fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining)
(designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent- Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- specific information from the course content: the cost
ing, devising, making): measurements and bill for a fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) of sustainable materials, methods and procedures,
specific project. specific information from the course content: of the as well as the value of energy conservation.
principles of risk analysis Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras-
AQSP420: Advanced QS Practice in Engineering Understanding (interpreting, exemplifying, paraphras- ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining)
Services – ECTS:8 ing, classifying, summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, principles etc: the importance of
Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi- concepts, ideas, principles etc: risk analysis and its sustainability and environmental management in the
fying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, defining) applications. Applying (implementing, carrying out, whole life cost of an engineering project. Applying
specific information from the course content: meas- using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, (implementing, carrying out, using, executing) con-
urement methods and standards. Understanding strategies in different situations: to make informed cepts, ideas, skills, theories, strategies in different sit-
(interpreting, exemplifying, paraphrasing, classifying, decisions of the suitability of methods for different sit- uations: cost-benefit analyses for sustainable materi-
summarizing, inferring, explaining) concepts, ideas, uations. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon- als, methods and energy resources. Analyzing (com-
principles etc: the interrelated use of measurement structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrat- paring, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlin-
and standards. Applying (implementing, carrying out, ing): the various methods of risk analysis, including ing, structuring, integrating): whole-life cycle costing
using, executing) concepts, ideas, skills, theories, computer simulations. Evaluating (checking, hypothe- and advice on whole life appraisal. Evaluating
strategies in different situations: knowledge and skills sizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting,
into the setting up methods for the measurement of a detecting, monitoring): risk analysis techniques. judging, testing, detecting, monitoring): Evaluate
project. Analyzing (comparing, organizing, decon- Creating (designing, constructing, planning, produc- sustainable development in the construction environ-
structing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrat- ing, inventing, devising, making). ment. Creating (designing, constructing, planning,
ing): in order to obtain information technical legal. producing, inventing, devising, making): through
Evaluating (checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, exper- AQSE490: Transport Economics – ECTS:5 research and case study review.
imenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring) the Remembering (recognizing, listing, describing, identi-
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 071
Department of
Computer Science and Engineering
Kyriacou Costas
Charalambous Christoforos
Batanov Dencho
Associate Professors
Charalambous Christoforos
Kyriacou Costas
Kyriacou Efthyvoulos
Assistant Professors
Demetriou George
Loizidou Stephania
Chrysostomou Chrysostomos
Dekoulis George
Haralambous Haris
Papadopoulos Harris
Pericleous Savvas
Tatas Constantinos
Computer Engineering
4 Years, Bachelor of Science, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS
Aims and Objectives of the Program: The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits and
comprises of required courses, computer engineering electives,
The Program focuses on computer systems with integrated understanding of computer hardware and software, and on the use of computers to technical electives, free electives and general electives.
control processes in the real world. The Program prepares graduates for employment as computer engineers and lays the foundation for graduate Technical Electives ECTS Hours
studies in the field of computer engineering. ECTS AEEE229 Circuit Analysis 5 3
Required Courses 196 AEEC345 Control Engineering with Laboratory 6 3+1*
The objective of the Program is to produce graduates that graduares are academically competent in the field of computer engineering and make Computer Engineering Electives 15 AEEE341 Communication Systems I 5 3
connections with related disciplines are equally comfortable in working with computer software and hardware are competent in the design, testing Technical Electives 20 AEEE404 Power Electronics 5 3
Free Electives 5 ACOE251 Assembly Language 5 3
and programming of microprocessor based, computer and computer-controlled systems are familiar with the world of work through practical
General Electives 4 ACSC155 System Analysis and Design I 5 3
experience, gained through laboratory work and project development recognize the requirements and limitations for computer systems in the sci-
TOTAL 240 ACSC223 Database Systems 6 3+1*
entific and industrial environments acquire the foundation for further development in graduate or professional areas.
ACSC285 Numerical Methods 5 3+1*
Required Courses ECTS Hours ACSC300 Logic Programming 5 3+1*
Laboratories ACSC330 Computer Graphics 6 3+1*
ACOE101 Freshman Computer Engineering 6 3+1*
ACOE161 Digital Logic for Computers 7 3+2* ACSC368 Artificial Intelligence 5 3+1*
The CSE Department maintains the following teaching and research laboratories: ACSC371 Programming Languages 5 3
ACOE201 Computer Architecture I 7 3+2*
- Software Engineering Laboratories ACOE243 Computer Interfacing 5 2+2* ACSC373 Compiler Writing 5 3+1*
- Computer Engineering Laboratories (Instrumentations, Digital Systems, Microprocessors / Embedded Systems, Automation and Robotics) ACOE255 Microprocessors I 6 3+2* ACSC374 Computer Aided Design 5 3+1*
- High End Laboratory (non-teaching lab for processor demanding applications such as multimedia and numerical analysis) ACOE301 Computer Architecture II 5 3+1* ACSC375 Multimedia 6 3+1*
- High Performance Computing Center (computer cluster for parallel computing) ACOE313 Computer Networks I 6 3+1* ACSC382 Object Oriented Programming 6 3+1*
ACOE323 Computer Networks II 5 3 ACSC383 Software Engineering 6 3+1*
ACOE343 Real-Time Embedded Processor Systems 6 2+2* ACSC401 Algorithms and Complexity 5 3
Professional Eligibility ACSC424 Network Application Programming 6 3+1*
ACOE347 Data Acquisition and Automation Systems 5 2+2*
ACOE361 Digital Systems Design 6 3+1* ACSC468 Machine Learning 5 3
The Program graduates are eligible to register to the Technical Chamber of Cyprus. ACSC476 Internet Technologies 6 3+1*
ACOE399 Computer Engineering Practice 5 1+1*
ACOE401 Parallel Processing 6 3+1*
ACOE419 Digital Integrated Circuits and VLSI Design 5 3 Computer Engineering Electives ECTS Hours
ACOE489 Senior Project Planning 3 1 ACOE412 Digital Communications 5 3
ACOE490 Senior Project 6 1 ACOE414 Robotics 5 3
ACSC182 Programming Principles I 6 3+1* ACOE418 Digital Signal Processing 5 3
ACSC183 Programming Principles II 6 3+1* ACOE422 Wireless Computer Networks 5 3
ACSC191 Discrete Mathematics 5 3 ACOE423 Interconnection Networks 5 3
ACSC271 Operating Systems 5 3 ACOE428 Digital Image Processing 5 3
ACSC288 Data Structures 5 3+1* ACOE452 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems 5 3
ACSC359 Software Methodology 5 2+2* ACOE455 High Performance Processor Architecture 5 3
ACSC372 Systems Programming 6 3+1*
ACSC426 Network and System Security 5 3 Free Electives
AELE221 Circuits Analysis I with Laboratory 6 3+2* Free Elective is a course offered by other Departments of the University for
AELE210 Signals, Systems and Transforms 5 3 which a student is qualified to register.
AELE237 Electronics I with Laboratory 6 3+2*
AELE337 Electronics II with Laboratory 6 3+2* General Electives
AENG223 Professional Ethics and Conduct 3 2 Students should choose one course from group A and one course
AENG224 Technical Report Writing 3 2 from group B.
APHY111 Mechanics, Heat and Waves with Laboratory 5 3+1* ECTS Hours
APHY112 Electromagnetism and Optics with Laboratory 5 3+1* Group A - Cyprus Studies
AMAT181 Linear Algebra with MATLAB 5 3 AECH111 Cyprus in the 20th Century 2 2
AMAT111 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I 5 3 AECH101 Introduction to the History of Cyprus 2 2
AMAT122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 5 3
AMAT204 Differential Equations 5 3 Group B - Greek Language and Literature
AMAT300 Probability and Statistics 5 3 AEGL111 Modern Greek Literature 2 2
AEGL101 Introduction to Greek Language 2 2
*Laboratory Hours
074 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 075
Computer Science
4 Years,Bachelor of Science, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS
Aims and Objectives of the Program: The Program requires the completion of 240 ECTS credits and Computer Electives
comprises of required courses, computer electives, free electives Students must complete a minimum of 45 ECTS.
The Program aims towards the provision of knowledge to students in three main areas: and general electives as specified below: ECTS Hours
- Theory of Computer Science: To provide students with a clear understanding of the theoretical background and basis of computation, train ACOE361 Digital Systems Design 6 3+1*
them in formal thinking and appreciate concepts of complexity and computability. To this end, apart from courses relating to Mathematics, ECTS ACOE401 Parallel Processing 6 3+1*
courses on logic, data structures, algorithms and complexity and theory on programming languages will contribute. Required Courses 186 ACOE414 Robotics 5 3
- Appreciation of Computer Systems: To provide students with a strong theoretical as well as practical understanding of the design and Computer Electives 45 ACOE422 Wireless Computer Networks 5 3
development of modern computer systems in general. Courses contributing to this goal include digital design, computer architecture, Free Electives 5 ACOE426 Network and System Security 5 3
communications and networks and operating systems. General Electives 4 ACOE428 Digital Image Processing 5 3
- Development of Applications: To provide students with the skills in appreciating, designing and implementing computer solutions to a variety of TOTAL 240 ACSC105 Business Information Systems 5 3
problems. Fields that are addressed include programming, database systems, systems analysis and software engineering and development. ACSC224 Quantitative Methods II 5 3
Required Courses ECTS Hours ACSC373 Compiler Writing 5 3
The objective of the Program is to produce graduates that: ACSC101 Freshman Computer Science 5 3 ACSC375 Multimedia 6 3+1*
- Become academically competent in the field of computer science and make connections with related disciplines ACSC124 Probability and Statistics I 5 3 ACSC402 Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms 5 3
- Are able to continue their studies at graduate level in any computer science related field. ACSC182 Programming Principles 6 3+2* ACSC416 Decision Support and
- Handle the problems of scale and complexity that applications in industry and commerce present. AMAT111 Calculus I 5 3 Knowledge-Based Systems 5 3
- Are familiar with the world of work through practical experience, gained through laboratory work and project development AMAT181 Linear Algebra and Geometry 5 3 ACSC424 Network Application Programming 5 3+1*
- Appreciate the need to construct systems that both satisfy requirements and enhance the lives of those who use them ACOE161 Digital Logic for Computers 7 3+2* ACSC425 Optimization in Operations Research 5 3
- Recognize the requirements and limitations for computer systems in the scientific and industrial environments ACSC183 Programming Principles II 6 3+2* ACSC468 Machine Learning 5 3
- Understand the design and programming issues that underlie the construction of systems that can be changed, extended and adapted to meet ACSC191 Discrete Mathematics 5 2 ACSC481 Topics in Advanced Software Engineering 5 3
the demands of a rapidly changing technological and commercial environment. AMAT122 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II 5 2 AMAT204 Differential Equations 5 3
- Understand the technologies related to computer systems and appreciate and adapt to changes in such technologies. ACSC223 Database systems 6 3+1*
AENG223 Professional Ethics and Conduct 3 2
Laboratories ACOE201 Computer Architecture I 7 3+2* Free Electives
ACSC288 Data Structures 5 3+1* Free Elective is a course offered by other Departments of the University for
The CSE Department maintains the following teaching and research laboratories: ACSC155 Systems Analysis and Design 5 3 which a student is qualified to register.
- Software Engineering Laboratories ACSC271 Operating Systems 5 3
- Computer Engineering Laboratories (Instrumentations, Digital Systems, Microprocessors / Embedded Systems, Automation and Robotics) ACSC285 Numerical Methods 5 3 General Electives
- High End Laboratory (non-teaching lab for processor demanding applications such as multimedia and numerical analysis) AENG224 Technical Report Writing 3 2 Students should choose one course from group A and one course
- High Performance Computing Center (computer cluster for parallel computing) ACOE313 Computer Networks I 6 3+1* from group B.
ACSC299 Visual Programming ECTS Hours
Professional Eligibility and Human Computer Interaction 5 3+1* Group A - Cyprus Studies
The Program graduates are eligible to register to the Technical Chamber of Cyprus. ACSC382 Object Oriented Programming 6 3+1* AECH111 Cyprus in the 20th Century 2 2
ACSC330 Computer Graphics 6 3+1* AECH101 Introduction to the History of Cyprus 2 2
ACOE301 Computer Architecture II 5 3+1*
ACSC476 Internet Technologies 6 3+1* Group B - Greek Language and Literature
ACSC383 Software Engineering 6 3+1* AEGL111 Modern Greek Literature 2 2
ACOE323 Computer Networks II 5 3 AEGL101 Introduction to Greek Language 2 2
ACSC389 Software Engineering Project I 3 1
ACSC384 Advanced Database Systems 6 3+1* *Laboratory Hours
ACSC300 Logic Programming 5 3
ACSC371 Programming Languages 5 3
ACSC390 Software Engineering Project II 3 1
ACSC372 Systems Programming 6 3+1*
ACSC401 Algorithms and Complexity 5 3
ACSC489 Project Preparation 3 -
ACSC368 Artificial Intelligence 5 3+1*
ACSC404 Web-Enabled Applications 6 3+1*
ACSC490 Senior Project 6 1
076 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 077
Description of Courses
ACOE101: Freshman Computer Engineering, ACOE313: Computer Networks I, 6 ECTS operation of a robot system. Fundamentals of algo- ACOE489: Senior Project Planning, 3 ECTS storing and retrieving huge amount of data, related introduces to students the broad area of software test-
6 ECTS The course aims to provide the basic foundation nec- rithms and techniques used in motion planning, map- During their senior year, students are required to under- models and implementation techniques. Data, ing and verification.
Introduction to the computing discipline. Historic evo- essary for understanding data communications, data ping and localization. take an individual capstone project related to the disci- Information, Models, Relations. Relational Model.
lution of computing. Disciplines of computing, relation networks, and computer networks. It familiarise stu- pline of computer engineering. Students registered for Methods and Techniques for Conceptual and Logical ACSC368: Artificial Intelligence, 5 ECTS
of the computer engineering discipline with related dis- dents with data and computer networks principles, ACOE418: Digital Signal Processing, 5 ECTS this subject are expected to propose the topic of their Database Design: Entity-Relationships, Semantic Introduces students to the main areas of interest in
ciplines such as computer science, information sys- such as the TCP/IP reference models and associated Advanced topics in digital signal processing. Discrete project, provide detailed objectives, give a literature Modeling, Normalization. SQL: Data Definition and Data practical Artificial Intelligence with the use of the Prolog
tems and electrical engineering. Overview of the basic protocols, with emphasis on the concepts and issues Time Signals and Systems: classification of signals review on the issues related to their project, and sug- Manipulation Languages. Working with MySQL. programming language. Basic problem solving strate-
educational areas of computing: digital systems and related to the Internet layers, and protocols: and systems, impulse response and convolution. gest a methodology and planning for the implementa- gies, Heuristics: evaluation and cost functions, AND/OR
computer hardware, operating systems, programming Application, Transport, Network and Link layers. Sampling, sampling theorem, analog-to-digital and tion of the project. Assessment of this subject will be ACSC231: Internet Communication and Web graph representation of problems, Semantic networks,
and algorithms, data communications and computer digital-to-analog conversion. z-transforms: properties based on students achievement expressed in a formal Design, 5 ECTS Frames, Inheritance, Expert systems, Forward and
networks. Social and professional issues: Social con- ACOE323: Computer Networks II, 5 ECTS of the z-transform and inversion of z-transform. report submitted by the end of the semester, and on the Introduce students to the basic model of Internet com- backward chaining, Algorithmic machine learning,
text of computing, professional and ethical responsibil- The course provides an overview of the underlying prin- Frequency Domain Analysis of Signals: Fourier trans- student’s oral presentation . munication focusing on immersing students into the Concept learning, Version spaces, Game trees,
ities, intellectual property, social implications of the ciples of networking with an emphasis to Internet proto- form for continuous-time aperiodic signals, discrete process of planning, designing and building profes- Minimax search.
Internet and computer crime. cols and network applications. It develops an under- Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform ACOE490: Senior Project, 6 ECTS sional quality static web sites. Introduction to the
standing of the recent revolutions in computer network- (FFT) algorithms. Digital Filters: classification of filters, After conducting initial research and planning students Internet environment. Basics of the HTTP protocol and ACSC371: Programming Languages, 5 ECTS
ACOE161: Digital Logic for Computers, 7 ECTS ing, including the audio and video streaming, content frequency selective filters, FIR vs IIR filters. Design of are expected to follow the developed project plan to web communication. Content Development – HTML Familiarization of students with mathematical concepts
Introduction to digital logic and digital circuits. Number distribution and real time applications and protocols, as digital filters. Linear Phase filters. meet the goals set. Students should make the neces- structure, syntax and features. Web Servers and site of various programming paradigms and formal lan-
systems and codes: Conversions, arithmetic opera- well as an understanding of the special issues like QoS sary hardware/software development or problem analy- planning. Graphical Elements – colour, compression guage development. Programming Domains;
tions, negative number representation, fractional num- (quality of service), next-generation Internet systems, ACOE419: Digital Integrated Circuits and VLSI sis relevant to the field chosen and should overcome and positioning. Tables, layers and template design. Language Evaluation Criteria; Influences on Language
bers, and alphanumeric codes. Combinational circuits: wireless and mobile networks, Internet security, and new Design, 5 ECTS any problems that arise with the guidance of the project Cascading Style Sheets. Content Management Design; Programming Language Categories;
logic expressions, simplification, of logic expressions, architectures. Advanced topics in VLSI circuit design methodologies, supervisor. Students should also deliver a detailed proj- Systems. Web Ethics Implementation Methods; Models of Computation;
Circuit implementation of logic functions. Design of VLSI layout methodologies, and digital integrated cir- ect report that describes their work and should also Church’s thesis; Languages and Grammars; Chomsky
combinational MSI digital circuits. Sequential circuits: ACOE343: Real-Time Embedded Processor cuit fabrication. MOS transistor theory, CMOS pro- present their project outcomes to a panel of faculty ACSC271: Operating Systems, 5 ECTS hierarchy; Backus-Naur Form; Parsing; Names,
latches and flip-flops, truth tables and excitation tables, Systems, 6 ECTS cessing technology, performance and circuit analysis, members as well as defend their work against com- Explanation to students the structure and operations of Bindings, Type Checking, and Scopes; Functional
level and edge triggering, counters and registers. Finite Introduction to the design of real-time embedded and simulation. Design methodology and tools for ments that the panel makes. an operating system with regard to resource manage- Programming Languages; Introduction to Scheme;
State Machines. Programmable logic devices: PLAs, processor systems, including microcontrollers, digital design, testing and verification. Combinational circuit ment (CPU, memory and storage) and explain the con- Statement-Level Control Structures; Iteration and
PALs, CPLDs and FPGAs. Laboratory work using basic signal processors and network processors. Hardware design, sequential circuit design, arithmetic circuits, ACSC101: Freshman Computer Science, 5 ECTS cepts of CPU scheduling, process synchronisation and Recursion; Exception Handling.
TTL ICs to implement logic functions. description of and software development using memory, PLAs and special purpose subsystems. VLSI Aims to introduce students in the discipline of comput- virtual memory. Computer and Operating System struc-
embedded C/C++ and assembly programming for fabrication techniques. Process technology to produce er science and the relevance to society. Overview of the tures, Processes, Threads, Scheduling, Memory ACSC372: Systems Programming, 6 ECTS
ACOE201: Computer Architecture I, 7 ECTS the 8051-based and the MSC121x microcontrollers. integrated circuits with emphasis on silicon technology. Computing discipline. A layered description of the ele- Management, Virtual Memory and File Systems. Recall operating system concepts and introduce stu-
Introduction to computer architecture and organiza- The DSP development system, real-time input and out- ments of a computer system in both hardware and soft- dents to UNIX fundamentals as an Operating System
tion. Von-Neuman architecture, hardware level of a put applications with the DSK, Architecture and ISA of ACOE422: Wireless Computer Networks, 5 ECTS ware terms. Introduction to computer programming – ACSC285: Numerical Methods, 5 ECTS thus expanding knowledge using UNIX variants. UNIX
computer. Instruction set architectures, relation of the C64x processor, fixed-point considerations. Concepts of mobile communication systems and wire- principles, fundamental constructs and algorithmic Introduction of students to numerical methods and scien- commands and Shells, Shell programming, Automating
hardware with software. Flow of information at the reg- Laboratory work on single board systems using micro- less computer networks. Wireless Transmission: fre- development. Overview of the Computer Science pro- tific computation techniques for dealing with important tasks, Accessing and mounting devices, C
ister level. CPU design: datapaths, register files, ALU, controllers, DSPs and network processors. quencies & regulations, signals, antennas, signal prop- gram and fields covered. Applications and use of com- computational problems. Floating Point Representation; Programming using System calls, functions and expres-
buses. Sequencing and control, hardwired and micro- agation, multiplexing, modulation, spread spectrum, puter science in everyday life, society and organisations Computer Arithmetic; Taylor Series Approximation; sions, Process creation, communication between
programmed control. Semiconductor memory devices ACOE347: Data Acquisition and Automation cellular systems etc. Medium Access Control: SDMA, – computer science professionals. Measuring and Controlling Errors; Solving Non-Linear processes, Network implementations, opening sockets,
and memory expansion. Memory hierarchies, caches Systems, 5 ECTS FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Telecommunication Systems: Equations; Iterative, Bisection, Newton-Raphson and creating ports, accessing and retrieving data.
and virtual memory. I/O organization, peripheral Introduction to computer based instrumentation, GSM (HSCSD, GPRS), DECT, TETRA, UMTS/IMT-2000. ACSC105: Business Information Systems, 5 ECTS Secant Methods; Polynomial Interpolation with Monomial
devices, I/O interfacing, interrupts, and DMA. automation systems and programmable logic con- Wireless LAN: infrastructure/ad-hoc, IEEE 802.11, An introductory course to Management Information Basis, Newton’s Divided-Difference and Langrange ACSC373: Compiler Writing, 5 ECTS
Laboratory work including the design of computer trollers. Instrumentation Technology: sensors, trans- HiperLAN2, mobile QoS, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15. Systems (MIS). Its objectives are to develop a basic Interpolating Polynomials; Numerical Integration - Introduction of students to the process of compiler con-
hardware components using VHDL and implementa- ducers, and signal conditioners and recording devices. Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP, DHCP, ad-hoc net- understanding of the major global business changes, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s Rules, Richardson’s struction, appreciate the difficulties in developing modern
tion on FPGA boards. Digital to analog and analog to digital conversion, works, routing. Satellite Systems: GEO, MEO, LEO, how these major changes made information systems Extrapolation; Solving First-Order Ordinary Differential compilers and understand the techniques used to sup-
computer based data acquisition systems. Automation routing, handover. necessary, the concepts and techniques needed in Equations - Euler and Midpoint Methods. port such features. The compilation process – analysis
ACOE243: Computer Interfacing , 5 ECTS systems: microprocessors based controllers, comput- analyzing, designing, and managing these systems, and synthesis, compilation stages. Grammars and
Introduction to computer interfacing techniques and er based controllers, microcontrollers, industrial com- ACOE423: Interconnection Networks, 5 ECTS and to explore the applications of computer and infor- ACSC288: Data Structures, 5 ECTS Languages – Chomski classification, BNF. Lexical
applications. Computer Interfacing including micro- puters and Programmable Logic Controllers. PLC pro- Introduction to the design of high performance net- mation technology to improve the efficiency and effec- Explanation to students of the design, implementation Analysis – regular expressions and FSA. Syntax Analysis
processor bus interfacing, interfacing standards (ISA, gramming using ladder diagrams. Laboratory work works employed in high speed networks and parallel tiveness of individuals, groups and organizations. and applications of data structures in computation and – top-down, bottom-up parsing, grammar manipulation,
PCI) as well as interfacing through the parallel port using data acquisition and automation hardware and processing systems. Shared medium networks, cross- introduce concepts of algorithm complexity. Dynamic syntax trees. Semantic Analysis – type, name checking,
(LPT), serial port (COM) and USB ports. Individual or software. bar networks, multistage interconnection networks, and ACSC155: System Analysis and Design I, 5 ECTS Data, Linked lists - development and operations, Linear the Symbol Table. Intermediate Code. Run-time environ-
small group experiments performed on personal com- hybrid networks. Basic switching techniques – circuit This course presents an overview of the design and ADTs – Stacks, Queues, Generic Trees, tree traversals, ment – activation records, dynamic memory and heaps.
puters equipped with special purpose cards. ACOE361: Digital Systems Design, 6 ECTS switching, packet switching, Virtual cut-through switch- development of an information system. The course will Heaps and Priority Queues, Introduction to algorithmic
Experiments on timers/counters, data transfer, dis- Advanced topics in digital design with emphasis on ing, wormhole switching, and hybrid switching tech- focus on tools and techniques like SDLC, prototype complexity – the searching and sorting problems. ACSC374: Computer Aided Design, 5 ECTS
plays, motor speed control and positioning, as well as reconfigurable devices and EDA systems. Design syn- niques. Deadlock, Livelock and Starvation. Routing approach, CASE tools, that the programmer or analyst Planes and coordinates. Projections. Points and lines.
analog interfacing through A/D and D/A converters. chronous sequential circuits using techniques such as algorithms, taxonomy, deterministic routing, adaptive can use to design and develop information systems. ACSC299: Visual Programming and Human Line segments. Vectors and generation. Display
Use of programmed controlled, interrupt, and DMA state diagrams, state equations, and ASM charts. PLD routing, resource allocation mechanisms, and fault tol- Tools for describing data structure file design, input/out- Computer Interaction, 5 ECTS devices. The Design file and element creation. File cre-
modes of data transfer. and hardware description languages. Understand the erant routing. Collective Communication Support. put design, and program specifications will be present- Introduction of students to the fundamental principles of ation. Attaching menus. Design file concepts.
role of EDA tools for ASIC/VLSI design. ASIC technolo- Overview of current technology: Gigabit Ethernet, ed. The course will survey other important skills for the event-driven programming and to programming using a Activating drawing commands. The main palette.
ACOE251:Assembly Language, 5 ECTS gies, PLDs, . Design hazard free asynchronous and Infiniband, PCI Express, Myrinet. system analyst such as fact-finding, project manage- visual environment, and gives students an understanding Window Controls.Linear, angular, radial dimensioning.
Introduction to assembly language programming. synchronous Digital Systems using ASMs. Implement ment, and cost-benefit analysis of the main ideas of HCI. Event driven programming, The Manager utilities. New features in CAD.
Overview of the basic characteristics of the Intel 80X86 Mealy and Moore ASMs using PROMs, Multiplexers, ACOE428: Digital Image Processing, 5 ECTS VB .Net IDE, Forms, Controls, Properties, Events and
microprocessors. Programming models, segmentation PLDs, FPLAs and FPGAs. Laboratory work using Advanced topics in digital image processing with ACSC182: Programming Principles I, 6 ECTS Methods, Data Types and Procedures, Menus and ACSC375: Multimedia, 6 ECTS
and memory models. Data formats, and relation to data FPGA boards and VHDL. emphasis on image enhancement, restoration and Comprehension of the basic concepts of imperative Dialogue Boxes, File handling, Foundations of HCI, To explain to students what Multimedia is in its most
types used by high level languages. Data movement, coding. Image characteristics, computer vision and programming. Appreciation of program development Interaction design; Design rules and heuristics. recent format together with the main emerging applica-
arithmetic, logic and branch instructions. Addressing ACOE399: Computer Engineering Practice, image processing technology. Image enhancement through data representation and construction of algo- tions of Multimedia nowdays. Furthermore, concepts
modes. Software constructs and assembly language 5 ECTS and restoration: Gray scale modification, filtering of rithms using selection, iteration and sequence. Purpose ACSC300: Logic Programming, 5 ECTS like Hypermedia, Multimedia Conferencing, Hyperlink,
implementation of the basic program control structures. The course aims to familiarize students with the prac- image signals, homomorphic processing, noise reduc- and need for programming. Information representation Introduction of students to the declarative programming Hypertext, Virtual Reality, Computer Animation,
Procedure call mechanisms and parameter passing tice of the field of computer engineering. With this tion, and smoothing. Edge detection techniques and in programs (types and variables). Statements, assign- paradigm and provision of students with a good working Computer Simulation, HCI, Multimedia Networking,
mechanisms. Programs to solve arithmetic problems course are provided with practical skills though a image interpolation. Image coding and compression: ments and operations. Conditional and repetitive state- knowledge of the Prolog programming language. Terms, Multimedia Encoding, Congestion Control,
and manipulate character strings. Input/Output using series of workshop sessions and a job placement. Quantization, vector quantization, codebook design, ments. Principles of algorithmic design. Composite Clauses, Predicates, Facts, Rules, Queries, Syntax and Compression (Video and Audio), Image Resolution
the BIOS and Windows API functions. codeword assignment and Huffman coding. Pulse data type (arrays, structures). Data input/output. Meaning of Prolog Programs, Recursion, Arithmetic and (Audio and Video) are things to be analysed.
ACOE401: Parallel Processing, 6 ECTS code modulation, delta modulation and differential Introduction to modularity – functions. Lists, Using Structured Data, Input and Output,
ACOE255: Microprocessors I, 6 ECTS Advanced topics in parallel computer architectures pulse code modulation. Backtracking, Cut, Negation, System Predicates. ACSC382: Object Oriented Programming, 6 ECTS
Introduction to microprocessor design and program- and programming. Historic evolution and motivation of ACSC183: Programming Principles II, 6 ECTS The course ensures deep understanding of the princi-
ming. Overview of microprocessor families. Basic parallel processing. Parallel computer models and ACOE452: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, 5 Familiarization of students with advanced practices of ACSC330: Computer Graphics, 5 ECTS ples of object orientation – abstraction, data encapsu-
hardware characteristics of the 80x86 microproces- classification. Performance metrics: workloads and ECTS program development, master the elements of modu- Introduces students to the design and implementation lation and information hiding, message passing, inheri-
sors. Memory interfacing: semiconductor memory benchmarks, execution time, throughput, speedup Introduction of students to the information processing larity in program design and introduce features of of computer graphics. Students will be able to under- tance and polymorphism - and their implementation in
devices, address decoding and memory bus, bus con- and efficiency. Interconnection Networks: organization, in mostly-used fuzzy inference systems, neural net- object orientation. Challenges in larger software proj- stand and implement graphics algorithms and produce Java programming language. Java Virtual Machine,
tention, memory timing analysis and synchronization. topologies and performance. Shared Memory works and neuro-fuzzy systems. Fuzzy sets, opera- ects. Use of debugging tools. Modular development. computer graphic and animation using OpenGL. Objects, Classes and Instances, Types and Abstract
Input/Output interfacing: Isolated and memory Multiprocessors: the cache coherence problem, mem- tions, relations and implications, Theory of approximate Function design and development. Function communi- Data Types, Inheritance and Interfaces, Packages,
mapped I/O, interfacing with two state devices, I/O ory consistency and synchronization mechanisms. reasoning, Fuzzy logic controllers, Neural networks and cation and parameter passing. Construction of complex ACSC345: System Analysis and Design II, 5 ECTS Exception Handling, Early and Late Binding,
synchronization using interrupts. Analog interfacing: Latency tolerance techniques. Parallel Programming biological motivation, The Perceptron and Delta learn- static data types. Pointers – static and dynamic data, This course offers an approach to improve IS knowledge Polymorphic behavior.
Digital to analog and analog to digital converters. for shared memory systems using OpenMP and mes- ing rules, The Error Backpropagation learning rule, efficient data handling. File manipulation. Introduction and automated techniques. Students should realize the
Interfacing with programmable devices such as PIO, sage passing systems using MPI. Integration of fuzzy logic and neural networks, Fuzzy to object orientation – classes, objects, methods, prop- importance of an information System in both public and ACSC383: Software Engineering, 6 ECTS
PIT, PIC, DMAC, and USART. Laboratory work on neurons, Hybrid neural nets, Neuro-fuzzy classifiers. erties and data access. private sectors. Develop an understanding of how and Introduction to software engineering as a systematic
microprocessor boards. ACOE412: Digital Communications, 5 ECTS when to use computers and information technology in approach to development of software as product empha-
Principles of digital communication systems as used for ACOE455: High Performance Processor ACSC191: Discrete Mathematics, 5 ECTS order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of indi- sizing the basic analysis and design phases based on the
ACOE301: Computer Architecture II, 5 ECTS applications in fixed and mobile telephony, wired and Architecture, 5 ECTS Main concepts and techniques of discrete structures and viduals, groups and organizations. Concepts of E-busi- most popular and proven in practice development cycle
Advanced computer architecture and organization with wireless computer networks, data storage and digital Advanced topics in high performance microarchitec- their applications in computer science. Mathematical ness, distributed databases, Object Oriented techniques models. Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Models
emphasis on performance metrics and cost, instruc- broadcasting. This course is mainly concerned with the tures with case studies on modern processors. logic; Propositional Algebra; Logical Operators; Basic and tools are discussed and analyzed. and Diagrams, SASE Tools, Requirements and
tion set architectures, RISC processor design, pipelin- physical layer and the different ways in which data may Technology Issues: Clock frequency trends, transistor logic Equivalences; Predicates; Quantifiers; Proof Specifications, UML – Use Cases, Class and Object
ing, and memory hierarchy. Performance Metrics and be transmitted and received over communication links density trends, power scaling and temperature issues, Methods and Mathematical Induction; Set Operations; ACSC359: Software Methodology, 5 ECTS Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Design Patterns,
evaluation. Instruction Set Architectures. RISC proces- such as a cable, optical fibers and radio channels. wire scaling, wire fan out and soft errors. Cache Venn diagrams; Set Identities; Relations; Equivalence The course aims to familiarise students to modern prac- Introduction to Components and Frameworks.
sor design: Datapath design, arithmetic circuits, Source and channel coding are briefly considered and Optimizations: Multilevel caches, victim caches, trace Classes; Functions and Properties; Function Inverse and tices in the development of software and introduce
instruction decoding and control design. Multiple clock also the demands for multiple access to radio channels. caches. Cache prefetching: software- hardware and Composition; Graphs and Trees; Graph Representation; them to the principles of software engineering. It ACSC384: Modeling Database Management
cycle implementation and interrupts. Pipelining: thread level prefetchers. Instruction Level Parallelism: Isomorphism; Connectivity; Euler and Hamiltonian addresses the key aspects for developing robust soft- Systems, 6 ECTS
Pipelined datapath and pipeline control. Control, data ACOE414: Robotics, 5 ECTS Pipelining, superscalar, superpilelined and VLIW/EPIC Graphs; Minimal Spanning Trees; Kruskal’s Algorithm; ware including modularity, object orientation, reusability The course aims to expand and deepen the students’
and branch hazards. Stalls, forwarding, branch predic- Characteristics and classification of robotic systems. architectures. Branch prediction, speculative and out- Basic Counting Principles; Permutations; Combinations. and human interface design; it covers and critically knowledge and skills with the functions and role of
tion and speculative execution. Superscalar proces- Sensors and actuators used in robotic systems. Theory of-order execution. Thread Level Parallelism: latency evaluates the key process models for constructing soft- DBMS as an interface between the end users and data-
sors. Memory Hierarchy: Cache memory, cache organ- and mathematics involved in robot kinematics and tolerance, multithreading, implicit/explicit multithread- ACSC223: Database Systems, 6 ECTS ware (waterfall, spiral, prototyping, agile) and; base. Three-level ANSI SPARC Architecture, Data and
ization and performance. High performance memory dynamics. Robot control theory. Programming using ing, blocking/non-blocking multithreading, chip multi- Introduction of students to both theoretical and practi- overviews project management and feasibility analysis Database Administrators – roles and responsibilities,
devices, Virtual memory. high level and standard robot languages, to control the processors and tiled architectures. cal databases as a special type of software systems for issues related to software projects. The course also Transa-ctions, Concurrency Control, Recovery methods
078 School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 079
Description of Courses
and techniques, Security, Programmatic use of DBMS course addresses the high level programming aspects AELE337: Electronics II with Laboratory, 6 ECTS
– working with MySQL from popular programming lan- related to the design and analysis of the computer net- The course aims to introduce students to advanced
guages. works and distributed systems. It covers the TCP/UDP analogue electronic design using operation amplifiers
transport layer programming interface and the method- and different applications such as comparators, differ-
ACSC385: Object Oriented Database ology of design and implementation of client-server entiators, adders, function generators. Design op-amp
Management, 6 ECTS network applications. The content is related to the based filters such as high-pass, low-pass, band-pass
The course aims to introduce students to modern prac- Internet protocol stack, the underlying mechanisms, and band-stop Butterworth. Experimentally verify the
tices in the development of multi client and multi site and the services available. mathematical analysis and PSPICE simulation results.
database-centric information systems focusing on data
centric APIs. Client server, multi-client environments. ACSC425: Introduction to Operations Research, AENG223: Professional Ethics and Conduct,
Client-side database components – connected vs dis- 5 ECTS 3 ECTS
connected mode. Data persistence, concurrency con- The course gives an elementary exposition of The course aims to introduce students to the social
trol and transactions. XML data representation and use Operations Research (OR), explaining how difficult implications of computing and networked communica-
– handling, XML schemas and XML queries. problems can be addressed and solved. Provide stu- tion. Evaluation and making of ethical arguments.
dents with modelling skills as well as the ability to use Community values and laws. The nature and role of a
ACSC389: Software Engineering Project I, software to find solutions to problems of OR nature. professional in public policy. Codes of ethics widely
3 ECTS What is OR; Applications; Possible Gains; used (IEEE, ACM, SE, AITP, etc). Dealing with harass-
The course familiarizes students with practices in the Dimensionality Constraints; Modeling Problems; Linear ment and discrimination. “Acceptable use policies” for
development of modern Information System solutions Program-ming; Variables; Objective Functions and computer usage in organisations. Intellectual property,
through experiencing the development process Constraints; Simplex Method; Duality; Transportation copyrights, patents trade secrets and software piracy.
applied on a real-life-like environment. Problem evalu- Problems; Usage of Software Packages; Integer Privacy of information and freedom of expression in
ation and role assignment to group members. Programming; Knapsack and Set-Covering Problems; cyberspace. Public speaking, delivery and use of visu-
Establishment of project requirements and system Branch and Bound Approach; Heuristic Processes. al aids. Interactive speaking, supporting ideas, argu-
specification. Analyse system and develop logical ments and answering questions effectively.
database schema. ACSC426: Network and System Security, 5 ECTS
The course provides a practical survey of system and AENG224: Technical Report Writing, 3 ECTS
ACSC390: Software Engineering Project II, network security applications and standards. Identify The course aims to provide students with the neces-
3 ECTS the key concepts of system and network security. sary methodologies that enable them to search, extract
The course familiarizes students with practices in the Basic principles of symmetric encryption algorithms, and synthesize information on a particular area as well
development of modern Information System solutions message authentication, public-key cryptography as skills for developing technical reports to profession-
through experiencing the development process applied algorithms secure hash and digital signatures work. al standard. Information finding, searching books, peri-
on a real-life-like environment. System design and System-level security issues, intrusion detection, fire- odicals and the Internet, evaluation of information and
implementation of core units including database and walls, and security in the UNIX and Windows operating referencing. Technical report writing, writing styles,
client systems. Prototype development. Documentation systems. Software and database security, and IT secu- adherence to standards and report writing applica-
and evaluation of results. Presentation. rity management and risk assessment issues. tions.
ACSC401: Algorithms and Complexity, 5 ECTS ACSC468: Machine Learning, 5 ECTS AELE210: Signals, Systems and Transforms
The course gives an extensive treatment of design The course provides students with an understanding of 5 ECTS
methods, asymptotic analysis of algorithms and apply the methodologies, technologies, mathematics and Analysis and operations on signals. Classification of
basic complexity theory. Computability; Unsolvability; algorithms currently used in the area of Machine systems based on linearity, continuality, time invariance
Algorithm Principles; Analysis; Time and Space com- Learning. Concept learning, Hypothesis space, and causality. Description of continuous systems using
plexity; Function Growth Rates; Sorting (quicksort, General-to-specific ordering of hypotheses, Version differential equations and Laplace transforms. Analysis
mergesort, heapsort, insertion sort) Searching (Binary spaces and the candidate elimination algorithm, of continuous-time signals using the Fourier series and
search trees, hash tables) Algorithmic paradigms: Inductive bias, Decision tree learning, Occam’s razor, the Fourier Transform. Transfer function, impulse
Greedy Algorithms, Divide-Conquer Technique; Overfitting, Artificial neural networks, Support vector response, frequency response and stability of LTI sys-
Dynamic Programming; Introduction to Graph Theory - machines, Bayesian learning, Instance-based learning, tems. Analysis and design of analogue filters.
traversal methods, Minimal Spanning trees; Single Genetic algorithms.
Source Shortest-path algorithms; NP-Completeness ASCS124: Probability and Statistics I, 5 ECTS
and Reducibility, addressing NP-hard problems, ACSC476: Internet Technologies, 6 ECTS This course aims to familiarize the students with
branch and bound. The course introduces students to net centric comput- descriptive and inferential statistics. This would include
ing using the Internet and provide them with a deep the idea of population and samples, graphical displays
ACSC402: Neural Networks And Fuzzy Systems, 5 knowledge of the underlying technologies. Internet net- (stem and leaf diagram, histogram, bar charts, fre-
ECTS working – IPs, subnetting, NAT, transport layer proto- quency polygon and cumulative frequency polygon
The course introduces students to the information pro- cols, DNS. Common Internet applications and proto- (ogive)) and frequency distributions. It is also demon-
cessing in mostly-used fuzzy inference systems, neural cols (file transfer, email, web). Internet Security – cryp- strated how to compare and organize data using
networks and neuro-fuzzy systems. Fuzzy sets, opera- tography (secret, public/private keys), authentication exploratory data analysis, like measures of location,
tions, relations and implications, Theory of approxi- (digital signatures and certificates), access (firewalls). and measures of dispersion for raw and group data.
mate reasoning, Fuzzy logic controllers, Neural net- Web content development. Internet programming – Probability would include the usage of probability rules
works and biological motivation, The Perceptron and server/client side. JavaScript. Peer to peer. Introduction like Baye's theorem and probability distributions like
Delta learning rules, The Error Backpropagation learn- to network programming. Uniform, Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions.
ing rule, Integration of fuzzy logic and neural networks, Finally a demonstration of the statistical software pack-
Fuzzy neurons, Hybrid neural nets, Neuro-fuzzy classi- ACSC489:Senior Project Preparation, 2 ECTS age SPSS is given.
fiers. Introduction of students to research methodologies
and ensure that students undertake the necessary ASCS224: Probability and Statistics II, 5 ECTS
ACSC404: Web-Enabled Applications, 6 ECTS research investigation that will enable them to conduct This course aims to familiarize the students more with
The course provides students with an in-depth under- a Bachelor’s level senior project. Background reading. inferential statistics. It includes revision of Normal dis-
standing and practical experience in the development Choice of appropriate research methods, setting of tribution and central limit theorem. Also it includes
of applications that utilise the Web. Types of web appli- project goals and project development planning. small sample theory, and sampling distribution, the
cations – B2C, B2B, characteristics and features need- t-distribution and confidence intervals of the mean.
ed. Multi-tiered architectures – middleware compo- ACSC490: Senior Project, 5 ECTS Large samples and confidence intervals of the mean,
nents – lifecycle and efficiency. Session tracking and The course aims at providing students with the neces- proportions, difference of means and proportions is
data scopes. Backend connectivity, connection pool- sary experience to address on their own a complex also included. Introduction to hypothesis testing is
ing. XML in web applications – XML parsing, DOM, problem (either of research or applied nature) relevant demonstrated. Finally forecasting and regression
SAX, XSLT. Introduction to web services. Security and to a field of their studies. Follow the project plan devel- analysis with the usage of chi-square distribution, to
integration of web applications. oped. Problem analysis, software development the chi-square test of independence and goodness of
according to project specification. Development of fit is shown. Usage of software package SPSS.
ACSC410: E-Business Concepts, 5 ECTS project report and presentation of work to a faculty
The course ensures understanding of the mutual influ- committee. AEEC345: Control Engineering, with Laboratory,
ence of business and technology on each other and 6 ECTS
their role as driving forces of E-business based on solid AELE221: Circuit Analysis I with Laboratory, This course introduces the fundamental concepts of
introduction to the theoretical concepts as well as prac- 6 ECTS control engineering systems. Class sessions focus on
tical work. Information Infrastructure, Communication Introduction to circuit theory and analysis. Electrical theory and practice related to the mathematical model,
Models and Paradigms: B2B, B2C, Internet and Web quantities and units. Analysis of DC and AC circuits block diagram representation, open- and closed-loop
working mechanisms, E-marketing strategies and tech- using Ohms law, Kirchoff’s law, Theveni’s theorem, transfer function, static and transient response, applied
nical implementation considerations, CRM applications, Norton’s theorem, mesh and nodal analysis. control actions and stability criteria of basic electrical,
Intelligent systems and application integration. Capacitive and inductive circuit transient and steady mechanical and hydraulic control systems. Topics cov-
state analysis. SPICE simulations using a variety of ered include review of Laplace Transform theory, analy-
ACSC416: Decision Support & Knowledge-Based popular commercial software packages. Experimental sis of the gain, natural/ damped frequency, damping
Systems, 5 ECTS verification of circuit theorems ratio and the action of PID controllers in the closed-loop
The course provides students with a basic understand- transfer function of a control system, as well as the
ing of the information systems that are specifically AELE237: Electronics I with Laboratory, 6 ECTS judgement of the stability of a closed-loop control sys-
designed to support complex decision-making Introduction to analog electronics with emphasis on tem from the Routh-Hurwitch and Nyquist Criteria and
processes within or across organizations. Ingredients basic discrete components such as the diodes, the the Root Locus approach, supported by MATLAB-
of a DSS, Categories and classes of DSS systems, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors. based CAD based simulation.
Decision-making and the support DSS can provide, Semiconductor materials and theory. P- N- junctions
Modelling decision processes, Expert Systems, Data and diodes: characteristics, models and applications
Warehouses, Data Mining, Data Visualisation. such as rectifying and clipping circuits. Transistors
(BJT, FET): characteristics, models and applications
ACSC424: Network Application Programming, such as switching circuits and amplifiers. Simulations
6 ECTS using a variety of popular commercial software pack
The course introduces students to networking con- ages. Experimental work on electronic device charac-
cepts and network programming techniques. This teristics and applications.