CE 8 Lesson 2
CE 8 Lesson 2
CE 8 Lesson 2
Internet. The Internet has become the most accessible reference that people can use
anytime of the day and anywhere in the world. The Internet contains a huge amount of
resources, with almost any information available online.
Internet Literacy, or knowing how to maximize the services of the Interenet and
use it properly, is therefore important nowadays. It is essential that we have the skills to
evaluate which sources of information are reliable using the Internet. The best way to
cope with technological convergence lies in Computer Education.
This module helps students build a concrete understanding of how Internet works
in various types of computer and other devices used in school, work, and at home. The
different lessons in this module will provide comprehensive knowledge of Internet Basics
and Concepts and the various ways you can work with it. In Lesson 1, you will know the
definition of Internet. You will also learn about its humble beginnings and the different
types of Internet connections. In Lesson 2, you will be oriented on the differences between
the Internet and the World Wide Web. In Lesson 3, you will know the several uses of
Internet. In Lesson 4, you will be oriented about Netiquette, or the proper attitude and
Computer Education 8
Internet Basics and Concepts
This self – learning modules covers the whole 2nd Grading period. Activity Sheets are available on the last
part of this module to evaluate learning. Only Activity Sheets will be submitted on the given date of
Computer Education 8
The World Wide Web
Once you start using the internet and begin searching for topics, you will realize
that there is no limit to what you can discover with the huge amounts of information you
can access. Millions of web sites in the World Wide Web can give you information and
answer your questions.
British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the Web. As a CERN
employee, Berners-Lee distributed a proposal on 12th March 1989 for what would
eventually become the World Wide Web. The initial proposal intended a more effective
CERN communication system, but Berners-Lee also realized the concept could be
implemented throughout the world. Berners-Lee and Belgian computer scientist Robert
Cailliau proposed in 1990 to use hypertext “to link and access information of various
kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will”, and Berners-Lee
finished the first website in December of that year. The first test was completed around
20th December 1990 and Berners-Lee reported about the project on the newsgroup
alt.hypertext on 7th August 1991.
The World Wide Web (www, W3) is an information space where documents and
other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be
accessed via the Internet. It is also known as "the Web".
Computer Education 8
Youtube web page
Some people interchange the definitions and purposes of Internet and World Wide
Web. These two terms are not synonymous but they are related to each other. In terms
of size, the internet is much bigger than the World Wide Web. Think of the library as the
Internet, and the bookshelves in the library containing the different selection of books
and references as the World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web is just a portion of the Internet. As mentioned before, the
Internet is a network infrastructure that holds millions of computer networks around the
world and connects them to each other. On the other hand, the World Wide Web is
composed of web pages that are connected to each other through the Internet.
As previously mentioned, a web page usually contains text, images, animation, and
music and video files. It may be a published or an unpublished document made by some
individuals or organizations to share information or advertise their business on the web
for others to see and use. When a web page is published or made available online it is
kept inside the World Wibe Web. This is the reason why web pages are called “pages on
the Web.” They can accessed by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. A web page can also
remain unpublished, or available only in the computer of the person who designed the
web site. This means it cannot be viewed by anyone even if they are connected to the
Internet. A website is a compilation of two or more web pages that have related
information and hyperlinked documents.
Computer Education 8
Computer Hope is a free online computer help website. Its free services include a database
of extensive computer-related information.
The main function of a web browser is to display the information and contents of
a particular web page. A web browser is bundled and installed in your computer
together with its operating system. Some web browsers can be downloaded from the
Internet. Although browsers come in different names and appearances, most of them
have common features such as the address bar, also called URL bar. It is a box where you
type the web site address before you can view a web page.
Computer Education 8
A web browser also has buttons to help you move back or forward, stop and go,
refresh, and go back to home. The picture below shows you an example of a web browser.
Browser backward, forward, stop
and go, refresh and go back to home Address bar or URL bar
Computer Education 8
If you have been to a big library with lots of books and other references, the
Internet has a million times number of references so it will take you a long period of time
to find out what you are looking for. That is the job of a search engine. It serves as your
librarian who will assist you in looking for the reference material that you need and
provide you with listings of the web sites that might contain the information that you
need. A search engine is also referred to as “wanderer,” “crawler,” “robot,” and
As you type one or more words in the search bar of a search engine, it produces a
list of search results. These search results may include not only web pages but also images,
videos, and other types of files related to the words you typed.
The web address is in the form of a uniform resource locator (URL). URLs are
combinations of text and other characters that you type in the address bar of a web
A URL normally starts with http followed by a colon ( : ), two forward slashes (//),
www, and the domain name of the web page (for example, http://www.nvc.edu.ph.).
Whenever you type a URL in the address bar, you are using the hypertext transfer protocol
to access the location in the World Wide Web where a web page is stored.
Below is an example of a URL. Study its different parts:
A shortened way of referring to the World Wide Web is www. It is considered the
subdomain of the domain name.
Computer Education 8
A domain name uses domain
extensions, also called domain stuff,
which help identify the type and
location of a particular web site on the
Internet. For example, the domain
name nvc.edu.ph shows that the web
site contains information related to an
educational institution.
The .ph is a country domain suffix reserved for the Philippines and is being used
by web sites connected or related to that country.
The top-level domain (TLD) is the combination of letters following the domain
name. The TLD indicates the type of web site, whether it is the web site of an institution,
an organization, or a government.
.com - commerical
.net - network
.org - organization
.ph - country domain for the Philippines
.edu - education
.gov - government
.mil - military
.int - international
.biz - business
.ca - Canada
.de - Germany
.jp - Japan
.uk - United Kingdom
.au - Australia
.sg - Singapore
Computer Education 8
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Basic Education Department
S.Y. 2020 – 2021
Activity Sheets
Prepared by:
Only this Activity Sheets will be submitted when instructed to do so. Just stay tuned on our FB Group or
on our Group Chat for instructions and updates when online.
Computer Education 8
A. Identify what each sentence describes. Write your answer on the line.
___________________ 7. This refers to the name or location of the computer that holds the
information that you want to get.
B. Label the sample with Web Address below with its correct name. Write your answer
on the space provided.
1 2 3
4 5
1. __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________
Computer Education 8
A. Write your section name if the sentence is correct. If its incorrect, change the
underlined word or words to make the sentence true. Write your answer on the line.
___________________ 4. The top-level domain .com is reserved for government web sites.
___________________ 6. Domain extensions help identify the type and location of a web site.
___________________ 8. Two or more pages with related data and hyperlinked documents
make up a web site.
___________________ 10. The World Wide Web may also be called W3.
B. Give one example of a web site for each top-level domain name below. Write your
answer on the address bar.
Computer Education 8
A. Identify the country with the following country code top-level domains. Write your
answer on the line.
B. According to web page, what are the Top 10 Most Popular Types
of Websites? Write your answer on the space provided.